Sunday, October 02, 2011

"Is Marriage for White People?"

If anyone out there reading this knows how to tackle, please send your resume to the Philadelphia Eagles. Folks, that splashing sound you just heard was another Eagles fan jumping off the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.  

The only saving grace to all of this is that the cowgals lost, the New York small men are losing, and the deadskins still stink.

But enough football. This post is for the fairer sex. Ladies, I need your help with a little issue that I have been meaning to address of late. I am moved to post about it because of a post by Michael Smerconish (Mike, I still need you to acknowledge that you bit my logo) in my local paper. His excuse to write it was all the little Mick Jaggers (their daddy is a Rolling Stone) running around in the African American community. -Somehow he tied it into the Obamas.- But I will let you all read it for yourselves.

"That too many African American children are growing up in single-parent households isn't news. But Stanford law professor Ralph Richard Banks has initiated a provocative debate that analyzes why black women are the most unpartnered group in our society.

In his new book, Is Marriage for White People?, Banks explains: "The percentage of black children born to unwed parents exceeds 70 percent not because single women are getting pregnant more often, but because black women are so much more likely to be single. Unwed childbearing is yet another consequence of the marriage decline."

In other words, the prevalence of unwed black mothers is not attributable to differing sexual mores between whites and blacks, but rather to the fact that black women are living what Banks describes as a segregated existence. Asians, Latinos, and even black men are much more likely to marry outside their race. But black women, according to Banks, face social pressure to marry within their race - they are encouraged to marry "down" before they marry "out." And those social pressures do not apply to black men.

"Pressures to marry within a group are receding for
all groups, including black men," Banks told me. "But for black women, they are seen as having a special responsibility to black men and to restore the black family, but those efforts are counterproductive and have been unsuccessful.
"They end up not marrying out but within the race. . . . A majority of college-educated black women who do marry marry a less-educated man."

Typically, Banks notes, the more educated a woman, the more likely she will marry. But that's not so with African American women. They're dealing with a shortage of potential male partners, which Banks surmises is caused by a high incarceration rate, interracial marriage (which he writes "depletes the pool of men for middle-class, college-educated black women"), and economic trends that have benefited women more than men (and that are much more pronounced among African Americans).

By his logic, the first family is unique in a way I didn't appreciate before reading the book. Regarding President and Michelle Obama, Banks writes: "As African Americans, they are extraordinary in the most ordinary way: They are a married couple raising their children together."

Banks' work was an eye-opener for me, and probably the sort of dissertation on a touchy subject best coming from someone within the community. Where many, including Obama himself, have exhorted black men to assume greater responsibility for their children and the state of the African American family, Banks sheds rare light on the equally significant plight of black women. Their problem isn't so much frequent pregnancy as a dearth of appropriate partners.
Which gets to the most controversial aspect of his assessment:

"At the core of the problem is that nearly twice as many black women as black men graduate from college. So what are educated black women going to do when there are only half as many black men in their college classrooms or professional environment?" he wondered during our conversation last week.
So what's the answer?

Banks told me that if he had a daughter, he'd advise her to look outside her race. "It is amazing it hasn't happened more," he said. "Black women have the thinnest pool of partners within their race."

The blogosphere is alive with criticism of his counsel that black women be more open to partners of different backgrounds.

"One of the points of the book is to undo that problem and give black women the freedom to make decisions that are right for them. That will often entail crossing the race lines," he said.

This isn't just a discussion about the black community. After all, the book's subtitle is How the African American Marriage Decline Affects Everyone.
"Part of the reason I wanted to write the book was to change the conversation - to enrich and deepen it," he told me. "It is a sad commentary that if it were written by a [white person] it would not be so well received.

"The same forces that undermine marriage for African Americans are actually in operation throughout American society and are reshaping or undermining marriage for everyone," Banks said. "One of those forces is that men are doing less well relative to women, and we see it starkly among African Americans but also among whites. . . . The economy has disproportionately hurt men."
I wondered why the title wasn't Is Marriage ONLY for White People?

He said the title was meant to be ambiguous. "It asks, is marriage for white people, and it also asks whether marriage is for white women," Banks said. "The trends are moving in the same direction for blacks and whites but more pronounced for blacks." [Source]

My two cents: Marriage hasn't been so great for white people, either. I say that because of the divorce rate in this country. But there is no denying that there is a dearth of professional good black men remaining for sisters who choose to go the chocolate route.

I am not mad at my sisters for crossing racial lines. Girlfriend, you have to do you and worry about your own personal happiness. That's just real talk.

So tell me, is what Ralph Richard Banks wrote about in his book true? And, if it is, why do you think that is the case? Or is he just trying to sell his book and be provocative ---like a typical academic-- so that white folks like Michael Smerconish can write about it? 



  1. no slappz6:32 PM

    So tell me, is what Ralph Richard Banks wrote about in his book true?

    It's a total crock. The ONLY factor determining birth is Birth Control. ALL single women have the choice of preventing conception or having an abortion.

    Thus, the ONLY reason 70% of black children are illegitimate is LACK of Birth Control.

    As for the illegitimacy problem among other races -- the reason is the same.

    Birth Control works -- if used. Not using birth control is a woman's way of expressing her desire to have a child, with or without a husband.

  2. I don't think birth control is the ONLY factor. In fact, I think that the idea of contraception (and its accessibility; I'm not sure that a lot of poor women have a CHOICE about whether or not to use birth control) is a symptom of the real problem, and that's simple economics.

    Did this study do any investigation into the income levels of partnered and unpartnered parents? I'm not an ethnographer, but I'd be willing to bet that the lower one goes on the income scale, the more likely one is to find single-parent households. It is still true that blacks and other people of color are more likely to be poor than whites, so it stands to reason that more black families are going to be headed by single parents.

    The problem in the culture is a problem with economics. If we can work out the money, in a few generations we can work out the problems that the persistent lack of money has wreaked on huge segments of the culture.

  3. NSangoma6:48 PM

    Where the young women at?

    10 Signs You’re On Your Way to Becoming a Baby Mama

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    There seems to be a lot of talk about Black women marrying "white" men, or "dating outside their race" to fill a void they may be experiencing.
    I have to wonder; are the brothers, sisters, MOTHERS FATHERS of these "available" non-black men encouraging their men to date and marry available black women?

    These conversation encouraging black women to marry outside of there race, seem to be one-sided, and that would be the black side. When NON-black people start encouraging this crossover activity, then we'll be able to have a discussion about additional options for black women. Until then, I find it just adding un-necessary filler, to an already stressed social existence.

    IMO, legal marriage today has become about wealth protection, wealth exchange and inheritance. Look at the numbers of WEALTHY WHITE HOMOSEXUALS lining up to get married. Follow the money.

    I don't know the numbers, but I know quite a few of my peers have opted out of allowing the government to intrude in their personal affairs.The attitude shifts when a pregnancy is apparent.

  5. As a Black man who just put down close to grand as a down payment for the engagement ring to his Nubian Queen, and whose only sister is now engaged to a successful Black network engineer I say that this article is bullocks.

    The idea that Negroes simply can't build lives together not only degrades our history - it also ignores the fact that interracial marriage account for less than 15% of all Marriages and less than a quarter of Black men who are married. Higher than when my parents were young? Absolutely. But it still counts a minority of marital unions.

    At some point, we need to stop paying attention to this nonsense and do two things:

    1.Learn to be happy in your own skin: Many times we don't know ourselves well enough to make a life with anyone else. An uncertain clingy woman of any race scares men and vice versa.

    2. Learn to be humble: This is a personal gripe of mine, being a professional Black man who has dated professional Black women - nothing turns me off more than some bougie broad who just got money and wants to tell me that she can now afford $600 Jimmy Cho stillettos. Just as a women hate materialistic men, men are turned off my high maintenance women.

    3. Learn that marriage is about building a life together based on love and trust, not a bank account: My cousin, a college grad who is a freelance editor and an executive in a small business - married a carpenter and has a GED and was in juvie. On face value, most sisters with education would say my cousin is nuts. 'This dude is a thug and she should meet someone with pedigree.' But I've knowing this guy for over 10 years, I've never met anyone who make my cousin happier.
    Whether rich or poor, black or white - your life partner should be someone who loves and will do anything for you.

    Ultimately, its not about stats, or your momma or whether or not your can show off your spouse to your friends and get nods. Its about 'can I share my life, good and bad, with this person, (hopefully) until I die.

