Saturday, September 03, 2011

Throw a rocker from the plane.

They are kicking white boys off planes now for wearing baggy pants. See what you Negroes done caused? You Negroes really need to stop putting your stamp on popular culture here in  A-merry-ca. 

" Green Day rocker Billie Joe Armstrong has complained that he was booted from a Southwest Airlines flight in Oakland, California, because of the way he wore his pants.

Armstrong, 39, said on the website Twitter on Thursday, "Just got kicked off a Southwest flight because my pants sagged too low!..."
The flight was going from Oakland, California, to the Los Angeles suburb of Burbank, said Brad Hawkins, a spokesman for Southwest Airlines.

Cindy Qiu, an associate producer at Bay area television station ABC7/KGO-TV, was on the flight and described the incident on her company's website.
She said that Armstrong, when he was initially approached by a flight attendant and told to hike up his pants, said "Don't you have better things to do than worry about that?"

He then tried to take his seat but was asked to leave the plane, Qiu said on the ABC7 website." [Source]

On a serious note; WTF is wrong with some people? I agree with the rocker; folks need to get a life. As long as his pants did not represent a safety hazard to the plane or the folks on it, who cares about the way he was dressed?


Folks wonder why I always write negative s*&# about wingnuts. I will tell you why: I write negative things about them because they make it so easy for me. Take this latest situation from Arizona. Most people would think twice about doing something as dumb as holding a raffle to raise money with the main prize being the same kind of gun that shot a beloved congresswoman from that very same district,and shot and killed six innocent citizens- including a little girl.

"Pima County, Ariz., is home to Tucson, where Jared Loughner allegedly used a Glock handgun in January to kill six people and wound 14 others — including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D). Now, the Pima County Republican Party is causing quite a stir thanks to its late August newsletter, which touts a rather ill-conceived fundraiser: The auction of a Glock handgun. Pima GOP interim chairman Mike Shaw is defending the raffle, noting that Giffords herself owned a Glock, and arguing that Loughner — and not his gun — was responsible for the shooting. Still, critics maintain that the raffle is shockingly "tone deaf." Is it?" [Source]

Not only is it " shockingly tone deaf", it shows an incredible amount of insensitivity and common sense.

But hey, what else did you expect from a wingnut?

Finally, everyday I am more amazed at how much you white folks love your pets. Now comes this latest story from Alaska:

"A 22-year-old Alaska woman said on Wednesday she punched a black bear in the face to save her small dog from being carried off and possibly eaten.

Juneau resident Brooke Collins said she hit the bear Sunday night to save
the life of her dachshund, Fudge. She said she discovered the bear crouched down, clutching Fudge in its paws and biting the back of the dog's neck.

"It had her kind of like when they eat salmon," Collins said Wednesday. "I was freaking out. I was screaming at it. My dog was screaming. I ran up to it ... I just punched it right in the snout and it let go."

Collins said her boyfriend then scared the bear away. "I think it was more startled than anything," she said.

Collins, a hairdresser who has lived in Juneau most of her life, said she is accustomed to bears and knows how to take precautions around them.
She also knew about this particular bear before Sunday's attack because it has been hanging around the neighborhood." [Source] 

Now I am a nice person, I really am. And I have a soft spot in my heart for those who are less fortunate other living things that are farther down on the food chain.

But I swear to you that if a bear was holding my dog like a salmon and was getting ready to eat him like you would a Big Mac, I guarantee you that poor "Fudge"would have a date with the pet cemetery.

I bet a dog would never get thrown off a plane no matter what it wore.


  1. Michael Vick10:37 PM

    "But I swear to you that if a bear was holding my dog like a salmon and was getting ready to eat him like you would a Big Mac, I guarantee you that poor "Fudge"would have a date with the pet cemetery. "

    Black people treat pets like paper napkins.

    Ain't no big thing,

  2. Colt Luger10:44 PM

    Field Negro: >Not only is it " shockingly tone deaf", it shows an incredible amount of insensitivity and common sense<

    Was it having the gun that caused Loughner to shot those people, or was it the fact he was insane?

    As long as insane people are not allowed to participate in the raffle, it makes everyone safer. Normal people with guns would stop a lot of bullshit from happening.

    I'll buy me one of them raffle tickets. I'd love to have another Glock for when the shit starts.

  3. Emmet Effer10:48 PM

    Hey, I agree, retards have the same right as anyone to fly on an airplane, but why is a 39 year old white dude going around with saggy pants?

