Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How can a crack dealer get to that man?

Before I drop this next post, let me just say for the record that I do not want to inhibit free speech. And the young [right] wingnut who made the following comments on her Twitter account has every right to say what she did here in A-merry-ca.

"The University of Texas Austin College Republicans President recently posted an offensive message on Twitter about President Obama.

Cassie Wright tweeted “My President Is Black, He Snorts A Lot Of Crack,” Sunday.

This isn’t the first time a leader of the organization has made offensive remarks about the president. The former President, Lauren Pierce, tweeted last month, “Y’all as tempting as it may be, don’t shoot Obama. We need him to go down in history as the WORST president we’ve EVER had! #2012.”
That Tweet, which Wright’s grandmother has theorized may be the result of hacking, was also re-Tweeted by Wright’s predecessor, the current secretary of the statewide College Texas Republicans, Lauren Pierce." [Source] 
Now maybe she really does think that Obama smokes crack. (Yes, and I thought that George Bush snorted meth just because he was...you know.) Maybe she is not an ignorant racist who is the personification of the southern white republican these days. Maybe she really believes, that Obama, with his small frame, and hailing from the city of Chicago, just fits the profile of a crack smoker. Maybe.

But should we give her the benefit of the doubt? Or, should we look at the past history of a certain party and their standard- bearers? (Ron Paul comes to mind.)

I have a question for my wingnut friends: Why is it that it is always republicans who seem to engage in this seemingly racist and insensitive type of behavior?

I am guessing that if this was not the case you would probably get more than 8% of the black vote come election time. Just a guess.

Finally, I see where a 22 year old Russian, thanks to her billionaire daddy, just purchased an 88 million dollar crib in Manhattan. She did this because she wants to kick it there part-time while attending college. Nice.

Isn't capitalism great? I bet the Russians are glad that they discovered it.


  1. The Southern Strategy is the gift that keeps on giving, Mr. Field. Racism is now the most important part of the Republican platform. Without it the Party would fall apart.

  2. I've been telling everyone with ears for years that ronpaul.fraud doesn't just want to take us back to the Brown v. Board 1950s, he wants to take us back to the Plessy v. Fergusen 1890s. He's a straight property-rights maximalist neo-confederate; more authentically radical than snoot and bachman added together.

  3. Val said...
    The Southern Strategy is the gift that keeps on giving, Mr. Field. Racism is now the most important part of the Republican platform. Without it the Party would fall apart.

    Spoken like a true racist.

  4. Whitey's Racket said...
    I've been telling everyone with ears for years that ronpaul.fraud doesn't just want to take us back to the Brown v. Board 1950s, he wants to take us back to the Plessy v. Fergusen 1890s. He's a straight property-rights maximalist neo-confederate; more authentically radical than snoot and bachman added together

    Well if that's the case, I'm voting for Paul.

    Thanks for the tip, Whitey.

  5. no slappz11:34 PM

    B'klyn teen critical after being stabbed in the head over basketball game


    December 20, 2011

    A 15-year-old boy today was repeatedly stabbed in the head by a seething, scissor-wielding classmate over a basketball game at the famed, former Erasmus HS in Brooklyn, authorities and witnesses said.

    The victim, Alfredo Allen — who attends the HS for Youth and Community Development at what is now Erasmus Hall Campus on Flatbush Avenue — was in critical condition and undergoing emergency surgery, officials said.

    “When he fell, I saw the blood all over the floor. I thought he was dead,” said shaken witness Kimberly Davis, 15.

    Allen’s crazed attacker, Chevoy Nelson — a 16-year-old student at the HS for Service & Learning, which is also housed on the site — plunged the sharp cutting tool into his skull and neck between four and seven times around 12:30 p.m. as shocked students looked on in horror, school officials and witnesses said.

    Allen was rushed to Kings County Hospital while Nelson was arrested, police said. Charges are pending.

    A fight had broken out as the two teens were shooting hoops during lunchtime in a gym shared by the separate high schools, students said.

    The attacker allegedly shoved the victim, and the victim retaliated by punching him in the face, student witnesses told The Post.

    The attacker walked off the court but returned moments later — allegedly with a weapon.

    “He disappeared and came back with scissors,” said Maurice Warner, 16.

    Last year at both schools, roughly one-third of students reported that they didn’t feel safe in common areas such as hallways, bathrooms or locker rooms.

    Nearly a quarter of the kids at both schools said they felt unsafe in their classrooms, according to surveys conducted by the Department of Education.

