Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Showing you Negroes how it's done.

And here I thought that only Negroes in A-merry-ca were welfare cheats and got things like food stamps. (Isn't Obama the "food stamp president"?)

Talk about a reality check. Two stories making headlines over the past couple of days made me realize that nothing could be further from the truth.

I mean, could it be? Do other people actually commit welfare fraud in A-merry-ca?  Do other people actually get food stamps? Of course they do. Those questions were rhetorical. I suspect that folks who are always pointing fingers at my cousins know that they do as well, but pointing fingers is so much better than having to look at their own miserable life.

Of course, the gal up above is always watching, and she likes to f&^% with the A-merry-can psyche now and then by making us look at things that we don't want to see.

"SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A Texas woman who for months was unable to qualify for food stamps pulled a gun in a state welfare office and staged a seven-hour standoff with police that ended with her shooting her two children before killing herself, officials said Tuesday.
The children, a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl, remained in critical condition Tuesday. The shooting took place at a Texas Department of Health and Human Services building in Laredo, where police said about 25 people were inside at the time.
Authorities identified the mother as Rachelle Grimmer, 38, and children Ramie and Timothy. Laredo police investigator Joe Baeza said Grimmer had recently moved to the border city from Zanesville, Ohio, about 30 miles east of Columbus.
Grimmer first applied for food stamps in July but was denied because she didn't turn in enough information, Texas Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Stephanie Goodman said.
Goodman didn't know what Grimmer specifically failed to provide. In addition to completing an 18-page application, families seeking state benefits also must provide documents proving their information, such as proof of employment and residency.
"We were still waiting, and if we had that, I don't know if she would still qualify or not," Goodman said.
Goodman said Grimmer's last contact with the agency appeared to be a phone call in mid-November. When the family entered the Laredo office on Monday shortly before 5 p.m., Goodman said Grimmer asked to speak to a new caseworker, and not the one whom she worked with previously." [Source] & [Source]
Poor Ms. Grimmer. She just wanted to feed her family. There is no love for poor people in A-merry-ca.  Still, I bet that she wasn't on blogs demonizing other groups of people because of how they looked. She just wanted to be able to eat.
And then there is that wonderful couple out in my sister's hometown of Seattle, Washington:
"Federal agents have raided a Seattle couple’s $1.2 million lakefront home looking for evidence that they’ve bilked the government for more than a decade.

Filing a civil lawsuit Friday, federal prosecutors in Seattle claim Lyudmila Shimonova and her partner, chiropractor David Silverstein, sucked money out of state and federal assistance programs while living well in a Lake Washington mansion.

Both have been accused of welfare fraud, allegedly making false claims for government assistance. Neither has been charged criminally.

All told, authorities claim the couple received $135,000 in federal housing assistance benefits, as well as additional support through a federal program for destitute disabled Americans and state programs meant to feed families.
“All of these programs are need-based programs, meaning that a person can qualify for the programs only if he or she demonstrates that his or her income or resources fall below a certain level,” a Department of Housing and Urban Development special agent told the court. “The investigation has developed substantial evidence that the subjects defrauded theses programs by misrepresenting and concealing material information.”

HUD investigators and other law officers on Tuesday searched the couple's Island Drive South home, located on the shore of Lake Washington in Seattle’s Dunlap neighborhood. According to court documents, agents seized financial documents, Nordstrom receipts and framed photos of the couple." [Source]

You Negroes in the hood allowing your baby daddies to live in your Section 8 house and selling your food stamps to your neighbors are small time. You could learn a thing or two from the good doctor and his wife.

Finally, as most of you may or may not know; I think Mumia shot that po po in Center City, Philadelphia back in the day. But I never thought that he should fry for it, because I am opposed to the death penalty.

So I was glad when DA Seth Williams decided not to pursue the death penalty in his case. And I think that I can honestly speak for all Philadelphians when I say, enough!It's time to move on.

That means you, too, Mrs. Faulkner. I feel for you and your loss, but......let's just move on. It's time to end the Michael Smerconish tour and to get on with your life.




  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Thats why we need to raise taxes for those working hard every day, so we can pay for more fraud - right?