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    the 39 year old wite man wit saggy pants is a alternative rock icon but some outside of that type of music may not know who he is he helped pioneer the skinny jeans fad back in the day but yoll cante see that this civil rites violations isnt a black and wite thing all americans r treated like shit even disabled ones recognize that and stop focusing on the race card so gottdam much

  5. For those who you who casually use the term racist to describe anyone who disagrees with you or the President, this is what actual racism looks like:

    Once again, try to imagine flipping the racial context of these remarks, and the subsequent polite applause.............I don't think so.

  6. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Field, "Not only is it " shockingly tone deaf", it shows an incredible amount of insensitivity and common sense."

    Dear Mr. Field, at the end of your sentence did you mean to write, "a LACK of common sense?" I can't imagine you giving the wingnuts credit for having common sense.

  7. Wesley R12:14 AM


    I have to disagree. I don't want anyone's drawers in my face as they walk by in a plane, train, sporting event, store, hood, whatever. The ladies have changed their style over and over since this fashion 'trend' started. Speaking of 'ladies', some of them are saggin' too. If you expect this from people you get this, if you demand more you get something better.
    Told you Bolt was going to snap in the 200. If Jamaica wants to have a fighting chance in the Mens 4x400 to beat the USA at the Olympics next year, he needs to run. USA swept the 4x400 again but now we'll see if Jamaica can do the same in the 4x100.

  8. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Field, "But I swear to you that if a bear was holding my dog like a salmon and was getting ready to eat him like you would a Big Mac, I guarantee you that poor "Fudge"would have a date with the pet cemetery."

    You see. That's why you should never be a pet owner, Field. I swear, you have a worse mind than Michael Vick when it comes to dogs.

    I think I'll write Vick and ask him to front you at a training camp on how to love and 'stand by your dog'. I am sure he will see the benefits of using you as an opportunity to promote his image as a dog lover. Who knows maybe his game might even improve and the Eagles might win half their games!

  9. Farley12:59 AM

    Fuck southwest. I hope they go down soon. I took them once, pre 9/11 and their staff were fuckheads then.

  10. Captain Happenin1:06 AM

    Farley said...
    Fuck southwest. I hope they go down soon. I took them once, pre 9/11 and their staff were fuckheads then.
    Been ridin' the bus since then, doofus?

  11. Anonymous1:09 AM

    My family has always been respectful of animals and we have many pets. As a matter of fact, at our historic family plantation, where my relatives are tour guides, it is made clear that we always treated our "workers" with a level of humanity that other plantation owners did not. I come from good stock that treats all animals like humans.

  12. Wesley R1:11 AM

    @ 12:27am

    If the Offensive line holds up, the Eagles are going to the big dance. Like it or not Vick is the best in the game.

  13. Nothing shocks me anymore about Black people. Nothing:

    It's time to start judging people by the content of their character.

  14. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    A woman who chooses not to work when her husband can afford to support the family is called a stay at home Mom if she's white.

    And she has the same title when she's Black!


    9:28 PM
    kimdaqueef da liar and wannabe dactaw

    gee kimdaqueef ur lies r even more transparent than before didnt u claim to ha a job werking in a lab and be the only non phd and they gave u shit 4 dat? wha u got fired sweetie pie? ur affirmative action handout job showed ur true incompetence after a while? for someone who brag so much about their material possessions and edumacayshun u need to werk on yo medical care cuz apparently u have dementia but oh wait...ure old as phukk so prolly do have it ya dimwitted lying shitstack buceta breaf kuntface!

  15. Anonymous1:58 AM

    iMac's come with auto spellcheck.

    So did it ever occur that I don't give a rats a$$ about spelling properly on an internet blog for Mini-Goobers like you?

    3:35 PM kuntdaqueefkim

    gee if they come with spellcheck how come it let u rite yo playt out dollar signs for s that is not standard ya moron! for someone wit as many degrees as ur ugly sheboon ass claimerates to ha ude think u were more consciencious dummy!

  16. Anonymous1:59 AM

    kim da queef,
    Since none of ur four "degrees" was a doctorate, why do you insist on calling yourself "Dr."? You would think that someone who claims to be so academically accomplished would not be so insecure about their status.

    And also, is it accurate for an unemployed near-menopausal woman to speak of her "career in the Sciences"? How does someone get four "degrees" and yet still be unemployable?

    Your last MCAT results should have disabused you of the notion you are medical school material.

    You will never be a doctor and jess like buceta lickin banks ule never be a scholar neither wit ur fake chinese mad made material ferragamos dummy!

  17. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Katt Williams clarifies his apology about his anti-Mexican rant, which is no apology at all. This must really bother Field and his FN supporters of illegal immigration:

  18. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Olbermann, rips Obama again for selling out to big biz and the GOP. This President is NOT a Democratic President. He is clearly Republican. He doesn't care about anything or anybody but himself. This President has no conscience. I am beginning to think he is the devil in disguise because he sure as hell isn't the good guy.

