Monday, September 12, 2011

"Tricky" people.

Not many people in these divided states are talking about the Jackie O tapes. She was the wife of Camelot, A-merry-can royalty, and we all loved her. (Yes, even you Negroes.) Girlfriend was Lady Diana before there was Lady Diana.

But sadly, now we know how Jackie O really felt about one of A-merry-ca's icons, and a hero to you Negroes. 

"The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is a “phony” because of his skirt-chasing ways"

Oh my! Poor Jackie O, maybe she saw too much of her husband in brother Martin. Because, make no mistake, to paraphrase Tupac; my man got around.

"Mrs Kennedy said her view of King was formed after being told of secret FBI wiretaps which showed him trying to organise a sex party before he attended the March on Washington in August 1963, at which he delivered his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. She said her brother-in-law Robert told her that King made disparaging remarks about JFK at the funeral and about Cardinal Richard Cushing, who delivered the eulogy. I just can’t see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man’s terrible,’ she said.

He made fun of Cardinal Cushing and said that he was drunk at it [the funeral] – and things about they almost dropped the coffin. I mean Martin Luther King is really a tricky person." [Source]

Yes Jackie, those Negroes can be tricky. Kind of like former First Ladies. 

Finally, I see that the republicans, as promised, found it in their big hearts to block disaster aid to flood stricken states:

"Republicans blocked an effort Monday by Senate Democrats to quickly pass a $7 billion aid package for victims of recent natural disasters like Hurricane Irene, tornadoes in the Midwest and the South and floods along the Mississippi, Missouri and other rivers.

On a 53-33 vote, the Senate rejected an attempt by Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., to bring up a bill that Democrats had hoped to use to replenish the Federal Emergency Management Agency's depleted disaster fund. Democrats needed 60 votes to advance the measure.

Reid said FEMA has spent almost $400 million in the past two weeks on emergency help like food and shelter following Irene and has only about $300 million left.

President Barack Obama on Friday asked Congress for $500 million to make sure the disaster fund doesn't run out of cash before the end of the month. He also officially asked for $4.6 billion for the upcoming budget year that starts Oct. 1.
Earlier Monday, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said Republicans will attach a disaster aid package to must-pass legislation for keeping the government fully running past Sept. 30. That stopgap spending bill is likely to advance next week.

They're playing around the edges of what really needs to be done," Reid complained, saying hundreds of millions of dollars is needed to rebuild places like Joplin, Mo., where a tornado in May destroyed more than 7,000 homes and 10 school buildings and killed 159 people." [Source]

Oh come on now Mr. Reid, these are just people. It's not like they are corporations or anything.


  1. Farley10:06 PM

    I'm surprised Jacki-O wasn't the one who wound up face down in a pool.

    She sounded drugged up in her interviews.

  2. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I don't blame Jackie. How else was she going to feel about MLK? From where she was standing, he was a phony minister! MLK was a lust hound and that makes a Reverend look like a hypocrit.

    This changes my opinion of King as a great minister. He is in the same class as-- what's the mega-church pastor in Georgia who recently got nailed for his lust?

    Just think. MLK was trying to organize an orgy a little before the March. That is disgusting. Looks like the only straight shooter in the 60s was Malcolm X.

  3. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Field, update your Killadelphia meter. Why are you so far behind?

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I would like to get some BBQ soul cheese from Wisconsin. I hear it is really good.

    Do you know, or is there anybody from WI on your blog lives in WI who knows how I might find this delicious cheese?

    I want to lay off the beef and pork ribs, and I hear WI bbq cheese will help me to do this. Please Mr. Field, you have got to help me.

  5. Anonymous10:31 PM

    "But sadly, now we know how Jackie O really felt about one of A-merry-ca's icons, and a hero to you Negroes."

    Do we have any bm icons who are not tainted with sex-itis? this is the last straw. If MLK couldn't be loyal to his wife, then that says something about bm!

    Fess up, Field.

  6. mellaneous11:04 PM

    @Anon- don't get all self-righteous and judgemental about a person whom you got information about from the very people who hated him and called him Public
    Enemy Number One.

    I wouldn't judge anybody based on info provided from their worst enemy.

    Even if he was lustful the overwhelming evidence says that he was a great person. And it would take most a few lifetimes to even come close to affecting the kind of change for the better than this man did with one life. One that was cut short by his enemies.

    All of the folks trying to judge MLK are actually in no position to judge because ironically, the book which is the basis for their judgement warns about judging folks while looking thru dirty lenses. Or another saying points out that you shouldn't judge unless you are willing to be judged by the same standard.

    What you are doing is showing your own bias and at the same time being a hypocrite.

    I find it interesting that the rumors circulating that make JFK a lech and filanderer don't have folks running around talking about they don't respect him. HMMMM!

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth11:10 PM

    Well, you know what they say about if you living in a glass house. Let's see Peter Cook, Bobby Kennedy, Aristotle Onassis,

    I wonder did Jackie think the same of JFK. After all, he was having quite a few affairs him self. Marilyn Monroe, Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming, Angie Dickinson, Judith Campbell, Ellen Rometsch, Jayne Mansfield. Yup, JFK was a presidential player!

  8. Anonymous11:23 PM

    MLK was a dog but a good dog nonetheless cuz every dog has his day after all;)

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth11:24 PM

    To tell you the truth, I don't believe she said it, but then you never know. She did not strike me as a person that went around badmouthing people. Then again, the tapes could have been doctored. Now, J Edgar Hoover, that about sizes him up because he was poisonous for real and hated black folks and was a black man himself.

  10. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Mellaneous, "I find it interesting that the rumors circulating that make JFK a lech and filanderer don't have folks running around talking about they don't respect him. HMMMM!"

    It is different with JFK. Everybody knew he was a womanizer. But MLK was a minister, a man of God. No one knew MLK was playing around. That's terrible. If the pastor isn't honest then who is? WHO in our race is an icon who didn't play around? We have a big problem in our race and I think everyone knows it, esp our bw!

    Mell, face it. When it comes to sex and lies, our bm are dogs. But I can see where you, Mr. Mell, would be standing up for MLK. Aren't you a minister too?

