Friday, December 09, 2011

One tough cookie.

"The first thing Newt should do while in the big house is contract his bust be added to Mount Rushmore. Think of all the jobs that will create."

That was classic. I wish I thought of that line, but the credit goes to someone writing in the comment section of the Washington Post online.  The person was commenting after this article by Dana Milbank, which outlined just how Nasty Newt can be.

"Nearly two decades ago, Gingrich’s political action committee, with the help of GOP wordsmith Frank Luntz, issued a now-famous memo telling Republican candidates which words they should use to describe their opponents. Among them: “anti,” “betray,” “bizarre,” “corrupt,” “destructive,” “disgrace,” “shame,” “lie,” “pathetic,” “radical,” “self-serving,” “selfish,” “shallow,” “shame,” “sick,” “traitors.”

“These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understood contrast,” this Gingrich-endorsed memo explained. “Remember that creating a difference helps you. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party.”

With that memo, and with the slashing style of politics that brought Republicans to power in the House for the first time in generations, Gingrich did more than anybody else to set the tone in Washington."

Yes Newt, you are Mr. Nasty. Embrace your nastiness and stop wimping out.
You are starting to look like a bigger phony than your closest rival, and, believe me, that takes some doing.

Finally, here is a little issue that has me going, hmmmmm:

Most of you know that Philly fans are rough, and they are catching the business for giving it to the fiance of one of our players this year. The player happens to be one Casey Matthews, who sucks big time as a player. Eagles fans have not been pleased with Casey, and his fiance made the mistake of wearing a jersey with his name on the back to a recent game.

"Eagles linebacker Casey Matthews has had a rough season. Over the past few games, he’s served mainly a special teams role. He’s been bounced from outside linebacker to inside linebacker to eventually the bench. The rookie was given a chance to start multiple times this season but hasn’t been able to put it together. Unfortunately, Eagles fans took note of the fact that he has struggled. What’s even more unfortunate is their decision to take it out on his family.
“I’m trying to,” Matthews said when asked about winning over Philly fans. “It’s hard. One of the earlier games, they harassed my family and made my fiancee cry. It’s tough. It’s frustrating. That’s just how they are here. If you win they love you, so I guess we’ve just got to turn things around and just start winning again.”

Does that surprise anyone? These are the same fans who were chanting for their head coach to be fired just a couple weeks ago. They also allegedly threw beer at the Giants bus earlier in the season. .." [Source]
Oh please! This has been big news all over sports talk radio hear in Philly, and it has been getting some national play as well. Most people are coming down on the fans for their behavior towards this "poor woman", and she has been cast as the poor damsel in distress among the ignorant and boorish fans who make up Eagle Nation.    
Well, this is why I say hmmmmm: Remember when those same Eagles fans gave the business to the mother of  Redskins runner, Clinton Portis?
 "Updated: 12:07 a.m. ET Jan. 3, 2006

Clinton Portis took a beating in Sunday's victory over Philadelphia. Apparently, his mother dished one out.

In the fourth quarter, Portis's mother, Rhonnel Hearn, was sitting in the end zone at Lincoln Financial Field with Portis's stepfather and some friends when an Eagles fan apparently tossed a beer on the group. Portis's mother responded by punching the woman in the face, Portis said.

The altercation explained why Hearn watched part of the game from the Redskins sideline.

"She busted some lady in the nose, but that'll just teach you about messing with her," Portis said. "I think fans take that too serious. People come to the game to have a good time, that's what you should do. If you decide your team is losing and you want to cause trouble, then you're going to get what you're looking for. And yesterday, whoever that fan was, they got what they were looking for."

Portis rushed for 112 hard yards Sunday but re-injured an already sore shoulder and left wrist after being horse-collared in the fourth quarter by linebacker Trent Cole. "It's one of those Mondays where I feel like I ain't going to make it," Portis said with a laugh.

His mother, he said, fared better. "My mom can protect herself," Portis said."
After this story, the sentiment went the other way: the fans were right and mama Portis was wrong to go all Joe Frazier on some loud mouth.
Oh those tough black women. Hmmmmm. 



