Tuesday, August 30, 2011

He has some scores to settle.

This should be interesting. It seems that the wingnuts in Washington want to hold up FEMA funding for the hurricane battered East Coast states.

"As rescuers raced Tuesday to free people trapped by floodwaters caused by Hurricane Irene, Washington politicians bickered over how to pay for it.

The same budget arguments that nearly brought the first government default in history earlier this month now raise questions about whether the Federal Emergency Management Agency will have enough money to deal with Irene's aftermath.

FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund has less than $800 million remaining, and given the pace of operations in the wake of Irene, could run out before the end of the current fiscal year on September 30.

With conservative House Republicans calling for spending cuts to offset any increase in emergency funds -- a condition opposed by many Democrats -- the ability of Congress to act quickly on the issue remains uncertain.

"The notion that we would hold this up until Republicans can prompt another budget fight and figure out what they want to cut, what they want to offset in the budget, and to pit one section of the country against the other and to delay this and create this uncertainty, it's just the latest chapter and I think one of the most unsavory ones of our budget wars," said Rep. David Price, D-North Carolina." [Source] 

Oh well, I guess we do need our government from time to time after all. Republicans, however, do not believe that.

This is a new twist to the class warfare game. Let's call it region warfare.

So Dick Cheney's book, "In My Time", will be in book stores today. ["Don't call it a comeback" ]

Cheney has some scores to settle. Already he is calling out Colin and doing it without any compunction. He even tried to embarrass Condi. If there has ever been a more crass and evil man [or woman] in A-merry-can politics I would like to know who it is. Even George Will is pissed at the porcine looking Neocon.

But I guess this is, according to Pat Buchanan,his last "political will and testament" to the A-merry-can people. He wants to set the record straight before he checks out of this life to his new one where it's very warm all year around. (I hope he packs light.) Mr. Cheney, I think your time is up.


  1. Oh. I figured by now ol' Dick would have bitten the dust by now.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    yeah eye expected him to have kicked the ole bucket by now too!

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    he's an android ya know thats why he gots nine lives muah muah muah muah muah

  4. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Purple Cow, thank you for the bit from the previous thread.

    Cheney left a legacy of hatred, appointed incompetents and outright lies.
    No wonder he wants to pretty it up.

    I do worry about the weenies trying to gut Emergency spending. Since their stated goal is the elimination of government, it is no surprise that Chertoff denied assistance to NO...and that Cantor wants to remove the money that allows FDs to have rescues. It's like they wish for the Bad Old Days.


  5. Dickster should have called his book "Go Fuck Yourself"

  6. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I do worry about the weenies trying to gut Emergency spending. Since their stated goal is the elimination of government, it is no surprise that Chertoff denied assistance to NO...and that Cantor wants to remove the money that allows FDs to have rescues. It's like they wish for the Bad Old Days.


    Please links that provide facts that support your claim"Chertoff denied assistance to NO".

    Cantor doesn't want to remove money.Or deny monies to FEMA.

    Seems like the left is only worried about leaving our great great gand children in debt when Republicans are the ones spending.

    "If there has ever been a more crass and evil man [or woman] in A-merry-can politics I would like to know who it is."


    Look at this pic and tell me Obama isn't the Omen.


  7. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Why does that man always look like a snarling dog? Ugh!

  8. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Roid, why do you persist in attempting to give orders to an elderly AfAm female? Do your own work.
    Cantor and his issue about funding Emergency Response has already been detailed. He gives a 'choice'...lose your Social Security...or go without Emergency Response. Some choice.
    How about we end all faith-based programs? Or halve the mil budget?
    Again with the strawman argument? Pretend that the left of your imaginary world does stuff so you can has hissy fit.
    Sort of the 'this is you' of elementary school.

    But then, the whole point is to piss off Liberals...and nothing more. How sad.


  9. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Cheney has friends in the MSM. Being a pudgy wite Chickenhawk isn't the image he wants to portray. So, they give him the illusion of toughness. I suppose for the Mom's Basement crew he is the epitome of manly GOPDaddy. Yep, leader of the wussies...paragon of Draft-dodging...and seeker of torture for his own personal gratification.


  10. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Mold can't back up what she claims with facts?Didn't see that coming.

    Cantor has never given a choice.

    Where do you get the crap you post?Its not based in fact or reality.

