Wednesday, August 03, 2011

He just didn't want to be Br'er Rabbit, that's all.

"Even if some people say, 'Well, the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,' they will hold the president responsible," Lamborn said. "Now I don't want to even have to be associated with him. It's like touching a tar baby and you get, you get it, you know ... you are stuck and you are part of the problem now and you can't get away."

That was a wingnut republiclown politician (they sure love that word) allowing his color arousal (thanks for that word, Francis) to kick in....publicly. If it's one thing that some folks in A-merry-ca hate it is for their "color arousal" to kick in publicly.

Poor O, so now he is a "tar-baby". Lord have mercy, can you imagine if he was one of us full blooded Negroes? (The man's mama is white and he is still a "Tar Baby"!) What's blacker than tar? Oil baby, maybe?

Let me stop, this isn't funny. And I know I know, the PC police should just leave the poor man alone, because we all know that he is not a racist. How could he be? Isn't he an elected politician in our great republic?

OK, so let's say, for argument sake, that he is not. Couldn't he be more sensitive about his choice of words given the fact that we do happen to have a president who is closer to tar than cement, and we know that some of us sensitive Negroes--- and whites with a conscience---- might be offended? I think he is a college educated man with some  smarts, you would think he would know better.

But sometimes, you know, you just can't hold in your true feelings anymore. Sometimes you just want to say f&^% all of this PC stuff and let it rip. Watch, one of these wingnuts will call O a nigger soon and he will quickly apologize (kind of like Mr.Lamborn is doing now) and chalk it up to a bad night's sleep.

 "Lamborn was attempting to tell a radio audience last week that the president's policies have created an economic quagmire for the nation and are responsible for the dismal economic conditions our country faces," said the statement from Lamborn's office.

"He regrets that he chose the phrase 'tar baby,' rather than the word 'quagmire.' The congressman is confident that the president will accept his heartfelt apology."

Of course he will. That Obama guy is such a gentleman. He always takes the high road.

Anywhoo, Mr. Lamborn is not alone; it seems that someone else allowed his color arousal to kick in on national television:

"If Lamborn’s comments have created a bit of a political morass, MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan also found himself in a sticky political situation about race.

Buchanan appeared on his cable network’s “Morning Joe,” program Wednesday to explain his remarks the night before when he referred to Obama as “your boy” during a discussion with the
Rev. Al Sharpton.

The pair, an opposite sides of the ideological road, were discussing Obama's actions when Buchanan, a conservative who has tried to win the
GOP’s presidential nomination, told Sharpton that “your boy,” Obama, had caved during negotiations.

“My what?” Sharpton asked. “My president, Barack Obama? What did you say?”

Buchanan, using a boxing analogy, replied that Obama was “your boy in the ring.”

“He's nobody's boy,” Sharpton said. “He's your president, he's my president, and that's what you have to get through your head.”

Buchanan took note on Wednesday.

“Some folks took what I said as some kind of a slur,” Buchanan said. “None was meant, none was intended, none was delivered.” [Article]

We know that "none was intended", Pat. We never say these types of things.....publicly.



  1. Farley7:48 PM

    It all started with 'that one'.

    Well, saying it probably started there is a bunch of (ma)caca.

    How is it that conservatism and racism go hand in hand so well?

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Mr. Field, here's the video of the discussion, or should I say harangue where Buchanan used the term "your boy". I actually thought the discussion between the two was quite comical...very entertaining. The expression on Rev Al's face when Buch said, "your boy" had me on the floor laughing:

  3. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Have you FN Negroes heard about the march on DC on Aug 27th? of course you haven't. Folks like Mack and PilotX don't get involved, they just post on FN blog.

    AB, listen to Tom Joyner and the great Al Sharpton:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Tar Baby, tar baby, tar baby. Negroes are so sensitive. Nothing but cry babies. Yet, our folks will use the word 'nigger' more times than there are stars in the sky. I still don't understand that. It's crazy.

    IMO, Obama is 'nobody' you want to be stuck with, or stuck so many Negroes want to do. FYI: If you touch a tar baby, you will get stuck to it. Tar is sticky. A lot of you folks are stuck to Obama. Tar baby is a good analogy, whether the Congressman is Republican or Democrat, whether White, Brown or Black.

    Why some Blacks become offended with the use of the word 'tar baby', but find it OK to call each other 'nigger' is beyond me. The only reason I fathom is that we are a very sick race, always 'on guard' about what others say about us. That is the primary reason we are unable to come together for our own well-being. We are too worried what the wm is saying about us....We are controlled by him, and he knows it.

    That's why Obama is so weak. He is too worried about the White Repubs. I don't fault him. He is just being Black.

    Blacks are so dysfunctional. Is there any wonder that all of the other races have surpassed us in no time at all?

  6. Anonymous9:05 PM

    It is like living with a bunch of hypersensitive children, get over yourself and your politically offended names, its tired old and no one really gives a shit anymore.

    It is like having a girlfriend with an incredible amount of emotional baggage, even great sex isnt' worth the insanity and pain in the ass that she is....keep walking don't feel like chatting with your looking to get offended ass.

  7. By Patrick J. Buchanan (BuKKKanan)

    How would he pull it off? I wondered.

    How would Barack explain to his press groupies why he sat silent in a pew for 20 years as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright delivered racist rants against white America for our maligning of Fidel and Gadhafi, and inventing AIDS to infect and kill black people?

    Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America.

    Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.

    This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:

    First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

    Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

    Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.

    Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks — with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas — to advance black applicants over white applicants.

    Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.

    We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?

    Barack talks about new “ladders of opportunity” for blacks.

    Let him go to Altoona and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for “deserving” white kids.

    Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America’s fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

    Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

    As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

    Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

    We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

    Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.

  8. "He regrets that he chose the phrase 'tar baby,' rather than the word 'quagmire.'"

    Field, I've been thinking. And maybe you're too hard on him. Why can't you just play the devil's advocate (no pun). I mean, isn't "tar baby" and "quagmire" similar in meaning depending on how you use it? The man was just being a calypso singer. (LOL)

  9. So yeah, we can take his word for it Field; if he was deliberately calling the pres "boy" he'd have done it with a grin. He's far from ashamed of his racism; it's his precious.

  10. "...get over yourself and your politically offended names, its tired old and no one really gives a shit anymore."

    We can tell, you've been making it obvious since the blackish man won.

  11. Anonymous9:35 PM

    "Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream."

    So white people don't receive Food Stamps? White people don't receive Pell grants? White people don't receive section 8 housing? White people don't receive the Earned Income Credit? White people don't Medicaid?

    Anybody who meets the appropriate ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS for a particular program can get it. In terms of numbers alone, whites have benefited more from the aforementioned programs than black people.

  12. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Well, isn't true that Whites don't apply for many of the benefits you are talking about because they don't want to be in the same class as Blacks?

    I KNOW they don't apply for unemployment because my white friends tell me so.

  13. Anonymous9:48 PM

    "...get over yourself and your politically offended names, its tired old and no one really gives a shit anymore."

    We can tell, you've been making it obvious since the blackish man won.

    another nonsensical ridiculous statement, the half white president we have just sucks. Nothing to do with his skin (other then the pass you want to give him for being half white) he sucks, you turn that into a skin thing then you are the foolish one for making excuses for incompetency by saying the reason he is incompetent is because he is half black.

  14. The "your boy" comment is a little more difficult to prove as racism IMHO. If ANYONE like Pat or even of Steele had said it, folks woould be upset.

    But would you be upset if either Jay-Z or Jesse had said it? I seriously doubt it (just as I doubt either of them would say it in the first place).

  15. Wesley R10:08 PM


    Buchanan is a old fashion bigot but what he said is more slang then slur. The wingnut Rep. however, is just plain crazy. I wonder how many Black Folks live in his district.

  16. You blacks in A-merry-ca are so ungrateful. You should be glad that "Mr. Charlie" brought you over here and allowed you to help build this great country we call home....

    "Blacks are so dysfunctional. Is there any wonder that all of the other races have surpassed us in no time at all?"

    "US"!? I thought we traded you to the Hispanics weeks ago?

    "How is it that conservatism and racism go hand in hand so well?"

    Kind of like ackee and saltfish. :)

  17. Joe Biden's Cracked Head Club10:15 PM

    Joe Biden to Gabrielle Giffords: “You’re Now a Member of the Cracked Head Club, Like Me”

    Stay classy Joe.

  18. "In terms of numbers alone, whites have benefited more from the aforementioned programs than black people."

    Exactly. And along with the "White Affirmative Privileges" they've always been receiving on top of it, they're numbers shouldn't even be as high as it is. And don't talk about the recent white European immigrants and the Jewish community, they've been defrauding the US government for generations. And I won't be apologizing for that statement. Thank you.

    "you turn that into a skin thing then you are the foolish one for making excuses for incompetency by saying the reason he is incompetent is because he is half black."

    Or perhaps he's incompetent because he's half white.

  19. Sorry for the typos, time for bed, don't want to turn this blog into a tar baby.

  20. RIP Bubba Smith.Can't believe FN didn't give you a shout out.

  21. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Field, ""US"!? I thought we traded you to the Hispanics weeks ago?"

    LOL. OK you got me. It wasn't a trade, it was an act of desperation to get the hell out. Unfortunately, they told me they weren't taking any AAs who couldn't speak Spanish. Ain't that a bitch!?

    So, I am headed for Jamaica. I think I can pass for Jamaican cause I have learned something about Jamaicans from you brother Field.

    I knew someday that the information on this blog would be good for something. Thanks Field.

  22. "RIP Bubba Smith.Can't believe FN didn't give you a shout out."

    I met Bubba when I worked in L.A. right out of college a few times. He went to my pop's alma mater, MSU.

    I.......tell you what; I will give him a small shout out:

    Howard B, if you are reading this, I need you to give me a call.
    You know why Negro. :)

  23. "LOL. OK you got me. It wasn't a trade, it was an act of desperation to get the hell out. Unfortunately, they told me they weren't taking any AAs who couldn't speak Spanish. Ain't that a bitch!?

