Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reconstruction Redux.

Do you Negroes remember what happened to you after Reconstruction in these divided states of A-merry-ca? If you don't, let me remind you: Those white folks in states like Louisiana, South Carolina and Mississippi were so terrified that you made up the majority of the population and had the right to vote after the 15th Amendment of the Constitution was ratified, that they unleashed the type of terror on you never seen before in this country. (This is right around the time that the klan was formed.) Paramilitary groups, lynchings, beatings, voter intimidation; anything to keep you Negroes away from the voting booths and out of power. Yes sir, as soon as old Rutherford Hayes removed those federal troops from the South you Negroes caught hell.

It's sad, because we missed a golden opportunity in our country's history. The rate of black illiteracy declined by almost 60% during this time. Blacks were being elected to public offices in record numbers, (BTW, contrary to popular beliefs; not all the blacks elected to office during that time was corrupt) and blacks were becoming "economically self sufficient" and more educated.

But alas, this was not to last. (Just call me black Shakespeare) Our Southern brothers and sisters in the majority population made sure of that. Thanks to new state constitutions in places like Mississippi, the voting process became rigged. And with the help of poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses; seeing a Negro in the voting booth became as rare as a redneck with all his teeth.

So fast forward to Reconstruction Redux. (My name for what we are currently experiencing in A-merry-ca.) A black man elected president. Hope and change in the air. Negroes and progressives feeling downright giddy about A-merry-ca's future, and.....well, just like with the old reconstruction; there is a push back.

Here in Pistolvania and in other states where there are republican controlled state houses across the country, everything is being done to make sure that you Negroes don't go to the voting booths and have any impact on our national electoral process ever again.

"Top state Republicans are throwing their political heft behind a plan to change the way Pennsylvania elects a president, setting the stage for a showdown this fall over whether the move would wipe out Pennsylvania's clout in national elections.

A brigade that reads like a who's who of legislative Republicans wants to do away with the winner-take-all system of apportioning the state's electoral votes and replace it with one that would do so by congressional district.

Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R., Delaware), who is leading the charge, argues that the change will make the system fairer and more representative, and says that a bill could be voted on this fall, in time for the 2012 presidential election. Gov. Corbett has said he would support it.
Democrats counter that the proposed change is not only blatantly political - designed to give GOP candidates the edge - but also bad for Pennsylvania, as it will diminish the state's role in deciding who occupies the White House.

To that, Pileggi says: "This concept about clout and perceived importance is secondary to making sure that individual voters have a say in who the president is."

He added: "Everyone agrees Pennsylvania is one of the more diverse states in the union, and that diversity is not reflected in the current winner-takes-all sytsem."


Folks let me explain how this works for you: Under the current system the most votes from the state wins all 21 electoral college votes. Under the New Reconstruction model there would be an electoral college vote for each congressional district won. This means that all you Negroes voting in places like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh could only affect the electoral college votes so much, because all those congressional districts where you Negroes don't exist would have just as much clout as you do, even though there is far less people in those areas.

"In 2012, after redistricting, Pennsylvania will have 20 electoral votes and 18 congressional districts. Under Pileggi's proposal, each of the districts would elect one presidential elector; the other two would be apportioned on the basis of the popular vote.

Only two other states allocate electoral votes by congressional district, Maine and Nebraska.

Pileggi and other GOP leaders in the legislature, all of whom are expressing support for the effort, argue the proposed new system will more closely reflect the popular will of voters." [Source]

Mississippi 1865!



  1. NSangoma10:16 PM

    Now field, the northern republicans have always been the good guys; its the southern democrats that are the emeny, er uh, enemy.

  2. Anonymous10:31 PM

    What difference does it make? Blacks don't vote anyway.

  3. Mississippi 1865

    Union thugs are protesting.Black workers have replaced them on the line.

    Union thugs take the nooses,monkey dolls, and sheets out of their closets.They want to scare blacks away.

    They shout go home "miggers".

    Wait........Thats not Mississippi 1865.

    Thats North Dakota 2011.

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM


    The proof of the disadvantage of being Black keeps coming. Maybe Troy will have some peace afterwards as a bm.

  5. Anonymous10:39 PM

    "They shout go home "miggers".

    Wait........Thats not Mississippi 1865.

    Thats North Dakota 2011."

    That's true. But it is also true that Blacks will be going home and the Whites will be getting the jobs...just like in 1865.

    Some things never change in America.

  6. Anonymous said...
    What difference does it make? Blacks don't vote anyway.

    Thought we all voted for Obama....

  7. blackinalabama11:59 PM

    Great Article as always. In the south we have a saying "Nip it in the Bud" which means let me put an end to this (situation) before these fools get started. I believe that if Obama had stood up and call out racist bullshit (nip it in the bud) that was directed toward him early on we would not be dealing with half of the madness begin pulled by the Republicans. If they can take a black man down from the highest office in the country the rest of us dont stand a chance.

    I keep asking myself Do Republicans really think they can take this country back to days of "Dixie Land" without a fight?

  8. "I keep asking myself Do Republicans really think they can take this country back to days of "Dixie Land" without a fight?"

    "Dixie Land" and Keystone Land. What's the difference?

    "What difference does it make? Blacks don't vote anyway."

    See what Brooklyn said.

  9. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Brooklyn, "Thought we all voted for Obama...."

    Every now and then, we have a 'flash in the pan' extraordinary event. It's kind of like MLK, Malcolm X and the Panthers. Those events disappear as quickly as they happen.

    Ordinarily, Blacks don't vote. For instance, the Tea Party and GOP got control of the House because Blacks didn't go to the polls to vote last November. THAT, is the way we normally behave in America when it comes to voting....We are too lazy to vote. We do nothing and then claim we are victims of the wm. The majority of our race are weaklings and lazy asses.

    Most Blacks don't believe voting makes a difference anyway. Look at what has happened to our folks since we ALL voted for Obama. We are worse off than we have ever been before. And he is a brutha!

    But isn't it always one of us who turns out to be our greatest and most treacherous enemy? Sorry, I shouldn't be talking like this. Rottenkid and Field have a hard time with the truth. It's no fun being Black these days. Oh's always been a bitch being Black. Just ask Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordon, The CBC, The NAACP, The SPLC, The Old and New Panthers, Rev Manning, Al Sharpton...any Black living in Brooklyn...any Black living in Philly(if you can find one alive)...

  10. Anonymous1:08 AM

    "I keep asking myself Do Republicans really think they can take this country back to days of "Dixie Land" without a fight?"

    Who's going to stop them? The answer is "yes" they believe it. In fact, they KNOW IT. So you can stop asking yourself that question. Blacks aren't going to do a damn thing. We never have. We are a carbon copy of the man we voted for: WEAK.

    The Republicans are exceptionally strong. No one can stop them. Obama and the Dems have proven that.

  11. Field,
    Remember last year republicans tried to tinker with the 14th amendment under the guise of questioning citizenship rules for so called illegal aliens... As I wrote in my blog at the time thank God for John Conyers being astute enough to put the breaks on that. As I and apparently Rep Conyers suspected it wasn't about immigration at all but voting rights for us. I'm not a big conspiracy theorists Field but as Keith Sweat said, "Something just ain't right"

  12. Anonymous5:09 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Oh and Dr. Queen?

    Congratulations, you are the most consistently vacuous poster on this website.

    It takes a special talent to spend so much time saying absolutely nothing of value.

    You should write for American TV shows. They will love you.

    6:41 PM

    gosh queefkim even pc is on ur ass now that is funny see this anon aint the only one that recognizes what a gottdam liar u r and a fool and a puffery prone imbecile u r DUMMY! ur vacuous empty non substantive posts show as much how many degrees u claimerate to ha? oh ya jess claims we all know u ain really edumacayted and trying to front like u aced the mcat when u ain even ha ur scores is house negro behavior u ought to be shamed dummy!

  13. Anonymous5:14 AM

    neither doctor nor queen said...

    The Purple Cow said...
    Oh and Dr. Queen?

    Congratulations, you are the most consistently vacuous poster on this website.

    Damn Barney, did you borrow your mammy's thesaurus to come up with the word vacuous?

    BTW, if you really believe this statement to be true, you must KEEP your nose is the stalker's crack, while she keeps her nose in mine, LOL!!!

    7:35 PM

    once again u carry urself like a two pence hooker and expect us to beleeverate that u u u of all people is edumacayted with multiple degrees well u tell those affirmative action hounds to get cher money back sweetie cuz it aint done no good if after all ur edumacayshun the only thing u ca do is make comments about bootyholes and private parts then ur brain is stuck in the gutter and no amount of edumacayshun ca change that DUMMY! u ca take the hoochie out the ghetto but not the ghetto out the hoochie DUMMY!

