Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Muslims just want to have fun.

Oh Lawd! What is going on here in A-merry-ca? Why is it harder for Muslims to pursue happiness than the rest of you A-merry-cans? BTW, Speaking of pursuing happiness; I guess we won't be up in arms about this latest social media flash mob phenomenon. I mean they are just college students, and I didn't see any of you Negroes in the crowd scaring folks. But I digress.

 "Rye Playland was shut down Tuesday after cops scuffled with Muslims upset that women wearing head scarves were barred from the rides, witnesses said.
Fifteen people, including three women, were charged with disorderly conduct and assault in the chaos, authorities said.

The Westchester County park was packed with Muslims celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr - the holiday marking the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
One woman, Entisai Ali, began arguing with cops over the amusement park's head scarf, or hijab, rule, said Dena Meawad, 18, of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
The ban, which is not Muslim specific, was imposed about 3 years ago mostly to prevent hats from falling onto the tracks of roller coasters and other rides, park officials said.

"The cops started getting loud with her and she started getting loud, too. They pushed her on the ground and arrested her," Meawad said.
Her cousin, Kareem Meawad, 17, went to try to protect the woman and was beaten by cops and also arrested, she added. Her brother, Issam Meawad, 20, was pushed to the ground and taken into custody when he tried to help his cousin, she said.

"She just wanted to get on a ride. That was it," Dena Meawad said of the initial confrontation. "It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim."
John Hodges, chief inspector of Westchester County Public Safety, insisted that police did not use excessive force.

He said up to 100 cops from surrounding departments converged on the park.
Two park rangers were injured in the melee, prompting felony assault charges against two people arrested, officials said.
The ugly incident happened just after 1 p.m. The event was organized by the Muslim American Society of New York, and attracted 3,000 Muslims from Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Westchester County.

Ali's sister, Ayman Alrabah, 24, of Brooklyn said her husband, brother and father were all tackled by cops and put into handcuffs when they tried to help her sister.
Alrabah said she was unaware of the head-scarf rule until she and her sister tried to get on the park's Dragon Coasters.

"We requested a refund and all of a sudden an argument became a riot," Alrabah said. "Cops came. They were hitting my brother, my dad. My husband was on the floor and they were handcuffing him.

She said her 4-year-old son was "traumatized" by seeing his father arrested.
"They treated us like animals, like we were nothing," Alrabah said. "They came with their dogs and sticks. We came to have fun." [Source] 

Oh stop it! Where have you ever heard of cops attacking people with "dogs and sticks"? Oh wait....never mind.

Finally, I am not an expert on climate change and global warming [or the lack of it], but I do know that we have been having some unusually freakish weather occurrences all over the world of late, and that reasonable people can disagree on just how much man made behavior is causing the earth's weather patterns to change.

Reasonable people. The wingnuts in this country, and folks like their presidential candidate, Governor Big Hair, are not convinced.  They believe that global warming is all a hoax. And thanks to their 24 hour propaganda machine and the ignorance of quite a few most of our fellow citizens, they are actually gaining the upper hand in the debate. Which is really kind of sad, because if they had their way there would be no debate in the first place.



  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tough situation..I would treat that as a hat in a working situation but at the same time I empathize with the Muslims.

    Are Muslims the "new" Black?

    Just asking questions.

  3. Kingnut10:46 PM

    What don't you get about this story? Are you that dense? No one can wear scarves on their heads on amusement park rides - it's a safety rule.

    The family of the first Muslim who got their head ripped off would sue the park out of business.

    Ever since 9/11, Muslims have seen themselves as a victim class deserving of special consideration.

    The fact that you would equate the right not to abide by rules that apply to everyone else with the Civil Rights struggle betrays a profound moral ignorance.

    Wasn't it MLK who said: "I have a dream, that someday I can ride the Tilt-a-Whirl dressed like Santa Claus" ?

    No, it wasn't. It was Achmed El Dipshit.

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "I didn't see any of you Negroes in the crowd scaring folks"

    i'm sure you ment you didn't see negros attacking and murderering white people.

    in other news,Leonard Egland,just mass murdered 4 white people.

    black cops are shooting at trannys

    more black mob attacks on whites


  5. "The fact that you would equate the right not to abide by rules that apply to everyone else with the Civil Rights struggle betrays a profound moral ignorance."

    I know, just think, if I was drinking from one of those "White Only" drinking fountains I would have been breaking the rules as well. Go figure.

    BTW, I love rules. I always wear my safety belt, and I never talk on my cell phone while I am driving. So there!

  6. "in other news,Leonard Egland,just mass murdered 4 white people."

    I saw Leonard.Hmmmmm. He is one of those Cali blacks. I can't really get a line on him.

    But wasn't he married to that white woman? Do you see what you started OJ?

    Sad story.:(

  7. Anonymous10:56 PM

    RttnKid, "Are Muslims the "new" Black?"

    No one can take the place of Blacks. We will always be the permanent underclass, regardless of our financial status. Black skin is the symbol of inferiority to everyone, including non-Black Muslims and non-Black Latinos and Mexicans.

    In other words, Rttnkid, don't get your hopes up cause it ain't going to happen. We are one race that nobody particularly likes, including many of us.

    Dr. Queen, I don't blame you for leaving FN. There is a long line of people who have left. What took you so long?

  8. You think maybe the people involved in an amusement Park melee might lie about what happened? Huh?

    According to eyewitnesses, a Muslim woman physically assaulted a ride operator for not letting her ride in her hijab, setting off the brawl.

  9. Anonymous11:00 PM

    RYE, N.Y. (WABC) -- Fifteen people, most from Brooklyn, have been charged after a fight broke out at Rye Playland over Muslim headgear.

    The park was filled 3,000 Muslims celebrating an Islamic holiday.

    The women were told they could not wear their traditional head-covering called Hijabs on some rides.

    Park officials were in the process of issuing refunds when members of the Muslim group got into a scuffle with each other.

    Members of the tour group maintain that security guards pushed a woman to a ground and that's what started the fight.

    The park spokesman says Playland doesn't allow headgear on rides for safety reasons.

    "This misunderstanding was very unfortunate," said Peter Tartaglia, Deputy Parks Commissioner. "Our headgear policy is designed to protect the safety of patrons and safety is our first concern. This policy was repeatedly articulated to the tour operator, but unfortunately the message did not reach some of the members of his group."

