Thursday, September 01, 2011

Sex,lies, and American politics.

The republicans will be having their national convention in Tampa next year, and the folks who will be busiest down there are getting ready:

TAMPA, Fla. -- Following an extensive remodel, the Penthouse Club in Tampa, Fla., is finally ready for next summer's Republican National Convention. Club operator DeWayne Levesque has installed two secluded VIP sections, which he hopes will help his club attract a bigger share of the 50,000 visitors expected to descend upon the city on Aug. 27 for four days of conservative politics and liberal partying. In addition to the club's new carpets and furniture, the private rooms are designed to provide cover so that camera-shy donors, politicians and aides can enjoy the strippers without fear of getting caught, he said.

A few blocks from the Penthouse Club, another strip club owner, Joe Redner, said he has high hopes for what the convention means for business at his all-nude club, Mons Venus. "I'm guessing we'll make five times as much in a night as we usually do," Redner told HuffPost. "Republicans got plenty of money. They take it all from poor people," he said.

Redner said he thinks many convention visitors will be in the market for a lap dance, but newly-released academic research suggests that some will be interested in the darker elements of Tampa's adult scene, too -- sex for sale. HuffPost teamed up with Tampa-based reporter Shawn Alff, of the Creating Loafing media group, to examine the potential impact of the RNC on two major pillars of the city's X-rated economy: prostitution and strip clubs.

"I can make between $50,000-$60,000 a night at Mons Venus during the days leading up to the Superbowl," Redner explained, "up from $10,000-$12,000 on an average night." When asked how a buttoned-up, political clientele might differ from a Superbowl crowd, Redner laughed. "All customers look [at the dancers] the same, no matter what they're wearing or what they're here for." [Source]


Sometimes I wonder why the folks on the right hate his O ness so much. I mean he always seems to give them whatever they want.

 "WASHINGTON -- After a vacuous back-and-forth over whether or not the president would be invited to address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, Sept. 7, or Thursday, Sept. 8, the White House buckled to GOP demands and chose the latter date.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney emailed a statement to the press Wednesday evening, emphasizing that the administration had consulted GOP leadership before it requested to speak on Wednesday. But, he added, the president was willing to move the date back to accommodate House Speaker John Boehner's concerns. " [Source]

That Obama is such an accommodating fellow. Such a decent Negro. Unfortunately for him, being accommodating won't do him any good. When you combine color arousa, with Obama derangement syndrome, you have a perfect storm for wingnuttery. 

Finally, yet another former Bush administration official has called out Dick Cheney. Now it's Condi's turn to to call the former VP a Tommy Flanagan clone. "Yeah, that's the ticket." 

Speaking in an interview with Reuters, Rice rejected Cheney's contention that she misled President George W. Bush about nuclear diplomacy with North Korea.

"I kept the president fully and completely informed about every in and out of the negotiations with the North Koreans," Rice said in her first public comments on the matter. "You can talk about policy differences without suggesting that your colleague somehow misled the president. You know, I don't appreciate the attack on my integrity that that implies."

Rice, in a telephone interview, also disputed a passage in Cheney's memoir, "In My Time," in which he says the secretary of state "tearfully admitted" that the Bush administration should not have apologized for a claim in Bush's 2003 State of the Union address on Iraq's supposed search for uranium for nuclear arms.
Cheney, who opposed a public apology for the unfounded claim, wrote that Rice "came into my office, sat down in the chair next to my desk, and tearfully admitted I had been right."

"It certainly doesn't sound like me, now, does it?" Rice said in the interview. "I would never -- I don't remember coming to the vice president tearfully about anything in the entire eight years that I knew him." [Source]

Oh boy, looks like somebody is lying. The frat boy might have to come out of hibernation to settle this one. Any bets on who he says has a growing nose?


  1. Why doesn't DICK talk about how much he and his cronies have benefitted financially from the wars in middle east?


  2. NSangoma8:46 PM

    This truly demonstrates that the lives of US service personnel are expendable.

    Where are the books about them and their bereaving families?

    Where are the blog postings about them and their bereaved families?

    The lives of over 4000 US service personnel destroyed in a needless war of choice, and we get a lot of oki-doke about whether this HEAUX sobbed.


  3. Anonymous8:55 PM about all of them?
    Cheney doing the wimpy female lie on Rice...General Jello doing PR for the bushWars....Rice with the US bully diplomacy.

