Sunday, December 11, 2011

Just another "nice" guy. And Mitt needs a bookie.

"RADFORD, Va. -- The man authorities say killed a Virginia Tech police officer before committing suicide had broken up with his girlfriend over the summer and vaguely mentioned some family issues, but he was loyal and never hinted at plans for violence, friends and former classmates said Saturday.

Police say Ross Truett Ashley, 22, stole a car at gunpoint Wednesday from his landlord's office in what would be a precursor to the events a day later: On Thursday, police say he killed the police officer, then turned the gun on himself in a parking lot on the campus.

"Ross wasn't that kind of person. He was friendly, nice," said Nic Robinson, a 21-year-old history major". Hold it!

Why is it that when certain people commit these heinous crimes someone will invariably describe them as a "nice friendly person"? "Or, they are a "family man", or "someone who was caring", or someone who "loves children."

This latest shooter wasn't "friendly and nice"; he was a f^&%$#g animal who took the life of another human being for his own selfish reasons. [Story]

Finally, I will bet Mitt Romney $10,000 that he made a fool of himself last night. What an elitist jerk. There are families in A-merry-ca who will not see $10,000.00 this year, and he is casually saying that he will drop that much on a silly bet to prove a point.

In fact, let me just check out the Iowa Criminal Code:

"725.7 Gaming and betting -- penalty.

1. Except as permitted in chapters 99B [bingo] and 99D [racetracks], a person shall not do any of the following:

a. Participate in a game for any sum of money or other property of any value.
b. Make any bet.
c. For a fee, directly or indirectly, give or accept anything of value to be wagered or to be transmitted or delivered for a wager to be placed within or without the state of Iowa.
d. For a fee, deliver anything of value which has been received outside the enclosure of a racetrack licensed under chapter 99D to be placed as wagers in the pari-mutuel pool or other authorized systems of wagering.
e. Engage in bookmaking." [Source]

Flipper Mitt is lucky that his ass wasn't arrested last night. But I guess getting smoked in a debate by a serial philanderer and ethics violator is punishment enough.


  1. Gingrich is scum. He is a serial philanderer incapable of monogamy, yet he preaches family values.

    The Republican Right are allegedly big on ethics and family values and yet they know Gingrich's history and are prepared to turn a blind eye to all his dalliances.

    Can you imagine their faux moral outrage if Obama had been accused of the same things?

    Hypocrites the lot of 'em.

  2. No mention of the Sudden Jihad Syndrome outbreak in Hollywood?

    Not suprising.......

  3. "Can you imagine their faux moral outrage if Obama had been accused of the same things?

    Hypocrites the lot of 'em."

    If Obama had been accused of the samething you and fn would be defending him to the death.

    Hypocrite much?

  4. Anonymous6:45 PM

    From the previous thread,

    Dr.Queen said...
    "Stalking assnon with no life,
    You are a sick, sadistic f*ck who actually believes that saying the same ol' bull4hit to an obvisouly highly ambitious Black woman, diverts me from my goal.

    And what makes you an even sicker f*ck is that on top of your own VERY obvious lack of success in your own stupid life, you're a sexual pervert too!

    Now I married a Navy man, so the fact that I can light your stupid a$$ up like a Christmas tree with few choice words should be NO suprise. And if that makes me "ghetto" to you, I don't really give a flying f*ck, you ain't $hit, and ain't never gonna be $hit but a blacl blog stalker on medicaid!

    So go jerk yourself a soda from your father!!! Again.

    And FUCK YOU!!!

    Now, am I finally clear, Goober?

    Anon replied, "You truly are a lower form of life. I honesty don't think evolution has hit your gene pool yet. You married a Navy man...wait you said he was your live in boyfriend and would not marry you. Hoodrat trait number 1.
    You do live in a made up reality don't you?

    Hoodrat and Ghetto would be a step up for you. How vile and gross of a woman you are."
    Anon, you win the 2011 Award for the best reply to a nut case. Dr Q is the only person that has managed to lower her self-respect below the level of the N-word. I mean, it just is not humanly possible to say what she says without shame and diminished self-respect. And, from that perspective, I am grateful to Dr Q for teaching me what NOT to do. She truly looks shamelessly bad- WITHOUT any admirers.

