Sunday, December 18, 2011

The end of W's war.

 The pretzel logic being used by my right wing friends these days is stunning. They say things like the Iraqi war was successful because it led to the "Arab Spring". Then why is it that with the Muslim Brotherhood on the verge of taking over in Egypt , and with radical anti- American elements having a greater influence in places like Libya and Yemen; you  [right] wingnuts blame his Oness for not walking across the Atlantic Ocean and bringing peace and harmony to the region?

You can't have it both ways. If the invasion of Iraq led to the Arab Spring,  well then whatever flows from those uprisings is also a result of the Iraqi invasion. 
Anyway, the neocons and right wingnuts are upset because Obama is bringing home the troops.  Thankfully, the troops rolled across the Khabari Crossing into Kuwait with no incident early this morning. The wingnuts, of course, are not happy about these developments. They wanted more war not less. The narrative now, from the right, is that Obama is an appeaser; he is making America look weak, and he is not finishing what W started in the right way. The same W, BTW, who declared that the mission was accomplished about eight years too early. Sadly, there was still almost 4,500 American lives and over 100,000.00 Iraqi lives to be lost. Not to mention 770 billion one trillion in American dollars to be spent. 

W's war was foolhardy and misguided from the start. He should have listened to one of his father's advisers: "Besides arguing that Iraq was not the top strategic priority in the war on terrorism or in the Middle East, critics of the war also suggested that it could potentially destabilize the surrounding region. Prominent among such critics was Brent Scowcroft, who served as National Security Advisor to George H. W. Bush. In an August 15, 2002 Wall Street Journal editorial entitled "Don't attack Saddam," Scowcroft wrote that, “Possibly the most dire consequences would be the effect in the region... there would be an explosion of outrage against us... the results could well destabilize Arab regimes”, and, “could even swell the ranks of the terrorists.."  Mr. Scowcroft, do you give tips on betting football? I might have to give you a call.  
Iraq and the region is worse off now than when W and his merry men of neocons decided to invade almost nine years ago.  And saying that President  Obama, by ending it, is at fault for what continues to happen in Iraq, is like having someone come into your home,  s*#ting on your carpet, and then blaming Stanley Steemer for not getting the stain out. Just today I read that a boycott of the Iraqi parliament by a political coalition of Sunnis and secularist is threatening to derail the year long governing coalition in that country. So things are not even looking good on the political front over there.  I guess the [right]wingnuts wanted us to stay until the Iraqis could come to their Kumbaya moment.  Sorry, that would have been a hell of a long wait. 
Thanks to W, we lost this war when the first American soldiers stepped foot on Iraqi soil in 2003. Our mission there was never defined, and their strategy for success was a political and not a military one. The reason that we went there turned out to be either a lie or a mistake ------depending on who you want to believe.  And we stayed too long to achieve something that we all know could not be done in such a simplistic way in that part of the world: nation build.  

And if you still don't believe me about the foolhardiness of this war, consider the following:

"The Pentagon has spent nearly $770bn since 2003 on operations in Iraq. Categorized as overseas contingency operations, the sum is treated separately from the main defence budget, which has also included some funds for the Iraq war.

The World Bank estimates that Iraq's GDP fell by 41% in 2003.

The Iraq war and reconstruction is also projected to have cost US taxpayers $256m per day from 2003 to 2012, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Any accounting of the war's price tag also has to include billions in US civilian aid to Iraq, as well as the cost of care provided to wounded soldiers and veterans.

US government statistics do not distinguish between veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan, as a large number of the 1.25 million veterans were deployed to both wars.

By the end of 2010, the United States had already spent nearly $32bn on medical treatment for wounded troops and payments for disability pensions, a benefit veterans receive for life.

The future cost of medical care and pensions for veterans will grow exponentially in coming decades. Linda Bilmes, professor at Harvard University, estimates that pensions through 2055 for veterans will reach $346bn to $469bn, mainly due to health care costs." [Source]

So welcome boys and girls. Hopefully you won't have to fight as hard at home for things like jobs, proper health care, and all the benefits that you are entitled to, like you fought the "enemy" over there.


  1. But Mr. Field, the neocons got what they wanted. They've been trying to figure out a way to bankrupt the country for decades. Then, so their plan goes, they would be able to cut social programs, which they hate.

    Neocons are evil people, Mr. Field. They have no problem with the loss of life in the American War in Iraq as long as they can kill social programs.

