Thursday, November 10, 2011

Penn State fires a legend, republican gaffes, and frat mobs run wild.

Drip; drip; drip; the hits just keep coming from "Happy Valley".  JoePa is gone. He tried to leave on his own terms, but the board of trustees wasn't trying to hear it. You are gone Joe! Thanks for the memories.

And let's take a little time out to give some credit to a real journalist out there, Mark Madden; the guy had this thing all figured out back in April. And now he has an even scarier message about what possibly went on at Penn State.

Pimping out young boys to wealthy donors??!! Lord please make this story not be true.

I watched the republican debate last night. And I know that everyone is talking about Mr. Big Hair's YouTube moment, (How can you not remember the name of an agency that you want to get rid of?)  but he wasn't the only one who messed up his lines.

Herman called former speaker Pelosi "Princess Nancy", (I didn't find it all that offensive, but apparently quite a few people took offense and saw the statement as being sexist) and he had to apologize.

And Flipper Mitt wanted us to know that he is not a "flip-flopper" because he has been married to the same woman for 42 years...oh wait, he flip-flopped on that as well:

 “I have been married to the same woman for 25 — excuse me, I will get in trouble, for 42 years. I have been in the same church my entire life,” added Mr. Romney. “I worked at one company, Bain, for 25 years. And I left that to go off and help save the Olympic Games.." [Source] 

Mitt, there is a big difference between 25 and 42. But we get it; you have a lot on your mind. It's not easy to keep up with all those ideological shifts. I just hope that your wife is not like the lovely Mrs. Field.

These republicans better stop debating. I just saw the latest Gallup poll and his Oness leads the generic republican by a percentage point. He was actually down by as much as eight points last month. I think the more A-merry-ca sees of these clowns is the less likely they are to vote for one of them.

Finally, did everyone see the Frat Mob up at Penn State last night? Those kids were turning over news vans and destroying property all because Penn State fired a man who might have helped to cover up the crimes of a child rapist. Nice.

But not all mobs are created equal. The kids in these mobs were more well educated and...well, nicer. At least they looked nicer. They were so....white. Unlike the hooligans who ran wild in urban A-merry-ca this past summer. They looked so mean and so......well, black. At least these kids aren't "ignorant and stupid" like those "byproducts of sperm donors". Ain't that right Mayor Nutter?


  1. NSangoma8:05 PM

    This man has the solutions:

  2. White folks rioting?

    Over a rape coverup?


  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Uts, "White folks rioting?

    Over a rape coverup?


    8:05 PM

    You just don't get it, do you? Whites can riot and it is ok. It's been that way since slavery.

    But if Blacks riot, it is NOT ok. It's too scary and won't be tolerated. It's against the law and the police will shoot your black ass. Get it?

    Blacks and Whites are NOT equal citizens or human should be used to that by now. hence, it far better to be White in America than Black in America. THAT'S A FACT.

    And Field, anon provided you with that link of Mark Madden in the previous thread--and you didn't even acknowledge anon let alone give a h/t like you do to others.

    Just goes to show that even in the black race on FN blog, Blacks aren't considered as equal....must be from a White thang.

  4. You know how it goes, Mr. Field. Black people loot and White people are just trying to survive. Black youth riot and White youth protest.

    That's America.

  5. Rome is Burning9:22 PM

    "Unlike the hooligans who ran wild in urban A-merry-ca this past summer"....

    ....who rioted DOZENS of times and perpetrated HUNDREDS of racially-motivated assaults and caused MILLIONS of dollars in theft and vandalism losses.

    But in Field's mind, it's all the same.

    I'll bet you're some lawyer....

  6. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Val said...
    You know how it goes, Mr. Field. Black people loot and White people are just trying to survive. Black youth riot and White youth protest.

    That's America.

    Val = idiot

  7. Where these white mobs out targeting and murderering black people?

    Its been proven that black mobs were targeting whites for assualts and murder.

    Only race hustling scum would try to compare the two.

  8. UCantHandleTruth10:04 PM

    ... racially-motivated assaults ...

    There's the words that our Lamestream Media doesn't have the balls to use, and Filled Negro doesn't have the honesty to use. "Youths" is the code word.

  9. Anonymous10:08 PM

    "Only race hustling scum would try to compare the two."

    Welcome to FN blog, where Blacks compare every chance they get. It eases the pain of wrongs they do. It doesn't change behavior but it diminishes the ugliness done.

  10. UCantHandleTruth10:14 PM

    Princess Nancy?? What will Cain do next? Refer to the prez as the "Boy" in the House? Only those fragile-egoed who are easily manipulated and triggered by words would get upset. I agree, Filled. We Amerry-kans are too emotionally sensitized to words.

  11. Blacks and Whites are NOT equal citizens or human should be used to that by now. hence, it far better to be White in America than Black in America. THAT'S A FACT.