    It’s a far cry from the glory days of Erasmus Hall HS, which was founded as a private academy in 1786 by Sen. John Vanderbilt.

    Notable alumni include crooner Neil Diamond, child chess prodigy Bobby Fischer, crime author Mickey Spillane and actress/songbird Barbara Streisand.

  6. no slappz11:45 PM

    Cassie Wright tweeted “My President Is Black, He Snorts A Lot Of Crack,”

    But it takes a nitwit like field to think anyone but another nitwit would care about such an idiotic tweet.

    This isn’t the first time a leader of the organization has made offensive remarks about the president.

    Yikes. Imagine. Two screwballs tweeting nutty messages. How's that for unbelievable?

    The former President, Lauren Pierce, tweeted last month, “Y’all as tempting as it may be, don’t shoot Obama. We need him to go down in history as the WORST president we’ve EVER had! #2012.”

    Well, she may be right about his legacy. He's got a great chance of winning the blue ribbon for Worst President Ever.

    Only a traitorous president would stand in the way of a major construction project that would create 20,000 jobs without a dime of taxpayers' money while forcing the US to continue buying oil from hostile nations hoping to destroy us.

  7. Your Wingnut Friend11:45 PM

    Field Negro asked: "Why is it that it is always republicans who seem to engage in this seemingly racist and insensitive type of behavior?"

    What's wrong with being racist and insensitive? As long as you aren't hurting someone or violating their rights, it can be a sensible way to live. Being sensitive and clueless will often get you killed.

    Robins hang with robins and sparrows hang with sparrows. Even with that little head they know to hang with their own.

    Republicans are realists. They don't pretend that everbody is just the same, that all cultures are equally valuable, that no one set of values cannot be superior to any other.

    Where the rubber meets the road comes down to one overriding reality: Black people are dangerous.

    Each day there are unreported incidents of Black-on-white attacks (Black-on-Black attacks/rapings/murders/shootings/muggings/theft as well); each day there are reported incidents of Black-on-white attacks, but it's only the rare white-on-Black crime that garners extensive coverage by the press and ends as sob stories in text books to inculcate impressionable children as to the evils of the white man.

    That is why white people keep moving away from black people; not because they think they are superior, but because they think that they will get killed.

    The victims of Black crime have no voice, no face, and few dare publicize their plight (remember Carter Strange?). Thank God white people can move away from the Black Undertow -- how bad would Black-on-white crime be if white people weren't mobile? Pity the law-abiding Black people left behind to the mercy of the Black Undertow.

    The streets of major cities aren't dangerous because of white liberals riding bikes without helmets; the streets of major cities (and even Cumberland, Indiana) are dangerous because of Black people.

    The only way to end the epidemic of Black-on-Black crime (and, by extension, Black-on-white crime) is to admit that Black people have a signficantly higher propensity to commit irrational acts based on a lack of emotional control or an understanding of the long-term consequences of their actions.

    If we can't admit that, then this nation isn't worth trying to save. There's nothing rational about being afraid to admit that the Black Undertow holds this nation's future hostage. It's more likely that a child of this Undertow will drop a shopping cart on you; randomly engage in a Flash Mob and beat you; or throw lighter fluid on you than vote Republican, no matter how strong the outreach.

    So fuck trying to get the Black vote. Those Black people who are sick of living in violence and despair, who realize that economic opportunity, not socialist thievery, are the only way to a prosperous and secure future, those people will join America and vote Repubican on their own. The rest will live out their miserable days in the jungle of their own making.

  8. no slappz12:05 AM

    Those Black people who are sick of living in violence and despair, who realize that economic opportunity, not socialist thievery, are the only way to a prosperous and secure future, those people will join America and vote Repubican on their own. The rest will live out their miserable days in the jungle of their own making.

    That sums it up.

  9. Thank you wingnut, that was profound. I think your diatribe pretty much sums up you and your ilk.

    Have a nice life, and I promise you won't ever see me in your trailer park.

    Let's just agree to meet on the Internet and keep it at that.;)

  10. "Those Black people who are sick of living in violence and despair, who realize that economic opportunity, not socialist thievery, are the only way to a prosperous and secure future, those people will join America and vote Repubican on their own. The rest will live out their miserable days in the jungle of their own making."

    Hmmm, looking around, and I have a very nice "jungle". I'm good.
    Carry on.