  2. Leave it to wingnuts to use ancidotal evidence and the few that cheat the system to justify ending it. Ignore the first story about a woman trying to feed her family and zero in on the story about abuse. They are quite the special bunch and of course put a Black or Brown face on the abuse to really rile up the ignorant. There more things change.........

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    It's always the Caucasain people committing welfare fraud!!

    I love this Blog. Mr. Field keep up the good work!


  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Sorry FN but showing one gross abuse of the welfare system doesn't change that the vast majority of receptients are black and hispanic and lots of that money is going to expensive grills, weaves, and manicures. These people deservingly got their benefits taken away. Now how about Obama's Aunt? She overstayed her visa, was in this country illegally, and was about to be deported. That all changed when Obama was elected now she lives in subsidized housing and gets disability payments despite never paying into the system at all. In an interview she stayed that she feels no appriciation for the handouts, just entitlement.
    I don't remember you being this judgemental about that black woman and her 14 kids. She had em cause she knew she'd get more welfare for them. Sorry, these people in the article are pigs, but at least they didn't mulitply like them in order to collect more welfare which is far worse in the long run.

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM

    BTW- update on the Tram racist outburst woman in London. The one you did a story about. She has been in prison and will remain there until her hearing in January. On the other hand, 4 African girls who attacked a white girl unprovoked while screaming "kill the white slag" were found guilty but will serve no time. The judge said he usually would sentence people to prison for that, but he was waving jail time because of their conservative Somalian Muslim culture meant they were probably not used to drinking.
    Look at their photos and tell me what you think. I think they are used to drinking.

  6. Anonymous9:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    Leave it to wingnuts to use ancidotal evidence and the few that cheat the system to justify ending it. Ignore the first story about a woman trying to feed her family and zero in on the story about abuse. They are quite the special bunch and of course put a Black or Brown face on the abuse to really rile up the ignorant. There more things change.........

    Ancidotal? Is that for a snake bite :)

    Who said anything about getting rid of programs? What would you say about drug testing, means testing and skill improvement requirements otherwise eligibility is waived...I bet you would say thats "racist" actually that is exactly what has been you know why? Why is it that people looking to reduce the huge population of those who live off others are called racist? Wonder why?

  7. Anonymous9:32 PM


  8. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Are you "Everyones" only friend?

    look at the percentage to population ratio.

    Taken From AFDC Gov site
    White 38.8%
    Black 39.8
    Hispanic 15.7
    Asian 2.4
    other 3.3

    Blacks make up less than 14% of the total U.S population yet are 40% of recipients. Whites however are over 50% of the U.S population yet make up less than the total of Black cases who again are only 14% of the population. If you filled a room with welfare cases 6 would be black 2 would be hispanic 1 would be white and 1 would be Asian/Other.

  9. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I went to the welfare office today and finally got my Black Labrador Retriever the help she was "entitled" she just had 15 puppies and she said this shit aint right, somebody gotta pay, my pups is hungry and somebody owe me.

    At first the lady at welfare told me to get lost, tryin to get the welfare for a dog, aint no way a dog was qualified. Then I said hold on, she Black, she sleeps all day, she unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and has no frigging clue who her Daddy is.

    My Dog gets her first check Friday.

  10. I bet Ronald Reagan is livid down there in hell that his own people are on the dole like that.

  11. Anonymous10:34 PM

    look at the percentage to population ratio.

    Taken From AFDC Gov site
    White 38.8%
    Black 39.8
    Hispanic 15.7
    Asian 2.4
    other 3.3

    Blacks make up less than 14% of the total U.S population yet are 40% of recipients. Whites however are over 50% of the U.S population yet make up less than the total of Black cases who again are only 14% of the population. If you filled a room with welfare cases 6 would be black 2 would be hispanic 1 would be white and 1 would be Asian/Other.

  12. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Re: commenter @ 8:52 Pm. This is further proof that ignorance and racism goes hand in hand. One feeds the other. Just a few facts that anyone with common sense can figure out. And if you don't have common sense it's easily verified through official government reports. The majority of people on welfare are White. There is a limit to the amount of welfare allowed to a recipient, no matter how many kids one has. Again, this can be verified by checking the government website of the state in question, or checking as this nonsense was debunked years ago. Re: Obama's aunt, if she's receiving assistance apparently she's receiving it legally as are other immigrants under that program. Do you have a problem with others of the same status, Obama, or just Blacks who do? Perhaps you should educate yourself to avoid appearing stupid by passing on stupid, illogical comments.

