Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Sorry Dorothy, but "the more things change is the more they stay the same."

Poor Dorothy Cooper, I bet she thought the days of fighting institutionalized racism was over in these divided states of America. It's ironic that I would be made aware of this story on the day that Fred Shuttlesworth died. They haven't put poor Rev. Shuttlesworth down yet, but I bet he is already turning in the funeral home.

"Dorothy Cooper is 96 but she can remember only one election when she's been eligible to vote but hasn't.

The retired domestic worker was born in a small North Georgia town before women had the right to vote. She began casting ballots in her 20s after moving to Chattanooga for work. She missed voting for John F. Kennedy in 1960 because a move to Nashville prevented her from registering in time.

So when she learned last month at a community meeting that under a new state law she'd need a photo ID to vote next year, she talked with a volunteer about how to get to a state Driver Service Center to get her free ID. But when she got there Monday with an envelope full of documents, a clerk denied her request.
That morning, Cooper slipped a rent receipt, a copy of her lease, her voter registration card and her birth certificate into a Manila envelope. Typewritten on the birth certificate was her maiden name, Dorothy Alexander.

"But I didn't have my marriage certificate," Cooper said Tuesday afternoon, and that was the reason the clerk said she was denied a free voter ID at the Cherokee Boulevard Driver Service Center.

I don't know what difference it makes," Cooper said.
Cooper visited the state driver service center with Charline Kilpatrick, who has been working with residents to get free photo IDs. After the clerk denied Cooper's request, Kilpatrick called a state worker, explained what happened and asked if Cooper needed to return with a copy of the marriage certificate.

"The lady laughed," Kilpatrick said. "She said she's never heard of all that."
Tennessee Department of Safety spokeswoman Dalya Qualls said in a Tuesday email that Cooper's situation, though unique, could have been handled differently.

"It is department policy that in order to get a photo ID, a citizen must provide documentation that links their name to the documentation that links their name to the document they are using as primary proof of identity," Qualls said. "In this case, since Ms. Cooper's birth certificate (her primary proof of identity) and voter registration card were two different names, the examiner was unable to provide the free ID."

Despite that, Qualls said, "the examiner should have taken extra steps to determine alternative forms of documentation for Ms. Cooper."
Kilpatrick has had to call the state at least twice after taking someone to get a photo ID or have a photo added to the driver's license. State law allows anyone 60 or older to have their picture removed from their license.

The state has been working diligently to make the process easy for residents, Qualls said." [Story]

The state of Tennessee might be working to make "the process easy" , but republicans certainly aren't. What happened to  poor Dorothy Cooper is exactly the kind of effect that they were looking for. If you discourage enough Dorothy Coopers away from the voting booth guess who wins elections?

Down in Texas Governor Big Hair and his peeps are doing the same thing. He signed into law a voter ID bill requiring proper ID to vote. ---For the record, a college ID is not considered a proper form of ID, but come on down with your hunting license there Bubba and you are cool. 
"State Rep. Tommie Brown, D-Chattanooga, said Tuesday that Cooper's case is an example of how the law 'erects barriers' for the elderly and poor people -- a disproportionate number of whom are minorities.

"What you do, you suppress the vote," Brown said. 'You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out."'

Well Ms. Brown,  given that no one seems to give a damn maybe you do.


  1. Look for a lot more of this shit as the GOP war on voters, particularly voters of color, takes hold as we progress toward November 2012.

  2. Damn. Steve Jobs died. The man was a genius.

  3. Awwwwww porr thang.Its so sad to hear in 2012 people can't afford a 5-15$ picture id. Maybe she could lay off the wine for a month.

  4. The rethugliklan stopped having to act like they had any shame when their base showed that they had none with a black man in the "white" house.

  5. Liberal tormentor,
    I hope someone is as nice to you as you are to her; that is, if you even live to be 96.

  6. Anonymous8:59 PM

    It probably doesn't mean much to FN folks but Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, died today. He had been fighting pancreatic cancer. R.I.P.

  7. Acornholer9:04 PM

    Waaah, waaah, waah, one poor old lady had a five minute delay getting her free ID. Why, it's Jim Crow all over again!

    Waaah, waaah, waah, somebody call Al "Resist we Much" Sharpton, or Jesse "Manlover" Jackson!

    Waaah, waaah, waah!

  8. Andy Stern9:08 PM

    You know, if the Democrats hadn't been so invested in voter fraud efforts throughout the corrupt inner city precincts they run, and if they hadn't used organizations like Acorn to blatantly steal elections, we wouldn't have to ask for the simple, commonsense measure of requiring a picture ID to vote.

    Think of that, you morons.

  9. The New York Times9:12 PM

    ""State Rep. Tommie Brown, D-Chattanooga, said Tuesday that Cooper's case is an example of how the law 'erects barriers' for the elderly and poor people -- a disproportionate number of whom are minorities."

    World Ends Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit

  10. Wesley R9:24 PM

    The Wingnuts only care about power. They are going to try every trick in the book, even more then the shit they pulled in the 2000 election. The Democrats better act now like it's the 2012 election and get their ground game together.

  11. Anonymous9:30 PM

    The state of Tennessee might be working to make "the process easy" , but republicans certainly aren't. What happened to poor Dorothy Cooper is exactly the kind of effect that they were looking for. If you discourage enough Dorothy Coopers away from the voting booth guess who wins elections?

    Ohh,,,, I know, the illegal latino majority...why? Because all you moonbats made it easier for an illegal alien to get ID and any support necessary then you have for a poor old Black woman, poor, poor illegal aliens, they have it so tough, let them come over here and let someone else support them. See the results of your actions and stop pointing fingers. Besides, she is an exception and the story is off....Anyone thinking and not demo-emoting would immediately recognize how easy it is for Mickey Mouse, dead people and whoever else Acorn invented to vote with fake birth certificates. Maybe you all should organize Senior assistance centers and help them instead of demanding either the rules are thrown out at risk to our democracy and or that other people take care of them. Democraps complain - claim bullshit racism but look to have someone else handle the problem.

    Now at least 50% of our country is on some form of Gov entitlement program and do not pay federal taxes. There are officially more people in the cart than pulling it so you want to break more laws and encourage more of this? Do you see that it just has to end? There is no more to squeeze my foolish non thinking demonrats, the juice is gone.

  12. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Wesley R said...
    The Wingnuts only care about power. They are going to try every trick in the book, even more then the shit they pulled in the 2000 election. The Democrats better act now like it's the 2012 election and get their ground game together.

    Uh-Huh Following laws that prevent the already seen blatant voter fraud by immoral cheating lying democrats is so horrible, they won't let us lie steal and cheat the election" sad too bad. FOllow the rules like the rest of the world...what do you think you are special because you are a demoncrap moonbat?

  13. You can smell the desperation in the air.

    Compare Democrats now to where they were back in 2009.LMAO

  14. The Sneezin' Parisian9:38 PM

    Anon @ 9:30 said...
    "Maybe you all should organize Senior assistance centers and help them instead of demanding either the rules are thrown out at risk to our democracy and or that other people take care of them."

    Brilliant point.

    But then, isn't that the Black way of addressing every issue?

  15. "Liberal tormentor,
    I hope someone is as nice to you as you are to her; that is, if you even live to be 96."

    Hathor, he wont. Most wingnuts don't live beyond a certain age. At some point all that hate starts eating away at you.

  16. "You know, if the Democrats hadn't been so invested in voter fraud efforts throughout the corrupt inner city precincts they run, and if they hadn't used organizations like Acorn to blatantly steal elections, we wouldn't have to ask for the simple, commonsense measure of requiring a picture ID to vote."

    FOX NEWS, what have you done?

  17. "Now at least 50% of our country is on some form of Gov entitlement program and do not pay federal taxes. There are officially more people in the cart than pulling it so you want to break more laws and encourage more of this? Do you see that it just has to end? There is no more to squeeze my foolish non thinking demonrats, the juice is gone."

    Every Democrat is a leech, every Black is a lazy welfare case and liberals are the scum of the earth.

    But conservatives and Tea Partiers are just fine, upstanding American citizens.

    It's the same old, same old bullshit. Places like Balloon Juice have better trolls who actually WORK for their meager pay. You fellers here are just intellectually sloppy and mentally insignificant, in comparison.

  18. Andy Stern10:07 PM

    "FOX NEWS, what have you done?"

    Offered one cable news outlet that does not go along with the liberal conspiracy to control what people hear.

    Thank goodness someone is there to tell the people the stories the Democratic Party does not want them to hear.

    Tell me Field, is not the legitimacy of the electoral process worth the ten seconds it takes you to fish your ID out of your wallet?

  19. "Hathor, he wont. Most wingnuts don't live beyond a certain age. At some point all that hate starts eating away at you."

    Explains why some of these folks start looking 40 in their 20s, 70 in their 50s and 90 in their 70s. Hate, bile, remorse and jealousy erode both the body and mind.

    "Waaah, waaah, waah, one poor old lady had a five minute delay getting her free ID. Why, it's Jim Crow all over again!"

    At 96, it takes tremendous amounts of energy to get up and do much of anything. Putting this woman through the wringer by sending her back home for a piece of paper that probably wasn't needed is just wasting both her time and yours. A lot of people her age wouldn't have the energy to be bothered with going through the process again, just to face the possibility of being jerked around some more. Why do you hate old people so much?

  20. Hate? Seeing through leftwung bullsh*t is hate?

    I'm a total hater!!!!!!!!

  21. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Wow. Such a menacing way to suppress votes from the poor. But it's not just the GOP that's doing it. It's the Dems allowing to be done. As I've said before, they are working together. It's the good-guy, bad guy sham all over again. The pathetic thing about this game, Blacks fall for it over and over again.

  22. "Tell me Field, is not the legitimacy of the electoral process worth the ten seconds it takes you to fish your ID out of your wallet?"

    Just hope it isn't a student ID or some other ID that's not considered "acceptable" by the polling station.

  23. Al D. Tokeville10:10 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "It's the same old, same old bullshit"

    No, Mack, it's different this time. The tipping point has ben reached, and now a majority gets more from the government than they give, and therefore has no interest in limiting what the government takes from the diminishing ranks of workers.

    This will not end well.

  24. "No, Mack, it's different this time. The tipping point has ben reached, and now a majority gets more from the government than they give, and therefore has no interest in limiting what the government takes from the diminishing ranks of workers.

    This will not end well."

    You and your fellow conservatives blame the government (especially if it's headed by a liberal Democrat) and liberal social policies for taking your money, jobs and homes.

    Meanwhile, there's an entire movement growing throughout the country that pins the blame on corporate America, Wall Street investors and a government content to collude with moneyed interests.

    The tipping point's being reached, but the Tea Party won't get much of the credit for it.


  25. Andy Stern10:16 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Just hope it isn't a student ID or some other ID that's not considered "acceptable" by the polling station."

    Once again, if Democrats hadn't made a habit of getting college students to vote multiple times, both in their home district and their school's district, we wouldn't have to ask for the simple provsion of a legitimate ID.

    Wisconsin's razor thin elections have been swung democrat numerous times by bussing thousands of Uiversity of Wisconsin students around the state, as Wisconsin has absolutely no requirements besides breathing (and not always that) to vote.