    Twelve people from Brooklyn, two from Valley Cottage and one from Staten Island were arrested.

    Beshar Ali and Alansi Salah, both of Brooklyn, faced the most serious charges of felony assault after allegedly attacking two park rangers who tried to break up the fight.

    Most of the others were charged with disorderly conduct and related offenses.


  10. "Dr. Queen, I don't blame you for leaving FN. There is a long line of people who have left. What took you so long?"

    I guess the same thing that's keeping you here. ;)

  11. Kingnut11:03 PM

    field negro said...
    "The fact that you would equate the right not to abide by rules that apply to everyone else with the Civil Rights struggle betrays a profound moral ignorance."

    I know, just think, if I was drinking from one of those "White Only" drinking fountains I would have been breaking the rules as well. Go figure.

    Yes, go figure.

    Your analogy confirms your ignorance.

    The rule was not that Muslims could not wear headgear on a ride, it was no one could wear anything on their head.

    If there was rule that no one could drink from a drinking fountain, because it was unsafe, is that racist? If a black person tried to drink from it, and was stopped, and then reacted by brawling, is that racist?

    How the hell did you ever graduate from Law school?

  12. BetterMan11:05 PM

    Finally, I am not an expert on climate change and global warming [or the lack of it], but I do know that we have been having some unusually freakish weather occurrences all over the world of late, and that reasonable people can disagree on just how much man made behavior is causing the earth's weather patterns to change.

    Right, cause a hurricane during hurricane season is so "unusual" ......look up the records, I bet you will find hurricanes at this time of year way before they thought to try and say it was all because of global warming err...climate change so they could make a fortune selling carbon credits that only those in the US will pay for while the rest of the world laughs.

    By the way, no hats means no hats, it doesnt mean no hats unless you try and be a special privliged group and start trouble to get the world to cater to you and then claim you are a victim when you break the law and start assaulting people.....sheez. So many victims, so little common sense and adulthood.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yeah..Well Anon, on to breaking news...

    Say what you wanna say but Obama, I think he made the Teapublicans look stupid. Again. Plus, I think it's awfully hard to debate The President's jobs plan in the debate when you don't know what it entails before the debate.

  15. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I hear you on the freaky got up to 76 degrees in San Diego's usually 72.

  16. Anonymous11:11 PM

    yes this was just a misunderstanding and very unfortunate.

    them muslims was getting refunds to.y'all be actin' like po po was gonna either go bull connor on tey azz or start throwing sausage balls at the muslims.

    praise allah nothin' happen.

    i think both blacks and muslims could learn a lesson from them jews.

    walk away peaceful.than early in da mornin' have the jew lawyers in court ready to sue some azz.


  17. You gotta check this bit of cultural exchange out:

    There's a guy representing America proud.

  18. "If there was rule that no one could drink from a drinking fountain, because it was unsafe, is that racist?"

    No. But if it was in fact safe to drink from the fountain and your only motivation for keeping certain people from drinking was to keep them separated by race; yes, it was racist.

    BTW, do you work at the amusement park in question? You seem to be pretty up on park safety and such.

    "Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said. "It's a safety issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile."

    A hijab scarf can become a projectile? Okaaay. I guess those rides are pretty rad.

  19. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    Yeah..Well Anon, on to breaking news...

    Say what you wanna say but Obama, I think he made the Teapublicans look stupid. Again. Plus, I think it's awfully hard to debate The President's jobs plan in the debate when you don't know what it entails before the debate.

    Repeat after me kid,

    Tax and spend

    Tax and spend

    Tax and spend

    Tax and spend

    Thats Obamas' plan.

  20. I hear you on the freaky got up to 76 degrees in San Diego's usually 72."

    I will remember that comment when your ass is floating in the Pacific after that 7.8 reaches out and touches your cynical behind.

  21. Kingnut11:28 PM

    Field Negro said..."No. But if it was in fact safe to drink from the fountain and your only motivation for keeping certain people from drinking was to keep them separated by race; yes, it was racist.

    BTW, do you work at the amusement park in question? You seem to be pretty up on park safety and such."

    But it's not safe. And the rule was not instituted just to muck with Muslims. And no, I don't work in an amusement park, but I did see "Joe Dirt" on TV.

  22. Well I saw National Lampoon's Vacation, and I could never see them doing something like this at "Wally World".

  23. Hey everybody. Believe or not, my nephew has not returned any of my calls and I'm still in jail.

    Field, I know you're in with the President. Tell him he's got about 24 hours to get my ass out of here or there's a Kenyan birth certificate going up on Ebay.

  24. "Field, I know you're in with the President. Tell him he's got about 24 hours to get my ass out of here or there's a Kenyan birth certificate going up on Ebay."

    Sorry, he gets the Flava Flav treatmnent: "I can't do nothing for ya man"

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth11:51 PM

    And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

    For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

    All these are the beginning of sorrows.

    Looks like some things are coming to past.

  26. I See Wet People11:54 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Looks like some things are coming to past.

    Are you saying Obama is the AntiChrist?

  27. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    So it's like that now Field, you're selectively choosing to post the psychos comments directed at me which rarely have jack shit to do with your posts?

    Well F8ck all yawl then, I'm out!

    8:26 PM

    field negro said...
    Dr. Queen, you should see the stuff that don't make it through.

    It's Baaaaad. Where does all this hate come from?

    8:30 PM

    Yeah, "Queen." could be payback for all the shit you threw at Maria and every other white woman who made you feel inferior.

  28. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Rottnkid said...
    Yeah..Well Anon, on to breaking news...

    Say what you wanna say but Obama, I think he made the Teapublicans look stupid. Again. Plus, I think it's awfully hard to debate The President's jobs plan in the debate when you don't know what it entails before the debate.

    Check the same plan he "unveiled" in exactly the same way, precisely when he returned from vacation last year, it will be identical. He didn't learn that those things 'didn't work, or at least hopes we are dumb enough to buy it again.

