Thursday, December 08, 2011

Killing the innocent.

"Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven."~Henry Ward Beecher~

There is a really sad story out of Georgia about a little girl who was found murdered in a dumpster.

She was stabbed;beaten; sexually assaulted; and thrown in the dumpster like a piece of trash. Just awful.

And now we have an alleged killer. Dude worked in the apartment complex where the little girl lives, and he is only 20 years old.

"We believe that this horrendous crime was planned and calculated," Vernon Keenan, the director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, told reporters.
One resident said she told investigators about a recent conversation she had with Brunn, who mentioned that someone could break into one of the many vacant apartments in the complex and harm a child.

Jorelys was abducted "in the immediate vicinity" of the apartment complex's playground, then taken to an empty apartment nearby, Keenan said.
"We have evidence that the murder occurred in that vacant apartment," he said. "At some point, the child's body was then disposed of in the Dumpster and compacted into trash."

Authorities have said Jorelys died of blunt force trauma to the head, was stabbed and had been sexually assaulted.

Earlier, Keenan said investigators had found blood in an empty apartment.
Brunn's adopted brother told CNN affiliate WXIA that the arrest was a "big mistake," and said investigators should have focused on the complex's other maintenance workers.

"I honestly think he is innocent. There's just no way he would do something like this. He's just a kindhearted person," Connor Brunn told WXIA. "[Story]

Yes Connor, I am sure he is. I bet he even had a dog when he was growing up.*shaking head*

But let's not stop in Georgia. Let's go to Motown where yet another poor innocent child was murdered  [in pic]by someone masquerading as a human being this past summer:

 "A young girl was fatally strangled before being burned "beyond recognition" in a Detroit building, a medical examiner's report released Monday found.
An autopsy conducted by the Wayne County medical examiner's office on Monday morning -- a day after the body was found in a vacant residence -- determined that the girl died by "asphyxia homicide," said Dennis Niemiec, a spokesman for the office.

Her skull had been crushed and she'd been significantly burned, but both happened after she was killed, he said.

"Any time a child is found dead, it's devastating," Niemiec said Monday afternoon. "You don't get used to it."

The medical examiner concluded that she was a 5- to 7-year-old girl, but has not identified her by name.

The girl's body is "beyond recognition," making it unrealistic that she could be identified by a relative or loved one, the spokesman added.

Detroit Police Officer Dan Donakowski said police are investigating this girl's death as a homicide." [Story]

Sick, just sick.

What's the name of that new planet they just found? Oh yeah, Kepler-22b.

I think I am ready to go.


  1. There is no end to this and it seems to be escalating. Children are easy prey. They are trusting, small, vulnerable. I've no pity for the perps, no matter their background history.

    As for leaving this planet, I'm with you.

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Anyone who would murder a child and desecrate them they way these sickos have, has one a one way ticket to hell and deserves the death penalty - Don't you agree?

  3. Wesley R10:56 PM

    One of my favorite Westerns is Hang em High. That's what needs to be done to those guys for everyone to see.

  4. The death penalty is too easy for these sick people.

    They should live the rest of their natural lives in total isolation with no human contact what-so-ever.

    They should be in a cell with no windows, no radio, no books, no TV, just four walls.

    They shouldn't even be allowed to hear another human voice, ever.

  5. Wesley R11:28 PM


    Dr. Michael Eric Dyson was very good hosting The Ed Show last night. It took me back to what BET used to be.

  6. Anonymous12:24 AM

    How could you write something like this? Why didn't you just put it at the top of the sidebar? This was horrible. This just breaks my heart. It was hard just reading it. How did you manage to type it out?

    Where are our black men hiding? Why aren't we protecting our children? What is wrong with us? I don't want to do this anymore. I resign from the black race and so called humanity. There aren't any humans left on planet Earth any way.

    The Fool

  7. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Field, "Sick, just sick.

    What's the name of that new planet they just found? Oh yeah, Kepler-22b.

    I think I am ready to go."

    Welcome to humanity, Field. What did you expect, a rose garden?

    FYI. We are all sick. That is what it means to be human. Haven't you noticed that we carry the disease of the 7 Deadly Sins? Hell, we nailed Jesus Christ to the cross! That ought to tell you something about the human race.

    Yet, we choose to ignore our disease and act like we are such good human beings. WE ARE NOT!

  8. Anonymous1:12 AM

    CA Girl, "There is no end to this and it seems to be escalating."

