Saturday, July 09, 2011

A sudden destruction.

"For when they shall say, 'Peace and Safety',
then sudden destruction comes upon them," ~St.Paul~

I bet if you live in central Wyoming the last thing you would expect is a triple quadruple homicide in your area.  But hey, such is live in A-merry-ca. These days you just never know.

"WHEATLAND, Wyo. (AP) — Residents of Wheatland, a quiet agricultural town in central Wyoming, plan a community barbeque to raise money for funeral expenses for victims of a shooting spree.

Authorities say a man opened fire inside a mobile home here Thursday night killing his three sons and a brother. The man's wife was wounded.
Mayor Jean Dixon says the killings are shocking to residents of Wheatland, a quiet, agricultural town of some 3,600.

Everett E. Conant III, who's in his mid-30s, surrendered without incident and was charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, battery and a weapons violation.

Prosecutors say Conant could face the death penalty. His lawyer declined comment." [Story] 

Sudden? Yes. Surprising? No.

And speaking of sudden. Here is more on Mr. One Punch. Seems my man is a teacher and an assistant football coach.  His wife works in a bank. Hmmm, hardly seems like a thug to me.

"Leticia Hawkins said the confrontation came during the first hours of a three-day visit to Las Vegas with her husband, a father of three, and their friends Jeremy and Kristina Brown of Monticello, Fla.

Benjamin Hawkins is a teacher and assistant football coach at Bradford County High School in Starke, Fla.

Jeremy Brown said later Friday he didn't think racial bias played a role in Hawkins' mind during the confrontation.

"Ben did not hit the other person just because he was white," Brown said. "Race may have been what motivated the other guy." [Story]

Race motivated the other guy? Noooo! He was just a "fashionista" trying to help a sartorially challenged man out.

Finally,all of you people out there in New Jersey creeping on your significant other; here is some news you might want to be aware of.

"Suspecting infidelity, a New Jersey woman, hired a private investigator to follow her husband. The investigator tried, but could not follow the elusive husband. So they put a GPS tracking device on the husband’s car, which is pretty tough to outrun. Needless to say, within a very short period of time, the GPS showed the husband’s car sitting in the driveway of a woman who was not his wife.
The husband sued his wife and the private investigator. The appellate court judge however ruled in favor of the wife and private investigator.

Appellate Judge Joseph Lisa, Jack Sabatino and Carmen Alvarez said Villanova (the husband) had no right to expect privacy because the GPS tracked his movements on public streets.

“There is no direct evidence in this record to establish that during the approximately 40 days the GPS was in the … glove compartment the device captured a movement of plaintiff into a secluded location that was not in public view, and, if so, that such information was passed along by Mrs. Villanova to (Leonard), Lisa wrote.” [Story] 

I don't live in New Jersey, but even if I did, I would say "bring it on Mrs. Field!"

Let me stop. The theme tonight is "sudden destruction". I don't need to experience that right now. 


  1. PilotX11:35 PM

    A white male committing an act of violence? No way. He must have really been a Black man living in Jamaica, the part of New York not the island. (Because we all know you darkies are too dumb to figure that out when the story clearly states Queens but I digress. If he wasn't really black then he must have been married to a woman of another race because we all know only racists marry outside of their race. See, I learn so much from our resident genius trolls.
    On second thought he couldn't have been Black because our resident racist would have posted it in his news reports. Funny how he missed this story.

  2. "The husband sued his wife and the private investigator."

    And the wife should counter sue the husband for emotional distress, spousal alienation of affection and everything she can throw at him. She should sue the home-wrecking bitch too because I'm sure she was fully aware.

    Good night.

  3. Anonymous11:49 PM

    In a town of 3600, at LEAST 1-2% of the population is Black.

    PilotX is right. Whenever there is a shooting and a killing of this magnitude, a black person was probably the cause of it...if nothing else they were all having a discussion about 'ins and outs' interracial marriages.

