Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bad boyz.

You GOP boys are a hot mess. Open marriages, tax dodging, and lord knows what else. I might actually watch this debate tonight, because it's on CNN. At least we now know that there will be one less person standing on stage. (Goodbye Rick, we hardly knew ya. And, on behalf of every fashion conscious man in America, let me just say that it will be a pleasure not having to look at your cowboy boots and suit hook up ever again.)

Rick Perry has endorsed Newt. Apparently he believes that Newt is the last true conservative left standing with a shot of winning this thing. Personally, I don't see it. Mitt will be the republican nominee who goes up against his Oness in the general election. I don't even think that it will be close. But that's just me. I could be wrong. Wingnuts tend to do strange things, and they can be unpredictable.

One thing that they are not unpredictable about is how they deal with the issue of race. We know exactly where they stand on matters of race, and I suspect that their supporters do as well.

Chauncey DeVega did a pretty good job of summing it all up:

"In South Carolina, where the Confederate flag still flies, there was Rick Perry (a neo-Secessionist that wants a Civil War 2.0 and a renewed fight for states' rights); Ron Paul (a bigot whose newsletters continue to suggest that African Americans are ravenous, craven, criminal, stupid beasts); Rick Santorum (a man fascinated by bestiality and the idea that blacks are parasites who only want to live off of white people); and Newt Gingrich who sees all African-Americans and Latinos as being on welfare and the public dole until proven otherwise. In total, these candidates are a rogues gallery where white supremacist attitudes towards non-whites is a standing rule, one only to be disputed after the fact." [More here]

Anyway, the debate is about to start. This should be fun.....

Oh Lawd! They just started and it has started already. Newt says that the "elite media" is protecting his Oness and he is "appalled" and "outraged" that CNN is choosing to start the debate by asking him about his ex doing a sit down with ABC.

Yes Newt, go on and shoot the messenger. That always works with the red meat crowd....

Did Mitt Romney just talk about changing the tax code? Ahhm, excuse me, why do you care?


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Romney earned his money.

    Obama got rich by getting crooks to pay him off (e.g. Tony Rezko) and by getting Bill Ayers to write his book for him.

    Obama is the worst president in U.S. history. He is a human cancer.

  2. Che Nigierra8:49 PM

    From the last post: "...unless I missed it, black people havent been out there demanding food stamps, or marching for food stamps."

    Why yes they have, over and over again. Black people are always asking for handouts. Where ever you go in the world, they are a race of beggars.

  3. Snoot's like a diarrhea filled ballon about to explode all over everyone close to him.

  4. An excerpt from The Obamas by Jodi Kantor:

    “Barack Obama took satisfaction in a simple, glorious new truth: he was the president of the United States. One day he walked out of a meeting in his chief of staff’s office and began to flip through a stack of magazines on the desk of a young assistant to [Rahm] Emanuel. ‘Whose are these?’ he asked the assistant. Well, they just got sent here, addressed to the chief of staff, she replied. Then she paused and rethought her answer. ‘But everything in the White House is yours … so technically they’re yours,’ she said. The president shot her a satisfied look. The following day, he passed her desk and the magazines again. ‘Whose magazines are these?’ he asked. She had the answer ready this time. ‘They’re your magazines, Mr. President,’ she said. Obama grinned and continued on his way.”

    Unbelievable that this pompous douchebag got elected president. Newt Gingrich himself could never be a such a self-important asshole.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The above post captures the hatred and resentment of racists toward Barack Obama.

    "How dare this N-Word think he is entitled to articles in the White House? How the hell did an N-word get elected President???"

    Hell Newt only collected lobbying fees from Fannie Mae, an agency he has consistently attacked, and run up a half million dollar credit line at Tiffany's for bling.

  7. uptownsteve said...
    "How dare this N-Word think he is entitled to articles in the White House? How the hell did an N-word get elected President???"

    Obama is no nigger. He is a leftist punk who hates the very country he supposed to lead.

    This is a representative republic that he runs like a monarchy. He rules, when he is supposed to serve.

    He plans to lie his way back into office and is depending on the votes of fools like you.

    You are a slave forging his own chains.

  8. Malik9:48 PM

    We need to start deporting all illegal aliens residing in our jails.