  11. Oh d*mn, just when I thought that funky smell had been permanently bleached around here........

    This racist mofo (Cheney that it) should be tried for being a royal a$$hole! I always felt he mistreated both Powell and Dr. Rice because they were black.


  12. Here we go, another Bush Administration official, looking to rewrite history of that terrible administration and make a profit from it.

  13. Some hemorrhoid thinks Obama's the "Omen", whatever that means.





  14. Mack, I think he is trying to say O is the devil. Go figure.

    "Here we go, another Bush Administration official, looking to rewrite history of that terrible administration and make a profit from it."

    Grand Central, if only they were good at making money for the country.

  15. "Where do you get the crap you post?Its not based in fact or reality."

    Tactic of the Day: Accuse liberals of being out of their minds whenever they speak on an issue. Onlookers are to automatically assume conservatives always speak from a position of "reality" and "truth".

  16. "Mack, I think he is trying to say O is the devil. Go figure."

    Of course -- demonize the enemy. Another conservative tactic.

    "Grand Central, if only they were good at making money for the country."

    For themselves. They're good at making money for themselves.

  17. Anonymous11:11 PM

    John Dean called out Dick a long time ago in his book "Worse than Watergate."


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Previous comment had too much personal info.


    I too thought Dick would have been laying around somewhere on a respirator. Now the world is presented with yet another hardcover door stopper. Who cares.

    Anyway, I'll always remember President Clinton for assisting the people of the USVI during Marilyn in 1995. If the Pres was Bush jr... well look at what he did to the people during Katrina, and Louisiana was actually physically attached the mainland. Scary.

  20. "If there has ever been a more crass and evil man [or woman] in A-merry-can politics I would like to know who it is."

    The Clintons.

  21. moldiotic11:42 PM

    mold: "Roid, why do you persist in attempting to give orders to an elderly AfAm female? Do your own work."

    Typical Mold: Make some completely wacked out claim and then refuse to back it up. Pathetic.

  22. Anonymous said...
    John Dean called out Dick a long time ago in his book "Worse than Watergate."


    John Dean is worse than dick cancer.

  23. moldiotic12:08 AM

    On the other hand, I'm a goddamn fucking idiot.

  24. mold's troll12:12 AM

    Yes, you sure are.

  25. Anonymous12:16 AM


  26. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Cheney persists in attempting to give orders to an elderly AfAm female. I have friends in the MSM. Pretend that the left of your imaginary world give him the illusion of toughness. I suppose for the Mom's Basement crew Cantor and his issue about funding Emergency Response is a seeker of torture for his own personal gratification it is no surprise that Chertoff denied assistance to NO.... allows FDs to have rescues. Sort of the 'this is you' of elementary school.


  27. Hey! Anyone around here have Obama's Blackberry number? My emails must not be getting through. I can't believe I'm still in this fucking cell! I need a Goddamn drink bad. Help a brother out.

  28. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said,

    "Dickster should have called his book "Go Fuck Yourself".

    LOL. Now that is funny.

  29. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Cheney lives on the dark side. The power of evil is immense. It is eternal and everlasting. Cheney will outlive the very ones on FN who are calling him evil, and wishing he were dead. You FN liberal no-voting Negroes lack knowledge- and insight into the nature of Cheney and his relationship with Lucifer.

    You see, the Devil takes care of his own. But You FN Negroes have no one to take care of you because you pushed away the very God who took care of your ancestors for centuries. Fools!

  30. The Iron Hand of Justice1:10 AM

    "Cheney will outlive the very ones on FN who are calling him evil, and wishing he were dead."

    This is true. Cheney will still be alive after Obama has been cast out of the White house. He will be there with his blowtorch and his pliers to get Obama to name all of his treasonous co-conspirators in the evil endeavor of American destruction. He will be there to watch them all swing from the gallows. And on his face will be the smile of the Righteous.


  31. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Does anybody knowerate whereums I can gets discounted stuff? My diddles daddy ran out of astroglide and we really neederate some bad I heard conservatives were gonna test for astroglide use if you wnat your welfare thats not fair!!!!


  32. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Nice try trollpuppet. Keep believerating your poo. Why does Mangiblet dejibberate the potentate and curly cue the Wite? Can't Sarey push the goobersphere to over edge the somulent for profit? Cheney would sell ice to Eskimos for....more ice.


