Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"All Shook Up."

"You better get your behind to church this weekend!" That was a co-worker yelling at the field as she ran down the stairs and away from her shaking office. She was just two steps ahead of me, because my black ass was running as well.

I don't do earthquakes very well. Give me thirty inches of snow, and a category two hurricane, but keep your damn earthquake. They are too sneaky, too unpredictable, and we don't know enough about them. (Kind of like tea party republicans.) One of the joys of living on the East Coast is that we don't have to deal with this particular type of natural disaster. The South has their hurricanes, The Midwest their tornadoes, and The West Coast has their earthquakes. Here on the East Coast we have enough to worry about with man made s*&^, so the good lord, in her infinite wisdom, didn't give us any natural disasters to worry about. That is, of course, until today. (Is it something we said?)

Shaking buildings is not a good look for Center City, Philadelphia. Mrs. Field, bless her soul, stayed home today, so she didn't have to endure the rocking of that high rise monstrosity she works in known as an office building.

So we are all milling about outside,--- sadly oblivious to the fact that if the buildings started shaking again and eventually start falling down, they would fall right on top of us--- And we are telling each other war stories and recounting where we were when the shaking started. Everyone is laughing about it now, but it could have been so much different.

I was laughing as well. On the outside. Inside I was thinking, WTF? This ride that we are on is kind of shaky. At any moment the wheels could come off. I mean if the natural disasters don't get us the aliens will. I know that we all have to check out at some point, but I personally would love to ride it out until the engine can't go anymore. To stay with my car analogy: I don't want to be driving down the highway and get broadsided by a Mack truck. That earthquake today could have been a damn Mack truck. 

Yep, I think I am going to start working on the last part of my "bucket list" just a little bit sooner.

Finally, enough about earthquakes. Let's talk about my favorite subject: Wingnuts.

"No, I don't ... He's a very bright man. But think about his life. And think about what he was exposed to and what he saw in America. He's only relating what his experience in life was ... His intent isn't to destroy. It's to create dependency because it worked so well for him. I don't say that critically. Look at people for what they are. Don't assume ulterior motives. I don't think he doesn't love our country. I think he does." [Source]

That was republican senator, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, explaining how he feels about his O ness.

You see folks, it's like this; if you are a black man in A-merry-ca, dependency is what you rely on because it works for you. Forget the fact that this particular black man went to Ivy League schools and studied law at one of A-merry-ca's finer institutions. He is a black man, so the hard work to do these things doesn't fit into the narrative of some people.

Personally, I thought that wingnuts would embrace the hard work that Obama put in to get where he is. But I guess I was wrong.

Sadly, it looks like no matter how hard you Negroes work or how successful you become, (You can't get more successful than the president of these divided states) you will still be looked upon by the wingnut as someone who "dependency worked so well" for.  

I swear, you just can't win with the wingnut.  



  1. Tea Party Republican12:44 AM

    "we don't know enough about them. (Kind of like tea party republicans.)"

    Ah, a bit of truth.

  2. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Philadelphia folks are such wimps when it comes to earthquakes. Btw, the 'Rapture' is coming October 2011 and your black ass keep ignoring this truth.

    You are a big sinner, Field. Everybody can see that on this blog, except Granny. That's because she is a bigger sinner than you.

    I am going to enjoy watching your butt roast in hell.

    Bay Area Resident

  3. Anonymous12:57 AM

    frm the previous blog:

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It is mighty funny that Smiley and Cornel didn't raise up awareness of poverty when Bush and the wingnuts were busy driving people into poverty.

    Dr. Queen said, "Actually Granny, I've been listening to Smiley since the 1990's on the TJMS and similarly with West, and they've been talking about the issues among Black folks for over a decade. It's simply that their message didn't really make mainstream media until a Black man became president. The fact is the President IS ignoring many of the issues the plague the Black community disproportionally IMHO."

    You are exactly right, Dr. Q. What is amazing is GrannyStandingforTruth actually is standing for LIES. Not only that, she is saying crap about Tavis and Cornell that she has no idea about...

    To say they are talking about poor blacks because they want to sell books, is an ignorant statement. She has no idea what their motives are, yet she makes disparaging remarks about them. Such ignorance and ill-will, and LIES!

  4. "... His intent isn't to destroy. It's to create dependency because it worked so well for him. I don't say that critically. Look at people for what they are. Don't assume ulterior motives. I don't think he doesn't love our country. I think he does."

    Like most liberals Obama does not love America as it is, but America as they would "change" it if they had absolute power.

    Maybe people wouldn't be questioning Obama's love for America is he wasn't doing such deliberate damage to its interests.

    Kevin Mooney writes:

    “The Gulf Spill of 2010 maybe be remembered as much or more for the economic damage it did because of the Obama’s regulatory overreaction than for the environmental damage it wrought. Two wrongs do not make a right.”

    Ten oil rigs have left the Gulf of Mexico since the Obama Administration imposed a moratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling in May 2010 and others could follow soon, a detailed July 2011 report from Sen. David Vitter’s (R-La.) office shows.

    Mooney also quotes Bonner Cohen, a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research on the broader devastation being wrought by the Obama administration’s energy policies:

    "What you are seeing in Louisiana is only a small piece of larger mosaic being put together by the Obama Administration to make affordable energy as inaccessible as possible,” he said. “From the administration’s war on coal to the serious consideration it is giving to imposing a nationwide regulation of hydraulic fracturing, to its shut down of deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, to its `endangerment finding” from the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], the administration is practicing its own form of selected industrial sabotage.

    If a hostile nation drove our drilling rigs out of the Gulf of Mexico, it would be an act of war.

  5. Anonymous1:04 AM

    It is only Tuesday, Aug. 23 and you have labeled your most recent post Wed., Aug. 24.
    Did that quake shake you into the next day???


  6. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Dr Mr. Field, FYI....earthquakes happen everyday in hell. and they aren't those weak ass tremors that sent you running out of the building. The ones in hell open up and you fall into a hotter fire.

    Make no mistake about it, Mr. Field, hell is definitely hell. And you could have missed it all if your unwilling stubborn ass had a little humility to pray.

    Did I mention the Rapture and end of the world in October? I think you already know this. Isn't that why you decided to "ride the market out" down into hell? lol

  7. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I am moving to Hawaii. They rarely have earthquakes, if any.

  8. Makaka1:21 AM

    Volcanos are worse.

  9. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I am moving to Hawaii. They rarely have earthquakes, if any

    Yeah but even worse there are white people related to Obama there....

  10. Anonymous1:45 AM

    "Yeah but even worse there are white people related to Obama there...."

    Your comment makes me wonder if there are any AAs in Hawaii? Is there racism there?

  11. StillaPanther21:56 AM

    Brother Field...I was in the bathroom getting ready to go to VV to work off some anger issues when the EQ hit. You are right...the end can come so quick. Glad to hear you and your queen are okay. Now I have to look for a bigger generator for the one day event coming soon to the area...the hurricane.. Looks like things are not so bad when compared to the wrath/blessings of our creator. I apologize for the negative remarks I made to one of the blog's commenter. I must remember that people sometimes can't/will not allow others to have their own opinions that are not what the majority in America dictates.

  12. Weadin IsFun2:55 AM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    Brother Field...functonal illiteracy is a bitch...

  13. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Yeah but even worse there are white people related to Obama there...."

    Your comment makes me wonder if there are any AAs in Hawaii? Is there racism there?

    Theres a hole bunch here you go...

  14. DumbedDownANationOfJanitors3:04 AM

    "You see folks, it's like this; if you are a black man in A-merry-ca, dependency is what you rely on because it works for you. Forget the fact that this particular black man went to Ivy League schools and studied law at one of A-merry-ca's finer institutions. He is a black man, so the hard work to do these things doesn't fit into the narrative of some people.

    Hard work...? Maybe for an Affirmative Action recipient. Imagine a future historian examining Obama’s pre-presidential life: ushered into and through the Ivy League despite unremarkable grades and test scores along the way; a cushy non-job as a “community organizer“; a brief career as a state legislator devoid of legislative achievement (and in fact nearly devoid of his attention, so often did he vote “present”); and finally an unaccomplished single term in United States Senate, the entirety of which was devoted to his presidential ambitions. He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature legislation as legislator.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth3:12 AM, let's take a look behind the scenes at Feeding America those folks who sponsored Smiley and West Poverty tour event:

    Feeding America's Board of Directors

    David Brearton, Chair
    EVP Global Business Services

    Vicki B. Escarra
    President and CEO
    Feeding America

    Marjorie Sybul Adams
    DLA Piper

    Paul Alexander
    Senior Vice President
    Managing Director, Communications
    Liberty Mutual Group

    Joan Chow
    Chief Marketing Officer
    ConAgra Foods

    Jason Clark
    Executive Director
    Second Harvest Inland Northwest

    Deborah Flateman
    Chief Executive Officer
    Maryland Food Bank

    Anne Goodman
    Executive Director
    Cleveland Foodbank, Inc

    Casey Herman

    Vincent M. Howell
    President – Food Business Unit
    Mars, Incorporated

    Eric Leventhal
    Executive Search Consultant
    Spencer Stuart

    Michael J. Lewis
    President Midwest Division
    Walmart Stores, Inc.

    Lynn Marmer
    Group Vice President - Corporate Affairs
    The Kroger Company

    Jan Pruitt
    North Texas Food Bank

    Terry Scully
    Target Financial Services

    Christina Shea
    Senior Vice President, External Relations, and President
    General Mills Foundation

    David Taylor
    Group President - Global Home Care
    Procter & Gamble

    Mark White
    President, North America

    Janet Gibbs
    Assistant Treasurer
    Feeding America

    Andrea Yao
    Feeding America

    Shilling for Corporate America? Smh!

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth3:25 AM

    Hot Dog! Bank of America and Chase Bank is one of the sponsors too.

    Well, I guess the poverty tour was for a good cause. Smh! Wait a minute, didn't BofA do some shady deals with those home mortgage loans and throw folks out in the streets? Yup, the poverty tour was for a good cause and Smiley and West are poor people's friends. Smh!

  17. "Make no mistake about it, Mr. Field, hell is definitely hell. And you could have missed it all if your unwilling stubborn ass had a little humility to pray."

    I would have prayed, but the person I was going to be praying to brought me the damn earthquake in the first place. :)

    StillPanther2, glad you are alright my brotha. Take care of yourself.

    BTW wingnut @2:55 AM, that person you are trying to make fun of served this country with distinction, and if it wasn't for folks like him putting his butt on the line, trash like you wouldn't have the chance to talk s^%$ on the Internet 24/7.

    Makii, it might have been Tuesday in that wonderful state of yours, but I posted after 12:00 AM east coast time.

  18. manchurian candidate6:21 AM

    You see folks, it's like this; if you are a black man in A-merry-ca, dependency is what you rely on because it works for you.

    As we know, black leaders agree. they never stop demanding more and more funding for "dependency" programs.

    Forget the fact that this particular black man went to Ivy League schools and studied law at one of A-merry-ca's finer institutions.

    His SAT scores were low and his LSAT score was low. Too low to qualify for Columbia and Harvard if he had been white. As head of the Harvard Law Review, he set a record by publishing NOTHING.

    He is a black man, so the hard work to do these things doesn't fit into the narrative of some people.

    He is a black man who went to Harvard and refuses to divulge his LSAT score and his grades. In other words, he's got something to hide.

    Other facts are also missing. Who paid for Obama's schooling? He attended expensive private schools and had no visible means to cover the bills.

  19. bill of rights6:33 AM

    stillapanther2 says:

    I must remember that people sometimes can't/will not allow others to have their own opinions that are not what the majority in America dictates.

    Here's the standard black nuttiness at work.

    Stillapanther2 says another poster won't "allow others to have their own opinions..."

    Apparently stillapanther2 thinks words of criticism or disagreement are equal to "not allowing him to have his own opinions."

    Seems stillapanther2 believes that when his opinions are the only opinions, the nation will have become "fair."

    Has this nitwit not heard of the court system, the forum for conflicting opinions?

    Obviously stillapather2 does NOT believe in the Constitution.