    All you are doing is defending stealing elections.

  26. ID's wouldn't be needed if Democrats could get elected without the votes of dead people and illegals.

  27. Andy Stern, frequent White House visitor10:34 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "there's an entire movement growing throughout the country that pins the blame on corporate America, Wall Street investors and a government content to collude with moneyed interests."

    Unlike a true grasroots movement like the Tea Party, OccupyWallStreet is pure Astroturf financed by George Soros through and a host of organizations that are direct supporters of the president, like the SEIU and the NEA.

    George Soros is a frequent visitor to the White house and a huge supporter of Obama. This whole Wall Street occupation is political theater engineered by the President. Obama has now formally entered Brownshirt territory.

    Obama takes millions from Wall Street contributors, funnels billions back in bailouts, and then threatens them with manufactured protests organized by direct allies, including even ex-members of his own administration like Van Jones.

    These are very strange times.

    You are right in that cronyism is rampant - just look at Obama's relationship with GE, GM, chrysler, Solyndra, Goldman-Sachs, and these fuckers need to be in jail.

    But this anti-corporate rhetoric is nonsense. Leftists believe all wealth is ill gotten, which is just resentment based on ignorance Obama manipulates this class resentment to drum up votes, all while he pushes policies that increase resentment by destroying economic opportunity.

    Enforce the laws and jail the criminals. Leave the law abiding businesses alone.

    And resist Obama the great destroyer, for in the end we will all go down if he gets his way.

  28. have driven some wing-nuts deep into their moonshine tonight and it's early days yet.

  29. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Andy Stern, I cannot refute what you said. I cannot refute the truth. You nailed it.

    I used to be a progressive black liberal Dem....NO MORE! Obama out and out lied about the CHANGE he promised. I won't make that mistake again.

    Now that Christie isn't running I suppose the best and safest choice the GOP could make is Romney. I suppose that I could live with that. I just can't live with Obama anymore.

  30. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Gaz said... have driven some wing-nuts deep into their moonshine tonight and it's early days yet.

    Right, conservatives are the crazy drunk ones sure....

    Just as we’re always told that schoolyard bullies are actually deeply insecure, liberals rationalize their own ferocious behavior by claiming to have been wounded somehow. What about the little guy our poor, insecure bully is beating the living daylights out of? How’s his self-esteem coming along? That is the essence of liberals: They viciously attack everyone else, while wailing that they are the victims.

    -- No Pal of Moonbats

  31. stop complaining, stop grumbling and stop crying10:51 PM

    OccupyWallStreet is backed by George Soros and Obama, themselves. What better way to make people forget about all the failings of the Obama regime than a mass protest? This group is getting an awful lot of funding from a supposedly “grass roots” group!!

    In addition, I also believe this is the response to the Tea Party. The Dems have always wanted and pushed for a group as passionate as the Tea Party. Since none has taken root on its own, it must have been created. This OWS group is a well-funded hypocrisy. They have no clear, logical message. It’s just a bunch of Libs out there protesting. No one can give a reasonable and precise message. Now the Unions!? Gimme a break! The Unions are even more protected than those they claim to protest against. Obama coddled both Unions AND Wall Street!


  32. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "Dorothy Cooper is 96 but she can remember only one election when she's been eligible to vote but hasn't."

    I am amazed that AAs can live that long, considering the abuse and stress of living in America. Maybe bw have more chutzpah that gives them the longevity over bm?

    I hope LAA and AB out lives UTS and his low down sidekick, Mack Lyons by many many years.

  33. Colonel Corn10:58 PM

    "Dorothy Cooper is 96 but she can remember only one election when she's been eligible to vote but hasn't."

    Gee, that means she has been voting without problem since 1936. I thought all black people who tried to vote prior to 1964 were lynched. Was I lied to in my sterling public school education?

  34. Carolyn Moon (Amina)11:03 PM

    The Justice Dept. should intervene and investigate these moves by the GOP to disenfranchise voters and promptly! It's so obvious what they are doing, however, there seems to be a malaise settling over the democrats and those in power that could do something about this on a federal level. The same way they intervened during the civil rights struggle.

    I salute Rev. Shuttlesworth, a true fighter & crusader for equal rights in this country. What a champion he was for the oppressed with unrelenting courage. We need more people of his caliber now for there is an effort to return to the days of exclusion. Some of the methods are more creative, yet, it's the same old bull crap.

    R.I.P. Steve Jacobs...

  35. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Mack Lyons Said...

    "Meanwhile, there's an entire movement growing throughout the country that pins the blame on corporate America, Wall Street investors and a government content to collude with moneyed interests.

    The tipping point's being reached, but the Tea Party won't get much of the credit for it.


    Mack, you are right, these rich white college kids listed their demands and I have to again say you are right, liberalism is exposed for the insanity that it is. It is amazing how people who could be considered adults have no concept of actions and consequence or what it takes to provide free ...fill in the blanks....or for that matter why they feel entitled to live a life where someone else is responsible to educate, feed, clothe, house and do everything else for them while they "relax" and don't stress.

    So you agree with
    Forgiveness of all debt globally? Any idea what that means?

    Ending free trade with the world - do they/you have a clue what would happen then?

    Raise the minimum wage to 20 Dollars an hour - wow liberals aren't very bright are they.

    Ban all private insurers and institute free health care for all including anyone who wants to visit the country open borders for all, raise taxes for everyone to pay for all the citizens of the world - woohoo. Can anyone find a US doctor?

    Guaranteed living income regardless of employment. We already have some form of this Mack, dont we - liberals getting crazier and crazier.

    Free College - Woohoo add up them bills get back to work man and pay me for chillin

    Outlaw all credit reporting agencies

    there is so much more, but again you are right, this is the tipping point, no saving liberals from this insanity they have created and label themselves with. Essentially these people want others to slave and toil and take care of them forever while indulging the insane ideas they have, not having a clue how those ideas would be if enacted.

  36. Ntacoma11:08 PM

    Carolyn Moonbat (Amina) said...
    "We need more people of his caliber now for there is an effort to return to the days of exclusion"

    Instead, we have a bunch of whiny, useless, unemployable, freeloaders who demand the government provide all their basic needs so that they can continue getting high and pretending they are intellectuals all fucking day long.

    Motherfuck them all!

  37. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Carolyn Moon (Amina) said...
    The Justice Dept. should intervene and investigate these moves by the GOP to disenfranchise voters and promptly! It's so obvious what they are doing, however, there seems to be a malaise settling over the democrats and those in power that could do something about this on a federal level. The same way they intervened during the civil rights struggle.

    Carolyn, exactly what moves is the "GOP" making? Isn't it law to already present an ID when getting a library book, cashing a check, casting a ballot? So why are you against the law being applied to all including those who usually and have been found guilty of voter fraud? So what do you want them to do? Pass something that says anyone Black doesn't need to follow the law? Like a AA action lawbreaking card?

    Also , wouldnt put to much faith in the Racist Injustice department, Eric Holder is about to get brought up on charges for lying again and again and know how corrupt racist democrats do..

  38. Cornal Corn,

    All jurisdictions didn't have the same laws and if you had read the post you would know that she voted in Chattanooga Tn, not in Mississippi or Alabama. Technically in some places there were no specific laws banning Blacks from voting, but there were obstacles that were impossible to overcome or the threat of terror.

    Perhaps instead of being so sarcastic you should school yourself again. or is your intent to stay ignorant for life and revel in it.

  39. AgentX11:43 PM

    The DOJ is investing some of these states and their voting rights issues.

    The writer has a point- if you don't want state legislatures making it hard for people to vote, then don't elect people who want to do that. Conservatives say they believe in Democracy but here they are, keeping old people from voting. Basically, if you ain't white, rich, and over 40, they don't want you to vote. It's Apartheid 2011 style.

  40. Rich White fortysomething11:46 PM

    AgentX said...
    "Basically, if you ain't white, rich, and over 40, they don't want you to vote"


    No, we just don't want you voting more than once.

  41. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Ask for proof of voter fraud...beyond the beleefs of poorly attired wite guys...and you'll find they can offer none. Though they beleeve in ACORN stealing votes from deserving Santorums...they can't back the claim. Not even with the scam artists in the bush Administration.

    FAUX...for those who really really need to beleeve that being stoopid is not a hindrance. As with the TaxBagger nonsense, you seek to set up alternate Universes where you-all can be the kewl, pretty and smart kids. Well, I do suppose that being Queen Sarey of Stoopid Left Behinds is somehow better in your estimation. But you are still ruler of the dung pile.
    Like the days of school, you pretend that the others have magickal mystery conspiracies to keep you down. Like sitting on a bridge for hours is the 'exact same' as doing homework for hours.

    Unlike the AfAm expericence, your entire failure is directly attributable to your choices. Maybe that is why you keep trying to pin the same issue on others. Your hero is a B-movie actor. Your war hero went AWOL. Your mastermind had snuff films made. Your preferred policies steal money from your wallet.

    Brave heroic person...keeping a citizen from voting. And letting some scared Goober rest easier knowing that vote fraud, excuse me, vote ID was being imposed.
    Odd that your fauxtrage did not include Ann Coulter and the rest of the white women voting illegally.


  42. Johann12:16 AM

    Mold said...
    "Ask for proof of voter fraud...beyond the beleefs of poorly attired wite guys...and you'll find they can offer none. Though they beleeve in ACORN stealing votes from deserving Santorums...they can't back the claim"

    You've been caught bullshititng again, Mold.

    Tell that to those involved in the more than 30 voter fraud convictions of ACORN officals all over the country.

    You can't even lie well.

  43. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, please stop mold from cluttering up FN with ignorant uneducated bullshit.

  44. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Field, I am having a real problem with that photo of my favorite Governor of NJ. I KNOW you could have done better! That photo even makes his arms look short.

    Are you against healthy fat people? Shame on you. When are you going to get it that we are all ONE. Is this too heavy for you, Field?

    And why did you ignore my invitation to have lunch at the Progressive Dem Bookbinders Restaurant?

  45. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Fred Shuttleworth, R.I.P, I remember those days when the march in Ala. was as dangerous as it could get. If it wasn't for Fred, a lot of things regarding the march might not have happened.

  46. Anonymous1:36 AM

    They didn't call him Shuttleworth for nothing, that's for sure.

  47. "Daddy King" as he was called, was a Republican, but, according to Taylor Branch, the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian who studied the King family, he publicly switched his allegiance to the Democrats and said he would vote for John F. Kennedy.

    Martin Luther King Jr. took care not to claim any political party, said Clayborne Carson, a professor at Stanford University who directs the Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. But there are photos of him campaigning for President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, in 1964. Many blacks became Democrats during the civil rights movement.

    Just saying.

  48. Re Obama's political position from yesterday's thread.

    I've always said that Obama is essentially a Conservative.

    Political Compass is a politically neutral website that reviews the politics of individuals against two axes. Right-Left and Authoritarian-Libertarian. In the case of politicians this is based on their voting records rather than on their speeches. So in other words, what they do as opposed to what they say.

    The results for Obama clearly show him to be a moderate conservative with authoritarian leanings.