  11. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Granny, "I wonder did Jackie think the same of JFK. After all, he was having quite a few affairs him self. Marilyn Monroe, Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming, Angie Dickinson, Judith Campbell, Ellen Rometsch, Jayne Mansfield. Yup, JFK was a presidential player!"

    Granny, you are making up stuff on JFK. He wasn't that bad and didn't come close to MLK. Of course, you always try to find some White man to cover up for some bm. Why can't you just deal with the truth, for once?...Don't you see all the babies being made by teenage girls and boys in our community?... Well, they are just carrying on the legacies of our bm icons. And guess what? JFK has nothing to do with it....SMH.

  12. Anonymous11:45 PM

    "The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is a “phony” because of his skirt-chasing ways"

    She is exactly right and I am sure the Lord is with her. This is shameful for our race. Thank goodness Rev. Al Sharpton is straight.

  13. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Looks like this is going to be an ANON night. It figures. These FN Negroes with ids can't handle the disgraceful truth.

  14. Great mind think alike Field! We talked about this as well today. Jackie had quite a bit to say. Its obvious she was still angry in 64, when she gave these interviews. I really like Jackie Kennedy , but was a little annoyed she had the nerve to call out MLK. This was based on a rumor that was never confirmed and her husband was 10 times worse. JFK carried on relationships that would have gotten us all killed - a russian spy. I guess you are right, she saw in MLK what she saw in her husband.

  15. Strange Jackie-O would say that.
    From what I've read, she was quite the sausage chaser in her day.

  16. Good Lord, Jackie probably saw reflections of Jack Kennedy in MLK and that's probably why she said what she allegedly said.

    The fact that Jack Kennedy and MLK were skirt chasers does not detract from the good each man did in his position, in terms of civil rights and peace. There probably isn't a POTUS or minister who hasn't had some female shaking her slip at them; I'm not excusing them, but, shoot, we got other things to worry about than whether or not two assassinated public officials got their respective grooves on outside of their marriages.

    Just like Bill Clinton - if they're creeping on their wives, it's between them and their wives. Maybe if Dick Cheney, Rummy and Gee Shrubya had got some outside of their marriages, maybe this country wouldn't still be fighting wars in the Middle East.

  17. StillaPanther212:51 AM

    Brother Field" the end of the day Brother Martin was still a man. somehow when men of my youth gained a certain status we allowed them librations. We as a people did not care about his status as a long as he kept it low. As a race we have always allowed this. This is akin to most of our entertainers/athletes "walking hand in hand" with the white women. My parents and my peers ..brothers did not have the the details of who laid know. By the way during the mid60s Brother Martin was no lingers the head that was pushing the cart. America was forced to Chang due to Brother Malcolm and of course the Black panther party. Those of you that wasn't there.....continue to place stock in the race that did not see you as human. The results is seen daily so it doesn't matter how you got here. You are here. Thank me later when you start hearing from your own historian. HH to Brother Mell and of course Sister Granny.Will die a Black Panther.

  18. GrannyStandingforTruth12:54 AM

    Basically, I could care less about who is sleeping with who, it's not important, because that really does not solve any problems in the world today. It is not going to put people back to work, end the war, or stop people from stealing folks retirement money, end violence, end police brutality, or end Fox We Make It Up News, or stop any of those crazier than a road lizard people from getting in the White House to make matters worse, and I could go on and on about issues that are really important.

    I would rather stay out of what people do in their bedroom, or hotel and motels, or where ever they're doing it at and concentrate on solving some of the problems we face.

    Anonymous, fyi, half of my blood relatives are white.

  19. mellaneous1:23 AM

    so-called black anon:

    I stand by what I said. Nobody actually knows if all those accusations about King are true, and they were made by his enemies.

    And Lord knows we and you are in no position to judge. And cut out pretending you are black.

    And it seems that its not just black men screwing folks.

    MLK was a great man. And you can't and won't accomplish a tenth of what he did to help free black folks as well as advance the cause of human rights.

    If he didn't do God's work on earth for the cause of love and justice then I don't know who did.
    Sometimes its just wise to be quiet.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth1:34 AM

    Mellaneous ^5.

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth1:48 AM

    What I find odd is that this tape is brought up at a time when there are some folks out there that want to end Affirmative Action and Civil Rights in Post-racist-America. And all the sudden interest in plantations and slavery being hinted at.

    Has me thinking this incident is nothing more than a subtle ploy to poison the minds and strengthen another agenda. I'm trying to remember if MLK was even at JFK funeral. The Civil Rights bill hasn't passed yet.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth2:04 AM


    Hmmm...I am trying hard to remember if MLK was at JFK funeral because the funeral process and whole service was shown on tv. It was a pretty big funeral.

  23. mellaneous2:56 AM

    @Granny thanks for the high five and you have one coming yourself. The timing of this foolishness is indeed suspect.

  24. "Field, update your Killadelphia meter. Why are you so far behind?"

    No, it's fine.The numbers are correct. Unless you live here and just killed somebody. Something you want to tell us?

    I co-sign Mel. You never know with J Edgar and the boyz.

    "Marilyn Monroe, Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming, Angie Dickinson, Judith Campbell, Ellen Rometsch, Jayne Mansfield..."

    "She is exactly right and I am sure the Lord is with her. This is shameful for our race. Thank goodness Rev. Al Sharpton is straight."

    At least his hair is.

    "Marilyn Monroe, Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming, Angie Dickinson, Judith Campbell, Ellen Rometsch, Jayne Mansfield."

    Oh my, Granny, that's quite a list.:)

    When did he have time to be Prez? This adds new meaning to the term, "Cuban Missile Crisis".

  25. Every person on this planet has his/her faults and failings. Being a chronic skirtchaser didn't exactly detract from JFK's legacy, and few people let whatever philandery committed by Dr. King overshadow the important achievements and legacy he ultimately left. In other words, this issue is actually a non-issue.

    "Mell, face it. When it comes to sex and lies, our bm are dogs. But I can see where you, Mr. Mell, would be standing up for MLK. Aren't you a minister too?"

    "bm?" What does that stand for? "bowel movement?" "bitmap?" "beatmaster?" "beef mountain?" You're confusing us, here. Why can't you just say "black men" like everyone else?

    "Has me thinking this incident is nothing more than a subtle ploy to poison the minds and strengthen another agenda. I'm trying to remember if MLK was even at JFK funeral. The Civil Rights bill hasn't passed yet."

