Sunday, October 16, 2011

White friends.

Congrats to my birds for putting a beatdown on those fraud deadskins. BTW, how is this even a story? I swear haters will not leave #7 alone.

Anywhoo, I spent a lot of time this weekend with some of my white friends. (Yes, field has white friends.) And, as Kat Williams says; all of you Negroes should get you some white friends. You never know what they could be plotting against us and one of your white friends might just mess up and spill the beans to you. Then, hopefully, you can warn the rest of us.

So anyway, I am talking to this young lady who is a declared republican who wants to recruit me to the dark side like some other black folks here in Phily. (Shout out to Renee Amoore)After a few drinks (it always takes a few drinks) she is telling me that her grandfather hated black people. But, she said,  her father didn't dislike blacks quite as much. Still, she wanted to make a point that she broke the cycle. That after going to undergrad and law school with black folks and developing relationships with them, she truly felt that she could say that she did not have a problem with us Negroes like her father and grandfather did. (Thank you missy.) For the record, I don't think I was going to lose any sleep if she did.

Still, this all got me to thinking: I wonder how many people have the same story that this young lady had about her parents and grandparents? I am guessing quite a few. I have heard it more than a few times myself.

But on the day that we dedicate Dr. King's Memorial in D.C., you have to wonder why this was even the case. I mean it's not like black folks were wilding out back in the day, and we certainly weren't a threat to the white power structure. So why did they hate us so much? And why did they allow that hate to manifest itself in such a way that they either passed it on to their children or made their children aware of it? Those are rhetorical questions. I suspect that I know why, but it doesn't make it any less tragic.

In this young lady's case the cycle has been broken. (Or so she says)
Here is hoping that she is the norm and not the exception.

Pic from Slip N Slide online store.


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Field, "In this young lady's case the cycle has been broken. (Or so she says)
    Here is hoping that she is the norm and not the exception."

    First of all, what were you doing hanging out with that white lady? And WHERE was she telling you this, in bed? That's usually when they say such bs, in close intimate contact.

    But brother Field, I am proud that you have finally broken the ice with a ww. Just remember when a white person goes out of their way to tell you how far their family lineage has come in regards to Blacks, they are probably lying. Whites are like Blacks: they will lie when they are horny and want to fuck.

  2. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Oh man! :( First it's wearing that green tie for St.Patty's and now this!!! What yu wanna be having drinks with some white woman wants to convince you to go repug???
    Maaaan! Field you need Jesus, I mean it!

  3. Before I finish this post of yours I have to chime in about what Kat says about negroes (my edit) get yourself some white friends. I went to college @ U. Vermont. I went to law school @ Franklin Pierce (now known as UNH law.) Not only am I perfectly at ease with my melanin challenged brudders, I have been partying with them for decades. I can give Kat some material for his routine (But I am saving it for myself!)

  4. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Anonymous, that woman is a Mata Hari! She just want's to do the siren song on the Field so he switches over to the repub side.....His goose is cooked...if that's the case...and here he's sitting down with the enemy!
    (shaking my head...tsk,tsk,tsk...)SMH!

  5. Anonymous8:17 PM

    "Still, this all got me to thinking: I wonder how many people have the same story that this young lady had about her parents and grandparents? I am guessing quite a few. I have heard it more than a few times myself."

    Quite a few? ALL OF THEM.

  6. Now that I finished the post. Jeeze Louise! There's this working theory out there that tells some folk that as long as there are people out there that are more racist than they are, that means (they delusionally tell themselves) they are not racist. And that is just not true.

    What is my favorite coinage of late?

    The soft bigotry of soft bigotry.

    That's the real race arousal effect that many folk, too many American folk really feel. As long as they are not caught shouting niggernitternigger, or committing some heious act, they think they are immune. But not being a racist is not like earning a degree or professional license. A person needs to work on that stuff, day, after day, after day. And until the day they die. I particularly love telling that to wing nuts. Cause that often leads to the cosmic truth. They say something like,"I'm tired of having to care about what other people think about what I say about people."

    Irony is lost on some folk.

  7. Mike Brickenstein8:22 PM

    She said this has she was getting dressed?

    Did she havce sex with you to prove she wasn't racist.

    You are leaving out so much, field.

  8. Anonymous8:31 PM

    AAAHAAAAAhahahahahahaha! Anon: All of them! Damn right all of them! Ahahahaha!

    and as you can see Field so far NOBODY here trusts us a white woman, nobody!!!

    We're just looking out for ya man! :(((

  9. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Desertflower, "Anonymous, that woman is a Mata Hari! She just want's to do the siren song on the Field so he switches over to the repub side.....His goose is cooked...if that's the case...and here he's sitting down with the enemy!
    (shaking my head...tsk,tsk,tsk...)SMH!"

    Yeah, I figured as much. Those Republicans really know how to set up progressive liberal Dems, esp. Blacks.... They know their weak spots.

    Hell, she probably took pictures for Herman Cain to use in his political campaign.

    If you get a chance, go see "The Ides of March". It will give you an idea just smart and insightful the Repubs are, and how stupid the Dems are. Seriously, the Dems are dumbest politicans on the planet but they think they are smart.

    Ever try to talk sense to a ignorant person who thinks he in an intellectual know it all?'d do better talking to a dog. At least the dog will listen.

  10. Ditto what Desert Flower said @8:31.

    If you don't believe me, run it by Mrs. Field for clarity.

  11. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Mike Brickenstein said...

    She said this has she was getting dressed?

    Did she havce sex with you to prove she wasn't racist.

    You are leaving out so much, field
    Now let's not jump to conclusions alright? They were just having drinks okay?(omg)
    And,and, after all, he hasn't said if his wife was there with them:))))) I'm betting she was :)

  12. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I am surprised LAA hasn't jumped on this post. There is too much here for her to pass up. Maybe her computer is down?

    I can't brotha Field set himself up to be flattened like this. He must have been drinking that Jamaican rum when he posted this. lol

    Field, if I were you, I'd just go to bed because this is going to be brutal. Hell, Granny and FP might even take a shot at this one.

  13. My Black Snake make You Moan8:44 PM

    Negro finally got him a taste of white vagina.Now he know what the bruthas be talkin' about.

  14. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Desertflower, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!
    Now let's not jump to conclusions alright? They were just having drinks okay?(omg)
    And,and, after all, he hasn't said if his wife was there with them:))))) I'm betting she was :)"

    Good ole Desertfox, always trying to save Field's ass. It's too late. It's been posted and Field is going to get creamed. And I am going to enjoy every minute of it. He shouldn't have called my Redskins, deadskins.

    Calling all black women, where are you? Now is the time to strike.

  15. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Ha! This made me laugh!

  16. My Black Snake Make You Moan8:52 PM

    Since the subject in the fields tonite is white vagina, let me speak on this.

    The reason why wites hate us so much is the fear of the Mandingo takin' all the white vagina.

    That was back then.

    There isn't has much racism has there was back in the day.

    Why is that?

    Cause wite bois love us f$$$ their wite vagina.

  17. Like I stated in the other post it amazed me the depth of white victimehood asking Dr. King if there were white people being deneyed service at Black establishments. Wow, Rush Limbaugh would have made as much money back then too. Anyhoo, at least she admits her folks had problems with us now if only the white males will admit because their gradfathers and fathers had white affirmative action it influenced what positions they hold today. Cold day in hell.
    The book "Brainwashed" by Tom Burrell will provide some insight because the hatred of us darkies wasn't by some accident, it was promoted and cultivated by the media throughout the years as he documents. Interesting read.

  18. "The reason why wites hate us so much is the fear of the Mandingo takin' all the white vagina."

    You might be on to someting there.

  19. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "The reason why wites hate us so much is the fear of the Mandingo takin' all the white vagina."

    PilotX, "You might be on to someting there."

    8:55 PM
    Bullshit. They only want a sexual experience, not a marriage to a bm with no power in society or the world. The ww will always stay married to the wm.

  20. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I don't get the photo in this post. Shouldn't there be a black person standing with the two whites?

  21. Anonymous9:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The reason why wites hate us so much is the fear of the Mandingo takin' all the white vagina."

    You might be on to someting there.

    Sure, all the classy white women are into beastiality, keep telling yourself that you have the white society dregs, the castoffs, the fat, the lazy, the crazy, the wiggers and the mentally imbalanced all the rejects normal whites don't want. Just take a look Obamas party - you in it.

  22. Of course, pilot!

    Why else were bm castrated before being hung?

    Yeah Field, you really opened up a can of worms with this one. 2 ww and 1 bm? What were you thinking, LOL!!!

  23. Anyone think Heidi Klum is fat and ugly?

    Yeah anyone that's not a toothpick is fat to many white folks!

  24. Lord have mercy on some of you. I hope that you all went to church today, because you need Jesus.

    "First of all, what were you doing hanging out with that white lady? And WHERE was she telling you this, in bed.."

    That woman happens to be a professional colleague. That's it. And this all took place in a very public place.

    I happen to like my coffee with lots of sugar but very little cream if you get my drift. :)

    But why am I explaining this to you salacious minded folks?

    LOL@ Absentus. But you know there wasn't any brothas up at UV. :)

  25. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Yep, Field was drinking and watching the game when he wrote this...I am almost certain of that. Must have been those Redskin cheerleaders! The white ones, that is.

  26. Oh my! I think you Negroes done struck a sour note with Anon @ 9:05 PM. Relax my friend, it's not that serious.

    BTW Anon. please see what I wrote above. I am sure that I am not alone in my preference for the darker roses among us. :)

  27. "Bullshit. They only want a sexual experience, not a marriage to a bm with no power in society or the world. The ww will always stay married to the wm."

    I agree and it drives white men crazy that they want the "real deal".

    "Just take a look Obamas party - you in it."

    Once again, not a Dem. Just don't want to be in a party who's major candidate prays for rain and 6 out of 9 of the candidates don't believe in evolution. I don't live in a trailer park so no GOP for me.

  28. "I am almost certain of that. Must have been those Redskin cheerleaders! The white ones, that is."

    Yes, those cheerleaders probably should have played for them today. They would have done a better job than Rex Grossman. ;)

  29. "Yeah Field, you really opened up a can of worms with this one. 2 ww and 1 bm? What were you thinking, LOL!!!"

    The old reverse oreo.

  30. "Yeah Field, you really opened up a can of worms with this one. 2 ww and 1 bm? What were you thinking, LOL!!!"

    "Yeah Field, you really opened up a can of worms with this one. 2 ww and 1 bm? What were you thinking, LOL!!!"

    The old reverse oreo."

    Oh Lawd!Is it too late to change it?

  31. Bullshit. They only want a sexual experience, not a marriage to a bm with no power in society or the world. The ww will always stay married to the wm.

