Monday, December 12, 2011

I sure hope that you Muslims don't need a can of paint.

I have a confession to make: I am not very handy around the house. I am embarrassed to say that Mrs. Field is probably handier with tools than I am.
My philosophy is simple: No matter how small the job, if it calls for a person who is trained to do it, I am giving them a call. I will call the plumber if I have to put on a new shower head.

Folks, I say all of this for a reason: If I do happen to ever need something for my home; you will never see my black ass in Lowe's home improvement stores ever again. Strictly Home Depot from here on out, and here is why:

"Pressure from a conservative evangelical group led Lowe's home improvement store chain to pull its ads from the TLC reality show "All-American Muslim," but now the company is facing calls from celebrities and politicians to boycott Lowe's.

Mia Farrow and Russell Simmons have called for a boycott of Lowe's on Twitter, with Simmons promising to "sic every civil rights agency on (Lowe's) until they straighten this out." He is also urging his Twitter followers to sign a petition -- which, as of 3:25 ET Monday, had 9,660 of the 10,000 signatures the creators of the petition are hoping for -- to urge other companies to advertise during "All-American Muslim."

Meanwhile, California state Sen. Ted Lieu called the Lowe's ad pull "stunning bigotry."

Read more: Taco Bell Pulls MTV 'Skins' Ads Under Boycott Threat (Video)
Lieu posted on his website a copy of a letter he wrote to Lowe's CEO Robert Niblock, calling for the company to apologize for its ad pull or face possible "legislative remedies."

"Lowe's action is bigoted, shameful, and un-American," Lieu wrote. "I call on Lowe's to rescind its action and apologize to Americans who are Muslim. If Lowe's continues its religious bigotry, I will encourage boycotts of Lowe's and look into legislative remedies."

Lowe's, which yanked its advertisements from the TLC series after pressure from the Florida Family Association, didn't respond to a request from TheWrap for comment, but did issue an apology of sorts. The company seems to be expressing contrition that pulling ads made people angry, and not necessarily for actually pulling the ads." [Source]

I agree with Sen. Ted Lieu; it is "stunning bigotry" on Lowe's part. But hey, it probably won't affect their bottom line. I suspect that most of the folks who shop at Lowe's absolutely loved their bigoted stance on this issue. Besides, Corporate bigotry is nothing new to A-merry-ca. (They are people, right?)

Finally, speaking of bigotry; the Big R is trying to throw me off my game again by sending me off on a "wild goose chase":
"The Patriot Freedom Alliance, based in Hutchinson, Kansas, posted a photo of a skunk, stating it had replaced the eagle as a symbol of the president because "it is half black, half white and almost everything it does stinks."
The depiction was on the group's home web page on Saturday but gone on Sunday, said Darrell Pope, president of the Hutchinson chapter of the NAACP. It was also not on the site Monday, the day after an article about it appeared in the Hutchinson News-Leader newspaper.

"They tried to pass it off as satire, but it was hurtful and malicious," Pope said Monday. He said the depiction was racist in reference to Obama, who was born to a white mother and black father.

Pope said he did not contact the tea party group about removing the skunk reference but that it never should have been posted in the first place.
A representative of the Patriot Freedom Alliance who maintains its web site did not immediately return phone calls on Monday. Another member declined to comment.

Hutchinson is a city of about 42,000 in central Kansas, northwest of Wichita." [Source] 

Hmmm, the old racist skunk......nope, don't see it. Sorry folks, I have to take a racism chase pass on this one.

Believe me, I am pretty sure that my tea party friends from Hutchinson, Kansas won't be inviting the field over for Sunday dinner anytime soon, but this particular political ad. does not strike me as racist. Maybe I am missing some kind of historical connection with how racists view the the skunk in connection with us black folks, but I just don't see the Big R with this one.

Stay away from the skunk, folks. They won't start stinking you up unless you mess with them.


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I agree. Does everything have to be racist? The skunk ad was very creative, imo.

    Anyway, I am glad to see a new post. Not seeing you comment today had me worried and wondering where you were. It's the holiday season and you seem a little depressed brother, like me.

    That skunk has me down.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "Pressure from a conservative evangelical group led Lowe's home improvement store chain to pull its ads from the TLC reality show "All-American Muslim," but now the company is facing calls from celebrities and politicians to boycott Lowe's."

    This will only lower Lowe's prices and there will be a rush on every store in the country. Field, you could save some money. And why are you boycotting Lowe's in the first place? I thought you were 7th Day Aventist.

    Did you convert to Muslim? I don't think so.

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    It may or may not be racist , but it is offensive. and actually it is a little racist in that it makes such a point over the POTUS being of mixed descent. IMHO anyway!

  4. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Desertflower, "It may or may not be racist , but it is offensive. and actually it is a little racist in that it makes such a point over the POTUS being of mixed descent. IMHO anyway!"

    You know, you are right. I am wrong and I rescind my comment @7:55p. It IS racist. Thank you Desert for opening my eyes!

    I hope Field will see the light too and break out his R shoes..

  5. Whats un-American is telling a company where to spend its ad dollars and threatening them with "legislative remedies" if they don't.

  6. Clear Eyed Joe8:40 PM

    Field Negro: "I agree with Sen. Ted Lieu; it is "stunning bigotry" on Lowe's part."