    You may be on to something. The whole story is supposed to put a serious dent in the ol' "darky" faith in their liberal icons. If you can disillusion African Americans from supporting liberal leaders and liberal causes, not only does that place conservatives in the catbird seat, but it also makes it easier for them to roll back Affirmative Action, the Civil Rights bill and practically everything else short of the 14th Amendment that's made it possible for black Americans to be recognized and placed on an equal footing with their white American counterparts.

  26. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Good morning Field! You're a regular comedian today! :)) Thank you for bringing a smile to my sad face with your comments of 6:02 am :)
    Have a very nice day!

  27. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "JFK carried on relationships that would have gotten us all killed - a russian spy. I guess you are right, she saw in MLK what she saw in her husband."

    It is not only Jackie, it is ALL of us. Humans are quick to see faults in others but slow to see those same shortcomings in themselves. The great transformation and awakening is to realize this, which few ever do. Jackie is no different from any of us.

    However, she is exactly correct about MLK, REGARDLESS of what JFK did. Negroes don't like the truth that shames them. But it is what it is.

  28. Anonymous7:02 AM

    StillAPanther2-"The results is seen daily so it doesn't matter how you got here. You are here. Thank me later when you start hearing from your own historian. HH to Brother Mell and of course Sister Granny.Will die a Black Panther."

    You are exactly right. Those of us who were old enough to experience the sixties know Blacks today are considered less by Whites as well as Browns, esp Mexicans.

    That has, and will not's the devastating karmic effects of slavery calcified in the mind and heart of America. and it doesn't matter whether you are Black or White. We are all affected in that way.

    Brother, may you live a long life and may you die as you have professed. In the end, if being a Panther was the job assigned to you by God, then may you die peacefully. We are probably around the same age, but I just want to die a child and servant of God, without any concern to color, position or status in this temporary world. I personally think race is bs and a waste of time. It separates, not unite our humanity. It is quite blinding.

  29. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Granny, "Anonymous, fyi, half of my blood relatives are white."

    ????what's your point?

  30. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Mell, "And Lord knows we and you are in no position to judge. And cut out pretending you are black."

    I AM Black, and you are in no position to judge me because I don't think like you. You are just like Jackie when it comes to judging see faults in others that you fail to see in yourself, like "judging".

  31. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Mell, "MLK was a great man. And you can't and won't accomplish a tenth of what he did to help free black folks as well as advance the cause of human rights."

    Yes, he was a great man who moved millions. He was also a weak hypocritical man who couldn't stay out of bed with other women. He was married with children. That's makes him selfish and sinful too. The man greater than he was Malcolm X for he lived as he spoke. He was totally infidelity, No lies...NOT hypocritical.

    The idea that MLK freed Blacks is debatable. Look at our race today. See any free Blacks? What I see are Blacks in denial like you and Blacks who are afraid and Blacks wishing they weren't Black.

    MLK, Malcolm X, the Panthers were all a 'flash' in the pan in the sixties. They represented and modeled what we COULD HAVE BEEN as a race if we were willing to sacrifice for it. But alas, that has NOT happened, and never will.

  32. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Anon, "She is exactly right and I am sure the Lord is with her. This is shameful for our race. Thank goodness Rev. Al Sharpton is straight."

    Field, "At least his hair is".

    You know something, I am getting sick and tired of you picking on Al. I challenge you to find any lustful dirt on big Al. You won't find any because he is a "true" minister and servant of God.

    There are ONLY two Reverends who are not prisoners of Lust: Rev AL Sharpton and Rev Manning. I suggest you pick one and start attending his services.

  33. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Granny, "Marilyn Monroe, Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming, Angie Dickinson, Judith Campbell, Ellen Rometsch, Jayne Mansfield."

    Field, "Oh my, Granny, that's quite a list.:)"

    Now you know that list is a lie. Why Granny would want to lie on JFK is beyond me. Some people are compulsive liars.

  34. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Mack Lyons, "You may be on to something. The whole story is supposed to put a serious dent in the ol' "darky" faith in their liberal icons. If you can disillusion African Americans from supporting liberal leaders and liberal causes, not only does that place conservatives in the catbird seat, but it also makes it easier for them to roll back Affirmative Action, the Civil Rights bill and practically everything else short of the 14th Amendment that's made it possible for black Americans to be recognized and placed on an equal footing with their white American counterparts."

    Affirmative Action, Civil Rights bill...whatever. Sooner or later Blacks must see that we are destined to be used and abused and because of racism and white privilege. NO amount legislation is going to save us Americans, Black or White, from racism. It lies deep in the heart and until the heart changes nothing will change.

    The problem lies primarily in the hearts of the perpetrators. "It's a white man's disease."--Einstein

  35. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Desertflower, I hope you are doing well. Have a good day.

  36. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Desertflower, I hope you are doing well. Have a good day.
    Thank you! I hope you and everyone here has a fabulous day today!

  37. ditto fn

    both mlk and jfk are my heroes

    they were both UNIQUELY great human men
    and TYPICALLY very lousy husbands

    both were legendary male whores/freaks
    both loved orgies
    both collected female whores
    all humans have flaws


    jackie o was bold!!!
    jfk made mlk look like a virgin saint/slacker
    jfk hosted his orgies in the white house/jackie's own home
    that is worse than king and his hotels and apts

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. what pains me more than how mlk abused coretta/whores is how the cool afrocentric boy mlk grew into another psycho oj...

    i am certain that the constant racism led to his sexual dementia

    also typical...and a gd shame

    but his consenting adult sex life has nothing to do with his public/global legacy

    ditto for malcolm x

  40. ps:

    i will always adore and revere both jfk and mlk

    warts and all

    they will always be heroes
    but jackie o is now a hypocrite


  41. granny:


    j edgar hoover was a rabidly racist homohating gay black man
    who passed as white and het

    jeh hated himself..dually!
    he left his entire estate to his wm lover

    that is why jeh tortured and fired gay fbi peers etc
    why he harassed abused and slew mlk ruthlessly
    also why he marked the BPP for death
    and tortured proud gay man bayard rustin

    jeh was FAR more sinful and evil than mlk and jfk combined

  42. more on the tortured bm jeh

  43. anon:


    abraham lincoln and george washington were gay/dl cheaters like hobama

    their wm legacies also remain in tact

    so shall mlk's!!!!!!!