  33. Anonymous2:39 AM

    This racist mofo (Cheney that it) should be tried for being a royal a$$hole! I always felt he mistreated both Powell and Dr. Rice because they were black.


    10:29 PM
    queefdakim da wannabe dawktaw

    hey kimdaqueef how many degrees u have sweetie? why u using $ signs for ur s's like too $hort or some shit? bytch that shit is playt out jess like u!

    and den 4 someone who brag about they edumacayshun all the time u sure r inarticulate! howde that happen sweetie pie? u tellin me wit all the papers u allegedly write in the process of getting ur edumacayshun dat u miss i gots 4 or 5 degrees (muah muah muah depending on the day dummy!)u cante come up wit something better then a $ sign for a s and calling dick cheney an asshole and a racist?

    u a gottdam fool
    u a gottdam liar
    u a gottdam mess!

  34. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Astroglide, Astroglide, if you a brutha and it gets in your hair then its afroglide, slide, slide, slide wit dat afroglide..

    Please help me peeps daddy is getting so mad at me you wont beeleverate how mad. He is so mad I dont think even the viagra is gonna work toniht

    what does daddy diddles call my hemorrhoids?
    Speed bumps.


  35. "Hey! Anyone around here have Obama's Blackberry number? My emails must not be getting through. I can't believe I'm still in this fucking cell! I need a Goddamn drink bad. Help a brother out."

    Maybe you can call W for a blow of coke. ;)

  36. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Roid, no matter how much you pretenderate...like Beck's perfesser costume and set...you are not an authority.
    Cantor, by his own words, offered a Hobson's choice/Sophie's choice.
    Must be you are still miffed that I revealed your scamsites as scams and liars. Maybe you should use Facts and Data, no?

    Poor WATB sockpuppet. Not only does my very existence show your cherished themes to be false, it unnerves you to have someone offer Truth...to your face. Why should I teach you the alphabet? Since you are selling Con poo, one might assume you have the capacity to conduct a simple Internet search.

    Cantor wants to remove funding...can you guess what he itches to cut? Social Security, Medicare. Sounderates good if you are a gabillionaire or are a relatively healthy kid. Not so much if you are counting the days until 65. As reported elsewhere, many US citizens hope they can survive to the Socialist Menace of Social Security 'retirement' and Medicare Socialized Medicine.
    But those am eveel as we have our gubmint doing programs for our benefit. Like roads. Or a military. Or national trade laws.

    FEMA was 'Republicanized' during the bush regime. Which one might know had they bothered to converse with actual First Responders. We might also ask why the reluctance to offer medical care to those who walked into the 9/11 aftermath. Isn't that strange? The money for faith-based scams is there....the money for PrayAwayDeGay is there...the money to harass women needing abortions is there...but it takes a comic shaming the Congress to get some cash. Even then, the conditions placed on the money are designed to deny any assistance to those who responded.

    Why is that?


  37. Anonymous7:56 AM

    “Fox News. You know what that is? Nickelodeon for people with dementia.”
    -Dennis G


  38. ps:

    dick c is a war criminal...

    but hobama is a WORSE one

    BOTH should be in jail!!!

    ditto for gwb

    ask any libyan




  39. fn:


    that recreational emaciated crack head hobama could hook him up...




  40. field negro said...
    Maybe you can call W for a blow of coke. ;)

    opps!! ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

    What I want to know is why is Powell on the defense, unlike real military men? Anyone with any sense knows Cheney is a loud mouth liar, so why even bother with a response?

    I LOVE the way Dr. Rice is playing this fool so far. Just ignoring his dumb a$$ just like he doesn't exist and I hope she keeps it that way!

  41. Anonymous12:06 PM

    “MSNBC. You know what that is? Kabuki theater for people who need their resentments reinforced.”
    -Uncle Onyango


  42. Wha' da? Aryan?

    Cheney intends to go to his grave without admitting any wrongdoing in the Bush Administration. He and Rumsfeld, Rove, even Rice are all guilty of war crimes. Unfortunately Powell was caught up in the mess. I can't believe that he was ever a "friend" of Cheney.

  43. Ain't No "Green" In My Wallet12:55 PM

    Thay wacky Obama, and his pet projects:


  44. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Field you asked, "If there has ever been a more crass and evil man [or woman] in A-merry-can politics I would like to know who it is?".

    There's a lo-o-n-n-ng list of current demons, but I think Andrew Jackson stands out for doing more damage than heartless Cheney.