    Back a few years some of our young gay men discovered that the biggest market for gay porn was churches...and usually the kinkier...the better it sold. I recall a Revrund explaining it as propaganda used to rile up the gawd-fearin', bible-unread Troo Beleevers. Well, until the lads who acted in the material mentioned their fan mail. And pointed out the marketing data indicated more personal usage of the product.

    45 copies of a single one single church?


  4. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Back a few years some of our young gay men discovered that the biggest market for gay porn was churches...and usually the kinkier...


    45 copies of a single one single church?


    Who were these gay men?What were their names?Please provide links to their discovery.

    45 copies of what work?Please provide links to such work.

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    The man child from the southside got schooled.Obama has been promising a jobs bill for over a year.He knew what he was doing.He could have choosen another date.

    Obama got knocked out,his pockets emptied,and his pants pulled down to his knees for all to see.

    Feelin' the hope and change yet?

  6. Dickster10:35 PM

    Rice admitted to Cheney that she had been wrong, and that he had been right. The only dispute is whether or not she got the sniffles when she admitted to him.

    And Powell got rightfully put in his place.

    Cheney is da man!

  7. "That Obama is such an accommodating fellow."

    No he's not, he's an asshole who tried to upstage the Republican debate by scheduling his speech to preempt it, and then got bitch-slapped by Boner.


  8. Baghdad Bob10:41 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Why doesn't DICK talk about how much he and his cronies have benefitted financially from the wars in middle east?

    Please provide evidence Cheney made one dollar from the Iraq War.

  9. Anonymous10:44 PM

    NSangoma-"Where are the books about them and their bereaving families?

    Where are the blog postings about them and their bereaved families?"

    Surely you know by now that books about families who have lost their sons and daughters in that war are not cared about by the average American, let alone politicians?

    Remember how veterans of the war were treated at Walter Reed Hospital during the Bush years? You would think the American people would be outraged at the treatment and living conditions of the troops who fight wars to keep their sorry asses safe and gas tanks full. Yet, there was hardly a peep out of them.

    No one gave a damn then, and no one gives a damn now. I bet the treatment at Walter Reed isn't much better today than before.

    You see, most Americans, by their behavior, see the lives of our troops as throw aways.

    The sad, painful Vietnam war proved that Americans aren't worth dying for.

    Further proof is how Congress handled themselves regarding the debt ceiling crisis. Would you want to put your life on the line for them?

  10. Anonymous10:55 PM

    anon, "wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef

    hey kuntbreaf kimqueef how u doing? so u claimerate to be able to ignore this anon yet u engage me or refer to me all the time ya loser ure simply too dumb to remember all ur lies ya kuntsuckin imbecile jess like ur bulldyke friend kuntlickin banks ya qoohole idgit fool!"

    For once I agree with you. She quickly brushed me aside to throw darts at you while I was the one who tried to sympathize and support her! I won't make that mistake again. Obviously, the Queen, like AB, are addicts who love everything you throw at them.

    And you know what addicts are like? they say over and over again that "this is my last time taking this shit" but they always come back for more. They are like that with you. They get high from the abuse....SICKOS!

  11. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "Remember how veterans of the war were treated at Walter Reed Hospital during the Bush years?"

    I do. I was there, and I was treated very well.

  12. Hey, kid, give some props out to your homie. He's doing what it takes to get jobs back to America.

    The successful conservative Governor John Kasich (R-OH) discussed an interesting new idea on FOX News that would bring a true and real stimulus to our economy:

    "One idea I had that they want to think about – there is expected to be about a trillion dollars that companies have in profits that are sitting outside of America. And a lot of these companies would like to bring this money home but the tax rates are so high that they instead are investing in places other than America. I think the notion of letting them bring that money back here at either a low tax rate or maybe a one-time pass on that would be a stimulus plan that would make some sense. It doesn’t involve public money, it involves the money that the companies have made, the profits they could bring back and re-invest and maybe improve their workforce; to buy plants and equipment and things like that. And give them a greater sense of confidence so they are willing to jump in."

    Governor Kasich knows what it takes to get things done, and to do it right. The S&P recently upgraded Ohio’s credit outlook while the federal government was downgraded.

  13. I bet Tampa is due for a hurricane next summer.

  14. Anonymous12:29 AM

    ""Remember how veterans of the war were treated at Walter Reed Hospital during the Bush years?"

    I do. I was there, and I was treated very well.