  44. Anonymous11:11 AM

    see this is what happens when field negro try to be nice to crazies he gets comment spammed by a wingnutterist kuntlickin imbecile jess like kuntlickin banks hey banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? got any recent publications miss scholar? oh wait u majored in communications didnt cha? so basically ure useless ya fool!

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. clarification:

    both were legally wed great dads
    serial slug baby deddies

    yet another reason jfk and mlk would have chosen celibacy over doing the vdlr


  47. MLK was a whore-mongering drunk. Malcolm X was sooooo gay. Both of their off the field activities could have destroyed the civil rights movement. They both were killed to protect the movement.

    What role did Jesse Jackson play in the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.?

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. i think jesse helped slay mlk to become prez/take over sclc etc...

    that is why he cried so when hobama won

    he sold his soul to be the 1st black prez and the blackish hobama won that kudo

    jesse hates hobama because he knows him...well

    mx gave a gay wm massages...
    he was a young bi thug hustler
    money has no gender for amoral thugs


    mx was FAR less gay/bi than abe lincoln and george washington...
    BOTH of whom had regular real sex with men...

  50. ps:

    het men sexually hustle gay fools and letches daily

    sam jackson was a coke addict who sold himself to gay men when a college student at morehouse...


    ahnold s sold himself/was kept by gay men as a boy toy top 4 yrs in LA...

    why only bash mx???

  51. jesse made many suspect moves the day king was executed


    jesse soared to the top for his sins swiftly thereafter too

    he has always been a media whore

    MARSHALL FRADY: Jackson had been standing 10 feet below King, in the courtyard of the Lorraine Motel, when the shot was fired. After the initial confusion, Jackson had made his way up to the second floor balcony where King lay dying.

    ANDREW YOUNG: After they removed his body, Ralph Abernathy got a jar and started scraping up the blood and said_ you know, and crying, it was Martin's precious blood. "This blood was shed for us." It was_ you know, it was weird, but people freaked out and did strange things. Jesse put his hands in the blood and wiped it on the front of his shirt, see, and it was_ it was_ I mean, what do you do in a moment like that?

    MARSHALL FRADY: Abernathy, Young and others went to the hospital. Jesse was left behind at the Lorraine, where the media began to swarm.

  52. Hate the white man.Love the white man booty.12:00 PM

    Is it possible to hate the white man while loving the white mans booty?

    Uptownsteve where you at? These are times when we need you bro.

  53. yes

    that is why many bm abuse white men's daughters'/wives/moms/sisers/auntssexually

    as surrogate punching bags/whore therapy...see?

    ask eldridge cleaver

  54. that is why many bm abuse white men's daughters'/wives/moms/sisters/aunt


  55. ask oj too

  56. alicia banks said...

    that is why many bm abuse white men's daughters'/wives/moms/sisers/auntssexually

    as surrogate punching bags/whore therapy...see?

    Thanks AB.You are wise beyond your years.

  57. Anonymous1:14 PM

    "abraham lincoln and george washington were gay/dl cheaters like hobama

    their wm legacies also remain in tact"

    First, Lincoln and Washington were not gay. Where do you get your info from?

    Secondly, their reputations remain in tact because they played MAJOR roles in the birth and growth of this nation.

    Without them, there would be no America. Also, they were White and we ALL know how important that is. They will be heroes of America eternally.

    MLK marched for the civil rights of all Americans, esp. Blacks who were treated as second class citizens and less than Whites.

    While MLK is to be commended in getting civil rights legislation going, Blacks are still not treated as equals. As I said before, all the legislation in the world won't change that. The change must come in the hearts of people. And clearly, many hearts of Whites AND some Blacks are not ready to change.

    The treatment of Blacks as less than Whites and often Browns, still continues. MLK's sexual roamings are disgusting and taints his reputation. He may be a hero, but NOT like he used to be.

  58. Anonymous1:20 PM

    fyi, UTS has backed off of FN. It no longer offers much these days for a bm like him. Also, he is probably moving back to the hood, due to unforeseen financial and spouse problems-a common problem among bm of his type.

  59. Gimme Some Nappy Crack1:38 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    MLK's sexual roamings are disgusting and taints his reputation. He may be a hero, but NOT like he used to be.

    1:14 PM"

    Well, I'll say one thing. MLK made it possible to visit any city in America big enough to have a Post Office in America, punch "MLK" into your GPS system, and drive straight to the nearest street corner to get your crack and Ho's.

  60. Lt. Commander Johnson1:42 PM

    " Hate the white man.Love the white man booty. said...
    Is it possible to hate the white man while loving the white mans booty?

    Uptownsteve where you at? These are times when we need you bro.

    12:00 PM"

    Steve can't help you on this one. He was strictly a catcher; not a pitcher.

  61. Don't be mad bro2:34 PM

    alicia banks said...

    that is why many bm abuse white men's daughters'/wives/moms/sisers/auntssexually

    as surrogate punching bags/whore therapy...see?

    Purple Cow,is this true?

  62. mellaneous3:05 PM

    Anon said:
    "I AM Black, and you are in no position to judge me because I don't think like you."

    My bad anon its hard to tell on these threads. It just seemed odd that you say you are black but you almost always denigrate black folks. And I find the designation bm for black males odd as well. The only folks that I have witnessed referring to black men that way were usually white men.

    And you are right black folks hold a myriad of views. I would never say that someone wasn't black because they didn't agree with me.

    There were some black folks in slavery who thought it was a good thing!

    But I reserve the right to criticize black folks who support policies that are clearly opposed to the best interest of black folks in general.

  63. GrannyStandingforTruth3:05 PM

    Rev Manning is a sick puppy. I wouldn't even put him in the category of a preacher. Preachers don't go around calling other people's mothers hoes to get in the spotlight and flunky for Hannity and Fox We Make It Up News. Anyone associated with those folks is suspect because they are not exactly what I would call a show with integrity, honor or incorruptibility.

    The list for JFK is the truth and common knowledge. In fact, I left out few of them. There were a few more than that. Peter Lawford was his brother-in-law and introduced him to Marilyn. The only reason he broke it up with Ms. Campbell was because she was a gangster's woman. All of that is common knowledge. Fyi, I liked JFK and his brother.