    It would be interesting if some of the regular contributors here would take the test.

    I came out at -7.7 on the Left/Right axis, and -6.89 on Authoritarian/Libertarian, which puts me firmly in the 'Left-Libertarian' camp.

    I'm a more Libertarian version of socialist heroes like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi - a very good place to be I reckon...

    In fact at one stage I thought of naming my company 'South of Gandhi' or 'South of Mandela.'

    But I didn't.

  49. "Gee, that means she has been voting without problem since 1936. I thought all black people who tried to vote prior to 1964 were lynched. Was I lied to in my sterling public school education?"

    Colonel wingnut, I am surprised to know that they have schools where you were raised. You must have been too busy cutting sheets to learn.

    "And why did you ignore my invitation to have lunch at the Progressive Dem Bookbinders Restaurant?"

    Only ate there once and it was in the company of my beautiful wife.

    I would hate to ruin that memory.
    Besides, I think it might be closed.

    Maybe next time. :)

    "OccupyWallStreet is backed by George Soros and Obama, themselves. What better way to make people forget about all the failings of the Obama regime than a mass protest? This group is getting an awful lot of funding from a supposedly “grass roots” group!!"

    Hey wingnut, that sound you hear is not a black helicopter. It's all in your head. *shaking head in wonderment*

  50. "Mack, you are right, these rich white college kids listed their demands and I have to again say you are right, liberalism is exposed for the insanity that it is. It is amazing how people who could be considered adults have no concept of actions and consequence or what it takes to provide free ...fill in the blanks....or for that matter why they feel entitled to live a life where someone else is responsible to educate, feed, clothe, house and do everything else for them while they "relax" and don't stress."

    Translation: the protesters are ungrateful liberal shits who have no idea how to operate in a capitalist society, have no clue as to how hard conservatives and the "job creators" have worked to maintain said system and evidently too stupid to do anything other than constantly whine for handouts and welfare.

    "So you agree with
    Forgiveness of all debt globally? Any idea what that means?

    Ending free trade with the world - do they/you have a clue what would happen then?

    Raise the minimum wage to 20 Dollars an hour - wow liberals aren't very bright are they."

    Translation: debt and low wages makes the world go round. How will businesses operate if they're forced to pay $20/hr or if banks and the government had to forgive loans and crippling debt? Liberals are fucking dumbassess...

    "Ban all private insurers and institute free health care for all including anyone who wants to visit the country open borders for all, raise taxes for everyone to pay for all the citizens of the world - woohoo. Can anyone find a US doctor? "

    Translation: the rest of the world will leach off of our healthcare and doctors won't work for "free".

    "Free College - Woohoo add up them bills get back to work man and pay me for chillin"

    Translation: I'm not paying for any other snot-nosed shit's education out of my hard-earned taxpayer dollars. If they want to go to college so badly, let em pay for it out of pocket like "everyone else".

    "there is so much more, but again you are right, this is the tipping point, no saving liberals from this insanity they have created and label themselves with. Essentially these people want others to slave and toil and take care of them forever while indulging the insane ideas they have, not having a clue how those ideas would be if enacted."

    Translation: I'm scared of living under a more liberal society, therefore I must bury it in shit before it catches on.

  51. "Guaranteed living income regardless of employment. We already have some form of this Mack, dont we - liberals getting crazier and crazier."

    Well, the wealthy and lucky have inheritances, trust funds and investment portfolios. The rest of America isn't so lucky, in that regard.

    Field, you should consider asking the Anon, Inc. prez to upgrade the troll software. Rolling along on DOS in a Windows 7-kind of world isn't a good look for the company. Plus the software's showing some serious flaws -- for example, it looks like Anonymous @ 10:53PM is still having those homoerotic fantasies of his. I'm sure that wasn't a part of the original programming.

  52. "Martin Luther King Jr. took care not to claim any political party, said Clayborne Carson, a professor at Stanford University who directs the Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. But there are photos of him campaigning for President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, in 1964. Many blacks became Democrats during the civil rights movement.

    Just saying."

    Shhhhhhhh. Pilot X, let's just keep that between us sane folks.

  53. "Field, you should consider asking the Anon, Inc. prez to upgrade the troll software. Rolling along on DOS in a Windows 7-kind of world isn't a good look for the company. Plus the software's showing some serious flaws -- for example, it looks like Anonymous @ 10:53PM is still having those homoerotic fantasies of his. I'm sure that wasn't a part of the original programming."

    Mack,I will contact him as soon as he gets back from the insane asylum. He likes to stay in touch with his subjects.

  54. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Mack Lyons Said...

    "Translation: I'm scared of living under a more liberal society, therefore I must bury it in shit before it catches on"

    Mack, little tip. Reading Comprehension needs no "translator" or liberal spin.

    I would love a society where I am guaranteed a good living income whether I work or not, have free college education for my children and I don't have to pay for mine and others, raise minimum wage to 20 dollars for those who elect to work (will prices stay the same? )
    Have my mortgage wiped out and any money that I owe you wiped out, have free health care for life and be able to provide free health care for the world.

    Sign me up, I too as a young liberal unemployed kid who knew everything about the world wanted this, only I couldn’t imagine how to go about it without creating and working, no one listened to my demands that they support me in style for life, therefore I had to learn skills and get a job, but I like your ideas much better. So tell me, how do we do this? Let’s get going, what’s the next step with the protestors? Who will start making this happen and how?

    Hurry, my bills are getting higher and Taxes are due, I would love to start getting all this stuff for free and am very excited about your ideas, I will even join the ranks, quit my job and take part in the good income guaranteed whether I am working or not.

    So what’s next? Can you "translate" that into liberal speak for me?

  55. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Is every single Apple user white? You'd think so judging by all the photos on the NYT. And by just the one comment by Steve.

  56. Anonymous8:47 AM

    If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said — unless you were in fact talking about your looks, your age, your weight, your personal obsessions, or whether you are a fascist. In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder.

    -A Pal

  57. Anonymous8:50 AM

    field negro said...
    "Martin Luther King Jr. took care not to claim any political party, said Clayborne Carson, a professor at Stanford University who directs the Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. But there are photos of him campaigning for President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, in 1964. Many blacks became Democrats during the civil rights movement.

    Just saying."

    Shhhhhhhh. Pilot X, let's just keep that between us sane folks.

    It would be as if, after fighting Democrats for a hundred years over the issue of abortion, Republicans finally got Roe v. Wade overturned, and then, out of pure political calculation, Democrats jumped on the bandwagon and demanded a federal law outlawing abortion. Some pro-life Republicans would probably object that federal law outlawing abortion is not one of Congress’s enumerated powers. On the basis of Republicans’ constitutional objections, Democrats would then reverse the entire history of the pro-life movement and start claiming the Democratic Party alone fought to end abortion in America. That is exactly what they have done with the history of civil rights.

    -A Pal

  58. Liberal Loons9:12 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Is every single Apple user white? You'd think so judging by all the photos on the NYT. And by just the one comment by Steve.

    8:47 AM"

    Now, you know why he named his company "Apple", instead of "Watermelon".

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. steve jobs was a great genius...and an even greater man...


    and thank u for all the toys!

  62. Remember the old Richard Pryor routine "New Niggers"?

    No that it is no longer acceptable to use the "n" word in polite company, white conservatives speak in code.

    "Government" is the new "nigger".

  63. Anonymous9:40 AM

    So is "Goober" code for cracker, or honkie?

    You hypocrite.

  64. you are so right, FN.

    this is nothing but about VOTER SUPPRESSION from the GOP


    this is who they are. who they've always been.

    did you know in Colorado, the GOP is suing to prevent MILITARY FOLK FROM VOTING?

  65. I have never heard any black person other than Sherman Hemsley use the word "honkie".

  66. rikyrah

    "did you know in Colorado, the GOP is suing to prevent MILITARY FOLK FROM VOTING?"

    Guess why?

    Thousands of black and hispanic soldiers and dependents at Fort Carson.

    A good part of the state electorate.

  67. stuntin' stymie/oj coon uts:

    is this your cousin?

    he is as proud as

    Appearing on Sway’s satellite radio show to promote his new book “Chocolate Me,” actor Taye Diggs admitted to his affinity for white women.
    According to Diggs, even his mom knew he would marry a white woman.

    My mother said “I told you!” [laughs]. She always thought – I hate this, but I’m being honest! [laughs] – she said, “I always knew you were gonna marry a white girl!”

  68. Society isn't the jungle. A man can't forage for berries on a paved sidewalk. Society has an obligation to its citizens. Otherwise, what do we need society for?

    Society is an artificial arrangement to band together and protect the weak. Because we protect the weak, we can then draw on a diversity of resources - not all material. And, btw, compared to the strength of the whole community WE ARE ALL WEAK and ALL DEPENDENT anyhow. There are no pioneers in this country who make it on their own, not for a long time now, and it's debatable there ever really, really were.

    The answer isn't eliminate slackers. That can't be done. It's a pointless idea to even contemplate. The answer is fix the social system to maximize inclusion and tolerate the low-end aberrations so they're not really a problem at all, just untapped potential.

    The delusion that we have become stuck on as a species is that 'someone over there' has it better and deserves it less. If you hate your work so badly that it just makes you sick that someone else isn't working at all, then quit and go be homeless because being homeless is so damn easy.

    It's like people who gripe about their kids. Don't blame others that you chose a harder way because you wanted more out of life. Well, don't sentence people to death under the overpass of a road they're not even successful enough to drive on, either.

    I'm not wild about paying for school busses and streetlights. I'm not scared of the dark and I don't have kids. But I do pay for those things, because they make the world a better place for everyone else, and that helps me indirectly.

    If society was about the law of the jungle, I'd knock a nerd on the head and take all his stuff, never mind he can click a mouse. Being an engineer, or car salesman, or bank teller isn't survival of the fittest. It's supposed to be something a little better than that, though considerably easier.

    If all those philosophical arguments don't reach you - if you're a linear, practical, logical type who's all about dollars and cents - then consider the mathematics of John Nash. A system that includes such a thing as losing at all is a losing system. That's right, being a greedy, bitter little dickhead actually costs more, and being your brother's keeper pays dividends.

  69. Two days in a row the wacko said she was leaving and just like a case of herpes, she's back.

  70. Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined

    The Obama administration passed another fiscal milestone this week, according to new data released by the Treasury Department. As of the close of business on Oct. 3, the total national debt was $14,837,099,271,196.71—up about $44.8 billion from Sept. 30.

    That means that in the less-than-three-years Obama has been in office, the federal debt has increased by $4.212 trillion--more than the total national debt of about $4.1672 trillion accumulated by all 41 U.S. presidents from George Washington through George H.W. Bush combined.

  71. std laden stuntin' stymie:

    TMI u germy coon!!!

    stop bragging about the only thing u know u dumb nig!!!