    Instantly, jobs will open up that this endless supply of cheap labor keeps from providing good wages for Americans to be able to raise a family on. This will work to help reduce the unemployment rate across the nation - especially the Black unemployment rate, as the Democrats desire to elect a new people surpasses their desire to actually help Black America.

  9. no slappz9:49 PM

    purple slough:

    Inasmuch as I don't edit comments, it's inevitable that some responses suffer a little.

    So to help purple cow I'll improve a response that baffled him. He's easily lost by so many things, but, what can you do?

    So far so good. It's the next sentence that confounded him.

    But in your frail mind that means the price of gold is $50 an ounce. "

    Should have been -- "that means the real VALUE of gold is $50 an ounce."

    As always, you're baffled by the example that shows Cow Island receiving a gold SUBSIDY of $1,600 an ounce.

  10. uptownsteve said...
    "The above post captures the hatred and resentment of racists toward Barack Obama."

    That's right, any criticism of Barak is racist!

    There should be a law against that!

    You go girl!

  11. no slappz9:57 PM

    Hmmm, sumthin went wrong.

    "Like I said, your bizarre argument implies that even though the world market for gold is $1,650 an ounce, the people of Cow Island can buy gold for $50 an ounce from a couple of friendly countries.

    So far, so good.

    But in your frail mind that means the REAL VALUE (price) of gold is $50 an ounce. "

    Again, the intention was to toss out an example of a subsidy.

  12. Anon-goober farts:

    "Obama is no nigger. He is a leftist punk who hates the very country he supposed to lead.

    At least you make distinctions between niggers and leftists.


    "This is a representative republic that he runs like a monarchy. He rules, when he is supposed to serve."

    It's obvious that you're offended because Obama doesn't "serve" your racist interests.

    Therefore you conclude he's an arrogant nigger who thinks he is king.

  13. Yes UTS, you know how it is with you uppity Negroes. That lanky dude who lives on Pennsylvania Ave. is one of them. :)

    "That's right, any criticism of Barak is racist!

    There should be a law against that!"

    No, just a half hour comedy show for all the clowns making them.

  14. hey uts:

    what about all of those nigs that nig hobama has pimped and abused since 2008???


    ndaa inside a racist police state????

  15. i hate newt

    but he has won every debate

    and he slew the msm this evening!!!

    he is no hillary...

    kudos to newt!!!

  16. uptownsteve said...
    Anon-goober farts:
    At least you make distinctions between niggers and leftists.

    Niggers want to fuck you up. Leftists want to fuck up everything.

    These are niggers.

    Obama is much worse. He is fucking up the whole country.

  17. as newt's ex wife is in the spotlight


    vera baker

    donald young

    larry bland

    why no features????

  18. no slappz10:16 PM

    field dissembles:

    You GOP boys are a hot mess. Open marriages, tax dodging, and lord knows what else.

    Newt wasn't and isn't heading for the nomination. So his personal issues are good only for entertainment purposes.

    But for truly despicable behavior, it's tough to beat John Edwards, former Democratic vice presidential candidate who ran for the Democratic nomination against Obama.

    Has any other candidate created a death-watch for a cancer-stricken wife as a way to get votes?

    And has any other candidate, after creating the wifely death-watch, knocked up one of his staffers figuring he'd use her to replace the dying wife?

    Where's Edwards today? Facing a jail sentence.

    Has a more psychotic candidate run for the presidency?

    Imagine if Kerry and Edwards had won in 2004? Nutty Edwards would have probably gotten the nomination after Kerry served. Then what? That screwball and his crazy girlfriend might have been in the White House.

    If that had happened, you'd have screamed for the return of George Bush.

  19. AB,

    I'm really hoping Newt is the GOP nominee.

    Romney is no ideologue. He's a pampered, self-important elitist who feels that his birthright is to be POTUS.

    Romney has a record of moderation to liberalism and it will guide him if elected because he will bend with any political winds that are blowing the hardest at a given time.

    Newt is a rightwinger and an egotist.

    He'll profess his determination to shape the system to fit his view of America at its best which is white Christians in unassailable authority, Jews in subordinate advisory positions, hispanics in beanfields and blacks as janitors.

    Go ahead and give him your vote dummy.

    BO will whip him like he stole something.

  20. Open season on White People10:28 PM

    Mitt Romney gives a struggling African-American woman $50 dollars on the campaign trail and gets attacked by MSNBC for being a patronizing White racist. Meanwhile, The New York Times attacks Romney for being “the whitest white man to run for president in recent memory.”

