Thursday, September 15, 2011

Broke Negroes and Negroes in love.

I promised myself that I wouldn't blog about the salacious story trending now about Sarah Palin and Glen Rice playing a little one and one a few years back. (Although I kind of liked this guy's take on the whole thing.) So you will hear nothing more about it from the field....not tonight. My man Wyclef, on the other hand, might have some thoughts. Apparently he is a big Sarah fan.  

But anyway, staying with the "jungle fever" theme; can anyone tell my why CJ Sapong chose to make a fool of himself for all the world to see? Okay, we get it; you love Hope Solo, but a discreet phone call or "Hi, my name is"....away from the cameras would have done the trick.

Sadly, I think I am starting to see a trend here.

Speaking of trends, WTF is wrong with you brothers and your money when you start making a little ends? Now I am reading that Chris McAlister is broke. Wasn't this Negro just in the National Football League?

 "Former Baltimore Ravens cornerback Chris McAlister is broke and living at home with his parents according to court documents obtained by TMZ.
McAlister, 34 years old, signed a $55M contract in 2004 and 7 years later, has absolutely nothing to show for it.
“I have been unemployed since 2009. I have no income.”
He adds, “I live in my parents' home. My parents provide me with my basic living expenses as I do not have the funds to do so.”
McAlister is also seeking to lower his child support payments from the current amount of $11,000 a month." [Story]

Now there is a part of me that keeps thinking that my man is trying to pull a fast one to get out of his child support payments, but still....

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If there are any ballers out there who want to find a way to save their money, please holla at your boy. I promise you that when your playing days are over I will have a little something put away for you. Promise!

Finally, let's keep up the pressure to save the life of a man who could very well be innocent but who could be facing a state sponsored killing in just a few days. I know that Atlanta is there, but I never did like Georgia.

Here is a little more information for you:

District Attorney Larry Chisolm of Savannah, Ga. has the power to request that the death warrant he signed be withdrawn on Troy Davis. Office telephone: 912-652-7308 ......... Fax: 912-652-7328. [h/t to Kenna A. Toney of the Afrospear for that information.]




  1. Anonymous10:06 PM

    "McAlister, 34 years old, signed a $55M contract in 2004 and 7 years later, has absolutely nothing to show for it."

    Now that is a classic case of black self-hatred. It sucks.

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "So you will hear nothing more about it from the field....not tonight. My man Wyclef, on the other hand, might have some thoughts. Apparently he is a big Sarah fan."

    Thank you Field. Sarah does not deserve to be harassed about this. Although I am green with envy of Rice, as many bm are.

    I too am a big fan of Sarah, as I am sure many Blacks are. BTW, have you considered that Palin might be more caring for Blacks than Obama?

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "Don't be sad black women.It gets better."


  4. Wesley R11:00 PM

    I bet The 1/2 Term Governor isn't the only Teabagger that got it in with a Brother before settling down. I bet she hasn't forgotten the experience. As soon as her followers at last realize she's a money hungry fraud and the camera's go off, she'll be creeping right back to hood to get smashed again. Her husband better hire Bachmann's flaming husband to pray away her black fedish.

  5. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Field, speaking of 'BROKE NEGROES', here's something about values that might help some of us Negroes. We should reflect on this:

  6. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "Her husband better hire Bachmann's flaming husband to pray away her black fedish."

    Oh I don't think that will be necessary. The sex wasn't that good or Sarah would have stayed with him.

  7. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Looks like Watermelon in Wasilla now, foe show.

  8. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Wesley R said...
    I bet The 1/2 Term Governor isn't the only Teabagger that got it in with a Brother before settling down. I bet she hasn't forgotten the experience. As soon as her followers at last realize she's a money hungry fraud and the camera's go off, she'll be creeping right back to hood to get smashed again. Her husband better hire Bachmann's flaming husband to pray away her black fedish.

    At least she gave somethin to you to dream about, you know it's only a dream and would never happen, but go for it if it helps you not suck on the end of a glock.

  9. Anonymous12:01 AM

    WASHINGTON (AP) — White House officials discussed the political ramifications of a possible default by a troubled solar energy company that received more than $500 million in federal loans.

    That’s according to newly released emails.

    The emails show the Obama administration privately worried about the effect of a default by Solyndra Inc. on the president’s re-election campaign.

    One of the emails from an administration official said the timing will likely coincide with the 2012 campaign season heating up.

    The email, released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee as part of its investigation into the Solyndra loan, showed Obama administration officials were concerned about Solyndra’s financial health even as they publicly declared the solar panel maker in good shape.

    Oh Granny, like you said we need to persue every single one of these outrageous lies. Here we have several lies made to cover up corporate welfare, Obama Cronyism and ultimately incompetence not only in business but in his renewable energy agenda. Horrible!!!

  10. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Wow. A brother got a stay of execution in Texas by the US Supreme Court. I wonder how Perry felt about the decision?

  11. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Dear Anons, it's Thursday and our night out on FN blog. Thus far, you are looking very good. Most of resident IDs have run for the hills. Nothing can stop us now.... Even Field has headed for the hills.

    we are KING! naaa, na na na naa, na na na naaa, na na na naaa, na na na naaa.

  12. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I think I will move to Alaska. they probably need a few good brothers there.

  13. Sistas,don't let field man get ya down.If you needing someone to talk to........ I'm here for you.

    Our desires are one.

  14. ."BTW, have you considered that Palin might be more caring for Blacks than Obama?

    I am sure that brother Rice would agree. :)

    Anon 12:01, are we going to look into that Perry Merck connection as well?

    "Oh I don't think that will be necessary. The sex wasn't that good or Sarah would have stayed with him."

    Oh ohhh, I smell a hater. :)

  15. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Yep, ole Sarey MILF Palin done had consensual sex with an AfAm.
    Who cares?

    OMG! Political concerns are discussed by politicians. Like, how crazy is that?!
    We go apepoo over Solyndra...but seem to forget the more generous responses to Enron or the S&Ls. The no-bid contracts for KBR/Halliburton. The Faith-based, no oversight contracts. Keep yowling over a business failure during the bushMess, I'm certain many low-information voters will be equally fauxtraged over the nothingburger you-all are serving.

    As far as Mr Buck, he may be spared because some Goober expressed the racist beleef that AfAms is more violented than glorious wite peeples. Thank you so much Racist weenies, for giving a murderer a way to avoid Tejas Justice. Hope you are really, really proud that your nonsense gave him an 'out'.