    But this is FN. It's a watering hole for all kinds of humans to drink. The human race is strange and scary, indeed. I am truly grateful to brother Field for FN blog. This blog is a stroke of genius. Without it, I would not know such characters existed who call themselves educated. LOL. Just goes to prove that 'everything' exists.

  5. I'll bet 10k that sno-blind bachmann stole that line about Newt Romany from Rachel Maddow's Friday show's segment of the same name.

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Why must you folks mess with Bachmann? She is an honest good hearted American who wants the best for her country. You liberals are unmerciful non-Christians. It's terrible considering this is the holiday season.

  7. Anonymous7:01 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Actually there are more black serial killers in the past few decades than white"

    Oh really?

    Name the black ones goober.

    OK stanky Knee-Grow and Ramirez, Resendiz aren't white.

    First of all the false belief that there are few Black Serial Killers is a cultural PC myth - as most things you say are. I mean think it through mudshark, if Blacks are the most violent beings the world over 7-8 times moreso than whites, then although serial killers require more brains to not get caught ( I know AA action again) there are still many.

    Now a partial list you coagulated lump of hemoglobin I can't even list them all in one post there are so many:

    Black Serial/Mass/Spree Killer List:
    1. Matthew Emanuel Macon (Murdered and Raped 5 White Women in Lansing)
    2. Jimmie Reed (Murdered his wife and his 2 month old daughter and set them on fire)
    3. Shelly Brooks (Murdered 7 prostitutes in Detroit Cass Corridor)
    4. Justin Blackshere (Stabbed two white cooks at Cheli’s Chili downtown Detroit)
    5. Jervon Miguel Coleman (Murdered three people.)
    6. Donell Ramon Johnson (Murdered a mother and a daughter)
    7. Brian Ranard Davis (6 women known murdered)
    8. Paul Durousseau (Seven women)
    9. Mark Goudeau “The Baseline Killer” (Eight women and a man in 2005-2006)
    10. Coral Eugene Watts (11 women in Texas & 1 in Michigan)
    11. Anthony McKnight (Five girls and young women)
    12. Derrick Todd Lee (8 Women)
    13. Charles Lendelle Carter (4 known murders; admits to ‘hunting’ Atlantans for 15 years!)
    14. The Zebra Killings (71 White people)
    15. Chester Turner (L.A.s most prolific killer 12 women killed.)
    16. Lorenzo J. Gilyard (Kansas City, MO.—13 victims)
    17. Eugene Victor Britt (Gary, IN.–3 known murder/rapes.)
    18. Reginald and Jonathan Carr (The Wichita Massacre–6 Whites murdered)
    19. Ray Joseph Dandridge and his uncle, Ricky Gevon Gray (Richmond, VA.–Murdered 7 people in 7 days, including an entire White family.)
    20. The Tinley Park Murderer (Suspect hasn’t been found but has been described as black – murdered 5 women in a store.)
    21. Henry Louis Wallace (Raped and strangled 5 women to death.)
    22. Charles Johnston (Murdered 3 unarmed white men in hospital)
    23. Craig Price (Brutally murdered 3 women)

