Friday, September 02, 2011

What would Ed Bradley do?

My friends, I do believe that I am in the incipient stage of my journalism career, so I have to be careful with this next story. I don't want to be just another reckless purveyor of online gossip.

I am going to reach out to you, my fellow field hands, and ask you for your help. Should I blog about the following story?

 "Last summer, Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly came to believe that his wife was romantically involved with another man. Not just any man, but a police detective in the Long Island community they call home. So O'Reilly did what any concerned husband would do: He pulled strings to get the police department's internal affairs unit to investigate one of their own for messing with the wrong man's lady.

We reported in June that Bill O'Reilly and his wife of 15 years Maureen McPhilmy O'Reilly seem to be on the outs. Last summer she purchased a separate home under her own name, and transferred her voter registration to the new address, while O'Reilly kept his registration current at their old address. As per usual, Fox News did not comment on the situation at the time. Since then we've learned what happened, and it's like Bridges of Madison County meets Copland. When confronted with a potentially disloyal spouse, O'Reilly reacted by—not unlike his boss Roger Ailes—treating his local police department like a private security force and trying to damage one cop's career for the sin of crossing Bill O'Reilly.

Richard Harasym is a 23-year veteran of the Nassau County Police Department who, as of last summer, had been a detective in the elite internal affairs unit for 12 years. His job was to catch crooked cops, root out corruption, and police the police. But at some point during the summer of 2010, his commanding officer, Inspector Neil Delargy, called him into his office with a highly unorthodox assignment: Harasym was to launch an investigation into a fellow officer based not on what he had done, but on who he was dating.

Delargy ordered Harasym to meet with two private detectives working on behalf of Bill O'Reilly. They had information about an NCPD officer they believed to be carrying on with O'Reilly's wife. Delargy told Harasym to launch an investigation into the man and to tell him to end the relationship.

Gawker's source is someone who has a longstanding personal relationship with Harasym, and who heard the account directly from Harasym himself. The source provided contemporaneous e-mail traffic to support his account. "He told me, 'You'll never guess what happened to me the other day. Do you know Bill O'Reilly? I got called into my boss' office saying they wanted me to meet with these two PI's working for O'Reilly to go over some information because a detective was having an affair with O'Reilly's wife.'"

According to our source, Delargy offered Harasym no justification for investigating the detective—who is unmarried—aside from the alleged infidelity. "The order was to investigate this detective not for any misdeeds," the source said, "but to see if they could get anything on him. Delargy also told him to tell the detective to back off."

Delargy told Harasym that the investigation was highly sensitive for two reasons, the source said: 1) It was ordered directly by then-police commissioner Lawrence Mulvey, and 2) O'Reilly was at the time considering making a major donation to the Nassau County Police Department Foundation, a private not-for-profit foundation Mulvey helped found in 2009 to raise money for construction of a planned $48 million police training facility at Nassau Community College.

"These internal affairs cops were on the case at the behest of Mulvey in order to get O'Reilly's funds," the source said.

Internal affairs detectives aren't accustomed to running personal errands, and trolling for dirt on their colleagues, at the behest of major donors to department projects. So Harasym, the source says, refused the assignment. Several months later, he was transferred out of internal affairs. It's unclear whether the investigation was assigned to another detective.

Mulvey retired as commissioner in April. When we called him for comment, he seemed to be aware of the case. "I don't know if the investigation is ongoing or concluded," he said, "so I wouldn't comment. But I will tell you this much: I was never contacted by Bill O'Reilly or anyone associated with him and asked to launch an investigation." Asked if he knew O'Reilly personally, Mulvey replied, "Yes." He refused to answer further questions.

Fox News declined repeated and detailed invitations to comment on this story. Harasym, reached by phone, said only, "Anything related to the police department, I can't talk about. I can't tell you anything." Delargy did not return repeated phone calls to his home and office.

Det. Lt. Kevin Smith, a spokesman for the NCPD, said, "It's not our policy to identify complainants in cases, and we don't divulge information about administrative investigations. Usually, investigations are opened after someone comes forward to complain about the activity of an officer, and we don't want to discourage people from coming forward." Asked whether an allegation that an unmarried officer is romantically involved with the wife of a private citizen is legitimate grounds for launching an internal affairs investigation, Smith said, "It could be. If a person comes to us and has a complaint, no matter how frivolous it appears to be, we look into it. We don't look lightly on citizen complaints."

We filed a request with the NCPD under New York's Freedom of Information Law for documents relating to the investigation earlier this month; the department's Legal Bureau denied it without confirming or denying the existence of any records. We are appealing the decision." [Source]

Hmmm, I don't know folks; Gawker is in the middle of a feud with FOX NEWS, so I am not sure about their motives.

But, at the same time,  I don't want to miss out on a potential story. So I ask you, should I blog about it?


  1. Yes, Field, you should blog about O'Liely Falafel Man, because he paid out big bucks to one of his former producers for sexually harassing her and suggesting his fantasy involved him, her, another partner and a falafel.

    The wife has officially moved out and got her own place. Looks like divorce proceedings are underway and therefore, she's free to date someone else if she believes her marriage is over. O'Reilly is trying to engage in bullying tactics and attempting to bribe a Police Department to harass his soon-to-be ex wife and her new man.

    Something that former Alaska Half-Term Governor Grifty McGimmeDat has already tried when she had a member of the Alaskan State Troopers fired because he had the audacity to divorce her sister.

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    O'Reilly is trying to engage in bullying tactics and attempting to bribe a Police Department to harass his soon-to-be ex wife and her new man. CPLiberal

    you rite CPL u rite o reilly is mean spirited and petty and he used taxpayer resources to fund his own proclivities what a piece of hypocritical shit!

  3. Let me get this straight.

    This is the same Bill "Falafel" O'Reilly???

  4. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Why not? Gawker is typical of where liberals get their information from.

    Anything to get folks living on the Democrat Plantation minds' off the fact that black umemployment is at a 27 year high.Obama didn't created 1,not 1,net job in August.First time thats happen since 1945.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Dr.Queen said...

    Anonymous said...
    This means that demand for the biggest sizes, such as 9s, 10s and 11s, is also rising.

    The increase has been attributed to the obesity epidemic.

    Just because the women inYOUR family are all fat asses, don't ASSume that a 5'8" perfect size "8" Black woman like me, is a fat motherf*cker like you are!

    Not to mention the fact that because Black don't crack, at 44 I probably look younger than your children!

    7:03 PM
    and speaking of fat asses, cante u come up wit something better then that? u claimerate to be so edumacayted and all but the best insults u ca throw out is wack dummy! u tried using wikipedia insults the other day try using another database to get cher insults on reject!

  6. Ass-non

    The righties destroyed the economy.


  7. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Interesting. Note how carefully Mulvey chose his wording. Like he knew his statement would be parsed by an attorney.
    He also did not address the issue.

    Now, why would BillO need to have his wife's new paramour investigated by Internal Affairs?

    Loved the aside about Sarey and Troopergate.


  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    RoidTroll, although you get your marching orders from the wingnut welfare are correct in that Obama seems unwilling to push for employment.

    What does that have to do with BillO?
    And Gawker is not the 'exact same ' as Brietbart. Gawker tells the Truth quite often. Must be that pesky Liberal Fact thingie.

    What does that have to do with BillO spying on his wife?


  9. "Yes, Field, you should blog about O'Liely Falafel Man, because he paid out big bucks to one of his former producers for sexually harassing her and suggesting his fantasy involved him, her, another partner and a falafel."

    Oh yes, I almost forgot about that...

  10. Sounds like divorcing a right wingned zealot could potentially be bad for ones health.

  11. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Field, no, don't do it,don't do it!:)

    and on a serious note, what a wimp that guy is! No wonder his wife wants out! Man oh man can he get any sicker? It's a toss up between him and Bleughk!

    and on a happy note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY month Field! When exactly is it?