    According to Scott Michaels, his brother-in-law Peter messed around with in the past and had a few things to say about Rita Hayworth and Nancy Reagan that wasn't exactly should I say a nice thing to say. Smh! Scroll down a little ways and read it for yourself because I do not even want to repeat it.

  64. mellaneous3:14 PM

    Anon 7:18 said:

    What I see are Blacks in denial like you and Blacks who are afraid and Blacks wishing they weren't Black.

    MLK, Malcolm X, the Panthers were all a 'flash' in the pan in the sixties. They represented and modeled what we COULD HAVE BEEN as a race if we were willing to sacrifice for it. But alas, that has NOT happened, and never will.

    See this is what I am talking about Black man, you jabber on with out good information.

    Calling MLK or Malcolm flash in the pans is to deny their accomplishments in history. They were not flashs in the pan. Their lives were cut short by their primary enemy "The State." And their legacies are still with us which belie any flash in the pan foolishness.

    And you must understand that MLK and Malcolm advocated for a changing of the system into one that was more humane.

    And you are right we will have a hard time obtaining as long as we hold on to this filthy rag. You are one of the folks holding us back because you continue to justify what is unjustifiable.

    And you always come on this site saying what black folks can't do or haven't done or mentioning something negative. Kind of like a Black NO Slap.

    NO sir you are the reason we can't go forward because you ought to know better but clearly you are still amateurish in your thinking.

    Look at what you are doing now! You are beating up on MLK which the enemies of black progress and progress in general love to do. I don't know many black folks who beat up on MLK, but you are doing it as if his life can be judged by THOSE who couldn't hold his shorts.

  65. GrannyStandingforTruth3:22 PM


    Your not the only one that does not believe that anonymous is black. Being different or thinking different has nothing to do with it. Michael Steele thinks different, but black people still would be able to detect a little something in his convo that let's us know he is black. That also applies to Shelby Steel, Clarence Thomas, and even Jesse Lee Peterson. Like you, quite a few of us are not detecting that in anonymous' convo.

  66. mellaneous3:23 PM

    @Liberal tormentor said:

    " MLK was a whore-mongering drunk. Malcolm X was sooooo gay. Both of their off the field activities could have destroyed the civil rights movement. They both were killed to protect the movement."

    You only tormented the truth with this statement.

    Malcolm X was not gay, (not that it matters), I have examined the works in which it was alleged and oddly they offered no real proof, just unfounded conjecture, as you failed to offer.

    MLK and Malcolm were assasinated to protect private property and the hegemony of the profit motive, period.

    They both were waking up people to the idea that they could determine their own future and that governments exist to serve the people, not the whims of the rich.

    And lets put a microphone on you 24/7, I bet they would come up with some interesting skeletons.

    So stop tormenting folks with your made up baseless hypothesis and your unsupported and unearned self rightesousness.

  67. GrannyStandingforTruth3:24 PM

    I meant to say *are* instead of *would*

  68. mellaneous3:31 PM

    @AB why are you feeding foolishness, with this talk about white men's women.

    Last I looked white men don't own white women. And yes there is some color craziness but both sides have it. Some black folks are struck with whiteness and some white folks are struck with blackness.

    These pathologies get played out in all kinds of ways everyday. Hell the same could be said for white men who raped black women and men back in the bad old days.

    In the meantime millions are out of work, those with work are having to work longer hours for less, the capitalists are trying to take away Social Security, they are locking up folks left and right, young boys are walking the street wracked with guilt after having participated in the crimes overseas by this gov't and the list goes on.... and people are still having silly debates about things that don't matter.

  69. mell:


    only racist homohaters and dl cowards claim mx was gay

    no adult ever knows what any other adult who is not THEIR OWN LOVER will do/has done...
    and even then one may be shocked...
    as coretta/jackie o

    For a gangsta hip-hop generation Malcolm Little -- before his conversation to the Nation of Islam and name change -- represents for them a lauded hypermasculinity. And their male-dominated musical genre is aesthetically built on the most misogynistic and homophobic strains of Black Nationalism and afrocentricism.
    But this claim by Marable, however, of Malcolm's same-sex relationship is not new. Reports of Malcolm X's queerness were first revealed in Bruce Perry's 1991 biography, Malcolm: The Life of a Man Who Changed Black America.

    According to Perry, Malcolm's same-sex dalliances date back to childhood, where he enjoyed being masturbated or fellated. In his 20s, Perry informs us, Malcolm had a sustained sexual relationship with a transvestite named Willie Mae, and also he had sex with gay men for money, boasting he serviced "queers."

    I am not heterosexist apologist, but if we as LGBTQ people use this era of Malcolm's life to claim him as gay, we misunderstand the art and survivalism of street hustling culture.

    Similarly, if we, as African Americans, use this era of Malcolm's life to dismiss that he engaged in same-sex relationships, many will miss the opportunity to purge ourselves of homophobic attitudes.

    When Malcolm came to Boston to live with his older half-sister, Roxbury's Ella Little Collins, he was 16, having dropped out of school at 15. With no job skills and looking for the most expedient route to acquire money, Malcolm peddled cocaine, broke into homes of Boston's well-to-do, gambled big at poker games, and unabashedly serviced gay men for pay.

    While it can be argued that Malcolm's same-sex encounters were not solely financially motivated, let us also not dismiss that the only evidence we do have is the context in which he was.

  70. mell:

    jackie o put mlk on blast this week

    not i

    i will never censor any truths for anyone...ever!

    het marital bs
    self hatred
    iconic lies
    deadly sexual denials
    white supremacy
    forced polygamy

    all are FESTERING wounds in black america

    MUCH WORSE than when mlk acted out

    do not kill the messenger
    fix the msgs


  71. also

    mlk's secret life with white whores was not his only case of miosgyny

    MANY women in the movement saw mlk as a sexist dog

    catch up asap via mike dyson

    they knew him far better than we do

    i still love him and defend him
    and i always will

    but i will NEVER whitewash any black or white hero...EVER!!!


    best book on mlk's sexism

  72. all wounds heal best in open air

    even mlk's

  73. I don't understand why we're surprised by her statements. By now we're all aware white folks, even liberal white folks, talk very differently when there are no black folks around.

