Monday, October 03, 2011

The big wait....

So Governor Krispy Kreme is getting closer to deciding if he is going to throw his hat into the presidential race for president.

Good luck with that. Fighting those evil unions in Jersey isn't the same as fighting terrorist in the Middle East. But I think that my man has the bug. It might have been his speech at the reagan library that took him over the top. But we will see.

I know one thing; his fellow republicans are jonesing for a savior. Anybody.  Now that Governor Big Hair fooled around and did the unpardonable: Being exposed for doing publicly what I am sure most Southern men of a certain age have done.... privately: endorsing the use of, or using the word, nigger. [Digression alert!] Why the big deal with the Governor naming his hunting compound Niggerhead? Are we supposed to be shocked that this goes on in Texas?Ever wondered why this never came out before after his long political career in Texas?

"Now to be fair, the word "Nigger" was used for hundreds of geographic places in their official government names across this country for centuries. Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen writes about how the U.S. Board of Geographic Names had changed many of these en masse 50 years ago (although, hilariously, they'd often just change "Nigger Creek" to "Negro Creek," "Nigger Mountain" to "Colored Mountain," etc.) New York State just got around to renaming "Nigger Lake" on government maps this past summer.

But the "Niggerhead" sign on the Perry property was a private sign, painted in large letters on a large rock. Perry used the property as a gathering place for his politicos, and he's running for president. So he's got some explaining to do.
To hear Perry tell it, according to the Post, as soon as his family started leasing the land in 1983, he ordered "the offensive word" painted over; he believed the rock was eventually turned upside-down.

But McCrummen writes that she spoke to over two-dozen people for her story, including "seven who said they saw the rock [and] said the block-lettered name was clearly visible at different points in the 1980s and 1990s. One, a former worker on the ranch, believes he saw it as recently as 2008."

One who saw it, "a retired game warden who began working in the region in 1981...said he guided three or four turkey shoots for Rick Perry when Perry was a state legislator between 1985 and 1990" and found that the sign "Kind of offended me, truthfully." (Italics ours.)

Rick Perry is between a rock (with a racial epithet painted on it) and a hard place." [Source]

Relax Governor, your numbers will once again go up among republican primary voters after this one.

Anywhoo, back to my man Governor Krispy Kreme. I wonder if these tea party types know what they are getting. Dude actually believes in science. (Memo to wingnuts: the world is not flat.)He doesn't think that all those Muslims are evil, he wants to be able to keep Xuanlong assault rifles out of the hands of lunatics, and he realizes that true immigration reform will not come by rounding up little Mexican children and kicking them out of school.

So we weight wait for the big announcement. I guess that if Governor Krispy Kreme wins and becomes our president it will be somewhat fitting. (No pun intended) With almost half of the people in our country being obese there is nothing wrong with having a president who is a true representation of his country's population. Obama, with his slender physique, looks more like a European president. -He even smokes for crying out loud.- My man Governor Krispy Kreme can't hide his vice. It's on full display every time he makes an appearance.




  1. Field, you owe me a new keyboard for that title. LOL

    Rick Perry isn't fooling anyone and the rest of his cohorts that pulled off their hoods will keep his numbers up.

    Christie isn't going to announce a run because he needs time to get his health in order. He'll be waiting for 2016 unless someone stops him because Jeb wants it.

  2. I hope Christie jumps in.

    The more GOP goobers in the race the more they'll cannibalize themselves.

    In Christie's case, the eating may be literal.

  3. Anonymous7:24 PM

    steve ure senile and stoopid as usual why donte u ever say something that makes sense old man? muah muah muah muah muah field negro whats up with the fat jokes? aint chu supposed to run naked on broad street one of these days?

  4. Kingnut7:34 PM

    "Why the big deal with the Governor naming his hunting compound Niggerhead?"

    You creep. You know that's a lie.

    Even the Washington Post hit piece doesn't allege that.

    First, you know it wasn't Perry property, it was land owned by someone else that Perry's father leased to hunt on.

    Someone had painted "Niggerhead" on a rock near the entrance many years before, and the Perry's painted over it after they started hunting on the property.

    You twist stories all time in your racism chasing quest, but you are no fool and you know damn well what you wrote in your post is a lie.

    You are better than that. Or so I thought.

  5. Who was the last fat man elected President?


  6. William Howard Taft.

    Tipping the scales at 300 lbs.

    Won the Presidency in 1909.

    I think he was the last President with a moustache as well.

  7. Another failed hit piece by the WAPO.

    Notice there's no pictures,no one could find the racist rock,and most of McCrummen's sources are anonymous.