  12. "and on a happy note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY month Field! When exactly is it?"

    Thanks Desertflower, but it was last month. I am an August Virgo. :)

  13. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Gawker lies often.Like you mold.

    Gawker makes up stories it post.Like you mold.

    Gawker uses questionable sources.Like you mold.

    Which is why fn gets stories about FOX NEWS wrong all the time.

  14. Faux News gets stories wrong all the time.

  15. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Off topic

    A famous white guy got kicked off a flight for wearing saggy pants.

    BTW,5 white Nascar drivers refused to be photo-ops for Obama.

    Q the racism in 5....4.....3....2....

  16. Anonymous9:58 PM

    field negro said...
    "Thanks Desertflower, but it was last month. I am an August Virgo.:)"
    Awwwww! Well Happy belated.
    My son is a Virgo born on Sept 9. My daughter Sept 17,and my nephew Sept 13. Got a lot of cakes to make:)

  17. Desertflower, do you want to make that four cakes? Jamaican black cake is my fave.

    Congrats on all those Virgos in your family. I see a bright future for those children. :)

    "BTW,5 white Nascar drivers refused to be photo-ops for Obama.

    Q the racism in 5....4.....3....2...."

    ....nope,that is too easy.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hey ya'll, I'm a Virgo too, but I act more like a Scorpio, LOL!!!!

  20. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Blogger Dr.Queen said...

    Hey ya'll, I'm a Virgo too, but I act more like a Scorpio, LOL!!!!

    10:45 PM

    u tellin me a so called edumacayted scientist like urself cough cough actually beleeverates in astrology? gawd ure an idgit qoohole! get a refund for that alleged edumacayshun since it aint do any good for ur critical thinking skills dummy!

  21. Anonymous10:49 PM

    No, you should not blog about it. This is no story at all unless you love gossip, which seems to be the case on FN.

    GOSSIP never did a damn thing for one's mind or character. However, if you are a gossip lover, you are addicted to it-- 10,000 angels singing "don't do it, Field", won't make a bit of difference.

  22. Asdrubal Pujols10:49 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Hey ya'll, I'm a Virgin too, but I act more like a ho, LOL!!!!

    You one messed up hoodrat.

  23. John Tush10:51 PM

    "So I ask you, should I blog about it?"

    Um, you just did.

    You're worse that Entertainment Tonight.

  24. Dick Cheney's Dick10:54 PM

    field negro: ""BTW,5 white Nascar drivers refused to be photo-ops for Obama.

    Q the racism in 5....4.....3....2...."

    ....nope,that is too easy"

    Would you allow yourself to be photographed with GWB?

    What are you, a RACIST?

  25. uptownsteve said...
    Faux News gets stories wrong all the time.

    Really, care to share one?

    uptownsteve gets shit wrong 60% of the time, every time.

  26. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "So I ask you, should I blog about it?"

    Um, you just did.

    John Tush "You're worse that Entertainment Tonight."

    10:51 PM
    LOL. Poor Field.

  27. GrannyStandingforTruth11:28 PM

    Well, Field, excuse my French, but HELL YEAH! Tell it! Male chauvinist pig = Bill O'Reilly

  28. I wonder how much she will get in monies?

  29. Anonymous11:29 PM

    field negro said...
    Desertflower, do you want to make that four cakes? Jamaican black cake is my fave.
    Congrats on all those Virgos in your family. I see a bright future for those children. :)
    LOL! Well I'm going to find that recipe for the Jamaican cake and I'm gonna make it for sure! And yes not only are Virgos smart, they are a pleasure to live with. Except when they get angry, which is seldom, but ooh man!

  30. "So I ask you, should I blog about it?"

    Um, you just did.

    John Tush "You're worse that Entertainment Tonight."

    I did? Ahm...sorry about that.

  31. Grandpa Woodley11:43 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Well, Field, excuse my French, but HELL YEAH! Tell it! Male chauvinist pig = Bill O'Reilly

    It's always funny when women give an "opinion".

    Shouldn't you be baking some cookies for the grandkids? Just sayin'.

  32. Anonymous11:46 PM

    "Well, Field, excuse my French, but HELL YEAH! Tell it! Male chauvinist pig = Bill O'Reilly"

    you are wrong about Bill. O'Reilly is an honest straight forward person so please don't make him out to be a bad man. He even had lunch with Rev Al up in Harlem at a famous black restaurant and he gave it great revues. Bill is a true American, a good man.

  33. Cornetia11:48 PM

    "He even had lunch with Rev Al up in Harlem at a famous black restaurant and he gave it great revues."

    Ya, and Al stiffed the waitress on the tip.

  34. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Grandpa, "It's always funny when women give an "opinion".

    Shouldn't you be baking some cookies for the grandkids? Just sayin'"

    LOL. you are exactly right. Where the hell do some of these uppidy women come from anyway?

    Thanks for putting Granny in her place, Grandpa.

  35. Anonymous11:55 PM

    "Ya, and Al stiffed the waitress on the tip."

    Please don't slander the most powerful black leader in our community. He has NEVER stiffed a waitress, liar!

  36. "you are wrong about Bill. O'Reilly is an honest straight forward person so please don't make him out to be a bad man. He even had lunch with Rev Al up in Harlem at a famous black restaurant and he gave it great revues. Bill is a true American, a good man."

    *Calling the president of Anon. Inc. right now.*

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth12:00 AM

    Anonymous 11:46:

    "He even had lunch with Rev Al up in Harlem at a famous black restaurant and he gave it great revues."

    Yes, he did give Sylvia's a sorta good review with an insult to black people tied to the end of it. I hope the next time he goes he gets the "special" treatment reserved for jerks like him.

    Grandpa Woodley:

    Let's just say that I am good at multitasking.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth said... "Let's just say that I am good at multitasking."

    So am I baby, so am I.

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth12:10 AM

    Grandpa Woodley:

    Excuse me, but I am not your baby.

  40. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Grandpa, "So am I baby, so am I."

    Preach it, Grandpa, preach! Pretty soon you will have her eating out the palm of your hand.

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Grandpa Woodley:

    Excuse me, but I am not your baby.

    Not yet.....

  42. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Thank you Grandpa! It does my heart good to seen a man rule the roost like it should be.

    I can tell Granny is waking up to where she should be in our community, which is standing behind the man.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Thank you Grandpa! It does my heart good to seen a man rule the roost like it should be.

    I can tell Granny is waking up to where she should be in our community, which is standing behind the man.

    Actually, I'll be the one standing behind her, if you know what I mean.

    That's how I roll.

  44. Shout out to all the Virgos out there.

    Here's something you don't know Field, but Maureen McPhilmy has FLAVOR! She used to date Flavor Flav and go to the same school in Long Island. No wonder Oreilly hates black people. Yes Bill's wife HAS Flavor. In the words of the immortal Tupac, "they said you were a player but I..."

  45. You ain't no player, kid.

    Now go to bed for I come down to Chester and rip you a new one.

  46. GrannyStandingforTruth12:41 AM

    Kid, you know I forgot about that, but she sure did mess around with Flava Flav. Yup! That's another reason why O"Reilly was always ragging on rappers.

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth12:58 AM

    BTW, Kid, I tried to come over and visit your blog, but I kept getting this message:

    Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (4)

    I tried several different ways too, but nothing worked and I couldn't get through.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, Kid, I tried to come over and visit your blog, but I kept getting this message:

    Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (4)

    I tried several different ways too, but nothing worked and I couldn't get through.

    kid's behind in the rent again.

    It's tough being a black man in Obama's America:

  49. @Granny

    I will look into it thanks Granny.

  50. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Grandpa Woodley said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Grandpa Woodley Excuse me, but I am not your baby.
    Not yet.....
    Am I going to be making a wedding cake too? :0

  51. kid said...

