Monday, November 21, 2011

The [not so] "Super committee".

There must be a lot of kryptonite in Washington these days. It sure seems like it took out that so called "Super committee". The "Super committee" wasn't so super after all, and after months of wrangling they did not come up with a way to cut 1.2 trillion (that's trillion with a T) from A-merry-ca's deficit.

There is no bipartisanship in Washington these days, elections are just around the corner and we have to get that beige dude and his Afrocentric wife out of the people's house.

"Obama said Republicans in Congress rejected what he called a balanced approach to deficit reduction that included tax increases on the wealthy.

"Despite the broad agreement that exists for such an approach, there are still too many Republicans in Congress that have refused to listen to the voices of reason and compromise that are coming from outside of Washington," Obama told reporters after the super committee announced its failure.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, said Democrats "were prepared to strike a grand bargain that would make painful cuts while asking millionaires to pay their fair share, and we put our willingness on paper," but Republicans "never came close to meeting us halfway."

His GOP counterpart, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, argued that an agreement "proved impossible not because Republicans were unwilling to compromise, but because Democrats would not accept any proposal that did not expand the size and scope of government or punish job creators."

Somebody is lying, and I suspect that it's my man from Blue Grass Country. I am no Phi Beta Kappa from the London School of Economics, but it doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that you have to do more than just cut government programs to reduce the deficit. You have to raise revenue as well, and in order to do that we have to....wait for it...wait for it....yep, raise taxes.

But republicans will not do that, because they have pledges to keep. If you want to find where all the kryptonite is kept in Washington you might want to look under Grover Norquist's bed. This dude has some serious powers. Let's just call him Lex Luthor.

"Steve Kroft: A lot of people think you're the most powerful man in Washington.

Grover Norquist: The tax issue is the most powerful issue in American politics going back to the Tea Party. People say, 'Oh, Grover Norquist has power.' No. Grover Norquist and Americans for Tax Reform focus on the tax issue. The tax issue is a powerful issue.

Grover Norquist is trying to be modest. Since creating Americans for Tax Reform at Ronald Reagan's behest back in 1985, Norquist has been responsible, more than anyone else, for rewriting the dogma of the Republican Party.

Norquist: The Republicans won't raise your taxes. We haven't had a Republican vote for an income tax increase since 1990.

Kroft: And this was your doing?

Norquist: I helped. Yeah.

It began with the simple idea of getting Republicans all over the country to sign an oath called the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge," promising their constituents that they would never, ever vote for anything that would make their taxes go up."

But we will see how serious these republicans are when it comes to sticking to their pledge. Come midnight tomorrow night the fallback plan kicks in, and that could mean cuts in...(*Gasp!*) defense. Not to mention other programs such as Social Security, Medicaid, and Veteran's benefits.

Lex Luthor, you are a baaaad man.



  1. Shabazz9:59 PM


  2. I think it will be interesting to see what happens in the next Presidential term...

  3. Wesley R10:19 PM


    Republicans are walking around like they really accomplished something but next year the people are going to vote them out. If the Democrats blow it again they will be done as well. What we need is a strong 3rd party to even out the political process.

    If anyone hates on Vince Young remind them that since he left Tennessee, Chris Johnson hasn't done anything.

  4. Basically, Obama 'caved' on the GOP dog and pony show of the deficit and essentially caused them to cut their own necks. The Super Committee was always meant to fail and essentially forces to do what he wants even if he loses the election.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mitch McConnell said a couple of years ago that the only thing that Republicans wanted to accomplish was making Obama a one term President. And I guess he was serious. They are willing to destroy the country in order to accomplish their goal.

  7. "What we need is a strong 3rd party to even out the political process."

    You won't get that with the current "winner takes all" system in place. We'd have to move to a parliamentary-style of executive leadership before that happens.

  8. the cuts don't kick in til what 2013? Plenty of time for the dems to cave on the defense cuts and let the least able to carry the economic burden. That's the wave of the future unless we as citizens get a clue. Here in Chicago fees and taxes are going up left and right while corporations are getting tax breaks and threatening to leave if they don't. Time for us to stand up and tell them to screw themselves if they leave. No money for businesses that outsource, period.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. John Corzine12:13 AM

    PilotX said...
    No money for businesses that outsource, period.

    Careful there X, some of the President's best friends are jobs outsourcers.

    Don't you think all that great job advice Obama got from Jeffrey Immelt was worth letting GE not pay any taxes on $14 billion in profits last year? Plus all the money the government gave GE for its new shiny green divsions making solar panel and wind turbines in China?

    Isn't that fucking great?