    Now you know where the Left is coming from.

    This is just another illustrative example of liberal America's racial etiquette, where whiteness has become an accusation.

  21. no slappz10:34 PM

    field libels Romney with a charge of "tax dodging".

    Inasmuch as there's nothing illegal about having accounts outside the US, field's comment is a sad attempt to smear the guy based on absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing.

    Meanwhile, Charlie Rangle, that paragon of honesty, illegally evaded taxes owed on rental money received for the use of his resort-home in the Dominican Republic.

    He further illegally rented four heavily subsidized, rent-stablized apartments in Harlem.

    What a guy. At least three of his Harlem apartments should have been occupied by the low-income families they were intended to house. But, that's Congressional Representative Charlie, a sleazy scammer who steals from the poor.

  22. As opposed to rightwing America's racial code where being non-white is an accusation.

    Welcome to our world goober.

  23. Goober10:39 PM

    I live in your world, nigger.

  24. Funny thing about Newt is he doesn't get it. If he hadn't creeped on his wives he wouldn't keep getting questions about creeping on his wives. Ex no.2 does have a point, I know conservatives make their living being hypocrites but damn how can we trust a dude who talks about family values and religious morals while didling the secretary? I mean as soon as somebody like that starts lecturing me about values the message is lost. Anyhoo we get to choose between Daddy Warbucks, the creeper, grampa Simpson and the crazy religious nut from There Will Be Blood. If that's the best the GOP has to offer I would be embarrased to be a Repub.

  25. Newt is the ultimate honey badger.

  26. foolish hobama nazi mf uts:

    newt and mitt will slay hobama

    wtf has hobama done to run on???????

    not a gd thing

    that is why he and his bilderberg goons are destroying mitt and romney as men

    never fret though coon nig

    hobama is a bush boy

    and they are always selected for 8 yr stints


    hobama is flaunting his bankster swag now

    because he has proven that he does not need to please mongrel nigs like you

    u will vote for/defend him no matter how he destroys u

    shame on u nig...shame!!!!!!

  27. px:


    but hobama has crept on michelle with men and women...and smoked crack etc

    why is ONLY newt being queried so????

    kudos to newt for calling out the same msm coddling that slew hillary!

    i hate newt as much as i hate hobama

    but it will be great fun to watch both whores wild on each other!

  28. retarded liar uts:

    unlike u

    i will not be a drone on election day

    ever again

    i will vote for no one


    ron paul 2012

    i would rather die than vote for hobama/newt et al

  29. Anonymous12:39 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    I'm really hoping Newt is the GOP nominee.

    Romney is no ideologue. He's a pampered, self-important elitist who feels that his birthright is to be POTUS.

    Romney has a record of moderation to liberalism and it will guide him if elected because he will bend with any political winds that are blowing the hardest at a given time.

    Newt is a rightwinger and an egotist.

    He'll profess his determination to shape the system to fit his view of America at its best which is white Christians in unassailable authority, Jews in subordinate advisory positions, hispanics in beanfields and blacks as janitors.

    Go ahead and give him your vote dummy.

    BO will whip him like he stole something.

    Newt is going to destroy your boy Obama. No affirmative action, no race card, no bullshit, he will simply speak the truth and Obama will be sucking wind.

  30. Anonymous1:16 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "Oh my, the victim yet again - are you."
    Nope, I am not a victim, I have never claimed to be......
    When have you ever 'spoken to facts'?
    All we ever get from you is unsubstantiated racist drivel.
    What would be a good start, is if you at least admitted you are a racist. If you had even that tiny modicum of intellectual honesty that would be a start.

    Oh look, you aren't a victim, yet several paragraphs in you have said absolutely nothing except someone else is a racist, poor, poor, poor little Cow, big bad biased men picking on you again? You wouldnt know the meanings of nor have the capacity of being intellectual or honest, even if someone wrote those words on their hands and fisted your ass - like you enjoy Omar.

    "So, let’s talk about my saying things you obviously don't like and thus you call "racist".

    Yeah let's...

    "If they are true..."
    They aren't.

    How witty, yes they are. How old are you? Never mind - Age doesn't correlate to genetic critical thinking capacities.