  6. Wesley R8:32 PM

    Eagles coaching sucks; 2 missed field goals, dropped passes, the dumb Ronnie Brown play on the goal line, the fumble at the end. The defense is terrible. All of this comes from a lack of focus. If the coaches can't get them together, then they need to go.

    If you get a chance check the QB's at Wisconsin, and Baylor. Everyone loves Andrew Luck, but those two are very good.

  7. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Amen! LACoincendental.

  8. Anonymous8:49 PM

    LAC, you forgot to add in the Mercedes. Haven't you noticed big mouth Dr. Queen bragging about her Mercedes, her 4 degrees, her wealth, etc. If you haven't find a comment by her and it will be there.

    But I agree with you about a relationship. It should be from the heart because true relationships are a matter of the heart.

  9. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Ralph Banks has written a provocative book that should sell a cool million. However, with racism at an all-time high, I doubt if what he advocates will work for many of our sistas.

    It will work for the few, but not for the many. Blacks and Whites who marry, probably love each other truly. Especially when they are willing to deal with the racist attitudes of both Blacks and Whites.

  10. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Go mighty REDSKINS!!! Field, eat your heart out. :))))) Lawd have mercy.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sorry I previously placed the wrong link below. I corrected it now.

    "Birth Control works -- if used. Not using birth control is a woman's way of expressing her desire to have a child, with or without a husband.>

    That must be why so much white pro-lifers are fighting and murdering for dear life, to save thousands of those white female deposited membranes that are being dumped daily in all those suburban clinics and doctors offices. If black women were only aborting at the same rate as white women, those beauty supply Koreans would have long switched to setting up abortion clinics at every corner.

    I see No_slappz the angry failure-of-white-male-privilege, is at it again with his willful racist ignorance. Perhaps it's just his no-life blog trolling and lack of intellectualism that continuously prohibits him from properly analyzing the unfortunate social and racial dynamics of other groups outside his own bitterly racist life as a financially insufficient white father of children who can only excel by grade curve within schools full of black and brown destitute children in NY. There, a nice big run on sentence. Knock yourself out.

    Anony asked: "I have to wonder; are the brothers, sisters, MOTHERS FATHERS of these "available" non-black men encouraging their men to date and marry available black women?"

    No. And to further elaborate on your second statement about the wealth aspect, it's all by design. Wealth and social resources are usually passed into families or communities through the receiving women, and which is usually passed OUT through the men.

    Why would the white supremacist society want "white male wealth" to be passed on or trickle down to the black comm through black women? This is also why white society tolerates wealthy black male athletes who date and marry out the black race, and into "their" white society resources. Please see the comments I made on a previous thread at 10:44am and 10:29am.

  13. Anonymous said...
    LAC, you forgot to add in the Mercedes. Haven't you noticed big mouth Dr. Queen bragging about her Mercedes, her 4 degrees, her wealth, etc. If you haven't find a comment by her and it will be there.

    Do me a favor and find the post where I SPECIFICALLY stated that 'ish, because you and I both know it doesn't exist.

    LAC is an engineer. So by definition, if he wanted a Benz or any other fine piece of german engineering, I'm sure he could have one.

  14. "Asians, Latinos, and even black men are much more likely to marry outside their race. But black women, according to Banks, face social pressure to marry within their race - they are encouraged to marry "down" before they marry "out." And those social pressures do not apply to black men."

    This is a true statement. It's a mental indoctrination placed on black females for generations in the black comm. Black women are "kept" close to the BC so their resources can stay behind to uplift. Not just financial, but also as foot soldiers in the fight to protect the "black man". As well as disposable "concubines" for black males to use, abuse and practice. This is one of the reasons there are so much out of wedlock births. Low self-esteem and self worth, by design. Black women seeking love in the wrong places, and giving their bodies to black men just for a taste of feminine acceptance, all because they are told no other men want them, not to mention to mention the loads of non-marriageable black men in and out of the penal system. You all can play pretend all you want.

    This is why you have sexist entitled black males like LAC who feel so confident to disclose his absurd self-serving "tips" on how black women should arrange their personal aspirations which would only accommodate dysfunctional, non-committing and financially inferior black males.

    While I don't fully disagree with his little "list", I must mention it's always humors me to see how white, Asian and various non-black women are trained to look for financial "security" in a man, while black women are the only race of women who are taught to stay within their race, marry down and make exceptions.

    Now good night, this crap is too draining.

  15. Great comments.

    "Eagles coaching sucks; 2 missed field goals, dropped passes, the dumb Ronnie Brown play on the goal line, the fumble at the end. The defense is terrible. All of this comes from a lack of focus. If the coaches can't get them together, then they need to go."

    Yes, I think Andy might have just worn out his welcome.

    His press conferences are getting worse. He might as well just send a tape recorder out there.

    "That must be why so much white pro-lifers are fighting and murdering for dear life, to save thousands of those white female deposited membranes that are being dumped daily in all those suburban clinics and doctors offices. If black women were only aborting at the same rate as white women, those beauty supply Koreans would have long switched to setting up abortion clinics at every corner."


  16. Anonymous10:14 PM

    excuses/ look bunnies!
    racism at a all time high! lol
    times running out
    moneys running out
    bad boys[and gals] whatcha gonna do when they come 4 u?

  17. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I knew La♥audiobooks was here when i started smelling week old tuna.

    data from the cdc shows abortion kills more blacks than the 7 leading causes of death combined.

    abortion rate for black women are 5 times higher than white women.{cdc}

    black women have the highest unintended pregnancy rates.{cdc}


  18. Anonymous10:38 PM

    This La♥audiobooks character is a nasty piece of work. Everyone usually complains about Alicia Banks, but Audiobooks is the true Eris of this blog -- her raison d'etre is to foment chaos and destruction. She repeats the same BS and contributes NOTHING new to the conversation.

    If you think that a non-Black man will treat you better -- there is the door. It is far better for your ilk to date outside the race than to suffocate our community with your bitter rants and vitriol. If the only thing that is holding you and your ilk back from dating white men is low self-esteem and a so-called obligation to our community, then, that is YOUR problem.

    I am sick and tired of your repetitive rants on colorism, your dissing of all Black men, your hateful-assed attitude, and your hypocrisy. In your world, Black women can criticize Black men with impunity, if we criticize or defend ourselves, we're sexist animals.

    By all means, Audiobooks, RUN, don't walk to the white man! Please!

  19. "data from the cdc shows abortion kills more blacks than the 7 leading causes of death combined."

    At one point in time there were "creditable" sources that reported black people sporting tails. Do you think all those suburban clinics and private doctor offices report how many private abortions they perform? Stop showing your ignorance, people know better.

    As if you racist people care if black women are having abortions, it's a win win for you. You are more concerned with protecting white babies and white motherhood. Black women are only used as the public scapegoats for your open campaign fight against abortion, while you secretly protect the virtue of the real perpetrators, the white female!

    "I knew La♥audiobooks was here when i started smelling week old tuna."

    The smelly tactic doesn't silence me. I am more than positive you and I are thousands of miles apart and have never met. The only week old tuna you are smelling is possibly your own, or the lingering residual memory of your mothers'.

    Good night. Unbelievable.

  20. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Just my 2 cents...
    Marriage is becoming less revered or even relevant in US mainstream society. Following this trend has the most severe effects on poor people. Kids are more expensive, time consuming and complicated than you can ever imagine. Unless you are financially independent and can afford a nanny, I don't recommend having kids without a spouse or partner.
    As to the so-called pressure black women face to find a black man to's more like this from my experience...there are few people who are truly their own person, that is, do what they want when it comes to their personal, love and spiritual life and say to hell with Momma, cousin Gary and grandma. There are so many vile stereotypes about black women that many non-black men will face being disowned by their family and friends or career repercussions for dating black women. This does not always apply to other so-called races and ethnic groups. Face it, black people from America are more loathed than Muslims in some cases. That adds to dating difficulty.
    Marriage, from my experience, does not get the support it ought to from the religious black community. They're too busy taking people's money to tell them the truth...or just zoning in on gay people. I've seen esteemed members and "leadership" try to prevent people from getting married (for no seriously good reasons). Single motherhood is glorified or accepted in the lower classes. I can't tell you how much hell my husband and I caught when we (both college graduates with steady middle class employment) decided to marry.
    As unpopular as this will sound, our social situation in regards to marriage is our own fault.We're too quick to blame everyone else in this matter...welfare...residual effects of slavery...unemployment...too many low expectations. There are terrific single women and men out there. We support religious institutions that promote behavior that work against our interests, we repeat behavior that leads to poverty (kids out of wedlock w/o financial means) and our families tend to throw on more problems. Honestly, I'm wary of my kids marrying outside of their race because of how much worse their in-laws may behave, but I want them to ultimately be with a good person that makes them happy. They may have to look outside of the US for that in some cases.