  20. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Vitter? Wasn't he the hero who had his prostitute use his wife's name? And he wore diapers to his 'visits'.
    National Center for Public Policy Research...not only is it wingnut welfare and agin' wants Social Security and Medicare gone, gone, gone. Supporting the st reagan Central American policies...well, you might ask why we sent money to murder squads...and these sillies liked that.
    They equate environmentalists with terrorism. Odd.
    You might want to see who donates to this group...who oppose Affirmative Action and a minimum wage. Must be nice to be so wealthy that you can laughingly sneer at those folks who have to work..instead of inherit.
    Kevin Mooney...Washington Examiner? No wonder you never give cites...we would dismiss your fakery immediately.
    Why do you lie?

    Janitor, shall we compare your accomplishments to Obamas? And on what do you base your wisheration of poor grades? Do you even have a 'college experience'? Why do you equate the Legacy posts of bush, the Quayles, RussertJr, DoocyBoy, and the position of community organizer. Can you show any work...or do you just unthinkingly parrot what Massa says?
    All that anger, that an AfAm earned something...and you are still a nobody with a nothingburger job. No longer are you Entitled to the goodies by reason of paleness. You now have to actually be better...and you are not.

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  21. bad bad leroy brown6:44 AM

    Just another day on the Southside of Chicago:

    1-year-old girl shot in head in South Chicago

    August 23, 2011

    A 1-year-old girl is fighting for her life after being shot in the head this morning on a street in the South Chicago neighborhood, police said.

    The incident happened about 8:11 a.m. at 84th Street and Muskegon Avenue, where the child and her 15-year-old aunt were walking a dog, police said. The aunt heard shots and fell on the child.

    A man was bicycling in the area near the woman and her child when two male teens began shooting at the bicyclist, who managed to get away, police said.

    One person was being questioned, authorities said.

    The child was hit by one of the bullets and was taken by family first to Advocate Trinity Hospital before being transferred to Children's Memorial Hospital where she underwent surgery.

    The aunt was not injured, police said.

    One neighborhood resident, Sharita Johnson, said her 5-year-old son was walking to kindergarten with his father this morning when the gunmen started firing nearby, sending them scrambling back to her house.

    "It's just too sad," Johnson said as she walked her son home from school, his hand clutching a chocolate candy bar as he stood at her side.

    "Now he's saying he doesn't even want to go back to school. He's scared, he's afraid. He hears shots everyday, but he was never in the crossfire until today, going to school."

  22. hugo chavez6:46 AM

    mold is a white male with ass cancer.

  23. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Vitter? Wasn't he the hero who had his prostitute use his wife's name? And he wore diapers to his 'visits'.
    National Center for Public Policy Research...not only is it wingnut welfare and agin' wants Social Security and Medicare gone, gone, gone. Supporting the st reagan Central American policies...well, you might ask why we sent money to murder squads...and these sillies liked that.
    They equate environmentalists with terrorism. Odd.
    You might want to see who donates to this group...who oppose Affirmative Action and a minimum wage. Must be nice to be so wealthy that you can laughingly sneer at those folks who have to work..instead of inherit.
    Kevin Mooney...Washington Examiner? No wonder you never give cites...we would dismiss your fakery immediately.
    Why do you lie?

    Janitor, shall we compare your accomplishments to Obamas? And on what do you base your wisheration of poor grades? Do you even have a 'college experience'? Why do you equate the Legacy posts of bush, the Quayles, RussertJr, DoocyBoy, and the position of community organizer. Can you show any work...or do you just unthinkingly parrot what Massa says?
    All that anger, that an AfAm earned something...and you are still a nobody with a nothingburger job. No longer are you Entitled to the goodies by reason of paleness. You now have to actually be better...and you are not.

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  24. Anonymous6:56 AM

    If you want some laughter, read the Jen Sorensen cartoon for today. AAEC offers her and others. She always makes me giggle.


  25. cyrus vance7:15 AM

    In all the excitement over yesterday's earthquake, field forgot about the dismissal of Nafissatou Diallo's case.

    Once again a lying black woman was rebuffed by the facts.

    That didn't stop her hapless lawyer from demanding that the case be put in the hands of a "special prosecutor".

    Nafissatou Diallo's lawyer, Ken Thomson, seems to have learned what little he knows from the Tawana Brawley playbook.

    Will the lawyer now try to extract payment from Diallo? Investigators discovered that she has a lot of money in bank accounts that she cannot accout for.

    Will she be deported? Will her boyfriend kill her when he gets out of jail?

  26. Anonymous7:33 AM

    If you want some laughter, read the Jen Sorensen cartoon for today. AAEC offers her and others. She always makes me giggle.


  27. "Sadly, it looks like no matter how hard you Negroes work or how successful you become, (You can't get more successful than the president of these divided states) you will still be looked upon by the wingnut as someone who "dependency worked so well" for. "
    Well now before affirmative action, Blacks were considered by racist whites to be just stupid. After affirmative action, Blacks are considered by racist whites to just be stupid and beneficiaries of affirmative action. 100 years from now, racist whites will have added whatever racists catch phrase of the day they think applies.

    I say Blacks folks need to focus on getting the best and highest education they can, working hard, getting paid, and say "fcuk 'em" to all that other racist nonsense.

    And buildings moving and shaking are NO joke to me!!!!

  28. Anonymous said...
    If you want some laughter, read the Jen Sorensen cartoon for today. AAEC offers her and others. She always makes me giggle.


    Why don't you buzz off you double posting, multiple username using, whack ass psycho!!

    If folks around here had a modicum of sense, they wouldn't read/respond to your BS KNOWING it just encourages your psychotic, multiple posting psycho ways!

    Of course, I would have banned your crazy ass YEARS ago!

    Now lets see how long it takes for your "alter egos" to appear. Or course, I'll be happily ensconced in a lab meeting/research project by then, so enjoy the rest of the day talking $hit while I'm getting paid!


  29. Stop feeding the Psycho's!

  30. Anonymous7:58 AM

    If you want some laughter, read the Jen Sorensen cartoon for today. AAEC offers her and others. She always makes me giggle.


  31. Anonymous7:58 AM

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


  32. Anonymous8:04 AM

    BTW wingnut @2:55 AM, that person you are trying to make fun of served this country with distinction, and if it wasn't for folks like him putting his butt on the line, trash like you wouldn't have the chance to talk s^%$ on the Internet 24/7.

    Nice, Field is actually doing something very American, standing up for a veteran, good job, keep this theme up and you may just become patriotic as many immigrants in the past have become, when they reflect on the wonderful like they have been afforded as opposed to their country of Origin. All made possible by the sacrifice and hard work of patriotic americans.

  33. cyrus vance8:13 AM

    JOAN ILLUZZI-ORBON, the lead prosecutor in the sexual-assault case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said:

    "At the time of the indictment, all available evidence satisfied us that the complainant was reliable. But the evidence gathered in our post-indictment investigation severely undermined her reliability as a witness in this case, to the point where we are no longer able to credit her version of events beyond a reasonable doubt."

  34. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I know you just forgot to mention Bank of America are major donors to Obama and the Democrat party.

    Some of those other folks you mention are also big Obama donors.

  35. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If you want some laughter, read the Jen Sorensen cartoon for today. AAEC offers her and others. She always makes me giggle.


    Why don't you buzz off you double posting, multiple username using, whack ass psycho!!

    If folks around here had a modicum of sense, they wouldn't read/respond to your BS KNOWING it just encourages your psychotic, multiple posting psycho ways!

    Of course, I would have banned your crazy ass YEARS ago!

    Now lets see how long it takes for your "alter egos" to appear. Or course, I'll be happily ensconced in a lab meeting/research project by then, so enjoy the rest of the day talking $hit while I'm getting paid!



  36. Anonymous8:45 AM

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


  37. Anonymous8:48 AM

    It would be more believable if you weren't answering your own post.


  38. Anonymous8:53 AM

    If you want some laughter, read the Jen Sorensen cartoon for today. AAEC offers her and others. She always makes me giggle.

    And why does she scare losers and wingnut Cons so much? Must be the degree and Library use and being correct.


  39. Anonymous8:53 AM

    It would be more believable if you weren't answering your own post.


    Mold, instead of just "repeaterated" posting, how about giving us some new Mandinga binga material? I used to like her, or even Socrates, it was pretty entertaining. I expect the vulgar anon will show up once you gte hot, but for now a post from either one would be cool.

    Maybe you could just merge the personalities, something like SocMyDinga Or Mancretes or even MandingaSoc

  40. ArollingMoldgetstheworms9:00 AM

    Hey Leave Mold alone, I heard he can suck the moss off a stone through a straw while his head us up his ass and wearing a diaper, now that is one talented dimmiecrat.

  41. no one is ever safe...

    especially after that hobama quake in 2012

  42. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Unlike you, I only post with one moniker. I have no need to inventerate 'friends'.

    Jen Sorensen upsets you. Why? She is a cartoonist. Was it the college degree she earned? Could it be that she is funny? Or is it her Fact-based cartoons are popular?
    She is on AAEC...they even have witeffirmative action Con toonists.

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


  43. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Unlike you, I only post with one moniker. I have no need to inventerate 'friends'.

    Jen Sorensen upsets you. Why? She is a cartoonist. Was it the college degree she earned? Could it be that she is funny? Or is it her Fact-based cartoons are popular?
    She is on AAEC...they even have witeffirmative action Con toonists.

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


    9:06 AM

    I know you are but what am I, what are you peewee Herman?

  44. fn:

    which hobama???

    the cia baby pampered by his banskter granny and his private schools and mystery colleges etc???

    the slacker senatorin il/law prof in chi???

    that dl hoax bitch hobama has never worked hard a day in his life!!!

    wake up!!!

  45. fn:

    which hobama???

    the cia baby pampered by his banskter granny and his private schools and mystery colleges etc???

    the slacker senator in il/law prof in chi???

    that dl hoax bitch hobama has never worked hard a day in his life!!!

    wake up!!!

  46. fn:

    please excuse the glitches...

    major problems with blogger



    only the obsessed psycho dl stalker vdlr assigns deep meaning to all i do herein


  47. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Obama is the president of the most divided country since the war of aggression.Right?

    Obama's mom used food stamps and other welfare.Right?

    Obama lived with his grandparents for a while.They were on Social Security and Medicare.Right?

    Obama benefited from affirmative quotas and Affirmative action.Right?

    Obama was acorn and a community agitator.Right?

    So how can you say dependecy hasn't work for Obama and shaped his views?

    More people are on welfare and in poverty since the Great Depression.

    Obama his getting what he wants.Change.

  48. Anonymous9:15 AM

    There is a mass delusion in whitebread suburban America that they are the real America, and that they are being oppressed by high taxes to pay for poor minorities, even though the reality is actually the reverse: urban centers pay the bills for parasitic suburban lifestyles, which are ultimately unsustainable socially, fiscally and environmentally. -- From Digby's Hullabaloo.

    -- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin

  49. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Mad i shown you has a wite man?

    Unlike you, I only post with one moniker. I have no need to inventerate 'friends'.

    Jen Sorensen upsets you. Why? She is a cartoonist. Was it the college degree she earned? Could it be that she is funny? Or is it her Fact-based cartoons are popular?
    She is on AAEC...they even have witeffirmative action Con toonists.

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


  50. Anonymous9:26 AM

    No...although you are are incorrect.
    Bigots and Fwee Marketeers are 'dividing' the US.
    Food Stamps are only welfare...if you inherited all your money.
    Social Security and Medicare are not 'dependency'.
    You inventerate 'quotas' and Affirmative Action...but offer no proof..other than your beleef.
    ACORN is only eveel if you hate the idea of citizens obtaining services they are entitled to have, by law.
    Community agitator? Or do you mean community organizer?

    More lies from you.

    Welfare and poverty are the direct result from...and the explicit design of...the bushDepression. Yes, the wites who made this are horribly upset that US citizens make enough to partake in the US economy. How icky! They want a return of the Gilded Age...when we had breaker boys, child labour, no safety rules, and slavecropping. are incorrect. However, you indeed a Fascist.


  51. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Second-largest U.S. Indian tribe expels slave descendants

    OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - The nation's second-largest Indian tribe formally booted from membership thousands of descendants of black slaves who were brought to Oklahoma more than 170 years ago by Native American owners.

    The Cherokee nation voted after the Civil War to admit the slave descendants to the tribe.

    But on Monday, the Cherokee nation Supreme Court ruled that a 2007 tribal decision to kick the so-called "Freedmen" out of the tribe was proper.

