Oh well, I think I might have spoken a bit too soon.
So anyway, the weather outside is windy and cold, just like the hearts of some of these color aroused folks here in A-merry-ca.
"Danny Hembree, a man from York County, South Carolina has admitted to killing 17-year-old Heather Catterton in 2009 so she wouldn’t sleep with Black men in exchange for crack cocaine.
Hembree admitted to giving Catterton crack cocaine in exchange for sex himself, and says he also dated her sister and mother. He is also charged with two other murders.
BET.com reports:
On Monday, a jury in the trial of a 49-year-old man named Danny Hembree watched a taped confession of Hembree saying he committed murder over interracial dating. Hembree, who is being tried in York County, South Carolina, is accused of killing 17-year-old Heather Catterton in 2009, a crime he told police he committed after he gave crack to Catterton in exchange for sex. Yet despite the fact that he had sex with her after giving her drugs, Hembree says he killed Catterton to keep her from having sex with Black men in order to afford crack. “I just released her from that,” he said in the video. “I wasn’t mad or nothing. She was just better off.” [Source]She might be better off alright, but it has nothing to do with the black men that she might -or might not- have been sleeping with. The fact that you raped her and slept with her mother -not to mention her sister-, just might have led the poor child to reach out for the crack pipe. *shaking head*
And, speaking of crack pipe, some of you Negroes are going to have a tough decision to make: Which of the two do you love more? Crack, or Jesus?
"The purse begat the crack pipe.
Cops found Tonya Sutton's crack pipe hidden inside a Bible in her purse,
reports Will Greenlee in his Off the Beat blog for TCPalm.com in Stuart.
The 43-year-old Fort Pierce woman was walking while carrying an open 16-oz, container of Colt 45 malt liquor.
When cops unholstered Sutton of her Colt 45, they searched her purse and uncovered the demonic possession of her Bible." [Story]
Oh my goodness! All those vices. I just hope that girlfriend has enough money left over to pay her tithes the next time that she is in church.
Field, did you know that S. Carolina was the state with the largest slave population in the South during the days of slavery? Strom Thurmond is from that state and he represented the state of mind of S.C. quite well. Read the book "All God's Children" that I suggested to you years ago.
Hembree only confirms how deep racism in S.C. goes. There is no mixing of the races there. If there is, it is a matter of time before something happens to one or both of them.....VIOLENTLY!
The sick twisted thinking of Hembree for killing the 17-year old is considered "normal" thinking and logical conclusion in S.C. Any bm or ww having sex or even having a true love relationship are in serious danger in that state.
Field, "And, speaking of crack pipe, some of you Negroes are going to have a tough decision to make: Which of the two do you love more? Crack, or Jesus?"
Sometimes it is difficult to say because they both cause spiritual experiences. Lawd have mercy!
Enjoy the snow! Ha!
Reagan's Legacy Lives On (Crack)
Wesley R said...
Reagan's Legacy Lives On (Crack)
Wesley, are you high on (Crack)? Or just insane?
Sometimes it is difficult to say because they both cause spiritual experiences. Lawd have mercy!
Anonymous 8:25 PM
Now, that is just stoopid enough for me to have uttered.
Wow snow in October...so soon...that may mean it is going to be a cold winter...ugh!
Crack, what a scourge on society!
From the previous thread:
anon, "Of course, Mack Lyons, PilotX and Field wrote him off as nothing serious that the GOP would consider. As usual, they prove that they know NOTHING about the GOP..."
Field replied, "I know this much: Mr. 9-9-9 will never be the GOP nominee for president of these divided states of A-merry-ca."
Again, Field proves he knows NOTHING about the GOP. You know as much about politics as you do about those Eagles and Redskins.
Please answer me this... Do YOU know this much: that the O-man will NOT be elected President next year, and there will be a Conservative in the WH?
FYI: By now, a lot of people believe Cain is the next President of the USA.
Enjoy the snow, brother Field....break out your cross country skies and walk around the street you had promised to run down. One thing for sure, you and Obama have something in common: you both tell big fat LIES.:)))
anon, Sometimes it is difficult to say because they both cause spiritual experiences. Lawd have mercy!
Anonymous 8:25 PM
NSangoma said, "Now, that is just stoopid enough for me to have uttered.
10:23 PM
Thanks...I am glad you liked it. I tried to make it subtle so that it would go right by the three musketeers...It worked! ROLF
dear mack lyons, i heard a rumor that uts was divorced by his wife and kicked out of her house. just wanted to let you know that he is back on the market now. go for it.