  2. no slappz9:43 PM

    Hey, great day for black killers in Brooklyn.

    One depraved black killer covered his 64-year-old female victim in gasoline and set her on fire in an elevator -- only a couple of miles from my house.

  3. "Hey, great day for black killers in Brooklyn.

    One depraved black killer covered his 64-year-old female victim in gasoline and set her on fire in an elevator -- only a couple of miles from my house."

    It's tragic, but it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is about the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Try sticking to the topic once in a while, slapshit.

  4. Leave it to the head plantation negro to try to change the lefts' narrative on the "arabspring". Once they gave all cred to their massiah,Obama. Now women are being beaten and stripped in Egypt,civilians are being killed , the brotherhood ain't the moderate group the left told us they were.

    All the hate that comes out of the "arabspring" will be blamed on Obama. Others will have to clean up the mess Obama has created. Just like we had to do with Jimmy Carter.

    One moonbat talking point.

    "The World Bank estimates that Iraq's GDP fell by 41% in 2003."

    Moonbat doesn't tell you that Iraq's GDP had been falling since 2001.

    Iraq's GDP increased 56% in 2004 and has remained above 2001 levels since.

  5. Oh look....

    Andre Turner, the latest racist black spree killer plantation negro will sure ignore.

    Thats what 6? black racist spree killers that have targeted whites this year and plantation negro hasn't posted on any of them. I guess that kind of racism plantation negro won't chase.

  6. no slappz9:58 PM

    The War. Yeah the war we won that Obama wants desperately to pretend we lost.

    He's even opening the door to a reversal of fortune by pulling almost all troops out of Iraq, leaving a security vacuum that Iran will do its best to exploit.

    Obama can't stomach winning in Iraq because if we acknowledge our triumph, Obama is thereby acknowledging the success of the Bush plan to restructure Iraq.

    But Obama knows his presidency is dependent on how the nation views Afghanistan, now Pakistan, and next, Iran.

    Our contretemps with all three will come to a head before the election. If victory is declared in Iraq, Obama knows he will suffer for failing in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Meanwhile, Iran may well do to Obama what it did to Jimmy Carter. Now that Iran holding our drone aircraft and refuses to return it, we've got a minor hostage situation underway.

    In any case, with respect to Iraq -- we won.

    How do we know? First, Saddam's military was destroyed in six weeks. Saddam's regime was desroyed with him.

    Since then, even with bullets flying, coalition forces -- let's face it, US forces -- wiped out the worst of the Islamists and created the start of a new society based on law and order, and a level of personal freedom previously unknown in Iraq.

    The oil industry is undergoing a restructuring. Saddam's management was horrible. Like all muslim dictators, he was a moron about running industries.

    The latest projections for Iraqi oil production aim for pumping 12 million barrels a day by 2017.

    That amount of oil is good for about a Billion Dollars A Day.

    Suddenly, Iraq has the potential to become the Norway of the middle east.

    The Iraqi economy is positioned to grow at scorching speed and become an important trading partner to many leading nations. In that scenario, the Iraqi economy will repay our expenditures within a decade.

  7. no slappz said...
    Meanwhile, Iran may well do to Obama what it did to Jimmy Carter. Now that Iran holding our drone aircraft and refuses to return it, we've got a minor hostage situation underway.

    You thinkerate Obama will do a Jimmy Carter and send 8 helicopters into Iran in a sandstorm to save our hostage drone?

  8. I think Iran should hold the drone hostage til' Nov. 2012 when Mitt is in the house. Than Iran should release it.

    The left would start a Mitt/hostage drone myth like the Reagan/hostage myth they started back in the day.

  9. no slappz10:18 PM

    Invading Iraq vs A-rab Spring?

    US forces in Germany and Japan in the aftermath of WWII rebuilt and restructured both countries as democratic capitalist nations.

    We did the same in South Korea.

    Our latest experiment is Iraq. Of the four nations, Iraq has the greatest chance of failing to hold on to its new status. But who knows? With enough help Iraq may become an extraordinarily prosperous and important trading partner to many leading nations.

    Under Saddam, it was cut off.

    But Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Syria are on their own, going toward some new form of leadership without help or guidance from responsible democratic, capitalistic nations.

    They won't discover democracy or capitalism by accident. It must be jump-started by people who know how.