    The controversy stems from a footnote in the brutal history of U.S. treatment of Native Americans. When many Indians were forced to move to what later became Oklahoma from the eastern U.S. in 1838, some who had owned plantations in the South brought along their slaves.

    Some 4,000 Indians died during the forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears."

    "And our ancestors carried the baggage," said Marilyn Vann, the Freedman leader who is a plaintiff in the legal battle.

    Officially, there are about 2,800 Freedmen, but another 3,500 have tribal membership applications pending, and there could be as many as 25,000 eligible to enter the tribe, according to Vann.

    The tribal court decision was announced one day before absentee ballots were to be mailed in the election of the Cherokee Principal Chief.

    "This is racism and apartheid in the 21st Century," said Vann, an engineer who lives in Oklahoma City.

    Spokesmen for the tribe did not respond when asked to comment.

    The move to exclude the Freedmen has rankled some African American members of Congress, which has jurisdiction over all Native American tribes in the country.

    A lawsuit challenging the Freedman's removal from the tribe has been pending in federal court in Washington, for about six years.

    As a sovereign nation, Cherokee Nation officials maintain that the tribe has the right to amend its constitutional membership requirements.

    Removal from the membership rolls means the Freedmen will no longer be eligible for free health care and other benefits such as education concessions.

  52. where's my money...9:36 AM

    badtux the idiot, says:

    There is a mass delusion in whitebread suburban America that they are the real America, and that they are being oppressed by high taxes to pay for poor minorities, even though the reality is actually the reverse: urban centers pay the bills for parasitic suburban lifestyles, which are ultimately unsustainable socially, fiscally and environmentally.

    Nice try, ding dong. White suburbia pays its own freight, and then some. At the same time, a lot of tax revenue comes from a few zip codes in urban centers.

    There are a couple of zip codes in Manhattan that account for almost all the tax revenue from all of New York City. Yes, some revenue flows in from a couple zip codes in Brooklyn and Queens.

    But the widespread enrollment in Medicaid and other social programs serving the low- and no-income crowd shows which way the tax revenue flows.

  53. hobama is rabidly elitist

    further proof that he has never worked hard a day in his charmed clandestine cia life

    6. The Obama presidency looks increasingly out of touch with the American people

    There is a disturbing let them eat cake mentality projected by the Obama White House, whether the president is advocating higher taxes in the face of a possible double dip recession, or hosting elaborate parties while 45 million Americans depend on food stamps. No US presidency in modern times has been more elitist or out of touch than the present one, which exudes the kind of condescending left-wing snobbery that is normally the preserve of an ivory tower common room. President Obama looks increasingly aloof and out of sync with the American people, three quarters of whom now believe the country is heading down the wrong track – including a staggering 58 percent of Democrats, according to Rasmussen.

    8. The Tea Party has been a stunning success

    No article on Barack Obama’s stunning decline would be complete without mention of the Tea Party, which has been undoubtedly the most influential US political movement of the decade. The Tea Party’s relentless rise played a key role in sparking the conservative revolution that swept Capitol Hill last November, and has played a major role in setting the agenda when it came to the heated debates over government spending this summer. Were it not for the Tea Party, it is likely that the budget deficit would not be the central issue it is today, and federal spending would have remained a largely inside the beltway debate instead of the talk of dinner tables across America. A truly grassroots movement has succeeded in a short period of time in humbling a presidency, and challenging the status quo on Capitol Hill.

    10. The liberal elites are turning on the president

    One only has to read the pages of The New York Times, the flagship of America’s liberal elites, to see how some of the president’s most ardent left-wing supporters have begun to turn against him. Even Maureen Dowd despairs that her beloved president has been forced to make concessions to the Tea Party on the debt issue, quoting a Democrat Senator as saying: “we are watching him turn into Jimmy Carter right before our eyes.” And as for uber liberal Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman, Obama has supposedly “surrendered” to the Right. There is every sign of a vicious civil war breaking out on the Left, as disillusionment mounts with Obama. This will make it increasingly difficult for the president to present a united front as he campaigns for re-election, and he will have to contend with heavy sniping from powerful liberal voices, most of whom gave him unequivocal backing in 2008.

    A presidency in decline

    The omens are certainly not looking good for President Obama, as he approaches the final 16 months of his presidency. Public opinion has turned firmly against him in recent weeks, as it did in the months ahead of the November 2010 midterms. On the economy, undoubtedly the dominant issue for voters in 2012, he is on distinctly shaky ground, with his Big Government agenda increasingly distrusted by the American electorate, scorned by the financial markets, and given a vote of no confidence by credit agency Standard and Poor’s. By almost any measure, this is a presidency in steep decline and in serious trouble. This is looking like another ‘annus horribilis’ for Barack Obama, the ‘hope and change’ president who, on current trajectory, seems destined for failure, with a legacy of declining prosperity at home and dispiriting American weakness abroad.

  54. Mold Has Penis Envy9:44 AM

    Funny how Mold always posts links to that Dyke website, Pandagon.

  55. obama does the economy9:56 AM

    Somebody should tell Obama it's not possible to spend a nation into prosperity:

    U.S. budget deficit $1.28 trillion in 2011: CBOStories You Might Like

    Robert Schroeder

    WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. budget deficit will be $1.28 trillion in 2011, the Congressional Budget Office estimated on Wednesday.

    In an update on the budget and the economy, the CBO also projected that the economy would grow at "a modest pace" through 2013, and that the U.S. jobless rate would stay above 8% through 2013.

  56. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  57. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. For some reason I'm not that shocked about the earthquake in those areas. The earth is constantly changing, even before human kind was in existence. I doubt it has anything to do with raptures.

    Mold, why don't you just get a blogger account?

  60. awardless blogless lickless degreeless wannabeeme vdlr:


    also u must
    win awards EVERY year!!!...


    2012 too!!!


    Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2012

    Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2012

    Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008

    Who’s Who Among American Women 2009 & 2011

    Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006

    Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001

    University of Arkansas at Little Rock MAIOC
    Summa Cum Laude - 4.0 Cumulative GPA 2001

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
    Trailblazer Award 1996

    Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986

    Who's Who Among Students in American Universities
    & Colleges 1984

    UIUC Dean's List 1984

    UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984

    UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement
    Award 1983

    UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982

    UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982

  61. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  62. gimme your money geezer10:47 AM

    Black geezer-choker on rampage:

    Thug Chokes And Robs Elderly Men

    Wednesday, 24 Aug 2011


    MYFOXNY.COM - The NYPD is looking for a violent robber who is targeting elderly men as they enter the subway system or elevators in Manhattan.

    In the first incident, which happened Aug. 13, the sicko came up on an elderly man from behind as he entered the N train subway entrance at Broadway and W. 28th St. It happened at about 7:30 a.m.

    He choked the victim from behind and grabbed the man's wallet out of his pants before running away.

    The victim suffered a stroke in the attack.

    The next Tuesday, at approximately 3:45 p.m. at the Urban Living store at 1178 Broadway, the thug followed an elderly male into an elevator and choked him from behind. He stole the man's money and phone before running away.

    The suspect struck again two days later on Thursday at about 2:15 p.m.

    The man, described as a stocky, bald black man in his mid-20s, between 5'5" and 6', he followed a man as he entered the subway at Broadway and West 28th Street.

    He choked the man from behind and stole the man's money.

    The latest attack happened Sunday morning at 10:08 a.m. Again, the perp came up on an elderly man from behind as he entered the subway. This time it happened at the 8th Ave. and W. 23rd St. entrance. This time he hit the man in the head with something as he choked him. The victim's wallet and money were stolen.

    The victim suffered a damage trachea in the attack.

  63. Unlicked uneducated unsung vdlr:

    Master real books and literacy and u may garner some real awards

    So, Get YOUR comm degree on asap!!!

    In this richly detailed and passionately argued book, Jackson (What's Happening to Home?) warns that modern society's inability to focus heralds an impending Dark Age—an era historically characterized by the decline of a civilization amid abundance and technological advancement. Jackson posits that our near-religious allegiance to a constant state of motion and addiction to multitasking are eroding our capacity for deep, sustained, perceptive attention—the building block of intimacy, wisdom and cultural progress and stunting society's ability to comprehend what's relevant and permanent. The author provides a lively historical survey of attention, drawing upon philosophy, the impact of scientific innovations and her own experiences to investigate the possible genetic and psychological roots of distraction. While Jackson cites modern virtual life (the social network Facebook and online interactive game Second Life), her research is largely mired in the previous century, and she draws weak parallels between romance via telegraph and online dating, and supernatural spiritualism and a newfound desire to reconnect. Despite the detours (a cultural history of the fork?), Jackson has produced a well-rounded and well-researched account of the travails facing an ADD society and how to reinvigorate a renaissance of attention. (June)

    "Maggie Jackson is one of the most original and perceptive journalists writing about the challenges of modern life. In Distracted, she explores our hectic, multi-tasking world. She shows that while digital technology fills our lives with information and entertainment, it is far too often at the expense of human contact and thoughtful reflection. This book will make you slow down and think." -- Senator Amy Klobuchar

    "Maggie Jackson's fascinating book on America's collective attention deficit disorder is a wake-up call to all of us to take back our lives, turn off the technology, and focus on paying attention to what makes us human and fulfilled." -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor and author of America the Principled and Confidence.

    "This is an important book. I found it to be a harrowing documentation of our modern world's descent into fragmentation, self alienation, and emptiness -- brought on, to a large extent, by communication technologies that distract us, dislocate us, and destroy our inner lives. Others have commented on these issues, but I have never seen them gathered together and documented as completely as Maggie Jackson has done." -- Alan Lightman, author of the bestselling Einstein's Dreams and National Book Award finalist The Diagnosis and MIT professor

  64. Anonymous11:36 AM

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragicalicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragicalicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills


  65. the sub canid sheboon strikes again11:37 AM

    sub canid sub canid sub canid filthy disgusting crater faced black ass now that is some funny shit! dumb chriflin moron talkin bout she's so smart so smart with the easiest degree possible! so smart as to sit up here all day and every day typing bullshit talking points that she too stoopid to conjure up herself does this sound like a smart person to u? naw jess some ego inflated fool jess like her

  66. Tom Watson11:39 AM

    mold said....Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'

    You know Lee Trevino?

  67. clueless degreeless prideless awardless vdlr:

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!


    vanity is yet another thing you will never earn in any degree.


  68. envious bald bold nig vdlr:

    u r a hater hood rat...

    u r also a liar and a fool and a stalker...

    i get that a lot.

    dyam i am good!!!

    got hate/hair????

  69. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  70. Anonymous11:46 AM

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


  71. unlicked ueducated blogless awardless vdlr:

    u do not know that every award listed is an academic award

    because u have none

    see??? u.

  72. StillaPanther2 said...
    Brother Field...I was in the bathroom getting ready to go to VV to work off some anger issues when the EQ hit. You are right...the end can come so quick. Glad to hear you and your queen are okay. Now I have to look for a bigger generator for the one day event coming soon to the area...the hurricane.. Looks like things are not so bad when compared to the wrath/blessings of our creator. I apologize for the negative remarks I made to one of the blog's commenter. I must remember that people sometimes can't/will not allow others to have their own opinions that are not what the majority in America dictates.

    That's true, some people want to dictate opinions. I happen to think most them are on the Left, but I suppose you would disagree.

    I respect the opinion of my elders, and I respect your service to America.

  73. vdlr decoder:

    proof = prufe

    a product she uses to kill the pests who provide an audience for her perpetual baby deddies' porn shows hosted inside her filthy infested section 8 apt...

    poisonous ingredient within her vanity sex shows

  74. Gird your loins, the end is near:

  75. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Tucker Carlson, in an article entitled "The Hall of Lame" that appeared in Forbes Magazine in 1999, wrote that the selection process is neither rigorous nor meaningful, and self nominators and thousands of people not particularly notable are included, such as bowling coaches, teachers and landscape architects. Carlson also writes that Marquis makes money selling addresses to direct mail marketers.[9]

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. unstroked unlicked unsung unCOMMunicative uneducated vdlr:


    we feel and see your pain and ENVY u dimwitted dumb turbo demon seed breeding dunce!!!

    u r truly a tragic trick!!!!!!!


    classy people always share toys...

    have fun playing with my real awards u awardless dreg

    they are the ONLY ones u will ever know...

  78. vdlr decoder:

    ged = great educational deed


    got any other actual life achievements u stellar mature wise american???