No Ronald,
I tell it like it is. Sorry I hurt your feelings. But your Saint wasn't a Saint.
Anonymous said...
dear mack lyons, i heard a rumor that uts was divorced by his wife and kicked out of her house. just wanted to let you know that he is back on the market now. go for it.
He's sleeping over in Mold's basement touching himself, trying to grow some Mold
A 17 year old crackhead??????????
Confederate flags over the statehouse and governors hiking the Appalachian Trail. WTF is wrong with S.C.?
"dear mack lyons, i heard a rumor that uts was divorced by his wife and kicked out of her house. just wanted to let you know that he is back on the market now. go for it."
"He's sleeping over in Mold's basement touching himself, trying to grow some Mold"
Look, Anon, if you want to out yourself and go all homosexual on everyone, just do that. Too bad Mold's not around and Steve's not gonna break up his marriage just to help you quench your craving for man booty.
Field, you gotta trade these anons in for another model, at least. These anons are really fucking up here.
Mack Lyons said...
"dear mack lyons, i heard a rumor that uts was divorced by his wife and kicked out of her house. just wanted to let you know that he is back on the market now. go for it."
"He's sleeping over in Mold's basement touching himself, trying to grow some Mold"
Look, Anon, if you want to out yourself and go all homosexual on everyone, just do that. Too bad Mold's not around and Steve's not gonna break up his marriage just to help you quench your craving for man booty.
Field, you gotta trade these anons in for another model, at least. These anons are really fucking up here.
Sounds like you are perilously close to calling me a no good fag? That can not be not from the suckling of men promoter that you are could it, otherwise you would be a hypocrite and "you" know you aren't that.
You also need to get a new line, just claiming people need to be "traded in" "upgraded" or the usual endlessly repeated line you use doesn't make it so, nor you any better. It highlights how immature and unimaginative you are. You sound in dire need of a new line to copy.
So who's fucking up? Can you be homophobic and still support Obama?
"Again, Field proves he knows NOTHING about the GOP. You know as much about politics as you do about those Eagles and Redskins."
You mean the same deadskins whose asses we kicked a couple of weeks ago? Those deadskins?
How is that division lead working out for you? Oh, that's right, they aren't leading the division anymore. :(
"FYI: By now, a lot of people believe Cain is the next President of the USA."
Just keep believing there my friend. After he is president you all can go off to Oz together and find the Wizard.
PilotX said...
A 17 year old crackhead??????????
Confederate flags over the statehouse and governors hiking the Appalachian Trail. WTF is wrong with S.C.?
Black people.....
Has with any state most of its problems are caused by minorities.
"Black people.....
Has with any state most of its problems are caused by minorities."
I don't think that any of the problems cited had anything to do with "minorities". But we get it wingnut; you live in an alternate universe.
Anon, "FYI: By now, a lot of people believe Cain is the next President of the USA."
Field, "Just keep believing there my friend. After he is president you all can go off to Oz together and find the Wizard."
8:17 AM
You are one of the few black lib dems who does not believe Cain can be President. Oh, wait....you were one of the few Blacks who didn't believe Obama could be President. Sounds like a rerun to me.
Speaking of reruns, will you guarantee to run down Broad Street "naked" when Cain wins? Like you did when Obama won? I swear, you progressive liberals, Black or White, will say anything with NO INTENTIONS of upholding your words. Obama is a classic example.
Speaking of reruns, will you run down Broad Street when the REDSKINS WIN the conference?
PS. Your Birds won because the Redskins had an off day, which every NFL team has. It won't happen again. They are going to skin your Birds alive next time.
"Sounds like you are perilously close to calling me a no good fag? That can not be not from the suckling of men promoter that you are could it, otherwise you would be a hypocrite and "you" know you aren't that.
You also need to get a new line, just claiming people need to be "traded in" "upgraded" or the usual endlessly repeated line you use doesn't make it so, nor you any better. It highlights how immature and unimaginative you are. You sound in dire need of a new line to copy.
So who's fucking up? Can you be homophobic and still support Obama?"
Sounds like you just experienced the Power of the Pipe™.
I don't think that any of the problems cited had anything to do with "minorities". But we get it wingnut; you live in an alternate universe.
She was killed in order to save her from a more violent death at the hands of black men.
Minorities are the main crack distributors. Without minorities, crack would'nt be a problem in this country.
"Your Birds won because the Redskins had an off day, which every NFL team has. It won't happen again"
And what happened the very next week when they caught a beat down from Cam and the Panthers?
Let me guess; just another "off day".