    Isn't it interesting that Obamaholics Granny and Field have been silent about President's latest give-a-way? I guess they want to pretend like nothing has happened.

  19. Anonymous2:40 AM

    kim da queef,
    Since none of ur four "degrees" was a doctorate, why do you insist on calling yourself "Dr."? You would think that someone who claims to be so academically accomplished would not be so insecure about their status.

    And also, is it accurate for an unemployed near-menopausal woman to speak of her "career in the Sciences"? How does someone get four "degrees" and yet still be unemployable?

    Your last MCAT results should have disabused you of the notion you are medical school material.

    You will never be a doctor and jess like buceta lickin banks ule never be a scholar neither wit ur fake chinese mad made material ferragamos dummy!

  20. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Looks like things are getting worse for Blacks and unemployment:

  21. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Field, you need to update your Killadephia meter.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth3:23 AM

    Anonymous 2:36:

    So, what do you call yourself doing, trying to coerce folks to vote the way you want them to? Isn't that voter intimidation? Do you plan to be standing at the voting polls on election day intimidating the voters too? If I were you, I'd be careful because it might land you in jail.

  23. Anonymous5:33 AM

    kim da queef,
    Since none of ur four "degrees" was a doctorate, why do you insist on calling yourself "Dr."? You would think that someone who claims to be so academically accomplished would not be so insecure about their status.

    And also, is it accurate for an unemployed near-menopausal woman to speak of her "career in the Sciences"? How does someone get four "degrees" and yet still be unemployable?

    Your last MCAT results should have disabused you of the notion you are medical school material.

    You will never be a doctor and jess like buceta lickin banks ule never be a scholar neither wit ur fake chinese mad made material ferragamos dummy!

  24. "Black people treat pets like paper napkins.

    Ain't no big thing,"

    Nope, we treat them like....well pets.

    "You see. That's why you should never be a pet owner, Field. I swear, you have a worse mind than Michael Vick when it comes to dogs."

    Wrong. I have owned dogs, and was a very good owner.I might even have a PETA card around here somewhere.

    Wesley, my man did his thing in the 200. Now let's see what happens with the sprint relays.
    And yes, you are right (you know your track) the 4x400 is a tough even and Jamaicans are behind the 8 ball with training for it. I am not sure Bolt will train for it, but we will see. Hey our women ran second to a very good American team. I can't ask for anything more that that.

    As for my birds,they should be fine, although, you are right; having a rookie at center is a little troublesome.

    "It's time to start judging people by the content of their character."

    Let me know when some of you folks get the memo.

  25. Field, I'm going to have to disagree with you about the guy getting kicked off the plane. If they would have done that/have already done that to a Black guy, then I don't know why he should be any exception.

    As for the woman fighting off a bear, ONLY a white person and ONLY in America, LOL!!!!!!!!!

    Now I'm off go hit the books at my local coffee house, with the last few days I have before the MCAT and will be "offline" until after my exam. And like every other successful Black person that's come before me (especially folks like you who have earned doctorates) I've turned the negativity directed at me (from your blog) into that extra octane level needed to cross the finish line in first place! So for that, I thank you! And I want thank the positive forces like AB and Granny too!!!

    Finally, to the lowlife, degreeless, stalking psychos who clearly LOVE the smell of the crack of my a**, I bid you a temporary but fond farewell. But never fear I shall return, VERY likely with recruitment letters from some of the best med schools in the US if my recent grades at Georgetown are the indication everyone agrees they are.

    Ahhhh, to be a highly sought after addition to a med school class is well...just a blessing!!!!! And I look forward to "meeting" you unsuccessful jerks one day, when you're cadavers in my first year anatomy class!!! So please donate your bodies to science!!! You're a waste in life, but you have the opportunity to make something of yourself in death, so seize it my friends!!!!

    Class of 2017 baby, Woot-Woot!

  26. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Field said:
    "But I swear to you that if a bear was holding my dog like a salmon and was getting ready to eat him like you would a Big Mac, I guarantee you that poor "Fudge"would have a date with the pet cemetery."
    And I do not believe that for one moment!
    You would be the first one to hit that bear with anything and try to get your dog, who loves you, and depends upon you, and follows you around looking up to you as if you are his God, free of the bears clutches.
    Just wait til your old and retired in Jamaica on a nice plot of land with a couple watchdogs, I'll bet you'll be singing a different tune then!