    So why would I vote for that Black guy Cain. At least Obama is half white.

    Field! This motherfucker Cain is crazy. Did he really refer to the first female speaker of the house as Princess Nancy. It's very offensive! It diminishes her accomplishments and intellect. How dare this motherfucker that has no grasp of foreign policy or basic intelligence insult Nancy Pelosi. What has Herman Cain to recommend him to the highest office in the land. All I've heard from republicans is I should vote for him because he's black. Sorry but that's not a good enough reason. Anybody want to guess how Cain will treat female heads of state?

    What pisses me off most about this pathetic republican field is that they make me defend democrats that I DON'T EVEN LIKE!

  12. Anonymous10:58 PM

    "I agree, Filled. We Amerry-kans are too emotionally sensitized to words."

    No, we are too insensitive to words. You see, words have value and can cause wars and cause people to kill one another.

    Take for instance Brooklyn who is offended by Cain calling Nancy Pelosi Princess Pelosi. It made Brooklyn so crazy that she said this about Cain:

    "How dare this 'motherfucker' that has no grasp of foreign policy or basic intelligence insult Nancy Pelosi."

    Now I am not an expert on words, but "Princess" is a long way from "motherfucker". However, Brooklyn is so pissed that she is justified in calling him "motherfucker"...not once but twice in the same comment. She insults Cain but is offended because Cain used the word "princess". Go figure.

    I often wonder about black liberal folks like Brooklyn. Do they actually think they are intellectuals? Lord have mercy.

  13. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Brooklyn, "What pisses me off most about this pathetic republican field is that they make me defend democrats that I DON'T EVEN LIKE!"

    It pisses me off that they can make weak-minded Blacks like you do exactly what they want. You are pathetic.

  14. Alabamy11:18 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Blacks and Whites are NOT equal citizens or human should be used to that by now. hence, it far better to be White in America than Black in America. THAT'S A FACT.

    Finally BrookLyn says something I can agree with.

    Case in point, in yet another example of how, as BrookLyn puts it, "Blacks and Whites are NOT equal citizens or human beings", Jefferson County, Alabama has just declared bankruptcy.

    Jefferson County, home to Birmingham. Once one of the top cities in America, Birmingham is now regularly featured on A&E’s The First 48, one of the true signs that you live in a horrible town (when the citizens provide excellent programming for a show that details homicide detectives difficulties at solving a real murder) that is headed nowhere but down.

    Now with the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history, Jefferson County offers frightening proof of the overwhelming power of Black-Run America (BRA) and what happens when the blacks take control of a city’s destiny.

    Here’s some background on the case:

    Jefferson County's debt escalated in the mid-2000s when bond issuance deals to upgrade its sewer system soured amid widespread corruption, bribery and fraud charges that led to some 22 convictions.

    Larry Langford, a Democrat and former mayor of Birmingham, was sentenced to 15 years in prison last year for his role in corrupt business deals that fueled the multibillion-dollar sewer debt. Langford presided over the county commission during the height of the bond swaps that led to the run-up of the massive debt.

    Though Jefferson County is 53 percent white and 42 percent Black, the Larry Langford’s of the world (a Black dude) run Birmingham just like Black people run Detroit: into the proverbial ground. With tax revenue dropping off, a plan was made to finance the sewage through bonds and debt. Sadly, this couldn’t be paid back either when creditors came calling.

    The reality of Jefferson County is a clear indicator of where America is headed. It’s a reality that Detroit knows all too well. And Cleveland. And Baltimore. And Milwaukee. And St. Louis. And… the list goes on and on.

  15. Anonymous11:47 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Blacks and Whites are NOT equal citizens or human should be used to that by now. hence, it far better to be White in America than Black in America. THAT'S A FACT.

    From everything I have ever read in history, any Black Country I have ever seen or visited, any Black Town, City or Neighborhood we sure as hell agree, it is better to be white. I wouldn't want to live like you do.

  16. This evening faux newz announced the 'cain train' would be using the early '70s Joe Tex hit 'Give It Here' as their new campaign song.

    Now I am not an expert on words, but "Princess" is a long way from "motherfucker".

    Not in intent.
    The arrogance of this man who's accusers are lining up like rednecks for a Disability Check is astounding.

  17. StillaPanther212:17 AM

    Brother Field....I quess the "no snitch" rule is becoming universal By Coach Paterno and crew actions. I imagine every plantation had a house Negro that strutted and primmed when the master (present society/politics) was sick. Brother Cain looked dapper in his brim last night. Sad to see this Black Brother not able to get to the next level. What's done in the dark......"Princess" is a royal title of rank. when said, I felt it was a continuation of Bro.HC once saying that President Obama was trying to be "King Obama"

  18. @StillaPanther2:
    Obama is King of the Negroes. You have made him so, in your wisdom.