    What, Mrs Brady was highly sexually active?! Do tell!. She got the X from a white man!? Unpossible!!! Everyone knows that such things are only found amongst the 'urban underclass'.
    Except, we can see from the Bachmanns...the 1950s fantasy of Beaver just a tad off.


  16. Anonymous9:02 AM


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Personal Language

  17. Anon

    "Now that is a classic case of black self-hatred. It sucks."

    And the white ballers like Bernie Kosar and Len Dykstra who are now broke?

    Is that white self-hatred?

    OFF yourself?

  18. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Tax Frenzies and How to Hose Them Down-

    'A question in e-mail based on all the recent “rich people feeling not rich” nonsense, and the associated commentary online:

    Why is it that the people freaking out the most about taxes on the rich are the ones who don’t seem to know how the tax code works?

    The answer is in the question: Because they don’t know how the tax code works. The major failing seems to be an incomprehension regarding marginal tax rates, but people also seem to fall down on the matter of taxable income vs. gross income (i.e. how deductions can work for you!), how to apply tax credits, and other various and fairly basic aspects of the tax code here in the US.

    If you don’t know that stuff — if you basically wander through your life thinking the government taxes all of your income based on the highest possible percentage — then I suppose it’s no wonder you freak out. But it also kind of makes you the financial equivalent of the people who think that Darwin said we are all descended from monkeys, or that the Bible says “God helps those who help themselves.” In short, it means you’re a bit ignorant. You should stop being that. It’s easily correctable. In any event, at some point in time, real live grown-ups should understand the concept of marginal rates. It’s not that difficult to grasp.

    There is another answer as well, which can be paired with the above or stand on its own, and it’s that there’s a certain sort of person who believes that all taxation (or all taxation outside of one or two very specific things of which they approve) is theft. Naturally that sort of person will fly to the defense of any who bleat about their taxes being too high, even if in point of fact, the wealthy in the US are currently being taxed at historically low rates (“but they’re still too high!”).

    I really don’t know what you do about the “taxes are theft” crowd, except possibly enter a gambling pool regarding just how long after their no-tax utopia comes true that their generally white, generally entitled, generally soft and pudgy asses are turned into thin strips of Objectivist Jerky by the sort of pitiless sociopath who is actually prepped and ready to live in the world that logically follows these people’s fondest desires. Sorry, guys. I know you all thought you were going to be one of those paying a nickel for your cigarettes in Galt Gulch. That’ll be a fine last thought for you as the starving remnants of the society of takers closes in with their flensing tools.'

    Loved this piece. It would be good to read the entire work.


  19. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Yep, ole Sarey MILF Palin done had consensual sex with an AfAm.
    Who cares?

    OMG! Political concerns are discussed by politicians. Like, how crazy is that?!
    We go apepoo over Solyndra...but seem to forget the more generous responses to Enron or the S&Ls. The no-bid contracts for KBR/Halliburton. The Faith-based, no oversight contracts. Keep yowling over a business failure during the bushMess, I'm certain many low-information voters will be equally fauxtraged over the nothingburger you-all are serving.

    As far as Mr Buck, he may be spared because some Goober expressed the racist beleef that AfAms is more violented than glorious wite peeples. Thank you so much Racist weenies, for giving a murderer a way to avoid Tejas Justice. Hope you are really, really proud that your nonsense gave him an 'out'.

    What, Mrs Brady was highly sexually active?! Do tell!. She got the X from a white man!? Unpossible!!! Everyone knows that such things are only found amongst the 'urban underclass'.
    Except, we can see from the Bachmanns...the 1950s fantasy of Beaver just a tad off.


  20. Amen FN!

    Cc this to tiki b!!!

  21. Speaking of bilkings

    I finally found a black mongrel that bankster hobama could actually love…


  22. Please report AB.The website is

    We can no longer allow AB to smear our dear leader.

  23. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Personal Language

  24. Speaking of bilkings

    I finally found a black mongrel that bankster hobama loves


    kudos to tavis!!!

    he has never ever lied on hobama

    he has been a clairvoyant rebel warrior


    Tavis Smiley says the President is ignoring blacks, the "most loyal" part of his base who "ought to be looked out for." Smiley spoke to NBC's Lester Holt. In April, Smiley said the 2012 elections will be "the most racist in the history of this Republic.

    "It's just not that black folks are hurting the most now. It's that there's no sign that it's going to get any better. There really are two questions in black America, I think, Lester, have to wrestle with. At least two questions. Number one: what is the pain threshold in black America? What is our pain threshold, number one. And number two, what is the presidency really worth? Is it worth not saying anything? Is it worth being silent when you're catching the most hell, when you're suffering the most pain? Especially, when you're the most loyal part of the President's base," Smiley said.

    "That's not hating on the President, it's defending your own flanks. And whatever happened to that notion that to the victor goes the spoils? If anybody ought to be looked out for, it ought to be the persons who represent the most significant and the most loyal part of the base. That would be African-Americans."

    Smiley says he understands that President Obama is taking the "political risk" looking "tribal" if he were to look out for the concerns of his race. "What makes presidents great, makes them transformational is taking risks," Mr. Smiley says.

    At the conclusion of the interview, Mr. Smiley says America is "less racist" but not post-racial.

  25. Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. powerless whiny wimpy blogless beta male bitch uts:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    shame on u u blind coon!!!!!!!

  28. grunting bottom dl bitch uts:

    did tavis lie on your dream lover hobama???

    has he ever done so??????

  29. Memo to hobama:


    HILLARY/PAUL 2012!!!!!!!

    The most popular national political figure in America today is one who was rejected by her own party three years ago: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
    Nearly two-thirds of Americans hold a favorable view of her and one-third are suffering a form of buyer’s remorse, saying the U.S. would be better off now if she had become president in 2008 instead of Barack Obama.
    The finding in the latest Bloomberg National Poll shows a higher level of wishful thinking about a Hillary Clinton presidency than when a similar question was asked in July 2010. Then, a quarter of Americans held such a view.
    “Looking back, I wonder if she would have been a stronger leader, knowing the games and the politics and all that goes on,” said Susan Dunlop, 50, a homemaker in New Port Richey, Florida. “I don’t think she would have bent as much.”

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. uts:

    cc that bs to ALL of the other posters herein who ALSO have THEIR own blogs...

    u selective senile hobama sucker!!!

  32. AB you rock. Obama is freaking out about the Jew vote. More and more people admit their Obama vote was a mistake. Obama is a false messiah.

  33. lt:


    u rock too!

    have an awesome weekend!

    EVERYTHING about that cia baby hoax hobama is a LIE!!!


  34. lt:

    u ESPECIALLY rock when you are crushing that pebble coon uts!

    keep up the great slayings herein!!!