  27. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "If they would have done that/have already done that to a Black guy, then I don't know why he should be any exception.

    Now I'm off go hit the books at my local coffee house, with the last few days I have before the MCAT !
    I agree with you. If they did it to him they have to do it to everyone!

    Best of luck with your studies and your MCAT!

  28. Wesley R8:55 AM


    Jamaica's Mens 4x100 set the World Record without Powell. They ran 37.04. The Women set the Jamaican national record but the USA women still spanked that ass.

  29. Anonymous10:20 AM

    All ran good races. The Aussie was spectacular. She made it look as easy as walking!
    Loved the US/Jamaica/Russia 4x400. The Russian was particularly impressive.

    Sounds like the bear was a juvenile...small and easily bullied. Wonder if our lass would have been as eager had it been a full adult grizzly?

    The Glock raffle to remind us of how a glorious wite dude manfully shot a child and five others....isn't tone deaf. It speaks greatly to the morals and views of those who would participate.
    They could just as easily raffle off a hunting rifle or shotgun of the same cost. Or clothing like Sitka or Filson. They likes to be jerkholes.

    Given the money that Green Day has...perhaps our fearless artist could have worn clothing that fits. And his retort might have been...underplayed.
    Getting snotty Entitled arrogance at the start of a flight...might indicate the person should not travel. How many trips have been re-directed because a passenger went wingnut?

    How dare that air waitress/maid show any reluctance to kiss the wite and Entitled self!!! Who do she think she are! Why...I paid less than a decent meal for this ticket and they should grovel before my obvious greatness and superior social status!!!



  30. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Really field? "shockingly tone deaf"?Insensitivity?Common sense?

    What else did you expect from a wingnut?

    This comes from the same group of folks who couldn't wait for the blood to be washed off the side walk before they took political advantage of the shooting.

    Keep up the faux outrage.America will keep laughin' at you.

  31. Conservatives are like cunts11:43 AM

    "Keep up the faux outrage.America will keep laughin' at you."

    I think you'll find they are laughing at you.

  32. Liberals are ignorant haters12:59 PM

    I think you'll be surprised who is laughing the day after the election.

  33. Dr. Emmett Katz1:01 PM

    Ms. Queen boasted..."Now I'm off go hit the books at my local coffee house, with the last few days I have before the MCAT and will be "offline" until after my exam."

    I hope you're "offcrack" after your exam; it won't be pretty.

  34. Keep up the faux outrage.America will keep laughin' at you."

    Nothing fake about my outrage.

    "I think you'll be surprised who is laughing the day after the election."

    We will see.

  35. Kingnut2:00 PM

    field negro said...
    "Nothing fake about my outrage.

    I believe you, I just think it's misplaced. With black unemployment at a 27 year high, murder rates in places like Killadelphia holding steady at obscene levels, and inner city schools utterly failing black youth, how's that liberalism working out for Black America?

    Ever wonder if maybe the whole liberal enterprise isn't really about lifting up the oppressed?

    The liberal order articulates the world through a script in which there are three characters: the liberal, who embodies the non-discriminatory virtue of the liberal regime; the non-liberal, who discriminates against the non-Western Other and who therefore must be crushed by the liberal; and the non-Western Other, who either is discriminated against by the non-liberal or is non-discriminatorily included by the liberal.

    In the script, furthermore, only the liberal and the non-liberal are moral actors, with the first representing good and the second representing evil. The non-Western Other is not a moral actor, but is simply the passive recipient of the liberal's goodness or of the non-liberal's bigotry.

    Whether or not the liberal's goodness actually benefits his brown friend is not the point; the point is that the liberal gets to position himself as morally superior to the non-liberal. Because the actual consequences of liberal policies don't matter, liberalism has been a disaster for blacks.

    Conservatives don't want to give minorities anything and do not seek any moral affirmation from minorities. Conservatives want minorities to get on board like anyone else, and minorities who do are showered with adulation because of the shield it provides against the constant denigration of conservatives by liberals and because of the proof it provides that conservative principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are for everyone.

    Conservatives really do care about the real consequences of their policies and they really do want propsperity for everyone.

    Poor blacks are the basis of liberal political power. Poor blacks are the Achilles heel of conservatism.

    Liberals need blacks poor; Conservatives need blacks not to be poor.

