Monday, August 22, 2011

It has served them well.

"For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South.” ~ Michael Steele~

I am not an educator, and I do not have a degree in history. But every now and then when I post I feel that I have to give my friends in A-merry-ca a history lesson. Why? Because some folks just never seem to learn. Or, it's just really convenient for them to forget. I was inspired to give tonight's lecture because of the following tidbit from an oped by a wingnut named Billy Hallowell writing for some website called The Blaze.

"..Then, last night, Chris Matthews made a startling association — that Rick Perry is like “Bull Connor with a smile.”

For those who don’t know, Connor was a Democrat and the Commissioner of Public Safety for the city of Birmingham, Alabama during the civil rights era. He infamously directed the use of fire hoses and attack dogs against peaceful, African American protestors — extreme brutality that was rooted in sheer racism.
This bizarre statement came after Matthews’ guest, Wayne Slater of The Dallas Morning News, reacted to Perry’s criticisms of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Slater explained that entitlements are only the beginning in the push for “states rights.” According to The Daily Caller, he said:

“The question is the attack on Perry is ‘Social Security is a Ponzi scheme,’ ‘Medicare needs to be changed or potentially abolished,’ which is not precisely what he said. Raising questions about the Voting Rights Act saying it is just a tool for gerrymandering in the South and the Civil Rights Act — the terms under which we’ve established — this has the look of someone who when he talks about states’ rights, states’ rights, states’ rights could make some voters, again — very nervous.” [Source] 

OK, let's try this again for the...oh, I don't know...millionth time.

Yes, Bull Conner and others like him were dumbocrats. In fact, most of your white southern racist during the Jim Crow era were dumbocrats. That fact is undisputed. What is also undisputed is that most (if not all)of those racist southern whites, fled the dumbocratic party in droves and became....wait for it wait for it..... REPUBLICANS! And this was done, thanks in part, to a wonderfully crafted political ploy called "The Southern Strategy." It was where white politicians exploited the racism felt towards blacks by fellow whites to vote against the political party which had now become the party of African Americans.

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."]

That was Richard Nixon's version of David Axelrod giving us a little insight into the strategy that now works so well for the "party of Lincoln."

Of course it all started before that, when Southern dumbocrats like Richard Russell and Herman Talmadge boycotted the 1964 party convention in Atlantic City. All because Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. Many of the southern delegates at that time refused to support the national ticket because of Johnson's actions. Throw in our boy, Barry Goldwater, --who joined the southern dumbocrats to filibuster the Act-- and the rest, as they say, is history.

That is your republican party today, the one that ran away from all things civil rights and never looked back. So no matter how much you hear wingnuts try to revise and revisit history, just remember who they were back then and why they switched. It's why every time ninety percent of the time you see something like this, and like this, taking place on the national landscape; it involves a republican.

“You start out in 1954 by saying, ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger,’ ” said Atwater. “By 1968, you can’t say ‘nigger’ — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things, and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.” ~ reublican strategist, Lee Atwater~

Some things never change.



  1. Queura9:47 PM

    "Some things never change."

    Promulgating the myth of Republican racism is the "Plantation Strategy".

    Keep voting democrat. How's that working out for everybody?

    You sure are one committed slavecatcher, Field.

  2. So Field, are you saying that ol' school Dems are now Repubs?

    Which is an interesting question. Have more Dems switched to the Repub party, or vice versa?

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    What a total bunch of bullshit. Is that all you have? Lies, Propoganda twisted history.

    How about, how is Obama doing today, nitwits.

    By the way you forget to mention in your bullshit that matthews is a moron and usually says insane things and had to apoligize for this bullshit. Yet you go and repeat it, like Rick Perry will call out the dogs and firehouses. Excuse me while I go puke at how weak democrats are. Are there any adult men left in that party?

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Hey field, what time each day do you get your mediamatters and thinkprogress talking points? So far you mirror them precisely for the crap fake attack of the day. .

    I love it, keep going after Perry, nothing there yet, makes him stronger the more people like you attack empty air without a reasonable excuse, another words your so transparently looking to be biased it is destroying your party.

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Hey field, what time each day do you get your mediamatters and thinkprogress talking points? So far you mirror them precisely for the crap fake attack of the day. .

    I love it, keep going after Perry, nothing there yet, makes him stronger the more people like you attack empty air without a reasonable excuse, another words your so transparently looking to be biased it is destroying your party.

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    So Field, are you saying that ol' school Dems are now Repubs?

    I've lived in the "south", in Atlanta and Dallas, and all the Republicans I knew were transplanted northerners. All the old people who were deocrats in the 60's are still democrats today.

  7. Anonymous10:16 PM

    SPIEGEL: President Barack Obama has been fiercely criticized for his handling of the economy. You were one of his biggest supporters in 2008. Are you happy with his economic policy?

    Soros: No, of course not. But the reality is that we have had 25 years of excesses building up in America — a combustible mix of too much credit and too much leverage. You need a long time to reverse that.

    SPIEGEL: Obama tried to stimulate growth with a gigantic stimulus program which increased the national debt further. Was that a mistake?

    Soros: Obama embraced the ideas of John Maynard Keynes. Basically, the analysis of Keynes is still very relevant — with one big difference between now and the 1930s. In the 1930s, governments had practically no debt and could therefore run deficits. Nowadays, all governments are heavily indebted, and that is a big change.

    SPIEGEL: If Keynes were still alive, would he adjust his theory?

    Soros: Definitely. He would say governments can still benefit from running fiscal deficits, but the new debt has to be invested in a way that will pay for itself. So the money spent would have to increase productivity.

    Field, the new memo should be coming any day. You will see more and more attacks on Obama from your massas over at mediamatters, George Porgy puddin pie just decided he wants someone else as president and threw obama way, way under the bus. So the talking points they give you direction on will change. Gaaarrr-nnnnnn-teeeeed

    SPIEGEL: President Barack Obama has been fiercely criticized for his handling of the economy. You were one of his biggest supporters in 2008. Are you happy with his economic policy?

    Soros: No, of course not. But the reality is that we have had 25 years of excesses building up in America — a combustible mix of too much credit and too much leverage. You need a long time to reverse that.

    SPIEGEL: Obama tried to stimulate growth with a gigantic stimulus program which increased the national debt further. Was that a mistake?

    Soros: Obama embraced the ideas of John Maynard Keynes. Basically, the analysis of Keynes is still very relevant — with one big difference between now and the 1930s. In the 1930s, governments had practically no debt and could therefore run deficits. Nowadays, all governments are heavily indebted, and that is a big change.

    SPIEGEL: If Keynes were still alive, would he adjust his theory?

    Soros: Definitely. He would say governments can still benefit from running fiscal deficits, but the new debt has to be invested in a way that will pay for itself. So the money spent would have to increase productivity.,1518,780189,00.html

  8. Anonymous10:19 PM a gettin'hot on the democrat plantation?field? i know it hard to expalin' away why you vote democrat 90% of the time.lawd knows what negros do if you took"d" off the ballot.negros wouldn't know who to vote for.blind followers you are.


  9. Queura11:02 PM

    After making that post, I did a lot of introspection.

    Allow me to apologize to you, Field for accusing you of being a committed slavecatcher. That was uncalled for and it won't happen again.

    This is your house and I should respect that.

  10. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Queura said...
    After making that post, I did a lot of introspection.

    Allow me to apologize to you, Field for accusing you of being a committed slavecatcher. That was uncalled for and it won't happen again.

    This is your house and I should respect that.

    You people are out of control, now you callin field A house negro?

  11. "So Field, are you saying that ol' school Dems are now Repubs?"


    Queura, never apologize for saying what is on your mind. I certainly don't.

    BTW, this is not a house. You are in the fields now.

    Hmmm, predictably, the wingnuts gnash their teeth, but none of them can refute what I just posted. Facts tend to be pesky like that. :(

  12. Queura11:17 PM

    "Queura, never apologize for saying what is on your mind. I certainly don't."

    I didn't. That was a punk ass namejacker.

    I appreciate the sentiment.

    But I stand by what I wrote. This site consistently presents one version of events, one side of the issues, one distorted view of history - all designed to reinforce ideological stereotypes and keep people in lockstep.

    Going after folks who even consider leaving the plantation is what a slavecatcher does.

  13. Anonymous11:17 PM


  14. GrannyStandingforTruth11:19 PM


    Nope, Field was correct in what he said about those Southern Democrats switching parties. The only ones trying to revise history are those who long for the good old days of Dixie and cotton. Yup! That happened and just like he said it did, so it is not a bunch of B.S. One more thing, the Koch brother's father's Birch Society existed as well, although, Field didn't mention it and they were were up to the same old racist divisive practices it had back then. They are all a bunch of hate-filled,racist, poisonous snakes! How do I know? I lived through it and I wasn't no kid.

  15. "But I stand by what I wrote. This site consistently presents one version of events, one side of the issues, one distorted view of history - all designed to reinforce ideological stereotypes and keep people in lockstep."

    It's called the world wide web. I am pretty sure that you don't need a passport to explore it.

    Just sayin.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth11:35 PM

    Yessuh! I can tell you all about those days because I lived through it!

    I noticed that there seems to be a lot of talk about Plantations. As if Plantation were some glorious vacation resort. They were not! They were nothing more than residents of horror filled with sadism, barbarism, uncivilized houses of exploitation and murder.

    Only the strong survived! However, many died on those plantations from the cruelty,brutality,and mutilation that took place meted out as punishment by those with sick depraved minds and the law of land upheld that treatment all in the name of profits.

  17. "I noticed that there seems to be a lot of talk about Plantations. As if Plantation were some glorious vacation resort. They were not! They were nothing more than residents of horror filled with sadism, barbarism, uncivilized houses of exploitation and murder."

    Thank you Granny!

  18. Field now you know you shouldn't have let your resident stalker have the last word in the previous thread, LOL!

    Hey Granny, you're really dropping the knowledge tonight!!

  19. barry auH2O11:46 PM

    field writes:

    Hmmm, predictably, the wingnuts gnash their teeth, but none of them can refute what I just posted. Facts tend to be pesky like that.

    There's that black logic in action again.

    Even though Obama was elected, field provides his history lesson depicting the shifting sands of the Democratic and Republican parties almost two generations in the past. Or, counting by presidents, nine presidents ago. Or it it 10 or 11?

    Inasmuch as Obama won that last election, what's the point of the history lesson?

    Meanwhile, the other form of black logic is the hypothetical. If X had occurred, then Y would have followed.

    Hmmm. But X never happened, so let's skip the hypotheticals.

  20. mellaneous11:52 PM

    @Granny very good point about plantations. It is interesting how folks talk about very serious and hurtful things as if, it was no big deal.