    Just because he gives billions to companies like Solyndra and Siga Technolgies (jobs outsourcers both) who don't even have business plans, doesn't make him a crook. He was sure it was a good idea because he had good friends of his that owned those companies. Some of his top campaign bundlers as a matter of fact.

    So let's not be hasty. Where do think that billion dollars for the campaign is going to come from?


  12. It's really frustrating that time and time again POTUS decides on a direction or tactic and is second guessed ad nauseum. What you never here (except from Rachel Maddow) is acceptance that most of us are not as politically savvy as POTUS. He's been second guessed on Libya, his stance on the Arab spring and pretty much every move he's made since taking office. I've said before I really wasn't a fan of Obama when he was elected but I can't stand everyone second guessing him like he's not the supremely intelligent human being he is. Have you forgotten this is the guy that came practically from nowhere and took the nomination and presidency?

    I would suggest broadening where you're consuming your political info. Remember blogs and (unfortunately) MSM is opinion so you have to take in a lot and sort through the opinion to determine facts. If the President wasn't sure that Republicans would remain the obstructionists they are and stick to their pledge to Norquist he wouldn't have had the triggers written into law. It will take an act of congress to remove the triggers and with Republican seats in jeopardy I think you'll see Pres O is more ninja than novice.

  13. Little Malcolm12:19 AM

    Shabitch said...

    He really is gay.

  14. Dollar Bill12:53 AM

    It's all about the Dollar.

    As U.S. Workforce Divides, Middle-Class Jobs Disappear

    Former AIG CEO: Bailout Was Unconstitutional

    Obama Signs Bill Into Law To Spur Veteran Hiring

    The Economic Battlefield Of The NBA Lockout

    Mom-And-Pop Stores Under Fire For Allegedly Misusing Food Stamps

    Big Banks Estimated To Lose Billions In Cash Over Next Year

    Huge Multinational Corporation To Expand To Iraq

    EU Executive To Propose New Bank Fee Regulations

    Top 0.1% Netting Nearly Half Of All Capital Gains

    Senator Takes On High-Interest Bank Loans To Soldiers

    Prison Inmates Charged Exorbitant Amount For Phone Use

    Super Committee Failure Could Rattle Markets

    -Dollar Bill

  15. Groovin Grover12:59 AM

    "What if the Democrats signed a pledge never, ever to cut entitlements?" Costello pressed. "Would that be a great negotiating tool on the super committee?"

    "Well, a number of them have made just that commitment to the trial lawyers, the labor unions and the big-city political machines, promising not to cut spending," Norquist replied.

    Appearing on Fox News earlier in the morning, Norquist declared that Democrats wanted the "peasants to send more in so that the king can keep spending as he has become accustom."

    "No Republican in Congress has voted for an income tax increase since 1990," he boasted to Fox News host Steve Doocy. "That's a long time for the Republican Party to say, 'We do many things, raising taxes is not one of them.'"

    "Republicans are not going to walk into that room again, as we're seeing, and they're not going to be fooled to raise taxes in return for promises of spending restraint."

  16. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Did anyone really believe the Super Committee would get anything done? Of course not.

  17. Anonymous1:13 AM

    After countless real life studies examples and evidence I will never understand why dimmies don't see that spending money you don't have never ends well.

    What the hell, don't talk about corruption, spending, spending, spending...demand more money be brought in to support the corruption and spending, spending, spending all the while thinking it will NEVER be a problem for you as you are a entitled group who the republicans are trying to kill because you can't live without someone redistributing the work earnings of someone else. Everyone knows you cant make it on your own without some white guy getting forced to pay for you, the democrats told you so.

    Detroit is a wonderful liberal model of these insane people.

    Guess what? We now owe 15 trillion, no one is complaining about useless spending but they want to cut the military (are democrats all simpleminded children?) Well, when the it all comes crashing down, how many entitlements do you think will survive the lack of spending restraint and corruption grease, then my dimwitted friends you will really see people go hungry and live with the usual results of the childlike minds of democrats.

    The Eurozone has failed, our Debt to GDP ration is WORSE. We all lose and when you lose you aren't going to be arguing over who gets to eat the extra rib, you are going to be to busy looking for anything at all to eat.

  18. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Even out of the news spotlight, Herman Cain still manages to be a dumbass:

  19. Dear Anonymous 1:13

    Never post while intoxicated mate, it's not a good look.

  20. "Here in Chicago fees and taxes are going up left and right while corporations are getting tax breaks and threatening to leave if they don't."

    Sounds like Philly. But, let's remember, it's the larger businesses that get the tax breaks. I have a small business and I have not gotten any. Not that I am crying a river like my wingnut friends. I understand that citizens have to pay for services.