    “This is all they’ve got to defend the One. They can’t defend him, they can’t defend his economy, they can’t defend his policies, they can’t defend him personally. Nope, they’ve got to run out and try to personally destroy Obama’s potential opponents. We all knew this. It’s just happening and it’s happening early and is an indication of the weakness of the Democrat Party and their state-controlled media position.”


  8. Liberal Tormentor said...
    Notice there's no pictures,no one could find the racist rock,and most of McCrummen's sources are anonymous.

    Not so fast, Mr. Tormentor, Breitbart (no less) is reporting that Perry campaigned in 2008 with David Duke and uniformed Ku Klux Klan members. Can you believe it? He openly associated with the most vile, hateful racist figures in the country, with photographs to prove it. And no one reported on it! The MSM completely buried the story.

    Oh, wait a minute, my bad, it was Obama who was photographed campaigning in 2008 with Malik Shabazz and uniformed New Black Panther Party members. No wonder we never heard about. Nothing to see here, and yes, we already told you, the Malik Shabbaz on the White House visitors log is a different Malik Shabbaz.

  9. It's Obama Fried Chicken! OFC pops up in China... but can the President also match the secret recipe of Colonel Sanders?

    Is Obama abandoning his bid for a second term in the White House and is giving Colonel Sanders a run for his money by opening a chain of fried chicken joints?
    Now that's change you can't really believe in.
    But in Beijing, China, a restaurant is actually calling itself OFC with a logo that looks alarmingly like the President dressed in the colonel's clothes.

    Read more:

    KFC Hong Kong - Barack Obama TV Commercial 2011
    Can't believe fn missed this.LMAO

    Change is good!!!!!

  10. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "Change is good!!!!!"

    But is the chicken?

  11. see we have a bunch of Perry voters in the house tonight. Chicken jokes? Is that the best you can do?

    You creep. You know that's a lie.

    "Even the Washington Post hit piece doesn't allege that.

    First, you know it wasn't Perry property, it was land owned by someone else that Perry's father leased to hunt on."

    Oh yeah, his family just bought it and forgot to remove the name.

    Oh wait, they leased it? I see. So when they went hunting they just turned over the rock, is that it?

  12. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Perry’s campaign disputes much of the detail in the Post story.

    “A number of claims made in the story are incorrect, inconsistent, and anonymous, including the implication that Rick Perry brought groups to the lease when the word on the rock was still visible,” Sullivan said. “The one consistent fact in the story is that the word on a rock was painted over and obscured many years ago.

    “Perry’s father painted over offensive language on a rock soon after leasing the 1,000-acre parcel in the early 1980s. When Governor Perry was party to the hunting lease from 1997 to 2007, the property was described as northern pasture. He has not been to the property since 2006.”

    Sullivan also specified that the family has never “owned, controlled or managed” the property.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous9:58 PM

    "The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted.... by T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell II, John Robbins, Howard Lyman

    The Kreme could run as a People's Candidate and promise that He would lose his weight and then the Overinflated big government. He could run his campaign like the "Biggest Loser" of the presidential race.

    The book, however, is serious business for the fat ones among us and those of us that are worried about cancer and heart disease.


  15. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Shady_Grady said...
    Who was the last fat man elected President?


    Who was the last Affirmative action incompetent Black Panther? Exactly.

    Why Teddy Roosevelt, John Adams Jr, William Howard Taft, William Jefferson clinton and several more were fat. Damn lefties are nasty, they look for anything to attack. Why does anyone feel sorry for the vicious left, disgusting people.

  16. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Oh yeah, his family just bought it and forgot to remove the name.

    Oh wait, they leased it? I see. So when they went hunting they just turned over the rock, is that it?

    Oh grow up, who cares what name was on a rock that someone went to what the fuck is wrong with you eternally wounded eternally victimized nutjobs are you this infantile? Half the Black race still calls each other niggas, who cares about your hypersensitive fake feelings, its just another scam. You should have your feelings hurt about how first Black President is destroying the economy and making it a real hard case for there to be a democratic majority or president for the next 50 years. Moonbats - nothing but Moonbats.

  17. Coney Island Roderick10:32 PM

    We are all confused by this new Morgan Freeman-esque racial illogicality: electing Obama was proof of racial harmony; but criticizing him proof of racialism; wanting to end his policies (that have impoverished black America most of all) borders on racism; expanding what will further harm blacks is proof of racial harmony? So one was supposed to vote for Obama to prove himself not racist, and then to stay quiet to ensure that he was still not racist?

    Be quiet about ObamaCare, the new Solyndra and Fast and Furious scandals, “lead from behind” foreign policy, spread-the-wealth demonization of business, crony capitalism, punitive measures against everyone from guitar makers to plane manufacturers, distrust of oil and gas producers, Eric Holder’s politicized Justice Department, and so on, because if you have a problem with it, it's just because Obama is black.