    @ Field- you are exactly right about the Dixiecrats. IN fact black folks for years voted Republican because it was a Republican administration that was in office when the slaves were freed.

    Black folks and many working class whites began voting Democrat primarily because of Roosevelts WPA programs that put a lot of black folks to work. And of course the New Deal didn't hurt.

    Again it shows that they are both parties of the Ruling Rich and they switched platforms when convenient. It works because many working people somehow believe that either one of the parties represent them.

    In fact the liberals when supporting the Democrats are sometimes bigger suckers than those who favor the conservative Big Money people.

  21. barry auH2O11:54 PM

    granny bejabbers:

    However, many died on those plantations from the cruelty,brutality,and mutilation that took place meted out as punishment by those with sick depraved minds and the law of land upheld that treatment all in the name of profits.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know already. For the mental health of the black race in America -- all of whom seem to pretend they themselves are former slaves -- you gotta move on.

    It's been 150 years. No living person has any connection to the experience of slavery. The only people who benefit from reminding today's blacks that slavery once existed are clowns like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and field.

  22. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Gotta LOVE the avatar feature for blogging, LOL!!!!

    Yes, a vulgar gesture is much more appropriate than the logo of a school you never attended.

    You will never be a doctor.

  23. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Shanika said...

    Ms.Queef said...
    So tell me Shanika, how DOES it feel to know that I failed my way MCAT style, through the subject any sorry ass could finish an undergrad degree in?

    Sad. Amused, but sad.

    You will never be a doctor.


  24. GrannyStandingforTruth12:17 AM


    First and foremost, Sharpton and Jackson and Field are not clowns and I'm tired of whites like you trying to label them as such with your divisive trickery in trying to turn us against our own people and keep a wedge of divisiveness within our own community. The only clowns are Rick Perry, Bachmann, Palin, etc., now those are some real clowns and bigots to boot and every time they open their mouth is an illustration of that. And they would have flunked history if it wouldn't have been for some white teacher giving them a pass.

    I think the Republicans do a pretty good job of reminding us of slavery themselves with their back to slavery and Jim Crow ideas dressed with different accessories. And who are you to tell a black person that they have no connection to slavery? That is a part of our history that the wingnuts are trying so hard to revise. The reason whites folks are rich today is because of our ancestor's forced free labor. White folks like to talk about slavery when they can white wash it and make it seem like it was the days of glorious times and drinking mint julips and beautiful mansions or not all that bad, but when it comes to telling the truth about it, they run from it.

    When whites folks quit bragging about the founding fathers, maybe, we'll quit talking about slavery because it was quite a few of those Founding Fathers that help bring in racism with their racist ideas. Thomas Jefferson loved sleeping with us darkies and tried to hide the fact that he fathered some half and half children. Don't get me started on the rest of them, puleeze don't.

  25. Anonymous12:19 AM

    queefa whats the obsession with all the degrees? most folks with degrees dont feel a need to brag about theirs and most folks think getting a degree is important enough to recall how many they have u r such a gottdam liar and we all know ur ghetto ass couldnt pass the mcat if u studied for a 100 years kuntlicker fish stick hot dog water smelling imbecile!

  26. GrannyStandingforTruth12:22 AM

    Another thing, they hate to mention regarding slavery is that poor whites were slaves too, especially white women! Indentured servitude ended with slavery and they became slaves too. Yup, some of y'all ancestors picked cotton and sugar cane out in the field along side some of ancestors too.

  27. Queura12:25 AM

    field negro said...
    "I noticed that there seems to be a lot of talk about Plantations. As if Plantation were some glorious vacation resort. They were not! They were nothing more than residents of horror filled with sadism, barbarism, uncivilized houses of exploitation and murder."

    Thank you Granny!


    It's long past time to leave the plantation.

  28. " a gettin'hot on the democrat plantation?field? i know it hard to expalin' away why you vote democrat 90% of the time.lawd knows what negros do if you took"d" off the ballot.negros wouldn't know who to vote for.blind followers you are."

    Let's say blacks start "opening their minds" (or losing them) by voting GOP. So, what would the Republicans offer to the black community, aside from nebulous promises of "freedom" from the "Democrat Plantation," continuous opportunities to accept their supposed inferiority and the chance to revert to their natural roles as servants of benevolent whites everywhere?

    The GOP has had about 40 years to perfect their sales pitch to the black community, except they haven't been all that interested in selling the black folk on the GOP. And yet blacks are supposed to "see the light" and follow Republicans like lost puppies. What exactly do you guys want?

  29. Hu Fondue12:28 AM

    Ms. Queen said..."Hey Granny, you're really dropping the knowledge tonight!!"

    Impressive isn't it? Don't you wish that you could think of something to say that at least sounded somewhat intelligent or meaningful?

    But you can't.

    You will never be a doctor.

  30. Queura12:31 AM

    "I didn't. That was a punk ass namejacker."

    Can you believe this namejacking son of a bitch?

    Thanks for your understanding Field. I'll keep those words in mind.

  31. The Republican Party12:37 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    So, what would the Republicans offer to the black community?

    Jobs, the economic opportunity that comes from growth, improved education through school choice, the dignity and respect of being treated as a competent, full adult on equal footing instead of being condescended to through the "soft bigotry of low expectations".

    That's what.

    Scoff and close your eyes if you want, but at some point you need to take people at their word and hold them to their ideals.

    The time for dependency and resentment is over. There's a lot of work to be done rebuilding this country.

  32. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Ms. Queen said..."Hey Granny, you're really dropping the knowledge tonight!!"

    Impressive isn't it? Don't you wish that you could think of something to say that at least sounded somewhat intelligent or meaningful?

    But you can't.

    You will never be a doctor.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth12:52 AM

    Republican Party:

    "Scoff and close your eyes if you want, but at some point you need to take people at their word and hold them to their ideals."

    "The time for dependency and resentment is over. There's a lot of work to be done rebuilding this country."

    Nope, I won't scoff and close my eyes, nor will I take my eye off the ball either. The Native Americans took them at their word, so did Asians, and blacks, but you know for some reason just like the Native Americans said they tend to speak with a forked tongue. That's how the Republicans got back in power in the House with empty promises. Nope, with outright lies and trickery.

    Yup, there is a lot of work to be done in rebuilding this country and resentment definitely needs to be over and so does RACISM! However, after reading some of the racist comments on this blog and in the political arena made by some of y'all wingnuts, I doubt that will come to past any time soon, especially if the wingnuts get back in the sacred WHITE HOUSE.

    word verification: hyphab = hype habit and the REPUBLICANS are guilty of that for sho!

  34. "That's how the Republicans got back in power in the House with empty promises. Nope, with outright lies and trickery."

    What lies and trickery?

    They promised to work to cut spending, got elected on that promise, and for the most part followed through.

    Agree or disagree, they have done what they said they would do.

    What is your take?

  35. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Ms. Queen said..."Hey Granny, you're really dropping the knowledge tonight!!"

    Ohhh, is that what those droppings are called when you get old.

  36. @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.

  37. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Granny, "First and foremost, Sharpton and Jackson and Field are not clowns and I'm tired of whites like you trying to label them as such with your divisive trickery in trying to turn us against our own people and keep a wedge of divisiveness within our own community."

    What about Tavis Smiley and Cornell West who are standing up for poor Blacks, which your idol Obama won't give the time of day to? Obama has yet to speak about the poor and the high unemployment among Blacks.

    But all they get is a load of criticism from people like Field, and Sharpton. THAT is a wedge that we folks are doing to ourselves, not Whites.

    I find it hypocritical that you overlook our shortcomings and our failure to do the right thing but you are quick to see the faults of others outside our race.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth1:19 AM


    Nope, they promised to try and figure out a way to steal grandma and grandpa's check, hurt those less fortunate by pulling the safety net from under them and give the rich more perks.

    Anonymous 1:07:

    Isn't it way pass your bedtime? Children should be seen and not heard when adults are talking. You are not mature enough to hold an adult conversation. There is nothing profound in any of your juvenile and silly comments that you for some reason seem to think are cute, but they are not. It just let's us know that you haven't matured yet and are not qualified to speak on an adult level, so why don't you do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself and HUSH!

  39. Field. Maybe the anons who referenced Rick Perry as presidential material should check out this link:

    I'm just sayin' (shrugs)

  40. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Granny, why must you put my brother anon1:07 down? He's just trying to find his voice on FN blog.

  41. Anonymous1:28 AM

    granny for someone who suppose to be grown u sure do engage anon trolls a lot dont u know thats how they get off? do us all a favor and learn to shut the phukk up erry now and again

  42. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Nope, they promised to try and figure out a way to steal grandma and grandpa's check, hurt those less fortunate by pulling the safety net from under them and give the rich more perks."

    I missed that part.

    You are superimposing the narrative of the democratic party on the actions of their political opponents.

    Open your eyes and see things for yourself.

  43. GrannyStandingforTruth1:46 AM

    Anonymous 1:14:

    Smiley and Cornel are book hustlers. I wonder how many books they are peddling in their little crusade for the poor. I really don't think that Smiley is that enthused in biting the hands that feed him such as Wells Fargo, Walmart, etc. Besides Smiley had a hand in helping bring poverty to our neighborhoods with prime loans.

    It is mighty funny that Smiley and Cornel didn't raise up awareness of poverty when Bush and the wingnuts were busy driving people into poverty. Looks like if they were so passionate about poverty they would have spoke up then, especially with people losing their homes while the banks and the wall street were playing robber barrons, but wasn't a peep heard out of them then.

    I swear, I am still trying to figure out why some folks consider West an intellect.

    Another thing, is it that hard for you to show respect the office of President with a black man as President and call him by his rightful title and that is PRESIDENT OBAMA? I bet you would fall all over yourself giving that respect if a white man was in the oval office. Smh!

    BTW, I know what our shortcomings are and nope I'm not overlooking them. I also know that we're not the only group of people with shortcomings. However, it's funny that the only time blacks shortcomings come into play is during election time or in a bad economy or when those white folks in power are plotting some ill will scheme towards black folks.

  44. "Jobs, the economic opportunity that comes from growth, improved education through school choice, the dignity and respect of being treated as a competent, full adult on equal footing instead of being condescended to through the "soft bigotry of low expectations".

    "What about Tavis Smiley and Cornell West who are standing up for poor Blacks, which your idol Obama won't give the time of day to? Obama has yet to speak about the poor and the high unemployment among Blacks. "

    For a party that used the Southern Strategy to co-op the most racist elements of the Democrat Party and tap into the innate fears of the white American majority to vote out of color-aroused fear and tribalism, you folks sure are showing a lot of (faux) concern for the well-being of black Americans.