  35. "Obama is freaking out about the Jew vote."

    Evidence of this please.

    Unless you pulled it out of your ass.

  36. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.

  37. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!

  38. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!Doesn't AB have her on blog in which to rant and take up bandwidth?

    Oh that's right, nobody goes THERE.nobody goes there cuz shese a gottdam loser liar and fraud like she really gots a 250 iq ya rite like she sposed to be all smart but was a communications major a communications major muah muah muah muah muah so much for being 'smart' dummy!

  39. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Wingnut Cons kept TELLing us that Obama was the Liberal/Progressive Messiah...but I can't recall any Liberal/Progressives saying such a thing. So, the wingnut Cons are the only ones who beleeverate Obama is some kind of Messiah.
    Now, they are TELLing us that Obama is a False Messiah...the Anti-christ. Since they were the only ones making the Messiah assertion in the first place...does this not seem to be a strawman?

    UTS, he can't help it. Being a PITA to AfAms is what gives his wite life meaning. Like so many of his peers, only the words, 'at leasts I aints no migger', allow him to justify what minimal existence he has.

    Besides, here he can sockpuppet and pretend to have friends and allies.


  40. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Tax Frenzies and How to Hose Them Down-

    'A question in e-mail based on all the recent “rich people feeling not rich” nonsense, and the associated commentary online:

    Why is it that the people freaking out the most about taxes on the rich are the ones who don’t seem to know how the tax code works?

    The answer is in the question: Because they don’t know how the tax code works. The major failing seems to be an incomprehension regarding marginal tax rates, but people also seem to fall down on the matter of taxable income vs. gross income (i.e. how deductions can work for you!), how to apply tax credits, and other various and fairly basic aspects of the tax code here in the US.

    If you don’t know that stuff — if you basically wander through your life thinking the government taxes all of your income based on the highest possible percentage — then I suppose it’s no wonder you freak out. But it also kind of makes you the financial equivalent of the people who think that Darwin said we are all descended from monkeys, or that the Bible says “God helps those who help themselves.” In short, it means you’re a bit ignorant. You should stop being that. It’s easily correctable. In any event, at some point in time, real live grown-ups should understand the concept of marginal rates. It’s not that difficult to grasp.

    There is another answer as well, which can be paired with the above or stand on its own, and it’s that there’s a certain sort of person who believes that all taxation (or all taxation outside of one or two very specific things of which they approve) is theft. Naturally that sort of person will fly to the defense of any who bleat about their taxes being too high, even if in point of fact, the wealthy in the US are currently being taxed at historically low rates (“but they’re still too high!”).

    I really don’t know what you do about the “taxes are theft” crowd, except possibly enter a gambling pool regarding just how long after their no-tax utopia comes true that their generally white, generally entitled, generally soft and pudgy asses are turned into thin strips of Objectivist Jerky by the sort of pitiless sociopath who is actually prepped and ready to live in the world that logically follows these people’s fondest desires. Sorry, guys. I know you all thought you were going to be one of those paying a nickel for your cigarettes in Galt Gulch. That’ll be a fine last thought for you as the starving remnants of the society of takers closes in with their flensing tools.'

    Loved this piece. It would be good to read the entire work.


  41. More racist black mob attacks12:10 PM

    DENVER (CBS4) – Police are asking for the public’s help tracking down a large group of violent teenagers.

    They say 10 to 15 young people — described as black or Hispanic and both male and female — attacked four white men on the 16th Street Mall at about 10:45 p.m. on Sunday.

    Denver police say the men were standing on the mall near Arapahoe when they were approached by the group. After a conversation, the group turned violent and they attacked the men.

  42. Where is needs slaps???

    Did he go ghost because soooooo many white pookies rule headline news lately???

  43. Obama come il Messia

    "Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."

    -- Dinesh Sharma

    "Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus."

    -- Politiken (Danish newspaper)

    "He communicates God-like energy..."

    -- Steve Davis (Charleston, SC)

    Farrakhan on Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'

    "No one saw him coming ... like Jesus being born in a manger"

    EAST POINT, Ga.—The day after Barack Obama was elected president, Larry Younginer knelt in front of the congregants at his suburban Atlanta church and offered a prayer of thanks.

    "Lord, we have again come to you in prayer, and you have heard our cries from heaven, and you have sent us again from the state called Illinois, a man called Barack to heal our land," said Younginer, a 62-year-old retired information systems worker at Coca Cola in Atlanta. "We pray that you will build a hedge around him that will protect him from those who would do him harm."

    Younginer, like many others, is convinced that Obama was destined to be president. The mere fact that he won the presidency against the odds has caused some Christians, particularly African-Americans, to see the hand of God in his victory after so many years of struggle.

    [Lawrence Carter, dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel] said many people look for a sign from God when times are turbulent. And, he said, there are many elements to Obama's win in which Christians can find spiritual significance.

    "It is powerful and significant on a spiritual level that there is the emergence of Barack Obama 40 years after the passing of Dr. King," said Carter. "No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."

    If you need more help with your "recall", i can list more examples.

  44. Obama: 'If You Love Me, You Got To Help Me Pass This Bill'

    The realities of governing as opposed to the unrealities of presidential campaigns may have made President Obama a much more human figure compared with the almost messiah-like status he had in the eyes of many supporters in 2008.

    But that doesn't mean there still isn't the occasional moment reminiscent of a Bible story.

    At a rally on the campus of North Carolina State in Raleigh, N.C. Wednesday where President Obama went to drum up support for his jobs bill, this happened.

    AUDIENCE MEMBER: I love you, Barack!

    THE PRESIDENT: I love you back. (Applause.) But first — but if you love me — if you love me, you got to help me pass this bill. (Applause.) If you love me, you got to help me pass this bill.

    Here's John 21:15, the New International Version, describing a scene between Jesus and his disciples:

    When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter,"Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?"

    "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you."

    Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."

  45. UTS,try reading the NYTimes. Pay attention to the Jew group Obama is forming to help him win back Jew support.

  46. Mold,

    There are a couple of very committed neurotic racists who are determined to troll and clog up FN's blog because they can't stand black folks having a place to come and discuss topics interesting to us.

    Now let a black got to a goober website and try the same thing and watch how quit they'll get banned or blocked.

    Hell, just post opposing opinions on those rightwing blogs and they'll block you.

    I just refuse to stand by and let them take over this site.

  47. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Essentially your 'proof ' is to take
    out of context quotes...quote mining like Breitbart...and to wail against the horrible injustice of AfAm Christians offering thanks for God's Will.
    Ooh, a writer used 'messiah-like' to pad their story.

