Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The wait is over. Sort of...

"Never can say goodbye
No no no no, I
Never can say goodbye

Even though the pain and heartache
Seems to follow me wherever I go
Though I try and try to hide my feelings
They always seem to show
Then you try to say you're leaving me
And I always have to say no...

Tell me why
Is it so

That I
Never can say goodbye"

I bet republicans are all singing that song Clifton Davis wrote for the Jackson 5 back in the day. Sorry folks, it's not going to do you any good; Governor Krispy Kreme officially told you goodbye, today. (What's FOX News going to do,now?)

And what a long goodbye it was. Honestly, the only thing bigger than the Governor's ego is his waist size. I swear at one point he said that it was all about me.

But the question remains: why can't republicans find a good populist when they need one? Now they are stuck with Mitt Romney, a man so buttoned down and stiff that he can't even lose his dress shirts when he is at a barbecue. The guy is right out of central casting, but I am thinking that republicans don't want Hollywood right now, they want Main Street.

“What people are really looking for today is authenticity, and they like bold and brash, especially on the Republican side right now,” said Mark McKinnon, a Republican political strategist who has worked for George W. Bush and John McCain and was among those encouraging Christie to run. “That’s why there was an initial attraction to Rick Perry. And Chris Christie is bold and brash.”
Romney, by contrast, “is seen as more cautious and safer,” McKinnon said.

David A. Keene, president of the National Rifle Association, said Christie’s clashes with unions and budget cutting in New Jersey “has made him something of a folk hero” -- a term that would not likely be applied to Romney, a former venture capitalist.

“A lot of the establishment Republicans like the idea of Chris Christie because he appeals to the Tea Party types without being one of them, and therefore they see him as somebody who can grab the popular imagination,” said Keene, the former chairman of the American Conservative Union, who had endorsed Romney during his last bid for the presidency but has not backed any candidate this time." [Source]

Poor Mitt must feel like the pretty girl at the prom who can't get a  dance because all the boys know that she will hold out at the end of the night. Better to hook up with the not so cute girl who will give up the goods if you know what I mean. Christie would have given em the goods. Red meat galore. And the kind of populist talk that right wingers love. Mitt, not so much. He is too programmed, too robotic. He won't get in Obama's face and stare down the uppity little Ivy Leaguer.  

And then there is the M word. One of the beautiful things about having a blog is that some folks consider popular is that I get books sent to me from publishers all the time. I was recently sent a book called, "Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters?" by a former Mormon named Tricia Erickson. The outline of the book reads like this:

"The information in this book goes much deeper than the unveiling of Mitt Romney's political record. For the first time in history, we could see a Mormon President at the helm. Do you have any idea what this possible next President believes? Why should his religious beliefs matter to you? When you get through Part I of this book, these questions will be answered. This is NOT a Kennedy Catholic moment. Mitt Romney's beliefs and convictions are so uncanny that you will most assuredly question his judgment to be in charge of the highest office in the land. If Part I does not shake you, Part II will, by exposing the reality of what Romney has "done" in his political career, versus the conservative façade that we are led to believe. Will his rhetoric match his deeds as President? One look at his record herewith will cause great concern."

"Great concern"? They won't say it, but a lot of the republican evangelical voters have "great concerns" about Mr. Perfect.

Oh well, it looks like the republicans are stuck with Mitt, Rick, Newt, Michele, Herman, and the rest of the gang to take on O in 2012. (BTW, Governor Perry, it might be time to consider heading back to Texas) Mitt and his handlers are all high fiving each other tonight. You would be high fiving too if the only man with a shot beating you in the primary just said good bye, and the man you are trying to beat is looking more and more like a one and done president.

Good luck Mitt, just don't party too hard; you still have a year to go. A lot can happen in a year. Just ask Governor Christie.


  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    If I didnt' know better I would swear you are a closet Republican, all you ever post about is republicans. Dont you care at all what is happening in the world of Obamanomics? I mean just today Mitch McConnel tried to bring Obamas jobs bill to the senate floor for a vote as Obama has been continually saying on his neverending campaign spots day after day that Republicans are blocking that deadbeat stimulus bill(isn't he supposed to be running the country?) anyway A Republican Mitch McConnel tried to bring it to the floor and of all People Harry Reid Obamas boy blocked the bill so it could not be voted on. So what gives? Is Obama just a lying finger pointing hypocrite? Do you think he will stop trying to lie and blame republicans for his failures now that his boy blocked the bill he has been endlessly playing games with and saying vote on the bill?

    Put that in your pocket and crispy creme it.