    I'm sure black Americans would love to return the favor by flocking to the GOP, except most blacks know that the GOP will treat them like the proverbial "Black Best Friend" after the votes are tallied up in their favor:

    The GOP has had the past 30 to 40 years and several Republican administrations to fulfill the above promises for the black American community. Unfortunately, your people don't seem that interested in paying attention to blacks except when it comes to tweaking the color-aroused portions of the GOP and recent Tea Party audience to gain votes. The biggest race pimps seem to be down with the GOP, and those guys make Al Sharpton and others look like chumps in comparison.

    "You are superimposing the narrative of the democratic party on the actions of their political opponents."

    That's odd -- the GOP engages in that tactic to make themselves look like the good guys in the face of Democrat "aggression" or "recalcitrance." The tactic works on low information voters, but it falls apart when used around politically knowledgable people.

    That "superimposing" tripe is best used on a Topix or Reddit forum where half the people don't know any better.

  45. GrannyStandingforTruth1:57 AM


    My eyes stay open and I see a whole lot more with these eyes than you could ever imagine and some things I wish I didn't see.

    Anyway, I'm going back to my corner and chill out. Nice talking to you.

  46. "Another thing, is it that hard for you to show respect the office of President with a black man as President and call him by his rightful title and that is PRESIDENT OBAMA? I bet you would fall all over yourself giving that respect if a white man was in the oval office. Smh!"

    Granny, now you know that Negros simply don't have any rights that whites and their self-hating Negro counterparts are bound to respect, not even when one occupies the highest office in the United States of America.

    It's only too bad that the rest of the world sees this just as well as you and I see it here on our own shores. Whenever the sanctity of the office is restored by way of an American Conservative visage, the rest of the world will struggle to come up with any reason at all as to why they should respect that particular president when the previous one was disrespected on a constant basis.

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth3:11 AM



    But what they don't understand is that the Conservatives want to go back to the days when folks made 50cents or less per hour and a chicken in every pot was a luxury or nonexistent. Sorta modeling America after other cheap labor sweatshop countries. The sad part about it is that it's because of the extreme hate of some and greed that unfortunately there are folks falling for their lies and helping them make those days a reality.

  48. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Plantation, plantation, plantation....and dare I say...Plantation!!!
    Whats the matter widdle chickenpoo wite boy...don't have the courage to say 'migger' like your wite self weally, weally wants to?

    Yes, I do read the whine-filled conservative blogs...and one theme is constant...that it irks you that you can't say 'nigger'...likes your pappy used to. Wah.

    Skinheads do. Why do you lack the courage?

    Field, thanks for the post. It should remind us that there is a history and it affects us today. I did notice the anger over having their dirty laundry exposed...and the dearth of efforts to ameliorate the Southern Strategy. States 'rites' allow for continued segregated schools. The 'wite flight'. And the gerrymandering of safe districts. Addison Graves Wilson and Michelle Bachmann are the easily predictable results of 'safe' district gerrymandering.

    Granny, you are correct. All those silly wites who got it good after WWII have forgotten what it was for their elders. And now they vote for the Grover Norquist pledgers who would have them return to the abject poverty of old.

    Ummm...I am alive. And I do have a personal connection to the era of slavery. So, you are simply lying..and hoperating no one will call you on it. If you include slavecropping and the Civil Rights times...there are even more who can indicate you are lying.
    History did not begin with the ascension of st reagan. And it is Washington National...and will always be Washington National.


  49. When whites folks quit bragging about the founding fathers, maybe, we'll quit talking about slavery because it was quite a few of those Founding Fathers that help bring in racism with their racist ideas."

    Now now, Granny, only some history is good. Let's just try to forget the other part as if it didn't happen.

    B Bombay, Rick Perry looks like a porn actor.

    "Even though Obama was elected, field provides his history lesson depicting the shifting sands of the Democratic and Republican parties almost two generations in the past. Or, counting by presidents, nine presidents ago."

    "Shifting sands"? You might want to check the breakdown of regions, demographics, and parties of the past five or so presidential elections.

    Honestly, you can't be this stupid.

    "Jobs, the economic opportunity that comes from growth, improved education through school choice, the dignity and respect of being treated as a competent, full adult on equal footing instead of being condescended to through the "soft bigotry of low expectations"

    What a bunch of horse s&^%!

    Folks, I need you to understand one thing: they don't see you as being "competent" or being a "full adult" now, because you are not a republican.


  50. barry auH2O7:04 AM

    granny derangement syndrome:

    And who are you to tell a black person that they have no connection to slavery?.

    Unless you're more than 150 years and you remember working the cotton fields, you're connection to the slavery experience is broken. It's over. It's just history.

    That is a part of our history that the wingnuts are trying so hard to revise.

    Suuuurrreee, re-tard. The only books you can buy in Harlem are about slavery and what de white man done to you. The most popular college degree among blacks is the B.S. in black history. Good luck getting a job with that one.

    The reason whites folks are rich today is because of our ancestor's forced free labor.

    Today's US cotton industry ain't what it once was.

    You should wake up. When slavery ended, there was virtually no accumulated wealth in the US tied to it. One of the saddest aspects of today's beliefs about slavery is the black belief that slavery created lasting wealth in white America. Nope. Not a dime of lasting wealth.

    Plantations were not factories producing goods. They were small, family businesses that benefited the owners way back then. But nothing more.

    Considering the family fortunes in American history, not one is tied to cotton or slavery. The family fortunes from the 1800s derived from railroads, oil, furs, steel, shipping, but not cotton.

    White folks like to talk about slavery when they can white wash it and make it seem like it was the days of glorious times and drinking mint julips and beautiful mansions or not all that bad, but when it comes to telling the truth about it, they run from it.

    Granny derangement alert. As if there aren't museums devoting space to the slave experience. As if there aren't thousands of books on the subject. As if colleges don't teach US slave history.

    When whites folks quit bragging about the founding fathers, maybe, we'll quit talking about slavery because it was quite a few of those Founding Fathers that help bring in racism with their racist ideas.

    It isn't the endless jabber about slavery from blacks that matters. It's the resulting present-day victimization. Blacks -- today -- pretend they themselves are former slaves. You weren't.

  51. barry auH2O7:16 AM

    field shows his befuddlement:

    Folks, I need you to understand one thing: they don't see you as being "competent" or being a "full adult" now, because you are not a republican.

    The question about black competence arises from observation. From results in real life.

    Sports -- competent.

    Entertainment -- competent.

    Capacity for creating and building prospering nations -- incompetent.

    Capacity for creating and building profitable businesses -- incompetent.

  52. barry auH2O7:28 AM


    Despite your attempt to weave some weird narrative about the changing nature of the Democratic and Republican parties, since WWII, the US has had more presidents from the Democratic party than the Republican party.

    And, our current incompetent-in-chief is a Democrat.

    Therefore, your tale -- which covers a well-known topic -- is pointless. Unless it was your intention to show how the Dixiecrat history delivered our current Special-Ed, Affirmative Action president to us.

    If he stays on the path he's been on since inauguration, history will treat Obama more contemptuously than it treats Jimmy Carter. But Obama is on track to earn that legacy.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Anonymous7:32 AM

    BarryWiteWash, really? Nice to know your Barton expertise on the issues of slavery are so Wish-based. How do you define slavery? Or the term connection?
    College isn't always about getting the drinking/business degree. Some folks attend to learn.
    Yeppers, not one family carried their wealth over from being slave owners. And you base this on what? Dave Barton? Wishing? Or conscious ignorance?
    Must be you never lived in the South, young lad.
    Dave Barton is just the latest wite to try to witewash historee. There really are not that many musuems that portray slavery...and those that do...make it 'family safe'. One has to ask the correct questions to elicit the actual slave experience. Silly widdle boy...I can ask those questions.
    The last bits are strawman you are only answering yourself in a failed attempt to 'appeal to authority'.

    Just because you weally, weally wants to beleeve...doesn't make it so.


  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It is mighty funny that Smiley and Cornel didn't raise up awareness of poverty when Bush and the wingnuts were busy driving people into poverty.

    Actually Granny, I've been listening to Smiley since the 1990's on the TJMS and similarly with West, and they've been talking about the issues among Black folks for over a decade. It's simply that their message didn't really make mainstream media until a Black man became president. The fact is the President IS ignoring many of the issues the plague the Black community disproportionally IMHO.

    It's really simply to me, "divide and conquer" which has always worked so well with Black folks.

    Now I'm off to get paid/make scientific discoveries while the resident Goobers sniff meth and the resident stalker sniffs funky diapers all D*MN day (BTW, did you like my physics book avatar, LOL??)

  57. Anonymous7:42 AM

    BarryWiteWash, hello sockpuppet. We know you from before.

    Ummm...History actually likes Carter. Well, the academic, peer-reviewed stuff. And the material from the overseas Universities. st reagan, not so much. bush...not at all.
    Why do you keep trying to lie to us? Your incoherent need to foist the fable of Carter as incompetent is only rational if you wish to paint st reagan as the Savior of racism in the US.

    Again, your 'appeal from authority' is baseless, specious, and easily shown to be false. Maybe you should do something to become an enlist. Or take classes in your local community college. Or do more than spread wingnut Con lies on a blog.

    Carter is EARNED respect. st regan and bush...well...the Japanese showed that st reagan would sell himself for money. bush...isn't even he was a child molester.


  58. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Yep, the Teahadi are wite, wite, wite. But pay no attention to that. They call the Ds the 'plantation'. And that is sooooo funny. Almost as giggle-inducing as calling women Feminazis or branding children joining your frat. Oh, and all the D wimmens is harry-legged DFHs and are uglee and their team is nots good like our team.

    Umm...that kind of mental sloth was boring in high school...when cheering on your tribe/school/team was more about fun. Now, it makes you seem like your mental and emotional development is retarded.

    No, being a moronic useful idiot is not the same as being on the matter how much you beleeverated that in school. And even though the sports folks tell you that you is more that you buy the merch...than any yelling you do.


  59. Anonymous8:55 AM

    the democrat plantation isn't some glorious vacation resort?makes you wonder why negros want to live there.must be the followers thing.carter still remains the worst president ever.just look at his matter how many homes carter builds for negros over toxic dumps.still the worst.


  60. Anonymous9:04 AM

    good job field.keepin' tha negro on the plantation.use the "where else a negro go line".it works.oh those evil Repubs.they be racist.if you was to ever leave the democrat plantation,you will be beaten and choked like democrat jim moran beats his wife and chokes black kids.