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. clap host coon uts/std's stuntin' stymie:

    divine karma =

    foreclosed home owners may not be able to vote...

    hobama closed more latino and black homes than all others!!!

    now he has erased his own hobama nazi base

    bet that burns like your herpes hot limp

    karma is real and really nice…see

    ABC News’ Karen Travers and Arnab Datta report: The Obama campaign and DNC have filed an injunction in federal court as an effort to challenge what they deem as illegal voter suppression of people whose houses are in foreclosure.
    The injunction is in response to the comments last week from the Macomb County (MI) Republican Party chairman, James Carabelli, who allegedly said: "We will have a list of foreclosed homes and will make sure people aren’t voting from those addresses."
    On a conference call with reporters, Bob Bauer, general counsel for the Obama campaign, said this practice is illegal and would be used to intimidate and prevent people from going to the polls.

  74. Anonymous10:31 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "did you know in Colorado, the GOP is suing to prevent MILITARY FOLK FROM VOTING?"

    Guess why?

    Thousands of black and hispanic soldiers and dependents at Fort Carson.

    A good part of the state electorate.

    Sigh...more silly liberal nonsense, creating a situation and then casting themselves as the victims and forgetting who they are and what reality is - hypocrisy.

    First of all Military personnel typically are responsible adults, know about the world and are typically conservative with at least 2/3 of Military Persons historically voting conservative.

    Remember all the liberal scams not sending out the absentee ballots for the military in time last election? Such as Illinois officials caught lying about Military Ballots and the DOJ supporting it claiming lack of knowledge? Why, because they know Military persons vote conservative.

    Now you want to play the hypocrite and flip the script for something you defended last year, how liberal of you.

    Why do liberals have so much in common with the KKK? living thinking and acting within racial lines and skin color as you just so clearly made the point even if they have to lie to do so?

    Most important of all the law requires that absentee ballots are sent to active voters - to avoid the very easily misused absentee ballot voter fraud.

    Why are liberals intent on once again not following the laws of this country, forcing situations to develop where people can easily cast fraudulent votes? What is it with liberals and law breaking?
    Anyone can easily register to vote and become active, you don't need to send tons of blank checks to liberals to facilitate more Acorn shenanigans.

    Another law breaking responsibility shirking KKK racist attack by liberals.

    Will you be as vocal in 2012 when the liberal democrats attempt to disenfranchise the Military again because they know they will primarily vote against the commander in victimization?


    *smh* As I suspected, this is a kid, or someone with a chidlike mind.

  76. Anonymous10:35 AM

    OpenSoreSteve said...
    Two days in a row the wacko said she was leaving and just like a case of herpes, she's back.

    So had long have you had Herpes? Do you get really bad mouth sores? Or just in the genital area? Do you think this was a plot by a brilliant white scientist to oppress sexual habits of homosexual black men by introducing this disease or was it just a product of nature?

  77. Anonymous10:36 AM

    OccupyWallStreet once was Liberals who live in their mom's basement and took showers once a week.

    That was long ago.

    Now the movement has been jacked by big labor,socialist,commies,,Soros, and the rest of the Democrat party.

    You can tell by all the pink,free Mumia signs, and re-elect Obama signs.

    Astroturfers who want free stuff.

  78. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Essence73T said...

    *smh* As I suspected, this is a kid, or someone with a chidlike mind.

    Why? YOu called a name, but you made no point. Very childish wouldnt you say baseless name calling without point or should I say liberal/progressive/marxist like?

  79. "Why are liberals intent on once again not following the laws of this country, forcing situations to develop where people can easily cast fraudulent votes?"

    Since when is a marriage license required to vote?

  80. Oh and about Obama supposedly increasing the national debt.....

    Please name one so called entitlement that has been increased under Obama?

    Isn't the majority of that spending on wars and bailing out banks?

    Oh and the operation of the government itself.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. stuntin' stymie the std'd steno drone 4 hobama:

    since hobama declared open season on all black mongrels

    including all poor black elders whom he has already told to stfu!!!

    tell hobama
    be careful what u ask for
    at the polls


  83. "Why are liberals intent on once again not following the laws of this country, forcing situations to develop where people can easily cast fraudulent votes?"

    Because Liberals win when illegals and dead people vote.

  84. Anonymous10:56 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Why are liberals intent on once again not following the laws of this country, forcing situations to develop where people can easily cast fraudulent votes?"

    Since when is a marriage license required to vote?

    Really? A liberal man of the world can't rationalize this one out easily?

    When one goes to an office for an I.D and has one name and then asks for an ID in a different need to show your name was changed under the law...either through marriage or via the courts.. there are laws protecting society from others just making up names and changing them for good reasons.

  85. Frederick Douglass10:57 AM

    It would be as if, after fighting Democrats for a hundred years over the issue of abortion, Republicans finally got Roe v. Wade overturned, and then, out of pure political calculation, Democrats jumped on the bandwagon and demanded a federal law outlawing abortion. Some pro-life Republicans would probably object that federal law outlawing abortion is not one of Congress’s enumerated powers. On the basis of Republicans’ constitutional objections, Democrats would then reverse the entire history of the pro-life movement and start claiming the Democratic Party alone fought to end abortion in America. That is exactly what they have done with the history of civil rights.

    -A Pal



  86. Sigh, I asked since when is a marriage license required to VOTE????

    Answer THAT question.

  87. This just goes back to the point I made previously about conservatism being about exclusion.

    Despite all their yapping about "individual liberty" what they are really about is limiting the rights and liberties of those who are not white, male, straight and Christian.

    Black conservatives are certifiably insane.

  88. Anonymous11:11 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh and about Obama supposedly increasing the national debt.....

    Please name one so called entitlement that has been increased under Obama?

    Isn't the majority of that spending on wars and bailing out banks?

    Oh and the operation of the government itself.

    Wont get into detailed spending, it is too complicated for you and you dont like facts but prefer to base your opinions along racial lines like a KKK member. But think logically about what you are claiming - during Bush's 8 years he had war spending and a host of large ticket items (9/11) for the majority of it, now Obama in 3 years spent more than ALLLLLLLLLLL U.S presidents combined. Connect the dots or do some research if you are so inclined.

    One little tip as you mentioned you have somewhat of a direction

    "Oh and the operation of the government itself"

    Government has increased 29% under Obama more then ever in history - gobbling up GDP at never before seen levels - corrupt cronyism is expensive.

  89. omg

    hobama is proof that "lesser" evils become the MOST evil ever when unchecked...


    Newly released e-mails show the Obama administration’s Energy Department was poised to give Solyndra a second taxpayer loan of $469 million last year, even as the company’s financial situation grew increasingly dire.

    The department was still considering providing the second loan guarantee to the solar-panel manufacturer in April and May 2010, at a time when Solyndra’s auditors were already warning that the company was in danger of collapsing.

    Details of the plan are revealed in e-mails released this week by Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which is investigating the original loan. On Wednesday, the probe intensified as committee Republicans requested that the White House provide all documents, dating back to President Obama’s inauguration, that would show communications between staff members and other officials regarding Solyndra’s original $535 million federal loan guarantee.

  90. Anonymous11:15 AM

    STFU AB.

  91. Anonymous11:18 AM


    uptownsteve said...
    Sigh, I asked since when is a marriage license required to VOTE????

    Answer THAT question.

    You truly are either not possessing of base intellectual capabilities or an outright lying liberal. The question you asked was answered with full context, when you go to vote you need ID to show who you are. If you need to get an ID you need to show who you are with basic documents such as birth certificates etc. On these silly things they usually like the names you say you are to match. Get it yet?

    Would you like a link to how to get an ID? What documents are required to obtain an ID? Post your address and I am sure someone will send you a link to the nearest Senior Citizen assistance center and they can help you if you are still confused about basic laws in this country, there are many groups out there that can help feebleminded people such as yourself, so don't hesitate to contact them.

  92. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    STFU AB.

    STFU Open Sore Steve

  93. Anon-Goober.

    "Wont get into detailed spending"

    That's because you CAN'T.

    You just plain don't know.

    If you could show where Obama has specifically increased spending on social programs you'd be blaring the details all over this board.

    You just another rightwing imbecile who repeats everything the Fox Noise Network puts into your pointed head.

    The righties have mastered the Nazi "Big Lie" technique.

    Just yell "socialist" and "big spender" over and over and over.

    And a certain percentage of idiots will believe it while convneiently forgetting that it was the righties who got us in this mess.

  94. anon:


    stupid stuntin' stymie is too ignorant to fake even one word as an assnon.

    what a gd joke that inept dumb coon uts is!!!!

  95. "Government has increased 29% under Obama more then ever in history - gobbling up GDP at never before seen levels - corrupt cronyism is expensive."


  96. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Open Sore Steve said...
    This just goes back to the point I made previously about conservatism being about exclusion.

    Despite all their yapping about "individual liberty" what they are really about is limiting the rights and liberties of those who are not white, male, straight and Christian.

    Black conservatives are certifiably insane.

    Typical mindless liberal rant. Nothing to say but name calling. The rule of law applied equally to all is not taking away the rights of anyone not white, male, straigh or conservative (this is a very old liberal talking point BTW) What rights do you have that others don't that if the laws are applied equally would impact you? What are you promoting or doing that is illegal?

    Again you show that you are a KKK member living along racial and skin color lines. Conservatives vote by ideas, you vote by race and who aligns with your KKK requirements calling anyone who may be black and disagrees with you dumbed down insanity traitors or Toms - .

    Make points with intelligence, not just floating liberal name calling. I know..I know...

  97. Anonymous11:30 AM


    uptownsteve said...
    "Government has increased 29% under Obama more then ever in history - gobbling up GDP at never before seen levels - corrupt cronyism is expensive."


    Oh-ohh, Open Sore Steve is hitting his keyboard and drooling all over the place. I love when I make you do this...LMBAO Tee-Hee..go on keep humiliating yourself and come back with some facts. I can, can you? How many employees did Obama add to the government in his very first month? How many since then? How many are in the special departments designed to circumvent the constitution? Those are little hints for you to check before you burst a blood vessel and keep ranting. Now chill, Obama isn't your daddy, he is a politician who just uses you because he know you are a black racist and your buttons are just so easy to push.

  98. "What rights do you have that others don't that if the laws are applied equally would impact you?"

    Stupid question.

    How about answering these.

    Are white straight males denied the right to vote?

    Are their votes ever suppressed?

    Are they denied the right to marry?

    Are they racially profiled?

    Are they ever required to prove their citizenship?

  99. "If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said — unless you were in fact talking about your looks, your age, your weight, your personal obsessions, or whether you are a fascist. In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder.

    -A Pal"

    You are clearly new around here. Have you seen ANY of the conservatives on this blog do anything but name call or offer any ideas or even have actual facts? I tried to have a debate but when one mentions anything that has to do with science they immediately go to the global warming=hoax defense and use silly arguments to defend that position such as anyone can make a climate model. Go look at past blogs, i'm not lying.
    Anyhoo anythime you want a serious debate Pal, hit me and we'll see who has to resort to a two-step. The ball is in your court and see if you can beat this liberal.

  100. Are white guys ever hassled in airports?

    Is their right to build a Christian church ever questioned anywhere in the US?

  101. "How many employees did Obama add to the government in his very first month? How many since then? How many are in the special departments designed to circumvent the constitution?"

    How about answering your own questions?

    Of course you won't.

  102. Colonel Mustard11:37 AM

    Purple Cow preened..."I'm a more Libertarian version of socialist heroes like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi - a very good place to be I reckon..."