  13. Anonymous10:58 PM

    look at the percentage to population ratio.

    Taken From AFDC Gov site
    White 38.8%
    Black 39.8
    Hispanic 15.7
    Asian 2.4
    other 3.3

    Blacks make up less than 14% of the total U.S population yet are 40% of recipients. Whites however are over 50% of the U.S population yet make up less than the total of Black cases who again are only 14% of the population. If you filled a room with welfare cases 6 would be black 2 would be hispanic 1 would be white and 1 would be Asian/Other.

  14. Anonymous11:12 PM

    In that room, using your logic, wouldn't 5.8 be White??? Nice try though. LOL

  15. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    In that room, using your logic, wouldn't 5.8 be White??? Nice try though. LOL

    LOL you can't do math can you. What is the properties of x? 14 % of the population? Get it? Y is 50% of the population, so a given sample in one location blacks represent 2.5% more claims than the percent to total population. That's 2 and a half times more black claims than anyone else. Get it? Probably not.

  16. Anonymous11:22 PM

    It's amazing how any infraction can be justified simply by being White.

  17. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Blacks make up less than 14% of the total U.S population yet are 40% of recipients. Whites however are over 50% of the U.S population yet make up less than the total of Black cases who again are only 14% of the population. If you filled a room with welfare cases 6 would be black 2 would be hispanic 1 would be white and 1 would be Asian/Other

    Its even more amazing when you figure in that 10.4% of black men over 18 have comitted crimes and are in prison getting other free food and shelter. When they get out they will get some type of gub'ment benefits.

  18. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I don't understand why there are any Whites on welfare at all as they are so much smarter, resourceful and overall superior to Blacks. And to the Math scholar, what percentage of Whites/Blacks are getting corporate welfare... like farm subsidies, etc? And why do you suppose that budget is soooo much greater than the budget for the program you're denigrating?

  19. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Someone (I'm your only friend)needs to stop citing propaganda from White Supremacist Websites.

  20. Anonymous12:09 AM

    How many Mormon's are we taking care of because these White men marry all these women and go from house to house making babies they can't provide for? And why did the AG in Utah call off the investigation for welfare fraud among that population?...What? They aren't Black...oh sorry.

  21. Anonymous12:09 AM

    What the hell is this, Anonymous night?

    BTW, who is Mumbia? Is he somebody famous in Philly? If so, what makes him so famous, because he shot a cop for no reason? Wow...bad dude.

    And just think: AB supports criminals like Mumbia. That says a lot about her character.

  22. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Anons are busy on FN blog because this is the month that Anon Inc negotiates with Field for a higher paying contract for next year.

  23. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What the hell is this, Anonymous night?

    BTW, who is Mumbia?

    He was that guy on the fat albert cartoon that used to mumble a lot they called him mumbia (real name was wesley cook a nice strong Irish lad with dred's)

    Val said...
    I bet Ronald Reagan is livid down there in hell that his own people are on the dole like that.

    The reagan's are on pineapples?

  24. I used to work in the food stamp office. Back then you could apply for food stamps separately on a simpler application. Now I think clients have to do the full Temporary Assistance for Needy Families application.

    A couple with no children on fixed disability incomes would get re-certified once a year. They're relatively easy to process compared to large families or people whose incomes vary from month to month. In a busy urban welfare office they might be able to get away with years of ineligible food stamps by withholding a few crucial pieces of information, like savings account, or ownership of late model car. No red flags would go up. But how they wrangled housing assistance is a mystery. Section 8 recipients in my city receive annual home inspections.

  25. Anonymous12:33 AM

    This is a serious problem as shown by this video with Michael Moore re: Obama. Field and you FN Negroes are going to faint over is so depressing. You Liberal Dem Negroes are being taken, AGAIN! Field, when will you learn?

  26. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I wish Field would stay up late once in a while to respond to hungry comments on FN food stamps.

    Btw, doses anybody know if FN blog will be open XMAS and New Year? Field should post a holiday schedule and times he will be commenting later than usual.