  4. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Wheatland is a nice town and community that anyone would enjoy living in. They have great BBQ's and there isn't an ounce of racism there.

    However, Wyoming tends to have problems with gays and same sex marriages...and Muslims. Otherwise, it's a great town.

    Racists like PilotX need not apply.

  5. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Jeremy Brown said later Friday he didn't think racial bias played a role in Hawkins' mind during the confrontation.

    "Ben did not hit the other person just because he was white," Brown said. "Race may have been what motivated the other guy." [Story]

    Race motivated the other guy? Noooo! He was just a "fashionista" trying to help a sartorially challenged man out.

    Doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell - video shows the other guy had his hands in his pocket. Whirled? Well to whirl around you have to have been facing the other way. Not racially motivated, then what pissed him off so much to get violent? He worked real hard at picking the nice yellow shirt out? Who knows what really happened maybe the guy he killed was gay and was giving him fashion advice, I never heard of someone starting racial shit by telling the other guy what would make him look better. The dead guy probably was an asshole, but that does not give anyone the right to become violent, mr football coach is more then likely going to become a tight end in sing sing or a very very wide receiver.

  6. Anonymous11:58 PM

    A white male committing an act of violence? No way. He must have really been a Black man living in Jamaica, the part of New York not the island. (Because we all know you darkies are too dumb to figure that out when the story clearly states Queens but I digress. If he wasn't really black then he must have been married to a woman of another race because we all know only racists marry outside of their race. See, I learn so much from our resident genius trolls.
    On second thought he couldn't have been Black because our resident racist would have posted it in his news reports. Funny how he missed this story.

    Being witty just isn't your forte.

  7. Anonymous11:59 PM

    I am totally shocked that something like this could happen in Wyoming where good devoted Christians live.

    Mr. Field, I bet there must have been extenuating circumstances for this sudden event to happen. I mean, the man shot his three loving sons AND his Christian brother and wounded his devoted wife.

  8. Anonymous12:05 AM

    PilotX-"A white male committing an act of violence? No way. He must have really been a Black man living in Jamaica, the part of New York not the island. (Because we all know you darkies are too dumb to figure that out when the story clearly states Queens but I digress. If he wasn't really black then he must have been married to a woman of another race because we all know only racists marry outside of their race. See, I learn so much from our resident genius trolls.
    On second thought he couldn't have been Black because our resident racist would have posted it in his news reports. Funny how he missed this story."

    Field, based on stupidity and idiocy, the above comment should be deleted. It is far worse than any moronic troll could ever imagine. I mean, PilotXYZ is off-the-chart.

  9. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Field, "I don't live in New Jersey, but even if I did, I would say "bring it on Mrs. Field!""

    Yeah, well you would lose, Mr. Field...BIG TIME. Obviously, you are not familiar with the marriage laws in New Jersey. A man doesn't stand a chance.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anony 11:57, let me rephrase. I'm not in the business of defending people who punch others because the person said something they didn't like.

    However in all fairness, having hands in pocket while aggressively confronting another person leaves room for grave interpretation, as in concealed weaponry. Therefore that placating "hands in the pocket" theory may be weaker than you think.

    I'm sure the average color aroused individual wouldn't hesitate to assume the worse if a black person combatively came up in their face along with having hands peculiarly stuffed in pockets. Lets be real.

  13. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Excuse me for living but........
    "A barbecue"??? to raise money for FUNERALS???
    That's actually funny, like something a comedian would say! LOL! Only in America!
    I mean what kind of a barbecue will it be with the spectre of all those deaths/homicides hanging over everyone's head. Are they drinking crazy water up there???
    One of my nephews lives over there in Big Piney. All hes's got for company is moose and deer and coyotes and wolves, He's had about enough and is planning on leaving soon....

    As for the big punch, only the video cameras will tell the actual story, if anything was captured. Nobody really knows what happened.I imagine they want to hush this up, because it's a tourist trap and "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"

    And well, that cheater has to defend himself somehow, can you blame the guy? Who knows what kind of alimony and spousal support he'll be hit with now?

