Saturday, December 10, 2011

The chase continues. Because the Big R doesn't know what "post- racial" means.

I see that the Big R has been in training while I was paying attention to other things. Now he has me chasing his ass all the way to upstate New York:

"One of the most hated racial slurs that an African-American can hear is bringing attention to the Kenmore East High School girls varsity basketball team of Tonawanda, NY near Buffalo. More than a dozen girls from the high school team have been suspended and face other sanctions for chanting the n-word in a regular pregame locker room chant.

Sophomore Tyra Batts recently told The Buffalo News that her teammates would hold hands before the game, say a prayer and then shout "One, two, three ni**ers!"

According to The Buffalo News, the use of the word came to light after Batts was suspended for getting into a fight about the use of racial slur during practice.

Although Batts was alarmed by the chant, she told The Buffalo News that she was outnumbered and that the use of the slur had been justified as a team tradition.

"I said, 'You're not allowed to say that word because I don't like that word,' and they said, 'You know we're not racist, Tyra. It's just a word, not a label,'" she told the paper. "I was outnumbered."

The 15-year-old eventually exploded after a practice when a teammate called her a "black piece of (expletive)." She says she got into a fight with the girl later in school.

"It was a buildup of anger and frustration at being singled out of the whole team," she further explained.

Batts then erupted and started fighting with one of the team members. Both girls were immediately given out of school suspensions for the physical altercation, but after district administrators began to speak to each member of the team -- individually and in groups -- they discovered Batts struck her teammate in response to a racial slur. Following this revelation the entire team was suspended but Batts was allowed to return to school, according to a statement released by the school district..." [Source]

The Big R is very slick; he has actually gotten to an entire basketball team of young impressionable lily white girls, and they probably don't even realize it. (Or, maybe they do. Who knows?) I wonder what in the word Nigger made these youngsters think that they could play better just by saying it? I am guessing that that they have spent a tad bit more time listening to gangster rap than learning their play book.

So using the "n- word" is a tradition with the basketball team.Nice. What's their nick name, the Fighting Niggers? What a country.

"In fact, in regards to the explanation of current team members that using the n-world [sic] is a tradition, some of the team's former players who took to Twitter to deny that any "tradition" of racial chants exists."You (racist) b*tch," a 2010 graduate tweeted. "Glad I'm out of there."

Don't be so glad just yet Ms. 2010 graduate; the Big R can get to you wherever you go.

Consider another case down in South Carolina. This time the Big R actually got to a Negro down there and has him hating himself. Now that takes some doing, but he did it.

"Byron Thomas is a 19-year-old student at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. He had a Confederate battle flag hanging in the window of his dormitory room on campus where it could be seen by people walking through campus. Just before Thanksgiving, university officials told him to remove the flag. After he posted a video online at CNN explaining his views, officials relented and told him he could display the flag.

In an email to the campus community, a university spokesperson stated that officials had asked Thomas to remove the flag “out of respect for his fellow students’ concerns.” But the email went on to state that the university had a firm regard for the First Amendment right of free speech and that “the university cannot and will not prohibit these flags or other symbols that our students choose to display.”

By the way, Thomas is an African American." [Source]

 h/t to David for sending me the link to this story.

Poor Byron says that when he sees the flag he doesn't see racism; he sees southern pride. And he does not see the big deal with proudly displaying it in his dorm room, window. Byron sees the flag as a symbol, and as a sign of respect. Check out the link and click on Byron's video to see more of where Byron is coming from.

I actually considered giving up blogging a few months ago, but now I know that I have to hang in there a little longer; you Negroes need me. The Big R is way too powerful for you. He can get into your minds and do crazy things to your psyche.

But hang on Byron, it's not too late. If any of you reading this post know Byron Thomas please tell him to holla at the field. I will be waiting for him, and I have some brand new track shoes that I think might be just his size.

Sometimes it's not enough to chase the Big R, sometimes you have to run away from him as well. Clearly Byron hasn't been running fast enough.


  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Field, "I actually considered giving up blogging a few months ago, but now I know that I have to hang in there a little longer; you Negroes need me. The Big R is way too powerful for you. He can get into your minds and do crazy things to your psyche."

    Dear Field, were you serious about giving up blogging? That scares me because who will chase the big R?

    Seriously, do you plan to retire from FN soon? Please tell the truth because I need to prepare myself.

  2. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Field, I think the N-word is the dirtiest and nastiest word in any language. Does anybody know why and how it came to be such an inhumane word?

    And why do AAs use it as a term of endearment but freak out when Whites use it? That is the crazy insanity of it.

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Has anyone seen or heard from Desert? I hope she is all right and still baking cakes and cupcakes.

  4. geographer7:53 PM

    purple cow-eyed nitwit says:

    Geographer, you haven't read the paper or for that matter any of the remaining 26. So stop lying.

    If you were to probe the origins of the paper you cited, you'd find that M Aderin was not listed as an author. She was listed as someone with a hand in the process, which, as the footnotes to the process state, means she had a clerical role.

    The actual authors were the first two people named in the list of participants. Moreover, the paper wasn't "published" or presented at any conference. It was merely written and filed away.

    In other words, it has all the merit of a homework assignment.

    Furthermore, the one paper you cited is the only paper on which her name is included. That should tell you something. As I said, her written work is nothing more than a series of puff pieces about how wonderful it is to study science and engineering.

    Clearly researching facts is out of your realm. You're stuck in that world of your imagination mixed with denial of the simple fact that blacks have made virtually no contributions to science throughout the history of humanity.