  14. I'm surprised it took this long to come out and be suggested. I said this would happen 1 week after O won. No one should be surprised at this. I'm am surprised it took this long to be suggested, though here in MO, there was a few off-side suggestions about now changing how the President is elected. I'll say it here, like I said it then: In this political game, as in most games, the minute someone they didn't even want to play, wins -and wins playing by their rules they then want to change the rules. I'm from Chicago. I saw Chicago damn near eat itself (props to the Black Snob for that line) when Harold Washington was elected. So I am not now and will never be surprised at anything white folks say and do when someone plays at their game and beats them at it. They tend to get all indignant and beligerant at the audacity and uppitiness of it.

    Just saying.

  15. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Damn Barney, did you borrow your mammy's thesaurus to come up with the word vacuous?
    queef da kim

    barney? barney? barney? u old irrelevant obsolete shit stain! barney? wha? barney? this anon ain heard of barney since 1996 ya qoohole! wit all ur degrees u cante do better then that? gawds ur a vacuous disppointment!

  16. Anonymous5:17 AM

    So I am not now and will never be surprised at anything white folks say and do when someone plays at their game and beats them at it. They tend to get all indignant and beligerant at the audacity and uppitiness of it.

    Just saying.

    true then they try to change the rules so nobody ca beat them again;)

  17. "Folks let me explain how this works for you: Under the current system the most votes from the state wins all 21 electoral college votes. Under the New Reconstruction model there would be an electoral college vote for each congressional district won. This means that all you Negroes voting in places like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh could only affect the electoral college votes so much, because all those congressional districts where you Negroes don't exist would have just as much clout as you do, even though there is far less people in those areas. "

    Apply that on a nationwide scale, and flyover country effectively has a lock on the nation's politics. Which is why we have the system we have in place right now.

    And somebody had better get that depressed negro @ 12:58 some Xanax or some happy pills or somethin. Next thing you know, he's gonna tie a rope around his neck, walk up to the nearest coo cluck redneck bastard and ask him to drag his black ass all over creation, just to put him out of his misery.

    "I keep asking myself Do Republicans really think they can take this country back to days of "Dixie Land" without a fight?"

    Apparently they do. And they'll risk permenently breaking up the United States into two, three or more different nations just to do it.

  18. "It's no fun being Black these days."

    Speak for yourself "depressed Negro". I am all over this black thing. (Thanks for that name,Mack)

  19. Read this - it's proper journalism

    Now you know what Sarah Palin is really thinking.

  20. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Man you guys are funny. Why would you believe a half-white half-black man, raised by his white grand parents, and growing up in Indonesia have any special place in his heart for American black people? Here's another clue for free, if you want to prosper, quit committing so many crimes. I know,,,I'm a racist for even suggesting that black people commit crimes, but the truth is almost all crimes committed by blacks are on other blacks, just like most crimes committed by whites are perpetrated on whites. I grew up with the attitude my Dad taught me...I don't care if you're white, black, red, brown, green, purple, I don't care, just do the job you're supposed to do. If you can't, that's your get out not mine. Slowly, the leadership of the "Black Caucus", J.Jackson, and these other talking heads is turning my opinion to "F. U. too". If these jackasses truly represent the black community, then don't be surprised that whites will get tired of being accused of racism, and strike back, hell, if I'm gonna be accused of something I might as well enjoy the crime. If they don't represent your community, you need to reel them in before they sour race relations to the point of conflict. And make no mistake, in a race war you would loose. Black people aren't even the largest minority anymore, Latinos have that honor. As a matter of course, Blacks only make up 12% of the American population.
    There are some tenets from the Nation of Islam I agree with, white America is not going to save you from yourselves as much as liberals might want.

  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Witesylvania has long hated that most things are decided by the urban centres.
    They are also upset that the welfare stream is from the urbans to the rurals and suburbans.

    Maybe if the Rs offered better candidates...or Rational policies...they would not need to cheat.


  22. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Wow...a wite boy with a 'Modest Proposal' for those icky 'urban' thugs who call theyselves Hibernians. Yes, the Irish are indeed a subhuman Race and should be expunged or deported for the greater good. Absolutely.

    Yet, I hear that the owners of the company are importing furriners called Eyetalians. They could be -gasp- Catholic and have odd food and clothing and cultural norms.

    But our Randian SuperMens would never, ever stoop to bringing in hordes of immigrants to reduce wage pressures and break unionization. After all, they are Fwee Marketeers and hew to the Chicago School of Thawt. Capital is movable, labour am not. Therefore ipsa mens rea, the owners will not bring in millions of these Yurpeans to lower my wite Merican wage.


  23. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The reason we don't have beautiful new airports and efficient bullet trains is not that we have inadvertently stumbled upon stumbling blocks; it's that there are considerable numbers of Americans for whom these things are simply symbols of a feared central government, and who would, when they travel, rather sweat in squalor than surrender the money to build a better terminal. They hate fast trains and efficient airports for the same reason that seventeenth-century Protestants hated the beautiful Baroque churches of Rome when they saw them: they were luxurious symbols of an earthly power they despised. Friedman and Mandelbaum wring their hands at "our" unwillingness to sacrifice our comforts on behalf of our principles, but Americans are perfectly willing to sacrifice their comforts for their ideological convictions. We don't have a better infrastructure or decent elementary schools because many people are willing to sacrifice faster movement between our great cities, or better-informed children, in support of their belief that the government should always be given as little money as possible.

    The reasons for these feelings are, of course, complex, with a noble reason descending from the Revolutionary War, and its insistence on liberty at all costs, and an ignoble one descending from the Civil War and its creation of a permanent class of white men convinced that they are besieged by an underclass they regard as subsidized wards of the federal government. (Thus the curious belief that a worldwide real-estate crisis that hit the north of Spain and the east of Ireland as hard as the coast of Florida was the fault of money loaned by Washington to black people.) But the crucial point is that this is the result of active choice, not passive indifference: people who don't want high-speed rail are not just indifferent to fast trains. They are offended by fast trains, as the New York Post is offended by bike lanes and open-air plazas: these things give too much pleasure to those they hate. They would rather have exhaust and noise and traffic jams, if such things sufficiently annoy liberals. Annoying liberals is a pleasure well worth paying for.
    -Adam Gopnik


  24. Anonymous8:57 AM

    We live in the “everybody gets a trophy,” protect their self-esteem at all costs, don’t keep score at the basketball game, call for the government to fix every problem in your life age. Then we wonder why so many people are terrified to take responsibility for their own lives. We wonder why they embrace the pseudo-morality of tolerance, diversity, and “not being mean,” while eschewing real morality, which actually requires making tough, sometimes unpleasant choices. We wonder why they blame everyone else, except themselves when things go wrong, but what else would they do? They’ve been told all their lives that they’re special, without ever doing anything special. They’ve been told that we’re wonderful, without ever being wonderful. So when they inevitably hit a rough patch, they’re unprepared for the bumps and assume that if they’re such unique little human flowers, it must be someone else’s fault.

    John Hawkins

  25. Cherokee Indians: We are free to oust blacks

    OKLAHOMA CITY — The nation's second-largest Indian tribe said on Tuesday that it would not be dictated to by the U.S. government over its move to banish 2,800 African Americans from its citizenship rolls

    "The Cherokee Nation will not be governed by the BIA," Joe Crittenden, the tribe's acting principal chief, said in a statement responding to the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs.

    Crittenden, who leads the tribe until a new principal chief is elected, went on to complain about unnamed congressmen meddling in the tribe's self-governance.

    The reaction follows a letter the tribe received on Monday from BIA Assistant Secretary Larry Echo Hawk, who warned that the results of the September 24 Cherokee election for principal chief will not be recognized by the U.S. government if the ousted members, known to some as "Cherokee Freedmen," are not allowed to vote.

    The dispute stems from the fact that some wealthy Cherokee owned black slaves who worked on their plantations in the South. By the 1830s, most of the tribe was forced to relocate to present-day Oklahoma, and many took their slaves with them. The so-called Freedmen are descendants of those slaves.

    After the Civil War, in which the Cherokee fought for the South, a treaty was signed in 1866 guaranteeing tribal citizenship for the freed slaves.

    The African Americans lost their citizenship last month when the Cherokee Supreme Court voted to support the right of tribal members to change the tribe's constitution on citizenship matters.