  61. Youths Is Our Future9:05 AM

    Yuk, yuk.....gotta love those wacky Philly "youths"!:

  62. fn:

    look at hobama smile...

    hobama nazi bs trumps bull connor bs!!!

    chris matthews is a lovesick blind dl hobama girl star of hobama tv/msnbc


    gwb made bull connor look like a powerless liberal saint

    hobama is gwb with a grin and a razor thin resume
    that has proven to make him even more inept than hillary predicted

    that trumps rick perry!


    Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the "haves and have mores" his "base." But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor. Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education. However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the "jobs" bill HIRE was nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can't find work to pay them off. So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans -- which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way. Obama also extended Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.

    Escalating Wars of Aggression: Whoever thought it couldn't get worse than Bush in regards to wars of aggression -- especially by a Nobel Peace Prize recipient -- have been proven dead wrong. Obama has now unilaterally attacked more countries than Bush, notably bombing inside Pakistan, Yemen and now Libya without Congressional approval. Obama is worse than war-mongering Neocons because he moved the war bar from requiring a real or manufactured threat to justify American military intervention, to vague humanitarian justifications. In other words, if a secular dictator is stamping out a handful of jihadists that threaten his regime, we will now bomb the dictator and support the jihadists when it serves corporate interests. By all counts Obama is serving the same military/oil masters no matter what labels or excuses are given. It is truly a hideous display to watch progressives support Obama's wars as if they're more righteous than Bush's.

    Bank/Corporate Bailouts: Although the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), otherwise known as the bankster bailout, occurred on Bush's watch, Obama fully supported it as necessary. Obama then followed up this massive wealth grab with a gargantuan stimulus bill which has basically been absorbed by the financial crisis as well. All said, Bloomberg and others reported the taxpayer guarantees for Wall Street are upwards of $23 trillion. Additionally, the best part of Obama's cabinet and appointed czars are directly connected to big banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, Obama and Democratic leaders gave the Federal Reserve even more regulatory power over the economy. The Administration hails the Financial Reform bill as a big political accomplishment, but the bill never addressed the three major problems: doesn't break up or reduce the size of too-big-to-fail banks, doesn't remove the massive government guarantees to the giant banks, and it won’t even increase liquidity requirements to prevent future meltdowns. The inmates are too clearly running Obama's asylum.

  63. hobama is gwb with a grin
    predator drones
    mindless masochostic
    black mongrel minions
    endless wars
    end opulent vacations
    bankster rulers


  64. hobama is gwb with a grin
    endless global wars
    endless opulent vacations
    bankster rulers


  65. anon:

    it is necessary to use the nig word because the people it describes rule all...

    to each their own

    i am not offended by the word
    or any mere word
    i am deeply offended by the nigs it so expertly describes

    pookie nigs of all races
    hobama as the hnic
    vdlr clones as turbo breeder nigs etc


  66. see hobama/gwb 2.0 smile:

    Obama's press secretary's assault on the Left also represents a presidential "wink" to the Right, "reassuring the corporate world that Obama will not yield an inch to the Left in this election season." Once again, the president shows that he regards the Left as either his flunkies - or his enemy.

    In the months after Barack Obama won the presidency with near-total support of Blacks and the white Left, a New York Black activist was fond of telling audiences to pay attention to the First Black President's face, not necessarily his actions. According to this theory, the president had to pretend he was in synch with the corporations and conservative whites, but he's really a good "brother" with Black folks interests at heart. Just look for "the wink." That presidential wink at Black folks was supposed to be the signal that Obama is working his game to our benefit.

    Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction.

    It takes a lot of winking to run a Center-Right Democratic government, so Obama has underlings to do some of his winks for him. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs's right eye was twitching ferociously as he excoriated "the professional Left" - whatever that is - for making "crazy" demands for such things as "Canadian healthcare." The attack was, of course, a huge wink to the Right, reassuring the corporate world that Obama will not yield an inch to the Left in this election season. He is winking at "the markets" - a euphemism for the super-rich - that they can rest easy.

  67. hobama is gwb with a grin
    a joker bus that does not roll in any black enclaves


    “The Congressional Black Caucus loves the President, too. We’re supportive of the president, but we’re getting tired. We’re getting tired. And so, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show what he can do and what he’s prepared to lead on. We want to give him every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don’t know what the strategy is. We don’t know why on this trip that he’s in the United States now, he’s not in any black community. We don’t know that.”

    At some points during the public meeting last night, the mostly black crowd became so agitated the representatives found difficulty speaking– this was certainly the case as Rep. Waters explained to the crowd that she believed “we’ve got to put pressure on the President, because you all love the President.” She said she understood the hesitation on attacking him, but then lay into the President once she got the crowd to settle, wondering where his economics plan was and lamenting that his August bus tour did not include any black neighborhoods

  68. hobama is gwb with a grin


    endless legendary debt for us/unborn americans!!!!


    Swallow all liquids in your mouth before reading any further.

    Updated numbers for the national debt are just out: It's now $14,639,000,000,000.

    When Barack Obama took the oath of office twice on Jan. 20, 2009, CBS' amazing number cruncher Mark Knoller reports, the national debt was $10,626,000,000,000.

    That means the debt that our federal government owes a whole lot of somebodies including China has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days. That's the fastest increase under any president ever.

    Remember the day the Democrat promised to close the embarrassing Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility within one year? That day the national debt increased $4,247,000,000. And each day since that the facility hasn't been closed.

    Same for the day in 2009 when Obama flew all the way out to Denver to sign the $787 billion stimulus bill that was going to hold national unemployment beneath 8% instead of the 9.1% we got today anyway? Another $4,247,000,000 that day. And every day since, even Obama golfing and vacation days.

    Same sum for the day Obama flew Air Force One nearly four hours roundtrip to Columbus, Ohio for a 10-minute speech about how well the stimulus was working in the politically crucial Buckeye state. Ohio's unemployment rate just jumped to 9% from 8.8% anyway.
    Or last week's three-day Midwestern tour in the president's new $1.1 million Death Star bus? National debt went up $16,988,000,000 while he rode around speaking and buying ice cream cones.

    Numbers with that many digits are hard to grasp, even for a Harvard head. So, let's put it another way:

    One billion seconds ago Bill Clinton was nearing the end of his two terms and George W. Bush's baseball collection was still on the shelves in the Austin governor's office.

    The nation's debt increased $4.9 trillion under President Bush too, btw. But it took him 2,648 days to do it. Obama will surpass that sum during this term.

    Now, how to portray a trillion, or 1,000 billions. One trillion seconds ago much of North America was still covered by ice sheets hundreds of feet thick. And the land was dotted by only a few dozen Starbuck's.

    Obama is saying yes, we can get control of the national debt. But ominously every time he says that he adds that trillions of dollars in infrastructure repairs are badly needed across the country. And with interest rates so low, according to the thinking on Obama's planet, now is an excellent time to borrow even more money.

    So, it looks like not too long before Americans learn what comes after 1,000 trillions.

    It's quadrillion. But for Bernanke's sake, please don't tell anyone in Washington.

  69. Sick To Death Of AB10:14 AM

    For God's sake.....shut up Alicia.


  70. hobama is gwb with a grin
    i pray he gets a dem "election" challenger to smile at asap

    kudos to k bernal

    kb for ftond

    my new shero!!!

    Karen Bernal, chair of the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party, said her members had no other option than to back a possible primary challenge to President Obama. The decision came at the height of the debt ceiling debacle, when caucus members were “in a state of absolute outrage and shock” that Obama was “giving up $685 billion in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid which the Republicans hadn’t even asked for,” said Bernal. “We could no longer be silent about what was going on, no longer look the other way, anymore.” As a result of the action, the Caucus’ certification as an official Democratic Party body is on hold until November.


    sick twisted blog kkkop:

    where is your blog??????????

  71. sick powerless hobama nazi assnon:

    who died and made u fn???

    how does it feel to have no power over HIS blog???

    be sick of hobama asap!!!!

  72. bark fuhrman assnon:

    try this

    pretend to defend hobama like u pretend to police this blog or control me...k?

    may work better for u...ya think???

  73. hobama is gwb with a grin


    hopefully ron paul with a win!!!

    Puppet President (cousin) Barry Obama is racking up war cred, and running up the points on GOP hawk contenders and pretenders for the 2012 “election”; while leaving no stone age nation unturned.

    All but one of the GOP field has tried to out hawk Obama on foreign policy, with the general consensus being that he was not tough enough on the Islamo-Dictators in the Middle East.

    How does that hat taste Neo Cons?

    The one man who is running as the peace choice in the field is of course Congressman Ron Paul. How does this string of alleged (fixed) Obama military victories affect him? Its actually pretty easy to get around. The truth has a way of coming out on top! This is why Dr Paul is the ONLY one who stands a legitimate chance against Cousin O in the general election of 2012.

  74. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Obama sets record: $4,247,000,000,000 debt in just 945 days...

    Swallow all liquids in your mouth before reading any further.

    Updated numbers for the national debt are just out: It's now $14,639,000,000,000.

    When Barack Obama took the oath of office twice on Jan. 20, 2009, CBS' amazing number cruncher Mark Knoller reports, the national debt was $10,626,000,000,000.

    That means the debt that our federal government owes a whole lot of somebodies including China has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days. That's the fastest increase under any president ever.

    Remember the day the Democrat promised to close the embarrassing Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility within one year? That day the national debt increased $4,247,000,000. And each day since that the facility hasn't been closed.

    Same for the day in 2009 when Obama flew all the way out to Denver to sign the $787 billion stimulus bill that was going to hold national unemployment beneath 8% instead of the 9.1% we got today anyway? Another $4,247,000,000 that day. And every day since, even Obama golfing and vacation days.

    Same sum for the day Obama flew Air Force One nearly four hours roundtrip to Columbus, Ohio for a 10-minute speech about how well the stimulus was working in the politically crucial Buckeye state. Ohio's unemployment rate just jumped to 9% from 8.8% anyway.
    Or last week's three-day Midwestern tour in the president's new $1.1 million Death Star bus? National debt went up $16,988,000,000 while he rode around speaking and buying ice cream cones.

    Numbers with that many digits are hard to grasp, even for a Harvard head. So, let's put it another way:

    One billion seconds ago Bill Clinton was nearing the end of his two terms and George W. Bush's baseball collection was still on the shelves in the Austin governor's office.

    The nation's debt increased $4.9 trillion under President Bush too, btw. But it took him 2,648 days to do it. Obama will surpass that sum during this term.

    Now, how to portray a trillion, or 1,000 billions. One trillion seconds ago much of North America was still covered by ice sheets hundreds of feet thick. And the land was dotted by only a few dozen Starbuck's.