  2. Field, seems our anonymous friend knows nothing of the filibuster. Reid is ensuring that McConnell's cronies can strangle the Obama bill in the crib.

    As for Governor Dough Boy -- yes he's an egomaniac and a bully, but he's no dumb. Christie realizes that Obama has more tricks up his sleeve than the average politician. You don't take out two political heavyweights as a nobody without some serious skills.

    It also doesn't help Republicans that Christie would be a giant in a room of political midgets. The GOP realizes that they don't have anyone who can actually beat Obama mano-e-mano, even with the crappy economy. Romney is a stiff moderate poser who doesn't have a solid belief of his own. Perry is an ignorant hick who can't figure out that cowboy boots don't go with everything. Bachmann is just nuts, Ron Paul is nuttier. Herman Cain, is good for a buck dance in the nomination. And poor John Huntsman just makes too much damn sense to be a contender.

    The only hope that the Republicans have is that they can knee cap the Administration bad enough that one of these goobers. Otherwise its going to be Obama versus what ever passes for a contender on the Right.

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    Field, seems our anonymous friend knows nothing of the filibuster. Reid is ensuring that McConnell's cronies can strangle the Obama bill in the crib.

    Oh, I know all about the filibuster. You do know that the democrats have the majority in the senate, are you saying Harry Doesnt have the votes within the democrats for the anointed ones Jobs...cough..cough... cough...borrowing bill?

    Don't understand your point, why would Reid want to "ensure that McConnels Cronies strangle Obamas bill in the crib"? Wouldnt Reid want to get it passed as he has been campaigning with Obama on? The bill has been out for three weeks, no one, not one democrat will sponsor it, Ried won't bring it to a vote, now get with it, whats the real story, you can't blame this on Republicans although you are trying awful hard.

    Now I just saw you are saying something about kneecapping one of the Republican "goobers" does that mean you think Obama is the nigger in the white house?

    What is with you fucking racist clowns? POS assholes who are disgusting racist hypocrites!!!

    Kneecapped? Goobers what are you a wannabe negro who thinks he could make the mob? You couldnt get in the door so lose yoru racist mantra and your toughguy rhetoric. Obama's illegal activities are coming out, he will be lucky if he doesnt have to just fade away and not even run.

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    As for Governor Dough Boy --

    Negroes like you are really dirtbags...YOU of all people have the balls to make fat jokes you 4 eyed burnt zeppoli!!! If hes dough boy what are you pig knuckle ass?

  5. Anonymouse11:02 PM

    AUSTIN, Texas — Eleven years ago, when the NAACP stepped up a campaign to remove the Confederate battle flag from statehouses and other government buildings across the South, it found an opponent in Rick Perry. ...

    ... "I am a young African-American, and I completely support and endorse the Sons of Confederate vets plate. … Many blacks fought for the South during the Civil War, and they would be honored by this license," wrote another resident. ...

    No launchable link this time, copy and paste the link and then launch yuh punk damn selves.

  6. NSangoma11:32 PM

    Occupy colleges
    OccupyColleges.Org Movement in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street




  7. LACoincidental said...

    Another typical collection of conventional wisdom, cliches and just plain bone-headed analysis that once again illustrate his uncanny knack for being wrong 100% of the time.

    You are amazing, LAC.

  8. Bobb Woodward12:03 AM

    What do all the investigative reporters do 9-5 when a Democrat is in the White House, anyway? Light reading? Tetris? Four-dummy contract bridge? You can only spend so much time polishing your Democratic National Convention memorabilia and running down circa-1983 hot tips about Texas rock formations.

    But whatever it is, just make sure you don't try to do any actual investigative reporting. Reporter Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News, who is covering the Fast and Furious scandal, got screamed at by the White House because she isn’t helping to cover it up. Attkisson was interviewed on Laura Ingraham’s radio show:

    "Ingraham: So they were literally screaming at you?

    Attkisson: Yes. Well the DOJ woman was just yelling at me. The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me. [Laura: Who was the person? Who was the person at Justice screaming?] Eric Schultz. Oh, the person screaming was [DOJ spokeswoman] Tracy Schmaler, she was yelling not screaming. And the person who screamed at me was Eric Schultz at the White House. …

    [The White House and Justice Department] will tell you that I’m the only reporter–as they told me–that is not reasonable. They say the Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, the New York Times is reasonable, I’m the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I’m unfair and biased by pursuing it."

