Monday, December 19, 2011

From Kim Jong to Newt.

There are a few things on my mind tonight.

I could, once again, chase the Big R, but I will leave him alone for now. I am sure that he will keep me busy over the coming year.

Anyway, I would like to congratulate Donald Trump for having the world's most f^%*d up hair cut now that Kim Jong Il is dead. Congrats Donald! I know that it was killing you all these years to be number two.

The headlines have been screaming out at me about that horrific killing in a New York elevator. It has "outraged" and "shocked" New Yorkers, and it is front page news damn near everywhere in the country.

We all know about that monster, Jerome Issac, by now, and we are collectively horrified by his actions.

But how many of us know about Sara McCeen? I suspect not many. Because what Sara McCeen did was not caught on camera, and it didn't happen in New York City. But, make no mistake, it was every bit as barbaric and depraved.

"An Illinois woman shot each of her three children, including a 10-month-old baby, in the head before apparently killing herself, authorities said Monday. Investigators arriving on the scene found their bodies in the backyard, the woman's hands stained with soot from firing the gun.

Authorities released new details on the shootings in Emington, a farming community with 117 residents about 85 miles southwest of Chicago. Neighbors have said the gunfire erupted moments after McMeen's two older children got off a school bus on Friday.

Investigators found the body of her live-in boyfriend, Daniel Warren, 29, inside the couple's rented home. They found McMeen, 30, and her three children in the backyard.

Next-door neighbor Annelise Fiedler told The Associated Press on Saturday that she ran out of her house when she heard the first burst of gunfire. She saw McMeen hovering over her baby as if she had dropped her.
Fiedler asked McMeen if everything was all right.

"She looked at me and said, 'No, everything is not all right,'" Fiedler said. Then, McMeen shot the baby.

Autopsy results released Monday said 10-month-old Maggie Warren had two gunshot wounds in the head and a separate wound where a bullet grazed her neck.

McMeen's two older children, 8-year-old Skyler Lemke and 7-year-old Ian Lemke, also were shot in the head. Autopsy results showed Skyler died of two gunshot." [Source]

Yep, shooting your own ten month old child at point blank range rates pretty high up on the f*&^%$ up scale.

There is a big vote tonight in Washington. But beware A-merry-ca; the republican congress is doing its best to make sure that some of you working class stiffs in A- do not have a merry Christmas.

The grownups in the senate voted on a bipartisan measure to extend the pay roll tax cuts for another couple of months. But the republicans in Congress said not so fast. They want to show the beige man in the people's house who is in charge.

"I expect that the House will disagree with the Senate amendment and instead vote to formally go to conference, the formal process of which the House and Senate can resolve our differences between our two chambers and our two bills," Boehner said."

In other words; more bull s%$#!

Finally, goodbye Newt, we hardly knew ya.

It looks like Newt,  like Herman, Michele, and Rick before him; was just another flash in the pan. The latest flavor of the month for restless and unsatisfied republican primary voters. And now, just like the others, his once bright star is fading.

Sorry Newt, at the end of the day, you had too much baggage. Republicans should be glad you are dropping in the polls. You had no shot against Obama, and deep down I think they know it. It's why they are turning away from you.
You might be more conservative than Flipper Mitt, but Flipper Mitt can beat Obama; you can't.

Oh well, maybe you can go back to pronouncing your name GING-rick again:

 "We used to play out there -- cowboys and Indians," Swartz said. "We would also go around and explore the woods."

Even as a boy, Mr. Swartz said, Mr. Gingrich "could always talk."
He recalls that the Gingrich name was pronounced GING-rick, the German way. Newt started calling himself Ging-rich after he went to school in the South and took up his career there, first as an academic and then a politician." [Source]

So Newt has a little German in him.

Auf Wiedersehen Herr Gingrich.





  1. NSangoma8:39 PM

    Newt is attacking the judiciary, do not count him out yet:

    ( Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich’s pronouncement to have “activist judges” arrested by federal law enforcement authorities at the President’s direction isn’t the first assault on lawyers and the judiciary branch. In the late 16th century Shakespearean play, King Henry the VI—portraying an era of possible revolt and political instability—there was a decisive call made by treacherous “Dick The Butcher,” in Act IV: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Newt Gingrich’s statement couldn’t have come at a more historically relevant time, with our recent celebration of the 220th anniversary of the passage of the Bill of Rights. ...