  27. "Anons are busy on FN blog because this is the month that Anon Inc negotiates with Field for a higher paying contract for next year."

    I don't know, your president might have to get rid of folks like the clown who posted @ 8:52 PM. Just sayin.

    "Someone (I'm your only friend)needs to stop citing propaganda from White Supremacist Websites."

    But it's so much easier to make it all up. :)

  28. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Anon-"Anons are busy on FN blog because this is the month that Anon Inc negotiates with Field for a higher paying contract for next year."

    Field replied, "I don't know, your president might have to get rid of folks like the clown who posted @ 8:52 PM. Just sayin."
    Dear Mr. Field,

    Anon 8:52PM has been fired.

    Anon, Inc

  29. Anonymous7:18 AM

    anon@12:33am, that's for the video link re: Michael Moore and Obama. I think he is right about Obama, he is beholden to Wall Street. In fact, he has already proven that.

    Of course, don't expect Field or any of his FN followers to admit that. They will remain silent about it, even though it is hurting poor Blacks.

    It makes one wonder what these so-called Field Negroes are about? They talk anti-Wall Street but their voting record says something different.

    Supporting Obama is supporting Wall Street. He has already proven that.

  30. Where did she get the gun? How did she pay for it? If she was savvy enough to get a gun then she could have got food with that money instead. Meaning she was a little crazy, which isn't representative of the entire population.

  31. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Laz, she is very representative of the population of America. We are all crazy.

  32. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "A Texas woman who for months was unable to qualify for food stamps pulled a gun in a state welfare office and staged a seven-hour standoff with police that ended with her shooting her two children before killing herself, officials said Tuesday."

    This was an act of hopeless desperation. It makes me wonder if Whites are being discriminated against when it comes to food stamps. Clearly this woman needed food for her children and self.

  33. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Field, "Of course, the gal up above is always watching, and she likes to f&^% with the A-merry-can psyche now and then by making us look at things that we don't want to see."

    Field, who is the 'gal up above'? did I miss something in your post that explains who this gal is?

  34. Mark of Cain8:40 AM

    Newt leads Obama in Ohio and 4 other swing states!!!


    BTW- update on the Tram racist outburst woman in London. The one you did a story about. She has been in prison and will remain there until her hearing in January. On the other hand, 4 African girls who attacked a white girl unprovoked while screaming "kill the white slag" were found guilty but will serve no time. The judge said he usually would sentence people to prison for that, but he was waving jail time because of their conservative Somalian Muslim culture meant they were probably not used to drinking.
    Look at their photos and tell me what you think. I think they are used to drinking.

    Don't expect fn to report on this hate crime. fn seems to always miss or down play black/hispanic hate crimes, racist mobs, or crimes in general against whites.

  35. Michael Smerconish hsn't been the same since he became a democrat.

  36. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "A Texas woman who for months was unable to qualify for food stamps pulled a gun in a state welfare office and staged a seven-hour standoff with police that ended with her shooting her two children before killing herself, officials said Tuesday."

    This was an act of hopeless desperation. It makes me wonder if Whites are being discriminated against when it comes to food stamps. Clearly this woman needed food for her children and self.

    She was nuts in his desire to push the nanny state, field may have inadvertantly left out the story of her divorce, taking the kids, having the whole family looking to get her help while she chose to live in a tent. How she never completed the application and the welfare people tried tracking her down but she didnt answer the cell phone, then made many complaints but still never completed the application.

    Just another story spun to feed the democratic awww thats awful feed everyone for free forever machine.

  37. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Mark of Cain said...
    Newt leads Obama in Ohio and 4 other swing states!!!


    BTW- update on the Tram racist outburst woman in London. The one you did a story about. She has been in prison and will remain there until her hearing in January. On the other hand, 4 African girls who attacked a white girl unprovoked while screaming "kill the white slag" were found guilty but will serve no time. The judge said he usually would sentence people to prison for that, but he was waving jail time because of their conservative Somalian Muslim culture meant they were probably not used to drinking.
    Look at their photos and tell me what you think. I think they are used to drinking.