    This isn't even worth getting upset about. I think we project a lot of qualities onto JFK/The Kennedys that don't really prove out. Was it Camelot for all or just some? Sorry JFK was before my time but even studying him in school I just never bought into all the hype.

  74. Before we go jumping on the hypocritical bashing bandwagon BEAR THIS IN MIND.Jackie was fed that information by none other than J. Edgar Hoover himself; whose sole mission was to discredit Dr. King BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. So what if he fed some lies to discredit Dr.King in order to create in the mind of Jackie a portrait of a man of dishonor; who could then pass on those lies to her husband the POTUS.
    Think critically before you reflect and consider the source of the information.

  75. mlk and jfk were typically horrid husbands

    marilyn monroe dissed jackie o publicly as she wooed jfk

    but they were superior warriors til their deathds

    Depressed over the civil-rights movement's direction and burdened by premonitions of his own murder, King told his wife of a mistress in 1968 as Coretta Scott King recovered from surgery for a tumor.

    "He disclosed to her the one mistress who meant most to him since 1963," writes author Taylor Branch, "a married alumna of Fisk [University], of dignified bearing like Coretta, but different." In his new book, "At Canaan's Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-1968,"

    Branch said the affair had the intensity of a second marriage. Confidante Ralph David Abernathy's wife, Juanita, was furious that "King had picked Coretta's most vulnerable moment" to "ambush her sanctuary of willful, silent discretion."

    The supposed confession is one of several details from King's life excerpted in this week's Time magazine.

    In one exchange with subordinates, King browbeats staffers of his Southern Christian Leadership Conference who disagreed with his decision to back a Memphis sanitation strike — a campaign that would ultimately get him killed.

    He saved his most scathing remarks for Jesse Jackson, the man who most prominently took up his mantle. "If you want to carve out your own niche in society, go ahead," King screamed at the young upstart. "But for God's sake, don't bother me."

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. abdul:

    it is no lie that mlk was a whore

    his best friend/dearest bro ralph a told us so


    perhaps jackie did not know then that jfk was a FAR worse whore than mlk
    she is entitled to her opinion
    but not to her hypocrisy

    see explicit details here:

  78. Moving on...NOTHING to see HERE! *smh*

  79. a bio by one of mlk's long term mistresses

  80. In this self-congratulatory memoir, Powers, a Kentucky state senator for 21 years, focuses on her intimate relationship with Martin Luther King Jr. Her renderings of their conversations and those with King's brother may offer some insights to student of the Civil Rights movement, but her discussion of Kentucky politics, in which she participated for more than two decades, is cursory and disappointing. Her personal story is a theatrical tale, full of omens and premonitions, accompanied by descriptions of many sexual liaisons?with King and others?complete with wardrobe details. Powers plainly hopes to appropriate the King legacy for herself, but she does not succeed. The publisher plans a major publicity campaign.?Cynthia Harrison, Federal Judicial Ctr., Washington, D.C.

    Ironically King's sworn enemy J. Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had just sent King a package of tapes recording his sexual shenanigans, along with a demand that King commit suicide - or the tapes would be released and his reputation destroyed.

    For the last 13 months of King's life the remarkable Georgia Davis Powers, now 74, was his mistress.

    Next Wednesday she appears fleetingly in a BBC2 programme, Martin Luther King - Days Of Hope, which tells the story of the 12 years during which King, the black pastor from Montgomery, Alabama, led his people on the long and rocky road to integration.

    Georgia's story, only hinted at in the programme, offers an intriguing glimpse of the contrast between the private life and public image of this complex man - and the lengths to which his bitter enemy, Hoover, was prepared to go to destroy him.

  81. GrannyStandingforTruth4:11 PM


    ^5, I do not believe what was allegedly said at the funeral because if MLK was at the funeral he was no where near Bobby or Jackie Kennedy for Bobby to hear MLK say those things, so that's one of the reason it does not sound true.

    Besides J Edgar Hoover was a deciever and made up stuff to take any black leader with a strong voice down that attempted to enlighten blacks and lead them to betterment of our people. What he did to the Black Panthers was disgraceful and dishonest. He even had law enforcement to destroy medicine for the free clinics and food that benefitted the poor at churches being used by the Black Panthers.

  82. mlk was also a heavy smoker

    who never allowed himself to be photographed toking

    as many other celeb nicotine addicts do still...

  83. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  84. dick gregory also penned a candid poetic classic on the real human mlk and that shady jesse j too

    Probes the 1968 murder of the great civil rights leader, poses lingering questions surrounding the event, and investigates the possibility of a large conspiracy that used the convicted culprit, James Earl Ray, as a pawn. Reprint.

  85. granny:

    jeh was a real demon


    most of his sex tapes on mlk were real too

    jeh often mailed them to coretta...which intensified her pain i am sure

  86. E-Bo-Peep-Bonics4:39 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    I don't understand why we're surprised by her statements. By now we're all aware white folks, even liberal white folks, talk very differently when there are no black folks around.

    u know it we get to use bigger words

  87. may jeh pay eternally for the misery he brought to countless black heroes and jfk and rfk and gays of all races etc....

    no target was as tortured as the demonic jeh himself

  88. Hate the white man.Love the white man booty5:46 PM

    Malcolm X = psychological projection.

    Malcolm X hated the fact he was gay.Hated the white man.Loved the white booty.Thats why he preached about the blueeyed white devils.

  89. racist dl bottom assnon:

    we see u gurl.

  90. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Mell, you are correct. Only a widdle wite boy would use bm to refer to Black Men...because he could laugh at his 'wit' at using the acronym for bowel movement. gawd, he am sooo smart.

    MLK was less of a threat to racists...than to the Kochs. He was -gasp- advocating for the establishment of a US Socialist nanny those horrible Scandinavians. And instead of States needing to bid down wages to poach jobs from other States...there would be penalties for the business that was trying to steal your wages.

    All the talk of entrepreneurship and leading...yet you will find most businesses are seeking to make their money by stealing from their workers.

    J Edgar Hoover was, like st reagan and bush, really great at selling...not so much at delivering.