  11. Your Wingnut Friend12:17 AM

    "Hmmm, looking around, and I have a very nice "jungle". I'm good."

    You are not the problem.

    You are proof of the solution.

    Once you realize that, you will cease abetting the problem and start helping things.

  12. Sorry wingnut, those poor black people you like to bash aren't the problem, either.

    Blaming everything on poor people is so eighties. Our problems run much deeper than that.

    Scapegoating along racial lines just isn't going to work anymore.

  13. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Field, "I have a question for my wingnut friends: Why is it that it is always republicans who seem to engage in this seemingly racist and insensitive type of behavior?"

    Now, now, Brotha Field. Let's not get too far out there to where the White Republicans are the only racists in America. You and I both know it's not true. The Dems just have a smoother way of screwing us.

    Take for instance , Obama who has more unemployed Blacks in the history of America. Imagine that! Obama started with a majority of Dems in both Houses and managed to not do a damn thing for the poor but he sure as hell did a lot for the rich.

    Now, my question to you is how does a President with a majority in BOTH Houses manage to not get bills passed to help the poor...unless it was intentional? I mean, you've indicated time and time again how "intelligent" the O man is, so how come he couldn't get shit done with a majority?

    Why hasn't he respected us Blacks? Instead, he told us to 'STFU and march.' ...Now that is about as "insensitive" as you can get. Many can argue that it is racist as well.

    Why is it you give the racist Democrats, who come in ALL colors(Obama has proven that), a pass but you attack the Repubs?

    FYI. They are BOTH of the same mind-set when it comes to our people: they don't like us and will not lift a finger to help us. PERIOD.

    the problem is, YOU and some of FN Negroes here are too weak-minded to face the truth.

  14. Your Wingnut Friend12:34 AM

    field negro said...."Scapegoating along racial lines just isn't going to work anymore."

    Neither is ignoring reality, especially when it comes crashing down all around you.

    It is not helping anybody.

  15. Anonymous12:49 AM

    "Neither is ignoring reality, especially when it comes crashing down all around you."

    Like a shopping cart.

  16. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Field, "Isn't capitalism great? I bet the Russians are glad that they discovered it."

    Only the rich ones are glad. The poor hate it. But that's what capitalism is for...the rich.

  17. Anonymous1:11 AM

    "But that's what capitalism is for...the rich."

    So I guess socialism is for the poor, because under socialism everyone is poor.

  18. Hmmm, looking around, and I have a very nice "jungle". I'm good.
    Carry on.


    So if voting Republican is a magic elixer for wealth and prosperity why isn't it working in West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida..............things that make you go hmmmmmm.

  19. Field, president of the University of Texas college Republicans and you were expecting????????????

    BTW stop picking on skinny guys from Chicago.

  20. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Maybe Cassie Wright snorts crack: random frat-boy ass crack!

  21. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Those who speak the truth are in danger.

  22. Spellcheck3:05 AM

    That's not "elixer" but "elixir."

  23. The new super rich doesn't have to be American!

  24. Field. I think you need to check out this book (if you haven't already) called Super Sad True Love Story. It's more than apropos in contemporary society.



  25. "So if voting Republican is a magic elixer for wealth and prosperity why isn't it working in West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida..............things that make you go hmmmmmm."

    Pilot X, you know how it is; if I am poor and ignorant and around my own kind I am fine.

    Just don't make me poor around those colored folks. :)

    "Field, president of the University of Texas college Republicans and you were expecting????????????

    BTW stop picking on skinny guys from Chicago."


    Anon @12:20 AM, of course there are racist Dems. But right now the republicans are front and center with their racism.

    They wear their racism like a badge of honor.

    As for O, well, I don't know; I think that wife and those kids of his might have something to say about him hating black folks. Just a thought.

  26. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Field, "As for O, well, I don't know; I think that wife and those kids of his might have something to say about him hating black folks. Just a thought."

    You have an interesting pattern of thinking. That "Just a thought" of yours didn't cross your mind for Herman's wife and kids(or for any other Black Republican for that matter). In fact, you had a completely different thought for Herman Cain and his wife and kids never factored into your thinking that they might love him as well. Why?

    While you find excuses for the obvious racism of Obama and the Democrats, you are an unmerciful prosecutor when it comes to Republicans. That, Mr. Field is a double standard and I am quite sure an intelligent man like yourself knows it is.