    The details of the proposed plan that have been leaked include tax incentives for companies to hire workers, corporate write-offs for capital expenditures, an extension of the payroll-tax breaks that began this year, an infrastructure bank, and some incentives to prevent teacher layoffs. Extended unemployment benefits

    Another words, nothing with the exception of more spending so it can trickle down as the last stimulus did to his democratic cronies and be inneffective. Only this time, there won't be any stimulus, no one is going to but another stimulus will help after the total failure and debacle of the last two. He is out of his depth!!

  29. GrannyStandingforTruth12:07 AM

    BTW, I just finished reading "The Help", but I got a different take on it from everyone else. I didn't get no warm feelings from it, nor did I get the white hero/heroine to the rescue of black folks. However, I did detect a little disguised self-seeking among other things.

    I'm gonna write my opinion on it because it would take up too much space here telling folks what I got out the book. Smh!

  30. GrannyStandingforTruth12:16 AM

    I see wet people:

    Maybe, you should read what I wrote over again because for some reason I don't think you grasped what I said even though it was plain and simple. No where in it was President Obama's name mentioned or suggested or implied. Nor did I mention anything about an anti-christ. BTW, the anti-christ is a spirit and there are a lot of people walking around who possess that spirit.

  31. I See Wet People12:22 AM

    So you are saying maybe he is?

  32. Anonymous12:26 AM

    This is a bad time to be a black man in Libya,” reported Alex Thomsonon Channel 4 News on Sunday. Elsewhere, Kim Sengupta reported for the Independent on the 30 bodies lying decomposing in Tripoli. The majority of them, allegedly mercenaries for Muammar Gaddafi, were black. They had been killed at a makeshift hospital, some on stretchers, some in an ambulance. “Libyan people don’t like people with dark skins,”a militiaman explained in reference to the arrests of black men.

  33. Nicole12:29 AM

    “Libyan people don’t like people with dark skins,”a militiaman explained in reference to the arrests of black men

    What's not to love about black people?

  34. WeresDaBudgetDems?12:29 AM

    By law–Title 31, United States Code, Section 1106–the Obama administration was supposed to provide by July 16 a summary update of the President’s proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. The so-called mid-session review includes revised estimates of receipts, outlays, budget authority and budget deficits which take into account changes in the economic outlook, etc., that “the President decides are necessary and appropriate based on current information.” Of course, our federal government hasn’t had a budget for more than two years, and the president’s February budget was voted down 97-0 in the Senate. So how, exactly, is he going to provide a mid-session review?

  35. So how, exactly, is he going to provide a mid-session review?

    New, improved plans are required because what the Democrats did during the two years when they controlled all the levers of power in Washington was a total failure.

  36. Anonymous12:34 AM

    "Rye Playland was shut down Tuesday after cops scuffled with Muslims upset that women wearing head scarves were barred from the rides, witnesses said."
    So much for "The Great American Melting Pot"...

  37. NoLookatMywomen!!12:40 AM

    Desertflower said...
    "Rye Playland was shut down Tuesday after cops scuffled with Muslims upset that women wearing head scarves were barred from the rides, witnesses said."
    So much for "The Great American Melting Pot"...

    Feel free to take off your medieval garnishment and oppressive article of clothing and ride the ride and melt right in..or don't..

  38. Wow, I love Playland, but its not all that and its certainly not worth the cops harrassing tax paying citizens (Playland is a public park in New York) for enjoying themselves on a holiday. But, having spent time in Westchester, I can say its not surprising - racism and xenophobia can rear its head in strange places.

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth12:50 AM


    I feel ya!

    However, if you ask me, "The Great American Melting Pot" was a sham from the very beginning just like the so-called Bill of Rights.

  40. Anonymous1:05 AM

    LACoincidental said...
    Wow, I love Playland, but its not all that and its certainly not worth the cops harrassing tax paying citizens (Playland is a public park in New York) for enjoying themselves on a holiday. But, having spent time in Westchester, I can say its not surprising - racism and xenophobia can rear its head in strange places.

    12:45 AM

    C'mon with that nonsense, racism and xenophobia....the rules were clear for very clear safety reasons. The tour guide was reminded in advance, simple matter. If it were only the ones wearing the scarves who may get decapitated then maybe, but they could hurt and impact someone else. Sorry we aren't saudi arabia and we dont cut peoples heads off even if they want to do it.

    Racism and Xenophobia indeed, you must have learned that as a little tyke and now tote it out all the time. Why do liberals seem to lack any capacity for logic and common sense and equity and fairness, always delving into mystic bullshit looking for special exceptions?

  41. LAC the Well-Educated Dolt1:06 AM

    LACoincidental said...
    Wow, I love Playland, but its not all that and its certainly not worth the cops harrassing tax paying citizens (Playland is a public park in New York) for enjoying themselves on a holiday. But, having spent time in Westchester, I can say its not surprising - racism and xenophobia can rear its head in strange places.

    You are an idiot imposing his own prejudices on a story that on its facts does not support them.

    There is no evidence of racism or xenophobia on the part of the park owners or police.

    God, you are an insufferable ass.

    I'll bet everyone who works with you can't fucking stand you.

  42. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Wow, I love Playland, but its not all that and its certainly not worth the cops harrassing tax paying citizens (Playland is a public park in New York) for enjoying themselves on a holiday

    So people disturbing the peace and fighting because the rules wouldnt be bent for them and they werent allowed to endanger someone else as they wanted to as well as themselves is just someone enjoying themselves? Yup a liberal!!

  43. Don't most amusement parks have signs posted with regard to restrictions such as height, weight, clothing, etc.? The women would have been able to see before the fact that headscarves were not allowed due to safety concerns.

  44. Anonymous1:28 AM

    LAC the Well-Educated Dolt said...
    LACoincidental said...
    Wow, I love Playland, but its not all that and its certainly not worth the cops harrassing tax paying citizens (Playland is a public park in New York) for enjoying themselves on a holiday. But, having spent time in Westchester, I can say its not surprising - racism and xenophobia can rear its head in strange places.

    Hard to believe, you think the black operations manager and ride operator are racist against... is it people wearing scarves, women or Muslims? Race card usage is getting disgusting, well I guess it continues to be disgusting.

  45. Anonymous1:47 AM

    miss Sharon from Wisconsin is dropping knowledge! the scarfs could get entangled in gears and other equipment that can get caught up thats why they dont allow hats on the rides and if you have a purse you have to stow it so that it doesnt fly out and no bandanas for safety and social reasons...