  2. Uhmmmmm I'm pretty sure that Gingrich is a Moravian (Czech) name. Not German. It was only pronounced German style in Pennsyltucky with it's German heritage.

  3. Oh yeah, snoot's done. More like he was never really in it. No cash, no staff, no campaign; just a corpulent huckster on a modified book tour all along.

  4. no slappz9:08 PM

    Some NYPD Statistics for 2010:


    Robbery victims are most frequently Hispanic (37.5%) or Black (31.7%).

    White victims account for (17.4%) of all Robbery victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (12.5%) of all Robbery Victims.

    The race/ethnicity of known Robbery suspects is primarily Black (70.8%).

    Hispanic suspects account for an additional (23.3%) of the suspect population.

    White suspects account for (4.6%) of all Robbery suspects while Asian /Pacific Islanders accounted for (1.2%) of known Robbery suspects.

    The Robbery arrestees are most frequently Black (61.6%) or Hispanic (30.0%).

    White arrestees (5.8%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (2.5%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Robbery arrest population.

  5. no slappz9:11 PM

    The US no longer elects presidents as old as Gingrich.

    He's just part of the warm-up act.

  6. no slappz9:16 PM

    field likes to find white murderers, as if finding them somehow evens the murder rate.

    Here's how murder is distributed in NY City according to the NYPD:

    Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter

    Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims are most frequently Black (67.0%) or Hispanic (24.7%).

    White victims account for (5.0%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims while Asian /Pacific Islanders account for (3.3%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims.

    The race/ethnicity of known Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects mirrors the victim population with Black (60.9%) and Hispanic (30.7%) suspects accounting for the majority of suspects.

    White suspects account for (4.9%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (3.5%) of the known Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects.

    The Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrest population is similarly distributed.

    Black arrestees (54.5%) and Hispanic arrestees (33.7%) account for the majority of Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrestees while White arrestees (8.5%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (3.0%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrest population.

    Murder in NYC -- It's a black thing.

  7. NSangoma9:18 PM

    Born and raised in Pennsylvania:
    There are Moravian settlements in Bethlehem, PA and Winston Salem, NC which remain a tremendous source of history as to the Moravian culture. These are German Moravians and they have basis in their religious beliefs which are a direct link to the Czech Moravians.


  8. sometimes i feel like a negro9:20 PM

    no slappz

    "Murder in NYC -- It's a black thing."

    Don'tcha know those stats were created by st. reagan? Those stats are racist to!!!! Doesn't matter if dey be true, dey jusa be racist !!!!

  9. no slappz9:23 PM

    Kim Jong Il does the world a favor by croaking ahead of schedule, and maybe, if the world stays on this sudden winning streak, Fidel Castro will kick the bucket before New Year's.

    Khadafy's dead. Bashir Assad may soon be dead. The King of Saudi Arabia is, I think, close to death.

    Osama bin Laden is dead.

    It's been a bad year for bad guys.

    Wouldn't it be great of Robert Mugabe died? And how about a bunch of other African despots who've made life miserable for almost a billion people?

  10. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Some NY City Crime Statistics:

    no_slappz, "In 2009, for example, blacks, who are 23 percent of the city’s population, committed 80 percent of all shootings, according to reports filed by the victims and witnesses.

    Whites, who are 35 percent of the population, committed 1.4 percent of all shootings."

    no_slappz, why are you so hard on me and my people at this time of year? There are many of us already depressed during these holidays without your help.

    We are quite aware of the high killing rate among us. We don't need to be reminded of it by you.

    Why do you beat up on the helpless and vulnerable? FYI those statistics really hurt. But I guess that's your intention, isn't it?

  11. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Field, it's not over for Newt yet. The Repubs still have a lot of problems with Romney. Besides, Newt is going after those sorry judges in our country who have become biased legislators. That's a real hot button for many Americans.

  12. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Only 5 days before XMAS! can't wait till it's over. My depression usually lifts afterwards.

    It's too bad FN Negroes don't want to talk about their depression, or PTSD during this time of year. More suicides and murders happen in the month of our Lord. Go figure.