    9:00 PM

    lol..Fine by me. Matter of fact, just knocked out a Mormon chick with nip rings on a set of double D's on my birthday. One word - Freak.

    Nice response Pilot X.

  32. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Field, "That woman happens to be a professional colleague. That's it. And this all took place in a very public place."

    Uh uh. But it's good to know she has a law degree. Was she a prosecutor or a defense lawyer? Wow, Field. Your legal life is like an exciting hollywood movie. I really admire you. I will be finishing HS next year and I want to be a lawyer!

  33. NSangoma9:32 PM

    I am afraid that you folke have the field booty all wrong; for he likes to get wet.

    That is, he enjoys a golden shower from time to time; mmm-uh, don't you all.


  34. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Bullshit. They only want a sexual experience, not a marriage to a bm with no power in society or the world. The ww will always stay married to the wm.

    9:00 PM

    rottnkid-"lol..Fine by me. Matter of fact, just knocked out a Mormon chick with nip rings on a set of double D's on my birthday. One word - Freak.

    Nice response Pilot X."

    9:24 PM
    was this Mormon chick White or Black? i'll answer for you: she was BLACK.

  35. Anonymous9:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The reason why wites hate us so much is the fear of the Mandingo takin' all the white vagina."

    You might be on to someting there

    Says the guy who can only get four legged vagina.

  36. Dr. Holmes9:45 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Yeah anyone that's not a toothpick is fat to many white folks!

    Your fatness transcends all color lines.

    There are many far ranging opinions expressed on this board, but I think that everyone can agree that Ms. Queen is one low-class, gutter-mouthed, self-deluded bitch.

    You will never be a doctor.

  37. Anonymous9:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    The old reverse oreo.

    Too bad all you get to munch on is a fag newton.

  38. Did kid say Mormon or moron?

    Nevermind, either way she's a freaky white chick!

  39. Why are these white Anons so angry all the time?

    Is life that bad in A-merry-ca? Why aren't you pursuing happiness? You can't pursue happiness when you are angry all the time.

    Where is the President of Anon. Inc? I am going to have to drop him a note.

  40. Half White Friend9:58 PM

    " I mean it's not like black folks were wilding out back in the day, and we certainly weren't a threat to the white power structure."

    The reason blacks weren't wilding out back in the day was that they were kept under tight control by the authorities. Miranda-less sheriffs and the occasional lynching will do that.

    Blacks were never a threat to the white power structure, and they still aren't. They are merely a prop used by white liberals to attack the white middle class. The democratic party is run primarily by jews who view blacks as pets.

    Most white people back in the day didn't actually hate blacks, they hated having to live with them. Now, in the name a just society, we all live together, and blacks murder and rape whites thousands of times per year.

    That's "progress" for you.

  41. hey Kid, did she wear magic underwear? Be acreful, Mormo didn't like Black peoples. He didn't want us sullying their white nirvana in the afterlife. Mormonism is a trip, them fucks wanted Black slaves in heaven. Imagine being a slave for eternity. Galdys Knight has some splain'n to do.

  42. Joseph Smith10:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    them fucks wanted Black slaves in heaven.

    C'mon, X, if it was heaven, why would the slaves have to be black?

    Nothing but top shelf up here...

  43. "Most white people back in the day didn't actually hate blacks, they hated having to live with them."

    I call bull shit. We had our won neighborhoods and communities but yet you fucks still found your way to mess with us. It's all about jealousy. The Scot/Irish were deemed inferior in the homeland and they took this inferiority complex to amerikkka and felt "at least I'm surperior to a nigger". When we started surpassing them they acted out. See Rosewood and Tulsa as examples. If we had just been left alone this country would have made so much progress but white haters couldn't leave well enough alone. Kinda like the anon haters here. It's in their DNA. White supremacy is a bitch for all parties involved.

  44. And speaking of the GOP 2 out of the 3 candidates who believe in science and evolution wear magic underwear to protect them. Yeah, that's one political party I can't wait to join.

  45. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Half White Friend said...
    Most white people back in the day didn't actually hate blacks, they hated having to live with them. Now, in the name a just society, we all live together, and blacks murder and rape whites thousands of times per year.
    As a child I lived in an all Black neighborhood and some of my best childhood memories are from that time. The small of the detergents and softeners on laundry day, the white bed linens blowing in the wind. The smell of greens,stews and cornbread cooking, the mothers and grand moms sweeping out there porches and tending the gardens. It was a beautiful neighborhood like none other. We children all played in harmony and peace and love. I loved that neighborhood.

    Economic hardship will breed the crimes you mention, but economic hardship is a fact of many, white, brown and black. To say that these crimes are exclusively Black is incorrect.

  46. Mr. Bellcurve10:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    "When we started surpassing them.."

    When exactly was that? Are you referring to affirmative action?

  47. Half White Friend10:21 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "To say that these crimes are exclusively Black is incorrect."

    To say that these crimes are predominately Black is the truth.

  48. My Black Snake Make You Moan10:39 PM

    I might have believed you field.

    Thing is,white vagina is a powerful thang.

    They don't call it the black man's kryptonite for nothing.

  49. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Field, "Why are these white Anons so angry all the time?"

    That's because racist folks like PilotX and Rttn kid are irritating. Some of you so-called FN liberal Negroes need to get a life.

    At the very least, look to Herman Cain as a role model. Give up looking for freebies.

  50. I come to realize I a certain level of respect for Herman Cain. Why? Because he don't give a fuck!! LOL

    He'll be done in about 2 weeks.

  51. Annon said..

    "...was this Mormon chick White or Black? i'll answer for you: she was BLACK."

    9:33 PM

    She was white. She even owned a French Bulldog.

  52. "At the very least, look to Herman Cain as a role model. Give up looking for freebies."

    Unfortunately, black folk are not allowed to have differing opinions like other people are.

    It's Field's job to keep it that way. He's got volunteer slavecatchers like uptownsteve and PilotX here to help him out.

  53. PilotX said...

    hey Kid, did she wear magic underwear? Be acreful, Mormo didn't like Black peoples.

    Perhaps... lol

  54. My Black Snake Make You Moan10:59 PM

    "Why are these white Anons so angry all the time?"

    Wouldn't you be angry if you had a small pink penis?

  55. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Pilot X Said...

    " When we started surpassing them they acted out"

    When you started surpassing whites? Which indicates you think you have already. Ok, exactly where when and how did you accomplish this and in what?

    Science? Math? English? Academics? Overall IQ? Inventiveness? Creation of civilizations? Please let me know one thing you have surpassed anyone on one and I do mean any race - at any time in history or perhaps this failing what your plans are to do so. You truly are a delusional one. Anyway, I will stand by for this no doubt very logical answer.

  56. Anonymous11:03 PM

    "Thing is,white vagina is a powerful thang.

    They don't call it the black man's kryptonite for nothing."

    That was the best insight about the bm's weakness I have ever heard. "BM's Kryptonite" nails it. And Field gave in because he could not help himself; he could not resist.

    What better sex is there than having a "nooner" with booze at the "Do Drop Inn" down in the hood with a ww? Lord have mercy.

  57. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "What better sex is there than having a "nooner" with booze at the "Do Drop Inn" down in the hood with a ww? Lord have mercy."
    Hahahahahahaha! LOL! Oh Lord,you guys/gals may be politically incorrect, but you sure are hilarious!LOL

  58. no slappz11:13 PM

    field writes:

    Anywhoo, I spent a lot of time this weekend with some of my white friend.

    Which part of your white friend?

  59. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Dear Field, thanks for posting just keeps getting hotter and hotter. I bet it gets a lot of hits tomorrow from a lot of folks. You really hit the jack pot. What I admire the most is that you sacrificed yourself. That is what I call being selfless.

    I knew you were a giving person. I just didn't know how giving you were. You will certainly enter the gates of heaven. And it won't affect your heavenly status even if Mrs. Field shoots your ass. Either way, you still get into heaven. Not too many humans get this status.

  60. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Field the secret is out Ahahaha! you like "nooners" LOLOLOL!
    (these lawyers are wild huh?):D

  61. My Black Snake Make You Moan11:15 PM

    These wites steal everything we create and act like we don't do sh*t but collect welfare.

    Than they call us liars when we try to speak the truth to these wite bois.

  62. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    And it won't affect your heavenly status even if Mrs. Field shoots your ass.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ahahaha! Or worse yet....let me stop..LOL

    We better stop, he's gonna get mad!!!!:P

  63. "When exactly was that? Are you referring to affirmative action?"

    Well no. Of course getting your history from Fox doen't allow you to know anything about Black history but here goes. I was referring to the just some of our history in which we established prosperous areas in New Orleans just after the Civil War (or the war of northern aggression for you hicks) and the Black Wall Street. Didn't I tell you to google Rosewood and the Tulsa riots? If you lose the ignorance and actually read real history you might understand the jealousy shown by toothless poor and ignorant whites.

    "Science? Math? English? Academics? Overall IQ? Inventiveness? Creation of civilizations? Please let me know one thing you have surpassed anyone on one and I do mean any race - at any time in history or perhaps this failing what your plans are to do so. You truly are a delusional one. Anyway, I will stand by for this no doubt very logical answer."

    See above. nd sure there are many Blacks that suprassed whitie in academics. You don't know about the Black mathmaticians that helped Einstein and the Manhattan Project? Of course not, all you know is confederate history.

  64. no slappz11:25 PM

    desertflower writes:

    Economic hardship will breed the crimes you mention, but economic hardship is a fact of many, white, brown and black.

    Economic hardship does NOT lead to Murder. Economic hardship leads to property theft, burglary, robbery -- crimes of financial opportunity.

    Murder is generally a crime of passion -- or the work of a psychopath.

    To say that these crimes are exclusively Black is incorrect.

    Nobody said blacks commit ALL the murders in America. But blacks do commit murder at 7 Times the rate of whites.

    If blacks contracted a disease at 7 times the rate of whites, scientists would study the imbalance till the difference was understood.

    But even though blacks commit murder at 7 times the rate of whites, the only response is denial.

  65. no slappz11:30 PM

    pilot X confabulates:

    and the Black Wall

    To suggest there was a black Wall Street reveals that you know absolutely nothing about Wall Street.

    There was a financial district that provided some financial services to blacks. That's it. No Investment Banks. No Venture Funds. No hedge funds, no investment management. None of it.

    You don't know about the Black mathmaticians that helped Einstein and the Manhattan Project?

    Good god. You are truly desperate.

  66. Holmes11:34 PM

    My Black Snake Make You Moan said...
    Wouldn't you be angry if you had a small pink penis?

    I don't know. Ask PilotX.

  67. Anonymous11:36 PM

    PilotX said...
    "When exactly was that? Are you referring to affirmative action?"