  79. Anonymous12:10 PM

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


  80. Anonymous12:10 PM

    oh poor thing u deleted ur comment at 1205 why's that sweetie? got too mad and ur hands shaking kuntlick? ur buddy kimdaqueef gonna show up to defend ur fragile ego soon ? u r dimwitted and foolish miss u gots a 250 iq but majored in comm ya nitwit

    let's see u said u were a scholar but no scholarly awards u say u are a genius but havent solved any of the worlds problems all eye see is a gottdam ugly sheboon wit an attitude problem and no real skills

  81. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  82. Anonymous12:12 PM

    oh sweetie now u go predictably to ur divert and lie tactic cante u do better miss smarty pants? u will assert that this anon has no hair and is impoverished for some reason that makes u feel better since after all we all know ure lying about everything uve said ure no scholar ule never be a scholar ure no beauty queen ule never get with a beautiful woman ure not worth anything ule meet ur fate soon enough

  83. fugly faceless bald headed smooth brained bimbo vdlr:

    u prove precisely how unintelligent uneducated and unlicked you are always herein...

    and u do so more undeniably and uncomminicatively with each moronic post.

    carry on u vulgar fertile dreg.

  84. Anonymous12:15 PM

    No who's who publication is worth its weight in crap

  85. Anonymous12:18 PM

    While the wite dude argues with himself...I propose a sojourn to Suburban Guerrilla...specifically as it addresses the US race to feudalism.

    While Koch-suckers see this as a good thing...I would remind you that the Middle Ages you so desire...are when Islam ruled, the Chinese had culture, and the Indians made better stuff. Go ahead, look it up...but I wonder if David Barton has made room in witeJebushistoree for those pesky Facts.

    When a slave in Islam has it better than a 'free wite man' in the Galt's Gulch of the time...maybe your goals are stoopid, eh?


  86. Anonymous12:19 PM

    this bs to oprah

    her comm degree has served her well too kuntlick banks

    sweetie pie u r not oprah nor will u ever be u see by the time she was ur age she was a millionaire media mogul she is an exception to the rule not the norm dummy so hows that 250 iq treating u comm major? miss i is so smart but majored in the easiest college major! dummmmy!

  87. witless weightless awardless vdlr:

    why should feces with a womb like u ever fret over any academic crap???

    is it not even more wholly irrelevant to your illiterate fertile life than a crappy

    with feeling:

    there is ONLY ONE REAL ancient global academic who's who award org

    ALL of mine are from that org


    find it fool

    1 2 3 go!!!

    and all wannabee morons like you are too ignorant to even google it

    that is why the bogus orgs u know/list thrive via YOUR wannabee bucks

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. free wite man's burden12:24 PM

    mold said..."When a slave in Islam has it better than a 'free wite man' in the Galt's Gulch of the time...maybe your goals are stoopid, eh?"

    Uh, no. Your ahistorical reality is what is "stoopid".

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Anonymous12:28 PM

    1224 and 1225 comments deleted by miss psycho blog spam troll so sweetie pie got ur panties in a bundle cuz u got fount out? ur who's who awards aren't worth their weight in dog shit and?...we already knew this u aint a scholar and u aint ha no 250 iq kunt! were u a rhodes scholar? nope were u a macarthur fellow? nope yet u feel the need to brag about ur achievements which are what exactly? oh that stock list u made up from twenty years ago doesnt count kuntlick!

  93. Anonymous12:30 PM

    reading ramen noodle packages and composing forged checks will never count as academic rigors....kuntlick

    again the assertion that the impoverished state of this anon somehow matters and that it has bearing on the legitimacy of this anons statements sweetie pie are u 10 years old or almost 50?

  94. envious evil unskilled researcher vdlr:

    u r projecting again

    got the google skills of the avg 5th grader?

    go find the original real who's who...NOW nig!!!

  95. lying lye-ing vdlr:

    the truth is something u never covet...why fake now fool?

    the truth is as foreign to you as a regular menses/routine wedding etc

  96. wannabee me but can only be harpo nig vdlr:

    oprah just called...

    she thinks u r a peasant hater too

    she said u needsto earn a comm degree asap too


  97. Anonymous12:40 PM

    oh miss edumacayted is trying to give this anon an assignment like the sheboon sow has control over things welcome to reality kuntlicker this anon dont owe u shit ure an idiot plain and simple and its very easy to phukk wit u since ure so stoopid and all

    again the assertion that the impoverished state of this anon somehow matters and that it has bearing on the legitimacy of this anons statements sweetie pie are u 10 years old or almost 50?

    Perpetually pregnant
    Obsessed dl stalker

    u comm that daily!!!

    as if ur lies about this anon matter ya stoopid idgit u r jess saying this shit to take away from ur own lies and inadequacies hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for aids or cancer or sickle cell disease? oh wait u majored in comm guess u wont be doing shit with all that brain power after all what a pity comm major incompetent kunt!

  98. memo to hobama from the vdlr:

    "dear god: get a comm degree like ab asap!!!"

    The most noteworthy movement among whites has been among voters under 30, the so-called Millennial generation. Millennials voted 66 to 32 percent for Barack Obama in 2008 and identified as Democrats rather than Republicans by a 60 to 32 percent margin.

    But white Millennials have been moving away from the Democrats. The Democratic edge in party identification among white Millennials dropped from 7 points in 2008 to 3 points in 2009 to a 1-point Republican edge in 2010 and an 11-point Republican lead in 2011.

    There have been shifts of similar magnitude among whites who are low-income, who have no more than a high school education, and who live in the Midwest.

    It's not hard to come up with plausible reasons for these changes. Obama campaigned as the champion of "hope and change" in 2008 and assured crowds of young people that "We are the change we are seeking."

    But the change they have seen is anything but hopeful. Youth unemployment rates have been at historic highs. Young people have seen their college degrees produce little in the way of job offers.

    They are choosing more often to keep living with their parents. From the Obama Democrats they have gotten only a promise that "children" up to age 26 can stay on Mommy and Daddy's health insurance plans.

    In the wake of the 2008 election, I argued that there was a tension between the way Millennials lived their lives -- creating their own iPod playlists, designing their own Facebook pages -- and the one-size-fits-all, industrial-era welfare-state policies of the Obama Democrats.

    Instead of allowing Millennials space in which they can choose their own futures, the Obama Democrats' policies have produced a low-growth economy in which their alternatives are limited and they are forced to make do with what they can scrounge.

    There is little evidence that the Millennials believe their plight can be relieved and opportunities opened up by slapping higher taxes on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs or by restricting deductions for corporate jets, as Barack Obama urged in his Monday night speech calling for tax increases (although Senate Democrats gave up on them) in debt-ceiling legislation.

  99. alicia banks is NOT Oprah12:45 PM

    funny now the only recuse u have is to say that oprah was a comm major that is funny sweetie pie jess funny! like ure supposed to be as smart and as accomplished as oprah? ure a gottdam fool now!

  100. correction vdlr u unlicked uneducated hater!!!

    my comm degree bothers YOU as u have no comm skills and no degree at all...


  101. Anonymous12:49 PM

    alicia: stop it!

    you are being played like a banjo.

  102. vdlr/assnon:

    thanks for the kudo bimbo!

    u have no comm skills

    that is why u cannot even comm a post as a fake assnon

  103. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Granny, your list of sponsors is a little lopsided isn't it? Where's the list of corporations that sponsor Obama?

    You assume Tavis and Cornell are not to trusted because of companies who want to sponsor their good deeds? FYI: It is good company policy for corporations to contribute to "good causes" what Tavis and Cornell stand for.

    Obama gets millions from corporations, banks and people on Wall Street. However, you remain silent about that. Why? Everybody knows that Wall Street is for the rich, and will bleed the poor and middle class dry.

    You are claim Tavis and Cornell are crooks but is evident that Obama has said NOTHING about the untenable conditions that devastating black communities.

    Like Obama, YOU are a biased black phoney who wants Obama to win at all costs to our race! You are a crook, a liar and a traitor.

  104. blind fool turbo breeding turbo liar vdlr:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    oprah is not "liken" the lies u post herein


    she refuses to open any school in america to evade dumb lazy bad demon seeds like yours...shame!!!

    kudos to oprah!!!

  105. Anonymous1:10 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. better man:


    when will the brilliant accomplished vdlr invent the aids cure she craves so...

    what shall be her personally signifcant discoveries/inventions???...

    how bold is this lifeless lickless bimbo stalker?????

  107. fn:

    why is this post disappearing?

    but all of the vulgar rants by the vdlr staying in tact???

    Unlicked uneducated unsung vdlr:

    Master real books and literacy and u may garner some real awards

    So, Get YOUR comm degree on asap!!!

    In this richly detailed and passionately argued book, Jackson (What's Happening to Home?) warns that modern society's inability to focus heralds an impending Dark Age—an era historically characterized by the decline of a civilization amid abundance and technological advancement. Jackson posits that our near-religious allegiance to a constant state of motion and addiction to multitasking are eroding our capacity for deep, sustained, perceptive attention—the building block of intimacy, wisdom and cultural progress and stunting society's ability to comprehend what's relevant and permanent. The author provides a lively historical survey of attention, drawing upon philosophy, the impact of scientific innovations and her own experiences to investigate the possible genetic and psychological roots of distraction. While Jackson cites modern virtual life (the social network Facebook and online interactive game Second Life), her research is largely mired in the previous century, and she draws weak parallels between romance via telegraph and online dating, and supernatural spiritualism and a newfound desire to reconnect. Despite the detours (a cultural history of the fork?), Jackson has produced a well-rounded and well-researched account of the travails facing an ADD society and how to reinvigorate a renaissance of attention. (June)

    "Maggie Jackson is one of the most original and perceptive journalists writing about the challenges of modern life. In Distracted, she explores our hectic, multi-tasking world. She shows that while digital technology fills our lives with information and entertainment, it is far too often at the expense of human contact and thoughtful reflection. This book will make you slow down and think." -- Senator Amy Klobuchar

    "Maggie Jackson's fascinating book on America's collective attention deficit disorder is a wake-up call to all of us to take back our lives, turn off the technology, and focus on paying attention to what makes us human and fulfilled." -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor and author of America the Principled and Confidence.

    "This is an important book. I found it to be a harrowing documentation of our modern world's descent into fragmentation, self alienation, and emptiness -- brought on, to a large extent, by communication technologies that distract us, dislocate us, and destroy our inner lives. Others have commented on these issues, but I have never seen them gathered together and documented as completely as Maggie Jackson has done." -- Alan Lightman, author of the bestselling Einstein's Dreams and National Book Award finalist The Diagnosis and MIT professor

  108. ditto

    Unread unlicked uncommunicative uneducated vdlr:

    You are a poster hoodrat for a generation of ADD slackers

    Fix that via 2 comm degrees ASAP!!!

    It’s an irony so commonplace it’s become almost trite: despite the information superhighway, despite a world of knowledge at their fingertips, the younger generation today is less informed, less literate, and more self-absorbed than any that has preceded it. But why? According to the author, an English professor at Emory University, there are plenty of reasons. The immediacy and intimacy of social-networking sites have focused young people’s Internet use on themselves and their friends. The material they’re studying in school (such as the Civil War or The Great Gatsby) seems boring because it isn’t happening right this second and isn’t about them. They’re using the Internet not as a learning tool but as a communications tool: instant messaging, e-mail, chat, blogs. And the language of Internet communication, with its peculiar spelling, grammar, and punctuation, actually encourages illiteracy by making it socially acceptable. It wouldn’t be going too far to call this book the Why Johnny Can’t Read for the digital age. Some will disagree vehemently; others will nod sagely, muttering that they knew it all along. --David Pitt

    "If you're the parent of someone under 20 and read only one non-fiction book this fall, make it this one. Bauerlein's simple but jarring thesis is that technology and the digital culture it has created are not broadening the horizon of the younger generation; they are narrowing it to a self-absorbed social universe that blocks out virtually everything else."
    -Don Campbell, USA Today

    "An urgent and pragmatic book on the very dark topic of the virtual end of reading among the young."
    -Harold Bloom

    "Never have American students had it so easy, and never have they achieved less. . . . Mr. Bauerlein delivers this bad news in a surprisingly brisk and engaging fashion, blowing holes in a lot of conventional educational wisdom."
    -Charles McGrath, The New York Times

    "It wouldn't be going too far to call this book the Why Johnny Can't Read for the digital age."