    And whaddya mean bring it on Mrs. Field???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, no bueno, no bueno........

  14. Anonymous1:04 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Funny fields didn't mention Rodrick Dantzler slaughtering 7 white people.

    Those white folk must have said something about his shirt.

    Benjamin Hawkins is a thug who sucker punched someone.He will most likely get away with it because Obama and Eric be looking out fo "they people".

    "Jeremy Brown said later Friday he didn't think racial bias played a role in Hawkins' mind during the confrontation."

    What else did you expect anyone to say? Law Enforcement,the media covers up and censors black on white hate crimes.

    Think Kevin Shifflett.......

  16. mellaneous1:32 AM

    What up Field. Hope you don't mind me backtracking a bit, but the last thread had so many inaccuracies and lies I have to respond.

    First the resident racist said Ceasar Chavez went to Cuba for cancer treatment. Ceasar Chavez has been dead for quite some time.

    It was Hugo Chavez who went to Cuba.

    And then he lied about Cuban doctors who among third world countries rate among the best in the world and even rate highly when compared to so-called first world countries.

    And just about everything he said about economics was based on his own made up ideas but had little to do with real facts.

    And the anon who claimed that 51 percent of US citizens don't pay taxes then went on to claim that the 51 percent are black. The math doesn't support that idea and neither do the facts.

    Interesting post Field otherwise. I don't understand why the husband sued the wife. I get suing the agency that appeared to overstep its bound by planting a GPS in his car. It seems that would be cause for legal ramifications. Am I wrong?

  17. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Mellaneous, "What up Field. Hope you don't mind me backtracking a bit, but the last thread had so many inaccuracies and lies I have to respond.

    First the resident racist said Ceasar Chavez went to Cuba for cancer treatment. Ceasar Chavez has been dead for quite some time.

    It was Hugo Chavez who went to Cuba."

    dear mell, why are you always late? you must be running on later than black people's time..LTBPT.

    if you had taken the time to read everything you would have known that what you are talking about has already been said.


    Fyi. In the Jim Crow days, this would not have been tolerated by Whites nor Blacks. As a Black Conservative I find your tardiness unacceptable. In the future please try to stay "current" and not be an embarrassment to Field Negroes.

    One of the essential qualities of being a Field Negro is to BE ON TIME.

    Desertflower and LAA live out in the middle of the ocean and they post on time. Hell, you live in podunk MN where nothing is happening...why can't you be on time?

    You need to get yourself together, bro.

  18. hobama began abandoning his most loyal constituents on day one

    when rick warren was his present to gay fans

    he has been racing to abandon all hobama nazis ever since


  19. Anonymous2:56 AM

    AB, keep preaching! i think some of these fn posters are finally getting the message.

  20. No Slapzz, as a matter of interest, when you wrote your posting of 7:51 yesterday - were you drunk? It's one of the most bizarre things I've ever read.

    I mention in passing that some economists believe a narrow field of ownership is one of the reasons the German and Japanese manufacturing sectors did so well post WW2, and you go off on a lengthy and irrelevant diatribe about the British motor industry!

    Very strange, even by your usual standards.

  21. Doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell - video shows the other guy had his hands in his pocket. Whirled? Well to whirl around you have to have been facing the other way."

    Anon have you seen the video? If you have, could you please provide us with a link? Thank you.

    "I am totally shocked that something like this could happen in Wyoming where good devoted Christians live. "

    I am as well. Maybe the guy just moved there from Philly.

    "Funny fields didn't mention Rodrick Dantzler slaughtering 7 white people."

    You just did it for me. Thank you.

  22. Black News Today. A black child studies for a test:

    Preschool tots' cram sessions
    Bid for elite kindergarten


    NY Post
    July 10, 2011

    She didn't swig Red Bull from a sippy cup to pull all-nighters, but Taylor Peele started cramming at age 3 for what some New Yorkers think is the most important test of her life -- getting into kindergarten.