  8. Anonymous7:02 PM

    24. Harrison Graham (Brually Murdered 3 women)
    25. Charles Lee “Cookie” Thornton (Murdered 6 Whites at the Kirkwood, MO. city council. )
    26. & 27. Darnell Hartsfeld & Romeo Pinkerton (Abducted and Murdered 5 from a restaurant)
    28 &29. John Allen Muhammad & Lee Boyd Malvo (Sniped 11 people from a car in DC, 9 died.)
    30. George Russell (3 women, WA state)
    31. Timothy W. Spencer (5 killed, Arlington, VA and Richmond, VA)
    32. Elton M. Jackson (12 gay men killed, Norfolk, VA area)
    33. Carlton Gary (3 killed in Columbus, GA)
    34. Mohammed Adam Omar (16 women, Yemen. Omar is Sudanese.)
    35. Kendall Francois (8 women, Poughkeepsie, NY and surrounding areas.)
    36. Terry A. Blair (8 women, Kansas City area)
    37. Wayne Williams (33 many of them children!, Atlanta, GA)
    38. Vaughn Greenwood (11 killed in LA)
    39. Andre Crawford (10 killed in Chicago – southside)
    40. Calvin Jackson (9 killed possibley more in NY)
    41. Gregory Klepper (killed 8, Chicago – southside)
    42. Alton Coleman (Killed 8 in the Midwest)
    43. Harrison Graham (killed 7+ in N. Philadelphia)
    44. Cleophus Prince (6 killed in, San Diego
    45. Robert Rozier (7 killed in, Miami)
    46. Maurice Byrd (killed 20 + in St. Louis)
    47. Maury Travis (17 and rising, St. Louis and possibly also Atlanta)
    48. Hulon Mitchell, a.k.a. Yahweh Ben Yahweh (killed 20+ in Florida)
    49. Lorenzo Fayne (killed 5 children in East St. Louis, IL)
    50. Paul Durousseau, (killed 6, two of which were pregnant women, Jacksonville, FL; Georgia.)
    51. Eddie Lee Mosley (killed 25 to 30 women, south Florida)
    52. Henry Lee Jones (killed 4 in, south Florida; Bartlett, TN)
    53. Richard “Babyface” Jameswhite (15 killed in, New York; Georgia.)
    54. Donald E. Younge, Jr. (killed 4), East St. Louis, IL; Salt Lake City, UT.
    55. Ivan Hill (killed 6 in Los Angeles area).
    56. Michael Vernon (Bronx, NY. Killed at least seven people – )
    57. Chester Dewayne Turner (12 women killed in, Los Angeles)

  9. kinky goober

    "If Obama had been accused of the samething you and fn would be defending him to the death."


    If Gingrich were black, with his reprehensible baggage, he'd be out of the race.

    Like Cain.

    Remember him?

    The black coon-servative flavor of the month.

    White privelege is still alive and well y'all.

  10. uptownsteve said...
    kinky goober

    "If Obama had been accused of the samething you and fn would be defending him to the death."


    I know facts can be a strange thing to you.

  11. no slappz7:20 PM

    field posts:

    Why is it that when certain people commit these heinous crimes someone will invariably describe them as a "nice friendly person"?

    Perhaps because it's true. So far, there's been no mention that Ross Ashley had a criminal record.

    This latest shooter wasn't "friendly and nice"; he was a f^&%$#g animal who took the life of another human being for his own selfish reasons.

    He's clearly guilty of the killing, which appears to be his first crime. Okay, he probably once shoplifted something somewhere. But, the relentless media has not turned up the kind of history that thousands of black killers always seem to share.

    Moreover, this killer was good enough to commit a public-service suicide that closes the book on this case.

    Once again, the behavior of killers differs by race.

  12. As to your first point, I don't think the problem is being shocked when someone apparently civilized goes berserk, but in not extending that civilized presumption and therefore experiencing shock when berzerkers are black or brown. It's just the sort of assumption that results in a majority of crimes being perpetrated by whites yet the majority of prosecutions and sentences being endured by minorities.


    White supremacist goober website.

    Making up names and crimes.

  14. uptownsteve said...

    White supremacist goober website.

    Steve making up shit again? What proof do you have that this is a white supremacist website.

    "Making up names and crimes."

    Wow!!! Someone give steve a cookie.

    This site deals in fiction and non-fiction.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Al Sharpton7:40 PM

    Well, Tebow did it again.

    I guess God really is on the White Man's side.

  17. Serial Killers

    "The racial demographics regarding serial killers are often subject of debate. In the United States, the majority of reported and investigated serial killers are white males, from a lower-to-middle-class background, usually in their late twenties to early thirties"

  18. "This site deals in fiction and non-fiction."

    That site deals in total fiction.

  19. NSangoma7:56 PM

    That $10K bet puts Romney way out of touch with the average Joe and Joan that he is trying to reach.

    It displays the arrogance of the idle rich at a golf game where they throw away money, 1-stack or 10-stacks at a time on who will sink the next golf shot.

    Romney cannot argue that he understands and empathizes with the financially above average NegroeCon. I don't think Herman Cain throws that kind of money around on his bishes.

    What did ol'e girl say, Cain told her to get rid of her dog, if she needed some extra cash; why are you feeding it? That's where your money is, bish!