    The change meant that Cherokee Freedmen who could not prove they have a Cherokee blood relation were no longer citizens, making them ineligible to vote in tribal elections or receive benefits.

    Besides pressure from the BIA to accept the 1866 Treaty as the law of the land, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is withholding a $33 million disbursement to the tribe over the Freedmen controversy.

    Attorneys in a federal lawsuit in Washington are asking a judge to restore voting rights for the ousted Cherokee Freedmen in time for the September 24 tribal election for Principal Chief.

    Damn.......Even the Indians are trying to take away the rights of us black folk.

    Who knew the Indians kept slaves?

    Thank allah for brown-black solidarity.Hate to think what them mexicans would do to us black folk.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. A newly released Gallup poll reveals historic lows in President Obama’s job approval rating across three key demographic groups. Among the nation’s largest such group, whites, his approval is at 33%—25 points off his post-election high of 58%. Among the second largest ethnicity, Hispanics, his numbers have dropped even more precipitously, from 75% in January, 2009, to 48% in August of this year.
    So far has Obama’s star fallen since he rode to electoral victory on the twin promises of hope and change that his approval among his most loyal constituency, blacks, has tied its all-time low. Having once enjoyed a supernal job approval rating of 92%, Obama now gets the nod fro

  28. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "There are some tenets from the Nation of Islam I agree with, white America is not going to save you from yourselves as much as liberals might want."

    7:41 AM

    Thank you Anon for your insightful comment. Unfortunately, you are talking mostly to FN Negroes with cotton in their ears. I have tried to get their attention but folks like Mack Lyons and Field are just too steeped in denial to get it. Very immature individuals.

    Again, it is no fun being Black. PTSD permeates the black race. No other race has such misery. There is no leadership and definitely no CBC worth the money they are being paid. But we Blacks keep electing them because anybody is ok with us. Besides, there is no one else worth electing. What are we going to do, elect someone like Obama? We all know where that leads to: "more bondage, less jobs and more racism."

    You are right about the Latinos. They have already surpassed us. Once again, we are last. Once again Negroes like Mack and Field pretend to be happy Negroes and act as though they have their shit together. But have you noticed that Negroes who act like they have their shit together are usually standing in their shit at the same time?

    In America, we live in the reality of: "If you are Black, get back!" The CBC and Obama know their place and therefore are unable to do much. As a bm, I will not vote for Obama. I can't bring myself to vote for someone who from the beginning has turned his back on Blacks and continuously is an obsequious fawning President who stays on his knees in front of the Republicans and Tea Party. He is disgusting but is representative of a fearful Black with no power.

    Farrakhan is right: AAs are finished. It is quite sad and depressing to be watching this slow macabre dance of death of Blacks while folks like Field and Mack do the jig like happy HN's. No wonder they love Obama...they are lke him. This post just shows how sad it is to be Black.

  29. Anonymous9:34 AM

    AB, "A newly released Gallup poll reveals historic lows in President Obama’s job approval rating across three key demographic groups. Among the nation’s largest such group, whites, his approval is at 33%—25 points off his post-election high of 58%. Among the second largest ethnicity, Hispanics, his numbers have dropped even more precipitously, from 75% in January, 2009, to 48% in August of this year."

    Why didn't you post the % of Blacks? Is there some reason? Whenever it comes to Blacks, there is always something missing or something left out. Sister AB, please post the % like you did for other ethinic groups. I know it's hard to do it for us, but we need to grow up and get over our toxic shame of being Black.

  30. assnon:

    got valium?

    i am working all day and interrupted all day...

    that is why i post in spurts all day

    it is not deep sci


  31. and i am the LEAST racist person on this blog

    i refuse to see the blackish cia repub hobama as a bro/dem/prez

    where have u been fool???

  32. silly assnon:

    skip the coffee this

  33. Anonymous9:53 AM

    AB your post about skippin a few things was deleted - I didnt get a chance to read the whole thing what did you say that pissed of the "blog administrator"?

  34. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Mack Lyons, "And somebody had better get that depressed negro @ 12:58 some Xanax or some happy pills or somethin. Next thing you know, he's gonna tie a rope around his neck, walk up to the nearest coo cluck redneck bastard and ask him to drag his black ass all over creation, just to put him out of his misery."

    Weren't you in a state of deep depression not too long ago? If I recall, you were so depressed that you had to leave FN for a while? Now you are suggesting to anon who might be depressed that he should kill himself?

    Maybe anon has a point about being Black. It's a lonely and miserable mainly because of grandiose mean-spirited spiteful negroes like you and Field, You two are far more hateful than any white person could be toward a brother.

  35. anon:

    nigs on this blog hate the truth about hobama

    i spoke of FN's horrid analogy


    hope and change never happened
    hobama is a repub thug

  36. SARAH Palin last night claimed drug taking and having sex with tall, muscly black men was the dream of every real American.

    Even better when coked
    The former Alaskan governor said that filling your nose with dream powder or riding a mighty basketball player was the 'golden tomorrow' of every middle-class 'hockey mom'.

    Palin, a leader of the right-wing Teapot movement, added: "To all those who wake up in the morning, hoist the flag on their lawns and make waffles for their kids, I know how much you wish you were buzzing like a freak while screaming for more.

    "You just want your kids to be safe, go to college and get a good job while you pay your mortgage and score some kick-ass blow before climbing on board a man who is so much more than that hard-working pasty faced salesman you're so proud to be married to.

    "But the real tragedy is that the cronies in Washington keep all the that sweet powder to themselves and use their corporate contacts to get great seats at basketball games, so close they can almost reach out and touch those glistening black thighs that can go all night long.

    "I want you to know that I will always stand with you and if we stick to our beliefs, cherish our values and keep faith in God we can all share in an orgasm that you would simply not believe."

    Margaret Collins, a housewife from Ohio, said: "Sarah Palin is just an ordinary American girl who can communicate so well my burning need to get really well fucked every once in a while.

    "And if I can do that while being so high I can actually see Jesus then, God willing, we can take our country back."

    From 'The Daily Mash'

  37. anon:

    i have this prepped for perpetual cc's

    read asap!

    I know that you know that is a horrid analogy FN!!!

    Hope and change never happened

    Hobama is a repub thug

    Hobama is a Bush boy by blood and they all cheat in elections

    Hobama has abused all of his base

    Hobama has flagrantly played himself since 2008

    Hobama will not fool many black mongrels twice


    Cc this to a deported latino/black female judge/laid off black auto worker/destroyter/Libyan etc!!!

  38. fn:

    more fodder to repair your grossly flawed analogy!


    Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the "haves and have mores" his "base." But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor. Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education. However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the "jobs" bill HIRE was nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can't find work to pay them off. So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans -- which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way. Obama also extended Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.

    Rule of Law is Dead: The Rule of Law is an ancient concept that means a society is governed by rational, objective written laws, as opposed to the personal whim or arbitrariness of some king. Under this pretext, no one is above the law, not even kings. Yet, we have seen this concept steadily erode from reality over many decades, but not so blatant as under George W. Bush whose team permanently subverted the rules in favor of the elite. Under Bush and now Obama, the corporate elite clearly get away with massive crimes against humanity and overwhelming fraud, while the little people are still routinely punished for all minor offenses. With not even a hint of punishment, banks can openly loot and defraud the public, the government can spy on Americans, the TSA can grope our private parts, while large corporations continue to poison us and the environment with impunity. The Feds, under Obama, have even raided legal medical marijuana dispensaries and private organic cooperatives. In addition, Obama signed an Executive Order to indefinitely detain "terror" suspects even after acquittal -- while other lawmakers seek to remove Miranda Rights. Who is prosecuting these crimes and injustices? When the criminal corporations with their government partners continue to run the system, there will be no rule of law, or justice.

    Obamacare Fascism: Even many progressives view Obamacare as a purely fascist policy. When a progressive tries to defend Obamacare these days, the best argument they can give is "at least Obama tried to fix the problem." It's their way of subtly deflecting blame to Bush for ignoring it because he was too busy "smokin' turrurists outta their holes". Healthcare reform was meant to increase competition and affordable coverage for all Americans. Yet, the private insurance monopolies remain and citizens are mandated to buy from them under penalty of jail, while 1000 of the most connected corporations are exempt from the law. Furthermore, the FDA remains under the full control of Big Pharma/Chemical giants and the giveaways to the drug companies have only increased. Finally, when there are huge profits involved in deciding if people live or die, and budgetary rationing of services, you will always have "death panels." So, yes, the corporate government healthcare merger is complete with for-profit "death panels." Folks, if you want to know what the modern-day definition of fascism is, you just read it.