    So, I am headed for Jamaica. I think I can pass for Jamaican cause I have learned something about Jamaicans from you brother Field.

    I knew someday that the information on this blog would be good for something. Thanks Field."

    Oh Lawd! Let me get on the phone and warn the Yawdies right now. :)

  24. Anonymous11:08 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Sorry for the typos, time for bed, don't want to turn this blog into a tar baby.

    yeah last thing you want is black sticky stuff on the sheets

  25. "Tar Baby, tar baby, tar baby. Negroes are so sensitive. Nothing but cry babies. Yet, our folks will use the word 'nigger' more times than there are stars in the sky. I still don't understand that. It's crazy. "

    So just because blacks sometime use a permutation of the "N" word that ends with "-a" instead of "-er", that makes it okay for whites to fragrantly use the word, despite the generations of ethnic hatred behind that name.

    At least you're right about one thing. Why even bother using the word at all? I haven't seen any Chinese trying to "take back" "Chink", or Vietnamese trying to take back "gook".

    "Blacks are so dysfunctional. Is there any wonder that all of the other races have surpassed us in no time at all?"

    I bet you wake up every morning wishing you were born white. How about you kill yourself now, so that you may be reincarnated into a wealthy white scion?

  26. Anonymous11:24 PM

    How about you kill yourself now, so that you may be reincarnated into a wealthy white scion?

    You first, be a man, show us how it's done, do it quick instead of this slow racial genocide.

  27. Forget the Tar Baby, the American people have lost sight of the fact the budget deal saved or lowered nothing. The debt celing just jumped another 0.4 trillion dollars when the ink came out of the pen. Reality check people, the Democrats, Republicans just did a proctology check on us, we don't have cancer or money and both hands are on our shoulders.

  28. Anonymous11:44 PM

    field negro said...
    "Oh Lawd! Let me get on the phone and warn the Yawdies right now. :)"
    Don't worry Field, I doubt he'll find his way to Jamaica. There's another one lost on the high seas trying to find PR! LOLOLOLOL!!!

    (Don't say anything, but their sailing leaves a lot to be desired)hehehehehe

  29. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Mack, "I bet you wake up every morning wishing you were born white. How about you kill yourself now, so that you may be reincarnated into a wealthy white scion?"

    Mack, it's me. Don't you recognize me? I am the brotha who wanted to join the Latinos, remember? Well, if you have been following me on FN, you would know that I have changed my mind and I NOW want to be Jamaican because....well, it's a better deal.

    I know, I know. It seems like I don't know what the hell I want. But Mack, there is one thing I am sure of; and that is-- I want out of the AA race you are in. You folks have too many rules and you are too sensitive about words like 'tar baby' and 'monkeys' etc. It's just too damn hard being an AA in America. You folks put too much pressure on Whites. Pretty soon you'll be offended at them for shitting too dark turds.

    Mack, why do you assume all AAs want to be White? What's up with that? It's because YOU want to be White, isn't it?
    Ooooh, now I get it. Why didn't you just say so?

  30. "You first, be a man, show us how it's done, do it quick instead of this slow racial genocide."

    No thanks, I'm quite comfortable in my brown skin and I'm not that big of a fan of reincarnation. But feel free the kick off our "racial genocide" by being the first to literally bite the bullet.

  31. "Mack, it's me. Don't you recognize me? I am the brotha who wanted to join the Latinos, remember? Well, if you have been following me on FN, you would know that I have changed my mind and I NOW want to be Jamaican because....well, it's a better deal."

    Sorry. I tend to not keep up with anon identities.

    "I know, I know. It seems like I don't know what the hell I want. But Mack, there is one thing I am sure of; and that is-- I want out of the AA race you are in. You folks have too many rules and you are too sensitive about words like 'tar baby' and 'monkeys' etc. It's just too damn hard being an AA in America. You folks put too much pressure on Whites. Pretty soon you'll be offended at them for shitting too dark turds."

    As I was telling the other anon (or hell, that may have been you I was talking to), you already have a one-way ticket out of "blackdom". It's usually delivered at anywhere from 990 to 1350 feet per second, depending on the grain and energy.

    "Mack, why do you assume all AAs want to be White? What's up with that? It's because YOU want to be White, isn't it?
    Ooooh, now I get it. Why didn't you just say so?"

    As I said before, I'm comfortable in my brown skin. And besides, whites tend to have too much collective guilt over their mistreatment of other ethnic groups for my tastes. Too many skeletons in those closets.

  32. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Mack, "As I said before, I'm comfortable in my brown skin. And besides, whites tend to have too much collective guilt over their mistreatment of other ethnic groups for my tastes. Too many skeletons in those closets."

    Well, at least they know how to stick together. AAs have never known such.

    Mack, I've been thinking about that one-way ticket and God has told me you can't do that. Besides, 1350 per second is BPT, which means it's too damn slow. Hell, I can smoke a joint and travel faster than that. You must be a brother from MS.

  33. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Field, "The pair, an opposite sides of the ideological road, were discussing Obama's actions when Buchanan, a conservative who has tried to win the GOP’s presidential nomination, told Sharpton that “your boy,” Obama, had caved during negotiations."

    I like Buchanan. He is NOT prejudiced, nor is he a racist. I challenge anybody to prove otherwise. There is nothing wrong with using the words "your boy". Everybody does it and furthermore, Buchanan was right. Obama IS Rev Al's boy. He is the only Negro who has access to the WH whenever he wants. Sounds like Obama is "his boy" to me.

    I found it amusing that Rev Al found "your boy" offensive when Buchanan was just trying to make conversation. See, this is another reason to get out of the race. Picky-ass overly sensitive Negroes are just too hard to talk to.

  34. NSangoma1:16 AM

    You po', po', pitzitful Negroes; yall cain't not be helping yallz own po' selfs:

    Bloomberg to Use Own Funds in Plan to Aid Minority Youth

    Where dey daddy at? Oopz, dey am deh daddies.

    Fuck being called a tarbaby!!

    Pick yourselves up, clean yourselves up; Negroe.


  35. Anonymous3:42 AM

    The "your boy" comment is a little more difficult to prove as racism IMHO. If ANYONE like Pat or even of Steele had said it, folks woould be upset.

    But would you be upset if either Jay-Z or Jesse had said it? I seriously doubt it (just as I doubt either of them would say it in the first place).
    queef da wannabe dawktaw

    hey queef why do u feel the need to voice ur tired stoopid opinions on every topic even if u aint sayin shit? ya think sweetie? talkin loud and ain sayin shit dummy!

  36. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Hmm...lots of posts about how AfAms are 'effeminate'..'weak'...'taking it in the rear'....
    Or was that Libruls?
    No, it was the Jews.
    Anonymous declares hisself all manly masculine and therefore the sexual assaulting hero of his rape fantasy. Wonder why he has to do this on a blog? Can't find any willing participants?
    Dude(s), if you need to write fanfic about yourself....there are other venues for that.

    Buchanan could very easily used the term 'your man'. But to Pattie, a 50 yo AfAm President is still 'boy'. And he feels eminently justified using the well-known slur. While the mentally challenged cheering boosters of Buchanan's racist wite Entitlement may mistakenly blurt the words...Pattie is not quite so deficient. Which is why Mr Sharpton was defensive.

    Why thankee Massa...for raping my sisters/mothers/daughters/aunties/nieces. Thanbkee for lynching my sons/husbands/fathers/uncles/nephews. Thankee for stealing the value of my labour. Thankee for making me less than chattel in my own country. Thankee for restricting my opportunities so that such greats as the bush, Quayles, Santorums, Lukey Russert, the Doocy boy, Sarey Palin, Michelle Bachmann....would never have to ever show any shred of competence. Like I should listen to some cheap labour imported to reduce my wage.

    Yes, the country has been less since the 60s. The 1860s, when the traitors were not hanged. A New Englander once mentioned to me that the South was doing a Fifth Columnist attack on the eveel Federal Government for revealing the utter fakery of the Southern incestual 'elite'. I laughed at the time. But now...I am not that sure. It does seem that their desire to ruin the taking place.


  37. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I just realized there has been no budget since Obama took office and demoncraps haven't even proposed one in over 800+ days as required by law, do you think this is because the president's is half black or wait is it half white ? I get confused on wether he is a "mongrel" or is he supposed to be a "mongrel"

    Funny though, even though the president is Black and the demoncraps have had full control of government down to 2/3 control they still did not try to put together a budget and just spent the most ever/borrowed/increased how much we owe in one day tuesday. Remember that 400billion increase, shit 239 billion was spent just tuesday - on one day 239 billion of the new 400b debt limit was just chewed up, spent, borrowed, burned. I wonder what that does to the budget, oh right there isn't one.

    Maybe Matt Damon can write that check immediately so the spending can continue, we are gonna need it, we already borrow 100% of GDP and god knows that we need to keep spending millions to study gay shrimp, give money to china and other nations, while our very own citizens go hungry...

  38. parole7:24 AM

    Police Blotter: A Shooting and Beauty Supply Store Robbery

    A roundup of crime activity in the 81st Precinct

    Crime has increased 13 percent in the 81st Precinct for the week of 7/18/2011 through 7/24/2011, (35 incidents versus 31 incidents), compared to this same week last year. And crime year-to-date is up 10.5 percent (757 incidents versus 685 incidents), compared to this same time period in 2010.


    On Tuesday, August 2, at approximately 10:00pm, a 20-year-old man was shot once in the heel of his foot on Chauncey Street between Howard Street and Saratoga Avenue.

    The victim says he was talking on his cell phone when suddenly there was shooting and he was struck in the foot.

    He also said he did not know the perpetrators. Police also say, because the man was shot in the bottom/heel of his foot, he likely was running from someone.

    Police have arrested several involved in the melee but have no leads on the victim's shooter. Investigation is ongoing.