  1. and you guys criticize our soccer fans...

  2. Quote Geographer

    ”What's the name of that new planet they just found? Oh yeah, Kepler-22b.

Any planets ever been discovered by black astromomers? Or named for famous black scientists?”

    Dunno Geographer, why don’t you asked Dr. Margeret Aderin-Pocock, MBE - she’s a well known space scientist born in London of Nigerian parents.

    ”How about the naming of mountains?”

    Well, at a guess I’m thinking Mount Kilimanjaro was probably named by a black man.

    It doesn’t sound particularly white to me - Irish maybe?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. newt is toxic scum


    newt is a lot nicer and a lot less racist and amoral than that brazen hoax hobama

    newt is just exposed a lot more and a lot less nicely so...


    Afterward, Hendon wrote, Obama came to his desk and "told me in an eerie, dark voice that came from some secret place within the ugly side of him, 'You embarrassed me on the Senate floor and if you ever do it again, I will kick your ass!'"

    Hendon said Obama then challenged him to go to the rear of the Senate chamber out of the eyesight of reporters for a fight, and Hendon did so. "A little pushing and shoving occurred, laced with profanity too vulgar to write, from both of us, until Sen. Donne Trotter and others separated us," Hendon wrote.

  5. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Geographer

    ”What's the name of that new planet they just found? Oh yeah, Kepler-22b.

Any planets ever been discovered by black astromomers? Or named for famous black scientists?”

    Dunno Geographer, why don’t you asked Dr. Margeret Aderin-Pocock, MBE - she’s a well known space scientist born in London of Nigerian parents.

    Actually she is a simple Observation instruments technologist. She might be worldy and famous to you as a token but not so much to other scientists. But don't worry we understand. How is the brits space program going these days? Have you managed to escape the atmosphere yet?
    ”How about the naming of mountains?”

    Well, at a guess I’m thinking Mount Kilimanjaro was probably named by a black man.

    It doesn’t sound particularly white to me - Irish maybe?

    Actually European mispronunciation for "White" but of course it is. German to be more specific. In a few years you will be begging the Irish to feed you wait and see.

  6. Anonymous7:55 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    and you guys criticize our soccer fans...

    Nobody can take a head shot like you can.

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    and you guys criticize our soccer fans...

    Would love to see Obama's head on mount rushmore, not enough room for his ears and ego though. But seriously, like 9/11 we need to erect an Obama Memorial - Never forget - NEVER again!!

  8. Snoot's faker than a plastic $3 bill.

  9. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Snoot's faker than a plastic $3 bill.

    Is that like as queer as a $2 Dollar bill?

  10. Anonymous9:01 PM

    OK Field no doubt you are a democratic Shill now. You do nothing but talk about smear stories about conservatives, in fact you NEVER talk about democrats either good or bad. Why just today Eric Holder is trying to redefine lying like clinton did. No he did not have sex with that woman or show his incompetence and get americans and mexicans killed in an attempt to change the constitution and gun control laws. The continuing despicable ineptness and immorality of the left, yet you say nothing on that but talk about political buzz words as if Rules for radicals doesn't talk about polarizing your opponents. Well, thats dimmycrats for ya. Partisan to the end at any price, even if it means losing yourself.

    Rep. James Sensenbrenner: “Tell me what's the difference between lying and misleading Congress, in this context?”

    Attorney General Eric Holder: “Well, if you want to have this legal conversation, it all has to do with your state of mind and whether or not you had the requisite intent to come up with something that would be considered perjury or a lie.”

  11. Wesley R10:28 PM


    The Eagle fans should know the deal; the guy running the defense doesn't know what he's doing. That wide 9 shit doesn't work, ask The Lions Fans. Matthews isn't the person they should blame.
    The Fans take their football serious. Tune in to your local game on the radio and listen to the call in show after the game. Sometimes the call in show is better than the game.