  39. Anonymous10:10 AM

    AB, "Either the members of this ethnic group is the most astute political observers ever, or they are judging the president based on the color of his skin. With black unemployment at its highest rate in 27 years and no indication that that statistic is likely to change soon, one is drawn to the strong likelihood that race is the operant variable."

    Thank you, AB. 84%? that is the stupidity of being Black. That's how useless members of CBC keep their the color of their skin. Yes, we are racists who claim not to be racists even though our actions show otherwise.

    Obama has proven again and again that he cares nothing about Blacks, yet he still has 84% approval? That is crazy and it shows the mental and emotional sickness of our race.

    As I have said, and will continue to say, "It's no fun being Black." And that poll of 84% shamefully proves it. Besides unrestrained killing and abusing each other, we continue to support black politicians who, through their behavior and actions, don't give a damn about us.

    84% is not only outrageous, it is moronic.

  40. Anonymous

    Why don't you and AB kill yourselves?

    Some of us are very happy and proud to be black.

  41. more on that election thief false flag waving repub hobama and his election thieving/false flagging epub bush kin

  42. uts:

    eff u coon

    u r only proud to be black when u r mowing your gated lawn or attending a jack and jill gig u lying nig

    i hate hobama

    he is your idol mf
    not mine

    why would i kill myself as he is doing????

  43. ab

    You hate Obama because seeing him and his lovely black wife is like looking in the mirror at your own reflection which you despise.

    Do us all a favor and off yourself.

    And take that anon-loser with you.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Anonymous10:31 AM


    The Purple Cow said...
    SARAH Palin last night claimed drug taking and having sex with tall, muscly black men was the dream of every real American.

    Even better when coked
    The former Alaskan governor said that filling your nose with dream powder or riding a mighty basketball player was the 'golden tomorrow' of every middle-class 'hockey mom'.

    Palin, a leader of the right-wing Teapot movement, added: "To all those who wake up in the morning, hoist the flag on their lawns and make waffles for their kids, I know how much you wish you were buzzing like a freak while screaming for more.

    "You just want your kids to be safe, go to college and get a good job while you pay your mortgage and score some kick-ass blow before climbing on board a man who is so much more than that hard-working pasty faced salesman you're so proud to be married to.

    "But the real tragedy is that the cronies in Washington keep all the that sweet powder to themselves and use their corporate contacts to get great seats at basketball games, so close they can almost reach out and touch those glistening black thighs that can go all night long.

    "I want you to know that I will always stand with you and if we stick to our beliefs, cherish our values and keep faith in God we can all share in an orgasm that you would simply not believe."

    Margaret Collins, a housewife from Ohio, said: "Sarah Palin is just an ordinary American girl who can communicate so well my burning need to get really well fucked every once in a while.

    "And if I can do that while being so high I can actually see Jesus then, God willing, we can take our country back."

    From 'The Daily Mash'

    Purple Cow; I am sure you don't get it how could you, but this says more about you than anyone else.

  46. jilted stilted conked coon uts:

    pick another man crush asap u reject mf

    hobama hates u more than i do

    he would never marry/do u

    President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.

    The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Alicia Banks: The suffering of many to get the Right to Vote compels and motivates me and other Americans to vote, regardless. I am pissed that:
    1. We Negroes predictably failed miserably to vote during key elections, ie. congressional election of 2010.
    2. That, according to MLK, who once said, "...there is nothing and no one to vote for".
    AB: I check out your rants; most are coherent and on target - particularly because/when you support them with links/references.
    Should we hope the repugs and teabaggers take "our house" back so that the fates of Negroes are finally sealed?
    What do YOU, AB, have in mind; what do YOU, AB, propose?
    MLK also once quoted a philospher: "The moral arc of the universe is great; but it ultimately points toward Justice..." JUSTICE!
    We've had nine-eleven (not enough, sadly)
    We've had Katrina (not enough, sadly)
    We have unprecedented numbers of black men incarcerated (not enough, perhaps)
    And now, the other "shoe drop" of "Reconstruction Redux" vigorously emerges at the precipice of American race-based facism and tyranny.
    Perhaps we deserve what we are getting. Witness the long overdue aforementioned "justice".
    Meanwhile, here in the belly of the bible belt beast, evangelical christians are cheerfully putting another human being to death.
    Nine-eleven and Katrina didn't go far enough.

  49. Anonymous10:39 AM

    UTS said, "Anonymous

    Why don't you and AB kill yourselves?

    Some of us are very happy and proud to be black."

    10:11 AM

    Your comment doesn't sound like a happy person who is proud to be Black. You are the second proud happy Negro to suggest to others to kill themselves. The other is your proud happy black friend Mack Lyons.

    Be careful. Some people DO kill themselves based on hateful remarks like yours. it would be a shame to end up in prison....Your comment will be bookmarked

  50. anon:

    each one teach one
    each one save one

    politicos died for me long ago

    i spend my life saving gifted black babies who are tortured by dumb peers in public schools etc

    hobama and no prez will ever save us

    i will never vote again

    but i love ron paul
    and jesse in 2012

    see more


  51. anon:


    i am distracted all day....

    but anytime i am alerted that my posts are deleted

    i will repost them


  52. hobama owes us

    we do not owe him a gd thing!!!!!

    we have been so reticent and king to hobama that he has slain us in silence!!!!

    EVICT HOBAMA 2012!!!!!!!

    The post black power/civil rights era (notice not post racial but post movement in America) that was largely destroyed by outside forces and inside fratricide has left us intellectually defenseless to those who would tell us not to make demands, not to have expectations, or else be called “hata.” How long can we let this anti-intellectual phase popularized by black youth culture dominate community interaction? When did we start adopting the slogans of young musicians as words to live by? Are they the philosophical queens and kings of our discourse? Why do we live by a creed of “no critique”? Is that really better than a discussion to draw out the positives and negatives of a political figure that millions of us voted for? Many of the Black pundits and defenders of the no “hata” mantra come off as reactionary nationalists, who on the one hand claim there are no Black community demands—or none should be made because Obama is not the president of Black America – but on the other hand, defend the Black President only because he is Black.

    Would it not be a sign of political maturity to put aside that Obama is the first black president and to judge by the (worsening) conditions since the election and to make demands based on that? This is not to say that the conditions are Obama’s fault, but there are things that government can do that needs to be demanded of it from the community. In fact by creating a left self-determining pole of black demands, it could even provide cover for the President to meet some of those demands. More importantly it puts us as a people back in the middle of a conversation on what is in the best interest of our community. That is not something that we can leave to mainstream black pundits who keep their distance from any conversation on what is best for the black community and how to achieve it.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Anon-clown

    "Be careful. Some people DO kill themselves based on hateful remarks like yours. it would be a shame to end up in prison....Your comment will be bookmarked"

    I'm soooooo scared.

    PUH-LEEZE, off yourself.

    The air will smell better and Lord knows this blog will be worth while again.

  55. StudytheReconstruction10:52 AM

    Thank you! I've been reading your blog daily for the past year. It's a must read for me. Finally I can't hold out any longer, I must comment. Since the election of BHO, I've noticed the backlash and have been yelling to my brothers and sisters to study the reconstruction because things are looking very similar to me too. Finally someone else confirms my fears. Thanks for writing this. I too believe we're heading towards Mississippi 1865. The tea party is nothing but the klan under a new name and now consuming a major political party. SMH

    BTW, tell Mrs. Field hello. I always enjoy your references to her.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. no one who is truly intellectual will compare the racist fears of antebellum black voters to the righteous collective global fear of a blackish nwo prez...


    millions of whites who hate hobama in 2011 voted for him in 2008



  58. Anonymous11:04 AM

    uts is a ruthless dude. if he is Black proud and happy, then the entire race is doomed.

  59. Anonymous11:05 AM

    uts is a ruthless dude. if he is Black proud and happy, then the entire race is doomed.

  60. Anonymous11:05 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Be careful. Some people DO kill themselves based on hateful remarks like yours. it would be a shame to end up in prison....Your comment will be bookmarked"

    I'm soooooo scared.

    PUH-LEEZE, off yourself.

    The air will smell better and Lord knows this blog will be worth while again.

    10:51 AM

    Silly Anon, you can't scare Stevey wit prison - he is already dreamin o gettin sum male bonding like he hasnt seen since his days as a first class semen when he was wit the coast guard and served on board the good ship lollipop. He was the head cook, you could always tell - he was the one with the dirty knees

  61. Anonymous11:13 AM

    anon-"Be careful. Some people DO kill themselves based on hateful remarks like yours. it would be a shame to end up in prison....Your comment will be bookmarked"

    uts-"I'm soooooo scared".