    On Tuesday, August 2, at approximately 6:00pm, a beauty supply store on MacDougal Street was robbed of about $1,000 in cash.

    According to the store manager's report, a black female wearing a black baseball hat and blue shirt, approximately 5'3" and in her mid-20s, walked into the store and immediately went to the rear of the store.

    Shortly after, a black male wearing a blue baseball hat and white t-shirt, approximately 5'9" and in his mid-20s, walked in, pointed a gun at the merchant and demanded all the cash in his register.

    The two perpetrators left together with money and have not been arrested. Police are still investigating.

  39. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Hmm...lots of posts about how AfAms are 'effeminate'..'weak'...'taking it in the rear'....
    Or was that Libruls?
    No, it was the Jews.
    Anonymous declares hisself all manly masculine and therefore the sexual assaulting hero of his rape fantasy. Wonder why he has to do this on a blog? Can't find any willing participants?
    Dude(s), if you need to write fanfic about yourself....there are other venues for that.

    Buchanan could very easily used the term 'your man'. But to Pattie, a 50 yo AfAm President is still 'boy'. And he feels eminently justified using the well-known slur. While the mentally challenged cheering boosters of Buchanan's racist wite Entitlement may mistakenly blurt the words...Pattie is not quite so deficient. Which is why Mr Sharpton was defensive.

    Why thankee Massa...for raping my sisters/mothers/daughters/aunties/nieces. Thanbkee for lynching my sons/husbands/fathers/uncles/nephews. Thankee for stealing the value of my labour. Thankee for making me less than chattel in my own country. Thankee for restricting my opportunities so that such greats as the bush, Quayles, Santorums, Lukey Russert, the Doocy boy, Sarey Palin, Michelle Bachmann....would never have to ever show any shred of competence. Like I should listen to some cheap labour imported to reduce my wage.

    Yes, the country has been less since the 60s. The 1860s, when the traitors were not hanged. A New Englander once mentioned to me that the South was doing a Fifth Columnist attack on the eveel Federal Government for revealing the utter fakery of the Southern incestual 'elite'. I laughed at the time. But now...I am not that sure. It does seem that their desire to ruin the taking place.


  40. welfare check7:43 AM

    anon 9:35 pm says:

    So white people don't receive Food Stamps? White people don't receive Pell grants? White people don't receive section 8 housing? White people don't receive the Earned Income Credit? White people don't Medicaid?

    Anybody who meets the appropriate ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS for a particular program can get it.

    Hey bonehead. You miss the point. Blacks scream they deserve more free food, more Pell grants, more free housing and more Medicaid for one and only one reason: because they are black.

    There is no political drive among whites to increase benefits to white recipients.

    In terms of numbers alone, whites have benefited more from the aforementioned programs than black people.

    Ah, once again that problem blacks have with math is showing up.

    Let's see. 36 million blacks in the US and about 260 million people who identify themselves as white -- a number that includes a lot of hispanics.

    If 15% of those who say they are white were to collect welfare benefits, that group would be larger than 100% of the black population.

    What percentage of today's 36 million blacks receive some form of welfare benefits? What percentage of whites?

    Huge percentage of blacks. Small percentage of whites.

  41. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hey Mold,
    Before they kicked you out of college for stalking, did you act and dress like a wigger? Now we have another funny lawsuit, it causes pain and hardship when someone else acts like you and shows you who you are, get me some o that free money yo:

    Maybe whites can sue blacks when they try and speak proper english and start actin white? Fair is Fair.

  42. brer rabbit8:09 AM

    Tar baby? Boy? Who cares?

    Get over it.

    It says a lot about blacks that there's no alternative image to point to that allows blacks to say, "How ridiculous is it that Laborn's understanding of blacks is so limited that the only word popping into his head was 'tar baby'?"

    "Is Lamborn so ignorant that he doesn't know of the generations of African leaders who led Africans as they formed the world's most prosperous democracies? Is Lamborn unaware that Einstein learned physics in Nairobi? That Newton was taught mathematics in Lagos? That Shakespeare developed his art under the guidance of Zulu writers?"

    "Sadly, the answer appears to be 'yes', he is that ignorant. It appears he learned everything he knows about blacks from "Song of the South."

  43. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Why sure, it is only the AfAms who are undeserving. Just ask wite Goober! He 'knows' that his work is terribly important. That his value is incredible. And not one wite person is on Welfare. The very idea sickens his notion of Southern gentility.
    Bachmann was on Welfare. So was Sarey. And Santroum took in money...for NOT educating his chill'in.
    Is it not strange that Welfare is ONLY those items that urban poor need? That the definition of Welfare is so malleable in the not-minds of obsequious wingnut wanna-bees?

    Sorry Troll, I never was a wingnut or Con. Therefore my college career never involved stalking. Or having to leave. Wonder why you project your own failings?
    Well, if I held a Impregnate Your Sister Day...or a Priest Touch Boy Day...or a Bravely Shoot Children might be the same. Maybe a Steal From Granny Day...or a Recent Migrant Denies Citizenship to US Citizens for 300 Years Day...or a I Hates Me That Book Larnin' Day.
    How about my Weenie Is the Smallest on The Planet Day?

    Poor Pattie, he is so upset that his wondrous, glorious, Southern Strategy brought forth the reign of error (bush) and the March of the Morons. While he likey the Wite Entitlement....the infestation of US education with Creationists and 'Merican Talibani means the rest of the World will leave the US in abject ignorance. It makes Left Behinds happy...knowing that nobody will be smarter than they...but does nothing to create the skilled and intelligent citizen necessary for a non-plantation work force.


  44. Mold Soup Brought to you by A bowel near You8:28 AM

    Mold said...

    "How about my Weenie Is the Smallest on The Planet Day?"

    Yup, no doubt you could lead that one convincingly. You really are a nutjob do you know that? Are you aware that most know you are not only stupid because of your inability to spell and form coherent sentences, but also because your thoughts are never connected and batshit crazy.

    Anyway, what do I expect, if I play in the sewer with a rat, I am bound to catch a disease and or step in poop. So, I shake off your insanity and leave you to stew in your own Mold-Soup -brewed from the bowels of humanity.

  45. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Awww...was that too close to where you dwell? It was all Hycuk-Hyuck when it was Wigger Day. What changed for you?
    Keep calling me a 'lesbian' was sooo relevant and successful....when? Not one word of repsonse, just bluster. And name-calling. And complete avoidance of the issue.
    Sour Grapes?

    Pattie was all heroic over his usage of the term. He showed them 'uppity' folk! How dare they question the 'rite' of an Entitled Wite to say whatever racial slur he wants! It am his gawd-derived betterment that allows him to be a jerkhole.

    I think the New Englander was correct. The South has been running a Fifth Columnist campaign to eradicate the Federal Government. Why else remove funding for Social Security? Why else push for Creationism? What else explains the constant welfare sucking of the entire South?
    Government was never the problem...unless you were a planter asked to pay your taxes. Unless you had a rage that the government treated AfAm citizens as your equal. Unless your myth of greatness was stomped flat by US Grant (among others).


  46. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Hmmm...bankrupt the eveel being total welfare sucks. Try to spend their money...but it those Yankees are pretty good at regulated, fair markets.
    Try to revisionist History by having christians and Southern apologists gloss over the many failings of the South...but those nasty Yankees can read the source material from Europe.
    Try to enforce the permanent disenfranchisement of AfAm citizens...but most of the country felt revulsion towards the antics of the racists.
    Try to eliminate nasty icky awful terrible horrible education...but those Yankees licked their kids to be intelligent. And public education is terrifically efficient. Most education for the dollar.
    Try to kill unions....but the labour force in right-to-work states is woefully inadequate. And the rationale for being in the the same for shipping the work to China. Oopsie.
    All that's left is to elect some of the creepiest, sleaziest weasels ever...under the banner of Know-nuttin'


  47. iDetective8:59 AM

    Hmmm. With every post, it becomes clearer that mold is a white male.

  48. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I wondered why the sillies were yelling about how eveel Matt Damon was. It was because he treated a pompous they should be.
    With disdain and derision.
    You might want to know that both the camera jerkhole and the lookiMeBreasts are Koch-suckers.


  49. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Show your proof. Or keep wisherating.
    I wonder when you will provide any basis for your claim.


  50. fn:


    so much for hobama's LIES about "post-racial america"...huh?

    why do hobama's masochistic mongrel fans RUSH to defend him from racism
    when hobama never bothers to return such loyalty/favors/black poverty/black joblessness/black incarceration/sean bell/oscar grant/bombed libyans/nuked somali pirates/ANY MERE MENTION of racism at all????????


    i could not care less about the racist fools who attack that racist evil elitist dog hobama!!!!!!!

    do millions of mongrels trump 1 tar baby???

    This has been a short glimpse of the history of the “mongrel” term that Obama brought to the morning broadcast couch like some benign little nugget. Of course, even a president has the personal right to call himself any names he pleases. But Obama told the ladies of “The Show” and millions of viewers that “we” African Americans are “a mongrel people” – a label he is not entitled to inflict on 40 million Black folks, many of whom know full well the poisonous historical (and, yes, contemporary) properties inherent in the term. Obama’s talk show behavior is consistent with his politics, which constantly tries to erase the very idea of Black America. (As in his introduction to most Americans, at the August, 2004 Democratic National Convention: “There is no Black America…there is only the United States of America.”) In ways big and small, Obama reveals that he does not accept or respect African Americans as a distinct people, culture and polity who cannot be reduced to a flotsam and jetsam of various and sundry human parts. Apparently, that’s how he thinks of himself.

    Michael Eric Dyson, professor of African American studies at Georgetown, addressed the Harry Reid “negro dialect” controversy last night on MSNBC. He criticized Obama for avoiding racial issue.

    You ain’t talking about civil rights, you ain’t talking bout affirmative action, you’re not pressing the issue.”

    He also said that Barack Obama does not sound Black.