    Wow. Guess you never had to take any classes past your breathing degree from High School.

    Though, your need for violence against those who are political opponents is right from the Norway Summer Camp murders. How brave. How heroic. Taking on those who can read and shooting them for knowing more and better.
    Umm...given your Left Behind proclivities, you should just become used to the idea that any person at a 'C' and up is smarter. Being unable to discern the concept of 'proof' is pretty telling.

    Still, you are encouraged to attend your local Community College (before the wngnuts make education a thoughtcrime) and take some classes. Most of the public colleges have these Academic Standards that would greatly benefit your understanding.


  48. Anonymous1:13 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    There are a couple of very committed neurotic racists who are determined to troll and clog up FN's blog because they can't stand black folks having a place to come and discuss topics interesting to us.

    Now let a black got to a goober website and try the same thing and watch how quit they'll get banned or blocked.

    Hell, just post opposing opinions on those rightwing blogs and they'll block you.

    I just refuse to stand by and let them take over this site.

    12:56 PM

    You talk to the biggest spammer and wasteful post creator about jamming up the blog and about being a neurotic racist when you and he are the two best examples of each. You really are a dumb coon.

  49. Anonymous1:15 PM


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Personal Language

  50. Anonymous1:18 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Obama is freaking out about the Jew vote."

    Evidence of this please.

    Unless you pulled it out of your ass.

    Oh no, you must be right, he isn't worried about the Jew vote or about public opinion overall and yes you are right the economy is getting much better under Obama and things are good and anyone who disagrees must be racist. You have about as much brain power as a empty peanut shell do you know that? Actually a peanut shell has more, you can burn it for energy, you are just useless everything you eat turns to shit.

  51. Anonymous1:23 PM

    UTS, form of wite privilege, eh? They will endlessly weep over the admission of a minority....but are silent on the Legacy admits.

    Yes, winguts will ban or block almost immediately. They fear the Fairness Doctrine. Mostly for the Fairness. ManDumpling was famed for this. The moment a dissenting opinion was had to be removed. Sort of like the Inquisition.

    Lefty bloggers will ban or block...but mostly because the commenter is Trolling, obsessed (see the Skepchick thread on being left alone), or trying to 'win' something addressed in the FAQs.
    Oh, I forgot...they ban illiterates and poor writers. A post should not be so badly written that only other Troo Beleevers can read it without pain.

    I like to hear opinions, based on Facts and Data, that are not my own. The examined life and such.
    However, I do sigh a bit when I hear yet another 15 yo widdle boy discover that he is smarterer and working harderer than union co-workers. I realize that it is their youth, inexperience and worldly ignorance. gets old when it is mindlessly repeated by 'adults' who should have better manners. Of course, they could be the mentally ill.

    Part of the joy stems from seeing new ideas and methods. I watched a conservative office holder re-work the tax structure to make it more efficient, fairer and easier to comply with the law. That earned my respect. Being too lazy to use a calculator to do your taxes...earns my contempt.

    For the Universal idea of this, I defer to the blogger Badtux.


  52. LOL@mold. A true intellectual lightweight.

    uptownsteve said...

    There are a couple of very committed neurotic racists who are determined to troll and clog up FN's blog

    The only clogs on this site is you and mold.

  53. Anonymous1:26 PM

    UTS, form of wite privilege, eh? They will endlessly weep over the admission of a minority....but are silent on the Legacy admits.

    Yes, winguts will ban or block almost immediately. They fear the Fairness Doctrine. Mostly for the Fairness. ManDumpling was famed for this. The moment a dissenting opinion was had to be removed. Sort of like the Inquisition.

    Lefty bloggers will ban or block...but mostly because the commenter is Trolling, obsessed (see the Skepchick thread on being left alone), or trying to 'win' something addressed in the FAQs.
    Oh, I forgot...they ban illiterates and poor writers. A post should not be so badly written that only other Troo Beleevers can read it without pain.

    I like to hear opinions, based on Facts and Data, that are not my own. The examined life and such.
    However, I do sigh a bit when I hear yet another 15 yo widdle boy discover that he is smarterer and working harderer than union co-workers. I realize that it is their youth, inexperience and worldly ignorance. gets old when it is mindlessly repeated by 'adults' who should have better manners. Of course, they could be the mentally ill.

    Part of the joy stems from seeing new ideas and methods. I watched a conservative office holder re-work the tax structure to make it more efficient, fairer and easier to comply with the law. That earned my respect. Being too lazy to use a calculator to do your taxes...earns my contempt.

    For the Universal idea of this, I defer to the blogger Badtux.


  54. Anonymous1:26 PM

    "Oh I don't think that will be necessary. The sex wasn't that good or Sarah would have stayed with him."

    Oh ohhh, I smell a hater. :)"

    6:17 AM

    My, my, aren't we paranoid? But maybe you have a point. After that lousy sexual experience, she learned there was no difference between wm and bm sexually or physically. However, there is a great difference in power, status, money and protection. Being Black, I have known this truth for most of my life. It sucks.

    Nope. the saying, "if you go Black, you will never go back", is hogwash.

  55. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Still no 'proof'?
    The most you will find is AfAms giddy with delight that an AfAm was going to be President...much as Catholics were thrilled with JFK.

    Essentially your 'proof ' is to take
    out of context quotes...quote mining like Breitbart...and to wail against the horrible injustice of AfAm Christians offering thanks for God's Will.
    Ooh, a writer used 'messiah-like' to pad their story.

    Wow. Guess you never had to take any classes past your breathing degree from High School.

    Though, your need for violence against those who are political opponents is right from the Norway Summer Camp murders. How brave. How heroic. Taking on those who can read and shooting them for knowing more and better.
    Umm...given your Left Behind proclivities, you should just become used to the idea that any person at a 'C' and up is smarter. Being unable to discern the concept of 'proof' is pretty telling.

    Still, you are encouraged to attend your local Community College (before the wngnuts make education a thoughtcrime) and take some classes. Most of the public colleges have these Academic Standards that would greatly benefit your understanding.


  56. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I was just a 15 yo widdle boy when dad first discovered my special place.I was floored.I never knew such a place was special.Daddy excused my ignorance.That was when i left billybobsue furin' goobers behind.They are not smarterer than i.


  57. Anon

    "Oh no, you must be right, he isn't worried about the Jew vote or about public opinion overall and yes you are right the economy is getting much better under Obama and things are good and anyone who disagrees must be racist."

    No, I just know that you're a lying racist goober who never provides proof of his assertions.

    I just proved it AGAIN.

    Carry on fool.