    Her mom, Chavon Peele, paid up to $79 a month to a private service for access to 1,000 sample questions that she says gave Taylor the skills needed to ace the city's Gifted and Talented test.

    They worked together 45 minutes most nights so that tiny Taylor, soon after turning 4, could discern patterns, do analogies, understand concepts such as "greater than," and recognize a rhombus, among other tough tasks.

    "I'm a superstar, and I know everything!" said Taylor, who ranked in the 98th and 99th percentile on the two-part city test.

    The city's gifted kindergarten programs are so coveted -- of 14,000 preschoolers who took the test this year, 2,700 snagged seats -- parents bent on sending their kids to Harvard (in 14 years) are turning to commercial test-prep books and services like, which Taylor's mother used.

    Experts agree that coaching bright kids can raise scores significantly.

    "Even though I think it's unfair that some people don't have the resources to prepare, I'm going to be one of those who prepare," Chavon Peele said. "I do it because she has to stay competitive."

  23. supperating cow says:

    I mention in passing that some economists believe a narrow field of ownership is one of the reasons the German and Japanese manufacturing sectors did so well post WW2, and you go off on a lengthy and irrelevant diatribe about the British motor industry!

    There's always a handy and satisfying opinion from an expert available on any subject.

    If you want an economist who blathers on about the benefits of communism, he's available.

    In any case, you made your point that you haven't got the slightest idea how companies work or why they make the decisions they make.

    With respect to Germany, most of the country's current well being stems from the fact that the country was destroyed in WWII and then rebuilt by America.

    Like I said, starting fresh can do wonders.

    However, Germans are Germans to the core. In case you haven't noticed, Germas like rules and they follow them because they do what they're told. Sometimes that way of living works out better than other times.

    What does it mean? It means that today, and for the last few decades, Germany has lacked imagination and, hence, the country is not innovative.

    They're doing a decent job of building the same old stuff they've been building for the last 100 years. But there's nothing new under the German sun.

    This lack of innovation goes hand-in-hand with the fact that Germany produces few, if any, comedians.

  24. Ahhhh, what was I thinking?

    Hugo Chavez went to Cuba.

    And I'll still bet a dollar he's dead in two years, and other another dollar that he does not resume power before he dies.

    Meanwhile, there's the fact that Venezuela depends on oil revenue for almost everything. Venezuela is another country that has very little except for the oil under it.

    However, in the standard form of the strutting Latin American dictator, Chavez has built a bureaucracy that is now killing the state's oil industry with all the usual impediments that huge state bureaucracies create for themselves.

  25. field posts:

    Everett E. Conant III, who's in his mid-30s, surrendered without incident and was charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, battery and a weapons violation.

    He surrendered without incident. Will he demand a trial or sign a confession, admit his guilt and accept the consequences?

    In any case, he won't get any sympathy from whites. Maybe an attorney will stand up for him.

    But this multiple murder changes nothing in the statistics of murder rates. Blacks are in the lead 8-to-1.

    That's if we confine things to America. If we were to include black nations, well, the needle on the murder-meter would spin like a helicopter rotor.

  26. field writes:

    And speaking of sudden. Here is more on Mr. One Punch. Seems my man is a teacher and an assistant football coach. His wife works in a bank. Hmmm, hardly seems like a thug to me.

    Actually, these facts make it even plainer that blacks lack self control.

    The normally civilizing influences of having a respectable job, a spouse with a respectable job and other trappings of middle-class existence were not enough to over-ride his explosive rage that led to killing Massie in a casino over an alleged comment about Hawkin's shirt.

    Hawkins, obviously someone incapable of quick analysis, threw away everything, his house, his future, everything he and his family has, because he has some anger management issues.

    This wasn't a fight with a thug on a street in a bad neighborhood late at night. Hawkins wasn't attacked or facing deadly force. Massie had no weapon.

    field posts:

    Ben did not hit the other person just because he was white," Brown said. "Race may have been what motivated the other guy." [Story]

    Race motivated the other guy? Noooo! He was just a "fashionista" trying to help a sartorially challenged man out.