    If Barack Obama was standing forth in America to speak brilliantly and courageously about the issues of race, he’d sound a lot more black too.

    He concluded with a harsh criticism of Obama.

    I think that we should push the president. This president runs from race like a black man runs from a cop. What we have to do is ask Mr. Obama to stand up and use his bully pulpit to help us. He is loathe to speak about race.

  51. mr green jeans9:49 AM

    What? This can't be! Americans want pick-up trucks and SUVs? What next? Oil drilling in ANWR?

    GM Profit Jumps 92%

    GM's earnings surged 92% as revenue soared, bolstered by stronger global sales and an increase in production of pickup trucks and SUVs in North America.

    Wall Street Journal

  52. eff that racist liar hobama!!!


    On October 15, 2009, President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0 and his teleprompter briefly stopped by New Orleans to give yet another empty speech to those whose lives were made legendarily barren by Hurricane Katrina. I never expected Obama to act sincerely or substantively. Long ago, Obama clearly exposed his apathy for impoverished and incessantly abused Katrina victims.

    In 2007, on the subject of hurricane Katrina, Barack Obama stated that the rabidly racist and elitist administration of King Shrub/President-Select George W. Bush was “colorblind in its incompetence.”

    I view that ludicrous statement as a blatant lie, typical of Obama’s vapid and routinely revisionist (though often simultaneously poetic) reflections. Color me AWAKE, unenthralled, and dejected! Hero, scholar, and sage Mumia Abu-Jamal said it best: “...a New Democrat is no different from an Old Republican." (June, 1993 - “Clinton Guillotines Guinier”- Live From Death Row)

    Politicos never become noble or humane simply because they suddenly become president. Obama’s horribly vapid performance in New Orleans lived down to my expectations. Even the most mindless Obama Nazis were appalled at his repulsively phony and meaningless responses to the embattled attendees who had nothing better to do than entertain Obama’s brutal folly on tour.

  53. another white conspiracy10:05 AM

    Hmmm, AIDS infects blacks at the same ratio as murder. Whaddayaknow?

    According to the estimates, published in the journal PLoS ONE, there were 48,600 new HIV infections in the United States in 2006, 56,000 in 2007, 47,800 in 2008 and 48,100 in 2009.

    Over the four-year period, that amounts to an average of 50,000 cases per year.

    But communities of color, and especially blacks, were disproportionately affected.

    While blacks represent 14 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for 44 percent of new HIV infections in 2009.

    HIV infection rates among blacks were nearly eight times higher than rates in whites, according to the study.

    Hispanics, who represent about 16 percent of the population, accounted for 20 percent of new HIV infections in 2009 - a rate that was nearly three times as high as that of whites.

  54. ie

    how many times has that pathological liar hobama lied about his age?

    how old is that lying bastard hobama who lies 50 times more than gwb does anyway???

    Obama Bald-Face Lies To America Again, Watch
    Source Unknown

    This is beyond an insult to all veterans.

    Have you seen this?
    Obama's father served in WW II. Really?
    Of all the things I've seen or heard about Obama on the internet, NONE has hit me like this! How can we not believe some of the charges about citizenship, religion, etc., after hearing what he says on this?
    Obama said his father served in WW II? Barack's father served in WW II???

    He said so in a speech. Here is an 18 second CNN News video clip...
    Is he a compulsive liar? Were there no reporters who checked or double-checked these statements and called the party on this? They did for everyone else. Why not him?

    Like it or not, here are the facts...

    Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (Obama's father) Born: 4/4/36 and Died: 11/24/82 at the age of 46. He was 5 years old when WW II started, and less than 9 1/2 yrs old when it ended.
    Lolo Soetoro (Obama's step father) Born: January 2, 1935 and Died: 3/2/87 at the age of 52. He was 6 years old when WW II started, and 10 years old when it ended. He must have been the youngest Veteran in the war.

    Watch the video's right out of his mouth!
    And the media doesn't say anything. If you doubt it, Google both of these guys.

    It appears this guy doesn't know how to tell the truth -- or he doesn't care about telling the truth -- or perhaps he doesn't know when he isn't telling the truth (which is also a very scary angle).

    Had this been Bush, the Media would still be on this!

    The CNN clip of Obama is surprising. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this lie wasn',t uncovered, questioned or debated before the Nov. 2008 election.
    Oh well, Barry must have just "forgotten" the facts, again. Or, perhaps he really doesn't even know the difference between lying and the truth.

  55. hobama is 50 times worse than gwb in every way!!!!

    i pray that 50% of all black mongrels awaken asap!!!!

    After two and a half years of waging war against the Left half of his own party, while seeking a “Grand Consensus” with the GOP, President Obama has finally set “in motion a rolling implosion of Roosevelt’s New Deal and Johnson’s Great Society.” The final vote on the debt ceiling measure – actually a ruse to impose savage cuts in social spending – saw a substantial portion of the Congressional Black Caucus put the president’s prestige above their constituents’ vital interests. Ninety-five House Democrats, including 15 Black Caucus members, “voted for the certainty of losing trillions of dollars for tens of millions of needy citizens, rather than risk the possibility of unknown financial dislocations.”

    To the extent that that is true, to the degree that Black America remains more concerned about how Obama is doing as he seeks another term in office, rather than how the African American people are doing under Obama’s center-right, Wall Street- and war-loving regime – Blacks are doomed to a period of suffering unprecedented in the modern age.

  56. eff that racist con man hobama

    The phony debt ceiling crisis was, from beginning to end, a con. It was an elaborate and successful hoax in which the nation's first black president, the Democratic and Republican parties, Wall Street and corporate media all played indispensable parts. The object of the supposed “crisis” was to short circuit public opinion, existing law, democratic process and traditions of public oversight, in order to deal fatal blows to Medicaid, Medicare, social security, job growth and public expenditures for the common good. It worked. We've been conned.

    Congress drummed up by this fake crisis, the will of the American people has been subverted. Medicare, Medicaid and social security, if put up for popular votes would all win. If Congress had to debate them under scrutiny and take votes in public on them, Wall Street and the corporations would lose and the people would win. But that's the purpose of a modern political “crisis:” to engineer the enactment of measures on behalf of elites that normal political processes would not allow.

    Welcome to the future, where a black president has been the indispensable anchor player in the con game that ended the New Deal and Great Society.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. unlicked uneducated unsung
    unwed unprepared-4-2012 vdlr:

    made any new deddyless tar babies lately?

  59. BetterMan11:01 AM

    alicia banks said...
    unemployed uneducated unlicked unmotivated vdlr:

    hobama is coming for your EBT/WIC debts!!!!

    beware...boost now

    AB dont' forget section 8 housing, Energy credits, earned income tax refunds, Social Security supplemental income for the young but disable and anything else Mold can get, you know this crazy dude has to be on mental disability

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. BetterMan11:10 AM

    alicia banks said...
    amen betterman!

    SECTION 8 was once a noble program for divorced moms etc...

    now it has been ruined and abused by turbo slackers like the vdlr


    fertile whores like the vdlr have ASSISTED hobama in slaying millions of working poor people

    i despise her entire toxic breed
    and how they have poisoned our entire world/gene pool etc


    Right on, so many good programs that absolutely are needed get screwed up with all the corrupted slime sayin me, me, it's free. This then ruins it for the people who really really need a hand up and some help at one point in thier life!! Thats whats happenin now the toxic turbo breeders (i like that mind if I use it?) are gonna eat it all up till there isnt anything left for poor people who actually need help cant keep borrowing china is out of money now, next its print more money and everyone is gonna suffer with double digit inflation and low dollar values.

    Looking at the vulgar anon/Mold maybe we need more mental facilities.

  62. unlicked unclean uneducated unsanitary vdlr:

    something new for you vulgar germy reeking seeking hobama nazis to suck on


    The tin can of mints has a blue and red image of the president with the words: "This is change? Disappointmints."

  63. betterman:


    we all suffer for what fertile fools do

    yes u may use any slur anytime


  64. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Why thankee Massa...for raping my sisters/mothers/daughters/aunties/nieces. Thanbkee for lynching my sons/husbands/fathers/uncles/nephews. Thankee for stealing the value of my labour. Thankee for making me less than chattel in my own country. Thankee for restricting my opportunities so that such greats as the bush, Quayles, Santorums, Lukey Russert, the Doocy boy, Sarey Palin, Michelle Bachmann....would never have to ever show any shred of competence. Like I should listen to some cheap labour imported to reduce my wage."

    Thankee indeed! I too give those thankees! :)

    Wow!... "Dick", "Tarbaby", "Boy" Nice adjectives to be using for a President. no matter which or what party! Speech reflects thought!

    I imagine if he had been Latin they would refer to him as Speedy Gonzalez, Taco bell, Beaner, Spic or Wetback huh? :)

    I just don't recall anyone calling a president of white Irish or German extraction Mick, Paddy, Cracker, Honky,Fritz or Kraut...Do you?

  65. Alicia, finally someone with a brain that is not being sidetracked by the pencil necks in Washington. They want to keep the American people sidetracted so they don't really see the big picture. How we are all being raped. But what are we takling about, Tar Babies, "boy" and other stupid subjects for? It's sure entertaining, but goes nowhere to solving this countries problems. When they come for us all I guess we will be behind the same barbed wire fence. I'm saving the last piece of blackraspberryapple pie for you and it's homemade.....

  66. BetterMan11:28 AM

    I just don't recall anyone calling a president of white Irish or German extraction Mick, Paddy, Cracker, Honky,Fritz or Kraut...Do you?

    Well there were names but apparantly the race card and imagined racism wasnt allowed to inject it's ugly head or shoudl I say become an excuse for everything this man does. He is a failure, it has nothing to do with his skin, that is of course unless the racists claim that it does.