    Instead, those nations are now seeing the rise of Islamists. Those nations may well become repressive Islamist strongholds, possibly more brutal and nasty than they'd been before the last leaders were deposed.

    Clearly, this is Obama's fault. He could easily step in and push all the a-rab spring nations toward both democracy and capitalism.

    But he's one of those clowns who wants the chips to fall where they may -- and he knows where they'll fall. Into Islamist states. He's got a soft spot for Islamic regimes.

    Rather than prosper, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Syria will become basket cases as the religious police assume control of everyday life.

    They'll destroy the Libyan oil industry through mismanagement. Egypt will grow less and less food, Tunisia will restrict business practices. The countries will go backwards...

    ...Because Obama refuses to step in to jump-start the process of creating democratic capitalist nations at just the moment these countries are able to make the switch.

  10. no slappz10:24 PM

    kinky neocon asks:

    You thinkerate Obama will do a Jimmy Carter and send 8 helicopters into Iran in a sandstorm to save our hostage drone?

    I was hoping the drone was a Trojan Horse and that just when Ahmadinejad stood next to it to pose for the cameras, somebody at Drone Central would push a button and blow everyone to bits.

    I think Obama will go no further than asking politely for the drone's return. In response, Ahmadinejad will tell Obama to pound sand up his keister.

  11. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I have a question. Is the war really over? How is it over when we built a huge embassy? The embassy employs 16,000 employees and it's almost the size of Vatican City. It cost $750 million to build. Most of those 16,000 people will actually be contractors providing security and what the Underserectary of Management Pat Kennedy calls "life support." It's also going to cost the US $3.5 billon a year to run it. This seems to suggest that we are aways going to have a presence in Iraq. I also recalled listening to NPR that businesses and corporation will need this "life support" to develop bsuiness. The Iraqi people need smart phones and rebuild the infastructure after the US blew up the country.

    The neoncons had a plan for going into Iraq and it wasn't because of our freedom, but regime change and corporate interests. Is this war really over?

    Technically the American people lost the war, and the corporations won. Never believe that the war fought over some high-mined idea like freedom. Wars are always about interests and resources. Big dogs always sit on the porch while the little dogs fight. Guess who is the latter?

  12. no slappz10:32 PM

    bonehead field writes:

    The same W, BTW, who declared that the mission was accomplished about eight years too early.

    As we know, blacks have big trouble with education, facts and reality, even when it involves the recent past.

    The Iraq War included TWO phases.

    PHASE ONE -- Destroy Saddam's military and his control of Iraq.

    That took SIX WEEKS. Military planners estimated it would take six MONTHS.

    At that point Phase One was completed. Mission Accomplished.

    PHASE TWO -- that was the part that ended a few days ago.

    Though the results of Phase Two are not as clear cut as the results of Phase One, we can say -- again -- Mission Accomplished.

    Of course, the traitors, quislings, turncoats and subversives can't handle the possibility that war might move yet another nation from tyranny to relative freedom and prosperity.

    Results like that are bad for Democrats and anti-Americans like field and his tribe.

  13. no slappz10:35 PM

    hennasplace barfs:

    Technically the American people lost the war, and the corporations won.

    With this statement, you have taken your place in the Morons and Ree-Tards Hall of Fame.

  14. no slappz10:39 PM

    Wow. Some good news.

    Kim Jong Il Dead at 69
    In a "special broadcast" this evening, North Korean television announced that the nation's leader has passed away at age 69.

    Maybe we can cap the year with a report on the death of Fidel Castro.

  15. Anonymous12:17 AM

    No Slappz

    No I'm just raising question and it's clear that you don't want to ponder because being complacent and shake your head in agreement with whatever meme that's created. Yet I'm daft because I'm sketpical and have questions. Who benefited from the war? I don't believe that the American people benefited. Let's just anything that the government says you need to go on with the premise that they are lying and it doesn't what administration is I'm charge. Don't believe the hype as Public Enemy aptly stated.

  16. Norman Schwartzdick12:25 AM

    Iraq and the region is worse off now than when W and his merry men of neocons decided to invade almost nine years ago.

    Yes Field, I'm sure the citizens of Iraq miss the good old days of Saddam Hussein, when they could count on being shot and buried in mass graves, in having nerve gas dropped on their villages, in being tortured to death (real tortue, not waterboarding) for saying the wrong thing or losing a soccer match, or, if they were lucky, having one of Saddam's sons rape their wife or daughter and then kill them.