  19. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Alabama said "BrookLyn said...
    Blacks and Whites are NOT equal citizens or human should be used to that by now. hence, it far better to be White in America than Black in America. THAT'S A FACT."

    Brooklyn did NOT say that. Anon@8:54pm said it. So there is STILL nothing you can agree with her about. Brooklyn wants to be a Princess and that's why she is angry at Cain for giving the title to Pelosi.

  20. Well Field, you might not want to break the news to a special someone on this blog that the O man beats every GOP contender because it believes Cain would win a head to head match up. I thought the Reagans taught us to just say no.

  21. Caught some of Sean Hannity's show last night and boy do these conservatives have alot riding on Cain. he has Alveda king and Niger Innis and they he went to great lengths to stress how conservatives are so unfairly regarded as racist. If he drops out of the race the GOP field goes back to how it has looked in the past, lily white. They really love their pet negro, it followed them home and damned if they didn't keep it. Too bad he doesn't have an actual shot at the nomination but I see our buddy clued us into the excuse, too old and cancer survivor not that any of that prevented McCain from the nomination but hey any excuse will do huh? i mean you thought we were actually gonna nominate a negro???????

  22. Anonymous2:03 AM

    "Their pet knee-gro followed them home and they kept it" :) That's funny. Even funnier is watching crispy, crusty, constipated conservative repugnicans remain mute while their pet knee-gro plunders, then throws "Buy-a-lick" and her ilk under de bus.
    But, alas... We suffer the raucous, lusty tyranny of the Neanderthal-knuckle draggin', "flat-earth" anti-intellectuals. How I wish:
    Stupidity was painful; and ignorance fatal.

  23. Anonymous3:05 AM

    "Ain't that right Mayor Nutter"

    You mean, "Ain't that right, Mayor Nutter?"

    And yeah, that's DAMN right!

    The Penn State Board threw a living legend overboard.

    --Mayor Fluffernutter

  24. Anonymous4:46 AM

    PilotX, "Well Field, you might not want to break the news to a special someone on this blog that the O man beats every GOP contender because it believes Cain would win a head to head match up. I thought the Reagans taught us to just say no."

    Still talking in circumlocutious arcanities? You are definitely an Obamaholic. Any GOP candidate can beat Obama. You see, Obama has a very poor record while in the WH. It won't take much to beat him because he has insured his own defeat himself.

    In case you haven't heard the economy is in bad shape, people are out of jobs and there has been NO CHANGE as Obama had promised. However, there will be people like you who, like a loyal lemming, will follow Obama over the cliff. The rest of America doesn't want to die like you. You are such a fool.

  25. "And Field, anon provided you with that link of Mark Madden in the previous thread--and you didn't even acknowledge anon let alone give a h/t like you do to others."

    Actually, I got that Mark Madden link a couple of days ago from a Penn State booster no less.
    Sorry. :(

    "But in Field's mind, it's all the same.

    I'll bet you're some lawyer...."

    Yes, as a matter of fact,I am.

  26. Alabamy, give me the racial breakdown of Jefferson County again.

    I think you might want to reconsider your long, meaningless, screed.

  27. Anonymous8:42 AM


    Apparantly Bialek - Cains accuser was fired from the NRA for false sexual harassment.

    So what do you racist negro lynchers have to say for yourself now?

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  31. Anonymous10:05 AM


    Not in intent.
    The arrogance of this man who's accusers are lining up like rednecks for a Disability Check is astounding.

    She is a witch who is a lying evil cunt and unless you saw his shoes underneath your mothers bed after he popped her in the nasty, you shouldn't call him a motherfucker. As for Disability you must mean the SSI benefits so many head of household granmas get cause they can't work while the under 20 daughter/baby mammas are out trying to get a man and just gettin another baby? If these people were taken off social security and made to work and stop fuckin we wouldn't have a deficit.

  32. eddie long is expanding his church empire to AL

    new boys await him there


  33. Anonymous10:13 AM

    anon8:32a, thanks for the link re: Bialek and her lies. Unfortunately, the Negroes on FN want to trash Herman and make him look like someone who sexually harasses blondes.

    This attempt to smear Herman Cain smells like the Democratic campaign. They are very afraid that Cain might be the GOP candidate for President. If that were to happen, Obama would surely lose by a landslide.

  34. herman dissed nancy because he is a brazen sexist

    and this is not a good look for someone being accused of sexist assaults on women

    he is toast

    and now he is toasting himself


  35. Alabamy10:16 AM

    field negro said...
    Alabamy, give me the racial breakdown of Jefferson County again.

    Jefferson County is 53 percent white and Black people comprise 42 percent of the county, as they are largely situated in the core of the Birmingham, with white flight encircling the minority-ruled city in such white cities as Hoover, Vestiva Hills and Mountain Brook.