  36. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Why thank you Goober for inventerating a fake Librul fakery. Why, what would you do if you could not lie about what others have said in their own words about their beliefs?
    Wow...not only are you offer plagiarized wingnut welfare drivel as your own. Over ten Con bloggers claim the work as theirs...but since it is verbatim from scamsite to precludes this. The alleged author is Laurence Auster. Do not go to the scamsites that are offered. They need eyeballs (Internet traffic) to keep charging the wingnut welfare system. What we should do is drop their traffic...and let the Free Market decide their value. :)

    Cons just wants to say 'migger' all de live long day. And be able to order elderly AfAm women around. And never face charges for being Strom Thrumonds. offers some fun. 'I have joked in the past that the main administration policy that Republicans object to is Obama's policy of being black.' is but one of the interesting points. out the idiocy of religious devotion to privatization. Oh, and it has those pesky Fact thingies!


  37. Kingnut3:30 PM

    I wasn't talking to you Mold; the post was for people capable of reasoned analysis and discussion.

    Once again, you cannot debate ideas, so you resort to ad hominem drivel.

    Blind allegiance to ideological dogma isn't rationalism; it's faith. Twisted faith at that.

  38. Kingnut3:36 PM

    "Cons just wants to say 'migger' all de live long day. And be able to order elderly AfAm women around. And never face charges for being Strom Thrumonds."

    I work in a conservative field and live in a relatively conservative neighborhood. I have been around conservatives a lot, for decades. Never in my adult life have I heard the casual use of the word *migger* or its equivalents. Never have I heard anyone espouse ideas favoring keeping black people down or asserting white superiority.

    Resolution of racial divisions is in the interests of conservatives. Perepetuation of division is in the interests of liberals.

  39. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Slappy, plagiarizing the work of another...and not attributing it to the original author is your idea of reasoned analysis and discussion?

    What exactly do those terms mean to you? That Cons and wingnut welfare recipients are the only ones that are allowed to

    You are correct...blind allegiance to Con dogma is Faith...didn't I just post that?

    You are indeed lying to us, Slappy. Claiming that not once did any of the Cons ever utter the equivalent of 'migger'. Maybe, if you cease lying, you would realize how untrue your statement is.

    As for your people never saying 'migger'...or 'skwartze' or 'carkie' or 'little Tambo' or any other permutation of not exactly a a racist term...that is simply you avoiding...hopin' your audience is as ignorant.
    Heard this one before, from 10 yo boys who thoughts they wuz smart.

    Seeing how your much-beloved Cons are doing their best to disenfranchise racial minorities...I can't really accept your advertisement.

    And yes, some of us are old enough to have heard the same lies from your maybe-Daddy and perhaps-GrandPappy.

    Since you are boldly lying to me...why should I trust anything you are selling?


  40. American culture had a black mother.

  41. And a crazy gun-slinging white father.

  42. believe you, I just think it's misplaced. With black unemployment at a 27 year high, murder rates in places like Killadelphia holding steady at obscene levels, and inner city schools utterly failing black youth, how's that liberalism working out for Black America?"

    Fair point. But where was urban America and the underclass under Reagan and Bush? I submit to you that it was no better than it is now. In fact, the crack epidemic which, in my humble opinion, is one of the worst things that has ever happened to urban America, hit us under Sir Ronald.

    "Conservatives don't want to give minorities anything and do not seek any moral affirmation from minorities. Conservatives want minorities to get on board like anyone else, and minorities who do are showered with adulation because of the shield it provides against the constant denigration of conservatives by liberals and because of the proof it provides that conservative principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are for everyone."

    Nice try. But conservatives don't necessarily want minorities to "get on board" because they believe that somehow those evil minorities (with their af.action programs) are taking from them.

    Conservatives don't want to pursue happiness. They are too busy telling us how to live and who to marry and what to do with our bodies.

    Hasit ever occurred to you that "poor blacks" see right through the false promises and hidden angst and, dare I say it, racism that conservatives feel towards them, and thus cast their lot with the liberals and their policies?

  43. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Field, nice response to a piece written by another and posted elsewhere and cutNpasted by the Slappy sockpuppet.

    I especially like, 'Has it ever occurred to you that "poor blacks" see right through the false promises and hidden angst and, dare I say it, racism that conservatives feel towards them, and thus cast their lot with the liberals and their policies?'

    Well put.


  44. Anonymous5:18 PM

    kimdaqueef da wannabe dawktaw who will never be one said...

    Ahhhh, to be a highly sought after addition to a med school class is well...just a blessing!!!!! And I look forward to "meeting" you unsuccessful jerks one day, when you're cadavers in my first year anatomy class!!! So please donate your bodies to science!!! You're a waste in life, but you have the opportunity to make something of yourself in death, so seize it my friends!!!!

    Class of 2017 baby, Woot-Woot!

    8:11 AM

    u dirty lying filthy shitstain as if we are to believe that ur uncouth ghetto ass who brags about being a sheboon size 8 has the capacity to get into medical school if u get into med school may the gawds help us u incompetent sack of cat shit!