    OK. I won't say anything out loud, because Lord knows I don't want to be thought of as a racist. But I'm not voting this guy in 2012. No way.

  18. i am waiting 4 big karma to slay that sex sadist/rapist/killer amanda knov and her lover


  19. When talking about this 30 year old rock,fn, should have point out back then Perry was a Democrat.

    Perry stopped being a racist when he became a Republican.

    Obama palling around with a hate group? Here i was thinking he only liked palling around with terrorist.

  20. alicia banks said...
    i am waiting 4 big karma to slay that sex sadist/rapist/killer amanda knov and her lover
    You will wait along time, you racist, sexist fool. There was no meaningful evidence against Knox and Sollecito. None. And–this is a fact that is often lost sight of–we actually know who killed Meredith Kercher. It was Rudy Guede.

    Let me amend that. We know for sure that Guede raped Kercher, based on DNA evidence that, as far as I know, is undisputed. Beyond that, Guede’s DNA was all over the room where Kercher was killed, whereas DNA from both Knox and Sollecito was conspicuously absent. Now, it is possible that Guede raped Kercher, then vacated the premises, and someone else came along and killed her. But let’s apply Occam’s razor: it is virtually certain that whoever raped Kercher also killed her. So, where lies the mystery? The murderer has been identified. Moreover, Guede fled to Germany after the murder and called a friend, whom he told, among other things, that Knox was not in the house on the night of the killing. The evidence against Guede evidently was conclusive, and he was long ago tried, found guilty and sentenced.

    The prosecutor then spun what can only be described as a fantasy. Not satisfied with Guede as the murderer, he imagined that Amanda Knox may have inspired the crime. He pictured a “sex game gone wrong,” featuring Guede, Sollecito, Knox and Kercher. Pause on that for a moment: Knox had known Sollecito for a mere six days at the time of the murder, and barely was acquainted with Guede. Sollecito had never met Guede. If you think it likely that that trio would have engaged in a “sex game” that turned into a murder, you are probably a deluded, serial posting, underemployed lesbian. Of course, the prosecutor speculated that the sex game was “drug fueled.” What was the evidence of drugs? The same as the evidence for group sex: zero. The prosecutor made it up.

    The most bizarre aspect of this miscarriage of justice, perhaps, was that Guede’s sentence was reduced to 16 years, while Knox was sentenced to 26 years and Sollecito–the forgotten man of the story, who must wonder more than anyone what he did to be trapped in such a nightmare–got 25 years. How on earth did the prosecution justify this focus on Knox and Sollecito, in preference to the man whose DNA showed that he (and he alone) had raped Kercher? Simple: Knox was a “she devil,” whereas Guede was merely her tool–seriously! The evidence for this claim? There wasn’t any. This kind of fantasy is inconceivable in a modern court.

  21. Trebuchet11:39 PM

    "Dude actually believes in science"

    Everyone believes in science.

    A religious devotion to the idea that anthorpogenic global warming due to CO2 emissions is a real threat is not science.

  22. I think Amanda got off.

  23. Anonymous11:40 PM

    gun runner, gun walker. the times they are a changing. Goodbye Eric Holder, hope you get jail time.

  24. Uncle Shabaz11:52 PM

    "gun runner, gun walker. the times they are a changing. Goodbye Eric Holder, hope you get jail time."

    FOX News is reporting that Holder was personally identified as being informed of the plan at least twice. One report, from 2010, states that Holder was informed of the plan.

    These emails indicate Holder lied under oath. The best thing he can do for his boss is resign now. The longer this goes, the worse it is going to be for the campaign.

  25. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I think posters with IDs, such as Rottnkid, who only show up once in awhile, and at the wrong time should be banned from FN.

  26. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Lefties are getting crazier and crazier....Walk like a slut and the wall street young fuckers have issued demands, they basically want free everything for life.

    Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
    Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

    Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

    Demand four: Free college education.

    Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

    Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

    Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

    Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

  27. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Dear Field, I saw Lisa Turtle today. She was hanging all over Herman.

  28. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am surprised you haven't posted anything about Eric Holder. Why?

    Don't you think he has been a rather weak Attorney General? I mean, he has more quiet and mose invisible AG in the history of America. His weakness, and Obama weakness....there seems to be a pattern in certain men. Why so fearful? Is it because they don't feel they can handle power?

  29. I hope Christie does run. He'll ruin his chance at being reelected in NJ after he gets put through the ringer that all prez wannabes go through. He will have to answer for appointing Muslims and not being afraid of Sharia Law. Too much baggage and sanity to be the leader of the modern GOP. I hope he does run.