    Yes, those were the days! Now that the Americans are gone, maybe they get rid of things like elections and "rights", and get back to some serious old school oppression, "Arab style".

    You are an idiot.

    There is plenty to criticize about the war, but liberal myths like this are just too stupid to let stand.

  17. But but but Sadam gassed his own people..........there were WMD's found......uhhhhhh.......9-11!

    Conservatives can always find a justification to go to war, they're good at that. Domestic policy and governing not so much.

  18. hey fn:

    gwb and hobama have ended the iraq war 4+ times???

    which one do u believe??

    and why???


    how soon will each soldier begin a new war???

    wtfu asap.


  19. ps:

    this/these became hobama's war when he lied about ending it/them and escalated it/them...


    ask any libyan/iranian/syrian/pakistani etc

  20. hobama's wars have just begun...

    ask any african

  21. They never take into consideration the long term costs of war. Because the big profits are in the wars themselves, That's why we now have premptive wars & they last a decade. That's why guvmint privatizes so many jobs & services the military used to provide; they cost more & the corporations providing the services & materiel get to waste them, too. If Haliburton & KBR figure out to make windfall profits treating PTSD & building artificial limbs, they'll get into those businesses, too.

  22. Wesley R6:05 AM


    Bush was right when he said 'mission accomplished'. They got Saddam killed, robbed the banks, and took over the oil.

  23. "Restructuring"? Is that what they call "nation building" in neocon circles?

    What a bunch of dopes.

    "The Iraqi economy is positioned to grow at scorching speed and become an important trading partner to many leading nations. In that scenario, the Iraqi economy will repay our expenditures within a decade.."

    Yes, and I have a wonderful antique bell here in Philly with a slight crack ont he side that I would love to sell you.

    My goodness, you are even dumber than I thought.

    Forget what I said about the PE exam, you could never pass it.

    Kinky wingnut, please tell us how the drone works, and how you know that all the valuable information that it might contain wasn't destroyed.

    I will wait......

  24. agentX8:11 AM

    Our combat troops are out of Iraq, so let's hope they get some rest and not have to fight in N. Korea against Dear shorty's son and his yes-men.

    In the meantime Field, Rihanna ain't puttin up with bullshit in Europe.

  25. The Iranians hacked the drone, and convinced it it was landing on a US airfield.

    Incidentally the Taliban have been using a Russian device commercially purchased for $27 that allows them to see what the drones are seeing. This gives them warning of the US's areas of interest.

  26. Anonymous8:24 AM

    PilotX said...
    But but but Sadam gassed his own people..........there were WMD's found......uhhhhhh.......9-11!

    Conservatives can always find a justification to go to war, they're good at that. Domestic policy and governing not so much.

    And liberals have a way of not being able to recall or understand real events if it conflicts with their being Ideologues. Who was it that identified the WMD first and attacked Iraq? Which party?

    What were the over 500 WMD found in Iraq? What was on the 56 flights from Iraq to Syria that so concerned Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden that they supported and attacked Iraq?

    It was for the oil? Really? Where is it? Why did the majority of oil contracts go to foreign firms if it was for oil?

    But anyway, I guess a country having free democratic elections for the first time in 2006 versus a murderous dictator who gases his own people and had a wonderful relationship in supporting Osama Bin Laden on attacking and killing Americans is not a good thing......if you are a liberal.

  27. Anonymous8:41 AM

    " Iraq and the region is worse off now than when W and his merry men of neocons decided to invade almost nine years ago."

    Field, Now that you have been reminded it was Democrats who attacked Iraq and positioned for the invasion I have two questions, Why does the party and not the issue matter so much to democrats and why do you say Iraq was better off under a murderous dictator than they are today? Rather how can you say this?

    I for one agree with you that the U.S should stay out of the worlds business, including wars and supporting many countries who would otherwise literally starve to death without wholescale US support.

    But as a Democrat you know you would be among the first and in fact already have complained when the US doesnt immediately take responsibility for other world leaders atrocities or deficiencies and move to help stop them, or when a country goes hungry move to support them, yet this one is strangely different. Really don't understand the hypocritical nature of democrats.

  28. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Wesley R said...

    Bush was right when he said 'mission accomplished'. They got Saddam killed, robbed the banks, and took over the oil.

    Really? How do you know this? Rachel Maddow told you so? Who has the oil? Where did the money from the banks go? Keeping an open mind, interested to know how you know this.