    11:12 PM

    Liar. You are nothing but a ungrateful American who has never served a day in your miserable life. It's obvious that you don't remember or even know the circumstances there. That makes you a liberal progressive cowardly Dem.

  15. Grambling Man12:31 AM

    Dickster said...
    Rice admitted to Cheney that she had been wrong, and that he had been right. The only dispute is whether or not she got the sniffles when she admitted to him.

    That's what happens when a woman tries to do a man's job.

    I'll bet Cheney is telling the truth.

  16. Anonymous12:39 AM

    anon, "wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef

    hey kuntbreaf kimqueef how u doing? so u claimerate to be able to ignore this anon yet u engage me or refer to me all the time ya loser ure simply too dumb to remember all ur lies ya kuntsuckin imbecile jess like ur bulldyke friend kuntlickin banks ya qoohole idgit fool!"

    For once I agree with you. She quickly brushed me aside to throw darts at you while I was the one who tried to sympathize and support her! I won't make that mistake again. Obviously, the Queen, like AB, are addicts who love everything you throw at them.

    And you know what addicts are like? they say over and over again that "this is my last time taking this shit" but they always come back for more. They are like that with you. They get high from the abuse....SICKOS!

    10:55 PM
    anon wit sense

    tru dat anon wit sense tru dat that should show u a lesson for tryin to defend shit trash shit trash has no positive use it is messy dirty and spreads diseases like blog cancer those qoohole idgit imbeciles r like the phage disease plain nasty!

    cuz lets face it both of those kuntlick jerkwads kimdaqueef and kuntlickin banks is off some bullshit claimeratin to ha all dat edumacayshun and neither of dem had a critical thought in they heads since the day they was born CHUMPS! and u rite they r into some shit too being abused but they deserve to be abused and until they get the hint and leave this anon will continue to abuse them! thats what they get for bothering poor maria and beautiful lite skint sharon from wisconsin!

  17. Anonymous12:42 AM

    As for Muslims, I'm not too pleased with how Africans are being treated in Libya. I always say the worst prejuice a Black person can experience is from another minority. And the darker they are, the more racist they are IMHO.

    Man I'm so happy today, I feel like doing the running man, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

    7:35 PM kimdaqueef

    doing the running man? doing the running man? wha??? when u said u was old a nucka didnt realize u was outta style AND old too chrick get u a makeover sweetie pie u prolly still wear feathered farah fawcett hair with a platinum streak or beyonce weaves from 2002 DUMMY! but now u even worse for a african american woman u outta style!!!

  18. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I always say the worst prejuice a Black person can experience is from another minority.
    kuntlick protegee da wannabe dawktaw

    what is prejuice? is it like grape juice or orange juice? or something oh wait did u mean prejudice miss edumacayted wit the four or five alleged degrees? gawds u show ur funky ashy disgusting fishy smelling black ass each and every day dummy! u r not a doctor nor a queen and dummy.........u aint convincin nobody that u r! muah muah muah muah muah muah muah!

  19. Anonymous12:46 AM

    why da kimqueef feel the need to say somethin all the time? it aint like she sayin shit sometimes its best to listen to ur grandma and shut up and be quiet ya know if miss queefkim was more quiet who knows? she mite convince more of us that she has class and edumacayshun....but jess like a five cent hooka it dont take much for the illusion to be ruint!!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Cheney, Oh yeah, Bullshit: the 4th constans in American politics.

  22. Anonymous1:46 AM

    "Booze, Broads and Bucks are the 3 constants in American Politics."

    Oh shit! I am so sorry I missed seeking a job in politics. It sounds like a lot of fun and get paid for it too. And once you they leave the profession, they have made millions. Damn, I am sorry I missed it. What was I thinking?

    Whitey, you ruined my night. I won't be able to sleep thinking what could have been.

  23. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    Just in case anyone is wondering which meeting my abstract was accepted for, it was at the national coalition of women who wear size 10 ferragamos, for placement in the ass of psycho, stalking looney bitches on the net.

    Said as Dr. Queen does the cabbage patch into the sunset, LOL!!!

    wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef

    gosh queefdakim so u got big feet huh? a size 10 on a woman is a big foot so not only is u fat as phukk but u got big feet and cante half spell? my lawd the gawds done phukked ya over didn't they sweetie pie! dats why u claimerate to ha all these degrees and edumacayshun to overcompensate eye got chu now chrick eye got chu and not only dat u like to be abused and cussed? u r one sick puppy!

    and about the ferragamos wha??? who ever heard of them? oh wait some keep up wit the jones materialist fool who dont know the first thing about fine clothing see dummy if u was really into wearing fine attire u would ha a a tailor or seamstress make yo clothes dummy! jess more material that uve hung urself wit dummY!

