Tuesday, August 02, 2011

These men would like to thank the Tea Party folks for their support.

"We've got to do everything in our power to grow this economy and put America back to work," ..."We can't balance the budget on the backs of the people who've borne the brunt of this recession,"Growing the economy isn’t just about cutting spending, it is not about rolling back regulations that protect our air and water and keep people safe. That is not how we are going to get past this recession. We are going to have to do more than that,"... ."There already is a quiet crisis going on in the lives of a lot of families and a lot communities all across the country. They are looking for work and they have been for a while ... that ought to compel Washington to cooperate, that ought to compel Washington to compromise and that ought to compel Washington to act."

"[W]hen Congress gets back from recess, I will urge them to immediately take some steps -- bipartisan, common-sense steps -- that will make a difference; that will create a climate where businesses can hire, where folks have more money in their pockets to spend, where people who are out of work can find good jobs," said Obama. "Both parties share power in Washington, and both parties need to take responsibility for improving this economy. It's not a Democratic responsibility or a Republican responsibility; it is our collective responsibility as Americans."

That was part of O's speech today while he put his pen to the tea party powered debt ceiling bill that will have A-merry-ca on her knees within a few years.--- If she isn't there already. The Dow dropped over 200 points today, and we are under that 12,000.00 mark again. It's time to check your 401k's people. If you are working in hopes of collecting a pension one day keep your fingers crossed. It just might not be there. 

Yes O, people need jobs, but big business is not hiring because they are not confident that their companies will be able to prosper in this environment. (Or so they say.) Who is going to spend money with these businesses if people don't have jobs? Oh my, what a Catch 22 situation we have here in A-merry-ca.
No wonder we A-merry-cans feel so bad about our future. "It's those evil Chinese." No it's not. It's  those evil A-merry-can corporations shipping jobs oversees and paying slave labor wages to foreign workers. A-merry-can factories are shutting down in record numbers because the fat cats who run these corporations can afford to do that.

Meanwhile, the really rich folks here in A-merry-ca just keep getting richer. The top 1% of  folks with loot here in A-merry-ca control about 40% of the wealth. They used to control about 10%, but thanks to their new found influence and power in Washington that has changed. They would also like to thank you dopes who will never have anything even close to the amount of wealth that they have for fighting so hard on their behalf and against your own best interest. (Please watch this wonderful little video and you will learn what I have been trying to tell you in about 2 minutes. It's side- bar worthy.) It always helps to have a lot of stupid people in your corner. 

"Simply put, it will take a balanced approach, shared sacrifice, and a willingness to make unpopular choices on all our parts,"... "That means spending less on domestic programs," the president explained. "It means spending less on defense programs. ... And it means taking on the tax code, and cutting out certain tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest Americans."

Yeah right! O, I think there is a Mr. Koch on line one for you. He says that you don't have to take his call. Your black ass will be gone soon and he will put someone on Pennsylvania Avenue who will.


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    how is their last name pronounced again? muah mauh mauh muah muah

  2. Anonymous11:11 PM

    The Koch Brothers look like clean-cut Americans with America at heart. They look strong and determined while Obama clearly does not.

    Field, have you noticed how weak Obama is as a President? Can you now admit he is our first powerless President?

    It is embarrassing. He proves the old American myth that bm are weak and can't protect their families, let alone take care of their fellow American.

    BW have always been the backbone of the family. They have been the strong ones, not the bm. Why is that? Is it their karma to be weak? Since slavery, or maybe before, it's been this way.

  3. milton friedman11:28 PM

    When are you clowns going to learn that no president and no government controls the forces of economics?

    Governments can either exploit the opportunities to create wealth by limiting government -- OR -- they can maximize the impediments to national wealth by regulating industries to conform to arbitrary standards.

  4. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "(Please watch this wonderful little video and you will learn what I have been trying to tell you in about 2 minutes. It's side- bar worthy.) It always helps to have a lot of stupid people in your corner."

    I watched it and it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. However, your insinuation that the Tea Party is a bunch of stupid people is just plain wrong. Furthermore, you 'fail' to recognize the obvious about them:

    They are hard workers; and they have determination and great resolve. That, my black brother is not stupidity.

    A smart leader once said, "Hard Worker is a better horse to ride than Verbal Genius."

    The majority of American people who went to the poles last November voted the Tea Party in office. Now we are reaping the fruits of those votes. The Democrats could have played a role in preventing the Tea Partiers from occupying so many seats in the House. But many Dems didn't bother to get their lazy butts up off the couch to go vote. Now, that is what I call 'stupid'.

    Blacks are for NOT voting- and then later cry a river over what the politicians are doing to them. Is that stupid? I think so.

    The turning point for the misery of the little people began with last November's election by STUPID apathetic voters who failed to go vote. The Tea Party horse is out of the barn and it's moving with great speed, strength and determination.

    Who's going to stop them? Obama and the Democrats? Get serious.

  5. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Milton Friedman-"Governments can either exploit the opportunities to create wealth by limiting government -- OR -- they can maximize the impediments to national wealth by regulating industries to conform to arbitrary standards."

    I think it's time to let go of the capitalistic system and embrace something more humane where every human being can live a life of dignity. We are, afterall, human beings.

  6. "I think it's time to let go of the capitalistic system and embrace something more humane .."


    "They are hard workers; and they have determination and great resolve. That, my black brother is not stupidity."

    Ahhhm, most of them are retirees. What type of hard work do they do?

    It is stupidity if you do it so that someone else can get rich off the fruits of your labor while you live on a fixed income.

    "Blacks are for NOT voting- and then later cry a river over what the politicians are doing to them."

    On this we can agree.:(

  7. mellaneous12:00 AM

    Ditto than Anon

    Anon said:

    "I think it's time to let go of the capitalistic system and embrace something more humane where every human being can live a life of dignity. We are, afterall, human beings."

  8. mellaneous12:04 AM

    Let the church say Amen!

    Field said"

    "big business is not hiring because they are not confident that their companies will be able to prosper in this environment. (Or so they say.) Who is going to spend money with these businesses if people don't have jobs? Oh my, what a Catch 22 situation we have here in A-merry-ca.

    .. "It's those evil Chinese." No it's not. It's those evil A-merry-can corporations shipping jobs oversees and paying slave labor wages to foreign workers. A-merry-can factories are shutting down in record numbers because the fat cats who run these corporations can afford to do that.

    Meanwhile, the really rich folks here in A-merry-ca just keep getting richer. The top 1% of folks with loot here in A-merry-ca control about 40% of the wealth.
    .. They would also like to thank you dopes who will never have anything even close to the amount of wealth that they have for fighting so hard on their behalf and against your own best interest."

  9. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Anon, "They are hard workers; and they have determination and great resolve. That, my black brother is not stupidity."

    Field, "Ahhhm, most of them are retirees. What type of hard work do they do?

    It is stupidity if you do it so that someone else can get rich off the fruits of your labor while you live on a fixed income."

    The type of hard work they are doing is "hard political work" to get Tea Partiers and Repubs elected. They vote, they carry signs and form rallies, they stay connected to their party, they stay informed and help to keep others informed about their agendas, they do a lot of things to ensure political victory, which works in their best interests. Tea Partiers in Congress didn't get there because of 'light work'...it was done through focused planning and hard political work.

    The only 'light workers' were the Dems and Blacks who laid their lazy asses on the couch and failed to vote. THAT IS STUPID! Lazy groups are weak and have lazy minds which make them stupid push-overs, like the GOP did to Obama and the Dems.

    So, Dems can't call the Tea Partiers stupid because the GOP got everything it wanted. It looks to me the stupid ones are those who got nothing.

  10. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Capitalism is not the problem its Americanism that is. The greed that it accepts is one of the causes; the other is the weak, spineless attitude of the American people looking for someone to blame that stinks.

    Look in the mirror America and see what you have created and also what part race has played.

  11. mellaneous12:10 AM

    Hey Field did not say on this very blog that this so-called "debt crisis" is a smoke screen to cut back on the programs that poor, retired and elderly people depend on.

    I told you that the debt ceiling would be raised! Its all a game.

    Notice the president said they would "ask" the rich to pay more of their fair share. But they are going to demand that they be able to take from the poor. Because the rich ain't giving up nothing.

    And the answer no longer lies in voting Democrat or Republican it lies in finding a third way that actually looks out for the interest of the majority who work for a living everyday.(No this does not include the leaches on Wall Street, or the banksters or any of the predators who find ways to make money by preying on workers.)

  12. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Anon 12:07am, our political system is out of balance. We have one political party that is leagues above the other. As a matter of fact, the GOP has always been the stronger party with the most determination and the best plans on how to win.

    The only time Dems win is by default. That is, when a Repub really screws up while in office. But the Dems don't stay in office for very long do they? That's because they shoot themselves in the foot on a regular basis. They are weak.

  13. Anonymous12:20 AM

    "They would also like to thank you dopes who will never have anything even close to the amount of wealth that they have for fighting so hard on their behalf and against your own best interest."

    Love how Liberals love to tell you whats in your best interest.

    Because of Obamacare,insurance rates have gone up.

    Because of the The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, banking fees and credit card fees have gone up.

