Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bullets over Broad Street.

"I'm back at the club with a snub, twistin up dubs
Sippin on Crist', bout to snatch your bitch....When the bar's sold out and aint no Belvedere No crowd control and the cops is scared
You know, the, the Roc, the Roc was here
Catch Mac V.I.P., section of the place
With the weapon on his waist, weight, two steppin to the base
I don't dance, I just move the crowd
And keep a big ass tool that's loud, that'll move the crowd
Only play the club dog if the music loud"

Question for Beanie Sigel: Why can't you just enjoy the club and have a good time without having a weapon on your waist? I know you are from a rough neighborhood in South Philly, and you are rapping about your reality, but I think it's time to take it down a notch.

This is a tough time to be in certain neighborhoods here in Killadelphia. Kids get their first choppa before a baseball glove or a bicycle. Young shooters will split a total stranger's wig for little or nothing. It's that serious.

"Police are asking for the public's help after a wave of weekend shootings claimed seven lives and left 12 people wounded across Philadelphia.

The violence began about 10 a.m. Friday in the 500 block of York Street, where police answered a call and found James Hall, 58, with a gunshot to the head.
Police arrested Calvin Atkerson, 22, who they said was shooting at another man when the gunfire struck Hall, whom they described as an "innocent bystander who was just sitting there."

About 12:30 a.m., police responding to a report of a home invasion in the 1800 block of South Newkirk Street in the Southbrook Park section found Aaron Tucker, 20, shot multiple times. He was pronounced dead inside the home. Three other men, ages 27, 28, and 42, were also shot in the incident and hospitalized in critical condition.

Police said three men and a woman knocked on the door of the home and, when they were let in, brandished guns and demanded money. When they did not get money quickly enough, they began firing. The four fled on foot, police said.
On Saturday about 3:30 a.m., police were called to the 3300 block of North 13th Street, where they found Shari Harris, 22, who was shot once in the head and pronounced dead at the scene.

Investigators determined that Harris was killed during an apparent robbery. Police said that a gunman shot her and that when she fell to the ground, the man took something from her pockets and fled on foot.

About 3 a.m. Sunday, police responding to a call found Alfredo Santiago, 22, fatally shot inside a silver Honda Accord at Fifth Street and Girard Avenue. Police said Santiago was driving the car when an unknown man started firing at the vehicle.

About 4 a.m., police answered a call at a home in the 2700 block of Erie Avenue, where they found Kevin Underwood, 22, with multiple gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead a short time later.

Police said Underwood had been sitting in a chair at the address when an unidentified man walked up to him and shot him in the head at close range and then fled on foot.

In the 1600 block of North Lindenwood Street in West Philadelphia about 7:30 p.m. Sunday, police responding to a call found Christopher Lee, 22, shot multiple times.

Police said Lee had been walking with several men when two unidentified men approached, announced a robbery, and went through the men's pockets. Lee, who attempted to run, was shot several times, police said. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

On Sunday about 8 p.m., police were called to 52d and Master Streets, where they found Alonzo Dennis, 28, shot multiple times. He was pronounced dead a short time later at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, police said.
They Dennis had been walking from a store on 52d when he was approached by a man who announced a robbery. When Dennis began to run, the gunman shot him..." [Article]

You Negroes done lost your minds! It's as if you are living out a damn video game. The only problem is that you are shooting real people and you can't reset and start the game over. Of course these killers living among us could care less about another person's life. Why? Because they don't even care about their own. I visit correctional facilities from time to time, and the inmates there actually seem happier on the inside than when they are out on the streets. Most hardcore inmates don't want to leave prison because the conditions are bad or they are afraid. They want to get out to get back on the block because they think that they are losing money or valuable turf while they are away. Being away at prison for these young bucks is like being away at college for some folks. It's a necessary right of passage. It's just that, unlike a college curriculum, what they learn in prison can't be parlayed into a decent 9-5.

I wish I could give you some encouraging news and some answers, but I can't. The truth is that these killings are not going to be ending anytime soon. Knuckleheads kill for money;to retaliate; for respect;for love;or just to impress their peers. With all those different reasons to kill and guns so easily available, expect the killings to go on for awhile.

"Beef? C'mon dog who you think gon bleed
Not Mac, never slip in the club
4/5Th in the club, told y'all never slip in the club
Niggas hit like shit, how that get in the club
You think I'm playin when I'm sayin shit'll drip in the club?"

No Beanie, I am sure that you are not.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    If I may, please view 'Gangs of New York' for a semi-historical reference. It is difficult to be moral and a Ragged Dick...when you are at the lowest of the Maslow needs.
    I don't see wingnut Cons as Randian SuperBeings....I see them as autistic Narcissists who really don't comprehend the ramifications of their fantasies.

    Dreaming of Galt's Gulch is a nice dream...but the Reality is available to anyone willing to research the History.


  2. Geez Field, I should probably rethink applying to those Philly schools. OTOH maybe things will have calmed down by the time I apply in a year or two.

  3. GrannyStandingforTruth11:23 PM

    Field, I wish that they would bring back a music industry modeled after what Motown and other R&B businesses used to be. And writers would write songs for artist to sing about love or encouragement or something uplifting, instead of what is passed off as music today. It's time for rappers to fade into the sunset if they do not have a positive message.

