Sunday, September 04, 2011

Muy malo Señor Kat.

I might as well get in on this latest Kat Williams dust up and offer my two cents.

First, I like Kat Williams, I think he is one seriously funny dude. (All four feet three inches of him.) And folks need to keep in mind that he is, first and foremost, an entertainer.

But Kat got it wrong when he went all Captain America on that Mexican American heckler at a recent show in Arizona. (Memo to the  public: If you pay money to see a comedian and happen to be sitting where he or she can see you, try not to heckle or be noticed, you will lose that battle every time. Just remember who has the microphone.) The man should have kept his mouth shut and Kat had every right to call him out, but the U.S.A. U.S.A. chants were a bit much.

Kat suffers from what so many other African Americans and poor people suffer from in this country: misplaced anger. Beating up on immigrants and poor Mexicans is not going to improve your condition in this country, and they are not the reason that your life is f*&^%d up. But this is what the folks who have real power want you to believe, and they want you to keep beating up on each other. That way you won't take notice of them and all the f*&^%d up s&^t that they are doing to keep you where you are.

Mexicans don't come to school every day and take away your books. Mexicans don't follow your kids home from school and play on the PlayStation with them all night causing them to forget to do their damn homework.

Mexicans don't give your kids soft drinks and potato chips for breakfast. They don't impregnate your women and keep getting up. And they sure as hell aren't responsible for prosecuting your children with bull s&^t crimes which leave them with criminal records for the rest of their lives, while little Johnny in the suburbs is being given ARD type programs.

Many of you won't like this, because, like Kat, you have bought into a false narrative being sold to you by a strange alliance of conservative blacks and left leaning activist. But, as Kat himself likes to say: it's real talk.  

"If y'all had California and you loved it, then you shouldn't have given that mothaf*cka up. You should have fought for California, goddamnit, since you love it..

Because you think I'm dissing Mexico and I'm defending America. Are you Mexican? Do you know where Mexico is? No this ain't Mexico, it used to be Mexico, motherf*cker, and now it's Phoenix, goddammit. USA! USA!
F*ck you back, n*gga. i bet you dont even go to mexico, motha f*cka... no n*gga, do you know where you at? USA! USA! I dont give a f*ck. no n*gga, this is my hood... [security comes] F*ck him! Mothaf*ckas think they can live in this country and pledge allegience to another country... do you remember when white people used to say go back to Africa? And we'd have to tell them we dont want to? So if you love Mexico, bitch, get the f*ck over there! [breaks into the National Anthem]..

We were slaves bitch, you just all work like that at the landscapers... It's not even racial -- you're a bitch! I don't give a f*ck what race that is, that's a p*ssy."

Maybe Kat should watch this video. I am sure he would learn something. Or, maybe not. And do we really want him to? He is, after all, just a comedian. It's just that some of his fans former fans didn't think that this was funny.



  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The Mexicans did fight to remove the squatting slave-owning wite criminals. They also needed to charge more with crimes and send them to jail. Like with the bushMess and bushWar...not bringing prosecutions only emboldened the criminals.

    Some entertainers are a bit looney...John Wayne, Mel Gibson, the Baldwin lad (Stephen), the very old actress still trying to do ingenue roles (P Heaton)...

    We tend to confuse being good at role playing with being sane or competent (cue st reagan).


  2. Wesley R8:52 PM

    Amen Field! You sound like me.
    Kat needs to take notes on how Richard Pryor and Robin Harris used to deal with hecklers, no disrespect but straight funny ass jokes that left the hecklers feeling an inch tall.

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    What no mention of color arousal?

    Linking to some race baiting mexican chick with a dildo up her ass?

  4. Islam, the religion of peace:

    Libyan rebels round up black Africans

    By BEN HUBBARD - Associated Press

    AP – Thu, Sep 3, 2011

    TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Rebel forces and armed civilians are rounding up thousands of black Libyans and migrants from sub-Sahara Africa, accusing them of fighting for ousted strongman Moammar Gadhafi and holding them in makeshift jails across the capital.

  5. james madison9:59 PM

    field writes:

    But this is what the folks who have real power want you to believe, and they want you to keep beating up on each other. That way you won't take notice of them and all the f*&^%d up s&^t that they are doing to keep where you are.

    You are truly lost in the black alternate universe of delusion.

    As I've said, if blacks knew how to run a country, there'd be a collection of wealthy nations in Africa and elsewhere. But there are none.

    Not one. They're all cesspools of disease, dysfunction and brutality, and poverty more punishing than anywhere else on Earth.

  6. Anonymous10:07 PM

    For all you NFL lovers here's a little bit of history of the last NFL team to hold out on hiring a black player. Would you believe it was as late as 1962? The Kennedy Administration had to give the owner of the Redskins an ultimatum: either hire a black player or get the fuck out of our stadium!

    How I long for another President Kennedy.

  7. BetterMan10:09 PM

    Field, I guess you are happy that Obama broke the laws with backdoor immigration and now Illegal Aliens get in state tuition while Blacks cannot? (Congressional hearing coming on this) Liberals disconnection from reality with actually running things and getting things done with a finite amount of resources never ceases to amaze me. So in your view the "California experiment" which is horribly failing and requiring the few states who have some money and borrowing from China just to survive and going bankrupt is the ideal way? When they do go bankrupt shortly, I need to work harder to pay more to ensure illegal aliens can continue to come over? WHY?

    Even with all the class warfare stuff Obama and the socialist german party of america spread, do you really think it wise to demand those "evil moneymakers" pay for illegal aliens to come to the US and live? You see no issues with this? Open the borders wider, who is going to feed them? The 27% Black Unemployed or the 47% Black underemployed? If only half of us are paying for the other half of us, why would you want to dilute what little there is with people from another country who break the laws and violate the U.S.A and spit on all those who are following the laws to immigrate?

    I don't think people who work hard and create wealth are the enemy, they aren't out there telling you to hate anyone, however liberals sure are, in fact that is all they do.

  8. BetterMan10:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Mexicans did fight to remove the squatting slave-owning wite criminals. They also needed to charge more with crimes and send them to jail. Like with the bushMess and bushWar...not bringing prosecutions only emboldened the criminals.

    Some entertainers are a bit looney...John Wayne, Mel Gibson, the Baldwin lad (Stephen), the very old actress still trying to do ingenue roles (P Heaton)...

    We tend to confuse being good at role playing with being sane or competent (cue st reagan).


    Oh there is no confusing you for sane, never not ever. You are as crazy as they get and not very bright to boot.

  9. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Dear Field, I know that Mexican lady in the video. She's a bigger racist than Perry. Nevertheless, you are absolutely right about blackman Katt. His rant, much like the last dumbass black comedian stand in unison as ignorant Negroes with an IQ of 10. But what can you expect? We are, afterall, self-destructive Negroes.

    Just a small point: The Mexican lady talking about black and brown unity is full of shit. Mexicans have never been for that. They have only been for Mexicans. Furthermore, the majority of Mexicans, like the majority of Whites, hate Blacks. Since when have they ever said a positive or SUPPORTING WORD for the struggle of Blacks? Let me answer that for you: NEVER!!

