Saturday, October 15, 2011

The end of capitalism and "weave thieves" strike again.

These are not good times for capitalism. Protesters are taking to the streets here in A-merry-ca and all over the world to demand that the rich pay their fair share.(Where were all of these people when the IMF was putting a beat down on Third World countries?) And still, the politricksters who they have in their pockets keep fighting to protect their moneyed friends.

I just read where those communist in China have more people who are able to put food on their table than we do here in A-merry-ca.

"The number of Americans who lack access to basic necessities like food and health care is now higher than it was at the peak of the Great Recession, a survey released Thursday found. And in a finding that could worsen fears of U.S. decline, the share of Americans struggling to put food on the table is now three times as large as the share of the Chinese population in the same position.
The United States' Basic Index Score, a Gallup measure of access to necessities, fell to 81.4 in September--even lower than the 81.5 mark it reached in February and March, 2009. The recession officially ended in June of that year, but the halting recovery hasn't given a sustained boost to the number of Americans able to provide for themselves. The government reported last month that a record number of Americans is living in poverty."

And so they march. Six thousand of them in Times Square today.

“The world will rise up as one and say, ‘We have had enough,’” Patrick Bruner, an Occupy Wall Street spokesman, said in an e-mail. A news release from the organization said there were demonstrations in 1,500 cities worldwide, including 100 in the U.S. [Source]
Mr. Bruner, what took you so long?

Finally, on a lighter note. I have gotten to the point in my life where I cannot tell the difference between a weave [or wig] from a woman's real hair. (I think this is true of most men.) So obviously there is something to be said for a nice weave hook up. But is that reason enough to be stealing the precious strands of hair?
"Weave thieves have struck again, robbing an Atlanta beauty supply store for high-dollar hair extensions, Atlanta police said.
Thieves broke the window of Lexi’s Beauty Supply with a brick, but got away with just $60 dollars of merchandise, the store’s owner Travis Tipton said.
The break in is the latest in a recent trend of beauty store burglaries in which thieves have sought out expensive hair extensions.
In May, the New York Times reported human hair packages of the most expensive brands cost $200 and stolen hair is sold on the streets for as little as $25, with hair ending up on the Internet, including eBay." [Story]
Some of you need Jesus in your lives. Or at least a good hairdresser.


  1. Herman With The Cane8:37 PM

    OK. What? Are you going to create jobs from thin air? Who's going to pay for those non-jobs? We've already seen Obama putiing mega-millions into those "green jobs", as a atotal failure & scandal.

    Kick the illeagal immigrants out, put the legal blacks & other minorites folks into picking produce and lawn work.

    Hell. Ya'll could form a brand-new Union>

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    yes folks wit no class like kimdaqueef or qooholedalicia banks do shyt like steal hair and paste it on they own heads dummies!

  3. Anonymous8:44 PM

    dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.

  4. Barack Obama didn't make race a part of his campaign. Why is Cain, the Republican, constantly yapping about race in his? Especially since the GOP claims to be "post-racial". He is obviously pandering to conservative whites and assuring them that he will not be concerned with black folks and their issues in any way.

  5. Honestly Steve, I don't see much difference between Prez Obama and Cain when it comes to ideas which for example, might decrese the 20+ % unemployment in the Black community.

    Sure Cain is the "town crier" when it comes to talking about what he won't do for Black folks, but how has the Prez been any different?

    BTW, I'm gonna feel some kinda way about the Prez if he doesn't show up at the MLK dedication tomorrow.

  6. uptownsteve said...
    Barack Obama didn't make race a part of his campaign.


    You are fucking hilarious! Race wasn't part of Obama's campaign, it was ALL of his campaign!

    Try this uptown: I adopted little Barry when I married his mom and we lived in Indonesia. If things had worked out with that bitch and we moved back to Hawaii, Barry would have stayed Barry, and he would grown up just the same, except he wouldn't be fronting as Barack Obama. Do you think anyone would have ever heard of Barry Soetoro, let alone decide to run him for President?


  7. NSangoma9:41 PM

    PFCUK you, Herman With The Cane:

    Land grants, for instance, helped build the coal industry,

    Depression-era spending created hydroelectric dams,

    and the Defense Department helped develop the first nuclear reactors.