    Pls. forgive any spelling/grammatical errors. I'm exhausted. -LaToya

  21. Anonymous10:55 PM

    BTW, saying marriage is only for white people is insulting. So only white people can be moral or have control over their lives? Only they have the ability to make good choices?

  22. Based on the numbers, if you:

    1. Graduate from high school
    2. Wait until marriage to have children.

    You many times less likely to wind up poor.

    Pretty simple

  23. Kingnut11:05 PM

    Perhaps the issue is merely that black women seem to prefer black men to a higher degree than other other women and men do members of their own race.

  24. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Yes that mofo shamelessly stole your logo Field! and here you are trying to save lives. F%^& it let em crash!!!


    It's a crock of crap because many whites are hooking up but they're not marrying either! He's just trying to call attention to us to make us look bad. Par for the course!!! x(
    He should stop acting stupid and go study something else. The nerve!

  25. "If you think that a non-Black man will treat you better -- there is the door. It is far better for your ilk to date outside the race than to suffocate our community with your bitter rants and vitriol. If the only thing that is holding you and your ilk back from dating white men is low self-esteem and a so-called obligation to our community, then, that is YOUR problem."

    Typical. Dear Anony 10:38pm, I am not going anyway, at least not off this blog anytime soon (I believe). Black women do not need your permission to do anything, you are becoming more and more powerless. I sensed you have already figured this, which would explain your angry disgruntled parody. And here I am to your dismay by letting the pussy cat out the bag (no pun).

    Therefore, I am happy to report that Black women and non-black men are starting to break social barriers and enjoying love, respect and long marriage with each other. While you are putting yourself into a sexually frustrating tizzy this evening (or day), there are countless and growing numbers of black women and non-black men who are gazing into each others eyes with pure love and admiration.

    So you being the gate keeper of the black community, they bid you a good night, and don't leave the light on.

  26. My black snake make you moan11:09 PM

    You know whats wrong wit the Eagles, fn?

    Its the curse of Randall Cunningham. Y'all mutha f'n philly fans are paying for the way y'all treated brother Randell.

    Use to be the only thing a black man could count on was the love of a black woman.Didn't matter if the black man was rich or poor.Didn't matter how much food a black man could put on the dinner table.Everything was gonna be alright because mama was gonna make sure.

    Love,honor, and cherrish the black man.

    Not no f'n more.

    Today's black women have little to no self-respect.

    Its me,me,me,me.I ain't gots,i wants. Black women talking out the side of they necks.Black man ain't got time for that sh*t.

    Than black woman want to sit around and cry because white women are taking all the good black men.

    Go look at yourself in the mirror if you want to know why.

    I remember reading in Time about black women discovering white men for the first time. All these black women loving white men blogs and websites popped up.

    Seems like that faded away quick.

    Guess black women found out white men love them some asian and mexican food.Soul food? Not so much.

    That could be the problem.The rejection of white men.

  27. I Got Hot Nuts11:32 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "data from the cdc shows abortion kills more blacks than the 7 leading causes of death combined."

    At one point in time there were "creditable" sources that reported black people sporting tails. Do you think all those suburban clinics and private doctor offices report how many private abortions they perform? Stop showing your ignorance, people know better.

    You do realize your fucking nuts right?

  28. Octavius11:51 PM

    For Caesar the Sibyl had two words.
    "Choose empire," she said. And explained:
    "The republic has failed."

  29. Great presidents (Roosevelt and Reagan) transform their times; good presidents (Eisenhower and Kennedy) understand them almost without trying; bad presidents (Buchanan and Carter) are overwhelmed by them. Obama is the first who has tried to defy them. This cannot, and will not, end well....

    "Great measures should not be passed on narrow majorities" is an unwritten precept all leaders should heed. Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson spent months building broad coalitions before passing their bills on Social Security and civil rights. Lesser politicians have tried this, and sometimes been less than successful, but until Obama, no one imagined that a president should try to pass a huge, complex, costly bill that affected everyone in the country not only without enjoying broad support, but while facing an enraged, energized, and broad coalition against it....

    A good politician would have heeded the words of John Kennedy, another fairly good politician, who made a practice when winning of giving the other side something to go home with, and of never making an opponent so angry he would do anything to secure one's defeat. If Obama had gone with a small bill after Scott Brown's election, he would have drained some of the rage out of the Tea Party, weakened the link between the GOP and the independents, removed a focal point for the anger of much of the country, and stopped the momentum of the wave of resentment and fury that rolled on, gathering steam every moment, to shatter his party in 2010. He lacked the sense common to all good politicians--shared by Ike, Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and others--that tells you that if A does X, it will cause B to do Y, whereas if A had done Z, B would have acted quite differently. A politician cannot survive lacking this instinct. But Obama is not a good politician, merely a good candidate, with no talent for governing. Thanks to a remarkable convergence of historical events, he was able to rise without that talent. And now he is paying the price.

  30. ~
    Black Georgia Woman Given Electric Chair in 1945 Gets Posthumous Pardon

  31. Auster12:05 AM

    Noemie Emery said...
    "Thanks to a remarkable convergence of historical events, he was able to rise without that talent. And now he is paying the price."

    Right at the start of his messiahship, with one of the most consequential bills in history in the works, a measure to meet an emergency so dire that passage of the bill was the only alternative to “catastrophe,” he hands over the actual writing of the bill to a bunch of corrupt hacks. Meaning, he didn’t care that the supposedly absolutely essential stimulus bill would turn into the porkulus bill. Meaning, he didn’t even attempt to look honest, responsible, or statesmanlike.

    Obama will go down as the worst President ever.

  32. Anonymous12:17 AM

    All this worry over women not marrying. Wonder if they bothered to ask any women?
    Perhaps one might wish to tarry awhile in the FemBlogs.
    Not only do they discuss the invented 'crisis' of women not marrying...they offer reasons to delay...or not marry at all.
    Biff Whiffleton IV is TELLing me the greatest tragedy of all time is the abortion of bunches of cells. Gee, I recall Biff III raping like Thurmond, Biff II lynching...and the whole Whiffleton fortune was based on using slaves. Pardon me if I laugh in your ignorant face.

    Like keep repeaterating the same trite lines...hoping for a rube. Maybe you should Troll the much richer fields of Pajama-Boy Media. Or those who haven't realized Brietbart lies. Or the simpletons who equate an actor fronting for rich the FDR who saved Capitalism. Yep, Carter is your Morality Play more accentuate the glorious gawdliness of st reagan, the demigod who made it 'safe' to be a Know-Nothing racist fool. Well, he did get paid...and you got?


  33. diamant12:22 AM

    Auster: "Obama will go down as the worst President ever."

    The more the Democrats’ program is discredited, the more hysterically they embrace it and the more they keep trying to build fear of Republicans. The left’s enthusiasm over Elizabeth Warren’s video diatribe, with its resentful, class-warfare, quasi Marxist message and Warren’s unhinged manner, shows how far out of step with America and reality the left really are. The Democrats are heading into a catastrophic defeat in 2012, bigger than 2010.

  34. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Dear Audio :

    Baby, you need to learn the difference between a observation and an order. Neither you nor I are the arbiters of the Black community -- even if you or I were, we should not feel compelled to follow the other party's orders. BUT, I am and will make comment on Black women just as you make comment on Black men. Contrary to what Terry McMillan, bell hooks, and Alice Walker may have told you, Black women are not above reproach.

    As for modus operandi, YOU are the one who is typical. I bet you were twisting that neck in fury as you wrote your response to me! When a Black male challenges your worldview, you immediately attack his sexuality. A Black man makes a recommendation, he is "ordering" you to do something or he is the self-appointed arbiter of the Black community.

    Can't you come up with a stronger comeback than that? Your attempts at hurling ad hominem attacks do not faze me in the least. If anything, it shows how weak you argument is and how immature you are. Seriously, you DO know that you will have to be more clever than that to attract the attentions of the white men you crave.