  29. The U.S. lost over 4500 troops in this war. The Iraqi Body Count estimates btwn 104,0000-114,000 civilians have died.

    U.S. economy is probably already in a depression; the world economy continues to tank.

    Now let's ask ourselves that famous Ronald Reagan question:

    "Are we better off now than we were (10) years ago?"

  30. The Iraqi Body Count website uses passive reporting of Iraq's casualties. Passive methods generally only report around 10% of the true casualty figure.

  31. Anonymous11:34 AM

    California Girl said...
    The U.S. lost over 4500 troops in this war. The Iraqi Body Count estimates btwn 104,0000-114,000 civilians have died.

    U.S. economy is probably already in a depression; the world economy continues to tank.

    Now let's ask ourselves that famous Ronald Reagan question:

    "Are we better off now than we were (10) years ago?"

    Doesn't sound very good. I wonder what the world would have been like if it never happened? Ever explore that avenue?

  32. Norman Schwartzdick11:37 AM

    PilotX said...
    But but but Sadam gassed his own people..........there were WMD's found......uhhhhhh.......9-11!

    I wasn't attempting to mount an argument in favor of the war, I was refuting Field's nonsense assertion that Iraq was better off under Saddam.

  33. Anonymous12:13 PM

    While are fighting wars, China is duping us out our civilazition. They are cornering the rare minerals maket. These minerals are used to make computers, cell phone, etc.

    Like the Pioneers who killed the native americans and slaves and enslaved africans--what goes around comes around.

    I love your blog Mr. Field!

    check out "Erotic Rock Star" at the link below:

  34. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "Oh look....

    Andre Turner, the latest racist black spree killer plantation negro will sure ignore.

    Thats what 6? black racist spree killers that have targeted whites this year and plantation negro hasn't posted on any of them. I guess that kind of racism plantation negro won't chase."

    9:56 PM
    The numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. This does nothing for harmony among the races. As a bm I believe in equality and right to life for all.

    Hence, I am very concerned about this matter and more so concerned because Field has not addressed it on his blog. It hurts his integrity as a fair, honest and just man without any regard to race, color or religion.

    Kinky, you have a point.. However, I have hope that Field will have a sudden spiritual experience of white light, the voice of God and Stigmatas in his hands as a sign of his transformation.

    So, hang in there and keep the faith....miracles do happen, and XMAS is just around the corner...May Field bring harmony and Peace on Earth to Blacks and Whites in post-racial America.

  35. Anonymous1:54 PM

    anon, "Like the Pioneers who killed the native americans and slaves and enslaved africans--what goes around comes around."

    would you please elaborate? what does China's attempt at cornering the market on computers, and minerals have to do with the killing of Native Americans and slavery? How do you know this?

    I swear, some of you FN folks pull shit right out of your asses and throw it, without even putting on a glove.

  36. Kam-Sum4:26 PM

    In 50 years, all of Africa will be slaves to the Chinese.

  37. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Kam-Sum said...
    In 50 years, all of Africa will be slaves to the Chinese.

    Africa is slave to it's own ways.

  38. pookies rule the world

    no elders are safe

    they are dumb as bags of rocks
    too stupid to torch others without burning themselves too


  39. if hobama wins in 2012

    africa will indeed be decimated within 50 yrs


  40. baraka on hobama in africa

    What A Difference A Day Made!

    Amiri Baraka writes new poem critical of Obama after the bombing of Libya; also posted below is Baraka’s writing from 2008 where he attacked those on the Left who refused to support Obama.

    The New Invasion Of Africa

    Amiri Baraka 3/21/2011

    So it wd be this way
    That they wd get a negro
    To bomb his own home
    To join with the actual colonial
    Powers, Britain, France, add Poison Hillary
    With Israeli and Saudi to make certain
    That revolution in Africa must have a stopper
    So call in the white people who long tasted our blood
    They would be the copper, overthrow Libya
    With some bullshit humanitarian scam
    With the negro yapping to make it seem right (far right)
    But that’s how Africa got enslaved by the white
    A negro selling his own folk, delivering us to slavery
    In the middle of the night. When will you learn poet
    And remember it so you know it
    Imperialism can look like anything
    Can be quiet and intelligent and even have
    A pretty wife. But in the end, it is insatiable
    And if it needs to, it will take your life.