    When did it ever stop? And I agree, it is escalating because we have made ourselves the final authority instead of a higher one. Left to humanity alone and you can be sure things are going to hell in a handbasket.

    Have you ever known humankind NOT to eff up? Let me answer that for you....NO. We are ignorant prideful greedy angry lustful jealous lazy pretentious lying apathetic knuckleheads...every last one of us.

  9. Anonymous1:19 AM

    ""Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven."~Henry Ward Beecher~

    Field, that quote makes me wonder about people who don't believe in God. You know, those adamant fundamentalist atheists?

  10. "Anyone who would murder a child and desecrate them they way these sickos have, has one a one way ticket to hell and deserves the death penalty - Don't you agree?"

    No. See what Val said.

    "Field, that quote makes me wonder about people who don't believe in God. You know, those adamant fundamentalist atheists?"

    It's a nice quote, and it makes me believe in our chlldren.

    BTW, do you believe in Santa?

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    field negro said...
    "Anyone who would murder a child and desecrate them they way these sickos have, has one a one way ticket to hell and deserves the death penalty - Don't you agree?"

    No. See what Val said.

    So a lifetime of cruelty and torture is ok with you as long as it is for someone you have decided "deserves it"

    Interesting morals.

  12. Anonymous9:24 AM

    oh My... this might impact Obama's class warfare campaign. Bloggers can be held accountable for defamation of character and lies.

    A federal judge in Oregon has ruled that a Montana woman sued for defamation was not a journalist when she posted online that an Oregon lawyer acted criminally during a bankruptcy case, a decision with implications for bloggers around the country.

    Crystal L. Cox, a blogger from Eureka, Mont., was sued for defamation by attorney Kevin Padrick when she posted online that he was a thug and a thief during the handling of bankruptcy proceedings by him and Obsidian Finance Group LLC.

    U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez found last week that as a blogger, Cox was not a journalist and cannot claim the protections afforded to mainstream reporters and news outlets.

  13. ditto

    no one is safe on this evil planet earth
    especially children

    and until we repair horrid/toxic parenting
    for predators and prey

    we will all only become less safe daily


    hobama and his evil banksters have made us all less safe via poverty/more children unattended/less menial labor screenings etc...


  14. hobama is shutting down the internet asap

    any excuse will do

    he controls the msm

    but he cannot control blogging
    so he must stop bloggers etc

  15. no slappz9:39 AM

    anon 9:24 posted:

    A federal judge in Oregon has ruled that a Montana woman sued for defamation was not a journalist when she posted online that an Oregon lawyer acted criminally during a bankruptcy case, a decision with implications for bloggers around the country.

    Libel laws are easy to understand.

    You're on thin ice if you FALSELY accuse someone of committing a heinous crime or having a loathsome disease (AIDS).

    If the statement is true, you're in the clear. But FALSE claims are actionable.

    Crystal L. Cox, a blogger from Eureka, Mont., was sued for defamation by attorney Kevin Padrick when she posted online that he was a thug and a thief during the handling of bankruptcy proceedings by him and Obsidian Finance Group LLC.

    Seems she publicly accused him of a crime he did not commit and injured his reputation. That's a no-no.

    U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez found last week that as a blogger, Cox was not a journalist and cannot claim the protections afforded to mainstream reporters and news outlets.

    News venues are sued every day, sometimes successfully.

    In any case, when the person accused of bad behavior is a public figure, the rules are loosened. Hence, it's okay to say whatever you want about the president.

  16. ie

    look at herman and newt
    and how their sex lives are headline news

    while hobama's gay/het lovers/murders etc are ignored

    ditto for his cia baby lives etc


    ditto for hobama's blatant betrayal and serial lies about troy davis


    that is all MORE
    proof that hobama rules all msm

  17. only coon moron nigs like uts celebrate ruthless ceos who "profit" as they simultaneously layoff underlings

    as hobama's evil peer corp demon drones are doing now at GM.


    The GM bankruptcy and bailout is the continuation of post-industrial policies of the Clinton and Bush years. Those policies, which encouraged companies to shutter factories in the US and move operations to foreign countries with lower wages and weaker regulations, were defined by Wall Street rather than Main Street. The model of a "healthy" American company was defined by stock and bond speculators, who rewarded short-term thinking and brutal cost-cutting, even if these strategies resulted in the loss of millions of jobs, the closing of hundreds of functional factories and the deindustrialization of communities, regions and whole states that had once been among the most productive in the world.