    There is an unfortunate tendency among blacks with a toehold in the intellectual world to tag publications with their names, always at the tail end of a list, as though they were meaningful contributors to the papers. But they never are.

    Every "point" you have attempted to make on this subject has been destroyed.

    Ah, the cow tries the old game of Proof By Assertion. As always, a losing gambit.

    Anyway, your dream of a black female astronomer is further controverted by her own statements about her career.

    If you told her what you thought she was doing, she'd say you were talking about someone else.

  5. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Don't believe the hype! Choosing Laurent Gbagbo as HNOTD is very premature. Ouattara is the real puppet. I know them both. Remember it’s Sarkozy France that’s really behind the indictment. Check this link to Cynthia McKinney"s comment on the 2 personalities.

  6. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Field, don't believe the hype! Your selection of Laurent Gbagbo is very premature in my opinion. Ouattara is more deserving of that label. I know them both. Please check out this link to Cynthia McKinney"s comment on the two personalities. Alassane Ouattara and his Zionist wife, Dominique, were seeking my assistance--or maybe my silence--in his effort to become President of Ivory Coast. I applaud Laurent Gbagbo in his efforts to stave off imperialism in Ivory Coast, one of the few African countries that has not one iota of a relationship with the U.S. military."

  7. Delonte8:05 PM

    "they discovered Batts struck her teammate in response to a racial slur. Following this revelation the entire team was suspended but Batts was allowed to return to school,"

    So, calling someone a "black piece of shit" justifies physical violence against the speaker. Hmm.

    I really doubt there is anything a black person could say to a white person that would then absolve the white person from any legal consequences arising form physically attacking the black person.

    But you wouldn't be able to wrap your head around that one, Field.

    And regarding the University of South Carolina's "commitment" to free speech, just how long do you think they would have let a white kid fly the Confederate flag out his dorm window?

    Free speech means allowing even speech you don't agree with, something liberals have yet to comprehend.

  8. NSangoma8:19 PM

    Coon Nigruhs, in about 45-minutes:

    tune in, be learning sumtin'.

  9. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Field, what was the final Killadelphia count at the end of 2010?

  10. Field, "I actually considered giving up blogging a few months ago

    The day will come when field stop jiggin' for his Democrat Masters.

    Blessed be the day.

  11. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Field, were you serious about giving up blogging? That scares me because who will chase the big R?

    Seriously, do you plan to retire from FN soon? Please tell the truth because I need to prepare myself.
    Ditto! :( What up Field?

  12. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Has anyone seen or heard from Desert? I hope she is all right and still baking cakes and cupcakes
    You always draw me out of my cave :))

    I've had some asthma caused by seasonal allergies and the meds depress me a little. Don't like to comment when I'm not in my usual sunny mood ;D Love ya!

  13. NSangoma9:39 PM

    This live republican debate streaming sucks, fucking commercials:

  14. Kathy9:42 PM

    Field, I read your blog almost every single day, I rarely comment much anymore, please, please, please, never stop blogging.. d

  15. the worst thing about this story is learning that you considered packing it in some short time ago. Don't do it. I love the blog, the insight and the musings.

  16. To all of you encouraging me to continue blogging; I say thanks for the kind words. I mean that.

    It's because of folks like you why I am still in this game....well, that and the fact that I still haven't found Lark Voorhies. :)

    BTW, I am watching the republican debates, and just when GS asked about infidelity my TV went out. I swear it happened.

    "Field, what was the final Killadelphia count at the end of 2010"

    Go to the link I provided and you will see it.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Good on that young woman for defending her honor, stinkeye to her team and their parents. Does she get a FN bar?

    Mr. Southern Pride on the other hand ought to take advantage of being in college and look into the history of the association of the rebel stars and bars with the "lost cause" the early, resurgent and modern iterations of the KKK, and especially with the resistance to the civil rights movement of the 50s-70s. Even today, if he'd look around a bit, he'd see it prominently featured by numerous hate groups at virtually every white supremacist event.

    Perhaps it's just some college attempt at ironic performance art; like a Jew going to school in Germany and arguing that the hooked cross in the middle of his red and black flag is really Buddhist wheel of life.

    10:08 PM

  19. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Hey I agree words are so you think we can apply the same standards to Black Folks now or are Whites considered so much better in being adults and ability to control violent impulses that we expect them to accept name calling and racism, but do not expect Blacks to be able to be rationale. Than shudder as if the world is going to end when someone uses the very same word Blacks utter over and over and over again.

  20. "like a Jew going to school in Germany and arguing that the hooked cross in the middle of his red and black flag is really Buddhist wheel of life."

    Or a lawyer named "Whitey's Conspiracy" who goes on black blogs spouting bullshit to drum up business.

    What's the commission fee for "social justice", Whitey?

  21. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Desertflower, "You always draw me out of my cave :))

    I've had some asthma caused by seasonal allergies and the meds depress me a little. Don't like to comment when I'm not in my usual sunny mood ;D Love ya!"

    I understand. I usually get depressed this time of year 'without' meds.:) That river of grief and sadness starts to flow between Thanksgiving and Xmas.

    Anyway, take care of yourself and give yourself some good loving. I would sail over to PR to see you but I sold my yacht. I got tired of getting lost every time I tried to get there. From here on, I'm flying.

  22. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Field, "It's because of folks like you why I am still in this game....well, that and the fact that I still haven't found Lark Voorhies. :)"

    Mr. Field, I will help you find Lark if you promise to stay in the game for some time. I will find her for you, but you must be patient. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!

  23. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Good on that young woman for defending her honor, stinkeye to her team and their parents. Does she get a FN bar?