    Black people have found the suburbs of Birmingham not conducive to their needs and have decided to stay within the eroding city walls of downtown Birmingham. There, Black people have helped Alabama climb to # 13 in the United States for worst crime rate with Birmingham putting up numbers more than twice the state average.

    Birmingham is 73% black.

    The Jefferson county sewer scandal a convoluted story, but when you get down to the gist of it, it unfortunately looks very Black:

    Indeed, the governmental buildings in Birmingham have installed a revolving door directly to the state penitentiary where mayors, city councilmen and women and other officials routinely venture during or after their stay in office.

    Most notably, ex-Mayor Larry Langford was sentenced to jail for bribery, among other charges. Jail has become a long-running traditional post-mayoral residence for Black mayors in Birmingham. The blame for the sewer crisis that threatens the solvency of the city rests squarely on the shoulders of the Black leadership.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Yes, Alabama is correct. It is most unfortunate but pretty predictable when the majority becomes Black.

  38. Anonymous10:34 AM

    ab, "Mj could not sleep because he was a superstar clone of sandusky
    Down to the shower sex!!!"

    LIAR!!! MJ, was falsely accused. He did not sexually molest any child. He was a kid himself who enjoyed the company of other kids his age.

    ab, YOU are such a liar!!! Shame!!!

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  41. see mj fan assnon at 1034

    that is the type of drone who would see a man penetrating a 10 yr old in a shower...walk away and never call the police

    mj was a documented serial boy rapist who may even have been raped by joe as many believe

    all of the jackson girls were molested by joe and spoke of it openly once

    mj was once the only boy who stood up to joe...many children are raped to be spiritually broken/tamed

    it is cloned drones who have ruined penn


    mj was a moonwalking sandusky clone

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. ie

    vomiting in the presence of their rapist is common for those who are raped...

    for many yrs mike vomited when joe was anywhere near him...

    barbara walters made that public knowledge...

    many biographers have listed mike's roster of raped children

    only drone fans refuse to read/believe them

    only fools think mj spent millions pimping parents with lavish gifts just because he was generous

    and sleeping and showering with/ giving wine to boys just because he was a docile peter pan/baby bartender


  44. Wtfu

    Pedophiles are everywhere

    Especially among celebs on campuses/in follywood etc

  45. it is also common knowledge that unlike most women who are molested

    MOST men who are molested repeat the mj did

    i bet sandusky was raped as a child

    most women who are molested become OVERprotective of children

    like the character who went off on boris k in:

  46. pedophiles are wilding globally
    demonic times are real
    A Mexican girl has become a mother at the age of just 10, according to reports.

    The youngster arrived at a hospital in the city of Puebla, suffering from life-threatening complications in her 31-week pregnancy, including seizures.

    She gave birth by Caesarean section to a boy weighing 3.3lbs at the Women's Hospital in the city, 60 miles southeast of Mexico City.

  47. pookies rule the world

    even amish ones!

  48. if anyone ever mans up in PA

    and pens a really raw book about the boy rapist sandusky

    it will read like this:

    penned by bm who adored mj since he was a kid...

    mj would still be alive and sober had they not been axed

  49. Thought that I would share this link regarding the socio-psychopathic child raping atrocity fostered by Penn State. These are my exact sentiments. Check this out:

    Morris King, Jr.
    MAGIAN World Class Tennis

  50. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Morris King Jr. said...
    Thought that I would share this link regarding the socio-psychopathic child raping atrocity fostered by Penn State. These are my exact sentiments. Check this out:

    Morris King, Jr.
    MAGIAN World Class Tennis

    11:25 AM

    Magian? Isn't that ancient persian for "man who hands fuzzy little balls to young children"?

  51. demonic ones are wilding globally

    pedophiles loom

    protect your babies!!!

    Egypt's antiquities authority closed the largest of the Giza pyramids Friday following rumors that groups would try to hold spiritual ceremonies on the site at 11:11 A.M. on Nov. 11, 2011.
    The authority's head Mustafa Amin said in a statement Friday that the pyramid of Khufu, also known as Cheops, would be closed to visitors until Saturday morning for "necessary maintenance."

    The closure follows a string of unconfirmed reports in local media that unidentified groups would try to hold "Jewish" or "Masonic" rites on the site to take advantage of mysterious powers coming from the pyramid on the rare date.

  52. Anonymous12:59 PM

    ab, "pedophiles are wilding globally
    demonic times are real

    Yes. it says so in the Bible that these demonic times would come. Now they are upon us like a runaway freight train. All hope for a virtuous human race are gone. We are doomed.

  53. Cleona Rubb1:03 PM

    @ alicia:

    Weren't you raped as a child by a lesbian gym teacher?