    I have no problem with interracial relationships, so your fantasies about me being sexually frustrated and angry because black women and white men are "rediscovering" each other is invalid. I do, however, have a problem with people who feel they have to settle for something that makes them unhappy. The basic premise of my post above (besides being exhausted and bored with your rehashing the same old BS time and time again) is:

    1. If a Black woman is unhappy with the pool of Black men, she should definitely look elsewhere. I am neither granting you permission to leave nor stay in the Black community -- I am not the arbiter of the Black community (and neither are you). I am encouraging you and your ilk to do something other than sitting your fat asses on your perches and attacking Black men. If we are so horrible and if successful Black men are in so few numbers, please look elsewhere. An increasing number of Black women already are and I could not be happier for them! This is a new age -- no one should feel compelled to do something that they do not want to do. Slowly but surely, the stereotype of the Loyal Black Earth Mother Goddess will subside.

    2. Black women who feel that they must remain in the "group" due to misplaced "loyalty" are not doing our community no favors...the bitterness and nastiness your ilk exude has just as much as a negative effect on Black children as the disproportionate number of absentee Black fathers and male role models.

    As I said before, if you feel that the Black dating pool is lacking, please move on. Life is too short to be bitter and unhappy.

  35. Black women over index in being adult survivors of physical and sexual abuse. I don't believe the "they just can't find good men" and "most black men are in jail" arguments are the entirety of the issue. Are black girls growing up in environments that would encourage them to WANT to get married? Further in the quest to raise children, go to school and stay employed Black women often put marriage off longer than their counterparts. Finally with the constant assault on our image and self-esteem I would imagine for most black women wading into dating let alone marriage is daunting.

  36. Anonymous12:53 AM

    "Eagles coaching sucks; 2 missed field goals, dropped passes, the dumb Ronnie Brown play on the goal line, the fumble at the end. The defense is terrible. All of this comes from a lack of focus. If the coaches can't get them together, then they need to go."

    This is nothing new. Those sorry Eagles have been losers for decades with the same problems with different coaches and different defenses. It's the same old tune. I really believe that Eagles is a jinxed team no matter who is running the team. they are pitiful.

    One thing for sure: Field knows nothing about a good football team. I have said the Redskins will be in the NFC Conference and the Eagles won't. He can't admit that I know better than he does. When it comes to NFL, I am brilliant, but he is somewhat retarded.

    GO MIGHTY REDSKINS!!!WE WILL WIN THE NFC!!!! Remember my words, Field.

  37. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Dr Queen, "LAC is an engineer. So by definition, if he wanted a Benz or any other fine piece of german engineering, I'm sure he could have one."

    As usual, you miss the point. Also, there are plenty of engineers who can't afford a Mercedes. YOu are soooo dumb and ignorant.

  38. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Lonely wite st reagan fanboy seeks AfAm woman to fulfill all his fantasies. No pay, no benefits...just do as the ManDumpling commands. After all, you is not being married like Muffy and Sally and Sarey.

    With heroic brave heroes like you lads...being single is the wisest choice. No matter how many 'lonely spinster' tales you get in the MSM, a cat is far more intellectual than you. More faithful. More considerate.

    Maybe you should ask why you can't get dates without paying.


  39. mellaneous1:40 AM

    Field it almost looks like the Eagles are throwing games; two easy field goals, throwing the ball away on the goal line, dropped passes with the game on the line,

    Hmmm have the Peta folks gotten to them, is their money that long?

  40. Anonymous6:03 AM

    The books major premise .unfortunately is true!! As the father of an educated young afro-american daughter.and seeing the pool of potential mates. I have encouraged her to look to other cultures.

  41. No jackass, YOU missed the point. You're a bold face liar and I just proved it.

    You are sooooo jealous and broke.

  42. Anonymous7:43 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Field it almost looks like the Eagles are throwing games; two easy field goals, throwing the ball away on the goal line, dropped passes with the game on the line,

    Hmmm have the Peta folks gotten to them, is their money that long?

    This be one sick preacher man conspiracies conspiracies conspiracies

  43. @LACoincidental: I wish I had a carpenter right now. Ain't nothing wrong with that. I love a man that can build me something.
    Everybody has a lot in life, a job that they are good at. As long you feel that you are living up to your full potential who gives a damn about what other people think?
    Black worry too much about what other people think. And then they follow behind the wrong people.

  44. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Maybe you should ask why you can't get dates without paying.


    Maybe you should ask why even if you offer to pay you can't get a date...ever tried smaller diapers?
    Surely you can lure a homeless girl
    if you are able to hide them, then again I guess it "depends"

  45. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    No jackass, YOU missed the point. You're a bold face liar and I just proved it.

    You are sooooo jealous and broke.

    Just saying something doesnt prove anything, you say someones a liar and this is proof? What if he said you were a bellowing water buffalo is that proof?

  46. Obama Is Extra-Crispy8:53 AM

    Poor Obama. He just can't get no respect:

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. more racist spin


    het divorce is a global problem


    ALL females are looking for decent men in all races


    ALL decent men are searching for women who do not have 1-5 babies already in all races


    decent white men are looking for single wf who have babies that are NOT black/mexican


    http:// ...

  49. real talk re that bitter buffoon melissa

    her kkk rant is simply more proof that melissa is a jilted hoplessly insane hobama nazi

    and that cornel is a rebel warrior and a wonderful mack


  50. melissa needs some new fodder

    as all hobama nazis do

    she has been the lead female dog in a pack of rabid hobama loving wolves for far too long!!!



    I admire your work. So, I was truly shocked to see someone as intelligent as you pen such rabidly revisionist ignorance about President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0 and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. You are living proof that even the most uniquely intellectual black persons are not immune to the typically hypnotic adoration of the blackish Obama.

    It is profoundly revealing that you began your deeply flawed analyses of Obama with a reference to his surreal inauguration day. That is the very same day that Obama arrogantly disrespected and simultaneously disgraced the memory of King by refusing to even utter his name. And, it has been so very long since that day indeed…

    Today, as we gaze at Obama more than a year later, we see that he has brutally escalated the wars he incessantly promised to end. We have watched him brazenly tell black voters to expect no presidential favors, as he has chosen to legendarily favor criminal bankers with more billions of dollars bilked from poor taxpayers than ever before. Obama has become a boldly unapologetic elitist and increasingly bloody warmonger. Obama has become less like King than any other black politico I can even begin to imagine. Why would anyone condone such colorless betrayals as they compare Obama to the universally multiracial King, a drum major and warrior for global peace and anti-poverty?

  51. superwomen are exhausted in all races!!!

    My friends and I, some who are married and some in serious relationships, all agreed on one thing: we’re just flat out tired of trying to encourage these men out here. Even though we fully comprehend the dynamics at play that make it so extraordinarily difficult for our brothers to find work, we are simply exhausted from giving all of our energy and unconditional support – while at the same time holding down our own work. Black men often complain that we nag too much. But what happens when the nagging stops? Does that mean that we no longer care? Or have we matured to a place of understanding what the other person may be going through? Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in between.

    While we try to support our men both emotionally (and these days many times financially), we may be forgetting to take care of ourselves as well. And with more men in jail, we’re clearly not receiving the attention we deserve, and let’s be honest there are also more and more women pleasing other women as a result. When men are broke or struggling, are we just no longer turned on?

    The economic crisis clearly isn’t going to be resolved overnight. But as we women continue to find strength to not only motivate ourselves but the men we love, we must also remind these men to get it together in order to keep the passion alive. For not only is the Black family structure at risk, but so too is our physical bond as man and woman. And who in their right mind wants that.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Dr. Husband10:13 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    No jackass, YOU missed the point. You're a bold face liar and I just proved it.

    You are sooooo jealous and broke.


    And you are jealous, broke, and manless.

    You live in a fantasy land where you call yourself "doctor" and brag about a Mercedes you don't have because in real life, you can't keep a man of any color or a job at any level.

    And btw, the expression is "bald faced lie", not bold.

    You will never be a doctor.

  54. "...your fantasies about me being sexually frustrated and angry because black women and white men are "rediscovering" each other is invalid."

    This also brings me to your claim that I was attacking your sexuality. But isn't that what your fear and anger boils down to? Not being able to sexually dispose, take advantage of the resources, and tap into the emotions of the countless disproportionate amounts of single (educated/undereducated) black women who believe no one but a black male would desire them? You are reaping from such "perfect" equation and you know it.

    And I was not speaking on ALL black men. I too will join the singing choir of black females on this blog who routinely pacify the black male ego, by stating I too know there are many good and marriageable type black men. I know this personally, but how many of them are available to accomidate the disproportional numbers of black women who want "nothing but a brutha". You can pretend all you want. My heart desires to see more black women in loving and healthy relationships with men (or women) of ANY race - if they choose to be in relationships. You will never negate, nor change my observations and conclusions regarding this matter. Never.