    "Throughout The Dumbest Generation, there are . . . keen insights into how the new digital world really is changing the way young people engage with information and the obstacles they face in integrating any of it meaningfully. These are insights that educators, parents, and other adults ignore at their peril."
    -Lee Drutman, Los Angeles Times --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

  109. Alicia Banks pasted:
    "Nevertheless, the federal budget will be awash in red ink for years to come. Even with the savings, budget deficits will total nearly $3.5 trillion over the next decade – more if Bush-era tax cuts scheduled to expire at the end of 2012 are extended."


    The Bush tax cuts INCREASED tax revenues.

    Cutting taxes in an overtaxed environment leads to increased economic output and thus higher overall revenues.

    It's called the Laffer curveeffect:

  110. all the hobama/bush tax cuts do is allow the rich to become richer at the expense of the poor...

    see more links

  111. alicia banks said...
    all the hobama/bush tax cuts do is allow the rich to become richer at the expense of the poor...


    The Bush tax cuts made the tax code MORE progressive:

  112. hobama has made the rich even richer than gwb did

    and he will continue to do so as broke morons like the vdlr cheer him on

    WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 — Families earning more than $1 million a year saw their federal tax rates drop more sharply than any group in the country as a result of President Bush’s tax cuts, according to a new Congressional study.

    Skip to next paragraph The study, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, also shows that tax rates for middle-income earners edged up in 2004, the most recent year for which data was available, while rates for people at the very top continued to decline.

    Based on an exhaustive analysis of tax records and census data, the study reinforced the sense that while Mr. Bush’s tax cuts reduced rates for people at every income level, they offered the biggest benefits by far to people at the very top — especially the top 1 percent of income earners.

    Though tax cuts for the rich were

  113. The "rich" in America pay a higher share of taxes than in ANY OTHER DEVELOPED COUNTRY:

  114. With that shameless bit of JFK mimicry, Obama proceeded to the business at hand: his gift list for corporate America. There was no corresponding tally of corporate obligations, just pure tribute to the victors in the class war: lower corporate tax rates; removal of federal regulations that act as irritating speed bumps on the highway to ever increasing profits; more “free trade”/jobs export agreements; increased government spending for research and development that will ultimately be exploited for corporate gain, and “a bigger, permanent tax credit” for R&D that corporations undertake on their own; a new, 100 percent credit for capital investments, to coax out some of the $2 trillion cash that corporations are withholding from productive investment in the economy. All gain, no pain.

  115. BetterMan2:47 PM

    Am I crazy or did My post asking Mold to stop spamming the board just get deleted? Yet all of his as the vulgar anon and the repeated pasting and postings and AB stalking are still here?

  116. Corps are NOT people
    But they do own hobama

    ONLY corps will pay less taxes under hobama

    ALL the rest of us will pay more

    The richest will pay least as always

    Watch. See.

    When President Obama defended his tax cut compromise with the Republican Party, he insisted that he was helping working people avoid taking a pay cut. "I'm focused on making sure that tens of millions of hardworking Americans are not seeing their paychecks shrink on Jan. 1, just because the folks here in Washington are busy trying to score political points," Obama said.

    But as tax experts look at the proposal more closely, it has become clear that the working poor will actually end up losing money under the new arrangement.

    "Single working people with earnings below $20,000 and married couples with earnings below $40,000 are worse off under the payroll tax cut proposals in the compromise between the president and the Republicans," explains Bob Williams, a senior fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Tax Policy Center.

    Here's why: The Obama proposal substitutes a Social Security payroll tax cut for the Making Work Pay credit, which was targeted to do the most good for low-income families. Under current rules, the working poor receive $400 when they earn at least $6,452 a year through the Making Work Pay credit. Married couples with earnings above $12,900 get $800 under the program.

    The compromise cuts the Social Security payroll tax from 6.2% to 4.2%, so a couple wold have to earn $40,000 to get the same $800 tax benefit. Every working-class couple earning less than that will get less than $800, meaning they lose money under the Obama proposal.

    The rich, however, do really well. A worker earning $106,800, the maximum amount of income subject to Social Security tax, stands to save $2,136 in payroll taxes. A married couple with both spouses making over $100,000 will actually save $4,272.

    Obama had been saying for months that he wanted to increase the tax burden on the wealthy while keeping it the same for the middle class. But the new plan actually increases the tax burden on the lowest-income working families. "If you are worried about who needs

  117. better man:

    such selective deletions are routine herein

    are the fake molded/vdlr the real webmasters???????

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. i save what i post
    and repost

    i suggest u do the same

    we must beat evil cheaters at their own incessant dirty rigged games herein

  120. Remember Cap & Trade? Obama promised to use it to make energy costs “skyrocket” — with predictable effects on the entire economy. From before his catastrophic election:

    “…under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket … even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas … you name it … whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations.

    “That will cost money … they will pass that money on to the consumers. You can already see what the arguments are going to be during the general election. People will say Obama and Al Gore … these folks … they’re going to destroy the economy.”

    Yes, that is what any reasonable person would say. Unfortunately reasonable people are in short supply these days, or this socialist saboteur would not have been elected president. Even so, Cap & Trade was so obviously a deliberately orchestrated disaster that it could not pass through the Democrat-controlled Senate.

    The unfolding disaster is of such a scale that even the Washington Post has noticed it:

    "Over the next 18 months, the Environmental Protection Agency will finalize a flurry of new rules to curb pollution from coal-fired power plants. Mercury, smog, ozone, greenhouse gases, water intake, coal ash — it’s all getting regulated. And, not surprisingly, some lawmakers are grumbling.

    Industry groups such the Edison Electric Institute, which represents investor-owned utilities, and the American Legislative Exchange Council have dubbed the coming rules “EPA’s Regulatory Train Wreck.” The regulations, they say, will cost utilities up to $129 billion and force them to retire one-fifth of coal capacity. Given that coal provides 45 percent of the country’s power, that means higher electric bills, more blackouts and fewer jobs."

    This while unemployment remains in the stratosphere, inflation climbs, and the economy staggers toward collapse under the crushing weight of a monstrously bloated government that arrogantly disregards the public’s will and interests.

  121. comm for hobama:

    we are not vacationing!!!

    According to's latest Financial Security Index, taken Aug. 4 through Aug. 7, during a hellish week when the U.S. credit rating fell and stock markets swung wildly, consumers' feelings about their savings, net worth, job security and overall financial security reached a new level of despair for 2011, with the index hitting a low of 92.3, down from 95.6 the month before. On the scale, 100 signifies that consumers feel the same level of financial security as they did 12 months earlier.

    Some 47% of those polled said they are less comfortable with their current savings, compared to a year ago. Then too, 35% said their overall financial situation is worse than this time last year, while only 19% said they are doing better.

    Americans are more skittish about their jobs, with one third of those between 30 and 64 years old feeling less secure in their jobs than they did at this time last year, according to the Index.

    They aren't saving as much either. Nearly 30% said they are saving less for retirement than they were a year ago, while only 15% said they are saving more.

    The fear is even greater for those in the 50-and-over club. More than half of them said they're less comfortable with the amount of savings they have today, compared to 12 months ago. According to, 41% of seniors said their overall financial situation is worse now than this time last year.

    "Clearly, consumers' sense of financial security has been shaken in recent weeks," says Greg McBride, senior financial analyst with "That fear can further jeopardize the health of the economy, if people choose to shy away from big-ticket and discretionary purchases."

    See full article from DailyFinance:

  122. BetterMan3:01 PM

    such selective deletions are routine herein

    are the fake molded/vdlr the real webmasters???????

    Sure has made me stop and think real hard, I could see if I said something offensive, then again maybe saying Mold/Vulgar Anon's only skill is not knowing how to spell offended someone. Well in either case if it was Mold/Vulgar Anon, at least they stopped spamming and stalking you for a minute focusing on and deleting my post oh and for the record...... not only do they not know how to spell, they make no sense and are out of their mind batshit fucking crazy, so stick that where the sun don't shine or as others say in your damned diaper.

  123. BetterMan3:06 PM

    We don't know what the cost of Obamas eternal campaign is to us taxpayers but we do have some idea on Michelles vacation time, do they think they are the royal couple and we are not a republic?
    The way they spend our money and Obama shreds the laws of this nation, I think so.

    Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10m in public money on her vacations

    Read more:

  124. did shit finally hit the fan??

  125. better man:

    the vdlr and molded are glaringly illiterate.

    they need all of the faceless help they can get herein to save their ghostly faces...

    memo to hobama:

    check ann c's comm asap!

    Ann Coulter called for someone to put out an ad to find President Obama's "cocaine dealer" during an appearance on Sunday's "Fox and Friends."

    Coulter's comment came as she was opining that the media have given Republican presidential candidates a harder time than Obama ever got when he ran in the 2008 election. She noted that someone has already taken an ad out asking, "have you had sex with Rick Perry?"

    "Can we get the ad to find, you know, Obama's cocaine dealer now that he's two years into his presidency?" Coulter asked, causing one of the "Fox and Friends" hosts to snort with laughter.

    Obama, of course, famously admitted to using "a little blow" during his youth in his first memoir, "Dreams From My Father." The relative lack of controversy surrounding that and other drug revelations was taken as a sign that drug use had lost some of its potency as a campaign issue.

  126. BetterMan3:17 PM

    Real Democratic Patriotism:
    Apparantly 77% of democrats voted that our military does not have the right to defend themselves and shoot back when the Taliban is trying to kill them.

    Florida Republican Congressman John Mica offered the following morally clear Amendment (5/25/2011-H.AMDT.318 (A018) Amends H.R.1540):

    Amendment requires that the rules of engagement [ROE] allow any military service personnel assigned to duty in a designated hostile fire area to have rules of engagement that fully protect their right to proactively defend themselves from hostile actions.

    The results? (tallied here):

    143 out of 185 Democrats present — 77% — voted against this amendment; 217 out of 235 Republicans present — 92% — voted for it.

  127. Pot Calling The Kettle Black3:30 PM

    Hell, AB is the worst spammer on this blog.

  128. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Sadly, it looks like no matter how hard you Negroes work or how successful you become, (You can't get more successful than the president of these divided states) you will still be looked upon by the wingnut as someone who "dependency worked so well" for.

    I swear, you just can't win with the wingnut.

    Actually Field as any good party hack democrat does you flipped the script on this one. Everything about Obama's records screams AA pass, no effort, no accomplishment. He even voted present 193 times as a Senator, talk about a do nothing accomplish little and get rewarded much for nothing. Conservatives do embrace any person of any skin color who tries their best, only problem is if a Black person tries hard and succeeds, you turn on them and call them some sort of sellout Tom as if it is mandatory to align with pushing others into accepting they have limitations that may not be real and that they will never be able to do for themselves what the people and the government can. Ain't that a kick in the ass for statism, imagine preaching to people they are incompetent and that the only way to improve is to align with those whose policies have pushed more and more failure as they are totally dependant on the rest of the country. Imagine pushing this so hard that you have to jump to the attack and attempt to destroy these "toms" for they are dangerous, wouldn't want anyone else to see that regardless of your skin color you can make it in the US and the only person holding you back is you, if you listen to those preaching hate and that you are not capable.

    Well to them I say, you may not be capable, but I am. See you on the other side.

  129. better man:

    many of my best posts have been deleted today

    as always herein


  130. better man:

    illiterate trifling rainbow nigs like molded/the vdlr never fight/debate fairly...

    they can NEVER afford to...
    until they learn to read and research like they lie and hate.


  131. AB Skanks4:04 PM

    Why don't you & Betterman get a room, AB? Maybe he can lay some pipe to you, and change your perverted homo ways.

    I swear, anyone stupid enough to say anything nice to AB, she acts like they're her new best buddy.

    It's like feeding a stray dog.

  132. AB overload4:05 PM

    alicia banks said...
    many of my best posts have been deleted today


  133. GrannyStandingforTruth4:08 PM

    Wow! Now, that you've gotten all of your little petty inusults and venom off your chest I hope you feel better. Seriously, really I do!

    Naw, what is evident is that throughout history whenever the economy is bad, blacks have always suffered the most. Why? Because of the income gap that has been in place since reconstruction, the new deal, the great depression and all of the carefully constructed inequality laws in America. President Obama wasn't the cause of any of that seeing how most of it was in place before he was even born or was elected to office. Yet, you want to blame him for it and claim that he is the cause of all the poverty that exist in America. There were 43 Presidents before him. Did any of them try to close the income gap?