    Obama has been ignoring Blacks for a long time while in office and when he did speak to us, he seemed irritated as though it was a bother for him to even talk to us. That was a very hurting heart-piercing insult to us. It was also very shaming. He spoke to us as though we had no political rights or we should just keep quiet. His attitude was one of great arrogance. Basically, he told us to "get lost and stop bothering him".

    His attitude towards us will go down in history as one of the biggest insults a President has ever made to African Americans in post-modern history.

    Yet, here you are covering up for Obama by claiming "I don't know" and having "just a thought" by letting his wife and kids speak for his integrity and love of Blacks.

  27. NSangoma7:53 AM

    Hopefully, no North American Negroes were involved:

    8 U.S. Soldiers charged in death of comrade in Afghanistan
    A military official told Chen's parents that fellow soldiers had been physically abusive toward Chen, and taunted him with ethnic slurs, The New York Times reported in October.


  28. no slappz8:09 AM

    field jabbers:

    Blaming everything on poor people is so eighties.

    Blaming everything? What is "everything"?

    As we know from decades of crime statistics, blacks commit violent crimes at many times the rate of whites and asians.

    Meanwhile, blacks and hispanics fail to graduate from high school and few go to college. A tiny percentage graduate from college, and of those, many have obtained useless degrees in black studies.

    Illegitimacy and fatherlessness are the defining characteristics of the black "family."

    Substance abuse is far more pervasive among blacks than whites and asians.

    As I've said, if blacks and black culture were not the problems, oil-rich Nigeria would be a prosperous nation of affluent blacks living in an educated, technically advanced society.

    But, it's a sewer, where half the population is still waiting for indoor plumbing and electricity.

    Our problems run much deeper than that.

    If by "our" you mean "black", you are correct. Black culture itself is the culprit.

    Scapegoating along racial lines just isn't going to work anymore.

    Scapegoating? When blacks murder blacks at 7 times the rate that whites commit murder, it is delusional for blacks to respond with claims of scapegoating.

    On the other hand, it is the essence of scapegoating for blacks to pretend that whites are their bane, their oppressors, their ruination.

    Apparently no blacks can grasp the fact that in countries where there are no whites or where there is no white ruling structure, life for blacks is miserable.

  29. no slappz8:35 AM

    pilot ex asks:

    So if voting Republican is a magic elixer for wealth and prosperity why isn't it working in West Virginia...

    West Virginia has a governor who is a Democrat, two senators who are Democrats and two out of three Reps to Congress who are Democrats.

    In other words, you're as uninformed as always.

    Meanwhile, West Virginia is about 96% white, a fact that has not hurt the state. It's one of the few states running a budget surplus these days.

    Though it's a relatively "poor" state, it's cost of living is well below that national median, which makes it an affordable place to live.

    When John Denver sang about West Virginia, he got it right.

  30. Lets look at the history of the Democrat party. The kkk and jim crow come to mind. Jim Moran choking a black kid comes to mind. Sheets byrd come to mind.

    Let us revisit how the left acted during the Bush years.



    Why is the left so obsessed with Hilter,nazis, and swastikas? Why is the left so obsessed with violence?

    Why is it that it is always democrats who seem to engage in this seemingly insensitive type of behavior?

    field negros love it on the democratic plantation. We won't be getting more than 12% of the black vote anytime soon. No worries. We can win without you. So enjoy being shit on by your democrat masters.

    Tired of jigging for your democrat masters field?

  31. Today's field negro news.

    Field negro eats cocaine from brother's butt, dies


    Who said the black family unit isn't strong?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. hobama is the dl marion barry of chicago

    wtfu asap.





  34. fn:

    when will you hobama nazis handle ANY truths about hobama???

    his crack smoking is documented just as gwb's coke use

    drug/alcohol addictions are in hobama's blue blooded bush genes

    there is ONLY one litmus test for all…including racists:
    DID THEY LIE???????

    hell no!
    hobama's crack use and dl antics are old news in chicago...

    u hobama nazis are all racist hypocrites

    how many drugs and murder jokes were spewed re: gwb for 8 yrs???
    how many times did YOU lament even one of those????

    the racists are those who deny the truths about hobama simply because he is blackish

    especially as they are the same hobama nazis who similarly censored no identical truths about hobama’s lush coke head cuz gwb








  35. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Larry Wilmore is my boy


  36. Anonymous12:19 PM

    AB, "hell no!
    hobama's crack use and dl antics are old news in chicago...

    u hobama nazis are all racist hypocrites"


  37. gwb drank and did coke as prez


    ditto for his crack/chain cig smoking cuz hobama

    handle ALL truths about that blackish demonic cia baby hobama asap




    gwb drank and did coke as prez


    ditto for his crack smoking cuz hobama

    handle ALL truths about that blackish demonic cia baby hobama asap




  38. i sent that poor deluded woman a tweet of my own:

    i told her "it gets better."