    Humans curse, use the Lord's name in vain, rape, and commit unbelievable evils. They truly belong to the devil.

  13. Wesley R10:57 PM

    Regarding Jerome and Sara, conservatives will talk loud and hard liberals but wouldn't propose any kind of punishment themselves, liberals would want to bring them in to understand 'why' they did it. Me, I would tell them to have a seat, and sit still while I go pull the switch.

  14. Anonymous12:27 AM

    The grownups in the senate voted on a bipartisan measure to extend the pay roll tax cuts for another couple of months. But the republicans in Congress said not so fast. They want to show the beige man in the people's house who is in charge.

    Passing cuts for two months and screwing up employers planning is better than passing for a year as the Conservatives want? Who are the grownups?

  15. Field, I can't believe you would have Che on your sidebar.

    Che was Castro's asassin, just as was Stalin to Beria, and Hitler to Himmler.

    Che was a murderous bastard, who even Castro banished him.

  16. The House repubs just want to load the bill up with more crazy stuff they know won't pass. This is what happens when you elect goofball teabaggers into government.
    Newt doesn't really want to be prez, he just wants to run to make more profit. Nice work if you can get it because we all know he isn't an idea man unless you consider lighting our highway system using mirrors in space. Is there anyway Herman Big Daddy Cain can get back in this? I miss him already.
    BTW keep looking in the mail for that invitation to the GOP convention next summer because except for Boehner there won't be any people of color.

  17. Anonymous2:19 AM

    BTW keep looking in the mail for that invitation to the GOP convention next summer because except for Boehner there won't be any people of color.

    No worries, they will be eating a lot and taking lots of shits so they will think of you

  18. "Che was a murderous bastard, who even Castro banished him."

    Total bollocks.

  19. America can afford to laugh at North Korea, because no American would ever accede to power in dodgy circumstances just 'cuz their dad used to be president.

    errrrrrr, ohh....

  20. "Field, I can't believe you would have Che on your sidebar."


    I have a stat for you slappy:

    PE 1 - Slappy O ;)

    "It's been a bad year for bad guys."

    It can't be that bad, you are still here.

  21. Gostei muito de seu texto, e blog, prossigamos com esta consciência.

  22. no slappz7:03 AM

    More Crime Stats from the NYPD


    Rape victims are most frequently Black (40.9%) or Hispanic (36.0%).

    White victims account for (17.5%) of all Rape victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (5.5%) of all Rape Victims.

    Rape suspects are most frequently Black (52.6%) or Hispanic (33.8%). White suspects account for (8.9%) of all Rape suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (4.7%) of the known Rape suspects.

    Rape arrestees are most frequently Black (48.2%) and Hispanic (39.6%). White arrestees (6.7%) and Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (5.3%) account for the remaining portions of the Rape arrestee population.

    Don't miss the key point. White rape victims are 17.5% of all rape victims. But rape suspects are 52.6% black and 33.8% hispanic.

    What about white rape suspects? They are 8.9% of all suspects.

    What does this mean? It means if white rape victims are 17.5% of the total and a white rapist is suspected in 8.9% of cases, then almost half of white rape victims are raped by a non-white rapist.

    You can read the NYPD report for yourselves:

  23. no slappz7:29 AM

    purple cow writes:

    America can afford to laugh at North Korea, because no American would ever accede to power in dodgy circumstances just 'cuz their dad used to be president.

    Oh. So it's the electoral process that throws you. You equate dictatorial succession with voting. Wow.

    As for political dynasties, we've had a few.

    Meanwhile, is there anything about life in North Korea vs life in America that weighs on the situation?

    How long will the new North Korean tyrant last?

    Will the military seize power? Will the people finally grow restless and revolt? Or flee across the border?

    Imagine a reunification of North and South Korea. Like East and West Germany.

    Anyway, why don't you compare and contrast North Korea and America, and share your thoughts?

    Believing in marxist states seems to be another black thing, even though North Korea and Cuba are prison nations.

    Lastly, criticism of one American political family coming from you, a subject of the Queen, is, in itself, funny stuff.

    Are there any bigger buffoons on the world stage than England's royal family?