  30. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I had been curious as to the whereabouts of all those telemarketers once the 'Do Not Call List' was enforced. Now they sell marching points/talking orders for the Rs. They stay on message and are more than willing to lie for small amounts of money.

    Funny how a self-professed 'expert' on Science posts without offering their cv. For all we know, it is a paid Koch-sucking Troll. Hate to bring this up...but the entire climatological science community ascribes to the Science behind Global Climate Change. You are doing the same lie as having a fictitious Biologist deny Evolution. Still, you are willing to be counted as ignorant, willfully so...and extremely proud of your utter dearth of knowledge. Bet is works at your church...when you all sit and brag about how you are more stoopid than your peers.;)


  31. The Internet Review Board12:11 AM

    "Funny how a self-professed 'expert' on Science posts without offering their cv"

    That's a good point Mold, when are you going to post your CV?

    Please refrain from commenting further until we see you qualifications.

  32. "A religious devotion to the idea that anthorpogenic global warming due to CO2 emissions is a real threat is not science."

    Well the climate scientists at the National Climatic Data Center seem to think it is. Go to the NOAA NCDC website to see what the latest thinking is from some of the top climatologists. Only non-scientists seem to think AGW is a hoax because they have never done any studies themselves and only listen to Limbaugh. Sad.

    "A large body of evidence supports the conclusion that human activity is the primary driver of recent warming. This evidence has accumulated over several decades, and from hundreds of studies. The first line of evidence is our basic physical understanding of how greenhouse gases trap heat, how the climate system responds to increases in greenhouse gases, and how other human and natural factors influence climate. The second line of evidence is from indirect estimates of climate changes over the last 1,000 to 2,000 years"

  33. More from the scientists at the NCDC

    "These indicators show that the recent temperature rise is clearly unusual in at least the last 1,000 years. The third line of evidence is based on comparisons of actual climate with computer models of how we expect climate to behave under certain human influences. For example, when climate models are run with historical increases in greenhouse gases, they show gradual warming of the Earth and ocean surface, increases in ocean heat content, a rise in global sea level, and general retreat of sea ice and snow cover. These and other aspects of modeled climate change are in agreement with observations."

  34. And more

    "Global climate models clearly show the effect of human-induced changes on global temperatures. The blue band shows how global temperatures would have changed due to natural forces only (without human influence). The pink band shows model projections of the effects of human and natural forces combined. The black line shows actual observed global average temperatures. The close match between the black line and the pink band indicates that observed warming over the last half-century cannot be explained by natural factors alone, and is instead caused primarily by human factors."

  35. "Still, you are willing to be counted as ignorant, willfully so"

    Yes Mold, that's how conservatives roll. They live in a fantasy world in which Rush knows more about climate science than climate scientists, Dr. King was a Republican and Michele Bachmann would make a good president. Sad isn't it?


    If you want to check out the NCDC's website for yourselves instead of just trusting Rush.


    Here is the AMS's position paper on climate change. Seems as if many of the leading voices in atmospheric science are pretty much in agreement that there is someting to this AGW. Sure there is much work and study to be done but lots of climate scientists are thinking we are the cause of the recent warming trend. Of course we can ignore the climate scientists at NOAA and ignore the scientists who are members of the AMS but we should at least consider the possibility that there may be something to this if so many scientists are singing the same toon.

  38. Not-So-Anonymous12:46 AM

    Why do trolls like mold and pilotx highjack threads?

    Take that shit to firebagger sites.

  39. NSangoma3:38 AM

    field booty, tell your Philadelphia Negroes that these are truly what flash mobs should be:

  40. Anonymous5:44 AM

    PilotX, "Of course we can ignore the climate scientists at NOAA and ignore the scientists who are members of the AMS but we should at least consider the possibility that there may be something to this if so many scientists are singing the same toon."

    I believe the last word in your sentence is wrong. Did you mean "tune"?

    Also, scientists can be wrong can't they? Did you know that 50% of the time science is wrong? Did you know that?

    It's human nature to make errors before getting it right.

    Most of what you write here is wrong...I often wonder when are you going to get something right?

  41. "Better than fat jokes and lame smear jobs,eh?"

    I am sorry, didn't mean to offend you. Carry on with the Twinkies.

    PilotX, why do you bother? Wingnuts do not like facts.

    "Dear Field, I saw Lisa Turtle today. She was hanging all over Herman."

    That sir, is a lie! Lisa Turtle would never hang with such a man.All that jigging would make her dizzy.

    "FOX News is reporting...."

    Uncle Wingnut, you lost me at hello.