    Because of Obama's energy policies,gas prices have gone up and it cost more to heat your home.

    Food and clothing prices are rising.

    Thanks to Obama the dollar is dying a slow death.

    Thanks to Obama's spending and policies,America will be running deficits for the next 10 to 20 years.

    So what has Obama and the Democrats done thats in the best interest of hard working Americans?

  14. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Anon: 12:20

    There is a sickness in this country one that does not allow for critical thinking. How did you think that insurance companies were going to continue their high profits.

    Instead of looking with distain on what you call Obamacare, look at the care, and then look who is profiting and who should benefit.

  15. Anonymous12:48 AM

    "Notice the president said they would "ask" the rich to pay more of their fair share. But they are going to demand that they be able to take from the poor. Because the rich ain't giving up nothing."

    I am sure most of you have seen the bumper sticker that says, "the man with the most toys Wins!" That is what capitalism is all about.

    You don't get rich by trying to take from the rich. They are too smart and too powerful. You get rich by exploiting the ones who are poor, weak, and vulnerable--whose understanding of what's happening to them is zero.

    How do you think brother Bob Johnson became a billionaire? He exploited a race of people that overall has little wealth and is poor, and downtrodden. After he exploited them, he then sold BET to Viacom who turned it over to CBS.

    You see, capitalism operates by the law of the jungle: "The strong will survive and the weak shall perish." Isn't that what happens?

    I mean, There is no good reason for a powerful materialistic capitalist to care about the poor. In fact, in capitalism, your value as a human being is based on your net worth. The more you have the more you as person is worth. There is power in that.

    It will always be that way in capitalism because Americans are greedy arrogant bastards who want more and more, and don't give a damn about anybody else, but themselves. It's very American.

    That's why Sigmund Freud called America "a giant mistake".

  16. Anonymous12:57 AM

    This is no longer about Dems and Repugs. It's about whether our system works anymore. It doesn't and this is the hard painful fact.

  17. fn & anon:

    i linked u...



    "And it must be clear: these cuts are only the beginning. Spokesmen for the financial elite, such as the Wall Street Journal editorial board, are pressing for trillions in additional cuts, including the outright destruction of Medicare and Social Security, which are to be privatized and effectively abolished. Obama and the Democrats differ only on the tactical means for carrying out this historic assault on the working class.

    In the final analysis, this social counterrevolution is an expression of the historical crisis and bankruptcy of American capitalism. The ruling class is determined to destroy every vestige of the gains won by American workers in a century of struggle in order to defend their own property and profits.

    Working people can carry out a serious struggle against this onslaught only by recognizing its fundamental economic source. The defense of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other social programs requires a political struggle against the profit system. The working class must break with the Democrats, mobilize in opposition to the Obama administration, and build an independent political movement of its own, based on a socialist and internationalist program."


    "If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, please vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot. Thank you . . . Concerned Citizens of America"


  18. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Let us not forget the disease of racism that has infected the mind and heart of every American since the birth of this nation. It has played a 'vital' role in the life of capitalism. In fact, capitalism cannot survive without it.

  19. Anonymous1:06 AM

    The strong will survive and the weak shall perish." Isn't that what happens?

    The strong can only take from the weak, but the smart can take from them both, and you don't have to be rich to be smart. When we learn to use our collective smarts, we as a people will be powerful.

  20. Anonymous1:14 AM

    ab, "In the final analysis, this social counterrevolution is an expression of the historical crisis and bankruptcy of American capitalism."

    Thank you, ab. Capitalism is a destroyer of the hearts and minds of ALL people-the rich, the middle-class, and the poor. In the end, nobody wins except greed, anger and delusion.

    If the human heart is to survive, capitalism as we know it must go. There is too much selfishness, separation, suffering and heartlessness in it. There is nothing humane about it.

  21. Anonymous1:22 AM

    "The strong can only take from the weak, but the smart can take from them both, and you don't have to be rich to be smart. When we learn to use our collective smarts, we as a people will be powerful."

    In America, the smart are the strong who take from the weak and the poor. WE as a people are weak and quite frankly, not too bright. And neither is Obama.

    Collective smarts? Since when has Blacks ever come together, or earned each other's trust? Take a good look at Obama and you will have your answer. He is out for himself, his political career and nothing else...least of all, Blacks.

  22. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Field, " It's time to check your 401k's people. If you are working in hopes of collecting a pension one day keep your fingers crossed. It just might not be there."

    Dear Mr. Field, I tried to inform you sometime ago about adding gold to your portfolio, and you basically told me to get lost, because gold wasn't money...remember?

    By any chance have you learned enough about market forces to recognize the value of gold?

    Mr. Field, some idealistic anon poster@1:06am, commented that we could become a smart and powerful people if we put our collective smarts together.

    The trouble with that philosophy is that you can't tell most Negroes shit because they think they know everything...This makes them lousy listeners...get my drift?

    Had you invested a mere 10k as I suggested last year, it would be 2.5 times greater and furthermore will be heading higher thanks to the debt ceiling crisis and the ever increasing unemployment and a possible double recession.

    Mr. Field, why is it you never listen to me hear in the states, but you hear Desertflower loud and clear way out in PR? Is there something between you two that you want to tell me about?

  23. mellaneous2:36 AM

    Anon 12:48 ditto and thanks for expanding on my point.

    AB that article from wsws.org hit the nail on the head. Other people are starting to say what I have been saying for years.

    And Obama is being exposed more and more for who and what he really is and you keep nailing him.

    Anybody who really thinks that his negotiations around this debt crisis and debt ceiling nonsense was nothing more than pondering to the ruling class is just saying things.

  24. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Negative thinking brings about negative results. Collective thinking means all people not just blacks.

    If you as well others believe that Obama is just out for himself only time will tell, and it only proves that the trap that was set to keep us apart is working. Keeping the little people fighting for the crumbs at the bottom while the top takes us all

  25. When are you clowns going to learn that no president and no government controls the forces of economics?

    Governments can either exploit the opportunities to create wealth by limiting government -- OR -- they can maximize the impediments to national wealth by regulating industries to conform to arbitrary standards.

    So far, "limiting government" has created wealth solely for the top 5% of this nation. Meanwhile, that same limiting of government is poised to rip away a fair number of safety nets for the middle class and below.

    Making industries "conform to arbitrary standards" explains why our food isn't laden with the foulest additives and diseases. It also explains why Los Angeles and other cities no longer have literal clouds of smog hanging over them, and why living downwind of a coal-fired power plant no longer means having a nice coat of coal dust covering your house.

    But go ahead. I'm sure people will understand how fouling the environment and jeopardizing people's health and well-being are just the prices to be paid for national wealth (for the top 5%).

    Anon @ 12:48 gets it. Say, you didn't get fired from Anon, Inc., did you?

  26. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Unca Miltie, thank you so much for mindlessly repeaterating lines handed to you by people who know you are a gullible fool. If you had any idea how regulations are promulgated, you would know that no regs are arbitrary. But it sounderates real good to a moron.
    Keep in mind, Economic illiterate, that about the only thing that can say 'NO' to the Kochs...is government. You most certainly can not.

    Limited Gubmint? You mean like the wondrous Capitalist Paradise of Somalia....Afghanistan...etc? Funny how the wealthiest of peoples seem to have those nasty eveel awful terrible icky Socialist governments. And those who follow Fwee Market Fundie dogma...such as Austerity!!(tm)...are in trouble. Just saying magickal terms...only shows you beleeve based on faith.

    Love how some ill-educated Left Behind is sooo concerned about their imagined 'weakness'. Feeding our elderly is 'weak'. being a Koch-sucker is 'strong'. Invading a small country for the ability of neo-cons to play Risk with real, like soljers am 'strong'. Taking from small children is 'strong'. Since one of the posters mentioned Pandagon....I'll encourage you to read her...and some other FemBloggers on the need of Left Behinds to prove their Manhood Credentials. Why does their beleef seem so much like the excuses spewed by domestic violence cowards?

    Odd how Goober insists that Obama is 'powerless'. Who let OBL go? Who let NO drown? Who let the VP shoot a man in the face...without penalty? And you offer what as 'proof'? Skin colour?


  27. Anonymous6:34 AM

    It might be just me...but the Koch brothers remind me of Catholic priests. Yes, the ones who blamed their boy-molesting on the 'sexy' nature of the little boys.


  28. Dear Mr. Field, I tried to inform you sometime ago about adding gold to your portfolio, and you basically told me to get lost, because gold wasn't money...remember?"

    Yes Anon. I remember, but I still say no to your gold. I am a long term investor. I know that gold seems t be doing well now, but overall the rate of gold has increased only slightly higher than inflation over the years. The markets have gone up over 12% over the years while gold has gone up about 4%. You do the math. Sorry.

    "Mr. Field, why is it you never listen to me hear in the states, but you hear Desertflower loud and clear way out in PR? Is there something between you two that you want to tell me about?"

    Nope. Stricly platonic. :)

  29. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Umm...remember when all the 'wise investors' were TELLing us to buy a house...as the bestest investment? Seems that gold could be similar to the bullet balloon. Wtih every single Goober, Heeyuck and Left Behind wetting their Vitters over the specter of a Black -gasp- President...they drove the profits of the companies to record levels. Can you say 'sucker'?