  24. pookies rule the world

    they will do anything to steal and abuse the weak/ill/dependent/foster cared...

    but they will do nothing to find a legit job


  25. ditto fn

    pookies are monsters/killers in all genders/races/classes/countires etc...


    i know very cool germans

    hobama and newt have MUCH more nazi inside them than they do german


  26. never fret

    no prez could ever be more republican/ruthless than that bankster hobama

    But, nothing can match Obama’s crowning glory: the permanent bailout of finance capital. The U.S. Treasury and, especially, the Federal Reserve have been transformed into open spigots for the capital needs (and speculative whims) of Wall Street. Whatever line previously existed between Wall Street and the American State, has been systematically erased by Obama and his corporate cabinet. Public, Federal Reserve, and corporate accounts commingle in an ever-flowing river of transactions that defy accounting and accountability, pumping tens of trillions into corporate financial institutions, worldwide. The Occupy Wall Street Movement is, at root, fueled by the public’s intuitive sense that finance capital has absorbed and totally subordinated the State – and they are right.

    Wall Street knows who facilitated the coup, and will reward Obama with their votes in the campaign contributions contest, the real election. He has proven in practice to be what they bargained for when corporate America vetted Obama, in 2003 and 04: the best man to defend their interests by neutralizing, rather than antagonizing, what is loosely called the Democratic base. He says now that he was “infuriated” with the banks in 2008, but he saved the Bush bailout after its initial defeat, while Republican candidate John McCain went catatonic. Once president, Obama dedicated the full faith and credit of the American people to Wall Street’s resurgence, enabling them to further consolidate their political and economic oligarchy. It is to the bankers’ benefit that Obama posture as a critic of high finance; how else could the public be fooled into a replay of the last three years of bankers’ heaven?

  27. pookies only love people who hate them
    like oj and hobama


    TOTALLY free mumia now!!!!!!!

  28. no prez could ever be more nazi/repub than hobama

    Before one can successfully eviscerate the Constitution in the name of national security, one must first demonstrate to the public that there exists a class of people for whom the new laws are intended, fellow citizens whose presence is such a danger to society that the rule of law as previously understood should no longer apply. Under George Bush and Barack Obama, the FBI has dedicated vast resources to conjuring up the specter of dark and dangerous internal enemies – with an emphasis on “dark.” The FBI chose to troll its informants and their fishhooks dangling with money among the poor of the Liberty Citys and Newburgh New York’s of the nation, creating a profile of the kind of people that the law should not protect. Under both Republicans and Democrats, the national security state has proven adept at using race, ethnicity and class like battering rams to demolish Constitutional protections.
    “Once Obama took unto himself the power to assassinate his fellow Americans without trial or charge, preventive detention of citizens became inevitable.”

    It is a great historical irony that the election of the First Black President has vastly accelerated the assault on the most elementary rights to due process – rights without which the rule of law simply disappears. A man who looks like the ethnic group that is most opposed to abuses of state power, a constitutional lawyer from the group that has suffered the most from arbitrary imprisonment, is leading the charge towards indefinite preventive detention of U.S. citizens. Barack Obama announced his principled support for preventive detention only a few months into his term, in the spring of 2009 [10]. He didn’t specifically include U.S. citizens in his framework of detention, back then, but once Obama took unto himself the power to assassinate his fellow Americans without trial or charge, preventive detention of citizens became inevitable. Obama has crossed a Constitutional Rubicon that would have been beyond the capacity of George Bush or any white Republican. He is, by these deeds alone, the most effective evil on the political scene, today. But Obama's nullification of the rule of law was ultimately made possible because this country remains so eager to deny Constitutional protections to Black and poor people, like the Liberty City Seven. Its citizens will sacrifice their own freedoms, just to spite the rights of darker people. And that is how they will lose those freedoms.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. ron paul is our very last hope to save the world from hobama and his banksters/warmongers

    that is why the msm are dogging ron worse than hillary


    Conservatives and Republican elites in the state are divided over who to support for the GOP nomination, but they almost uniformly express concern over the prospect that Ron Paul and his army of activist supporters may capture the state’s 2012 nominating contest — an outcome many fear would do irreparable harm to the future role of the first-in-the-nation caucuses.