    It is a terrible thing when a reporter violates the conspiracy of reasonableness

  9. It's clear from the Anons' comments Fox/Rush haven't issued the talking points on this subject yet.

  10. Are these guys for REAL? Anonymous 10:17pm sounds like a 5th grader. Double WOW!

    BTW Field, the Perry Campaign continues to bleed. I'm hoping Sarah(Pitbull Mama)Palin throws her hat into the ring. And then I'd like to sit back and watch the show.

    Uh..Steve...I haven't been around since the Cowboys loss. :( But..Hey!(waving)

  11. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Christie has the ego...and the money. Must be the skeleton in his closet is too much.
    Then again, bravely bullying others with State Troopers makes him all manly and such. And plenty of low-info, low wage losers really like the moronic concept of stealing from unions. Or they fantasize about the pain they see others experiencing. Makes the low status of being a Goober so much better...or not.

    Christie will be fortunate to avoid prison.


  12. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Reporter? Or partisan propaganda liar? Just so you know...it was Darrell Issa's project...and he is finding it opportune to run the faux hearins' on the matter.

    They Actually Have No Idea What They're Doing
    One thing that is important to remember is that the Galtian Overlords who run our financial system have made it perfectly clear that they're completely incompetent. More than that, there's no reason to think they actually have any clue what policies would be good for their businesses. They support policies which Team Galt support, because that's what a good Galtian does, but, you know, Galtian Utopia would not actually be very good for their businesses.

  13. Goobermeister12:31 AM

    Thanks for the spiteful gibberish Mold. You manage to convey your personal vileness through all the uninformed incoherence.

    There is no one of lower status than you.

  14. Meds Please12:36 AM

    Mold: "Reporter? Or partisan propaganda liar? Just so you know...it was Darrell Issa's project..."


    Just like Watergate was Archibald Cox's coverup, and it was Ken Starr playing hide the cigar with Monica Lewinski.

    You are completely unhinged.

  15. Anonymous12:54 AM

    who is this nut mold and how does it manage to stay on fn? field should ban this alien troll.

    of what race is it, white or mulatto?

  16. Tom Motto12:58 AM


  17. In an interview on ABC with George Stephanapolous yesterday, the president affirmed that he doesn’t feel any regrets about wasting a half billion dollars of taxpayer’s money on Solyndra, this company that he was told was in deep trouble, because, he says, the larger policy of government assistance for companies developing new technologies is so important. When Stephanapoulos asks him about his advisors who warned him that Solyndra was not a good bet, he lies and says the loan went through the normal review process.

    I’m amazed. How can Obama think that it helps him politically not to admit any mistake in something that was so obviously a mistake and worse? Whatever his own motives and calculations, this much is clear: he is locking himself into a hard-left position, backing maximum taxing and maximum spending even when the spending is shown to be a waste—and even as the country has turned strongly against that position.

    The New York Times had an editorial a week or two ago on Solyndra that took exactly the line that Obama took in his ABC interview: that there was NOTHING wrong with the loan, because the program that the loan is a part of is a good idea. What can one say? The entire left is doubling down. It’s an unprecedented circumstance in American history, and it’s not going to end well.

  18. Christie is smart enough to know he would have to move so far to the right to woo GOP primary voters if he didn't win the nomination he would have a lot of splainin to do with voters in blue Jersey. He can't come across as crazy enough for the tea party and still win an election in a Dem state. Too bad, it would have been fun to see him tell the other candidates they were insane. Damn.

  19. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, that photo of Christie next to Obama does not do him justice.

    Couldn't you have found a 'better' photo that made him look a little slimer? My God, he looks like he should be in Overeaters Anonymous. That's some bad shit, Field. You didn't have to do that. Why must you always try to make the white guy look bad?

    No, I am not White, just a realistic bm who wants brainwashed bm like you to wake up, or as ab likes to say, "WTFU".:)

    FYI FN: Herman Cain will be our next President. It's time you progressive Negroes got on the train to the future and learn to embrace Conservative Whites, and Blacks. Face it.... The GOP is the future of America for generations to come.

    Embrace us. Hug us. You'll be glad you did. I'll be in Philly in November for the first time in a decade. I am anxious to see what you Dems have done with it. I am sure it's flourishing with Dems running the City of Brotherly Love.

    Would you like to have lunch at the famous Liberal Progressive Landmark Restaurant called Bookbinders? i chose Bookbinders because I want you to feel comfortable on your own Liberal Democrat turf.

  20. Anonymous1:30 AM

    PilotX-"Christie is smart enough to know he would have to move so far to the right to woo GOP primary voters if he didn't win the nomination he would have a lot of splainin to do with voters in blue Jersey. He can't come across as crazy enough for the tea party and still win an election in a Dem state. Too bad, it would have been fun to see him tell the other candidates they were insane. Damn."