  45. Thank you Mold. I am trying to use reason and logic with my right leaning friends. Although if it really was a cut and paste job I am disappointed. I was starting to like kingwingnut.

    Anon@ 5:18 PM, what's your deal and obsession with Dr. Queen? OK, so you don't believe that she will soon be a doctor; we get it. Although I have to wonder why it's so hard for you to believe that she could be.

    Maybe doctors aren't a dime a dozen, but believe me, there are quite a few female Af. American doctors out there holding it down, and doing a hell of a job.

    -Shout out to Dr. Powell my personal physician.-

  46. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Fair point. But where was urban America and the underclass under Reagan and Bush? I submit to you that it was no better than it is now. In fact, the crack epidemic which, in my humble opinion, is one of the worst things that has ever happened to urban America, hit us under Sir Ronald.

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Black-owned firms grew faster — both in number and sales — than U.S. firms did as a whole over a five-year period, according to the latest data available from the Census Bureau.
    The number of black-owned businesses increased 60% between 2002 and 2007, more than three times the growth seen among all firms, according to the Census Bureau’s business owners survey. Meanwhile, sales jumped 55%, vs. 34% for all businesses.
    “Black-owned businesses continued to be one of the fastest-growing segments of our economy,” said Thomas Mesenbourg, deputy director of the Census Bureau, in a written statement.

  47. Anonymous5:52 PM

    The stuff was a cutNpaste, sorry Field. And the person tried to claim the work as their own...they neglected to cite the piece.

    While some themes are universal to Cons and wingnuts...such as the innate inferiority of minorities...and really don't require any citation....the work was verbatim repeated on at least 10 scamsites. Not like the plagiarist was unaware.

    Hmmm...when the company RIFs you...and nobody hires you...don't you create a business...and since you used to be an executive with zero sales...doesn't this mean less than what you are trying to pretend?
    All it indicates is that more people are doing this...and since more are in the field, the sales will increase.
    What does that have to do with household incomes? Or disposable income? Or savings? Benefits?
    Sure sounderates good...until you realize it is thousands more Amway 'distributors' (Ponzi scheme..per many AGs). Yep, I would give up my SES income to be a 'entrepreneur' selling Amway. Sure.


  48. Anonymous5:55 PM

    yes it is racism that conservatives feel towards jim moran likes choking black kids.democrats have been hanging niggas for hundreds of years.yet if you take the "d" off a ballot,blacks wouldn't know who to vote for.

    yes mold,we get could never be fully you take your angry out.


  49. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The stuff was a cutNpaste, sorry Field. And the person tried to claim the work as their own...they neglected to cite the piece.


    Please show us where the post was taken fron.Use name and links.

  50. Anonymous6:05 PM

    RoidTroll, feel free to do your own work. There are at least ten possible choices.

    Sorry Troll, pretending the Solid South Democrats are the same as the current members of the D Party is actually lying on your part. We watched as many left the Democratic Party because of Civil Rights...and went over to the R Party.

    Keep lying. It give you the reputation you earn and deserve.;)


  51. Anonymous6:19 PM


    All hat no cattle.

    The left is so fact challenged.

  52. Kingnut6:29 PM

    "You are indeed lying to us,"

    Fuck you, Mold. You are always there to spread lies and misinformation. You are the most vile, twisted, disgusitng internet personlaity I have ever run across.

    "The stuff was a cutNpaste, sorry Field. And the person tried to claim the work as their own...they neglected to cite the piece."

    That is no true. The the actor meme has been around forever. My post was my own.

  53. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Kingnut said...
    "You are indeed lying to us,"

    This is what the left deals.Lies and baseless claims.

  54. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Slappy, call me names all you need to as cover for me mentioning the cutNpaste.
    Sure, you posted it...but the author was never given credit. That is plagiarizing.
    But, you weren't alone. At least five wingnut welfare recipients/wanna-bees posted it verbatim without attribution.
    Now, if you had repeated the lie of Welfare'd be doing Public Usage. This piece...not so much.


  55. Kingnut6:47 PM

    Field Negro: "Nice try. But conservatives don't necessarily want minorities to "get on board" because they believe that somehow those evil minorities (with their af.action programs) are taking from them."

    Racial favortisim is wrong.

    "Conservatives don't want to pursue happiness. They are too busy telling us how to live and who to marry and what to do with our bodies. "
    Excuse me? It is liberals who are "busy telling us how to live" and telling us what marriage is.

    Conservatives want freedom of choice in everything but abortion; Liberals want freedom of choice in nothing but abortion.