  12. Slick Willy10:51 PM

    anti,” “betray,” “bizarre,” “corrupt,” “destructive,” “disgrace,” “shame,” “lie,” “pathetic,” “radical,” “self-serving,” “selfish,” “shallow,” “shame,” “sick,” “traitors.”

    Sure sounds like apt descriptions of democrats to me.

  13. According to an article in bloomberg, the wealthiest neighborhoods are growing in population as America increasingly breaks up into zones based around economic class.

    As the income gap has grown, America's wealthy families seem to be concentrating in the most-affluent neighborhoods

    The article also reports that the poorest neighborhoods are becoming more purely poor. People are stratifying into economic classes. Liberal elites have helped accelerate this process by promoting immigration policies that brought in lots of poor people and drove down incomes at the bottom. This has increased concentrations of poor people. A poor person is better off around more affluent people. So this demographic change increasing the ranks of the poor has also effectively has raised the costs of being poor.

    There's less of a shared national experience because people differ for more overlapping reasons. This means less feeling of common interests and, not surprisingly, every class moves away from the classes beneath it. This isn't just a migration of the very rich away from everyone else.

    People raising kids are going to try to live as close to the most successful as possible. Living near more successful people means sending your kids to schools who have fewer children of the poor and dysfunctional.

    If you want to see how much income inequality is mapping to divisions between neighborhoods by income check out these graphics from the New York Times on Philadelphia and surrounding counties in 1970, 1990, and 2007:

    The middle is shrinking. My advice: try harder. Try to learn more. Look for a better job. Look for ways to excel in your current job. Create a bigger buffer between you and personal poverty and between you and the swelling ranks of the poor. And pray that the party of the middle class, the Republicans, can stop liberalism from turning America into a stratified Latin American society.

  14. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Snoot's faker than a plastic $3 bill.

    Whitey's faker than a $30,000 attorney's bill.

    Go fuck yourself, shyster.

  15. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Slick Willie, "anti,” “betray,” “bizarre,” “corrupt,” “destructive,” “disgrace,” “shame,” “lie,” “pathetic,” “radical,” “self-serving,” “selfish,” “shallow,” “shame,” “sick,” “traitors.”

    Sure sounds like apt descriptions of democrats to me."

    Me too. Newt is a far cry from being as nasty as those lefties who set up those women to lie on Cain.

    And Field has some nerve to call someone nasty when he is pretty nasty himself. Just read this post or his very nasty comments toward people who believe in you can't get any nastier than that!

  16. Anonymous12:29 AM

    This blog is getting too nasty for me. I am not sure what to do. Continue to be nice and stomped on, or fight back like a tough cookie?

    Mr. Field, or any of you ID regular Negroes, White or Black, please advise.

    Please. No nasty comments....only well thought clean cut sincere heartfelt recommendations, which "unlifts" the soul, like a good sermon on a Sunday by the inspirational Rev Al Sharpton, Rev Manning or Rev Mellaneous. Please, no nasty FN comments.

  17. Capt.TrainWreck.Obamabot12:35 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This blog is getting too nasty for me. I am not sure what to do. Continue to be nice and stomped on, or fight back like a tough cookie?

    Mr. Field, or any of you ID regular Negroes, White or Black, please advise.

    Please. No nasty comments....only well thought clean cut sincere heartfelt recommendations, which "unlifts" the soul, like a good sermon on a Sunday by the inspirational Rev Al Sharpton, Rev Manning or Rev Mellaneous. Please, no nasty FN comments.

    Have you tried auto fellatio? Might work. Wait you said clean cut - make sure you are snipped then and wash first.

  18. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This blog is getting too nasty for me. I am not sure what to do. Continue to be nice and stomped on, or fight back like a tough cookie?

    Mr. Field, or any of you ID regular Negroes, White or Black, please advise.

    Please. No nasty comments....only well thought clean cut sincere heartfelt recommendations, which "unlifts" the soul, like a good sermon on a Sunday by the inspirational Rev Al Sharpton, Rev Manning or Rev Mellaneous. Please, no nasty FN comments.

    Have you tried auto fellatio? Might work. Wait you said clean cut - make sure you are snipped then and wash first.