    What? Choosing where to spend your advertising dollars is bigotry in this case? Was it bigotry when Van Jones pressured advertisers into boycotting Glenn Beck?

    Rep. Keith Ellison(D-MN), himself a product of Louis Farrakhan’s maniacal Nation of Islam, said that Lowe’s is choosing to disregard the First Amendment.

    Not even George Orwell could have predicted the sheer lunacy of government goons implying that the First Amendment requires companies to advertise on programs favored by our pro-Muslim rulers.

    Calling the Lowe’s decision “un-American” and “naked religious bigotry,” [California State] Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, told The Associated Press he would also consider legislative action if Lowe’s doesn’t apologize to Muslims and reinstate its ads.

    What the hell country are we living in?

    If Lowe's holds firm against these government thugs, they can count on my business for life.

    This kind of intimidation is absolute tyranny. It is time for a real "change".

  7. "Was it bigotry when Van Jones pressured advertisers into boycotting Glenn Beck?"

    Uh no, because Beck was himself a racist.


    "Rep. Keith Ellison(D-MN), himself a product of Louis Farrakhan’s maniacal Nation of Islam, said that Lowe’s is choosing to disregard the First Amendment."

    Wrong again goober.

    Ellison is a Sunni Orthodox Muslim and is not affiliated with the NOI.

  8. Right Reason8:56 PM

    So Field, to be clear, you believe that private inviduals declining to air another individual’s views, with which the person controlling the podium disagrees, is bigotry and should be regulated?

    Keith Ellison and Ted lieu think so.

    Maybe it's been so long since law school that you forgot what the first amendment actually says:

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    My reading of that passage is that Congress has no power whatsoever to compel Lowes or anyone else to have to pay to promote views the government mandates.

    And that NOI disciple Ellison can pack his copy right up his ass.

  9. Right Reason8:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Was it bigotry when Van Jones pressured advertisers into boycotting Glenn Beck?"

    Uh no, because Beck was himself a racist.

    What a crock of shit.

    Anyone who uptown labels racist then has his constitutional rights annulled.

    You are a moronic little fascist.

  10. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I hate Leows---

    Check the book "Down Low Baller" at the link below:

  11. uptownsteve said...
    "Rep. Keith Ellison(D-MN), himself a product of Louis Farrakhan’s maniacal Nation of Islam, said that Lowe’s is choosing to disregard the First Amendment."

    Wrong again goober.

    Ellison is a Sunni Orthodox Muslim and is not affiliated with the NOI.

    Are you just fucking stupid, or thoroughly dishonest?

    Here is a documented history of Ellison's associations with the UFO driving racists:

    1987–Ellison enrolls in University of Minnesota Law School

    1989–Ellison publishes the first of two articles in the University of Minnesota Daily under the alias “Keith Hakim.” In the first such article, Ellison speaks up for the Nation of Islam.

    1990–Ellison participates in the sponsorship of the anti-Semitic speech by Kwame Ture given at the University of Minnesota Law School (“Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?”). Ellison rejects the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture. Ellison graduates from University of Minnesota Law School.

    1992–Ellison appears as speaker at demonstration against Minneapolis police with Vice Lords leader Sharif Willis following the murder of Officer Haaf by four Vice Lords gangsters in September.

    1993–Ellison leads demonstration chanting “We don’t get no justice, you don’t get no peace” in support of Vice Lords defendant on trial for the murder of Officer Haaf. Ellison attends Gang Summit in Kansas City with Willis.

    1995–Ellison supports Million Man March, appears at organizing rally with former Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Muhammed at University of Minnesota. Ellison acts as local Nation of Islam leader in march at office of U.S. Attorney in Minneapolis protesting indictment of Qubilah Shabazz for conspiring to murder Louis Farrakhan. Ellison charges FBI with conspiring to murder Farrakhan.

    1997–Ellison appears under alias “Keith Ellison-Muhammad” at Minnesota Initiative Against Racism hearing in support of Joanne Jackson. Ellison defends “the truth” of Jackson’s statement that “Jews are the most racist white people.”

    1998–Ellison first runs for DFL endorsement for state representative. Ellison identifies himself as member of Nation of Islam in Insight News article on his candidacy. Ellison runs for endorsement under alias “Keith Ellison-Muhammad.”

    2000–Ellison gives speech supporting Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson at National Lawyers Guild fundraiser. Demands Soliah/Olson’s release. Asks audience to recall time when “Qubilah Shabazz was prosecuted in retribution against Minister Farrakhan.” Speaks favorably of cop killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur.

  12. Wesley R9:08 PM


    A brother called in C-Span's Washington Journal this morning and said that the Republicans keep accusing President Obama of calling for redistribution of wealth. The Brother said he is against it also. Then he gave examples why; when white people from Europe went into African Countries and stoled their natural resources and took it back to europe, when the white people of europe went into The America's and stoled the Native Peoples gold and took it back to europe. He went on to say that the whites from europe raped the lands and stoled from the people from Asia to The Americas, wasn't that Redistribution of Wealth? and he asked why are they complaining now that people want it back? The look on the hosts' face was priceless.