    Or off yourself cause you obviously have no life.

  58. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Keep selling that wite hoperating. About the only reason a woman stays with wite that they have no other option.
    Whether it is GOPDaddy imprisoning her or the lack of choices (small, rural, white towns)...once she has options, she tends to leave. Nice of you pretend that Nice Guy will be chosen. Ha.

    Sarey had SEX with an AfAm. Hope that doesn't mess with your 'poster time'.

    Really, who cares. She was single, he was single. They were consenting adults. KenStarr should write a lengthy report about this...and then make certain every child in 'Merica hears about Sarey's performances.

    We have other items to worry about.


  59. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Still no 'proof'?
    The most you will find is AfAms giddy with delight that an AfAm was going to be President...much as Catholics were thrilled with JFK.

    Essentially your 'proof ' is to take
    out of context quotes...quote mining like Breitbart...and to wail against the horrible injustice of AfAm Christians offering thanks for God's Will.
    Ooh, a writer used 'messiah-like' to pad their story.

    Wow. Guess you never had to take any classes past your breathing degree from High School.

    Though, your need for violence against those who are political opponents is right from the Norway Summer Camp murders. How brave. How heroic. Taking on those who can read and shooting them for knowing more and better.
    Umm...given your Left Behind proclivities, you should just become used to the idea that any person at a 'C' and up is smarter. Being unable to discern the concept of 'proof' is pretty telling.

    Still, you are encouraged to attend your local Community College (before the wngnuts make education a thoughtcrime) and take some classes. Most of the public colleges have these Academic Standards that would greatly benefit your understanding.


  60. anon the poet:


    i love your prose that prods and slays molded!!!

    u make my day!

  61. Anonymous1:38 PM

    UTS, "I just refuse to stand by and let them take over this site."

    A couple of things to take into account:

    1. This is NOT your site.
    2. You are completely powerless over others, esp. Anon, Inc. We have a contract with Mr. Field that gives us the right to drive your "powerless" dumb ass crazy!

    You are a weak punk. So, go ahead. Try to stop us, you idiot. As a matter of fact, we are going to really turn on the juice just to make you look like a moronic imbecile in front of the entire blogosphere. Which, we are sure will thrill ALL bloggers to no end.

    You are one of those sorry bm that no one likes--including yourself and your fellow Blacks--who are embarassed and ashamed to be Black because of YOU.

    Now go back to your jungle ghetto hut and STFU. lol

  62. Hobama slogan 2012:


    Obama is still suffering from the Speech Illusion, the idea that he can come down from the mountain, read from a Teleprompter, cast a magic spell with his words and climb back up the mountain, while we scurry around and do what he proclaimed.
    The days of spinning illusions in a Greek temple in a football stadium are done. The One is dancing on the edge of one term.
    The White House team is flailing — reacting, regrouping, retrenching. It’s repugnant.
    After pushing and shoving and caving to get on TV, the president’s advisers immediately began warning that the long-yearned-for jobs speech wasn’t going to be that awe-inspiring.
    “The issue isn’t the size or the newness of the ideas,” one said. “It’s less the substance than how he says it, whether he seizes the moment.”
    The arc of justice is stuck at the top of a mountain. Maybe Obama was not even the person he was waiting for.

  63. Anonymous1:47 PM

    UTS, "Or off yourself cause you obviously have no life."

    And you do? LOL Brother Steve, how can a bm like yourself possibly have a good life when life has handed a bm like you a miserable life. Stop trying to pretend and cover up the truth.

    Admit it. You are unhappy and hate being a bm in America. Your comments show that you are a very angry bm who hates being Black. Given a chance, wouldn't you trade in your black skin for a white one? Of course you would! Life would be sooo much better for you.

    And you wouldn't hate bw like LAA or FP or have to attack any bw anymore because, being White, it wouldn't matter anymore...GET IT?

    Btw, there is some very strong bleaching cream on the market today...try it. Also, there is some really good shit for your hair. I believe Al Sharpton uses it.

    Go for it, Steve!

  64. Uh oh, I think I got Anon goober all hot and bothered again.


    "Try to stop us, you idiot. As a matter of fact, we are going to really turn on the juice just to make you look like a moronic imbecile in front of the entire blogosphere"

    How you gonna do that? By posting twice as much as you already do?

    Who'll look like the idiot?

    Who will prove the have no life or reason to exist?

    Go ahead clown and off yourself.

  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. Anonymous1:57 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Oh no, you must be right, he isn't worried about the Jew vote or about public opinion overall and yes you are right the economy is getting much better under Obama and things are good and anyone who disagrees must be racist."

    No, I just know that you're a lying racist goober who never provides proof of his assertions.

    I just proved it AGAIN.

    Carry on fool.

    Or off yourself cause you obviously have no life.

    Steve, calm down you are getting really angry and drooling all over your keyboard exhibiting your feral uncivilized violent nature. While you like this sort of thing we worry about you frying the little brain power you have with your anger, so calm down and take a breathe. We understand, it is isn't your fault, this is the mental hand you were dealt and you are trying your best. See aren't you happy? I said it is not your fault, it's all someone elses fault.

    Although if you wouldnt mind could you post some more articles that you either cannot read or do not understand trying to prove your point while actually proving the opposite? It is always entertaining to see someone who makes the world wonder "how in the hell does this guy function in life, let alone graduate from HS"...

    So you still think the unemployment numbers are good and the economic situation is getting better?

  67. Admiral Sea Biscuit2:00 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Uh oh, I think I got Anon goober all hot and bothered again.


    "Try to stop us, you idiot. As a matter of fact, we are going to really turn on the juice just to make you look like a moronic imbecile in front of the entire blogosphere"

    How you gonna do that? By posting twice as much as you already do?

    Who'll look like the idiot?

    Who will prove the have no life or reason to exist?

    Go ahead clown and off yourself

    Stevey Boy, we know you aint to smurt but you is be yo talkin tooze several anonnies, so I beez da first to say I don't want to off myself I want you to get me off, you know like you used to when we were in the coastguard together...comon I know you still got it in you...ewwww.. I bet you do you fudge fudge packer.

  68. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Btw, there is some very strong bleaching cream on the market today...try it. Also, there is some really good shit for your hair. I believe Al Sharpton uses it.

    Go for it, Steve!

    Stevey Boy Fetch-it looks like FrankenSharpton ever see his pic, no wonder why he is angry and violent.

  69. Anon goober

    "Given a chance, wouldn't you trade in your black skin for a white one? Of course you would! Life would be sooo much better for you."

    What the hell for?