    It's not about being scared, fool. You are too stupid and removed from human feelings to know what 'scared' is. This is about being a smart intelligent reasonable decent human being, which you obviously have no clue. You are too diseased with self-centered in-humaneness.

  62. Anon-clown

    I though the race was already doomed according to you.

    MAybe, just maybe you're a pathetic racist loser trying to convince himself he's better than black folks.

    While he spends every day of his pathetic life harrassing blacks on the web.


  63. Anonymous11:17 AM

    uts, where is your friend, Kill-depressed Negroes-Mack Lyons? You two make a good duo.

  64. Anonymous11:19 AM

    uts-"While he spends every day of his pathetic life harrassing blacks on the web."

    Which anon are you talking to? which one do you feel a victim of harassment by?

  65. Anonymous11:23 AM

    UTS, good to see you posting again.

    I did love the sockpuppet self-love from the widdle wite guy trying so much to pretend he is AfAm. Why do all his statements remind me of hearing such Gooberish from spoiled wite fratbrats like the Quayles or bush? Nothing like being regaled with tales of Welfare Queens living high off the Productive Job Creator Class...from Legacies with never-need-to-work trust the AfAm serving them is paid so little they are eligible for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid. Oh, she was soooo lazy...with a schedule of six days a week, 16 hour days (if lucky), and doing the work of three.

    Purple Cow, thank you for that -ahem- visual of Sarey. mommy Dearest, like Daughter? What could possibly be in the Sun Belt for a 'single gal'?
    We know she uses a nanny, no matter how much manure the Goobers accept from her. OMG! There is a whole team of what she wants!!

    Oh, Sarey was single and an adult. Coke was nigh omnipresent. Unless one lived in a two-family town and had being a brood cow for the least genetically defective donor as the best possible outcome...this is not really news.

    Lydia Pinkhams was quite popular.


  66. Anonymous11:27 AM

    uts-"I though the race was already doomed according to you.

    MAybe, just maybe you're a pathetic racist loser trying to convince himself he's better than black folks."

    Farrakhan said that years ago. I agree with him. Judging from Field's two recent post it's sure looks like it's happening. One post indicates that Blacks are killing off Blacks. This post indicates Whites are taking us under.

    So it sure looks to me like the AA race is being attacked on all fronts. No one likes us, including ourselves...we are killing each other! Even YOU are encouraging Blacks on this blog to kill themselves. Yes, you are right...It is a pathetic situation and definitely a losing situation. With thinking bm like you in the race, it is a sure thing we are pathetic losers.

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I think part of why the MSM is so horrified and pearl-clutching over Sarey is that they were selling her TaxBagger nonsense. Got taken by her, they did. And the 'revelations' of McGinnis would have been easily unearthed by any competent journalist.
    Like a decent high school kid.

    Like every TaxBagger, Sarey wants free money from the gubmint for her, pain for people she'll never meet, and low taxes because using a calculator am sooooo hard.

    Unless the Rs can steal the election, Obama will be the default choice. Think of how bad that makes the wingnuts feel. No matter how often they lie, pretend to be AfAms on blogs, or sell self-impoverishment...the US citizen prefers the AfAm. Overwhelmingly. Even with the R created bushMess of nearly 25% unemployment....we all would pick Obama.
    Poor dears, god bless 'em. All that lying, cheating, deceit, theft, and Koch-sucking...and for what? To lose to one they still can't call 'migger'.


  70. the cowardly uneducated unlicked vdlr is illiterate

    that is why it is easier to erase my VALID queries about hobama than to answer them

    that is a gd shame.
    why should any person of any race vote for hobama in 2012????

    what has he done that anyone who is not a bankster should want more of?????

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its most recent unemployment data. We knew that black folks (especially men) would be at the bottom, we just didn’t know how bad. Well, it turns out that the numbers exceed even the most pessimistic predictions.

    Black unemployment shot up like a rocket during the month of August, rising from an abysmal 15.9 percent to an even more shocking 16.7 percent. Much of the increase was driven by black male unemployment, which rose from 17 to 18 percent. Black female unemployment remained steady at 13.4 percent, and black teen unemployment experienced a dramatic increase from 39.2 percent to an astounding 46.5 percent.

    If you were white in America, the month of August was pretty good. White unemployment remained consistent across the board, and went down for white males. Overall white unemployment dropped from 8.1 percent to 8 percent. White males saw a decline from 7.9 to 7.7 percent. White women and teens saw their unemployment rates remain unchanged at 7 percent and 23 percent, respectively.

  71. Anon-clown

    "So it sure looks to me like the AA race is being attacked on all fronts. No one likes us, including ourselves...we are killing each other"

    This is your pathetic self-hatred talking. YOU HATE YOURSELF.

    People call me sir wherever I go. Ido business and enjoy relationships with people of all colors and ethnicities.

    Blacks are the most talked about people on the planet.

    The most creative artists. The most beloved public figures.

    Most murder is intra-racial.

    You hate being black and you;ll never be anything else.

    So OFF yourself.

  72. Anonymous11:40 AM

    mold, "UTS, good to see you posting again."

    yeah, me too. when he was absent it looked like our race might have a chance. now we know that was just an illusion.

  73. fn:

    pookies rule the world and even celebs’ families too!


    Chaka Khan јυѕt won temporary custody οf hеr 10-year-οld granddaughter bесаυѕе thе child’s parents аrе drug addicts says TMZ.

    The “I’m Every Woman” singer filed a petition for appointment of guardianship last week ,claiming she has already “assumed on a day-to-day basis the role of the child’s parent fulfilling both the child’s physical and psychological needs for care and affection.”

  74. Anonymous11:53 AM

    uts, "Blacks are the most talked about people on the planet.

    The most creative artists. The most beloved public figures."

    you don't have to convince me, convince yourself. you don't sound convincing at all. you sound desperate. and you want me to kill myself because you can't stand the truth. but you are a good representation of the average can't handle the truth.... so sad being an average bm like you. there are only choices: to continue to live in fear and misery; or to kill other Blacks and yourself. sooo sad.

  75. Anonymous11:55 AM

    People call me sir wherever I go. Ido business and enjoy relationships with people of all colors and ethnicities.

    Blacks are the most talked about people on the planet.

    The most creative artists. The most beloved public figures.

    Most murder is intra-racial.

    You hate being black and you;ll never be anything else.

    So OFF yourself.

    Still a poster boy for dumbness aint ya. The Korean that takes my money for my fawties calls me sir...yeah as you buy him another apartment house he can rent to your section 8 dependant ass

  76. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  77. racist blind lovesick coon uts:

    wtfu u love drunken dl fool!!!!

    That racist elitist dl bitch hobama hates u more than I do….

    And he is coming for your gated utopia too!!!!

    Waters, as an elder stateswoman, is showing the kind of passion and energy that is called for in the Black unemployment crisis. She is a politician who has no problem sharing her emotion, rather than simply calculating how many votes she is going to lose by being “too Black.” She is the kind of politician that Black America needs; a woman willing to sacrifice her career to do what is best for her community.
    The idea that Black suffering should remain under the table is an obvious artifact of white supremacy. Whites have an unemployment rate of eight percent (it dropped this month, while Black unemployment continues to skyrocket), but yet they are screaming in pain. What’s interesting is that I dare to say that after this recession is over, African Americans will be expected to cheer for an unemployment rate of eight percent. We will, as in slavery, be asked to feast on the scraps that were rejected by white America. There is no way anyone can argue that this is fair or just. Dr. King’s dream of equality is not real or relevant to the politicians who will be smiling at his memorial dedication ceremony in the near future.
    So, I applaud Maxine Waters for doing what the rest of us should have been doing long ago: Judging our political leaders by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. Waters’ statements are not necessarily an indictment of Obama, they are an indictment of all of America, ourselves included. You can only get through a crisis of this magnitude with assertive and progressive action, and not by doing the “Potomac Two-Step.” Our community’s hard fought economic foundation is crumbling, so someone needs to get nasty.

  78. Hell even Sarah Palin luvs bruthas.

    Ask Glen Rice.

    tee hee.

    BTW fool,I don't drink fawties.

    Off yourself.

  79. Anonymous12:08 PM

    uts, sir:"People call me sir wherever I go. Ido business and enjoy relationships with people of all colors and ethnicities.

    Blacks are the most talked about people on the planet.

    The most creative artists. The most beloved public figures.

    Most murder is intra-racial.

    You hate being black and you;ll never be anything else.

    So OFF yourself."