    I will look into it thanks Granny.
    Maybe you should take down the post "Koch Brothers resegregate schools in North Carolina.

    Just sayin'

  52. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "Hey ya'll, I'm a Virgo too, but I act more like a Scorpio, LOL!!!"

    Happy Birthday month to you! :)

  53. Desertflower said...
    Grandpa Woodley said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Grandpa Woodley Excuse me, but I am not your baby.
    Not yet.....
    Am I going to be making a wedding cake too? :0

    Hellz no.

    But you, me, and Granny can make a Woodley sandwich....

  54. GrannyStandingforTruth1:22 AM


    "Am I going to be making a wedding cake too? :0"

    I sense that your a really nice and sweet person. I know that you mean no harm and that you're just joking, but I'm not into coarse men nor am I lonely or looking for just a piece of pants. And if I was lonely, I'd rather stay lonly than to get involved with someone who has no respect for women. :)

  55. GrannyStandingforTruth1:23 AM


  56. Didn't you just blog about it? Ha! Nice shout out to Bayard Rustin, you do know he was one of those evul commies right?

  57. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    I can cure that.

    True, it would be in a somewhat demeaning and ultimately degrading way, but at least we'd have some fun.

  58. "Anything to get folks living on the Democrat Plantation minds' off the fact that black umemployment is at a 27 year high.Obama didn't created 1,not 1,net job in August.First time thats happen since 1945."

    No mention of Bush's jobs record right? How;s that Republican congress doing on the jobs front? Any ideas besides creating more unemployment by destroying the EPA? Genius I tell ya. Gotta love the whole plantation meme, seems white conservatives love bringing up slavery images, why is that>?

  59. Kwame1:39 AM

    Rustin, homo that he was one of the biggest sell-outs ever to be in Our race. also do you remember how in kindergarten if the teacher punished Anthony for hitting somebody and Anthony said "well Jaquavalon hit Sha'quon yesterday"...WE are talking about what Anthony did. not little Jaquavalon or little Sha'quon. in other words, WE are talking about this particular faggot Bayard Rustin (who exemplifies the meaning of this word in every way) who was a huge sellout and probly set the Afrikan race back about as much as gay edgar hoover if not more in Our quest for self-sufficiency, independence and all the things it is supposed to be about.

    i don't know y'alls politics like that but to me, Bayard Rustin is a faggot (in every sense of the word...hmmm...except for the bundle of sticks sense of the word) and a race traitor.

  60. Ken Tucker1:45 AM

    PilotX: Any ideas besides creating more unemployment by destroying the EPA?

    Destroying the EPA would create jobs, that's for sure.

    Bush's policies helped create millions of jobs. The Republicans only control 1/2 of 1/3 of the the government and can only do so much right now.

    Obama's policies only destroy jobs. He finally relented and shelved the EPA ozone regulations today........until 2013. He wants to try to fool enough voters so he can get back to seriously detroying jobs after the election.

    We can only pray for Obama's quick exit from the stage.

  61. GrannyStandingforTruth1:49 AM


    Granny raises her hand. Has one of those deep in thought and concentrating real hard to come up with the answer expressions on her face. Hmmm... The time clock is ticking away and almost down to the last second.

    I got it!

    Because their main hope and desire is to become slave owners themselves if they win the 2012 elections. They just dying to go back to the old way of life because they do not want to have to compete against any black people ever again. The last black man they competed with tore their blockade down and slid right into the oval office and it drove them crazy.

    Therefore, they are desperately trying to discover new ways on a daily basis to smear and slander the President and to put into process voter suppression to keep them nigras out the WHITE house, so that they can keep on clinging to that myth that they are superior even though the whole world know now that they are not. Yup, I guess you could say that everything is out in the open now.

  62. GrannyStandingforTruth1:56 AM

    Nope, Bush jobs record was the worst. Carter's job record was way better than Bush and yet the GOP has the nerve to label Carter the worse. Smh! Whatever, the wingnuts must be smoking dynamite. Smh!

  63. Because their main hope and desire is to become slave owners themselves if they win the 2012 elections. They just dying to go back to the old way of life because they do not want to have to compete against any black people ever again

    Granny figured it out! She has uncovered our evil wingnut plot! We are doomed!

    Just remember, nobody makes me bleed my own blood. Nobody!

  64. Anonymous2:04 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...Carter's job record was way better than Bush and yet the GOP has the nerve to label Carter the worse

    I lived through both adminstrations missy, and let me tell you, there is a reason Carter was not reelected and Bush was.

  65. "'Why not? Gawker is typical of where liberals get their information from."

    You're right. We should wait until Fox News breaks this story, which should happen anytime now....yep, it'll happen soon....

    "I lived through both adminstrations missy, and let me tell you, there is a reason Carter was not reelected and Bush was."

    "Missy"? Who do you think this woman is, your maid?

    On second thought, don't answer that question.

    And to answer your question, Americans would rather have happiness and sunshine pumped up their asses than be put in a bad funk by "malaise". Mourning in America, folks.

  66. No, He Can't2:37 AM

    I'm curious as to why the Obaminites repeatedly refuse to address the fact that Obama isn't creating ANY jobs.

    In fact, the initiantives he's put put forth are only losing millions of jobs, (government jobs don't make a penny to reducing the debt.For that matter...that's on the the tax payer's account)

    Ya'll just keep on thinking he's a genious. But I don't know why.

  67. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Blogger Dr.Queen said...

    Hey ya'll, I'm a Virgo too, but I act more like a Scorpio, LOL!!!!

    10:45 PM

    u tellin me a so called edumacayted scientist like urself cough cough actually beleeverates in astrology? gawd ure an idgit qoohole! get a refund for that alleged edumacayshun since it aint do any good for ur critical thinking skills dummy!

  68. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Dr.Queen said...

    Anonymous said...
    This means that demand for the biggest sizes, such as 9s, 10s and 11s, is also rising.

    The increase has been attributed to the obesity epidemic.

    Just because the women inYOUR family are all fat asses, don't ASSume that a 5'8" perfect size "8" Black woman like me, is a fat motherf*cker like you are!

    Not to mention the fact that because Black don't crack, at 44 I probably look younger than your children!

    Dr Dairy Queenie...5'8 tall with a size ten shoe? Shrek aint got nuttin on you....a homey sent us a clip a you.


  69. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Because their main hope and desire is to become slave owners themselves if they win the 2012 elections. They just dying to go back to the old way of life because they do not want to have to compete against any black people ever again.

    Sure granny, thats it. What room of the house did you have to "concentrate" real hard to come up with this?

    Are the whites going crazy and telepathically mind controlling Obama to make the decisions he does (or doesn't) did they decide to go crazy before or after they voted him into office?

    So the new way is better? What exactly was the old way just a few short years ago that is so different now?

    Black unemployment: Highest in 27 years

  70. "Didn't you just blog about it?"


    Is Grandpa Woodley trying to pull up on my Granny? You better fall back punk, she is already spoken for.

    "I'm curious as to why the Obaminites repeatedly refuse to address the fact that Obama isn't creating ANY jobs."

    Probably because his opposition is worse.

  71. And about that NASCAR thing:

    "Kurt Busch: "I will be at the White House ... Who would turn down the opportunity?" Busch indicated that he had to adjust his 2012 photo shoot to accommodate the visit, and was not certain how his name was included on the initial press release."

    Tony Stewart: "We have an obligation we have to fulfill. I've enjoyed every trip I've that I've been invited ... There's a lot of people who would like the opportunity. If I could have rescheduled, I would be there in a heartbeat." He didn't specify the obligation.