    Nothing about the old way of doing business made sense, and it made a wreck of GM. After decades of closing factories, laying off workers and shifting production overseas, the company now finds itself with $172.8 billion in debt.

  18. mr stats10:05 AM

    From the latest US Dept of Justice Report:

    The demographic characteristics of homicide victims and o ffenders were different from the characteristics of the general

    Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—

     Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide
    victims and offenders.

    The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000).

    The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).

  19. that fool coon uts really needs to read a mf book asap

    General Motors Co GM.UL posted a net loss for 2009, but said it was possible to make a profit this year and that it was laying the foundation to return to public ownership.

    GM reported a $4.3 billion 2009 net loss covering the period from its emergence from bankruptcy in July through the end of the year. The automaker said it was committed to repaying the outstanding balances on its U.S. Treasury and Export Development Canada loans by June "at the latest."

  20. racist stat moron assnon:

    add white stats here:

  21. mr stats10:19 AM

    Most murders were intraracial
    From 1980 through 2008—

     84% of white victims were killed by whites (figure 19).

    In other words, 16% of white victims were killed by non-whites. Hmmmm. By the way, the non-white killers were not asian.

     93% of black victims were killed by blacks.

    Or, only 7% of black victims were killed by non-blacks.

    Stranger homicides were more likely to cross racial lines than
    homicides involving friends or acquaintances

    For homicides committed by—

     a stranger to the victim, 26.7% were interracial ( figure 20a)

     a friend or acquaintance of the victim, 9.7% were interracial
    ( figure 20b).

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. hobama and his ceos need drones like uts to defend and cheer them as they destroy us all

    it is truly a gd shame how sheeple mfs like uts foster global slaughter

    And this is the crux of the matter: Obama’s autoworker precedent will encourage other companies to destroy union contracts via bankruptcy; the stage is being set for a colossal attack on the American working class. Already wage cuts are being implemented throughout the U.S., alongside massive unemployment — Obama’s technique is simply a way to hasten the process, so that the speed and scope of the recession is equally matched by reductions in wages and benefits.

    The economic crisis has put corporations into “fight or flight” mode. In order for them to stay “viable” on the world market, they are slashing wages and benefits, led by Obama and the Wall Street insiders among his administration. It will take a U.A.W. rank and file upsurge to repel these attacks, aided by workers everywhere, since labor in general now faces incredible challenges. They could demand the nationalization of the auto industry so that workers would be bailed out, not the banks. Then these companies could be retooled in order to produce not only mass transit vehicles but an alternative energy infrastructure that could both save jobs and help save the planet from global warming.

    Obama cannot be “pressured” into doing the right thing. He’s surrounded himself with people representing the big corporations and banks, entities that are intrinsically anti-worker. The Democratic Party must also be tossed aside, since their total silence on this most important of issues is one of utter complicity. Labor must now, more than ever, take an independent stance in defending their interests. The fate of the labor movement hangs in the balance.

  24. may uts baaaaaack his clueless coon ass up to a gated library asap

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. like uts

    hobama is a moron
    owned by israel

    ask any palestinian

    Obama said the Hanukkah story was about "right over might, faith over doubt." In the Hanukkah story, a small band of Jews rededicating a Jerusalem temple found that a one-day supply of oil kindled a flame instead for eight.

    The president noted "our unshakeable support and commitment to the security of the nation of Israel."

    Hanukkah begins at sunset on Dec. 20. Obama joked that everyone needs to be "careful that your kids don't start thinking Hanukkah lasts 20 nights instead of eight."

  27. pookies rule the world

    they love meth!!!


    they are TOO bold!!!

  28. Anonymous11:12 AM

    alicia banks said...
    may uts baaaaaack his clueless coon ass up to a gated library asap

    He can't, it is currently occupied. He is undergoing brain errrrr... hemorrhoid surgery

  29. classic diss to newt!


  30. Anonymous11:31 AM

    "Field, that quote makes me wonder about people who don't believe in God. You know, those adamant fundamentalist atheists?"

    Field replied, "It's a nice quote, and it makes me believe in our chlldren.

    BTW, do you believe in Santa?"

    5:35 AM
    That was a mean-spirited reply. You sound like a far left fundamentalist atheist in which there is no higher than you.......Just the little human ego running on its own power. There is no such thing as Spirit in your book.

    Your belief comparison of God and Santa is absurd. However, it tells a lot more about you than it does about God.

    You are very much like fundamentalist religious zealots, except you're just at the opposite extreme end.