  46. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Repugnican right-wingnut governor "Big Hair" from Texas; his sycophants believe global warming is a hoax - this while they continue to roast and wither in 100+ degree temps. He also wants Texas to secede from these united states. And, he just called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme"; and he will repeat these outrageous claims - unchallenged - because he knows a-merry-kkkans' minds are criminally weak.
    Meanwhile, back on the plantation, Negroes continue their jigging minstrel show while dining on each other. Yeah, go figure.

  47. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    So it's like that now Field, you're selectively choosing to post the psychos comments directed at me which rarely have jack shit to do with your posts?

    Well F8ck all yawl then, I'm out!

    8:26 PM

    wow someone wit all dose degrees dont know how to spell the 'f' werd, well eyele be darned! someone who talk about all they degrees and edumacayshun cante even half spell nothing ude think a person wit all that pride in they edumacayshun would use a online dictionary or spellchecker if they have sense but such is the life of the types who lie about they qualifications and who front like they smart but they sub sheboon intelligent so sweetie get da phukkoutta here u wonte be missed except for the blogger wit an occasional sadistic streak jess get on dummy and doncha come back!

    eye find this funny though jess like qoohaliciabanks this chriflin moron front like she gone then show up to put in the last werd dummies!

  48. If one of those scarves flew off the ladies' heads and onto another rider or on the machinery, causing a malfunction or accident resulting in injury, the owner of the park would be up shit creek. Still, it doesn't justify the shitfest that started -- don't they have cops out there who can de-escalate emotionally charged situations instead of laying hands at the first sign of trouble?

    "Hard to believe, you think the black operations manager and ride operator are racist against... is it people wearing scarves, women or Muslims? Race card usage is getting disgusting, well I guess it continues to be disgusting."

    I doubt they were. But who could say the same of the 100+ officers who eventually showed up to take care of that "muslim" problem?

  49. Anonymous1:52 AM

    and why does that ghetto hoochie fool act like she should be called doctor queen? chrick aint no doctor and certainly aint no queen my fingers feel dirty every time eye typed that nastiness! she got what she deserved though cuz she was racist and mean to poor maria poor sensitive maria who had issues and was looking for affirmation qoohalicia banks and wannbe dawktaw dakimqueef mercilessly attacked her day in and day out and were very hateful they was also hateful to other people on the site and deserve to be gone!

  50. Anonymous1:56 AM

    blog administrator deserves an award for strategic dismissal of nasty bloated foolbanks troll! the administrator knows that sheboon only blog from 9-5 and occasionally later but sporadically he knew that she comments far less in the night time so decided to post at the far night time when he can moderate comments when he want and she post less so less for him to moderate then when he get up in the morning and go to werk he have on de comment moderation to quell the nasty sow! we see the strategy

    since the blog administrator got rid of the trolls this troll will go away unless it sees those nasties again!

  51. Anonymous1:57 AM

    but only the two meanest sheboon nasties kimdaqueef and qoohalicia banks!

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth1:59 AM

    I have a few questions. If the ban on scarves is for security and social reasons, why were they allowed entry into the park since this is allegedly against the rules? Why weren't they warned at the entry gate of this rule?

    Getting loud with a cop who is being loud too warrants being thrown to the ground and arrested?

  53. Anonymous2:14 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I have a few questions. If the ban on scarves is for security and social reasons, why were they allowed entry into the park since this is allegedly against the rules? Why weren't they warned at the entry gate of this rule?

    Getting loud with a cop who is being loud too warrants being thrown to the ground and arrested?

    Only certain rides restricted ALL hats, scarves loose articles, even eyeglasses, you can do other things at the park even though you may not be the minimum 3 ft tall to ride the big rides. Not only was it posted at every ride but the tour guide was advised numerous times in advance and it is on all the parks brochures tickets and materials. The cops were breaking up the Muslims fighting with EACH other.

  54. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Anonymous said...
    but only the two meanest sheboon nasties kimdaqueef and qoohalicia banks!

    Go to sleep MOld, you have a hard irrational day ahead of you tomorrow.

  55. GrannyStandingforTruth2:52 AM

    Thank you Anonymous 2:14 for that info, but where did it say Muslims were fighting each other? This is what I read.

    "The cops started getting loud with her and she started getting loud, too. They pushed her on the ground and arrested her," Meawad said.

    "We requested a refund and all of a sudden an argument became a riot,"

  56. NSangoma4:51 AM

    Mother Fuck those Muslims.

    They consider themselves to be morally superior to everyone else.

    A Muslim bitch came to the pool the other day, wearing a head-scarf, a complete body-stocking that covered her arms to her wrists and her legs to her ankles, and a smock covering the body stocking.

    The smock had snaps on the bottoms that allowed her to snap the back bottom of the smock to the front bottom of the smock.

    With that she got in the pool and swam, doing the breast-stroke; too much shit on to do the freestyle I guess.

    With all shit on, there is no way for the lifeguards to make any visual assessment of her cleanliness.

    Additionally, if she had gotten in trouble in the pool, the lifeguards would have the additional burden of pulling her ass out of the water along with her heavy-ass water-soaked smock.

    Mother Fuck that hook-nosed bitch, her religion, and her religions mama.

    As I exited the pool area after my workout, she stopped her swim to give me a dirty look; once we made direct eye-contact, I returned the dirty look. The days of Negroe men having avert eye contact and glance downward are over.

    Mother Fuck that nas-si-sti-dy hooked-nose Muslim Heaux, her religion, and her religions religion.


    MOTHER FUCK Sharia Law, too.


  57. Anonymous5:12 AM

    muah muah muah muah muah muah muah N Sangoma is funny as phukk!

  58. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Go to sleep MOld, you have a hard irrational day ahead of you tomorrow.

    2:15 AM kimdaqueef sockpuppet

    golly kimdaqueef u need to get cher tail to bed chile! maybe a good nites rest will get chu some sense gurl! nasty filthy queef!

  59. Anonymous6:25 AM

    The AnonTroll of 11:00pm was not me. Must be they need to smear they still have no ability to speak Truth.

    I'll have to read more about this. Yes, I have been an amusement ride operator. And teens are notoriously stoopid.