    "Sullivan also specified that the family has never “owned, controlled or managed” the property."

    No, they just spent a lot of time hunting on it.*dope*

    "OK. I won't say anything out loud, because Lord knows I don't want to be thought of as a racist.."

    Yes, you folks are good at that.

  42. a BIGGER shame!!!!!!

  43. hey fn:

    being gov means his resume is MUCH thicker than the razor thin resume of that slacker from IL

  44. is rick perry any MORE racist than any of his peers in dc?

    that broke nigger hating/nigger slaying/nigger cursing
    hobama included?


  45. re: sidebar/wall street


    u do know that
    wall st = hobama...right?

    Obama Is Making You Poorer—But Who’s Getting Rich?
    Goldman Sachs, GE, Pfizer, the United Auto Workers—the same “special interests” Barack Obama was supposed to chase from the temple—are profiting handsomely from Obama’s Big Government policies that crush taxpayers, small businesses, and consumers.

    Investigative reporter Timothy P. Carney digs up the dirt the mainstream media ignores and the White House wishes you wouldn’t see. Rather than Hope and Change, Obama is delivering corporate socialism to America, all while claiming he’s battling corporate America. It’s corporate welfare and regulatory robbery—it’s Obamanomics. In this explosive book, Carney reveals:

    * The Great Health Care Scam—Obama’s backroom deals with drug companies spell corporate profits and more government control
    * The Global Warming Hoax—Obama has bought off industries with a pork-filled bill that will drain your wallet for Al Gore’s agenda
    * Obama and Wall Street—“Change” means more bailouts and a heavy Goldman Sachs presence in the West Wing (including Rahm Emanuel)
    * Stimulating K Street—The largest spending bill in history gave pork to the well-connected and created a feeding frenzy for lobbyists
    * How the GOP needs to change its tune—drastically—to battle Obamanomics

    If you’ve wondered what’s happening to our country, as the federal government swallows up the financial sector, the auto industry, and healthcare, and enacts deficit exploding “stimulus packages” that create make-work government jobs, this book makes it all clear—it’s a big scam. Ultimately, Obamanomics boils down to this: every time government gets bigger, somebody’s getting rich, and those somebodies are friends of Barack. This book names the names—and it will make your blood boil.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. kudos to the wall st warriors!!!

    hobamacare = big pharma hoax/more money for wall st medical moguls

    may they stomp down hobamacare next!!!

    If Barack Obama has his way, the American health care system is headed for a train wreck. In this vital expose, Dr. David Gratzer reveals how a government takeover by Washington will put a massive new bureaucracy between doctors and patients, create rationing, and kill the spirit of innovation that has made American high tech medicine a world leader in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Dr. Gratzer, a first-hand witness of the failures of Canada’s healthcare system, shows why socialized medicine will make America sick. Examining the realities of existing health care in this country, Dr. Gratzer reveals how basic free market reforms can revive the private system we already have, without ruining the patient / doctor relationship, stifling scientific advances, and further devastating our economy.

    Hardhitting and to the point, Why Obama’s Government Takeover of Health-Care Will Be a Disaster takes us inside Obama’s high stakes gamble with our health care system and shows us why we should be afraid, very afraid, of the possible outcome.

  48. did hank lie???


    did anyone ever get fired for trashing hobama's kinder and gentler clone gwb???

    hitler had his own super congress just like hobama too!!!!!

    The country singing star and voice of the Monday Night Football theme song, Williams appeared on "Fox and Friends" this morning to talk politics via satellite hookup. He got right into it, telling the hosts that he didn't like any of the candidates in the GOP primary for President, and that John Boehner's golf game with Barack Obama was a major mistake.

    "That would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu. Not hardly. In the shape this country is in?"

    When Brian Kilmeade said that he didn't understand the analogy, Williams was non-plussed. "I'm glad you don't brother, because a lot of people do. They're the enemy... Obama! And Biden! Are you kidding? The Three Stooges."

  49. OMIGOD

    Now AB is cheerleading for an outright nigga hating racist like Hank Williams Jr.

    Strait jacket time.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. stuntin's stymie/evading a valid query as always/racist fool:



    Congress, the cuts died on the vine. Not this time, if Obama gets his way.

    The Obama SuperCongress measure directly mirrors the Hitler Enabling Law (Ermaechtigungsgesetz) of March 1933, by which the German Reichstag "democratically" voted to give Hitler emergency powers by passing the "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich," which gave Hitler the right to govern on his own, and in contravention to the Constitution, without consulting the parliament for a period of four years.

    How was it done? The parliamentarians "made a deal."