    Heaux, that pussy and that head aren't that fucking fantabulous that I'm going to feed you, your children, and your motherfucking dog; bish.

  20. Anonymous7:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    White supremacist goober website.

    Fuck yuo derty nigger cocksucka mothafucka quueer little faggot dick eatin pussy

  21. Anonymous8:01 PM

    kinky_neocon said...
    More field negros making shit up.

    Go figure.

    Uptown Steve is living proof of why Africa is and has always been the way it is. Dimwitted and unable to handle even the slightest bit of facts constantly excusing reality and science for fantasies. It's hopeless, he doesn't have the capability to see reality and logic, when faced with facts he simply says "dat shit be racist" knuckleheaded dimwit.

  22. What does Uptown have to do with Africa?

    I was born and raised in the Bronx.

    Goobers are living proof that hillbillies mated with sheep.


  23. Anonymous8:38 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    What does Uptown have to do with Africa?

    I was born and raised in the Bronx.

    Goobers are living proof that hillbillies mated with sheep.


    Oh, I don't know lets see if everyone had the brains you do and built a society you would wind up with the majority of countries in Africa. God you are not only racist, you are one of the dumbest coons there is. But you already know that. Speaking of sheep, you might want to check the genetic structure of your hair before you make any more dumb comments.

    Dat shit be racist yo.

  24. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Summers Eve Steve Said...
    What does Uptown have to do with Africa?

    I was born and raised in the Bronx.

    Goobers are living proof that hillbillies mated with sheep.


    Then why do you call yourself uptown? The Bronx is an outer boro of Manhattan you dumb coon. Manhattan is where uptown is. But you get this just like everything else you tackle totally wrong. Tell the truth - your IQ has to be at or near 55 or so -ever see rain man? Have you ever entered the special olympics with your racial wheelchair?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. "Manhattan is where uptown is."

    But the Bronx is ABOVE Manhattan you ignorant goober.

    You don't get no more UPTOWN in NYC than that.


  27. no slappz9:05 PM

    whitey's conspiracy yammers:

    I don't think the problem is being shocked when someone apparently civilized goes berserk, but in not extending that civilized presumption and therefore experiencing shock when berzerkers are black or brown.

    Presumption? I presume nothing about the killers. Rather, I wait for the follow-up reporting, the short biographies of the miscreants.

    Invariably the black killers have a history, a record, a demonstrated proclivity for violence.

    It's just the sort of assumption that results in a majority of crimes being perpetrated by whites yet the majority of prosecutions and sentences being endured by minorities.

    Oh yeah, sure.

    "Majority of crimes being perpetrated by whites..."

    As if all crimes are equal.

    "...yet the majority of prosecutions and sentences being endured by minorities.

    Well, we know blacks commit more than half of all murders, which means black killers in prison are likely to outnumber white killers in prison.

    Meanwhile, the people in prison with Bernie Madoff are -- yes -- both guilty of crimes, often non-violent financial crimes -- and white.

    I have a feeling you have no idea how often white-collar criminals, who are not surprisingly, white, go to prison.

    But the notion that whites get a free pass suggests you believe victims only report crimes if the perpetrators are black or hispanic.

  28. no slappz9:12 PM

    dumbdown stevie says:

    But the Bronx is ABOVE Manhattan you ignorant goober.

    You don't get no more UPTOWN in NYC than that.

    Hey bonehead, you know you've been down this moronic road in the past.

    As you and I both know, the Bronx is NOT uptown.

    Moreover, as we New Yorkers know, no one except a bonehead from the Bronx would say the Bronx is above Manhattan. It's well understood that the Bronx is beneath the four other boroughs.

  29. "Gingrich is scum. He is a serial philanderer incapable of monogamy, yet he preaches family values".

    Gingrich did an interview where he blammed his philandering on his career.

    What a pathetic pig carcuss!!

  30. Anonymous9:23 PM

    anon7:02pm, thanks for the list, or maybe I should thank little Stevie for asking for it. LMAO!!!!

  31. Anonymous9:27 PM

    After the slam dunking anon gave Dr Queen, she is still judging others with her ugly uneducated mind.