    You sure like to pat yourself on the back, don't you? I wouldn't be so smug about getting a "correct" score per the leftists who designed that test.

    In truth, your extreme outlier score indicates you are an idiot. This is confirmed by statements such as "I've always said that Obama is essentially a Conservative."

    The only thing you have in common with Gandhi is that you both wear diapers in public.

  103. Dolly LLama11:39 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Are white guys ever hassled in airports?

    Is their right to build a Christian church ever questioned anywhere in the US?




    God, you are a moron uptown.

  104. Anonymous11:42 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Wont get into detailed spending"

    That's because you CAN'T.

    You just plain don't know.

    If you could show where Obama has specifically increased spending on social programs you'd be blaring the details all over this board.

    You just another rightwing imbecile who repeats everything the Fox Noise Network puts into your pointed head.

    The righties have mastered the Nazi "Big Lie" technique.

    Just yell "socialist" and "big spender" over and over and over.

    And a certain percentage of idiots will believe it while convneiently forgetting that it was the righties who got us in this mess.

    Oh, more name calling and ranting of empty floating democratic talking points while you hypocritically attack and then blame someone for attacking you. You convince me so much when you cant make any intelligent points and do nothing but rant like you do.

    Fact Obama did spend more then all US presidents combined in just three years.

    Fact: He did this not someone else, it's not all BOOOSSSHHHESS fault, what would you do without that excuse ehhh??

    Fact: Numerous discussions with you on economics show you don't even have a grade school understanding and are simply a skin color warrior who mind numbingly cannot explain what he believes but yet believes things such as the white house says the economy is improving so it must be...for the last three years and look the unemployment number they gave me show this....despite your not being intelligent enough to understand how these numbers are compiled and claiming anyone who disagrees with facts is racist, a Tom or a liar. When the fact is you were wrong all along, so what does this make you? A dumbass follower?

    No lables, no names, no games..simply facts. When you can deal with facts, then you can try and attack others. Until then you are just a liberal loudmouth with nothing but names and games. A child.

  105. "How many employees did Obama add to the government in his very first month?"

    So there's something wrong with earning a paycheck from working for the government? The prez understands if consumers aren't spending due to lack of jobs they've got to get employmeny somewhere right? The government has to spend to keep the economy going. Glad the man in the W.H.understands that.

  106. "It would be as if, after fighting Democrats for a hundred years over the issue of abortion, Republicans finally got Roe v. Wade overturned, and then, out of pure political calculation, Democrats jumped on the bandwagon and demanded a federal law outlawing abortion. Some pro-life Republicans would probably object that federal law outlawing abortion is not one of Congress’s enumerated powers. On the basis of Republicans’ constitutional objections, Democrats would then reverse the entire history of the pro-life movement and start claiming the Democratic Party alone fought to end abortion in America. That is exactly what they have done with the history of civil rights."

    Horrible analogy. It was liberals who fought for civil rights not a specific party. It was always conservatives who fought against civil rights. It doesn't matter that the Republicans initially were the party of integration and equal rights because in 1964, many years before I was born, they did a reversal and most southerners that opposed civil rights switched to the GOP. Doesn't matter what they believed in 50 + years ago it matters what their actions are now. if you want to talk about brainwashing wouldn't it be silly for me to support a party that today goes against my interests because 50 years ago we would have agreed? Now that is a strectch at best.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Uptownsteve said...
    Are white guys ever hassled in airports?

    Is their right to build a Christian church ever questioned anywhere in the US

    Proof in the pudding, Steve is a true definition, leaping from mindless point to mindless point.

    If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said — unless you were in fact talking about your looks, your age, your weight, your personal obsessions, or whether you are a fascist. In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder.

  109. Whoa, Purple Cow is back. Hey Cow.

  110. ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You can always tell when you've got a righty cornered.

    They start multiple posting rants and drools complete with evasions, distortions and outright lies.

    My point was simple.

    Conservatism is basically about protecting the rights and power of white Christian straight males and limiting the rights of everyone else.

    I provided several examples.

    And what do the goobers do?

    Scream "UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    "You're requiring me to think and support my baseless assertions with facts."

  111. "If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said — unless you were in fact talking about your looks, your age, your weight, your personal obsessions, or whether you are a fascist. In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder."

    Let's go.

  112. Another challenge.

    Dolly llama claims that white Christians were denied the right to build a church in the United States in this century.


  113. Kingnut12:04 PM

    PilotX said..." I tried to have a debate but when one mentions anything that has to do with science they immediately go to the global warming=hoax defense and use silly arguments to defend that position such as anyone can make a climate model."

    Anyone can make a climate model.

    No one can make a climate model that in any way produces results that are accurate enough to be useful in determining whether or not human carbon emmssions are a real problem.

    If you believe in AGW based on the output of climate models, then your belief is based on faith, not science.

    To date, there is no evidence that carbon emmissions from burning fossil fuels have resulted in any meaningful component of climate variability.

    Therefore there is no justification for radically altering human economic activity by limiting carbon emmissions.

    That the idea of anthropogenic global warming continues to be hysterically pushed on the public is scientific malfeasance of the highest order. Many in the scientific community have sold their credibility for huge sums of grant money and prestige bestowed by governemntal agenicies eager to use this hoax as a pretext for expanding their power.

    Look out the window PilotX, and tell me how the sky is falling.

  114. Anonymous12:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    You can always tell when you've got a righty cornered.

    They start multiple posting rants and drools complete with evasions, distortions and outright lies.

    My point was simple.

    Conservatism is basically about protecting the rights and power of white Christian straight males and limiting the rights of everyone else.

    I provided several examples.

    And what do the goobers do?

    Scream "UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    "You're requiring me to think and support my baseless assertions with facts."

    Oh, Poor Steve, you are ranting and jumping all over the place. Do you really think no one sees this.
    YOu are the one crying unfair and of course resorting to your usual tactics, claiming someone else is "cornered" and calling them racist names.

    You aren't very bright and it shows. You can go now.

    Where and WHY are you pulling up all this non related gibberish from? Oh right...

    If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said

    Sad..SO Sad....

    Again, I have to leave but you can go now. Try sticking on point and leaving your name calling and emotions and race crutches behind, lets see how far that goes.

  115. "Anyone can make a climate model."

    Show me one not created by someone not affiliated with a university, government agency or meteorlogical company. I'll wait.

  116. "To date, there is no evidence that carbon emmissions from burning fossil fuels have resulted in any meaningful component of climate variability"

    Not according to the climate scientists at the NCDC. If you know more than NOAA scientists please share your studies and credentials.

  117. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    uptownsteve said...

    You can always tell when you've got a righty cornered.

    They start multiple posting rants and drools complete with evasions, distortions and outright lies.

    This is hilarious. He is the textbook definition of liberal insanity. Blaming others for the very things he is doing..Holy Batshit crazy.

  118. "The amount of solar energy received at the top of our atmosphere has followed its natural 11-year cycle of small ups and downs, but with no net increase. Over the same period, global temperature has risen markedly. This indicates that it is extremely unlikely that solar influence has been a significant driver of global temperature change over several decades."

  119. Anon-Goober

    Just answer the fuckin questions.

  120. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Liberals claim to love gays when it allows them to vent their spleen at Republicans. But disagree with liberals and their first response is to call you gay. Liberals are gays’ biggest champions on issues most gays couldn’t care less about, like gay marriage or taxpayer funding of photos of men with bullwhips up their derrieres. But who has done more to out, embarrass, and destroy the lives of gay men who prefer to keep their orientation private than Democrats? Who is more intolerant of gays in the Republican Party than gays in the Democratic Party?

    -A Pal

  121. Anonymous12:16 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Just answer the fuckin questions.

    More liberal nasty name calling racist behavior. You are the true essence of the KKK, everything along racial and skin color lines.

    The questions were answered time and time again. If you do not have the capability to understand and still doggedly persue the false answers you seek to fit your agenda you are out of luck. No, I am leaving so you can go.

    You are a vile man, your hatred and racism ooooozes out of your posts. Something must have happened to make you feel so insecure and not able to cope. What was it?

    Bye Mr KKK racist.

  122. "Global climate models clearly show the effect of human-induced changes on global temperatures. The blue band shows how global temperatures would have changed due to natural forces only (without human influence). The pink band shows model projections of the effects of human and natural forces combined. The black line shows actual observed global average temperatures. The close match between the black line and the pink band indicates that observed warming over the last half-century cannot be explained by natural factors alone, and is instead caused primarily by human factors."

    NOAA still disagrees with you Kingnut.

  123. Dolly Llama12:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Another challenge.

    Dolly llama claims that white Christians were denied the right to build a church in the United States in this century.



    Are you seriously arguing that no zoning board in America had denied a building permit application for a Church with a white congregation in the last 11 years? It's happened in my town alone at least twice in the last 15 years.


  124. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Hey Steve SlowDown give your sockpuppet Mold a chance dammit!!!

    I like trying to figure out yours/his posts like a crossword puzzle

  125. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Liberals promote the right of Islamic fanatics for the same reason they promote the rights of adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, criminals, and Communists. They instinctively root for anarchy against civilization.

    --A Pal

  126. "Liberals claim to love gays when it allows them to vent their spleen at Republicans. But disagree with liberals and their first response is to call you gay."

    I'm liberal and I don't call people gay. Projecting much? The problem is both sides like to put people into nice little boxes and not accept the reality that most people are complex individuals with many ideas and opinions. Once we start stereotyping it gets more dificult to carry on a conversation. I know I'm guilty of this too but for the sake of discussion I will suspend my typecasting for the coming debate with my Pal.

  127. Looks like FED UP has found another blog to squat on.

    Don't feed the Trolls and they will find another blog to squat on.

  128. Hey Pal, wanna debate or are you just going to use baseless stereotypes about liberals?

  129. "Are you seriously arguing that no zoning board in America had denied a building permit application for a Church with a white congregation in the last 11 years? It's happened in my town alone at least twice in the last 15 years."

    What town was this?????

    Did the permit denial have anything to do with the religion itself or was it a zoning issue??

    Republicans openly seek to deny Muslims the right to worship and assemble in America.

    Don't freak out, just answer the questions.

  130. hobama has done NOTHING liberal or socialist for poor people of any race!!!

    hobama has ONLY been liberal and socialist with banksters...

    hobama has been the prez of wall street ONLY

    that is why they are richer than ever and we are doomed!!!


    Having created an administration that seemed designed primarily for the purpose of serving Wall Street, Barack Obama oversaw the greatest transfer of public funds to private pockets in history. Now, as the multitudinous bubble-and-bust crimes of the banksters wind their way into court calendars, Obama seeks to immunize Wall Street from prosecution, in perpetuity. Some aggrieved current and former homeowners are rushing to court, “hoping to get some chance for justice before the presidential fix is in

    When my friend heard about Obama’s dirty dealing she knew she needed to force the issue in court before the First Black President gave immunity and a Go-Ahead Card to the banksters who forged her name in order to steal her home. Certainly, many other victims of the Wall Street Mafia are also banging on the court’s doors, hoping to get some chance for justice before the presidential fix is in. What a spectacle!