    Obama is saying yes, we can get control of the national debt. But ominously every time he says that he adds that trillions of dollars in infrastructure repairs are badly needed across the country. And with interest rates so low, according to the thinking on Obama's planet, now is an excellent time to borrow even more money.

    So, it looks like not too long before Americans learn what comes after 1,000 trillions.

    It's quadrillion. But for Bernanke's sake, please don't tell anyone in Washington.

  75. Bark Fuhrman10:48 AM

    I'm not, and NEVER have defended Obama! I think he's a moron, and a disaster for this country.

    I'd just as soon ship his ass back to Kenya tomorrow.

    So, STFU.

  76. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.

  77. bark fuhrman:

    hobama will slay kenya even more than he has slain the usa


    YOU wtfu u flag waving fool!!!

  78. Anonymous10:58 AM

    kim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecile kim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecilekim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecilekim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecilekim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecilekim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecilekim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecilekim will never be a doctor kim da queef is not smart kim da queef lacks what it takes to do anything other then be a flat back fish stick smelling kunt lickin imbecile

  79. Anonymous11:00 AM

    alicia banks is not a scholar alicia bnaks is not a trailblazer alicia banks is a figment of her own imagination alicia banks is a waste of space and a bane to humanity alicia banks is not a scholar alicia bnaks is not a trailblazer alicia banks is a figment of her own imagination alicia banks is a waste of space and a bane to humanity alicia banks is not a scholar alicia bnaks is not a trailblazer alicia banks is a figment of her own imagination alicia banks is a waste of space and a bane to humanity alicia banks is not a scholar alicia bnaks is not a trailblazer alicia banks is a figment of her own imagination alicia banks is a waste of space and a bane to humanity alicia banks is not a scholar alicia bnaks is not a trailblazer alicia banks is a figment of her own imagination alicia banks is a waste of space and a bane to humanity alicia banks is not a scholar alicia bnaks is not a trailblazer alicia banks is a figment of her own imagination alicia banks is a waste of space and a bane to humanity

  80. the vdlr is a vulgar uneducated unlicked unread fool who makes bull connor and hobama look sane...

    psychoses and turbo breeding trump racism and elitism




    do dis be one of yo baby deddies???

  81. the uneducated unlicked unsung vdlr knows as much about scholars

    as snoop dogg knows about weed free urine =



  82. ??????11:23 AM

    AB......why do you constantly use the term "unlicked"? What exactly does that mean?

    I just been wondering that for a while now.

  83. 441 days till election day11:30 AM

    In NY City's black neighborhoods:

    NYPD: Crime Spikes Dramatically In Parts Of Big Apple

    NYC's First Overall Increase In Decades Said To Be Possible; City Hall Concerned

    August 22, 2011

    Marcia Kramer

    NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — New York City’s overall crime rate could increase for the first time in decades, driven by alarming spikes in murder, rapes and robberies in many neighborhoods.

    A 400 percent increase in murders in tony Williamsburg; a 400 percent increase in rapes in Sheepshead Bay and a 250 percent increase in killings in Washington Heights are all troublesome statistics that have Mayor Michael Bloomberg and police officials concerned.

    “We worry every day about trying to make this city safer,” Mayor Bloomberg said Monday.

    Mayor Bloomberg Says NYC Is The Safest Big City In The Country. 1010 WINS’ Stan Brooks Reports

    Although crime has fallen an enviable 35 percent since Bloomberg took office, in the past year it has risen in 34 of the city’s 76 precincts, and alarming spikes in some neighborhoods could lead to the first city-wide increase in decades.

  84. unsterilized uneducated unlicked vdlr:

    protect yo stray babies!!!
    check yo baby deddies!!!
    now trick!!!!


    the vdlr has an obsession with oral sex...

    have u not seen her constant vulgar refs to it???..."kunt___/buceta___" ad infinitum!!!????

    she is so obsesed with oral sex because she gets none...thus she is:



  85. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.Dr. Peter W. Carmel, MD, President of the American Medical Association said...

    @"Dr." Queen:

    We are in receipt of your latest MCAT scores, and I must inform you that you will never be a doctor.

    Please discontinue the use of the title "Dr." in front of your name.

    You will never be a doctor.

  86. 441 days till election day11:33 AM

    Crime Story:

    According to the NYPD:

    * The 100th Precinct in Rockaway, Queens has seen a 37 percent increase in crime

    * In the 34th in Washington Heights it’s up 24 percent

    * In the 77th in Crown Heights it’s up 21 percent.

    * In the 113th in St. Albans, Queens it has spiked 17 percent

    * In the 76th in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn it’s up 11 percent

    In Crown Heights, which has seen an increase in robberies, rapes, burglary and grand larceny, people are talking about it.

    “It is getting worse,” one resident said.

    “Since the beginning of the year I heard about a couple of shootings but one big one was over there,” resident Maverick Dunkley said, motioning.

    “Quite recently in my apartment building I know that they were looking for an individual. Police officers came to the building looking for someone. It was a large number of police officers about 10 to 20,” another resident said.

    “I’m very concerned about it. The mayor needs to do something about it,” said Abdul Hamiyd, who works in the area.

    Some in Crown Heights think the increase is due to the economy because there are lots of people unemployed right now, young people who need jobs. The mayor, however, disputed that claim.

    “People who commit crimes don’t read the Wall Street Journal,” Bloomberg said.

    The NYPD is fighting crime with 6,000 fewer cops since the mayor took office. Still, it’s launched a “get tough” policy with precinct commanders.

    The commander of the 34th Precinct in Washington Heights, for example, was removed recently because crime shot up so much on his watch.

  87. anon:



    that illiterate inept racist sexist molded moron is unclean and unrolled as she channels her kkk shanaynay yakuza tatted hood rat the vdlr


  88. Anonymous11:37 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. the vdlr's XXX filthy fantasies are 68 times less vulgar than her toxic ignorance and 442 times lower than her -442 IQ...


  90. barry auH2O11:40 AM

    colosto-mold says:

    Ummm...History actually likes Carter.

    Oh sure. In the same way some "historians" like Hitler.

  91. Anonymous11:40 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. Anonymous11:40 AM

    alicia banks is unlicked cuz dont nobody want to stick their mouth anywhere near that infected green secretion secretin snatch u have u disgusting nasty burr headed cast iron skillet crater faced underbelly shitstack eatin kuntwad!alicia banks is unlicked cuz dont nobody want to stick their mouth anywhere near that infected green secretion secretin snatch u have u disgusting nasty burr headed cast iron skillet crater faced underbelly shitstack eatin kuntwad!alicia banks is unlicked cuz dont nobody want to stick their mouth anywhere near that infected green secretion secretin snatch u have u disgusting nasty burr headed cast iron skillet crater faced underbelly shitstack eatin kuntwad!

  93. Plantation Life11:48 AM

    The most pathetic thing about the "keep votin' democrat because the Republicans are racist" tactic is that it still works.

    To believe this, you must believe that a majority of white people in this country are racist. That they hate blacks so much, they are willing to subvert their own principles and long term interests just to make black people's live more miserable.

    It was the Republican party that took the chains off the black man's body. It is the democratic party that today keeps the chains on black America's minds.

    How are low growth, stagnant economic conditions working out for you? How are corrupt schools that function more as employment programs than educational centers doing for you? How proud do you think people are every month when the EBT and Food stamp cards come?

    How has the "freedom" to live a life free of moral judgement worked out? This is the only freedom modern liberalism offers. Everything else -what you eat, what you smoke, how much you earn, how and where you live, what you drive, waht healthcare you receive, even what you think - liberal statists want to control.

    How long will black America let its resentment over the past hold down its future?

    There is a better way.

  94. StillaPanther211:50 AM

    Brother got a home run on your last statement...I remember the events so well because voting in those days was an adventure."...poll taxes, reading test, job security...if the white man saw you at the voting station. What amazes me about America is how history was pushed to the back burner..but as I continue to say...I have lived in two Americas and the transition was so fast and smooth. It seems as if your history lesson was ancient history....not a mere 40t years ago. Brother Field again I must say...."you are on the battle field doing your thing"

  95. ps:


    did alan west lie?????

    i will never be silent until 2016

    when the selected hobama is gone
    when his selective hobama nazis are silenced by the shame of his bloody blackish cursed legacy!!!!!

  96. StillaPanther2 said..."I have lived in two Americas and the transition was so fast and smooth. It seems as if your history lesson was ancient history....not a mere 40t years ago."

    So why is your mind still living the old America?

  97. the unlicked unclean vdlr decoder:

    "graphic" = the request made to varied hood tattoo artists to graft her baby deddies' names all over her back

    "graff dayday & graff daykwon & graff rayquan & graff rayray...."


  98. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Charges against Strauss-Kahn have been dropped.Another white man falsely accused.

    Also,$3000 a night can't get you a semen free,clean room?

  99. unwed unlicked dl vdlr:

    seen this?

    they may both finally come out now...

    so there is hope for u too u demented dl stalker dreg!!!

    The seemingly perfect marriage of Hollywood power couple Will Smith, 42, and wife Jada Pinkett-Smith has come to a shock end, according to a report.

    The couple, who have two children together, Jaden, 13, and Willow, ten, have decided to separate after 13 years together, said America's In Touch Weekly magazine.

    This will be the second marriage to end for Smith, who divorced former fashion design student Sheree Zampino in 1995 after three years together.

    Read more:

  100. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Wow, the wite Trolls are really out today!
    Too bad for them that the only folks who haterate Carter and call him incompetent...are their wingnut peers.
    I know you are repeating the 'articles of faith' and are not too concerned with being accurate or Truthful. You leave that for the adults.

    The post is relevant in that the Rs are the party of racists. This means they won't offer any benefits to those not attending all-wite christian skools in the South, are compelled to use 'dog whistles' when speaking to the base, and can't find candidates who are moderate as they will be primaried by the same screaming mobs who were bravely heroically spitting on schoolchildren.

    Keep your 'migger' euphemism of D plantation in use. It shows your ignorance of the horror of slavery and your continued unrepentant racism..

    And that you are too chickenpoo to use the term you so obsessively wish to say.


  101. drill baby drill12:48 PM

    Petroleum engineeers earn average starting pay of almost $100,000 a year, according to the latest news from the world of education.

    Petroleum Engineering. There are at least 12 universities offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in Petroleum Engineeing. Most of the schools are state universities -- where in-state tuition is less than $5,000 a year.

    I'll make a bet that almost 100% of the students in these programs are white or asian.

    When Exxon offers $100,000 to a newly graduated Petroleum Engineer, does he get the offer because he's white? Or asian? Or because he's graduated with a degree in Petroleum Engineering?