    "Has it ever occurred to you that "poor blacks" see right through the false promises and hidden angst and, dare I say it, racism that conservatives feel towards them, and thus cast their lot with the liberals and their policies?"

    There are racist conservatives. There are racist liberals. What you need to do is look at first, before you impute motive, what people say they believe in.

    Conservatives say they believe in a color blind society, where being an American means believing in the fundamental priciples of liberty.

    Liberals say they believe in a racial spoils society, where everyone is first and foremost some type of hyphentated American. They believe in a system where the people are made to live in ways that an elite decides is good for them.

    Leaving aside the failures of many conservatives to live up to their own ideals, which way offers the most hope for everyone, including Black Americans? What chance does the path of demonization and mistrust have to get us anywhere positive?

    Was not the success of the whole Civil Rights movement that it got Americans to live up to their own professed ideals?

  56. field negro said...
    Anon@ 5:18 PM, what's your deal and obsession with Dr. Queen? OK, so you don't believe that she will soon be a doctor; we get it. Although I have to wonder why it's so hard for you to believe that she could be.

    Unfortunately Field this is something you could NEVER understand because of where you're from.

    They say that many of the Black folks that live in and are from the Caribbean, are descendants of Africans who weren't afraid to make a run for it as soon as the boat stopped. Leaving many of those who did make it to America, left to perpetuate the scary negro/crabs in a bucket syndrome that is so characteristic of Black American society today.

    Thus you have your answer to Assnon's 2+ year obsession with me. It's just another chicken shit/crabs in the bucket perpetuating/handkerchief head nigga' acting a fool as if Massa' is still cracking the whip on its stupid ass.

    And given the abject FAILURE it's life has been (who else do you know spends 24/7 on the internet insulting a person it secretly admires and wishes it could be), it really is no wonder why it does what it does.

    We should actually observe a moment of silence every time it shows up out of pity.

  57. And thanks for all the well wishes from EVERYONE!!!!

  58. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Slappy, nice of you to TELL us what Liberals say. Like they are the women of your BDSM misogynist fantasy. Now, why do you find it necessary to TELL us your odd version of Liberal/Progressive theory? Could they not do this themselves?
    Or, do you need a strawman that badly?

    The success was when Americans watched wingnuts, cons and Goobers do evil to US citizens. No matter how much they lied and denied and obfuscated their racial was basically that the Cons, wingnuts and Goobers were being unfair. Why are still trying to sell the deceit of racism? Colour-blind is really neat...if you are a wite benefiting from the fixed game. And you know that in any fair encounter, you will lose.

    Keep lying, it makes your reputation more certain. Maybe the Kochs will put you on wingnut welfare. Or one of the other billionaires who yearn for a return to aristocracy. Hint...they might not be the final beneficiaries of such a 'taking back the country'.


  59. Anonymous7:05 PM

    oh field negro this anon strongly believes in african american academic success jess not from people who r posers and liars about they academic qualifications and people who lie about they accomplishments then when u ax them about them they insult u like wannabe dawktaw besides that it insults people who have put in the work to become doctors for someone to call themselves that when they aint earned it she ca at least say soon to be doctor in training or something like that see? there is also someone else round here who likes to lie about theyselves they claim to ha a 250 iq do u believe them too?

  60. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Although I have to wonder why it's so hard for you to believe that she could be. field negro

    well for 1 she cante even remember how many alleged degrees shes earnt and for 2 she carries herself like a 3 cent hooker so go figure people with that type and level of edumacayshun do not tend to be so inarticulate and low class

  61. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Dr Queen, "And thanks for all the well wishes from EVERYONE!!!!"

    You are the only bf who is busy touting her degrees. those who have them have no need to boast, or prove anything to anyone. Self-satisfaction is more than enough for them. You, however, are talking ceaselessly about becoming a doctor. You are worse than a little child who keeps saying the same thing over and over again.

    You are suspect and don't you think for a minute that everyone believes you...except gullible Field. Your lies are as plain as day. Nevertheless, keep pushing the lie. They say if you say it enough times, they will believe it.

  62. GrannyStandingforTruth7:51 PM

    "Conservatives say they believe in a color blind society, where being an American means believing in the fundamental priciples of liberty."

    Oh, is that so? Well, Kingnut could you explain why Clarence Thomas, a black conservative, made this comment?

    Clarence Thomas stated, “It often seemed that to be accepted within the conservative ranks, and to be treated with some degree of acceptance, a black person is required to become a caricature of sorts, providing sideshows of anti-black quips and attacks” ~~Mayer~~

    or why Wannabe Slaveowner Bachmann made this comment?