    We pay about the same tax amount as those eveel, 'heavily' taxed, 'overtaxed' Scandinavians. Compare what they what we do. Where does our money go? They get tons of social services...we get PrayAwayDeGay scam artists.
    Feel free to lie and claim it is the poor and Welfare Queens and undeserving 'urbans'. Shows your ignorance and racism. But, you pay the same as your equivalent in those lands. Why do you accept far lower benefits? So you can beleeve you are more 'moral'? That you are going to be rich? Or do you like being a patsy?


  91. Being gay is ok6:11 PM

    Malcolm X was gay for more than a day.Malcolm X is a gay icon to many of us who were down with the struggle.

    He was brave on so many levels.I believe he was killed because he also wanted to stand for gay rights.

  92. Anonymous6:17 PM

    alicia banks is an idgit alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a liar alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a fraud alicia banks does not have a 250 iq alicia banks is not the smartest person in the world alicia banks majored in the most useless and easiest major in college she ain ha no skills she aint done shit she ain ha no papers under her name she aint ha NOTHING!!!! DUMMY! jess like kimdaqueef her alterego!alicia banks is an idgit alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a liar alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a fraud alicia banks does not have a 250 iq alicia banks is not the smartest person in the world alicia banks majored in the most useless and easiest major in college she ain ha no skills she aint done shit she ain ha no papers under her name she aint ha NOTHING!!!! DUMMY! jess like kimdaqueef her alterego!alicia banks is an idgit alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a liar alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a fraud alicia banks does not have a 250 iq alicia banks is not the smartest person in the world alicia banks majored in the most useless and easiest major in college she ain ha no skills she aint done shit she ain ha no papers under her name she aint ha NOTHING!!!! DUMMY! jess like kimdaqueef her alterego!alicia banks is an idgit alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a liar alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a fraud alicia banks does not have a 250 iq alicia banks is not the smartest person in the world alicia banks majored in the most useless and easiest major in college she ain ha no skills she aint done shit she ain ha no papers under her name she aint ha NOTHING!!!! DUMMY! jess like kimdaqueef her alterego!alicia banks is an idgit alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a liar alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a fraud alicia banks does not have a 250 iq alicia banks is not the smartest person in the world alicia banks majored in the most useless and easiest major in college she ain ha no skills she aint done shit she ain ha no papers under her name she aint ha NOTHING!!!! DUMMY! jess like kimdaqueef her alterego!alicia banks is an idgit alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a liar alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a fraud alicia banks does not have a 250 iq alicia banks is not the smartest person in the world alicia banks majored in the most useless and easiest major in college she ain ha no skills she aint done shit she ain ha no papers under her name she aint ha NOTHING!!!! DUMMY! jess like kimdaqueef her alterego!alicia banks is an idgit alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a liar alicia banks is no scholar alicia banks is a fraud alicia banks does not have a 250 iq alicia banks is not the smartest person in the world alicia banks majored in the most useless and easiest major in college she ain ha no skills she aint done shit she ain ha no papers under her name she aint ha NOTHING!!!! DUMMY! jess like kimdaqueef her alterego!

  93. Jesse Jackson set up Martin Luther King. Steve cokely

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

  94. It's no secret that MLK was a bit of a rogue sexually. J. Edgar Hoover attempted (unsuccessfully) to blackmail him into silence with pictures he had had taken of MLK and other women in a motel.

    (Ironically, Hoover was also being blackmailed by LBJ's people who had photos of the transsexual Hoover dressed in women's clothes. One of LBJ's men showed MLK one of the photos and said "Next time Hoover gets on your case, just tell him you have seen this photo".)

    To claim that Malcolm X was ashamed of his gay liaisons completely misses the point about sexuality in Trinidad and Grenada.

    Malcolm was of Trinidadian and Grenadien decent, countries where men have same-sex relationships with men without considering themselves to be gay. This is true within much of South America and the southern Caribbean in areas such as Venezuela and Brazil. If there are no women around men have sex with men, there is no shame involved.

  95. Mold is AB'S stalker6:29 PM

    Notice mold and AB'S stalker show up at the same time? You never see one posting without the other.

    Remember when mold went away for a week? So did AB'S stalker.Mold returns,so does AB'S stalker.

  96. Men like MLK and JFK have their very human failings on display for all the world to see.

    In my opinion it in no way diminishes their tremendous strengths and accomplishments.

    The same goobers who attack them here will cheer for the drag queen Hoover or the paranoid racist Nixon.

    I wonder how many of us would fare if our personal failings and trangressions were made public.

    Especially the clowns who post as "Anonymous".

    Case closed.

  97. @Bo Peep
    Why would I use my vast vocabulary on a dumb motherfucker like you?

    I'm not like the other women here. I don't post alot. I don't go back and forth with idiots.

  98. BroookLenSaysYo7:45 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    @Bo Peep
    Why would I use my vast vocabulary on a dumb motherfucker like you?

    I'm not like the other women here. I don't post alot. I don't go back and forth with idiots.

    thats tellin them "dumb motherfucker" do the other words in your vast vocabulary typically sound like tew tree foor dese dose and dem? Good call on not going back and forth wit dem idiots, be like a puppy dog chasin her own tail and goin round and round -woof-woof is de werds circle jerks in yer vo-cab-u-lerry?

    Jebus lubs yube

  99. "The same goobers who attack them here will cheer for the drag queen Hoover or the paranoid racist Nixon...."

    Well, yes.

  100. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Mell, "Calling MLK or Malcolm flash in the pans is to deny their accomplishments in history. They were not flashs in the pan. Their lives were cut short by their primary enemy "The State." And their legacies are still with us which belie any flash in the pan foolishness."

    What I meant by flash in the pan was they were rare. They represented for Blacks and the nation a new way of thinking.

    Mell, "And you are right we will have a hard time obtaining as long as we hold on to this filthy rag. You are one of the folks holding us back because you continue to justify what is unjustifiable.

    And you always come on this site saying what black folks can't do or haven't done or mentioning something negative. Kind of like a Black NO Slap.

    NO sir you are the reason we can't go forward because you ought to know better but clearly you are still amateurish in your thinking."

    No, I am not the reason Blacks haven't gone forward. I am not that powerful. However, I DO understand how Blacks like you might conclude such: You either find Whites or Blacks like me responsible for keeping us down. Quite frankly, I have heard this since the 50s and I am sick and tired of hearing it.