  24. Anonymous3:44 AM

    and u would ha yo shoes custom built 4 ur feet dummy! that is what u spend real money on not no bullshit farragamo nouvou riche crap dummy!

  25. Farley3:57 AM

    If it's possible, I don't believe either one of the two Bush-itez' stories.

    I bet someone could get rich making a dvd of "Republicans Gone Wild". Eh, maybe not.It wouldn't much different from a day of a day of presiding over the House, I bet.

  26. Anonymous5:25 AM

    dick cheney always seems bitter cuz he a android programed to be evil yoll jess wait and see when he start malfunctioning werse ule wonder how come he alive after 25 heart attacks! muah muah muha muha muha muah muah muah

  27. "Please provide evidence Cheney made one dollar from the Iraq War."

  28. Congrats Dr. Queen! Keep doing what you do in the academic world.

    "Dickster said...
    Rice admitted to Cheney that she had been wrong, and that he had been right. The only dispute is whether or not she got the sniffles when she admitted to him.

    That's what happens when a woman tries to do a man's job.

    I'll bet Cheney is telling the truth."

    You are no Grambling Man. Eddie Robinson must be turning in his grave.

  29. The person who gets to veto the meeting time is usually the person with higher status. My boss can override my scheduled meetings; I can't change his. Obama needs to know what message he sends on things like this.

  30. Quote:Bagdad Bob ”Please provide evidence Cheney made one dollar from the Iraq War.”

    No problem:

    Defense Secretary Cheney commissioned a study for the U.S. Department of Defense by Brown and Root Services a wholly owned subsidiary of Halliburton. The study recommended that firms such as Halliburton should take over logistical support for the U.S. military. Two years later Cheney became CEO of Halliburton.

    Halliburton was the principal beneficiary of Cheney’s privatization of logistical support and Cheney was paid $44 million for five year's work before he became Vice-President of the United States.

    During Cheney’s time at Halliburton they used offshore subsidiaries as tax shelters to hide profits from the IRS. Halliburton also used off-shore subsidiaries to contract for services and sell banned equipment to Iran, Iraq and Libya. This would be have been illegal if done directly by Halliburton. Halliburton has 58 offshore subsidiaries in Caribbean tax havens, under Cheney ‘s leadership Halliburton’s US tax payments dropped from $302 million in 1998 to zero in 1999.

    During this period, Halliburton Products and Services set up offices in Iran. This Halliburton subsidiary does approximately $40 million a year worth of oil field service work for the Iranian government. 60 Minutes visited the subsidiary in the Cayman Islands and found that it had no office and no employees. The mailing address was a local bank with which the subsidiary is registered. Halliburton had created the subsidiary to allow itself to do illegal business with a rogue state and to skip out on its taxes in the process.

    So at the time that Iran’s president was promising to destroy Israel and was being accused by the Bush administration of harboring and aiding al-Qaeda, Cheney’s company was doing business with Iran through a subsidiary and dodging its tax payments to the U.S.

    Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) has shown that Cheney's stock options were worth more than $8 million during his tenure as Veep (an increase of 3,281% over that period.)

    Cheney also continued to received a deferred salary from the company after he left his job there. He was paid $205,298 in 2001; $162,392 in 2002; $178,437 in 2003; and $194,852 in 2004.

    During this period Haliburton received more than $10 Billion worth of Iraq contracts, and built the Guantanamo Bay Concentration camp.


  32. PC, isn't this easy?

  33. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Interesting. Cheney profits from his actions...and some AnonyTroll is upset that it gets mentioned.
    His wite Five Deferment fantasy of a weeping chick bowing to his masterful manly superiority....reads like the boilerplate hackery of 'Letters to Penthouse'...and about as valid.
    Hmmm...Liberal/Progressive Democrat serves their country...did the Chickenhawk?

    The US has traditionally treated its Vets with less than caring. Read about it in real History.