    So my dick could shrink, I could start smelling like a wet chicken, and hang around black websites all day every day because I wouldn't have the guts to face up black folks in real life?

    What would be in it for me?

    I'd end up just like YOU!


  70. "So you still think the unemployment numbers are good and the economic situation is getting better?"

    Nope, but who fucked it up in the first place?

    And whose calling for more of the same shit that got us here?

    Jeopardy music.

  71. Anonymous2:17 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "So you still think the unemployment numbers are good and the economic situation is getting better?"

    Nope, but who fucked it up in the first place?

    And whose calling for more of the same shit that got us here?

    Jeopardy music.

    Too deep for you but I will give you a hint Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, community reinvestment act, Fannie/Freddie now continued today by Barack the Borrower and Eric Holder. Hey, dont worry, if you go on welfare you too can get a home loan, if not the banks are racist.

  72. Community Reinvestment act was enacted in 1977.

    So it took 30 years for it to crash the economy, eh?

    Lawd, there goes the Bell Curve theory!

  73. Let me help goober.

    What caused the recession was the emergence of an unsupervised market in more and more exotic derivatives—credit-default swaps (CDSs), collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), CDSs on CDOs (the esoteric instruments that wrecked AIG)—allowed heedless financial institutions to put the whole financial system at risk.

    In other words, rampant deregulation.

    Exactly what the Rethugs are calling for more of.

  74. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I was just a 15 yo widdle boy when dad first discovered my special place.I was floored.I never knew such a place was special.Daddy excused my ignorance.That was when i left billybobsue furin' goobers behind.They are not smarterer than i.


  75. Consumer Hope for Future Hits Lowest Level Since 1980

    Consumer sentiment inched up in early September, but Americans remained gloomy about the future with a gauge of expectations falling to the lowest level since 1980, a survey released Friday showed.

    The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan's preliminary reading on the overall index on consumer sentiment edged up to 57.8 from 55.7 the month before, which had been the lowest level since November 2008. It topped the median forecast of 56.5 among economists polled by Reuters.

    "Overall, the data indicate that a renewed downturn in consumer spending is as likely as not in the year ahead," survey director Richard Curtin said in a statement.

    "Even without a downturn, consumer spending will not be strong enough to enable the rapid job growth that is needed to offset reduced long-term expectations."

    The gauge of consumer expectations dipped to 47.0 from 47.4. It was the lowest level since May 1980. The economic outlook for the next 12 months fell to 38 from 40, the lowest since February 2009 when the world economy was gripped by the credit crisis.

    Consumers have become increasingly pessimistic about the strength of the recovery this year amid worries the U.S. economy could fall back into recession. A recent Reuters poll of economists put the odds at one in three.

    Confidence in economic policies remained near historic lows after being damaged by political wrangling over raising the debt ceiling. Three out of four consumers expected bad times for the economy in the year ahead. Only half of respondents said the same at the beginning of the year.

    The survey's barometer of current economic conditions gained to 74.5 from 68.7, and better than a forecast of 68.0.

    The survey's one-year inflation expectation rose to 3.7 percent from 3.5 percent, while the survey's five-to-10-year inflation outlook was at 3.0 percent from 2.9 percent.

  76. the unscrubbed vdlr is my personal volunteer net scrubber!



    unglued unlicked untruthful uneducated vdlr:

    u r an insane dl bulldagger stalker.

    and u need thick glasses like that blind coon uts

    u lie like hobama too!!!

    go see nig bitch asap:

    and check my archived stats too!!!

  77. Hobama slogans 2012:



    Bloomberg for FNOTD!

    Mayor Bloomberg warned Friday there would be riots in the streets if Washington doesn't get serious about generating jobs.

    "We have a lot of kids graduating college, can't find jobs," Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show.

    "That's what happened in Cairo. That's what happened in Madrid. You don't want those kinds of riots here."

    In Cairo, angry Egyptians took out their frustrations by toppling presidential strongman Hosni Mubarak - and more recently attacking the Israeli embassy.

    Obama is still suffering from the Speech Illusion, the idea that he can come down from the mountain, read from a Teleprompter, cast a magic spell with his words and climb back up the mountain, while we scurry around and do what he proclaimed.
    The days of spinning illusions in a Greek temple in a football stadium are done. The One is dancing on the edge of one term.
    The White House team is flailing — reacting, regrouping, retrenching. It’s repugnant.
    After pushing and shoving and caving to get on TV, the president’s advisers immediately began warning that the long-yearned-for jobs speech wasn’t going to be that awe-inspiring.
    “The issue isn’t the size or the newness of the ideas,” one said. “It’s less the substance than how he says it, whether he seizes the moment.”
    The arc of justice is stuck at the top of a mountain. Maybe Obama was not even the person he was waiting for.

  78. no slappz3:16 PM

    He lost $2 BILLION for UBS. Bad career move. Really, that's more than the GDP of most African nations.

    UBS Trader Charged With Fraud

    UBS trader Kweku Adoboli didn't enter a plea in a London court after being charged with fraud and false accounting. He was arrested early Thursday morning, hours before UBS said that a rogue trader had caused up to $2 billion in losses at the Swiss bank.

    U.K., Swiss Regulators to Jointly Probe UBS

    Adoboli's Arrest Stuns Family

  79. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Dear Anons and UTS, here are the remarks of a VERY angry hating child who is VERY “hot” and “bothered” by others and therefore cannot find peace, happiness or appreciation of being Black within himself as a BM:

    -UTS, "I just refuse to stand by and let them take over this site."

    -UTS, “Anonymous
    Why don't you and AB kill yourselves?”

    -UTS remark to AB: “Do us all a favor and off yourself.
    And take that anon-loser with you.”

    -UTS, “PUH-LEEZE, off yourself.
    The air will smell better and Lord knows this blog will be worth while again.”

    -UTS, “Like I said, your life is meaningless.
    Off yourself.”

    Finally, UTS said,
    “Most murder is ‘intra’-racial.
    You hate being black and you;ll never be anything else.
    So OFF yourself.”

    Now, any racist worth his weight in salt, would jump on this dumb-setup-your-race-for-a-fall comment by Steve. And one racist did:

    no_slappz said, “Given that blacks commit murder at almost 10 times the rate of whites, is this your way of saying blacks hate each other?”

    Yep, you got it. Brother UTS proved that being Black ‘sucks’--without even trying to. As Granny would say, "Jesus, Mary, Mother of Joseph!"

    Isn't it nice to have brother Steve as the self-proclaimed Black Defender of the black race? Hmmmm. I wonder if that is the reason he is telling Blacks to 'off themselves'?