    Consensus. Like the one about gravity. Or the one on Evolution.
    Pretty much the GoodHair folks are TELLing us the whales are gawdly innumerable and the doomsayer who claim that we shall run out of whale products are not trusting gawd enough. And those Scientists who are worried about the Hitler...well aren't they all Jewish? And they use the really, really difficult math thingie to say they can split the atom. Hah, no axe is small enough...they are just paid to say this!!

    On one side, we have professional climate scientists...on the other are paid shills for the energy companies, folks with no expertise in the subject, and bloggers who quote other bloggers and useful idiots who try to pretend this is the 'exact same' as a peer-reviewed academic journal. The blogger doesn't even agree to meet the minimal standards of journalism .


  60. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Reading the material from the Field links seems to indicate
    our teens are trying to frame the issue as one of anti-Muslim intolerance. The odd statement of dogs and a direct appeal to those who recall the wites who loved to assault US citizens for the sheer joy of hurting others.

    Yes, there are safety concerns with hijabs and long, flowing clothing. Might be why the rides in some Muslim lands are essentially kiddie rides. Ever hear of PTOs?
    Though some mental defectives wail about OSHA, the safety rules originate in some poor soul being killed or injured.


  61. Sorry we aren't saudi arabia and we dont cut peoples heads off even if they want to do it.

    Racism and Xenophobia indeed, you must have learned that as a little tyke and now tote it out all the time. Why do liberals seem to lack any capacity for logic and common sense and equity and fairness, always delving into mystic bullshit looking for special exceptions?

    Hmmm, I notice how you spelled. Saudi Arabia. ("saudi arabia") But no, nothing Xenophobic about you, right?

    La~Coincidental, I feel you.

    "Don't most amusement parks have signs posted with regard to restrictions such as height, weight, clothing, etc.? The women would have been able to see before the fact that headscarves were not allowed due to safety concerns."

    No Sharon, Muslims, like black folks, have to be constantly reminded. :)

    "Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said. "It's a safety issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile."

    A hijab scarf can become a projectile?

    Still waiting on an amusement park ride expert to explain that to me.

  62. Anonymous6:52 AM

    One poster indicated Green jobs are a scam. Funny. I have stock in European 'Green' industries. Quite profitable. Even without the scam accounting allowed since st reagan. Seems that following the st reagan dream of 1930s oil use-heavy tech isn't really smart.
    One Lefty blogger in the sunshine belt of the US has shared their experience with solar panels. Worth a look.

    North of Route 80, it may not be so effective...but most of the Philly-Lancaster area would benefit from solar tech.

    The US has been dependent upon cheap, cheap energy...and it shows.


  63. BetterMan6:58 AM

    Yes, I have been an amusement ride operator.

    Mold it's about time you added to your resume, you were slipping. You hadn't added any jobs in awhile now. How many pages is your resume with just listing job titles now 15? Must have been hard traveling with a carnival while you were studying at Harvard, taking the bar exam, studying to become a CPA, taking the CPA exam, getting enough flight time and studying to be a pilot, becoming a certified Stockbroker, raising enough funds to buy a radio station and DJ'ing, all while being a full time teacher and running a business, while also holding down a full time job as a department head for a major corporation. I am so impressed, oh yeah forgot criminologist and your work with the justice department and your being a published author and scientist and many more - you are my idol you represent everything you can accomplish with liberal leanings - at least in your mind if not in reality. With all these skills I don't know why I question what you say, it isnt that you speak gibberish, I just must not be up to the task of understanding your higher powers.

  64. drill baby drill7:22 AM

    Obama, our benighted president:

    Solyndra, a Fremont-based solar panel manufacturer that flared then sputtered, abruptly ceased operations on Wednesday and immediately laid off all 1,100 of its workers.

    The shutdown marks a high-profile collapse of a company that received more than $1.6 billion in federal and private funding in recent years.

    "This was an unexpected outcome and is most unfortunate," Brian Harrison, Solyndra's president and chief executive, said.

    The company received $535 million in taxpayer money from the U.S. Department of Energy and $1.1 billion in private venture capital funding.

    "We have always recognized that not every one of the innovative companies supported by our loans and loan guarantees would succeed," said Dan Leistikow, a spokesman for the Department of Energy. "But we can't stop investing in game-changing technologies that are key to America's leadership in the global economy."

    Solyndra workers who were laid off on Wednesday were dismissed without layoff packages.

    "They are getting no severance," said Dave Miller, a Solyndra spokesman. "They are getting nothing."

    "It's devastating," Campbell resident Matthew Henry said. "There was no compassion."

    Henry had just bought a new car and signed a lease on a new apartment after working at Solyndra for three years.

    "It hurts," said Angel Poma, who lives in Woodside. "I was happy working for this company, and I learned a lot."

    Benjamin Pham, a San Jose resident, was left to ponder the loss of his health insurance, along with his job. Pham, his wife and their child were all on a Solyndra health insurance program, which expired along with Wednesday's shutdown.

    "They cut off everything,"

    President Barack Obama touted Solyndra as a poster child for clean energy after the company received the federal funds.

    "Companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future," Obama said during a 2010 visit to the company's Fremont headquarters.

  65. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Loved how the person indicated 'Why do liberals seem to lack any capacity for logic and common sense and equity and fairness,'
    This assumes that Liberals lack the capacity for Logic...but offers no proof. That Liberals lack common sense...but refuses to define the term. How does the writer back his claim that Liberals are without equity (legal term) or fairness?
    Oh...we are all Jews...he is the Nazi. We are heretics...and lying fer jebus is OK as it done to apostates.

    Wonder if the park has to answer to Peter King, Muslim Hunter?

    Yes, the items that fall off are 'projectiles'. Have you ever driven the Schuylkill Expressway? At least there you tend to have helmets or windshields.


  66. BetterMan7:28 AM

    Hmmm, I notice how you spelled. Saudi Arabia. ("saudi arabia") But no, nothing Xenophobic about you, right?

    La~Coincidental, I feel you.

    "Don't most amusement parks have signs posted with regard to restrictions such as height, weight, clothing, etc.? The women would have been able to see before the fact that headscarves were not allowed due to safety concerns."

    No Sharon, Muslims, like black folks, have to be constantly reminded. :)

    "Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said. "It's a safety issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile."

    A hijab scarf can become a projectile?

    Still waiting on an amusement park ride expert to explain that to me.