  30. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Speaking of gloriously heroically bravely taking from the weak...how's your idol...shooter of children? If you want strong...http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2011/07/married-lesbian-couple-saves-dozens-during-norway-shooting-rampage/.

    Can you guess which took courage? Do you understand who should be held up as an example?
    If it escaped you...the lesbian married couple are the valued ones.


  31. booker7:56 AM

    A Free Mind, An Unfree Man

    In 1831 Omar Ibn Said, an educated native of West Africa, wrote the only American slave narrative in Arabic...


    The American South could hardly have been more on edge about its "peculiar institution" in the fall of 1831. In August, Nat Turner, a slave who had learned to read and was fired with a sense of divine mission, led several dozen slaves and free blacks from house to house in Virginia's Southampton County, liberating slaves and killing whites along the way.

    Militias and lynching parties set out to quash phantom slave rebellions, and state legislatures enacted laws forbidding blacks—free or enslaved—from being taught to read or write.

    Amid these unpromising circumstances, members of the American Colonization Society — a group that encouraged owners to free their slaves and organized former slaves to colonize what is today Liberia — asked North Carolina slave Omar Ibn Said to write his autobiography.

    A literate man of West African extraction who had converted from Islam to Christianity, Ibn Said (ca. 1770–1863) created what today is the only extant example of an American slave narrative written in Arabic.

    His brief work, under the title "A Muslim American Slave: The Life of Omar Ibn Said," is now published in a new translation by Yale professor Ala Alryyes, who supplements it with scholarly commentary.

  32. milton friedman8:06 AM

    Yes O, people need jobs, but big business is not hiring because they are not confident that their companies will be able to prosper in this environment.

    Big Business not hiring? What is this? Grade-school economics?

    Do you think GM will sell more cars if it hires more factory workers?

    Hiring by a business does not increase demand for its goods or services.

    Who is going to spend money with these businesses if people don't have jobs?

    Who? People who have jobs. Or, as in the case of Medicare and Medicaid, people who do not have jobs but are nonetheless empowered to spend money taken from people who do have jobs.

  33. milton friedman8:17 AM

    A-merry-can factories are shutting down in record numbers because the fat cats who run these corporations can afford to do that.

    So it was "fat cats who...can afford to do that" who shut down GM factories, laid off thousands and began opening factories in China?

    By the way, in July, Chevy sold 125 Volts, the electric car. 125 cars.

    No other car in history has failed in such a spectacular way. But this is the Obama Car, the one he expects you to buy for $41,000, but no one wants.

    Obama is a moron, as are those who believe in him. There is no demand for this useless vehicle, yet he and his administration are forcing GM to build it.

    That's the Obama Way. Offer goods and services for which there is no demand. Government intervention at its worst.

  34. milton friedman8:29 AM

    No it's not. It's those evil A-merry-can corporations shipping jobs oversees and paying slave labor wages to foreign workers.

    I see. In other words, if a Chinese company manufactures products and sells them in the US, then you get a different result?

    If Mao Inc. makes digital cameras in Beijing and Best Buy sells them, can Kodak make digital cameras in Rochester and sell them for enough to earn a profit? Or will Kodak lose its shirt after paying US labor costs?

    By the way, demand for digital cameras has killed demand for film cameras. Should Obama offer Kodak big subsidies for making film cameras? You know, like the subsidies GM gets for making the Chevy Volt, that no one buys.

  35. milton friedman8:44 AM

    Meanwhile, the really rich folks here in A-merry-ca just keep getting richer.

    Actually, NEW people are getting richer in the US. The people at Google. A few are billionaires, and a whole lot are multimillionaires, thanks to the brilliance and hard work of the employees. Even low-level employees were given stock that is now worth $600 a share.

    We saw this with Microsoft. It made a few people at the top into billionaires, and it turned thousands of others into millionaires.

    Cisco? Same story. IBM, HP, Dell, Apple, Walmart, Berkshire-Hathaway, etc. The list is long, and it's always evolving.

    The top 1% of folks with loot here in A-merry-ca control about 40% of the wealth.

    It's not that high. But what of it? The names at the top are always changing. Once it was John D Rockefeller. Now it's Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

    They used to control about 10%, but thanks to their new found influence and power in Washington that has changed.

    The world changed. Those at the top became wealthier through leverage and globalization. If anything, the US government has been an impediment to the increase in wealth of all Americans, as well as those at the top of the heap.

  36. Anonymous said...
    It might be just me...but the Koch brothers remind me of Catholic priests. Yes, the ones who blamed their boy-molesting on the 'sexy' nature of the little boys.


    They kinda remind me of Liberals who cheat on their taxes while TELLing everyone else they should pay higher taxes.

  37. Mack Lyons said...
    Anon @ 12:48 gets it. Say, you didn't get fired from Anon, Inc., did you?

    This Anon made a LOT of sense, right? Just wishing she/he would get a username to distinguish itself from the idiot Anons.

  38. Mell & Anons:


    The worst is yet to come….

    Hobama Inc has designed systemic destruction to worsen beyond 2016…


    Fema camps etc
    Eternal wars

    May god bless us all globally…

    Stay tuned




  39. We're Doomed9:39 AM

    "“We have negotiated with terrorists,” angry Rep. Mike Doyle, a Democrat from PA, said, according to sources who were in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”

    Dumbass. How does he think we got into the shape we're in?

    Economics 101....if you're spending more more than you're taking in, you're going to be bankrupt. (Unless some "terrorists" force you to cease your stupidity)

  40. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It will always be that way in capitalism because Americans are greedy arrogant bastards who want more and more, and don't give a damn about anybody else, but themselves. It's very American.

    That's why Sigmund Freud called America "a giant mistake".

    Maybe you should find a nice socialist country to live in.

    BTW,Sigmund Freud was a fraud.

  41. We're Doomed said...
    "“We have negotiated with terrorists,” angry Rep. Mike Doyle, a Democrat from PA, said, according to sources who were in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”

    Dumbass. How does he think we got into the shape we're in?

    Economics 101....if you're spending more more than you're taking in, you're going to be bankrupt. (Unless some "terrorists" force you to cease your stupidity)

    Sarah Palin: If Tea Party Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us..

    True and funny.

  42. Kudos to putin!


    LAKE SELIGER, Russia (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States Monday of living beyond its means "like a parasite" on the global economy and said dollar dominance was a threat to the financial markets.
    "They are living beyond their means and shifting a part of the weight of their problems to the world economy," Putin told the pro-Kremlin youth group Nashi while touring its lakeside summer camp some five hours drive north of Moscow.
    "They are living like parasites off the global economy and their monopoly of the dollar," Putin said at the open-air meeting with admiring young Russians in what looked like early campaigning before parliamentary and presidential polls.

    cc this to

    libya/iraq/afghanistan etc…




  43. more on hobama's banksters' turbo capitalism and its global death to all of us....shame!!!!

    "The banks did not work with me, they would not give me a reasonable modification. They prefer to have houses empty and people homeless," said Luz Smedbron.

    Wells Fargo, the bank Luz had been paying $3,000 a month to for the last five years, has demanded proof of $6,000 in monthly income to even consider modifying Luz's loan. Her disability checks fell well short of the modification requirements.

    The Federal Reserve recently fined Wells Fargo $85 million--for illegally targeting African American and Latino families for subprime loans. Both minority groups had lost more than 55 percent of their net worth by 2009 as a result of the 2008 economic crisis, according to a recent Pew Research Center report.

    According to CNN, "The Fed accused the nation's fourth largest bank by assets [Wells Fargo] of steering potential borrowers who could have qualified for prime rates into more expensive sub prime loans."

    The bank was also charged with forging loan documents.


  44. Anonymous10:20 AM

    There sure are a lot of fudgy nutters around here. Never understood how people can be adults and think things should be different then they are in real life as they experience them.

    I mean have you ever found a house where you can spend and borrow more than you make and then demand your neigbor start paying your bills, he does so then you demand to be able to buy anything you want 5,6,cars etc and he says hold on, stop spending and you start calling him names then and getting angry, you don't understand why now he and you need to cut the budget? Silly but it is exactly how you all sound you want the country to be run and are angry that this model isn't working, as if it ever could. You can only have so many people sitting in the cart before there are more sitting then pulling and the cart then stops moving, thats where we are today and the nutty fudger lot are whipping the few left pulling the cart, that isn't going to work out very well at all.

  45. Kudos to the tea party

    Their tea is blacker than that repub dem hoax hobama will ever be!!!!

    In retrospect, we should have seen it all coming: the Black corporate politician wreaking havoc on the progressive legacy through a working alliance with the GOP. In fact, some of us did see it coming, including the author, who had Obama’s number, early on. “The deeply conservative Obama governed from the big business-friendly, Teapublican-accommodating center-right,” and pushed forward in his quest to savage entitlements at a time when “Republicans weren’t even suggesting cuts to Social Security: this was something Obama apparently desired for its own sake.”
    It is historic that a black family has resided since 2009 in the White House. But let’s be clear about whose black president Obama really is at the end of the day: theirs, not ours. As John Pilger noted two years ago: “The clever young man who recently made it to the White House is a very fine hypnotist, partly because it is indeed exciting to see an African American at the pinnacle of power in the land of slavery. However, this is the 21st century, and race together with gender and even class can be very seductive tools of propaganda. For what is so often overlooked and what matters, I believe, above all, is the class one serves [emphasis added]. George W. Bush’s inner circle from the State Department to the Supreme Court was perhaps the most multiracial in presidential history. It was PC par excellence….It was also the most reactionary.”