    The oil and gas business benefited hugely from tax breaks like the oil depletion allowances that go back to the 1920s and were intended to encourage
    production in what was then a risky game.

    Subsidies for newer technologies follow in that tradition. As priorities have changed and many politicians have come to realize that fossil fuels exact big social costs, federal subsidies have swung slowly toward projects that produce wind and solar power and biofuels from crops and plant matter.


    PFCUK you, Herman With The Cane !!

  8. Wake Up And Smell It9:44 PM

    I would trust the black man who does my lawn, and pay him twice as much, since that slug Obama.

  9. "Finally, on a lighter note. I have gotten to the point in my life where I cannot tell the difference between a weave [or wig] from a woman's real hair. (I think this is true of most men.) So obviously there is something to be said for a nice weave hook up. But is that reason enough to be stealing the precious strands of hair?"

    On that lighter note Field, my children have all enjoyed all the benefits of a "diverse" school district that looks, often distressingly, "like America".

    Junior High is rough period for many adolescents, but especially for black girls, who apparently face many life or death conflicts with other black girls over black boys.

    Nearly every day, there would be actual physical fights between members of this population, the aftermath of which would leave random peices of hair weave scattered though the school hallways.

    The white kids even had a word for it:


  10. Lois Goober

    "Race wasn't part of Obama's campaign, it was ALL of his campaign!"

    Race was all that mattered with Obama to racists like you.

    Same with Cain.

    You'll pat him on the head and tell him smart and brave he is, but you'll never send money to his campaign nor would you ever vote for him.

  11. Dr. Cain10:02 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Honestly Steve, I don't see much difference between Prez Obama and Cain when it comes to ideas which for example, might decrese the 20+ % unemployment in the Black community.

    Jesus, you are fucking dumb.

    You don't see any difference between more massive spending on government boondoggles and a guy who promises radical reform to the tax and stong pro-business, pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda?

    Does someone have to remind you to breathe?

    You will never be a doctor.

  12. uptownsteve said...
    Race was all that mattered with Obama to racists like you.

    I know you can read, but your comprehension skills are frighteningly deficient.

    I'll try again:
    Assume Obama goes through roughly the same life, but he, and everybody else, believes he's half Indonesian/Papuan and half white. Would he be President today? Would you even have ever heard of him?

  13. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Lois Goober

    "Race wasn't part of Obama's campaign, it was ALL of his campaign!"

    Race was all that mattered with Obama to racists like you.

    Same with Cain.

    You'll pat him on the head and tell him smart and brave he is, but you'll never send money to his campaign nor would you ever vote for him.

    There goes the dumb racist nugger again, nugger- Yeah you aint even good enough to be a nigger you just a dumb nugger. All obama is, was and ever will be is about race. Everything he does or says is racial spanning from the white police acted stupidly even though I dont know what happened to republicans dont want people to have jobs no matter what they look like. He is a useless nugger like you who uses excuses and fingerpointing for everything he runs up against, doesnt solve shit, but he has a finger pointing - just like you nugger.

  14. uptownsteve said...
    "Barack Obama didn't make race a part of his campaign. Why is Cain, the Republican, constantly yapping about race in his? Especially since the GOP claims to be "post-racial". He is obviously pandering to conservative whites and assuring them that he will not be concerned with black folks and their issues in any way."

    Typical conservative bait and switch. They claim to be color-blind but are constantly bringing up race. Listen to Limbaugh and see if he can go one day without bring up racial matters. Conservative hypocrisy, they only see things from their perspective and then want you to ignore their faults while pointing out yours. For example, the anon that won't address GOP comfort with racism but instead lists off the NBPP, CAIR, ACORN and all the other groups most people have no dealings with or were created to deal with the injustice created by white racism. Ignore the man behind the curtain and you'll be a happy little Republican. And they call us brainwashed. Ha!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. PilotX said... Ignore the man behind the curtain and you'll be a happy little Republican. And they call us brainwashed. Ha!

    You mean behind the SHEET, right?

  17. Dr. Klan11:05 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    PilotX said... Ignore the man behind the curtain and you'll be a happy little Republican. And they call us brainwashed. Ha!

    You mean behind the SHEET, right?

    Ho! You as funny as you are smart!

    You will never be a doctor.

  18. PilotX said...
    "Typical conservative bait and switch. They claim to be color-blind but are constantly bringing up race"

    This from a race-obessed racist who slavishly supports the party of slavery and Jim Crow.