    Once, all 50 state attorneys general vowed to put bankster criminality in check. Today, only four are left – most notably New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman – and three of the rest are shaky. But the banks are still balking at the settlement, demanding ironclad assurances that they can never be made accountable for their robo-signing crimes. That’s why my friend is trying to beat the clock and get her day in court, before big money and Barack Obama shut the doors on justice, forever

  131. that corp ho hobama has no shame!!!!!

    he knows who he is and who owns him

    shame his racist black bankless nazis are blinded to his BLATANT bankster swag

    Less than a month after calling bank executives' pay "obscene," President Barack Obama is declining to criticize bonuses received by two top Wall Street chief executives, saying he doesn't "begrudge people success or wealth."

    In an interview with Bloomberg Business Week, the president compared Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., with athletes who are paid even more.

    "First of all, I know both those guys," Obama said. "They're very savvy businessmen. And I, like most of the American people, don't begrudge people success or wealth. That's part of the free market system."

    The full interview will not appear until Friday. But the White House, eager to defend the president's remarks, issued a transcript Wednesday of the exchange over bank compensation.

    Dimon received a $17 million bonus and Blankfein received $9 million. The compensation was in the form of stock that can't be redeemed immediately.

  132. Kingnut12:34 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Global climate models clearly show the effect of human-induced changes on global temperatures. The blue band shows how global temperatures would have changed due to natural forces only (without human influence). The pink band shows model projections of the effects of human and natural forces combined. The black line shows actual observed global average temperatures. The close match between the black line and the pink band indicates that observed warming over the last half-century cannot be explained by natural factors alone, and is instead caused primarily by human factors."

    NOAA still disagrees with you Kingnut.


    "The blue band shows how global temperatures would have changed due to natural forces only "

    The blue band shows nothing of the sort, since it cannot be known how the temperatures would have changed due to "natural forces only". This is the OUTPUT OF A MODEL, not reality!

    I know very well a scientist at NOAA, someone who does primary science that supports climate modelling work, and he believes there is no such evidence for significant human effects. The models produced to date are useful for testing hypotheses, but not for predicting actual effects. There is much to be learned, and it is a worthy question, but to date there is no evidence of even the potential for runaway climate change.

    The statement that the observed warming over the past half century is "primarily by human factors" is absolutely not supported by the evidence and cannot be stated as a scientific fact. It is primarily a political statement, and should be treated as such.

  133. "Republicans openly seek to deny Muslims the right to worship and assemble in America."

    Except Chris christie who appointed a Muslim judge to the bench, agreed with the building of the Park 51 community center and called the uproar over Sharia Law silly. Is this why he didn't want to run for prez on the GOP side?

  134. Pilot X

    "Hey Pal, wanna debate or are you just going to use baseless stereotypes about liberals?"

    C'mon Pilot. You know they are INCAPABLE of debating.

    All they can do is hurl names and evade.

    Look what I'm doing to anon-goober.

    I almost feel guilty.

  135. "there is no evidence of even the potential for runaway climate change."

    No one is suggesting this.

    "The models produced to date are useful for testing hypotheses, but not for predicting actual effects"

    What are the models used for then if not predicting actual effects? Non-effects?

    "The statement that the observed warming over the past half century is "primarily by human factors" is absolutely not supported by the evidence and cannot be stated as a scientific fact."

    And what evidence are you referring to and what does it show?

  136. Anonymous12:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Liberals claim to love gays when it allows them to vent their spleen at Republicans. But disagree with liberals and their first response is to call you gay."

    I'm liberal and I don't call people gay

    PilotX is gay.

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. "I know very well a scientist at NOAA, someone who does primary science that supports climate modelling work, and he believes there is no such evidence for significant human effects."

    Glad you didn't claim to be a NOAA scientist. I also know climatologists who are well known and respected and studied under a few of them and your friend seems to be in the minority. I agree that there is no final conclusion but to state there is no global warming and there is no harm due to increased CO2 levels that is just as non-helpful and ill conceived as th epeople you describe as "alarmists". If you truly know a climate scientist and are serious about this topic let's just agree that much more study needs to be accomplished and leave it alone instead of bringing this issue up every third hour everyday ok? This topic is a waste of time as it is very complex.

  139. PilotX: "The statement that the observed warming over the past half century is "primarily by human factors" is absolutely not supported by the evidence and cannot be stated as a scientific fact."

    And what evidence are you referring to and what does it show?

    The evidence that correaltes rising temperatures rising CO2 levels, rather than to variations in solar output or La Nina /El Nino cycles.

  140. anon:


    homohatred is universally slung by repubs and dems etc


    hobama is a dl frenemy to gays who has done very little for gays...

    but MUCH than he has done for het black mongrels!

  141. anon:


    homoh8 = rainbow hued

  142. Kingnut12:51 PM

    PilotX: "This topic is a waste of time as it is very complex."


    You are right that it is best to leave the science to the scientists.

    However I have politicians who want to impoverish and shackle me on the pretext that driving my car, heating my house, doing my job and even eating steak is going to destroy the planet. I will continue to resist this until they pry the cheeseburger out of my cold, dead hands.

  143. Excema Flakeson1:09 PM

    Open Sore Steve said...
    Pilot X

    "Hey Pal, wanna debate or are you just going to use baseless stereotypes about liberals?"

    C'mon Pilot. You know they are INCAPABLE of debating.

    All they can do is hurl names and evade.

    Look what I'm doing to anon-goober.

    I almost feel guilty.


    Nothing but a lawn jockey here folks, move along. Nothing to see, empty shell. Frontin bullshit. Hyprocritical racist.

    He almost feels guilty for taking the guys hand and repeatedly smacking himself in the face with it proving he is a dumbass time and time again. Veritable genius right here.

    Want to change the topic ten more times and hurl out nonsensical questions to mask your intellectual inferiority by claiming a self described big strong buck like you is nothing more than a useless victim? Po Po Open Sore Steve the wurld dun victumized him!!!

    You do realize people see you for the idjut you are no matter how hard you try and twist it don't ya?

    Anon" Man the economy is bad"
    Open Sore Steve" No it's not, its doing great, unemployment numbers are going down each month, your a goober--goober---goober---goober---waaaah-mammy they racist!!! Obama is doing a good job he is!!! I LUBS him!!!

    Tee-Hee LMBAO!!

    What no drooling, angry, look what I do to him claims? Oh yeah, you just used one of your normal routines - what a loser.

  144. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PilotX said...
    "Liberals claim to love gays when it allows them to vent their spleen at Republicans. But disagree with liberals and their first response is to call you gay."

    I'm liberal and I don't call people gay

    PilotX is gay.

    no he not he sucks doh


  145. anon-goober

    I think I made him go hysterical again.


    "Want to change the topic ten more times and hurl out nonsensical questions"

    Change the topic?

    The topic was a black women being denied the right to vote by Rethugs.

    I provided examples of how Rethugs routine attempt to deny freedom and liberty to those who are not white, male, straight or Christian.

    All you did was rant and drool.

  146. Anonymous1:24 PM

    On fast and furious and Eric Holder:

    "He’s indicated he was not aware of what was happening in Fast and Furious. Certainly I was not. And I think both he and I would have been very unhappy if somebody had suggested that guns were allowed to pass through that could have been prevented by the United States of America,”

    President Obama

    Minutes later:

    Attorney General Eric Holder received at least five briefing memos about operation Fast and Furious, which runs contrary to what he told Congressional investigators in sworn testimony.

    The memos were released today by House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa

    Once there is a crack in the house of incompetence the truth starts coming out.

    Incompetent finger pointing murdering liars.

  147. Fabibro1:31 PM

    uptownsteve said..."The topic was a black women being denied the right to vote by Rethugs."

    No it wasn't. The post was about an old lady who didn't have the needed documentation to obtain her free ID and how she was eventually accomodated so that she could get it.

    She has been voting since 1936 without a problem. She has her ID, and should have no problem the next time she goes to vote.

    You and a bunch of other excitable negros are trying to rile up anti-Republican sentiment by peeing your pants over a non-story.


  148. Anonymous1:33 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    I think I made him go hysterical again.


    "Want to change the topic ten more times and hurl out nonsensical questions"

    Change the topic?

    The topic was a black women being denied the right to vote by Rethugs.

    I provided examples of how Rethugs routine attempt to deny freedom and liberty to those who are not white, male, straight or Christian.

    All you did was rant and drool.

    HAHAHAHAH, please use my other hand next time, your forehead is bony and protruding. Rant and drool - yes no christian churches were denied approval (even though they were) so why cant you use a fake name to vote and needs a marriage license?

    Ever see carlos Mencia? He has three words for you Dee-Dee-Dee!!!

    and I asked you what rights do you have, that applying the law equally as you object to would be impacted? Explain your KKK mantra again you are the only one who lives by skin color and along racial lines.

    Ahhh, never mind your an idjut and you will only come back saying your usual replies as you are very, very predictable. do need a new engine in your KKK racist wheelchair though it's a little slow - then again it kind of matches your mind :)

    So tell me, just morbid curiousity mind you, I figure you wont mind sharing being that you already told us about your Herpes condition...Is Herpes similar to other sexual diseases where it degrades your mind or do you just have to deal with the open sores and people running from the pustules oozing from the sides of your mouth?

    Cheer up. While I recognize you aren't very bright, I don't blame you for it. You didn't choose to be at the end of the genetic line. Nature did that.



  149. Anon-goober

    "and I asked you what rights do you have, that applying the law equally as you object to would be impacted?"

    And I said that it was a stupid question because obviously the law is NOT being applied equally.

    White guys are not racially profiled.

    White Christians are NOT denied the right to assemble or worship.

    White Christian votes are NOT suppressed nor are their barriers erected to make it more difficult for them to vote.

    White folks are NOT hassled in airports.

    Get it now, moron?

  150. upbuttsteve1:45 PM

    Black guys are not racially profiled.

    Black Christians are NOT denied the right to assemble or worship.

    Black Christian votes are NOT suppressed nor are their barriers erected to make it more difficult for them to vote.

    Black folks are NOT hassled in airports.

  151. upbuttsteve1:47 PM

    Muslim guys are not racially profiled, although they should be.

    Muslims are NOT denied the right to assemble or worship.

    Muslim votes are NOT suppressed nor are their barriers erected to make it more difficult for them to vote.

    Muslim folks are NOT hassled in airports, although they should be.

  152. "Muslim guys are not racially profiled, although they should be.

    Muslim folks are NOT hassled in airports, although they should be."

    What I don't get is why these goobers continue to lie when it is so easy to prove them wrong.

  153. slavecatchersteve said....

    How about answering these.

    Are white straight males denied the right to vote?

    Yes the are. White felons and white illegals.

    Are their votes ever suppressed?

    In black democrat polling areas.

    Are they denied the right to marry?

    See sister wives.

    Are they racially profiled?

    Everyone in America is racially profiled.

    Are they ever required to prove their citizenship?

    Yes they are.

    "White Christians are NOT denied the right to assemble or worship."

    Yes they are.See San Fran.

    "White Christian votes are NOT suppressed"

    See Obama.......

    "White folks are NOT hassled in airports."