    "Appearing on Fox News earlier in the morning, Norquist declared ..."

    Sorry Groovin Grover, you lose me at hello.

  21. Proud Goober7:55 AM

    Last year, a study from the University of Maryland found that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe false information about politics.

  22. Shabazz8:42 AM

    Little Malcolm said...
    Shabitch said...

    He really is gay.

    What, like you and your pops, you little boy lovin' faggot!

  23. no slappz9:42 AM

    shabazz wrote:

    I wish I was alive during slavery . I would've killed as many of you pasty ass mother fuckers as i could possibly get away with.

    Black violence explained. The black murder rate -- 7 times higher than the white rate -- is the result of anger developed in weak minds by an obsession with something touched none of them.

    I probably would've gotten killed, but I would've went down with a worse M.O. than Nat Turner.

    Would Have Went Down.

    Brilliant. He desires to butcher whites while succeeding at butchering the language.

  24. no slappz9:55 AM

    field writes:

    but it doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that you have to do more than just cut government programs to reduce the deficit. You have to raise revenue as well...

    Yep. Raise revenue. By eliminating business-killing legislation that stands in the way of business creation and business profitability.

    ...and in order to do that we have to....wait for it...wait for it....yep, raise taxes.

    No, dummy. For starters, if the government were to stop blocking the oil & gas and coal industries, it's estimated the oil & gas and coal industries would add more than a MILLION JOBS -- without a dime of government spending.

    Meanwhile, the energy business expansion would generate BILLIONS in NEW tax revenues -- every year.

    The Keystone Pipleline project called for 13,000 workers -- high-paid workers. No government money necessary.

    That's just the start.

  25. no slappz10:04 AM

    field worries and wrings his hands:

    But we will see how serious these republicans are when it comes to sticking to their pledge. Come midnight tomorrow night the fallback plan kicks in, and that could mean cuts in...(*Gasp!*) defense.

    If the mandatory budget cuts are triggered, the political fallout for the cuts will land on Obama.

    The last thing he wants is to face a Republican challenger who can run without political baggage in the coming election.

    Not to mention other programs such as Social Security, Medicaid, and Veteran's benefits.

    More political fallout that will land on Obama -- because he's the president.

    Meanwhile, Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon and Obama seems willing to let Iran have it.

    From every angle he's looking like a wussy.

  26. no slappz10:14 AM

    Forty-eight years after the assassination of JFK, blacks just want to have fun:

    Flash Mob Shoplifts at Silver Spring 7-Eleven

    50 shoplifters hit 7-Eleven at once

    By Matthew Stabley
    Tuesday, Nov 22, 2011

    Around 50 teenagers swarmed a convenience store in Silver Spring this weekend.

    About 50 people simultaneously shoplifted from a Silver Spring, Md., 7-Eleven Saturday night.

    Officers arriving at the store in the 12200 block of Tech Road after 11:20 p.m. saw several people gathered in surrounding parking lots and on side streets, police said. They began to disperse when police arrived.

    The shoplifters -- described as teens and young adults -- took items including snacks and drinks, police said

    Police stopped a group of six people ages 16-18 near Tech Road and Broadbirch Drive. Each had items from the 7-Eleven but no receipts, police said.

    Detectives are investigating whether the shoplifters had attended a birthday party in the area, police said.

    In August, a flash mob of dozens of young people entered a 7-Eleven in Germantown and took items without paying, police said.

    Flash mob crime in the county has prompted lawmakers to consider teen loitering legislation and a teen curfew.

    Anyone with information about the case should call Montgomery County police at 301-565-5835.

  27. no slappz10:21 AM

    Stocking up for Kwanza:

    Ohio Salvation Army kettle stolen at knifepoint

    AP – Mon, Nov 21, 2011...

    NORTH CANTON, Ohio (AP) — Police say an Ohio Salvation Army bell-ringer outside a Kmart store was robbed of his red kettle by four men with a knife.

    North Canton police say they don't know how much donated money was in the kettle when it was taken Saturday evening.

    Police Sgt. Frank Kemp tells WJW-TV ( the four men, described as black males all wearing dark clothing and hoodies, threatened to use the knife.

    Kemp says the bell-ringer followed the Salvation Army's standard procedure in such cases and did not put up a struggle. The robbers took off on foot.

    Police are asking for tips to help find them.

  28. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 1:13

    Never post while intoxicated mate, it's not a good look.

    Meanwhile in other news the toilet..yes the toilet was stolen from the police station near PurpleCows house. Police said they do not expect to solve the crime as...they have nothing to go on.