    Specifically, the crucial agreement with Hitler was concluded with the Centre Party, headed by a Catholic priest named Ludwig Kaas. Kaas agreed to deliver votes for Hitler in exchange for assurances of protections for religious liberties and the continued existence of the Centre Party. Hitler acceded, promising to memorialize the guarantees in writing. The letter of guarantee wasn't forthcoming, but Kaas fulfilled his part of the bargain, on the promise that the letter was being drafted. Not surprisingly, it never came.

    At that point, the vote was assured. Only 84 Social Democrats (their ranks diminished by arrests) opposed the Enabling Act. The Centre Party and the National People's Party decided to take Hitler at his word, permitting him to act on behalf of the parliament, including passing laws which deviated from the Constitution "as long as they do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and Reichsrat," and maintained the rights of the President.

    The guarantees, as any sane person could see, were a farce. Within three months of the passage of the Enabling Act, all political parties but the Nazis had been banned. Hitler did not rule alongside the parliament, but effectively superseded it. It only met 12 times over the next 12 years—including the two sessions when it renewed the Enabling Act.

  52. did hank lie????

    Still don’t believe it’s the job of corporate Democrats to push the corporate agenda further than Republicans ever could? When Bush 2 couldn’t even pass his own bankster bailout in September of 2008, he called Barack Obama in off the campaign trail to round up a sufficient number of Democratic votes, including votes in the Congressional Black Caucus, to pass the Bush bailout. Before even assuming office, Barack Obama was carrying out Republican policies even Republicans could not enact. Upon becoming president himself, Barack Obama quintupled down on the $3 trillion Bush bankster bailout with a further $16 trillion, the largest transfer of public wealth to private hands in the history of humankind.

    So if you’re an Obama supporter, and you’re disappointed that your president won’t fight for you — if you’re an Obama supporter and you wonder why the president won’t stand up for Medicaid, Medicare and social security — here’s the answer. The president really, really is smarter than you. He knows what side he’s on and you don’t. He knows that the two-party system is a veal pen, where as long as “he can play good cop to the Republicans’ ever worsening bad cop, the game is fixed, and not in your favor.

  53. ab

    "did hank lie"

    YES, you stoopid rugmuncher

    Williams compared Obama and Boehner playing golf to Hitler and Netanyahu having a beer.

    First off DUMMY, Obama and Boehner are both Americans. Second off Hitler KILLED 6 million Jews.

    Are you really this far gone?

    Perhaps you missed Williams' earlier racist forays such as the white supremacist hand signals at a concert for Palin.

    Or maybe you just hate black men so much that you'd cheese for a white bigot who regards you as little more than domestic help?


    Torture and Sport Killing: Bush accepted some blame for the Abu Ghraib torture debacle. Rightly so, as it was his Administration that set forth more enhanced interrogation permissions down the chain of command that ultimately resulted in such disgusting behavior. Obama used the notion of closing Guantanamo prison to score political points and to appear as "anti-torture." Not only does Guantanamo remain open two years into his presidency, the detainees have less rights than they did under Bush. Additionally, Obama has allowed the torture of American soldier Bradley Manning simply for being a suspected whistleblower. If he allows this type of treatment to an American citizen, we can only imagine the tactics that are still being used against enemy detainees. If it's fair to blame Bush for Abu Ghraib, then it seems fair to blame Obama for allowing an environment where the U.S. military is engaged in sport killing of innocent civilians -- which also seems to negate his calls for humanitarian purity in other nations.

    Illegal Domestic Surveillance: It seems the monster surveillance-industrial complex that was kicked off under Bush remains in full swing under Obama. Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney FISA-telecom immunity after vowing to support a filibuster of it while he was a Senator. Glenn Greenwald reported: "So candidate Obama unambiguously vowed to his supporters that he would work to ensure 'full accountability' for 'past offenses' in surveillance lawbreaking. President Obama, however, has now become the prime impediment to precisely that accountability, repeatedly engaging in extraordinary legal maneuvers to ensure that 'past offenses' -- both in the surveillance and torture/rendition realm -- remain secret and forever immunized from judicial review." And Carol Rose added, "The link between secrecy and surveillance is critical: in effect, our government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing the power of citizens to watch their government – the very antithesis of democracy." It's telling how out of control illegal surveillance has become when private foreign companies are hired to spy on American

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.




  57. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Perhaps you missed Williams' earlier racist forays such as the white supremacist hand signals at a concert for Palin.

    The weak minds of racist liberals...he made racist HAND hand gestures are racist and you wonder why everyone laughs now when the hear the punch line - he racist

  58. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I wonder if Eric Holder getting impeached because of his incompetence in getting americans killed and lying to congress will impact Obamas campaign? I wonder if once the house of cards falls legally and all the ignored freedom of information acts are enforced how many more illegal activities we will have proof of under Obamas administration.....