  45. Anonymous2:50 PM

    “Fox News. You know what that is? Nickelodeon for people with dementia.”
    -Dennis G

    Andrew Jackson...nice. Man went out of his way to hurt the owners. Must be he was behind in his rent...and hoped other Left Behinds would help him steal...and the christians did.


  46. "what does daddy diddles call my hemorrhoids?
    Speed bumps."

    Some of you cats need psychological counselling.

  47. Essence73T said...
    Cheney intends to go to his grave without admitting any wrongdoing in the Bush Administration. He and Rumsfeld, Rove, even Rice are all guilty of war crimes. Unfortunately Powell was caught up in the mess. I can't believe that he was ever a "friend" of Cheney.

    Exactly!! No Black person in power could EVER be a "friend" of Cheney!

    Word verification, "mychem", LOL!!!

  48. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Mack, it is hi-larious to a 14 yo boy. This is their 'humor'. Well, that...and calling us 'lesbians' and 'bleeping sluts' and whatnot for not realizing they are the unacknowledged heir to the throne of st reagan and the cokespoon of bush.
    Here's the post from Chloe..http://feministing.com/2011/08/30/%E2%80%9Cyou%E2%80%99re-a-fucking-slut%E2%80%9D-and-other-things-you-should-not-say-to-a-stranger-on-the-subway/

    Some widdle boys refuse to grow up...as it is far better to be a pot-bellied, balding, smelly Peter Pan...than to accept that your Con beleefs and misogyny mark you as a loser.


  49. bankrupt and busted3:23 PM

    Solar energy companies are going dark.

    When the president is so dumb he cannot see that the bankruptcy of a painfully uncompetitive company is as certain as the sun coming up in the morning, the voters must replace him with someone with an eye for the obvious.

    Solyndra was touted by the Obama administration as a prime example of how green technology could deliver jobs.

    The President visited the facility in May of last year and said "it is just a testament to American ingenuity and dynamism and the fact that we continue to have the best universities in the world, the best technology in the world, and most importantly the best workers in the world. And you guys all represent that. "

    The federal government offered $535 million in low cost loan guarantees from the Department of Energy.

    Some Republicans have been very critical of the loans. "I am concerned that the DOE is providing loans and loan guarantees to firms that aren't capable of competing in the global market, even with government subsidies" Florida Congressman Cliff Stearns told the New York Times.

  50. Neat Che3:32 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Exactly!! No Black person in power could EVER be a "friend" of Cheney!

    So, you are saying that Cheney is the friend of powerless blacks.


    It would explain the reduction in black wealth since he left office.

  51. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Some addled old maids refuse to grow up...as it is far better to be a pontificating, dissembling, wretched Medea...than to accept that your libral beleefs and racism mark you as a loser.


  52. Anonymous4:27 PM

    opps!! ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

    What I want to know is why is Powell on the defense, unlike real military men? Anyone with any sense knows Cheney is a loud mouth liar, so why even bother with a response?

    I LOVE the way Dr. Rice is playing this fool so far. Just ignoring his dumb a$$ just like he doesn't exist and I hope she keeps it that way!

    11:54 AM wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef

    how many degrees u claimerate to ha dummy? cante even spell OOOPS? lemme make it plain for u DUMMY!!!

  53. BetterMan4:36 PM

    Mack, it is hi-larious to a 14 yo boy. This is their 'humor'. Well, that...and calling us 'lesbians'

    If you can produce one qoute where someone called you a lesbian I promise to bail you out of the loony bin, you do realize that pushing this meme would require everyone to forget who you are, dontcha?

  54. The reduction in wealth among all Americans is a direct result of the incompetence and machinations of the Bush administration.

  55. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Well, when you have st reagan cutting off funds...like bush did with stem cells...the rest of the world laughs. While Goober Heeyuck TELLs us how moral he am and that you won't have any SocialistCommiePinkoElitist Science in his skool....everyone else gets the research and the market.

    Now you brag to us that you kept the US out of the solar market and stem cells (along with many others)...and you thinkerate we will reward your ignorance?