    "I don't think it's fair to the guys who said they could go, or the guys who said they couldn't go, to make it political," Burton said late Friday. "If the president of the United states invited NASCAR to the White House to honor NASCAR , that is an honor whether you agree with policy or not ... you can have respect for the presidency and still disagree with it. Ten years ago, after 9/11, this country was unified, this country was together. Today, we're talking why somebody is or isn't going to the White House. And we wonder why the country's in trouble. We're blaming the people in Washington. Maybe we need to look in the damn mirror."

    IMO... regardless of political views, when POTUS sends an invite and wants to honor you at the White House, you accept. #respect," Jimmie Johnson wrote on Twitter.

    "The presidency deserves respect and we are all Americans. I will be there!"

    Hmmm, maybe those rednecks who drive around in circles for a living aren't all so ignorant after all.

  72. FiscalAccountabilityHasNothingtodowithtrees8:32 AM

    No mention of Bush's jobs record right? How;s that Republican congress doing on the jobs front?

    Pretty good considering they are able to offset some of the Obama regime and Czars country killing policies. They are only 1/3 of the government with dimmies holding the other 2/3 and 1/3 of that 2/3 not having any qualms about breaking laws and issuing presid..dictatorial orders to sidestep congress and our constitution, but at least they get the truth out to the public to pressure the majority incompetents. In fact even Obama specifically admitted his policies are economic disasters and job killers, something we already knew. Oh and little tip Obama is the president, not Clinton or Carter or Bush.

    President Obama announced today that he is withdrawing proposed new ozone regulations that the Environmental Protection Agency estimated would cost the U.S. economy $90 billion per year. Obama said he hoped the decision would reduce the "regulatory burdens and regulatory uncertainty" that are hampering job creation.

  73. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Markie Mark
    You're right. We should wait until Fox News breaks this story, which should happen anytime now....yep, it'll happen soon....

    What story? This alleged story flopped.Outside of the leftkooksphere,has this story got any MSM coverage?

    PilotX said...
    "Anything to get folks living on the Democrat Plantation minds' off the fact that black umemployment is at a 27 year high.Obama didn't created 1,not 1,net job in August.First time thats happen since 1945."

    No mention of Bush's jobs record right? How;s that Republican congress doing on the jobs front? Any ideas besides creating more unemployment by destroying the EPA? Genius I tell ya. Gotta love the whole plantation meme, seems white conservatives love bringing up slavery images, why is that>?

    Obama is president now.Democrats control 2/3rds of our gubmit.Republicans can only do so much in stopping Obama from destroying our country.

    Not 1,not 1,net job created in August.First time since 1945.

    "Carter was not reelected"

    Because he was the worst president ever.

  74. Dr Dairy Queenie...5'8 tall with a size ten shoe? Shrek aint got nuttin on you....a homey sent us a clip a you.


    Did you forget to post as the stalking bitch, mold?

    Gotta admit though the reference to shrek was funny as hell, at least that's what my 6'4", size 16 shoe wearing DH thought, LOL!!!! And trust me, by wearing a size 10, that means I "handle" that size 16 VERY well, because apparently not every woman could.

    Thanks for all the B'day wishes, and yes dessert flower, Virgo's are pretty cool most of the time, until you piss one off!!!!

  75. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The Palin family circus just NEVER stops, does it? It’s just one embarrassing incident after another. How could any sophisticated, serious person consider someone with a family like that for the Presidency?

    First off, look at the people Palin grew up around. Her father was a polygamist who abandoned the family when she was still a baby. Palin was then abandoned by her mother who left her in the United States to go overseas. Then there were her grandparents. Palin’s grandfather was a pot smoking Communist with a FBI file while she’s admitted that her grandmother muttered “racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.“

    Is it any wonder that Palin is the way she is after growing up around people like that? Then there’s her backwards family. I hate to be unkind, but you may have never SEEN a bigger collection of misfits!

    Look at her half-brother George. The man was living on a dollar a month — in a hut. Yet, with all the money that Sarah Palin has made, has she done anything to help him? Nothing. So much for her “Christian compassion.” Of course, it could be worse. Palin’s other half-brother Samson (What is it with the weird names in that family?) has been accused of trying to sexually assault a 13 year old. Then there’s Palin’s parasitic aunt who’s in the country illegally and living on the dole. Apparently, that sort of behavior runs in the Palin clan because her drunk driving uncle is here illegally, too.

    Although we need to treat Sarah Palin with compassion — after all it’s not her fault that she grew up like this — we also need to admit the truth. Anyone who grew up in this type of atmosphere is going to have some serious issues, ones that would dramatically impact her performance in any high stress, important job like the presidency.

    PS: Wait a second….did I say “Palin?” Oh gosh, in all the places I said “Palin,” I meant to say “Obama.” On the other hand, his narcissistic out-of-touch, emotionally-stunted behavior makes a lot more sense now, doesn’t it?

  76. As for no jobs being created in August, the right wing got exactly what they wanted and once again, the Dems have no one to blame but themselves for loosing so much during the mid term elections.

    So why didn't anyone believe that there are folks in America that would rather throw it away than see it successfully led by a Black man?

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Once more thing, wearing a size 10 means I swim REAL well too, contrary to popular belief about Blacks and swimming, LOL!!

  79. JackLaLane8:52 AM

    "Gotta admit though the reference to shrek was funny as hell, at least that's what my 6'4", size 16 shoe wearing DH thought, LOL!!!! And trust me, by wearing a size 10, that means I "handle" that size 16 VERY well, because apparently not every woman could"

    It just doesnt' get any more ghetto than this does it. Its like a stereotype came to life.

  80. Give Him an Irish Dildo8:53 AM

    SO....what if O'Rielly likes it both ways? I don't hear you condemning anyone else for the same thing, unless you don't like the individual in question.

    As far as his goofy ass is concerned, the only thing I've heard his comments on, is that sex should not be the job of the Publik Skool System. He's adamant about that.

  81. Popeye8:55 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Once more thing, wearing a size 10 means I swim REAL well too, contrary to popular belief about Blacks and swimming, LOL!!

    10? 10? What a coinky-dink; Beluga whales reach full size at about 10 years and dey swims real goods too

  82. NOT your Lifeguard8:57 AM

    " Dr.Queen said...
    Once more thing, wearing a size 10 means I swim REAL well too, contrary to popular belief about Blacks and swimming, LOL!!

    8:51 AM"

    Fat-assed floater.

  83. JackLaLane said...
    It just doesnt' get any more ghetto than this does it. Its like a stereotype came to life.

    And it would HAVE to be a stereotype, because white men can't jump, among soooooooo many OTHER things, and Asian men ain't even in the game, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!!!

    Remember YOUR people started this 'ish when they castrated Black men before hanging them. And now YOUR women just can't get enough!

    Yeah, it must suck to be you, right through a STRAW?

  84. What A Mistake9:20 AM

    OK, you slut Queen. Where would you be today without the white folks? Picking bannana & fleas from your tribe?

    Your "Georgetown Education" is going to be a piece of shit, by the time your decepit ass could use it. You'll be serving Whoppers at the drive-thru.

    You should be rolled-over in a big fajita, and sent back to the land you are so proud of.

    You make me puke.

  85. JackLaLane9:24 AM

    JackLaLane said...
    It just doesnt' get any more ghetto than this does it. Its like a stereotype came to life.

    And it would HAVE to be a stereotype, because white men can't jump, among soooooooo many OTHER things, and Asian men ain't even in the game, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!!!

    Remember YOUR people started this 'ish when they castrated Black men before hanging them. And now YOUR women just can't get enough!

    Yeah, it must suck to be you, right through a STRAW?

    8:57 AM

    Puh-lease stop your adding more to the stereotype and I feel ashamed for you. The obvious stereotype that you missed as could be expected, is that someone talking about being an ogress is dumb enough to reply with how she is an ogress, which in case you missed this as well is not a compliment for a normal woman. Rather that her man is freakishly large and is happy cause she can take it real good and any other man would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway...yeeechhhh!!