"Minorities are the main crack distributors. Without minorities, crack would'nt be a problem in this country."
Hmm, what minority group does Ronald Reagan belong to?
field negro said...
"Your Birds won because the Redskins had an off day, which every NFL team has. It won't happen again"
And what happened the very next week when they caught a beat down from Cam and the Panthers?
Let me guess; just another "off day".
"Minorities are the main crack distributors. Without minorities, crack would'nt be a problem in this country."
Hmm, what minority group does Ronald Reagan belong to?
Ahhh another it aint my fault while they do it Black conspiracy.
Reagan belongs to the dead minority.
Why is it that Blacks think they are so weak that everyone else can run their life? So Reagan in your very own mind made all those addicts become users and all those pushers become sellers and like the panthers say it isn't a races fault, it's all a plot to weaken the race.
I guess this is why you are a democrat, you need someone else to tell you what to do and they do it well. Personally I think it is a weak lame childish excuse for lack of willpower and critical judgement skills but go ahead blame a dead president, this way no change is ever achieved.
Hmm, what minority group does Ronald Reagan belong to?
We talking myths now? Talk about alternate wingnut universe.
"So Reagan in your very own mind made all those addicts become users and all those pushers become sellers and like the panthers say it isn't a races fault.."
No wingnut, the fake cowboy from Cali presided over an administration which allowed crack cocaine to flood inner city neighborhoods all over this country. I would give you and the kinky_neocon a history lesson but I don't have the patience or the time.
"guess this is why you are a democrat, you need someone else to tell you what to do and they do it well. Personally I think it is a weak lame childish excuse for lack of willpower and critical judgement skills but go ahead blame a dead president.."
Blah blah blah. And who tells you wingnuts to vote lockstep with your right wing leaders and their causes which are favorable to just a few every year?
Critical thinking and good "criticaljudgement skills" are not things that we would associate with a wingnut. Sorry.
field negro said...
"So Reagan in your very own mind made all those addicts become users and all those pushers become sellers and like the panthers say it isn't a races fault.."
No wingnut, the fake cowboy from Cali presided over an administration which allowed crack cocaine to flood inner city neighborhoods all over this country. I would give you and the kinky_neocon a history lesson but I don't have the patience or the time.
So take away the liberal labels and what you have is you say
A president presided over a deliberate plan to flood the "inner cities" with crack and thus are to blame for the state of Black America.
One question before there was "crack" there was "H" and it was an identical situation, whose fault was this? Sure you have someone to blame other than the junkies who stick the needle in their arm or the dealers who kill their own people. Remember you are against the war on drugs as a liberal point, so if it were up to liberals junkies woudl be more commonplace than they are now. Don't these things conflict with your "critical thinking" skills ever?
Critical thinking and good "criticaljudgement skills" are not things that we would associate with a wingnut. Sorry
Of course not, this is what your democratic masters tell you. You are smart and know what's better for everyone if only they would listen as you do blindly to what the leaders tell you that you should feel, think, understand, eat, work, play and so on.
Oh and while you are at it, never question the results that anyone but a blind fool (or democrat) could see. Just say you didn't spend enough and need to throw another boatload of someone elses money at the problem and when all else fail whip out the R word.
amoral sexed out druggie pookies rule the world
even the pookie police rule
police departments worldwide
pookies clown most when broke/homeless/jobless etc
hobama has created more pookies than any prez ever!!!
Where there is no crack there is Meth and it isn't in the Black neighborhoods.
"One question before there was "crack" there was "H" and it was an identical situation, whose fault was this? Sure you have someone to blame other than the junkies who stick the needle in their arm or the dealers who kill their own people."
Not even close. Heroin is a much more expensive high. Crack is cheap and addicting. The end result was more poor people getting addicted and petty crimes -as well as violent ones- sky rocketing.
Again, crack cocaine with all the pathologies that came along with it, flooded poor communities under reagan's watch. There is no escaping that fact.
"Where there is no crack there is Meth and it isn't in the Black neighborhoods."
Shhhh...Only black people do drugs.
I see, Mark Sanford was a "minority" which led him to hike the Appalachian Trail. Guess all those white people in S.C. is just so highly educated and wealthy, like W.V. Silly me.
field negro said...
"Where there is no crack there is Meth and it isn't in the Black neighborhoods."
Shhhh...Only black people do drugs.
Ahhh another liberal distraction, who said only Black people do drugs? The topic is you are blaming a president because he is white and the conspiracy is that a white president wanted to destroy blacks and they aren't responsible for themselves. The white trash who use meth aren't going around saying stuff like this nor are they blaming Clinton for why they use meth , nor are they demanding it be legalized so they can conduct bizness.