  4. Off topic, but not really...Yo field, this is your homie Woe. You know I don't comment much, but I'm always a faithful and daily reader. Now, when I read the title of your blog post, Bullets over BROAD STREET...BROOOOAAAAD STRREEEEEEEET, what immediately came to mind is a certain bet that someone is trying to RUN from. It's been three years but I ain't forgot homie. Field Negros honor their bets. What you gotta say about that partner?

  5. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Thanks for the post, Mr. Field. It supports my comments to Mellaneous and you in the previous thread:

    Field-“I agree, the truth will set you free. Maybe we can start working on where that self hatred comes from.”
    Mr. Field, that’s an easy question to answer, but a difficult answer to accept by many FN folks.

    In short, most black self-hatred comes from living in a black body in America. Let me explain: We are the poorest in material wealth as well as the poorest in spirit. We are a divided race. We live in unsafe neighborhoods. We kill each other in our communities, at parties, in school, and drive-bys. That is no fun for a black person.

    Chances are we come from broken homes more than anybody else. Many of us don’t even know our fathers. Many of us who do know our fathers want nothing to do with us. As children we have been abandoned by our parents, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

    We are the least educated, least parented as children, and have the least motivation to be much of anything except gangsters who take lives for fun. Some of us have even lost our lives for having the desire to study in school, “You just trying to be White,” the black uneducated say.

    We call each other degrading names like “ho” and “nigger”. On the other hand, we cry out if Whites or Browns say it: “it’s insulting!” we say. It is obvious to the most casual observer that we are an angry fearful lot..

    Finally, we mistake the critical truth by any Black by some other Blacks as ‘self-hatred’, which is a way of saying, “don’t talk about the funky elephant in the living room”.

    Mr. Field, I have given you a ‘short’ list of the places where black self-hatred comes from. I am sure you and some of your FN readers and posters can add to it. That is, IF you dare expose the elephant in the living room.

    God bless you.

  6. Anonymous1:46 AM

    How sad...how sad that human life has become so worthless to some...It's like the wild west now...Same here on the island...everybody is living in fear...

  7. ~
    Negroes wanna do like dey be seeing on deh television.

    field booty, it would seem your Philadelphia Negroes watched too much of the Wire.

    Snoop and Chris, on the block.

    Omar, too.

    Watch out sillie Philadelphia Negroes.

    Grab your babies and run up stairs and hide in deh baph tub.

    Oopz, deh baph tub don't be stoppin-nin no bullets.

  8. Anonymous3:20 AM

    "Question for Beanie Sigel: Why can't you just enjoy the club and have a good time without having a weapon on your waist? I know you are from a rough neighborhood in South Philly, and you are rapping about your reality, but I think it's time to take it down a notch."

    and maybe while taking it down a notch, negroes like him could ALSO STOP calling women "bitch"? there's a thought!

    it BEYOND time to take the ignorance and uncivilized behavior down a notch.

    dropped in yesterday and declined to comment on Jackie O and MLK. not feeling so reserved today.

    i have long believed, in light of the sad state of affairs that all the marching, putting bw and children in harm's way was for bm to have access to whiter and ww. NO ONE that sees clearly would dare claim, based on the BEHAVIOR that it had anything to do with access to higher education, resources, and the means to uplift black folks- the men, women AND children.

    what besides the total destruction of black infrastructure did integration render? black folks are now COMPLETELY dependent on OTHERS. while back at the ranch, folks are just as segregated and clannish as ever. only bfolks in large numbers, miss this truth.

    this will be seen as blasphemy: MLK has the same effect on me as bishop eddie longstrokes. down to the hypocrisy, bible beating, and silent, long suffering, decidedly in her lane, always available for photo ops wife.

    anyhoo, thanks for allowing me to share.


  9. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Well we have at last found something we can do better then white folks , perhaps even our true calling Huh?

  10. Anon @ 1:46 AM, you might need some counseling there fam. It doesn't ook good for you. :(

    "Well we have at last found something we can do better then white folks , perhaps even our true calling Huh?"

    I am not too sure about that. We might have a ways to go to catch up, but I get your point.

  11. "Woe", you got me.

    Wait....I thought I made that run? :)

    OK Ok, maybe not. It's getting cold now, I will have to get it done,soon. :)

    Dr. Queen, it's still all good. It's not like this is Kabul or anything. Not yet.

    Seriously, we need good educators now more than ever. If you get the call to come to our side of the world please consider.

  12. Anonymous6:04 AM

    muah muah muah muah muah anyone who claimerates to be a dawktaw without being one and acts like an atrocious toad but calls themselves a queen would not be a very good teacher in this anons mind too boorish and vulgar in fact muah muah muah muah muah muah muah neither doctor nor queen is capable of being a good teacher she cante even half lie strate!!!

  13. Field, as much as I loved teaching in an inner city high school, dealing with an educational "system" which isn't set up to help poor kids suceed was a huge problem for me!
    That said, I do still mentor kids at disadvantaged schools a few times a year but that's about it.

  14. NSangoma8:25 AM

    Dhese sum of yo' mentees Dr Queen:



  15. false19:01 AM

    Anon 1:46am hit the nail on the head. Not that it's anything that hasn't been said though. Seems like a vicious cycle to me. Too many of our kids grow up seeing their friends and family snuffed out. There's no reason to think they'll live to the age of 30. Might as well make some babies now. Might as well take what you can now. You expect them to be concerned about their future? What future? Who wants to live in a violent slum to a ripe old age?