  13. Does this mean we can force the DNC & Obama 2012 to advertise on Fox??

  14. Wesley R9:15 PM


    Throw on your lawyer hat. How can David Stern veto trades? Does the Players Association have a grievance? What is he doing setting the deck? Making sure only certain teams make it to the finals? What do you think?
    What was The Lakers thinking trading Odom to the Mavericks? My cousin in Orlando said Dallas is going to end up with Vince Carter. Why can Dallas bring in these guys and Chris Paul can't go to LA? Players Association might need someone else on their team Field.

  15. Never heard "skunk in the woodpile" in reference to passing mulatto offspring of white women? Bet you will now.

  16. Link to the urban dic

  17. Adam Smith9:25 PM

    Wesley R said...
    ... wasn't that Redistribution of Wealth? and he asked why are they complaining now that people want it back?

    No, Weseley, that was creation of wealth.

    Iron ore in the ground in some African country had no value whatsover to Africans. They didn't even know it was there, and if they did, they would have had no idea what to do with it.

    When the white man came and dug it up, he made steel with it, and then made machines out of that steel, that then made products for people to use. That created the wealth.

    Where it was immoral is where blacks were enslaved and forced to give up their labor. That was the way of the world, and that debt has been paid many times over. Blacks in America have been given trillions more over the past half century than they ever contributed to this country's wealth.

    Obama is trying to redistribute wealth, not so much to help black people has to bankrupt the system. He is a destroyer, not a creator.

  18. fieldnegro steve gets taken to the whipping post everyday.Suprised he has the courage to keep posting here.

  19. Anonymous9:36 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Was it bigotry when Van Jones pressured advertisers into boycotting Glenn Beck?"

    Uh no, because Beck was himself a racist.


    "Rep. Keith Ellison(D-MN), himself a product of Louis Farrakhan’s maniacal Nation of Islam, said that Lowe’s is choosing to disregard the First Amendment."

    Wrong again goober.

    Naw yer wrong agin Nigger STFU and kiss my mofo ass

  20. Anonymous9:46 PM

    So sick of Leftist whackjobs and political correctness. I will ONLY buy from Lowes from now on, fuck Ellison and his Anti american bullshit. Time we stopped lying and see things for what they are.

    Oh yeah , fort Hood was "workplace violence" fucking insane leftists and Obamabots.

  21. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Obama is a skunk.

  22. There's nothing a skunk can't do10:01 PM

    Michelle Obama has proudly announced that her October jumping jack fest has officially broken the world record for such kinds of meaningless indulgence.

    The First Lady of the United States of America and Grandiose Self-Promotion claims that over a 24-hour period, 300,265 people participated. What she didn’t say was how many jumping jacks, on average, those participants executed. Personally, I’m guessing about three.

    Mrs. Obama’s record now goes into the books right along with hubby Barack’s accomplishments for number of people on food stamps, number of people on long-term unemployment benefits, size of the U.S. debt, size of the U.S annual budget deficit, first credit-rating downgrade since World War I, and number of new federal government business regulations, among many other records.

    Actually, I think we can safely say that in just three short years (or very long years, depending where on Obama’s entitlement priority list one falls), the Obama administration has racked up a record number of records, virtually all of a highly dubious nature.

  23. parvenu10:22 PM

    Field, you said that you will confine your future shopping to Home Depot? Really?? Lowes may have "chickened out" as a sponsor for a TV show due to pressure from a racialist organization. But Home Depot is a far, far worst place to put your bucks. Check this out...
    Kenneth Langone is one of the co-founders of Home Depot (HD) with Arthur Blank and Bernard Marcus, and has an estimated wealth from HD of $1.3 billion.

    Langone sponsored and roundly provided personal introductions for businessman Herman Cain at the closed door Koch Brothers semi-annual meeting of conservatives back in January 2011.

    Langone along with the Koch Brothers and other plutocrats are financial sponsors of Freedom Works, which in turn has been the sponsor and backer of the Tea Party especially during the 2010 Congressional elections.

    I have long agreed that buying boycotts will get a corporation's attention 100 times faster than a month of public protest picketing. However if black folks want to boycott all of the corporations that are sponsors and active directors of ALEC, they would have to stay out of shopping malls, supermarkets, and all Wal-Marts. They would also have to give up all their mobil phones and pads; in addition to disconnecting their land telephone lines, cable TV lines, and Satellite TV dishes. That's how deep the shit is in America at the present time.

  24. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Oh Blessed Allah No. If we can't go to Lowes how will we be able to buy our bomb building equipment for Jihad? Home Depot is filled with American Veterans and spot us in a minute....
    Don't you just hate the assholes that hate everything about the U.S and try and drag it into destruction under the guise of political correctness? Meaning, what they hate instead.

  25. I already refuse to shop at Target because of its political affiliations. And I used to really like shopping a Target.

    I don't shop at Wal-mart because of its discrimination against women. Although I don't miss shopping at Wal-mart.

    I don't shop at KFC because they used the song Sweet Home Alabama in its advertising.

    Now this.

    Soon there won't be anywhere for rational people of good conscious to shop.

  26. Val said...
    Soon there won't be anywhere for rational people of good conscious to shop.

    Ah, the perils of being an easily outraged, perpetually confused liberal.

    Independent minds are not so easily directed.

    Maybe you should try a little more thinking and a little less feeling.

    Facts will set you free.

  27. She forgot Denny's. Although you don't really shop there.

  28. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Desertflower, "It may or may not be racist , but it is offensive. and actually it is a little racist in that it makes such a point over the POTUS being of mixed descent. IMHO anyway!"