    Well, Stormfront, the Skinheads, and the KKK have gone on vacation. Because they know everything is in good hands with Steve.

  80. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Poor Slappy, he never did hear of scapegoats or sacrificial lambs. The wite dudes who crashed the economy need a Jew to blame this on.

    UTS, do you enjoy infuriating 15 yo widdle boys? You know they will double down on their ineffectual they can never, ever admit being wrong, incorrect or unmanly.
    Oh well, smearing their mental selves with poo is a small price to pay for 1st Amendment.

    Still, you are correct. They pout, whine and yell when one questions their 'authority' and 'expertise'.


  81. Anonymous3:25 PM

    anon @3:17p, i'm on the floor.'re killing me. lol.

  82. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Keep selling that wite hoperating. About the only reason a woman stays with wite that they have no other option.
    Whether it is GOPDaddy imprisoning her or the lack of choices (small, rural, white towns)...once she has options, she tends to leave. Nice of you pretend that Nice Guy will be chosen. Ha.

    Sarey had SEX with an AfAm. Hope that doesn't mess with your 'poster time'.

    Really, who cares. She was single, he was single. They were consenting adults. KenStarr should write a lengthy report about this...and then make certain every child in 'Merica hears about Sarey's performances.

    We have other items to worry about.


  83. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Still no 'proof'?
    The most you will find is AfAms giddy with delight that an AfAm was going to be President...much as Catholics were thrilled with JFK.

    Essentially your 'proof ' is to take
    out of context quotes...quote mining like Breitbart...and to wail against the horrible injustice of AfAm Christians offering thanks for God's Will.
    Ooh, a writer used 'messiah-like' to pad their story.

    Wow. Guess you never had to take any classes past your breathing degree from High School.

    Though, your need for violence against those who are political opponents is right from the Norway Summer Camp murders. How brave. How heroic. Taking on those who can read and shooting them for knowing more and better.
    Umm...given your Left Behind proclivities, you should just become used to the idea that any person at a 'C' and up is smarter. Being unable to discern the concept of 'proof' is pretty telling.

    Still, you are encouraged to attend your local Community College (before the wngnuts make education a thoughtcrime) and take some classes. Most of the public colleges have these Academic Standards that would greatly benefit your understanding.


  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Mold

    "UTS, do you enjoy infuriating 15 yo widdle boys? You know they will double down on their ineffectual they can never, ever admit being wrong, incorrect or unmanly."

    I enjoy driving them absolutely apoplectic.

    They've even started talking to themselves.

    Check out the goober at 3:23pm.


  86. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Let me help goober.

    What caused the recession was the emergence of an unsupervised market in more and more exotic derivatives—credit-default swaps (CDSs), collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), CDSs on CDOs (the esoteric instruments that wrecked AIG)—allowed heedless financial institutions to put the whole financial system at risk.

    In other words, rampant deregulation.

    Exactly what the Rethugs are calling for more of.

    Oh you poor dumb coon, you are the embodiment of the bell curve and demonstrate the soundness of it's science daily. If you don't have racism, what do you have?

    Ok, given that you certainly don't understand one word of the Paul Krugman qoute you just supplied, do you realize how crazy Krugman is? How he believes our economy could be saved if only aliens would invade us don't get excited the likelihood of aliens coming and anally probing you is very slim. Almost as likely as you understanding isn't going to happen. Anyway..

    I really shouldnt' waste my time, this is obviously way, way over your angry violent standard rhetoric but lets try and simplify this one last and I do mean one last time for you.

    Worrying about inflation interest rates were kept extremely low between 2003-2005 (just like they are today in order to hide inflation/stagflation and a double dip recession) This happened as the real estate and credit bubbles inflated. So the Fed's easy money policies literally created an irresponsible borrowing frenzy on the part of banks and consumers.

    Enter the repo market. Repo is a form of money as it acts as a store of value, with fannie and freddie instead of being backed by a federal guarantee the repo market was backed by guess what?? Subprime mortgages (if you don't know what they are this is all greek to you or should I say Steve-bonics)

    So when housing prices crashed repo holders not knowing if their investments were still sound began a run on the Repo market fueled by subprime mortgages, dumping assets further depressing values and starting a tailspin.

    All the while Nancy and Barney testified to congress right before this all happened along with select members of the CBC, there is nothing to worry about, there is no and won't be any housing market crash and to even ask is racist you just don't want poor minorities to own homes.

    Hope you enjoyed this, it is the last lesson on economics I will provide you, if krugman, you and Obama were right, the economy wouldnt be the worst in decades and getting worse every day now would it.

  87. Anonymous4:04 PM


    "UTS, do you enjoy infuriating 15 yo widdle boys? You know they will double down on their ineffectual they can never, ever admit being wrong, incorrect or unmanly."

    I enjoy driving them absolutely apoplectic.

    They've even started talking to themselves.

    Check out the goober at 3:23pm.


    Steve, we know your IQ is limited but you really have to come up with a new schtick, first of all the "goober at 3;23 you are talking about is MOLD the one you are talking to, are you that stupid? Also, there are several anons who despise you, believe us, it's easy to do. Second, you and Mold are like tweedledum and tweedledumbass It's hard to decide who is crazier or dumber or makes less sense, third no one is angry except you - that blogging response tactic went out years ago when it was found to be a ploy used to hide the fact you simply could not compete intellectually and finally - you keep forgetting you used to use LMBAO you are leaving out the black part now keep up.

  88. LMAO!!!!!

    He's so excitable.

    First off Goober, try as you may to blame the market crash on black first time buyers and Fannie Mae and Freddie MAc, the facts don't bear that out.

    Government regulations precluded Fannie and Freddie from buying mortgages that didn't meet downpayment and credit requirements.

    Because of regulations, they took on less of these loans than most banks.

    So, ONCE AGAIN, you are wrong as two left feet.

    And just as funky.

    Hey folks, let's get ready for another frothy mouthed tantrum from anon-goober.


  89. Anonymous6:23 PM


    "UTS, do you enjoy infuriating 15 yo widdle boys? You know they will double down on their ineffectual they can never, ever admit being wrong, incorrect or unmanly."

    UTS said, "I enjoy driving them absolutely apoplectic.

    They've even started talking to themselves.

    Check out the goober at 3:23pm.


    3:52 PM


    dear uts, Sir,
    i checked out the goober @3:23p and you are right, mold IS talking to herself. LMAO!!! Thanks for that, are a real character. LMAO!!

    BTW, the best commentary I have ever read about you was anon3:17p. I see you had nothing to say. Guess it was so good and true that it left you speechless?