    And I see you too have yet another little 'list'. Not interested. In the real world I have work to do in such little time. If I somehow highlighted your personal insecurities and transgressions by previously stating unsettling observations, then that is your problem. Perhaps you and your ilk should find the door. And please rest assured there was no neck moving, finger snapping, eye rolling, or "talk to the hand" movements when typing this message.

  55. Hey AB, girl even google is working against me. :) I will come back later for more comedy relief. LOL.

  56. Google has been eating my comments.
    here are 'parts' of the first part...

    "Baby, you need to learn the difference between a observation and an order."

    Anony 12:28am, I will never be your baby, just as I would never be your baby mama. Anyone could clearly see that you were giving an "order" for certain black women to "leave". As in some desperate and public attempt to show control over your dwindling lopsided male hierarchy within black society. Just as black women do not need your permission, your recommendations are also not required.

    "I bet you were twisting that neck in fury as you wrote your response to me!"

    No such luck. Apart from shear laughter, you didn't evoke much emotion from me. I fail to see in my previous writing what could have made you think I was furious. It seems you were banking on that type response for your comeback material and decided to go with it anyway. I am truly baffled, but not surprised at your neck rolling statement.

    "Can't you come up with a stronger comeback than that?"

    I simply choose to stick to my point and not to come on too strong, we all know how you Ike Turner types tend to react.

  57. "Your attempts at hurling ad hominem attacks do not faze me in the least. If anything, it shows how weak you argument is and how immature you are. '

    This is where more of your hypocrisy gleams, you were the one who first threw ad hominem attacks, and yet you still haven't made an attempt to properly refute the theories and observations I made regarding black male/black female relations. You have yet to challenge my "worldview" on anything. Your only defense was name calling and throwing emotional darts hoping to hit a manless, bitter and lonely black female commenter. I've been visiting this blog for years, I am more than familiar with the "angry and manless black woman" silencing. You are boring me with your overused one trick pony.

    "Seriously, you DO know that you will have to be more clever than that to attract the attentions of the white men you crave."

    It almost seems you subconsciously believe that white males naturally require, and are more receptive to higher standards of creativity and intellect. Just an observation to your odd statement.

  58. Anonenormous11:00 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Anony 12:28am, I will never be your baby, just as I would never be your baby mama."

    If you saw me naked you would get down on your kees and beg for my seed.

  59. have u seen that bottom bitch jigaboo minstrel tom j defend that blackish hobama

    for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but whispering about troy to some black fans behind closed doors??????

    powerful public letters trump cowardly closed door whispers!!!!

    someone tell this jigaboo minstrel tj about hobama's FORMAL letters and PUBLIC defenses for:

    humbreto leal
    roman polanski
    skippy gates


    al s and tom j become more repulsive black hobama nazi vote czars for that blackish dog hobama each day



    we DO see u naked herein each day!

    that is why we know you are an icy eunuch who craves belly warmers.

    carry on u sawed off limp psycho.

  61. Anonernormous11:11 AM

    Sorry Alicia, no manbutter for you.


    i know what lonely men like you do with i do not expect you to share it..ok?

    (but...does your ice cold belly harden the butter/your missing pud harden the task???)


    i do not expect you to know any men to beg/borrow from.

    even your buttery hands are bored limp!

  63. Has anybody ever considered that maybe we don't want to get married? I was married and now I'm not. I won't be getting married again and that's MY choice. Also that crap about us needing to date outside our race is some more BULL. They are just trying to scare us. I have never wanted for a Black man no matter what I'm told the ratio is. And I am planning to have children and still not get married. I don't see the necessity. I'm educated (doctorate) in case you needed to know that. My parents were married and couldn't get along. They managed to co-parent my brother and I in a way that was more cohesive than my friends who had both live in parents. So it can happen. We make it happen. And all these people looking in, making judgments need to stop and mind their OWN (and not the network) business


    i knew that was your fav position too.

    u sound like YOU were the belly warmer for a bigger blacker hotter belly once too...


  65. KKK dl bottom/ MAYTAG:

    Your real tragic life trumps your really psycho twisted fantasies!




    wake up dude!

    you are now talking in your sleep!...

    about that time you and leroy sweetly played hide the choclatey LOG...


  67. Self-absorbtion Platitudes Confusion Immaturity Isolation11:45 AM

    Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth said...
    I have never wanted for a Black man no matter what I'm told the ratio is. And I am planning to have children and still not get married. I don't see the necessity. I'm educated (doctorate) in case you needed to know that. My parents were married and couldn't get along

    Reading between the lines, it is obvious that you are lonely. Just because your parents modelled a dysfunctional relationship for you doesn't mean there is not a man out there for you. Marrying a black man without a PhD is not necesarily marrying "down".

    Raising children on your own is more difficult than you think, and children of single parents are much more likely to fall into trouble.

    Since you have "never wanted for a Black man", high standards are not your problem, rather unrealistic ideas about family and marriage are. The problem is not witht he available crop of men, it is within you. Heal yourself, and you will find love.

  68. cain 2012!!!!

  69. Asswisha11:51 AM

    alicia banks said...
    "cain 2012!!!!"

    The gay soldier wasn't booed; the bullshit question was.

    When he identified himself a "gay soldier" (instead of an American soldier, as he should have), no one booed.

    When he asked a loaded, accusatory question about returning to to DODT, he was, with justification, booed.

    You are pursuing the same false politicization of this issue as your hero, President Obama.


  70. This comment has been removed by the author.



    your icky frustrated buttery butch dyke buddies have nothing to do with femme me or my femme wife


    a true pal would help them find a bubba with a bulge...u sackless witless prickless joker...ok?

    u nasty nitwit!





  73. alicia banks said...

    No Alicia, actually you are lying exactly like Obama is lying about this incident.

    The soldier was not booed for being gay. The question deserved to be booed.

    DODT was fine.

    I am not going to ask anyone what they do with their genitals, and I certainly don't want to hear what he does with his.

    Gays aren't satisfied with tolerance, they demand approval.

    Go stuff your face in some other lonely woman's crotch, just don't try to make me applaud.

  74. "But black women, according to Banks, face social pressure to marry within their race - they are encouraged to marry "down" before they marry "out."

    How long are we going to endure this bull$hit??

    Facing social pressure from WHOM????

    Listen to these women like LAA and FP. They absolutley DESPISE black men and somebody is supposed to believe that the reason they don't date white men is because they are trying to spare our feelings???

    And why the hell should most black men care who they date when black men aren't trying to get with them in the first place???

    It's the silliest thing I ever heard.

    But obviously it helps some folks sleep better at night.

  75. Anonenormous12:50 PM

    That was lame Field, removing those posts. Alicia gets away with a lot worse. You are just encouraging her.


  76. silly foolish whiny inept assnon:

    what i do is get away with slaying faceless morons like u daily...

    got a lifeline?

    got a life?

  77. Studies show that most black Americans are conservative and share the values of the Republican Party. However, even though the socialist policies of the Democrats have destroyed the economic and social fabric of black communities, most blacks continue to vote for Democrats. Blacks are voting against their own best interest for two primary reasons. One reason is the fact that black Americans have been wrongly convinced that the Republican Party is a racist party

    Blacks have been trained by Democrats to expect political parties to provide quid pro quo. In other words, while Republicans want to help blacks pursue happiness (teach blacks how to fish so they can feed themselves for a lifetime), Democrats want to provide happiness to blacks (give them a fish so they can eat for a day). Deeply rooted in the black community now is the belief that the government must “do something” for blacks.

    While claiming to care about diversity, Democrats readily demean black professionals who do not toe the Democratic Party’s liberal line, denigrating them as "sellouts”, "Uncle Toms”, "House Negroes”, "House N-word", and worse

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. "Studies show that most black Americans are conservative and share the values of the Republican Party"

    Let's see ONE.

    Don't hold your breath folks waiting for a response from this goober.

  80. The arrogance never ceases to amaze me.

    This goober boldly claims that blacks don't want to pull their weight and want handouts from the government and then in the next breath claims that blacks have been "wrongly" convinced that the Republicans are the racist party.


  81. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Listen to these women like LAA and FP. They absolutley DESPISE black men and somebody is supposed to believe that the reason they don't date white men is because they are trying to spare our feelings???

    And why the hell should most black men care who they date when black men aren't trying to get with them in the first place???