    Don't expect fn to report on this hate crime. fn seems to always miss or down play black/hispanic hate crimes, racist mobs, or crimes in general against whites

    A week later some Black punk punched a 96 year old man who was in his way and hurt him pretty bad - on the very same Tram - he got off without any jail time.

    A race war is coming.

  38. fn:

    why do u think mumia is guilty????
    why??????? precisely???????

    since u seem to enjoy bashing mumia so
    at least u can do so SPECIFICALLY
    as i do hobama daily

    i am shocked and appalled that any lawyer could not clearly see that mumia was framed

    ditto on global rainbow pookies

    like most corp ceos
    they are ALL welfare cheats

    amorality is a character issue
    never a racial one

    ask bernie madoff

  39. Quote Anonymous 09:20

    "A race war is coming."

    In your (wet) dreams maybe, but not in the real world.

  40. fn:

    shame on you!!!

  41. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Doesn't Newt know proper grammar? Isn't is "that is racist", not "which is racist". Sounds just like. anon 8.52, hmm.

  42. Anonymous12:42 PM

    AB, how was mumia framed? Was he there at the shooting or not? Did he shoot or not?

    What makes you so sure that mumia is innocent or not? He sounds like a bad character to me.

    I've asked you in the past about this but you never respond. All you do is rant and rave.

  43. Anonymous12:46 PM

    anon 12:27pm-"Doesn't Newt know proper grammar? Isn't is "that is racist", not "which is racist". Sounds just like. anon 8.52, hmm."

    That anon is no longer with us. The anon has been fired by Anon, Inc.

  44. anon:

    scan up

    u lie like hobama

    see links etc posted herein on 12/7

  45. anon:

    u r a liar and a raving fool

    fix both asap

  46. lazy assed lying uts/anon:

    stop playng u coon...

  47. Anonymous2:32 PM

    anon 12:27pm-"Doesn't Newt know proper grammar? Isn't is "that is racist", not "which is racist". Sounds just like. anon 8.52, hmm."

    That anon is no longer with us. The anon has been fired by Anon, Inc.

    12:46 PM
    He was fired because Mr. Field complained about the anon. Anon Inc really must want that contract! Capitalists...everywhere you look are capitalists who will do anything for a buck.

    I swear, the R chaser Field is dangerous. Like Al Sharpton, he can get you fired! I swear, those progressive liberal leftist Negroes are nothing but trouble. He has ruined the holidays for that poor Anon.

  48. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Well, well, well....VA. Tech has kicked off the holiday season with the shooting and killing of two people on campus. And one was a police officer! The shooter is still at large and has possibly blended in with the rest of the students.

    Well, we can safely assume the shooter isn't Black, considering it's an institution of higher learning and he has blended in with the students. There aren't enough Blacks at any college for a bm to blend in.

    But maybe the shooter was Black, but wearing a mask? I am surprised that no_slappz hasn't reported on this event.

  49. hobama = 1 more drone
    newt = 1 more talker


  50. risky for tj???

    bet is as renowned for not paying staff as it is for lewd videos

    good luck tj!!!

  51. kudos to ken blackwell!!!


    Even if we accept Mr. Obama’s premise—that middle class Americans need what TR called a Square Deal—the breakdown in marriage is the leading cause of income inequality. Married couples live longer, healthier, more prosperous lives. Their children are better cared for, do better in school, and have higher income prospects.

    The Obama administration is a Marriage Ender and cannot seriously address poverty in America. This is especially important in the black community. Black children whose parents are married thrive in comparison to their less favored fellow students.

  52. "Sorry FN but showing one gross abuse of the welfare system doesn't change that the vast majority of receptients are black and hispanic and lots of that money is going to expensive grills, weaves, and manicures."

    It's amazing how these idiots can spew this nonsense with a straight face.

  53. Anon-Goober

    "A race war is coming."

    And I wonder where you'll be when it starts?

    Right at the keyboard yapping.

  54. A Goober has the nerve to cry when he's sentenced to 3 MONTHS for being part of a racist gang that beat a black teenager with fists, feet and sticks and knives.

  55. pookies rule the world

    and they destroy all school events


  56. dyam!!!

    kudos to KORN!!!


    if only rappers would find something so real to sing about!...

    President Barack Obama is loved by a lot of actors and musicians, but one band won’t be performing at any of his campaign rallies: Korn.