    You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Christie doesn't think like YOU. He's just not ready to run for President and it has nothing to do with your analysis of him. Get lost, racist.

  21. senile steve is on a roll!4:35 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PMuptownsteve said...

    Another question AB

    Why would you, a black woman, support a racist like Ron Paul?

    Self-hatred, maybe?

    3:19 PM

  22. "Field,
    If I didnt' know better I would swear you are a closet Republican, all you ever post about is republicans.."

    I swear right wingnuts are soooo sensitive.What's the matter? A brotha can't observe politics and just write about it?

    La~Coincidental, as usual your analysis is spot on.

    "But whatever it is, just make sure you don't try to do any actual investigative reporting. Reporter Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News, who is covering the Fast and Furious scandal, got screamed at by the White House because she isn’t helping to cover it up. Attkisson was interviewed on Laura Ingraham’s radio show:"

    I am sorry, I don't watch right wing news or listen to the likes of Laura what's her face. What scandal are you referring to? I think I missed it.

    Oh, and speaking of scandals:


  23. "FYI FN: Herman Cain will be our next President. It's time you progressive Negroes got on the train to the future and learn to embrace Conservative Whites, and Blacks. Face it.... The GOP is the future of America for generations to come."

    Dear President of Anon. Inc. please have a word with this poster, he/she is sending my blood pressure up.

  24. "FYI FN: Herman Cain will be our next President. It's time you progressive Negroes got on the train to the future and learn to embrace Conservative Whites, and Blacks. Face it.... The GOP is the future of America for generations to come."

    This sounds like the Reagan promise. At any moment, you'd expect Saint Ronaldus Maximus to descend from the heavens to declare "IT IS DONE" and rapture conservatives to a new world where Conservatism is King and all the liberals have died deserved deaths in hellfire.

    I doubt Herman will make it past Super Tuesday, let alone actually win the presidency. The GOP will default to the "safe" choice (Romney) and take the insuing electoral beatdown like a champ. President Obama gains a second term and the GOP goes back to obstruction and obsfucation.

    You know what the ideal future for the GOP is? The future is Michelle Bachmann sitting on the front porch of her husband's plantation, gazing upon the scores of negros pressed and bonded into "field service." Multiply this times infinity.

    Tyranny isn't the boot of the oppressor stomping a face, forever. It's a black man bent over a cotton plant under the eyes of a white overseer.

  25. I Need A Vacation9:09 AM

    Funny the things that are conveniently never mentioned or commented upon on this blog:


    Hell, you can BUY Africa for 432K.

  26. Anonymous9:09 AM





    President Barack Obama said Monday that Americans are not better off than they were four years ago as the struggling U.S. economy and high unemployment have taken a toll.

    Looking ahead to next year’s election, the incumbent called himself the underdog in the 2012 presidential campaign though he said he doesn’t mind the label. The Democrat said it’s a role that he is used to.

    In an interview with ABC News, Obama was asked how he planned to convince people they’re better off now than they were four years ago — the formulation Ronald Reagan famously used to defeat President Jimmy Carter in 1980.

    “I don’t think that they’re better off than they were four years ago,” Obama said. “They’re not better off than they were before Lehman’s collapse, before the financial crisis, before this extraordinary recession that we’re going through. I think that what we’ve seen is that we’ve been able to make steady progress to stabilize the economy but the unemployment rate is still way too high.”


  27. anon 644 10/4


    i refuse to make the vdlr as happy as her henny does...



  28. The pretty girl at the prom unable to get a date, cause guys know there's nothing happening at the end of the night. So the ugly chick whose putting out gets all of the action...

    I almost fell out of my chair and onto the floor from laughing so hard at this!


  29. SuperSizeMe9:54 AM

    field negro said...
    If I didnt' know better I would swear you are a closet Republican, all you ever post about is republicans.."

    I swear right wingnuts are soooo sensitive.What's the matter? A brotha can't observe politics and just write about it?

    Sure you can, no one is "sensitive" for calling you on the "truth" seems like you might be a bit sensitive there and are projecting. My point that you reinforced is aren't you interested in the politics of your own party? I mean Obama having little democratic support to the point that the lie he says every day while he is doing nothing but campaigning and trying to raise funds is very telling, its huge and you don't want to hear it.

    La~Coincidental, as usual your analysis is spot on.

    About the only spot he is on is the grease stain on his shit from the quadruple whopper with cheese and super size fries he just had. He sounds like a hypocritical lad who has a hell of a lot to learn about the world..the hard way.