    Mr UTS, sir, please stop. Please stop proving what anon has said about the drudgery and misery of being Black.

    I know you are trying desperately to stand up for our race, but you are unwittingly and unconsciously taking us down. I appreciate your efforts but it's because of black folks like you that so many Blacks are ashamed to be Black and are depressed. Please stop.

    And please get your anons straight. It is clear that you don't know who's who.

  80. memo to uts/da mayor of utopia:

    mow that lawn faster and enjoy it while u can coon!

    When you think of homes in foreclosure, you probably picture broken-down properties with boarded up windows and overgrown yards.

    But consider Albemarle, the Charlottesville, Va. manse once owned by Patricia Kluge former billionairespouse of one of the richest men in the country. In addition to a helipad, the house includes a gun room, a wine grotto and a silver vault. Yet her 45-room estate, once worth $100 million, ended up the hands of Bank of America in February, when the bank won the mansion for a mere $15.3 million in a foreclosure auction.
    There are very few properties as grand as Albemarle in foreclosure, but a surprising number of luxury homes have been confiscated by banks since the housing crisis — and experts say the number of mansions in trouble is likely to increase. “People always assume that the only [homeowners] to get foreclosed on are poor,” says Rick Sharga, senior vice president at RealtyTrac, a publisher of the nation’s largest database of foreclosure properties. “But that’s just not the case.”
    RealtyTrac can’t quantify exactly how many properties in its database belong to the wealthy, but the site reports that one of the fastest growing categories of foreclosures are homes in the $2 million-plus price range. The number of total foreclosures in the U.S. increased by 2 percent between 2009 and 2010. During the same period, however, foreclosures for homes valued at $3 million and more jumped 35 percent in Beverly Hills, 56 percent in Laguna Beach and 65 percent in Pasadena, RealtyTrac reports.

  81. Anonymous12:13 PM

    AB 11:35 wrote: "Why should any person of any race vote for "Ho"bama in 2012?
    AB, is there a better alternative? Ron Paul!?
    Some of us NEVER expected BHO to do anything for AfAms; some of us are quite pissed that AfAms continue to think and act like 19th century slaves - waiting on bended knee for 'ole massa'.
    So, AB, should we just stay home in 2012?
    Here's a novel idea: Let's stay home; reclaim our "hoods" by eradicating our own jackals and predators. We Negroes need to clean up our own s...t.
    The G'Man here

  82. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Sir Uts, do you get the feeling that no one likes you on this blog? See? that's the feeling of being Black that I have been talking about. Thanks for making it clear on FN. brutha uts...Sir... you know how to drive a point are a great artist.

  83. no slappz12:14 PM

    uphiscolon steve writes:

    People call me sir wherever I go.

    Yeah, as in "Take your business elsewhere, sir."

    Blacks are the most talked about people on the planet.

    It's true. There's been more doctoral dissertations, more meetings, more conferences, more politlcal set-asides, more social programs, more help and more talk shows devoted to the Negro Problem than any other.

    The most creative artists.

    Wrong. Crime is not a creative art.

    The most beloved public figures.

    Yeah. Louis Farrkhan and Reverend Wright.

    Most murder is intra-racial.

    Given that blacks commit murder at almost 10 times the rate of whites, is this your way of saying blacks hate each other?

  84. Squanto12:15 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Blacks are the most talked about people on the planet.

    The most creative artists. The most beloved public figures.

    11:39 AM"

    I'm not so sure us Injuns agree. We tired of Section 8 teepees on reservation:

  85. yes

    we voted in record droves in 2008?

    to what good???

    i will stay home and so will millions more

    george carlin was a sage

    i share his wisdom now

  86. joe biden12:17 PM

    field's senseless diatribe on the impact of changing the way electoral votes are counted shows, once again, that field knows nothing about math and nothing about presidential voting.

  87. joe biden12:24 PM

    field is incapable of understanding that the black vote has no impact on presidential elections.

    If a sizeable percentage of blacks were likely to vote for a Republican presidential nominee, then the possible electoral changes might lead to different outcomes,

    However, as long as almost 100% of black voters vote for the Democrat, the election outcome hinges on white voters.

    Meanwhile, after the debacle of Obama's presidency, it's unlikely a black candidate will get another shot at the White House for a long time.

  88. Quote: Anonymous 10:31

    "Purple Cow; I am sure you don't get it how could you, but this says more about you than anyone else."

    If I had written it, you might have had a point. But I didn't so you don't.

    Quote: AB:

    "ron paul is the best..." support 'Ron-the-Racist' ???

    You do realize you are black, don't you?

    'Cuz whatever you think of him, you can be sure he despises you.

  89. Quote: Joe Biden

    "field is incapable of understanding that the black vote has no impact on presidential elections.

    If a sizeable percentage of blacks were likely to vote for a Republican presidential nominee, then the possible electoral changes might lead to different outcomes,

    However, as long as almost 100% of black voters vote for the Democrat, the election outcome hinges on white voters."

    So, black people voting for dems has no impact on elections, but if they voted for Repblicans it would?????

    Jo mate, if this logic of yours makes sense to you, I suggest you need urgent psychological help.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. mad cow diseased purple bumbling bitch:

    dc and the world is filled with racists

    check the wf whores in your bed too

    ditto for hobama's banskter posse regime

    no prez has ever been more racist than the blackish black agenda-less hobama

    only masochistic dl bitches like u care about who hobama loves...


  94. "Sir Uts, do you get the feeling that no one likes you on this blog?"

    Given that these days it's basically you and AB I'll just file that in the "Who gives a Fuck" section.

    The sad thing is that you hate yourself.

    So off yourself.

  95. slaughtered cow:

    if hobama hates me....why is he ignoring/starving/robbing and evicting ALL mongrel u???

    pray tell???

    what a cruel unfocused bitch hobama is...huh???

  96. "off yourself" lol..too funny Steve.

  97. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  98. hopeless heifer pc:

    it is who and what hobama's policies hate that should concern drones like u...

    u r sheeple u baaaaaaing bovine

    and u like the feel of hobama's fleecing


  99. assinine bovine/oj the cow:

    how does that make sarah palin any worse that the wf whores u do???

    r u a hypocrite heifer?

    Your uber gay wm lusting blog is more jungle fevered than she could ever be???


    U r a music moron

    U prove that by bragging about your musical ignorance

    Again u grounded beef:
    All real music is timeless


    The real bubble gum pop music of the boy band the Jackson 5 is still timeless to all races/ages

  100. hobama slogan 2012:



    only hobama nazis are swayed by such suicidal bs

  101. AB

    "I pray the next prez is white"

    Just like 43 of the 44 total.

    We already knew this Aunt Jemima.

    You hate being black and you hate yourself.

    So off yourself.

  102. uncle coon uts:

    cc that to the wm who make your conk kit

    and maria

    and remember:

    no one sucked the black off of 1/2of hobama like u did u dl hobama nazi mf in heat

  103. Anonymous1:20 PM

    AB, "racist blind lovesick coon uts:

    wtfu u love drunken dl fool!!!!"

    Preach it!!

  104. Anonymous1:21 PM

    UTS. how could you -gasp- say such a thing to a widdle wite boy who is just parading around in blackface? Don't you know his widdle pwide could be hurt? That his juvenile humour is beloved by his (possibly) parents?
    Just because he is Draft Age, you assume he is grown enough to have adult behviours.

    Umm...if one is thrilled with being a can easily assume they are wite. After all, Ron Paul valiantly volunteered his former campaign manager to die for RonPaul. Me, being more Swedish, would have taxed RonPaul for Universal...and the campaign manager who made RonPaul a media darling would still be alive. Eveel me.;)


  105. Anonymous1:35 PM

    rttnkid-""off yourself" lol..too funny Steve."

    Oh. there IS someone who stands with uts as offing Blacks. Your name suits you. Are you a black gangsta married to a ww?

    Probably so. you have the perfect profile of: "I love being Black, but I marry only White". Another phony claiming to be Black and proud but behaving the opposite of what he says. Typical Negro who can't admit that he hates being Black.

  106. Anonymous1:39 PM

    uts, "You hate being black and you hate yourself."

    Hate, hate, hate. is that all you know?

  107. Anon

    You hate yourself.

    That's why you won't even post a name.

    So do us all a favor especially you.

    Off yourself.

  108. So isn't it time to activate our Dem spokespeople to go out there and tell the world that since republicans aren't confident they can win the election they are enacting policies to cheat.

    Why are we scared to call them liars and cheats? We don't cede the high ground by pointing out their lies. We look weak by only focusing on Michelle Bachmann's mistatements/rantings.