    Well no. Of course getting your history from Fox doen't allow you to know anything about Black history but here goes. I was referring to the just some of our history in which we established prosperous areas in New Orleans just after the Civil War (or the war of northern aggression for you hicks) and the Black Wall Street. Didn't I tell you to google Rosewood and the Tulsa riots? If you lose the ignorance and actually read real history you might understand the jealousy shown by toothless poor and ignorant whites.

    Are you seriously this unintelligent? You start something serious by making a severe claim then back it up with isolated spots of poor copies of white civilization and further belabour the point by mentioning Tulsa and Rosewood riots? So what is your point? That Blacks riot - commit violence and aggression better than other races? Well, I would definitely not say better, more often and for no reason yes,

    No, real history and science doesnt include bullshit liberal escape talking points. Oh FOX this and FOX that -the minute I hear one of these bullshit points I know the writer is a bullshit artist and can't stay with facts he has to throw in the obligatory mindless fox rant.

    "Science? Math? English? Academics? Overall IQ? Inventiveness? Creation of civilizations? Please let me know one thing you have surpassed anyone on one and I do mean any race - at any time in history or perhaps this failing what your plans are to do so. You truly are a delusional one. Anyway, I will stand by for this no doubt very logical answer."

    See above. nd sure there are many Blacks that suprassed whitie in academics. You don't know about the Black mathmaticians that helped Einstein and the Manhattan Project? Of course not, all you know is confederate history.

    OK so to you surpassing an entire race and a culture is by having one or two assistants to genius? Then you throw in another mindless useless and pointless comment about confederate history? You really should get over that and live in todays world, it makes you sound like a sycophantic moron to endlessly bring up history to justify your petty thoughts and actions and lack of accomplishments today.

    So the entire essence of your very bold claim is Blacks have surpassed whites because of Fox News, the history of the confederacy and there were a couple of black assistants to white scientists.

    With a mind like this its amazing if you could surpass your own gas.

  68. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Pilotx said...
    "I was referring to the just some of our history in which we established prosperous areas in New Orleans just after the Civil War and the Black Wall Street."

    Wow. Tell us some more stories Uncle X. I like the one about how black Egyptians flew airplanes around the pyramids. Or the one about how white men can't fly airplanes.

  69. "There was a financial district that provided some financial services to blacks. That's it. No Investment Banks. No Venture Funds. No hedge funds, no investment management. None of it."

    It was a nickname asshole. Anyway in 1921 most of those vehicles didn't exist, moron.

  70. no slappz11:44 PM Kat Williams says; all of you Negroes should get you some white friends. You never know what they could be plotting against us and one of your white friends might just mess up and spill the beans to you.

    Oh yeah. Let's see. First thing we did was make them citizens. The men got to vote. Then about 50 years later all the women -- black, white, whatever -- they got to vote.

    Then, later, there was this plot to give blacks housing. So we did that. But after the blacks moved into the housing, they started shooting each other to pieces, and, well, they said that was a white plot.

    Then there was Affirmative Action, so a whole lot of blacks got into Ivy League colleges even though they had lousy grades and low SAT scores. But hey. But a lot them dropped out because the schools were tough. That was another plot to embarrass blacks.

    Then the whole drug business went wild and there were lots of shootings and killings and lots of people going to jail.

    But locking people up for killing others over drugs was just another white plot to get rid of blacks.

    Yeah, there's always some new plot cooking. The current plot is to lull blacks into a false sense of security by letting a black buy be president. He's making life really miserable for blacks, and now that's said to be another white plot.

    The way it's supposed to work is that blacks will hate having a black president so much, they'll be glad to vote for a white one next time.

  71. No anon, i gave you a few examples off the top of my head. My examples of Black mathmaticians working on important government projects shows that the average white person wouldn't have the knowledge or expertise to assist in such a project but yet somehow feel superior, kinda like you. I'm not going to sit here and try to teach you Black history, you should have learned that in school. Oh that's right, most conservatives don't like teaching anything that has the whiff of positivity about any people other than whites. If you get off your couch and stop banginf your sistercousin and read a fucking book you might answer some of your own questions but like most ignorant whites you are too self absorbed and believe in your own false superiority to do any research. Hey Cleetus, if it helps you sleep keep on believing in your own importance.

  72. "Oh yeah. Let's see. First thing we did was make them citizens. The men got to vote. Then about 50 years later all the women -- black, white, whatever -- they got to vote.

    Then, later, there was this plot to give blacks housing. So we did that. But after the blacks moved into the housing, they started shooting each other to pieces, and, well, they said that was a white plot."

    Yeah because as equal humans we should have to depend on whites to "make" us citizens. "Give" us housing.
    Is this asshole serious?

  73. no slappz11:48 PM

    pilot x embarrasses himself on cue:

    It was a nickname asshole. Anyway in 1921 most of those vehicles didn't exist, moron.

    Each of those entities existed in 1921. But you wouldn't know that because you know nothing about finance, economics, or history.

  74. no slappz11:51 PM

    pilot x,

    As I often say, if black academic capability were what you claim it is, Africa would be the most prosperous continent on the planet.

    As it is, the economics of Greenland are better.

  75. "Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half-dozen private airplanes and even a bus system. As could be expected, the impetus behind it all was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with ranking city officials, and many other sympathizers."

    Seems as if our people in Tulsa didn't need anyone to "give" us housing or anything but as usual ignorant whites, like the ones on this blog, were jealous of our success and decided to destroy that which they could not achieve. Inferior ignorant whites are a joke.

  76. "Africa would be the most prosperous continent on the planet.

    As it is, the economics of Greenland are better."

    Comparing an entire continent to one country, genius.

  77. Each of those entities existed in 1921. But you wouldn't know that because you know nothing about finance, economics, or history.

    "The first hedge fund began in 1949 and was designed solely to neutralize the effects of a bear market on an investment portfolio."

    Wrong again asshole. As usual. Why don't you take your dumbass back to stormfront and be wrong there. You symbolize the ignorance of white. Always wrong but want to speak as some sort of authority.

  78. Damn, a lot of you folks got your minds in the gutter tonight. I'm sure the Field has little interest in sampling pulled pork.

    And I would like to take this opportunity to give a hardy welcome (back) to ol' Slapstick! He's still trying to find ways to justify the inherent supremacy of whites and the inherent inferiority of blacks by slinging around antidotes and crime stats. Speaking of which, you got any sources for all that stuff, bud? Spouting off stuff like "Niggers commit 7 times more crime than nice, clean, peaceloving white folk" does you no favors.

    "I particularly love telling that to wing nuts. Cause that often leads to the cosmic truth. They say something like, 'I'm tired of having to care about what other people think about what I say about people.'"

    Translation: "I want to be able to call a black man a "nigger" to his face, in public, without any retribution or admonishment whatsoever, just because." Bigotry is a birthright to these folks.

    I am surprised LAA hasn't jumped on this post. There is too much here for her to pass up. Maybe her computer is down?

    LAA comes and goes as she pleases. Besides, I doubt she'll take the bait handed to her by the anons.

    Anyone seen FP, lately? Maybe her computer's down, too. :D

  79. The Great Divider used today's MLK statue dedication speech to bash Bush and push his redistributionist agenda.

    A day to honor this great man should be one day where we all could come together in pride for what America has achieved. Instead we got more blame and resentment from our President.

    What a cancer Obama is.

  80. Give it a rest, PilotX. You're not gonna convince these hoodleheads that blacks succeeded without handouts or other government help. It makes them highly uncomfortable when they have to face these facts head-on.

    Nope, let them wallow in their own vision of blacks needing the gentle guiding hand of benevolent white entities to help them along in life. They'll always see blacks as infantile children who are always in need of help, just to make themselves feel better and superior over someone. Even actual children don't get it this bad.

  81. "The Great Divider used today's MLK statue dedication speech to bash Bush and push his redistributionist agenda.

    A day to honor this great man should be one day where we all could come together in pride for what America has achieved. Instead we got more blame and resentment from our President.

    What a cancer Obama is."

    I'd like to take this time to toss you a thin paper napkin, so you can wipe up the bullshit you threw up out of your mouth. Mint floss and mouthwash is to your left. :D

  82. White Man's Burden12:11 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Give it a rest, PilotX. You're not gonna convince these hoodleheads that blacks succeeded without handouts or other government help.
    By "hoodleheads" you mean democrats, right? Because they're the ones who keep pushing the idea that blacks need more government help.

  83. Funny part is people like our resident racist ignore the things done to Black people as if white amerikkka was so generous and giving and we shiftless Blacks just don't know how to deal with such generosity and good will. They gave you houses and free Ivy League educations after giving you free transportation and room and board so why can't you do better? I guess I have to ask what's with the Jews complaining because the Germans gave them housing and free heat in the winter so why the hostility? Racism is a disease.

  84. "By "hoodleheads" you mean democrats, right? Because they're the ones who keep pushing the idea that blacks need more government help."

    Nah, Republicans who think we're all brainwashed and vote Democratic for free stuff.

  85. Anonymous12:20 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Africa would be the most prosperous continent on the planet.

    As it is, the economics of Greenland are better."

    Comparing an entire continent to one country, genius.

    The mind of a black man exposed, full of lies, misinformation and hatred that he externalizes. If you had the mind you claim to have you would have observed the easily observable sarcasm where it was highlighted the entire continent of Africa does not have the economic strength of a poor little country like greenland despite all the blacks who have surpassed whites as you stated.

    You are in over your head and you know it, coming back with nonsense. The question was simple in response to a statement you made. Blacks have surpassed whites, when asked where and how, you come up with these incredible stories of how look there was a financial district once upon a time where blacks even had stores and banks and stuff... over here in that little corner, but white injustices...weak man, weak.

    It is a very simple question, either answer it or apologize for your usual race baiting:

    Where specifically and how and in which fields have blacks surpassed whites that you feel has made whites racist and hateful - as you are.

    GO...or come up with some more black nonsense, but try again. Here to make it easier,
    Use any period in history
    Any country or civilization in the world
    Todays world
    Today just in the U.S
    wherever you like

    Specifically how and where have American Blacks surpassed whites or asians or latinos or koreans or Real Africans or Chinese or Polish or Croations or Indians or Pakastanis...I assume you mean surpass in positive things, not items such as disease - highest number of aids cases, highest drop out rates, lowest reading scores, lowest net worth, illiteracy rates, poverty rates, percent of unwed single mothers, criminal activities, number in jail and on and on, so enlighten us if you can without your usual dodge and fake talking points. It WUZ all FOX NEWZ AND THE CONFEDARCY FAULT YEAH!!

  86. Addressing Climate Change Responsibly

    The same human economic activity that has brought freedom and opportunity to billions has also increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. While the scope and long-term consequences of this are the subject of ongoing scientific research, common sense dictates that the United States should take measured and reasonable steps today to reduce any impact on the environment. Those steps, if consistent with our global competitiveness will also be good for our national security, our energy independence, and our economy. Any policies should be global in nature, based on sound science and technology, and should not harm the economy.