    "Why should most Black Men care about who they date when Black Men aren't.." Methinks you are in the wrong forum Semen Steve, you logged off WillSuckYouAnonymously and are on FN now....

    "Don't hold your breath folks waiting for a response from this goober".

    You need to get a new line, you are like the first grader who learns a couple sentences and uses them to death. If anyone is a goober than that makes you a smelly dumb nigger. Stop being so racist pig knuckle. You sound empty and vacous without an original thought when you keep repeating the same mantra over and over and over and over and overl; go have a beer with someone with a brain who can give you some new lines.

    Ohh, I love when I make them do that, oh I got them angry, oh goober, goober, goober, goober....

    We own the little space in your head cause you are nothing but a lowbrow fudgepackee.

  82. Ask Prop 8 opponents in California if blacks aren't conservative.

    Democrats have nothing to offer blacks but handouts and pats on the head.

  83. Anonymous1:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    The arrogance never ceases to amaze me.

    This goober boldly claims that blacks don't want to pull their weight and want handouts from the government and then in the next breath claims that blacks have been "wrongly" convinced that the Republicans are the racist party.


    In other words if people are against handouts then they are racist as you call them goobers assuming they are white, what a piece of shit you are. If you didnt' have fake racism as a crutch you couldnt walk. No one is racist they just think you are the scum of the earth and it aint because of your skin, it's because you are an arrogant pile of shit with the IQ of a doorknob that has been turned a lot and slips all the time. You never let your lack of knowledge skill or understanding stop you from having strong opinions thats for sure.

  84. "You need to get a new line"

    I will when you goobers quit lying and I quit catching you.


  85. Wipe your drool and try to concentrate goober.

    Conservatives claim out of one side of their mouths that they are not racists and then out of the other side claim that blacks want handouts.

    You can't have it both ways.

  86. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Field, let me first tell you that I love your posts - as nutty as they sometimes are, they always make me laugh even though some of the topics that you cover are quite painful.

    Turning to this post, here are my thoughts:

    1) I can personally relate to many things discussed here...I'm an attorney, single and I don't have kids. The reason I don't have any children is that I'm old fashioned in that I want to have them in wedlock...had some long term relationships with brothas who have commitment issues, etc...I got tired of waiting, etc...

    2) I have been open to dating men from other ethnicities and I have encouraged my single friends (to no avail) to date others. Funny thing is, most of my friends say that they've always seen me with a white guy, however all of my boyfriends have been black. Just recently I made somewhat of an effort to try dating a white guy, but when presented with the chance I couldn't make the leap...I just couldn't see myself with him - it seemed strange. He was really sweet though so who knows maybe I will warm up to him and get over the "weirdness."

    3) Also, many of my similarly degreed friends are also single and we don't have kids..for the most part we are fine. My motto: better to be by yourself than with an ass ;)

    4) I don't care when black men date women from other backgrounds, although I do think in some instances it is a matter of self-hate or delusion that can be pathetic to witness..WTF was up with Terrell Owens crying his eyes out over that little cheerleader type? I was embarrassed for him.

  87. Blacks have been triane dto expect handouts.

  88. The democratic party has always offered nothing but chains for Black Americans, the only difference is today they are mental rather than physical.

  89. "Just recently I made somewhat of an effort to try dating a white guy, but when presented with the chance I couldn't make the leap...I just couldn't see myself with him - it seemed strange."

    Did it have anything with his external nasal hairs?

  90. The problem with Banks' book, Smerconish's column and much of the agita around this topic is that it assumes that all black women either want to get married or are indeed marriage material. That's not the case in either instance.

    It also assumes that the only fact which causes a low BW/WM marriage rate is that BW don't want to marry WM. Well, maybe. But it very much takes two to tango. Whites (both men and women)tend to marry other whites at pretty high rates. When white men do marry non whites they pick Asians and Hispanics over blacks by rather large margins.

    Articles/books like this also tend to portray marriage as something that a woman should want or get just because she's so incredibly awesome or of a certain age. No one ever looks to see why, if marriage is such a great deal, more men aren't rushing to marry these women. Maybe the women aren't all they claim to be or marriage in general isn't the deal for men it used to be.

    Either way, people should marry whom they see fit and not worry about what others think. But facts are stubborn things. Only 0.3% of married white American men are married to black women. Only 0.7% of married white American women are married to black men. With ratios like that it's pretty silly to think that IR marriages are the cause of any individual not being able to get married OR that trying to increase the ratio of IR marriages will cause the opposite gender same-race person to "straighten up and fly right". Life doesn't work that way.

  91. Great post Shady.

    Dead on point.

  92. "okj said...
    Blacks have been triane dto expect handouts."

    Really? So did the training just fail for us college educated career Blacks or is your proposition faulty? How about whiltes who get handouts? Did the Dems train them too? So much brilliance on the right I'm jealous.

  93. "Conservatives claim out of one side of their mouths that they are not racists and then out of the other side claim that blacks want handouts"

    Give it up SteveO, irony is lost on conservatives. And the funny thing is they wonder why we don't want to associate with their racist asses. Most Black people are smart enough to not want to live in their fact free bubles.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. millions of women of all races are happy single

    especially because kkk assnons breed clones/lesbians


    It took months to break the $5 latte habit, and months more to break the $50 laundry service habit. I wept for slices of $14 flourless chocolate cake. I craved $24 cab rides home, and all of the other things I perhaps wasn't even adult enough to appreciate in the first place. (Health and dental, anyone?)

    These days, I spend well over half of my income to live alone in my apartment, but it makes sense for me. I have the space to think, work and be creative without distractions. It's a financial investment in my business and myself that pays dividends in happiness and productivity.

    Even though I struggle to rub two dollars together at the end of each month, my name is the only name on the buzzer and that alone is worth a million slices of flourless chocolate cake.

  96. PilotX said...
    "okj said...
    Blacks have been trained to expect handouts."

    Really? So did the training just fail for us college educated career Blacks or is your proposition faulty? How about whites who get handouts? Did the Dems train them too? So much brilliance on the right I'm jealous.

    You should be, I'll try to explain. The key to understanding lies in the assumptions inherent in the phrase “reaching out.” Who should reach out to whom on the basis of what?:

    1.Who: the Republican Party should do the reaching out.
    2.To whom: the party should reach out to the black community, that is, to black people as a singular entity — a collective.
    3.How: the outreach should be done on the same basis as is performed by the modern Democratic Party.

    In short, the Republican Party must “do things” for black Americans which it does not do for other citizens and which are identical to the things which the Democratic Party does. Or better. But the Republican Party can’t be what it isn’t.

    The bottom line: Republicans want black Americans to pursue happiness and the Democratic Party wants to provide happiness to black Americans.

    The Republican Party has not been designed to reach out to a group on the basis of identity, but on the basis of a given group’s ideas and values. By the party’s very definition — its basic principles — this precludes reaching out to groups which have race, ethnicity, and/or gender as their sole criterion for coalescing as a political entity.

    Many black Americans cannot shake the notion that a political party is supposed to provide quid pro quo. That the Republican Party won’t do anything for them besides get off their backs, get other citizens off their backs, and get out of their way so they can pursue happiness just isn’t good enough. But where did the idea come from?

    President Lyndon Baines Johnson — a Democrat whose pre-Kennedy legislative career had been that of a typical Dixiecrat — put forth a set of programs and policies infamously known as the Great Society, actually giving a part of the public funding to those who qualified to receive it. The bottom line? Many of the programs amounted to life subsidy — “reward” for indolence, whoredom, and irresponsibility. At the bottom, liberals, leftists, and Democrats inserted themselves wholesale into the educational processes of the black poor. That education put forth a portrait of America as a full-scale villain, which made her history unneeded — except the parts necessary to understand the crimes perpetrated on her perennial victims. With that in mind, why would liberals, leftists, and Democrats teach their captive audience about the historical role that their political opponents played in setting and keeping them free? Between the manipulation of education and the government handouts by Democrats, the Left could even convince black Americans that it was the Republicans who had actually been black America’s oppressors — and that idea, that lie, would become far more useful to the Democrats than any Great Society program, as LBJ allegedly foresaw.

  97. Anonymous2:26 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Wipe your drool and try to concentrate goober.

    Conservatives claim out of one side of their mouths that they are not racists and then out of the other side claim that blacks want handouts.

    You can't have it both ways.

    Really..Like I said get a new line spittoon coon....Drool....only one drooling round here is you when you try and talk marblemouth..