  109. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Brooklyn, "We look weak by only focusing on Michelle Bachmann's mistatements/rantings."

    We look weak because we ARE weak. Look what Obama and the Dems have given away to the Repubs. How much proof do you need?

  110. Right on Brooklyn

    Why aren't we challenging these lyin Rethugs on the fact that even they are now blaming Obama for the recession, that haven't tabled ONE job initiative since taking over Congress.

    Instead, they're talking the same stupid shit that caused the economy to collapse in the first place.

    Unregulated corporatism. Tax cuts for the rich. More corporate welfare.

  111. Anonymous1:50 PM

    uts, "That's why you won't even post a name.

    So do us all a favor especially you.

    Off yourself."

    the scale of your shameless ignorance is astonishing.

  112. Anonymous1:54 PM

    uts, "Instead, they're talking the same stupid shit that caused the economy to collapse in the first place.

    Unregulated corporatism. Tax cuts for the rich. More corporate welfare."

    It works very well with Dems and complaining-do-nothing-Negroes like

    Well, I have work to do. try to have a less miserable day than yesterday, steve. It's a bitch being Black, esp if it's a bm like you. lol

  113. yeah, yeah ass-non

    Keep trying to convince me that I'm miserable while you're picking up the soap for big sweaty bruthas up there in Rikers.

    Like I said, your life is meaningless.

    Off yourself.

  114. Quote AB "if hobama hates me....why is he ignoring/starving/robbing and evicting ALL mongrel u???

    pray tell???

    what a cruel unfocused bitch hobama is...huh???"

    I didn't say Obama hates you, I said that Ron-the-Racist does.

    You need to work on your comprehension skillz.

  115. brooklyn:

    listing what the repubs will do will be a list of what hobama has done

    to expose them is to unmask hobama as the WORST one of them

    war to banksters to deporting latinos to ZERO black empathy etc!!!!

    try it: make your own “what repubs will do” list

    hobama has beaten them to ALL punches globally

    In the months after Barack Obama won the presidency with near-total support of Blacks and the white Left, a New York Black activist was fond of telling audiences to pay attention to the First Black President's face, not necessarily his actions. According to this theory, the president had to pretend he was in synch with the corporations and conservative whites, but he's really a good "brother" with Black folks interests at heart. Just look for "the wink." That presidential wink at Black folks was supposed to be the signal that Obama is working his game to our benefit.

    Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction.

    It takes a lot of winking to run a Center-Right Democratic government, so Obama has underlings to do some of his winks for him. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs's right eye was twitching ferociously as he excoriated "the professional Left" - whatever that is - for making "crazy" demands for such things as "Canadian healthcare." The attack was, of course, a huge wink to the Right, reassuring the corporate world that Obama will not yield an inch to the Left in this election season. He is winking at "the markets" - a euphemism for the super-rich - that they can rest easy.

  116. AB grunts

    "listing what the repubs will do will be a list of what hobama has done"

    Oh so the Rethugs are gonna support Universal Healthcare and a second stimulus package?????

    I think your hatred for Obama has driven even more batty than you were in the first place.

  117. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Each Congressional district has approximately equal population, though of course the racial and political makeup of each Congressional district varies widely. If Pennsylvania has 19 Congressional districts, and we use the current winner-take-all system, the white majority gets to decide which Presidential candidate Pennsylvania's electors choose. But under the new system, if three of those districts are majority black, blacks would decide 3 of 19 electoral votes. Sounds like a step _towards_, not away from, diversity and one person one vote.

  118. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Me, being more Swedish, would have taxed RonPaul for Universal...and the campaign manager who made RonPaul a media darling would still be alive. Eveel me.;)


    Mold is now claiming to be swedish? A swedish afro american?

  119. Anonymous3:15 PM

    UTS. how could you -gasp- say such a thing to a widdle wite boy who is just parading around in blackface? Don't you know his widdle pwide could be hurt? That his juvenile humour is beloved by his (possibly) parents?
    Just because he is Draft Age, you assume he is grown enough to have adult behaviors.

    Umm...if one is thrilled with being a can easily assume they are wite. After all, Ron Paul valiantly volunteered his former campaign manager to die for RonPaul. Me, being more Swedish, would have taxed RonPaul for Universal...and the campaign manager who made RonPaul a media darling would still be alive. Eveel me.;)


  120. Anon Goober

    "Each Congressional district has approximately equal population, though of course the racial and political makeup of each Congressional district varies widely."

    And while many to most Democratic districts are diverse ethnically and racially, most Republican districts are lilly white.

    And some folks wonder why blacks reject the GOP.

  121. Oh. there IS someone who stands with uts
    as offing Blacks. Your name suits you. Are
    you a black gangsta married to a ww?

    Naw Dude..I'm not married, never was, never will be. I'm not "black gangsta", never was, never will be. WW? I had my fair share. BW? I had my fair share. LW? Had a couple. A few mixed chicks..I just love women. Matter of fact, I'm hanging out with a half italian/spanish chick this sunday. The booty is a sight to see..even a white dude like yourself would appreciate it. Life is good.

  122. Anonymous3:38 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Anon Goober

    "Each Congressional district has approximately equal population, though of course the racial and political makeup of each Congressional district varies widely."

    And while many to most Democratic districts are diverse ethnically and racially, most Republican districts are lilly white.

    And some folks wonder why blacks reject the GOP.

    Nigga say wut? Nigga say wut? Nigga say wut?

  123. Fn:

    I know that you know that is a horrid analogy FN!!!

    Hope and change never happened

    Hobama is a repub thug

    Hobama is a Bush boy by blood and they all cheat in elections

    Hobama has abused all of his base

    Hobama has flagrantly played himself since 2008

    Hobama will not fool many black mongrels twice


    Cc this to a deported latino/black female judge/laid off black auto worker/destroyter/Libyan etc!!!

  124. anymore???????

    i have all day

  125. RK

    You know NOTHING pisses these goobers off more than the thought of a black man knockin some white boots.

    BTW did you hear about Sarah Palin and Glen Rice?

    I bet he had her screaming so loud the grizzlies in Kodiak could hear her.

  126. moron coon uts:

    u make this too easy

    repubs love the pharma corps that will be the ONLY beneficiaries of hobamacare

    the second stimulus will ONLY benefit banksters just like the first

    do i grunt as loudly as u do when hobama is riding you in your wet dreams???

  127. AB

    In all seriousness, what would be your remedy for revving up the economy?

    Please answer.

  128. Oh well.

    Did I REALLY expect an intelligent response?

  129. uts:

    wtf would u know about intelligence????

    u think hobama is a dem and that repubs are his enemy

    politicos rely on blind clueless coons like u
    especially the dem ones!!!

    hobama 2008 = hero

    hobama 2011 = ZERO!!!


  130. no slappz5:02 PM

    brooklyn shows a total lack of knowledge about gerrmandering.

    But what can you expect from someone who knows so little about Brooklyn, a place she claimed to have lived?

    My district was created to enable Shirley Chisholm (do you know who she was?) to win a seat in the House of Representatives.

    The district boundaries were set to include enough blacks to guarantee her victory. She won, as you probably don't know.

    But the two black representatives who followed her have been totally incompetent do-nothings.

  131. joe biden5:10 PM

    purple cow:

    So, black people voting for dems has no impact on elections, but if they voted for Repblicans it would?????

    Jo mate, if this logic of yours makes sense to you, I suggest you need urgent psychological help.

    Hey BONEHEAD, I said the black vote has NO effect on PRESIDENTIAL elections.

    Why? Because of the Electoral College process.

    For all other elections, black votes affect the outcome. But always in the same way.

    The black vote always supports the Democratic candidate. Thus, we have Detroit.

    We endure the lunacy of black voters wherever blacks are the majority.

    Charlie Rangel, law-breaking tax-evader, remains in office because Harlem is black and Harlem won't throw him out, no matter how much he steals from the tax-payers.

  132. no slappz5:11 PM

    brooklyn shows a total lack of knowledge about gerrymandering.

    But what can you expect from someone who knows so little about Brooklyn, a place she claimed to have lived?

    My district was created to enable Shirley Chisholm (do you know who she was?) to win a seat in the House of Representatives.

    The district boundaries were set to include enough blacks to guarantee her victory. She won, as you probably don't know.

    But the two black representatives who followed her have been totally incompetent do-nothings.

  133. I know Steve. I know and I love it!

  134. no slappz5:18 PM

    Most of you morons are unaware of big financial news, but here's one you'll hear more about in the next few days:

    The new Joe Jett. This black clown has done serious damage to UBS.