    Why is reality offensive? He himself said he is a mongrel? Waacist...waacist....waacist....bunch a useless babies. He is half white -his mother was a ho, she banged some ugly no account Aff-free-can who left her and the baby and everything he does how is reality racist?

  29. I'm stunned that Lowe's is a afraid of a pipsqueak group called The Florida friggin' Family Association that probably is no more than a few hundred members, a "committee" of ten assholes, & a website. Lowe's ought to at least treat The Florida friggin' Family Association with the same contempt it shows to Lowe's employees that want to unionize.

  30. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Why hasn't Field commented lately? Me thinks he is planning to leave. Please God, don't let Field leave!

    Look, if all of you Negro atheists were to pray, Field will be filled with renewed energy he never felt before. He will be reborn!

  31. "Wrong again goober.

    Ellison is a Sunni Orthodox Muslim and is not affiliated with the NOI."

    A Muslim's a Muslim, Steve. I thought you knew this by now.

    "My reading of that passage is that Congress has no power whatsoever to compel Lowes or anyone else to have to pay to promote views the government mandates."

    True. But Lowes has no power to compel my consumer dollars to land in their cash registers in any way, shape or form. The longer this goes on, the more people are going to think the same way. It's the free market in action.

    Now what's up about this Obama feller being a skunk? "Half black, half white and stinking somethin' fierce?" I suppose Newt Gingrich is the can of tomato juice who's gonna clean this smell right up, am I right?

  32. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Mack you are wrong about tomato juice. It cannot clean up anything. Is that what you use in your trailer out in the woods? your poor thaang.

  33. Gotta say, no more Lowes and that skink thing is racist. Half Black and half white? And here I thought conservatives were colorblind and didn't play the race card. Hell, if they took away that card conservatives wouldn't have any left.

  34. "Throw on your lawyer hat. How can David Stern veto trades? Does the Players Association have a grievance? What is he doing setting the deck? Making sure only certain teams make it to the finals? What do you think?"

    Wesley, the NBA actually owns the Hornets, so they can void trades involving that team. Go figure.

    But Paul will be a free agent next year, so he will be free to go where he wants. But you are right; from a PR standpoint it is dumb what's going on in the NBA with Stern and the rest of those cry baby owners. The guy in Cleveland is a dope.

    "What? Choosing where to spend your advertising dollars is bigotry in this case? Was it bigotry when Van Jones pressured advertisers into boycotting Glenn Beck?"

    Easy there big boy, no one said that Lowe's isn't free to show the rest of the world how ignorant they are, I just don't have to shop there. I am free to spend MY dollars how I choose, correct?

    And Van Jones is free to boycott Beckkk's advertisers.

    This is, after all, A-merry-ca.

    Val, I have a long list as well. I wish more of these Negroes were conscious about where they spent their $.

    "Anyway, I am glad to see a new post. Not seeing you comment today had me worried and wondering where you were. It's the holiday season and you seem a little depressed brother, like me.'

    No depression here my friend. I have a wonderful life. Even if Lark won't be under the tree this Christmas.:)

  35. Anonymous8:57 AM

    PilotX said...
    Gotta say, no more Lowes and that skink thing is racist. Half Black and half white? And here I thought conservatives were colorblind and didn't play the race card. Hell, if they took away that card conservatives wouldn't have any left

    How Ironic, claiming conservatives use the race card and that is all they have as he uses the race card for Pepe Le Pew. But Ammerrrrrrica I love you so much..Pepe. No one else can use the card that you have glued to your forehead. Obama's mother was white, his father was Black and he is a failed president.

  36. wow fn!!!


    u finally admit colorless truths about that blackish hobama!!!

    u made my day!

    they did not lie on hobama!

    just as tavis and cornel have NEVER lied on hobama!


  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. more proof that child rapists are cowards!!!!


  39. pookies rule the world

    and they boost ANYTHING from ANYONE!!!!!!


  40. pookies rule generations of fatal toxic relationships

    serial tragedy!!!

    cc to oj and his dad...

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Sounds like the reason why Jewish people don't buy Fords

  43. hey desert flower:

    nothing is as depressing as the fatal denial of hobama nazis
    and the global genocide it collectively fosters

    nothing is more fecal than baking and barking for turd assnons...prez or no


  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. kosher kkk:

    cc this to a white/jew blog asap

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. pookies rule FAMU


  48. Clear Eyed Joe11:17 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Wrong again goober.

    Ellison is a Sunni Orthodox Muslim and is not affiliated with the NOI."

    A Muslim's a Muslim, Steve. I thought you knew this by now.

    If you had read my post above Mack, then you'd know by now that Ellison has a long history with the NOI.

    And that's fine, as long as the voters in his district know about it before they vote. His primary constituents are white liberals and Somalians who apparently have no problem with UFO driving racists. It's their seat in congress and then can send who they want.

    But his desire to use the power of government to tell companies where to spend their advertising dollars is way off base, and betray his fascist tendencies.

  49. kosher kkk:

    more on dwb

    racism is real

    add this to your bogus bigoted crime stats

    A black Milwaukee driver is seven times more likely to be stopped by city police as a white driver, according to a study conducted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The analysis of nearly 46,000 traffic stops also found Latinos were five times more likely to be stopped.