    More white people are subject to pat downs than any other group.

    "Another challenge.

    Dolly llama claims that white Christians were denied the right to build a church in the United States in this century.


    Take your pick. The left hates Christians.

  154. hobama and his banksters even went gangster on nobler banker peers...

    hobama is a chi town thug and al capone is proud of his blackish clone and his wall st./made men regime


    The bankers had been ordered to show up at the meeting, but were given no details in advance. And, expecting uproar over the plan, government officials secretly planned to break off the first meeting, giving CEOs time to vent, talk to their boards, clear their heads, and reconvene at 6:30 p.m.

    Wells Fargo's Kovacevich was, according to the WSJ, the most animated: Why was this necessary? he asked. Why did the government need to buy stakes in these banks?

    Paulson, who yesterday made clear his own distaste for the bail-out plan, told the Wells Fargo chief and his fellow bank bosses that it was for their own good, and the good of the country. If they didn't sign up now only to find they needed cash further down the road, they would not find the government so "generous" second time round, he warned.

    Around the table were some of America's best dealmakers. But there was no negotiation. As the first meeting drew to a close, each bank boss was handed a term sheet detailing the scheme, including the new restrictions on executive pay and dividend policies.

    The meeting ended at about 4pm and by 6.30pm all the sheets had been signed. No second meeting was held.

  155. Steve The Conk Head2:15 PM

    " Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...
    slavecatchersteve said....

    Everyone in America is racially profiled.

    2:08 PM"

    Except in Steve's case, it's more a case of being profiled by species.

  156. Anonymous2:15 PM

    It sure is easy to make uptownsteve look like a fool. In fact, he does most of the work himself.


  157. Goobers are pathetic

    The link this fool provided showed a couple of examples of churches being denied building permits because people didn't want a church in a residential area.

    Parking and zoning issues.

    It had nothing to do with the religion itself.

    They just LIE get caught and then Lie again.



  158. So I guess Tormented Goober now favors the right a felons to vote.

    As long as they are white.

    Oh and Goober, polygamy is ILLEGAL in the US.

  159. "The evidence that correaltes rising temperatures rising CO2 levels, rather than to variations in solar output or La Nina /El Nino cycles."

    Common idea but the evidence does not point to increased solar output or El Nino/ La Nina. The El's do affect certain weather patterns but would not account for a continuous rise in global temps.

    El Niños are not caused by global warming. Clear evidence exists from a variety of sources (including archaeological studies) that El Niños have been present for thousands, and some indicators suggest maybe millions, of years. However, it has been hypothesized that warmer global sea surface temperatures can enhance the El Niño phenomenon, and it is also true that El Niños have been more frequent and intense in recent decades. Whether El Niño occurrence changes with climate change is a major research question.


  160. slave catcher steve, you and your ilk are not victims.

    There is no minority voter suppression.

    Its all a myth. Fake studies funded by Soros.

    If there was true minority voter suppression, than the left would be screamin'

    "Fourteenth Amendment"

    "Equal Protection Clause"

    "Civil rights violations"

    Courts all over this country would be agreeing with you and over turning voter id laws.

    None of thats happening. This is just another way to keep blacks on the plantation and take attention away from Obama's failed policies.

  161. Oh, BTW could you name an Obama "failed policy"?

    Watch this one folks.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. anon:


  164. "No one can make a climate model that in any way produces results that are accurate enough to be useful in determining whether or not human carbon emmssions are a real problem.

    If you believe in AGW based on the output of climate models, then your belief is based on faith, not science."

    I agree with all of that but as your friend at NOAA can tell you climatologists work very closely with geologists to correlate model data with other data such as core samples and past climate indicators. If climatologists were just relying on model data you are right, they would be committing a travesty but that is not how climate science works. Thanks for the info though.

  165. TARP bailed out Wall Street and the banks. Without it the economy would have collapsed.

    And TARP was a Republican idea.

    And how is mortgage assistance a failure?

  166. "However I have politicians who want to impoverish and shackle me on the pretext that driving my car, heating my house, doing my job and even eating steak is going to destroy the planet. I will continue to resist this until they pry the cheeseburger out of my cold, dead hands."

    Iagree with you. Let me know how I can help oppose politicians that want to take your cheeseburgers away from you and then maybe we can work on serious issues like keeping our planet clean.

  167. Anyone with a brain:

    Go check out AB's idiotic link.

    It virtually blames everything wrong in the world on Obama's so-called "failed policies" without naming what those policies were.


    You can't make this shit up.

  168. "The blue band shows nothing of the sort, since it cannot be known how the temperatures would have changed due to "natural forces only". This is the OUTPUT OF A MODEL, not reality!"

    And once again model data is not used alone but a component of other gathered data.

    BTW Kingnut you haven't shown me a model created by an average schmoe. You stated "anyone" can create a climate model show show me one. Please.

  169. "There is no minority voter suppression.

    Its all a myth"

    as is voter fraud.

  170. did he lie???????

    If Barack Obama were a white man, that would mean that there would be collective outrage over speeches like the one he delivered at the Congressional Black Caucus Convention, where black people were told to "stop complaining" about the highest unemployment in nearly 30 years. It would mean that we'd expect the same things from President Obama that we would have expected from Bill Clinton or anyone else during their time in the White House. I would dare to say that if black unemployment had risen to 17 percent under Clinton, he would be hammered by the black community for refusing to consider targeted economic policy.

    This is not to say that President Obama is not deserving of the black vote. But it does say that black America must cease to make itself into the political mistress of the Obama Administration. For a man whose loyalties lie elsewhere, the mistress is often the woman from whom he expects preferential treatment, but only offers second-class status. The love is often one of secrecy because he may be ashamed of the relationship and fear the reputational consequences of those who may judge him harshly.

    He only comes by with flowers when he wants something and in spite of his consistent disrespect and actions to the contrary, the mistress believes that deep down, he really loves her. When she expresses her concern about the love not being mutual, he tells her to stop complaining and support him in protecting his reputation. She accepts his stern admonishment because she's simply grateful that he even stopped by to say hello and might even consider his words to be reflective of tough love. After all, she shouldn't put any additional pressure on him because his wife is giving him such a hard time already.

    The political argument is simple: To whom much is given, much is required. President Obama received unprecedented support from black America in large part, because of the color of his skin. Had he been white, millions of black folks would not have rallied for him, organized on his behalf or took time off to go vote for him. Therefore, it is only logical that those who went the extra mile for their president expect and demand that he go the extra mile for them. Going the extra mile means not just showing up when he needs something (notice the special attention black folks have received since election season began), but having the same degree of integrity, faith and commitment in us that we are expected to have toward the White House. Yes, the Republicans are giving President Obama a hard time, but millions of black people are being hammered by racism themselves and they didn't use that as an excuse for not showing up on election day.

    So, if the White House expects black America to treat Obama differently from the way they would treat a white politician, it is only logical that we expect the same. One of the tenets of racial inequality is the idea that black people should be complacent with being treated worse than others treat us: For example, whites are allowed to moan to President Obama all day about 8 percent unemployment, but black people are told to "stop complaining" about nearly 17 percent unemployment. Do we realize how sick it is that we allow others to say and do things that we cannot do ourselves? So, when President Obama gives a speech before a group of white folks and says "stop complaining," then I'll be satisfied. But until then, we might want to reconsider accepting our role as President Obama's political mistress.

  171. "The evidence that correaltes rising temperatures rising CO2 levels, rather than to variations in solar output or La Nina /El Nino cycles"

    Lastly at least you admit global temps are rising so there is rooom for discussion. Now you have to answer a few simple questions 1. Is CO2 a greenhouse gas? If yes 2. Are CO2 levels increasiing? If yes 3. How much of an effect will increased levels of CO2 have on our atmosphere/environment in th efuture? To answer question 3 much more study has to be done because it may have a large effect or very little but as of now we don't know and since we don't know we can't say AGW is a myth because it may be true. Even if temps rise .0000000001 degrees due to CO2 that is by definition AGW.

  172. Obama Failed: Obama pledged to get out of Iraq within 16 months after he took office. He has failed as the new time period is 19 months. He also failed to mention that he will leave 50,000 troops behind and he moved 17,000 into Afghanistan without comment.

    Obama Failed to close the Guantanamo Bay.

    Obama Failed: Obama signs bill overhauling credit card Industry only two days after it was passed in Congress again violating his promise for openness and transparency in his administration.

    Obama Failed : After Obama pledged to reform the fovernment and NOT appoint any lobbyists to his administration, he nominated Eric Holder, a registered lobbyists who then nominated another lobbyists to be his deputy.

    Obama failed to get cap and trade past.

    Obama failed to put forth immigration reform within his first 2 years in office.

  173. She has been voting since 1936 without a problem.

    How do you know? You've been tracking her voting record since the late 30s?

    "Don't feed the Trolls and they will find another blog to squat on."

    We at Field Negro would be more than happy to take in ol' FuckUp. We'll just stick him in the corner with the other defective trolls.

  174. did he lie???

    uts/da mayor of stunted utopia:

    hobama + banksters = global poverty wizards!

    did he lie???????

    black unemployment rate will be after the recession is over.
    3) Kennedy didn’t cite much data to support his assertions. As Kennedy tried to argue that Obama critics are politically irrelevant, he was quite selective in his reflection of the state of black America. Kennedy’s article didn’t mention black unemployment being the highest that it’s been since 1984. He didn’t mention the black poverty rate being 27.4% . He didn’t mention that black wealth has dropped to 1/50th that of white wealth, which represents a much greater disparity than that which existed before 2008. Finally, Kennedy failed to mention that some of the concern about the Obama Administration is that (until the 2012 campaign began), there was almost no discussion whatsoever by the administration of the severity of these problems. In other words, the black community has been dying economically, and our political leaders have engaged in an embarrassing degree of strategic ignorance. As a result, white unemployment has improved since the start of the recession, while black unemployment has skyrocketed – this doesn’t happen by mere coincidence – it happens when an administration thinks that a “rising tide will lift all boats,” a 2011 racialized version of Trickle Down Economics.

    I don’t consider myself to be an Obama critic. I’ve praised and defended the administration when they’ve done the right thing. My article last week about Tavis Smiley clearly shows that I have little patience for anyone who appears to be attacking the president as part of a personal agenda (believe it or not, I respect Smiley immensely. But I believe his friendship with Hillary Clinton reduces the credibility of his views on Obama). But when I feel the pulse of the black community through our readers at Your Black World, and also analyze increasingly disappointing data about black economic suffering, there is no way one can see all of this and think that everything is going to be just fine.

    You can typically divide black voters into two categories: Those who’ve been hammered by the recession and those who have not. I can guarantee you that the recession hasn’t hit many of the black professors at Harvard University, with almost none of them facing joblessness, foreclosure and many of the other issues of concern to working class African Americans. It is due to the comfortable insulation provided by life in the Ivy Leagues that many are tempted to allow the maintenance of Harvard University power to trump the vital concerns of a struggling community. While this does not invalidate the remarks of black Harvard University faculty, I can guarantee you that none of them will ever seriously criticize President Obama.