    Most of the Top-Ten highest paying college majors are in the engineering field.

    But blacks...I don't know...there's almost no blacks in engineering, no matter what you kooks believe.

  102. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Umm...the Rs who freed the slaves are not welcome in the current R Party. Those values are found more in the Socialist Party. So, why are you trying to wear Daddy's much-too-big frock coat? Don't you know it makes you appear puny, mean and racist?

    Why sure, Gomer...we can retrun to the Days of wites gettin' all the goodies and runnin' stuff. Lets pay teachers nuttin'. I'm certain the Chinese will follow that ideer.
    Your strawman of claiming the US is R is false. However, there is a small, hardcore cadre of Fifth Columnist racist and anti-intellectuals who do push the racism and try to make everyone as stoopid as they.
    The economic malaise is from following Chicago School or Austerian policies. Thank bush for this.
    If you hate being told what to do...which is truly your lot in life....move to the Libertarian paradises of Afghanistan or Somalia. Not one eveel gubmint person to check the water or air or food. You won't have to pay icky taxes.

    You sound like a 15 yo who is just so constrained by all those adults and you have a so much better ideer. Sure you do. Absolutely. No doubt your fweedom is utterly caged by the vast eveels of gubmint and having to act like a contributing citizen. Poor dear. God Bless Your Soul. (ask a Southerner)

  103. Old Moldy Plantation12:52 PM

    mold said...
    Wow, the wite Trolls are really out today!
    Too bad for them that the only folks who haterate Carter and call him incompetent...are their wingnut peers.

    Actually, Carter is universally reviled by serious historians as the worst president in living memory.

    We are still dealing with his incompetence - letting Islamic fundamentalism take over in Iran and subsequently all over the middle east and the CRA which led directly to the 2008 mortgage crisis - to name just two.

  104. Anonymous12:59 PM

    World of education? Which strip mall is this in?
    This is US. And you might want to ask what happens when the bust occurs. And why the Troll assumes no AfAms in Engineering. Must be he heard it from some any one in the field knows that minorities exist in Engineering.
    You try to 'speak from authority'...but you don't have any.


  105. Logic is not Mold's strong point1:01 PM

    mold said..."Keep your 'migger' euphemism of D plantation in use. It shows your ignorance of the horror of slavery and your continued unrepentant racism."

    You mean "euphemisms" like "Field Negro" or "House Negro"?

    How about "Uncle Tom"? Or "slavecatcher"?

    Do those terms evoke horror of slavery?

    If those terms can be bandied about, why not "Plantation"?

    I think "Plantation" sums up quite succinctly the role of black America in the today's Democratic party.

    Plantation, plantation, plantation....and dare I say...Plantation!!!

  106. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Serious mean lying wingnut Cons?
    Try your fibbing on someone who doesn't have the actual quals.
    Blaming Carter for internal Iranian politics? Isn't that dishonest of you? Wait, you are being dishonest...with the use of 'serious' pretend that they are actual academic Historians with peer-review.

    CRA...Community Reinvestment Act? Goober, blaming poor minorities for rich wites stealing is rather dishonest. And most certainly un-Christlike.

    Well, it never was about you. You are not the center of pretty much everything. Get a dog if you need that pretense.

    Witey, st reagan and bush are the ones in the running for most reviled. And corrupt administration. And abuses of power. And appointing baleful incompetents. And ruining diplomacy (real men don't have to threaten...unlike Bolton). And reducing the US economy. And making the US less safe and egalitarian.


  107. Anonymous1:13 PM

    You still don't have the courage of a skinhead. The lads may be a tad slow...but they have more manliness in their toe clippings than you.


    And no, I am not pissed. I find you more laughable, seeing you posture as heroic...with your insistence on using the euphemism of plantation...but having far, far fewer molecules of bravery than even the societal dregs of skinheads.


  108. scrape the mold1:19 PM

    mold: having far, far fewer molecules of bravery than even the societal dregs of skinheads.

    What if told you I shaved my head, would that impress you?


    Plantation, plantation, plantation....and dare I say...Plantation!!!

  109. Anonymous1:21 PM

    You are still gutless.


  110. Christ1:24 PM

    mold: CRA...Community Reinvestment Act? Goober, blaming poor minorities for rich wites stealing is rather dishonest. And most certainly un-Christlike.

    No simple one, I was blaming Democrats.

  111. drill baby drill1:36 PM

    colostomy-mold says:

    And why the Troll assumes no AfAms in Engineering. Must be he heard it from some any one in the field knows that minorities exist in Engineering.

    As anyone who graduated from an engineering school and worked in engineering knows, there are almost no black engineers.

    Are there "minorities" in engineering? Plenty. They're asian. You know, those people who account for about 5% of the US population, while at the same time account for an extraordinarily high percentage of students accepted at the best US colleges and universities.

  112. ronald reagan1:43 PM

    Carter tipped the US toward the Savings & Loan Crisis by eliminating Regulation Q, a banking regualation.

    And he made the recent current housing crisis possible with the Community Reinvestment Act.

    If CRA had not been enacted, ALL homebuyers would have been required to cough up a big downpayment, have a decent credit score and hold a decent job if they wanted a mortgage.

    After CRA, the standards of historical creditworthiness were almost entirely erased. Loans for everybody.

    Carter and the CRA made the mortgage mess possible.

  113. Credible Historian, PhD.1:52 PM

    "Carter and the CRA made the mortgage mess possible."

    That is correct.

  114. Carter Sucked Mold1:57 PM

    Not to mention that Carter's daughter was just plain ugly, too.

    Oh, and his brother....remember Billy?

    I've still got an unopened can of Billy Beer.

  115. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Meanwhile, when it comes to woofers in teh White House, Chelsea Clinton has won herself the gold dog-collar award.

  116. Anonymous2:12 PM

    So...the Troll admits they have no 'authority' for their claim. Just hoperation that no Engineers are blogging. Sorry wite are simply making stuff up.

    S&L was st reagan...and some Congresscritters refusing to have Rule of Law. CRA, keep selling that meme...your Koch-sucking depends on it! As if allowing minorities to own their own house was the cause of the mortgage mess...oh makes sense. Lies make sense to you and Facts cause you pain. Hmmm...

    Oh, silly noobs...if you actually knew any would be listing what Carter did that would be construed as negative. But all you do is lie. Your supposed 'authority' to speak is mere bluster. And laughable.

    Must be why you still have posters of Sarey and Michelle. Other women just don't meet your needs as well.;)


  117. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Hey, how about that 6.0 earthquake that started in Virginia?

    Shook buildings all over New York City.

  118. Anonymous2:17 PM

    ass-cancer mold,

    There are almost no black engineers.

    You can cofirm the truth by goobling The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education.

    Physics, chemistry, math, engineering -- white and asian.

  119. EngineerX2:28 PM

    Mold said...
    So...the Troll admits they have no 'authority' for their claim. Just hoperation that no Engineers are blogging. Sorry wite are simply making stuff up.

    I am an engineer and can vouch for the fact that the prevalence of blacks in engineering is less than their prevalence in the overall population.

    In addtion, I have three kids who are right this minute pursuing engineering degrees. Two are at a large school with a signficant Af Am student body, but few in their engineering classes.

    My third is starting at a smaller school that is primarily engineeering. The student body is about 6 to 1 male. I have seen very few Af Am students during my times on campus.

    Engineering is very hard, which is why most students of all races steer away from it.

    Black professionals are fought over by companies seeking to please the federal government. Smart blacks can make more money in fields that are a lot easier than engineering - like law and finance - so why put yourself through the rigors of engineering school?

  120. Col. Sanders2:33 PM

    Cooking fried chicken at the KFC is considered a form of engineering, you know.

  121. unlicked unfed unloved unhappy uneducated uncultured vdlr:

    hope the hobamas are enjoying their fresh gourmet seafood on their opulent vacation???


    Genna Saucedo supervises cashiers at a Wal-Mart in Pico Rivera, California, but her wages aren't enough to feed herself and her 12-year-old son.
    Saucedo, who earns $9.70 an hour for about 26 hours a week and lives with her mother, is one of the many Americans who survive because of government handouts in what has rapidly become a food stamp nation.

    Altogether, there are now almost 46 million people in the United States on food stamps, roughly 15 percent of the population. That's an increase of 74 percent since 2007, just before the financial crisis and a deep recession led to mass job losses.

    At the same time, the cost doubled to reach $68 billion in 2010 -- more than a third of the amount the U.S. government received in corporate income tax last year -- which means the program has started to attract the attention of some Republican lawmakers looking for ways to cut the nation's budget deficit.

  122. the unlicked unskilled uneducated vdlr will prepare a rare meal this pm

    she will cook in honor of her blackish vacation god hobama

    she will combine a generic can of tuna over ramen noodles and call it

    "hobama's beach quiche"


    bon appetit!

  123. crime stopper2:52 PM

    Calling all cars, calling all cars, be on the lookout for...

    Man Asks Pedestrian for $1, Then Stabs Him

    Tuesday, Aug 23, 2011

    Police are looking for a man who stabbed a pedestrian on Long Island after asking him for a dollar.

    Nassau County police say the 27-year-old victim was walking on Nassau Road in Roosevelt Monday evening when the suspect approached and asked him for one dollar.

    The victim said he didn't have any money and continued walking.

    Police say the suspect followed him and then pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the stomach and hand multiple times.

    The victim was taken to a local hospital where he was listed in stable condition.

    The suspect is described as a black man about 5'7" with a medium build.

    He was last seen wearing a red and black New York Yankees hat, black hoodie and blue jeans, police said.

    Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 244-TIPS. All callers will remain anonymous.

  124. Anonymous2:54 PM

    EngineerX, welcome.

    Part of not choosing Engineering is the habit of companies making you 'obsolete' after about five years post BSE.


  125. degreeless lickless vdlr:

    when u get your ged

    u can stop hating on those who have multiple degrees as Dr. Queen and I do...


    i began working on my first degree at uiuc when i was only 12...

    u had your first deddyless stray baby then no???

  126. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Only a wite dude sees running a pressure fryer at KFC the same as having a BSE. Must be those cyber/charter/religio skools they like so much.
    You can wail as much as you want, Goober...I speak from the real authority and you are pretending. That is why I am laughing at you trying to 'convince' me. Do you still try to 'convince' people you are a Viet Nam vet...or have you come closer to your age and pretend to be an IraqI vet?

    Silly boy, not only have I taught Engineers...I have corrected their errors. Though, to be honest, almost all the mistakes are out of the 'envelope'.


  127. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Ah looked over Jordan, and what did ah see-ee, comin for to carry me home...