    Obama is nice to people who continually weep for the pittance offered to Granny for her set aside wages to Social Security. Kasich is successful? How? By what metric? Oh, youmight want to see what connects Standard & Poors to FAUX, his current employer.
    Loved how the FAUX people heroically called for Granny to lose her teeny Social Security pay for FEMA...and avoided the horrible nasty icy idea of raising taxes on corporations and the rich. Oh, if you can read French....check out the similar excuses used by the French aristos to avoid taxes...just before they were removed.


  34. Geez, I thought everyone knew about the Cheney/Halliburton link, event the dumb a$$e$

    And thanks Field, says Dr. Queen who woke up, doing the running man! :)

    Say stalker BITCH, "wha.........wha....wha, wha, wha, (charlie brown style), how's 'dat ass feeling this morning?

  35. Anonymous8:04 AM

    when will our people stop acting like animals?

  36. BetterMan8:33 AM

    Shady_Grady said...
    The person who gets to veto the meeting time is usually the person with higher status. My boss can override my scheduled meetings; I can't change his. Obama needs to know what message he sends on things like this.

    5:39 AM

    When a president addresses the nation from inside the U.S. Capitol on any other occasion, he is expected to speak on matters of genuine national importance, not partisan advantage. This is because under our Constitution's system of separation of powers, a president has to be invited to come to Capitol Hill and speak.

    The State of the Union address evolved from the command in Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution.
    He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.

    Outside the annual State of the Union address and transitions of power, presidents have pretty much limited their addresses before a joint session of Congress to major issues of national security

    The patented Obama partisan speech with its straw men, false choices, blame-shifting, and self-aggrandizement in the very heart of representative democracy is likely to only make more people realize what a terrible mistake they made in 2008.

    Obama's Joint Session Blunder
    By Rosslyn Smith

  37. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    Just in case anyone is wondering which meeting my abstract was accepted for, it was at the national coalition of women who wear size 10 ferragamos....

    Not that long ago, a woman who wore size 6 shoes would have been considered large of foot.
    Now, she's the average – and there's many with hooves far heftier than hers.

    Sales figures show that the average woman's shoe size has gone up from a 5 in the past five years.

    This means that demand for the biggest sizes, such as 9s, 10s and 11s, is also rising.

    The increase has been attributed to the obesity epidemic.

    Medical experts believe that eating high-density foods such as pizza and processed foods during puberty stimulates the growth hormone.

    This not only increases waist size, but affects other parts of the body such as the hands and feet.

    Big feet, big hands, big waist...adams apple??

    Read more:
    Read more:

  38. Yup.

    Though you have to ask what kind of numpty is it that asks us to prove that Cheney profiteered from war without checking that the info wasn't easily available first?

  39. Brother, Can You Spare A Job?9:15 AM

    And the jobs just keep coming!:


    "The U.S. says the economy added no jobs in August, the worst number since September 2010. The jobless rate was unchanged at 9.1%.
    While the number was partially distorted by a one-time quirk from more than 40,000 striking Verizon workers, it was still weak in comparison to job gains of about 200,000 a month earlier this year.
    Economists typically estimate the nation needs to add about 150,000 jobs each month to keep up with population growth alone. It needs even stronger growth to recover the millions of jobs lost during the financial crisis."

  40. i bet the hos made/will make even more millions at that corp ho hobama's/the dem's conventions...


  41. ie

    aren't more dems black studs?

    ditto for hobama's LONGER nose???

  42. homohating faceless fool:

    u r legally wed and legally insane

    cc that bs to all the children of hets on death row/in prisons etc

    and to millions of psycho/murderous/abusive het parents: ie patsy ramsey/roman polanski/casey anthony etc

    I DARE any gaybashing neocon fool to name ONE single homosexual parent who is as abusive as any ONE of the aforementioned heterosexuals!!! Millions of children are sexually abused, murdered, neglected, and emotionally destroyed by heterosexuals DAILY. HETEROSEXUAL PARENTS ARE ABUSING CHILDREN GLOBALLY AS YOU READ THESE WORDS. The fallout of their "sacred" and "superior" parenting is evident in prisons and on city streets worldwide. Millions of tragic runaways and heinous criminals are reared by heterosexuals.

    Superior parents are superior humans. They exude unconditional love and uncompromising character. They nurture without hatred, bigotry, and sexism. They feed, clothe, shelter, and educate. These qualities are the ONLY things that matter to any child; especially one orphaned by allegedly heterosexual parents.

    Being a superior parent has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation!!! Some of the world’s greatest persons were reared by single women. Many of these women are lesbians.