    You are one Negro who loves Mexicans and Israelis. I don't understand it, but who really understands why we do what we do? We are a fractured separated lonely unloved lost people destined for "nowhere".

    BTW, how do you know Katt has misplaced anger? Do you know him?

  10. I am not going to get into this tonight. I already said my thoughts on this on another blog. Some @#$%&$ stated that Mexico fought for black people to be free. Bullshit.

    "The Mexicans did fight to remove the squatting slave-owning wite criminals."

    And what does that have to do with the African Slaves being enslaved? As if Mexico cared. Do some of you negros even know that Mexico ALSO had a hand in the African Slave Trade? Two sets of oppressors tried to outsmart the other and one lost in the end. End of story. Black people are not obligated to Mexicans and DO NOT owe Mexicans anything.

  11. "Not one. They're all cesspools of disease, dysfunction and brutality, and poverty more punishing than anywhere else on Earth."

    Blah blah blah. I think you might want to change that record, it's getting old. I have already shown you countless times that there are thriving black nations right off your shores, but a fool only sees what he wants to see.

    And, speaking of fools, Anon @10:09PM, we see you.

    "Even with all the class warfare stuff Obama and the socialist german party of america spread, do you really think it wise to demand those "evil moneymakers" pay for illegal aliens to come to the US and live?"

    Hey genius, who do you think is paying for those so called illegal to come here? If you guessed those "evil moneymakers" move to the head of the class.

  12. Btw Field, are you still mentoring that little non-black Latin boy? I hope you brushed up on your Spanish while doing so. You will need to teach the little black children in the hood how to habla, it's the only way they might have a chance at getting a half decent job in the next few years in Amerrrrica.

  13. StillaHater11:43 PM

    "Kat suffers from what so many other African Americans and poor people suffer from in this country: misplaced anger. Beating up on immigrants and poor Mexicans is not going to improve your condition in this country"

    That's right, we should focus all our hatred and violence on white people.

    Kill all white people now!

  14. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Field, "I have already shown you countless times that there are thriving black nations right off your shores, but a fool only sees what he wants to see."

    What nations are those? Please enlighten us for keepsake.

  15. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Field, I know that Mexican lady in the video. She's a bigger racist than Perry.

    True is. It is a lying piece of propaganda.

    That foul-mouthed bitch claims to be a native when she is whiter than Bush.

    Mexicans NEVER faced slavery, NEVER faced the discrimination we did. Now they come here, live for free, and tell us they own the place?


  16. "What nations are those? Please enlighten us for keepsake."

    Some folks are beyond enlightenment.

    But read some of the old comments.

    That might take some work,so good luck.

  17. "Mexicans NEVER faced slavery, NEVER faced the discrimination we did. Now they come here, live for free, and tell us they own the place?


    Kat, I see that you are up a little late tonight.

  18. Anonymous11:56 PM

    LAA, "Btw Field, are you still mentoring that little non-black Latin boy? I hope you brushed up on your Spanish while doing so. You will need to teach the little black children in the hood how to habla, it's the only way they might have a chance at getting a half decent job in the next few years in Amerrrrica."

    LAA, where did you get such a crazy idea that Field would be teaching black kids? It's non-Black Latino kids or none at all.

    Forget it, LAA. Field doesn't hear you. Like he told no_slappy: "...but a fool only sees what he wants to see" pertains to him as well. Often he projects on others what he fails to see in himself. And I am not standing up for no_slappy either.

  19. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Field, "Some folks are beyond enlightenment."

    Yeah, and you are one of them.

  20. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Listen to the Showdown that changed the NFL's racial history:

  21. Anonymous12:15 AM

    "Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier in 1947. But it wasn't until 1962 that the last NFL franchise integrated — the Washington Redskins.

    As Thomas G. Smith writes in his new book, Showdown: JFK and the Integration of the Washington Redskins, Redskins owner George Preston Marshall was quite happy running the last segregated team. "He loved being a holdout because he loved the attention," Smith told weekends on All Things Considered guest host Laura Sullivan. "His excuse for being the only holdout [was] the Redskins are the South's team and the South is segregated. So is the nation's capital, and this is my primary audience."

    But the Redskins' history of racism predates their time in Washington. They were created as the Boston Braves, just like the original Beantown baseball team back in the days when a town's sports franchises often had the same name. In 1933, the team moved into Fenway Park. Marshall also hired a new coach that year, a member of the Sioux nation named Lone Star Dietz, "and to honor Dietz, so he said, he renamed the team Redskins," recalled Smith.

    The players and coach Dietz were also forced to wear war paint and act out Indian-style dances on the field. Smith said that made it difficult for the players to perform in the game: "They became physically so tired that they couldn't perform well, and it was embarrassing and humiliating and they hated it."

    Racial discrimination damaged the Redskins performance on the field for another reason. Many of the prime draft picks were African-Americans, and because the Redskins were perennially bad Marshall often had the first slot in the draft. But year after year he would pass up future Hall of Famers like Jim Brown and Jim Parker for white players. Many of them would never make a name for themselves – not to mention the 'Skins.

    By the early sixties, the civil rights movement was gaining strength, and Washington became a majority black city in 1960. Smith said pressure started building from the black fan base and the media, including Washington's premier sports columnist, Shirley Povich.

    None of that was enough to push Marshall across the color line. The leverage finally came in 1961 as the Redskins prepared to move into the brand new D.C. Stadium, later renamed for Robert F. Kennedy.

    The stadium was on federal land, so President John F. Kennedy's interior secretary, Stewart Udall, was effectively D.C. Stadium's landlord. He gave Marshall an ultimatum, according to Smith, "If you do not hire a black player, you will not be able to use this new stadium." Marshall refused, Udall backed off, and the Redskins did play in their new stadium for the 1961 season.

    "But if you don't integrate in 1962, you will not be able to use the stadium." Smith said that's the line in the sand Udall drew as the next season approached. He told Marshall to sign or trade for a black player, turning the 1962 draft into a showdown. Marshall refused to draft an African-American, so he sent coach Bill McPeak to do it for him.

    The Redskins drafted Syracuse back Ernie Davis as the first pick in the 1962 draft. Davis was traded, but the Redskins eventually signed five African-Americans, including future Hall of Famer Bobby Mitchell.

    Mitchell maintains that he never had any issues with George Preston Marshall, but faced much hostility from fans. Mitchell, the Redskins' first African-American star, stayed with the team for decades, eventually rising to the position of assistant general manager before retiring in 2002."

  22. "LAA, "Btw Field, are you still mentoring that little non-black Latin boy? I hope you brushed up on your Spanish while doing so. You will need to teach the little black children in the hood how to habla, it's the only way they might have a chance at getting a half decent job in the next few years in Amerrrrica."

    I think that boy you are referring to was Cambodian, and my Spanish is just fine. (Not my Khmer) And yes, I do still mentor kids. Shhhhh.