    Field - Sigh, I hope you are kidding and I just cant see your Irony.

    Not capitalizing a countries name is your proof that someone is Xenophobic? Really? How droll. Are you going to say I want to return to Jim Crow laws and hang people from roller coaster next for wanting all to follow the same safety rules even if they want to be irresponsible and promise not to hurt or kill themselves or any other riders and not sue?

    Follow rules proven to increase safety=Xenophobia=Liberal Insanity.

    As for a 2-3 foot long scarf becoming a projectile - are you seriously ..... surely even with your bias you can envision a waist length Jihab whipping out with the wind from a roller coaster averaging 80 MPH and getting wrapped around one of those oh so close roller coaster beams and pulling the poor innocent muslim <---ooh, look a cat whistle I didnt use caps for Muslim(they were females) out of the coaster probably ripping her head off and either hurling her body or just her head on the other passengers. Or even worse the medieval female oppressive device (hijab) flying off her head and wrapping around the neck and a roller coaster beam of some other poor innocent rider.

    You have to explain to me - are you really sayin that the ride rules were thought up in advance to oppress muslims by racist xenophobes with Muslims in mind and just craftily applied to eveyone else all the time to hide it?

    Here are the ride safety guidelines for Rye: lets see if you can point out the ones that were designed by the evil xenophobes who you believe could hate people yet invest time to belittle them, rather then just whip them through the system and take money.

    "Loose articles and personal possessions such as electronic devices, keys, hats, glasses, backpacks, purses and stuffed animals should be left at home, kept in a locker or left with a non-rider while at the Park or on rides. Lockers are provided for a fee, and some rides provide shared bins. All items and clothing must be appropriately secured while on a ride; some smaller items can be stored/secured in cargo pockets or waist pouches. Hats must be secured, and jackets/sweaters must be worn properly and not around the waist while on a ride. Some rides do not allow backpacks, purses or head gear of any kind.

  67. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Field here is one instance where a Muslim woman was killed due to her "clothing" while enjoying a nice go-cart ride.

    I shudder to think of what would happen to a womens head when a flowing Hijab gets wrapped round a high speed coasters beams - ever see how close those beams are?

  68. I wear headwraps everyday I leave the house. I also frequent amusement parks. I have never been close to being decapitated of had my headwrap come off... even on water rides.

    How do you allow a Muslim group to come to your park (And you know they got a discounted group rate) and then hit them, after they paid, with your so called safety rules?

    ALSO... Aren't police officers trained to restrain people based on the people and/or perceived threat? Or is the police academy rule for restraining every one is to throw them down on their bellies and beat the shit out of them?

  69. Anonymous9:34 AM

    field negro said...
    Muslims, like black folks, have to be constantly reminded. :)
    LOL!.....That's bad:(
    A hijab scarf can become a projectile?
    Yes indeedy it can! I have worn one and can testify to that!
    Although there are different hijab styles. One is a complete head covering going down to the neck and shoulders. It also can be made out of stretchy and/or heavy fabrics that when flung at high velocity could easily smack someone in the face and lacerate a cornea or worse. Others are more or less scarves that are worn with large pins, and they do have some length that can also become dangerously entangled. Not a good thing. Remember how Isadora Duncan died?

    When I was a paramedic I had a part time job in a water park and although there were many Muslims, they were not allowed in the pools/rides because of the attire, only the children partook.

  70. deacon of the church of hobama god/da mayor of utopia/clueless coon uts:

    ONLY blind love drunken hobama nazi racists like you pretend that hobama has been doing anything more than making everything gwb did WORSE...and deliberately so since 2008!!!

    hobama is the new QB
    gwb is the coach
    and u r the dl cheerleader with psycho pom poms!!!!!!!...

    how do fools like u STILL blame bush for hobama's SOLO SINS since 2008????!!!
    hobama's MORE illegal libyan war for oila and gold

    bankster bailouts

    gross hamp and tarp failures

    bloody afghanistan redux

    0 jobs

    8 millions perm jobs lost

    hobamacare deceit and doom



    wtfu and disrobe and wash your filthy silly hobama tee asap!!!!

  71. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth said...
    I wear headwraps everyday I leave the house. I also frequent amusement parks. I have never been close to being decapitated of had my headwrap come off... even on water rides.

    isn't this like saying, I haven't need my seatbelt yet so that law is not needed? You even mention that you haven't had your headwrap come of "yet" what if it does? What if going down a water ride it flips out and catches the brace on the side?

    My car has an airbag, I haven't needed it yet.

  72. Anonymous10:12 AM

    In all fairness a policeman cannot stand there and partake/engage in an escalating argument with someone that is questioning their decision.
    The citizen must obey the law enforcers directive.
    Now, whether the directive is or is not fair is another story, but you can't stand there and backtalk a cop,not gonna happen ;) They're the law and you must obey.

  73. Interesting situation. I don't like cops

  74. Anonymous10:37 AM

    That headscarf is a safety issue. In a manufacturing work enviroment with moving parts and machines (not unlike a roller coaster with moving parts and high speeds) she would not be allowed to wear excessive cloth that was draping. It could get caught on something, just like long loose hair, dangly earrings and necklaces etc are prohibited. I have clients that don't allow me to wear open toed shoes...not because they are prejudiced against my pedicure. They just don't want me to smash my toes!

  75. Yes We Can! But, We Ain't!10:56 AM

    "drill baby drill said...
    Obama, our benighted president:

    Solyndra, a Fremont-based solar panel manufacturer that flared then sputtered, abruptly ceased operations on Wednesday and immediately laid off all 1,100 of its workers.

    The shutdown marks a high-profile collapse of a company that received more than $1.6 billion in federal and private funding in recent years.

    "This was an unexpected outcome and is most unfortunate," Brian Harrison, Solyndra's president and chief executive, said.

    The company received $535 million in taxpayer money from the U.S. Department of Energy and $1.1 billion in private venture capital funding.

    "We have always recognized that not every one of the innovative companies supported by our loans and loan guarantees would succeed," said Dan Leistikow, a spokesman for the Department of Energy. "But we can't stop investing in game-changing technologies that are key to America's leadership in the global economy."

    Solyndra workers who were laid off on Wednesday were dismissed without layoff packages.