    Mr. Southern Pride on the other hand ought to take advantage of being in college and look into the history of the association of the rebel stars and bars with the "lost cause" the early, resurgent and modern iterations of the KKK, and especially with the resistance to the civil rights movement of the 50s-70s. Even today, if he'd look around a bit, he'd see it prominently featured by numerous hate groups at virtually every white supremacist event.

    You best settle down spanky, the democratic party of lefty whackjobs is gonna get you if people start actually researching and learning about the history of the KKK.

  24. "Mr. Field, I will help you find Lark if you promise to stay in the game for some time. I will find her for you, but you must be patient. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!"

    Thank you. But damn it, it's been five years. Hurry.

  25. Anonymous11:24 PM

    The Purple Cow the Liar said...
    "Show me where the writer said he was for capital punishment that you now base your entire presumption on."

    He's clearly a fascist. All fascists are in favor of capital punishment.

    So you have been outed as a liar again, thus you rely on assumptions for flawed logic making up facts as you go along. All socialist are goat fuckers, and lazy leeches and certain they cannot make it without stealing from someone else and having it redistributed, does that mean anything?

    Far leftist's like yourself are despicable, they have no morals and no beliefs yet do nothing but stand on the sideline attemping to pick apart the moral code of those they view but can never understand not having any morals yourself to judge by.

    Oh for the record, I am for the death penalty. I think anyone of your pals who murders, robs, rapes and kills someone absolutely must be put out of this society so they do not do it again and before they can get to your little girls. Somebody has to be the adult in this world.

  26. Wesley R11:38 PM

    Part of the problem is this I can say the N-Word because I'm Black and You can't say it because you're White. Everyone agrees the word shouldn't be said so noone should say it regardless of race. If we keep this double standard then it will always be a problem.
    Remember that some white folks were called the N-Word before it became racial phrase. Don't believe me? Do some research.

  27. Field, I don't want you to stop posting either but I can't let you get away with this Lark person obsession. I told you that you were going to be disappointed if she shows up. She doesn't look like that anymore! What if her personality is off-putting or she has character traits that are alarming?

    Let me speak to Mrs. Field about all this. You know sometimes we are searching for some illusive thing or person that will somehow complete us. The sad fact is that in most of these cases--what one is looking for has been there with them all along.

    Please know that most of this is said in jest with the exception of wanting you to consider remaining a part of the blogosphere. I look forward to reading your take on
    all the craziness as well humanitarian issues that bombard us on a daily basis.

  28. Wesley R11:49 PM

    Checking out John Carlos on C-Span 2 right now. The American 1968 Olympic Track and Field Team is the best team ever put together.

  29. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Lark voorhies is still one hot looking black chick!! I'd do her...especially knowing that screech never hit that shit!! That would be a deal breaker knowing that screech shot his diseased jew spew in her!!

  30. "And why do AAs use it as a term of endearment but freak out when Whites use it? That is the crazy insanity of it."

    And that's the oldest argument in the book. If blacks use the "N-word" as a term of endearment, then why can't whites use the word to refer to blacks in the same manner, too? It's a question that no white person asks the Italians, Jews, Polish, Latinos or Asians -- they know calling an asian a "gook", "jap" or "chink" is out-of-bounds, even when its in a "playful" manner. Apparently, they didn't get that memo when it came to black Americans.

    "So, calling someone a "black piece of shit" justifies physical violence against the speaker. Hmm.

    I really doubt there is anything a black person could say to a white person that would then absolve the white person from any legal consequences arising form physically attacking the black person."

    In a racial context? Remember the N-word flew freely as a team chant among those lily white chillins in the locker room. The prejudice was already firmly embedded in their minds from the start.

    The only reason her team's upset is because they were called out for doing something that was seriously wrong, yet it felt very natural to them.

  31. "Far leftist's like yourself are despicable, they have no morals and no beliefs yet do nothing but stand on the sideline attemping to pick apart the moral code of those they view but can never understand not having any morals yourself to judge by. "

    Sounds like something you anons do on a daily basis. Projection is a hell of a thing, isn't it?

    "I actually considered giving up blogging a few months ago, but now I know that I have to hang in there a little longer; you Negroes need me. The Big R is way too powerful for you. He can get into your minds and do crazy things to your psyche. "

    Don't let these assholes make you quit blogging. Yours is a powerful voice that bears welding - use it.

  32. Anonymous12:10 AM

    "And why do AAs use it as a term of endearment but freak out when Whites use it? That is the crazy insanity of it."

    And that's the oldest argument in the book. If blacks use the "N-word" as a term of endearment, then why can't whites use the word to refer to blacks in the same manner, too? It's a question that no white person asks the Italians, Jews, Polish, Latinos or Asians -- they know calling an asian a "gook", "jap" or "chink" is out-of-bounds, even when its in a "playful" manner. Apparently, they didn't get that memo when it came to black Americans.

    I hear wut your sayin my niggah Can't remember the last time I heard an asian guy calling his buddy my gook or a latino guy sayin my spic...hmmm...maybe it is simply the black usual double standard? Bad for everyone else but lower standards make it acceptable for blacks. All the niggas in the house say wut...please stand up...please stand up...You will never be leaders this way, demanding high standards that you can't even sniff.

    Sounds like something you anons do on a daily basis. Projection is a hell of a thing, isn't it?

    You would know better than most. Look what are you doing as you write.

  33. Anonymous12:11 AM

    "Yours is a powerful voice that bears welding" - use it.

    Is this like a Global warming thing? Bears learn how to spot weld and are manufacturing metal? When have you seen bears welding? Do you have a link?