    It's effed up. And every part of American society serves to perpetuate it.

  16. ditto fn

    philly is not alone

    even rural enclaves are under siege from pookies with guns

    it is truly tragic

    and all of the the thug/prison madness is beyond a global rite for global pookies
    it is a genocidal ritual that dooms us all

    tupac once said:
    "whatever u think of me...i am still your child...ignore me at your own peril"

    our fatal perils have just begun
    hobama and his banksters have fashioned MILLIONS of permanently idle young hands/jobless homeless hopeless unchanged fertile mongrels...for decades to come

    we have a generation of turbo bred amoral super predators
    because their HORRID parents have ignored them or taught them to be violent toxic gun loving clones...

    may god help us all...GLOBALLY!




  17. Anon 1:46 am...

    Let say this nice.

    Shut the fuck up and do not include "we" in your bullshit rants. Nobody is fool by your caucasion self.

  18. Memo to hobama:


    Your blackish repub swag has made u replaceable
    The authentic repubs have next!!!

    Kudos to NYC voters and john stewart


    Republican Bob Turner scored a shocking victory late Tuesday night to capture disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner's congressional seat - and delivered what many political pros say is a stinging rebuke of President Obama.
    Turner was named the winner by The Associated Press just before midnight. By the end of the night, the GOPer was ahead 54% to 46% - with about 86% of the Brooklyn-Queens district reporting
    When the publication's interviewer Eric Bates notes that "a lot of people wish" the President would "take the gloves off a little more," Stewart responds that Obama's "problem is not his lack of passion. It's his lack of direction.
    "I still don't know what he believes in," he says.
    Stewart, 48, who's become one of the sharpest political and social observers in any medium since taking over the "Daily Show" in 1999, tells Bates: "Maybe that's my biggest issue with [Obama]: I'm not sure what he truly thinks is the right path, other than that he believes the wealthy should pay a little bit more of their fair share."
    Stewart says he's sure the President is "pleased with what he's done," but adds: "I would have preferred to see something a little more transformative."
    He also calls Obama's health-care plan a "2,000-page clusterf-k."
    Asked to assess another cluster-you-know-what - the debt-ceiling debate - Stewart observes: "You can blame the intransigence of Tea Party Republicans all you want, but Democrats had a chance to pass a budget before they lost the midterm election.
    "They didn't do it because they were afraid that those votes would cost them the House," Stewart continues. "They had the ability to avoid the entire f-ing thing. And they didn't do it, out of cowardice."



  19. Kudos to NYC voters and jon stewart


  20. As far as beans..I'm guilty, I like dudes music.

  21. memo to hobama and his banksters:

    what u do to us adoring poor black mongrels will return unto u

    karma is real!!!!

    A 101-year-old Michigan woman was kicked out of her home - and her belongings tossed like garbage - because she owed back taxes.

    A Wayne County bailiff evicted Texana Hollis after her son ignored notices that she owed property taxes, WXYZ-TV in Detroit reported.

    And the bailiff didn't do it nicely: the elderly woman's belongings were tossed into Dumpsters as she stood helplessly outside and in tears, WXYZ-TV reported.

    The Wayne County treasurer's office told the TV station it was trying to figure out exactly what happened.

    The distraught woman's son, Warren Hollis, said it was all his fault.

    He had ignored payment notices for years - and didn't tell his mom they were receiving eviction notices.

    "I feel bad, maybe I should have paid closer attention," he said.

    Texana Hollis had lived in the house for 58 years.

    "This lady needs to be back in her home that she purchased and she sweated for," one neighbor said.

    A distraught Texana Hollis said, "I wanna go back in."

    She and her son are staying in a rental house across the street.


  22. memo to hobama:

    u have lost more than 1 million latino votes

    u have betrayed ALL...shame!!!!!!!
    The Obama administration has deported close to one million undocumented immigrants since January 2009, according to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.

    The current numbers only go up to the end of July, so the administration may have already passed the one million mark. By comparison, in his last 28 months in office, Bush deported about 785,148 undocumented immigrants.

    What’s interesting is that Obama has received more criticism from the right for doing what many feel they are in favor of than the left.


  23. see fn???

    and this toxic "parenting" will only worsen as poverty increases


    JONESBORO, Ark. (AP) — Police in Jonesboro say a 4-year-old girl and her 11-year-old sister were abandoned in separate incidents and have been taken by the state.

    The Jonesboro Sun reports the 4-year-old girl was dropped off at a day care center Monday morning, but no one picked her up. After the center couldn't find the mother, the center called the Department of Human Services.

    At 5 a.m. Tuesday, police were called to the girl's home, where her 11-year-old sister told officers that her mother hadn't been home since she got home from school the day before. She was picked up by a DHS caseworker.

    Police say they have not been able to locate the girls' mother or an aunt.


  24. Quote:GrannyStandingForTruth:

    " It's time for rappers to fade into the sunset if they do not have a positive message."

    Sorry Granny, but that's total bollocks.

    The day art only makes positive statements is the day it stops being art and starts being advertising.