    The metal band, which rose to fame in the 1990s when its “Follow the Leader” album, spoke with to promote their new album, “The Path of Totality,” and explained the meaning behind some of their songs, including “Illuminati.”

    Frontman Jonathan Davis says: “I feel like Obama’s an Illuminati puppet. He’s basically dragged this country down into the worst it’s ever been. Like I say about the White House, ‘You’ve built this house of shame.’ Everybody looked up at the White House and America and now I think it’s like a house of shame. I miss the old days when people were proud

    Read more:

  57. Anonymous4:24 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "A race war is coming."

    And I wonder where you'll be when it starts?

    Right at the keyboard yapping.

    Oh look ma a wannabe tough fagola, shut up and go take it in the ass again mary jane fore you get bitch slapped

  58. fn:

    shame on u!!!!!

    Faulty Evidence

    1. There was never a “blow-back” test conducted to show gun residue on Abu-Jamal, and the original medical examiner’s report, which not seen by the 1982 jury that convicted him, stated that the fatal bullet was a .44 caliber. A police ballistician reported that the bullet was actually a .38 caliber. Abu-Jamal was said to have been carrying a legally registered .38 caliber Charter Arms revolver.

    2. Pedro P. Polakoff, a Philadelphia freelance photographer who reports he arrived at least 10 minutes before the arrival of the Mobile Crime Detection Unit, took photos that show that officer James Forbes was handling the guns retrieved from the crime scene with his bare hands, which is not the appropriate protocol.

    3. At the time of the trial the police and the District Attorney’s office failed to notify Abu-Jamal’s defense about a driver’s license application for Arnold Howard found in the front pocket of Officer Faulkner’s shirt, which may prove that a fourth person was involved. Later Howard said that he loaned his temporary, non-license ID to Kenneth Freeman, a business associate of Billy Cook, whom Cook said confessed. Freeman was found dead in 1985, reportedly naked and gagged.

    Witness Tampering

    4. After the 1982 trial, Veronica Jones, a police informant who was working as a prostitute at the crime scene, revealed that police had coerced her and Cynthia White, another informant who was called as a witness to testify to Abu-Jamal’s guilt. A third woman, Yvette Williams, submitted an affidavit in 2002 declaring that while she was in jail with White, White told her about the coercion.

    Official Corruption

    5. In the late 90’s, an investigation of the Philadelphia Police Department exposed many corrupt officers who violated civil rights and stole from suspects. Nearly 1,400 cases were reviewed and more than 100 people released. One of the officers investigated agreed that he and his girlfriend would cooperate in further efforts. His girlfriend was Pamela Jenkins, the informant who said she was coerced into testifying to Abu-Jamal’s guilt.

  59. that blackish hobama and his beloved wm banksters are forcing whiter cities daily....shame!!!!

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Affluent black Americans who are leaving industrial cities for the suburbs and the South are shifting traditional lines between rich and poor, according to new census data. Their migration is widening the income gap between whites and the inner-city blacks who remain behind, while making blacks less monolithic as a group and subject to greater income disparities.

    “Reverse migration is changing the South and its race relations,” said Roderick Harrison, a Howard University sociologist and former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau.

  60. conspiracies are real!!!

    worse hobamacare bs looms

    Government-funded researchers tested AIDS drugs on hundreds of foster children over the past two decades, an Associated Press review has found.
    SIt was most widespread in the 1990s as foster care agencies sought treatments for their HIV-infected children that weren’t yet available in the marketplace.

  61. RAHOWA anon

    "Oh look ma a wannabe tough fagola, shut up and go take it in the ass again mary jane fore you get bitch slapped"

    Like I said.

    Which black neighborhood are you invading when the race war starts?

    You post as "anonymous" on the web.

    Is anyone supposed to believe you are going show up for a throwdown?

  62. "hobama has FAILED at ALL he has touched...including GM


    General Motors Co. has quietly begun laying off white-collar workers as it works to consolidate its global operations."

    AB you're nuts.

    GM is showing major profits you dummy!

  63. Anonymous8:45 PM

    UTS, "AB you're nuts."

    Must you disrespect AB? Why do you degrade sistas and at the same time feel good about it?
