Friday, September 16, 2011

A Governor comes clean, and wingnuts are considering execution parties.

I would like to thank Governor Tom Corbett of Pistolvania for confirming what I believed all along about the state's move to change how Pistolvania awards electoral votes.

I blogged about it a couple of days a ago, and some of you declared that it was crazy to think that the motives behind the political move was to keep black  "urban" voters from having any influence over the national election process.


"HARRISBURG - Philadelphia's big Democratic turnouts tend to drown out the voices of voters elsewhere in Pennsylvania when America elects presidents.
That was the gist of Gov. Corbett's argument Thursday as he detailed for the first time his support of a Republican-led charge to change the way Pennsylvania awards its electoral votes.

If he gets his chance, Corbett told a radio audience, he will sign a bill championed by top Republican legislators to do away with the winner-take-all apportioning of the state's electoral votes. Instead, most of those votes would be parceled out based on the popular-vote winner in each of the state's congressional districts.

"It will allow the people across the state to be better represented when it comes to the vote for president," the governor said on his new monthly radio show on WPHT-AM (1210) in Philadelphia. "There are huge portions of Pennsylvania that voted for the other candidate in many of the elections, and their vote really didn't count."

The state, he told WPHT host Dom Giordano, consists of five or six distinct political regions, and he suggested they have "not been represented because of the huge turnout in Philadelphia."

The governor, a Republican, insisted the proposed change was "not a Republican-Democrat issue." But he noted that Pennsylvania has given Democrats its electoral votes in every presidential election since 1988.

In 2008, for example, a strong turnout in Democrat-rich Philadelphia helped Barack Obama win 54.7 percent of the statewide popular vote to Republican nominee John McCain's 44.3 percent. That gave Obama the state's 21 electoral votes. If the proposal backed by Corbett and GOP legislators had been the law, Obama would have split those electoral votes with McCain, 11-10.

The only other states that allocate their electoral votes by congressional district are Maine and Nebraska.

If the law is changed here, Corbett said, next year's Republican nominee might be encouraged not to "write off Pennsylvania too soon..." [Source]

How dare you Negroes come out to vote in Philadelphia and cancel white"rural" votes in other parts of the state?

Just remember folks, you heard it here first.

Some of those republicans cheering on Governor Big Hair for all his kills must be a little down today after hearing that the Supremes put a stay on the execution of Duane Buck.


But, take heart folks, you still might get a chance to cheer on the death of yet another person who might be innocent in just a few days.

I wonder why they don't just televise these executions and sell commercial time? I bet they would make a killing. (Pun intended) All those wingnuts in front of the television cheering wildly as the executioner pulls the switch or applies the lethal injection. "Look honey, look how his toes are twitching. See how his eyes pop out?" That is soooo cool!"

Hey, come to think of it; there is precedent for this stuff. I am just sayin.

"Brian Williams: Governor Perry a question about Texas. Your state has executed 234 death row inmates more than any other governor in modern times. Have you struggled to sleep at night?

Governor Rick Perry: No sir. I’ve never struggled with that at all… If you kill one of our children or police officers or another citizen in a crime you will face the ultimate justice in Texas.

Then the crowd cheered again… Even louder."

Governor, what happens if you kill the wrong person for killing one of "our children" or "police officers"? Do you get to face the "ultimate justice"? I, for one, certainly hope so.    

*Pic courtesy of Steve Brodner


  1. The Rethug actually cheer for state sponsored executions and pulling the plug on terminally ill patients without health insurance.

    Nice crowd.

  2. We wing-nuts are bummed. Least you on the left who have a warm spot in your hearts for murderers can be happy. Screw the victims. They can't vote anymore.

    How dare Gov. Perry want justice for victims and their families?

    With a little prison time, these murderers can become muslims and Democrat voters.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Field, first, what does it matter if the Repubs get their way in PA? Blacks don't vote anyway. We just don't care.

    The Obama vote was a one time deal and it's over now. Obama has shown what he can do, which is NOTHING, so there won't be another black politician running for President before Mother Earth gets hit by a giant comet.

    As far as execution in Texas it is expected that many Blacks will be executed. Let's face it. This is entertainment for Whites and Blacks who hate each other.