Critical thinking - gets fluffy when straw silliness is used. If you find yourself using excuses that offer no solution most likely it is off the path of critical thinking.
By the way, H at one time was common and cheap when stepped on - look up harlem history. No excuse there.
PilotX said...
I see, Mark Sanford was a "minority" which led him to hike the Appalachian Trail. Guess all those white people in S.C. is just so highly educated and wealthy, like W.V. Silly me.
Didn't he own a junkyward and live with his son Lemont?
Actually, drugs should be legalized. But that's a different post for a different day.
"The topic is you are blaming a president because he is white and the conspiracy is that a white president wanted to destroy blacks and they aren't responsible for themselves."
Who said that a white president wanted to destroy blacks? I know that I didn't. Although, the end result of his policies and his so called war on drugs did leave a devastating effect on black families and black communities.
Mack Lyons,
"Field, you gotta trade these anons in for another model, at least. These anons are really fucking up here."
For real Field.
I'm just checking back in after a couple of weeks and the anon-goobers have really polluted your site.
What are you going to do brother?
In the immortal words of Dennis Green.....
The Redskins are "what we thought they were".
They suck.
I'm depressed.
which is worse someone you as a racist call an anon goober or a stanky dumbass monkeyshines coonfuckery ridden asshole like you?
Translation - can't handle all the real talk need me some affirmative action bloggin
I rest my case Field.
You thought I was gone huh, goober?
"I'm just checking back in after a couple of weeks and the anon-goobers have really polluted your site.
What are you going to do brother?"
It is always best to expose ignorance.
And yes UTS, I tried to warn you and some of these D.C. fans about those deadskins.
I smelled a fraud from the start.
"And yes UTS, I tried to warn you and some of these D.C. fans about those deadskins."
Unfortunately, you were dead right.
uts, "For real Field.
I'm just checking back in after a couple of weeks and the anon-goobers have really polluted your site.
What are you going to do brother?"
Field has already explained his position a hundred times. But you and knuckleheaded Mack Lyons are control freaks and think you can change things against Field's will. Do you dummies know how much color anons add to FN?
You two fools are so ignorant, shortsighted, and non-perceptive that you can't see the forest for the trees. Go back to wherever the hell you were. FN was much better off without you.
Now if Mack Lyons would leave, FN blog would be a much better one.
uts is an unloyal follower of the Redskins and should be hit with a snow ball at a game. What a punk!
The Redskins aren't done yet. They are just getting started....It's the Eagles who are finished. Get a clue, fool.
I'm still a 'Skins fan even though they suck.
And I feel that you are blog pestilence even though Field still thinks it's good to let you spew here.
Hey Steve!
Whaddup Queen?!!?
Just what the world needed a sociopath who is also a racist! He's killed two others (not race related) and you can tell from his language he's a sociopath. Studies show sociopaths describe their crimes detached - a goal that must be completed, and he says he released her from that and that he wasn't mad and that she'd be better off (implying heavily he was freeing her from something and that the deed had to done). At least they caught his sick ass.
One thing though that has been true of far too many men until recent times is that they assert control over women by dictating who women can date as though women belong to a 'race.' A lot of folks have missed the glaringly obvious when it comes to studying how racist white males asserted dominance in the Jim Crow South and other racist areas -- that white women who were used as pawns to lynch or beat black men were also having their sexuality controlled and dictated to them. The fight for racist white men was predicated on the notion that black men had no right to take what white men considered their property and that property was white women whether those women regardless of what the white woman chose or thought. "Protecting the honor/purity of white womanhood" was one of the main doctrines the klan lived by and yet folks still seem to miss the connection. Hell, the new incarnation of the klan and other white supremacist groups hate white women who date black men with a passion that's absolutely shocking (I think because the myth that they must've been seduced has been replaced with the realization that these women have made a conscious choice.
Men of all colors, and especially white men, need to learn that women have free will and can choose whoever they want to have a relationship or sleep with.
I know I'm on a rant but I firmly believe that racism, sexism, and homophobia all share a common origin and that shared origin is that 'you're not a 'real' man because you're .' Once we realize this, common cause as well as better attacks against and strategies to eliminate racism and other isms/phobias are easier to make and likely going to be more effective.
strom thurman may have been a lot of things field but in 1941 at the age of 40 he quit the congress and became a paratrooper and fought the nazi.what have you ever done except mouth off, you don't even try to help young men stay out of trouble with the law.you blame the law.
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