    Wow. Instantly the victim is the bad guy.

    Even field acknowledges that the alleged story of Massie criticizing Hawkins's shirt is grounds for Hawkins to kill Massie.

    The statements by field and the friend of Hawkins imply that only a person dumb enough to seek death would go into the lion's den by saying something about a black male's shirt.

    Of course we have no idea what words were exchanged by the two. But if Massie had nailed Hawkins with a barrage or racial insults, Hawkins would have mentioned it.

    Of course, when the trial rolls around, Hawkins lawyer will make the claim that Massie was the racist of the century and blasted Hawkins with the most offensive stream of hate that anyone could imagine.

  27. Here's a little tale of murder for you.

    Last summer a liquor store clerk was shot to death by a robber. The liquor store is in Midwood, Brooklyn, a white Jewish neighborhood.

    Interestingly, the dead clerk was black. He had converted to Judaism as part of the process of turning his life around. See the first video.

    Despite his law-abiding life in a white Jewish neighborhood -- he lived in Midwood several blocks from my house -- he was killed by a black criminal.

    Several months before murdering the clerk, the killer and I bumped into each other at the convenience store near my house.

    He, out of the blue, started a conversation with me. I had just bought a copy of the NY Post and he said to me "why are you reading that racist newspaper?"

    His comment marked him as an oddball weirdo, but nevertheless I had a discussion with him that lasted about 10 minutes.

  28. field posted:

    Appellate Judge Joseph Lisa, Jack Sabatino and Carmen Alvarez said Villanova (the husband) had no right to expect privacy because the GPS tracked HIS movements on public streets.

    The GPS device did NOT track the movements of the husband. The GPS device tracked only the movements of the car.

    Thus, the judge got it right, for the wrong reasons.

    Moreover, nothing would have stopped the wife or the detective from tailing the husband in another car or on foot.

  29. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Anon have you seen the video? If you have, could you please provide us with a link? Thank you.

    Here you go.

  30. Anonymous9:21 AM

    anon thanks for the video. it proves exactly what you said. now field and these other folks on FN have no reason to doubt you.

  31. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Wow. That video clearly shows the bm in the wrong.

  32. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Desertflower, "One of my nephews lives over there in Big Piney. All hes's got for company is moose and deer and coyotes and wolves, He's had about enough and is planning on leaving soon...."

    Why doesn't your nephew spend more time in town? they party hardy in Big Piney. Lots of love making too. It's God's country with big sky and weather that lets you know that you are alive.

    There will be an influx of people moving there once they find out about it.

  33. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Why doesn't your nephew spend more time in town? they party hardy in Big Piney. Lots of love making too. It's God's country with big sky and weather that lets you know that you are alive"

    Oh he does! Last year he was in some sort of pig wrestling mud awful contest! They are wild up there.

    What he loves most about it is the wilderness part. The snow mobiles and the animals in his backyard. I think he just says that to appease his dad,my brother, who want's him to go live in Texas closer to him.

  34. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I love pig wrestling. It probably requires more skill than any other sport.

    Those pigs are really smart animals. Some are just as smart as some humans, maybe even smarter!

  35. Anonymous10:22 AM

    PURPLE COW. Quote:Some idiot further up the thread...

    "Already Muslim immigration, concentrated in "Londonistan" and other big-city areas, has reached a point where it is unsafe for Englishwomen to walk in many streets uncovered or for Jews to venture out wearing such identifying symbols as skull-caps.

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    You cunts are so fucking clueless, it's incredible.

    You're trying to tell me that you know better what's happening in my country than I do?

    Meanwhile there ain't one of you dickbreaths even possess a passport. That's how worldly-wise you are.

    Shit, man.

    This guy needs to be banned from this forum. A vile mean-spirited character like PC probably has been banned from other blogs as well. What a jerk.