    Whatever the case, you prove one glaring sickening evidence: that is, Blacks like you are too damn weak to move forward. MLK, Malcolm X and the Panthers' ideas for a strong and powerful race went six feet under with them. That is glaringly evident by the pathetic and sad situation we are in today because we are definitely headed for hell or worse...EXTINCTION. That is why Malcolm X, MLK, and the Panthers-The Great Ones-were a flash in the pan. Their magnificent ideas that could have catapulted us into the 21st Century as a proud, educated, loving strong race died when they died.

    Why? Because we as a race could not stand on our own and could not grab the torch passed on by them. We are weak. and I really don't care what you say....WE ARE WEAK! The evidence of what we did as a race AFTER they dieid speaks for itself.

    So, you can call me whatever you want, but the Truth is the Truth. And I am for Truth because without it, no one gets free.

  101. "So, you can call me whatever you want, but the Truth is the Truth. And I am for Truth because without it, no one gets free."

    I agree, the truth will set you free. Maybe we can start working on where that self hatred comes from.

    Just sayin.;)

  102. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Granny, "Like you, quite a few of us are not detecting that in anonymous' convo."

    Well, Granny...Your Black Detector is broken. Get a new one. Furthermore, I am not here to prove to you whether I am Black or not. I am here to speak the truth, which usually is very unpopular with folks like you and Mell. You really should change your name. It makes a mockery of truth.

  103. Anonymous8:12 PM

    field, "I agree, the truth will set you free. Maybe we can start working on where that self hatred comes from.

    Just sayin.;)"

    What's the matter? Your reflections coming back at you? just sayin:)

  104. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Brooklyn, "BrookLyn said...
    @Bo Peep
    Why would I use my vast vocabulary on a dumb motherfucker like you?"

    You just did, Brooklyn..LOL

  105. Anonymous8:21 PM

    field negro said...
    "The same goobers who attack them here will cheer for the drag queen Hoover or the paranoid racist Nixon...."

    Well, yes.

    cant all us homosexuals jest gets along? Y you gots to break it donw inott race? Wit da lights out its all brown inside from behind anyhowways y'all sound like a bunch o homopobes

  106. Anonymous8:29 PM

    UTS, you might want to consider that there is but one 'clown'...and he uses sockpuppets to set up a Potemkin Village of like-minded fantasy personas.

    More lies. No wonder Brietbart is your idol. Lying as the standard. Hoping that someone is gullible enough to beleeverate your specious claim of me stalking the wite dude posting as AB.
    That is your lie...I decline to even read the posts. False flag by the wite could ask what he is selling. But, since he is you...that would be moot.


  107. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Mell, "In the meantime millions are out of work, those with work are having to work longer hours for less, the capitalists are trying to take away Social Security, they are locking up folks left and right, young boys are walking the street wracked with guilt after having participated in the crimes overseas by this gov't and the list goes on.... and people are still having silly debates about things that don't matter."

    You have it turned around, Mell. It is clear what doesn't matter are Blacks in America. Haven't you noticed?

    Now, now. you are probably going to attack me and call me a self-hating Negro. But I can't help but notice what I am sayin is what is actually happening. Your comment proves it.

    So, what's important in the minds of Americans is what's important. Unfortunately, it isn't us.

  108. Mold is AB'S stalker said...
    Notice mold and AB'S stalker show up at the same time? You never see one posting without the other.

    Remember when mold went away for a week? So did AB'S stalker.Mold returns,so does AB'S stalker.

    We've known this 'ish for YEARS, LOL!!!!!

    The sooner people STOP talking to this idiot trick when it posts as mold, the sooner it will crawl back into its hole, where it will hopefully drop DEAD!!!

  109. "field, "I agree, the truth will set you free. Maybe we can start working on where that self hatred comes from.

    Just sayin.;)"

    What's the matter? Your reflections coming back at you? just sayin:)"

    Now I have been accused of many things, but hating myself has never been one of them. :)

  110. I'm not defending Jackie O, but the woman was only going based on what she was told about MLK, and what he may have "said" about her husband. Maybe she's just guilty of being narrow minded and indulging in hearsay. That alone is a nasty human trait that can be found in all races, including black on black. Jackie O has never impressed me anyway, who cares what she thinks.

    Also, I respect MLK, but why are some people finding it so hard to believe that he could have been an adulterer? AB sis, thanks for the info. Such truth might be too sacrilegious for some black folks to swallow.

  111. Anonymous1:32 AM

    field, "Now I have been accused of many things, but hating myself has never been one of them. :)"

    Neither have I. so we are even.

  112. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Field-“I agree, the truth will set you free. Maybe we can start working on where that self hatred comes from.”

    Mr. Field, that’s an easy question to answer, but a difficult answer to accept by many FN folks.

    In short, most black self-hatred comes from living in a black body in America. Let me explain: We are the poorest in material wealth as well as the poorest in spirit. We are a divided race. We live in unsafe neighborhoods. We kill each other in our communities, at parties, in school, and drive-bys. That is no fun for a black person.

    Chances are we come from broken homes more than anybody else. Many of us don’t even know our fathers. Many of us who do know our fathers want nothing to do with us. As children we have been abandoned by our parents, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

    We are the least educated, least parented and have the least motivation to be much of anything. Some of us have lost our lives for having the desire to study in school. “You just trying to be White,” they say.

    We call each other degrading names like “ho” and “nigger”. On the other hand, we cry out if Whites or Browns say it: “it’s insulting!” we say. It is obvious to the most casual observer that we are an angry fearful lot.

    Finally, we mistake the critical truth by any Black by some other Blacks as ‘self-hatred’, which is a way of saying, “don’t talk about the funky elephant in the living room”.

    Mr. Field, I have given you a ‘short’ list of why and where black self-hatred comes from. I am sure you and some of your FN posters can add to it. That is, IF you dare expose the elephant in the living room.

    God bless you.

  113. Dr. Queen:


    I am doing better at ignoring my stalker.

    Please pray for the lioness in me that lives to slay hyenas like molded/the vdlr...

  114. Queen Laa:



    Only 2 things rule my life

    My soul and the raw truth in every arena.

    Those who matter do not mind and those who mind do not matter...