    "Blacks were better off in slavery."

    or why that Congressperson called the President "Tar Baby"?

    I'll stop there because it would take too much time to list them all because they are far too many of these little so-called didn't mean it in that context attached with empty, meaningless apologies from those on the right side of the political arena.

  63. GrannyStandingforTruth8:07 PM

    Kingnuts, blacks believe in liberty more than those who wrote the "Bill of Rights" because they know what it's like for your freedoms to be taken away. Black people know what it is like to live in a country where some enjoy those freedoms but yet want to continue to deny blacks that same freedom.

    When I was a child, my parents tried to shelter us from the harsh realities of racism. However, that was rather hard when we had to go out into the world and experience it or when I sat in from of a tv set watching my cousin being escorted by a racist white mob in Little Rock, Arkansas. In addition, when I look at all of the black and white water fountains, or had to sit in the balcony, or couldn't eat or sleep where I chose to.

    Yessuh! Blacks believe in liberty more than those who wrote about it or boast about it. I just wish that those who wrote it and those who boast about it would have or would believe in it too.

    If I made any errors in typing my comment, who cares!

  64. GrannyStandingforTruth8:10 PM

    I meant to say *being escorted by the national guard through a racist white mob.*

    Sorry, but I got sorta of pissed thinking about that episode in life all over again. Blood is thicker than mud, so I'm sure you understand that.

  65. Anonymous8:10 PM

    granny, ""Blacks were better off in slavery."

    or why that Congressperson called the President "Tar Baby"?"

    What's your point, Granny? Do you really expect to be accepted as equal to a white person in America? Racism is irreversible and demands that there be a superior race. And let's face it, when it comes to that, the black race as a whole, are a little down the human food chain.

    isn't that 'why' you and some FN Negroes are fighting to be accepted as equal human beings? Forget it. It isn't going to happen until Blacks unify and start taking care of themselves instead of wasting time trying to convince Whites they deserve respect. We don't. We still have yet to prove to ourselves that we have dignity and love for each other.

  66. GrannyStandingforTruth8:16 PM

    Field, would you delete that double post, it was an accident. Please sir.

  67. isn't that 'why' you and some FN Negroes are fighting to be accepted as equal human beings? Forget it. It isn't going to happen until Blacks unify and start taking care of themselves instead of wasting time trying to convince Whites they deserve respect. We don't."

    Calling the "Drop Squad"! Calling the "Drop Squad"!

  68. Anonymous said...
    You are suspect and don't you think for a minute that everyone believes you...except gullible Field. Your lies are as plain as day. Nevertheless, keep pushing the lie. They say if you say it enough times, they will believe it.

    Do you really belive that outside of when I visit this blog, I give one ounce of a piece of rat shit's worth of thought about what you believe or don't believe about me? And when I do give it thought, it's only to conclude once again that you must REALLY hate yourself for being such a professional failure. I guess that light skin and eyes didnt provide quite the advantage you thought they might in the white man's world. And perhaps had that nappy, unkept mop on top of your head not given you away, you may have fared better in that Cali physics program. Who knows.

    Listen, YOU were the career failure, YOU were the college drop out, so stop trying to place your bullshit failures on me okay hun, because the more you fail at life, the more educated/successful I become. Or haven't you noticed that yet?

    At the end of the day, you're just a careerless, jealous, looser, and will ALWAYS be because of your 2+ year intense hatred/obcession of me and my success. So why don't you go get yourself inseminated again so you can do something meaningful/useful with your life.

  69. GrannyStandingforTruth9:19 PM

    Anonymous 8:10:

    And what is your point anonymous except to let us know that you've lost all hope and are a negative thinker?

    I can understand your frustration with some of our people and their failure to unite, but not to the point that it would make me view myself as an inferior human being or need white folks approval or want to deny my own people or view white folks as superior human beings. There are no superior human beings on this earth. Superman and Superwoman was a fictional fantasy.

    People just like you thought that they would never do away with those white and black fountains either, but they did. Nor did they think that blacks would ever get any other job other than those in servile positions, but they did. You can lay down and accept that lot if you chose to, but do yourself a favor and don't try to persuade me to join your negative bandwagon.

  70. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Granny: or why Wannabe Slaveowner Bachmann made this comment?

    "Blacks were better off in slavery."

    Michelle Bachman never made that statement.

  71. Interesting how they let this guy get off, tweet, update his Facebook status and hop another flight. The last guy, the black guy was held on "suspicion" and completely humiliated. The airline nor the TSA have the right to act as dress code police.

  72. grown men look even worse sagging than thug boys do...

    get a belt and get over it!!!