    Your actually proud of all this?

    Do they make them any dumber then you?

  86. JackLaLane9:31 AM

    Dr Dairy Queen Said..

    "Gotta admit though the reference to shrek was funny as hell, at least that's what my 6'4", size 16 shoe wearing DH

    Ever wonder why he is only your DH and won't ask you to marry him? Could be he's looking for that smaller more feminine non obese woman who doesnt sweat bacon grease and oink at all hours of the day or have to wear clown shoes because she has flippers for feet?

  87. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Must be the Goobers are upset their lies are being countered.
    BillO would not be the first to have a wife and kids...and be 'totally not gay'. Larry Craig.
    It is more that the police were used as his personal vendetta squad.

    The Heeyucks say D Plantation...because they can't say 'migger', yet.

    The ozone regs are long overdue and cost nearly zero. The falsehood of regulatory burden and uncertainty makes me consider Obama a christmole. The Science on ozone dates back to at least the 1960s. Funny how such 'experts' never mentioned this. Or that the cost is minimal.

    EPA has not eliminated jobs. That was your CEO. Getting rid of EPA may make you feel superior to those smarty elite college Ivory Tower know-it-alls. For about a week. Then, they will have moved on and your business will see a marked reduction.
    The companies will not hire any they don't need your illiterate self...but your air, water, and soils will become degraded. Why should poor people have nice stuff? They don't have earned it by being born wealthy.

    Poor RoidTroll, having his selling eyeballs to scamsites discussed must be unnerving. Just don't give them the traffic they are so desperate to froth up.


  88. I've Learned A Lot On This Blog9:48 AM

    "DR" Queen has taught me one thing. I will NEVER have a black nurse administer to me.

    I'll walk out of the hospital, with my butt hanging out of that crappy "robe" first.

  89. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Yep, it is all about the colour of one's skin. Where has Addison Graves Wilson said this before?

    Not to worry, after the end of welfare support for the won't have to care about this at all. You'll have the lifespans of your ancestors.


  90. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Must be the Goobers are upset their lies are being countered.


    What lies are being countered?Please list some.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Sucks To Be A Loser10:03 AM

    Hey, you non-achievers:

    Hell, Quennie & Moldy might not even be worth a Burger King career!

  93. Opps!

    Looks like the President, VP, and the Sargent at Arms of the Small Users of Condoms Club (SUCC) have gotten their "rubbers" in a bunch, LOL!! Well, maybe not that much of a bunch, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

    BTW, didn't Clint Eastwood win an Academy Award for a movie which has a scene where a cowboy got violently angry when his "date" laughed at his "equipment", LOL??

    Imagine that, getting an Academy Award for outing a well known "stereotype", LOL!!! SUCC members be proud!!!

  94. Mike Tyson10:06 AM

    Hey......Genius's Oooops, not Oppps, you AA idiot.

    Fine education you have.

  95. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I long for the day this board wasn't filled with fundies,goobers, and fakes.Queen is whit.Uneducated.She dreams of black men.She must be mad i outed her.


  96. Anonymous10:15 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I sense that your a really nice and sweet person. I know that you mean no harm and that you're just joking, but I'm not into coarse men nor am I lonely or looking for just a piece of pants. And if I was lonely, I'd rather stay lonly than to get involved with someone who has no respect for women. :)
    Thank you Granny, I do try to be nice, and I'm glad you understand that I was only joking and most certainly meant no harm!
    I feel exactly as you do. My motto is 'Better alone than badly accompanied';)

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Mike Tyson said...
    Hey......Genius's Oooops, not Oppps, you AA idiot.

    Fine education you have.

    I just need to make sure I understand you goobers correctly. You're correcting me about the proper spelling the word Opps? Is that REALLY the absolute best you can do?

    Now I need to think about where in my professional or personal life needing to spell the word Opps correctly is a requirement..........(crickets chirping), and will be for the next 500 hundred years, LOL!!!

  99. You Need Your Tires Rotated10:25 AM

    "I long for the day this board wasn't filled with fundies,goobers, and fakes.Queen is whit.Uneducated.She dreams of black men.She must be mad i outed her.


    10:13 AM"

    Mold, if this borad was "Survivor Island", you'd be the first one voted off of it. Hell, I'd keep AB over you.

    Let's see a vote:?

  100. Desertflower said...
    I feel exactly as you do. My motto is 'Better alone than badly accompanied';)

    This is catchy! I bet you'd make a mint if you put it on a teeshirt!

  101. You Need Your Tires Rotated said...
    Mold, if this borad was "Survivor Island", you'd be the first one voted off of it. Hell, I'd keep AB over you.

    Let's see a vote:?

    If I could bitch slap you with a dictionary right now I would!!! Borad? Really nonspelling, spell checking assnon????

  102. Mike Tyson10:35 AM

    "Dr.Queen said...
    Mike Tyson said...
    Hey......Genius's Oooops, not Oppps, you AA idiot.

    Fine education you have.

    I just need to make sure I understand you goobers correctly. You're correcting me about the proper spelling the word Opps? Is that REALLY the absolute best you can do?

    Now I need to think about where in my professional or personal life needing to spell the word Opps correctly is a requirement..........(crickets chirping), and will be for the next 500 hundred years, LOL!!!

    10:24 AM"

    No. That's not the "best" I can do. But the fact you say "opps", over and over, again, proves you THINK you're smart; but you're not.

    You're obviously ignorant. have convinced me that I will never take the chance of putting my health in a black woman's care.

  103. Anonymous10:41 AM

    If you want to rile up DrQ, feel free to do so...using your own tag.
    But then, you like to write on restroom walls, eh?

    RoidTroll, funny that you missed all the countering. Are you a liar fer jebus...or just in denial? And pretending to be 'teacher'...that is a laugh. Beck had his perfesser costume and set...and you have...?
    Must be you are still upset that your allegations were questioned. Well, begin with Truth...then you won't be 'outed' as being a fake or a liar.

    Speaking of liars...BillO had a habit of saying things that were untrue...then finding out the record was counter to his allegation. Mackris was just one. And I really enjoyed watching him shut off microphones when he was getting trounced by his opponent. Doesn't every tantrum lad want that?



  104. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Sending fakes out, pretenderating to be me, then wailing about what your sockpuppet wrote.
    Typical juvenile.
    Indicates you have nothing...and are unlikely to gain it in the future.

    Bill O...maybe he misses being the favoured FAUX yelling angry wite man.


  105. Mike Tyson said...
    No. That's not the "best" I can do. But the fact you say "opps", over and over, again, proves you THINK you're smart; but you're not.

    You're obviously ignorant.

    Actually, I obviously don't give a f8ck about proving my intelligence to a bunch of assnonymous, internet goobers.

    So I guess I'd better be damn happy that proper spelling of the word "opps" wasn't required for my accepted abstract!

    Opps, I did it again!!!!!

  106. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "This is catchy! I bet you'd make a mint if you put it on a teeshirt!"
    You're right about it being catchy!
    But it's not mine,(if it were it prolly wouldn't be so cute:)It's been around for a loooooong time, although I've never seen it on a tee shirt!
    It's Spanish saying: 'Mejor sola que mal accompañada'

  107. Left and Right Behind10:52 AM

    Mold: mouth.

    Probably be the best protein you've had since your last blow job.

  108. Mike Tyson11:06 AM

    " Dr.Queen said...
    Actually, I obviously don't give a f8ck about proving my intelligence to a bunch of assnonymous, internet goobers.

    10:49 AM"

    Oh. That is classic.

    How many times have you attempted to impress all on this board with your "superior" mind? How many freaking degrees? Isn't Georgetown in D.C.?

    NOTHING comes from D.C. other than bullshit & handouts.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Mike Tyson11:17 AM

    Oooooh. That was really witty. The "intelligence" continues to to impress.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. Mike Tyson said...
    How many times have you attempted to impress all on this board with your "superior" mind? How many freaking degrees? Isn't Georgetown in D.C.?