    The disparities found in Milwaukee are much higher than other large metro police departments where traffic stop data is collected in the region. Charlotte, Kansas City, Raleigh and St. Louis black drivers were only stopped between 1.6 and 2.2 times as often as white drivers.

  50. No matter how much money you give liberals, they will always spend it and ask for more. For example, Al Sharpton pulls in a fortune mau-mauing corporations into handing over mountains of “donations” in return for not being branded “racist” — and yet:

    The Rev. Al Sharpton’s nonprofit paid him nearly $242,000 — even as it carried $1.6 million in debt, according to documents obtained by The Post.

    In all, the controversial activist and his empire, including the National Action Network and two for-profit companies, were $5.3 million in the red, public records show.

    Part of the problem is that like many well-to-do liberals, Sharpton believes that taxes are for other people to pay:

    Most of NAN’s money woes stemmed from more than $880,000 in unpaid federal payroll taxes, interest and penalties. It also paid more than $100,000 to settle two lawsuits, byproducts of the unpaid bills. …

    Sharpton drew a $241,732 salary and perks that included first-class or charter air travel, tax filings show. He owes the IRS $2.6 million in income tax, and nearly $900,000 in state tax.

    Capitalists manage to pay their taxes; why can’t socialists? Where did the money go? This offers a clue:

    [NAN] is close to finished repaying the Peabody Hotel in Memphis $106,981 owed since 2008, when NAN skipped out on its bill after its annual convention, according to its 2010 audited financial statements.

    Living large results in large bills. Since the $3+ million in donations NAN raked in last year won’t suffice, it must be time to accuse someone with deep pockets of “discrimination.”

  51. this is why i cannot believe the hypocrites who bashed "the help"

    which is a classic rebel film

    ACTUAL 2011 maids trump movie maids


  52. Run, Field, run:

    It's a new day.

  53. pookies rule the world

    they make all public travel fatal!


  54. Anonymous11:51 AM

    alicia banks said...
    kosher kkk:

    more on dwb

    racism is real

    add this to your bogus bigoted crime stats

    A black Milwaukee driver is seven times more likely to be stopped by city police as a white driver, according to a study conducted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The analysis of nearly 46,000 traffic stops also found Latinos were five times more likely to be stopped.

    Yeah, Yeah, yeah and Black Milwaukee'ans committ murder, violence, crimes etx 8 more times than whites so whats your point Blacks are more likely to be criminals? We know that already.

  55. criminally insane racist assnons:

    cc that bs to any killer kkkops u choose too

  56. Anonymous12:16 PM

    alicia banks said...
    criminally ignorant racist assnons:

    cc that bs to bernie madoff

    and sandusky et al...


    any wm serial killer u choose

    Why did they get stopped while driving?

  57. Agree or disagree with Lowe's decision to pull the ad -- and do as you like re: shopping there or not. If you think they are racists, by all means, boycott them.

    But seriously, folks, LEGISLATIVE REMEDIES?!? What, are we now going to require businesses to advertise on particular shows or a particular "mix" of shows, carefully vetted to be sure there are enough "minority" shows in the mix?

    Will we have a new government panel to determine whether every business is in fact buying advertising on a sufficiently "racially mixed" batch of shows to avoid being labeled "racist"?

    What if a show itself is labeled racist? Will advertisers be prohibited from advertising there? Would this comply with the First Amendment?

    Will we have legislation saying that once you've bought an ad, you can't rescind it?

    What if the show is just lame, but not because of any racial considerations, and the ratings suck and it's not profitable to advertise there anymore? Is the advertiser still "stuck," just because they might appear racist if they pull the ad?

    That is just insanity. There is not a legislative solution to every problem in our society.

  58. what jobs???


  59. Anonymous12:50 PM

    AB, "nothing is as depressing as the fatal denial of hobama nazis
    and the global genocide it collectively fosters

    nothing is more fecal than baking and barking for turd assnons...prez or no


    How DARE you insult our Prez, you fat faced fool. I can't wait to throw that turd filled cake covered with diarrhea icing in your psychotic piggy Muppet-looking face.

    And one other thing: These are the Holidays to be merry, happy and loving. So knock off the Obama bashing you racist grinch.

  60. Anonymous12:53 PM

    At the risk of "piling on" late...

    Yes! By all means!...

    BOYCOTT LOWE's!!...

    Plus any/all other businesses/organizations that support bigotry and ignorance (FN: A list would be nice). These businesses/organizations "support ignorance and bigotry" each and every time/instance they accept and receive $$$ from consumers and organizations who are bigoted and ignorant - tens of millions of our fellow reptilian-brained citizens.


    Thank you,

  61. Anonymous1:02 PM

    ab, "The disparities found in Milwaukee are much higher than other large metro police departments where traffic stop data is collected in the region. Charlotte, Kansas City, Raleigh and St. Louis black drivers were only stopped between 1.6 and 2.2 times as often as white drivers."

    First of all, anybody can do a survey and slant it the way they want. Just because it is a "survey" doesn't make the information factual. But you FN Negroes believe in the white folks who did the survey and was probably paid for by the New Black Panthers of Milwaukee.

    Besides, if it is true, it's because there are a lot of us who are both Black and Jewish in Milwaukee. That merits checking out for obvious reasons as no_slappz will attest to.

    ooops! There is food for thought: no_slappz is probably a Jewish skunk. Lord have mercy...where do these thoughts come from? I must be clairvoyant!