    Dem Congresswoman Blames Black Unemployment On "Racism"

    "When you look at African American males, 40% of them are unemployed, those under 30 years of age.

    "I understand exactly the entire nation must be involved in this recovery but the black community is experiencing a great recession.

    "That's what we're experiencing," Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) told MSNBC.

    "And all of the growth in the past 30 years, we see it slipping away.

    "From home ownership, the middle class; it's slipping away from our hands. And it has a lot to do with many issues.

    "Racism, shipping jobs overseas, access -- no access to technology.

    "You know, the digital divide is there and many of the new jobs that's what it requires. So, we have a problem."

  128. nick and his music will live 4ever!

    i will always adore him!

  129. EngineerX3:10 PM

    I think an engineering degree is a good education that serves you well even if you decide to do something else.

    In all professions, you need to maintian your competencies and competiveness or be made obsolete. It happened to manufacturing in the 70's and 80's.

    It is happening with engineering now. My company employees guys in India who smart and can speak English and who will work for a fraciton of what they pay me. The only things I've got going for me is experience and cultural familiarty.

    I still think there will be a lot of opprtunities for Americans who want to get into engineering.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. unglued uneducated unlicked vdlr:

    THANK YOU for the DROVES of iron clad proof that you post daily to prove that you have never earned your GED or even visited any campus!

    kudos u trifling troll trick!!!

  132. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Poor wite WATB, hates the AfAms who voice opinions and Facts.
    Pouty boy all soiling his Vitters that she speaks without his permission. Even worse, she treated the TaxBaggers like the easily dismissed bunch of losers they are.
    How dare she!

    You know, once the Pols know you can be ignored...they will ignore you. And then everyone will again ignore your sorry, ill-educated racists selves.


  133. Anonymous3:19 PM

    EngineerX, pray tell...what is your specialty?

    I hope you can continue to be in your field.


  134. mold is the loneliest mumbler3:19 PM

    "You know, once the Pols know you can be ignored...they will ignore you. And then everyone will again ignore your sorry, ill-educated racists selves."

    Sounds kind of like blacks in the democrat party, doesn't it?

    Plantation, plantation, plantation....and dare I say...Plantation!!!

  135. It Must Suck To Be You3:23 PM

    "You know, once the Pols know you can be ignored...they will ignore you. And then everyone will again ignore your sorry, ill-educated racists selves.


    3:12 PM"

    Kinda like the way your Messiah Obama ignores your ugly black ass, huh?

    He likes to hang out with the rich, pretty White folks.

  136. shame that the degreless lickless kudoless vdlr is so HORRIDLY uneducated that she cannot even imagine the real lives of true scholars like me...

    she breeds incessantly!!!


    Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2012
    Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2012
    Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011

    Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008

    Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
    Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/57 2004
    Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
    Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
    Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
    UIUC Dean's List 1984
    UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
    UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
    UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
    UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. lickless skilless brainless vdlr:

    when u earn your GED

    u will learn to do basic research on scholars

  139. AB continued3:42 PM

    Who’s Who of Obsessive Blog Commenters 2008-2011

    Who’s Who of Shiny-headed people 2008-2011

    Who’s Who in Vaginal Manipulation 2007-2008

    Who’s Who in the Whole Fucking World 2007 & 2011

    Who's Who Among Special Olympic Runners-up 2005-2006

    Who’s Who of Sweaty Lesbians 2005

    Who's Who Among Crazy Bitches 2001

    Who’s Who of America's Hairiest Females 2000

    Who’s Who in Velour Jogging Suits 1997-1998

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Carpetmuncher Award 1996

    Massengill Scholar 1994

    Cedar Hill Elementary School Bake Sale Best Brownies (2nd place) 1994

    Who’s Who of Excessively Large Nipples 1993

    Outstanding KMart Shopper of America 1986

    Who's Who Among people Who use Public Transportation 1984

    Mableton Wendy's Employee of the Month September, 1984

    UIUC First in Line at the Cafeteria, October, 1984

  140. toyless boyless vdlr:

    someday u may even earn your own awards

    long after u earn your ged


  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. abusive turbo breeder vdlr:

    it is bad enough that u slime online all day...


    what will you feed your bulging brood of bastard babies soon???


    u should fret that urgent dilemma MUCH MUCH more than my

  144. Anonymous4:01 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Who’s Who of Obsessive Blog Commenters 2008-2011

    Who’s Who of Liars Among Blog Commenters 2008-2011

    Who’s Who of Shiny-headed people 2008-2011

    Who’s Who in Vaginal Manipulation 2007-2008

    Who’s Who in the Whole Fucking World 2007 & 2011

    Who's Who Among Special Olympic Runners-up 2005-2006

    Who’s Who of Sweaty Lesbians 2005

    Who's Who Among Crazy Bitches 2001

    Who’s Who of America's Hairiest Females 2000

    Who’s Who in Velour Jogging Suits 1997-1998

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Carpetmuncher Award 1996

    Massengill Scholar 1994

    Cedar Hill Elementary School Bake Sale Best Brownies (2nd place) 1994

    Who’s Who of Excessively Large Nipples 1993

    Outstanding KMart Shopper of America 1986

    Who's Who Among people Who use Public Transportation 1984

    Mableton Wendy's Employee of the Month September, 1984

    UIUC First in Line at the Cafeteria, October, 1984

  147. witless degreeless hairless clueless condomless vdlr:

    how will lying about my education help you buy/barter wheaties and weave/henny and hair perm soon???

    how will your XXX rated ghetto fantasies about my life save you/ broke uneducated mongrels clones of u from the real AA credit rated nightmares of your beloved false god hobama???

    truly u trifling trick????

    how so?????

  148. Anonymous4:08 PM

    The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome! Why won't it go away? Why?!

  149. Anonymous4:09 PM

    200 dummies

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. Anonymous4:11 PM

    The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome! Why won't it go away? Why?! anon wit sense

    baby it wont go away cuz it is PAID to be here to ruin field negroes blog and talk shit to anyone who disagree wit hre since field negro beleeverate in free speech he let her talk but at the same time muphukkas need to slam da bitch miss talkin bout she gots a 250 iq but stays on this blog all day please

  152. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I have always thought that Field liked to watch wite boys pretend to be they only fooled themselves. Sort of the frat lads going slumming. Or the christians taking one fer jebus. Maybe like seeing suburbanites doing 'gangsta' they have a clew.

    I openly mock the Trolls, the sockpuppets and the alleged AfAms who only cite from wite wingnuts....but others will choose to let the Goobers be stoopid...and then laugh at the Goober. Think 'special'...and high school. Which was more funner...having the teacher mention that Heeyuck was being a goof...or letting Heeyuck be a goof...and encouraging his moronity?


  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I have always thought that Field liked to watch wite boys pretend to be they only fooled themselves. mildew

    or rather he like to see grown black men from kansas city pretend to be an old black woman u stoopid idiot

  155. turbo breeder education needer vdlr:

    we need another demon seed from u like u need another stray deddyless baby...NOT!!!!

    Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible ...

  156. Anonymous4:31 PM


  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Anonymous 4:09 PM said, "200 dummies". Bunches of zeroes are missing... AB, exactly WHY do you come here?
    Neither Dems or Repugs have Negroes to worry about, really. BHO/POTUS will go down, sadly, as a one-time sacrificial lamb prodded onto slaughter by our collective sip of the "Kool-Aid". Tigers' stripes don't ever change; ergo, "Dixie-crats" (masquerading as Repugs) will fund and feed the prison-industrial beast together with mind-numbing redistricting/gerrymandering tactics that will put "Bull Conner" to shame. And this right under our noses while the emperor fiddles.
    It is absolutely essential for A-merry-kkka - US - to go through the tyranny of Palin-Bachmann-Perry plus a hyper-"Depression" era (that makes the historic 30's one look like "Monopoly"). Maybe then we will take to the streets and occupy WASHDC until....
    "A woman without perfume is a woman without a past..."

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. molded moron:

    eff u u trailer park troll

    why do u dare police this blog?????

  161. Anonymous4:43 PM

    i have not listed one vanity award kuntlick alicia banks

    u haven't? well why the need to put whose who awards down then? everybody knows those are called VANITY Awards u know the type of awards some egotistical and insecure phukk buys himself so he can feel 'impoetint'! LOSER hows that 250 iq treating u kunt?

  162. Anonymous4:44 PM

    real universities do not host/need vanity awards kuntlick alicia banks

    golly kuntlick eye wasnt aware that u were a university u stoopid idiotic shitstain! now ur lies lies make even less sense than before!

  163. uneducated unlicked unawarded vdlr:

    when u learn the dif between "who's" and "whose"

    perhaps u will earn a real award too

  164. clulesss lickless vdlr:

    see your own IQ DROP at 4:44

    it is now -4444.0


  165. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The last few times I remembered seeing the “Who’s Who in (fill in the lofty blank here)” it was without fail a request for money. “You are wonderful,” the congratulatory letters said. “Give us money and you can buy a leather-bound reserve and a plaque that says that we say you are wonderful.” These letters barely saw the light of day before hitting the trash can.

  166. rock around the glock4:51 PM

    White guys? Right?

    Six injured in shooting at Kingsessing basketball game
    By Robert Moran

    Inquirer Staff Writer

    Six people were injured during a shootout - one critically - at a local league basketball game attended by 500 people in the city's Kingsessing section Monday night, police said.

    The game was being held by the Eggy Taylor and Pick Brown League, which is run by the city, said Recreation Commissioner Susan Slawson.

    The victims were "innocent bystanders," Slawson said. One man was in critical condition.

    The apparent target was among the bystanders. "It didn't have anything to do with the basketball game," Slawson said.

    Police responded at 8:49 p.m. to reports of shots being fired at the Kingsessing Recreation Center's outdoor basketball courts and found three of the victims at the scene.

    During halftime, a man entered the area near the intersection of Chester Avenue and 49th Street and became involved in a gun battle with another man, said Lt. John Walker of Southwest Detectives. All victims were adults, and one was a woman.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. moron wannabee vdlr:

    that is one who's who

    there is only ONE that is legit/original

    find it

    the fake ones are countless

    carry on you academic retard

  169. Anonymous4:58 PM

    besides that bray like the donkey u r all day and nite but u have no proof of anything uve ever said about urself u stoopid moron! as if ur ugly black cast iron crater faced ass went to college at 12. if that is true why u only got two degrees and why they in the useless humanities? why not use those ahem smarts to solve real world problems other then to just talk shit all day but oh wait...that is what mentally challenged goonkunts like to do exactly what u do simply to be USELESS.