  54. dl pedophile gaybashing assnon:

    like most lesbians and gays
    i have never been molested


    millions of gays were never raped as children

    millions of hets were raped as children often...


    at any age
    u would make sandusky go limp
    that gives u no right to make light of the boys whom he has destroyed

    and those they will destroy also

  55. Cleona Rubb1:16 PM


    You said it yourself: "i bet sandusky was raped as a child".

    Homosexuality is a chain of sexual abuse.

  56. ignorant gay mf assnon:

    homosexuality is natural in every living species

    homosexuality is not a synonym for pedophile

    many men who were raped by men as boys only rape girls


    only fruity fools like u mix apples and oranges and call it logic


    does donnie mcclurkin rape boys???


    he was born a flamer and raped by his uncle and his son?


    only haters like u blame homosexuality on bs

    and think that all of us homos are tree jumpers like YOU


    i never had a dyke gym teacher like your mom

    and i never went to high school

    i went to college at 12 u moron

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I have been silent about Donnie McClurkin's increasingly boring and blatant gaybashing. For a while, I pitied his tragic childhood so much that I excused his misguided venting. But, I can be silent no more. His recent interview in a gospel magazine is my last straw!

    Donnie says that he was raped by an uncle as a child, and a cousin as a teen. I hate that these horrible acts violated his youth and wounded his spirit. I never condone any act of sexual violence or pedophilia. But, I also never blanket my hatreds. Why does Donnie feel the need to bash all homosexuals and curse us all in the name of God in order to detail his individual and uniquely tragic homosexual experiences? Why is he blaming all of us because he fell down? Why drag us all down with him and his molesters? Many of us are proud to stand and proclaim our homosexuality and our divinity. And, we dare to do so simultaneously and eternally.

    Donnie says that he was not born a homosexual. He says his homosexuality was caused by his traumas. This may be so. It is also true that millions of girls and boys who are homosexually raped as children never become homosexuals. It is also true that millions of homosexuals are born gay. Millions of homosexuals are like myself. I was blessed with an idyllic childhood. I was extremely sheltered and never sexually molested by anyone. Yet, I am and I have always been a lesbian.

    Why is Donnie unable to separate his own tragic experiences from droves of homosexuals who have never experienced anything nearly as tragic as his miserable and pathetic life? Why is Donnie's gaybashing getting more venomous? Could there be some irresistibly sexy new choir boy in his midst? Could his alleged heterosexual bliss be waning? Why is his gaybashing becoming more and more blasphemously toxic?

  59. anon:


    it is biblical indeed

    just like the pookie reign/parents who fear children who rule their homes/classes etc

    and like the ww3 that hobama is swiftly fashioning

    hobama = mabus
    per nostradamus

    we are doomed indeed
    and we will all see that in 2012

  60. Cleona Rubb1:33 PM

    @ alicia:

    Thanks for the Donnie McClurkin example which backs up my point:

    Homosexuality is a chain of sexual abuse.

  61. Cleona Rubb1:33 PM

    "i went to college at 12 u moron"

    OMG. Was it Penn State?

  62. Cleona Rubb1:38 PM

    As alicia banks pointed out, Jerry Sandusky was made a homo by being raped as a child.

    Now all those poor boys he raped will probably grow up to be homos too.

    The chain of abuse goes on.

  63. fn:

    to each their own

    i think it is truly a gd shame the way u allow these racist sexist kkk fools to eff over your blog

    they stay banned from all of my own spaces on line/on air

    always have

    always will


  64. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Once AB shows up, the blog turns to shit.

  65. dl demon assnon:

    cc that bs to sandusky's het wife and het kids

    u silly sex idiot mf

  66. Pokey Chatman1:41 PM

    Cleona Rubb said...
    "i went to college at 12 u moron"

    OMG. Was it Penn State?

    Wow. If that isn't a lesbian college coach's dream, I don't know what is. And I should know.

  67. lying dumb assnon:

    i post more wisdom sanity links this blog than any kkk mf here

    especially u

    get over that asap

  68. Mike McQueerly1:43 PM

    alicia banks said...
    cc that bs to sandusky's het wife and het kids

    Sandusky and his wife never had any of their own kids.

    They adopted six.


  69. like nfl star laveranues coles

    who was raped by his own father like mj etc

    MOST men and women who are raped as children are het

    wtfu u homohating lying fool

  70. and sandusky's kids are het and he did not rape them


    most men who rape girls have bio/adopted daughters at home

    like even ted bundy did u fool


  71. Ray Gricar1:47 PM

    @ alicia:

    Please tell us that you never raped any children.

    I have to ask, because the other day you said you would kill a baby by putting ground glass in its formula.