    Homosexuals are uniquely qualified to be superior parents. Many are FAR more educated and financially stable than the illiterate and unemployed heterosexuals who dare to bash them. Many homosexual men are not bound by the sexist and macho madness that destroys boys and girls daily. Being truly in touch with their femininity, homosexual fathers hug as warmly as any mom. What maniacally macho, heterosexual morons consider “mushy”, homosexual dads consider human. Their sons become more human because of this superior perception. Their daughters become appreciative of men who can be humane rather than macho caricatures of real men.

    Likewise, many lesbian moms can play ball as well as they can bake. We teach our daughters to avoid sexism in academia as expertly as we teach them to avoid date rape. We know that no gender mandates weakness, nor has any monopoly on strength. Our sons learn to see women as people not weak toys.

    The gaybashing fools who claim that they are better parents are often abusive to their children. They are too selfish to ever adopt anyone. They are dysfunctional, bigoted, sexist, eurocentric, white supremacist, and psychotic. Fortunately, few of them would ever qualify as adoptive parents as many homosexuals do. Many of them are deadbeat dads who do not even pay child support. Many of their own children are homeless and in need of adoption. Many of them sexually abuse the children they guard so vigilantly against homosexuals. 99% of pedophiles are gaybashing heterosexual men who molest their own daughters and nieces.

    Unlike hatred and ignorance, sexuality is NOT contagious!!! Children do not catch sexuality from their parents like they catch the flu. My own parents are heterosexual. So are the parents of millions of other homosexuals. Just as our parents did not "make" us heterosexual, we do not "make" our children homosexual. All of the children of all of the lesbian moms I know personally are all heterosexual. The gaybashing fools that dare to slander all gay parents are the same fools who ban “Ellen” from their televisions. They change the dial to make sure their kids are watching murder and mayhem instead. What great parents they are: "My kid might be a serial killer...but he won’t be no damned sissy!!!..."

  43. illogical insane homohating retard:


    jodie foster and dorothy dandridge are the children of lesbian parents

    lindsey lohan and chrs brown are the children of het parents

    i rest my case u silly mf

    The authors found that children raised by lesbian mothers — whether the mother was partnered or single — scored very similarly to children raised by heterosexual parents on measures of development and social behavior. These findings were expected, the authors said; however, they were surprised to discover that children in lesbian homes scored higher than kids in straight families on some psychological measures of self-esteem and confidence, did better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems, such as rule-breaking and aggression.

    "We simply expected to find no difference in psychological adjustment between adolescents reared in lesbian families and the normative sample of age-matched controls," says Gartrell. "I was surprised to find that on some measures we found higher levels of [psychological] competency and lower levels of behavioral problems. It wasn't something I anticipated."

    In addition, children in same-sex-parent families whose mothers ended up separating did as well as children in lesbian families in which the moms stayed together.

    Read more:,8599,1994480,00.html#ixzz1WnxQ62CV,8599,1994480,00.html

  44. anon I said I'm a previous thread, boner played himself. how? Obama made the call to boner and Reid around noon to let them know what he was going to do. Obama got the approval initially. Boner recanted 4 hrs later.

    The Republican debate could have followed after Obama's speech and then center partly on Obama's jobs plan. but no, they wanted to put that boy in place.

    Obama made the Republicans look stupid againner played himself. how? Obama made the call to boner and Reid around noon to let them know what he was going to do. Obama got the approval initially. Boner recanted 4 hrs later.

    The Republican debate could have followed after Obama's speech and then center partly on Obama's jobs plan. but no, they wanted to put that boy in place.

    Obama made the Republicans look stupid again

  45. field negro said...
    PC, isn't this easy?

    It's easy to explain how Halliburton made money.

    But Cheney never received anything from Halliburton as Vice President:

    And Cheney has never exercised his Halliburton options, and therefore has not made anything from them.

    The charge that Cheney made money from the Iraq War is a cheap slander that is easily disproved.

    As an attorney Field, you should know better than to rely on pompous know-it-all ideologues like Purple Cow, who think they know what they are talking about.

    That was easy.

  46. @NSangoma 8:46 pm: There is very little actually read of the experiences of those who have their boots on the ground--I really, really wish more people--dare I say EVERYBODY?--would read "Shade it Black" by Jessica Goodell. Google her; watch her talk about her book and her experiences on youtube. In addition to what she details in her text, notice the death in her eyes and in her demeanor--in her affect. When are we going to stop killing our young--both those who die and those who don't.