  87. White Man's Burden12:25 AM

    PilotX said...
    "By "hoodleheads" you mean democrats, right? Because they're the ones who keep pushing the idea that blacks need more government help."

    Nah, Republicans who think we're all brainwashed and vote Democratic for free stuff.

    So you're good with no more food stamps and affirmative action?

    Because we'd be more than happy to cut you off.

  88. "Blacks have surpassed whites, when asked where and how, you come up with these incredible stories of how look there was a financial district once upon a time where blacks even had stores and banks and stuff... over here in that little corner, but white injustices...weak man, weak."

    You asked for examples in which Blacks have surpassed whites and I gave you an example. You want me to sit here all night and highlight Black achievement for you? If you study the true economic history of Black Wall Street you will see how amazing that one section of one city was for people of any race. I would recommend you take a Black history course because it's not my job to prove to you Black people can be just as accomplished as any person of any other race. If you can't comprehend that notion I don't know what to tell you. As many unsuccessful and uneducated whites I see on a daily basis you might want to reconsider your own sense of supremacy.

  89. Old King Coal12:29 AM

    PilotX said...
    Any policies should be global in nature, based on sound science and technology, and should not harm the economy.

    That eliminates every global warming policy I've heard of - the Green energy boondoggles, Cap n Trade taxes, growth restrictions.

    And when has "sound science" ever factored in for you? Sound science says there is no AGW problem.

  90. "So you're good with no more food stamps and affirmative action?

    Because we'd be more than happy to cut you off."

    I'm not white so I never had to use either.

  91. Wow, Old King Coal took the bait. Quick question OKC where did I get that statement from?

  92. Bucky Doublewide12:32 AM

    PilotX said...
    As many unsuccessful and uneducated whites I see on a daily basis you might want to reconsider your own sense of supremacy.

    Maybe if you did not always combat ignorant racist generalizations with your own ignorant racist generalizations, you would have more credibility.

  93. Old King Coal12:33 AM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, Old King Coal took the bait. Quick question OKC where did I get that statement from?

    Your ass. Or some statement from some RINO.

  94. Old King Coal12:34 AM

    Everyone is for "measured and reasonable steps"

  95. "Maybe if you did not always combat ignorant racist generalizations with your own ignorant racist generalizations, you would have more credibility."

    I offer you the same advice. Don't conservatives understand the definition of irony or hypocrisy?

  96. "Your ass. Or some statement from some RINO."

    Wrong wrong wrong, just like Slappz. Wanna try again?

  97. Anonymous12:43 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Blacks have surpassed whites, when asked where and how, you come up with these incredible stories of how look there was a financial district once upon a time where blacks even had stores and banks and stuff... over here in that little corner, but white injustices...weak man, weak."

    You asked for examples in which Blacks have surpassed whites and I gave you an example.

    Whatever your a lightweight, someone being an assistant to a White scientist and a little enclave of black businesses to you is supportive of your statement, the statement that you made, no one else "that whites are angry because blacks have surpassed them...

    Now you are trying to backpedal and make it seem if I said that blacks could not be as accomplished as any other race. Hardly. What I said specifically in response to your claim that whites are racist and angry because blacks are superior and have surpassed them, to that I said prove it, prove how to you blacks are superior and not equal to whites and whites are racist and angry because of this.

    You did not and now are backpedaling once again making yourself the victim claiming I am the one saying blacks are not capable and I need to learn black history as if you have some other fake superiority in that category, trust me you would be ashamed to know you don't.

    Bullshit. Theres a difference between saying we are equal and saying we are not equal because you are superior and I don't like it and thus I am racist, especially if you have no facts but mere isolated anecdotes to back up your victimization complete and total nonsense.

    You are twisting your own words because you are a fool and have at least proven that much, you are living proof, enough said.

  98. Old King Coal12:47 AM

    If it is calling for "measured and reasonable steps", and calling for "sound science", it can't be from a democrat.

  99. Anonymous12:47 AM


    PilotX said...
    Wow, Old King Coal took the bait. Quick question OKC where did I get that statement from?

    The 2008 Republican platform, so what are you trying to mix liberal politics with Hard Science again? At one time we thought the world was flat and that investing in schools would eliminate the racial gap, neither was true.

    Hard Science has proven global warming is a hoax all predictions, results, pivot points have gone in the opposite direction even with the lying and data fudging of some grant recipients, yet you still beleive in these fairy tales? Why, did you get a grant to go to school on this or something? Do you ever question all the real hard evidence and not theories that contradict each other?

  100. "What I said specifically in response to your claim that whites are racist and angry because blacks are superior and have surpassed them, to that I said prove it, prove how to you blacks are superior and not equal to whites and whites are racist and angry because of this."

    If the burning of the Black Wall Street and killing of hundreds of innocent Black people isn't evidence of whites acting out because of jealousy what is? Perhaps you have a better explanation?

  101. "Do you ever question all the real hard evidence and not theories that contradict each other?"

    Sure do which is why I believe the research done by NOAA which points the finger at CO2 emmissions as a culprit for the increased temps over the last 30 years. I actually study real science and don't listen to Rush Limbaugh for my facts.

  102. "A large body of evidence supports the conclusion that human activity is the primary driver of recent warming"

    This is from the NCDC. I'm not going to debate global warming tonight as it is a waste of time. The data is there to support AGW if one cares to read it. You are not a climate scientist so why should I give less than a flying fart what you think?

  103. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Mack Lyons said...

    I'd like to take this time to toss you a thin paper napkin, so you can wipe up the bullshit you threw up out of your mouth. Mint floss and mouthwash is to your left. :D

    You know you are just like one of the demented wall street occupiers, you think you are clever and witty but you come off sounding infantile, pendantic and extremely disconnected. I guess your routine works with some, but with others...let's just say it is quite revealing of you.

  104. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Mack needs to grow up.

  105. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Desertflower, "We better stop, he's gonna get mad!!!!:P"

    LOL. I have been sitting in prayer for Field for over an Hour. That man needs Jesus AND Moses combined to intercede on his behalf. Lord have mercy.

    Granny, please pray for brutha Field....intensely. An ordinary prayer will do no good. That would be like expecting the Eagles to win more than 6 games this year. It just won't happen.

  106. Anonymous1:12 AM

    "Do you ever question all the real hard evidence and not theories that contradict each other?"

    Sure do which is why I believe the research done by NOAA which points the finger at CO2 emmissions as a culprit for the increased temps over the last 30 years. I actually study real science and don't listen to Rush Limbaugh for my facts.

    You see to a thinking man, anyone having a different opinion is good it stimulates thought,conversation and you learn something. Then you run into people like you who are walking talking vomit point discussion enders who undermine any credibility they may have by using political party talking points, if you were intelligent enough to express a convincing argument with facts, you wouldnt need to immediately resort to liberal tactics of ending discussions.

    I don't think I have ever heard Rush Limbaugh, nor could I be categorized or trivialized into whatever it is you are trying to imply with the sole intention of ending discussion to prove you are right. Not fact, talking points. Surely you don't expect anyone to have any other reaction than distrust and bullshit alert questioning your overall intelligensia do you?

  107. Marley1:12 AM

    The OWS movement seems to have at its heart old-fashioned Leftist ideas of class war and anti-capitalism -- indicating the intellectual poverty of the protesters. They did have a perfectly reasonable starting point for their anger -- the huge sums that have been taken home by bankers and Wall St operators even while America as a whole was falling into an economic pit. The protesters seemed to see that as a failure of capitalism.

    It is the opposite. The cause is a refusal of government to let capitalism do its work. Most of Wall st would be bankrupt and unable to pay millions to anyone if George Bush and particularly Obama had simply sat on their hands and let the whole gang of crooks go broke. Instead they provided gargantuan handouts to rescue these failed capitalists. It is at the White House that the protesters should be congregating. Sadly, a movement that at first seems to have had an element of sponaneity is now firmly in the grip of the far-Left so there is little hope of that.

    Instead of the truth, instead of questions, we get cheerleading and cherry-picked camera angles showing perfectly lit, perfectly well behaved, smiling people. You'll never see the fringe, the loons and the unstable on CNN or MSNBC, aside from the hosts. They're too busy demanding conservatives admit these protests are "resonating" with people (in the newsroom at least) or saying they need another "Kent State moment," only this time without the deaths. These are paid professionals.

    The Media Research Center did a study of the "Big Three" networks and found that in its short life, not only did the "Occupy" crowd get more coverage over a two-week period than the Tea Party did over a nine-month period, but that coverage was significantly more positive.

    Not being content with owning the spin machines, they've even cooked up flawed polling to bolster their case. Shocking, I know.

  108. Anonymous1:22 AM

    I see no_slappz has returned from his sabbatical away from Blacks. He sounds refreshed, like he is born again-- and ready to go. Obviously, it did him some good emotionally and spiritually. Will miracles never cease?

  109. "Surely you don't expect anyone to have any other reaction than distrust and bullshit alert questioning your overall intelligensia do you?"

    Anyone who begins a debate (conversation) with the standard intro "global warming is a hoax" is immediately dismissed and not considered a serious person. This implication is rendered untrue by the fact that the average global temperature has in fact risen over the last 30 year thus proving there is global warming. Secondly, anyone who can so easily dismiss the idea that increased levels of CO2 could POSSIBLY raise temperatures is once again dismissed as a not seriousl person. Don't blame me for not wanting to debate a serious issue with a non-serious person who has no training in atmospheric science but wants to spout well worn talking points.
    I don't like wasting time and debating global warming is a serious waste of time. Call it a copout or whatever you want but I've been down that road too many times and it is always unproductive.

  110. Anonymous1:31 AM

    "What I said specifically in response to your claim that whites are racist and angry because blacks are superior and have surpassed them, to that I said prove it, prove how to you blacks are superior and not equal to whites and whites are racist and angry because of this."

    If the burning of the Black Wall Street and killing of hundreds of innocent Black people isn't evidence of whites acting out because of jealousy what is? Perhaps you have a better explanation?

    Look your points are going around the world and in circles. You said in response to Fields concept that since when did whites hate black so much".

    You said "Since blacks surpassed whites" Meaning blacks HAVE surpassed whites.

    Now again, you are trying to frame a liberal straw argument by eliminating your nonsensical logic and statements through pitting me me against what took place in 1921 with your comprehensive statements of tonight.

    You are contradicting your thoughts, on one hand you are saying todays whites are racist because blacks have "surpassed" them. Framing this statement with the evidence and hateful claim by saying the proof is what whites did to the black small town in oklahoma, if that did not happen blacks would not have been held down.

    Now not getting drawn into your tortuous irregular logic. One you cannot be held down and have surpassed someone simultaneously. If the surpassing were true it would be fact and not "could have been" except for the white racists" Do you understand the illogic of your statement and your supposed evidence to support it?