    Btw, do you still think it is a good thing to be Black in America? I mean, you criticize me for saying, "it sucks to be Black in America", yet you keep posting all of these depressing posts that prove a bm ain't shit in America.

    Oh, I get it. As a bm I am not supposed to name the elephant in the living room. That was the same thing slaves were taught to do: "Be Quiet".

    Some things never change. But it still sucks.

  4. Anonymous8:44 PM

    BTW, Mr. Field, that photo sucks. It reminds me of what it means to be Black in is depressing...PTSD.

    that photo looks like UTS, a proud and happy bm who folks respect and call him "Sir".

    Now, now Anons. I know what you are thinking, but don't you guys start with Steve. He'll hit you with his words of wisdom: "LMAO!!!!".

    Oh, what the hell. Go ahead give it to him.

  5. Anon Slappy

    A black man is President and will be reelected because the opposition is totally pathetic.

    Obama will take apart any one of those clowns in a debate.

    America is becoming a nation with a majority of people of color so non whites will continue to be elected to high office and represent progressive positions.

    Young whites will join them as they will reject the fears and silly resentments of the past and realize that we are all Americans and in this thing together.

    This blog will be here with black folk discussing issues of interest to them.

    And you will remain a pathetic clown who spends his life heckling your betters and trying to convince them they are as miserable as you.

    And I'll continue to laugh at you.


  6. "This blog will be here with black folk discussing issues of interest to them.

    And you will remain a pathetic clown who spends his life heckling your betters and trying to convince them they are as miserable as you."

    Yep. :)

  7. If a terminally ill patient passed on the opportunity to have insurance during a time he/she could afford it, then they have chosen to die by default.

    So unless you are personally willing to foot the bill for irresponsible people, you should probably rethink your position on this.

    And if you think this doesn't already happen to folks who use programs with Medicare, you only need to look at the death rates from cancer for these folks and compare them to folks with private insurance.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. btw before I forget... Field, I just want to say LOL at your previous thread topic about those duped self-hating black men. And Don't forget to add that unstable Kayne West and his weirdo video lusting over that abominable door knob Kim Kardash-it-in. Yuck.

    Oh and LOL at Anony 8:44 pm. Tee hee hee..

  10. We Got The Mexicans11:34 PM, let's become the next Detroit! That will solve everything.

    Why do you continuanlly show blacks with a noose around their neck, field?

    Send that to Obama. The white folks aren't lynching black folks.

    No, it's "teens" attacking whites.

  11. We Got The Mexicans12:00 AM

    BTW....I think they gave that animal 5 years in prison for kicking that white trans into convulsions, or whatever it was in that McDonalds.

    You must have forgotten to mention that, being a lawyer, & such.

  12. So unless you are personally willing to foot the bill for irresponsible people, you should probably rethink your position on this.

    But don't we already "foot the bill" for people who don't have health insurance? We pay higher costs at emergency rooms due to uninsured people. We pay higher costs for healthcare overall because public hospitals have to "balance the books" so to speak for servicing the homeless, the poor, etc. I don't understand why we keep going round this mulberry bush. A public option makes sense because costs would come down if it were a line item on our paycheck like FICA, etc. Instead we get 11K bills if we go to the emergency room with a croup-y baby or pneumonia.

  13. Anonymous12:37 AM

    "This blog will be here with black folk discussing issues of interest to them.

    And you will remain a pathetic clown who spends his life heckling your betters and trying to convince them they are as miserable as you."

    field said, "Yep. :)"

    10:01 PM
    Field, for a lawyer, you sure are short on words. I'm sure clients and judges have told you this. Man, the ones who end up with you as their lawyer is in deep trouble.

    Also, that photo with a hanging noose around a bm's neck isn't a very smart move. Do you can that black pride and happiness? That photo is about as offensive toward Blacks as you can get.

    But then again, it's a bitch being a bm in America anyway-- so you might as well show the heartfelt truth in that photo. I'm glad you took my advice. That's great progress on your part. That is, you are finally accepting the truth:

    It sucks to be Black in America, ESPECIALLY in The-City-of-Shoot-Your-Brother-Philadelphia.