    Consider the following quote from Progressive Magazine editor Matthew Rothschild last October: “With economic pain at the highest level ever seen by most Americans, and with minorities especially hard hit, we’re seeing a revolt not by people of color, not the unemployed, nor the foreclosed upon. Instead, we’re seeing a revolt by the white middle class. It’s a revolt against the very notion of a positive role for government in helping people. It’s a revolt against Latin American immigrants. It’s a revolt against Muslim Americans. And it’s a revolt against our black president.”


  46. The banks did not work with me, they would not give me a reasonable modification. They prefer to have houses empty and people homeless," said Luz Smedbron.

    Wells Fargo, the bank Luz had been paying $3,000 a month to for the last five years, has demanded proof of $6,000 in monthly income to even consider modifying Luz's loan. Her disability checks fell well short of the modification requirements.

    In other words, she has a house that I pay for, yet I lost mine because I had to pay for it too. Disability due to overeating, oh yeah, I paid for that too.

  47. ask mumia and malcolm and martin how black hobama is!!!!!


    Forty-six years after the assassination of Malcolm X, a large segment of Black America believes the FBI played a part in the Black leader’s death. But the first Black U.S. attorney general refuses to reopen the case, and the FBI has claimed for 30 years – amazingly – that it never investigated Malcolm’s murder. If the FBI is to be believed, “there can be only one reasonable conclusion: that they knew exactly what happened at the Audubon Ballroom, and either facilitated it or criminally failed to prevent a capital crime from occurring.”

    The Bureau also claims that Malcolm X’s murder was not a civil rights violation because the killers were Black. But the point is, millions of people suspect that the guys who pulled the strings for the hit, or who made the killers job easier, or who watched with satisfaction and did nothing, were white officers of the law. Attorney General Holder, and his boss in the White House, are determined to allow the question to remain buried, along with Malcolm – which makes them no better than J. Edgar Hoover.



  48. there are no winners

    only losers more doomed than those losers who run dc....shame!!!!

    Is the debt ceiling deal supposed to be some sort of a cruel joke? Is this what the American people have been waiting months and months for? The “debt ceiling deal from hell” is a complete and total fraud. Barack Obama will not need to worry about the debt ceiling again until after the 2012 election, and no “real” spending cuts will happen until after the 2012 election. The way the political game in Washington D.C. is played today, if you don’t get something right now, you probably will never end up getting it. The Republicans have traded a massive debt ceiling increase right now for the possibility of very skimpy budget cuts in the future. Meanwhile, this deal establishes a new “Super Congress” that threatens to fundamentally alter our political system (and not in a good way). The funny thing is that everyone is running around proclaiming that the Tea Party won this battle. That is a complete and total lie.
    So what about the $917 billion in “immediate” spending cuts that the Republicans are getting as part of this deal?

    Well, they aren’t really spending cuts at all. Rather, they are spending caps. Basically what is happening is that future spending increases are being cancelled and our politicians are selling that to us as “spending cuts”.

    What is even sadder is that the $917 billion is spread over ten years and the vast majority of the “cuts” are in the latter years.


  49. more proof that hobama is WORSE than gwb!!!


    Cloaked in the fear surrounding the debt ceiling and a possible default is the most dangerous legislation that America has ever faced. If this passes, the Super Congress will make the PATRIOT Act look like a just and fair law. When six Republicans, six Democrats and the President have complete control over the legislature, we need to be concerned.

    The most frightening aspect of this proposed “committee”, inaccurate though the term may be, is the fact that lawmakers in Washington have already openly admitted the unprecedented power they will be afforded.

    Referring to the Super Congress as a committee is a bit deceitful. Calling it a Supreme Council of Overlords would be a bit more accurate.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made this quite clear by announcing on the Senate floor that, “The joint committee – there are no constraints. They can look at any program we have in government, any program … It has the ability to look at everything.”

    When this is made explicit and openly so, I think there should be some serious concern among Americans. The PATRIOT Act was not billed as an Act that would be used to detain and torture Americans and innocent people from around the globe who did not have any evidence against them. We only found this out after it was rushed into law.

    The Super Congress, on the other hand, has already been exposed as a completely unconstitutional body that will remove the ability for anyone to filibuster a bill or amend it in any way. This gives 13 people the unprecedented power to push through any legislation without a single amendment.


  50. From some 'ol thread that an Anon posted:

    RTTNKID, "Then that must mean that they don't have a PC."

    I use bing and IE as my search enginges. You only prove that you don't know shit just like PC.

    lol..Too funny

    And, aren't you married? What are you doing messing with Desertflower on FN blog? You FN Negroes have no morals, and that is the hallmark of you progressive liberal Blacks---NO FUCKING MORALS!

    Me married? Nahh..I like boning different white women too much. Where's your wife? I have something to give her..Opps, sorry, Moral check here.

    Thank God for the Tea Party. America would be moral-less without them.

    lol..once again, you're too funny.

    Here's a site dedicated to your hero. Enjoy, I know I have:


  51. "When Congress gets back from recess, I will urge them to immediately take some steps -- bipartisan, common-sense steps.."

    O man lost me right there.

    Ain't. gonna. happen.

    What Obama needs to worry about at this point is to try and figure out how to not let his "Bipartisan" team tie the extension of, permanently or otherwise, the Bush Tax cuts into a jobs bill.

  52. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...

    “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”

    Dumbass. How does he think we got into the shape we're in?

    Economics 101....if you're spending more more than you're taking in, you're going to be bankrupt. (Unless some "terrorists" force you to cease your stupidity)

    Big debt: Between 2001 and 2010, the Bush tax cuts added $2.6 trillion to the public debt, 50 percent of the total debt accrued during that time. Over the past 10 years, the country has spent more than $400 billion just servicing the debt created by the cuts.

    Supply-side failure: Far from paying for themselves with increased economic activity as promised, the tax cuts have depleted the public treasury. Tax collections have plunged to their lowest share of the economy in 60 years.

    No jobs: Between 2002 and 2007, employment increased by less than 1 percent when the economy was supposed to be expanding. Employment growth barely kept pace with population growth. Between the end of 2001, when the country was in a recession, and the peak of the real estate bubble, er, economic expansion in 2007, the US economy performed worse than at any time since the end of World War II.

    Real simple. Bush 43.


  53. Carry A Gun11:10 AM

    Diversity is SO wonderful:


  54. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Field I got a nomination for the HOUSE.

    I nominate Mount Carmel Pastor Eric Rapaglia who defended the hiring of Frank Borzellieri as a principal of a school working with children.

    Frank is a racist white supremacist and anti-gay to the point where he tried to get an openly gay teacher fired

    To defend the hiring of Borzellieri, Mount Carmel pastor Eric Rapaglia said the following according to theGrio:

    “I knew of him from my last parish,” he said. “Do I agree with all of it? No. But I think much of it is valuable and logical and reasonable. A lot of his ideas would actually benefit minorities,” he added.

    Thanks for considering this Field.I hear Frank has been fired but I still wanted to nominate the so-called pastor for his approval of the racist anti-gay principal.


  55. milton friedman11:33 AM

    It's those evil A-merry-can corporations shipping jobs oversees and paying slave labor wages to foreign workers.

    Really? Like oil companies that pay big bucks to workers running drilling rigs in other countries because Obama won't let the oil companies drill more wells here?

  56. More on the super evil hobama and his new patsy/drone super congress

    Super shame!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the lowest moment of Obama’s presidency. It makes Bill Clinton signing of the welfare reform bill of 1996 look like the founding of the Peace Corps. Even the things he supposedly got out of this deal could vaporize. Defense cuts on par with domestic cuts? After the military contractors’ lobbyists get to work? I’ll believe that when I see it. Of course Obama did get one concession: no second debt-ceiling vote until 2013. By which time, if he doesn’t fundamentally change his way of doing business, he may very well be in retirement.
    Third, and this is most prominent short-term effect, cuts this deep will take many millions out of the economy and help to prevent a rebound (and don’t think the Republicans don’t understand this). The Commerce Department estimated earlier this year that the austerity cuts already agreed to took 1.2 percent out of the 2011 GDP in the first quarter. These cuts will basically ensure that growth stays at anemic levels through the end of the year, if not longer. For self-preservation reasons if nothing else, it’s hard to see why in the world Obama agreed to all this.
    Second, entitlements are next on the GOP’s list. Take my word for it: The Republicans who will serve on the “super-committee” of 12 senators and House members who’ll be charged with determining the next round of cuts by Thanksgiving are going to aim squarely at entitlements, especially Medicare and Medicaid. Now, entitlements need reform and savings, no doubt about that. If Republicans were interested in a good-faith way in shoring up the programs for the long-term even if it meant, say, that Medicare wouldn’t kick in until age 67 for people now in their 40s, that would be one thing. But in fact, they want to destroy it. And Medicaid’s position is even more precarious. We spend too little on it as it is—the barest minimums for poor people’s health costs, which inevitably result in higher-cost treatments down the road. This December, liberals will be counting on Barack Obama to defend those programs. What a disgrace that that is now a frightening proposition


  57. hobama is a tacky dick

    kudos to the 30k+ who bailed!!!

    they are ALL fnotd!!!