    But, you ARE the typical human on earth....He has a closed mind, but think he knows a lot, but unaware he knows nothing.

  31. Field,

    Only been reading you for a couple of weeks, so don't know how you feel about it--HOWEVER, the death penalty sure seems appropriate here.

  32. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Living in Georgia, I wonder why the STuPID police and moronic welfare workers immediately spent time removing the victims siblings from their mother rather than looking for the missing one...the missing child reported died within an hour an a half of her abduction. Hope all the "white ladies" in DFAC's are proud. P.S. I a white guy who thinks simply leaving a police person with mama would have been sufficient.

  33. fn:

    per your sidebar


    eternal wars
    escalated global depression
    depraved apathy
    hopelessly unchanged bs

    how is hobama any LESS abusive to his own people than LAURENT GBAGBO????


  34. donald t is having way too much fun

    donald = 1

    rep cowards = 0


    this would have been an epic tv debate

  35. Blind racist hobama sucking fools like uts disgrace the entire black race

    And they betray black progeny eternally


    Resistance to inner city gentrification is primarily a battle for renter’s rights. Harlem is overwhelmingly renter-occupied, as are most central city Black communities in the U.S. – virtually all of whom are under gentrifying pressures, or soon will be. As economic and racial targets of Wall Street’s predations, Black city-dwellers are the natural allies of Occupy Wall Street. They need to be convinced, through substantive and ongoing collaboration, that OWS is an ally of theirs.
    At three months of age, it is essential that the Occupy movement demonstrate that it is a permanent feature on the political landscape, not a flash in the pan. African Americans are acutely aware that they can never “retire” from the struggle, as relatively privileged social justice activists might have the option of doing. The most rewarding relationship that OWS could forge with Black Harlem and all the Harlems of the United States, is by committing its human and material resources to the struggle to ensure that besieged African American communities are made permanent, viable, self-determining centers in the battle against the rule of money.

  36. ie

    more on historic and eternal white privilege...

    hobama and his banksters have destroyed MOST FIRST generation black homeowners


  37. hobama = the best repub ever

  38. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Nice people, so compassionate. They need so much help.

  39. geographer5:30 PM

    What's the name of that new planet they just found? Oh yeah, Kepler-22b.

    Any planets ever been discovered by black astromomers? Or named for famous black scientists?

    How about the naming of mountains? Is there a Mount Martin Luther King somewhere? Mount Oprah?

    Or a lake? Malcolm X Lake?

    A river? The Betty Shabazz River? Is it flowing somewhere?

    Nah. Seems to be just streets.

  40. hobama is the new hitler

    dems = WORSE than repubs now


    patriotic protest = banned = treason etc


    CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- When the Democratic National Committee picked Charlotte to host its September 2012 convention, city leaders saw it as a boost to the local service economy. Hotels would be filled, restaurants would be booked, and party spaces would be rented. Up until a few months ago, officials only had to worry about the would-be traffic congestion on Trade Street as lobbyists shuffled to the next cocktail party. But now, they have to be concerned about feistier visitors known as Occupy Wall Street.

    If Charlotte officials fear having another Chicago '68 on their hands, they're hoping to take one essential weapon out of the hands of activists: their tents. On Oct. 27, the Charlotte city manager released a draft ordinance that makes camping on public property a "public nuisance" and would prohibit "noxious substances," padlocks and other camping equipment that city officials fear could impede traffic and create public safety issues.

  41. Anonymous6:22 PM

    geographer said...
    What's the name of that new planet they just found? Oh yeah, Kepler-22b.

    Any planets ever been discovered by black astromomers? Or named for famous black scientists?

    Wasn't there one a few years back? Klingon Uranus?

  42. "Any planets ever been discovered by black astromomers? Or named for famous black scientists?"

    No, but a black man made the one you are living on.

    Wait....God IS black, right?

  43. nirrti5:14 AM

    ...And people wonder why the hell I'm more afraid of humans due to my having Asperger's than wild animals with sharp teeth and claws.

    Seriously.If I were walking down the street and saw a lion sitting up ahead, I'd be like, "Ooh look! A lion! So cute!"

    When I see a person coming toward me, my first thought is always, "Run! Run for your life!"

    Animals rarely kill accept for food. And the only "animals" I've ever been hurt by were humans.

    To call these sickos who harmed these precious little girls animals would be an absolute the animals.

  44. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The Killadelphia count in 2007 was pretty high. Does anyone know why that was?