  14. Anonymous12:43 AM

    UTS- "Anon Slappy

    A black man is President and will be reelected because the opposition is totally pathetic."

    No a black man is NOT the President. He is a front for the Republicans. He gives them anything they want. A REAL President wouldn't do that. But I understand your point, brother. As long as his skin is Black, we will take anything and brag about it. That's how brothers like you roll...on the bell curve.


    thought I'd beat you to the punch.

  15. Anonymous12:49 AM

    uts, "Young whites will join them as they will reject the fears and silly resentments of the past and realize that we are all Americans and in this thing together."

    That sounds like post-racial America. I guess the one before was a head-fake? This time, per Steve, it will be real. All we have to do is go to the polls and vote a bm in the WH AGAIN. Steve, you are such a genius.

    LMAO!!!! thought I'd beat you to the punch,

  16. Anonymous12:52 AM

    "BrookLyn said...
    So unless you are personally willing to foot the bill for irresponsible people, you should probably rethink your position on this.

    But don't we already "foot the bill" for people who don't have health insurance? We pay higher costs at emergency rooms due to uninsured people. We pay higher costs for healthcare overall because public hospitals have to "balance the books" so to speak for servicing the homeless, the poor, etc. I don't understand why we keep going round this mulberry bush. A public option makes sense because costs would come down if it were a line item on our paycheck like FICA, etc. Instead we get 11K bills if we go to the emergency room with a croup-y baby or pneumonia.

    12:29 AM

    Your intentions and sentimenents are most honorable, Brooklyn.

    But. WHO pays for this? The middle class.

    You, with your warrior self, go take the money from the rich guys, to pay for all your altruistic plans.

    The "middle class" will fight back, as is their right. What I have is mine, and you won't take it.

  17. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Loser Steve said, "This blog will be here with black folk discussing issues of interest to them."

    If FN happens to still be here, you will still continue to get your black ass handed to you by both Blacks and Whites alike, and of both genders. Now that is what I call a United America... Brother Steve, you have the quality of a UNITER. LMAO!!!!

  18. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Anons rock! Come on, Steve. Where is your refusal to let us anons take over this site? don't be like Obama and fold, fold, fold, and fold again like a kimono in a soft breeze.

  19. The middle class pays for everything which is it it's slowly disappearing.

    Free health care without a specific health requirements like not smoking and maintain a healthy weight is a terrible and incredibly expensive idea.

    And I don't feel bad for not wanting to pay for it!

  20. Anonymous1:15 AM

    " Dr.Queen said...
    The middle class pays for everything which is it it's slowly disappearing.

    Free health care without a specific health requirements like not smoking and maintain a healthy weight is a terrible and incredibly expensive idea.

    And I don't feel bad for not wanting to pay for it!

    1:06 AM"

    Damn! You fraudulent cow, that's the first thing I've ever seen you post tnat I agreed with!

    BTW...Georgetown sux.

  21. Anonymous1:24 AM

    It's bedtime and tomorrow I have to go listen to my black therapist bitch about his miserable life. The whole thing really sucks.

    I would follow Low Down Steve's therapeutic advice, and tell him to "off himself"-- but I don't want to lose the income. The money the brother is paying me is pretty good.

    Besides, I can relate to everything he says. Things are eff'd up for Blacks. And according to this Post, they are going to get a lot worse.

    So, mr. uts,- the man everybody respects and calls "sir"...are we having fun yet?

  22. Anonymous1:28 AM

    "BTW...Georgetown sux."

    LOL. Now you KNOW Da Queen ain't gonna stand for that.

  23. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Dear Anons, this recession has been terrible and it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better, thanks to Steve's man in the WH. This means raises in our organization will be slow in coming.

    However, you have been so outstanding on FN blog with such a terrific attitude in destroying UTS, I am giving each and everyone of you bonuses of such large proportions never before seen in the history of Anon, Inc....TAX FREE!!

    In addition, I have arranged with Bank of America to send you some 'extra' dough at Halloween, Thanksgiving and XMAS to show you their appreciation before they become the next Lehman Brothers. Please cash those checks right away.

    This is Anon Inc's way of saying, "thank you" for a job well done. Keep up the good work, and keep slamming that miserable fool Steve.:)

  24. Lt. Commander Johnson3:30 AM

    Well then!