    12:35 AM
    Dear Mr. Field, I call your attention to the first comment made to me. It was a very nasty comment after I pleaded for good virtuous comments to help me decide.

    Mr. Field, must I have to put up with the ornery comments? I swear, FN Negroes are such apathetic unloving asses.

  19. Anonymous12:59 AM

    PC, "and you guys criticize our soccer fans..."

    You guys kill each other and feel good about it. You folks are the sickest people on the planet.

  20. Quote anonymous 12:59

    "You guys kill each other and feel good about it. You folks are the sickest people on the planet."

    So I guess this means you are not in favor of the death penalty then?

  21. Capt.TrainWreck>Anti-ObamaBot8:52 AM

    59 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote anonymous 12:59

    "You guys kill each other and feel good about it. You folks are the sickest people on the planet."

    So I guess this means you are not in favor of the death penalty then?

    You can tell the difference between just being Black and being held accountable for a mental perversion that causes you to murder others I hope?Surely you don't think they are one and the same as you suggest here or do you?

  22. "This blog is getting too nasty for me. I am not sure what to do. Continue to be nice and stomped on, or fight back like a tough cookie?

    Mr. Field, or any of you ID regular Negroes, White or Black, please advise."

    Just be yourself.

    And I noted those nasty comments to you. They were sent by an Anon. I am sending a memo to the President of Anon. Inc. right now.

    Hugo, I actually liked your comments, you made some good points towards the end.

  23. Anonymous10:28 AM

    "The first thing Newt should do while in the big house.."

    No surprise that I had to wonder what he meant by "big house"— White House our hoosegow.


  24. I just saw this and was astounded. It's about Newty and also about black people.

    There a new term for you courtesy of the right. You are now "exotic's".

    I find that so disgusting. Busted kicks their monkey ass like it needed to be!

  25. CuriousGeorge11:03 AM

    One Fly said...
    I just saw this and was astounded. It's about Newty and also about black people.

    There a new term for you courtesy of the right. You are now "exotic's".

    I find that so disgusting. Busted kicks their monkey ass like it needed to be!

    This is fucked up, Exotics are Monkey asses? what the hell you tryin to say?

  26. click on the link CG

    "exotic's" is a link - that's why it's blue.

    You insert the link and the word you want to be the link into some simple HTML code and included as part of the comment it is then a link. If a commenter takes the time it just makes it easier for the reader if they are interested.

  27. Quote Capt: Train Wreck

    "You can tell the difference between just being Black and being held accountable for a mental perversion that causes you to murder others I hope?Surely you don't think they are one and the same as you suggest here or do you?"

    I'm offering a €10 prize for anyone who can translate the above sentence into English.

    Answers on a postcard please to the usual address.

  28. Anonymous12:24 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Capt: Train Wreck

    "You can tell the difference between just being Black and being held accountable for a mental perversion that causes you to murder others I hope?Surely you don't think they are one and the same as you suggest here or do you?"

    I'm offering a €10 prize for anyone who can translate the above sentence into English.

    Answers on a postcard please to the usual address.

    Only you would say that being against Black On Black murders is morally equivalant to the death penalty and then when someone calls you out for being the ass you are, you use your old byline of playing stupid. Well I know better, you aren't playin.

    Anywho time for you to check back into the Royal Bethlem.

  29. SickupandFed12:34 PM

    Field, the real reason Carson Palmer said he would never play in Cincinnati again was because some idiots went to his home and started harassing his wife and kids.


  30. PottasiumLover12:41 PM

    One Fly said...
    click on the link CG

    "exotic's" is a link - that's why it's blue.

    You insert the link and the word you want to be the link into some simple HTML code and included as part of the comment it is then a link. If a commenter takes the time it just makes it easier for the reader if they are interested.

    Oh is that how those link thingies work... what a bunch of foul mouthed garbage those people spew - are they exotic ass monkeys? Or just DWL fisherman?

  31. Field Negro said..."Hugo, I actually liked your comments, you made some good points towards the end."
    I would then think that you should re-evaluate your commitment to liberal Democrat policies.