    Read more:

  31. pookies rule the world

    and they prey upon homeless elders as sport


  32. more on the arsonist pookie


  33. kudos!!!

    classic essay on 1 dead celeb pookie


    Slim Dunkin’s videos remind me of the thugs who infested my west side Detroit community with their gun-totting bravado, indifference to elders, and utter disrespect to the decent girls who aspired to be more than video vixens. He reminds me of the U.S. Justice Department’s recent study that reports, between 1980 and 2008, the homicide victimization rate of blacks is six times higher at (19.6 homicides per 100,000) than the rate for whites (3.3 homicides per 100,000).

    Slim Dunkin also reminds me of a series of stories my hometown newspaper, Detroit Free Press, published titled “Living with Murder.” The incredibly researched series dove into the trends and problems of violence that plagues America’s biggest African American city. More than 300 people have died as a result of homicide in Detroit this year alone. An alarming number for a city of 713,000 residents.

    Just as the couple in the “I Gotta Eat” video were minding their own business before being robbed, DeMonté Thomas of Detroit was a real life instance of senseless violence the series cited. Thomas was killed in 2010 going to a barber shop by men who police suspect was after the man the barber himself.

    “He wasn’t a thug,” Mark Covington, a friend and neighborhood activist said of Thomas. “The discouraging part is that, talking to him, the dreams and the goals that he had. He wanted to raise his daughter. That’s all he thought about, that’s all he wanted to do was raise his daughter.”

  34. seen this?

    racism trumps jungle fever

    even for hobama babies


  35. more proof that politicos/ojs have no souls


  36. common was not a pookie before he became a hobama nazi

    now he disses his elder maya too


  37. Dr. Douglas Young, Professor of Political Science & History at Gainesville State College
    February 10, 2009
    Hollywood has dutifully churned out yet another cinematic agitprop paean to a leftist “martyr,” this time Ernesto Guevara. So let’s recall the real “Che” and try to discern why many supposedly democratic, civil libertarian liberals still swoon over this Stalinist mass-murderer.

    The meticulous myth of Senor Guevara is of a handsome Argentine heroically helping Fidel Castro’s guerrillas liberate Cuba from Fulgencio Batista’s military dictatorship in 1959. Then he became a global revolutionary icon inspiring the downtrodden to rise up everywhere, even personally leading rebel warriors in the Congo before being executed doing the same in Bolivia in 1967. The (communist) party line says Che personifies the selfless humanitarian courageously fighting for “social justice.” He’s the Marxists’ martyred Christ figure replete with pictures of his half-naked corpse riddled with bullet holes. And the classic poster of an angry young Guevara has scarred countless college dorm rooms for over 40 years, putting a face on the eternally young rebel for angry adolescents everywhere.

    The real Guevara was a reckless bourgeois adrenaline-junkie seeking a place in history as a liberator of the oppressed. But this fanatic’s vehicle of “liberation” was Stalinism, named for Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, murderer of well over 20 million of his own people. As one of Castro’s top lieutenants, Che helped steer Cuba’s revolutionary regime in a radically repressive direction. Soon after overthrowing Batista, Guevara choreographed the executions of hundreds of Batista officials without any fair trials. He thought nothing of summarily executing even fellow guerrillas suspected of disloyalty and shot one himself with no due process.

    Che was a purist political fanatic who saw everything in stark black and white. Therefore he vociferously opposed freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, protest, or any other rights not completely consistent with his North Korean-style communism. How many rock music-loving teens sporting Guevara t-shirts today know their hero supported Cuba’s 1960s’ repression of the genre? How many homosexual fans know he had gays jailed?

    Did the Obama volunteers in that Texas campaign headquarters with Che’s poster on the wall know that Guevara fervently opposed any free elections? How “progressive” is that?

    How socially just was it that Che was enraged when the Russians blinked during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis and withdrew their nuclear missiles from the island, thus averting a nuclear war? Guevara was such a zealous ideologue that he relished the specter of millions of Cuban lives sacrificed on the altar of communism, declaring Cuba “a people ready to sacrifice itself to nuclear arms, that its ashes might serve as a basis for new societies.” Some humanitarian.

    Che was a narcissist who boasted that “I have no house, wife, children, parents, or brothers; my friends are friends as long as they think like me, politically.” This is a role model for today’s “post-political” voters claiming we should get beyond partisanship?