    You got your ass royally kicked by Anons today. How does it feel? LMAO!!!

  90. Anonymous6:32 PM


    "UTS, do you enjoy infuriating 15 yo widdle boys? You know they will double down on their ineffectual they can never, ever admit being wrong, incorrect or unmanly."

    uts-"I enjoy driving them absolutely apoplectic.

    They've even started talking to themselves.

    Check out the goober at 3:23pm.


    3:52 PM
    i checked out the goober at 3:23pm and i agree the goober there is talking to his/her self. in fact, mold talks and mumbles to his/herself a lot.

    Thanks for bringing that to everyone's attention, Steve. You are a real genius. Already today you have killed off your race(see anon3:17pm-that was hilarious) and killed off mold..which is a good thing.

    You are a great hero to Stormfront, Skinheads and David Duke. Keep up the good work, einstein.

  91. Anonymous7:28 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    He's so excitable.

    First off Goober, try as you may to blame the market crash on black first time buyers and Fannie Mae and Freddie MAc, the facts don't bear that out.

    Government regulations precluded Fannie and Freddie from buying mortgages that didn't meet downpayment and credit requirements.

    Because of regulations, they took on less of these loans than most banks.

    So, ONCE AGAIN, you are wrong as two left feet.

    And just as funky.

    Hey folks, let's get ready for another frothy mouthed tantrum from anon-goober.


    You don't really think anyone buys your silly rhetoric do you? Your the one who gets emotional, violent, nasty, racist...I am quite content having a silly discussion with a silly little man on a blog.

    Government regulations precluded Fannie and Freddie from buying mortgages that didnt meet downpayment and credit requirements?

    Really? On what planet? Your hopeless you don't have a clue. Counting the loans guaranteed or owned by Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association — FNMA) and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation — FHLMC), plus Federal Housing Administration loans, the U.S. government has been responsible for around 95 percent of mortgage origination between 2008 and 2010, according to an analysis by the Bank of America Corp.

    Prior to the collapse nearly ALL bad loans were backed or bought by Fannie and Freddie as they forced banks to make the loans with the proviso they would guarentee or outright buy them. They did.

    The government has said it will close down Fannie and Freddie, but its actions and apparent planning to date say otherwise. It is of course possible that the names of the entities and some regulations may change, but that would just be eyewash. The Washington Post story cited above was quickly “denied,” but with so many loopholes in the denials that many observers saw the release of the plans — which would keep federal control over the housing mortgage sector — as the floating of a trial balloon to judge public sentiment.

    Now, I would say nice try with your pathetic lookssss I dont know what to sayyssss but he is anngrrriesssss and excited ploy. But, even though I pointed out that this is the only thing you have you still not knowing or being capable of any better do it again. I am not angry, why would I be angry that you as usual don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about? I already knew that from your silly analysis of other economic matters and once again expected no more from you.

    Now I am sorry but as I said this is the last time, I refuse to engage in discussion with someone whose only recourse is to play blog games claiming someone else is angry, cry racism or start calling racist names. If you can't hang with the content keep your head down and dont humiliate yourself, wait for a topic you know something about, maybe crocheting or cooking.

  92. Anonymous8:58 PM

    hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!

  93. Anonymous9:02 PM

    hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!

  94. Anonymous9:02 PM

    hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!

  95. Anonymous9:03 PM

    100 comments by kuntlick banks spamming ur blog mercilessly

  96. Anonymous9:04 PM

    hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!

  97. Anonymous9:07 PM

    alicia banks said...


    i luv u bro

    but real talk:

    why do u let the vdlr kkklown me herein???

    an alpha male would just ban/banish me like a king

    only a beta male like uts would let that vulgar illiterate court jester blog kkkoper bitch vdlr erase my posts

    i know u r no trifling cowardly bitch like wtf??????

    3:35 PM

    listen to u ya dumb kuntlicker trying to sound slick but still insulting the field negro dummy! u jess mad cuz he gives fair voice to folk who ain like u and u alike look how many posts of urs he didnt delete today ya idgit ure wearing ur welcome out though we talked about it and u jess 5 posts away from being banned ya qoohole licker! fzample why come u ain moderating u own pathetic feeble blog kuntlick? oh wait cuz aint nobody visit it u love the field negro? then why u bury his blog comment section in faux news spam? ya stoopid shit stain burnt crispy critter cast iron skillet underbelly sack of cat bucetas!

  98. Anonymous9:09 PM

    if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!

  99. Anonymous9:10 PM

    hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!

  100. Anonymous9:10 PM

    if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!if u sense that u ain welcome here kuntlick banks then why u dont leave? DUMMY! talk about not bein able to take a hint.......jess sayin DUMMY! dumb kuntlickin banks deserve to ha those posts deleted bytch typin loud and ain sayin shit!

  101. Anonymous9:11 PM

    hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!hey kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treatin u? solved any of the worlds problems lately? fount a cure for a disease? published any new papers in scholary journals? oh wait u majored in communications ya dimwit! like ure gonna do a dam thing wit that but collect welfare jess like u sit on ur ass all day typing bullshit and gettin ur meds on DUMMY!

  102. Anonymous11:01 PM

    jsw56 wrote about Sarah Palin banging Glen Rice:

    Hello my fellow Americans. When is it alright for a "Sports Reporter" , (even if she is an intern), assigned to cover the "Great Alaskan Shootout" involving "College Players", to then while on "ASSIGNMENT", solicit sex from one of the "college" players by taking him to her sister's "college" dorm room? How dare you so-called "Palin" supporters refuse to look at truth. The player in question, former University of Michigan star Glen Rice, has admitted in today's "Miami Herald" that the incident di...See Mored take place when he was 20 and Palin was 23. Now, are you (Palin supporter), saying that she can do no wrong? Are you saying that since she was just "Nine" months from marrying her so-called High School sweetheart Todd, that this is alright? Are you then saying it's completely ethical for a sportscaster to solicit sex from the subject of her/his interview? Then it's a sad commentary on "ethics" in our country. And for you to want such an unethical person to possibly be the head of the U-S government, then I have to question your ability to utilize "critical thinking" in your thought process. You don't have to be conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat to know right from wrong. This is something we are supposed to grasp during our "Elementary school" years. Open your eyes please to the truth of what is. Surely there is a better choice for America than a selfish, unethical shrew to be POTUS. Please my fellow Americans...WAKE UP!!

  103. Anonymous5:03 PM

    i would not believe glen rice if he were white but you negroes will believe any think bongo cares about you,25%unemployment says other i am not surprised when negroes attack descent people because you are such losers.

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