    It seems obvious to me that the course that the party of Reid, Pelosi and Obama amounts to a war on the middle class. Despite the President's rhetoric, everything he has done has moved our society in the direction of an expanding mass of poor and an increasingly powerful elite.

    The modern Democratic Party is an alliance of the ultra-rich and the dependent poor against the middle class. His calls for tax increases for people making over $250,000 per year are a call for taxes on the high end of the middle class and small business owners. The super-rich that make up his campaign donors have enough loopholes in the current system, a system he defends, to avoid being hurt by any wage tax increases.

    His monetary policies are in practice a tax on the working classes, devaluing their savings and increasing their future debt liabilities.

    This dynamic has progressed to the point that the Democrats have explicitly abandoned the white working class, depending entirely on racial chauvinism for votes of non-white working people:

    What is interesting is that those supposedly most vested in the interests of the working class, including even the white ones, the unions, are among the biggest financial and organizational supporters of the party that has just written off that very demographic, illustrating just how much the interests of union leadership is divergent from the interests of union members.

    The middle class has nowhere to turn but the Republicans, for whose economic policies a valid ideological case can be made for how they can provide the most benefit for the most people. Unfortunately, the Republicans remain too enamored of big business interests to sieze the huge opportunity Obama has given them to directly appeal to the great mass of working folk in America.

    I have spent plenty of time in socialist, class-stratified Latin America, and I really don't want to see the US go down that path.

    So where are middle class people suposed to turn to, the party that doesn't care about them or the party that is seeking to destroy them?

    As disheartening as the choice is, the middle class has no alternative but to try to push the Democrats out of power. It's a matter of survival, and we won't survive four more years of Obama.

  32. geographer2:38 PM

    purple cow says:

    Dunno Geographer, why don’t you asked Dr. Margeret Aderin-Pocock, MBE - she’s a well known space scientist born in London of Nigerian parents.

    Wow. In the entire history of astronomy, the name of one black woman pops up. Some achievement.

    Of course her achievement was the result of schooling in England. Not Nigeria.

    ”How about the naming of mountains?”

    Well, at a guess I’m thinking Mount Kilimanjaro was probably named by a black man.

    The original comment was tied to mountains, lakes and rivers in the US, not Africa, where pretty much everything was named by one tribe or another.

    More importantly, mountains in America are named for notable people. Not spirits or goofballs. Thus, Kilimanjaro misses the cut.

    In the US, no mountains, rivers or lakes are named for notable blacks.

    Just streets.

  33. Quote Some Idiot Upthread

    "Only you would say that being against Black On Black murders is morally equivalant to the death penalty..."

    I said no such thing. I was responding to the line "You folks kill each other and feel good about it."

    Presumably you must feel good about state sanctioned executions was my point.

    "...and then when someone calls you out for being the ass you are, you use your old byline of playing stupid. Well I know better, you aren't playin."

    In general I find all Americans hard to understand, often it seems as if you are speaking in code. However, people like you are even more difficult because you only seem to have a passing relationship with the rudiments of correct English grammar.

    Is English your first language?

  34. frank luntz2:51 PM

    Newt is NOT headed for the presidency or the Repubican nomination.

    He's too old and too loaded with baggage.

    If Iraq collapses in the coming year, it will fail because Iran intrudes and creates chaos. Iraq's failure will be seen as Obama's failure. It will cost him the election.

  35. Lumwana2:56 PM

    @ Hugo:

    “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”

    - Vladimir Lenin

  36. geographer3:09 PM

    purple cow burbles about:


    If you were to look into this woman's history you would find that she's written no papers, acquired no patents and developed no technologies. In the world of science and engineering, she's nobody.

    But she's black and supposedly has a PhD in mechanical engineering, which is NOT the discipline of astronomers or developers of the defense products on which she claims to have worked.

    She's a cheerleader for science education and her only serious efforts are in that direction.

    So, as usual, the attempt to highlight a black who has gone where few blacks have ventured has backfired.