  41. mutwa on hobama in africa:

    An actor walks upon the floodlit stage of life

    wearing a mask of an angel beneath a demon's gown.

    Pretence smiles upon the crowded hall of life

    holding out hope as bright as it is false.

    Son of a woman in whose veins flows the blood

    of ancient Ireland and dark Africa’s plains.

    You are Obama, nick-named the standing king

    You are Barack, oh, son born to deceive

    The suffering hoards of Africa look up to you,

    See a black saviour where nought but a Judas strides.

    An entrapper of nations, bringer of dismal war

    Behind the robes and the nylon wings of hope

    Oh, may those who look upon you, see you as you are.

    May those who hope in you behold you as you be

    A prince deceitful to bring down Africa’s shrines

    A siren who leads Africa’s ships onto rocks of obliteration.

    Your rule my lord will not be one of peace

    Your reign my king will not be one of smiles

    Even as we speak in caves both dark and dank

    Enraged fanatics plot your dark demise

    They will put around your head a bloodwet martyr’s crown.

    Oh black Kennedy following the one before

    May God forgive thee and thy fiery spouse

    As you walk in silence from the stage of life

    Barack Obama, blessed son, Oh standing king.

    Credo Mutwa

  42. more black rebel prose on that blackish hobama

  43. no slappz6:19 PM

    hennasplace wonders:

    Who benefited from the war? I don't believe that the American people benefited.

    Who benefited? Let's start with the 25 million citizens of Iraq. It doesn't matter that some were killed in the war. Wars generally concentrate the killing into a brief period, and then, if the good guys win, there's no killing for a long time -- until some new bad guys come along and start it up again.

    Iraq is positioned to become a highly prosperous nation -- like Norway, enjoying a huge capital and trade surplus due to its extraordinary oil reserves.

    Pumping more oil into the global economy means everyone on the planet who uses oil gets some of the benefits of the war.

    New trade alliances will develop with Iraq because it's no longer a recognized terrorist nation that has been cut off from most of the world.

    When a new democractic capitalist state comes into existence, the citizens of the US benefit. It's very simple.

  44. no slappz6:25 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    Conservatives can always find a justification to go to war, they're good at that.

    Yeah. Sure. You're a wiz. Right up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, conservatives were arguing for the US to stay out of WWII. It was Europe's war, they said.

    Domestic policy and governing not so much.

    The best bet for domestic governing is to get government out of the way as much as possible.

    As the Financial Crisis of the last few years shows, when the government -- Barney Frank and his fellow fiends -- begin to meddle with the economy, big trouble follows.

    The indictments of the people who had been running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- two Government Sponsored Enterprises -- should help you understand how the amateurs in government should not meddle too much.

  45. no slappz6:37 PM

    The real outrage

    Does anyone besides the cops care about black victims of crime?

    December 18, 2011

    Heather Mac Donald

    According to a bill recently introduced in Albany, heroic Police Officer Peter Figoski, killed last week responding to a robbery, wasn’t fit to serve the city. Brooklyn Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries, the bill’s author, would ban anyone who lives outside the five boroughs from starting a career with the NYPD.

    Figoski, a 22-year decorated veteran of the department, lived in Suffolk County — for Jeffries, a place of apparent ignominy whose residents are less likely “to understand our community.”

    Figoski’s distinguished career resoundingly refutes such thinly veiled racial profiling: Up to the very moment that he gave his life, he courageously protected the residents of one of New York’s poorest and most crime-filled precincts.

    Yes, they’re needed: A host of shootings and other violence has marred the fun at the West Indian American Day Parade in recent years.

    Let’s review the recent history of violence at the parade. This September, in the predawn celebrations, known as J’ouvert, that open the event, one man was fatally shot, crowds were sprayed with gunfire and several people were stabbed.

    A 6 a.m. shooting at a McDonald’s triggered a stampede. The police repeatedly had to break up mobs that formed after the gunfire.

    Later that day, a shootout near the parade route killed its intended victim and a 55-year-old mother standing nearby; the two officers who responded were also shot.

    Police also arrested someone in the parade vicinity who shot off several rounds without hitting anyone.

    In addition, officers removed 15 guns from spectators.

    Past parade violence includes a man shot in the leg in 2007, another leg shooting and a stabbing in 2006, a man shot to death in 2005 and in 2003 (besides the fatal shooting from the float) a stabbing in the neck.