    So again you clearly say that if someone is against handouts then they are racist. This of course fits Obama class warfare and the CBC......suck wind you knobby headed negro you need to learn one thing and learn it quick. NO one GIVES A FUCK what you call them anymore except the Disengenious White Liberals who pander to you. You are garbage and the "racist" mantra is over. Waaacistt..waacisstt....fuck that noise be a man stand up and stop pussying out with this name calling shit for evidently if anyone is a racist it is YOU. You are the one who starts every post with Goober, Goober, maybe you should just change your name to dumbCoon - it fits.

    If people use your head for a spitoon its because they see how empty it is ya dumb idjut. Hows it feel to know your crutch is useless?

    By the way speaking of handouts, Looks like now Obama is downgrading his demands, it's no longer "pass the bill immediately" or should we say more stimulus and crony handout spending, it's pass the bill soon please...I guess he found out that people know he is a liar and Harry Reid is holding up the bill and NO ONE is sponsoring it, imagine that. What a lying sack of demented clowns.

    Now you have been spanked, owned and put away wet. Go cry in a corner, go wash your brillo head or redraw the lines on your forehead.

    Toodle-ooh racist wimp. Try mannin up someday, you would be surprised what it will do for your self esteem Tee-Heee LMBAO!!!!!!!!!!

  98. BubbaX2:27 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Most Black people are smart enough to not want to live in their fact free bubles."

    But not smart enough to spell 'bubbles".

  99. more on the myth of white marital bliss from a wf:

    As a divorce attorney and a past serial dater, I have had the unique opportunity to view every facet of relationships between men and women from beginning to end. Like most men and women, I have entered relationships with the utmost optimism only to experience it fall apart along the way. Every day I encounter the end of marriages. In my last article, I touched on infidelity as a major cause of divorce. As a woman with many single girlfriends, I have continuously shared the excitement when a friend met a new and interesting man only to learn later in the relationship that her new lover had lied about his single status. Often, women get caught up in the hot romance of a new relationship. If a married man who preys on unsuspecting single women is an expert in this despised behavior, it will take more time for the woman to catch on to the game he is playing. Many of my clients learned of their husband's infidelity when they received a call from the "other woman" after she found out her boyfriend was married.

  100. Anonymous2:42 PM

    FN: How 'bout letting us in on some of the "post-deleteds"? Why do you delete some and allow others like AB; UPS, and others to hurl insults?
    While I'm at it... AB... you really have issues with "hobama"; spewing so much hatred demeans you; detracts from (some of) your other cogent points. Come on, I think you gotta be better than that. Thanx.

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  103. gee man:

    why is it that hobama nazis try to demand how others feel/speak about hobama?

    we have the right to hate him in spite of YOUR blind love for him!

    we let u coo over him!!!
    so u will let us curse him!!!!!!!

    just as we hated and cursed his clone gwb and u nigs let us do so in silence

    pay attn

    u have missed a lot of hate herein

    and u ignore even MORE hate for black mongrels from hobama and his banksters!!!

    When the going gets rough, beat up on the Blacks. That’s been a rule of American politics for many generations – so why should Barack Obama be any different? “Obama took his church voice to the Congressional Black Caucus annual awards dinner to very pointedly demand that Blacks stop bugging their president about the economic catastrophe that has befallen them, and his own role in it.” Duly chastised, the Black lawmakers accepted their assignment

    Press what? The Black Caucus, as a body, meekly murmured and mumbled as the administration transferred the equivalent of the U.S. gross domestic product to the banks while Black America disintegrated. Now, with Obama’s numbers falling, he has very publicly commanded them to shut up and perform what he believes is their only legitimate function: to get him re-elected. In the looming contest, he will again resort to Black-baiting whenever it is useful to shore up white support. In that – as with his foreign and domestic policies – Obama is no different than white corporate politicians. His one great distinction, is to have a core constituency that cares more for his security and dignity, than their own

  104. Anon-Goober

    "By the way speaking of handouts, Looks like now Obama is downgrading his demands, it's no longer "pass the bill immediately"

    Tell me, how is a "jobs bill" which targets all unemployed Americans regardless of race a "handout"?

    Especially after the TARP package bailed out those Republican banks and Wall Street.

    speaking of "handouts"


  105. gee man:

    wtf has hobama done to earn your love????

    what has hobama done that is so wonderful we should have him repeat it for 4 more years???

    u will never police me!!!

    police hobama asap and wtfu!!!

  106. gee man:

    cc your bs hobama love to any inmate as hobama funds the pic asap...


    cc troy davis too!!!

    If you thought slavery or human exploitation was over, think again.

    Many human rights organizations are condemining what they call human slavery in which Wall Street investors and big companies are investing in the prison industry as they don’t have to worry about strikes, vacations, compensation time or unemployment insurance. They dont have to deal with sicknesses or lateness. Many of these prisoners are threatened with solitary confinement if they refuse to work for these wages.

    This also makes it very clear to people that there are more incentives to lock up people in this country. The US has become extremely attractive to companies who would usually use labor in 3rd world countries. They now look toward prison wages for all the advantages they offer a corporation. The U.S. is 5 percent of the world’s population, but comprises a quarter of all prisoners in the world.

  107. Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. ron paul cares about hobama's bombing blacks.

    stuntin' stymie only cares about his blackish false god hobama.

    ask a libyan why i prefer ron over hobama asap stuntin' stymie!!!

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  112. "ron paul hates banksters and feds"

    He also hates black people too and I'm sure has no love for black dykes.

    But that won't stop you from kissing his ass, will it?

    Some of you sisters on this board are certifiable.

    I think I'm going to do a Facebook page on y'all.

    It should attract about 500 responses.

  113. uptownsteve said...
    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Why would you, a black man, support a racist like Barack Obama?

  114. who could ever possibly hate black people more than that blackish hobama?????

    while broke nigs like uts cheer him on no less????

    ron paul will hate poor blacks 23 trillion times LESS than the blackish hobama and his beloved wm!!!!

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. bet ron paul would never slur those black dem doormats in the their faces

    the only thing worse than hobama's racist abuses are the racist masochists like stuntin' stymie who love hobama's blackish blue bruises!!!!


  117. BA

    You and AB have to make up your minds.

    Is Obama a Tom who hates blacks or a black racist who hates whites?

    Or maybe both of you imbeciles are just pulling turds out of your rear ends and flailing wildly.

  118. AB

    "make sure u link all of my tributes to great black men to your bogus hater page...ok?"


    I'll make sure to mention that you love Mumia and Huey Newton.


    What a loon.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. uptownsteve said...
    Is Obama a Tom who hates blacks or a black racist who hates whites?

    A black racist who hates whites.

  121. see nig uts???

    ron paul has never bashed black men who would never claim u

    see many more black tributes at my site u lying coon

    ellis cose
    curtis mayfield
    luther vandrioss
    eugene robinson

  122. more proof that earth = hell

    this racist twisted whore has framed a bm co-rapist/killer
    and slain a great decent half black female
    and now she will go free...

    while troy is dead!!!!


  123. BA

    "A black racist who hates whites."

    I feel you.

    Didn't that half-negro understand he was taking a white man's job???

  124. Capulan4:14 PM

    alicia banks said...
    more proof that earth = hell

    You have made your earth your hell, through your depraved lifestyle.

    There is no evidence connecting Amanda Knox to this crime. The prosecutor, Giuliani Mignini, based his case on how he interpreted how she looked at pictures of the crime scene (she looked away). The evidence against Sollecito was similarly flimsy.

    Mignini, who oversaw the original investigation, pointedly referred to the appellants as being “of good families”, contrasting their fate in the event of an acquittal with that of a “poor black man”.

    The poor black man is unquestionably guilty. There is no evidence that the middle-class Amanda and the well-to-do Raffaele are guilty. But Mignini wanted them found guilty, to establish a racial equality of guilt.

  125. uptownsteve said...
    Didn't that half-negro understand he was taking a white man's job???

    Didn't that half-white man cash in on the black man's due?

    He just blew through the US Treasury AND 300 years of the black race's political capital.

    Now we're all broke.

    Are you happy with the "change"?

  126. stuntin' stymie/lazy blind sleeping coon:

    why can't clueless coons like u see that the blackish hobama is a more brutal clone of that wm gwb??????

    why has hobama blacked out your empty skull????