    BTW, maybe you can get some of your anti immigration friends to start their own companies to hire some of these poor black kids.They need jobs. Where are all those Spanish Fortune 500 companies in A-merry-ca?I think these kids might have to brush up on their Mandarin first.

  23. Anon.@ 12:15 AM, I never liked the Redskins.

  24. "Forget it, LAA. Field doesn't hear you. "

    LOL. He didn't respond to my question. I guess you're right. But I don't think he hears you either.

    Perhaps we should consider changing our names to Consuela and Pedro. Maybe Obama will finally hear us too.

  25. BetterMan12:36 AM

    And, speaking of fools, Anon @10:09PM, we see you.

    "Even with all the class warfare stuff Obama and the socialist german party of america spread, do you really think it wise to demand those "evil moneymakers" pay for illegal aliens to come to the US and live?"

    Hey genius, who do you think is paying for those so called illegal to come here? If you guessed those "evil moneymakers" move to the head of the class.

    Fool? Genius? Yeah, if you say so pal. When logic cannot fit the required theme..but WE want it that way ..really we do, stamps his feet.....then start with conspiracy theories. OK Van Jones, who aside from the agricultural field buses in illegals and then pays them off the books so they can collect all the wonderful social benefits, including 4.2 billion in earned income tax credit? If there are these evil people who work and earn money (doesnt it suck to need someone to work hard to pay for the democrat fantasies- then have to belittle them to get your way?) Did you ever think what would happen if you got your way? You say people who earn money and create wealth and have businesses are evil...ok, so they what? Who is going to pay for everything? Will they be lazy and evil if they stop slaving to create wealth and go on social services? Sounds kind of off kilter or delusional if you ask me (no wonder why democrats seem to hate themselves and others so much) then why, pray tell WHY are the democrats the ones who are fighting to open the borders and buy those votes? Why are they suing states who just want to protect those of us who are already here and those immigrants who immigrate legally by following the laws of the USA?

    Immigration is great, but legally and sorry no, we cannot feed the world and half of our citizens too. We have to make a choice, who do you choose?
    Why do they not fully enforce e-verify and arrest company officers for breaking the law? WHy do they villify anyone who follows the law calling them the oh so abused word racist? (as if illegal is a race) Why do they practice back door amnesty - Well we all know why, if you didnt play the race card, didnt get illegals and didnt make people hate the very thing that will allow them to better themselves who else is going to vote for you. Isnt that a bitch - instead of showing people how they too can grab america and make it thier own, democrats teach people to despise the very actions and results they should admire and aspire to. Thats why so many Africans, Koreans, Islanders come over and make it so quickly, they aren't stupid, they know who is really trying to play them and they shockingly seem to be able to blow by and make it where so many others have "other" people who stop them.

    If you think illegal immigration is good and people deserve whatever you have, put your money where your mouth is, invite a family of illegals to come live with you and pay all of thier bills while they acclimate, food, rent, clothes, power, tuition. See how your wife likes you actually living what you preach for OTHERS and if that doesnt break the whole household so everyone goes hungry, but at least you will have lived up to your preachings.

    When they leave after you have payed for everything and go bankrupt, I bet they dont take you with them.

  26. Anonymous12:39 AM

    First they gave us Jackie Robinson and now we have Michael Vick. Then they gave us Nat King Cole and now we have 50 cent. They gave us MLK and now we have Al Sharpton. So, since they gave us Obama, will some crazyass mofo be president in 30 yrs?

  27. "I think these kids might have to brush up on their Mandarin first."

    Nah, I'm sure the Chinese would be willing to make that exception for Consuela and Ramon over Shaniqua and Jaquann. Carry on, Field.

  28. regarding the fact california is part of the us, i think it's now taken as given that all europeans are guilty of every bad thing that a european person ever did. at least in the US, anyway. i sense this in a genuinely palpable way whenever the topic is even close to coming up. the people on my mom's side of the family 200 years ago were poor farmers in indiana, who barely had enough money to live, and some of them fought for the union in the civil war. the people on my dad's side were not even in the US until 1900.

    basically what these means today is that i'm a racist cracker MFer who is in every african's way merely by existing. if worthless white guys like me would just eat shit and die, everything would be a lot better. i don't exaggerate much, when it comes to the attitudes of many africans in the US, or liberals in positions of power. every euro american is the enemy, to be destroyed.

    the other groups, of course, are never held to such an impossible measure. each person is to be taken as an individual who is not even remotely representative of the group in general.

    it gets dramatically more lopsided after you begin to account for just how much the europeans help all the other groups everyday, versus the positively miniscule reciprocal help they receive. any good things europeans do are to be discounted automatically and always. that the other groups don't help each other and are actually antagonistic towards each other is to be ignored as well.

  29. Anonymous12:45 AM

    "The man should have kept his mouth shut and Kat had every right to call him out, but the U.S.A. U.S.A. chants were a bit much."

    Field, what you don't understand is that the Mexican heckler "couldn't" keep his mouth shut. That is, he is the typical racist Mexican who hates Blacks. Expecting him to keep his mouth shut would be like expecting no_slappy to keep his racist mouth shut....same difference.

    The Mexican female spokesperson talked about how Katt was working against unified Black-Mexican relationship. That is such bullshit.

    Maybe she should start showing how much Mexicans want Black-Brown relationship by telling her own people to NOT heckle a brother who is trying to do his show! Show some respect...which Mexicans have never been able to do when it comes to Blacks, and even to other Latinos.

  30. GrannyStandingforTruth12:46 AM cousin Ravin played for the Washington Redskins for about five years.

  31. Katt should know what's up , he's from Cincinnati. Across from Cincinnati is Kentucky, and the only place worst than Kentucky is West Virginia. Black people have it hard in Cincinnati.

    Also for all of you people dissing Hispanic Mexico had a Black President before we did, and the Alamo was about ending slavery. Alot of Hispanics are down on our team.I think many of you should go to The Daily Kos and read Denise Oliver Velez article about Minority Studie classes. She a member of the Black Panthers and Young Lords and is a Black/Latina. Whats next La♥audiobooks going after Jamacians? Are they Black enough. Stop the bullshit, ok. Winston Churchill said to fight the enemy IN FRONT of you. That would be the Republicans, not my LaRaza brothers. BTW, the Republicans are using the same Hispanics hate Black meme. Even Michelle Malkin does it.

  32. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Field, "Anon.@ 12:15 AM, I never liked the Redskins."

    Now you have pissed me off. You have overstepped your boundaries. Just for that, look for a big ass whipping when your sorry ass Eagles come to DC.

  33. Gibson12:50 AM

    Obama's purpose is to destroy America and turn it into a diversified oligarchy, and he has been very successful. When black umeployment is at 27%, why is Obama's labor secretary promising more benefits to illegal workers? In a deep depression, no mention of gaining jobs by deporting Illegals, instead California passed the Dream Act giving illegals in-state or free tuition.

  34. "Did you ever think what would happen if you got your way? You say people who earn money and create wealth and have businesses are evil...ok, so they what? Who is going to pay for everything? Will they be lazy and evil if they stop slaving to create wealth and go on social services? "

    "Create wealth"? Hey wingnut, I own a business, do you?..............