  34. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Mack Lyons, "-- they know calling an asian a "gook", "jap" or "chink" is out-of-bounds, even when its in a "playful" manner. Apparently, they didn't get that memo when it came to black Americans."

    But an Asian doesn't use the degrading term "gook" as a term of endearment; Japanese don't use "Jap" as a term of endearment; no Asian uses the word "chink" as a term of endearment. Why? Because those terms are DEGRADING. Get it?

    However, Blacks never got the memo about the N-word as a nasty word. Why? Well, nobody can quite explain it because as soon as the Whites considered it not appropriate to call Blacks the N-word, we Blacks started calling ourselves the N-word, which turned out to be nastier than what Whites could ever call us.

    Now how in the world can we develop any sense of dignity with that word? We can't. Maybe YOU-Mack Lyons-ought to put out a memo to Blacks to upgrade their undignified game to at least respectful dignity. When we do that, this conversation about the N-word won't happen anymore.

  35. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Field, "To all of you encouraging me to continue blogging; I say thanks for the kind words. I mean that.

    It's because of folks like you why I am still in this game....well, that and the fact that I still haven't found Lark Voorhies. :)"

    Field, you still haven't said you are going to continue for 2012-2020. Can we get a commitment for a short 8 more years? Jesus, Field, your blog is on its way to making history and glory....and you want to quit now?

    Don't quit before the good stuff from R chasing happens. We Negroes need you. Don't be like Jesse Lee Peterson.

    Mr. Field, I hope I have convinced you, or do I need to do more work?

    Please give me some sort of lead because after all these years on FN I still can't tell what Jamaicans are thinking. Does Mrs. Field know what you are thinking?

  36. At the Edge12:48 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "In a racial context? Remember the N-word flew freely as a team chant among those lily white chillins in the locker room. The prejudice was already firmly embedded in their minds from the start."

    The "African Americans" my children encounter on a daily basis in school utter anti-white racist remarks as freely and continuously as they call one another nigger. There are never any consequences from school officials.

    Some visiting black basketball player racially insulted my daughter today as she left from taking the ACT test.

    You people here make a national news story over a comment going the other way, and rationlize the violence perpetrated against a white girl.

    I have absolutely had it with this kind of behavior. I have lived the reality of a "diverse" community. There are a handful of black families who I would be proud to call my neighbors. The rest of them I can't get far enough away from.

    We have created a society where black kids are taught from first grade on that they are supposed to be angry at whites and that there is a tacit tolerance for violent retribution against any random white person. They have no respect for the law, their community, or even for themselves.

    In the words of some unnamed white girl, they truly are "black pieces of shit".

    And I am done with them.

  37. We all know who the biggest users of the "n" word are, & they aren't white high school basketball players. If the idea was that incessant, casual use of the word by nearly every black comic in America would somehow defuse it, I think it just keeps the word in circulation when it should be retired. But hey, that's "culture." So why should a white guy like me be shocked by the proud African-American father around the corner showing off his little daughter to a friend, his friend tickling the girl & saying, "What a pretty little nigger."

  38. Anonymous1:20 AM

    The N-word is a filthy word that stays alive primarily because it is supposedly a term of endearment to 'some' Blacks.

    How that kind of weird reasoning comes about, I don't know. But I am sure Mack Lyons or uts can proudly explain it. As a bm, I consider the word "filthy" there is no other way to describe it. Unfortunately, there are Blacks who want to keep it close to their heart. It's sick.

  39. UCantHandleTruth1:44 AM

    As time goes on, a word is just a word, a flag is just a flag. These things lose their meaning and we give other symbols power to take their place. It is intent that matters, and most are so hypnotized by a word or symbol that they do not hear intent. Like getting fired for using the word "niggardly." Pathetic.

    Blacks took the White derogatory word for them, nigger, and made it theirs, my "nigga," use it among themselves as a term of endearment and brotherhood and foam at the mouth and get violent when Whites use it. They made it their own. Cheap victory. Maybe Byron is doing the same with the flag. Maybe one day all the niggaz will be flying that flag, and make it their own. They did it with an ugly word, why not an ugly flag? Leave Byron alone. He's just doing what everyone else did. He's ahead of his time.

  40. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Words have power to hurt, insult or heal. The N-word has the power to insult and hurt Blacks.

    Other races don't usual racial slurs against themselves because they respect and value themselves as human beings. But maybe AAs are different. Maybe they never got over feeling like slaves, or being treated less than a person during the Jim Crow days.

    Make no mistake about the N-word, it is a demeaning word. There is nothing good about it. Where is the dignity or self-respect of being Black? Those white high school girls cut the heart of the black girl every time they said it.

    And make no mistake, they knew what they were saying. After all, this is America.

    I get so tired of Whites AND Blacks disrespecting us.

  41. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I missed HC in the Republican Debate. He should have been there! It was unfair of you lefties to drive the only Black candidate out of the race. You FN Negroes ought to be ashamed of yourself during these Holidays of love, compassion and mercy.

    Not ONE of you folks showed any mercy or love for Herman Cain. I had my hopes set on him and now I have nobody to vote for. The tracks of my tears still mark my loss. It's terrible. Field, how could you?

  42. "Other races don't usual racial slurs against themselves because they respect and value themselves as human beings. But maybe AAs are different. Maybe they never got over feeling like slaves, or being treated less than a person during the Jim Crow days. "

    Another old argument. "Only blacks put themselves down - no other race puts one another down, etc." Useful for singling out black Americans as being the cause or the blame for some racially-motivated situation. Such as this one. Reorient the focus from the white girls onto the black people who are walking around still using the N-word as a term of endearment.