    Let your members of Congress know, make a phone call, send an e-mail, tweet, keep the pressure on Washington and we can get past this," the President said.
    But the tweet offensive may have backfired. Or is that back-tweeted?

    According to the website Twitter Counter, the account lost tens of thousands of followers Friday.

    White House reporters and the president's critics questioned whether Mr. Obama's re-election campaign was spamming its more than nine million followers.

    "Bam's spam? President Barack Obama takes debt battle to Twitter, loses more than 33,000 followers," the Twitter account @whitehousepresscorps tweeted as of 6pm Friday.


  58. Hobama is worse than any repub

    That dem hoax/bankster Hobama is the most ruthless repub prez in history


    Washington Post columnist, Ezra Klein, took note of the political trajectory of the talks in his online column Friday, under the headline, “Obama moves to right on debt, but GOP won’t go with him.” He explained that the Obama administration has offered the Republicans “a deal that is not only much farther to the right than anyone had predicted, but also much farther to the right than most realize. In addition to the rise in the Medicare eligibility age and the cuts to Social Security and the minimal amount of revenue, it would cut discretionary spending by $1.2 trillion, which is an absolutely massive attack on that category of spending.”
    Obama’s declaration that he is willing to go back to the Eisenhower years means that he is prepared to reduce domestic spending to pre-Medicare and pre-Medicaid levels, precisely at the point where tens of millions of the post-World War II “baby boom” generation are becoming eligible for these programs. As Obama said, “It would require us taking on healthcare spending.”
    For millions of elderly people, even much smaller cuts would have catastrophic consequences. According to reports by the Kaiser Family Foundation, half of senior citizens now survive on incomes below $22,000 a year, and half have less than $33,000 in retirement accounts and other savings. For one-third of the elderly, Social Security accounts for more than 90 percent of their income.
    Moreover, Medicare is not particularly generous as an insurance program even in its present form, let alone after Obama and the congressional Republicans finish with it. Medicare enrollees pay average premiums of $141 a month, pay a deductible of $1,132 for any hospital stay, and 20 percent co-pays for wheelchairs and non-hospital procedures like kidney dialysis and physical therapy. Medicare households average $4,620 in annual medical costs over and above what Medicare pays.


  59. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Anon- "Negative thinking brings about negative results. Collective thinking means all people not just blacks."

    anon, This isn't about negative thinking, it is about looking at the 'ugly' truth and reality. You see, if people think like you do-i.e. not dealing with the truth because they see it as negative thinking, then we will NEVER solve our dilemma. Nor will we ever face the truth of 'what' Obama is doing to us.

    Collective thinking again? Still believe that not only us Blacks will come together but also the Blacks, Whites and Browns? How long have you been in the states, since Obama was elected?

    Anon- "If you as well others believe that Obama is just out for himself only time will tell, and it only proves that the trap that was set to keep us apart is working. Keeping the little people fighting for the crumbs at the bottom while the top takes us all"

    How much proof must you need from Obama- another 4 years? Yes, the trap was set some time ago...back in the days of slavery and Jim Crow...it's called "Capitalism and Racism".

  60. Anonymous1:22 PM

    UncaMiltie, let us state simply that Supply is the makers...and Demand are customers. st reagan gave oodles of money to the already wealthy Supply...as they were far less icky and brown than the Demand customers. Supply used the money to balloon the housing bubble, stuffed the cash in their 'mattress', and invested overseas. Since most US customers have the majority of their wealth and worth tied up in their house...when the speculators bubble bursts...their wealth decreases. Especially when the company eradicated the job...and now expects you to work part-time for far less than you used to. Increasing hires and pay does increase the Demand. Henry Ford ring any bells?

    Pretendereating that roughly 25% of the US population is lazy and shiftless...only shows you have not been reviewed for your value to the company.

    'Labour costs' are what they told the gullible stoopids. The actual difference is the ability to break unions and induce a wage crash. Simpleton 'experts' TELL us about how the US has priced labour too high. Really? Ever see what the rate is in Europe? And they have Universal. Oh...did your never-dealt-with-business fantasy ever consider the transport costs? Or the need to have the product suitable for the US market? If Europeans can make enormous profits with their costs....what should that indicate about the US firms?

    Every government taxes...then spends the taxes on services. Duh. And no, your immaculate Goobership does NOT get to order where the money goes. While you go WATB because citizens receive services...I will enjoy it when you are RIFed and the UI and other funds are missing. Will you keep the house? The compensatory PennDOT truck?

    Your dream may be Mexico Norte' (Badtux)..but that stems from going to Mexico with US pay. What will you do when your pay is Mexican...in Mexico Norte'?

    You thinkerate you will be among the Koch-suckers living in the gated home. Look at the math. You will be expendable and disposable labour in the favela. Do a Google and see how your Master wants you to be. While Liberals/Progressives won't associate with you professionally or personally, they don't mind that you have a trailer with a vehicle. So, why do you persist in trying to throw your silly self into favela life? You may thinkerate that your downward fall from solvency will drag the Liberals/Progressives as well...but that is a fantasy. Look at how the Fwee Market Fundies in Russia were horrified to learn that Communists were still the elite. All the excuses from the Austerians, the Fwee Marketeers, the Chicago Skool....meant very little in Reality.


  61. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Field, "Yes Anon. I remember, but I still say no to your gold. I am a long term investor. I know that gold seems t be doing well now, but overall the rate of gold has increased only slightly higher than inflation over the years. The markets have gone up over 12% over the years while gold has gone up about 4%. You do the math. Sorry."

    Mr. Field, FYI: Gold has gone from $800/ounce to over $1650/ounce. Smart long term investors have Gold in their portfolios. I am surprised that your broker or 'somebody' hasn't urged you to have at least 5-10%of your portfolio in Gold.

    Now, you just posted that everyone should check their 401k because the dollar is falling and will be falling for sometime. Does that make you wonder what you should do to cover a declining dollar? Oh, never mind. You have a fixed idea in your mind, and it's going to hurt you as a long term investor. Remember I told you so.

  62. mellaneous1:24 PM

    @Milton Friedman

    You must either be a paid stooge or an apologist for the ruling class.

    Because most folks know that people/corporations having far too much money usually comes from squeezing the wages of workers.

    Only the naive can pretend that the accumulation of so much wealth in the hands of a few does not hurt the poor of the world.

  63. Anonymous1:29 PM

    If you took your passport, learned a language or six, and traveled to see....it would become quite apparent that listening to the wingnuts and Koch-suckers was a fool's game. Austerian policies ruing national economies. Con governments have a disconcerting habit of executing their enemies, mostly children and unarmed adults. Societies with vast inequities in wealth are horribly unstable and violent.

    Wonder what will happen to your Masters when millions with guns figure out the ransom will feed their children? Or that revolution is preferable to starvation.


  64. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Buy gold..it is as safe as houses! It will ALWAYS increase in value.

    Pretty much the increase is the same for bullets...every Heeyuck with a spare nickel is buying as much as they can. If twenty balding, obese, economic rubes want to buy my ounce of gold...I can raise the price.

    Umm...oil field workers in other lands do not make the grotesquely huge US wage. You might want to look up what the pay actually is...rather than what you guess it is. And drilling in the US will not solve the energy question. No matter how much you lust after Palin/Bachmann.


  65. milton friedman1:42 PM

    mellaneous says:

    Because most folks know that people/corporations having far too much money usually comes from squeezing the wages of workers.

    Most folks are morons who will believe anything.

    Tell me how much Microsoft pays its employees. Exxon, BP, Google, IBM?

    What I do know about you is this: you cannot read financial statements. Because you cannot read official financial statements that public companies must submit to the SEC, I know you have absolutely no idea how much employees are paid for their work.

  66. milton friedman1:53 PM


    When Carter was in office the price of gold soared.

    Only a few years earlier, President Ford signed the bill that allowed Americans to own gold. Until that time, the price of gold in the US was fixed at $35 an ounce.

    After Carter became president, people who understood his lunacy realized gold might be a safe haven.

    The gold bugs bid up the price of gold to $800 an ounce. Quite a jump from $35 an ounce when Ford was president.

    After Reagan was elected and it was understood that he would reduce government intrusion into markets, the price of gold began to fall.

    It fell for years. For years after Reagan. Through the first Bush administration and through the Clinton administration. The price went below $300 an ounce.

    Now that Jimmy Carter II is president, gold is $1,650 an ounce.

    What will happen to the price of gold if Romney replaces the idiot Obama? The price will drop, a lot.

    But until the clown president is voted out, the price of gold may well go higher. There's plenty of reasons to worry as long as Obama is diddling with the economy.