  170. clueless degreeless campus virgin vdlr at 4:55:

    spoken like a dizzy bitch who has no degree

    carry on

  171. Hey Field, I'm just wondering, when is enough going to be enough with this lunatic stalker?

    200 posts are from this ONE a$$hole. Geez!!!!!!

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. i do what i have always loved

    my voice and dj and writing skills are gifts that my comm degrees enhance...daily

    got fun lives???

    got hate???

    "Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

    "Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    "Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993

    "Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993

  174. Stupid Is As Stupid Does5:21 PM

    A "Communications Degree" is almost as impressive as a "Bowel Movement Degree".

    What moron couldn't get a comm degree? Helen Keller?

    Why didn't you REALLY push yourself, and get a degree in Hotel Management?

    What horsesh!t.

  175. trailer park trick trolls vdlr/molded:

    get your 2 lives

    and get your 2 "easy" comm degrees asap

    u 2 inept illiterate hater mfs!!!

    i slay u 2 doubly daily

  176. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Stupid Is As Stupid Does said...

    A "Communications Degree" is almost as impressive as a "Bowel Movement Degree".

    What moron couldn't get a comm degree? Helen Keller?

    Why didn't you REALLY push yourself, and get a degree in Hotel Management?

    What horsesh!t.

    muah muah muah muah muah muah muah

  177. alicia banks said...
    trailer park trick trolls vdlr/molded:

    get your 2 lives

    and get your 2 "easy" comm degrees asap

    u 2 inept illiterate hater mfs!!!

    i slay u 2 doubly daily

    Yes AB, you slay this beast EVERY day!!! You'd think by now it would realize that it's NO match for you! Not even close!!!!

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. And is this trick really talking 'ish about your degree when the whack job couldn't even finish one?

    College drop out as a physics major = your dumb ass is can't buy a job or an educational clue!!!!

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Hopefully, the Alicia Banks Troll will take her pet Fly with her.

  182. Dr. Queen:


    gotta go

    the vdlr and molded will BOTH still be here braying and hating in stereo tomorrow

    the vdlr is a ghetto yakuza
    molded is a kkk reject

    all day
    err day

    peace out!

  183. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Most Difficult College Majors at the Bachelor's Degree Level

    Science, math and engineering programs offer high-paying, entry-level jobs after graduation, as well as good job prospects and difficult coursework. Engineering programs are usually highly competitive, as are pre-med and pre-veterinary programs. Some of the majors thought to be most difficult are as follows:

    * Engineering, especially electrical and computer engineering or bioengineering
    * Mathematics
    * Physics
    * Chemistry
    * Biology

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. lickless vdlr:

    due to internet morons like YOU 2 ILLITERATE STALKER MFS

    my degrees are more in demand than ever

    pray tell

    what stellar majors have u 2 stooges mastered???


    ya heard?

  186. Dr. Queen:

    congrats on your regal mastery of all of the stellar degrees just listed!!!

    that silly mf the vdlr just made you shine even more!!!

    she is easier to slay than any degree!!!!


  187. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Stupid Is As Stupid Does said...

    A "Communications Degree" is almost as impressive as a "Bowel Movement Degree".

    What moron couldn't get a comm degree? Helen Keller?

    Why didn't you REALLY push yourself, and get a degree in Hotel Management?

    What horsesh!t.

    muah muah muah muah muah muah muahStupid Is As Stupid Does said...

    A "Communications Degree" is almost as impressive as a "Bowel Movement Degree".

    What moron couldn't get a comm degree? Helen Keller?

    Why didn't you REALLY push yourself, and get a degree in Hotel Management?

    What horsesh!t.

    muah muah muah muah muah muah muahStupid Is As Stupid Does said...

    A "Communications Degree" is almost as impressive as a "Bowel Movement Degree".

    What moron couldn't get a comm degree? Helen Keller?

    Why didn't you REALLY push yourself, and get a degree in Hotel Management?

    What horsesh!t.

    muah muah muah muah muah muah muahStupid Is As Stupid Does said...

    A "Communications Degree" is almost as impressive as a "Bowel Movement Degree".

    What moron couldn't get a comm degree? Helen Keller?

    Why didn't you REALLY push yourself, and get a degree in Hotel Management?

    What horsesh!t.

    muah muah muah muah muah muah muahStupid Is As Stupid Does said...

    A "Communications Degree" is almost as impressive as a "Bowel Movement Degree".

    What moron couldn't get a comm degree? Helen Keller?

    Why didn't you REALLY push yourself, and get a degree in Hotel Management?

    What horsesh!t.

    muah muah muah muah muah muah muah

  188. dumb fertile foolish bitch vdlr:

    u show us what u do not and never will know with each uneducated unlicked post

    carry on trick

  189. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I thought the Alicia Banks troll said it was leaving. Why is it STILL here? Why?!

    And please take your pet Fly with you!

  190. Anonymous5:41 PM

    only if ur ugly black disgusting filthy black ass got affirmative action guilty wites telling u how smart u r when in fact ur intelligence is sub canid.

    sub canid? sub canid? mauh muah muah muah muah muah muah uah muah

    aint it a shame that the stoopid wannabe dawktaw who will NEVER be a doctor cante use insults like this? ya know the type that shows her supposed training? dummy!

  191. envious nigs like the vldrmolded always lie like hobama!!!!


  192. Anonymous5:43 PM

    sub canid sub canid sub canid filthy disgusting crater faced black ass now that is some funny shit! dumb chriflin moron talkin bout she's so smart so smart with the easiest degree possible! so smart as to sit up here all day and every day typing bullshit talking points that she too stoopid to conjure up herself does this sound like a smart person to u? naw jess some ego inflated fool jess like her affirmative action having grades stoopid burrheaded sheboon!

  193. hey molded:

    your kkk shanaynay is showing again

    only white peasants like u lament affirmative action

    black nigs like the vdlr think it is a sexual position


  194. uneducated lickless blogless lifeless vdlr/molded moron:

    what have u 2 loser mfs ever done with any degree ever????


    Music is the greatest love of my life because love is only perfect within a love song. When I read Barry White’s great autobiography, I learned that he loved music for the very same reason. His life story reads like a romantic and poetic love letter to music and black women, especially his mother. I felt spiritually connected to Barry. I adore him and I will miss his spirit on earth so very much...

    In 1982, I was 18 years old and a founder of radio station WBML FM at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I was also WBML’s original general manager and risque specialty show deejay. I created, produced, and hosted a sultry show called “Soulful Sounds of Ecstasy”. It featured classic love songs and erotic sensual special effects. Barry sang my appropriately smoldering theme song “Sheet Music”. I was a fan of Barry long before I was a radio star...

    The first Barry song that I recall hearing as a child was his classic instrumental “Love Theme”. It was the first time I heard soul music become an actual symphony. Barry’s magic was that each of his compositions was an awesome orchestration that blended the perfect mix of symphonic melody and sexy soul. Barry was more than a musician. He was a uniquely gifted maestro.

    In 1989, when I created, produced, and hosted the legendary “Les Chanteueses Africaines (The African Female Singers)” at WRFG FM in Atlanta, Barry’s renowned proteges (including his ex-wife Glodean) opened my first show with their classic vocal version of “Love Theme”. In 1992, at WIGO AM in Atlanta, on the maverick talk show that I created, produced, and hosted called “Outlook” , Barry’s music often glided me into my breaks. In 1996, I debuted “Les Chanteuses Africaines” at KPFA/KPFB/KFCF FM in California’s bay area. At KPFA, Barry’s scintillating duet with Tina Turner, “Never in Your Wildest Dreams”, was always in my rotation by request.

  195. Anonymous5:58 PM

    alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills

    tragic alicia banks was allegedly a communications major funny since its the easiest major in college and she sposed to be smart

    thank affirmative action for letting yet another sheboon have an inflated ego with no skills


  196. This comment has been removed by the author.

  197. it is great to be me!


    it is great to have 2 comm degrees!!!

    u 2 illiterate uneducated mfs can hate me now

    It’s an irony so commonplace it’s become almost trite: despite the information superhighway, despite a world of knowledge at their fingertips, the younger generation today is less informed, less literate, and more self-absorbed than any that has preceded it. But why? According to the author, an English professor at Emory University, there are plenty of reasons. The immediacy and intimacy of social-networking sites have focused young people’s Internet use on themselves and their friends. The material they’re studying in school (such as the Civil War or The Great Gatsby) seems boring because it isn’t happening right this second and isn’t about them. They’re using the Internet not as a learning tool but as a communications tool: instant messaging, e-mail, chat, blogs. And the language of Internet communication, with its peculiar spelling, grammar, and punctuation, actually encourages illiteracy by making it socially acceptable. It wouldn’t be going too far to call this book the Why Johnny Can’t Read for the digital age. Some will disagree vehemently; others will nod sagely, muttering that they knew it all along. --David Pitt --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
    "If you're the parent of someone under 20 and read only one non-fiction book this fall, make it this one. Bauerlein's simple but jarring thesis is that technology and the digital culture it has created are not broadening the horizon of the younger generation; they are narrowing it to a self-absorbed social universe that blocks out virtually everything else."
    -Don Campbell, USA Today

    "An urgent and pragmatic book on the very dark topic of the virtual end of reading among the young."
    -Harold Bloom

    "Never have American students had it so easy, and never have they achieved less. . . . Mr. Bauerlein delivers this bad news in a surprisingly brisk and engaging fashion, blowing holes in a lot of conventional educational wisdom."
    -Charles McGrath, The New York Times

    "It wouldn't be going too far to call this book the Why Johnny Can't Read for the digital age."

    "Throughout The Dumbest Generation, there are . . . keen insights into how the new digital world really is changing the way young people engage with information and the obstacles they face in integrating any of it meaningfully. These are insights that educators, parents, and other adults ignore at their peril."
    -Lee Drutman, Los Angeles Times

  198. EngineerX said...
    Black professionals are fought over by companies seeking to please the federal government. Smart blacks can make more money in fields that are a lot easier than engineering - like law and finance - so why put yourself through the rigors of engineering school?

    My hubby is an Engineer but because he earned his BS at an HBCU in the late 80's, so there were plenty others around. Grad school was VERY different for him being the only Black in his program (Computer Science/Electrical Engineering). And like your kids, my high schooler appears heading down the Engineering path too!

    You're absolutely right about the fact that kids these days are looking for what I call the "easy" way out academically. But I always remind them when I talk to kids at inner city schools, that the fields of the future are in Math, Science, Engineering, Technology, and Medicine.

  199. maxine waters6:54 PM

    The multiple personalities of Alicia Banks are running wild.

    Must be a shortage of lithium pills at Walgreens.

    It's okay. I know the feeling of being deranged.

  200. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Trollie Sockpuppet had a hissy when I said we would ignore them.