  59. david duke is a racist

    and he makes some of the best videos online ever about that racist hobama

    did he lie????

  60. Kingnut11:30 AM

    PilotX said...
    More from the scientists at the NCDC...Global climate models clearly show the effect of human-induced changes on global temperatures.

    Those government funded scientists sure seem to understand where their grant money comes from, don't they?

    The fact that climate models clearly show the effect of human-induced changes on global temperatures is not nearly important as the fact that the climate itself does not.

    Anyone can create a model. Most are very crude approximations of an incredibly complex system. None of those developed to study this issue has been a reliable predictor of actual trends.

    CO2 emmissions have continued to rise over the past 15 years, but there has been no warming since 1999. Why?

    Sea levels have been rising at a slow and steady pace for the past 10,000 years. There has been no measureable change in this rate due to global warming. Why?

    20 years ago we were told that we'd all be dead by now if we didn't stop burning fossil fuels. We have been warned several times since then that we only had a few years to mend our ways or Gaia would smite us into desolation. But not even a little piece of the sky has fallen yet. Why?

    Maybe the science is telling us that AGW is an interesting idea, but really not a big problem after all. Yet global warmists stick to their apocalyptic hysteria despite all the mounting evidence against it. Why?

    AGW has become a religion to some, a livelihood to others and a source of political leverage to still more. It is too useful to abandon even as its premise crumbles.

    You must be close to retirement, because any more carbon taxes on the airline industry will result in a lot of airlines going out of business. Nonsense has consequences.

  61. slave catcher steve said....

    Perhaps you missed Williams' earlier racist forays such as the white supremacist hand signals at a concert for Palin.

    Yes i did.Perhaps you have pics or video.Please show us.

  62. The Quintessential Negro12:13 PM

    Damn. Which way to MLK Boulevard?

    In the course of my reporting, I often refer to a book called The North Carolina Gazetteer: A Dictionary of Tar Heel Places. As its name implies, the book contains geographic information about the state, including details about counties, towns, cities, rivers, creeks, lakes and mountains. My worn copy, which dates back to 1982, sits on a small bookshelf to the right of my cubicle, within easy reach in fact-finding emergencies.

    Once I was working on a news story about the Department of Justice's recent efforts to investigate unsolved deaths from the Civil Rights era. I'd obtained documents that suggested there were unsolved, racially motivated killings in three North Carolina towns: New Bern, Shelby and Gaston. I needed to match those towns with their respective counties in order to contact the local branches of the NAACP, which organize at the county level. Of course, I grabbed the Gazetteer. While thumbing through the book's 'N' section, I discovered some of the state's old geographic treasures.

    There's Nigger Bay, which lies between Swan Island and Currituck Banks in northeast Currituck County. Nigger Head, a mountain on the Clay-Macon County line, climbs to 4,900 ft. Niggerhead Creek rises in east Union County and flows into northwest Richardson Creek. Nigger Mountain, also known by its proper name, Mount Jefferson, is in Ashe County. Niggerskull Creek rises in central Jackson County and flows southwest into Tuckasegee River.

    And there is Nigger Skull Mountain (not to be confused with Niggerskull Mountiain) in west Haywood County on the head of East Fork. Niggerskull Mountain (for Nigger Skull Mountain, see above) is in central Jackson County between Niggerskull Creek and Gladie Creek. Nigger Spring, in south Haywood County, feeds into the Little East Fork Pigeon River.

    I turned to the 'W' section of the book, looking for a little justice. I found Whitehead Creek, White Hill, White Lake, White Marsh, White Pond, White Rock, Whites Creek, Whites Crossroads, Whites Island, Whites Store, Whites Swamp, Whites Township and, of course, Whiteville. No White Trash, though. And I couldn't find any mountains or lakes named after cracker-ass-crackers or honkeys.

    I picked up the phone and called my local county branch of the NAACP. "Hey man, this is Quint...yeah, me again! You aren't gonna believe this one..."

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. "Also, scientists can be wrong can't they? Did you know that 50% of the time science is wrong? Did you know that?"

    No shit Sherlock but all of the data points to the fact that AGW is happening. What evidence do you have that tells us contrary? Are you a scientist?

    BTW, I love toons.

  65. "CO2 emmissions have continued to rise over the past 15 years, but there has been no warming since 1999. Why?"

    Kingnut you make this too easy. This from the NCDC report on climate change.

    "Lastly, seven of the eight warmest years on record have occurred since 2001 and the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 1995."

  66. "Maybe the science is telling us that AGW is an interesting idea, but really not a big problem after all. Yet global warmists stick to their apocalyptic hysteria despite all the mounting evidence against it. Why?"