  39. Late blind fool assnon:

    wtfu asap u hobama nazi moron

    After hearing what he perceived to be blatant lies about Obama's sexuality and drug use, Sinclair uploaded an infamous YouTube video, made a television appearance in Puerto Rico, and addressed the National Press Club in Washington, DC. As a result, he describes how Senior Advisor David Axelrod spearheaded a vindictive smear campaign against him, while Senator Joe Biden and his son Beau arranged for his arrest after the NPC speech. Even more incriminating, Sinclair writes about his concerns that Obama and Reverend Jeremiah Wright were involved in the murder of Obama's former lover, choirmaster Donald Young.
    As to the content: The author wrote his book under the most trying of circumstances including threats on his life and his family's lives. The lies that have been told about him, by Obama supporters, among people in high places, in government and the news media only attest to one thing; THE BOOK IS TOTALLY NON-FICTION.
    Two things are for sure: 1) After reading it you will know what type of hoodlum resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and 2) Although Larry Sinclair is an admitted gay person, he is more of a 'man' than 99 percent of the politicians in Washington. --Joe7000 Good Reads.com, July 24, 2009

    Virtually everyone has heard about Larry Sinclair and his allegations regarding a couple of days he spent with Barack Obama in Chicago in 1999. After a highly orchestrated whitewashing by the mainstream media of the story, and after being blackballed by every single book publisher he contacted regarding the publication of his story, Larry Sinclair decided to start his own publishing company, and this is the first book from Sinclair Publishing.
    Obama's silence on Sinclair's allegations is deafening. It speaks volumes about what likely happened in Chicago back on November 6 and 7, 1999. And although I was not there to witness the events, it sounds like, judging from the consistency of Sinclair's story over a year and a half, and the fine details he provides in the book, that Sinclair is in fact telling the truth. It appears that indeed Obama was leading a life as a closeted bisexual at least through 1999. Oh, and of course, he also seemed to have been fudging the truth regarding his drug use since, especially since college... --Chirpy Rumblings, October 24, 2009

  40. faceless fool assnon:

    wtf should i respect about a hoax like hobama or a haint like u fool????????

  41. hobama should beware!!!...

    2012 will be the best political ad season ever

    ask newt


  42. kudos to hugo!!!!

    did he lie about that inept hoax hobama???????

    Hugo Chávez blasted President Barack Obama as a “clown” and an “embarrassment” who has turned the United States into a “disaster” after Obama criticized Venezuela’s ties with Iran and Cuba, according to a report Tuesday.

    Chávez’s comments came in the wake of Obama’s Monday written interview with the Caracas paper El Universal, where the U.S. president questioned Venezuela’s connections to those countries. Chávez hit back strongly at Obama on state TV Monday, according to The Guardian, saying the president gave the interview only to “win votes” in the 2012 election.

    “Mr. Obama decided to attack us,” Chávez said. “Now you want to win votes by attacking Venezuela. Don’t be irresponsible. You are a clown, a clown. Leave us in peace … Go after your votes by fulfilling that which you promised your people.”

    “Focus on governing your country, which you’ve turned into a disaster,” Chávez said, according to The Guardian.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70694.html#ixzz1hC435VLC

  43. kudos to matt!!!

    did he lie about that evil elitist warmongering racist dl crack smoking hoax hobama????

    It seems that Matt Damon is still disenchanted with President Barack Obama. The actor, who stumped for Obama in 2008 and majorly dissed him earlier this year, issued another harsh critique of the president in a recent interview with Elle magazine.
    “I’ve talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, ‘Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician,’ ” Damon told the magazine. “You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better.”

    Damon pointed to the Occupy Wall Street movement as proof that more needs to be done. “If the Democrats think that they didn’t have a mandate—people are literally without any focus or leadership, just wandering out into the streets to yell right now because they are so pissed off,” he said, adding, “Imagine if they had a leader.”


  44. Anonymous2:16 PM

    AB, "the endless blood still dripping from hobama nazis' racist hands will never splatter upon those who saw that evil mf hobama as he was"

    Wow. you are really against Obama and his followers, aren't you?