    When was the last time you hired someone?

    I am guessing never. But don't stop believing wingnut.Just keep living in your fantasy world. But be careful, it just might cave in on you one day.

    You are afraid of Obama, but you shouldn't be; he is a middle of the road politician and a capitalist like you pretend to be. When real change comes to this country I don't think it will be change that you want to believe in.:)

  35. @ La♥audiobooks

    What's wrong with speaking Chinese? My nephews can do it. Maybe every Black child should learn Chinese. It would make us more marketable. You also have Jamacians that live in Central America that speak Spanish. I was taught that the more you learn, the more you learn. You sound like one of the xenophobic people on Fox complaining about "their country".

  36. kid said..."Also for all of you people dissing Hispanic Mexico had a Black President before we did, and the Alamo was about ending slavery."

    Where do you get your history facts, from Cocoa Puff boxes? The Alamo had nothing to do with slavery.

    Mexico used to have a lot of blacks. Today there are none. What happended to them kid?

    LaRaza is the Mexican KKK. They are not our brothers. LaRaza means The Race in Spanish, and The Race ain't black.

  37. Anonymous12:56 AM

    kid: I was taught that the more you learn, the more you learn.

    then how come you are so fucking dumb?

  38. "Field, "Anon.@ 12:15 AM, I never liked the Redskins."

    Now you have pissed me off. You have overstepped your boundaries. Just for that, look for a big ass whipping when your sorry ass Eagles come to DC."

    It's on! Who are the deadskins going to trot out? Rex Grossman? The other clown? (His name escapes me?)

    Your owner would have been better off giving me his money to spend on that sorry ass team of his. I would have gotten him at least ten wins by now.

  39. "Whats next La♥audiobooks going after Jamacians? Are they Black enough'

    Where did that come from? Why on earth would I "go after" Jamaicans? Please stop projecting your own condescending prejudices unto me.

    What does Jamaicans have to do with Mexicans, are you comparing them to each other?

  40. GrannyStandingforTruth12:58 AM

    Anonymous 12:15:

    Thanks for sharing that info on the Washington Redskins.

  41. "You sound like one of the xenophobic people on Fox complaining about "their country".

    You mean the propaganda network owned by an A-u-s-t-r-a-l-i-a-n?

  42. I can't ride with you on this one, FN. To my eyes and ears, Williams gave that heckler a well deserved 5-star @ss ripping. The main thing to keep in mind is it was damn funny. It was mean, but funny. The text doesn't convey that. Being funny is what Katt Williams does for a living. For this reason, Williams earns a pass.

    Knowing what I know about Williams' background, I don't believe he suffers from the same neuroses that paralyze too many African-Americans. It doesn't appear to me he sees himself as helpless or Af-Ams as victims. At the same time, I don't believe his attack was motivated by the phony nationalism trumpeted by many conservatives and (ironically) Af-Am culture warriors.

    I would love to see the run up to Katt's putting that dude on blast.

  43. Kid, I come from a multi-cultural and multi-racial background. I speak four languages. Get a grip. Only to you this would be phenomenal and not the norm.

  44. Anonymous1:02 AM

    KID, "Also for all of you people dissing Hispanic Mexico had a Black President before we did, and the Alamo was about ending slavery. Alot of Hispanics are down on our team."

    You know something, Kid, you have got to be the dumbest Negro on the planet...maybe in the universe.

  45. Anonymous1:04 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Kid, I come from a multi-cultural and multi-racial background. I speak four languages. Get a grip. Only to you this would be phenomenal and not the norm.

    Don't worry about kid, LAA, he's an ignorant hater.

  46. Anonymous1:09 AM

    field negro said...You are afraid of Obama, but you shouldn't be; he is a middle of the road politician and a capitalist like you pretend to be. When real change comes to this country I don't think it will be change that you want to believe in.:)

    He is much less than that; the real damage is being done by those who put him there. The most impressive aspect of Obama's otherwise unimpressive life is the skill with which he manipulated his racial identity. Had he been white, he would have been laughed out of the country to offer such a meager resume. Had his name been Roosevelt Bowie, he would have been laughed out of the country, while being considered uppity to even consider himself presidential material. But his blackness appealed to blacks, of course, and his Africaness made whites hope he wasn't a member of that zietgeist of delusion, fantasy, hatred and fragility that is black culture.

  47. "kid said..."Also for all of you people dissing Hispanic Mexico had a Black President before we did, and the Alamo was about ending slavery."

    Where do you get your history facts, from Cocoa Puff boxes? The Alamo had nothing to do with slavery."

    Maybe you should consider buying Cocoa Puffs the next time you go grocery shopping and reading the back of the box.

    John Q Adams argued on the floor of congress that the Alamo was not only a civil war but it was a war about slavery and reestablishing slavery where it was abolished.
    It wasn't the main issue, but slavery was an issue as well. Most of those Texans owned slaves. Did you know that?

    Did you know that Mexico had outlawed slavery at the time?

    Don't answer that. I am sure that you didn't.

  48. William L. Tucker, Jr., don't get it twisted, the s&^% was funny. But I can't ride with his Xenophobic rant. Some parts of it was funny, but when he started with the whole USA chants and breaking out the anthem he lost me.

    And yes, the heckler got what he deserved.

    BTW, Kat Williams has (or had) a huge Hispanic following, so we will see where this goes.

  49. GrannyStandingforTruth1:16 AM

    I guess when those on the right and some on the left get through castrating and quartering PRESIDENT Obama, they'll burn him at stake. Then the next GOP President can finish the job the last GOP Presidents started. Yup, change is definitely coming to America, but it won't be the change folks hoped for. Oh well, what the heck who cares about blood on their hands after all that's how this nation was stolen.

  50. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Field, "It's on! Who are the deadskins going to trot out? Rex Grossman? The other clown? (His name escapes me?)"

    Let me put it this way...Don't trot out that dog lover Michael Vick because he will get his ass handed to him. When it's over, your Eagles might be playing your own nameless QB for the rest of season.

    Redskins are known for making an Eagle QB wish he had never been born. Remember last year? I think Vick would do well to sit his ass out on this one cause the Eagles are going back to that sorry ass town of yours all beat-up and battered. They will never be the same again.

  51. Anon. the Deadskins fan, I hate to do this to you, but....

    Sorry. :( You made me go there

  52. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Field, "Maybe Kat should watch this video. I am sure he would learn something. Or, maybe not. And do we really want him to? He is, after all, just a comedian. It's just that some of his fans former fans didn't think that this was funny."

    It wasn't funny when he ripped into Pedro. Katt meant business, Mr. Field.

    The heckler had been heckling Katt for sometime before Katt lit into his ass.

    It seems you posted that video as a way to gain sympathy for the Mexicans, and make FN Negroes feel Katt was very wrong.