    I agree, the hyperbole needs to be removed and most people who make dire predictions in the near term are not climate scientists and should be dismissed but the science does show a warming trend and who knows what the effects will be in 50-200 years if we keep CO2 emmissions at current levels.

  67. "Anyone can create a model. Most are very crude approximations of an incredibly complex system. None of those developed to study this issue has been a reliable predictor of actual trends."

    I call BS, have you ever created a climate model? Meteorologists use models daily in forcasting and some are very useful. While no model will ever be 100% accurate but they do give good parameterization and the best are created by highly knowledgable atmospheric scientists and engineers. Tell you what, you created a model and I'll use it for a few days and let you know how it does. Ha!

    "Maybe the science is telling us that AGW is an interesting idea, but really not a big problem after all."

    And you very well could be correct but the key term you used is MAYBE which is why more study is warranted and those that dismiss it is no concern in the future are not scientists. You can sit here all day and dismiss evidence collected by climatologists but I'm guessing you are not one yourself and do not have a degree in atmospheric science so why should anyone listen to you?

    I still want to see you make a climate model, that would be something.

  68. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "Also, scientists can be wrong can't they? Did you know that 50% of the time science is wrong? Did you know that?"

    PilotX replied, "No shit Sherlock but all of the data points to the fact that AGW is happening. What evidence do you have that tells us contrary? Are you a scientist? "

    No ALL of the data does NOT point that AGW is happening. That's what all the confusion is about, fool. And Yes I am a scientist and one of the best. Are you a REAL pilot, Mr X?

    BTW, I love toons.

    1:51 PM

  69. my best posts have been erased 4 the last time


  70. Anonymous2:46 PM

    OMG, I did not realize that Newt Gingrich called for Eric Holder's impeachment. With Newt against him, Eric is in big trouble.

  71. "No ALL of the data does NOT point that AGW is happening. That's what all the confusion is about, fool. And Yes I am a scientist and one of the best. Are you a REAL pilot, Mr X?"

    Yes I am a pilot. What are of science are you involved in?

    Btw, what type models are easier to create? Grid type or spectral? If you create a specrtal model where would you get your data?
    Just curious.

    Anyhoo, it is the conservative playbook that ignores their anti-science agenda and screal "GLOBAL WARMING" to distract from the fac their side pushes creationism and other faux pseudo science. Nice distraction.

    "You must be close to retirement, because any more carbon taxes on the airline industry will result in a lot of airlines going out of business. Nonsense has consequences."

    Actually i'm not and this argument is nonsense. Just like the 9-11 tax this one would be passed on to consumers of our product. What are you gonna take a boat to Europe because you disagree with a carbon tax? A bigger threat to U.S. airline pilot careers is a Republican in the W.H. and a GOP congress who hope to pass the Opne Skies agreement which will in effect outsource American airline jobs. You tell me what I should be more concerned about.

  72. AB

    "my best posts have been erased 4 the last time


    I really hope she means it.

    Take the anon trash with you and this will be a great blog again.

  73. AB The Dingleberry4:12 PM

    She'll be back. AB is a turd that just won't flush. Roto Rooter couldn't get rid of her.

  74. Tormented Goober

    "Yes i did.Perhaps you have pics or video.Please show us"

    Unfortunately the video is no longer available with Williams doing the redneck "white palms" routine.

    But read the comments which describe his actions at the McCain/Palin serenade.

  75. Anonymous6:44 PM

    AB, "my best posts have been erased 4 the last time


    Please don't go ab. You are the lifeblood, conscience and truth teller on this blog. You slay ignoramous bm like steve everyday. For this alone, many love you.

  76. Anonymous6:48 PM

    PilotX iwhat does "attitude" mean to a pilot and how important is it? just curious.

  77. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Usually when people hate the African to the point of madness, they're just furious at the African blood that's flowing within themselves. No more, no less.

  78. What about the white trolls who hang out incessantly on black blogs?

  79. "PilotX iwhat does "attitude" mean to a pilot and how important is it? just curious."

    Seriously? That's the hardest question you can come up with to see if I'm really a pilot? Jeezus, i would have asked about the hottest section of a turbine engine or what does EPR measure but you coome at me with that weak shit? I'm offended. Tell you what, I'll answe by saying that mine is initially 8 degrees on initial rotation then I grab about 20 degrees until my acceleration altitude. If you think I'm full of it ask a 737 pilot and ask them if I'm right. Ha!

  80. BTW, if "anyone" can make a forecast model show me one created by someone you know. Give the the website, I would love to see a model created by a non climatologist. Tick tock son, tick tock.