  47. i sure wish as many hobama nazis enraged by hobama moving his worthless jobs speech...

    could get equally fired up about the 8 million + actual jobs that hobama and his banksters have moved into oblivion/overseas...

    which is worse???

  48. stupid homohating assnon:


    the horrid parents
    2 psycho stepfathers/killers in the WM3 case are ALL hets too!!!

  49. how many het parents seeking to murder chaz bono

    let their kids watch CSI/BET etc endlessly????

    or play psycho video games like "grand theft auto" etc all night????


  50. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Folks, don't bother to look up Rosslyn Smith. They 'rite' for Merican Thnunker...and Butters is trying to sell your 'eyeballs' to the scamsite.

    ShoeFetishTroll, wasn't Julia Child a woman...with feet? Hate to break it to you binding enthusiast...but the folks didn't sell those sizes...because they declined to make them. Women with 'larger than your wish' feet had to make do with men's shoes. You are speaking of foot length...what, exactly, does that have to do with obesity? might have to do with the improved nutrition when eveel Keynesian spending was enacted. It might have to do with fewer women having Duggar broods...and therefore having food. It might have to do with businesses now keeping records on women's purchases.

    TrollBag insists that an ad made during a campaign is proof Cheney did not profit. Actually, the ad discussed Cheney's pay..and was from 2004, it seems. And our esteemed Dick fan has left out the numerous other ways of rewarding an exec...besides pay and stocks.
    Hiring children or spouses as 'consultants' or 'interns'. Stadium deals. Contracts awarded to a company made up of your family and incorporated in the Caymans. Gifts.

    A man whose personal greed stood out as avaricious among CEOs....and you expect us to beleeverate he did anything for the good of the US? Five deferments...should indicate the high regard he holds citizenship.


  51. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Mrs. C said...
    "When are we going to stop killing our young--both those who die and those who don't."
    These youngsters thought that they were going to liberate a people from a dictatorship which they didn't want, and that everyone there would be waiting for them with open arms. Peace of cake! NOT!
    They were not prepared for the ferocity of a people that would be relentless in their effort to keep their country and their OIL! :) That's why they're in shock. Kids are fed such crap these days. If they were given the truth, which is "we here in the cold part of the globe would die without petroleum. It is necessary for our very existence!(plus we make a lot of money selling it to you). Perhaps they would have gone in with their eyes open and truly waged a war. Not that I'm for war, I'm not. But if you're going to send someone to war, tell them the truth about what it's for. Ce la vie...

  52. Anonymous4:13 PM

    And thanks Field, says Dr. Queen who woke up, doing the running man! :)

    Say stalker BITCH, "wha.........wha....wha, wha, wha, (charlie brown style), how's 'dat ass feeling this morning? dumb queefdakim

    golly queefdakim hows that affect moi u ax? well since u aint no doctor and u aint no queen it dont do me no nevermind field negro was simply being ice to u dummy! he knows u aint shit neither!

  53. the blackish black-agendaless hobama is 27 times worse than gwb!!!


    The African-American jobless rate climbed from 15.9 to 16.7, which only strengthens the argument of Black lawmakers that there is a critical need to specifically address this problem. Their white counterparts who saw their unemployment rate decrease to 8.0% in August from 8.1% in July, African Americans saw their unemployment rate increase to 16.7% in August from 15.9% in July.

    The unemployment rate for Black males rose a whole percentage point to 18.0 percent and from 39.2 to 46.5 percent for Black youths aged 16-19.

    About 155,000 blacks got jobs in August, but the group’s unemployment rate still went up because those jobs weren’t enough to make up for all the people who started looking for work during the month.

    The unemployment rate among Hispanics was also considerably higher than the national average, at 11.3%

  54. memo to that undocumeted "worker" hobama:


    An analysis based on U.S. Census Bureau data by the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) shows that the average unemployment rate for teens ages 16 to 19 in the District of Columbia was 50.1 percent as of June 2011. This corresponds with data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showing that for D.C. the annual average unemployment rate for teens in 2010 was 49.8 percent.

    Michael Saltsman, research fellow at EPI, provided the 50.1 percent figure to as an update of an analysis he compiled based on the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey.
    The 50.1 percent figure is almost double the average teen unemployment rate in June 2007 in the District, when it was 26.2 percent, according to Saltsman.