  67. Anonymous1:55 PM

    There's plenty of reasons to worry as long as Obama is diddling with the economy.

    shhhhhh, don't say diddling, when Mold sees that word his arsehole puckers up and quivers in anticipation.....

  68. Anonymous1:55 PM

    UncaMiltie, which employees? the original ones with the stocks and profit sharing? The Indian and Chinese contractors? Sub-contractors?
    You are pretending. Mell is correct. If a firm has enough money to 'stuff a mattress'...it is not paying bills.
    Instead of being a Joe Nobody trying to sell the fiction of being a businessman or Captain of Industry...you might want to write from who you truly are.


  69. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Only the naive can pretend that the accumulation of so much wealth in the hands of a few does not hurt the poor of the world.

    Only the naive doing work in the name of evil will promote that people do not seek thier highest capabilities and do for themselves, yet waste all thier energies envying those who have done. Evil is envy and slothliness combined, look in the mirror satan. There isn't a limit on prosperity with only so much to go around, who ever taught you this nonsense? The devil? You can have all you want of the pie, just start baking some instead of fighting for a sliver of what someone else took from the baker.

    Get behind me Satan

  70. milton friedman2:01 PM

    mold expectorates:

    Umm...oil field workers in other lands do not make the grotesquely huge US wage. You might want to look up what the pay actually is...rather than what you guess it is.

    Oilfield workers around the world are mostly Americans and Europeans working for the obvious big names in oil. They work on contract wherever they go and yes, they get paid a lot. Usually MORE for working in hostile environments, which includes Saudi Arabia and Nigeria.

    And drilling in the US will not solve the energy question.

    Every barrel of oil lifted from a well in the US is one less barrel we import. It's that simple.

    We can drill more here, and import less.

    Or, like our moronic president chooses, we can drill less here and import more.

  71. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Ah, the fake meme of Obama as Carter. As if Carter, who served honorably in the US Navy was somehow lesser than st reagan...who sat out the war. Carter, who has been active in Habitat for decades. Carter, who used his personal cojones to get one of our servcepeople released.
    Oh, Badtux....http://snarkypenguin.blogspot.com/2011/08/race-obama-and-tea-party.html.

    You TELL us what you magically beleeve was the cause...but offer zero proof. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. For one so eager to claim business expertise...you seem vastly more familiar with the WSJ editorial page...and not at all with their pre-Murdoch reporting.

    Oh, you might want to review the connection between Carter and Coca-Cola...and other GA multinationals. Seems your fairy-tale is missing some salient points.


  72. anon:


    the nwo is real

    1% and 1 political bankster party rules the world

    Folks in the top 0.1% come from many backgrounds but it’s infrequent to meet one whose wealth wasn’t acquired through direct or indirect participation in the financial and banking industries. One of our clients, net worth in the $60M range, built a small company and was acquired with stock from a multi-national. Stock is often called a “paper” asset. Another client, CEO of a medium-cap tech company, retired with a net worth in the $70M range. The bulk of any CEO’s wealth comes from stock, not income, and incomes are also very high. Last year, the average S&P 500 CEO made $9M in all forms of compensation. One client runs a division of a major international investment bank, net worth in the $30M range and most of the profits from his division flow directly or indirectly from the public sector, the taxpayer. Another client with a net worth in the $10M range is the ex-wife of a managing director of a major investment bank, while another was able to amass $12M after taxes by her early thirties from stock options as a high level programmer in a successful IT company. The picture is clear; entry into the top 0.5% and, particularly, the top 0.1% is usually the result of some association with the financial industry and its creations. I find it questionable as to whether the majority in this group actually adds value or simply diverts value from the US economy and business into its pockets and the pockets of the uber-wealthy who hire them. They are, of course, doing nothing illegal.

    I think it’s important to emphasize one of the dangers of wealth concentration: irresponsibility about the wider economic consequences of their actions by those at the top. Wall Street created the investment products that produced gross economic imbalances and the 2008 credit crisis. It wasn’t the hard-working 99.5%. Average people could only destroy themselves financially, not the economic system. There’s plenty of blame to go around, but the collapse was primarily due to the failure of complex mortgage derivatives, CDS credit swaps, cheap Fed money, lax regulation, compromised ratings agencies, government involvement in the mortgage market, the end of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, and insufficient bank capital. Only Wall Street could put the economy at risk and it had an excellent reason to do so: profit. It made huge profits in the build-up to the credit crisis and huge profits when it sold itself as “too big to fail” and received massive government and Federal Reserve bailouts. Most of the serious economic damage the U.S. is struggling with today was done by the top 0.1% and they benefited greatly from it.


  73. Anonymous2:14 PM

    UncaMiltie, nice try. And completely made up. Just like the need for drilling in the US. It sounderates sooo good. But is not based in Reality.
    Ummm...you could even see the low, low wages in print media articles on the oil field. Wonder how such basic information escaped you?

    Not a surprise to see Fundie relioing and Fundie Fwee Market being conjoined. Both require a low mental acuity and a beleef in the dogma.


  74. Something Stinks2:16 PM

    Check your diaper, Mold. That one you're wearing is so full, the crap's coming out of your mouth again.

  75. Ah yes, this is an old story - the Tea Party go insane, Obama makes a crappy deal so we all don't get screwed - and all the lefties are crying in their granola.

    Hostage taking is the right explanation of how the Tea Party works - they've shown several times their willing to pop someone in the knee cap to get their way Remember when last year's government shutdown, the Healthcare reform craziness, the hold up on the defense budget because Obama/Pelosi included DADT reform?

    As the old saying goes, the Right wingers fight the Liberals and the Liberals fight each other. The fact that so many so-called liberals are running for the tall grass because Obama has to make a deal shows why progressives are never really ready for "Big Boy"politics.

    1. Pelosi and Reed could have handled this last year and force Boehner to start some crap. They kicked the can because they were afraid of the Tea Party. They could have cancelled the Bush tax cuts and create a new tax cut for for middle class. The Democratic congressional leaders lost their nerve because of the midterms, hid under the desks and now are getting huffy that Obama had to clean their mess.

    2. Read the fine print, this budget deal is more smoke than fire. Cuts that don't happen until after the election? Forcing the GOP to cut their big supporters, the Defense industry and Big Pharma and the AMA? Modest structural reforms to the social safety net that would have occured anyway. It sucks, but its not "The Sky Is Falling" sucks.

    3. What's next? Angry tirades about "Corporatist DLC neo-liberalism" (lefty-speak is more over the top and impenetrable than church speak sometimes), threatening Obama with a primary/third way candidate that doesn't exist or simply pouting - what's next. The real issue is beat back the Tea Party, because these know-nothing clods are willing to pistol whip their own leadership to get their way. (I hate to say this, but I can felt sorry for Boehner and McConnell)

    Done for the day. Mell will probably post an opposing but reflective POV. (we actually agree more than we disagree) AB will definitely post some off the wall, contradictory "I wouldn't know realpolitik if smacked yesterday" screed about how I am a 'Hobama Bromance Drone' and who she's a warrior princess or something. All of the right wing lurkers - well, they'll claim that Obama is a warlock or something.

    Mold, UTS and Mack and RK will be playing defense with the angry and the crazy.

    It ultimately doesn't matter, because what we really need to do to change - get off these damn blogs and meet people, support candidates at the local and Congressional levels.

  76. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Mold, UTS and Mack and RK

    right, they will be defending AGAINST the crazies...har...har another delusional leftie. Are any lefties based in reality even the slightest bit? Go bake yourslef a pie and then you can decide how much to give away.

  77. as hobama turns 50

    he is 50 times worse than gwb


    Signs of middle age are evident, it's true, from the rapidly greying hair and heavy creasing at the sides of the mouth. But his face remains enviably unravaged by the sleep deprivation and unimaginable stresses imposed by the rapid imperial decline set in motion by his predecessor's monstrous cabal.

    Michelle certainly likes it. "She still thinks I'm cute," said Obama the other day. "And I guess that's all that matters, isn't it?" Well, no, you felt, it isn't. Other things matter too: things such as his fiscal capitulation to the terrorist far right that will rob tens of millions – the very people on whose primary behalf he ran for president – to ensure that the rich, mega-rich and hyper-rich continue to pay a smaller proportion in tax than the average American nurse. Looking at that face today, in fact, the only way it could conform more precisely to Orwell's dictum is if, in the next 12 hours, his liver succumbed to the jaundice that turned it bright yellow. For this was a heartbreaking act of skin-saving cowardice.

    And would that be such a terrible thing? Hillary is not, one suspects, a good woman. There is little, if anything, she would not baulk at in pursuit of power. But whatever her moral elasticity, Hillary is a street-fighter, and would never have surrendered to the Tea Party's pulverising nastiness and juggernaut stupidity. If the Republicans take the Senate next November and have control of both houses, who would you back to defend Obamacare?

    Perhaps even at this late stage, liberal outrage at this repugnant deal offers her an opening for a primary challenge. If she stood and won on the, "I told you he wasn't up to it last time, but would you listen?" platform, the irony that would accompany Obama's cute face out of the Oval Office would be as depressing as any in memory.