  72. even ll cool j was raped by his stepfather for yrs

    and he is not gay or a rapist

  73. Cleona Rubb1:50 PM

    alicia banks said...
    like nfl star laveranues coles who was raped by his own father like mj etc....even ll cool j was raped by his stepfather for yrs

    Raped by his own father/stepfather? That sounds homo to me.

    And the chain of abuse goes on.

  74. dl tree jumper assnon:

    u prove u r a gay child rapist

    with each vulgar callous post

    carry on mini-sandusky

  75. your wails sound glass???

  76. Cleona Rubb2:00 PM

    alicia "baby killer" banks said...
    your wails sound glass???

    You are a rapist.

    I knew it.

    Shame! You will rot in hell with Sandusky!

  77. Mr. Whipple2:10 PM

    Every time I see that big, fat ugly, face of AB on this blog, I have this irresistable urge to try and wipe it off my screen with some toilet paper, and flush it.

  78. Of course, Alicia does have a legit point. We shouldn't jump to the hysterical conclusion that all or even most lesbians or even gays like Sandusky are sexual predators. They are not.

    But this just points oput the hypocrisy of liberals who have no problem with painting all or most Texans or Arizonans or conservatives as subhuman neanderthal beasts when some rightwing nutjob does something crazy. Remember when that politician was shot in Arizona by Laughner(who wasn't even a conservative)? Right away, ALL CONSERVATIVES were blamed for the CULTURE OF VIOLENCE. And though Tea Party has been far more sane and peaceful than OCCUPY WALL STREET, the Ny Times went out of their way to portray the TEA PARTY as a HATE movement.

    Liberals have their set catetories of good peoples(Jews, blacks, gays, etc) and evil peoples(white conservatives, white Christians, white nationalists, etc.) And so, when a story makes white people look bad, it's the absolute truth and emblematic of white evil. But when a story exposes evil on the part of Jews, blacks, or gays, we get spin about how we should NOT rush to judgment and must remind ourselves that the story isn't any shape or form indicative of the group as a whole.

    So, it's perfectly okay to say there is a culture of pedophilia and code of silence within the Catholic Church(or Irish dominated police department), but it's not okay to say there may be endemic collusion, corruption, and abuse of power among Jews, blacks, and gays.

  79. Anonymous2:34 PM

    We should NEVER rush to judgement, especially when it comes to college sports. We must be cautious, balanced, and judicious... like how liberals were with the Duke Lacrosse case.

  80. If The Rubber Don't Fit...Oh Hell, Convict Them Anyway2:43 PM


    But....Johnny Cochran couldn't even get their asses out of this pickle.

  81. no slappz2:47 PM

    brooklyn burps:

    Blacks and Whites are NOT equal citizens or human should be used to that by now.

    Hmmm. The achievements and development of the white world compared with the black planet of Africa, Haiti, and other black regions tells the story.

    Blacks cannot organize, govern or educate. They cannot build countries or companies.

    The proof is in the pudding.

  82. Elvis Nixon2:53 PM

    Why was "JoPa" fired? Because he allowed the weakest,most defenseless in our society to be exploited for the degenerate pleasure of rich and powerful homosexuals.

    Sandusky is a male and he forced young males to have sexual relations with him- that is by definition same-sex or homo(same) sexual. Why does our media mask the fact by calling him a "pedophile"? He engaged in homosexual pederasty.

    What our media is hiding from you is the fact that Paterno was simply following the PC dogma- Paterno refused to be "HOMOPHOBIC" - after all Sandusky just did what LGBT media push- same sex sodomy.

    Children in Kindergarten in California are now being forced to learn about homosexual "heroes"- by law. Why?

    Homosexuals are using so-called "anti bullying" codes to impose pro homosexual propaganda in the classroom.

    "Gays" have already lowered the age of consent in Canada to 12 years old.

    Sandusky is a protected "minority" as a "gay" man.

    When homosexual predators start doing this in our post Obama military look for cases like this to increase exponentially.

    This is highly reminiscent Ft Hood jihadi Nidal Hasan. The muslim murderer should have been removed from the Army years ago- but fear of being called "islamophobic" lead to those in authority willfully turning a blind eye to the potential for ghastly crimes. After all "Diversity is Strength" is the mantra that our media brainwashed us to believe.

    Make no mistake- Harvey Milk himself marched in San Francisco's "Gay" parades along with NAMBLA ( North American Man Boy Love Association)

    The fact that the homosexual Coach Sandusky was allowed to rape young boys for years and years is a statement about our societies refusal to face the facts about the "gay" agenda.

  83. no slappz2:58 PM

    Based on the posts appearing here, the people who are obsessed with Cain and his blackness are blacks.

    But, that's Obama's key characteristic.