  25. purple cow:

    telling truths is not synonymous with breeding thug madness

    protest songs inspire

    most rap music infects!

    granny is correct

    I am weary with music that degrades, exploits, and poisons minds.
    I am sick of misogyny in syncopation. There is so much more to sing

    We are at war in Amerikkka. We who are poor or Black or female or
    gay or uneducated or underemployed or underpaid... Music is
    supposed to heal our war weary souls. Increasingly, music is most
    often simply soundtracks of oppression, rather than solace for the

    This pains me greatly. The only thing that pains me more is the fact
    that the faces of the mindless singers of these moronic songs look like
    my own. That manic mirror reflection bothers me more intensely than I
    can describe...

    Does it bother anyone else that a gifted humanitarian like Bruce
    Springsteen is being deservedly praised for his tribute to a brother
    martyr like Amadou Diallo, while a ludicrous aging gangsta rapper like
    Dr. Dre is STILL pumping out genocidal garbage; with a new
    trainee-wigga-of-the-month named Eminem (as in M & M; Misogyny
    and Machismo) in tow???!!!

    It is truly ironic that a rich white male has chosen to pen a protest song.
    Clearly, it is poor Black men like Diallo who bear the brunt of
    epidemic police brutality and municipally sanctioned mass murders.
    So, what are most of Springsteen's young Black male industry peers
    singing about as he mourns Diallo? Money, booty, jewelry, pimping,
    bimbos, cars, and other hedonistic madness!!!

    What motivates a racist industry that showers any fool who can rhyme
    with millions of dollars? Why are there no industry scouts grooming
    the next Sarah Vaughn, Duke Ellington, Marvin Gaye, or Dinah
    Washington? How many more cloned gangsta rappers do we need to

    I am a musicologist and a DJ. Music is like oxygen to me. I could
    never live without it. I am depressed by how much popular music bores and repulses me.
    To say that most radio is meaningless would be
    inaccurate. Meaning is always subjective. Certainly, most popular
    music is meaningless to me.



  26. Number of poor hit record 46 million in 2010

    Reuters) - The number of Americans living below the poverty line rose to a record 46 million last year, the government said on Tuesday, underscoring the challenges facing President Barack Obama and Congress as they try to tackle high unemployment and a moribund economy.

    The Census Bureau's annual report on income, poverty and health insurance coverage said the national poverty rate climbed for a third consecutive year to 15.1 percent in 2010 as the economy struggled to recover from the recession that began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009.

    That marked a 0.8 percent increase from 2009, when there were 43.6 million Americans living in poverty.

    The number of poor Americans in 2010 was the largest in the 52 years that the Census Bureau has been publishing poverty estimates, the report said, while the poverty rate was the highest since 1993.

    The specter of economic deterioration also afflicted working Americans who saw their median income decline 2.3 percent to an annual $49,445.

    22 percent of American children lived in poverty last year
    ore than a fifth of Americans under the age of 18 lived in poverty last year, new U.S. Census figures show.

    The poverty rate for children rose from 20.7 percent in 2009 to 22 percent last year, making kids more likely than any other age group to be poor. For children under the age of 6, the picture is even bleaker--25.3 percent of them lived in poverty last year. Overall, 15 percent of Americans were poor last year, the highest rate since 1993. (The poverty line is $22,314 pre-tax income for a family of four, not including non-cash benefits, like food stamps.)


    Decline in U.S. Household Income Raises Stakes for 2012 Presidential Race

    U.S. household income fell to its lowest level in more than a decade in 2010 and poverty rose to a 17-year high, setting the stage for the debate over jobs and the economy that will dominate the 2012 presidential race.

    Median household income declined 2.3 percent, and the proportion of people living in poverty last year climbed to 15.1 percent, or almost one in six Americans, from 14.3 percent in 2009, a U.S. Census Bureau report yesterday showed.


    CBO Sees Slower Growth, Continued Unemployment

    The U.S. economy will grow slower than anticipated and joblessness will stay high as the fallout of the deepest recession since the Great Depression takes its toll, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday.

    In testimony to a ``super committee'' of Congress weighing deficit-reduction steps, CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf said the non-partisan agency sees economic growth of around 1.5 percent this year and 2.5 percent in 2012. That's down from CBO's August estimate of 2.3 percent and 2.7 percent, respectively.

    The U.S. unemployment rate, CBO said, now at 9.1 percent, will remain ``close to 9 percent through the end of 2012,'' Elmendorf said. Last month, CBO estimated joblessness at 8.9 percent this year, falling to 8.5 percent in 2012.

    Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2011/09/13/cbo-lowers-us-economic-outlook/#ixzz1XwQWqtcy

  27. Census: US poverty rate swells to nearly 1 in 6

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The ranks of America's poor swelled to almost 1 in 6 people last year, reaching a new high as long-term unemployment left millions of Americans struggling and out of work. The number of uninsured edged up to 49.9 million, the biggest in more than two decades.

    The Census Bureau's annual report released Tuesday offers a snapshot of the economic well-being of U.S. households for 2010, when joblessness hovered above 9 percent for a second year. It comes at a politically sensitive time for President Barack Obama, who has acknowledged in the midst of a re-election fight that the unemployment rate could persist at high levels through next year.

    The overall poverty rate climbed to 15.1 percent, or 46.2 million, up from 14.3 percent in 2009. The official poverty level is an annual income of $22,314 for a family of four.

  28. Liberal Tormentor - you are right, capitalism is failing.

  29. Alicia, the reason you don't like modern music is that you are too old.

    It is a young person's medium. It isn't supposed to appeal to people like you. If it did it wouldn't be doing its job properly.

    people of your age have been criticizing young people's music in exactly the way that you are doing for bout a hundred years.