  62. Stop chasing your tail.

  63. Anonymous1:16 PM

    "BOYCOTT LOWE's!!..."

    Dear Mr. Field, as your anon adviser, I wouldn't go all out advertising about this boycott. I mean, how many of us own homes and go to places like Lowe's or Home Depot in the first place? Do you think Lowe's bottom line will be affected at all? In fact, I bet their profits go up!

    Never forget that this is "Misunderstood racist A-merry-ca". Nothing makes sense and you can never figure it out. That's why we need more R chasers like you.

    However, R chasers should put their energy where it can count the most. Al Sharpton knows this principle very well....model yourself after him, Mr. Field

  64. Anonymous1:21 PM

    "Stop chasing your tail."

    1:06 PM
    AB, please take note.

  65. Val said...
    I already refuse to shop at Target because of its political affiliations. And I used to really like shopping a Target.

    I don't shop at Wal-mart because of its discrimination against women. Although I don't miss shopping at Wal-mart.

    I don't shop at KFC because they used the song Sweet Home Alabama in its advertising.

    Now this.

    Soon there won't be anywhere for rational people of good conscious to shop.

    Yet the transportation you use gets its gas and oil from countries that oppress and murder its people.

    How many animals had to die so you can dress your ass?

    Your conscious musn't be that good.Wingnut.

  66. santa's dumbest racist elf assnon:

    tell santa to bring us a competent prez


    happy folly day u fat fecal fool

  67. Anonymous1:56 PM

    kinky_neocon, "Yet the transportation you use gets its gas and oil from countries that oppress and murder its people.

    How many animals had to die so you can dress your ass?

    Your conscious musn't be that good.Wingnut."

    1:32 PM
    Whoa! That's a heavy-duty slam dunk. I think you made Val cringe and cry at the same time.

  68. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I see my remarks about throwing the cake has slowed down AB. She no longer has anything to say. Make no mistake about it, I AM the slayer of AB.

    I will include this feat in Anon, Inc's contract with Field as we need to raise our tax free rates for 2012. With AB having her ass kicked by Anon, Inc I am sure Field won't mind paying the extra quarter next year for our services.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. kosher kkk:

    add this to your fake stats

    and cc it to a jewess blog asap

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Anonymous2:07 PM

    AB, "tell santa we have had our fill of that ho ho hobama"

    I will do nothing of the sort. Your problem is you don't know what's good for you. Santa has already decided to deliver Obama for another 4 years, you fool.

    But don't worry, you will be alright once you have eaten your fill of that special cake that's in the making for your fat face. Would you like some cupcakes to go along with it?

  73. obese keebler kkk assnon:

    the cake thing is tired u fat boob moron

    even for a man boobed beer bellied dough boy like u


  74. racism is real

    a long perm would be fine


  75. Anonymous2:28 PM

    AB, why are effing with brother anon? he's just trying to awaken you, to help you see the light about Obama. But you keep ignoring advice.

    u r a poor fat flabby student.

  76. santa's fattest elfin moron assnon:

    tell santa to keep hobama away from our gd holiday stockings!!!

    hobama and his banksters are global grinches who have stolen our chistmases for decades to come...

    they are mean ones mr. mf!!!!!!!

  77. fat assed cookie monster assnon:


    stop eating all of your boss's snacks u huge blubbery greedy vulgar mf!

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. no slappz2:43 PM

    Sharpton drew a $241,732 salary and perks that included first-class or charter air travel, tax filings show. He owes the IRS $2.6 million in income tax, and nearly $900,000 in state tax.

    As Sharpton fades, his ability to get others to pay his tax bills will fade with him. He's going to die broke and in debt to the government.

    His only escape from upcoming poverty is through joining the Nation of Islam, an organization that might give him a small stipend to keep him going in his later years.

    For now, he's moving closer to the margins, following Jesse Jackson and other black ministers into obscurity.

  80. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "Sharpton drew a $241,732 salary and perks that included first-class or charter air travel, tax filings show. He owes the IRS $2.6 million in income tax, and nearly $900,000 in state tax."

    OMG! If Sharpton falls, who will be left? Please, say it isn't so. Somebody, anybody! Please refute this story.

  81. no slappz2:52 PM

    anon 1:02 says:'s because there are a lot of us who are both Black and Jewish in Milwaukee.

    Ah. In other words, one white Jewish parent and one black parent.

    Inasmuch as the Jewish population in Milwaukee is small, it's obvious the number of black Jews is a lot smaller.

    However, it's also undoubtedly true that Milwaukee's black Jews are more likely to attend college, graduate, and live middle-class lives that do not include a descent into the social pathologies that undermine most of black America.

  82. no slappz2:56 PM

    Lowes offers a more pleasant shopping experience than Home Depot.

    As far as that dopey TV show "All American A-rab" goes, well, it's always best for corporations to stay away from sponsoring any production with links to religion, especially a religion that seeks political/dictatorial domination of the world.

  83. uspo = ugly stupid pissy/obese keebler kkk assnon:

    stop inhaling nasty cakes and cookies for a sec


    And tell that skunk hobama to stop fouling the holidays up for poor people globally!!!!

    Before we all go postal like Egyptians/brits etc!!!!

    Wtfu u retarded racist vulgar fat elf!!!!!!