    .. but you call them racist, well, I guess you can blame God or natural selection or whatever you want. "

    I don't 'blame' anyone, not even your alleged god.

    Good to see you finally take responsibility. Somehow I bet it is short lived though and perhaps even accidental.

    Who should I blame for your racism?

    Oh, yup there you go, first you take responsibility and now you blame someone else for your faults using the old proverbial racism. Idiot doesnt come from a race, but you do.

    Mmmmmmm, let me think about that one.

    Careful, don't hurt yourself, I think I smell smoke, is there a fire in some farmhouse in "england"?

    "I do understand though your taking it out on me with the alternative being actually having to deal with reality. "

    You don't. You are blinded by the blah...blah...blah...meaningless toilet fodder..

    HAHAHA - No son, truth is truth. I don't hate you, you aren't significant enough to raise that strong of an emotion. You are just some dumb guy way over his head who struggles daily to seem more intelligent than he really is using silly spell check techniques and 70's cliches. If you don't like the facts and statistics of reality, calling people names won't explain them away or change anything.

    Don't think I didn't notice how lame you and No Slapzzz arguments were when Wikipedia was closed for the day.

    Funny how you seem to again be projecting. Even with your usual wiki qoutes your comprehension is clearly lacking. Discrediting the source? Now I know you are shooting blanks, this is your tactic. You are the one who ignores facts you don't like but is certain to discredit the truth by saying "you copied and pasted from a right wing web site"
    So you are weak, worthless and a phony fucking liar.

    You two are a pair of sad fucks, you really are. I understand that you are both bitter,

    If your boyfriend is bitter, just swallow and leave me out of it Omar.

    I understand that your lives are a disappointment to you, but the mechanism that allows you to cope with all that by coming here and abusing people you don't even know, that's what I can't get my head around.

    Same old tired schtick. You see, this is where our differences are readily highlighted. Your genetics have obviously not provided the ability to discern when something you have tried a dozen times already continues to fail so not having any game in the critical skills thinking arena you keep pressing and pressing the same buttons hoping something different will happen.

    Botswana is still an African shithole no matter how many hours you put into attempting to twist reality and you are more the fool for trying to convince people otherwise.


  31. R.I.P. Johnny Otis - Greek God of R & B, and father to Shuggie Otis, modern American music's greatest genius.

  32. Dear Anonymous 1:16

    You need to find a way to differentiate between what you are pasting from other people's posts, and what you are saying. It makes your posts very difficult to follow.

    " Your genetics have obviously not provided the ability to discern when something you have tried a dozen times already continues to fail so not having any game in the critical skills thinking arena you keep pressing and pressing the same buttons hoping something different will happen."

    Now here's the thing you still don;t get. You seem to think these are tactics in a game. But I'm deadly serious about this project, I'm trying to save your life. I'm researching the psychological causes of racism, I'll get back to you when I know more.

    But here's the difference between me, and You/NoSlapzz.

    I don't hate you because you are white, I hate you because you are cunts.

  33. "I live in your world, nigger."

    And don't you ever forget it.

    I co-sign PC, R.I.P. Mr. Oits.

  34. "field libels Romney with a charge of "tax dodging"."

    Tell him to sue me. Better yet, you claim to be a smart guy, why don't you get the ball rolling for him?

  35. I think we can all accept that racism is a social construct, (as indeed is race, of course). Racism is not so much an individual psychological condition than it is a social, cultural, and institutional phenomenon. It is if you like class warfare fought by other means (as Frantz Fanon would describe it).

    But here’s the thing, 99.99% of racists just get on with their lives, they don’t spend every day of their lives posting on Afro-Caribbean blogs telling other readers that they are genetically inferior.

    So what is the psychological imperative that drives Anony and No Slappzz, to come her and rant at us every single day?

    It’s an interesting subject.

  36. Here’s some seriously interesting stuff on the subject, the emphasis in the last paragraph is mine.

    ” The psychoanalytic literature posits that anxiety and racial intolerance are interrelated constructs. Accordingly, the more underlying anxiety one has, the greater one’s propensity toward racial prejudice (Bettelheim, 1964).

    An individual whose personal control is weakened by the pressure of his or her anxiety may be inclined to seek relief through prejudice and racial animosity. This facilitates the discharge of hostility, thereby reducing anxiety. An individual’s anxiety is reduced because he or she is able to convince the ego of its superiority, and therefore the person need not feel
    anxious (Bettelheim, 1964; Welsing, 1991; Wright, 1981).