    The man elected as the peacenik, ultra-liberal enemy of entrenched poverty would be remembered as the ruthless Bin Laden assassin who presided over the most vicious assault on the poor in modern US history. Whatever the future holds for the one-time reincarnation of JFK, tomorrow no one other than Michelle will be tempted to sing "Happy Birthday Mr President" in the breathily adoring tones of Marilyn Monroe.


  78. matt t is a man i adore!!!

    memo to dem drones/hobama nazis:


    The Democrats aren't failing to stand up to Republicans and failing to enact sensible reforms that benefit the middle class because they genuinely believe there's political hay to be made moving to the right. They're doing it because they do not represent any actual voters. I know I've said this before, but they are not a progressive political party, not even secretly, deep inside. They just play one on television.

    For evidence, all you have to do is look at this latest fiasco.

    The Republicans in this debt debate fought like wolves or alley thugs, biting and scratching and using blades and rocks and shards of glass and every weapon they could reach.

    The Democrats, despite sitting in the White House, the most awesome repository of political power on the planet, didn't fight at all. They made a show of a tussle for a good long time -- as fixed fights go, you don't see many that last into the 11th and 12th rounds, like this one did -- but at the final hour, they let out a whimper and took a dive.

    We probably need to start wondering why this keeps happening. Also, this: if the Democrats suck so bad at political combat, then how come they continue to be rewarded with such massive quantities of campaign contributions? When the final tally comes in for the 2012 presidential race, who among us wouldn't bet that Barack Obama is going to beat his Republican opponent in the fundraising column very handily? At the very least, he won't be out-funded, I can almost guarantee that.


  79. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Nice of you to indicate I am subhuman. Now, is it the female...the AfAm...the rational decisions based on Facts...or that I am a heretic? Your dogma...is anathema as I use Facts for decisions...not beleef.
    Keep TELLing your impoverished self that you are the true RealMerican and the only one doing work. That all unbeleevers are parasites. Only your efforts are the holee ones.
    Granny can starve...her efforts in WWII for the Transport Corps don't give her the right to claim Social Security benefits...because the Koch-suckers want their Masters to have even more than a trillion in stored cash. Medicare/Medicaid is so fraudy...you heard that someones cousin heard it from the sister who heard it from the nurse who heard some icky 'urban' person that they were jess scamming the eveel Gubmint.

    Please, tell us what you do to earn your 'pie' and how much? You whine...and it makes us wonder why some wite dude feels so Entitled to steal from Granny and hungry kids.


  80. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Nice of you to indicate I am subhuman. Now, is it the female...the AfAm...the rational decisions based on Facts...or that I am a heretic

    No it's the oh so transparent infantile instances of your opportunistic use to further cement your created character. Everyone knows you are a white dude, so you just prove your insanity each time you say these things, ironically it is the rare instances when you are able to construct a coherent sentence as well - all a sham.

    How can someone who bakes a pie and feeds it to granny and the kids, steal a pc of the pie by saying hold on you can have more then the half you have taken from me but you will need to I bake some more. You can't steal from someone by not giving even more you dumb penis lollipop licker.

  81. Anonymous3:03 PM

    So, you magickally beleeverate me to be a wite dude...so therefore it must be? Would you care to provide proof? I mean, other than you pronouncing your beleef.
    I don't see you as a job creator or baker or any moderately skilled person. I see you as the janitor with anger issues. It was never you...it was always (fill in the blank) that done stole your rightful place as queen of Pennsyltucky. Eveel doers, all.

    Must have made you question the wisdom of being a wingnut. As their plans do include starving Granny and the kids...for the greater, higher good of making the wealthy even richer...without toil, investment, work....as they were somehow born superior to all others.


  82. mellaneous3:30 PM

    Milton Friedman said:

    "Tell me how much Microsoft pays its employees. Exxon, BP, Google, IBM?

    What I do know about you is this: you cannot read financial statements. Because you cannot read official financial statements that public companies must submit to the SEC, I know you have absolutely no idea how much employees are paid for their work."

    To answer your first question Milt I will say that the real question is not how much these companies paid their employeees, but how much did the company make. And though the pay may be higher than some other industries it still does not qualify as a fair share, since it is the employees of the company not the execs that produce the products.

    Your oil company point falls under the same category. Of course they pay their workers a bit more, but have you noticed their last balance sheet. The oil companies have been making record profits in the hundreds of millions. So workers are making a pittance compared to what they are actually producing.

    And to answer your question about reading financial statements I can't believe your arrogance in assuming what other folks don't know.

    Ironically when I was doing a lot of work around economic equality I read quite a few financial statements and attended quite a few shareholder meetings.

    And Milt you don't need to able to read a financial statement to know that workers are usually paid only a pittance of what they produce.

    Whats wrong with you don't you understand the basics of capitalism? You are its "water boy," surely you have to know that exploiting labor, holding down labor costs is an essential element of capitalist industry. boy for?

  83. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    So, you magickally beleeverate me to be a wite dude...so therefore it must be? Would you care to provide proof? I mean, other than you pronouncing your beleef.
    I don't see you as a job creator or baker or any moderately skilled person. I see you as the janitor with anger issues. It was never you...it was always (fill in the blank) that done stole your rightful place as queen of Pennsyltucky. Eveel doers, all.

    Must have made you question the wisdom of being a wingnut. As their plans do include starving Granny and the kids...for the greater, higher good of making the wealthy even richer...without toil, investment, work....as they were somehow born superior to all others.


    Oh I have witnesses, this entire blog. enough said, stop insulting everyones intelligence and wasting our time.

    Anyway, you don't see at all that's the problem. You are as blind as your intellect can make you. By the way your liberal talking points are contradictory, no doubt as insane thoughts normally are. How can I be a janitor who has never earned anything who is clamoring for a spot that someone else actually earned and also have been born with a silver spoon at the same time. Obviously you can't connect logic with your gimme,gimme,gimme hatefest. What your liberal failure excuse doctrine doesnt teach you is that not all people successful inherited it, in fact thats a lazy man such as a liberals point of view, the majority of millionares are first generation and self made, somewhere in the 90 percentile, they created thier wealth and didn't inherit it as liberals tell you to make you feel better and keep voting democrat for the scraps. Now, what that means is aside from the only two ways liberals know of achieving wealth - government siezed taxpayer redistribution funds and inheritance, one of the largest is earn it yourself. But you will never know that, you'll spend so much time envying and hating those who actually make it that you will poor the rest of your life. Put the fingers that you point down and do something with them and you may just find you don't have to be a nasty vile wannabe who hates anyone who is successful, for to someone like you, anyone who doesnt' live off the goverment teat is evil. You can't imagine the feeling you get earning something yourslef without cheating, without taking from others and then being able to actually help others with yours and not something you have stolen.

  84. mellaneous3:38 PM

    "Obama makes a crappy deal so we all don't get screwed"

    LAC I have been saying all along and its becoming more and more evident to those paying attention that Obama is not offering any deals that in the long run will benefit those who work for a living.

    How do you figure he was trying to get us a deal. He actually offered parts of Medicaid. And to let you know where he was really coming from he made it clear during the pretend debate over the debt ceiling that, that if the loans came due he was going to hold up grandma's check, not the bondholders.

    You can look it up!

    But like Malcolm X used to say time will tell. In this case time will tell if Obama was looking out for big business, the banks, Wall Street and the rich, or us regular folks.

    Truth time has already revealed where he is really coming from but for those who want to keep the phasod up I am sure you can find a silver lining in any smokescreen the brown guy sends up.

    But I am not naive I know that its in some folks class interest not to see things as they are and to pretend that one of these two parties of the ruling rich really has your best interest at heart.

    Good luck with that!

  85. mellaneous3:52 PM

    Here is a great explanation of what happened to the US economy and where we are headed by a former by Paul Craig Roberts a former assitant secretary of the US Treasury and a former Wall Street Journal editor.
    "The Road to Armageddon"


  86. Anonymous4:01 PM

    So, you are a janitor. And I most certainly insult willful ignorance. Keep beleeverating Horation Alger rags-to-riches fairy tales. As if working hard was the only aspect. You discount luck a bit too much.
    Calling spending tax dollars on citizens is redistributionist? So..it is eveel to have Grannies Social Security after she toiled for forty years? Using tax monies to repair bridges (paging T-Paw) is redistributionist? Having volcano monitoring? EPA (standards for drinking water, air quality, and waste disposal)...OSHA (safety for those of us who actually do work)....CDC...FAA...ATSDR...

    Okay...why don't you watch the vid of Matt Damon dealing with a Goober? He is Liberal...and somehow doesn't fit your fantasy world. maybe you should adjust your theoryification?

    I await your 'proof' of the self-made wealthy. Go ahead. I have a few years left. You should be aware that most of the folks you'll list...I can Google.;)


  87. milton friedman4:13 PM

    mellaneous says:

    To answer your first question Milt I will say that the real question is not how much these companies paid their employeees, but how much did the company make.

    Microsoft, in its latest fiscal year earned net income of $23 BILLION.

    Sales were $70 BILLION.

    About $20 BILLION went to paychecks.

    About $5 BILLION went to federal income tax.