    Did someone say brainwashed? Yours is squeaky clean. I think it shrunk, too.

  19. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    PilotX said... Ignore the man behind the curtain and you'll be a happy little Republican. And they call us brainwashed. Ha!

    You mean behind the SHEET, right?

    Lissen big man no jew make fun o da wey I spic ok...

    you will never be a doctor you are full of shit maybe dey let chu be an enema nurse?

  20. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Typical conservative bait and switch. They claim to be color-blind but are constantly bringing up race

    you cant be that black and stupid can you? he isnt bringing up race; he has to answer the stupid questions the race baiting left keeps throwing at him. If he never gets asked these questions from lefties he wont have to answer, wonder why they keep asking nothing but his racial position?

  21. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Finally, on a lighter note. I have gotten to the point in my life where I cannot tell the difference between a weave [or wig] from a woman's real hair.

    dat's why I like me sum white hoes dey gots nice hair and dont need to wig or weave it it smell nice too not like chicken grease or mcdonalds and they let you touch it a black woman kill your ass for messin wit her weave even when you making her scream

  22. Assume Obama goes through roughly the same life, but he, and everybody else, believes he's half Indonesian/Papuan and half white. Would he be President today? Would you even have ever heard of him?

    Because his predecessor was the worse thing to happen to America since Reagan I'd say yes, BHO would still be president. The mascot of Mets would have beat the republican candidate after 8 years of Bush. McCain's mistake was not acknowledging what was wrong with the country at the time. If he'd picked anyone but Palin and not gone so hard right I may have voted for him--I certainly would have in 2000.

  23. BrookLyn said...
    If he'd picked anyone but Palin and not gone so hard right I may have voted for him--I certainly would have in 2000.

    The McCain of 2000 was who I voted for in 2008 because I was convinced he was going to return to his more moderate position if he'd won the election.

    I've always felt he sold out to the far right to win the nomination, but unfortunatly it backfired on him when he picked Palin as a running mate.

  24. BrookLyn said...
    Because his predecessor was the worse thing to happen to America since Reagan I'd say yes, BHO would still be president. The mascot of Mets would have beat the republican candidate after 8 years of Bush

    Yes, Bush's incompetence opened the door wide for whoever was the democratic nominee in 2008.

    But I still maintain that nominee would not have been Obama if his name was still Soetoro.

  25. @LS Barry was the front to fit in at Harvard. While "Barack" is settling into his grown up identity. If he were subjected to the same treatment during the '08 election with the surname Soetoro-yeah it still would have been Barack. Hillary, her husband and her surrogates acted as though she were owed the nomination. That entitled attitude turned off a lot of voters especially the college kids. The election in '08 was about bringing in new blood.

  26. Anonymous12:58 AM

    "The election in '08 was about bringing in new blood."

    But the blood had to be black.

  27. Anonymous2:52 AM


    I called it on a lot of things against Field. It's easy. Just take the opposite position and you will win. NFL teams, GOLD, Redskins, sports, politics, Cain, etc. All of which I have been right because I took an opposing position from Field. He's rarely

    Neither is

  28. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Brooklyn, Dr. Queen, PilotX, Mack Lyons, Uptownsteve, LAC, Purple Cow, ALL ARE black liberal Dem LOSERS.

    Go see "The Ides of March", it'll give you the inside scoop of why Dems are

  29. Dear racist assnons, I'm sure the reason you all haven't posted much this morning is because you're THROUGHLY enjoying the MLK dedication memorial.

    After it's over, please share with us progressive, hard working, educated, thoroughly blessed Black folks, which part of the event you enjoyed the best.

  30. Racissanon12:44 PM

    I enjoyed my first, up close glimpse of the giant, pseudo-fascist bit of Stalinist art. I think it's beautiful how the Chinese sculptor gave the giant King vaguely Asian facial features - he looks like Martin Luther Ming the Merciless.

    I also enjoyed learning the fact that the King family had charged the US government $800,000 for the permission to use the likeness of their forbear (for the purpose of memorializing him for all time). It was a nice touch that gave it the whole project an authentic African American flavor.

    What did you think, Queen?

  31. I'm guessing if I say "jump racist assnon monkey, JUMP", you'll do that too!!!

    And make sure to post a pic so that all your racist brethren can see how easy it is to continue to control your actions!