    Tarbaby was a reference to The brer rabbit story, Tar baby was a doll used to entrap Br'
    er rabbit and in modern usage according to Random House, "tar baby" refers to any "sticky situation" that is only aggravated by additional contact. Obama is a tar baby even the democrats wanted no additional contact with him during the negotiations on debt and asked him to leave the room and the real racists who are trying to make this about his race are the same type of people who who complain about hallmark having a science card about black holes and claiming this was about black whoers. Utterly ridiculous and insulting to anyone who even entertains this nonsense for a minute. What the democrats and racists dont realize is when they make ridiculous claims like this in the face of all evidence of obamas incompetence, it reminds everyone why there are so few democrats and shrinking in this country. How can you support such a divorced from reality and immature philosophy? In contrast the absolute best politicians I know of right now are Marco Rubio - Latino and Allen West - Black Man, of course the racist democrats say they are sellouts or something because if you cant win people with logic and common sense, call em names.

  67. BetterMan11:30 AM

    Oh DesertFlower, in typing so quickly I forgot to say "thankee"
    thankee? Really? See what I mean?

  68. I know 'em when I see 'em11:31 AM

    "alicia banks said...
    i despise her entire toxic breed
    and how they have poisoned our entire world/gene pool etc


    11:03 AM"

    Like, YOU'VE got room to talk, AB. I have it on good authority that YOUR "gene pool" was actually a wild hog wallow in Upper Southern Northeastern Botswana.

  69. Jigga Boo Hoo12:06 PM

    Good Lord. You folks spend your entire lives whining about this or that.

  70. And why does Pat Buchanan still have a job these days? Jeezus, bury that fossil already. Send his ass to Fox. Maybe MSNBC is feeling guilty for all of his racism because another of your kind is guest hosting. I'm just waiting for Martin reruns and Soul Train instead of Lockup Raw.

  71. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Butters, before you glorify Rubio and had best check them out. West, as you know, was removed from the Army...during wartime. Rubio, well...from what you is obvious you know nothing about him.
    Maybe Edmund Burke is a choice.
    An 'tar baby' is a racist meme of long note. Otherwise you might speak of the 'paste witey' or the 'glue Goober'.

    So...the 'proof' is that I don't write the way you imagine AfAm women to write. You were expecting 'ebonics', perhaps?
    Still waiting for a basis for your claim.

    Desertflower, yes. Check out JFK.

    Wonder how government programs became riddled with fraud the moment AfAm US citizens began to sign up....oh.
    Perfectly OK for Bristol 'TwoBabees' Palin to get massive assistance..but not Shaniqua. Bristol is so much more worthy...being abstinent and on BC since 15 so she was immaculately conceiving.
    Rich wite rentboy purchasing AIDS patients had 'pneumonia'. Or cancer from their never-happened smoking habit. Funny how you forgot to mention the st reagan gutting of health programs that dealt with AIDS.

    Why sure, them lazy shiftless urban layabouts needs to werk lahk wites!! Anytime I can get jobs like RussertJr, Quayles, DoocyBoy, bushTwins, Kochs, Brietbart, Friedman-stache, or Grover Norquist...let me know. What was that fer nuttin'? What is the actual amount of money? Do you know? Or do you just whine? AFDC is pretty small. As is welfare, even if your child is disabled.
    Maybe you should stop being cheap, cheap unskilled labour. No...I don't compare myself to working-class proles...I compare to my peer group. While I do far, far better than Goobers...I use peers as the benchmark, hence the Wite Privilege applies.
    You WATBs over being the last picked for elementary school recess games...and I play in MLB. I compare to Jeter...not hygienically challenged ManDumplingJr.


  72. The racism runs so deep that they don't even realize it's there until they sneeze and spread the virus. That's what they're telling us as well as that they are deaf and blind.

  73. Anonymous12:18 PM

    AB, "Putin spoke what should be an obvious truth, that the world is quite sick of the United States. Sick of its control and its ability to destroy everything on the planet. These are issues that most Americans know nothing about it, but which will determine what sort of world we will have to live with.

    While Democrats wring their hands and makes excuses for Obama, the rulers know a good thing when they see one. He continues to raise more money, $86 million reported to date, than the Republicans whom we are told are the favorites of the wealthy. Money talks, and right now it is talking more to Democrats than to Republicans. Warren Buffet knew what he was talking about. The men with the gold are still making all the rules. "

    Regarding America, Putin said it: "The world is quite sick of America." (and probably has been for quite some time). The Dems, Repubs, and Tea Party have all proven to the world that America is a nation of morons- and should not- and does not deserve to be in the position of a world power. We are a very self-destructive country; a sort of 'flash' nation that will end as quickly as it began.

    AB, and Rainywalker, I like the way you speak the truth. Unfortunately, nobody is listening. "Tar Baby" has the spotlight. Why? Because we are a nation of morons who have an adversion to what's happening to us.

    We are headed for hell, and it's just around the corner with Obama, the Tea Party/GOP and the Democrats all making hell nice and hot for us.

  74. rainywalker:


    rainbow eltists/banksters run the WORLD!

    race is not the issue
    class is the new black

    debra dickerson was clairvoyant about hobama

    just like tavis s

    yet she was ALSO crucified by racist black fools even though she was wed to a wm and had bi-racial children like hobama herself!!!

    racism is proof of psychoses

    that is why that RABIDLY racist elitist hobama is perpetually allowed to dog adoring black mongrels incessantly and FAR worse than gwb did...





    Now that a black man is president, and could not have been made so without the efforts of millions of whites, the temptation for them to run out of patience with blacks' continued complaints will be tremendous. Simultaneously, millions of blacks woke up on November 5 with yet another buppie made better off on their backs while they remain jobless in dangerous neighborhoods, their immediate futures no brighter for knowing that cornbread may start appearing at the White House Thanksgiving table. When we all stop weepily singing "We Are the World" and emailing each other about what Great-Aunt Bessie would say now if she weren't dead, we'll find that race is still a festering wound. A wound believed to be self-inflicted on one side, daily resalted on the other. It was distressing to hear John McCain, in his otherwise gracious concession speech, invoke "the special significance [Obama's win] has for African Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight." The pride is America's, not blacks' for finally winning one for their side. Our new president must constantly require us to work for "country first"—not for our individual factions.

  75. I ain't paying a damn thing12:31 PM

    (1) We learned that Republicans really care about the national debt, but only when a Democrat is in the White House. As Dick Cheney put it, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter."

    (2) We learned that the national debt tripled under Ronald Reagan, forcing him to raise the debt ceiling 17 times. Overwhelmed by the torrents of red ink unleashed by his supply-side tax cuts of 1981, Reagan raised taxes eleven times while in office. (His deficit reduction initiatives of 1982, 1984 and 1987 relied on over 75% in new tax revenue.) It's no wonder Reagan called the mountain of debt he bequeathed to America his greatest regret.

    (3) We learned that George W. Bush nearly doubled the national debt, leaving Barack Obama a $1.2 trillion annual deficit and almost $11 trillion in debt on January 20, 2009.

    (4) We learned that the Bush tax cuts were the single biggest factor in erasing the projected surpluses Dubya inherited from Bill Clinton. The Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 accounted for almost half of the red ink during his tenure, and if made permanent, would contribute more to the debt over the next decade than Iraq, Afghanistan, the recession, the stimulus and TARP combined.

    (5) We learned that tax cuts don't "pay for themselves" or "always increase revenues." Only in 2005 did federal tax revenue reach the pre-Bush tax cut levels of 2000.

    (6) We learned that the Republicans' so-called job creators don't create jobs when their taxes are low. In fact, the data show that the far more jobs were created and the economy grew much more quickly when the top 1% of income earners paid higher - even much higher - taxes.

    (7) We learned that for John Boehner, some "spending binges" are more equal than others. While spending under Barack Obama rose by about 10% from George W. Bush's last budget in FY 2009, federal outlays almost doubled between 2001 and 2009. As it turns out, the two unfunded wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the budget-busting Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 (the first war-time tax cut in modern U.S. history) and the Medicare prescription drug program drained the U.S. Treasury. Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor voted for all of it.

    (8) We learned that Republicans have short memories. When Eric Cantor complained recently that "what I don't think the White House understands is how difficult it is for fiscal conservatives to say they're going to vote for a debt ceiling increase," he apparently forgot that Republican majorities voted seven times to raise the debt limit under President Bush. Along with John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Jon Kyl, Cantor and the current GOP leadership team voted a combined 19 times to increase George W. Bush's borrowing authority by $4 trillion. (That vote tally included a "clean" debt ceiling increase in 2004, backed by 98 current House Republicans and 31 sitting GOP Senators.)

    (9) We learned that Republicans are bad at genetics, too. Last Friday, Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling claimed that for Republicans, raising the debt ceiling is "contrary to our DNA."

    (10) We learned that in rare moments of candor, Republicans can speak the truth. In January, Speaker Boehner acknowledged that failure to raise the debt ceiling would cause "financial disaster." And Utah Senator Orrin Hatch explained that when President Bush was in the White House, for Republicans "it was standard practice not to pay for things."

  76. BetterMan12:33 PM

    Butters, before you glorify Rubio and had best check them out. West, as you know, was removed from the Army...during wartime. Rubio, well...from what you is obvious you know nothing about him.

    Unlike you Moldilox I know precisely what I am talking about and researched both very much in depth. I am not swayed by someones skin color or ethnic background. I have brains and use them.

    As for West, a little dweeb like you isn't fit to even mention his name. He is a real leader and made a decision to save his men over being a pathetic loony tunes politically correct POS. He knew the potential consequences of acting as well as the consequences of not acting and made a decision like real men and leaders do and acted and saved the lives of his men over scaring a enemy who had just tried to kill them with a gunshot...only loony liberals like you and Jane fonda find something wrong with this.