  36. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "I love pig wrestling. It probably requires more skill than any other sport."

    I love your dry sense of humor and sarcasm all rolled up into one! An art, really! LOL

    His team won by the way! hehehehehehe

  37. Jews lacking control1:19 PM

    Jews 263 up, 336 down
    Jews are the smelliest, scumiest, sleeziest, and most money greedy people on earth. They are responsible for most of the horrible things to ever happen, including the death of jesus, 9/11, Rosie O'Donald, and cancer.

  38. Anonymous1:52 PM

    what was written @1:19pm was such a degrading insulting comment that it is evil. your comment deeply goes against the teachings of Christ that you just might be the anti-Christ yourself....pure evil.

    you reflect the unimaginable lowest denominator of evil wretchedness. you are not human.

  39. Anonymous3:15 PM

    shaddup buceta bref anon 1:52

  40. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "shaddup buceta bref anon 1:52"

    you should take your own advice, evil one.

  41. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Germany has comics
    They speak German.
    It probably requires you to, like, travel to Germany.
    You should be moderately fluent.
    There is a very high expectation of literacy.
    That stunned 'I donts get it' from the Cons when watching 'The Daily Show' even worse there.
    Perhaps one might leave the Bachmann pr0n and YouTube the relevant clips.
    I would also urge the audience to make forays into the humour of Scandanavia, Iberia, Russia, China, VietNam, etc.
    It is almost never about YOU.;)


  42. Anonymous4:11 PM

    moldy fungus said.......

    Germany has comics
    They speak German.
    It probably requires you to, like, travel to Germany.
    You should be moderately fluent.
    There is a very high expectation of literacy.
    That stunned 'I donts get it' from the Cons when watching 'The Daily Show' even worse there.
    Perhaps one might leave the Bachmann pr0n and YouTube the relevant clips.
    I would also urge the audience to make forays into the humour of Scandanavia, Iberia, Russia, China, VietNam, etc.
    It is almost never about YOU.;)


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's secret language

  43. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Germany has comics
    They speak German.
    It probably requires you to, like, travel to Germany.
    You should be moderately fluent.
    There is a very high expectation of literacy.
    That stunned 'I donts get it' from the Cons when watching 'The Daily Show' even worse there.
    Perhaps one might leave the Bachmann pr0n and YouTube the relevant clips.
    I would also urge the audience to make forays into the humour of Scandanavia, Iberia, Russia, China, VietNam, etc.
    It is almost never about YOU.;)


  44. Anonymous4:15 PM


  45. Anonymous4:17 PM

    mold, you are a very deep person. extremely smart. too smart for most on this blog. they are jealous.

  46. Quote:someanonymousmicropenisedtwat

    "This guy needs to be banned from this forum. A vile mean-spirited character like PC probably has been banned from other blogs as well. What a jerk."

    If you can't take the heat, stay out of kitchen.

    It's amazing how you hyper-macho far-right types are all full of agressive macho, bombastic posturing, but teh minuet somebody stands up to you and refuses to be bullied, you run crying to teacher...

    "please sir, please sir, that nasty old Purple Cow was all mean to me. Make it stop sir, make it stop,"

    Ahhhhh Diddums....

  47. Anonymous4:43 PM

    What was the whine over? The description of the clewless nature...or the lack of passport?


  48. Anonymous5:05 PM

    "What was the whine over? The description of the clewless nature...or the lack of passport?"

    the only one whinning was PC cause he couldn't take criticism of UK. yet he faults US all the time. he is nothing but purple nitwit and should be banned from this blog.

    fyi, PC was banned from a forum because of his fowl ghetto mouth.

  49. Anonymous5:09 PM

    PC, "It's amazing how you hyper-macho far-right types are all full of agressive macho, bombastic posturing, but teh minuet somebody stands up to you and refuses to be bullied, you run crying to teacher..."

    i am far-left dummie. and i feel field should moderate your foul mouth. it's offensive to humanity, you are a sick person who is very mentally ill. you need help.