    Field, your trolls have their concern troll game on point today, as if they (and when I mean "they," I mean the one or two saps posting under multiple anon identities) are genuinely concerned with the plight and problems of the black community.

  43. "I missed HC in the Republican Debate. He should have been there! It was unfair of you lefties to drive the only Black candidate out of the race. You FN Negroes ought to be ashamed of yourself during these Holidays of love, compassion and mercy."

    No "lefties" were involved in the Cain Train pummeting off the scandal bridge. That was all on him. If he'd learned how to keep his pepperoni out of the alfredo sauce a long time ago (or learned how to be less of a creep with his creepin), he'd be in Iowa right now.

    But don't worry, Michelle Bachmann poured out a little liquor for him last night, so it's all good.

  44. Quote Geographer

    ”If you were to probe the origins of the paper you cited, you'd find that M Aderin was not listed as an author.”

    I’ve found the paper on sciencedirect, it says no such thing. She is simply listed as one of the six authors.

    Do you make this shit up as you go along?

    ”Furthermore, the one paper you cited is the only paper on which her name is included.”


    How about ‘An Investigation into the Orientation of Lubricant Molecules in EHD Contacts’ where she is listed as one of four authors?

    How does that fit in to your eugenics theories?

  45. Mack Lyons said...
    If he'd learned how to keep his pepperoni out of the alfredo sauce a long time ago (or learned how to be less of a creep with his creepin), he'd be in Iowa right now.


  46. "And that's the oldest argument in the book. If blacks use the "N-word" as a term of endearment, then why can't whites use the word to refer to blacks in the same manner, too? It's a question that no white person asks the Italians, Jews, Polish, Latinos or Asians -- they know calling an asian a "gook", "jap" or "chink" is out-of-bounds, even when its in a "playful" manner. Apparently, they didn't get that memo when it came to black Americans."

    Great point.

    And other races DO refer to themselves in derogatory ways common in their culture. Go to South Philly and ask an Italian American if this is true.

  47. Don't give up blogging. I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and your post are poignant and relevant. My own child was taunted about race repeatedly with no response or action from the school to end it. Then when he had enough and kicked a child then they wanted to label my son as aggressive and quick tempered. Which is odd because in all of our social settings beyond that predominately white school my son is well like and adults are impressed by his maturity, respect and kindness

  48. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, so many people out there get their daily news from FN. Don't know if you have noticed but Whites and Blacks read the news on FN. It's better than Fox News. So I urge you to keep blogging for the sake of wingnuts. They would be lost without you. Heck, so would the lefties, Black and White.

  49. Anonymous11:08 AM

    May I please say something. I am FAR from racist.... AND YES I AM WHITE.. I dislike probably more white people than I do of the black race. I do not like people because of the color I like them because of their hearts and they way they are to me.

    I retired from a Federal Government job. I GOT SO TIRED OF HEARING "N" this and "N" that.. AND IT WAS THE BLACK PEOPLE SAYING THE N word. If the whites had said it we would be fired.

    I have several black friends on my Facebook...When I go to their page I see them calling each N's.

    NOW don't you think if I wanted somebody to quit calling me a name or referring to my race as a racial slur word that I would try my best to tell my race to not say that word. I hear it more out of the black race than I have EVER heard it out of my race. Do I say it..NOPE.. have I said it. Yep growing up in the 60's it was common for us to say it. Just like "Aint" I grew up saying it but I quit. I am trying to make a change in the way I treat folks. I can not help the way the black race was treated when I was growing up but I sure can make a difference in how I treat people today and future generations hopefully will change their attitude about colors of skin. I sure hope so.. BUT why do the black race throw that word around like it was nothing? Thank you for letting me comment.

  50. "And other races DO refer to themselves in derogatory ways common in their culture. Go to South Philly and ask an Italian American if this is true."

    "great point".

    These clowns know it's true.

    I've heard, for instance, Jews and Italians refer to each other as "geeps", "guidos", "JAPS", and "gavones" all my life.

    Let a black person try it.

    Anon 11:08 AM

    Here is some very intelligent advice.

    If you are not a member of a particular racial or ethnic group, don't use derogatory terms describing that group.

    Very simple.

  51. Sugar Cain11:53 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Mack Lyons said...
    If he'd learned how to keep his pepperoni out of the alfredo sauce a long time ago (or learned how to be less of a creep with his creepin), he'd be in Iowa right now.



    You wish you had some alfredo sauce that somebody wanted to diddle, don't you Queen?

    You will never be a doctor.

  52. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Summers Eve Steve Said....
    "And other races DO refer to themselves in derogatory ways common in their culture. Go to South Philly and ask an Italian American if this is true."

    "great point".

    These clowns know it's true.

    I've heard, for instance, Jews and Italians refer to each other as "geeps", "guidos", "JAPS", and "gavones" all my life.

    Let a black person try it.

    Uptown Steve said..

    Here is some very intelligent advice.

    If you are not a member of a particular racial or ethnic group, don't use derogatory terms describing that group.

    Very simple.

    Funniest quote of the day

    Uptown Steve Said..

    "Here is some very intelligent advice"

    Here is some just plain old advice. Learn what you wish to talk about before you talk about it. Most of the terms you learned from some movie or Southpark are descriptive and don’t' elicit the killing rage Blacks fly into when hearing anyone say anything they don't like. "You just sayin that cause I'm Black"

    Geep denotes an Italian that is usually off the boat, someone direct from Italy. If you used it I would laugh. Not want to kill your family.

    Guido is someone who you envy when you watch scarface and goodfellas. Again if you used it I would laugh seeing you as from the culture of wannabes you hail from.