    Mr. field, that was very wrong of you and VERY BIASED. Sometimes I think you do shit to irritate black folks like me by throwing up those racist ass Mexicans so that you can get a good fire going on your blog. Well, you have succeeded and I know you having so much fun you are laughing and stomping your feet.

    Mr. Field, you need Jesus.

  53. Sailer1:44 AM

    "He is much less than that; the real damage is being done by those who put him there. The most impressive aspect of Obama's otherwise unimpressive life is the skill with which he manipulated his racial identity. Had he been white, he would have been laughed out of the country to offer such a meager resume. Had his name been Roosevelt Bowie, he would have been laughed out of the country, while being considered uppity to even consider himself presidential material. But his blackness appealed to blacks, of course, and his Africaness made whites hope he wasn't a member of that zeitgeist of delusion, fantasy, hatred and fragility that is black culture."

    Of course Obamamania was always all about race. Look, the guy was a state legislator as of 2004, and not even speaker, majority leader, or a whip in the Illinois legislature. He was chairman of the state senate's health and human services committee, which isn't bad, but it's not automatic Presidential Timber. Four years later, he gets elected President. If his daddy hadn't been black, he would no more have become President than if the previous guy'd daddy had been Mr. Tree.

    Let's say that as of 2004, Obama was about the 10th most important person in one of the 50 state legislatures in the country. With 50 governors, 100 U.S. Senators, and 435 Representatives, that means he was probably not in the top 1,000 politicians in the country four years before winning the Presidential election. Four years before getting elected President, Bush II was governor, Clinton was governor, Bush I was Veep, Reagan was ex-governor, Carter was governor, Ford was House minority leader, Nixon was ex-Veep, LBJ was Senate majority leader, JFK was U.S. Senator, Eisenhower was former supreme commander, and Truman was U.S. Senator.

  54. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Granny, "Anonymous 12:15:

    Thanks for sharing that info on the Washington Redskins."

    You are very welcome, Granny.

  55. HeyBruddaGimmeADollah1:52 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I guess when those on the right and some on the left get through castrating and quartering PRESIDENT Obama, they'll burn him at stake. Then the next GOP President can finish the job the last GOP Presidents started. Yup, change is definitely coming to America, but it won't be the change folks hoped for. Oh well, what the heck who cares about blood on their hands after all that's how this nation was stolen.

    Hoax and Chains, yes we Kenya

  56. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Field, "Anon. the Deadskins fan, I hate to do this to you, but....

    Sorry. :( You made me go there"

    You guys have ugliest uniforms in the NFL. I hate the Eagles and we are going to skin your asses and then we are going to roast you well done. It's not going to be pretty.

  57. Hecklers. Comedians do this shit for a living day in and day out, and there you are trying to one-up the guy in front of the audience. Of course you were gonna get your ass sliced up and served up with wine. I just don't like how Katt played up the nativism of the audience with the "USA" chants.

    I guess when those on the right and some on the left get through castrating and quartering PRESIDENT Obama, they'll burn him at stake. Then the next GOP President can finish the job the last GOP Presidents started. Yup, change is definitely coming to America, but it won't be the change folks hoped for. Oh well, what the heck who cares about blood on their hands after all that's how this nation was stolen.

    I don't know, Granny. It all depends on what the Powers That Be™ want. If they think Obama is conductive to their continued interests, they'll keep him for another 4 years. If they think Rick Perry or Mitt Romney can "play ball" better than Obama can, they'll make sure the GOP candidate cinches the election. Thanks to the rapaciousness of the Tea Party set and the implied instability of their candidates, you'll most likely see the former happening.

    "You mean the propaganda network owned by an A-u-s-t-r-a-l-i-a-n?"

    He's wealthy, influential and "Caucasian." Those three attributes give him a pass as far as some Americans are concerned. The rest of America didn't know who the fuck Rupert Murdoch was until a couple of months ago.

  58. "I think that boy you are referring to was Cambodian, and my Spanish is just fine. (Not my Khmer) And yes, I do still mentor kids. Shhhhh.

    BTW, maybe you can get some of your anti immigration friends to start their own companies to hire some of these poor black kids.They need jobs. Where are all those Spanish Fortune 500 companies in A-merry-ca?I think these kids might have to brush up on their Mandarin first."

    That's a rather eloquent "fuck you" response. Apologies if you didn't intend for such, but damn...

  59. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Mack, "That's a rather eloquent "fuck you" response. Apologies if you didn't intend for such, but damn..."

    Mack, do you EVER disagree with field? And why must you always attack LAA, shithead? You are always dancing and jigging for Field. and you are shameless about it. You are an ass-kisser and a loser....shamelessly pathetic.

  60. "Mack, do you EVER disagree with field? And why must you always attack LAA, shithead? You are always dancing and jigging for Field. and you are shameless about it. You are an ass-kisser and a loser....shamelessly pathetic."

    See, I knew if I made that post, I'd get a response like this. Like clockwork.

    I'll decline arguing with you about how disagreeing with LAA automatically makes one an "ass-kisser," "loser" or "shithead."

  61. GrannyStandingforTruth3:40 AM

    Now, you know this is ashame that the post office might have to closed down come winter. Think about what a crisis that will be and during Christmas time.

  62. Mack, Field stating that boy being Cambodian didn't help whatever point he was trying to make. But while you're giggling, do remember, those same fortune 500 Chinese/non-black companies will still likely give Pedro and that Cambodian boy the high end job over your black son.

    And that's if you're even able to bring yourself towards masculinity long enough to attempt conception with a woman. We know how you get. And I hope you prepare that basement apartment and a shoulder for him to whine and cry on. Like father like son. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    Now I'm off to bed, I will enjoy my Labor Day break from work. Not like that should matter to all those growing numbers of unemployed black folks. Carry on.

    And Noches to you too wise Anony :)

  63. Good night to you too Granny :)

  64. Anonymous3:59 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Now, you know this is ashame that the post office might have to closed down come winter. Think about what a crisis that will be and during Christmas time.

    what do kinney shoes and the post office have in common they both have 50,000 black loafers

  65. GrannyStandingforTruth4:19 AM

    Night Babygurl

  66. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Listen, YOU were the career failure, YOU were the college drop out, so stop trying to place your bullshit failures on me okay hun, because the more you fail at life, the more educated/successful I become. Or haven't you noticed that yet?
    kimdaqueef a qoohole who will never be a doctor
    well dummy one of the tactics of trolls like u is to make shit up about people whove exposed their lies given the statements above it is all the more reason to believe that ure a LIAR a FRAUD and a LOSER people who r righteous donte feel the need to make up lies about their opponents they simply tell the TRUTH about them such as this dummy,a. u dont have 4 or 5 university degrees unless u bought them from a degree mill b. u r fat and disgusting sheboon material c. ure petty and envious of people who r smarter then u and look better then u d. ure so insecure about ur lies that to keep up this facade u feel the need to sound pisst when in fact ure just upset cuz uve been exposed dummy

    btw sheboonkim u will never be a doctor

  67. Anonymous4:39 AM

    So why don't you go get yourself inseminated again so you can do something meaningful/useful with your life.

    kimdaqueef who aint never had an original thought in her brain oh what brain!=======================

    golly kimdaqueef aint u the one who says she stays at home and dont u claimerate to ha kids? well then dummy maybe u ought to take ur own advice oh wait cuz ure so old and dried up u prolly in menupause already dummy whose been 44 for 4 years

  68. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Field, since this is your premise:

    "Many of you won't like this, because, like Kat, you have bought into a false narrative being sold to you by a strange alliance of conservative blacks and left leaning activist"

    And the only person you quoted was Kat, I'd like you do defend the "left leaning activist" part of your statement.