    As for Marco Rubio, same thing, you aren't worthy to even utter his name let alone attempt to drag it through the mud. Bottom line is they are both Men who don't fit the democratic mantra, they are minorities, they have made it and they are proof you don't need to be a victim unless you choose to.
    unlike you who cannot make it in this world unless others are meanies, bad people and give you stuff.
    As for the rest of your rant, come back when you learn how to write english, maybe then it will make sense you used to use more ebonics, then stopped when you slipped and said you did so because you had to speak down to everyone here for them to understand you, now you simply use MoldSpeak - Gibberish/disconnected thoughts and incomplete sentences. You seem to randomly throw in Palin, St Reagan and Goobers so much that I doubt anyone can make heads or tails of exactly what the fuck it is you are trying to say. You sound like a little kid repeating words he hears adults say without the proper context or framing. In other words - fuck off.

  77. BetterMan12:36 PM

    Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
    The racism runs so deep that they don't even realize it's there until they sneeze and spread the virus. That's what they're telling us as well as that they are deaf and blind.

    You are so right, all I ever hear and see is racism, racism, racism, in words and actions that severely impact minorities, yet people still vote democrat? Why?

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Nothing surprises me anymore. That being said:

    Tar Baby's
    1048 Sea Mountain Hwy
    Cherry Grove

    Write a Review | Submit a Photo
    Reviews of Tar Baby's

    Food: Top Rated
    Service: Top Rated
    Atmosphere: Four Stars
    Value: Four Stars
    Seating: Top Rated
    Noise: Four Stars
    Review: After reading the reviews of this breakfast buffet restaurant I was a little leery to go......but I am SO GLAD I DID! Not sure if the staff or mgmt. was different in the past, but we we're greeted by a sweet lady named Debbie and seated right away! The atmosphere is genuienly friendly!!! Going at 11 a.m. the items on the buffet were still being served hot & fresh. 2 people in our party got the buffet and went back as many times as they could! The biscuits & gravy are some of the best we've had! We will def be going back! WE LOVE TARBABY'S!!!
    N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

    BTW - Cherry Grove is all money.

    Heres the image, take a look at the caption underneath:

  80. Anon:


    Most morons major in the minor

    That nwo teflon don Hobama’s tarring the entire globe for oil and gold


    1 powerless fool drone’s tar baby slur

    I refuse to be a self appointed racial bodyguard for a racist poor black mongrel slayer like hobama

    Why should I defend hobama when he refuses to utter the word “racism’?

    Even for his elitist pal skippy gates hobama uttered ONLY “stupidly”

    I do not give a damn about the racists who attack hobama

    I am singularly focused on how hobama is attacking poor people of all races all over the world!!!

    And how his ruthless debt debacle will slay my retired black mom etc….shame!!!!

    Obama’s unrelenting hostility to “entitlements,” which he vowed to put “on the table” for cutting two weeks before taking the oath of office in January, 2009, came to fruition this week, setting in motion a rolling implosion of Roosevelt’s New Deal and Johnson’s Great Society. It is a monumental catastrophe, worthy of a Mt. Rushmore in reverse (say, deep in a guano-filled bat cave). History will, without doubt, lay this ruin of a nation at the doorstep of Obama, the corporate Democratic Trojan Horse whose complexional characteristics neutered, neutralized or outright made insane the bulk of Black America and most of those whites that pass as “progressives.”
    Black Agenda Report and author Paul Street, among a very few others, warned long before the 2007 launch of Obama’s campaign that his own words, deeds, financial contributors and political associations showed him to be an eager operative of Wall Street and the Pentagon. As president, Obama has embraced or launched so many wars, he feels compelled to deny that his latest aggression, against Libya, is a war at all, lest he seem too full of bloodlust. Under the austerity regime jointly imposed by Obama and the GOP (his “Big Plan”) through a manufactured debt crisis (abetted by Obama over the years), the actual reins of the legislative process will pass to a Super Committee, a formalized version of the center-right senatorial “gangs” (health care and debt) and appointed commissions (debt reduction) favored by Obama as embodiments of his “grand consensus” politics. The formula guarantees a shutout of the Left – although, as long as Obama is around, the corporate media will continue to claim, nonsensically, that he represents the Left.

  81. I see BET's at it again:

    BET's Commercial vs. Community Interests: Questions Linger After Killer Mike Ban.

  82. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Butters, you are fibbing to us. Even a cursory review of their problems would remove them from the pantheon of R heroes. do know that the mil kills people on a regular basis...and aggression is rewarded. Taking care of your unit is expected behaviour. Why was West cashiered? Hint...My Lai was not a problem for the mil...until the civilians said it was. So...what was West doing that was so icky the mil, who vaporizes civilians on a daily basis, found it necessary to shove his moronic self out the door...during multiple wars?
    Rubio is known to the FL locals. Instead of insisting the Rubio has an invisible set of clothes...why don't you see why he has moral and ethical issues? The list is pretty long..even by FL standards.
    There are R pols I respect. Rubio is on the 'other' list.;)

    What does an actress have to do with West and Rubio? Or are you still whining over her trip? As if she, as an entertainer, would know RealPolitik (Kissinger need bomb unarmed people!!). Next thing, you'll repeat the lie of people spitting on returning VietNam vets. heard it from a friend who heard it from a girl who heard it from this guy who heard it from a friend who was, like actually, there in 1984 when the DFHs spit on a vet!!!


  83. And as far as Pat saying "your boy" about Obama..I saw the exchange, I didn't think anything of it until Sharpton shot back, "Boy?" As far as I'm concerned that was street lingo but I can see how Pat got hit back because well..because his past ain't so squeaky clean.

  84. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Butters, why would any Jew vote for the Nazis? It doesn't matter how much they TELL you they have any Goober who abuses their spouse...they won't quit until they get that lovely jail time.
    The fact that unskilled, uneducated wite losers aren't getting the goodies anymore isn't racism. It is Taxbaggery. Keep voting to lower your income in the vain hope it will affect me. Before it does, you will sell your children to me for food.;)

    As bad as Chamberlain was...he still was besser than the Nazis.


  85. Anonymous1:09 PM

    AB, " History will, without doubt, lay this ruin of a nation at the doorstep of Obama, the corporate Democratic Trojan Horse whose complexional characteristics neutered, neutralized or outright made insane the bulk of Black America and most of those whites that pass as “progressives.”
    Black Agenda Report and author Paul Street, among a very few others, warned long before the 2007 launch of Obama’s campaign that his own words, deeds, financial contributors and political associations showed him to be an eager operative of Wall Street and the Pentagon."

    You are soooo right on today. As a matter of fact, you have been right about Obama from day#1. So has Tavis, West, and a few other voices that were drowned out over the celebration of the color of a man's skin in the WH without regard to his record.

    Racism started this country and racism will end it. How ironic a group of people seeking freedom and equality ends up giving birth to a racist country. And no matter what has been tried to eradicate it, the big "R" keeps right on truckin'.

    How little Americans have grown 'in stature' as human beings over the centuries! Just goes to prove that the wretched sickness called racism might NOT be treatable, let alone curable. It has trumped everything, including religion, faith, intellectualism, justice, kindness, honesty and love.

    A nation of humans that begins with a racist capitalistic mind set, cannot expect a humane outcome in the end.

  86. BetterMan1:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Butters, you are fibbing to us. Even a cursory review of their problems would remove them from the pantheon of R heroes. do know that the mil kills people on a regular basis...and aggression is rewarded. Taking care of your unit is expected behaviour. Why was West cashiered?

    You tell me retard, if I am lying, you spell out how. You typed a lot of words that said nothing, so go ahead, tell me why you think West and Rubio are baaddddd people, tell me. Can you try and do that as clearly as a headcase can.

    As for actresses, You did apply some reading comprehension to the comparison used with Jane fonda, you are aware of her history are you not? You need to practice typing slower and collecting your thoughts, you say many disconnected things incoherently,

    So tell me, dont elude, don't hint, why do YOU think Rubio and West are so so bad.....

  87. Anonymous1:14 PM

    What does an actress have to do with West and Rubio? Or are you still whining over her trip? As if she, as an entertainer, would know RealPolitik (Kissinger need bomb unarmed people!!). Next thing, you'll repeat the lie of people spitting on returning VietNam vets. heard it from a friend who heard it from a girl who heard it from this guy who heard it from a friend who was, like actually, there in 1984 when the DFHs spit on a vet!!!


    this dude needs to go kill himself right away, right now!!!

  88. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "You are so right, all I ever hear and see is racism, racism, racism, in words and actions that severely impact minorities, yet people still vote democrat? Why?"

    That's easy to answer but not so easy to admit. AAs are used to reacting to racism. Like the Whites who don't recognize their racist attitudes against Blacks, AAs don't recognize their destructive and racist attitudes toward themselves.

  89. Some Things You Just Shouldn't Google1:22 PM

    Well, I just HAD to go and do, I Googled Jigaboo.

    And, this is what I found:

    You gotta be kidding me! Is this guy for real???

  90. Anonymous2:15 PM

    These politicians who pop off a racist remarks every so often & want to blame it on being tired or stressed remind me of alcoholics who get drunk, beat their wives, then blame it on the booze; anybody in AA can tell you that they beat their wives because they actually want to, they just use the drink as an excuse.

    & good for Mr. Sharpton, demanding respect be shown to the President. People like Buchanan would have (& did) had major hysterics if Bush had been referred to with a fraction of the condescension or disrespect they show for Obama.

  91. Anonymous2:18 PM

    You gotta be kidding me! Is this guy for real???
    'Nah, this is the number 1 guy!!

  92. kosher kkk needs slaps/varied cloned assnons:


    cc this to a white blog now!!!
    A Florida couple was accused Thursday of forcing their blind adopted son to guzzle a gallon of water - and then locking him in a bedroom without access to a toilet.

    The 16-year-old boy, who is also mentally handicapped and was beaten black and blue, nearly died of septic shock as a result of the alleged water torture, police said.

    Investigators removed him and the two adopted teenage girls who were also living in the hellish household when they arrested Ronald and Tammy White.

    The couple is charged with multiple counts of aggravated child abuse with great bodily harm and caging a child.