    With your evidence supporting your statement you would have to belve that were it not for this incident blacks would have superior achievements throughout the world but this one incident held the entire black race down, which is logically conflicting for again if this is a reason for not acheiving then they have not surpassed anything, they were held down.

    So you make no sense, you are hating blindly.

  111. "Surely you don't expect anyone to have any other reaction than distrust and bullshit alert questioning your overall intelligensia do you?"

    My intelligentsia? Wow, the hicks are learning new big words. Still they have the problem of using them correctly but hey they're trying. Still can't use YOU'RE correctly. Start slowly Cleetus.

  112. "With your evidence supporting your statement you would have to belve that were it not for this incident blacks would have superior achievements throughout the world but this one incident held the entire black race down, which is logically conflicting for again if this is a reason for not acheiving then they have not surpassed anything, they were held down.

    So you make no sense, you are hating blindly."

    Nice try to make a logical argument but like always it fell short. I didn't not state that this ONE event was responsible for holding Black people back in this country but it was one even that symbolized the concerted efforts of whites to keep Black progress in check.
    Here's what we should do next. Instead of nitpicking my words to death why don't you answer a few questions.
    1. In your opinion why was there so much hatred of Blacks by whites in the time period Field was referring?
    2. What was the reason Black Wall Street was burned and hundreds of Blacks killed by whites if not jealosy?
    Provide some of your own answers instead of criticizing mine. BTW I am curious of what your answers are.

  113. "If the surpassing were true it would be fact and not "could have been" except for the white racists" Do you understand the illogic of your statement and your supposed evidence to support it?"

    Many Blacks did and still in fact surpass whites in numerous areas and the example I gave was the fact it cost many of them their lives. Believe it or not many Blacks were beaten or killed because they knew how to read while the whites doing the beating/killing were illiterate. This ain't some shit Black people just made up, there was REAL racism in this country and not the bullshit reverse discrimination and white male persecution Rush and his ilk like to promote. I know Haley Barbour and other souther conservatives like to rewrite history to make it seem not so bad but for those who lived it it was pure hell.

  114. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Anyone who begins a debate (conversation) with the standard intro "global warming is a hoax" is immediately dismissed and not considered a serious person. This implication is rendered untrue by the fact that the average global temperature has in fact risen over the last 30 year thus proving there is global warming. Secondly, anyone who can so easily dismiss the idea that increased levels of CO2 could POSSIBLY raise temperatures is once again dismissed as a not seriousl person. Don't blame me for not wanting to debate a serious issue with a non-serious person who has no training in atmospheric science but wants to spout well worn talking points.
    I don't like wasting time and debating global warming is a serious waste of time. Call it a copout or whatever you want but I've been down that road too many times and it is always unproductive.

    Right, another words anyone disagreeing with you and who could provide facts is dismissed as non serious because everyone knows you are always right and you know better than anyone else and than you have the nerve to say someone else is spouting talking points?

    DO you mean the talking point such as

    "anyone who can so easily dismiss the idea that increased levels of CO2 could POSSIBLY raise temperatures is once again dismissed as a not serious person.

    Oh, I submit to you, it wasn't easy to dismiss, there were a lot of scientific studies, mostly done by those who believed in global warming/changed to climate change, who found the data and hard science completely indicated the opposite of the cultist theories. It has been disproved and proved to be a hoax.

    Anyway, your right, to many talking points with little facts and complete dismissal of hard science to encompass wishful agendas. How else do you keep a religion alive but with smoke and mirrors - oh don't forget to attack the scientists and doubters - nah, nevermind you did that. You know better because you are serious and are taking a course where the professors has "faith" worshipping at the church of Al gore.

  115. Anonymous1:51 AM

    If the above video doesn't get some folks cringing with black shame, nothing will. On the other hand people like PilotX and Mack Lyons and UTS probably agree with bleaching.

  116. "In this young lady's case the cycle has been broken. (Or so she says)"

    Yeah, piss her off and you'll see how fast she spits out the "you people" or the n-word. Whatever.

    I don't have much white friends, most of my friends are black and black hispanic. I think it's primarily because of my Caribbean location. And when I travel to the US mainland, it's usually business, and making friends with anyone isn't my priority. Making friends with white people isn't a big deal for me either. Someone might come along and call me as a black racist, that won't bother me. Perhaps I'm just the black version of the average superiority thinking white person, who in reverse may view white friendships just as non-nonchalantly as some whites view the friendships of blacks.

    And with that said, I've always felt it would be difficult for me to hold a "close friendship" with the average white female, or white male. I don't see it. Maybe because I'm too racially conscious/sensitive, and to me, the average white person is too racially defensive.

    Furthermore, most white females in my area would only seek friendship with a black female to get closer to black males. In the reverse, black males on the island eagerly seek friendships with white males to obtain easier access to white females. And all while, the white males and black females try to avoid and fear each other for whatever reasons. And so it goes...

    "Pic from Slip N Slide online store."

    Is that suppose to be a black dude standing between two white girls. Go figure. (LOL)

    I see it all the time in commercial ads, web-banners, stock photos, magazines etc. Black males and white females are often paired together as the benchmark image for either interracial couples, or representation for racially diverse friendships.

    And why must the world be so "black and white"?

    Wow, 116 comments so far. I'll read them all in the morning...

  117. Anonymous2:00 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Surely you don't expect anyone to have any other reaction than distrust and bullshit alert questioning your overall intelligensia do you?"

    My intelligentsia? Wow, the hicks are learning new big words. Still they have the problem of using them correctly but hey they're trying. Still can't use YOU'RE correctly. Start slowly Cleetus.

    You are nothing but an arrogant dumbass, quite humorously so I might add. Do you want to debate the use and application of this word you racist piece of shit, go for it. I guess you haven't been embarressed (< look a misspelled word maybe if you make fun of that people will forget you aren't too bright?) enough tonight with your lowball intellect.

    If I thought you could keep up, we would have a conversation on a completely different level, but obviously logic to you is something you shy away from with liberal talking points...oh yeah well proof blacks have surpassed whites today is the fire 75 years ago...yawn......

    goodnight lightweight. I take being called a hick by you as a compliment, if being urban even though I was born and raised in new york city means I must settle for your mind, call me a cun'tree....boy with gusto - Yeeeee-haaaaaw.

    Any other racist comments you would like to use to detract from your obviously floundering intellect and flapping in the wind mind? Go ahead challenge me.

    Or perhaps I will just start using the appropriate vernacular and totally confound your talking point usage, you might just wind up saying FOX NEWS, FOX NEWS, RUSH , Rush over and over again in confusion on which talking point to apply as you surely do not have the capicity for more then emotive dysfunctional logic.

    Later homey and watch out for fires in the history books, wouldn't want you to surpass anyone unintentionally via some historic event.

  118. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Field, "You never know what they could be plotting against us and one of your white friends might just mess up and spill the beans to you. Then, hopefully, you can warn the rest of us."

    I don't think I would warn anybody. When I think of brainwashed folks like UTS and Mack Lyons and PilotX...what good would it do? I don't think I would say a damn thing.

  119. Quote Anonymous

    "Lissen dickface, 47% of Americans do not pay federal taxes, a piddly sales tax you can wipe your ass with and they are used locally.

    Besides nobody fucking asked you, you are not american, you are a lowly Brit, you have worse problems than america can imagine at the moment due to the inane policies of idiots like you - the eternally oppressed. Now shut the fuck up with your liberal lies that can be easily disproven but what for? You are a British cunt so I don't care what you think - piss off."

    HA! Who said conservative intellectualism is dead?

    Yet another 'content-rich' post from my new right-wing buddies.

    You try to educate these people and this is the thanks you get.

  120. "Anyway, your right, to many talking points with little facts and complete dismissal of hard science to encompass wishful agendas. How else do you keep a religion alive but with smoke and mirrors - oh don't forget to attack the scientists and doubters - nah, nevermind you did that. You know better because you are serious and are taking a course where the professors has "faith" worshipping at the church of Al gore."

    Exhibit A of why I won't debate climate science. These folks use hyperbole and always have to mention Al Gore. For the record my climate science professors who are studying climate change/variation have no clue as to what the increased levels of CO2 will do to the future climate, neither do you or I which means you may be right or you may be wrong, no one knows so what's the point of arguing about it? The facts are we are pumping tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere without a certainty of what effect it will have in 50, 100, 200 years. If that's not good enough for you then I don't know what to tell you.

  121. "Anyway, your right, to many talking points with little facts and complete dismissal of hard science to encompass wishful agendas."

    By the by, it's YOU'RE and TOO. Maybe you should concentrate on English and leave the science to others.

  122. "Later homey and watch out for fires in the history books, wouldn't want you to surpass anyone unintentionally via some historic event."

    See ya anon, and don't think I missed the fact you avoid all my direct questions. I answer your questions but you dodge mine. Interesting. Create a handle, answer a few questions and then maybe we can call this a debate but like atypical conservative you take a few sentences out of context and avoid any and all direct questions. Nice troll technique, you have it down pat. And you call me a lightweight? I was just playing with you, you don't want me to go full debate mode or you'd end up like Slappz, shown to be the dumb ass you really are. Learn your place boy and run off like the coward you people are. YOUR mad you can't come to my house in the middle of the night and burn a cross like your daddy did huh? Sad.

  123. "Granny, please pray for brutha Field....intensely. An ordinary prayer will do no good. That would be like expecting the Eagles to win more than 6 games this year. It just won't happen."

    A simple prayer will do. I am sure that was all that was needed to put a beat down on those skins.

    Pilot X and Mack, why do you bother? I learned long ago that adfter a certain age you can't reverse the ignorance of some folks.

    And yes, back in the day, black folks were doing just fine in segregated neighborhoods. Just sayin.

    "HA! Who said conservative intellectualism is dead?

    Yet another 'content-rich' post from my new right-wing buddies."


    "I see no_slappz has returned from his sabbatical away from Blacks. He sounds refreshed, like he is born again-- and ready to go."

    Yes, I guess he got an early release.

    I just hope that his PO is monitoring him.

  124. Can anyone enlighten me about why a racist fool spends so much of their LIFE posting on a Black mans blog? Who supports this nut case? Probably us taxing paying Black folks!

    Field you do a huge service to mankind by providing a place for a few racist psychos to give "purpose" to their pathetic lives.

    It's hard to imagine what they would be doing if your blog didn't exist.

  125. "I don't think I would warn anybody. When I think of brainwashed folks like UTS and Mack Lyons and PilotX...what good would it do? I don't think I would say a damn thing."

    No amount of brainwashing could undo a fine mind such as yours, anon.

    "If the above video doesn't get some folks cringing with black shame, nothing will. On the other hand people like PilotX and Mack Lyons and UTS probably agree with bleaching."