    Now JAPS is a derogatory term for Jewish American Princess or someone you would identify with self immersed selfish and always about her. This is meant to be derogatory and you can bet if someone used it, they don't like the JAP they are talking about.

    Gavone - is an Italian word it isn't an ethnic slur. It normally means someone who eats like a pig but could also be used to describe someone who is antisocial, ill mannered, no class. Therefore it is easy to see how you know of this word.
    But OK I see your point, as always it isn’t about the problem it is about what you think everyone else does and how you measure yourself against them.

  53. Pierre Goobaire11:58 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Here is some very intelligent advice.

    If you are not a member of a particular racial or ethnic group, don't use derogatory terms describing that group.

    Thank you for the very intelligent advice, wise uptownsteve.

    Does that include the use of the word "Goober"?

  54. Goober is not a racial slur.

    It's directed at ignorant bigots.

    For instance, Herman Cain is a goober.

    Get it?

  55. "Most of the terms you learned from some movie or Southpark are descriptive and don’t' elicit the killing rage Blacks fly into when hearing anyone say anything they don't like."

    Slappy, you are a clown.

    If blacks flew into "killing rages" everytime some white said something we didn't like, there would piles of dead white folks in cities and workplaces across America.

    As it stands, the only time you see piles of dead white folks in America is when some crazed white serial killer goes off.

  56. "I have several black friends on my Facebook...When I go to their page I see them calling each N's."

    You're a liar.

  57. Stalking assnon with no life,
    You are a sick, sadistic f*ck who actually believes that saying the same ol' bull4hit to an obvisouly highly ambitious Black woman, diverts me from my goal.

    And what makes you an even sicker f*ck is that on top of your own VERY obvious lack of success in your own stupid life, you're a sexual pervert too!

    Now I married a Navy man, so the fact that I can light your stupid a$$ up like a Christmas tree with few choice words should be NO suprise. And if that makes me "ghetto" to you, I don't really give a flying f*ck, you ain't $hit, and ain't never gonna be $hit but a blacl blog stalker on medicaid!

    So go jerk yourself a soda from your father!!! Again.

    And FUCK YOU!!!

    Now, am I finally clear, Goober?

  58. Dr. Goober12:41 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Now, am I finally clear, Goober?

    Loud and clear, like the ghetto trash you are.

    You will never be a doctor.

  59. Pierre Goobaire12:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Goober is not a racial slur.

    It's directed at ignorant bigots.

    For instance, Herman Cain is a goober.

    Get it?


    Oh, thanks for clearing that up, you self-serving, hypocritical, ignorant bigot.

    Or should I just say "Goober"?

  60. Anonymous12:57 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Goober is not a racial slur.

    It's directed at ignorant bigots.

    For instance, Herman Cain is a goober.

    Get it?

    So Summers Eve Steve is a Goober? Naw, queen la Queefa and he always use goober only when they think the person is white or a Tom.

    It is a racial slur stop using it Summers Eve Steve. Again, going by your own standard and logic - given it's limitations.

  61. Anonymous1:02 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Most of the terms you learned from some movie or Southpark are descriptive and don’t' elicit the killing rage Blacks fly into when hearing anyone say anything they don't like."

    Slappy, you are a clown.

    If blacks flew into "killing rages" everytime some white said something we didn't like, there would piles of dead white folks in cities and workplaces across America.

    As it stands, the only time you see piles of dead white folks in America is when some crazed white serial killer goes off.

    Actually there are more black serial killers in the past few decades than white and we all know there are more violent black crimes than any other race in existence. These are facts, like it or not Summers Eve Steve.

    I had a conversation with a neighbor the other day, we didn't agree on something trivial that most grade schoolers are aware of and he couldnt' take it. First thing he has to say is you just think I'm some dumb black dude " you only sayin that cause I'm Black" Ummm no, I am saying it because I researched it and know the facts and we disagree. If you feel dumb then don't blame it on being Black , blame it on being a dumbass and don't think the old discussion ender wins you anything but contempt.

  62. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Ghetto trash >>>>>> white hick, stalking mental medicaid patient, never sexed, pinky penis, child molesting, black blog obsessed, homo hatin' cracka.

    Go off yourself, after you f*ck yourself!

    Dr. Q

  63. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Stalking assnon with no life,
    You are a sick, sadistic f*ck who actually believes that saying the same ol' bull4hit to an obvisouly highly ambitious Black woman, diverts me from my goal.

    And what makes you an even sicker f*ck is that on top of your own VERY obvious lack of success in your own stupid life, you're a sexual pervert too!

    Now I married a Navy man, so the fact that I can light your stupid a$$ up like a Christmas tree with few choice words should be NO suprise. And if that makes me "ghetto" to you, I don't really give a flying f*ck, you ain't $hit, and ain't never gonna be $hit but a blacl blog stalker on medicaid!

    So go jerk yourself a soda from your father!!! Again.

    And FUCK YOU!!!

    Now, am I finally clear, Goober?

    You truly are a lower form of life. I honesty don't think evolution has hit your gene pool yet. You married a Navy man...wait you said he was your live in boyfriend and would not marry you. Hoodrat trait number 1.
    You do live in a made up reality don't you?

    Hoodrat and Ghetto would be a step up for you. How vile and gross of a woman you are.

    Highly ambitious? Is your ambition to stay in school on taxpayer funded grants until you can "retire" and collect Social Security? Call me crazy but some may see that as not achieving much in life.

    You will never be a Doctor - at least in the U.S - you might give Somalia a shot though.

  64. Dr. Whiteman1:11 PM

    Go off yourself, after you f*ck yourself!