  29. Little Malcolm10:30 AM

    Jerry Shabazzdusky said...
    What, like you and your pops, you little boy lovin' faggot!

    You are Shabitch.

  30. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 1:13

    Never post while intoxicated mate, it's not a good look.

    My, My. Dear? Mate? You are barking up the wrong tree Horatio Hornblower, you need to look elsewhere for your homoerotic gratification.

    Anway, that was so original and witty. Hats off to mums for making you a raisin.

  31. Dear Anonymous 10:29,

    Somebody told me that joke in infant school. I didn't think it was funny then either.


    Dear Anonymous 10:37

    It's not a good idea to criticize someone's use of a word when you clearly have no idea of the word's etymology.

    The word mate means friend, but it can also be used sarcastically, when talking to someone you despise - rather like the American word 'pal'.

    But if it makes you happier, next time I'll just call him/you 'cunt'.

    It is after all, a more accurate descriptor.

  32. no slappz12:24 PM

    The Super Committee did a great job.

    By doing NOTHING, they fulfilled the requirements for making cuts of a TRILLION DOLLARS.

    Great news, even if some people don't like the cuts that are ahead.

    Success through perceived Failure. Gotta love it. No both parties can try to claim it wasn't their fault.

    But we all know that Obama will get the blame for cutting the funding -- especially the defense funding -- that translates into paychecks for the people who design, build and operate the products made by the Defense Industry.

  33. no slappz12:27 PM

    purple sow:

    The Nation of Islam has built its economic base on selling anti-white hate.

    A few clowns who like stock cars and try to sell racist t-shirts make so little money from their efforts that there's no need for them to pay taxes on the proceeds.

  34. no slappz12:32 PM

    Raise Taxes.

    That's what Democrats want.

    Okay. Let's start with raising taxes on "non-profit" enterprises.

    Like Credit Unions. They are nothing but banks that are exempt from paying taxes.

    In other words, their corporate tax rate is ZERO %. Let's tax them at the same rate paid by profit-making banks. Seems fair.

    Let's demand the payment of property taxes by churches, temples and mosques.

    Why should it be so easy to dodge taxes?

  35. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 10:29,

    Somebody told me that joke in infant school. I didn't think it was funny then either.

    With the genetics you have it takes about 30 years to catch up to the intellectual norm, understood. Sorry, I expected so much from you.

    Dear Anonymous 10:37

    It's not a good idea to criticize someone's use of a word when you clearly have no idea of the word's etymology.

    The word mate means friend, but it can also be used sarcastically, when talking to someone you despise - rather like the American word 'pal'.

    But if it makes you happier, next time I'll just call him/you 'cunt'.

    It is after all, a more accurate descriptor.

    Oh those of inferior intelligence never grasp why. Why, if they know it all, they are so often found lacking and severely so. It surely must be deficiencies on the part of someone else. It's not you, it's the world.

    You don't have to call me anything, that was your choice and is your burden and no despite your genetic inclinations, I will not take your burdens from you. Again, you don't have to call me anything but if you must you would be better served knowing your place and should an instance of necessity arise, be sure to provide useful information such as, you have finished shining my shoes or washed and waxed the car.

    Oh, and gotta hand it to you, again what a cracka jack of a raisin momma raised. "I will call you cunt" oh that is so witty and original. I thought I was dealing with an intellectual for a moment instead of a snarky brit so green with envy he spends his days staring over at another land that isn't quite yet as destroyed and literally pathetic as his, but he is hoping. When did Brits start using the word "cunt" somewhere around the middle ages wasn't it and you are just picking up on it now? There go those genetics again.

  36. "Careful there X, some of the President's best friends are jobs outsourcers."

    And I should give a damn because..........

  37. "Let's demand the payment of property taxes by churches, temples and mosques."

    Now that's a damned good idea. Now if only we can get the right wing religious retards who believe humans and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time, i.e. Republicans, to go along we might just have something.

  38. Shocking new development, Buck McKeon and John McCain are both working on legislation exempting the military from the manditory cuts which would leave what else to get to the trillions of dollars that need to be slashed? Stay tuned to find out.

  39. Dear Anonymous 12:34,

    It's when you self-conciously try to sound like an intellectual that your arguments fall apart, you just don't have the intellectual nitty in your gritty to pull it off.

    The first paragraph of your response is nonsensical, you were so concerned with sounding clever, you forgot to make a point.

    Your second paragraph isn't much better. No I don’t 'have to' call you anything, I choose to call you something, because I wanted to encapsulate how much I hate you in a suitably succinct manner. I don't want you to take my burdens, because frankly what burdens I have, you are not capable of bearing.

    Oh, and don't they teach punctuation any more in the American education system anymore?