    President Obama did not come up with the "Welfare Queen Myth" or the transferring of wealth to the rich. Sorry, but that was the same GOP party that wants to make the middleclass and poor pay more taxes while the rich receive more tax relief so they won't have to pay any. Although, if the truth be told many of them weren't paying any in the first place. How do I know? I used to work for I.R.S. and you would be surprise at how many tricks they learned on how to avoid paying taxes. President Obama did not send any jobs overseas or make up any of the laws that created inequality in income in this country. President Obama is not the one laying off people on their jobs or blocking unemployment benefits for those who have been laid off or refusing to hire folks while sitting on trillions of dollars. Nor has he blocked any job-creating programs that have been introduced in the REPUBLICAN House of Representatives. It wasn't President Obama who gave free rein to creditors to fleece Americans either, it was the GOP party and some in the Dem party too.

    Travis and West are trying to do something good for the black community? LOL! Okay, well, how many poor black people got hired on their poverty tour?

    Smiley was a tool in bringing poverty to the black community in the form of subprime loans. In case you overlooked it, Smiley has a lot of connections with different businesses. West, well, to be honest I never really paid him much attention because he reminded me of a fresh out of prison con trying to impress people with big words learned while incarcerated. Nevertheless, if both of them want to help so much, then why didn't they persuade their sponsors to hire poor black people. Instead of going on a tour to TALK about poverty, a poverty tour that produced jobs in the black community would have impressed me far better. In fact, they should have had job recruiters with them on their poverty tour with a signed pledge from those businesses that they would hire some of those people attending the poverty tour. Talking about it does not end poverty, but taking action does.

    When both of them produce some jobs and make a dent in the poverty in the black community, I'll be the first one to toot the horn and cheerlead for them.

  134. BetterMan4:09 PM

    alicia banks said...
    better man:

    illiterate trifling rainbow nigs like molded/the vdlr never fight/debate fairly...

    they can NEVER afford to...
    until they learn to read and research like they lie and hate.


    AB I hear you. I used to wonder if he really believed his own stuff as he contradicts himself on his own in the same paragraph, then I saw he's just insane. He copies and pastes and clearly doesn't understand what he is qouting. It's that simple. For whatever reason like you said they hate something, some picture of something and for whatever warped reaon love spreading lies and hate. Ever see Mold say anything positive? Anything constuctive? Anything that faces a real problem and looks for a solution, nah. that's self loathing, it's all someone elses' fault.

  135. GrannyStandingforTruth4:12 PM

    Oops and my comment was to Anonymous 12:53.

  136. better man:

    see that vulgar XXX dl troll the vdlr at 1604

    her explicit sexual thoughts about me are constant!!!

    she is ALWAYS obsessed with sex as she is as glaringly sex starved and lickless as she is hobama fact starved and brainless


  137. Forsoothskin4:19 PM

    alicia banks said..."her explicit sexual thoughts about me are constant!!!"

    That's cause you are so choco-liscious, my juicy brown butterball.

    Let me plow your field, alicia!

  138. Anonymous4:24 PM

    gosh eye came to make a comment here but see all these random ab posts eye wonder who she was talking to? looks like shese officially lost her natural sheboon mind!

    hey toots for someone who claims to have a 250 iq and be almost 50 years old dont u think u come off a lil unbalanced in these comments? eye mean u constantly engage anonymous commentators and constantly make up sockpuppets to stroke ur fragile ego

    sweetie pie u need help! get off the computer and take those meds sweetie pie take those meds!

  139. Anonymous4:25 PM

    AB Skanks said...

    Why don't you & Betterman get a room, AB? Maybe he can lay some pipe to you, and change your perverted homo ways.

    I swear, anyone stupid enough to say anything nice to AB, she acts like they're her new best buddy.

    It's like feeding a stray dog.

    4:04 PM anon wit sense

    doesnt look like anybody is sexually attracted to ur cast iron crater faced ass more or less they ridicule any semblance of ur sexuality as if some disgusting filthy beast like urself has the nerve to think they can get laid? preposterous!

  140. GrannyStandingforTruth4:28 PM


  141. Anonymous4:28 PM

    alicia banks said...
    better man:

    see that vulgar XXX dl troll the vdlr at 1604

    her explicit sexual thoughts about me are constant!!!

    she is ALWAYS obsessed with sex as she is as glaringly sex starved and lickless as she is hobama fact starved and brainless


    I think you have a point, he/she wants you otherwise why is this all they talk about? Then again it could be just their ghetto intellect all he/she knows is sex, never went to school and stayed in someone's house all day and bred like rabbits. Now it's all the worlds fault they can't be rich.

  142. NotSure4:36 PM

    Presidents before him. Did any of them try to close the income gap?

    Si senorita to not only blacks here in good ole US but all across the world feeding them paying for disease prevention water crops education nothing seems to work they always need more its like throwin money down a black hole the gaps will never be eliminated by someone else, you cant do for people what they wont do for themselves and then sit down blamin while waitin for the next round

    Water your crops with's good..

    President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

  143. blacked out black agendaless blackened fool vdlr:

    hobama has bigger black mongrels to fret over!!!

    get your comm degree/life asap!!!

    Why does the Congressional Black Caucus, forty of the most senior members of the House of Representatives, pretend that touring the country with a phony, embarrassing “job fair” is a substitute for the massive jobs and poverty-reduction programs they should have fought for during the four years they held an overwhelming majority in the Congress, two of them with a black Democrat in the White House? What kind of Colt 45 bottle has the CBC and the black political class crawled into? And is there a way out?

    Obama, however, isn't your great-grandma's Herbert Hoover. He's slicker, new and improved. Hoover was, after all, a white Republican, and faced noisy, persistent and often unlawful opposition in the streets, like the hunger marches of 1930, 31 and 32, along with organized groups that reversed evictions. Thousands were beaten and jailed, some killed, tens of thousands risked arrest, and hundreds of thousands more peacefully protested Hoover's policies in that first Great Depression. But Barack Obama's party affiliation and black face earn him an automatic pass from the corporate sponsored black political class, who would vigorously protest the same policies pursued by a white Republican. Blacks who demand action from the First Black President on record black joblessness and child poverty can be branded ungrateful Uncle Toms. The antiwar movement, which put millions in the street to protest Bush's wars has virtually silenced itself to free the hands of the new Herbert Hoover.

    Faced with a black Herbert Hoover, what can the Congressional Black Caucus do? Their whole careers are tied into the hopelessly corrupt Democratic party, the machinery that uses rich people's money and poor peoples' votes to elect corporate-friendly candidates. Like the rest of the black political class, they supported Obama absolutely while silencing any who would make substantive demands on him, thus rendering themselves and their constituencies irrelevant. The CBC enabled Barack Obama to ignore mushrooming black poverty and soaring black unemployment.

    Maxine knows this is BS. What keeps her and the rest of the Congressional Black Caucus from doing their jobs isn't somebody else's blind love for the president. It's the very nature of the Colt 45 bottle the CBC and the rest of the black political class have crawled into. The black masses never told their so-called leaders to shut down, to shut up or to shut them up. The leaders thought that one up themselves. If the CBC had held Bush and Obama accountable the last several years, they'd be bringing back actual jobs to their communities, not long lines for resume-writing workshops and empty promises.

    No mater what the First Black President does between now and November 2012, the CBC will support his re-election, even if he does absolutely nothing on jobs, foreclosures and growing black poverty. He knows it. They know it. He knows they know it. Which is a great reason for the black Herbert Hoover to do for the CBC and its constituents pretty much what he has up till now. Nothing.

    The Congressional Black Caucus is in a terrible bind. What do you do at the beginning of a new Great Depression, when congressional Republicans are the evil crackers they've always been and your First Black President, a Democrat, is Herbert Hoover?

  144. GrannyStandingforTruth4:47 PM

  145. lifeless hopeless unchanged vdlr:

    hobama hates u dumb doomed mongrels!!!

    u uneducated fertile fools have no future in the ENTIRE world!!!

    u r a global loser!!!!


    A new report issued by Harvard University’s Program on Education Policy and Governance claims that American students, specifically African Americans and Latinos are not being adequately prepared to compete in the global market due to poor reading and math skills.
    According to the reports, only 11% of African Americans and 15% of Hispanics are proficient in math and only 13% of African Americans and 4% of Hispanics are proficient in reading. For the country as a whole, only 32% are proficient in math and only 31% of proficient in reading.

    BET reports:

    “Given the disparate performance among students from various cultural backgrounds, it may be worth inquiring as to whether differences between the United States and other countries are attributable to the substantial minority population within the U.S.,” the study says.

    The study shows that investing in our children’s future could not only help to make them smarter, but could possibly make the country more money as well. Hopefully, studies like these will help to make education a top priority again for everyone.

  146. Forsoothskin5:04 PM

    "Hopefully, studies like these will help to make education a top priority again for everyone."

    It is for me.

    Now, let's get it on!

  147. pavlov's pookie monkeyshining vdlr:


    pasting the same lies and scum over and over again

    just makes u look more like a scummy liar

    you are a loopy looping letcherous loon!!!

  148. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I think you have a point, he/she wants you otherwise why is this all they talk about? Then again it could be just their ghetto intellect all he/she knows is sex, never went to school and stayed in someone's house all day and bred like rabbits. Now it's all the worlds fault they can't be rich. anon kuntlick bank sockpuppet

    sure sweetie keep telling urself that lie to stroke ur sockpuppet kuntlick banks ego

    there is nothing remotely sexual about that sheboon beast other then her constant reminders of her karpetmunching ergo she is a kuntlicker plain and simple she does not possess any quality or trait tht makes her sexually appealing in the least and what makes her especially revolting is the constant LIES

    like this hows that 250 iq treating u sweetie?

    solved any of the worlds problems?

    fount a cure for diseases?

    OK so then it IS just your ghetto intellect.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. Forsoothskin5:15 PM

    alicia banks said..."i have no children"

    I offer you my seed, fertile she-woman.

  151. Michelle O makes Marie Antoinette look good:

    The Obamas' summer break on Martha's Vineyard has already been branded a PR disaster after the couple arrived four hours apart on separate government jets.
    But according to new reports, this is the least of their extravagances.
    White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers' money on vacations alone in the past year.

    Read more:

  152. d:


    see michelle as marie here:

  153. the rabidly elitist barack and michelle make gwb and laura

    look like mlk and coretta/betty & malcolm


  154. Brave New World5:24 PM

    Under liberal soft tyranny, government’s main duty, after growing ever larger, is to expropriate wealth from some and give it to others. The purpose of this is mainly to exert power over us, but also to reshape our culture to conform to the progressive conception of a better society. The society entitlements are shaping resembles a cross between hell and a whorehouse:

    "A woman encouraged her husband to have sex with a 12-year-old girl so that she would get pregnant and they could claim extra cash benefits.

    Alicia Bouchard even sat and watched while her 26-year-old husband had sex with the underage girl at their Florida home. …

    The arrest report does not reveal how the 12-year-old girl came to live with the married couple, but [she] is believed to be a family friend."

    Looks like the Bouchards have successfully resisted the Christofascist oppression of the Religious Right. We’re developing a new morality: that which causes Big Government to give you someone else’s money is good

  155. eliot ness5:31 PM

    Another black honor student:

    Suspect Arrested In Rape At South Shore Train Station

    August 24, 2011

    CHICAGO (CBS) – There has been a break in the case of an alleged rape of a 68-year-old woman at a Gary train station earlier this month.

    Transit police announced this afternoon they have charged 16-year old Aarion Mosley of Gary as an adult with rape and robbery.

    Police say Mosley rode up on a bike, sat down next to the victim, pulled out a gun and assaulted her.

    Officers picked up Mosley for questioning Monday at Lew Wallace High School where he was starting his sophomore year.

    The woman was sitting on a bench at the station, at U.S. Route 12 and Lake Street, eating a sandwich and seeking shelter from a rainstorm.

    The assailant approached the woman, chatted with her, then pulled out a gun as he forced her onto the floor, police said.

  156. lickless deddyless godless vdlr:

    hobama is not your baby deddy/mlk/tupac etc!!!!

    tupac and mlk would hate hobama even MORE than u hate college grads, ebt fraud investigators, and failed pregnancy tests!!!...