  37. PurpleCowI-LiesAgain3:27 PM

    In general I find all Americans hard to understand, often it seems as if you are speaking in code. However, people like you are even more difficult because you only seem to have a passing relationship with the rudiments of correct English grammar.

    Is English your first language?

    Purple Cow is twisting and lying again.

    It is called intelligence. It escapes you. If one needs to write at a rudimentary level for you to understand witticism's and inferences, well then that just makes you rudimentary doesn't it. However in this case the comments you made were clear, nothing you would need to be able to exert your minute thinking processes to understand.

    I said no such thing. I was responding to the line "You folks kill each other and feel good about it."

    Presumably you must feel good about state sanctioned executions was my point.

    Lets examine your latest bullshit flipflop lie shall we.

    Someone wrote:
    "You guys kill each other and feel good about it. You folks are the sickest people on the planet."

    You nicely omitted the "You folks are the sickest people on the planet" part This sentence Sir Bollocks clearly indicates killing is sick.

    You then reply with:

    So I guess this means you are not in favor of the death penalty then?

    So being against Black On Black murders is to you the equivalent of the death penalty. You said it. So why would someone who thinks Black on Black murders is sick be in favor of the death penalty and how are they parallel in your codfish mind? Black on Black Murders are a death penalty but they are not against persons who have committed crimes against humanity, at least not in my mind but clearly in yours, they are the same.

    If you didn’t mean this, lying about what you have written won't erase the words. You should just apologize to all the Black murder victims who you have just unequivocally said are murderers that deserve to be executed.

  38. OK let me explain this in terms that your simple little brain can cope with.

    Your words were..

    "This sentence sir bollocks clearly indicates killing is sick".

    This is exactly the point I was originally making. If you think killing is sick, how can you be in favor of capital punishment?

    ...and for the record, no I see no particular morale difference between murder and execution. One is a state-sanctioned murder, the other isn't. So what?

    So while I see no difference, that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

    Do you get it yet?

  39. Quote Geographer


    If you were to look into this woman's history you would find that she's written no papers...

    So the 27 papers listed on are not real?

  40. lethal injection3:55 PM

    purle cow dissembles:

    ...and for the record, no I see no particular morale difference between murder and execution.

    Wow. First, you probably meant "moral" rather than "morale" difference. Or, maybe you don't know the difference. Doesn't matter.

    You say you don't see a difference between an killing committed by a thug and a state-sanctioned execution.

    Then, you don't see a difference between the thug who attempts to kill a victim who is then killed when the victim retaliates with lethal force in defense of himself.

    Therefore, in your imbecilic world, it's a crime for a victim to protect himself from a murderous attack by a gun-wielding thug.

    It's no wonder that anarchy reigns in so many African nations.

  41. geographer4:03 PM

    purple bonehead writes:

    So the 27 papers listed on are not real?

    The papers are puff pieces about the glories of science.

    They are not serious investigations published in recognized journals of science or engineering.

    She's nobody.

  42. Quote Geographer

    "The papers are puff pieces about the glories of science.

    They are not serious investigations published in recognized journals of science or engineering."


    Most recent document title:

    BHROS high spectral resolution observations of PN forbidden and recombination line profiles

    Mmmm yeah, I dunno what fascist logic dictates, but that does not sound like a casual piece of frippery to me.

    But there again I'm sane.

    El Clásico has begun, the most important annual sporting event in the world, and I'm missing it trying to teach logic to a couple of white supremacists! Maybe I'm not so sane.

  43. "Then, you don't see a difference between the thug who attempts to kill a victim who is then killed when the victim retaliates with lethal force in defense of himself."

    Yes I do, there's a very clear difference.

    "Therefore, in your imbecilic world, it's a crime for a victim to protect himself from a murderous attack by a gun-wielding thug."

    No, absolutely not. As long as the level of force used is commensurate with the perpetrator's level of violence, then self-defense is a perfectly acceptable defense.

  44. Gnome Chimpsky4:41 PM

    "I'm missing it trying to teach logic to a couple of white supremacists! Maybe I'm not so sane."