    LOS ANGELES ( - The United States Postal Service plans to cut 100,000 employees as early as next spring and the livelihoods and dreams of many Black families will die along with those positions.
    For the first time, the post office will cut first-class mail in March in an effort to save up to $6.5 billion a year.
    Analysts warn the cuts are just part of what’s in store for government workers as many hope for the best but brace for the worst while politicians debate over how to balance America’s checkbook.
    As Democrats and Republicans’ fight over tax cuts for the wealthy, spending cuts, and unemployment insurance, it’s all bad news for vulnerable public sector workers. Postal employees just happen to be highest on the chopping block, but all government workers have been put on notice, one postal worker told The Final Call.

  84. uspo = ugly stupid pissy/obese keebler kkk assnon:

    stop inhaling nasty cakes and cookies for a sec


    And tell that skunk hobama to stop fouling the holidays up for poor people globally!!!!

    Before we all go postal like Egyptians/brits etc!!!!

    Wtfu u retarded racist vulgar fat elf!!!!!!

    LOS ANGELES ( - The United States Postal Service plans to cut 100,000 employees as early as next spring and the livelihoods and dreams of many Black families will die along with those positions.
    For the first time, the post office will cut first-class mail in March in an effort to save up to $6.5 billion a year.
    Analysts warn the cuts are just part of what’s in store for government workers as many hope for the best but brace for the worst while politicians debate over how to balance America’s checkbook.
    As Democrats and Republicans’ fight over tax cuts for the wealthy, spending cuts, and unemployment insurance, it’s all bad news for vulnerable public sector workers. Postal employees just happen to be highest on the chopping block, but all government workers have been put on notice, one postal worker told The Final Call.

  85. Cock-eyed Joe

    "If you had read my post above Mack, then you'd know by now that Ellison has a long history with the NOI."

    Not one of those instances you posted establishes an Ellison link to the NOI.

    Your drivel is analagous to saying that if you once stayed at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City you support Donald Trump for President.

    You're an idiot.

  86. "However, it's also undoubtedly true that Milwaukee's black Jews are more likely to attend college, graduate, and live middle-class lives that do not include a descent into the social pathologies that undermine most of black America."

    Slappy your ignorance is embarrassing.

    I would love to see you produce any evidence that black jews are any more successful or middle class than black Christians.

    Or that most blacks are pathological.


  87. Joshua3:35 PM

    "Pressure from a conservative evangelical group led Lowe's home improvement store chain to pull its ads from the TLC reality show "All-American Muslim," but now the company is facing calls from celebrities and politicians to boycott Lowe's.

    I am fine with Loews pulling out of sponsoring this show. They never should have been involved with it. As far I am concerned, it is just liberal propaganda.

    No person can be both true to Islam and a loyal American at the same time.

    Islam is not like Chrisitianity, or any other religion for that matter. An adherent of Islam does not have leeway to "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". A Moslem must work towards the imposition of Islamic Law - this means implicitly that they must dedicate themselves to the eventual abolishment of the U.S. Constitution.

    Is that the kind of neighbor you really want? I don't, I like the Bill of Rights.

    I have empathy for the kind of people portrayed in the show, but only to the extent they embrace being American and put their barbaric religion behind them.

  88. Clear Eyed Joe3:40 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Not one of those instances you posted establishes an Ellison link to the NOI.
    You are right, Steve; almost all of them do.

    You are one disingenuous turd. No one could be as a dumb a coon as you pretend to be.

    You don't even try to be anything but a piece of shit liar. What a complete zero you are, updick.

  89. Anonymous3:43 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Not one of those instances you posted establishes an Ellison link to the NOI.

    Steve you are an anti american piece of shit.

  90. fat foolish elfin moron assnon:

    tell santa to make hobama respect the corpses of soldiers/vets!!!!

    they will never be home for the holiday ever again u heartless hobama nazi grinch mf!!!

    A disturbing report from the Washington Post has revealed that the Air Force had dumped the "incinerated partial remains" of at least 274 American troops in a Virginia landfill, a figure much higher than the military initially let on, before stopping the practice three years ago. According to the report, 976 fragments from 274 military personnel were cremated, incinerated, and taken to the landfill between 2004 and 2008. There are still another 1,762 fragments that could not be identified.

    The shameful, never-formally-authorized practice was not disclosed to families, and the Air Force is not keen on telling them now, on account of either embarrassment or because identifying the remains would be time- and cost-prohibitive, as put by Jo Ann Rooney, the Pentagon’s acting undersecretary for personnel. Making the identifications will cost about as much as it takes to get to the bottom of an idiotic decision.

  91. Wesley R4:02 PM



    CUT: 650 billion -- Special education, student aid, asst to low-income schools
    GIVEN TO RICH: 690 billion – Bush tax cuts for wealthiest 2%

    CUT: 310 billion -- National Institutes of Health
    GIVEN TO RICH: 321 billion – Extra benefits for itemized deductions
    for wealthiest

    CUT: 100 billion -- Center for Disease Control and FDA
    GIVEN TO RICH: 129 billion – Subsidies for foreign profits

    CUT: 98 billion -- Head Start and Child Care
    GIVEN TO RICH: 97.5 billion -- Subsidies for business inventorie­­­s

    CUT: 47 billion -- Energy grants for low income families
    GIVEN TO RICH: 44 billion -- Subsidies for oil and gas programs

    CUT: 20 billion -- Job training for unemployed adults
    GIVEN TO RICH: 21.4 billion -- Loophole for hedge fund/priva­­­te
    equity fund managers


  92. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Ha ha that's a funny story Wesley!