    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

    Since the forces financing Republicans are the same as those financing Democrats the directors of US political theater have the power to play games with us. For them, Obama is the preferable alternative. Only the First Black President could have disbanded the peace movement and rolled into town promising to “cut entitlements” without provoking a firestorm of protest. Only the First Black President could have accepted a Nobel Peace Prize with a war speech, and invaded an African country without millions of protesters in the street worldwide. Only the First Black President with a strong Democratic majority in Congress could have resumed offshore drilling after the Gulf BP disaster, and blocked any new regulation on the oil industry. Only the First Black President could have given GM back to its managers after sticking the unions with its underfunded health care and pension load. Only candidate Obama could have come in off the campaign trail in September 2008 to whip Democratic votes in the Democrat-dominated congress for the $3 trillion Bush bailout, and only the First black President could have quintupled down on that bailout, giving the banksters $15 trillion more once in office.

    With these elements in place, our Black Misleadership Class [10] and others responsible for marshalling support for the president's re-election effort can, and are already claiming that no matter how bad Obama's policies have been for black people, that we still owe him our unquestioned support because he's running against a pack of fanatical white supremacists. Obama may not be much good, but opposing the right, they will tell us, is fighting the far greater evil. Americans, and especially black Americans, are long accustomed to choosing between greater and lesser political evils.

    But does that choice apply in 2012? Probably not. Having the same class of shot-calling big money contributors means that Republicans and Democrats alike tend to enact the same policies, justifying them with different sorts of rhetoric. While we're looking for lesser and greater evils, the real choice is between the less effective and the more effective evil.

  127. "Didn't that half-white man cash in on the black man's due?"


    "He just blew through the US Treasury"

    Yeah, bailing out corporate America.

    The same ones who are sitting on a trillion in cash reserves and record profits but not hiring.

    Yet the Rethugs in congress want to give them MORE tax breaks and handouts.

    "AND 300 years of the black race's political capital."

    Well THAT's really your utmost wish, isn't it?

    That the righties in the media and the Rethugs in Congress can smear and trash Obama so thoroughly that no black man will even THINK about running for President for another 100 years.

    Then all will be back to normal in the white American psyche.

    The wars will continue. The economy will probably collapse into depression.

    But dang it, at least a conservative white man is back in the White House.



  129. There is much that can and will be said concerning this topic that has already been said how many times. I personally believe we live in a society that doesn't influence the longevity, only the idea itself.

    It's not the actual marriage itself that is the question. It's what happens are vows are exchanged that is the question.

    And it doesn't actually take a piece of paper for two people to be committed towards one another, regardless of color.

  130. no wm prez has ever told blacks:

    "stfu u mongrels!!!"

    like that racist elitist warmongering cia global stray dog hobama

    This has been a short glimpse of the history of the “mongrel” term that Obama brought to the morning broadcast couch like some benign little nugget. Of course, even a president has the personal right to call himself any names he pleases. But Obama told the ladies of “The Show” and millions of viewers that “we” African Americans are “a mongrel people” – a label he is not entitled to inflict on 40 million Black folks, many of whom know full well the poisonous historical (and, yes, contemporary) properties inherent in the term. Obama’s talk show behavior is consistent with his politics, which constantly tries to erase the very idea of Black America. (As in his introduction to most Americans, at the August, 2004 Democratic National Convention: “There is no Black America…there is only the United States of America.”) In ways big and small, Obama reveals that he does not accept or respect African Americans as a distinct people, culture and polity who cannot be reduced to a flotsam and jetsam of various and sundry human parts. Apparently, that’s how

    Barack Obama behaves as if he has no historical or cultural knowledge of “the nation over which he presides.” The president’s labeling of African Americans as “mongrels” reveals an astounding and fundamental disrespect for Black Americans as a distinct people. As an epithet, “mongrel” is an even “more powerfully shaped political charge than the ubiquitous ‘nigger!’”

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. uptownsteve said...
    That the righties in the media and the Rethugs in Congress can smear and trash Obama so thoroughly that no black man will even THINK about running for President for another 100 years

    Wrong again, steve.

    America elected an unqualified, pseudo-marxist community organizer solely because he was black. The half-white, half Kenyan Obama waltzed through and cashed in the check owed American blacks, and now it's gone.

    On top of that, he sold out to Wall Street and his crony capatalist partners, left the Bush foreign policy on cruise control, rammed through unsustainable entitlements, strangled American business, and has created a climate of permanent recession. He has been such as disaster that, along with an assist from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, he has brought his party to the brink of disaster.

    Obama owns this.

  133. Capulan5:02 PM

    alicia banks said...
    racist guido moron:

    cc that bs to the stores where amanda and her co-killer/rapist/lover bought lingerie and bleach before kercher was cold...

    Sorry, Alicia, but that is exactly the kind of nonsense that doesn't qualify as evidence.

    Mignini's remarks came in a speech in which he claimed, as evidence of the appellants’ guilt, their reaction to gruesome images of the murder scene shown in court. “At the trial, Amanda never looked at them. Never. Raffaele looked every so often with one eye—icy, expressionless.”

    This is the sort of “evidence” that the Italian prosecutors and media have used from the start to “prove” Amanda and Raffaele’s guilt. The two didn’t have the “correct” expression on their faces. Amanda purchased underwear after the murder (because she couldn’t get back to her house), which showed she was indifferent to Meredith’s death. Amanda did a cartwheel after waiting for hours in a police station. Amanda wiggled her hips after successfully struggling to pull on a pair of rubber boots before entering the flat with the police.

    Out of such intangibles the prosecutors built up an image of Amanda as a she-devil who had to be guilty, climaxing in their scenario of a satanic sex-torture murder committed together by Amanda, Raffaele, and the burglar Rudy Guede for which there is no evidence and which is inherently absurd.

    What a whacked-out world you inhabit, Ms. Banks.

  134. moron assnon:

    ALL of this is relevant


    ALL is 10 x more valid than any evidence against troy too!!!!

    Tests have shown Ms Kercher’s DNA on the tip of the knife and Ms Knox’s DNA close to the handle. Police suspect that Mr Sollecito and Ms Knox attempted to clean the knife, failing to realise that they would still leave identifiable DNA traces.

    The till receipts call into question Mr Sollecito’s account of events on November 2, since he had testified that he did not get up until 10am, when he was woken by Ms Knox.

    He told police that Ms Knox had returned to his flat at 1am but in the morning decided to return to her own cottage to have a shower, taking him with her. They found blood in the bathroom and a smashed window, with Ms Kercher’s door locked. Police believe, however, that Ms Knox and Mr Sollecito smashed the window themselves to simulate a break-in.

  135. racist moron assnon:

    cc this bs to joran van der sloot

    like him
    this brazen racist psycho bitch will rape and kill again

    then CIAO!!!!

    better late than never
    ask the holloways

    What persuaded Judge Micheli to send Knox and Sollecito to trial for murder was was the weight of circumstantial evidence against them, as well hotly contested forensic claims, including DNA traces on Ms Kercher's bra strap and on a knife found under Mr Sollecito's bed.

    The couple, who had been together only for weeks, gave contradictory accounts of how and where they spent the evening when Ms Kercher was killed. Both said they had been smoking cannabis since the afternoon, which was why their memories were unreliable. After Ms Knox retraced her admission that she had heard Ms Kercher's screams, she said she had spent the night with Mr Sollecito in his flat, only going back to her own flat in the morning to have a shower and change.

    But Judge Micheli found her account unconvincing, "mucking about in the house and taking a shower with all that blood [from the murder] around". He agreed with the prosecutors' contention that the crime scene had been tampered with and partially cleaned up in a successful attempt to remove Ms Knox's fingerprints. And he went along with the prosecution's claim that Ms Knox was responsible for the idea of involving Ms Kercher in a sexual game, "being the only person in a position to know that that evening Meredith would be alone in the house".

    The trial will drag on in the traditional Italian way for months. This week, lawyers for Ms Knox demanded the withdrawal of a new book of sexy gossip about her, plus €500,000 in damages. The publishers, Bompiani, refused, saying the book was already in circulation. Italy already knows plenty about "Foxy Knoxy", but it is keen to learn more.

  136. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    No jackass, YOU missed the point. You're a bold face liar and I just proved it.

    You are sooooo jealous and broke.

    Anon replied, "Sweetums,
    Just saying something doesnt prove anything, you say someones a liar and this is proof? What if he said you were a bellowing water buffalo is that proof?"

    8:37 AM
    Thanks anon. Isn't it funny that a person with 4 degrees and planning to go to Med School to get her MD can come up NO proof, but think it's proof?

    Lord have mercy. A fourth grader would know better! Poor Queen, she must be very insecure when it comes to education. She low on grey matter and emotionally unstable.