    Fat Racist jokes from a fat half blind black man no doubt destined for a life of diabetes and worsening vision..says a lot about how he feels in his own skin.

    Not having any democrats interested in sponsoring (putting names on a bill) let alone voting for it isn't filibustering or the republicans or Bush's fault, it's another toxic stimulus bad idea that democrats don't want, so why is Obama lieing?

  30. pookies rule the world

    and they cannot read because they play too many video games!!!


    Orange County, Fla. authorities have charged four teens after they allegedly assaulted a 77-year-old grandma and held a 6th grader at gun point over an X-Box

    Police say the crooks forced their way into the home and forced victim Trevor Bailey to hand over money and his X-Box.

    Bailey’s older sister, who heard the commotion from another room in the house, was also assaulted after she chased the crooks down and jumped in their car.


  31. AB The Unflushable10:52 AM

    I told you that turd AB would pop back up.

  32. shame!!!!

    Gotta love Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, which is what it takes to make the Obama administration answer questions on how Michelle Obama spends taxpayer’s money.

    Last week we obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip. Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. It is amazing how transparent the Obama administration becomes once you sue them in a federal court!

    On June 28, 2011, we filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip. Our FOIA lawsuit extracted some interesting information…

    The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright)


  33. No Class Hoodrats11:15 AM

    I'd damn sure count the silverware once those lootin' Obamas get kicked out of the White House.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. EVICT HOBAMA IN 2012!!!!!!!



    A new report shows the Obama administration has been just as protective as its Republican predecessor of bank robo-signing: forging the signatures of millions of homeowners in order to foreclose their homes. “Theft and fraud were standard practice on Wall Street, and both the Bush and Obama administrations knew it, and protected the criminals.” Obama didn't just “inherit” Bush's entanglement with Wall Street robo-gangsters. He joined the criminal enterprise.

    Both the Bush and the Obama administrations are complicit in the gargantuan and ongoing corporate conspiracy to unlawfully foreclose on the homes of millions of Americans. The U.S. government, through its quasi-private housing corporation Fannie Mae and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which is supposed to oversee the millions of mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae, collaborated in the so-called “robo-signing” scheme that has allowed banks to repossess homes without proof they own the mortgages to the houses

    The robo-signers kept signing, and they are still at it, with the full protection of the Obama administration. The Inspector General of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, who issued the damning reports, says the agency still claims to be deciding what to do about the robo-signers, eight years later. The agency issued a statement that it would do something by September of 2012 - just before the presidential election.

    To apologize for President Obama by claiming that he “inherited” the housing mess from George Bush is like saying that Al Capone inherited his criminal enterprises from previous gangsters. Obama is just as much a conspirator with Wall Street as Bush, and he has signaled he intends to keep the mega-crime going right up till Election Day. He's a gangster, pure and simple


  36. agentX11:25 AM

    Romney has no trouble serving his #1 master- money. It's getting the rest of the idiots/Republican voters to vote for him. In order to do that he has to convince them he serves them- something he doesn't seem able to do.

    I see the crazy fake sister Banks is busy flooding the comments page. You'd figure a dungeon troll like him would have better things to do than pretend to be a black female, but hey, I guess the crazy check is enough to pay the rent in some places.

    Paul, Cain, and the others except Perry are the just the sideshows who are only in it to get cash for their piggybanks. There is no way for them to win (at the moment) and given the way they act and campaign (Paul, Bachmann, I'm looking at you) they're not even taking it seriously. Otherwise Governor waste-a-lot wouldn't be begged by others to join the race.

    One-and-done president, Field? Not with these opponents.

  37. 4 more years of OBAMA!!!!!

  38. "What scandal are you referring to? I think I missed it."

    Life is easier with blinders on, right Field?

  39. Kingnut12:10 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Tyranny isn't the boot of the oppressor stomping a face, forever. It's a black man bent over a cotton plant under the eyes of a white overseer.
    It is both of those.

    It is also a smothering nanny state that decides when you have too much, how much of your labor belongs to you, what you should eat and drink, whether or not you merit your healthcare expense, what are the proper opinions to have, and micromanages every little interaction you have with the big, bad world.

    It always amazes me how liberals like you seem to assume any government entrusted with such power will always be benign to your interests, despite all the historical precedents that would lead to the opposite conclusion.

    When you get your liberal utopia, I hope you like it, because "change" will be over.

    I'll take my chances as a free, adult American citizen and fight to keep the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

  40. Here's what happens when you step off the Democrat Plantation.


  41. alicia banks said...
    why would any sane person want 4 more yrs from hobama???