    If only any of it were true!

    I'm voting straight Republican in 2012!

  93. what jobs?


  94. Cock-eyed Joe

    "You are right, Steve; almost all of them do."

    Okay. Watch this folks.

    Here's Cock-eyes FIRST paragraph.

    "Here is a documented history of Ellison's associations with the UFO driving racists:

    1987–Ellison enrolls in University of Minnesota Law School"

    Okay fool. Where's the NOI connection here?

    And how about producing some quotes where Ellison supposedly defends the NOI.

    I know, you can't.


  95. "Steve you are an anti american piece of shit."

    I'm deeply hurt.

    And I'm also from at least 3 generations of US Armed Forces veterans.

    And you goober?

  96. Clear Eyed Joe4:32 PM

    Fuck you Steve, nobody thinks you are anything but a fool.

  97. And you certainly are "nobody" Cock-eye.

  98. santa's fattest dumbest elf assnon:

    that folly day skunk hobama says:

    "yes u can smell my holiday stench!"

    enjoy u fecal fool!:,r:0,s:0

  99. OK already, I admit it, I am full of shit.

    I just come on blog comment sections and act the fool because I have nothing else in my life. And also because I'm a dick.

    I am such a loser.

  100. hobama to poor/jobless mongrels:

    "yes you can endure a cold hard winter..."


  101. Hey Field,

    The goobers are stealing identities again.

    Time to check IP addresses.

  102. uptownsteve said...
    OK already, I admit it, I am full of shit.

    I just come on blog comment sections and act the fool because I have nothing else in my life. And also because I'm a dick.

    I am such a loser.

    steve, i'm glad to see admit who/what you are.

  103. Anonymous5:12 PM


  104. Goobers,

    You tried this before and it didn't work.

    You clowns are like the racists who rioted to keep blacks from integrating schools.

    You're scared to compete, you hate and fear strong black people, so you act out.

    And you always lose.

  105. downbrownsteve5:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    You're scared to compete, you hate and fear strong black people, so you act out

    Even if that were true, what would that have to do with you?

  106. The goober asks "what would that have to do with you"?

    How about:

    4:57 pm

    5:05 pm

    5:09 pm

    5:34 pm


    You probably have dreams about me.


  107. Hey Steve,

    I see you bitch slapping the assnon with the multiple identities again, LOL!!

  108. Goober6:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    You are a sad, strange little man.

  109. Dr. Sybil6:32 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I see you bitch slapping the assnon with the multiple identities again, LOL!!

    I see you living in Section 8 housing, eating cornbread and watching Martin Lawrence movies on USA for the rest of your sorry-assed life.

    You will never be a doctor.

  110. "How Ironic, claiming conservatives use the race card and that is all they have as he uses the race card for Pepe Le Pew. But Ammerrrrrrica I love you so much..Pepe. No one else can use the card that you have glued to your forehead. Obama's mother was white, his father was Black and he is a failed president."

    Yes, ironic that conservatives have to bring up race. That in itself is quite refreshing because normally irony is lost on conservatives. We're making progress.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. "Dr. Sybil said...
    I see you living in Section 8 housing, eating cornbread and watching Martin Lawrence movies on USA for the rest of your sorry-assed life."

    No guy would would call himself Dr. Sybil, so I'm gonna assume you're that bitch with the useless "science" degree that plays with fish scales and scoops crab shit all day long for a paycheck.

    So how is that "career" treating you? I'm guessing you still haven't managed to pass the GRE yet so you could earn another usless degree and increase your income by a whopping 5 grand/year, LOL!!!

    Broke a$$, LOL!!!!

  113. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "Dr. Sybil said...
    I see you living in Section 8 housing, eating cornbread and watching Martin Lawrence movies on USA for the rest of your sorry-assed life."

    No guy would would call himself Dr. Sybil, so I'm gonna assume you're that bitch with the useless "science" degree that plays with fish scales and scoops crab shit all day long for a paycheck.

    So how is that "career" treating you? I'm guessing you still haven't managed to pass the GRE yet so you could earn another usless degree and increase your income by a whopping 5 grand/year, LOL!!!

    Broke a$$, LOL!!!!

    look at this ghetto hoochie bitch and she pretendin she educated so this is the best she got. You given womens a bad name ho maybe your mans smart for not marrying your fat ass

  114. Anonymous8:14 PM

    From the previous thread:

    @ Whitey the Shyster:

    Either you are a complete dumbass or you just realize your client base is too dumb to read the link.

    The stats you linked to show nearly idential arrest rates for murder (49.3% vs. 48.7%), even though there are six times as many whites as ther are blacks.

    Even the overall arrest rate, which includes non-violent crimes, shows blacks are doing twice their share of crime (28%).

    7:16 PM
    Oh lawdie, it's not looking good for Whitey and his black friends.

  115. it's always best for corporations to stay away from sponsoring any production with links to religion, especially a religion that seeks political/dictatorial domination of the world.

    So no corporate sponsors for the 700 Club then?

    Sigh seems I haven't missed anything...SSDD

    Enjoy your holiday celebrations all.