    Just 'who' on FN do you consider 'hobama nazis?' There must be plenty of Obamaholics on here, considering most are pro Obama--despite the fact that there are more Blacks unemployed than ever.

    Imo, in 2012, it won't matter who is elected President, the poor will get poorer, and Wall St. will have its way. But maybe that is as it should be. These days, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in America. But that's the nature of capitalism...capitalist markets reward the rich and punish the poor.

  45. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "capatalist markes reward the rich and punish the poor"

    Socialist markets punish everyone.

  46. no slappz3:30 PM

    Hmmm. Once again, those intelligent whites were not fooled by those tricky bankers.

    Seems only blacks and hispanics were tricked into borrowing money they couldn't afford to repay.

    I've also noticed that the only children who seem to eat lead paint on window frames are black and hispanic kids. White kids never touch the stuff. Go figure.

    Bank of America to pay $335M in settlement with DOJ over Countrywide discriminatory loans

    By Nedra Pickler, Associated Press AP – 1 minute 38 seconds ago

    Bank of America has agreed to pay $335 million to resolve allegations that its Countrywide unit engaged in a widespread pattern of discrimination against qualified African-American and Hispanic borrowers.

    The settlement with the U.S. Justice Department was filed Tuesday with the Central District court of California and is subject to court approval. The DOJ says it's the largest settlement in history over residential fair lending practices.

    Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America Corp. bought the nation's largest subprime lender, Countrywide Financial Corp., in 2008.

    The settlement amount will be used to compensate victims of Countrywide's discriminatory mortgage loans from 2004 through 2007.

  47. newt has been hacked


  48. conspiracies and racism are real

    ask hobama's bankster pals at bofa




  49. Clay Davis4:07 PM

    "the endless blood still dripping from hobama nazis' racist hands will never splatter upon those who saw that evil mf hobama as he was"

    Manowar - Battle Hymn sheee-itttt I didnt know there were still so many big crazy white folks out there


  50. An Asian Brother4:30 PM

    No slappz

    "As we know from decades of crime statistics, blacks commit violent crimes at many times the rate of whites and asians."

    I would like for you to review your history;during the early and mid 20th centry there were more violent crimes committed by whites and in jail then any other race.

    It is unfortunate then when the history of this country is recorded or remembered there are always omissions of facts.

    The violance that is perpetrated by whites is a hidden fact.

    One last thing do not include Asians in with your comparison, stand on your own two feet; the history of violance runs thru your people.

    An Asian Brother

  51. BruceLee4:40 PM

    No slappz

    "As we know from decades of crime statistics, blacks commit violent crimes at many times the rate of whites and asians."

    I would like for you to review your history;during the early and mid 20th centry there were more violent crimes committed by whites and in jail then any other race.

    It is unfortunate then when the history of this country is recorded or remembered there are always omissions of facts.

    The violance that is perpetrated by whites is a hidden fact.

    One last thing do not include Asians in with your comparison, stand on your own two feet; the history of violance runs thru your people.

    An Asian Brother

    Asian my ass, who flung poo at you? No asian I know spells it "violance" nor uses todays modern Black excuse rant of " The violance that is perpetrated by whites is a hidden fact"

    You clearly are Black.

  52. BodunkadunkDiet4:51 PM

    What a world we could have if everyone were just honest.

    "Maybe Mooch shouldn’t hector us about our weight seeing she has an ass the size of Wisconsin"


  53. racism is real for asians too


  54. Anonymous5:12 PM

    alicia banks said...
    racism is real for asians too


    do you have Ben-Wa balls?

  55. pookies rule the world

    and they love pimping!!!


  56. Anonymous5:23 PM

    ab said:

    "It seems that Matt Damon is still disenchanted with President Barack Obama. The actor, who stumped for Obama in 2008 and majorly dissed him earlier this year, issued another harsh critique of the president in a recent interview with Elle magazine"

    Although I am not surprised at you for I believe you are lost in your hatred. I am surprised at damon, as with many people; because sometimes it takes more balls to compromise and get something then balls up and get nothing.

    President O, is not a MESSIAH, the havoc that was produced over the past 30 years was not going to be corrected in 4 years

    But there is a larger question, where all these people with balls when the country was being torn apart? Maybe they were hiding in the bushes.

    While damon is out making believe there is a real fight going on here, one were real support is needed.Not this phoney support that was given in the beginning when they just wanted say that they were a part of history, but the type you can count on. THAT TAKES REAL BALLS.