    Most on the the left are insane and see hobama has their messiah.

  42. Anonymous12:40 PM

    well fn your boy bongo and holder are felons who are headed for negro college.fast and furious was a gun control scheme that blew up in their faces and this is bongos' wartergate only worse because nobody died from water gate.i can't wait untill bongo and holder are frog marched off to jail. they are a couple of affirmative action lawyers just like you fn.you clowns are what is wrong with negroes today and i hope you are proud of the way you fuck your own.

  43. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Thank you Trolls for showing that the person was indeed a paid partisan hack. At least as far as the desire to have a R version of payback for Watergate.

    A sister would not support RonPaul...but a wite dude would.

    Why should the Rs set up a slate of viable candidates? Most of their policies are enacted by Obama. Despite the Goober and Left Behinds eagerly swallowing the vile spew of KenyanMooslimSoshlust...he actually is a right-of-centre pol. A Liberal/Progressive would have made the Stimulus large enough to make rich people whine about workers getting living wages...and they wanted to only pay Third World rates. A L/P would have allowed trials to be held for the crimes of the previous Administration. Banks would face nationalization. Faith-based kickbacks would have ended. Calling your hovel a 'church' would incur a visit from the IRS for your tax fraud.

    Keep reading off your scripts. It pays your bills and makes me snicker.


  44. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Why should the Rs set up a slate of viable candidates? Most of their policies are enacted by Obama. Despite the Goober and Left Behinds eagerly swallowing the vile spew of KenyanMooslimSoshlust...he actually is a right-of-centre pol. A Liberal/Progressive would have made the Stimulus large enough to make rich people whine about workers getting living wages...and they wanted to only pay Third World rates. A L/P would have allowed trials to be held for the crimes of the previous Administration. Banks would face nationalization. Faith-based kickbacks would have ended. Calling your hovel a 'church' would incur a visit from the IRS for your tax fraud.

    Keep reading off your scripts. It pays your bills and makes me snicker.


    This is why Obama is done. The lefties finally getting to see the insanity agenda in action see it fail miserably. Of course it failed, leftist policies have always and will always fail as they aren't based in reality but on delusions. So now they have two choices face up to the facts and say wait a minute...maybe these policies are horrible or wait I know..it's Obamas fault. The most marxist, liberal socialistic president this country has ever had and they are now trying to say he is a conservative. But of course, Liberals aren't adults - they can't be internalists- they are the everpresent externalists and blame everyone but themselves for their very own actions.

    I mean just look at the sanity level of the king liberal on here - Exhibit A =Mold.

  45. Obama's Idiots1:14 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    This is why Obama is done. The lefties finally getting to see the insanity agenda in action see it fail miserably. Of course it failed, leftist policies have always and will always fail as they aren't based in reality but on delusions. So now they have two choices face up to the facts and say wait a minute...maybe these policies are horrible or wait I know..it's Obamas fault. The most marxist, liberal socialistic president this country has ever had and they are now trying to say he is a conservative. But of course, Liberals aren't adults - they can't be internalists- they are the everpresent externalists and blame everyone but themselves for their very own actions.

    I mean just look at the sanity level of the king liberal on here - Exhibit A =Mold.

    1:01 PM"

    I agree, Anon.

    One of the most humorous aspeects to me is watching all the Liberal Marxists like Mold, straining like a constipated dog, to convince everyone that Obama is "right-of-center". If that is so, man, don't all you idiots who voted for Obama & worshipped him feel like the complete fools that you are?

    Yet you STILL support & would vote for the loser?

    Hope & Change my ass.

  46. goldie1:50 PM

    Obama and the Democrats instituted all the policies on the liberal wish-list and wound up failures.

    Therefore, because they cannot admit their ideas are flawed, liberals must now abandon Obama and the Democrats.

  47. correction:

    that dem hoax hobama has been a rabid repub who has proven that we have one party in the usa.

    he has made EVERY ill via gwb WORSE!!!

    wise libs now ask:


    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

    But does that choice apply in 2012? Probably not. Having the same class of shot-calling big money contributors means that Republicans and Democrats alike tend to enact the same policies, justifying them with different sorts of rhetoric. While we're looking for lesser and greater evils, the real choice is between the less effective and the more effective evil.

    When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?




  48. Bleach1:57 PM

    "One of the most humorous aspeects to me is watching all the Liberal Marxists like Mold, straining like a constipated dog, to convince everyone that Obama is "right-of-center". If that is so, man, don't all you idiots who voted for Obama & worshipped him feel like the complete fools that you are?"