    NOTHING comes from D.C. other than bullshit & handouts.

    Spoken like a TRUE Georgetown reject, LOL!!! Hey look, I totally get it, if folks like YOU could attend schools like Georgetown, I guess it wouldn't be special. Or elite.

    BTW, my having earned 4 college degrees proves so much more than how much smart I am. It speaks to the fact that I'm not easily intimidated by being the only Black student in a graduating class of a particular department. That I'm not intimidated by racists jackasses like your parents and grandparents, who probably still believe no Black person is smart enough to pursue a career in the Sciences. More than all that, it speaks to my Caribbean heritage where having multiple college degrees is normal, and a lot like a Goober having multiple pairs of the same style Levi's overalls!

    So now does that overall reference to overalls, bring the point right on home for you??

  114. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Granny, "Because their main hope and desire is to become slave owners themselves if they win the 2012 elections. They just dying to go back to the old way of life because they do not want to have to compete against any black people ever again."

    where do you come up with these ideas? how do you know what Whites think?

    It looks to me that is what YOU are thinking and you are projecting it on Whites. Believe me, if Americans wanted slaves again, you would be slaves again.

    But keep pushing the idea. Maybe someone will take up your idea.

  115. Iron Mikey11:31 AM

    Do you want to delete any more comments, genius?

    LOL. A dumb-ass.

  116. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Poor WATBs, Granny 'outed' your racist desires...and you know that racism isn't now you are trying to deny you ever said such things.

    'Mericans do want slaves. It's just that US citizens are appalled at the notion. Look at how we reacted to the foreign students placed in wage slavery so Hershey could break their union.

    Just because you are denying is not proof. It just means you are denying.


  117. My Name Is Mike11:35 AM

    Hell, Queenie....I don't "say" what I do, I just DO it, and get paid generously for it.

    While you were flipping burgers.

  118. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "'Mericans do want slaves. It's just that US citizens are appalled at the notion. Look at how we reacted to the foreign students placed in wage slavery so Hershey could break their union."

    Really? sounds like a catch 22 for Americans, according to you. They want slaves but the thought of it bothers their conscience, for now. But maybe in the near future?

    might as well get it over with. As a race Blacks are undesirable by all other Americans anyway. Look how Obama treats us, and he is Black!

    Of course, mistreatment by our own kind is nothing new, is it? It happens all the time. After decades, and maybe even centuries, we are accustomed treating each other that's part of our culture! Face it. No one wants to be Black in America. Hell, we can't even come together as Blacks for our own well-being. That's proof of how we feel about ourselves.

    But I am breaking a cardinal Black rule: "don't air your dirty black community laundry in public. keep it a secret and don't talk about it."

  119. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Not conscience. It is socially unacceptable to have slaves. Nannies, maids, dogsbodies are they are 'paid'. But wishing for slaves gets stern looks of disapproval. Much like the Villagers treatment of the meritocratic opposed to the Hollyweird st reagans....and the 'one of ours' bush.

    AfAms are a monolith...only to wites. While wite folks can giggle over Thanksgiving movies that detail 'drunkenMom' and 'thoughtlessDad' and 'BradyCousins' and creepy UncaWoody with his daughter/wife/?..they somehow can't see us as varied.


  120. Uno Hu12:44 PM

    Ms. Dairy Queen said..."And trust me, by wearing a size 10, that means I "handle" that size 16 VERY well, because apparently not every woman could. "

    Not every woman can handle a donkey either. Your parents must be so proud.

    I'll bet your man might marry you if it wasn't such a cavern.

  121. Real Georgetown Alum12:47 PM

    Ms. Queen said....Actually, I obviously don't give a f8ck about proving my intelligence to a bunch of assnonymous, internet goobers.


  122. Dr. M.12:57 PM

    Ms. Queen said..."BTW, my having earned 4 college degrees proves so much more than how much smart I am. It speaks to the fact that I'm not easily intimidated by being the only Black student in a graduating class of a particular department. That I'm not intimidated by racists jackasses like your parents and grandparents, who probably still believe no Black person is smart enough to pursue a career in the Sciences."

    Since none of those four "degrees" was a doctorate, why do you insist on calling yourself "Dr."? You would think that someone who claims to be so academically accomplished would not be so insecure about their status.

    And also, is it accurate for an unemployed near-menopausal woman to speak of her "career in the Sciences"? How does someone get four "degrees" and yet still be unemployable?

    Your last MCAT results should have disabused you of the notion you are medical school material.

    You will never be a doctor.

  123. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Wonder why Bill O feels the need to control his wife? Are there Santorums in his past? Or Vitters?

    Why isn't the MSM running with this? Like they did with the faux-pimp lies about ACORN...or the Sherrod re-editing made up lies.

    Must be IOKIYAR or a wite dude of a certain ideological bent and age.


  124. Cyrano1:13 PM

    Mold: ..they somehow can't see us as varied.

    Maybe because Black culture is so monolithic, so consistent wherever you go in this country. Unlike with whites, there is relatively little regional variation.

    Black culture is very insular. "White" culture is studiously avoided. Blacks only read books by and about other Blacks. They only listen to Black music. They only admire Black artists and Black athletes. The schools reinforce the notion that Blacks can only emulate Black role models.

    The very idea that Blacks might find something of value in White culture is is met with endless disparagement. Those who exhibit intellectual curiousity are considered race traitors. (See Michelle Obama's Senior Thesis.)

    Blacks vote as a block, over 95% for one party. No other racial, ethnic, gender, age, occupation, religion, sexual orientation, or class grouping even comes close.

    So actually, by any number of metrics, blacks are not "varied".

  125. Dr. Mini-condom
    Since none of those four "degrees" was a doctorate, why do you insist on calling yourself "Dr."? You would think that someone who claims to be so academically accomplished would not be so insecure about their status.

    So lemme guess, was it the reference to your membership in SUCC, your denial of admissions to schools of Georgetown's caliber while smart Black folks are very easily admitted, or my mentioning of your Levis overalls that so greatly angers you????

    Or has Macaroni resurfaced from the dead?

    Que the psycho, stalking bitch in 5....4...3......


  126. Dr. M.1:27 PM

    None of the above, Ms. Queen.

    I guess I struck a nerve. The question reamins since none of those four "degrees" was a doctorate, why do you insist on calling yourself "Dr."? You must be wracked with insecurity and guilt over your unearned affirmative action admissions, with which you've done nothing.

    You will never be a doctor.

  127. Team Williams US Open 2011!!!

  128. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Whew, I smell smoke. Someone been burning Queens in here!


  129. Racist ass Koreans!

    Old dude should know that Korean word for respect sounds like "nigga"!

    Beat his punk ass!

  130. LOL. You just did, but brilliant attorney and wit that you are, you know that already. :-)

  131. GrannyStandingforTruth2:51 PM


    Nope, blacks are not monolithic! Nor do ALL blacks listen to just black music, like just admire black artist and entertainers, read only black books, or emulate black role models.

    Studies of blacks seem to only take place in the hood. They compare those in the hood with middleclass whites and upperclass whites, etc., but not poor whites. In fact, people doing studies involving blacks act as if they are afraid to venture outside of the hood and talk to middleclass blacks, upperclass blacks, and rich black folks.

    Do we support our own? Of course, we do! And why wouldn't we since, for many years blacks were ignored in main stream America. It wasn't too long ago that blacks were not seen on tv or did they play in major league sports or were they able to get their books published in main stream.

    Are all blacks alike, NOPE! Jesse Lee Peterson, Michael Steele, Allen West, and that heffa that Field and I don't even like to mention name on here, along with a few others definitely are different.