    "They are getting no severance," said Dave Miller, a Solyndra spokesman. "They are getting nothing."

    "It's devastating," Campbell resident Matthew Henry said. "There was no compassion."

    Henry had just bought a new car and signed a lease on a new apartment after working at Solyndra for three years.

    "It hurts," said Angel Poma, who lives in Woodside. "I was happy working for this company, and I learned a lot."

    Benjamin Pham, a San Jose resident, was left to ponder the loss of his health insurance, along with his job. Pham, his wife and their child were all on a Solyndra health insurance program, which expired along with Wednesday's shutdown.

    "They cut off everything,"

    President Barack Obama touted Solyndra as a poster child for clean energy after the company received the federal funds.

    "Companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future," Obama said during a 2010 visit to the company's Fremont headquarters.

    7:22 AM"

    Save your key strokes, Drill Baby. Anything criticalo of Obama's stupid pipe-dreams on this blog will NOT be addressed. (Unless of course, they blame His Oness's failures on Bush).

    Here, it's the Three-Monkey Rule: "See no evil; Speak no evil; Hear no evil."

    Well, at least as far as the Community Organizer is concerned.

  76. Wise Anony 10:56 pm, it always amazes me when black people make those comments about others being the "new black" - as if blacks are now off the hook.

    There are times I don't even think some black people say it out of compassion or sympathy, it must be some sort of projection or wishful thinking.

    While I don't condone injustice and discrimination towards any group, as a black person, I would never look for such solidarity among the brutally intolerant, racially insular groups of non-blacks that would eagerly strip me of my humanity and oppress me based on gender and skin color.

    I wonder how many black people those same non-black Muslims discriminated against just that week prior.

  77. Anonymous12:03 PM

    3 people have died at this park over the last few years.

    They were warned before hand.

    They were getting a refund.

    Its all racism and xenophobia,til someone gets killed.Than it gets serious.

  78. I Never Liked The Kenyan From Chicago Anyway12:27 PM

    Golly gee, Mold! Looks like a lot of NOT Left-Behinders are starting to realize Obama is a nincompoop, and not blaming GWB or St. Reagan for everything anymore!:

    Oh, woe is you.

  79. cornel has never lied on hobama!!!

    and hobama is even FAR more elitist and evil than cornel has ever dared to say...

    ditto for tavis!!!

  80. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Oh nooooos! Not Playland! Where my best friend's boyfriend ran the roller coaster so we got to go on for free as much as we wanted! It's just a depressing setback - my elderly, white Bronx Irish Catholic closet (well, usually closeted, and now in the 'burbs) racist mom will just go tut-tut 'What do you expect? They're all terrorists.' And I'll try, on the phone from 3,000 miles away, to divest her of this belief - PLUS 10th anniv. of 9/11 coming up - wall-to-wall commemorative-type programs.
    But the sudden arrival of so many police? Sheesh, where'd they get them from so quick? Scarey!

  81. Queen Laa:


    Comparisons are not synonymous with equations. No fool would ever dare to EQUATE homophobia with racism in America. But, glaring similarities abound!!! Everywhere, everyday, homosexuals are refused services in public places, stalked, beaten, arrested, murdered, raped, verbally harassed, fired, evicted, legally discriminated against, rejected, slandered, libeled, scapegoated, and generally tortured, simply because they are homosexual.

    Some persons dared to compare Rosa Parks to Ellen Degeneres, stating “Ellen never had to sit at the back of the bus”. This foolish comparison is both comical and pointless. A legendary heroine like Rosa has no business in the same sentence with a sitcom actress. Unlike these fools, I do not blind my reality with racist delusion.

    Thus, I know that Ellen, sudden superstar that she is, may decide to take a bus trip in Dixie, today. And, while sitting in the front of the bus, would most likely have her head bashed in by a gaybashing hick, with a rebel flag in one hand, and a baseball bat in the other!!! She would be kicked OFF of the bus to the cheers of the other passengers, yelling: "Stryt Waaat Purr...Daaam raaat, Yaaankee daaak, gwone home!!!"...[Translation: "Straight White Power...Damn right, Yankee dyke, go home!!!"...] At such time, I seriously doubt that her former front seat would provide any solace.

    Unlike Blacks who revere their preferred nigger status, I am keenly aware of my double nigger status, as one who is both Black and gay. I refuse to revere either debased ranking! I will continue to attack all who gaybash, just as I attack all who are neocon white supremacists. Eddie and Armstrong are NOT my brothers and they NEVER will be!!

  82. Queen Laa:


    "dr." laura bashed homos for hours over decades
    no one cared
    she bashed blacks for 1 day for mere minutes
    and she was gone in 24 hrs

    2 wf teen lesbians shut down a prom in MS
    precisely the same as interracial het teens did in MS too

    fans of dwts are publicly calling for the death of tg chaz bono
    they never publicly protest all the big black celebs who dance/win with wf partners

    ONLY gays are not allowed to marry in the usa
    precisely as all interracial couples like the renowned lovings were

    an endless ETC...


    THAT is what makes all warriors accurately claim that gay is the new black indeed
    new is never synonymous with SOLO
    the old black gets blackER each day

  83. Queen Laa:


    Some persons dared to compare Rosa Parks to Ellen Degeneres, stating “Ellen never had to sit at the back of the bus”. This foolish comparison is both comical and pointless. A legendary heroine like Rosa has no business in the same sentence with a sitcom actress. Unlike these fools, I do not blind my reality with racist delusion.
    Thus, I know that Ellen, sudden superstar that she is, may decide to take a bus trip in Dixie, today. And, while sitting in the front of the bus, would most likely have her head bashed in by a gaybashing hick, with a rebel flag in one hand, and a baseball bat in the other!!! She would be kicked OFF of the bus to the cheers of the other passengers, yelling: "Stryt Waaat Purr...Daaam raaat, Yaaankee daaak, gwone home!!!"...[Translation: "Straight White Power...Damn right, Yankee dyke, go home!!!"...] At such time, I seriously doubt that her former front seat would provide any solace.
    Unlike Blacks who revere their preferred nigger status, I am keenly aware of my double nigger status, as one who is both Black and gay. I refuse to revere either debased ranking! I will continue to attack all who gaybash, just as I attack all who are neocon white supremacists. Eddie and Armstrong are NOT my brothers and they NEVER will be!!