    I'm pretty sure all the idiots who voted for Obama because they thought he was "right-of-center" feel like complete fools too.

    It took a nation of fools to elect this fool.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. anon:


    Voting American
    “If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you’re not a racist, you’ll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot.”


  51. Clueless Liberals2:49 PM

    Here's your typical Liberal idiot....and she's the DNC Chair, no less!


    Michael Selle was contantly raked over the coal in this forum, but this dingbat Wasserman-Schultz gets a free pass here...(with her fat ass she hides behind desks...but NOOOOOO....we won't talk about HER fat ass)

    Go ahead.....one of you brave libtards defend this idiot.

  52. Hmmm.
    I read your post thinking about where this type of thing usually heads (the same place that book went). Imagine my surprise when I see your commentors completely left the abit just hanging there. No one bit?
    its a whole new world. Newsweek and Time are right, this is some kind of Mormon moment.
    Huckabee demonstrated last time how the evangelical right feels about Mormons. The issue now is that unless that group can come up with ANYONE to beet Mitt in a primary they will be forced to vote for one of thier two biggest fears, Devil worshiper or Black man.

    BTW, when we finish that temple over on Logan circle I'll give you a personal tour of the inside.

  53. Obama 4 ever3:15 PM

    Thanks for deleting all those AB posts. She just doesn't know when to stop.

  54. hey silly assnon:

    i promise to stop at the precise moment that you dumb hobama nazis do...


  55. My guess is that said precise moment may occur on a Tuesday in November 2012…bet?

    Obama is still suffering from the Speech Illusion, the idea that he can come down from the mountain, read from a Teleprompter, cast a magic spell with his words and climb back up the mountain, while we scurry around and do what he proclaimed.
    The days of spinning illusions in a Greek temple in a football stadium are done. The One is dancing on the edge of one term.
    The White House team is flailing — reacting, regrouping, retrenching. It’s repugnant.
    After pushing and shoving and caving to get on TV, the president’s advisers immediately began warning that the long-yearned-for jobs speech wasn’t going to be that awe-inspiring.
    “The issue isn’t the size or the newness of the ideas,” one said. “It’s less the substance than how he says it, whether he seizes the moment.”
    The arc of justice is stuck at the top of a mountain. Maybe Obama was not even the person he was waiting for.


  56. Rest in Peace Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth.

    We are all standing on your shoulders.

  57. Obama 20124:28 PM

    A remake of Roots will drop Oct.31.


  58. Anonymous said...
    Thank you Trolls for showing that the person was indeed a paid partisan hack. At least as far as the desire to have a R version of payback for Watergate.

    A sister would not support RonPaul...but a wite dude would.

    Why should the Rs set up a slate of viable candidates? Most of their policies are enacted by Obama. Despite the Goober and Left Behinds eagerly swallowing the vile spew of KenyanMooslimSoshlust...he actually is a right-of-centre pol. A Liberal/Progressive would have made the Stimulus large enough to make rich people whine about workers getting living wages...and they wanted to only pay Third World rates. A L/P would have allowed trials to be held for the crimes of the previous Administration. Banks would face nationalization. Faith-based kickbacks would have ended. Calling your hovel a 'church' would incur a visit from the IRS for your tax fraud.

    Keep reading off your scripts. It pays your bills and makes me snicker.


    12:50 PM

    This is why the left has to lie about who they are to get elected.

    A "sister" wouldn't post like mold does.A white transvestite would. Is that what you are mold?

    A transvestite with racial issues?

  59. parvenu4:56 PM

    Field, I would be willing to design a 'Bot that will get rid of all of these Troll AB posts. AB is gumming up intellegent discussion here.

    I really applaud your take on the REAL reason Mitt Romney will not win the Republican nomination for president. (The MSM continues to throw out this bullshit opinion that the Republicans are rejecting Romney because of his boring, dull, and non-inspirational manner out on the stump.)

    Whereas in reality the Christian Evangelical (C-Ev) section of the Republican Party WILL NEVER ACCEPT Romney's Mormonism. The C-Ev's view Mormonism as a religion founded on a blasphemous theological interpratation of the Holy Bible. This was the problem when Romney ran for president previously on the Republican ticket, and it is still the problem in terms of the C-Ev viewpoint.

    Furthermore Romney has not been just a another person sitting in the Tabernacle. Rather, he has been a respected leader and teacher of Mormonism to a sizeable group of Mormon families. The C-Ev's all know Romney's history as a Mormon leader very well, and they will never never never agree to equate Joseph Smith with Jesus Christ. As Romney persists in his quest for the Republican nomination look for "spiritual warfare" to break out in the ranks of the Republican Party.