  32. Field, that offer of a $10,000 bet has to be one of the dumbest things Mitt Romney ever did.

    Like you pointed out, betting is illegal in Iowa, probably because most Iowans think it's bad. Or maybe it's just the Republican Christian Iowans who oppose betting? Either way, Romney hurt himself.

    Even Mormons oppose betting, so Romney showed that, in addition to having a dubious religious background, he doesn't even hew ON NATIONAL TELEVISION to the tenets of his own faith!

    Bye, bye, Romney?

  33. Anonymous9:33 PM

    As Newt said last night, he has admitted his mistakes. Now let's move on, Dr. Queen.

  34. uptownsteve said...

    White supremacist goober website.


    What proof do you have that this is a white supremacist website?

    Still waiting.............

  35. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Kinky_Neocon, "Steve,

    What proof do you have that this is a white supremacist website?

    Still waiting............."

    9:36 PM
    You'll be waiting for a long, long time. You see, Steve is all mouth, and no proof.

  36. Anonymous9:52 PM

    My God, Anon7:01p-7:02p, you listed four times as many black criminals than goober Steve! Lord have mercy.

    For sure, Steve won't be messing with you again.

  37. "It's well understood that the Bronx is beneath the four other boroughs."

    Then you failed geography.

    So much for the Bell Curve theory.


  38. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    My God, Anon7:01p-7:02p, you listed four times as many black criminals than goober Steve! Lord have mercy.

    For sure, Steve won't be messing with you again.

    No, he will. I think he is a Masochist, he definitely gets off from being emotionally abused, why else would he arrogantly blather about anything when time and time and time again he proves he is not only doesn't have game, he can't even count well enough to keep score. Anyone normal would have committed suicide by now the way he continually embar'risks' himself. But than again anyone who can posts a picture he took while on a gay cruise is a flaming flamingo for sure.

  39. Anonymous10:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "It's well understood that the Bronx is beneath the four other boroughs."

    Then you failed geography.

    So much for the Bell Curve theory.


    I think if you ever had intelligence (highly doubtful) that "the aids" is rotting your brain. Did you live in NY as a kid and your parents tell you stories for you surely don't seem to know shit about it. So using your logic Canada is Uptown, cause it's above new york on a Map?

    Here lets try and put this to rest once and for all you dingo brained flaming flamingo.

    Uptown New York is Central Park south to Harlem including upper east, west side. Washington Heights and Inwood also in Manhattan are widely defined as uptown but have not been normally included.

    Oh look a New York guide that lists Uptown/Downtown/Midtown and the Bronx seperately. The Bronx is the only part of New York that is connected to the U.S Mainland, it is not uptown manhattan you dimwitted flowery shirt wearing racist.

    Now go ahead, say something is racist because you are wrong again.

  40. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Summers Eve Steve...

    A real Deutschbag living proof of the bell curve theory.

    The Bronx is uptown cause if you look at dat shit it be abuv New York ona map I tell ya it higher dan manhattan so it gots to be uptown. As Flowery Steve would say Tee-Hee.

  41. Dr. Smartuss1:23 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    What a pathetic pig carcuss!!

    The word is carcass.

    You will never be a doctor.

  42. Speaking of noot and his sparkling tiffany draped trophy wife, I cant look at them without picturing a hyena and gazelle. I just can't see him getting republican women to vote for him.

  43. fun with guns6:37 AM

    Black News Today --
    Just Another Nice Black Guy:

    Top tax cop gunned down by ex-NYPD husband in Queens: authorities


    December 11, 2011

    One of New York state’s top-ten tax cops was brutally gunned down in her Queens home last night by her ex-NYPD husband.

    Clarence Cash, 49, blasted his wife 10 times in the face, back and abdomen after the couple argued, law enforcement sources said.

    After firing off the merciless barrage at his wife, top state tax fraud investigator Tracey Young, 42, Cash fled their apartment and before turning himself in at the Midtown South precinct about 6 a.m. today, the sources said.

    Cash, who sources said made a full confession, was taken to the 107th precinct in Queens, where he was later charged with first-degree murder.

    Cash, who retired from the 32nd precinct in 2006, has a long history of money woes, including federal tax liens from the IRS, multiple civil judgments and warrants from New York state for failing to pay back taxes.