    Third paragraph - same old, same old. I wasn't trying to be witty or original. I was, as I say, demonstrating how much I despise you, because you are a perfectly vile human being with no redeeming qualities that I can see.

    Unlike you I make no claims of intellectualism, I'm a simple ad man, making me way in the heady world of marketing. If I were an intellectual I wouldn't be wasting my precious intellect on other people’s blogs, trying to educate bottom-feeders like you.

    Then of course I get the standard Conservative American "you're all just jealous" response.

    Well no, we are not.

    I actually quite like America and Americans - I am after all married to one, as you know. I had a chance to live there some fifteen years ago, but I said thanks, but no thanks. America is truly and deeply fucked, in a way that Europe never will be. I could no more live in America than I could live in North Korea.

    Yes the Brits started using the word cunt in the middle ages, it's a leather pouch that they kept tools in. In Nederland they still use it in that sense. Quite why you think that's relevant to our 'debate' is beyond me. I suspect you were just desperately scrabbling around for something to say, something to justify your perceived intellectual and racial superiority.

    There you go about my genetics again, another of your weird little fascinations.

    My genes are actually quite complicated, as often is the case for people with their roots in Barbados. 54% Sub-Saharan African, 19% Portuguese, 13% Irish (lending credence to the family legend of 'Redleg' ancestry) but also English, and (weirdly, I think) central European. I'm just one great big genetic melting pot.

    Barbados was a functioning Democracy, when your Great Great Great Grandma was still busy getting raped by Cossacks. In your mind does that make you superior?

  40. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 12:34,

    It's when you self-conciously try to sound like an intellectual that your arguments fall apart, you just don't have the intellectual nitty in your gritty to pull it off.

    The first paragraph of your response is nonsensical, you were so concerned with sounding clever, you forgot to make a point.

    As I mentioned, you just proved the entire point of the paragraph and clearly unless it is spelled out for someone of your genetic stock you will never get the point, as you have just proven.

    Your second paragraph isn't much better. No I don’t 'have to' call you anything, I choose to call you something, because I wanted to encapsulate how much I hate you in a suitably succinct manner. I don't want you to take my burdens, because frankly what burdens I have, you are not capable of bearing.

    Was this an attempt at intimidating me or making me further realize how intellectually stunted you are. You strongly hate some anonymous person on a blog. Undue emotionalism without recourse to logic is again a trait of those with your genetics, expected.

    Third paragraph - same old, same old. I wasn't trying to be witty or original. I was, as I say, demonstrating how much I despise you, because you are a perfectly vile human being with no redeeming qualities that I can see.

    Sure, this isn't a stock answer. Again, you seem emotionally stunted to have so much anger at a commentor on a blog that considers you an insignificant genetic inferior with the standards of modern science. Again, a sign of the cards you were dealt limiting your capacities.

    Unlike you I make no claims of intellectualism, I'm a simple ad man, making me way in the heady world of marketing. If I were an intellectual I wouldn't be wasting my precious intellect on other people’s blogs, trying to educate bottom-feeders like you.

    A simple man trying to educate others - there you go again. Yes, you of all people have something to teach others. Yet, you still don't get the point of the first paragraph despite literally being the literal essence of it.

    The rest of your response is all pure blither and blather nonsense aside from your stating that you are aware of the inferiority of your genetic stock. Of that there was no doubt. Now why don't you go join the "occupiers" in London, get high, shoot up, get drunk and defecate in public. Certainly is about the speed you seem to be at. Tell them you know better and are there to edumacate them on the joys of living in a shelter previously used for animals and the joys of Marxism.

  41. Shabazz2:23 PM

    "no slappz said...
    shabazz wrote:

    I wish I was alive during slavery . I would've killed as many of you pasty ass mother fuckers as i could possibly get away with.

    Black violence explained. The black murder rate -- 7 times higher than the white rate -- is the result of anger developed in weak minds by an obsession with something touched none of them. "

    Making shit up again slappy?
    Care to cite your "facts"
    I'll be waiting, holding my breath...

  42. Shabazz2:24 PM

    Little Malcolm said...
    Jerry Shabazzdusky said...
    What, like you and your pops, you little boy lovin' faggot!

    You are Shabitch.

    No your mother is honkie troll!

  43. no slappz2:56 PM

    pilot x says:

    Now if only we can get the right wing religious retards who believe humans and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time

    Not only is the black murder rate 7 times the white murder rate, on the same basis, there appears to be 7 times the number of black ministers to white ministers.

    On Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn -- mostly black territory these days -- there are at least two store-front churches per block.

    Hence, if churches were forced to pay property taxes, then black churches and their flocks would feel put-upon, unfairly.