    You are probably sane, however deluded you may seem. An obsessive need to spout opinions on topics you know little about isn't crazy, just annoying.

    And you couldn't teach logic to anyone. Your opinions are based on what you want things to be, not what things are, and are mere parroting of what you hear on the BBC and skim in the Guardian.

    Your time would be better spent with a good book, but at least if you are watching soccer you aren't inflicting your jibberish on us.

    Be gone, cow.

  45. It's half time, 1 - 1. So I'm back to make you hate me some more.

    We've got ten minutes, what do you want to argue about?

  46. Hey Field, I know how you feel about Rush Limbaugh (I don't listen to him either), but I also think you don't care much for Wall Street crooks.

    On Thursday, Jon Corzine, former United States senator, former governor of New Jersey, former Goldman Sachs golden boy, and the man who embodies the malign nexus between Big Government and a financial-services sector tap-dancing on derivatives of derivatives, came to Congress to try to explain how the now-bankrupt entity he ran, MF Global, had managed to misplace $1.2 billion. The man once tipped to be Obama’s Treasury secretary and whom Vice President Biden described as the fellow who’s always “the smartest guy in the room” explained his affairs thus: “I simply do not know where the money is.” Does that apply only to his private business or to his years in the Senate, too?

    This was Rush yesterday:

    Corzine, as we know, testified yesterday about the MF-ers. He said he didn’t know where the money went. (imitating Corzine) “I have no clue. I really wish I did. I don’t think I committed a crime, but I may have. But I don’t know. I just don’t know where the money is.” …
    … Now, the media, we have a series of media people here. “It’s a tragedy for Corzine. It’s so unfortunate. It was so very sad for Corzine.” You know, when Democrats steal, it’s a tragedy for the thief, not the victims. It’s a tragedy for the thief. It’s a depressing saga of a brilliant man brought down by just the warmest of good intentions. And they’re sad, the media is so sad, such promise. Corzine, he really believes the right stuff on environment and abortion and it’s a sad, sad thing. What we have here is a Wall Street crook, but he’s a Democrat, so the tone’s totally different.

    I honestly think the media tone would be somewhat different had this kind of thing involved a Bush crony instead of an Obama buddy, don't you?

  47. Gnome Chimpsky5:04 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    It's half time, 1 - 1. So I'm back to make you hate me some more.

    We've got ten minutes, what do you want to argue about?

    Soccer. It sucks. Not enough scoring.

    My solution: Eliminate the offsides rule, allow cherry-picking, and force the defense to open up.

  48. Eliminating offside will take us back to the 1870's. Off-side was introduced to stop 'goal-hanging' which was killing the sport as a spectacle.

    'Not enough scoring' - very funny.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Therefore, in your imbecilic world, it's a crime for a victim to protect himself from a murderous attack by a gun-wielding thug."

    No, absolutely not. As long as the level of force used is commensurate with the perpetrator's level of violence, then self-defense is a perfectly acceptable defense.

    Yes, how lib'rul of you "as long as the level of force is commensurate" yes he tried to attack me with a bat and I blew his brains out. Now, what would you have me do? Engage in your pastime and tickle his balls with your nose? Logic from a socialist/lib'rul - Not likely.

  51. Noot is a permanent-seeming, but passing nauseation; like a fart in an elevator. Nothing special about him in this freakshow; it's just his turn on top of the wave at the moment.

    Look at the money. His campaign $4 million in debt and spending $5 for every $3 it brings in. The klan opinionatti may no longer shape candidate choices as much as they did even recently, but they still control the corporate cashflow that allows one to run the 102 separate campaigns that comprise a modern American presidential contest.

    Look at staffing. Noot's still trying to staff-up in Iowa and New Hampshire, much less organize his critical Iowa ground game. He's still trying to get qualified for the super-tuesday state ballots, having already missed the Missouri caucus deadline. Even Bachman, who can't keep a staffer longer than 3 months, has a more efficient operation, and has made all of her deadlines.