    I've been sort of keeping this in the ole locker......

    BUT. I will have to proclaim that Seaman Steve blew every guy on the USS Cocksweeper for two years.

    He makes good biscuits, too.

    Not a guy to be trifled with. Without a $20 in your pocket, anyway.

  25. Anonymous3:33 AM

    "Why do you continuanlly show blacks with a noose around their neck, field?

    Send that to Obama. The white folks aren't lynching black folks."

    Wouldn't that be a laugh? A photo of a bm with a noose around his neck that another bm posted. That's worse than a bm calling another bm the N-word.

    Oh well, I have always said a lot of our folks don't even recognize their own unconscious degradation. It sucks to be Black. 'If the White one doesn't get you, the Black one will.'

  26. Dear assnonymous pig,

    Georgetown sux because your dumb ass couldn't buy your way in even if your parents had refinanced the mobile home you grew up in.

    Now jerk yourself a " low ranking state school soda" and phuck off!

  27. "Why do you continuanlly show blacks with a noose around their neck, field?"

    I am sorry, I know that brings back a lot of childhood memories for you. ;)

    "Oh well, I have always said a lot of our folks don't even recognize their own unconscious degradation. It sucks to be Black."

    No loser, it sucks to be you.

  28. If you know anyone who is even considerring voting for that evil old bastard Ron Paul - sit them down and make them read this article.

  29. 'Racists' aged THREE: Toddlers among thousands of children accused of bigotry after name-calling

    Read more:

    Teachers are branding thousands of children racist or homophobic following playground squabbles.
    More than 20,000 pupils aged 11 or younger were last year put on record for so-called hate crimes such as using the word ‘gaylord’.
    Some of them are even from nursery schools where children are no older than three.

    One youngster was accused of being racist for calling a boy ‘broccoli head’ and another was said to be homophobic for telling a teacher ‘this work is gay’.
    Two primary school children were reported for homophobia after quarrelling over a rubber and calling each other ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’.
    Those youngsters reported for petty offences at nursery classes included four in the London borough of Tower Hamlets and three in Hertfordshire.

    Schools are forced to report the language to education authorities, which keep a register of incidents.
    Inappropriate: Adrian Hart said that there is a world of difference between racist abuse and primary school playground spats
    Although the Department for Education recently pledged to cut unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy, it has given no guidance on such ‘offences’.
    In total, 34,000 nursery, primary and secondary pupils were effectively classed as bigots because of anti-bullying rules.
    The school can keep the pupil’s name and ‘crime’ on file.

    This is why you don't want liberals in charge.

  30. "This is why you don't want liberals in charge."

    Of course, becaause bigotry is better learned at a young age. *shaking head*

  31. Anonymous9:32 AM

    field, u need to talk more. u r too reticent. either ur lack of response to ur posters is due to not having the words to communicate or u have no defence. that is not a good look for a lawyer.

  32. Ok I'll bite. To the racist at 12:00am, if the situation was instead a black male junkie tranny in the woman's bathroom getting into arguments with two young white female animals, I'm sure the outcry would have been different.

    The black tranny would have been the one serving prison time and his name would have been registered as a sex offender. Get a life.

  33. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Those wite heroic brave heroes of Witesylvania have long been whining that their votes were not the Decideraters in State-wide elections. Why, every person in the whole county is a gawd-fearin' white man who done hates the idea of his munny going for social goods. That, and the nasty Liberals won't make the poor beg and grovel for their pittance.

    Moral judgement substituting for medical care. And it is one particularly insular and judgmental faction of Fundie thinkerating.
    Some bunch of coconuts who TELLED us that Terri Schiavo had awareness.
    Affording health insurance? The last time I was not covered, the bill was thirty cents US less than my monthly net income. Is that what Goobers call 'affordable'?
    Oh, the cost per person for Universal would be lower than what your employer now pays.
    I'd much rather have Universal for those babee machines...than keep paying a company to deny coverage.


  34. Anonymous10:57 AM

    field negro said...
    "This is why you don't want liberals in charge."