    "We don't know at this point how long the child was locked into the room," Hernando County Sheriff's Corporal Wendy McGinnis said. "Whether it was several hours a day, several days, weeks, we don't know at this point."

    Police believe Ronald White, 36, inflicted beatings on the boy and regularly forced all three children to drink gallons of water as punishment.

    They are less clear about the role his 42-year-old wife played in the alleged abuse of the children, all of whom were adopted within the last three years.

    The nightmarish conditions were discovered on July 14 when paramedics were called to the couple's Spring Hill home and found the boy - sporting a black eye and bruises across his arms, legs and chest - passed out on a bathroom floor.

    They raced the stricken teen to a local hospital and later had him airlifted to All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg after his organs started shutting down.

    He remains in critical condition.

    The Whites hail from tiny Ambrose, Ga., where they racked up nearly $150,000 in debts and twice declared bankruptcy, records show. The most recent filing was in 2008.

    In Georgia, people who adopt get up to $486.67 per month for 13- to 18-year-old children, the St. Petersburg Times reported.

    While it's not clear whether the Whites adopted to get out of debt - or whether they continued to receive payments after moving to Florida - their payments would have amounted to $17,520.12 a year, the paper calculated.

  93. fn:

    4 your files...kudos!

    is slob marley still here?

    or here???:

    A former Minnesota high school student filed suit against her alma mater for allowing a Homecoming week event called "Wigger Day", where white students "mimicked black culture", the Huffington Post reported.
    Quera Pruitt, a former student at Red Wing High School in Red Wing, Minn. and one of a few enrolled African Americans there, claimed the 2009 event caused her extreme humiliation and depression and made her consider dropping out of school in the lawsuit filed last week.

    "Wigger" is a derogative term for a white person who emulates aspects of popular black culture.

    Administrators insisted that the day was not officially sanctioned and that students dressed inappropriately that year were sent home to change, the Post reported.

  94. In San Francisco during the Vietnam war there were two kinds of hippies. Good and radical. I fished with the good and sorry, got spit on by the radicals. It's not urban legend, it's the truth for some of you just out of diapers.
    The Vietnam war was the first time blacks and whites served together in mass shoulder to shoulder. 46 years later everyone tried to do the best they could under the circumstances. Black or white we didn't deserve to be spit on.

  95. rainywalker:


    and vietnam can never be mentioned as hobama reigns

    because "war= peace" per that peace prized war prez hobama's speech


    hobama's endless expanding global wars are now worse than vietnam!...and worsening each day!

    After President Obama took out Osama bin Laden, Ms Sheehan is at it again, this time attacking the Leftist President. Sheehan’s recently posted the following comments:

    “I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you’re stupid. Just think to yourself–they paraded Saddam’s dead sons around to prove they were dead–why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent — just put your flags away and THINK!”

    Chris Matthews, your silence is deafening.

  96. al sharpton is the new james crow esquire politrickster for hobama!!!


  97. Thanks For Your Service2:39 PM

    "rainywalker said...
    In San Francisco during the Vietnam war there were two kinds of hippies. Good and radical. I fished with the good and sorry, got spit on by the radicals. It's not urban legend, it's the truth for some of you just out of diapers."

    Sorry that happened to you rainywalker. Folks had some really f*cked-up priorities back then. I hop you kicked the crap out of the spitters.

    Mold would have been right there, spitting along with the rest of the little Che Guevera lovers.

  98. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The Whites hail from tiny Ambrose, Ga., where they racked up nearly $150,000 in debts and twice declared bankruptcy, records show. The most recent filing was in 2008.

    In Georgia, people who adopt get up to $486.67 per month for 13- to 18-year-old children, the St. Petersburg Times reported.

    While it's not clear whether the Whites adopted to get out of debt - or whether they continued to receive payments after moving to Florida - their payments would have amounted to $17,520.12 a year, the paper calculated.

    we gots to tell da sistuz u don need to have your owns babies u can just be a fostur parent and gets dat paper yeah boy but dose bitches like da fuckin dat goes wit makin da babies

  99. rainywalker:

    u r my hero

    thank u soldier

    and peace!!!

  100. rainywalker:

    MANY rebel soldiers are heroically and defiantly calling hobama out too...

    especially the stop lossed ones

    see more soldiers awake at youtube etc

  101. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sure you did. Next thing, you'll repeat the lie of people spitting on returning VietNam vets. heard it from a friend who heard it from a girl who heard it from this guy who heard it from a friend who was, like actually, there in 1984 when the DFHs spit on a vet!!!
    If you are going to repeat that poo...try it with wingnut Chickenhawks.
    Yes, I was very much alive then. Try the fake on someone who doesn't know.

    Butters, bluster won't help. I can easily list what I claim. Which is why I indicated that before you fete these two make sure about them. West was wartime...from an Army that had to 'stop loss'. Rubio has moral and ethical failings that are excessive by even the standards of FL. What about that did you not understand? As far as you ordering me, what makes you thinkerate your wite Entitlement is all that? How about you do your own vetting on these Goobers? I already know. Why don't you?
    It has amazed me for decades that Jane Fonda is a rallying cry for the illiterates in the US to whine about her eveelness. Kissinger bombed civilians to show how big he was. Lt Calley did more horror. And the big worry was that an actress visited a foreign country. I have noted that the most vocal of her detractors are Chickenhawks.
    Speaking of Chickenhawk memes, the servicepeople who returned from VietNam were unhappy that they were not as appreciated as the WWII vets. But only Chickenhawks repeat the 'spitting on vets' fable.
    I do agree that the US seemed more embarrassed by the Vietnam vets. Maybe because the war was for the egos of Cons more than for freedom.
    Still doesn't detract from the service of those who went.


  102. Anonymous3:15 PM

    ab, "al sharpton is hobama's bottom bitch!

    and the only permed out sold out politico that i loathe even MORE than hobama!!!!"

    u r wrong about al. he is as honest as any American can be.

    u r wrong about his hair being permed. it's his natural hair. u r just jealous because he has beautiful wavy hair and yours is kinky.

    big al is important to our salvation.

  103. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Echoing sockpuppets, witeMan! Whatever will we do when they tire of us scratching our own postings!
    Did it ever occur to you that having to agree with yourself is pretty much a strong indication of mental illness? And should induce you to wonder why you HAVE to write your own 'friends' into existence.
    Although you do need to 'yuz duz it too' wingnut may be that the others agree with me on only some of my points...and dispute others. Sort of a Rational Being and discussion amongst equals.
    Even your Mommy doesn't like you 100% of the time...and most Moms are very supportive.


  104. Anonymous3:27 PM

    “I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you’re stupid. Just think to yourself–they paraded Saddam’s dead sons around to prove they were dead–why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent — just put your flags away and THINK!”

    Chris Matthews, your silence is deafening."

    AB, thank you for this. I am amazed that the media as well as most Americans believe OBL is dead and was buried out to sea. Unbelievable!

    Why are these questionable hard to believe things happening under Obama? Hasn't he proven again and again that he is not to be trusted?

    Could we have lost our minds? This feels like the beginning of the end of America and the American people as a free nation. But maybe we were never free in the first place?

  105. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Echoing sockpuppets, witeMan! Whatever will we do when they tire of us scratching our own postings!

    Scratch your own post? What are you a fucking cat now you crazy ass little boy?

    WHAT THE FUCK LANGUAGE DO YOU SPEAK? IT sure as hell isnt english. Please, pretty please go drink that gallon of drano now, I promise you will feel all better once you are done. Go ahead it tastes just like candy, no sips, big, big, gulps.... betcha can't down it all in one breath, betch are too weak...

  106. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Chris Matthews, like Rachel Maddow are both silent. Both are a disappointment. But both are for well-being of Obama and his political party, NOT the well-being of the American people.

  107. Bye-bye Teonna3:46 PM

    Sweet Teonna bes goin' to the big house......hopes she likes them dykes & they broomsticks.

  108. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Echoing sockpuppets, witeMan! Whatever will we do when they tire of us scratching our own postings!
    Did it ever occur to you that having to agree with yourself is pretty much a strong indication of mental illness? And should induce you to wonder why you HAVE to write your own 'friends' into existence.
    Although you do need to 'yuz duz it too' wingnut may be that the others agree with me on only some of my points...and dispute others. Sort of a Rational Being and discussion amongst equals.
    Even your Mommy doesn't like you 100% of the time...and most Moms are very supportive.


  109. Anonymous4:08 PM

    "“He's nobody's boy,” Sharpton said. “He's your president, he's my president, and that's what you have to get through your head.”"

    I disagree with Sharpton. Judging from Obama's behavior against the poor, downtrodden, and Democratic ideals-he IS somebody's boy.

  110. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Well, the market tanked 500pts today...didn't even have to flush the toilet. That turd just slipped down out of sight.

  111. Obama's DNC Hag4:21 PM

    The Dow dropped 500 points? But, that's impossible!!!!

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz says so:

    What a dumb, fat-assed delusional b*tch. She's as crazy as Howard Dean

  112. anon:


    orwell was a sage

    we have lost our collective eyes/hearts/brains/souls...

    america feels like hitler's germany

    and hobama nazis blindly worship hobama precisely as hitler was worshipped

    may god have mercy on us all

  113. Obama's DNC Hooker4:25 PM

    Let me try that link again. You folks need to hear this genius speak:

  114. hobama nazis are willfully blind

    all such blindness = death


  115. Anonymous4:31 PM

    If you beleeverate all Ds are unrepentant DFHs from the 60s when no Rs got dates of any are delusional. Ds run from Lefties to DCCC corporate sockpuppets.
    Instead of sticking to the wingnut dogma of all Ds are Lefties, you have to use the Data.
    Data tells you markedly different things than the FAUX pundits or MSNBC screamers.
    DWS is known to the Lefty bloggers, maybe one could read what they said. Then, her statements and actions are unsurprising.
    So, how exactly is Howard Dean crazy? You mean like shoot friends in the face crazy? Torture small animals crazy? Frothy excrescence crazy? MansonFamily religio crazy? Deadbeat dad crazy?