    Nevertheless, I can see how you would come to that conclusion since most studies tend to be concentrated in the hood when it comes to studies with stats and without. Oh well, some folks will go to great lengths to make themselves feel good about self. However, if they were to do a real study among all economic groups of blacks they wouldn't be so quick to assume that all blacks are monolithic and btw that includes blacks in the hood and not just those standing on street corners.

  132. GrannyStandingforTruth3:04 PM

    Anonymous 2:04:


    My name is not "missy" nor is it gal!!! I am a grown woman, a senior citizen, and I've lived through "many" Presidents myself and might be able to tell you a few thing or two. And you and I are not apart of the cast starring in the "The Color Purple" or the "The Help"! That's hollywood and this is reality, so the next time you want to fantasize, leave me out of it.

  133. GrannyStandingforTruth3:11 PM

    *It wasn't too long ago that blacks were not seen on tv or play in major league sports or were able to get their books published in main stream.*

  134. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Granny, it is that ole Southern manners and gentility that so many wites wish to 'take their country back' to.
    When any wite witless wonder could address an AfAm citizen any way his wite heart desired.
    When wites were also slavecroppers.
    When roughly 30% of the US population was undernourished.
    When nepotism counted more than merit.

    Must be they hate modern life. And wish they too, could be gawdly like the Talibani. Or the government-supported Duggars.

    Wonder why Bill O needs to spy on his wife?


  135. GrannyStandingforTruth3:18 PM


    "Wonder why Bill O needs to spy on his wife?"

    Could it be that she might know too much about the fraudulent practices over at Fox We Make It Up News? You know at one time they did share a pillow together.

  136. Anonymous3:21 PM

    " 500 hundred years"

    That's 50,000 years. Perhaps enough time for Dr. Queen to learn how to spell "Oops."

  137. Anonymous said...
    " 500 hundred years"

    That's 50,000 years. Perhaps enough time for Dr. Queen to learn how to spell "Oops."

    iMac's come with auto spellcheck.

    So did it ever occur that I don't give a rats a$$ about spelling properly on an internet blog for Mini-Goobers like you?

  138. "Nope, Bush jobs record was the worst. Carter's job record was way better than Bush and yet the GOP has the nerve to label Carter the worse. Smh! Whatever, the wingnuts must be smoking dynamite. Smh!"

    Granny, conservatives like to lie and don't know facts. During Clinton's two terms there were some of teh strongest EPA regulations and guess what, more jobs were created then during Bush's two terms when EPA rules were relaxed. Funny how that works huh? To conservatives we can only create jobs when we also destroy the environment. They are a joke.

  139. "Obama is president now.Democrats control 2/3rds of our gubmit.Republicans can only do so much in stopping Obama from destroying our country."

    I'm guessing math isn't your stron suit. Dems don't control 2/3 of the government and if ANYONE is trying to destroy the country it's the TEA party crazies. My bet is Bachmann/Perry/Palin would do more harm to the planet than any of your worst dreams about the current prez.

  140. In this chart, the RED lines on the left side -- the ones that keep doing DOWN -- show what happened to jobs under the policies of Bush and the Republicans. We were losing lots and lots of jobs every month, and it was getting worse and worse.The BLUE lines -- the ones that just go UP -- show what happened to jobs when the stimulus was in effect. We stopped losing jobs and started gaining jobs, and it was getting better and better. The leveling off on the right side of the chart shows what happened as the stimulus started to wind down: job creation leveled off at too low a level.

    Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and look at the aformentioned chart. It CLEARLY show jobs being lost during the Bush administration when al of the so called business friendly policies were in place and the GOP controlled 3/3 of the government so WTF? Secondly, if we get rid of the EPA who praytell will make sure our rivers, lakes and streams are clean and not being polluted by business that wants to maximize profits by not disposing of waste properly? And please can we answer without hyperbole and Frank Luntz talking points?

  141. Anonymous4:50 PM

    PilotX, I was going to offer that the EPA growth and jobs growth were correlated. You already mentioned this.

    It was great for 'business'...not so much for anyone else. Profit goes way up when you don't pay your bills. Or clean up your mess. Must be Libertarians are just kids still miffed Moms made them clean their rooms. By Rand and my juvenile ego, this shall not be borne!!

    Granny, good point! Bill O paid some hefty cash for Mackris. And so did FAUX. No wonder they want 'reform'.
    I wonder if it isn't more along the lines of ManDumpling.


  142. GrannyStandingforTruth4:57 PM


    Thank you Pilot for breaking it down for those folks on the right because reading charts is not one of their strong suits either it seems. And just think, they want to do away with education too.

    Well, that's what results when certain privileges are given to some folks and they are given a pass in the grading system in schoolhouses just so they can keep up the myth of "Everybody lacks the ability to think, but us."

  143. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Thank you Pilot for breaking it down for those folks on the right because reading charts is not one of their strong suits either it seems. And just think, they want to do away with education too.

    That's the problem Granny, the right are experts at manipulating whatever they want to suit whatever point they're trying to make.

    What I'll never understand is why the Dems have recently been so unsuccessful against them, given the fact that everyone knows their "agenda" is ALL smake and mirrors.

  144. GrannyStandingforTruth5:28 PM

    Dr. Queen:

    That's an easy question to answer. Some of the Dems are in the tank with the right. Example: the blue dogs and a few others. It was illustrated during the Health care bill process.

    I kept trying to tell folks that some of the people in President Obama's own party were stabbing him in the back and that hasn't changed. Color of skin to some trumps all progress if not done by their own if they believe in that superiority myth. That's USA way!

  145. GrannyStandingforTruth5:30 PM

    Oh yeah, and I forgot to GREED.

  146. Kingnut5:32 PM

    mold: "PilotX, I was going to offer that the EPA growth and jobs growth were correlated. You already mentioned this."

    You confuse cause and effect.

    The 90's were a boom decade because of the Cold War victory dividend (real cuts in defense spending), the Gulf War victory (which led to a decade of historically low oil prices), the realization of productivity gains from computerization/automation after two decades of investment, and of course the speculative boom.

    Any fiscal repsonsibility was imposed on Clinton by the Republican congress. Clinton actually vetoed the Balanced Budget and Welfare Reform bills that led to deficit reduction; he had to forced to sign them by a tight reelection campaign in 96.

    When the economy is booming, we can afford additional drags on business like higher taxes or tighter environmental regulations.

    We can't afford it now. Obama's stubborn insistence on pushing this nonsense is what has kept us from recovery. Maybe he's starting to get it - at least as it pertains to getting reelected - as he just pushed off implementation of the new ozone regualtions until AFTER the election.

    PilotX: You should know better.

  147. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Oh yeah, and I forgot to GREED.

    How could I forget, racism and greed will ultimately ruin the US financially.

    Like I mentioned before, I'm so glad my kid is in her 5th year studying Chinese, LOL!!!

  148. i hate bill o!!!

    all is fair in love and war

    go for it fn!

    kudos to his wife for her upgrade!!!

    may we all upgrade and win our war over that cheater hobama in 2012!!!


  149. Uno Hu5:57 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Oh yeah, and I forgot to GREED.

    How could I forget, racism and greed will ultimately ruin the US financially.

    No, the socialist welfare-statists will be stopped, and Black racism will no longer be given a pass, and the US will survive the Obama adminstration.

    The country will once again be prosperous. You yourself however, may have to finally get a job.

  150. GrannyStandingforTruth5:58 PM

    Ahh, yes, the welfare reform bill that reduced the budget while pushing millions into poverty. Why do the folks on the right hate the poor, disabled, senior citizens, the widow, and fatherless so much? I mean seeing how they are more righteous then the rest of us earth folks and call themselves better Christians than anyone else on the planet. Looks like they would follow one the main bible principle and teachings of Christ too, instead of pick and choose.

    I guess, it makes them feel their cheerios when they pick on the underprivilege or the least of them, huh.