    Of course, becaause bigotry is better learned at a young age. *shaking head*

    Field, not only drinking the kool-aid, you make it. Can you make another flavor next time? Barack-O-Leftist Lemon is getting bitter..thanks.

    The continuation of the leftist thought police - that will make the behaviour and resulting stereotypes of others vanish uh-huh.

    Almost like the Obama patrol putting out the word not to mention AL Queda during the 9/11 memorials, yup don't mention Islam and people will forget who killed those 3,000 people. The one question is why? There aren't that many Islamic voters..but oh yeah when you are on the lunatic fringes, you gather up the lunatics.

    Resist we much and resist much we will then...

  35. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Those wite heroic brave heroes of Witesylvania have long been whining that their votes were not the Decideraters in State-wide elections. Why, every person in the whole county is a gawd-fearin' white man who done hates the idea of his munny going for social goods. That, and the nasty Liberals won't make the poor beg and grovel for their pittance.

    Moral judgement substituting for medical care. And it is one particularly insular and judgmental faction of Fundie thinkerating.
    Some bunch of coconuts who TELLED us that Terri Schiavo had awareness.
    Affording health insurance? The last time I was not covered, the bill was thirty cents US less than my monthly net income. Is that what Goobers call 'affordable'?
    Oh, the cost per person for Universal would be lower than what your employer now pays.
    I'd much rather have Universal for those babee machines...than keep paying a company to deny coverage.


  36. @Anon 9:32 AM, aren't my posts enough for you? Sounds like you need a friend.

    Can someone please carry on a discussion with Anon @9:32 AM? I think he/she is lonely. :)

  37. Quote Liberal Tormentor
    ""This is why you don't want liberals in charge."

    They aren't.

    Britain has a Conservative Government and so does London.

  38. supanigga1:23 PM

    do any of you black racist followers actually think that Wayne Bennett got his government job because he was the best candidate?

    He got it the way all city jobs are apportioned: he kissed politicians' butts until his lips were sore.

  39. news quiz1:28 PM

    In the news: An 11 yr old girl was lured into a public restroom by another girl. She was then gang raped.

    Can anyone guess what color these deviant thugs were?

    Hint: it's the same gutter ape race that thinks that "thug" is a word of praise and admiration.

    Another hint: it's the same race that thinks the answer to every problem is to whine that whitey be raciss.

  40. black women be chumps1:32 PM

    This could be a problem...

    New Book--> Obama White House ‘Has a Real Woman Problem’

    Read more:

    "hostile work environment for women"?? How do we deal with that? I know: we say dat the racists be attacking da brutha!

    Problem solved.

  41. fn:


    that blackish bold mf hobama has a latino agenda

    and STILL no black agenda???

    that is a gd shame!!!!!!!!

    hobama and his banksters are lynching millions globally


  42. Anon @1:28 PM,sounds like you have some real problems with the "gutter ape" people. Anything I can do to help you overcome your issues?

    Did one of them take your job? Your girl? Tell us who he/she is, I bet one of these Negroes posting here will know the culprit.

  43. field negro said...
    Did one of them take your job? Your girl? Tell us who he/she is, I bet one of these Negroes posting here will know the culprit.
    Naw Field, Imma have to disagree with this jerk being able to find help here.

    There's absolutely NOTHING a bunch of "overeducated", well job paying, upper middle class Black folks can do for a uneduated redneck, absolutely NOTHING!!!

    Then again, perhaps that's not true. I just dropped off a ton of things to the salvation army earlier this morning, so maybe next time, I'll mail them to bubba instead.

    What's you trailer park address, Bubba?

  44. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The response I received most often was indicative of modern racism: The answer is unknowable. "I imagine it'd be a thing I don't even know ever happened," Aaron McGruder said. "It would be that opportunity that never manifested and I'll never know that it was even possible." A decision is made in a back room or a high-level office, perhaps by someone you'll never see, about whether or not you get a job or a home loan or admission to a school. Or perhaps you'll never be allowed to know that a home in a certain area or a job is available. This is how modern institutional racism functions and it can weigh on and shape a black person differently than the more overt, simplistic racism of the past did.

    Being a 'pass for', I can attest to the christmoles doing this Deciderating.

    They are also really, really miffed that the rest of the Universe does not conform to their delusions.