    Who are you talking about? Please us "left" and "left-learning" are NOT acting this way. You mean all of us who support the DREAM Act (on the U.S. and local level)?

    An "alliance?" What alliance?

    A cheap shot. Show proof. Thanks.

  69. "what do kinney shoes and the post office have in common they both have 50,000 black loafers"

    I know who wont be writing jokes for Kat anytime soo. That was quite lame. Try again.

    Anon @ 6:50 AM, read here:

    And here:

  70. NSangoma7:37 AM

    Suggestion Kat Williams, leave them Mexican MoFo alone:

    Their gangs, they don't not be bullshitting; midget Motherfucker.

    Also, there are Black Mexicans; descended from the Olmec and descended from enslaved Africans.

  71. Anonymous8:21 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. LAA, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the hispanic breakdown was Mexicans, Cubans, and everyone else who speaks spanish.

    My understanding was that Mexicans and Cubans were "special", Mexicans in a "lowclass" way and Cubans in a "highclass" way.

    And let me chime in as a LONGTERM Eagles fan and LONGTERM hater of the Deadskins even though I live in Metro DC!!!

  73. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Who knew a 3rd rate comedian could do so much damage to brown-black solidarity?

    No worries.Fn is here to re-focus brown black angry on white people.

    Just remember brown-black folk,while your chillins are being arrested for bullshit crimes,millions of illegal mexicans are breaking the law every second and not being arrested.

    BTW,Joe Wilson was right.Obama did lie.Obamacare will cover illegals.

  74. Queen Truth Squad9:00 AM

    Since when is Gaithersburg "metro DC?" You live in an all white suburb and shop at the Lake Forest Mall. Who are you kidding?

  75. GailS9:05 AM

    We better make friends with all latinos--Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Chilean, etc. They should be our friends not our enemies. They are here to stay and they are changing the "fabric" of America. We should have befriended them long ago. We should have backed up Ceasar Chavez when Chicanos boycotted grapes.

    We cannot let white people's problem (no longer being the majority--ha!) become our problem. And that's what this "go back to home" is all about.

    Katt is and idiot and he's lucky he didn't get slapped down like he did in Detroit.

  76. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Addison Graves Wilson was just a PITA. Like the Left Behind who screamed at their high school commencement...then went back to running Daddums(maybe, no DNA test) business of selling payday loans and 'Southern' cars.

    Jody, nice post.

    Sure, the unions and AfAms 'forced' Hershey to scam hire those students. Yep, La Raza and NAACP got together and ordered Hershey to have four layers of subcontractors to provide implausible deniability when people learned of the crappy wages paid to foreign students, the exorbitant housing charges, and the working conditions.
    This was supposed to teach students how great the US is. Yep, US sees you and your ilk as cheap, cheap disposable labour and you can bet they will share this Fwee Market capitalist goodness with everyone. Oh, those jobs...used to be done by not-well-paid union labour. And for not much more money.

    Hershey broke their union...and saved nothing. They paid more for illegal student labour than for the union. Tell me again they aren't religious and dogmatic about this tenet of Fwee Markets.

    If you travel to Mexico, you will see many, many people with African ancestors.

    Again with the failure to cite authors. And, I would caution anyone searching to not visit the scamsites. The Troll is trying to 'sell eyeballs' or increase traffic to the scamsites. More traffic means more ad revenues. And Troll can ask for money when they encourage people to visit those scamsites.

    Wonder why they love being so dishonest. Passing other's works off as theirs....trying to increase traffic at known lying scamsites....claiming authority they don't have. Maybe their fantasy life is better than their real one.


  77. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Hershey broke their union...and saved nothing. They paid more for illegal student labour than for the union.


    Again with the failure of mold to post links,data, or facts to back up her claims.Its not hard for one to see through her deception.Why does mold lie? Does mold think repeating lies enough will make it true?

  78. Queen's ASS LICKER said...
    Since when is Gaithersburg "metro DC?" You live in an all white suburb and shop at the Lake Forest Mall. Who are you kidding

    The mexicans have taken over Lakeforest mall and daytime robberies are the norm.

    But then I suspect you already knew that, so tell your homies to cut it out.

  79. No time to read all the comments so somebody may have said this already but in this clip Katt violated the prime directive, BE FUNNY.

    You can have all the social commentary and maniacal ravings you want but BE FUNNY.

    You can alienate a huge portion of your audience or potential audience but BE FUNNY.

    This ain't the poot butt leagues this is first tier standup comedy. A master comedian would have simultaneously put the heckler in his place but also won him and the people who were thinking the same thoughts over with comedy that disarmed the situation and made everybody laugh.

    This was a bully with a mic. Katt is normally one the funniest people in the business today but this was ugly and very not funny. I would not have found this to be funny or entertaining enough to be worth the $50 cost of admission.

  80. If someone is interrupting his act and claiming that Phoenix, Arizona is in Mexico it's not surprising that Katt would point out that no this land isn't in Mexico anymore and ask the fellow if he knew where Mexico was.

    When I first heard about this I thought it was a Michael Richards incident. But it wasn't. It was just a free geography lesson.

    The US and Mexico are both in origin settler states. There is no reason that the US should feel compelled to listen to revanchist fantasies of some Mexicans than Mexicans should listen to people who think Mexico should give land back to the Mixtec or Nahuatl or for that matter, the Spanish.

  81. Conservatives are like cunts10:56 AM

    Quote: Liberals are like hemroids; "BTW,Joe Wilson was right.Obama did lie.Obamacare will cover illegals."

    As it should.

    To a real doctor there is no such thing as 'legal' or 'illegal' patients.

    Only 'patients'.

  82. Anonymous11:23 AM

    If there is one thing that makes conservatives absolutely crazy (besides liberals and poor people and homosexuals and government and brown people and Social Security and Medicare and abortion and science and intellectuals with their so-called “knowledge” and clean air and clean water and good looking women who won’t sleep with them probably because they’re dykes, yeah, that’s it and foreigners with their weird not-english languages and. oh yeah, sarcasm that always seems to be directed at them and then there’s Hollywood and hip hop music and how Dateline and that snoopy busybody Chris Hansen have made it almost impossible to find a date online and also that Kenyan muslim President guy who is very annoying because … did I mention that he’s black?) it’s the fact that conservatives can’t pry the youth of America away from their tattoos and their texting and casual swapping of STD’s long enough to teach them about how awesome America is. But you know what kids like? They like mid-tempo fist-pumping patriotic rock music that middle-aged pot-bellied white guys in stretched out Tom Petty Damn the Torpedoes t-shirts practice on their slightly out-of-tune guitars in the garage on Saturday afternoons because, hey, fifty-three isn’t too old to be hailed as the future of rock and roll, is it?