    Young, a criminal investigatotr since 2002 with the state Department of Taxation and Finance, was an ace investigator who specialized in illegal cigarette smuggling, her boss said.

    “She was an incredible investigator -- one of the top ten in New York State,” said the assistant director of investigations for the department, who did not want to be identified. “She made so many cases.”

    “She was an excellent person. Everyone thought the world of her,” he said. “She was the most dedicated person you’ll ever meet. A true cop.”

    “I spoke to him all the time. He was a quiet guy, very friendly. It’s a shock,” he said.“He always called her ‘My sweet lady’ and things like that.”

    The couple had no children.

    Tragically, Tracey Young had been the victim of senseless bloodshed as a child, when her mother was brutally killed by a boyfriend, a neighbor said.

    Cash was arraigned tonight and remanded without bail.

    When he turned himself in, Cash told the officers at the desk, "I'm a retired cop,'' then confessed to his murderous deed before adding, "My wife, she didn't deserve that.''

    Cash told the cops that Saturday night, he and his wife "went to get food'' and returned to their apartment.

    The pair then started fighting, he said.

    After she threatened to go to her sister's, he became enraged and pulled out a gun, he told cops.

    “It’s a tragic situation,'' Braverman said. "[Cash] is an excellent, excellent law-enforcement officer.’’

  44. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Speaking of noot and his sparkling tiffany draped trophy wife, I cant look at them without picturing a hyena and gazelle. I just can't see him getting republican women to vote for him.

    1:28 AM
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Those types are about the money and the power. And of course this can make them quite selectively blind to many a thing :) Of course they will vote for him!

  45. fn:

    ditto to all

    but how does mitt's tacky 10K wager really compare to the hobamas' serial elitist antics???


    opulent multi million dollar vacations?

    hobama's serial bi-sexual affairs/a clandestinely open marriage???

    hobama's STILL bragging and lying about osama to forge billions for eternal wars for oil/opium/gold???

    hobama's ongoing bilking of the poor to pay 23+ trillion dollars to banksters/pharma corps???


    ya know???...

  46. 4 mitt and the hobamas

    all is relative in elitist


  47. no slappz12:18 PM

    Lamont Pride -- he be black.

    NYPD officer dead after being shot in the face during B'klyn burglary call


    December 12, 2011

    A decorated NYPD cop was killed this morning after a gun-toting burglar shot him in cold blood inside a Brooklyn apartment building, police said.

    Officer Peter Figoski, a 22-year veteran, responded to a “burglary in progress” at 25 Pine Street in Cypress Hills at 2:15 a.m. and was confronted by career criminal Lamont Pride, 27, police said.

    Pride and his cohort initially hid from the first responding officers and were attempting to make their escape when Figoski and his partner surprised the thugs, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said.

    Without hesitation, Pride allegedly shot Figoski, 47, once in the face and took off on foot.

    Lamont Pride was arrested and found guilty of armed robbery in North Carolina in 2009. He was busted near the shooting scene in Brooklyn today.

    Meanwhile, Figoski’s partner, Glenn Estrada, 42, was tussling with Pride’s unidentified cohort nearby.

    Estrada broke away and chased after Pride, slapping the cuffs on him several blocks away on Chestnut Street and Fulton Street, police said.

    “I want to commend Officer Estrada, who had the presence of mind to focus on the man with the gun, and the courage to chase him down and capture him,” said Kelly.

    Figoski was taken to Jamaica Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

  48. the truth hurts

    did they lie???


    An ultra-conservative 'Tea Party' group has defended its depiction of President Barack Obama as a skunk as satirical - after it was accused of being racist.

    The Kansas-based Patriot Freedom Alliance came under fire for posting a photo of a skunk on its website.

    The caption above it read: 'The skunk has replaced the eagle as the new symbol for the president. It is half black, it is half white, and almost everything it does, stinks.'

    Read more:

  49. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Whitey, "As to your first point, I don't think the problem is being shocked when someone apparently civilized goes berserk, but in not extending that civilized presumption and therefore experiencing shock when berzerkers are black or brown. It's just the sort of assumption that results in a majority of crimes being perpetrated by whites yet the majority of prosecutions and sentences being endured by minorities."