  57. Undercover stormfront troll said........

    Well if that's the case, I'm voting for Paul.

    Thanks for the tip, Whitey.

    As if he wasn't your boy all along. His retard son (Ron W. Paul) can't brush it away like the old man; not that it hurts either of them, being republiklansmen in Kentucky and Texas.

  58. Anonymous5:32 PM


    My bad bruce I ment Violence. Feel better now.

  59. no slappz5:42 PM

    asian brother delusionates:

    I would like for you to review your history;during the early and mid 20th centry there were more violent crimes committed by whites and in jail then any other race.

    More whites committing violent crimes and in jail compared with other races?

    Really? In the US? Or the world? Not that it matters. Or are ou referring to WWII? The Korean War? Or Vietnam?

    It is unfortunate then when the history of this country is recorded or remembered there are always omissions of facts.

    Yes. Omitting facts is essential to black history. Actually, creating fiction is a bigger part of black history.

    The violance that is perpetrated by whites is a hidden fact.

    I see. The facts are "hidden", yet known by you. How does that work? Like the claims of the 9/11 Truthers, perhaps?

    One last thing do not include Asians in with your comparison, stand on your own two feet; the history of violance runs thru your people.

    Wow. Crime statistics in the US dissect bad behavior by every possible measure, including race.

    Something tells me you can't do math.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. hobama side pc assnon:

    cc that bs to any libyan/syrian too
    black gulf fisherman/black farmer

    more on that peace prized global nazi warlord hobama:







  62. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    My bad bruce I ment Violence. Feel better now.

    I know what you "ment" man...thanks for the laugh homey.

  63. Anonymous6:27 PM

    People are just ignorant as hell!!


  64. Anonymous6:30 PM

    As if he wasn't your boy all along. His retard son (Ron W. Paul) can't brush it away like the old man; not that it hurts either of them, being republiklansmen in Kentucky and Texas.

    "Republiklansmen" ohhh look mommy a DDWL a disgusting disengenious white liberal. Have you joined the nation of Islam yet whitey? Shall we call you Whitemulla from now on? When was the last time you had a bologna sandwich?

  65. no slappz6:51 PM

    Let the fireworks begin:

    Lawmaker Says Michelle Obama Has ‘Large Posterior’

    By Betsy Rothstein December 21, 2011

    Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.), known for his cantankerous ways and for not speaking to media unless it’s his idea, was overheard at the Delta Crown lounge at Reagan National Airport today talking on his cellphone about an incident he said occurred three weeks ago while at an Episcopal church auction. Please note, a church auction.

    Sensenbrenner was overheard saying that after buying all their “crap” (his word) a woman approached him and praised first lady Michelle Obama.

    He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches — “she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.”

    Hold the phone! Did the congressman just say Michelle Obama has a FAT ASS?

    He probably made a mistake by talking loud about Michelle's keister. But it's not like that full trunk of hers is a state secret. Still, he should have let it go.

    Now Obama's going to have to say something and Michelle's going to get riled and demand some street justice. Ah, what fun these people are.

  66. Anonymous6:57 PM


    Gee,did I hit a nerve? Or maybe I hit you in the balls, oh thats right you don't have any.

  67. TY My Asian brotha. Truth is always good.

    And please note the ignorant comments that followed your post. This is what we live with every day in the world of Stormfront trolls.

    But I love it. The madder they get the better I feel. :)

  68. Two things:

    1.) Obama is just as WHITE as he is black.

    2.) You don't snort crack, you SMOKE it.

    As a white person allow me this: White people, stop embarrassing the rest of us who don't suscribe to your ignorant, racist rants.

  69. "West Virginia has a governor who is a Democrat, two senators who are Democrats and two out of three Reps to Congress who are Democrats.

    In other words, you're as uninformed as always."

    Says the guy who thought Mitt Romney was 47. Ha! Notice you ignored Alabama, Mississippi, Florida..........pity. You calling someone misinformed is like a skunk calling a pig smelly.

  70. BTW Slappz, when you criticize someone for being incorrect at least TRY to be correct yourself. I know conservatives such as yourself aren't good at checking facts but damn, don't make it this easy to point out how ill informed and ignorant you are.

  71. Factcheck2:17 PM

    His retard son (Ron W. Paul)--Whitey's Conspiracy

    Randal Howard "Rand" Paul.