  84. Anonymous3:00 PM

    In this new PC world we live in, homophobia is a far worse crime than sexually abusing a minor, and it seems as if sports journalists are carrying water for that morality as well,

  85. Gay gay hater assnon:

    Cc that bs to carlos Santana too

    He was raped for years as a very young child by pedophile sex tourists like you

    And he is het

    Cc that to his het bf amicable ex wife/eternal soulmate and their het kids

    U psycho lying mf

  86. backyard backdoor dead kkk baby assnon:

    cc that lying homohating bs to jaycee duggard too

    she was stolen and raped by a het clone of sandusky for 18 yrs

    and he raped other adult women too...even while she was a caged toy at his home!

  87. fstop3:36 PM

    alicia banks said..."homos are consenting adults"

    Yes, but I'm still worried about you Alicia. Even those who support homosexual sex acts warn nonetheless that anal sex is a dangerous activity, regardless of genders involved.

    The sex info site of the University of California at Santa Barbara, which can in no way be described as opposed to homosexual activity, nonetheless points out that anal sex is a dangerous practice.

    Experts on sexual behaviour, or “sexperts” at the site refers to them, warn that anal sex is the most dangerous behaviour for transmission of HIV/AIDS and all other STDs since the anus is not designed for sexual activity as is the vagina.

    Moreover, the ‘sexperts’ warn that the practice also leads to fecal incontinence - loss of normal control of the sphincter muscles which leads to stool leaking from the rectum at unexpected times.

    As the website puts it: “Even when people use lots of lubrication during anal sex, there can be tearing of the tissue inside the anus . . . For this reason, anal sex is the riskiest form of sexual activity when it comes to the transmission of HIV/AIDS.

    “Tiny tears in the anal tissue are like giant superhighways for the HIV viruses, allowing them to get inside the body and enter the blood system. Anal tears provide an opening for all the other STDs as well.

    “It may be possible for repetitive anal sex to lead to weakening of the anal sphincter, which is the muscle that tightens after we defecate. Once weakened, feces can escape the anus against our will.”

    Please be careful Alicia. AIDS is bad enough, but who wants to go through life with crap in their pants?

  88. more on that legally married het boy rapist sandusky

  89. Field, you have to check this out:

    Look at those kids in the video. Well-dressed, healthy, laughing at an old man knocked out just for fun.

    This is the tragic culmination of the Civil Rights movement. Black people now live in a world where Black people can do no wrong.

    This is why these Black kids have no fear of video taping themselves attacking random strangers or assaulting elderly Black people in Chicago.

    Now people know the truth: Dr. King, this is why your daughter couldn't go to Funtown. For those wondering, this is why foreigners don't want to come to America anymore and spend their tourism dollars in our major cities. Foreigners - with tourism dollars to spend - have no desire to be harassed by the New Black Americans, who participate in Polar Bear Hunting and Knockout King just for kicks.

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Survey Says!4:39 PM

    Let's see:

    What color is a turd?

    Brown, or Caucasian?

    Ding, ding, ding! Answer is: Brown! (throw a couple of peanuts in there, it'll even match your complexion!)

    Your face wins, AB!

  93. Anonymous4:49 PM

    That wacky Obama just keeps creating those jobs!:

    "Stryker, the Kalamazoo-based maker of artificial hips and knees, will cut 5% of its global workforce by the end of next year to reduce costs in the face of new fees on device makers required by the U.S. health care law.

    The job cuts will reduce annual pretax operating costs by more than $100 million beginning in 2013, when the medical-device excise tax is scheduled to take effect, Stryker said Thursday in a statement. Stryker had more than 20,000 employees as of Dec. 31, according to Bloomberg News data.

    Stryker expects to record $85 million to $95 million of the expense in the fourth quarter of 2011.

    "These actions are part of our ongoing focus on quality, innovation and cost, and position the company to continue to provide strong, consistent growth in a changing environment," CEO Stephen MacMillan said."

    EXACTLY what the economists who didn't have their tongues up Obama's butt predicted.

    Go ahead, UTS. Blame Bush.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. too bad that het coward who quietly left sandusky to his baby rape in that shower was not a gay man

    a gay man would have saved that child

    beat the hell out of the sick sandusky

    and called 911


    i see brave gay men in corps daily

    who do not take half the bs that most cowardly het men do

    mostly because they have less bills/gold digging wives/kids in college etc

    freedom = power!

  96. that tree jumper for jesus/homo hating homo eddie long is even worse than sandusky

    as sandusky never posed as a pastor...

    he never pretended his rapes were special blessings etc


  97. Stryker4:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    That wacky Obama just keeps creating those jobs!:

    He killed the Keystone pipeline project yesterday, putting off the decision until after the election.

    This was a purely poitical decision made to appease environmental whackos and leftists worried that the Koch brothers might benefit from the project.

    So here we have yet another clear example of the President sacrificing jobs and economic development (and increasing our dependence on middle eastern oil) just to help himself get elected.