    The company has 90,000 employees

    And though the pay may be higher than some other industries it still does not qualify as a fair share, since it is the employees of the company not the execs that produce the products.

    Bill Gates does not take a paycheck from Microsoft. He merely sells some stock to keep himself rolling in dough. Or he spends his dividend check -- which is $0.64 per share per year.

    No, you do not know how to read financial statements. If you have not taken an accounting course, you simply do not know what the numbers mean.

    Your claim is like saying you can speak Italian because you got a phrasebook and ordered wine in Rome.

  88. Hypocrites of a Feather4:19 PM

    Hey Mold.....it looks like your hero Obama is inviting all those starving grannies & children to his birthday party.


    What a hypocrite. No wonder you worship him.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. preach mell!!!

    hobama nazis are like battered wives who see blackened eyes as love taps and broken ribs as sex cramps...


    Trillions have been looted, and these trillions remain unaccounted for. And trillions more will “disappear”.

    What is clear is that there is endless money for endless wars, endless CIA budgets, and endless tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations. But nothing for anything else.

    Criminal aristocracies have increased their plunder, with Washington spearheading the operations. Governments of the capitalist world---each regime a criminal enterprise---are impoverishing their populaces, subjecting citizens to unprecedented suffering under the Orwellian rubric of “sacrifice”. Systematic destruction is taking place from the international down to the local level.

    Adding to the insult, the elimination of the social safety net---literally life or death for millions of American citizens---is being callously bandied about like a political volleyball ahead of another idiotic and meaningless election. Obama spews lies and deception, pandering at every step to conservatives and Wall Street. The neofascist right-wing, led by John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, Bachman, Palin, the Tea Party, etc., are focused exclusively on the removal of Obama, oblivious to the fact that the “black man in the White House” has been the seamless extension of Bush/Cheney, and the perfect corporate/Wall Street lap dog. In true right-wing fashion worthy of the Third Reich, today’s Republicans and Tea Party “patriots” are genuinely evil and genuinely insane.

    There is no leadership whatsoever, as the world tips over the brink.

    This global crisis is real, and unprecedented. As Ruppert wrote in Crossing the Rubicon, “As a species and as a planet, we have reached a point of self-imposed crisis that can neither be postponed nor evaded. That crisis and values with which it is addressed are matters of life and death.”


  91. we are ruled by the rich for the rich
    the rest of us are doomed

    some blalck racist fools will die breathing hobama's name like a prayer via final mindless breaths
    even as we are ALL cursed by hobama and his banksters!!!


    Extreme conservatives push for tax cuts ... but just for the wealthy.

    Extreme liberals are against all tax cuts, believing that we need higher taxes to pay for government programs ... and that taxes somehow won't create any drag on the economy.

    Both extremes are wrong.

    In fact, tax cuts for the middle class and poor stimulate the economy, but tax cuts for the wealthy hurt the economy.

    This is actually a very simple concept, although some politicians and economists unintentionally or intentionally muddy the waters.




  92. even the inside job of 9/11 is rooted in elitist looting and greed....shame!!!!

    On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." According to a report by the Inspector General, the Pentagon cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends. 1 2

    Such a disclosure normally might have sparked a huge scandal. However, the commencement of the attack on New York City and Washington in the morning would assure that the story remained buried. To the trillions already missing from the coffers, an obedient Congress terrorized by anthrax attacks would add billions more in appropriations to fight the "War on Terror."

    The Comptroller of the Pentagon at the time of the attack was Dov Zakheim, who was appointed in May of 2001. Before becoming the Pentagon's money-manager, he was an executive at System Planning Corporation, a defense contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. 3 4 Zakheim is a member of the Project for a New American Century and participated in the creation of its 2000 position paper Rebuilding America's Defenses which called for "a New Pearl Harbor." 5

    Estimates of the sums of money missing vary wildly. A 2003 report put the amount missing at "more than a trillion dollars." 6




  93. hobama is a worse warmonger/spender than gwb!!!


    Melman went on to say, “Half of every dollar you pay in Federal taxes goes into the military account. Pentagon contractors are awash in billions while the infrastructure that underpins our economy collapse around us and human misery spreads everywhere.”

    Fast-forward: Today, the Pentagon still gets roughly half of every tax dollar. The War Resisters League estimates 54% of the pie goes to the military compared with 30% for all human resources, 11 percent for general government and 5% for physical resources..

    Defense contractors are awash in profits while lines lengthen at soup kitchens, foreclosed families sleep in shelters, 20 million are jobless or underemployed, food stamp use sets records, summer jobs for teens have vanished, and President Obama appears willing to rat out the elderly on Social Security and Medicare as too costly while he authorizes new CIA drone attacks on Pakistan.

    We saw the faintest stirrings of hope for change in June when the U.S. Conference of Mayors passed a resolution to spend at home the $125 billion the Pentagon is wasting this year waging wars in the Middle East. In depressed Detroit, the unemployment level is 38% and Rep. John Conyers(D-Mich.) blames the White House's lack of leadership for the lack of job creation. Given our infrastructure needs alone, why isn't there a job or job-training for every person who is willing to work?

    To support President Obama's medieval war-making is what Professor Melman would rightly have called “mad.” It fits the dictionary definition of insanity as “utterly senseless” and “irrational.” It also fits the view of insanity which observes that the insane repeat their mistakes over and over. That's today's war machine, bigger and deadlier than ever. Welcome to the United Loony Bin of America.#




  94. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25833









  95. i know hobama laughs at his blind nazis even more than we who are awake do...

    as he will never suffer with them as we must


  96. Anonymous5:20 PM


    Anonymous said...
    So, you are a janitor. And I most certainly insult willful ignorance. Keep beleeverating Horation Alger rags-to-riches fairy tales. As if working hard was the only aspect. You discount luck a bit too much.
    Calling spending tax dollars on citizens is redistributionist? So..it is eveel to have Grannies Social Security after she toiled for forty years? Using tax monies to repair bridges (paging T-Paw) is redistributionist? Having volcano monitoring? EPA (standards for drinking water, air quality, and waste disposal)...OSHA (safety for those of us who actually do work)....CDC...FAA...ATSDR...

    Okay...why don't you watch the vid of Matt Damon dealing with a Goober? He is Liberal...and somehow doesn't fit your fantasy world. maybe you should adjust your theoryification?

    I await your 'proof' of the self-made wealthy. Go ahead. I have a few years left. You should be aware that most of the folks you'll list...I can Google.;)


    Yeah you crazy twunt I am a janitor and I'll clean your damn clock for ya. Your a bit of a mental midget who clearly has no concept how things work or actually are supposed to work, Matt damon is just your speed another liberal dipshit like Obama.

    No go piss off and try and do something constructive like masturbate another time without getting fecal matter on your hands. What an illiterate downlow stupid twunt you are, you make belve you are making fun with words truth is, your a moron and can't spell nor construct a grammatically correct sentence, the jig is up..you are an idiot.

  97. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Matt Damon is a bankable star. This means that a great many people will pay real money to watch him. Good Will Hunting is one of the American Film Classics. Compare this to That Hagen Girl.
    Obama is not Liberal. Never was...so why are you repeating this easily disproven lie? He is just vastly superior to the Geezer/MILF ticket and the gabillion mental defectives being offered. But he is still pretty much as Badtux described him. Or is Liberal what you use in place of 'migger'? Or was that 'Jew'?

    You could, like, Google Matt Damon...or Obama. They may not be what you idolize...but they really are not what you claim. That honour is for the Quayles and bush. Or Cantor...Santorum...Walsh...Addison Graves Wilson...Bachmann...Palin...etc. Exactly why would you want the Left Behinds to run anything? Unless they got smarter or better...these are the folks who couldn't meet minimum quals...in high school. I would posit that adult life is more complex...with greater consequences.

    Obama was never worshiped by the Left. This is a falsehood sold by the right to justify their strawman 'argument'. Given the option of Geezer/MILF or Obama/Biden...the US resoundingly picked the AfAm over the pandering white guy and the religio-crazee grifter.
    Would WATB like some links to Lefty blogs who discussed the Obama policies that seemed right-of-centre?


    So you are a janitor. So what? That only means you are not a business maven or a Captain of Industry.

  98. Anonymous7:10 PM

    MF, "What will happen to the price of gold if Romney replaces the idiot Obama? The price will drop, a lot.

    But until the clown president is voted out, the price of gold may well go higher. There's plenty of reasons to worry as long as Obama is diddling with the economy."

    Today it has to do with the nature of the global economy. The Euro and the dollar are not doing well. Whatever. Anyone who bought gold in the 80's, 90's and even beginning 2001, has seen their investment in gold/silver soar. Make no mistake about it, Gold is headed higher $1700-$1800 by the end of the year! Smart investors add 'some' gold to their portfolios mainly because it IS a safe haven.

    But there are those who don't...like Field. Hence his portfolio is going under, under the Obama Admin. That's because 'most' FN Negroes will stick with Obama NO MATTER WHAT, even if the Obama Titanic is sinking they will go down with it.

  99. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Dear Mr Friedman, thank you for being on this blog. We need a voice of reason, here. I mean, the Tea Party has made us both crazy and afraid like they have Obama.

    What do you recommend we do?