    Somehow you missed the risk lecture at Marcus Bachmann's Skool for Barbarian Urges that need to be Disciplined. There is no guarantee that being a Fwee Market troo beleever will bring profit. Wonder why you beleeverate that all one needs to do for massive profit is start a business? Oh, bush and his career. Marcus PrayAwayDeGay. Palin mooching. Bank bailouts.
    Maybe you should check into the world of actual business and not crony capitalism.
    And just how many firms does the US President Obama visit in a year? What is the failure rate? Is this anecdotal? Or an artifact?

    Please, go on pretending to authority, like your hero Beck with his perfesser costume and kkkollege set with Left Behinds playing the role of students. Remind us of your cv with serious academic grounding and the years spent in business at a professional level.
    Or are you the clerk at DoofyMart, wishing that some day, with your beleef in Fwee Markets, you will hit the Lottery.


  56. "The reduction in wealth among all Americans is a direct result of the incompetence and machinations of the Bush administration."

    Pass the offering plate Rev. Uptown. You preaching up in here.:)

  57. Anonymous8:22 PM

    UTS, Amen. It was one of their tenets...to impoverish the working and lower middle class.
    Before the useful idiot brigade wails about this...yes, I've read the books by your 'intellectual' leaders. It is what they purport as a good.

    Since a lot of the AfAm entry into the middle class is because of public employment...it comes as no surprise that racists wish to end the practice. Not only are there no government employees doing oversight of gawd-fearin wite mens...you can make the wages low enough to take in christians....you can drive away the competent to other areas...and the return of the small town feudalism is enhanced (thanks to Joe Bageant)


  58. So it's like that now Field, you're selectively choosing to post the psychos comments directed at me which rarely have jack shit to do with your posts?

    Well F8ck all yawl then, I'm out!

  59. Dr. Queen, you should see the stuff that don't make it through.

    It's Baaaaad. Where does all this hate come from?

  60. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Field, I, for one, appreciate the less juvenile tone and the ability to what posters write. Thank you for taking the time and effort!


  61. Queen baby,

    Why you trippin?

    Hey did y'all lose power during Irene?

    We were without power for 3 freakin days and running a generator which took 7 gallons of gas every 9 hours to power half the house.

    When I get my next bill from BG&E I'm going to wipe some bird shit on it and send it back.

  62. Anonymous9:22 PM

    What the hell is it about August-September that all us women on here get pissed and offended?

  63. Keith B. Real9:47 PM

    mold; And just how many firms does the US President Obama visit in a year? What is the failure rate?

    Quite high, actually:

    The "Green" jobs scam turns out to have been as big a boondoggle as the Republicans warned us it would be.

  64. Field negro said...
    Pass the offering plate Rev. Uptown. You preaching up in here.:)

    Preaching to the choir may be easy, but no one is going to learn anything and no souls will be saved.

    The truth is the economic policies of the Bush administration made everyone more prosperous:


  65. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I'm as right wing* as the next white man, but I fear the Republicans have so thoroughly convinced themselves that an ideology they concocted thirty years ago to rationalize the Reagan deficits (trade, budget, etc.) that they are soon to march off a cliff, convinced that like evolution, gravity is only a "theory." Damn, I wish we had another Teddy Roosevelt waiting in the wings. Heck, a Ronald Reagan-in-his-intellectual-prime would more than do.

    *Ok, so the word I should be using here is "nationalistic," but it seems to be out of favor these days, so "right wing" will have to do -- for now.

  66. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Also, kudos to the Obama administration for finally - FINALLY! - doing something to save the jobs of ordinary Americans by opposing the ATT/T-Mobile merger.

  67. "Also, kudos to the Obama administration for finally - FINALLY! - doing something to save the jobs of ordinary Americans by opposing the ATT/T-Mobile merger."


  68. field negro said...
    Dr. Queen, you should see the stuff that don't make it through.

    It's Baaaaad. Where does all this hate come from?

    My apologies guys, I had a hard, loooonnng ass day yesterday. Then I found out this morning that my abstract has been accepted!!! So in my flava flav voice, YEAH BOI!!!!!!!!!!!

    UTS, I'm cool, I'm cool!!!! As for Irene, we lost power for about 5 mins. You know the folks in my 'hood don't play that 'ish after what happened last year, LOL!!! But you know utilities for a mini masion ain't cheap. Did you goobers get that, UTS lives in a home the size of 20 of your trailers, LOL!!!

    Desertflower, that's a good question and now that I think about it, you're absolutely right!!!

  69. Field, I'll tell you where the hate comes from, it's jealousy of all the successful negros up in this piece!