    In seconds, black leaders would call it racist.

  44. A Waste Of Time2:57 PM

    " Shabazz said...
    Black violence explained. The black murder rate -- 7 times higher than the white rate -- is the result of anger developed in weak minds by an obsession with something touched none of them. "

    Making shit up again slappy?
    Care to cite your "facts"
    I'll be waiting, holding my breath...

    2:23 PM"

    People have posted crime statistics reporting the inclination of African Americans to commit more violent crimes, in relation to their % of the population a hundred times on this blog.

    And, these statistics come from the U.S. Government, particularly the FBI.

    Either you say they're liars, or are just too dumb to drill-down in the information to find the relevant statistics.

    I won't waste my time, any more. Hold your breath until you choke.

  45. no slappz3:01 PM

    purple cow says:

    Barbados was a functioning Democracy, when your Great Great Great Grandma was still busy getting raped by Cossacks.

    And we know the roots of Barbados' democracy are found in that intellectual garden of Renaissance thought -- Africa.

  46. Dear anonymous 2:16

    You are a sad little man.

    When I say little, I mean that literally, I'm guessing less than 1.60m tall, no? You have marked signs of 'Little Man Syndrome'.

    That can't explain all of you though, people don't become fascists simply because they have an inferiority complex. I don't know what it is about your life that has been such a disappointment to you, yet disappointed and embittered, you most certainly are.

    You see anony, it's not black people's fault that you have failed in life. It's not black people's fault that you can't find a girlfriend. It's not black people's fault that you are so angry.

    The only way you have managed to cope with your bitterness is to somehow convince yourself that your genetics makes you a bigger and better human being than others. But I think you'll find that Eugenics ran it's course in Berlin in 1945, there is no scientific basis to your theories of racial superiority, I'm afraid. But hey, it's just a coping mechanism right? So I guess I shouldn't be too hard on you.

    It is however amusing to find someone who spends hours a day on the internet telling other human beings that they are racially and genetically inferior, telling me that I am intellectually and emotionally stunted!

    The irony of your position seems lost on you, but that's to be expected, you fascists are not big on subtlety.

    But anyway, love to chat to you all night, but I must away to my TV set. At this moment the mighty Ajax Amsterdam are busy in a champions league game against Lyon, and although Ajax are going to get their collective asses kicked, I remain a loyal supporter.

    That's the kind of guy I am see? Not a fair-weather fan.

    Can you say the same Anony? Do the KKK have a soccer team?

    The Gestapo did.

  47. Slappy is just mad because a black man made it to the White House before a Jew.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Slappy said--Not only is the black murder rate 7 times the white murder rate, on the same basis, there appears to be 7 times the number of black ministers to white ministers.

    What the hell does that have to do with anything?

    Slappy said--On Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn -- mostly black territory these days -- there are at least two store-front churches per block.

    Hence, if churches were forced to pay property taxes, then black churches and their flocks would feel put-upon, unfairly.

    In seconds, black leaders would call it racist.

    Oh please Pat Robertson, et. al would have an absolute fit if the idea of taxing churches were to be introduced. I think taxing mega-churches is a great idea. Any church that offers political input should be subject to tax. Any church with multiple properties not serving as a homeless shelter, soup kitchen or some other function that contributes to the greater society should be taxed. Since republicans think that the church will replace the social programs then they'll have to demonstrate willingness by making all the property they buy available to the poor.

  50. no slappz3:33 PM


    Population: 290,000

    Median Age: 36. Like the US. Most African nations have a median age of 18. Thus, they are nations of children.

    Barbados was uninhabited when the British arrived in the early 1600s.

    Economy: 80% tourism.

    In other words, the chief resource of Barbados is its position under the sun and the quality of the sea water passing by.

    For the tiny population of Barbados, good sun and water is the equivalent of oil to the a-rabs.

  51. no slappz3:41 PM

    brooklyn shows the effects of a lousy education:

    Oh please Pat Robertson, et. al would have an absolute fit if the idea of taxing churches were to be introduced.

    Robertson is one man. ON the other hand, there are probably a million black ministers. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, MLK, Floyd Flake, Calvin Butts, Reverend Ike, to name a few.

    I think taxing mega-churches is a great idea.

    If you tax one, you've got to tax them all.

    Any church that offers political input should be subject to tax.

    Black churches flagrantly disregard the rule against holding fund raisers for politicians.

    Any church with multiple properties not serving as a homeless shelter, soup kitchen or some other function that contributes to the greater society should be taxed.