  32. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I'm guessing if I say "jump racist assnon monkey, JUMP", you'll do that too!!!

    And make sure to post a pic so that all your racist brethren can see how easy it is to continue to control your actions!


    The SheBoon cackles as she flings feces at the viewing crowd watching her animalistic antics through the bars of her cell. Or in other words, the one who has an extra banana provided by the zookeeper suddenly thinks she is queen of the jungle, not having the intellect to really see who and what she is.

  33. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I'm guessing if I say "jump racist assnon monkey, JUMP", you'll do that too!!!

    And make sure to post a pic so that all your racist brethren can see how easy it is to continue to control your actions!


    Here you go, as demanded a video of you and the live in mate you have taken, on one of our last outings. He really is quite the ball player.

  34. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Queen Queefa's link watch her and live in mate here. Be nice when mentioning her hair, she spent a fortune on buying someone elses hair to attach to her head so she will look human.

  35. Didn't get to the King memorial today, a bit under the weather but I did get to see some clips of Dr. King on Meet the Press. Interesting that some things never change. The face of racis mis the same. Some of the questions he was asked "aren't there some businesses that don't allow white customers", "is it true there are no white members of your church" ect. Seems like white victimhood and disconnect are firmly implanted in this country's psyche.

  36. "This from a race-obessed racist who slavishly supports the party of slavery and Jim Crow.

    Did someone say brainwashed? Yours is squeaky clean. I think it shrunk, too."

    First off show me where I support any political party. Can't can you? Facts, son, facts. Secondly the same racists who supported Jim Crow in the Democratic party fled to the GOP when a Democratic president signed the Voting Rights Act and the CRA. Seems Dr. King supported the Dems when he supported LBJ in '64. He famously attacked the GOP for supporting racist elements during the '64 campaign. Aren't there history books in trailer parks or do you onlt watch Fox to get your talking points.

  37. PilotX said...
    Aren't there history books in trailer parks or do you onlt watch Fox to get your talking points.

    One has to know how to READ to make use of a history book.

    As it stands now, the only use a hick would have for a book is the prop the door open to get some of natures' "air conditioning", LOL!!!


  39. The deadskins should just give it up now!

    Vick and company did the d@mn thing!

    Go Eagles, Cowboys, and 49ers!!

  40. Anonymous4:40 PM

    mike king was a plageriarizing commie who used agents to provoke violence while he preached none violence.he way a phony and it wasn't king who ended jim crow,it was my mother&father.any of you who think marxism is a great idea can give the peoples"republic"of cuba a try.i am sure they need piolets,doctors,ect so go there let us know who you make out.capitalism is the goose that lays golden egg of prosperity while marxism leads to poverty and can for get class warfare in america because there are no classes day you can be rich,the next day you can end up poor.if you can't make it here you won't make it any where.the plight of young black is your fault your big marxis mouth put them in jeopardy so what are you going to do to stop their criminal behavior!!

  41. Quote General Malaise

    ”If you are going to call me a liar, you should at least look at the links I provided, which obviusly (sic) you did not."

    Well obviusly (!) I did, because they were complete bollocks from start to finish. They were lies, which is precisely why I called you a liar.

    The links you posted yesterday are both deeply disingenuous. They ignore the effective tax rate and concentrate only on statutory tax rate, which the writers have manipulated to make it appear that rates are much higher than they really are.

    The adjustments to income allowed by U.S. tax code, plus lower tax rates on the largest sources of income of the super-rich, help to explain how the average federal income tax rate on the 400 richest people in America was just 18.11% in 2008, according to your own Internal Revenue Service, down from 26.38% in 1992.,,id=203102,00.html

    Among the top 400 tax payers, 7.5 percent had an average tax rate of less than 10 percent, 25 percent paid between 10 and 15 percent, and 28 percent paid between 15 and 20 percent.

    The truth of the matter is that federal taxes in the United States are spectacularly low. Leona Helmsley said "only little people pay taxes" in America that’s not hyperbole, that’s the truth.

  42. PilotX said...
    "First off show me where I support any political party. "

    Every position you take is in defense of the democratic party position, and still you profess independence.

    You are a fool who doesn't know he is a fool.