  60. par for the new moron's course:

    u lie like hobama fool!!!

    u have missed many of my superior intelligent posts that are deleted by the vdlr herein each day

    quote me or stfu u ignorant hater

    see much more here:


  61. Anonymous5:18 PM

    parvenu said...
    Field, I would be willing to design a 'Bot that will get rid of all of these Troll AB posts. AB is gumming up intellegent discussion here.

    Everyone makes typos but it somehow takes away from the point of you conducting intelligent conversation and someone else not doing so, when you can't spell the word "intellegently" and it looks as if you are sounding it out. R U Sownding it owt?

    Can u say jee-sus luvs mee??

  62. MoldedPeanutButter5:20 PM

    Keep reading off your scripts. It pays your bills and makes me snicker.


    Snickers? Oh man I hope I am not to late!! Mold don't eat it, don't put that thing in your mouth!!! It's not a Snickers bar - remember you ate a bucket of peanuts last night...smell it first!!!

  63. anon:



    each fool that ONLY lies on me proves i am telling truths on hobama

    each moron that ONLY calls me names gives me energy to call out that hoax hologram hobama!

    carry on u lying hobama loving clowns!!!!!!!!!

  64. Face it goobers.

    If Romney is the GOP nominee, Obama wins a second term.

    Mitt is McCain with hair and a record of endorsing universal healthcare.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. hillary 20125:49 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Face it goobers.

    If Romney is the GOP nominee, Obama wins a second term.

    No way.

  68. Anonymous5:53 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Face it goobers.

    If Romney is the GOP nominee, Obama wins a second term.

    Mitt is McCain with hair and a record of endorsing universal healthcare.

    Hey Look somebody let the nigga off his lawn....glad they gave you a break from your lawnjockey gig...now get back to work and hold up that light nightime is comin.

  69. kudos to van jones!!!

    "It has been a tough couple of years," Jones told his audience. "We went from hope to heartbreak in about a minute...We have the wrong theory of the presidency."

    As for the rise of the right, Jones said, "I'm not mad at the Tea Party. I'm not mad at them for being so loud. I'm mad at us for having been so quiet the past two years."



  70. With Republicans picking up a few more seats in the House and winning the Senate, they will be able to contain the damage a second Obama term will cause.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. ask van jones
    a reformed and betrayed hobama nazi

    it is nation time
    and that cowardly sold out corp owned big eared burnt lipped emaciated hobama is NOT/NEVER has been/NEVER will be our king!!!

  73. According to poll, America trusts Obama more than Republicans.

    "Barack Obama has jumped to a 15-point lead over the Republicans in Congress in trust to handle job creation, a sign the beleaguered president’s $450 billion jobs package has hit its mark in public opinion. Fifty-two percent support the plan – and most say it just might work."


  74. i am GONE like hobama's false hope and fake change

    bon soir!!!

  75. Anonymous6:58 PM


    uptownsteve said...
    According to poll, America trusts Obama more than Republicans.

    "Barack Obama has jumped to a 15-point lead over the Republicans in Congress in trust to handle job creation, a sign the beleaguered president’s $450 billion jobs package has hit its mark in public opinion. Fifty-two percent support the plan – and most say it just might work."


    You are absolutely right, according to "poll" one poll - ABC's democratic prop up the failure in chief leaning poll. No other poll numbers show this just ABC...ahh the liberal flaccid mental muscle create your own alternate reality than try and convince everyone your dreams are real.

  76. hillary 20128:00 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    According to poll, America trusts Obama more than Republicans.

    No way.

  77. "You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Christie doesn't think like YOU. He's just not ready to run for President and it has nothing to do with your analysis of him. Get lost, racist"

    Ooooh, the anon goofs are throwing around the "R" word. Thank god Christie doesn't think like me but let's think about Christie's situation. 1. He is governor of a blue state so that means if he goes too far to the right to get the primary voters he will lose moderates and independents thus making his re-election in Jersey hard if not impossible. Do you have an intelligent response or are you too busy making weather models? 2. He doesn't believe the same things as GOP primary voters. Unlike Cain he isn't pandering to the crazies by promoting a fear of Sharia Law. 3. He appointed a Muslim to the bench, that will go over big with southern Republicans huh?
    Show me where I'm wrong if you can.

  78. Anonymous1:51 PM

    geeze!! You Americans sure no how to put on weight.
    It has become a national pass time. Can you take a degree in this subject? Lool