  45. pumand3:17 PM

    c'mon now, field - you nigs only get the white girls who are sluts. you still trying to pull that "all women's wants da nigga boy routine"?

    try to get a grip on reality, boy. and ne glad you got your own affirmative action job because you sure couldn't get one the honest way.

    but speaking of jobs: your daughter gave me a good one last night, fo sho... she loves white meat

  46. coplo3:20 PM

    oh Kim, you hates da white peoples because your own nigga buck was cheating on you with another black ho

    maybe if you lost 30 pounds or so he wouldn't have strayed

    or maybe you shouldn't have married a gutter ape?

  47. news quiz3:37 PM

    I object to negroes being called gutter apes. Negroes prove every day that they are the most civilized.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Say Porky, do your fellow trailer park mates laugh at your jokes where you're from? Or do you ASSUme every Black man must be a ho' because most of your people, male and especially female, are hos too?

    Everyone knows that the easiest ho' for a Black man to get is a white ho, including your Mammy.

  50. Anonymous3:58 PM

    There's absolutely NOTHING a bunch of "overeducated", well job paying, upper middle class Black folks can do for a uneduated redneck, absolutely NOTHING!!!

    A little irony what is "undeuated" is that how you say it she-boon? She be uneduated I always thought it was edumacated sumtin someone like you would conversate about no wut Im sayin tubs of fun?

  51. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Yep, there is nothing more funnier in the entire world, than a wite dude sneering at others...then sockpuppeting agreement with himself. Not Moliere', not Robin Williams live, not George Carlin. The SuperFunny Fun-Time GiggleFest is an anonymous widdle boy who snorts his recess milk through his nose as he likes his own 'jokes'.

    It is striking that the libertee and fweedom-loving patriots are desperately seeking disenfranchising the majority for having the audacity to vote for the other candidate.
    Sore losers, eh? Because they can't TELL others what to do, they now have to cheat. Wonder why they never bothered to slate candidates that would have broader appeal?

    Some Pennsyltuckians are more equal than others.


  52. Dr. Queen, I'm sure the anony 3:58 is the same one who doesn't know the difference between "your" vs "you're". In fact, the vulgar anony has also spewed that she-boon crap.

    And notice how that AnonymouseE has the same trade mark as that Nsangoma character. Everyday there seems to be more than meets the eye on this blog. It's becoming irritating. I truly miss the ambiance and a lot of the original commentors of the blog. For me, it's not even fun picking fights anymore... sigh.

  53. La♥audiobooks said...
    Everyday there seems to be more than meets the eye on this blog. It's becoming irritating. I truly miss the ambiance and a lot of the original commentors of the blog. For me, it's not even fun picking fights anymore... sigh.

    I feel ya' LA! The assons really do run this mutha' unfortunately!

  54. So What4:21 PM

    You know.....the white women /black men is not such a racial thing.

    It's a female / male thing. All women are allured & intrigued by men with money.


    BBlack guys with lots of money/power, tend to like white girls, especially blondes.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Then again, perhaps that's not true. I just dropped off a ton of things to the salvation army earlier this morning, so maybe next time, I'll mail them to bubba instead.

    What's you trailer park address, Bubba?

    hey dummy for someone wit all those degrees u doth disappoint once again fool! u act as though the economic condition of an anon matters where what matters is that they exposed u for the phony and liar u really is ya kuntlickin imbecile!

  57. Anonymous4:54 PM

    For me, it's not even fun picking fights anymore... sigh.

    4:19 PM
    laa the meanie

    well u sadistic shit stack thats what u get for being such a mean ole goat all the time meanie! pickin fights ya exactly thats wut u like to do ya weerdo!

  58. Anonymous5:00 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Dr. Queen, I'm sure the anony 3:58 is the same one who doesn't know the difference between "your" vs "you're". In fact, the vulgar anony has also spewed that she-boon crap.

    Everyday there seems to be more than meets the eye on this blog. It's becoming irritating.

    y'all need to gets a bigger mirror den u and queefa queenie wont have to move around just ot get your ass in the mirror one cheek at a time now dont y'all be chimpin out on us hear wut Im sayin diddle me not I am diddleless and luv me sum queen o da queefas booyahhhhh baby

  59. sheboonAWookie5:18 PM

    Naw Field, Imma have to disagree with this jerk being able to find help here.