    The mentality evidenced in the posts is going to be hard to dislodge so long as two facts hold true: the extreme racial disparities in crime rates and the impression officers often have that they are the only ones who care about the black victims of black crime.

    Nearly every day, the police experience a reality that is kept assiduously out of public awareness: the overwhelming disproportion in crime.

    In 2009, for example, blacks, who are 23 percent of the city’s population, committed 80 percent of all shootings, according to reports filed by the victims and witnesses. Whites, who are 35 percent of the population, committed 1.4 percent of all shootings.

    It only adds to officers’ frustration when some residents of poor neighborhoods seem to deliberately thwart their efforts to get criminals off the street — whether by blocking an officer’s hot pursuit of a perp or by refusing to provide evidence that would solve a crime.

    We rightly expect the police to live up to the highest standards of behavior, including treating all individuals as individuals. Most officers do. They routinely distinguish the “good people” in the community from the “knuckleheads” who make things miserable for the good people.

    But the unfinished business in improving police-community relations is to lower the black crime rate.

    Doing so requires the same community stigma against violent behavior as is regularly applied against perceived police misbehavior. Jeffries’ residency bill, which is supported by City Councilwoman Letitia James, Rep. Yvette Clark and other Brooklyn politicians, is a sad irrelevancy to that pressing need.

  46. no slappz6:38 PM

    Some NY City Crime Statistics:

    In 2009, for example, blacks, who are 23 percent of the city’s population, committed 80 percent of all shootings, according to reports filed by the victims and witnesses.

    Whites, who are 35 percent of the population, committed 1.4 percent of all shootings.

  47. no slappz6:49 PM

    The clown brigade loves to mention the number of troop losses in Iraq -- 4,500. Those losses were sustained over almost NINE years of combat.

    In other words, an average of about 500 a year.

    Hmmm. Let's see how that stacks up against other yearly death figures.

    Yearly Accidental deaths -- about 100,000. A big contributor of accidental deaths is car crashes. Highway deaths alone, account for about 35,000.

    Homicide -- well we're down to about 15,000. A year.

    Then there's deaths from infections spread via hospitals. Some credible sources but deaths in this category at 150,000 a year.

    Inasmuch as blacks commit over 50% of our yearly homicides, blacks kill about 8,000 other blacks every year. That's close to double the number of deaths in Iraq over almost 9 years.

  48. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Some NY City Crime Statistics:

    no_slappz, "In 2009, for example, blacks, who are 23 percent of the city’s population, committed 80 percent of all shootings, according to reports filed by the victims and witnesses.

    Whites, who are 35 percent of the population, committed 1.4 percent of all shootings."

    no_slappz, why are you so hard on me and my people at this time of year? There are many of us already depressed during these holidays without your help.

    We are quite aware of the high killing rate among us. We don't need to be reminded of it by you.

    Why do you beat up on the helpless and vulnerable? FYI those statistics really hurt. But I guess that's your intention, isn't it?

    6:38 PM

  49. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Why do you beat up on the helpless and vulnerable? FYI those statistics really hurt. But I guess that's your intention, isn't it?

    Murderers and Criminals are not helpless and vulnerable. Those following code and pushing this in culture are not helpless, they help the killers.

  50. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Well the conservative boot lickers are out in force today. I guess you all have not been right since old Herm got caught helping out!!..LMAO

    Now of course that the Iraqi war is ending, they want to take credit, until they start shooting at one another, then it will be Obama's fault again. And that little field trip call Afghanistan will dissolve into hell as soon as we leave there also. But of course to the black-boot licker mind.. its Obama's fault. Why, because that is what my conservative massa's foot told me to say...LMAO!!


  51. We fight Saudi Arabia's wars. "Get Saddam out of Kuwait." So we did. "Take out the Taliban, they're out of control." So we did. "Go finish off Saddam & get those oil fields." So we did. Now they want us to do something about Iran. But bin Laden? Him they didn't care so much about.

  52. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I notice that the conservatives on this page LOVE to demand proof, or evidence, asking "How do you know?" Yet they never bother to back up their assertions with evidence, links, quotations, facts, figures...or...well...anything at all. They pull facts out of thin air while accusing everyone else of pulling their facts out of their ass. I see no difference between one's ass and thin air. Conversatives are the MASTERS of double-standards and moving goalposts. Hypocrites, every last one of you, and we have no reason to trust a single disgusting thing you say until you prove otherwise.