    The truly decisive move that broke the arc of history was his handling of the stimulus. The public was desperate for a leader who would speak with confidence, and they were ready to follow wherever the president led. Yet instead of indicting the economic policies and principles that had just eliminated eight million jobs, in the most damaging of the tic-like gestures of compromise that have become the hallmark of his presidency — and against the advice of multiple Nobel-Prize-winning economists — he backed away from his advisers who proposed a big stimulus, and then diluted it with tax cuts that had already been shown to be inert. The result, as predicted in advance, was a half-stimulus that half-stimulated the economy. That, in turn, led the White House to feel rightly unappreciated for having saved the country from another Great Depression but in the unenviable position of having to argue a counterfactual — that something terrible might have happened had it not half-acted.

    Like most Americans, at this point, I have no idea what Barack Obama — and by extension the party he leads — believes on virtually any issue. The president tells us he prefers a “balanced” approach to deficit reduction, one that weds “revenue enhancements” (a weak way of describing popular taxes on the rich and big corporations that are evading them) with “entitlement cuts” (an equally poor choice of words that implies that people who’ve worked their whole lives are looking for handouts). But the law he just signed includes only the cuts. This pattern of presenting inconsistent positions with no apparent recognition of their incoherence is another hallmark of this president’s storytelling. He announces in a speech on energy and climate change that we need to expand offshore oil drilling and coal production — two methods of obtaining fuels that contribute to the extreme weather Americans are now seeing. He supports a health care law that will use Medicaid to insure about 15 million more Americans and then endorses a budget plan that, through cuts to state budgets, will most likely decimate Medicaid and other essential programs for children, senior citizens and people who are vulnerable by virtue of disabilities or an economy that is getting weaker by the day. He gives a major speech on immigration reform after deporting more than 700,000 immigrants in two years, a pace faster than nearly any other period in American history.

    But the arc of history does not bend toward justice through capitulation cast as compromise. It does not bend when 400 people control more of the wealth than 150 million of their fellow Americans. It does not bend when the average middle-class family has seen its income stagnate over the last 30 years while the richest 1 percent has seen its income rise astronomically. It does not bend when we cut the fixed incomes of our parents and grandparents so hedge fund managers can keep their 15 percent tax rates. It does not bend when only one side in negotiations between workers and their bosses is allowed representation. And it does not bend when, as political scientists have shown, it is not public opinion but the opinions of the wealthy that predict the votes of the Senate. The arc of history can bend only so far before it breaks.

  157. not norml5:38 PM

    brave new world said:

    Under liberal soft tyranny, government’s main duty, after growing ever larger, is to expropriate wealth from some and give it to others. The purpose of this is mainly to exert power over us, but also to reshape our culture to conform to the progressive conception of a better society.

    Hmmm, exactly the sentiment bombarding us when people talk about drug legalization.

    Imagine the government and what it could do if it had the power of addictive drugs available to expropriate wealth from some and give it to others?

    How much tax revenue would flow to Washington if the government established partnerships with drug companies like it has with tobacco companies?

  158. nn:


    the us govt controls illegal drugs globally

    like the opium in afghanistan


    after hobamacare
    they will control legal drugs too

    ask a canadian prescrip shopper

    we are all doomed via hobama and his co-conspiratorial nazis!


  159. dumb hobama nazi drone vdlr:

    "smart" in any fashion/sound/arena/form/shape etc

    is as foreign to dumb bitches like you as buying milk and eggs with cash rather than a WIC card...


  160. Please get a job5:47 PM

    Fields Blog or Alicia's blog?

  161. please get an eye exam:

    it is the vdlr's and molded's blog

    that is why they get to delete posts

    pay attn...k?

  162. more on the usa and its fake drug wars

    ron paul 2012!!!

  163. Still don't have a job?5:58 PM

    You have completely destroyed this feed today. Please get a job.

  164. No job?5:59 PM

    And Ron Paul can suck a dick. Preferably yours.

  165. i live to totally destroy hoodrat turbo breeders and hobama nazis...

    thanks for the confirmation!!!

    peace out

  166. Please get a job said...
    Fields Blog or Alicia's blog?

    Looks more like YOUR blog, psycho multiple posting lunatic!

  167. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Tom Coburn is proof that wite folk are not superior...and the sooner we end their easy street programs to give nice stuff to people like him...the better. get the impression that Coburn actually beleeverates the st reagan lie of Welfare Queen. Like they say, what do you call a bigot with a D in med school...Doctor. I would also mention his 'specialty'...which is of significance because of when he graduated and why he 'chose' that particular line. Of course, this assumes that one is conversant with medicine to obtain the answer.


  168. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    While the wite dude argues with himself...I propose a sojourn to Suburban Guerrilla...specifically as it addresses the US race to feudalism.

    While Koch-suckers see this as a good thing...I would remind you that the Middle Ages you so desire...are when Islam ruled, the Chinese had culture, and the Indians made better stuff. Go ahead, look it up...but I wonder if David Barton has made room in witeJebushistoree for those pesky Facts.

    When a slave in Islam has it better than a 'free wite man' in the Galt's Gulch of the time...maybe your goals are stoopid, eh?


  169. Anonymous6:48 PM

    'Conservatives trot out some quick, farcical, but evocative phrase like "Texas miracle", toss that out there, and enjoy watching liberals start arguing it, complete with heavy details and nuance that cause everyone who isn't already a detail-oriented liberal to tune out. They try to drag you down the rabbit hole, too---if you successfully argue something simple as a rebuttal, they have a bunch of other lies to throw out to get you back to the bad habit of 'splaining shit. Treviño tried to bait me repeatedly like this, trying to toss out half-truths and falsehoods in order to get me to argue them down.'
    Amanda Marcotte


  170. elena7:25 PM

    Amanda Marcotte is a vile moron.

  171. BetterMan

    "Real Democratic Patriotism:
    Apparantly 77% of democrats voted that our military does not have the right to defend themselves and shoot back when the Taliban is trying to kill them."

    This is some real dumb shit and only an ignorant goober who probably never served himself would try to pass this off as believable.

    Hey BetterMan, who the fuck has been killing off the Taliban for the last 10 years if it wasn't the American military?

  172. Anonymous7:28 PM

    ya mildew using that pandagon site shows her stupidity

  173. Eductated urbanite veteran7:29 PM

    uptownsteve said..."This is some real dumb shit and only an ignorant goober who probably never served himself would try to pass this off as believable."

    I believe it.

  174. Anonymous7:41 PM

    199 reasons why kimdaqueef will NEVER be a doctor

  175. Like I said, only dumbass goobers who never served lap this bullsquat up.

    You mind answering my question?

    Whose been killing the Taliban off the last 10 years?

    The Tea Party?

  176. Smart urbanite veteran7:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    You mind answering my question?

    Whose been killing the Taliban off the last 10 years?

    The Tea Party?

    Pretty much yes, when it comes to fighting and dying, it is the rural white Christian conservative demographic - aka the Tea Party - that has been doing the job.

  177. Puh-leeze.

    The closest those goobers have come to war are video games.

    Every week in the Washington Post the pictures of American soldiers who died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are posted and it's disproportionately black and hispanic faces.

  178. BetterMan7:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Real Democratic Patriotism:
    Apparantly 77% of democrats voted that our military does not have the right to defend themselves and shoot back when the Taliban is trying to kill them."

    This is some real dumb shit and only an ignorant goober who probably never served himself would try to pass this off as believable.

    Hey BetterMan, who the fuck has been killing off the Taliban for the last 10 years if it wasn't the American military?

    7:25 PM

    Well you are angry but you still are a racist piece of shit coon. What is your point oh low IQ one? I posted a fact, this happened? Why don't you beleive reality, you can't be that stupid a racist can you...nah don't answer that dumbfuck. We already know better.
    Where the hell did you serve? In a bathtub? I can't imagine a more stupid racist than you. Does reality suck for you that much that you have to deny facts when they hit you right between the eyes?

    Here is a link to the bill , who and how they voted

    So then WHO has the taliban been killing the past ten years you anti american racist? What don't you believe that rules of engagement that are ridiculous were put into place? Are you seriously that much of a bathtub warrior that you don't even know what is happening to our troops? Or that democrats overwhelmingly defeated a bill that would allow unfettered defense without these ridiculous democrap enforced rules of engagement.

    How the fuck do you survive in life so readily shooting your mouth off when you can plainly see you are just a dumb racist coon.

    Here are links regarding the rules of engagement causing soldiers to die,8599,2001936,00.html

    If a man emerges from a Taliban hideout after shooting erupts, U.S. troops say they cannot fire at him if he is not seen carrying a weapon - or if they did not personally watch him drop one.

    What this means, some contend, is that a militant can fire at them, then set aside his weapon and walk freely out of a compound, possibly toward a weapons cache in another location. It was unclear how often this has happened. In another example, Marines pinned down by a barrage of insurgent bullets say they can't count on quick air support because it takes time to positively identify shooters.

    "This is difficult," Lance Cpl. Michael Andrejczuk, 20, of Knoxville, Tenn., said Monday. "We are trained like when we see something, we obliterate it. But here, we have to see them and when we do, they don't have guns."

    Afghan forces cite examples of the restrictions too.

    Col. Shrin Shah Kohbandi, commander of the new Afghan army corps in Helmand province, told reporters that his troops saw militants running away from the battlefield toward a village in Nad Ali district where they disappeared among villagers. "They hid their weapons so they became 'civilians,"' under the rules, he said. "We didn't kill them and we weren't able to arrest them."

    Khan Mohammad Khan, a former Afghan Army commander in neighbouring Kandahar province, said being able to use heavy weapons and conduct air strikes only in selective situations has hamstrung troops in Marjah.

    Now, apologize for being a loudmouth racist ill-informed dumbass; dumbass.

    You served HA with your morals on display about the only thing you served where lorna doone cookies to your wifes friends.

  179. BetterMan8:06 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    The closest those goobers have come to war are video games.

    Every week in the Washington Post the pictures of American soldiers who died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are posted and it's disproportionately black and hispanic faces.

    7:58 PM

    You truly have got to be one of the dumbest racist niggas I have seen. You don't get anything right do you? How does it feel to be so dumb and so stupid?

    here is just Iraq Casualties.
    Black 429 , Hispanic, 466 White; 3,290.

    Are you really that stupid? What did you serve in the "ahem" coast guard..tea and crumpets you dumb pussy. You really are shameful in your thinking capacity. Why do you shoot off your mouth and get racial when obviously you are just a frontin Negro who Knee Knows absolutely shit.

    Table 6. OIF Race/ Ethnicity Distribution of Deaths
    Race/Ethnicity Military Deaths % of Total Deaths
    American Indian/Alaska Native 42 1.0
    Asian 82 1.9
    Black or African American 429 9.7
    Hispanic or Latino 466 10.6
    Multiple races, pending, or unknown 48 1.1
    Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 51 1.2
    White 3,290 74.6
    Total 4,408 100

  180. Awwww looks like BetterFool is all hot and bothered again.


    "If a man emerges from a Taliban hideout after shooting erupts, U.S. troops say they cannot fire at him if he is not seen carrying a weapon - or if they did not personally watch him drop one."

    Well that's not what you originally posted, is it Goober?

    If a man emerges from a building unarmed then he is no longer a threat nor can it be proven that he was shooting.

    And if his mission was to kill Americans why would he put himself in the line of American fire with no weapon?

    You are one dumb fuck.

  181. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Granny said, " Smiley was a tool in bringing poverty to the black community in the form of subprime loans. In case you overlooked it, Smiley has a lot of connections with different businesses. West, well, to be honest I never really paid him much attention because he reminded me of a fresh out of prison con trying to impress people with big words learned while incarcerated. Nevertheless, if both of them want to help so much, then why didn't they persuade their sponsors to hire poor black people. Instead of going on a tour to TALK about poverty, a poverty tour that produced jobs in the black community would have impressed me far better. In fact, they should have had job recruiters with them on their poverty tour with a signed pledge from those businesses that they would hire some of those people attending the poverty tour. Talking about it does not end poverty, but taking action does.

    When both of them produce some jobs and make a dent in the poverty in the black community, I'll be the first one to toot the horn and cheerlead for them."

    I see you missed answering about the Obama's Wall Street sponsors. lol You avoid the truth about Obama, which makes your name a mockery. LOL

    Tavis and Cornell ARE DOING what they should be doing-- calling on the President about his lack of response to the jobless suffering of Blacks. They are trying to hold his feet to the fire. But because of Negroes like you, Obama gets away with ignoring us.