    Sorry, anon. I don't agree with skin bleaching, but given your hatred of self, I thought you might have tried that a time or two.

  126. "You know you are just like one of the demented wall street occupiers, you think you are clever and witty but you come off sounding infantile, pendantic and extremely disconnected. I guess your routine works with some, but with others...let's just say it is quite revealing of you."

    Anon, you're probably upset you lack the wit and skill to get your point across as well as I do. You have to rely on GOP and Tea Party-approved talking points and recycled insults to get your digs in.

  127. "It's hard to imagine what they would be doing if your blog didn't exist."

    Chances are they'll either go on to infect other blogs or they'll simply congregate at the nearest "white pride" blog ("Unamusement Park" is a great one for that purpose) for a good ol' fashion pseudo-intellectual white supremacy circle jerk.

  128. WhiteFanofFieldNegro7:55 AM

    Guilt -- one hates the person one knows one has done wrong to (or at least that one's race/ancestors has). Guilt is what leads to such tales as the one shared by your friend. She doesn't want to be pegged as the same as her ancestors but she still feels the guilt, which is why her tale becomes so darn awkward.

  129. my brother field it is always been about economics; the ruling elite never wanted poor negroes and poor whites to unite and challenge their power - read the story of Nathaniel Bacon.

    so in order to ensure the unity of these two groups, the elite gave poor whites the white privilege status...and poor whites fight like hell to maintain it - the alternative for them is to realize they are just one of us to the elite. hopefully OWS has awaken them to the reality.

  130. Anonymous9:23 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Later homey and watch out for fires in the history books, wouldn't want you to surpass anyone unintentionally via some historic event."

    See ya anon, and don't think I missed the fact you avoid all my direct questions. I answer your questions but you dodge mine. ?

    Direct questions such as the lame attempt to get me to rationalize the inane logic you spout? Did you really expect to frame an idiotic alternate universe and somehow get me to provide facts to you on how the unreal has become real? You made the statement, you could not back it up and provided ridiculous assumptions when challenged, now you expect me to do so? No, I will not give you my opinion on the idiotic claim you made. It is not true, remember you are the one who insists that it is, not I.

    Full debate mode? Does that involve more of your fantasies? Warping the world to fit what you would like it to be? Using some obscure location and historic reference to further a claim that is obviously false? Peppering your thoughts with liberal nonsense discussion enders because you do not have the thinking capacity to review subjects on merit and must resort to infantile assumptions?

    No Slappz from what I have seen has constantly exposed you for the pseudo intellectual fraud that you are. You might be a hero to some pre-teen on welfare and you may even be an intellectual to a crack addict barely able to complete a sentence without the obligatory "my nigga" , but for the rest of the thinking world - hardly. Again you resent this, therefore you lash out with vacuous and illogical soliloquies.

    Now another insane false accusation made up out of thin air. I am not mad because I cannot burn a cross at your house. I am not mad at all, nor do I have any desire to burn a cross, nor do you rate any such special self deluded attention. Which fictional version of the world did you pull this from to support the total lack of logic that you have displayed and concocted? You on the other hand are obviously quite mad.

    As for "place and boy" perhaps that is the crux of the entire matter, you feel like a boy in a mans world paddling furiously to keep up with an apparant lack of critical thinking skills in comparison to others that can see logic without being tainted by false wishes. Not being able to do so you suddenly create ficticious alternate universes with inept ridiculous logic to support your theories. What type of person could actually think he has made sense when using a single point of historical reference to contradict his own thoughts on todays reality? All the whle denying the totality and irrefutability of overwhelming factual evidence jumping at him from all corners of the world and yes historically as well furthermore claiming he believes in science.

    I suspect not spelling things out for you at a grade school level will result in the majority of this post soaring well above your comprehensive abilities, you will do more than "suspect"

    So now review each word in detail and look for a spelling error or grammatical mistake in a passage, but know this - if that is all you have - that is all you have. I can use spell check when I choose to after rapidly writing, however there hasn't been a critical thinking assistant invented yet, so you are out of luck. Well you could always just blame a fire 75 years ago or some other historical calamity or just use the FOX news, Rush Limbaugh old reliables. Surely it must be because of FOX news and Rush Limbaugh that you think a fire 75 years ago has caused Blacks to categorically surpass whites and all other races today and actually earnestly believe each portion of that statement. .

  131. the main reason they hate us is because they know they come from us (thus they are the original mfs)...

    whom uts imitates expertly...

    they also hate us because we have accomplished more in 300 years than they have in 3000

    we are often
    more blessed etc...

    because we must be so to survive their hatreds...

    no human is more human than any other

    we share all flaws

    hobama is more evil than any white man ever

    ditto for uts who hates his mammy/hair/skin/nose/lips etc

  132. this is why they hate us:

  133. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "You know you are just like one of the demented wall street occupiers, you think you are clever and witty but you come off sounding infantile, pendantic and extremely disconnected. I guess your routine works with some, but with others...let's just say it is quite revealing of you."

    Anon, you're probably upset you lack the wit and skill to get your point across as well as I do. You have to rely on GOP and Tea Party-approved talking points and recycled insults to get your digs in.

    Wow, you have just gained my respect. You are really clever. GOP approved and Tea Party talking points driving it all did you say? Yeah that must be it. Damn you are impressive!!!

  134. baby pookies rule the world

    and they are driving abused teachers insane


  135. more on why they hate us is at the core of the original african story of the garden of eden

    adam and eve were not naked

    they were cast out because they were albinos

    they cursed their parents via a global caste

    albinos still suffer hatred and murder in africa

    see more:

  136. they cursed their parents via a global caste

    and to date

    the darkest skinned persons in every race everywhere still suffer the most hatred and abuse...

    ask that colorist original mf uts!

  137. that turbo breeding baby pookie making vdlr is also an orginal mf colorist

    notice all the silly slurs about my flawless chocolate skin in her psycho looped vulgar nig rants


  138. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Alicia Banks Said...

    "they also hate us because we have accomplished more in 300 years than they have in 3000"

    well the hate part is wrong but gots to agree with you on accomplishments. Blacks accomplish things no other race would ever even try like just in Georgia alone there were 1,366 new HIV diagnoses in the same year. Of those, 49 percent were among gay men, with blacks accounting for 74 percent, whites 21 percent and Hispanics 5 percent. You go gurl look at what dun been accomplished in 30 short years in Georgia with Blacks being only 30% of the population managing to reach 74%!

  139. What kills me about white folks like your friend Field is that they tell you they are not prejudiced like their fathers and grandfathers as if we are supposed to be so impressed.

    Tell one of them that you have a relative that hates white people and watch how angry and RACIST they will get all of a sudden.

    Anon-goober, still pulling bogus stats out of your ass?

  140. aids is more proof of their hatred

    especially designed to destroy us


  141. Quote Anonymous 09:23

    "No Slappz from what I have seen has constantly exposed you for the pseudo intellectual fraud that you are."

    Give it a rest No Slapzz - you are doing it again aren't you?

    Trying to pass yourself off as an admirer of your own supposed brilliant logic.

    You've convinced nobody I'm afraid, No Slapzz.

  142. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Anon-goober, still pulling bogus stats out of your ass?

    Hey it's the nugger, how you doin there sambo? I gots a couple bones to pick with you lets start with the one in dat nose o yours.

    Pulling things "out you ass" is right where you got da aids aint it steve'o'? Or should we say in yo ass? Sorry if you gets upset by someone talking about gay black men and aids - hit home did it?

    real damn cool you having this high a number with only 13.5% of the population, downlow nuggers like you should be real proud a y'all contributions

    Race or Ethnicity Estimated Number of Diagnoses of HIV Infection, 2009

    American Indian/Alaska Native 189
    Asian 470
    Black/African American 21,652
    Hispanic/Latinoa 7,347
    Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 34
    White 11,803
    Multiple Races 516

  143. Anonymous10:49 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    What kills me about white folks like your friend Field is that they tell you they are not prejudiced like their fathers and grandfathers as if we are supposed to be so impressed.

    Tell one of them that you have a relative that hates white people and watch how angry and RACIST they will get all of a sudden.

    Sound like you stupid enough to think "they" believe you when you say, no it aint me it's a relative that hates white people but lemme tell you why - just sayin - yeah check those idiots gettin mad that you tell them you hate white people

  144. Anonymous10:49 AM

    dr queen, "It's hard to imagine what they would be doing if your blog didn't exist."

    They would be doing the same as your racist ass would be doing: NOTHING.

  145. kkk assnon:

    anyone of any race can become infected with the bio war of aids

    but only two black people can EVER make a white baby

    two whites can never make a black baby

    that is why you hate us

    and that is why your hatred is more fatal than anything any white demons like you can create in any govt lab


  146. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Purple CowSwill Said..

    "You've convinced nobody I'm afraid"

    as you have been for your whole life, it shows.

  147. Anon

    "Sound like you stupid enough to think "they" believe you when you say, no it aint me it's a relative that hates white people but lemme tell you why - just sayin - yeah check those idiots gettin mad that you tell them you hate white people"

    Believe or not, I don't spend much time thinking about white folks one way or the other.

    You do have to wonder about racist white goobers who hang around black websites 24/7 posting as "anonymous" and hurling race hate.

  148. Anonymous10:56 AM

    alicia banks said...
    kkk assnon:

    anyone of any race can become infected with the bio war of aids

    Nah only dose folks stupid enough to be gay or have sex with blacks and not use protections

    but only two black people can EVER make a white baby

    two whites can never make a black baby

    and only dogs can make dog shit - danks be to god.

    and that is why your hatred is more fatal than anything any white demons like you can create in any govt lab

    oh you are a real nutjob arent ya? do you see any little green men coming to getcha at night toos?

  149. Anonymous10:58 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Sound like you stupid enough to think "they" believe you when you say, no it aint me it's a relative that hates white people but lemme tell you why - just sayin - yeah check those idiots gettin mad that you tell them you hate white people"

    Believe or not, I don't spend much time thinking about white folks one way or the other.

    You do have to wonder about racist white goobers who hang around black websites 24/7 posting as "anonymous" and hurling race hate.

    sho you dont nugger sho you dont- sho you dont you dont knwo anytin else to talk about right nugga all you do is live race hate

  150. original mf kkk assnon:

    you show your original albino color and shame your black parents with each post.

    rainbow karma is real u pale faceless fool.

    carry on colorless brainless one!

  151. Anonymous11:03 AM

    UTS-"Tell one of them that you have a relative that hates white people and watch how angry and RACIST they will get all of a sudden."

    ROFLMAO!!!Now, here is where uts proves his ignorance and even posts it in writing for the world to see:

    Everyone knows that a white person could care less whether a black person hates Whites or not. It is no skin off of them. You can even call them goobers and crackers and they are unaffected.