  50. Anonymous5:13 PM

    How would you like PC coaching your sons using words like "cunt"? I am sure his white wife doesn't mind the ghetto PC calling her such names. carry on filthy

  51. Black News Today. Brooklyn Beat:

    The killing is getting closer to my house, this one about a dozen blocks away. Last night...

    Double shooting leaves one man dead, another in critical condition

    FLATBUSH - Police are investigating a double shooting that resulted in the death of one man and left another in critical condition.

    Police say they found two men suffering from gun shots wounds Sunday around 3 a.m. on Albermarle Road and East 19th street.

    The police have not made any arrests.

    Good video:

  52. Anonymous5:22 PM

    no_slappz, the link is not a video.

  53. Anonymous5:30 PM

    PilotX, "A white male committing an act of violence? No way. He must have really been a Black man living in Jamaica, the part of New York not the island. (Because we all know you darkies are too dumb to figure that out when the story clearly states Queens but I digress. If he wasn't really black then he must have been married to a woman of another race because we all know only racists marry outside of their race. See, I learn so much from our resident genius trolls."

    Your comment indicates that you are incapable of learning. You aren't intelligent enough. You are unable to discern what is real or false. Typical bm from the ghetto who gets overwhelmed with childish emotions.

  54. mellaneous wrote:

    And then he lied about Cuban doctors who among third world countries rate among the best in the world and even rate highly when compared to so-called first world countries.

    Really? Cuban doctors are good? Some of the best? Who told you? Fidel?

    It's nitwits like you who believe the propaganda of dictatorial governments. As a result of being a poor nation, Cuban medical care stinks.

    That's how it works in the real world. Good medicine costs a lot of money, but Cuba hasn't got a dime.

    When a nation has no money there's no medication, its hospitals are a mess and the education of doctors is pretty much limited to what they can learn on farms watching the barnyard animals.

    Despite his dire need for American medicine, Chavez is going to let himself die. He already acknowledged that doctors in Venezuela are incompetent. Next, when he dies, the incompetence of the Cuban doctors will show.

    HOwever, the fact that incompetent medical treatment ended Castro's direct rule of Cuba ought to tell you something.

    Raul Castro will probably put Fidel's body in a glass case like Lenin's.

  55. Anonymous5:33 PM

    dear mr field, don't let Purple Cow ruin your blog. kick that sob off. btw, he lied about being married to a ww. he's is married to a wm, and neither has a job!

  56. Anonymous5:34 PM


    "This guy needs to be banned from this forum. A vile mean-spirited character like PC probably has been banned from other blogs as well. What a jerk."

    If you can't take the heat, stay out of kitchen.

    It's amazing how you hyper-macho far-right types are all full of agressive macho, bombastic posturing, but teh minuet somebody stands up to you and refuses to be bullied, you run crying to teacher...

    "please sir, please sir, that nasty old Purple Cow was all mean to me. Make it stop sir, make it stop,"

    Ahhhhh Diddums....

    You might call others a cunt
    but there is no doubt you are a twat.

    You are incredibly stupid as well, you can't even tell sarcasm and think so much of yourself that your convinced it is for real and someone is looking for help "from teacher"

    All because you said "cunt" ha-ha

    Twiddle dee and twiddle twat
    Purple cow, brains has not.
    But he's such a sniveling twit
    Even little kids give him shit.

    Your nasty allright, but in the vile unwashed sense thats about it. Now put on your skullcap and go buy a clue before someone grinds you up for dogfood.

  57. anon, go to the linked site. The video should appear on the right side. Text on the left. Video on the right.

    5:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    no_slappz, the link is not a video

  58. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    dear mr field, don't let Purple Cow ruin your blog. kick that sob off. btw, he lied about being married to a ww. he's is married to a wm, and neither has a job!

    so purple cow really is a sneaky butcher!! He likes his meat deliveries in the rear, that explains a lot. He always did strike me as the type of guy who probably had a prolapsed rectum, where shit just falls out.