    Al Sharpton used to rent a house a couple of blocks from my house in Brooklyn. Al's house is owned by another black minister who runs a money-grubbing church on the West Side of Manhattan. One of those Pray Your Way to Wealth black churches. The minister and his wife seem to have a number of real estate holdings around the city. The prayer worked for them, but probably not as well for the flock.

    Since republicans think that the church will replace the social programs then they'll have to demonstrate willingness by making all the property they buy available to the poor.

    Yeah, wouldn't that be amusing. As if black ministers are Republicans.

  52. Anonymous3:58 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear anonymous 2:16

    You are a sad little man.

    When I say little, I mean that literally, I'm guessing less than 1.60m tall, no? You have marked signs of 'Little Man Syndrome'.

    That can't explain all of you though, people don't become fascists simply because they have an inferiority complex. I don't know what it is about your life that has been such a disappointment to you, yet disappointed and embittered, you most certainly are.

    You see anony, it's not black people's fault that you have failed in life. It's not black people's fault that you can't find a girlfriend. It's not black people's fault that you are so angry.

    The only way you have managed to cope with your bitterness is to somehow convince yourself that your genetics makes you a bigger and better human being than others. But I think you'll find that Eugenics ran it's course in Berlin in 1945, there is no scientific basis to your theories of racial superiority, I'm afraid. But hey, it's just a coping mechanism right? So I guess I shouldn't be too hard on you.

    It is however amusing to find someone who spends hours a day on the internet telling other human beings that they are racially and genetically inferior, telling me that I am intellectually and emotionally stunted!

    The irony of your position seems lost on you, but that's to be expected, you fascists are not big on subtlety.

    But anyway, love to chat to you all night, but I must away to my TV set. At this moment the mighty Ajax Amsterdam are busy in a champions league game against Lyon, and although Ajax are going to get their collective asses kicked, I remain a loyal supporter.

    That's the kind of guy I am see? Not a fair-weather fan.

    Can you say the same Anony? Do the KKK have a soccer team?

    The Gestapo did.

    Sigh Purple this was horridly inferior. "Short man, fascist this, gestapo that, KKK soccer team and most laughable "no scientific proof for genetics". God man, its not that you aren't up to speed, you dont even have a car to enter the race.

    Go watch the telly, it suits you and applaud your life achievement of being a true soccer fan - that was a very interesting revealing comment, the scope of your moral values are that of being a true soccer fan. Yes, there go the genetic limitations again.

  53. "Yeah, wouldn't that be amusing. As if black ministers are Republicans."

    You continue to show your total ignorance.

    Haven't you heard of Manning, Alveda King and that pathetic Harris here in DC?

    Even former Democratic congressman Floyd Flake from Queens jumped on the Republican bandwagon when Bush got elected.

    The entire reasoning behind Bush's "Faith Based Initiative" was to pay off greedy black ministers willing to buckdance for the right.

  54. Anonymous4:08 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Slappy is just mad because a black man made it to the White House before a Jew.

    Doesnt it suck always having to settle for less than the truth. Obama is a white man raised by white grandparents and a marxist pedophile. He just pretends to be black having had major denominators in common such as a father who abandoned him and a mother who also dumped him on the granparents as she was out persuing third world mates who would not reject her.

  55. "Robertson is one man. ON the other hand, there are probably a million black ministers. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, MLK, Floyd Flake, Calvin Butts, Reverend Ike, to name a few."

    Yo moron, the "Christian Conservative Evangelical" movement aint about black people.

    And Reverand Ike is dead.

  56. no slappz4:25 PM

    It's Obama's fault:

    NOVEMBER 22, 2011

    Sikorsky Aircraft to Lay Off 3% of Work Force


    Sikorsky Aircraft, a unit of United Technologies Corp., plans to lay off about 3% of its work force due to the weakening global economy and budget cuts at the U.S. Defense Department.

    The company, which makes the Black Hawk helicopter, notified employees Friday of the layoffs which will primarily affect white-collar workers.

    The move follows a similar sized reduction of blue-collar workers in September from the company's 18,000 total work force.

    "We've all been hearing and reading about defense cuts for a while now," Sikorsky spokesman Paul Jackson said in an email. "We need to act ahead of projected market shifts to stay competitive."

    Sikorsky's layoffs were announced internally before Congress's special deficit-cutting committee failed to come to an agreement, triggering $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts to begin in 2013. About half of those cuts are to come from the Pentagon.

    The move comes as more companies begin to announce measures to counter slower economic growth next year such as closing stores and laying off employees.

  57. no slappz4:28 PM

    up clown steve says:

    The entire reasoning behind Bush's "Faith Based Initiative" was to pay off greedy black ministers willing to buckdance for the right.