    Some psychoanalytic theoreticians have posited that racial prejudice represents the defensive efforts of the ego and superego. Meerloo (1961) observed that prejudice is more common among individuals with fragile egos and a deep fear of loneliness. From this theoretical perspective, racial animosity is viewed as an ego-strengthening experience that permits the prejudiced individual to better function in society. This is particularly true in a society in which racial prejudice is condoned. Moreover, the primary psychological benefit of racial animus is the reestablishment of the threatened ego’s control over the individual’s instinctual forces (Ryan & Buirski, 2001).

    Identity formation theory has also received considerable attention in the early psychoanalytic literature in relation to racial prejudice. Bettelheim
    (1964) posited that racial prejudice offers individuals protection from the threat of identity diffusion or a complete loss of identity. For the extremely
    prejudiced person, feeling superior to members of an identifiable racial or ethnic group forms the basis for his or her identity.
    Any perceived infringement of the rights and privileges of the dominant group is viewed as a threat to the identity of the individuals who rely on their group membership as a source of ego strength (Bettelheim, 1964). In this regard, racial prejudice is
    viewed as an attempt by a weak ego structure to secure a social, ethnic, or
    personal identity.”


    Note this

    . For the extremely prejudiced person, feeling superior to members of an identifiable racial or
    ethnic group forms the basis for his or her identity.

    Yep that’s pretty much what I thought, when reviewing No Slapzz and Anony’s posts

  37. no slappz7:43 AM

    pilot xyz says:

    Anyhoo we get to choose between Daddy Warbucks, the creeper, grampa Simpson and the crazy religious nut from There Will Be Blood.

    In other words, you see the world through the lens of cartoons and movies.

    This sad admission shows that you are a captive of mass media and unable to grasp anything beyond the superficial image.

  38. no slappz7:53 AM

    field challenges:

    Tell him to sue me. Better yet, you claim to be a smart guy, why don't you get the ball rolling for him?

    As a public figure, Romney is open to far more criticism than a private citizen. In fact, it's legal to make false accusations -- up to a point.

    Falsely claiming that Romney has committed a heinous crime or has a loathsome disease is going too far.

    Calling him a "tax dodger" does not amount to a false claim that he's committed a heinous crime.

    Hence, you don't have to worry about a process server slapping a subpoena on you.

  39. more proof that this entire regime has been a long horrid american idol moment!!!

    was he serenading his soulless self or his beloved banksters???

    may that evil mf hobama sing a swan song asap!!!


  40. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 1:16

    You need to find a way to differentiate between what you are pasting from other people's posts, and what you are saying. It makes your posts very difficult to follow.

    " Your genetics have obviously not provided the ability to discern when something you have tried a dozen times already continues to fail so not having any game in the critical skills thinking arena you keep pressing and pressing the same buttons hoping something different will happen."

    Now here's the thing you still don;t get. You seem to think these are tactics in a game. But I'm deadly serious about this project, I'm trying to save your life. I'm researching the psychological causes of racism, I'll get back to you when I know more.

    But here's the difference between me, and You/NoSlapzz.

    I don't hate you because you are white, I hate you because you are cunts.

    Such a sad, sad person. You are just one large masquerade. Here you go again using my very words and hoping that no one recalls this is specifically what I said to you awhile back. Not surprising at all.

  41. Quote Anonymous 9:13

    " Here you go again using my very words and hoping that no one recalls this is specifically what I said to you awhile back. "

    Would you like to share those words with the good people, to back up your point? If you don't people might think you are lying.

    You don't normally have a problem with cutting and pasting...

  42. newt won again...

    he is undefeated in each debate to date

    he slew the hobama coddling msm!

    he shall be no dogged hillary!


    ron paul 2012!!!

  43. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 9:13

    " Here you go again using my very words and hoping that no one recalls this is specifically what I said to you awhile back. "

    Would you like to share those words with the good people, to back up your point? If you don't people might think you are lying.

    You don't normally have a problem with cutting and pasting...

    Good people? Oh look at this transparent attempt at soliciting support. When you say good people are these the same inferior Americans you usually speak of and down to? You know the ones who you constantly berate as being inferior to the British, this despite all wordly contradictory evidence?