    Oh, some of the more accurate bloggers predicted the Market slump. Too bad they were all Lefties.


  116. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Echoing sockpuppets, witeMan! Whatever will we do when they tire of us scratching our own postings!

    Here kitty, kitty, come scratch your post with your you mean delete your post you blithering idiot? I thought you got thrown out of first year college for stalking? You write like you never finished grammer school, 3rd grade? 2nd?

  117. desertflower says:

    I just don't recall anyone calling a president of white Irish or German extraction Mick, Paddy, Cracker, Honky,Fritz or Kraut...Do you?

    I recall the parade of hate aimed at George W. bush. There were posters and endless commentary calling him Hitler.

    Meanwhile, John F Kennedy was elected with the help of dead Chicago voters who, from the grave, gave him enough votes to squeak into the White House.

    Being Irish-Catholic worked against him.

  118. anon:


    gwb was hated and dissed 50 x more than hobama

    in spite of hobama being 50 x worse than gwb in EVERY way!!!

  119. permed fool assnon:

    i am happy to be nappy

    i wear god's hair which is always more lovely than any perm

    u lie like hobama

    u lie MORE than al sharpton who admits he perms to look like his play dad james brown

    read a mf book asap

  120. Anonymous5:01 PM

    dear AB, thanks for the info about Al. I had no idea he had a perm. It looks so natural. Do you know what he uses? I would like some it.

  121. Mold is an idiot...5:05 PM

    You're stuck on that "shooting in the face stuff?, aren't you Mold?

    It's apparent your knowledge of hunting is about poor as you knowledge in, oh, most any other subject. Especially quail hunting, apparently.

    The guy that Rumsfeld peppered with a few pellets of #8 birdshot even admitted he had gotten out of line, and was ahead of the others.......a place you DO NOT want to be when you're quail hunting.

    You should stick to what you know. Which, basically, ain't sh!t.

  122. Chrome Dome5:15 PM

    What have you got against baldies, AB? You're always, "baldy this, or baldy that".

    Field's bald, ya know.

  123. field shows his beautiful bald head because he is beautiful and sexy

    the faceless vulgar turbo breeder vdlr hides her fugly bald head because she is ashamed of the lye burns/scabs/mangy weave glue rash spots/crusty puss mounds etc


  124. faceless pock marked skid marked vdlr:

    u lie like hobama u fugly bitch

    that photo was taken in 2008

    and i am 3 yrs finer now!

    just because that henny and weed gives u acne

    do not assume that beautiful butter skinned black females like me who have never smoked anything
    and drink water like u swill yak....

    are not flawless by god

    it is all in my genes

    my mom has flawless chocolate skin too

    got envy?

  125. Anonymous5:29 PM

    ya kuntlickin queef felchin psycho!muah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah muah muah muah

  126. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Dear AB, please read at your leisure about Obama and the people who love him in the great city of Chicago. This will make you jealous and make you realize how you have misjudged Obama:

  127. Anonymous5:30 PM

    uneducated unclaimed unwed vdlr:

    when will you update all of those blank lines on all of your deddyless stray bastard babies' birth certificates? kuntlick banks

    gosh how many kids u have? u project much queef felcher? u one of those prison lezbeans who has kids with men on the outside then licks infected kunt on the inside gonorrhea breaf loser!

  128. I'm no hero and all my hero's most of them are dead [soldiers] or were killed across the streets of America. Didn't like the spitters but they believed in what they were doing, just like I did. It was a rough time for soldiers and America. The slaughter of the new Veterans in Afghanistan are appalling and another total waste of our youth. The money wasted could go a long way toward solving some festering problems right here in America. We are pumping money into a hole. It should be going to the lowest levels of America for those that are in most need.
    I run a storage facility for homeless Veterans and the homeless in Colorado Springs and it is sad to see good American people who have lost their jobs, their minds, sleeping on the ground, in cars, conex's, shanties. Not just whites but blacks, hispanics and more and more women. But they aren't complainers for the most part, just want to know which way to turn, for that door to open. For some it does open and for others it never will.

  129. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Dear AB, please read at your leisure about Obama and the people who love him in the great city of Chicago. This will make you jealous and make you realize how you have misjudged Obama:

    that nasty sow jess is mad cuz a guy like obama would never give her the time of day nor take nothing she say serious therefore the kuntlickin fool lashes out its all sexual frustration cuz her nasty filthy snatch wishes it could hve the president to fill it up but he said SORRY HELL NO! and it was all over

  130. prematurely old played out trick vdlr:

    did that 50 yr old geezer hobama invite u to his chi bash?


    u cannot afford it u broke baby bubbled bimbo

    i am 48

    when i post my new pix at 50

    u will not be able to handle how i am ageless as fine wine

    and how my long silky sexy locks shine more daily

    since you already look like rotted ripple u bald used up geriatric hoodrat

  131. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Cheney shot a man in the face during a 'tame hunt'. Seems you should ask those who hunt about this...and shooting at people.
    I can tell you I have dropped birds in flight with a .22. So, I might have a clew about hunting.;)

    Echoing sockpuppets, witeMan! Whatever will we do when they tire of us scratching our own postings!
    Did it ever occur to you that having to agree with yourself is pretty much a strong indication of mental illness? And should induce you to wonder why you HAVE to write your own 'friends' into existence.
    Although you do need to 'yuz duz it too' wingnut may be that the others agree with me on only some of my points...and dispute others. Sort of a Rational Being and discussion amongst equals.
    Even your Mommy doesn't like you 100% of the time...and most Moms are very supportive.


  132. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Mold stalking AB,again?

  133. lying hobama nazi who has never been to chi:

    try again u idiot

  134. that schizo psycho dreg molded and her shanaynay persona the vdlr are the roaches of this blog

    and i am the boric acid that slays them with ease

    that is why that ho the vdlr is always coughing out my that powder


  135. hobama nazi nympho vdlr:

    only the most rabid lewd lost hobama nazis see this as logic:

    "u do not hate hobama because he bombs the world and slays the poor...

    u hate him because u want to do him like we do
    u better ignore how he is torching our emaciated asses
    and sweat his boney ass like we do.."

    it is truly a gd shame!!!!!!!

    u will never do hobama

    but he has effed u for!!!!

  136. Mold Still Lies5:48 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Cheney shot a man in the face during a 'tame hunt'. Seems you should ask those who hunt about this...and shooting at people.
    I can tell you I have dropped birds in flight with a .22. So, I might have a clew about hunting.;)


    5:33 PM"

    Sorry.....I MEANT Cheney.

    And, I assure you, I know all about quail hunting. My company owns a quail hunting preserve, and skeet shooting range.

    I also hunt deer, hogs, ducks, coyotes, rabbits, crows....hell, you name it.

    As far as you "shooting birds in flight with a .22"....well, you really are just plain full of sh!t.

    It's gonna be hard for you to top that bald-faced lie.

  137. rainywalker:

    u r doing god's work

    god bless u

    have a regal evening soldier king


  138. rainywalker:


    hobama is also abusing vets as no other prez b4

  139. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Just because you couldn't...does not mean I didn't. I dropped birds in flight with a .22.
    Would you like this Truth repeated?
    For a person claiming such hunting seem oddly upset that I could shoot. And shoot adequately. It might irk you to know that I was not considered the best shot in the family. And I dropped birds in flight with a .22. Iron sights. Single shot. I might even still have the gun.


  140. Anonymous7:51 PM

    wasp said...
    "I recall the parade of hate aimed at George W. bush. There were posters and endless commentary calling him Hitler."
    Yes, but Hitler is not a racial slur.

  141. The beauty of the color-arousal analysis is that it is SO easy to determine whether a comment was based on color. A "tar baby" is as black as black skin color gets and so obviously this was an antagonistic color-aroused Congressman's choice of color-aroused words.

    If we tried to prove that this color-aroused antagonist was a "racist", then we would need access to his military records and we would have to review his voting record and everything he has ever said and done in public. We would get bogged down in semantic and personal definitions of "racist": (It can't be defined, but you know it when you feel it.)

    We have cut so much of this argument to the quick by focusing on the obviously color-aroused words spoken rather than focus on what the Congressman "is" or "isn't." We also don't have to ask whether the words meet the burden of proof of "racist" because it is so obvious that the expression was "color-aroused" and antagonistic.

    That's all we need to know to go after this guy. His "cue" to use the "tar baby" phrase is President Obama's skin color. When this Congressman wants to attack a Black man, he goes directly to color-aroused antagonistic insults.

    Five hundred politicians could come forth and tell us that this Congressman "is not a racist." However, no one who saw and heard the man say "tar baby" can deny that the use of that expression was color aroused in an antagonistic way.

    What the Republican Congressman SAID is much easier to prove than what the Republican Congressman "is". By lowering the burden of truth, focusing on what he said rather than engaging in conjecture about what he "is", we can convict these color-aroused antagonists as soon as they open their mouths. We can say that their use of color aroused antagonistic expressions that target people whose skin is black, as well as targeting all those (like me) who are Black, but don't have black skin.

    My skin is dark brown ("pardo" in Brazil), and although my skin is not black I am still a Black man and I know when someone's words can only be heard as color-aroused antagonism.

    Speaking of which, do you think that Obama's race will hurt him in his next race? Will brown skin hurt his race or help it? If it hurts his race, then will black people support him anyway because of their race? Will the race be based mostly on race? This race will be a race.

    Yes, this race will be a race to the finish but will Obama's race be hurt if Obama loses the race? Can he win the race if he loses his race? Will the conduct of his race hurt the race or help it?

    I hope we can resolve these questions about the race before the race is over, but will Election Day be the end of the race? I certainly hope so, rather than a Bush-2000 race that would affect all races for the foreseeable future.

    Thanks, Field.