    Adding to the ridiculousness of the Che cult is that he was virtually a complete failure. As a medical doctor, he never even had a practice. When put in charge of the Cuban economy at the start of Castro’s government, his uncompromising communist diktats ran it completely into the ground, from which it never recovered. Humiliated, and also angry that Castro wasn’t fomenting enough revolution abroad, he then tried to lead such quixotic adventures in Argentina, the Congo, and Bolivia, failing miserably everywhere while sacrificing the lives of scores of naïve, idealistic young followers as deluded pawns in the service of his personality cult.

  38. Another reason he fled Cuba in the mid-1960s was the complete mess he made of his private life. Though he preached sexual purity to his colleagues, he was a shameless adulterer who abandoned two wives and many children, some legitimate, others not. As a grandson put it, “he was never home.” The public Che who supposedly had such great love for humanity privately couldn’t stand most folks.

    Guevara’s promiscuous communist adventurism was the pattern of a terminal adolescent running away from his problems to get caught up in some heroic crusade against his eternal bete noir, “Yankee imperialism.”

    So why do so many well-heeled American libs still admire this thug? Are the young simply ignorant of his execrable record and drawn to the image of the dashing young rebel? Do older progressives feel guilt for their free market prosperity, and showing solidarity with Che absolves them? Do hippies-turned-yuppies get nostalgic for their youthful protests and rationalize that the symbolism of Che as a “social reformer” eclipses his actual horrific human rights record? And are some American Guevaraistas truly dangerous leftists who seek to emulate their icon and destroy our free, democratic, capitalist society? Ask that guy wearing the Che t-shirt.

  39. field negro said...
    "Field, I can't believe you would have Che on your sidebar."


    The left loves their murdering thugs.

  40. Ging-Grinch12:52 PM

    But beware A-merry-ca; the republican congress is doing its best to make sure that some of you working class stiffs in A- do not have a merry Christmas.

    That's not even a marginally competent lie, Field. Will you say anything the DNC talking points memo tells you to?

    The grownups in the senate voted on a bipartisan measure to extend the pay roll tax cuts for another couple of months. But the republicans in Congress said not so fast. They want to show the beige man in the people's house who is in charge.

    The Democrat Senate once again kicked the can down the road by passing a two month extension of the payroll tax cut. The Republican House passed an extension for the entire year, which is what they were supposed to do.

    Who is looking out for the working stiffs?

    Not the "beige man", who is only concerned with his own re-election.

  41. NYC is like every other big city in Amerkkka. Blacks commiting most of the rapes and murders.

  42. PilotX said...
    BTW keep looking in the mail for that invitation to the GOP convention next summer because except for Boehner there won't be any people of color.

    thats because 90% of blacks are still living on the democratic plantation and they will do has told.

  43. Corzo1:02 PM

    Having a picture of Che on yoursidebar is like having a picture of Josef Mengele over there.

    Che was responsible for the death of tens of thousands. He personallly killed hundreds himself, inlcuding children.

    And he did all not for some greater caused, but for his own aggrandizement. And the fact that he got off on it:

    "“….I ended the problem giving him a shot with a 32 (caliber) pistol in the right side of the brain, with exit orifice in the right temporal. He gasped for a little while and was dead. Upon proceeding to remove his belongings I couldn’t get off the watch tied by a chain to his belt, and then he told me in a steady voice farther away than fear: “Yank it off, boy, what does it matter…. I did so and his possessions were now mine.”

    Later Che will write in his diary: “…to executes a human being is something ugly, but exemplary. From now on nobody here will refer to me again as the tooth-drawer of the guerrilla.”

    In a letter to his father referring to this execution he writes: "I'd like to confess, papa, at that moment I discovered that I really like killing."

  44. Not only was Che a murderous psychopath, but you have a despiser of balcks on your sidebar, Field.

    From his own "Motorcycle Diaries", here's Che on black people:

    “The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese. The contempt and poverty unites them in the daily struggle, but the different way of dealing with life separates them completely;the black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

  45. Quote No Slapzz

    "America can afford to laugh at North Korea, because no American would ever accede to power in dodgy circumstances just 'cuz their dad used to be president.

    Oh. So it's the electoral process that throws you. You equate dictatorial succession with voting. Wow."