    Perhaps true. But I'll bet the ministers have always voted for Democrats.

    As for Reverend Ike, his "church" is still running in high gear. Not long ago his crew was operating at the theater on 181st and Broadway in Washington Heights.

  58. no slappz4:34 PM

    up clown steve:

    Floyd Flake was elected to the House as a Democrat. He may have been receptive to Bush and Bush policies, but by the time Bush was president, Flake was out of office.

  59. Flake is a hustler and a DINO (Democrat in name only).

    He was always conservative leaning but knew he could never get elected to office from black South Jamaica as a Republican.

    He kissed the ass of the racist Giuliani and consistently made deals with the righties.

    When strong electoral challenges came from Queens black activists in light of his sellout politics, he retired from electoral politics to run his pastoral fiefdom fulltime.

  60. Slappy you're so blinded by racism you're incapable of cognitive reasoning. Do you know what et. al means? Do I really have to name all the members of the Evangelical Conservative movement for you?

    Back to ignoring you...

    @Purple nice to see another advertising person here.

    Unlike Slappy I have work to finish up.

  61. Anonymous5:10 PM

    @Purple nice to see another advertising person here.

    False promises, fake expectations - liar's one and all. Of course you are in this Field. Snake Oil Salesman.

  62. Slappy said--False promises, fake expectations - liar's one and all. Of course you are in this Field. Snake Oil Salesman.

    My industry is regulated and we do just fine.

    My tax dollars fund that library you post from all day btw.

  63. Quote anony

    "...and most laughable "no scientific proof for genetics". God man, its not that you aren't up to speed, you dont even have a car to enter the race."

    I did not say there's no scientific proof for genetics. I said there is no scientific proof for Eugenics.

    You need to work on your comprehension skills.

    "Go watch the telly, it suits you and applaud your life achievement of being a true soccer fan - that was a very interesting revealing comment, the scope of your moral values are that of being a true soccer fan. Yes, there go the genetic limitations again."

    Total gobbledygook, if you think that was "interesting and revealing" you need to seriously get a life, little man.

    Nowhere did I say being a soccer fan was my "life achievement".

    I am proud to be a fan of the beautiful game though. It is after all the human race's favorite sport, and I'm quite happy to be a member of the human race.

    You on the other hand, what are you proud of?

  64. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Quote anony

    "...and most laughable "no scientific proof for genetics". God man, its not that you aren't up to speed, you dont even have a car to enter the race."

    I did not say there's no scientific proof for genetics. I said there is no scientific proof for Eugenics.

    You need to work on your comprehension skills.

    "Go watch the telly, it suits you and applaud your life achievement of being a true soccer fan - that was a very interesting revealing comment, the scope of your moral values are that of being a true soccer fan. Yes, there go the genetic limitations again."

    Total gobbledygook, if you think that was "interesting and revealing" you need to seriously get a life, little man.

    Nowhere did I say being a soccer fan was my "life achievement".

    I am proud to be a fan of the beautiful game though. It is after all the human race's favorite sport, and I'm quite happy to be a member of the human race.

    You on the other hand, what are you proud of? you realize how standard stock and boorish you are? Go now play and make sure I can see myself in my shoes when you are done and looking up at me for approval.

    You can go now and I will let you know if and when I wish to hear from you.

  65. "In seconds, black leaders would call it racist."

    And what would the backwoods snake handling good salt of the young earth white folks call it?
    I swear Slappz tries too hard sometimes to racialize things but consistency isn't its shortfall.

  66. "Yo moron, the "Christian Conservative Evangelical" movement aint about black people.

    And Reverand Ike is dead."

    Uh, Steve, Slappz proved long ago it isn't interested in facts. The whole 7 Black preachers to one white one is more evidence. Numbers ain't its game, hell it had to dance around the whole no prez over 60 thing. I think we should have a new nickname "no facts Slappz".

    More ignorance from Slappz,

    "up clown steve:

    Floyd Flake was elected to the House as a Democrat. He may have been receptive to Bush and Bush policies, but by the time Bush was president, Flake was out of office."

    Which is why Steve referred to him as the FORMER Democratic congressman. Geez, you really are just dialing it in these days huh?

    Field, seriously even the named trolls suck these days.

  67. Shabazz10:53 PM

    A waste of sperm babbled:
    I won't waste my time, any more. Hold your breath until you choke.

    You stupid trailer park incest child why don't you hold your meth smoke in 'till you die?
    That'll be one less redneck porch monkey I have to waste my tax dollars on.

  68. Once more THANKS.Cain $ others are not the story just eye candy.Sad thing IS they Release the story during a Holiday Week.

    super committee