    You are so right, but you can't tell a closed mind like no_slappz that.

  50. Anonymous12:37 PM

    AB, "An ultra-conservative 'Tea Party' group has defended its depiction of President Barack Obama as a skunk as satirical - after it was accused of being racist.

    The Kansas-based Patriot Freedom Alliance came under fire for posting a photo of a skunk on its website.

    The caption above it read: 'The skunk has replaced the eagle as the new symbol for the president. It is half black, it is half white, and almost everything it does, stinks.'"

    AB, you are the lowest and you are a racist. How "dare" you post something as repulsive as this? I hope UTS rips you a new one!

    Obama is not a skunk, you fool!!! Shame on you!!!

  51. NSangoma12:40 PM

    LaMont Pride, let us all hope that you have never gotten any pussy and that you have not reproduced yourself.

  52. stinky hobama nazi silly assnon:

    did they lie???

    hobama stinks WORSE than gwb

    ask any libyan

    u smell even worse than that skunk/dick hobama!!!!

  53. fn:

    if he can wake up...maybe there is hope for u hobama nazis too???

  54. Anonymous12:57 PM

    AB, "trifling skunk assnon:

    u better brew some black tea asap

    u gd stinking fool!!!"

    You IDIOT!!! You don't know what you are talking about. Don't" you "DARE" call me a skunk you funky piss smelling elephant! Obama smells sweet and is going to win in 2012, and there is nothing you can do sick black KKK racist!

  55. no slappz1:51 PM

    Cop-killer Lamont Pride:

    The officer’s partner, Officer Estrada, was outside the home struggling with the second suspect. When he heard the gunshot, he let go of the suspect and chased after Mr. Pride, capturing him several blocks away at the corner of Fulton and Chestnut Streets.

    New York Police DepartmentThe pistol found by the police.

    The police said they found a silver 9-millimeter Ruger semiautomatic pistol under a parked car near where Mr. Pride was arrested and said it appeared that one round had been discharged.

    Mr. Pride has five prior arrests and was wanted in North Carolina on a warrant for aggravated assault, Mr. Kelly said.

    The tenant of the basement apartment said he heard the two suspects pounding on his door and then going inside. The tenant said the two men claimed to be police officers and demanded money and jewelry. They knocked the tenant down, and one of the men hit him in the head with a gun.

    Officer Figoski, a father of four daughters and the brother of a retired city police officer, was shot with an illegal semiautomatic weapon, Mr. Bloomberg said.

    He had made over 200 arrests, nearly half of them felony arrests, Mr. Kelly said.

    He worked his entire career at the 75th Precinct, one of the city’s most crime-ridden.

    Sigfrido Santana, 61, who has lived in the neighborhood since 1979, described the area surrounding the shooting scene as “relatively quiet.”

    “You still got your thugs,” he said, “but that’s everywhere you go.’’

    The last officer fatally shot in the line of duty was Russel Timoshenko, 23, during a traffic stop in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, on July 9, 2007.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Whitey, "As to your first point, I don't think the problem is being shocked when someone apparently civilized goes berserk, but in not extending that civilized presumption and therefore experiencing shock when berzerkers are black or brown. It's just the sort of assumption that results in a majority of crimes being perpetrated by whites yet the majority of prosecutions and sentences being endured by minorities."

    You are so right, but you can't tell a closed mind like no_slappz that.

    Of course "Whitey" is right, I asked all the minorities in prison and they said they were all innocent, imagine that. What a justice system. Locking up so many innocent people who just happened to be at the scene of the crime committed while someone else was using their hands to hold a weapon or take the money from the register.

    DWL's are nothing but societies afterbirth.

  58. Whitey Shyster said..."It's just the sort of assumption that results in a majority of crimes being perpetrated by whites yet the majority of prosecutions and sentences being endured by minorities."

    This is a lie, as relates to violent crimes.

    Per the latest FBI statistics, blacks are responsible for a majority of violent crimes, including 53% of murders to be exact.

    Since blacks make up only 13% of the population, these figures are stunning.

    If the propensity for criminality were the same acroos all races, whites, who make up 80% of the country, should be commiting 80% of the crimes. Instead they are punking along at half that rate.