    Even you must have worked very hard to come up with that bizarre interpretation of what I said.

    "As for political dynasties, we've had a few."

    Oh indeed.

    "Meanwhile, is there anything about life in North Korea vs life in America that weighs on the situation?"

    Not that I know of.

    "How long will the new North Korean tyrant last?"

    Two years, maybe three.

    "Will the military seize power? Will the people finally grow restless and revolt? Or flee across the border?"

    The military already have the power, numbnuts, they have done since 1994 at least. The 'dictator' rules at their beck and call.

    "Imagine a reunification of North and South Korea. Like East and West Germany."


    "Anyway, why don't you compare and contrast North Korea and America, and share your thoughts?"

    One is a tiny nation on a peninsula in the far east. The other isn't.

    "Believing in marxist states seems to be another black thing, even though North Korea and Cuba are prison nations."

    Sorry "believing in marxist states" - what does that mean exactly? Do I believe they exist do you mean?

    Because sadly, there is no such thing as a Marxist state, and there never has been.

    "Lastly, criticism of one American political family coming from you, a subject of the Queen, is, in itself, funny stuff."

    Well firstly, if you find that "funny" your life must be even more tedious, empty and meaningless than I had supposed.

    Secondly I am not a subject of fat-Lizzy or any other member of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family.

    Thirdly, I don't see how that is relevant. Lizzy and her German mafia have a cushy life, paid for by tax-payers like me, but they have no influence on my life because they have no political power.

    "Are there any bigger buffoons on the world stage than England's royal family?


  46. no slappz1:47 PM

    Che is like a number of muslim terrorists. He, like they, was supposedly a doctor who put politics over a medical practice.

    However, as we know, clowns like Che and the various former "doctors" among muslim terrorists were never really doctors. They may have been med students, or maybe they even graduated, but as we know, the med schools they attended were only a half-step above barber-schools.

    And where did Che's devotion to Stalinism/Marxism lead? To a Cuban state where Fidel suffers a botched operation that nearly killed him and, if we're lucky, will kill him before the end of this year.

    Cuba, despite Michael Moore's silly movie, has a primitive medical system that barely functions. Doctors make more money driving cabs for tourists.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. pookies rule the world

    and they all turbo breed

    may god help us all!!!

  49. see pookies on parade daily here

  50. McMeen was all over the news in Chicago last night. The kids were so adorable. It was hard to watch, the neighbor was being interviewed who heard the screams and the shots being fired. She admitted she was already seeing someone about the trauma of the event.

  51. i drink gallons of tap water daily...mostly filtered/brewed/boiled...


    this is petrifying!!!
    our world is toxic!

    beware of neti pots/any tap water than is not ingested via stomach acids

    our water is fatal poison solo...


  52. haarp?...

    or that demonic dl tree jumper for jesus eddie long's relocation karma?...

  53. Anonymous8:26 PM

    AB, what is a "pookie"?

  54. Relax Clay & Corzo, it's a blog. The blog owner can name his or her blog whatever they want. This is, after all, A-merry-ca.

    You wingnuts aren't in control just yet. We still have some freedoms left.

    "McMeen was all over the news in Chicago last night. The kids were so adorable. It was hard to watch, the neighbor was being interviewed who heard the screams and the shots being fired. She admitted she was already seeing someone about the trauma of the event."

    Sad. :(

  55. Sara McCeen's actions are the reason why I often speak a prayer for kids of parents who obviously aren't thrilled with the idea of being a caretaker, provider, nurturer, parent.

    It seems to be a quick escape from whatever problems such deranged mothers and fathers endure or, I should say, cannot endure.

    Looks to be some sort of murder turned murder/suicide? If so, why not kill herself and allow the children to live their lives? That makes perfect sense.

  56. "thats because 90% of blacks are still living on the democratic plantation and they will do has told."

    No one has to tell us to avoid Klan rallies, it's kinda common sense.

  57. Wendy Bozek Ottawa IL1:53 PM

    In responce to Don, Sara Mcmeen had a way out. Skyler and Ian had a father,a stepmom and 4 siblings that cared for them very much. Who had been fighting for custody for the last two years, even had DCFS involved but, of course nothing was found. I see something wrong with that!!!