    There's absolutely NOTHING a bunch of "overeducated", well job paying, upper middle class Black folks can do for a uneduated redneck, absolutely NOTHING!!!

    Hey Queefa for sum wun "eduated" u sure donts knows english wut is a well job paying? you english speak much? me want well job paying me hard work time long for u nuttin but a frontin ass sheeeee-boooon boyahhhhhhh

    cum sing sum ricky martin wit me she bangs she bangs she boons she boons

  60. Anonymous6:35 PM

    While some loser wite boy might wee-wee and moan about how no woman will date him because he is is more about his hygiene and personality.
    Plus, trying to date a fictitious media creation is only good if you have 'poster time'. The real person is both better and lesser than your 15 yo fantasy.

    Unless she is a 20 yo dating Rupert Murdoch, or asks for cash for 'dates' isn't about the money. Pretty much any guy who can hold a job is datable.

    Learn to take daily showers, do adequate grooming, and gain maturity. Being a clueless frat weenie means any adult women will avoid you.


  61. Anonymous6:38 PM

    LAA, here is a video that I 'think' you and other black women might find very interesting. I would include bm, but we already know male Negroes on this blog have nothing to say but the same old, same old insensitive ignoramus crap(UTS), anyway...In other words, it sucks:

  62. "but speaking of jobs: your daughter gave me a good one last night, fo sho... she loves white meat"

    Hmmm, that's interesting, because I don't have a daughter. I suppose that it all makes sense, though. My so called daughter exists in the same place as your sex life.;)(

    No La~Audio, my stormfront friend is not the same as Nsangoma, that much I can confirm.

  63. Call Me Fannie Mae7:04 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Say Porky, do your fellow trailer park mates laugh at your jokes where you're from? Or do you ASSUme every Black man must be a ho' because most of your people, male and especially female, are hos too?

    Everyone knows that the easiest ho' for a Black man to get is a white ho, including your Mammy.

    3:38 PM

    SO.....I see this all the time, on this blog. Associating White trash with trailer parks.

    SO....if the White trash lives in trailer parks......where does the Black trash live????? No Trailer Parks? ......could it be free housing? I never heard of a Section 8 Trailer park, though I'm sure they must exist.

    Of course, no one will give a rational answer.

  64. The republiklan strategy for 30 years has been to drive down overall vote because more democrats don't vote than re-klans, but the last 12 or so minority votes have been specifically targeted. You won't see them pressing for this electoral "reform" in Texas or the rest of the neoconfederacy, they're happy to have huge minority populations unrepped in electoral politics where the re-klans coast to easy wins.

  65. Anonymous7:11 PM

    What part of being a 'pass for' don't you get? I am both Swedish and AfAm. My blue eyes and soft brown skin make me a 'pass for'.

    How easy it was to fool christmoles.


  66. Anonymous7:20 PM

    While some loser wite boy might wee-wee and moan about how no woman will date him because he is is more about his hygiene and personality.
    Plus, trying to date a fictitious media creation is only good if you have 'poster time'. The real person is both better and lesser than your 15 yo fantasy.

    Unless she is a 20 yo dating Rupert Murdoch, or asks for cash for 'dates' isn't about the money. Pretty much any guy who can hold a job is datable.

    Learn to take daily showers, do adequate grooming, and gain maturity. Being a clueless frat weenie means any adult women will avoid you.


  67. Anonymous said...
    What part of being a 'pass for' don't you get? I am both Swedish and AfAm. My blue eyes and soft brown skin make me a 'pass for'.

    How easy it was to fool christmoles.

    Proof that everthing biracial ain't that cute, just look at Tiger's kids.

    Of course they have a beautiful completion, NOTHING like the color of urine.

  68. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Don't forget Troy Davis, wrongfully convicted and wrongfully incarcerated in Georgia, about to be wrongfully executed in a few days if nothing changes. Any execution is barbaric and a mark of an uncivilized society but the execution of an obviously innocent man is beyond the pale. America, if you execute Troy Davis you are also killing what is left of your own humanity.