    Noot's just not a serious candidate for office because he no more planned to be than did the performance artist known as "the herminator experience." He's out there now trying his best to be taken seriously, trying to hire, trying to organize, trying to fundraise. All of the things he would have been doing years ago -if he were serious, but he's noot.

  52. DoesLyingHaveAColor?5:44 PM

    Leave Purple Drank Cow Alone he is a good socialist!!!! He went and got a blowjob and didn't keep it to himself, he came back and blew all the guys in town. Now that is a real socialist. They still call him soggybottom based on his childhood experiences.

  53. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "This sentence sir bollocks clearly indicates killing is sick".

    This is exactly the point I was originally making. If you think killing is sick, how can you be in favor of capital punishment?

    ...and for the record, no I see no particular morale difference between murder and execution. One is a state-sanctioned murder, the other isn't. So what?

    So while I see no difference, that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

    Do you get it yet?

    Show me where the writer said he was for capital punishment that you now base your entire presumption on. I read he said Black on Black murders were sick, this made you leap logically to the unknown fact that he was for capital punishement - ergo once again you have proven that you must now immediately apologize to all Black murder victims as YOU equate the two.

    Typical Socialist. Claims he is the logical one all the while making things up in his very own little head to fit.

  54. geogrpaher5:54 PM

    purple clown:

    BHROS high spectral resolution observations of PN forbidden and recombination line profiles

    She didn't write it, as any moron can tell. In fact, her participation is so poorly delineated, it's impossible to know if she did anything more that collate the pages and drop the paper in the mail.

  55. lethal injection6:10 PM

    purple cow says:

    No, absolutely not. As long as the level of force used is commensurate with the perpetrator's level of violence, then self-defense is a perfectly acceptable defense.

    I see. So if I happen to find myself attacked by a knife-wielding maniac, I'm limited to protecting myself with a knife, if I happen to have one in my pocket.

    But if I happen to have a hand-gun in my possession, I can't shoot the attacker because that wouldn't be quite sporting. Or fair. Or something. Is that it?

    How does the victim, the attackee, prepare for these occasional ordeals? Does he walk around carying a varied arsenal of weapons from which he must make an appropriate choice in the split second that some thug is on him?

    However, even though you believe victims are supposed to "fight fair", your imbecilic logic at least allows the state to inflict death on killers who inflict death on victims who had no plans or wish to die at the time they had their unfortunate meetings with their killers.

  56. Anonymous6:19 PM

    BTW, did anybody know that Purple Cow is a dedicated fundamental atheist?

    That explains why he spelled "morale" instead of "moral". Atheists think they are the alpha and omega of the universe, which means they have NO MORALS. In PC's world anything goes, except a belief in God.

  57. "Show me where the writer said he was for capital punishment that you now base your entire presumption on."

    He's clearly a fascist. All fascists are in favor of capital punishment.

    "I read he said Black on Black murders were sick, this made you leap logically to the unknown fact that he was for capital punishement - ergo once again you have proven that you must now immediately apologize to all Black murder victims as YOU equate the two."

    If you genuinely think that this is a logical assumption you have problems way beyond the scope of those that I can help you with.

    Seek help.

  58. Geographer, you haven't read the paper or for that matter any of the remaining 26. So stop lying.

    Every "point" you have attempted to make on this subject has been destroyed. Your credibility as "geographer is toast.

    I recommend that you go away in shame and sneak back under a different assumed name sometime next week.

    As usual.

  59. "I see. So if I happen to find myself attacked by a knife-wielding maniac, I'm limited to protecting myself with a knife, if I happen to have one in my pocket. "

    Can't you even read, you numpty?

    I said THE LEVEL OF FORCE. Not the method used. If you are attacked with a life-threatening level of force you are entitled to use life-threatening force in your own defense.

  60. The V-Tech story makes me worry about the TX legislation being considered that will allow students to carry weapons on campus. I am not sure that would be such a good idea considering the immaturity of most college students. V-Tech instnaces may become even more commonplace. And V-Tech needs to take a note from NY public schools and set up a few metal detectors!