    The President has done NOTHING and still remains stubbornly silent. Obama, the first black President, has the highest unemployment rate of Blacks in the history of this nation! And, he continues to ignore us. Tavis IS doing MORE than what the President is doing.

    And you are doing what you know best on FN blog, 'covering' for Obama.

    I must say that you are doing a great job for Obama. No one has refuted you here, except me. Even AB remains silent about your trashing of the efforts of Tavis and Cornell and your sanctifying of the non-efforts of Obama.

    In any case, I doubt the nation will elect him again. The country badly needs a President who can lead; and knows how to use the power of the Presidency to get things done...for ALL the people. And that includes us.

  182. Where did you get those numbers from BetterFool?

    BTW Goober, more Coast Guardsmen die in rescue and law enforcement missions during so called peacetime than all of the other services COMBINED.

  183. Why Liberals are more intelligent than Conservatives

  184. ghetto blaster8:33 PM

    ree-tard steve says:

    Every week in the Washington Post the pictures of American soldiers who died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are posted and it's disproportionately black and hispanic faces.

    Sorry stevie. Those dead blacks and hispanics are just local murder victims -- killed in ghetto combat over drugs, money or women. You know. Important stuff.

  185. Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple.

    In other words, he's going to die soon.

    Maybe, in his honor, a black flashmob will clean out an Apple Store.

  186. BetterMan8:44 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Awwww looks like BetterFool is all hot and bothered again.


    "If a man emerges from a Taliban hideout after shooting erupts, U.S. troops say they cannot fire at him if he is not seen carrying a weapon - or if they did not personally watch him drop one."

    Well that's not what you originally posted, is it Goober?

    If a man emerges from a building unarmed then he is no longer a threat nor can it be proven that he was shooting.

    And if his mission was to kill Americans why would he put himself in the line of American fire with no weapon?

    You are one dumb fuck.

    Sigh, still only a one trick are the one who came in with your ghetto blaster on full volume. What I originally posted you dumb as a rock coon is that the democrats almost in their entirety voted against a bill that simply said soldiers could fire back when fired upon and not apply the rules of engagement currently in existance. YOU came out all nigga frontin and said this was bullshit, you know better, no way any "goober" served" blah, blah blah, now you were proven stupidly incompetant again, go hide your head in shame.

    Then you unashamedly go on to further prove you have a really and I do mean really low IQ by stating I am dumb as

    "If a man emerges from a building unarmed then he is no longer a threat nor can it be proven that he was shooting.

    And if his mission was to kill Americans why would he put himself in the line of American fire with no weapon?"

    Jesus christ man you are worse than mold. DId you not read the rules of engagement are a US soldier cannot fire on a man without a weapon even if they know he was the one who was just shooting at him? So thus now stay with me here, I know this simple reality has your jerry curl frying, taliban are shooting at our troops from buildings, then emerging without weapons and running into villages. So the troops know it was he who shot at them and killed a compatriot but they cannot shoot back if he is not holding a weapon and shooting at them.

    God no wonder why we have so many problems in this country, how can any one person be so ill informed and then so arrogantly ignorant about it, all the while doing nothing but blaming skin color.

    Now, again you should be apologizing for goin off before you ever had a glimmerin of a clue. Do so if you are man enough. What were your friends name in the coast guard? Neil and Bob or is that what you did?

  187. Anonymous8:48 PM

    This quote from Malcolm X is for GRANNY and her followers:

    ‎"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race."
    --Malcolm X

  188. Lawd this fool MUST be a masochist.

    Why do you make me treat you this way?

    You write: "DId you not read the rules of engagement are a US soldier cannot fire on a man without a weapon even if they know he was the one who was just shooting at him?"

    But previously posted: "If a man emerges from a Taliban hideout after shooting erupts, U.S. troops say they cannot fire at him if he is not seen carrying a weapon - or if they did not personally watch him drop one."

    Well how do they know that it was HIM shooting?

  189. Anonymous8:50 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Where did you get those numbers from BetterFool?

    BTW Goober, more Coast Guardsmen die in rescue and law enforcement missions during so called peacetime than all of the other services COMBINED

    And that has what to do with the price of tea in china eh nigga?

    Sounds doubtful to me, provide a link please. As for other wars the coast guard says:

    Operationa Iraqi Freedom - O coast guard casualties, they stayed home to protect the coasters on the table
    Deser Shield/Storm 0 Coast Guard Casualties
    Grenada - Sea force 0 coast guard casualties
    Korean War - O coast guard casualties
    Word War II ah....ok 574 casualties. I think we lost that many more then that just to the whorehouses in EU

    Did they ever leave the safety of the US coast? Are they bay seamen?

  190. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Better Man@8:44p, you nailed it... Outstanding! It's too bad you are talking to a down town ghetto blaster who just doesn't get it.

  191. BetterMan8:56 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Lawd this fool MUST be a masochist.

    Why do you make me treat you this way?

    You write: "DId you not read the rules of engagement are a US soldier cannot fire on a man without a weapon even if they know he was the one who was just shooting at him?"

    But previously posted: "If a man emerges from a Taliban hideout after shooting erupts, U.S. troops say they cannot fire at him if he is not seen carrying a weapon - or if they did not personally watch him drop one."

    Well how do they know that it was HIM shooting?

    They saw his fucking towel head in the window and the tower only had one person in it and he came out you dumb, dumb, dumb man.

    Steve, you are truly the dumbest fuck on here. You make Mold look smart. Read the fucking article. If you still want to think your way go ahead. God your an idiot.

    DO you disagree the democrats voted against this bill or not? that is what you started your stupidty with and called other people "white liars"

    As to your schtick, damn you havne't changed one bit you keep using the same words over and over. What did you learn what a masochist was last year and now proudly use your expanded vocabulary every chance you get wether it fits or not?

    You have been proven with facts and links to be a asshole quivering stuttering fool. Go split hairs with Mold, that is more you intellectual speed. If you can't man up when you fucked up, you aint a man.

  192. Anonymous said...
    I must say that you are doing a great job for Obama. No one has refuted you here, except me. Even AB remains silent about your trashing of the efforts of Tavis and Cornell and your sanctifying of the non-efforts of Obama.

    You may want to check the scrip on your specs, because AB and I have praised the work of both West and Smiley for YEARS on this blog!!!

    Don't be so quick to assume folks on this blog all drink Obamanade. Hell, I didn't even vote for him in 2008 but will in 2012 just to piss off all the Goobers.

  193. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Lawd this fool MUST be a masochist.

    Why do you make me treat you this way?

    You write: "DId you not read the rules of engagement are a US soldier cannot fire on a man without a weapon even if they know he was the one who was just shooting at him?"

    But previously posted: "If a man emerges from a Taliban hideout after shooting erupts, U.S. troops say they cannot fire at him if he is not seen carrying a weapon - or if they did not personally watch him drop one."

    Well how do they know that it was HIM shooting?

    8:49 PM
    Steve, you are the one who is mistreating yourself..very badly. You are empty of sense and have no knowledge of warfare. Plus, you can't read. Everything you have asked is in the article...with a little comprehension.

    And yet, you call someone else, dumb? Now, that is treating YOURSELF very badly.

  194. BetterMan9:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Where did you get those numbers from BetterFool?

    BTW Goober, more Coast Guardsmen die in rescue and law enforcement missions during so called peacetime than all of the other services COMBINED.

    Steve, where do you get your "learnin" from? Coon Quarterly? As of the past TWO years there have been a total of 15 (that is two hands one foot for your usual method of counting) casualties total in the US coast guard. 14 Aviators (which leaves you out as the short order cook you were) and one maritime safety and security officer. That is fifteen total in the last two years as of Feb 2011.

    IN fact Commandant Adm. Robert Papp said this is unprecedented. Now, knowing how you have difficulty comprehending what you have read, unprecedented means it has never happened before and is ground breaking.

    Here is the official coast guard link.

    Now again, where did you get your numbers and facts from that you were silly enough to state with yoru usual arrogance that more blacks and latinos are killed in the wars then whites and that more coast guard are killed in rescue missions during peacetime than ALL THE OTHER SERVICES COMBINED???!!

    Do you make this shit up hoping people you meet are just as stupid as those you normally hang with?

    This is the third claim you have arrogantly blasted forth that you were yet again wrong on, are you going to explain where you get this information and then feel so strongly about it you blast others? Or are you just gonna leave us knowin your a fool?

  195. Anonymous9:11 PM

    "Don't be so quick to assume folks on this blog all drink Obamanade. Hell, I didn't even vote for him in 2008 but will in 2012 just to piss off all the Goobers."

    Now which Goobers are you talking about?

  196. Lawd I get tired of spanking this fool.


    No, I don't.

    "As of the past TWO years there have been a total of 15 (that is two hands one foot for your usual method of counting) casualties total in the US coast guard. 14 Aviators (which leaves you out as the short order cook you were) and one maritime safety and security officer. That is fifteen total in the last two years as of Feb 2011."

    In a service of 36,000 (smaller than the NYPD) 15 is a lot.

    And the point was during PEACETIME the CG is performing dangerous lifesaving and law enforcement missions on a daily basis.

    OH and BTW Goober, you still haven't answered my questions.

    Not that I expect you to.


    One more question.

    Did you ever serve this nation in uniform?

  197. GrannyStandingforTruth9:49 PM

    Anonymous, let me return the favor:

    So while Tavis Smiley and Cornel West have the right idea in terms of the need to confront power, it’s their motives and the hypocrisy of their agenda that I have a problem with. They’re clearly being self-serving and purposely divisive, which plays right into the hands of those who continue to subjugate us.

    Keeping the people divided is the coin of the corporatist realm, and I seriously suspect that Tavis is working in concert with the corporations that he continues to shill for – Wal-Mart, Exxon, Nationwide, Wells Fargo, etc. As for West, if he was even close to as intelligent as the corporate media would have us believe, he’d surely recognize the relevance of the Abraham Lincoln maxim that “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” So West is either working in collusion with Tavis’ turncoat agenda, or he’s incredibly stupid for failing to recognize that social manipulators have been keeping the people under thumb with the tactic of social division for centuries – if not eons.

    The fact is, the people need to take a lesson from the Tea Party. We need to strictly control those we allow in office, and make them immediately accountable for their behavior. The government is SUPPOSED to be us, but we’ve shirked our responsibility. We’ve allowed ourselves to become more interested in Kobe’s jump shot than we are the education of our children, the future well being of our families, and even the survival of the nation as a whole. We’ve also allowed corporate instigators to create so much animosity among the people that we’ve become more interested in hating one another than we are in coming together to protect our common interests.

    ~~Eric Wattree~~

  198. Anonymous9:53 PM

    yes i did serve the country in Vietnam, the Gulf War, Korea and Afghanistan.

    anymore questions mr coastguard?

  199. GrannyStandingforTruth9:55 PM


    We do need to get Obama’s attention, however, that’s a given. But our approach should be through educating the people, not by antagonizing half of the population against the other. That’s counterproductive, and it’s also counterrevolutionary – and believe me, the turmoil that’s taking place here in the United States, in the Middle East, and now in the United Kingdom, clearly attests to the fact that we’re in the midst of a global, class revolution.

    Tavis and West are advocating that the people live in a fantasy. The problem with that is, when you live in a fantasy, you’re forced to view reality as a myth. They’re engaging in the very same kind of hysterically flawed, self-serving, and demagogic behavior that Ralph Nader did during the 2000 election, which led to the misery of the Bush era, and ultimately, to the situation that we currently find ourselves.

    Those of us who are students of political history have seen this Tavis/West demagoguery before. They’re following directly in the footsteps of Ralph Nader, one of the worst turncoats in American history.

    Nader should have pushed his agenda during the Democratic primaries, then if his position was rejected, he should have fallen in line and supported the Democratic candidate if for no other reason than to support the public good. But instead, when his position was rejected, he took it as a personal rejection and acted like a petulant child. He ignored the greater good and purposely sabotaged the Democratic agenda – along with all of the causes that he was supposed to be so passionate about all of his life – and took his ball (and votes) and went home.

  200. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Granny, you keep dancing around the main issue, which is Obama's Wall Street backers. You continue to ignore this fact which tells me Obama can do anything to hurt Blacks and you will find so reason to justify what he does.