    Ms. Q

    I'll pass.

    Which is more than I can say about what you'll do if you ever get an affirmative action admission to a medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  65. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Funny stuff - Saturday Night Live Makin fun of Al Sharpton. Whats sad is you can bet you will here people sayin that this is racist because it shows who he really is and what he does. The end had me cracking up - resist we much and resist much we shall about that be committed.

  66. "Highly ambitious? Is your ambition to stay in school on taxpayer funded grants until you can "retire" and collect Social Security? Call me crazy but some may see that as not achieving much in life."

    As a matter of interest, what have you achieved in life that you have nothing better to do than come here and abuse people seven days a week?

  67. ZebediahAfropick3:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Highly ambitious? Is your ambition to stay in school on taxpayer funded grants until you can "retire" and collect Social Security? Call me crazy but some may see that as not achieving much in life."

    As a matter of interest, what have you achieved in life that you have nothing better to do than come here and abuse people seven days a week?

    Oh look the Queen of abusers is going to start playing the victim..wahhhhh. Lissen homey, if'n we wanted any shit out of you we would squeeze your head. Allright if you must know, I buy old barns and sell them to new animals. Not the "loftiest" ambition for serving mankind but than again my bank account allows me to support a family without any government stolen and redistributed handouts. Imagine that. Are you in the market for buying an old barn that horses and donkeys used to shit in? I have one with a stall with your name all over it. Well, something is all over the stall-does look a lot like your name.

  68. Quote Anonymous

    "Oh look the Queen of abusers is going to start playing the victim..wahhhhh."

    I'm not a victim, it would be boring here if I didn't have anyone to hate. The more abuse you pile on me the more I love it. The more you hate me, the more outraged you are at my posts, the more I know I'm getting under your skin. It's a sign of impending victory.

    So no, I would never complain about your being here, or your laughably pathetic attempts at defeating me in debate, it makes me feel intellectually superior.

    My point was that you spend a lot of time insulting others and running down their career choices, and yet you seem to have many hours a week over just to insult people you've never met. Just seemed odd, that's all. I was wondering if you as a teenager would look at you today and not be a tad disappointed at how your life panned out?

    As for your alleged occupation, actually I live in a barn, it was built 42 years before America was a country. Very nice it is to, the walls are more than two feet thick which should keep us cool next summer. Like most barn conversions the five bedrooms are a little smaller than I would like, and a lot of the rooms are oddly shaped, but all-in-all £500k well spent I reckon. It'll do till the kids get to Uni anyway. Then we'll start looking for our 'forever home'. Maybe another barn - keep an eye out for me.

    I don't believe you have a family though.

  69. The New York Post:

    The Rev. Al Sharpton’s nonprofit paid him nearly $242,000 — even as it carried $1.6 million in debt, according to documents obtained by The Post.

    In all, the controversial activist and his empire, including the National Action Network and two for-profit companies, were $5.3 million in the red, public records show.

    Most of NAN’s money woes stemmed from more than $880,000 in unpaid federal payroll taxes, interest and penalties. It also paid more than $100,000 to settle two lawsuits, byproducts of the unpaid bills.

    And it still owed $206,252 in loans to Sharpton’s for-profit Bo-Spanky Consulting Inc. and Sharpton Media LLC, the records show.

    Sharpton drew a $241,732 salary and perks that included first-class or charter air travel, tax filings show. He owes the IRS $2.6 million in income tax, and nearly $900,000 in state tax.

    The defunct Rev-Al Communications Inc. owes the state almost $176,000, and Bo-Spanky is $3,500 behind on state-tax liens.

    Sharpton has said he is on a repayment plan with state and federal-tax authorities.

    NAN last year took in more than $3 million in donations, which allowed it to chip away at its tax burden. This year, its board of directors voted to resolve the tax issues and paid all back state taxes, said Executive Director Tamika Mallory.

    The civil-rights group is also addressing the $883,503 it owes in federal payroll taxes, she added.

    And it is close to finished repaying the Peabody Hotel in Memphis $106,981 owed since 2008, when NAN skipped out on its bill after its annual convention, according to its 2010 audited financial statements.

    Why is it those on the left who scream about raising taxes are always the ones who have a hard time paying what they owe?

  70. Mark of Cain3:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    If blacks flew into "killing rages" everytime some white said something we didn't like, there would piles of dead white folks in cities and workplaces across America.

    Most interracial murders are committed by black males.

  71. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "Oh look the Queen of abusers is going to start playing the victim..wahhhhh."

    I'm not a victim, it would be boring here if I didn't have anyone to hate. The more abuse you pile on me the more I love it. The more you hate me, the more outraged you are at my posts, the more I know I'm getting under your skin. It's a sign of impending victory.

    Interesting how you throw back the very logic someone used on you a short while ago and repeat it completely and I do mean completely. I recall someone telling you the exact same thing, they didn't want you to go away as it is fun despising you and entertaining. Anyway, I do belive you about the abuse part, you seem like the type of sneaky butcher that is into hamsters and such. But really, you have got to do better than stealing and reusing things that are said to is extremly revealing of you.

    So no, I would never complain about your being here, or your laughably pathetic attempts at defeating me in debate, it makes me feel intellectually superior.

    My point was that you spend a lot of time insulting others and running down their career choices, and yet you seem to have many hours a week over just to insult people you've never met. Just seemed odd, that's all. I was wondering if you as a teenager would look at you today and not be a tad disappointed at how your life panned out?