    This guy is absolutely horrible.

  98. outside of being disgusted when I heard the story, I actually laughed when people, trying to defend Paterno, said that he had done the ' legal' thing - reporting it to his 'Superiors'.

    what, complete and utter bullshyt.

    let's get this straight.

    Joe Paterno didn't work under the President of Penn State.

    The President of Penn State worked UNDER Joe Paterno.

    He was THE MAN at Penn State.

    pretending otherwise only adds to my level of disgust. the person who found that pedophile raping that child KNEW who he was taking this information to- meaning, that they knew the more powerful person at Penn State was PATERNO.

  99. Butt marshal bill assnon:

    Go save that legendary old het geezer ass bandit hugh hefner first…ok???

  100. abnormal dl assnon:

    there is nothing normal about dead kkk babies/live baby rapists
    like u

    like your serial kkkiller cuz jeffery dahmer who was also never molested

    u hate your gay self

    and your tiny lonely pink dick too


  101. Omg

    Wtf was wrong with a teacher who saw Sandusky molest a boy at her school and also said nothing???????

    How many other soulless enablers outside of the penn campus need to be jailed and fired too??????

    This is more proof that celebs are always excused and coddled no matter how heinous/demonic their deeds


    That minstrel hobama girl tom joyner has bashed men who tree jump/rape/molest/impregnate young girls WHILE playing r Kelly songs

    Mike baisden bashed Sandusky WHILE playing mj songs yesterday

    Mj could not sleep because he was a superstar clone of sandusky
    Down to the shower sex!!!

    eddie long is expanding his church empire to AL

    new boys await him there



  102. Anonymous5:16 PM

    @ Alicia:

    WTF is wrong with you? (other than being a fat, crazy lesbian)

  103. Maxine "Buffalo Face" Waters.5:16 PM

    For once you're right AB. Cain should have never called Pelosi a "Princess".

    "Wrinkled old skanky bitch" would have been more appropriate.

  104. Chicon5:19 PM

    alicia banks said...
    Wtf was wrong with a teacher who saw Sandusky molest a boy at her school and also said nothing???????

    She was afraid of being called a homophobe.

    Gays have taken over and are raping our children right in front of us, but no one says anything for fear of being called an anti-gay bigot.

    Shame on all of us. This is surely the end of the world.

  105. Nittsanity5:22 PM

    Victories for JoPa at PSU... 409

    Years Sandusky coached for JoPa... 23

    Years Sandusky ran/worked The Second Mile, a charity for children at risk... 30

    Minimum years JoPa and the rest of PSU top admins covered for, financially donated to and enabled Sandusky and his "chariable" work with young boys at risk... 13

    Indicted sex crime count... 40

    Penn State ... No homophobia allowed!... PRICELESS

  106. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  107. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Chicago, thanks for that link. The black youth of today are out of control, vicious and have no respect for human value or human dignity.

    The video exemplifies what it means to be Black, which is to be NOBODY worth respecting. I noticed the ww was concerned about the old black man while the Blacks were laughing.

    It's shameful to be Black today. I remember during the MLK days people were proud to be Black. It hurts to see the race in a slow hopeless macabre dance of death.

    It's almost shame

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. ie

    that 10 yr old new mother was not impregnated by a gay man/legally wed het sandusky clone


  110. Anonymous5:54 PM

    All this homosexuality is a sign of the end times.

  111. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Jerry Sandusky was an Obama voter.

  112. het preacher wolves who rape girls make eddie long look like a slacker too

  113. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Today after the Veteran's Day Ceremony at Arlington, Obama commented to reporters on the ongoing jobs bill debate, saying "he would rape congressional Republicans like Jerry Sandusky on a ten year-old".

    WTF? Is that appropriate? Pretty harsh Prez.

  114. Anonymous6:35 PM

    If The Rubber Don't Fit...Oh Hell, Convict Them Anyway said...

    But....Johnny Cochran couldn't even get their asses out of this pickle.

    I think you have this backwards, didn't you mean get the pickle out of their asses??

    Speaking of pickles in asses, wheres my buddy semen Steve been, Mold and He have not been around for awhile I miss both his personalities he is defintely the dumbest pair of clowns on here.

  115. Joe Pa is definitely a Republican. He has that insane sense of entitlement and will claim to be a victim immediately upon being asked to accept responsibility. Oh yeah, and he's also a liar and a hypocrite, two more of the obvious symptoms of conservatism.

  116. sandusky victim3:44 PM

    RE: your comments on the PSU Scandal: 'LORD, make this story not so" .... fine time to take His name in vain.... "thanks for the memories" is that all u got to say about this horror story in your own backyard? u 'ni**a libs' make me sick! MSM is avoiding identifying the vics as black - why don't u add something meaningful?