  59. Anonymous5:39 PM

    no_slappz, "Really? Cuban doctors are good? Some of the best? Who told you? Fidel?"

    obviously you missed Michael Moore's documentary, "SICKO". Educate yourself and go see it. It documents quite clearly that Cuban doctors are some of the best in the world.

    You really should do more research before you jump out there and make a fool of yourself.

  60. anon 5:39 writes:

    obviously you missed Michael Moore's documentary, "SICKO".

    Skipped it with enthusiasm.

    Educate yourself and go see it. It documents quite clearly that Cuban doctors are some of the best in the world.

    Are you really so ignorant that you believe a poor nation can provide good healthcare and provide a sound medical education for medical students?

    There are several great sources of mountainous piles of propaganda: dictatorial governments of all types and Michael Moore.

    Your problem is that you are easy to fool, a principle that is well known to American hucksters. One of our national favorites is P.T. Barnum.

    Michael Moore is merely a disciple of Barnum. Most people, including you, like being fooled. For you it serves a purpose. In the case of Cuban medical skill, it's a case of flying carpets or something like the Wizard of Oz.

    You truly, sincerely, desperately want to believe that it's possible to provide leading edge medical care for peanuts. And just when you need him, there's Michael Moore to help you bamboozle yourself.

  61. p.s. on Cuba

    After Fidel dies, Raul will probably begin to loosen some of the stupid economic rules and idiocy. Maybe he'll even comply with the US with respect to human rights.

    If he does, the embargo of Cuba will be lifted and Cuba will become the site of the next real estate boom. Property in Havana will take off, and lots of Americans will get involved.

    Especially the Cuban Americans in Florida. However, the resurgence of Cuba will take a big slice of business from all the other islands in the Caribbean.

  62. mold's identity revealed. See last paragraph:

    Ex-Astronaut Story Musgrave Blasts NASA, Washington, Over Space Shuttle Program Failures


    As the space shuttle Atlantis orbits Earth in the final mission of NASA's 30-year reusable spacecraft legacy, at least one former astronaut -- and six-time shuttle voyager -- is lashing out at the space agency for what he deems as failures in the overall vision of the shuttle program.

    "The shuttle did not turn out like we planned," Dr. Story Musgrave told The Huffington Post. "It was going to [fly] 66 times a year and it ended up with about five times a year. It was going to cost $10 million a flight, and two months ago, an independent study showed that it cost $1.2 billion a flight. It was massively fragile, difficult to operate and exceedingly dangerous."

    Musgrave is a surgeon, mathematician, chemist, biophysicist, physiologist, computer scientist, artist and author of important scientific papers in the areas of aerospace medicine, physiology and clinical surgery....

    The article is much longer. But mold's identity is now known.

  63. Anonymous8:51 PM

    no_slappz, "The article is much longer. But mold's identity is now known."

    Wow. Thanks no_slappz for letting me know who mold really is. I always thought he was exceptional, but I had no idea he was this great.

    All of this time, Mold never let on who he really was....such 'humility'.

  64. Anon. I am still waiting on a link to that punch in Vegas. The one you provided was false.......

  65. Anonymous10:21 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon. I am still waiting on a link to that punch in Vegas. The one you provided was false.......

    False? You mean like in the case of a false positive? OK, OK, you got me. Here it is. Note, you really have to appreciate the years and years of training that go into developing the power behind this punch, once the power is achieved combined with flexibility the speed is blinding.

  66. Anonymous11:09 PM

    wow. that was the fastest punch I have ever seen. I wonder how fast the bm in the yellow shirt was? do you think the wm saw it coming?

    Do you think the bm was faster than Bruce Lee? Hey, he may be the next Bruce Lee right here in Vegas! there could be a new career for him. Isn't it strange how fame works out?

  67. It would be interesting to know if the posters of 1:19 and 1:52 are one and the same person.

    Do they have the same i.p. address, Field?