    Now, Now Purple Cow, if you want to be accepted as "intellectual"
    again you certainly have to do better than this repeated mantra of your'n. Is this the best you can do? Once again you are sadly overmatched. You steal my thoughts and words and reuse them without pause as if they were originals and keep using them again and again. Did mummy have aspirations for you to wind up raising your family in a barn? Or was she happy having previously settled for a cave or public housing?

    As for your alleged occupation, actually I live in a barn, it was built 42 years before America was a country. Very nice it is to, the walls are more than two feet thick which should keep us cool next summer. Like most barn conversions the five bedrooms are a little smaller than I would like, and a lot of the rooms are oddly shaped, but all-in-all £500k well spent I reckon. It'll do till the kids get to Uni anyway. Then we'll start looking for our 'forever home'. Maybe another barn - keep an eye out for me.

    Sure, no problem. I'll give you a ring when I need to board my Donkey, should be no problem with your fitting another jackass into the barn.

    I don't believe you have a family though.

    Don't believe me? I am your long lost Daddy. Well, it's between me and about a couple of dozen other lads, it was a wild party, I am sure mums told you she wasn't quite sure with her recollection being a sea of diverse faces that night.

  72. No my point was that the mankiest slapper in your trailer park wouldn't fuck you. Even when drunk. That's why I don't believe you have a family.

    At best you might catch a shine off a crack-whore who was desperately short of cash, but that isn't gonna get you any kids.

  73. Anonymous4:22 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    No my point was that the mankiest slapper in your trailer park wouldn't fuck you. Even when drunk. That's why I don't believe you have a family.

    At best you might catch a shine off a crack-whore who was desperately short of cash, but that isn't gonna get you any kids.

    Now Now Purple Cow that is no way to talk about mumsie dearest.

    You seem to know a lot about catchin shines from crack-hoes. I will take your word for it although I really do hope you aren't again referring to mumsie. It is very harmful to both you and your relationship with her harboring these destructive feelings. After all, she has changed, that was a long time ago and she got you out of the days of her haze. Now you really shouldn't go around thinking strange men are your daddy and trying to get revenge on them for leading you to a life of barn living. The odds of truly finding your real dad are as mumsie would tell you similar to the odds of getting one in her hole nowadays 1 - 12,750. She still golfs/caddies right? She was the best darn ballwasher I ever knew even with her drug dependancies and missing teeth.

  74. no slappz4:27 PM

    mack lyons jibberates:

    Another old argument. "Only blacks put themselves down - no other race puts one another down, etc."

    Not only do blacks put themselves down in a generally disparaging way, they put each other down for behaving like those of other races.

    You know, for studying, also known as -- acting white.

    Useful for singling out black Americans as being the cause or the blame for some racially-motivated situation.

    What? The impact of social pathologies on black America is staggering. But leave it to clowns like you to pretend all the problems of black America boil down to the attitudes of a few inconsequential white female basketball players.

    Reorient the focus from the white girls onto the black people who are walking around still using the N-word as a term of endearment.

    You get the Stupid Trophy of the day.

    A few weeks ago one of New York City's best female high school basketball players was murdered. Yes, she was black. At first it looked like she was an unfortunate victim of ghetto crime.

    However, after some investigating, it was found that she, known as "Chicken" for her legs, was, in fact, part of a girl gang, and her murder was retaliation for some earlier transgression of hers.

    Further, girl gangs are becoming a bigger and bigger problem in NY City and elsewhere.

    Here's a clue. The members are not white.

    The girl gangs are another outcome of the social pathologies afflicting too many cities. In this case, illegitimacy is a major contributing factor.

    mack lyons, just keep your head under that rock.

  75. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "She still golfs/caddies right? She was the best darn ballwasher I ever knew even with her drug dependancies and missing teeth"

    Wooo-wheeee the anons are spanking that monkey until it's purple today!!!!

  76. Good articles, Field. Solid and, yes, still important. Keep it up!

  77. geographer4:38 PM

    purple cow says:

    ‘An Investigation into the Orientation of Lubricant Molecules in EHD Contacts’

    This paper was written in 1992, when Aderin Pocock was an undergraduate.

    In other words, she pulled together some numbers for P.M. Cann, the ranking member of the team who was credited as the author. Cann was probably the professor under whom she studied.

    She's nobody, even if she managed to get her name attached to a bunch of papers she didn't write.

  78. Smack Jack6:11 PM

    Wealthy liberals stridently and sanctimoniously demand higher taxes on the rich. Could they really be morons? Or are they contemptible hypocrites, who trust their lawyers and accountants to see to it that everyone else pays through the nose while they skate free?

    The Daily Caller determined the answer in the following experiment:

    Rich people feel guilty about what they have, but they really like being rich. The very rich really like being richer than the almost rich.

    That's why billionaires fund the Democratic party. They get to assuage their guilt by giving money to poor people that they took from upper middle class people. This also helps to keep the mere millionaires down.

    All said and done, it costs them very little, they look virtuous, and they keep the riff-raff out of the yacht club.

    Poor people are just props, cudgels to beat the middle class with.

  79. Anon-Goober

    "Actually there are more black serial killers in the past few decades than white"

    Oh really?

    Jeffrey Dahmer
    Ted Bundy
    Charles Manson
    Dennis Rader
    David Berkowitz
    Gary Ridgway
    John Wayne Gacy
    Boston Strangler
    Richard Ramirez
    Dean Corll
    Richard Angelo
    Albert Fish
    Eddie Gein
    Belle Gunness
    Angel Maturino Resendiz

    Name the black ones goober.

  80. Anonymous6:50 PM

    No_Slappz, thank for slapping Mack Lyons around. He needed it to feel good about himself.