    Blacks are not arrested at higher rate because they black; they are arrested at a higher right because they are much more likely to be criminals.

    One can debate as to the reasons why, but this fact is incontrovertible.

    Whitey's motivation for repeating his lies is mere pandering to his customer base, nothing more.

    Blacks can keep complaining about disparate treatment at the hands of law enforcement until the end of time, nobody with a brain is listening anymore.

  59. Anonymous2:51 PM

    AB, I am going to call Desertflower and order a cake to be made in the shape of a turd. Then I am going to smash it in your fat face. You are an Obama hater who needs to eat shit....

    Dear Desert, please make a turd cake for AB. Don't worry about trying to make it pretty. Just make it big enough to cover AB's fat face when I throw it. Thank you.

    Love, Anon

  60. kosher kkk:

    cc this to a jew blog asap

  61. fertile pookies rule the world

    they love to smoke cigs/weed...

    and they never hide the matches/lighters etc...

    please pray for all apt dwellers this holiday season

  62. fertile pookies rule the world

    and they abuse children by turbo breeding...


  63. NSangoma4:25 PM

    Newt Gingrich-Jon Huntsman "Lincoln-Douglas Debate" on foreign policy. Livestream on Huntsman site; C-Span rebroadcast at 8 pm.

  64. pookies rule the world

    and they love meth more than crack!!!!!!!

  65. J. Edgar Hoover5:01 PM

    You can always count on the FBI to dispel field negros lies and myths.

  66. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "Smellypunk said...
    The word is carcass".

    The word is CRAKA-ASS, LOL!!!


  67. Dr. Freud5:15 PM

    The word is CRAKA-ASS, LOL!!!



    Are you drunk already? Or just a moron?

    It must be stressful living a lie, so I guess your incoherent state is understandable.

    In any event, the reason is inconsequential; it is painfully clear that you are not medical school material.

    You will never be a doctor.

  68. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Dr. Freud said...
    The word is CRAKA-ASS, LOL!!!



    Are you drunk already? Or just a moron?

    It must be stressful living a lie, so I guess your incoherent state is understandable.

    In any event, the reason is inconsequential; it is painfully clear that you are not medical school material.

    You will never be a doctor.

    Hey, Hey, Hey be nice to Queen LaQueefa she gone go to Somalia and be a guy-na-college-er-ist wemembers her man be in da navy so he likes dem big ol gray dangy battleships

  69. kosher kkk:

    cc these to a white/jew blog...NOW!!!


  70. what jobs????


  71. that blackish thief hobama and his unjailed and unprosecuted criminal banksters

    have made poverty a crime

    that stinks worse than any skunk!!!


  72. Thanks for the link FBI.. oh yeah you didn't include one. Here's one, from the real FBI, it's just arrests which are skewed toward minorities anyway, but even it shows you to be lying. Overall whites and blacks commit population proportionate numbers of all crimes and all violent crimes as catagories.

    Dig deeper in the stats and you find that white men tend to kill white women while black men tend to kill black men. This difference is almost entirely a function of drugmarkets catering largely to whites locating in black communities because they're culturally distrustful of their endemically corrupt and racist police forces. The resulting cashflow spawns gangs and other criminal enterprises who settle business disputes with bullets.

  73. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    AB, I am going to call Desertflower and order a cake to be made in the shape of a turd. Then I am going to smash it in your fat face. You are an Obama hater who needs to eat shit....

    Dear Desert, please make a turd cake for AB. Don't worry about trying to make it pretty. Just make it big enough to cover AB's fat face when I throw it. Thank you.

    Love, Anon
    As if I already wasn't depressed enough! Look what you go and mention! Ugh! :( Jeeeezus Christ!

  74. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Has anybody seen Field today? maybe he's busy chasing the big R and is short on time. But this is the XMAS season. One would think he would be talking more, grateful to be alive and grateful for Newt...what a gift!

  75. @ Whitey the Shyster:

    Either you are a complete dumbass or you just realize your client base is too dumb to read the link.

    The stats you linked to show nearly idential arrest rates for murder (49.3% vs. 48.7%), even though there are six times as many whites as ther are blacks.

    Even the overall arrest rate, which includes non-violent crimes, shows blacks are doing twice their share of crime (28%).