  30. pc:

    all real music is timeless

    i am 48
    and a veteran dj and music collector

    i am addicted to real music from every genre


    i love
    jill scott

    as much as i love

    nancy wilson
    billie holiday

    i also love



    when young rude nigs like u call me old
    it is a truly a dear compliment
    i proudly reject ANY association with your entire gen


  31. ps:

    insulting me is no defense for your lie about granny

    and the temp trash that your gen passes off as real music


    lil wayne rules all "music" sales

    i rest my case

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. pc:

    i am a musicologist of every era

    from vintage blues to house to neo soul

    the magic of my FM shows for decades is that i combine all real music from every era

    flowing all in one set

    the tragedy of how your gen has destroyed music is that MOST of what u "produce" will never even be real/timeless enough to add to any mix...

    there are too few like usher and alicia keyes
    way too many silly inept poser mfs like lil wayne and nicky m and souljah boy etc

    u feel me son?

  34. Quote Alicia

    "insulting me is no defense for your lie about granny

    I haven't lied about Granny, and I haven't insulted you.

    You are 48, rap isn't designed to appeal to people like you. That's not what it does, it's a youth culture.

    That's not an insult, that is a bare statement of fact.

    And IMHO Granny was wrong to insist on positive messages. You are in danger of turning all music into a Disney soundtrack.

  35. ...and I've never heard of your 'lily Wayne' guy/gal - so I can't comment.

  36. Field, have you seen this?


  37. Anonymous1:39 PM

    false 1-"Anon 1:46am hit the nail on the head. Not that it's anything that hasn't been said though. Seems like a vicious cycle to me. Too many of our kids grow up seeing their friends and family snuffed out. There's no reason to think they'll live to the age of 30. Might as well make some babies now. Might as well take what you can now. You expect them to be concerned about their future? What future? Who wants to live in a violent slum to a ripe old age?

    It's effed up. And every part of American society serves to perpetuate it."

    Thanks false1. At least there are a 'few' Blacks who can see and speak the truth. It IS effed up and Blacks suffer severely from it. How can you feel good about yourself when every part of American society is telling and treating you as if you are the lowest of human beings? How do you move forward when you have no support from your community or family, when you are likely to be killed by your own kind?

    Where is the support or discussion?

    Rottenkid's response is typical: "Anon 1:46 am...

    Let say this nice.

    Shut the fuck up and do not include "we" in your bullshit rants. Nobody is fool by your caucasion self."

    And Field's response: "Anon @ 1:46 AM, you might need some counseling there fam. It doesn't ook good for you. :("

    One calls me White, the other calls me crazy. This has been the same responses by our folks for decades. Hence, nothing gets done and things continue to get worse. It's hopeless when your own kind deny that things are effed up even when it's growing and staring us in the face.

    People are living in fear. PTSD is common in black communities. Yeah, it's really effed up, esp when you are living in the war zone with no way out but to kill or be killed.

    FUCK Rottenkid and Field.

  38. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    ...and I've never heard of your 'lily Wayne' guy/gal - so I can't comment.

    1:10 PM

    What a dick you are. Was this supposed to be witty? Just shows how infantile your mind is, must be all dat yo yo shit you lissen to - hear wut I'm sayin?

  39. anon thanks

    pc has mad cow disease

    he is an original mf

    he is a purple punk

    and he has no idea that i know more about music from every genre than he will ever know...

    he has also done nothing to disprove what granny said is true

    he is the poster boy for the rude thugs who have ruined rap music

    he is a disgrace to lupe/common/tupac etc


  40. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Must be a wite dude thang...to whine about the rap artists selling 'urban kewl' to the white lads in suburbia. Rap has been positive...and affirming...and women artists. Wonder why wite dudes keep buying the hype?

    Why, those AfAms were such besser singers and dancers and such...when they could not vote. And the occupations open to them were few and far. Wonder why witey keeps pining away for 'ole Virginny'?

    Yes, the music of our youth was the Bestest, Greatest Evah...
    The older stuff was lame and the new stuff makes no sense.

    Funny how that applies to just about all music.


  41. Bush Admin. Voted AGAINST Solyndra Loan

    The White House noted to ABC News that the Bush administration was the first to consider Solyndra's application and that some executives at the company have a history of donating to Republicans.

    The results of the Congressional probe shared Tuesday with ABC News show that less than two weeks before President Bush left office, on January 9, 2009, the Energy Department's credit committee had voted against offering a loan commitment to Solyndra.

    Even after Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, analysts in the Energy Department and in the Office of Management and Budget were repeatedly questioning the wisdom of the loan. In one exchange, an Energy official wrote of "a major outstanding issue" -- namely, that Solyndra's numbers showed it would run out of cash in September 2011.

    There was also concern about the high-risk nature of the project. Internally, the Office of Management and Budget wrote that "the risk rating for the project sponsor [Solyndra] … seems high." Outside analysts had warned for months that the company might not be a sound investment.

    Peter Lynch, a New York-based solar energy analyst, told ABC News it took only a cursory glance through Solyndra's prospectus to see there was a problem with their numbers.

    "It's very difficult to perceive a company with a model that says, well, I can build something for six dollars and sell it for three dollars," Lynch said. "Those numbers don't generally work. You don't want to lose three dollars for every unit you make."

    Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/emails-obama-white-house-monitored-huge-loan-connected/story?id=14508865#ixzz1XxSFXgAO

  42. ditto!!!

    hobama and his bankster regime are worse than gwb in EVERY way...


    The Obama Administration has a serious problem. Every time the numbers show that chronic black unemployment has reached crisis levels, I think back to the Obama Administration’s delusional assertion three years ago that a “rising tide will lift all boats” (that targeted economic policy would not work as well as a general policy that helps everyone – after all, he is “everyone’s president”). Well, I’m here to report to the Obama Administration: The tide not only missed our boat, but black folks are sinking to the bottom of the economic ocean.

    One of the most telling signs of racial inequality in America is the fact that African Americans are not only subjected to the very worst economic circumstances in the country, but we are also not allowed to be upset about it. Middle class Tea Partiers can gather in Washington to complain about health care, wealthy white folks can get upset about a tiny spike in taxes, and white Americans can remain justifiably outraged over a measly eight percent rate of unemployment. But when African Americans say a word about widespread and virtually unprecedented economic suffering in the presence of a black president, we are referred to as Uncle Toms or told that we are demanding too much.

    Like wide-eyed children, we trusted the Obama Administration and their Wall Street-wired economic advisers to incorporate policies that would make life better for our people, in addition to the rest of America. Well, the evidence is clear and the verdict is in: Those policies have not worked. The president would be wise to let go of the charade, admit that mistakes were made and profess that it’s time to take the country in another direction.

    Additionally, African American leaders who continue to work to elevate the Obama campaign without demanding true reciprocity in exchange for the black vote risk being perceived as political slum lords. Again, this is not to say that one does not have the right to aggressively campaign for President Obama. But it’s another thing to present the president as “the really cool brother you should vote for.” Instead, addressing administration policies and gauging their sensitivity to our community’s needs should be mandatory before simply pulling out the “black man card” for the next election.


  43. joe biden4:22 PM

    The failure of Solyndra is more than enough proof that Obama knows nothing about the ridiculous and insanely unprofitable economics of solar panels.

    If our moron-in-chief were to approve the construction of the shovel-ready pipeline that will, if built, carry Canadian oil into the middle of the US, the number of jobs created instantly WITH NO FEDERAL MONEY is 20,000.

    Supporters of the plan say the total number of jobs created by the construction and operation of the pipeline would exceed 100,000.

    But Obama, the moron, won't approve the plan.

    How vile is this loser?

  44. joe biden4:25 PM

    Here in NY City, blacks are running wild killing each other -- as usual.

    The two dirtbag thugs who shot the female high school basketball star to death were spotted on video. Their names and faces are known and the cops are hunting for them.

    How much help will they get from the black community? Or will someone call the cops if they surface?

  45. Anonymous4:33 PM

    alicia banks said...

    That trifling bitch the vdlr/moron is erasing my posts again....kuntlickin banks

    of course ur posts r being deleted ya kuntswilling moron!

  46. Anonymous5:28 PM

    This is great, here is Mold and his ilk promoting the new Liberal Obama website AttackWatch.com


  47. Hey AB, don't waste time talking to Barney. He simply doesn't "get it".

  48. Dr. Queen:



    his purple reign herein has ended!

  49. Dr. Queen:

    have a royal evening my regal sista!

  50. HamburgerHelperI'mNot6:09 PM

    de purple knob gobbler foiled agin

  51. Rottenkid's response is typical: "Anon 1:46 am...

    One calls me White, the other calls me crazy.

    Don't be ashamed if your white. If your White, say your White. #itsOK

    This has been the same responses by our folks for decades. Hence, nothing gets done and things continue to get worse. It's hopeless when your own kind deny that things are effed up even when it's growing and staring us in the face.

    "our" folks is not OUR folks. If you got problems within YOUR community go out there and do something about it, leave me out of it. Last time I checked MY predominantly Black community, with a nice healthy dose of White people, seem to be in pretty good shape.


    People are living in fear. PTSD is common in black communities. Yeah, it's really effed up, esp when you are living in the war zone with no way out but to kill or be killed.

    lol..People living in fear? Black people? War Zone? Escape from New Yawk? Damn, I knew I should have brought that flack jacket with the metal plates I saw at the Latin swap meet this weekend. Shame on me. I'm getting it this weekend, based on your insight. Good looking out. I'll be sure to pick one up for my White neighbor that drives a vintage Rolls Royce, he's gonna need it.

    FUCK Rottenkid and Field.

    Testy I see..It's all good. I see you pulled out your inner "PTSD Negro".

    Now I'm on my way across the street to talk to that White dude with the car and shoot the shit. I'll be sure to warn him about me. Thanks Anon.

    Did I use the word "shoot"?

    My bad.

  52. Quote: Anonnymous:

    ”What a dick you are. Was this supposed to be witty? Just shows how infantile your mind is, must be all dat yo yo shit you lissen to - hear wut I'm sayin?”


    As I say, I’ve never heard of the guy, though I just looked the name up on Wikipedia and it turns out it’s some bloke who is somewhat popular in America. No big deal.