    Since 2007, the rate has increased each year: 29.5 percent in June 2008, 44.7 percent in 2009 and 48.8 percent in 2010, based on EPI’s analysis.

    “We’re in the midst of the third summer in a row where teen unemployment has been above 20 percent,” Saltsman said when he announced his report on July 8.

  55. BetterMan5:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Folks, don't bother to look up Rosslyn Smith. They 'rite' for Merican Thnunker...and Butters is trying to sell your 'eyeballs' to the scamsite.

    Alinsky Alert!!! Alinsky Alert!!!Look dinky, American thinker is an intellectual site, is that all people like you - whackjobs on the far, far left can do, never ever handle the content or think, just attack the source. Saul alinsky rules for radicals number 13. Only now when I see this I know immediately BINGO it hit home. The mindless can't discuss the facts so they attack the source - without any credibility whatsoever. Why? Because you are a mindless sheeple.

  56. Anonymous said...
    This means that demand for the biggest sizes, such as 9s, 10s and 11s, is also rising.

    The increase has been attributed to the obesity epidemic.

    Just because the women inYOUR family are all fat asses, don't ASSume that a 5'8" perfect size "8" Black woman like me, is a fat motherf*cker like you are!

    Not to mention the fact that because Black don't crack, at 44 I probably look younger than your children!

  57. Baghdad Bob, you are quite willfully stupid. Do you honestly expect us to believe that Cheney didn't profit from war?

    He privatized logistics and then led the largest company to profit from that privatization.

    He started a subsidiary that cheerfully worked with the Iranian government, when they were allegedly members of the 'axis of evil'.

    He ensured that Haliburton paid no taxes to the US government.

    How can you run away from that?

    Cheney is at best an amoral liar and profiteer, at worst a war criminal along side Bush and Blair.

  58. "He ensured that Haliburton paid no taxes to the US government.

    How can you run away from that?

    Cheney is at best an amoral liar and profiteer, at worst a war criminal along side Bush and Blair."

    "amoral liar and profiteer" pretty much sums him up. When I think of his Dickness VP Agnew comes to mind.

  59. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Butters...who is Saul Alinsky? Is this a poster? Or are you scared your selling eyeballs to a scamsite won't be the money fer nuttin' you had hoped it would be?
    What makes this an intellectual site? The word 'thinker' in the title? That it offers nepotism at its best?
    Or that it doesn't cause you to question any beleefs?
    Wonder who funds it? Who vets the pieces?
    In case you are wondering...there are lots of intellectual blogs. Some are general interest and others are much more focused upon a single issue.

    I did read their pieces...wingnut welfare. To call it intellectual is stretching the definition to include humans that breathe.

    Really, who is this scary, scary ooky booged-man Saul Alinsky? Is he like Welfare Queen? A product of your beleefs? Or is he an AlGore? One inflated to scare the rubes into funding you? Nothing shakes the money tree quite like the 'end of civilization as we likes it'. there's a sleaze from the Past. Hmmm...History proved him quite wrong.


  60. Baghdad Bob10:45 PM

    Purple Cow said.."He privatized logistics and then led the largest company to profit from that privatization.

    He started a subsidiary that cheerfully worked with the Iranian government, when they were allegedly members of the 'axis of evil'.

    He ensured that Haliburton paid no taxes to the US government.

    How can you run away from that?"

    I don't have to run, I can simply walk.

    War profiteering is a violation of US ethics standards and in some cases can be considered a criminal matter.

    There have been numerous inquiries into Cheney's situation. None have resulted in a single charge.

    As hated as Evil Dick was, do you not think there would have been some indictment of him when the dems controlled all branches of government? That some mainstream press organ would have exposed his vile deeds?

    The truth is, there is nothing there. Cheney is no national treasure, but he is certainly not a war criminal. Reality may not be as much fun for an idle gasbag such as yourself, but it's where the rest of us live.

    Ciao Cow.

  61. Antonio Gramsci12:06 AM

    mold doesn't know who Saul Alinsky is.


  62. "Though you have to ask what kind of numpty is it that asks us to prove that Cheney profiteered from war without checking that the info wasn't easily available first?"

    A typical conservative.

  63. ou would think the American people would be outraged at the treatment and living conditions of the troops who fight wars to keep their sorry asses safe and gas tanks full. Yet, there was hardly a peep out of them.