    You see, that's the difference between Blacks like Stevie and Whites. The ones in Power don't react like ignorant powerless steve does.

    stevie boy, you ought to quit trying to think like a white person. There is no way you can predict how a white person feels or react. Why? Because you AIN'T White, stupid. You can only think from your Negro mind, and only think what YOU think is what Whites think. Well, THEY DON'T...Can you hear that, Steve?

    Do you get it that it's your own mind that is thinking and imagining this? No White person is doing the thinking or reacting....IT'S YOU, Negro!

  152. "sho you dont nugger sho you dont- sho you dont you dont knwo anytin else to talk about right nugga all you do is live race hate"

    Real gutsy goober.

    Why don't you post your email address so me and you can chat offline?

  153. Anonymous11:10 AM

    AB, I won't respond to your comments anymore because you don't respond to mind, you coward. I used to think you were brave and could slay many but now I see you are just a weakling who runs from me, the ''true slayer''.

    btw, you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to Herman Cain. He is the real deal, a true American who happens to be Black. When he becomes President he will single handedly end racism by his intellect and skills as President. He will make ALL Americans proud.

    Some of you folks need to WTFU and smell the coffee. Vote for Cain in 2012!

  154. Anonymous11:11 AM

    alicia banks said...
    original mf kkk assnon:

    you show your original albino color and shame your black parents with each post.

    rainbow karma is real u pale faceless fool.

    carry on colorless brainless one!

    u should be thking yer asian forefathers for we all came out of asia and split into tow races blakcs and humanity

  155. anon:

    what did u ask???

    i missed it

  156. if i was a coward
    i would be dead
    and i would have fled the horrid haters herein long ago

  157. ps:

    thanks for the compliment


    the brave slayer,

  158. Anonymous11:15 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "sho you dont nugger sho you dont- sho you dont you dont knwo anytin else to talk about right nugga all you do is live race hate"

    Real gutsy goober.

    Why don't you post your email address so me and you can chat offline?

    oh u gonna go all kneegrow on me and get kuntfruntational nugger? y? u make more sense wen no one is watchin or u just can lie better huh nugger?

  159. kudos to my hero cornel!!!

    i love this man!!!

    Author, commentator, civil rights activist and Princeton University professor Cornel West has been arrested while protesting on the steps of the Supreme Court about corporate influence in politics.

    A Supreme Court spokeswoman says 19 people were arrested Sunday afternoon after they refused to leave the grounds of the court.

    Ann Wilcox, an attorney and legal adviser to the protesters, says West was among those arrested. West attended the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall before joining the October 2011 Stop the Machine protest in Washington’s Freedom Plaza.

    The protest is marking 10 years since the start of the war in Afghanistan and has an anti-war and anti-corporate greed message.

    West is a well-known left-leaning academic whose books include “Race Matters” and “Democracy Matters.”

  160. more proof that herman cain has gone totally insane with power lust

  161. Anonymous11:24 AM

    The protest is marking 10 years since the start of the war in Afghanistan and has an anti-war and anti-corporate greed message.

    So what did he accomplish? Protesting the wars while Obama starts another one in Uganda and 95% of blacks will vote for Obama. Is Syria next? How many countries will the king invade and why is the left so silent when they went nuts with Bush even though the majority democratic congress were the ones who pushed and voted for the wars?

  162. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Why don't you post your email address so me and you can chat offline?

    s'allright hambone here you go

    now if u think you gonna sex me up u betta check dat shit carlton, homey dont play dat

  163. Anon 11:03 am

    "Everyone knows that a white person could care less whether a black person hates Whites or not.

    stevie boy, you ought to quit trying to think like a white person. There is no way you can predict how a white person feels or react. Why? Because you AIN'T White, stupid. You can only think from your Negro mind, and only think what YOU think is what Whites think. Well, THEY DON'T...Can you hear that, Steve?"

    Exhibit A folks.

    Hey Goober, why are you so excited?


  164. anon:

    he proves that haters like lack are liars

    he is not some academic drone

    he is a warrior in the ivory tower and the bloody red streets too!

    and ditto

    no wm will ever be allowed to do
    anything hobama has done....ever!

    hobama's worst in africa is yet to come


  165. Anonymous11:33 AM

    stevie boy, you ought to quit trying to think like a white person

    dis funny he aint got de equipment he a nugger he lucky he can Tyrone Shoelaces witout his wife

  166. Anonymous11:34 AM

    AB, "more proof that herman cain has gone totally insane with power lust"

    Apparently u don't understand what I said about Herman Cain at 11:10am. you are nothing but another brainwashed Negro. WTFU.

  167. anon:

    see the loud left who hate hobama as i do here

    and millions more all over the net

  168. silly assnon:

    tell hc to stop washing his own brain in public


    it is not a winning look

  169. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Exhibit A folks.

    Hey Goober, why are you so excited?


    no, no you were supposed to use "drooling" this time and then use excited next time, then move on to how "you make him do this" and then say "tee-hee" and polish it off with "I hate when you make me do this to you" your routine doesnt even fit the situation anymore you have to come up with more original deflection material this is getting so even Mold wait is that you? could see through your schtick.

  170. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "tell hc to stop washing his own brain in public


    it is not a winning look"

    ab, you are a fool. HC is winning and you don't know that? Get a grip, woman!

  171. what recovery???

  172. Please11:45 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    You have to rely on GOP and Tea Party-approved talking points and recycled insults to get your digs in.

    So says the lad who has never written a single original thought in his life.

    Your posts are simply retreads of tired liberal myths, standard cliches, and fear-based projections of your own bigotry.

    Try thinking for yourself instead of playing to an audience.

  173. Anonymous12:08 PM

    no slappz said...
    "Economic hardship does NOT lead to Murder. Economic hardship leads to property theft, burglary, robbery -- crimes of financial opportunity.

    Murder is generally a crime of passion -- or the work of a psychopath.

    Nobody said blacks commit ALL the murders in America. But blacks do commit murder at 7 Times the rate of whites."
    Economic hardship does indeed lead to murder. As witness the many murders committed by persons looking to cash in on insurance policies,inheritances,etc.,
    these of course are by people that can afford these insurances.
    A burglary gone wrong can lead to murder. The robbery of an I phone, such as happened here a few months ago,led to the murder by knifing of the Iphone owner when he put up resistance.

    But then again I do agree with your statement that murder is a crime of passion or a psychopathic personality. Both deviations can/are the result of aberrations in the personality caused by hardships or greed. So I believe all murders are psychopathic/passionate.

    and, of course the incidence of Black crimes by Blacks is higher in Black neighborhoods, and the incidence of crimes by Whites in higher in White neighborhoods, and so on and so forth.

    The subject of absolute or relative poverty,with all of it's ensuing psychological and social dysfunctions is much to complicated to broach here. I will not attempt it, although for those interested, there are many thesis,essays and documents explaining this online.

    Many would do well to read up and get informed. A mind is a precious thing to waste.

  174. Anonymous comes here everyday/allday to inform us black folks that we fear, envy, and despise white folks and especially conservative white folks.

    Yep, that's why he's here 24/7.

    We're not on the goober website heckling them.

    He's here.

    And WE'RE obsessed.



  175. Slappy grunts again

    "Nobody said blacks commit ALL the murders in America. But blacks do commit murder at 7 Times the rate of whites."

    It's his favorite grunt,

    Slappy do you believe that an educated middle class black man is any more likely to be violent than his white counterpart?

    If so, why?

    Please answer.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. No Slappz: "As I often say, if black academic capability were what you claim it is, Africa would be the most prosperous continent on the planet"

    If only blacks were notorious murderers of whites at the rate you always seem to claim, to this day Africa would be that black controlled prosperous continent indeed.

    As I too often say, it's your white racist parasitic thieving kind who plundered, murdered, dislocated/disrupted tribal nations and sucked Africa into what it is today. You no_slappz, the failure of easily given white male privilege have the bile to attempt using an entire continent full of systematically disenfranchised people in order to console and deflect from your own personal failures and inadequacies. That’s a tall order of deflection for even the average racist. You amuse me every time.

    And it's amusing to see some of the black males on this thread "boasting" about using white women to increase their sense of manhood, all while others have more useful assets increasing in a bank, or an institution of higher learning. Carry on.

  178. Lawd, and she was doing so well with this post.

    "And it's amusing to see some of the black males on this thread "boasting" about using white women to increase their sense of manhood"

    Like who LA*A?

    Are you hallucinating again?

  179. "Like who LA*A?

    Are you hallucinating again?

    I shouldn't have to call any names, take a stroll back up the comment section.

  180. what recovery???

    dear god
    please save us all from hobama and his banksters!!!!

    Lowe's Cos. (LOW) is shutting 20 stores and greatly slowing future openings in an effort to improve its profitability.

    The closings affect about 1,950 employees, and the home-improvement retailer will book a related second-quarter charge of $345 million to $415 million, or 17 cents to 20 cents a share.

  181. todays performance has beeen brought to you by your rulers12:59 PM

    Ground Zero for the alarming communist show of force currently calling itself Occupy Wall Street is Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan.

    Why is a privately owned park being used as a base for the OWS spectacle?

    This park is owned by Brookfield Office Properties, whose parent company Brookfield Asset Management received a $135 million “green energy” loan of the crony capitalist Solyndra variety from the Obama Administration. Now it turns out that Joe Biden’s lobbyist son was involved in brokering this apparent payoff.

    It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Brookfield is a preferred stock of none other than Obama backer and far left financier George Soros.

    New York’s Mayor for Life Michael Bloomberg has deliberately allowed the situation to fester rather than attempting to maintain law and order, obviously as a result of this billionaire Bolshevik’s leftist political inclinations. Lo and behold, his live-in girlfriend sits on the board of Brookfield Properties.

    But this isn't astroturf, right?

  182. "I shouldn't have to call any names, take a stroll back up the comment section."

    Okay, just give me a post time.

  183. Quote Today's Performance

    "This park is owned by Brookfield Office Properties, whose parent company Brookfield Asset Management..."

    Would this be the same Brookfield that has spent the last week petitioning the Mayor to have the protestors thrown off their land?

    Your hysterical conspiracy nonsense falls at the first hurdle.

  184. You're Stupid1:33 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    more on why they hate us is at the core of the original african story of the garden of eden

    adam and eve were not naked

    they were cast out because they were albinos"

    So, let me get this straight.....God put two albinos in the Garden of Eden....just so he could kick them out for being albinos?

    (Albinos are albino's...NOT Caucasians)

  185. Political Theater 1011:34 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Would this be the same Brookfield that has spent the last week petitioning the Mayor to have the protestors thrown off their land?"

    Yes, the same Obama-bought company that has not had the protestors thrown off their land by the mayor who has no interest in doing so.

    In case you hadn't noticed, they are still there, eating George Soros' food.