    In other words, I encourage voters to make their own decisions and not fall for the hype. Don’t let your views be managed by others. YOU are your own greatest black leader, and all politicians must be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin. It is abundantly clear that the verdict on Barack Obama’s legacy in the black community remains open, and no amount of Harvard propaganda is going to change that fact.

  175. Obama promised to unite America. Instead, he's become the most most devise president ever.

    Obama has failed on green jobs.

    Obama's policies have failed to create job growth.

    Obama's policies lead to the first ratings downgrade.

    The summer of recovery and those 500,000 jobs created per month never happen.

    Obama failed to lower the seas and heal the earth.

  176. Abreva3:41 PM

    Open Sore Steve said...
    Oh, BTW could you name an Obama "failed policy"?

    Watch this one folks.

    What a double down self reported Brown clown - Failed Policies? Easy His Presidency!

  177. Abreva3:45 PM

    Open Sore Steve said...
    "Muslim guys are not racially profiled, although they should be.

    Muslim folks are NOT hassled in airports, although they should be."

    What I don't get is why these goobers continue to lie when it is so easy to prove them wrong.

    Liberals like Steve become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy

  178. Abreva3:54 PM

    Open Sore Steve said...
    Oh, BTW could you name an Obama "failed policy"?

    Watch this one folks.

    Oh my Open Sore, what to do, there are so many failed policies, would you like to tackle them one at a time? Would you like to talk about his Economic failed policies? Nah, thats too hard for you, how about his budget failed policies - wait democrats haven't passed a budget in violation of the law since Obama took office and starting spending like you at a gay toy store. How about his failed foreign policies, education? Defense? Earmark Policies? Failed Health? Homeland Policies, Jobs? Mideast? Failed faith? Failed tax? Ohh a biggy how about his failed health policies? Veterans Policies? You pick he hired so many people to help he and his Czars run the government the selection of failed policies is vast!!

  179. Anonymous4:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "There is no minority voter suppression.

    Its all a myth"

    as is voter fraud.

    Oh, I think the convictions around the country just with Acorn alone repudiates your statement. Voter supression is a myth it's a oh look feel me type situation, while Voter fraud is real and has resulted in numerous countrywide convictions.

    Now why would you say Myths are real and reality is a myth?

  180. that racist elitist hobama is a sexist too!

    even as millions of brain dead bimbo hobama nazis dream of him as their hubby/baby deddy etc!!!

    what a gd shame!!!

    this explains his aversion to bf judges!

    The fact that Dr. Malveaux, along with every other talented Black woman in America, is consistently left to the side in these important conversations should be disturbing to all of us. As we fight for the civil rights of our community, we might want to take a second to realize that we are not immune from the temptation of oppression. With all due respect to the men who’ve taken the time to meet with the president, I grow increasingly disturbed that the powerful Black female political voice has been largely kept in the background. Given that Black men are the most marginalized group of people in American society, it is clear that Black women led the way in building the passionate energy that gave our nation its first Black president.

    Adding insult to injury, Dr. Height mentioned to President Obama that it is time that a Black woman be allowed to serve on the Supreme Court. Instead, the Obama Administration barely glanced at the thousands of talented Black female attorneys and judges across the country, and chose another Harvard University alum (Elena Kagan) with a horrifically racist hiring record. Kagan was the right political move, but the wrong ethical move, and President Obama surely knows this.

    The goal in making these points is not to bash President Obama or the men who conduct meetings with him. It is to make it clear that Black men must take the lead in insisting that women be allowed to advocate for our community as much as our men. I hope and expect that Jealous, Sharpton and Morial are in agreement. I also hope that powerful Black women will speak up on this issue as well.

    When fighting for what is rightfully yours, there comes a time when you no longer need to be diplomatic. Let’s move Black women away from the back of the political bus.

  181. uptownsteve said...

    Oh and Goober, polygamy is ILLEGAL in the US.


    So was miscegination once, you wan tto go back to that?

    You racist.

  182. Trojan Ribbed4:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh, BTW could you name an Obama "failed policy"?

    The Stimulus

  183. Colonel Corn4:50 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "She has been voting since 1936 without a problem."

    How do you know? You've been tracking her voting record since the late 30s?

    Uh, I read the post, Einstein.

    She said she had voted in every election that she been eligible except for one (1960). If she is 96, that means she was born in 1915 and eleigible to vote starting in 1936.

    See, it's not so hard if you pay attention.

  184. hobama inherited messes

    and that messy hoax hobama RUSHED to make each mess 23 trillion times messier
    just as his bankster rulers paid him to do in 2008

    and hobama is still earning his corp keep well!!!


    A new report shows the Obama administration has been just as protective as its Republican predecessor of bank robo-signing: forging the signatures of millions of homeowners in order to foreclose their homes. “Theft and fraud were standard practice on Wall Street, and both the Bush and Obama administrations knew it, and protected the criminals.” Obama didn't just “inherit” Bush's entanglement with Wall Street robo-gangsters. He joined the criminal enterprise.

    Both the Bush and the Obama administrations are complicit in the gargantuan and ongoing corporate conspiracy to unlawfully foreclose on the homes of millions of Americans. The U.S. government, through its quasi-private housing corporation Fannie Mae and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which is supposed to oversee the millions of mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae, collaborated in the so-called “robo-signing” scheme that has allowed banks to repossess homes without proof they own the mortgages to the houses

    The robo-signers kept signing, and they are still at it, with the full protection of the Obama administration. The Inspector General of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, who issued the damning reports, says the agency still claims to be deciding what to do about the robo-signers, eight years later. The agency issued a statement that it would do something by September of 2012 - just before the presidential election.

    To apologize for President Obama by claiming that he “inherited” the housing mess from George Bush is like saying that Al Capone inherited his criminal enterprises from previous gangsters. Obama is just as much a conspirator with Wall Street as Bush, and he has signaled he intends to keep the mega-crime going right up till Election Day. He's a gangster, pure and simple.

  185. This comment has been removed by the author.

  186. Dorothy Cooper is 96 but she can remember only one election when she's been eligible to vote but hasn't.

    Mea culpa, Colonel Cornball.

  187. Hobama gots to go!!!!!!! 2012 he gone be outs the door!!!!!!

  188. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Dorothy Cooper is 96 but she can remember only one election when she's been eligible to vote but hasn't.

    Mea culpa, Colonel Cornball.

    SMack you cannot read....

    She is 96 and she can only remember one election where she was eligible that she DID NOT vote...all others she voted in since she was eligible. Women have had the right to vote since 1920......

  189. She made it to MSNBC w' Rev Al!!!!

    Nobody mentioned your blog....wth???

    First this, when will the injustice to FN be recognized man? The Dude will not abide man!

  190. WhatsAGoober?7:07 PM

    Gaz said...
    She made it to MSNBC w' Rev Al!!!!

    Nobody mentioned your blog....wth???

    First this, when will the injustice to FN be recognized man? The Dude will not abide man!

    Oh my god, at least a handful of people saw this then.

    Resist We Much.

  191. "Oh, I think the convictions around the country just with Acorn alone repudiates your statement. Voter supression is a myth it's a oh look feel me type situation, while Voter fraud is real and has resulted in numerous countrywide convictions"

    Oh wow, the old conservative bait and switch tactic. The link you gave me was for voter REGISTRATION fraud not actual voter fraud. If you don't know the difference you don't need to take part in this debate. Show me evidence of voting fraud and then we'd be on to something.
    Typical conservative, don't know what they're talking about;-)


    NAACP official convicted of voter fraud
    In Tunica, Mississippi, ten guilty verdicts of voter fraud were returned yesterday against NAACP officer Lessadolla Sowers. She was sentenced to five years for each count without the possibility of parole and will serve the terms concurrently. Sowers manipulated the absentee ballot process in the 2007 election. Absentee ballots in Mississippi are notoriously subject to voter fraud. The District Court opinion in United States v. Ike Brown provides another outrageous example of systemic voter fraud in the casting of absentee ballots in Mississippi. Brown was also a NAACP and Democratic party official. The Tunica Times (subscription required) is the only media outlet covering Sowers’ conviction. No surprise there. And don’t expect the voter fraud deniers at the Brennan Center or Tova Wang at Demos to devote much attention to Sowers and her five year vacation in the pen.

  193. Whoa, hold the presses. Tormentor found ONE person convicted of voter fraud. Hmmmmmmm, now i know why it's so important to pass new laws because in ten years there may be TWO whole cases.
    And before you go into the voter fraud denier thing yes it does happen but there have been what less than 100 cases nationwide? That my friend does not require a change in voting laws.


    "Allegations of widespread fraud by malevolent voters are easy to make, but often prove to be inflated or inaccurate. Crying “wolf” when the claims are unsubstantiated distracts attention from real problems that need real solutions. Moreover, these claims are frequently used to justify policies – including restrictive photo identification rules – that could not solve the alleged wrongs, but that could well disenfranchise legitimate voters."

    "Allegations of widespread voter fraud, however, often prove greatly exaggerated. It is easy to grab headlines
    with a lurid claim (“Tens of thousands may be voting illegally!”); the follow-up — when any exists — is not
    usually deemed newsworthy. Yet on closer examination, many of the claims of voter fraud amount to a great
    deal of smoke without much fire. The allegations simply do not pan out."

    This from the NYU school of law.

  195. "The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law carefully examines allegations of fraud to get at the
    truth behind the claims. The Brennan Center has analyzed purported fraud cited by state and federal courts;
    multipartisan and bipartisan federal commissions; political party entities; state and local election officials;
    and authors, journalists, and bloggers. Usually, only a tiny portion of the claimed illegality is substantiated
    — and most of the remainder is either nothing more than speculation or has been conclusively debunked."

  196. Anonymous7:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Oh, I think the convictions around the country just with Acorn alone repudiates your statement. Voter supression is a myth it's a oh look feel me type situation, while Voter fraud is real and has resulted in numerous countrywide convictions"

    Oh wow, the old conservative bait and switch tactic. The link you gave me was for voter REGISTRATION fraud not actual voter fraud. If you don't know the difference you don't need to take part in this debate. Show me evidence of voting fraud and then we'd be on to something.
    Typical conservative, don't know what they're talking about;-)

    Typical liberal, lying through his teeth to protect and align with criminals because they may be on his morals. So you think all the "voter registration fraud" being conducted nationwide didn't lead to any "voter fraud" I think Mickey Mouse who voted for Obama woudl think you are either a liberal or just plain goofy.

  197. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Allegations of widespread fraud by malevolent voters are easy to make, but often prove to be inflated or inaccurate. Crying “wolf” when the claims are unsubstantiated distracts attention from real problems that need real solutions. Moreover, these claims are frequently used to justify policies – including restrictive photo identification rules – that could not solve the alleged wrongs, but that could well disenfranchise legitimate voters."

    Please explain to me how common sense law which requires an ID for every transaction of significance in this country is disenfranchising to anyone in this country in this day and age? We do not live in Africa. Please explain this nonsense carried over from 50 years ago and never updated.

  198. Big Bob Bork8:32 PM

    PilotX said...
    The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law......

    A center named after one of the most liberal Supreme Court justices of the 20th century at a hard left university found no evidence of voter fraud.....hmmmm