    Well, yeah it is.

    Funny for those who understand...


  83. milton friedman11:37 AM

    Obama's disasters:

    Unemployment stuck at 9.1%. That's bad, but other presidents have faced similar problems.

    Net jobs created in August -- ZERO.

    Not since 1945, when WWII was ending, has that happened. Hmmm. Major embarrassment that will hurt at the polls.

    Does fear of wounding the economy even more keep Obama from drawing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to an end?

    S&P downgrade of US credit.

    Wow. That's a real stopper. Another major embarrassment for Obama. No recovery from that one.

    Coming soon to a Post Office near you. Hmmm. The bankruptcy of the Post Office. In financial accounting terms, the Post Office IS bankrupt. But in the fuzzy world of government accounting, it's not dead yet.

    The Post Office issue will explode well before the 2012 election. Obama will have to either permit the layoffs of 120,000 mailmen, or waste more taxpayer money on retirement benefits to mailmen that the postal service cannot afford.

    That's a lose-lose situation for Obama.

    Oh the irony of pretending he's going to deliver a Jobs Speech about creating more jobs when he's faced with the pending failure of the Post Office.

    Of course, he could open up oil & gas drilling territory in the US, and thereby increase employment, increase tax revenue and decrease imported oil.

    That's a win-win-win. But Obama is a world-class loser, so we know he won't make the smart move.

  84. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If there is one thing that makes conservatives absolutely crazy (besides liberals and poor people and homosexuals and government and brown people and Social Security and Medicare and abortion and science and intellectuals with their so-called “knowledge” and clean air and clean water and good looking women who won’t sleep with them probably because they’re dykes, yeah, that’s it and foreigners with their weird not-english languages and. oh yeah, sarcasm that always seems to be directed at them and then there’s Hollywood and hip hop music and how Dateline and that snoopy busybody Chris Hansen have made it almost impossible to find a date online and also that Kenyan muslim President guy who is very annoying because … did I mention that he’s black?) it’s the fact that conservatives can’t pry the youth of America away from their tattoos and their texting and casual swapping of STD’s long enough to teach them about how awesome America is. But you know what kids like? They like mid-tempo fist-pumping patriotic rock music that middle-aged pot-bellied white guys in stretched out Tom Petty Damn the Torpedoes t-shirts practice on their slightly out-of-tune guitars in the garage on Saturday afternoons because, hey, fifty-three isn’t too old to be hailed as the future of rock and roll, is it?

    Well, yeah it is.

    Funny for those who understand...


  85. Bleach11:49 AM

    Well, yeah it is.

    Funny for those who understand...


    Mold, thanks for posting this as a copy paste and unlike your usual fragment staccato type incoherent rantings..helps scroll right by it faster. How many times will you post this today? Are you that simpleminded?

  86. milton friedman11:54 AM

    field writes:

    I think that boy you are referring to was Cambodian, and my Spanish is just fine. (Not my Khmer) And yes, I do still mentor kids. Shhhhh.

    Terrific. So you spread your anti-Americanism to the most vulnerable among us. That's just great. Just like an Islamist.

    BTW, maybe you can get some of your anti immigration friends to start their own companies to hire some of these poor black kids.

    Doing what? With that idiot Hilda Solis at Dept of Labor fighting for the rights of illegal aliens, and all the pending rules and regulations for employers, how many low-skill, no-skill jobs can the economy create?

    It's gets a lot tougher to create jobs when an employer has to pay high wages and benefits to someone with minimal skills.

    They need jobs. Where are all those Spanish Fortune 500 companies in A-merry-ca?I think these kids might have to brush up on their Mandarin first.

    The people who run the world speak English, no matter where they live. Obviously it's of no value to speak Chinese. The Chinese are not interested in conversation. They are here and we are there to do business.

    But leave it to you to suggest that people who prefer Ebonics should add Chinese to their list of spoken languages.

    What you and millions of others fail to grasp -- and it's simple -- the necessary knowledge is math and science.

  87. milton friedman said...
    But leave it to you to suggest that people who prefer Ebonics should add Chinese to their list of spoken languages.

    What you and millions of others fail to grasp -- and it's simple -- the necessary knowledge is math and science.

    A racist AND an idiot! Double wow!!!

    I wasn't aware that the Chinese were speaking Ebonics in China, but thanks for the heads up.


    Word verification: Hospi, short my my next employer in 6 years, Hospi-tal!

  88. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Shady_Grady said...
    "The US and Mexico are both in origin settler states. There is no reason that the US should feel compelled to listen to revanchist fantasies of some Mexicans than Mexicans should listen to people who think Mexico should give land back to the Mixtec or Nahuatl or for that matter, the Spanish."

    Ah, a voice of clarity and reason.

    Agree or disagree, it is an informed and well written opinion, free of vitriol, name-calling, or delusions induced by emotional baggage.

    More of this, and less of mold, please.

  89. Dr. Nanda12:11 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Word verification: Hospi, short my my next employer in 6 years, Hospi-tal!

    Word verifcation: Bedpa, short for your next job responsibility in 6 years, Bedpa-ns!

  90. Dr. Nanda12:13 PM

    You will never be a doctor.

  91. Queen Truth Squad12:20 PM

    Six years? Medical school takes 4. And you should be working in a hospital while you're in med school. I guess you need 2+ years to pass that MCAT, huh? Plenty of time to hang out in Lake Forest Mall and tell people you're really in D.C.

  92. Am I the only negro around here following what appears to be a record number of Blacks in the US Open this year?

    Serena, Sloane, and Donald team USA baby!!!

  93. Yay Negros!12:35 PM

    Ms.Dairy Queen said...
    Am I the only negro around here following what appears to be a record number of Blacks in the US Open this year?

    Serena, Sloane, and Donald team USA baby!!!

    Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!Yay Negros! Yay Negros! Yay Negros!

  94. G. Bear1:11 PM

    Mold: Funny for those who understand...

    ...undying, visceral hate.

    Thanks for another peek into your dark, nasty inner mind.

    The world will be a better place once the Mold has been scraped away.......

  95. Anonymous3:02 PM

    LAA, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the hispanic breakdown was Mexicans, Cubans, and everyone else who speaks spanish.
    kimdaqueef who is empty between the ears and will NEVER EVER EVER be a doctor

    golly queef da qooholekim aint u sposed to ha like 4 or 5 degrees or summin? aint u sposed to know basic history and geopolitics? but u axing some hateful broad on the internet about hispanic cultures? bytch couldnt u look that up in one of the many academic databases u have access to other then axing a fool? oh wait u r no scholar! oh wait ure about as dumb as an empty brick shell u aint ha no substance to anything u say dummty! so wha why u feel the need to talk when grown folks is busy huh? ya insecure unedumacayted fat ugly sheboon hoodrat!