    I was confused because I used to date a Surinamese singer called ‘lIls’ (short for Lilly) so I associate Lil with being a woman. Lils was the daughter of Max Woiski. Field’s parents would know about Max (field is too young I’m sure.) Max was a famous Surinamese singer in the ‘40’s, 50’s, 60’s. He went to prison for sexually assaulting Lils ended his career.
    But I digress.
    Quote: Alicia Banks.

    ”pc has mad cow disease”

    You need a new joke, that one was lame the first time, now for the 700th time it just makes you look a bit dimbulb.
    ”pc/assinine bovine/music moron:

here are some real baby girls who think that YOU are an old geezer

and they agree with me about that talentless serial baby deddy "music" sales ruler lil wayne

real talk about real music...yo??? “

    Is this some kind of code?

    If you would care to translate this into English I will answer, until then I’m at a loss.
    Quote AB

    ”i love :

chriisette michelle
and many more”

    Ok, I’ve heard of Tupac, but none of the others.

    Tupac is dead. Had he been alive today he would be 40 years old.

    Not exactly a youngster…

  53. Oh and Dr. Queen?

    Congratulations, you are the most consistently vacuous poster on this website.

    It takes a special talent to spend so much time saying absolutely nothing of value.

    You should write for American TV shows. They will love you.

  54. The Purple Cow said...

    You are 48, rap isn't designed to appeal to people like you. That's not what it does, it's a youth culture.

    That's not an insult, that is a bare statement of fact.

    And IMHO Granny was wrong to insist on positive messages. You are in danger of turning all music into a Disney soundtrack.

    1:09 PM

    I have to agree with you PC. I grew up with rap literally from it's inception in Connecticut. Getting a little older now and to me there's not to many rap songs that appeal to me anymore since I'm not out in the streets "like talkin' about". I'm still stuck in the 90's and the early 2000's. I still go to concerts. Matter of fact I went to the Watch the Throne concert earlier this month in G'Boro with my 40 yo sister, starring Jay Z and Kanye West. You couldn't tell us shit (Can't tell you all what all went down but we had a fkn blast!)...lol.To a certain degree, rap is a young mans sport. With that said, just like newer music across all genres, with maybe the exception of country music and true R&B, quality music is in decline. But then again, Granny can say that about my generation's music - Gen X..lol..We got it in!

  55. *I was born and raised in CT and lived really close to NYC, so a lot of influence came from there. Rap was not "invented" in CT

  56. Rottenkid, I hear you.

    The first thing to remember is that 99% of all art is shit.

    That applies to rap equally as it does to jazz, classical, pop, rock, sculpture, theatre - whatever.

    So the 1% of rap that is good and valid and important (for my money that would be early-period NWA, M.C. Solaar, Ghostface Killah, Public Enemy) will endure and survive, and that's how it should be.

    Ditto from white rock music, you've got the Clash, The Sex Pistols, Kraftwerk and um, some other stuff.

    Even country music, I've no idea what, but I'm sure there is good stuff there somewhere that will live on. (There are only about 10 things in life I hate, and country and western is two of them.)

    The second thing to remember is that popular music is a youth culture. Old people aren't supposed to like it - if they do, something has gone wrong. My parents were Jazz and Blues people (still are) - they hated the stuff I listened to. Now my kids tell me that James Brown is "music for boring old granddads."

    It's sad for me, but that's the way it's always been, if it's not that way something has gone wrong.

    30 years from now, my grandchildren will be telling my kids that their music is dull and boring.

    T'was ever thus.

  57. The Purple Cow said...
    Oh and Dr. Queen?

    Congratulations, you are the most consistently vacuous poster on this website.

    Damn Barney, did you borrow your mammy's thesaurus to come up with the word vacuous?

    BTW, if you really believe this statement to be true, you must KEEP your nose is the stalker's crack, while she keeps her nose in mine, LOL!!!

  58. Anonymous8:11 PM

    What better way to infest an AfAm blog than to pretend to be a caricature of what wite dude has as a stereotype of an AfAm? The wite dude can now say 'migger', he can write idiocy and claimerate it was done by Prince Chawmin', and can introduce slightly reworded talking points from the wingnut welfare Wurlitzer.

    I have met far, far more frat weeinies like RussertJr and Beck and bush and ManDumpling who dressed up as 'Shaniqua' than I have ever met in those 'urban neighbourhoods'.

    If 'Shaniqua' am funny...why are the t-wits not giggling over the inability of the Duggars to use a letter other than 'J'? Or the creepy Deliverance Palins? Maybe they are too busy trying to scrub 'Santorum'.


  59. MoldisaYoungWhiteSmallweenieboy8:30 PM

    What better way to infest an AfAm blog than to pretend to be a caricature of what wite dude has as a stereotype of an AfAm?

    No one would know this better then you Mr COllege boy from queens NY.

  60. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Sorry Liar, I have never lived in Queens...though I must admit tohaving been in a pre-war Manhattan flat. You know, the kind that keeps you out.;)

    On a unrelated note...one blogger did more than wail about how the uppity one done gived away all de wite peeples munny.

    Pretty lengthy, but a good overview of what the Goobers are lying to us about.


  61. RK

    "our" folks is not OUR folks. If you got problems within YOUR community go out there and do something about it, leave me out of it. Last time I checked MY predominantly Black community, with a nice healthy dose of White people, seem to be in pretty good shape."

    Thank you RK.

    I'm tired of these toothless racist goobers and self-hating coons casting the stain of dysfunction and violence upon the entire black community just to satisfy their self-fulfilling prophecies.