  84. all of the -isms are related

    hate = h8 = black hate = gay h8

    even as the methods/magnitude/histories differ GREATLY

    MANY of the sins are EXACTLY cloned

  85. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Sorry StrawTroll...your desire to control what I say about Obama is funny. Not only do you inventerate have to have others 'say' you can sound so smarterate as you answer your own words.

    You self-assume you are not a Left-Behind...and then whine that st reagan and bush are given accountability for their actions.
    It isn't all about the skin colour, you know. A lot of it is appointing competent people who don't set your administrations up as the number 1 and 2 for corruption and malfeasance.

    I did wonder why there was allegations of force. But then, all we have are the self-serving accounts of the 'aggrieved victims'.

    Keep pushing the Koch-sucking meme of Drill MILFy Drill. Ummm...where will the oil go? Not the spills or the introduction to groundwater reserves...but who pays the best for the oil? Bet it isn't Goober with his compensatory weenie-mobile. Ask your gawd-fearin' christian historeeans where the food went during the Irish Famine. Or why the IMF pushes for exports of foodstuffs in countries with famine.

    Calling Obama Blackity, Blackity, Black Y'all...isn't a valid criticism, no matter how much the Heeyuckian Racist Socitee TELLs you it is. Try bringing up something not verbatim from scamsites or wingnut welfare Cons (follow who pays them)....

    Oh, the Troll lied, many of the Liberal/Progressive posters have voiced opinions negative towards Obama. So, the Troll is lying about this. What else is he lying about? His ardent ManLove for st reagan? The Brokeback Mountain fauxboy of bush? Or just simply that Facts are anathema to him?

    I want to know more about the alleged incident. It smells of spin at present. Remember, the nice little Muslim teenager that lied to us about the fetal 'Mericans being tossed from incubators?


  86. Kingnut5:14 PM

    Alicia Banks:
    "ONLY gays are not allowed to marry in the usa"

    This is not true. Gays are allowed to marry just like everyone else. There is no discrmination in the law.

    Everyone can marry any person of the opposite sex. No one can can marry someone of the same sex.

    Everyone is equal under the law.

    Personal preference has nothing to do with it.

    For example, say you like to drink wine and I like to smoke crack.

    Society has decided it is legal to consume wine, but not crack. The law applies to everyone equally. Everyone can drink wine, but no one can smoke crack.

    Everyone is equal under the law.

    Personal preference has nothing to do with it.

    On top of that, the government is not forbidding homosexual activities or relationships. Gay couples can get all the legal protections of marriage through Civil Unions.

    Marriage receives special treatment from society because it is the building block of society, the best way to raise children and ensure the survival of the culture. This is important stuff.

    You can pretend your relationship is a marriage, but you can't force everyone else to buy into your delusion and call it that, because marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman.

    You have a right to demand tolerance, but not to force approval. In the end, for you it's just a word. Get over it.

  87. Reality as I see it5:32 PM

    Zeru25 22 hours ago in reply to _A_

    That tea party statement made me laugh. Everything became clear to me back in 2001 or 02 when Bush got up in front of the nation with a straight face and called a bunch of countries the "Axis of Evil". When I heard that shit I almost thought it was a joke. And he said it more than one time.



    I already know whats coming so why get sucked into the biggest reality show on T.V..

    "The fall of America..."

    starring NiggaMan..

    Co starring "The Crusaders"

    Special guest.. the people...

    This whole political satire is a huge cartoon. The Tea Party.. Thats the new villian in these episodes of "These niggaz are stupid".

    Its hard for me to respect any of it. Even in its seriousness it plays out like a woman's romance novel...

    Like making a grown man watch a soap opera when he already knows the ending... the dramas... the players... and how its going to end up based on the roles that are being played. Its just stupid man.

  88. field negro said...
    "Dr. Queen, I don't blame you for leaving FN. There is a long line of people who have left. What took you so long?"

    I guess the same thing that's keeping you here. ;)

    Dr. Queen ain't gone, she just had a bad day and wasn't feeling any negative bullshit from some punk a$$ stalking psycho. And it's relatively easy most days to just ignore the silly bitch like I normally do 99.9999999999999999% of the time.

    FYI Field, I posted a couple comments in that previous thread and I promise I was good, LOL!!!!

    As for Muslims, I'm not too pleased with how Africans are being treated in Libya. I always say the worst prejuice a Black person can experience is from another minority. And the darker they are, the more racist they are IMHO.

    Man I'm so happy today, I feel like doing the running man, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

  89. Just in case anyone is wondering which meeting my abstract was accepted for, it was at the national coalition of women who wear size 10 ferragamos, for placement in the ass of psycho, stalking looney bitches on the net.

    Said as Dr. Queen does the cabbage patch into the sunset, LOL!!!

  90. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Marriage is essentially a business contract. And the woman rarely had a say. No wonder you want to portray a merger between Families as the building block of means some poor schlub would sell you his kid to feed the rest of the family.

    A more correct comparison would be the miscegenation laws. Or the laws reducing the vote to only large landowners. Or telling 18 yo they can die in a bushWar...but are too young to drink.

    Bet you thoughterate the cutNpaste from wingnut welfare was smart. It really isn't.

    So what if tow adults marry...does that take away from your relationship? If you beleeve so, how?

    No, you can't TELL us what to do. You never will. Your authority is as fake as the perfesser called Beck.

    On another note...take a Sociology class at your local community college and learn about marriage. It will aid you greatly.


  91. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Dear LAA, thanks for the acknowledgement and your kind words. I appreciate it.

    Love, anon10:56am

  92. America is a Racist Police State, Blacks VS Police Civil War is on right now man!!!

  93. and cc that mindless homohating bs to all of the millions of superb gay parents that make millions of fertile deadbeat abusive hets look like the genocidal dregs they are

    and to all the countless/closeted child free gay uncles and aunts who do more to finance and rear children who are their kin than any of the het ghosts and goons who birthed and abandoned those same kids...

    shame on u i fool!!!!!!!!!

    have u paid your child support?
    have ever taught or helped any child??

    hateful dumb nigs like you only become bible scholars/educators/ideal parents when you are bashing gays...

  94. where is freedom of living when it comes to muslims in the just promote hate among different races.