  96. FN... as a general rule, artists have license to put forth material that some will find offensive. I think before we label Williams' riff on that heckler as, "... xenophobic...", we should consider its context.

    I heard the heckler reacted to Williams joking Mexican Americans should give Black people Mexico. There's nothing about that comment that's xenophobic or anti-Mexican American. Besides... it's a joke. It's the heckler who put his bigotry on display -- in front of a largely Latino-American crowd, no less (!). Also, it's clear from the video Williams then responds to the heckler about the heckler, and not about an entire class of people. Williams didn't scapegoat Mexican-Americans for the condition of Blacks in America. He just put a fool on blast.

  97. mellaneous3:54 PM

    some good points made about black Mexicans and that both Mexico and the US are settler countries.

    And its true that the ruling classes of both countries are exploitative, but us poor working class folks ought to find some solidarity.

    Field I agree some of the anti-Mexican dislike is misplaced. But some comes from bad experiences. It does sometimes seem extreme when its still the extreme rich, the ruling class that ultimately exploits us.

    Kat went too far. Imagine that just
    50 years or so remove from the worst kind of caste and race segregation and abuse and now have arrived! We now identify with the worse features of Americana.

    And LAA are there a lot of Mexicans in the Virgin Islands? Just curious because you always chime in with this anti-black Mexican stuff. And that's not to say there aren't racist Mexicans because there are, but the preoccupation seems off considering the hell black folks have caught at the hands of other folks.

    just wondering...

  98. nolan4:00 PM

    mellaneous: "Imagine that just 50 years or so remove from the worst kind of caste and race segregation and abuse and now have arrived! We now identify with the worse features of Americana."

    Oh no sir, just wait 50 more years and see how those racialist politics chickens come home to roost!

    The can be no harmony with no common culture. The fruit of liberal identity politics will be division, strife, and tragedy. We are well on our way.

  99. "Mack, Field stating that boy being Cambodian didn't help whatever point he was trying to make. But while you're giggling, do remember, those same fortune 500 Chinese/non-black companies will still likely give Pedro and that Cambodian boy the high end job over your black son."

    What makes you think they'll pick some "spic" or "gook" for a high end job over their own sons and daughters? These Chinese/non-black companies are more inclined to either hire their own people or European/American whites. The best Pedro and the Cambodian boy can hope for is to become the manager of the call center.

    "And that's if you're even able to bring yourself towards masculinity long enough to attempt conception with a woman. We know how you get. And I hope you prepare that basement apartment and a shoulder for him to whine and cry on. Like father like son. Don't say I didn't warn you."

    The masculinity cheap-shot again. You are very much your mother's daughter, aren't you?

  100. KermitsFinger5:38 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Am I the only negro around here following what appears to be a record number of Blacks in the US Open this year?

    Serena, Sloane, and Donald team USA baby!!!

    Still staring at them girls in they tights you know you can never wear stuff like that the bacon grease will spill out you ass

  101. Williams didn't scapegoat Mexican-Americans for the condition of Blacks in America. He just put a fool on blast.


    And Team Williams, US Open 2011!!!

  102. DingAlingAlongthecurve5:51 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    milton friedman said...
    But leave it to you to suggest that people who prefer Ebonics should add Chinese to their list of spoken languages.

    What you and millions of others fail to grasp -- and it's simple -- the necessary knowledge is math and science.

    A racist AND an idiot! Double wow!!!

    I wasn't aware that the Chinese were speaking Ebonics in China, but thanks for the heads up.


    Word verification: Hospi, short my my next employer in 6 years, Hospi-tal!

    12:02 PM

    Reading comprehension definitely isnt your strength, sure its part of the low IQ. Read the paragraph again slowly...then realize, chinese already speak chinese and then ask yourself who be speakin dat ebonics? You have the nerve to call someone else an idiot when you ahve the obvious IQ of a slug and can't ready a 2nd grade sentence?

  103. Quote:DingAlingAlongthecurve: "You have the nerve to call someone else an idiot when you ahve the obvious IQ of a slug and can't ready a 2nd grade sentence?"

    Still, at least he can spell H-A-V-E .

    What grade do you have to be to miss-spell that?

  104. Purple Hamburger6:56 PM

    Good one Cow.

    You sure are smart.

  105. CowLikesWhitemilk7:03 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:DingAlingAlongthecurve: "You have the nerve to call someone else an idiot when you ahve the obvious IQ of a slug and can't ready a 2nd grade sentence?"

    Still, at least he can spell H-A-V-E .

    What grade do you have to be to miss-spell that?

    Ohhhh - you are so clever and you aint eben embaresssedededdedded on de udder hand it is a she so guess you aints so smurt after all huh little purple knoblicker--and hey you missed de last word dat wuz wrong 2 u been milkeded der lately cowboyz..mold...mold were u at?

  106. Goddam Field if you ain't saying the same thing I first heard from my dad at the breakfast table almost 50 years ago: "working white people are gonna lose in this country until we side with working black red yellow and brown people." I've seen nothing but proof of the truth of his (and your) statement since.

    Fighting among us is fighting for the oligarchy, no question about it.

  107. WOW! This was a good video, good catch. This woman has a very valid point and I can feel her passion. Katt was recently on CNN and gave the back story on the interaction. According to Katt, the heckler said "F" America and thats when he went into the rant.

  108. Team Tsonga, the Brotha' from France!

    *Gotta root for the Brotha's in the US Open!!!!!!!

  109. "What you and millions of others fail to grasp -- and it's simple -- the necessary knowledge is math and science."

    Do you need to have a knowledge of math to pass the PE test? ;)

  110. amen fn!

    this was not cool

    blacks who hate on mexicans and gays have forgotten their own hateful history in amerikkka


    hobama and his banksters are NOT mexicans!!!

  111. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Dear Field,

    I read your column religiously and often am in sync with your viewpoints. Was curious about your comment on the ARD program in the suburbs, so I opened the link and read more. Just wanted to let you know we do have a similiar program right in the City of Philadelphia for first time youth offenders facing minor charges. This program is run by the City of Philadelphia's District Attorney's Office and is comprised of citizen volunteers who receive training. Eligible youth offenders are given a contract and upon successful completion of this contract, their records are expunged. What this program needs is more citizen volunteers. A Fan.

  112. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Um.. folks, the Spainards took slaves with them to Mexico since the 15th century. There is by now a total assimilation of that blood even more mixed than the Brazilians, in some Mexicans. The racist nonsense by Katt is nothing more than the lowest common denominator in American Society that we have been heading towards for some time. The bodily activies jokes, the queer affectations and mannerisms, the Jerry Springer and Maury type of entertainment.
    This happens when you let actors and so called musicians gain a prominence in a society. The Romans knew why they had laws against these type gaining the top tier. Katt has no respect for his audience because they don't know better, so a nasty diatrite gets passed off as a joke because he's a comedian. Bet he like many of those Negroes in LA who talk a good "black" game but yet go looking for that Senorita to marry.
    It's my job, that's what I do etc,etc so excuse my vulgar examples etc,etc