    Arrested Trader Was Well-Educated, 'Very Polite' .


    In a little over a decade, Kweku Adoboli went from being an overseas student studying at a quiet Quaker boarding school in northern England to finding himself at the center of a major U.K. investigation into rogue trading, which UBS AG said Thursday has resulted in as much as $2 billion in losses.

    The Swiss bank contacted the City of London police at 1 a.m. on Thursday morning with an allegation that one of its traders had committed fraud, police commander Ian Dyson said in a statement.

    A person familiar with the matter identified the 31-year-old man as Mr. Adoboli, who described his home country as Ghana on a photo-sharing webpage that appears to belong to him.

    In response to the report, police detectives arrested the suspect at a Central London business premises at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday on suspicion of "fraud by abuse of position,"

  135. Fn:

    I know that you know that is a horrid analogy FN!!!

    Hope and change never happened

    Hobama is a repub thug

    Hobama is a Bush boy by blood and they all cheat in elections

    Hobama has abused all of his base

    Hobama has flagrantly played himself since 2008

    Hobama will not fool many black mongrels twice


    Cc this to a deported latino/black female judge/laid off black auto worker/destroyter/Libyan etc!!!

  136. joe biden5:22 PM

    Obama and the Attack Watch.

    Is the Obama Attack Watch anything like a Swiss Army Watch?

    Does it tell time like a cuckoo clock, chiming every minute, "Obama's an idiot."

    Or is it something else?

  137. GrannyStandingforTruth5:30 PM

    I'm with you BrookLyn:

    We need to start calling ALL of them out for every single lie and don't even let the small petty ones pass. It's time to organize and go out in the neighborhoods, make telephone calls, tweeter, cell phones, tell friends and family, enlighten folks and spread the word. In addition, it is time for community organizers and different organizations to unite together.

    Sometimes you have fight fire with fire.

  138. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  139. no slappz said...
    The new Joe Jett. This black clown has done serious damage to UBS.
    I seriously doubt a Black man ANY where on the planet would be trusted by white folks to manage that much money.

  140. Hobama slogan 2012:



  141. GrannyStandingforTruth5:54 PM

    Let me point out something the GOP are not only out to do blacks a job, they are out to do common ordinary citzens of all colors if they are not RICH a job. They're hoping to bring back slavery for EVERYONE in the form of paupers wages.

    Look at the big idea the GOP came up with today to help their rich buddies:

    NLRB Boeing Case: Bill To Weaken Labor Board Passed By House Republicans

  142. GrannyStandingforTruth5:58 PM

    "Under this bill, if a company wants to bust a union by outsourcing its work to China, this bill permits it," Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) said on the House floor. "Working people across this country should pay careful attention to this bill. It takes away every working American’s rights."

    I forgot to add that to my last post.

  143. granny ditto!

    this is about class not color!!!

    the rainbow global rich elites think of all of us as actual bovine/sheep like that clueless cow herein...unless we are their elite powerful peers!


    Now that a black man is president, and could not have been made so without the efforts of millions of whites, the temptation for them to run out of patience with blacks' continued complaints will be tremendous. Simultaneously, millions of blacks woke up on November 5 with yet another buppie made better off on their backs while they remain jobless in dangerous neighborhoods, their immediate futures no brighter for knowing that cornbread may start appearing at the White House Thanksgiving table. When we all stop weepily singing "We Are the World" and emailing each other about what Great-Aunt Bessie would say now if she weren't dead, we'll find that race is still a festering wound. A wound believed to be self-inflicted on one side, daily resalted on the other. It was distressing to hear John McCain, in his otherwise gracious concession speech, invoke "the special significance [Obama's win] has for African Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight." The pride is America's, not blacks' for finally winning one for their side. Our new president must constantly require us to work for "country first"—not for our individual factions.

  144. Anonymous6:02 PM

    alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!alicia banks donte ha a 250 iq alicia banks is not a scholar alicia banks majored in communications which is easy she ainte done shit she ain solved no problems in the world jess bitch about her wannabe boyfried obama and flame others all day what a stoopid existence! DUMMIES!

  145. "Weren't you in a state of deep depression not too long ago? If I recall, you were so depressed that you had to leave FN for a while? Now you are suggesting to anon who might be depressed that he should kill himself?"

    Yep. Because your depressed negro friend is not really "depressed". He puts on to get other folks here depressed and primed for self-hatred.

    And I'll admit I was disillusioned about the state of commentary here, but not anymore.

  146. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Obama sticker led cops to shooting suspect

    A paroled killer’s “Obama” bumper sticker was the break that helped cops nab the man accused of the cold-blooded murder of a Tedeschi’s convenience store clerk, jurors in Edward Corliss’ murder trial learned yesterday.

  147. Damn,Field me too I've been seeing this for years. Read Rayford Logan's "Betrayal of The Negro."

    Eastside Joe

  148. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Mack Lyons, "Yep. Because your depressed negro friend is not really "depressed". He puts on to get other folks here depressed and primed for self-hatred."

    How do you know snarky? were you pretending to be depressed to get others depressed and self-hating? You didn't have to do that because many Blacks have PTSD(read Field's post about this) and therefore are depressed and hate their lives.

    It's people like you and uts who get all worked up about Blacks who hate fighting for their lives because they are Black. You two hate the truth. Oh, I forgot that knucklehead in Richmond, Va with the depressed self-hating name of ROTTENKID. poor thang, after 35+ years, the kid never grew sad to be a bm in racist Richmond.

  149. "How do you know snarky? were you pretending to be depressed to get others depressed and self-hating? You didn't have to do that because many Blacks have PTSD(read Field's post about this) and therefore are depressed and hate their lives.

    It's people like you and uts who get all worked up about Blacks who hate fighting for their lives because they are Black. You two hate the truth. Oh, I forgot that knucklehead in Richmond, Va with the depressed self-hating name of ROTTENKID. poor thang, after 35+ years, the kid never grew sad to be a bm in racist Richmond."

    You been stalkin' ROTTENKID? You really need to quit with this creepy shit.

    I guess I never understood why people should hate themselves, their own lives and others because of the color of their skin. On the other hand, you make it seem like white people are the happiest folks on this God-given planet, by your logic. Perhaps that's really what you want to be, and you kick yourself every day when you have to gaze upon your ugly black ass in the mirror.

  150. "A paroled killer’s “Obama” bumper sticker was the break that helped cops nab the man accused of the cold-blooded murder of a Tedeschi’s convenience store clerk, jurors in Edward Corliss’ murder trial learned yesterday."

    So what? An important clue helped police nab a murderer who needed to be swept off the streets and locked up.

    On the other hand, you can't pass up this juicy an opportunity to take a swipe at Obama.

  151. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Mack, "I guess I never understood why people should hate themselves, their own lives and others because of the color of their skin. On the other hand, you make it seem like white people are the happiest folks on this God-given planet, by your logic."

    You live in racist America where Blacks are looked down on, injustices perpetrated on, called nasty names, have the lowest wealth of all the races, a black President is made to look weak and wrong in EVERYTHING he tries to do, affirmative action cancelled after 30 years while Whites had it for centuries, police brutality, bm killed by the police, Blacks killed by Blacks....

    and you don't understand why it is not a good thing to be Black in America? A black comedian once said that even the poorest White would NOT trade places with him because he is Black--and he was rich!

    Forgive me but Imo, you are unable to face the truth of what it is to be Black in America.

  152. Anonymous9:41 PM


    I wonder if Troy Davis is happy to be Black? Again, it sucks to be a bm in America, even if you are President.

  153. Anon

    I already told you.

    You hate yourself so OFF yourself.

  154. Anonymous5:09 PM

    i would pay to see troy ride old sparkey.the biggest racist in america are you lazy negroes.

  155. i would pay to see troy ride old sparkey.the biggest racist in america are you lazy negroes."

    What would you see it on Jethro? We all know that you don't have electricity.

  156. Anonymous7:42 PM

    don't need electricity we could do it at half we have one less criminal stealing air.

  157. Anonymous7:48 PM

    i am the goober right field but i never tried to rob some one at gun point.i was a victem of negro criminals who tried to rob add insult to injury i had to hire a shister like you to keep from being prosecuted for self defense.

  158. Anonymous3:14 AM

    To those anti-Obama trolls who think he should have done something about this tonight, learn to read.

    He can't. This is the process. Don't like it, move to another country or change it:

  159. "I keep asking myself Do Republicans really think they can take this country back to days of "Dixie Land" without a fight?"

    i'm agree this question

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