    Brookfield made some half-hearted noise about eviciting the protestors but quickly dropped the whole notion at the first resisitance. It's all part of the show.

    And the cows applaud wildly.

  186. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Field, I'll tell you the same story, and without having a few drinks. I come from a line of poor Southerners (well, poor on one side) who settled in a Sundown Town (see the book by the same name) in oil country in California. My father once cut off my college support when I refused to PROMISE that I wouldn't marry a black woman (it wasn't remotely in the cards at the time), so upset was he that I had black friends.
    My two theories are (1) that poor whites needed SOMEONE to feel superior to, and (2) blacks, who weren't allowed to stay in town "past sundown", made a convenient "other", caricatured by ignorance and vilified by default. Only those of us who stayed in our hick town continued the racism; the rest left town without any prejudices to speak of and integrated nicely with the rest of society. Parents' bigotry not being enough without the presence of the hateful group to practice on.

  187. "Change" you can't believe1:50 PM

    Making the world safe for racism:

  188. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "My two theories are (1) that poor whites needed SOMEONE to feel superior to, and (2) blacks, who weren't allowed to stay in town "past sundown", made a convenient "other", caricatured by ignorance and vilified by default."

    How about a third: your father loved you and did not want any of the romantic, wishful thinking notions you were getting in college to result in your entrapment in a dysfunctional culture.

    There probably were some black women there who would have made a great life partner, bur your father was playing the odds.

  189. This comment has been removed by the author.

  190. This comment has been removed by the author.

  191. This comment has been removed by the author.

  192. anon:


    all poor whites have is their white skin...


    all dumb black hets like the unlicked uneducated vdlr have is their heterosexuality

    black homohaters need to feel superior to black homos too

    that is why they hate slur and abuse us so

    and prove the same herein daily


    It is an undeniable and historically proven fact that those who are oppressed often become the most cruel oppressors. The United States were founded by slave masters who wanted to be free from British rule, even as they simultaneously stole, enslaved, dehumanized, and forcibly ruled captive Africans for centuries. As fellow hostages on plantations, mulattos were often the most rabid overseers and treacherous house niggers, and often crueler than many white slave masters. In Nazi death camps, Jewish and Polish SS officers who passed as Germans were far more brutal than their actual German Nazi peers. During America’s genocide against Native Americans, Native American scouts and African-American Buffalo soldiers legendarily assisted white men as they robbed and slaughtered red, brown, and black people who looked like them. White gays are usually more blatantly racist than any of their racist heterosexual peers, especially those who control gay media. Closeted gays and gays who feign at being "healed heterosexuals" gaybash more rabidly than any homophobic or sexually bigoted heterosexual...

    Murderous gaybashers exist and are religiously sanctioned in every human race. Yet, I remain convinced that racism and sexism combine to create a uniquely hot hatred of homosexuals within most black gaybashers globally. I have penned many columns, hosted countless talk radio shows, and engaged in heated debates with diverse friends on the subject of black gaybashers for decades. I have elaborated ad infinitum about precisely how racism and sexism combine and degenerate too many black men who regard themselves exclusively as life support systems for penises, and too many black women who regard themselves exclusively as concubines/breeders for these aforementioned black macho men.

    This toxic combination of psychoses fashions turbo gaybashers in blackface, who passionately regard homosexuals as literal nullifiers of their very existences. Their twisted insecurities are expressed as fatal gaybashing/self-defense mechanisms in the paranoid and insane wars that their hatred fuels against sexual truths in general and homosexual persons in particular. Combine those toxins with the additional madness created by the oceans of blood awash upon the hands of droves of black pastors, who continue to preach lies about God and the bible to their mindless and robotic flocks. These evil and bigoted pseudo-christians truly regard gaybashing and murdering homosexuals as divine acts!!! Also, blend in the arrogant ignorance of uneducated masses who know and desire to know absolutely nothing about the universal scientific nature of homosexuality in literally every living species. All of these ancient ingredients mesh into a perfect and pervasive recipe for social poison that festers deep within the core of global black cultures and ferments into a potent emotional and psychic venom that is spewed by a diaspora of African gaybashers like legions of deadly cobras. 732742147/savage-sanctuaries---their-own-receive-them-not/

  193. Anonymous2:29 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Slappy grunts again

    "Nobody said blacks commit ALL the murders in America. But blacks do commit murder at 7 Times the rate of whites."

    It's his favorite grunt,

    Slappy do you believe that an educated middle class black man is any more likely to be violent than his white counterpart?

    If so, why?

    Please answer.

    Ooh, can I play?

    You tell us Steve. Supposedly you are an educated middle class Black man, correct?

    Weren't you the person who got so angry and violent on this board you wanted to meet up with some poster to engage in violence?

    Weren't you the same person who when that poster told you that you were not very bright to put all your information on the internet and to physically threaten people that you called him a pussy for not complying with your demand to meet up and engage in violence?

    Is it all non middle class black men who are "non violent" that engage in this type of behaviour?

    Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I rest my case.

  194. kudos to cindy sheehan!!!

    mlk would never have attended his own opulent memorial

    he would have been marching with poor rebels in the streets like cindy!

    Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan was one of 19 demonstrators arrested during an Occupy Wall Street protest in Sacramento early Sunday.

    Police told The Sacramento Bee ( that the 53-year-old Sheehan was booked into Sacramento County Jail around 3:15 a.m. on suspicion of unlawful assembly and failing to follow police orders to disburse

    Read more:

  195. Anonymous2:45 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Today's Performance

    "This park is owned by Brookfield Office Properties, whose parent company Brookfield Asset Management..."

    Would this be the same Brookfield that has spent the last week petitioning the Mayor to have the protestors thrown off their land?

    Your hysterical conspiracy nonsense falls at the first hurdle.

    Either you are woefully misinformed or a purposeful lying misleading liberal. Hysterical conspiracy nonsense indeed, which is precisely what your fellow dirty marxist created. The park owners communicated to the Flea party and told them they just wanted to clean the toxic dump they have made of the place. (Why do people like you poop and pee everywhere and just destroy neigborhoods? )They immediately assumed illogically that this was a super secret plot to evict them from a place that is not theirs to begin with. Illogically because up to now they have been allowed to stay there, they haven't won any battle, they were allowed to stay there. The park is owned by Obama's people, Obama just embarked on another magical mystery taxpayer funded campaign bus tour and will talk about mostly class warfare using the mindless rich white kids, communists, anarchists, Nazis, socialists, ChiComs and cop killers all comprising the democratic party as country destroying fodder, so they never were in danger of getting kicked out the conspiracy is all your own.

    Now, why are you interested and who gave you a vote about american issues? Britain is a hell hole right now, don't you have a pro immigrant or increased dole rally to attend?

  196. amen!

    i love dr. bw!!!

    Here are a few questions I think Dr. King might ask about this memorial if he were alive today:
    Dr. King Question #1: Is there anything better we could do with that $120 million dollars, given that 40% of all Black children are in poverty?

    The MLK memorial is going to cost a cool $120 million. That’s enough to pay $10,000 on the mortgages of 12,000 Americans who’ve lost their homes from foreclosure and predatory lending, enough to buy a meal for 24 million hungry children, or enough to pay the salaries of 2,400 inner city school teachers who’ve lost their jobs due to budget cuts. I’ve always been impressed with Dr. King because he seemed to work to embrace the spirit of Jesus, another revolutionary who was rarely welcome into anyone’s fancy church. Although not a perfect man, Dr. King fought for the poor, stood up for children, and did what was right without concern for the consequences.

    If Jesus were walking the earth today, he wouldn’t want us to build another temple or statue in his honor. Instead, he might ask us to stay home and do God’s work instead. While Dr. King is certainly not Jesus Christ, he is a man with enough integrity that I believe he would reject this corporate memorial in the same way that he would not accept a BET Award being presented by Lil Wayne.

    Like those men who are conditioned to have sex with any beautiful woman who offers it, some of us are also tempted to accept awards and honors from anyone who gives us a little money and fame. Being honored in this way is good for the ego, but not so good for the soul. So, there are some situations where it might be best to just walk away.

    Dr. King Question #3: Do you even have a clue about what my dream really means and do you really think it’s anywhere near being fulfilled?

    Dr. King fought for American equality in all areas that mattered, including education, economics, and incarceration, among others. As it stands, African Americans continue to be oppressed in ways that would make David Duke blush. Black children are not being educated, the wealth gap has grown to a level almost as high as when Dr. King was alive, Black unemployment is the highest that it’s been in a quarter-century and there are more Black men in prison than there were enslaved back in 1865.

    Whose dream is this?

    I also could not help but notice that the words “racism” and “Black” were completely left out of the list of quotes that were placed on the King memorial. Was this deliberate? Did the organizers not realize that racial justice was an important part of King’s work, or is he just another white liberal who should host a show on MSNBC?

  197. The King family extorted $800,000 from the memorial commission before they would grant permission to use his likeness for the purpose of memorializing him!


  198. anon:


    the entire event is a classic disgrace to mlk

    especially that warmonger bankster elitist public school slayer hobama speaking


    Dr. King Question #2: Why is Walmart on the list of major donors for the monument, in spite of the fact that they are entirely disrespectful of my positions on labor rights?

    Walmart, who gave a full 10% of the funds necessary to build the King Memorial (they actually signed the first letter of credit that opened the door for the monument to be built), has a long list of multi-billion dollar labor and human rights violations that have served to make the company into the economic behemoth that it has become today. They’ve been connected with numerous sweatshops around the world, their workers are underpaid and not allowed to unionize, and they’ve been accused of massive amounts of racial and gender discrimination. If Dr. King were alive today, he’d be standing in front of Walmart with a picket sign, not asking them for money to build a statue.

    I came face-to-face with Walmart power when we fought on behalf of Heather Ellis, the college student who was going to get 15 years in prison after cutting line in one of their stores. I watched as the host of a major Black radio show seemed to throw Heather’s life and future under the bus because Walmart was one of his major corporate sponsors. I also watched as Walmart (a company that is notorious for having intense camera security) “accidentally” lose the video footage showing Heather being slammed to the ground by police outside the store.

    As a Finance Professor, I can tell you that Capitalism 101 teaches us that the King Memorial is an easy investment for Walmart if their $12.5 million dollar donation compensates for the billions they’ve stolen from all of humanity with egregious labor practices. Also, how many Black folks lost their jobs and livelihoods after the massive BP oil spill in the Gulf Coast last summer? The memorial is being built on money from BET, which has created an entire generation of anti-intellectual Black youth and (admitted by Sheila Johnson, the founder’s wife) even served to fuel the Black HIV epidemic by promoting a lifestyle of sexual irresponsibility with non-stop booty-shaking videos. Accepting money from corporate crooks to build a memorial for Dr. King is no different from praising the local drug dealer for giving away a few toys at Christmas.