    Black people have been America's scapegoat and the canary in the coal mine for all it's ills since we arrived on these shores involuntarily 400 years ago.

    Yet we're at the center of American culture and the most influential community within the culture.

    Lock a white priveleged suburbanite in a room with a black inner city dweller for a year and who will come out talking like whom?

  62. Hey, anybody hear about Snow Queen Sarah Palin getting boned by NBA star (and brutha) Glen Rice back in 87?

    There goes her media stardom.

    The tea party goobers won't like that.



  63. Anonymous9:17 PM

    UTs, "Black people have been America's scapegoat and the canary in the coal mine for all it's ills since we arrived on these shores involuntarily 400 years ago."

    Yeah, me too uts. and you prove my point: it's hell being Black in America. I hate it, but it is a fact, which some folks can't handle. Btw, I heard you had moved back to the hood. Is that true?

  64. Anonymous9:19 PM

    uts, "Yet we're at the center of American culture and the most influential community within the culture."

    At the center? you must be kidding. We are the last to be thought of when it comes to equality, and justice. Get real, Negro.

  65. Anonymous9:22 PM

    UTS, "Hey, anybody hear about Snow Queen Sarah Palin getting boned by NBA star (and brutha) Glen Rice back in 87?"

    Well, we know when you are blogging because it smells like bullshit. Since you think AAs are the center of American culture, why didn't this come out during the McCain/Palin run at the Presidency? Let me answer that for you: Because it didn't happen, you creep.

  66. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Billyjoebobsue will never know the times i had in my pre-war Manhattan flat.Thats was the first time.Idon't know if i should say.I will be attack by you gawd furin' fundies.

    That was the first time my dad diddle my skittle.


  67. ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

    Of course Anon-Goober is apoplectic at the mere thought that his Snow Queen did the nasty with a 6"7 black NBA star.

    Well Jethro, the Washington Post is reporting it.

    Glen Rice confirms it.

    And Palin is avoiding the press.

    In the immortal words of Lilly Von Schtupp from "Blazing Saddles".....

    "It's Twwoooo, It's Twwoooo!!!!"

  68. Anonymous9:38 PM

    UTS, "Lock a white priveleged suburbanite in a room with a black inner city dweller for a year and who will come out talking like whom?"

    Doesn't it depend on what black community the AA comes from? At least that is what you claimed to rottenkid. so if the black inner city kid is well educated he already speaks correct English. However, it the kid is from the ghetto, I bet that the kid from the ghetto would end up talking as much as possible, like the white kid.

    It's a fact that in America it is clearly better to be White. And given a chance, most of us Blacks would rather be White. Life is kinder and it just makes living easier and definitely safer.

  69. "We are the last to be thought of when it comes to equality, and justice. Get real, Negro."

    Well if you really are black, then you're still a mental slave crawling back to the plantation begging massa for your one room shack and burlap sack.

    But far more likely, you're some white loser who gets off harrassing blacks online because you get no respect in real life and can't do jack about it.

  70. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Uts, "In the immortal words of Lilly Von Schtupp from "Blazing Saddles".....

    "It's Twwoooo, It's Twwoooo!!!!"

    True or not, it's still not a good thing to be Black in America. It's terrible.

    I guess Palin wanted to see what it was like to have a one night stand nasty with a nasty. Thanks for that term, uts.

    Obviously it was too nasty. She never went back. That slogan, "once you go Black, you never go back," is bullshit and something conjured up to assuage very fragile egos.

    Brutha, you need to go back to your hood and STFU.

  71. UTS, why would you do this to my tea party friends tonight?

    "In the book, which will be published on September 20th, McGinniss claims Sarah had a steamy interracial hookup with basketball stud Glen Rice less than a year before she eloped with her husband Todd.

    Sarah hooked up with the NBA great, then a 6-foot-8 junior at the University of Michigan when he was playing in a college basketball tournament in Alaska in 1987, the book says. At the time, Sarah, just out of college, was working as a sports reporter for the Anchorage TV station KTUU.

    A publishing source told The ENQUIRER that McGinniss claims Sarah had a "fetish" for black men at the time and he quotes a friend as saying Sarah had "hauled (Rice's) ass down."
    In the book, McGinniss quotes Rice as confirming the one-night stand."

    Oh Lawd!

    Now, to most people, this wouldn't be that big of a deal. But.....well, he is a black man, and we are talking about the Queen of the Tea Party brigade.

    But I am going to leave this one alone. I don't believe in these types of salacious stories....

  72. Anonymous10:23 PM

    field i see that you did not post my comment to uts regarding the bs story about Palin. She would NEVER go to bed with a bm. There is no future in that for her, so why would she?

  73. Anon-Goober

    The mere thought of it drives your racist ass nuts, doesn't it?


  74. You think Philly is bad? Read the latimes.com Homicide section. In LA the wolves come out at night seeking blacks and latinos to slaughter. They usually don't even rob you. Gang affiliation? Not as much as you think. In a recent MSNBC series on the LA Coroner's office, the official said as many as half of their homicide victims have no gang affiliation. They just got targeted by some brain-dead black or latino killer.

  75. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Remind me to never go to Philly...no wonder Mike Vick is scrambling. I'll just keep my black ass in San Diego. If I want to be dangerous, Compton is only an hour away.