  151. Uno Hu6:00 PM

    Ms.Dairy Queen said...
    Like I mentioned before, I'm so glad my kid is in her 5th year studying Chinese, LOL!!!

    Why, so she can get a job as a maid for our Chinese overlords?

    Maybe if she works enough, you won't have to.

  152. Kingnut6:04 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Ahh, yes, the welfare reform bill that reduced the budget while pushing millions into poverty.

    Welfare Refrom didn't push "millions into poverty", it built into the system incentives to get off welfare and build real lives. No one starved as result, and many people finally achieved true adult status and got off the government teat.

    Do you really think living on welfare is so great?

  153. Dr.Queen said...
    Hey AB!!!

    Hey Queef!!!

  154. Serena Williams, moves to the 4th round of US open!!!


  155. GrannyStandingforTruth6:21 PM


    You don't read much do you because if you did, you would know:

    Oh yeah, isn't unemployment is high now because there are no jobs?

  156. GrannyStandingforTruth6:30 PM

    BTW, Kingnut, in answer to your question, I think financial assistance to the needy instead of assistance to those that have and are greedy makes more logical sense to me, but then some people lack compassion for those less fortunate than themselves and tend to be cold-hearted.

    Now, if you really want to see a balance budget it makes more sense to end Corporate Welfare and tax evasion by those making big profits off of the poor and middleclass. In addition, I believe that clean air, water, etc is better for the health of the general population. Although, I don't expect you to care about those folks that are not billionaires and millionaires.

  157. @ Granny:

    Peter Edelman was wrong in his assessment of Welfare Reform in 1997, and history since then has done nothing but confirm this.

    A review done at SUNY in 2006 concluded that overall the reforms had been quite succesful. The truth of the matter is that "between 1994 and 2000, child poverty fell every year and reached levels not seen since 1978. In addition, by 2000, the poverty rate of black children was the lowest it had ever been."

    Try updating your reading list:

  158. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, Kingnut, in answer to your question, I think financial assistance to the needy instead of assistance to those that have and are greedy makes more logical sense to me, but then some people lack compassion for those less fortunate than themselves and tend to be cold-hearted.

    I understand what you're saying Granny, but only to a point. I know of quite a few young folks who are able bodied and sane, yet making decisions (like having kids out of wed-lock) that put them in a cycle of perpetual poverty.

    I believe in certain kinds of "hand-outs" to help a person/people get back on thier feet, but not withoout future financial and personal responsibility. And this should be required for both the rich AND poor "hand-out" recipients.

  159. Kingnut said...
    In addition, by 2000, the poverty rate of black children was the lowest it had ever been."

    Try updating your reading list:

    Why don't you try updating your "decade".

    Whatever was going on financially for Black folks in 2000, I'm certain is NOT the case TODAY!!!!

  160. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "Whatever was going on financially for Black folks in 2000, I'm certain is NOT the case TODAY!!!!"

    The topic was the effect of welfare reform, in regard to its affects in the years after its 1994 implementaiton.

    Please leave the adult discussions to the adults.

  161. Anonymous said...
    The topic was the effect of welfare reform, in regard to its affects in the years after its 1994 implementaiton.

    Please leave the adult discussions to the adults.

    Effects in regards to affects? Adult conversation?

    Yeah, as soon as you leave assnon, the adults will continue talking.

  162. "When the economy is booming, we can afford additional drags on business like higher taxes or tighter environmental regulations."

    What drag on business? Corporations have made RECORD PROFITS! They just don't want to pay their fair share nor do they want to dispose of their waste properly. Sure it would save my wife and I money to just throw our garbage in the street but for now we have to buy garbage bags and put our waste in it. We as consumers need to help out companies that do things the right way onstead of rewarding Chinese comapnies that pollute willy nilly. Still did n't answer my question, who will keep the environment clean if there is no EPA? We as citizens need to stop cutting our own throats, what's good for business is not always good for us. Sure, no unions, no environmental regulations and no taxes would greatly benefit business but this is the Unbited States of America not the United States of Business.

  163. "No, the socialist welfare-statists will be stopped, and Black racism will no longer be given a pass, and the US will survive the Obama adminstration.

    The country will once again be prosperous. You yourself however, may have to finally get a job"

    Funny how after centuries of white racism conservatives can only see Black racism. Not to mention the racist implication that a Black person is unemployed. Teh stupid is strong in the GOP. No wonder Bachmann and Palin are considered actual presidential material. Amazing.

  164. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Yep, according to some wignnut welfare body was tossed off from Public Assistance. It was done to adulterate them...for their own good.
    Must be those shiftless layabouts don't want to pick cotton like gawd-fearin' wite heroes want them to. Why, the just so eager to take TANF instead of working at a 15/hour a week McJob with no benefits. Thinkin' they too good to clean like their Mammy did.

    If your McJobs are soooo delightful, why are there no takers? The only way people 'volunteer' is to be starving or lose medical coverage.

    Yes, let us end all Faith-based scams, no subsidies for corporations that ship jobs overseas, zero tax breaks for the wealthy...maybe we won't need to steal Grannies Social Security.

    Oh, read the piece on how glorious and gawdly it were to have sluts working for chump change instead of on the dole. One of the authors was in favor of the Grand know...where we hand over Grannies Social Security for the relief of the uncertainty felt by billionaires about getting richer.

    Love the appeal to authority to brush aside the Edelman work. Do you have any proof of your claim...or is it wingnut dogma? A sign of how pure your priestly attentions to children are? Which historee? Dave Barton 'jebus was a wite man who looked and acted like st reagan'?

    Sorry, it is funny to have a person do such a credible Perfesser Beck impersonation. And you have the cv to back your assertion...or jsut some wingnut welfare screes upset over the findings of Edelman?

    Your posing is funny.:)


  165. And tehn we have the scary part of Republican policy that involves trying to make the US into a theocracy. The leading presidential candidate on the GOP side prayed for rain to end the drought and is pushing for creationism to be taught in public schools. Me thinks that has something to do with their ignoring of the environment because jeezus will take care of it. I'm sorry but you can't have it both ways, you can't come in here and act like you care about the bottom line and it's all about business and taxes when your side is also secretly trying to push a religious agenda. I for one want real science taught in our schools because we have to compete against other countries that promote math and science while we have half of our elected officials trying to teach 3,000 year old mythology as science. If that doesn't scare the hell out of everybody it should. I don't mind these guys trying to justify all the other GOP initiatives, though I disagee, but any rightminded individual should agree with making science and math a priority.

  166. PilotX said...
    Funny how after centuries of white racism conservatives can only see Black racism. Not to mention the racist implication that a Black person is unemployed.

    Like I've said on this blog a million times before, it's so much easier for an unsuccesful racist to deny our collective success, than to acknowledge it.

    Therefore it comes as no suprise to me that a true Gooberm can't possibly comprehend that: 1) A Black woman with 4college degrees can choose to work when she pleases, even in a recession and 2)She's married to a Black man succesful enough in his own right, to more than carry the finanical weight of our VERY fnancially blessed family, ALL on his own.

    The success of so many Black folks when so many Goobers are struggling, is FAR more than many can handle.

  167. GrannyStandingforTruth9:26 PM



  168. A woman who chooses not to work when her husband can afford to support the family is called a stay at home Mom if she's white.

    And she has the same title when she's Black!


  169. Kingnut10:34 PM

    PilotX: "What drag on business? Corporations have made RECORD PROFITS! They just don't want to pay their fair share nor do they want to dispose of their waste properly"

    With all due respect sir, you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to macroeconomics.

    There is very little, if any, pollution going on right now. Every onerous regulation we pass that confers some miniuscule, incremental clean up puts American business further and further in the hole when it comes to competing globally.

    When is enough enough?

  170. Hey Dr. Queen!

    just got back...

    busy weekend!...

    have a regal holiday!!!