  43. General Malaise5:10 PM

    The Purple Cunt said...
    Quote General Malaise

    ”If you are going to call me a liar, you should at least look at the links I provided, which obviusly (sic) you did not."

    Well obviusly (!) I did, because they were complete bollocks from start to finish.
    Typical. When presented with facts, you ignore them and focus on spelling.

    I don't obsessively proof read my posts, as apparently you do. Plus it's easier for poseurs like yourself who cut and paste their propaganda.

    Half the people in this country don't pay taxes at all. They no longer have any interest in reining in an out of control State, and now riot for more iPhones and designer sweaters. That's what's going on.

  44. Mike Brickenstein5:52 PM

    Obama supported,liberal funded,occupiers say Jews need to be run out of this country.

    No suprise this hate is coming from the left. No suprise the person sayin' it is black.

    Sorry negros. I'm here to stay.

  45. Mike Brickenstein5:56 PM

    PilotX said...
    "First off show me where I support any political party. "


    pilotx will vote Democrat just has he's done before. If you were to remove the "D" off pilots' ballot, he wouldn't know who to vote for.

  46. "Half the people in this country don't pay taxes at all. They no longer have any interest in reining in an out of control State, and now riot for more iPhones and designer sweaters. That's what's going on."

    Typical wingnut idiot. Newsflash; everytime they pay for one of those "iPhones" and "designer sweaters" they pay taxes.

    Yes Dr. Queen, the deadskins pretty much stink. I told that loser that keeps chirping on this blog about them that they stunk. Now maybe he will shut up.

    "Every position you take is in defense of the democratic party position, and still you profess independence."

    And every position taken by you wingnuts is in defense of the republiclans. Am I right?

  47. Quote General Malaise

    "Half the people in this country don't pay taxes at all.

    Another easily refuted lie.

    You just can't help yourself can you?

    Do you even know the difference between truth and lies?

  48. Anonymous7:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote General Malaise

    "Half the people in this country don't pay taxes at all.

    Another easily refuted lie.

    You just can't help yourself can you?

    Do you even know the difference between truth and lies?

    Lissen dickface, 47% of Americans do not pay federal taxes, a piddly sales tax you can wipe your ass with and they are used locally.

    Besides nobody fucking asked you, you are not american, you are a lowly Brit, you have worse problems than america can imagine at the moment due to the inane policies of idiots like you - the eternally oppressed. Now shut the fuck up with your liberal lies that can be easily disproven but what for? You are a British cunt so I don't care what you think - piss off.

  49. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Typical wingnut idiot. Newsflash; everytime they pay for one of those "iPhones" and "designer sweaters" they pay taxes.

    Typical misinformed or lying on purpose liberal. Thos "ipods" that they pay sales taxes on after they purchase it with the refund they got for not paying any federal taxes funded by the amount of federal taxes I PAY to provide them food, housing, energy and a lot more first of all should be counted as a negative. If you recieve any money from programs YOU DO NOT PAY TAXES. Secondly you disengenious liberal (again I repeat myself) sales taxes are put into the general state fund. Get it? The top 10% pay the majority of taxes for the entire country, so spin it anway you want. Go ahead destroy it, I would be happy if everyone pays a fair share. You only make 30k a year? Ok, so you get to pay a little less, not nothing. Just because someone became successful after sacrificing for years while you did not and could not does not mean I have to support you. That is bullshit, thus most of the world thinks of crazy liberals as bullshit artists, you are.

  50. "Every position you take is in defense of the democratic party position, and still you profess independence."

    Show me son. Don't just blabber. I don't like Republicans, you automatically assume like most ill informed conserrrrvatives.


    pilotx will vote Democrat just has he's done before. If you were to remove the "D" off pilots' ballot, he wouldn't know who to vote for."

    They are better at most issues than the R's but not left enough for me. Keep trying though, you might be right about something one day.

    BTW, are you the guy who is supposed to show me how easy it is to create a climate model? Stll waiting. Tick tock son.

  51. Anonymous1:52 PM

    a lot of them just steal their ipod.liberalism is a mental disorder.HEY FIELD I DON'T CALL YOU SHIT SKIN SO DON'T CALL ME DEAD SKIN.

  52. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Have to disagree with you Field, some dudes can tell the difference between a weave/wig and a woman's real hair, lol.

  53. If you had some way of rating posts I would for sure give you a high rating my friend!