    Anyway quite simple really, I am sure you vividly recall that in response to your use of eternal victimhood as the everpresent escape clause from serious and factual discussion, I simply told you that those who ran you off the blog, I and others, did not hate you because you were Black, rather because you were a vile, arrogant pompous and fallicious asshole.

    As for copying and pasting; you still can't get over your 70's blog tactics can you? I have never complained or should I say rather tried to distract the content of the conversation by focusing on your cutting and pasting, why would I? Only a moron in this day and age would attempt such a blatantly hypocritical falsehood with focus on the source and not the content. You know something you have done all the time and accuse others of doing. More to the point - You.

    Now, I have investements to check on and can't toy with you that much today but look forward to destroying your ridiculous previously posted profile at a later time. In the meantime ask yourself this, could you ever have a discussion soley based on evidence and empirical facts without 70's blog tactics and eternal victim discussion enders? I doubt it.

  44. please pray for all teachers every day

    pookies rule the world

    they have made public schools daily cage fights

    and they are torturing teachers to insanity


  45. uptownsteve10:40 AM


    "Newt is going to destroy your boy Obama. No affirmative action, no race card, no bullshit, he will simply speak the truth and Obama will be sucking wind."


    Newt's moral outrage at having his personal life become a political football only works with the SC yahoos.

    People are going to point out this gross hypocrisy when they remember that Gingrich was the one who led the charge into Bill Clinton's sex life back in the 90s.

    Let's forget about the vile racist campaign he has run in SC which will not play with moderates and independents.

    Along with the fact that many establishment Republicans hate his guts and won't work hard for him.

    Then there is the lobbying fees from Fannie Mae, the $500,000 bling credit line, the 3 wives, the lack of personal discipline...etc...

    Yeah I'm PRAYING Newt is the nominee.

    He'll do for the GOP in 2012 what Goldwater did in 1964.

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. delusional desperate dithering hobama gurl uts:

    mitt is way too classy to devour hobama as the lewd rude newt will
    i am praying newt wins to watch the belated feast
    newt will do to hobama what ali did to frazier....
    slay him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the overseer v. the blackish massa

    hobama will win in 2012 regardless
    as he is the prez select until 2016.

    but hobama will be sworn in anew with long overdue bumps and bruises...
    ie no msm in his corner of the 2012 selection ring

    kudos to newt for that!!!
    memo to hillary: take notes on defending yourself from hobama tv's/msm's rabid hobama nazi minions

  49. "Anyway quite simple really, I am sure you vividly recall that in response to your use of eternal victimhood as the everpresent escape clause from serious and factual discussion, I simply told you that those who ran you off the blog, I and others, did not hate you because you were Black, rather because you were a vile, arrogant pompous and fallicious asshole. "

    You said no such thing.

  50. Quote Anonymous 10:23

    "Now, I have investements to check on..."

    Sorry Anony, but counting the dimes in your piggy bank does not constitute 'checking on investments'.

    " In the meantime ask yourself this, could you ever have a discussion soley based on evidence and empirical facts without 70's blog tactics and eternal victim discussion enders? I doubt it."

    They had blogs in the 1970's? Wow! Who knew?

    As I said before, I am not the victim here, you are.

  51. R.I.P. Winston Riley - it's been a bad, bad, couple of days for my musical heroes.

    Listen to this lovely Techniques song, reminiscent of Curtis Mayfield at his very best.

  52. ditto

    rip johnny otis

    the robin thicke of his era/genre

  53. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Am I the only 1 that believes Newt was hired by The Obama administration to run so that he can easily defeat the Republicans?

    I'm starting to believe it's fixed.No way in hell is Newt the best that the Republican party has to offer.



  54. Anonymous11:39 AM

    @Alicia Banks do you REALLY want NEWT to win over Obama?I can't stand either one of them but NEWT? REALLY? NEWT is the lesser evil?


  55. uptownsteve11:47 AM


    "rip johnny otis

    the robin thicke of his era/genre"


    Comparing Robin Thicke to Johnny Otis to Robin Thicke is like comparing Jason Williams to Larry Bird.

    Johnny Otis was a bluesman. The real deal.

    A producer, instrumentalist, composer and perfomer.

    A white man who loved and supported black music during Jim Crow when it wasn't very profitable or safe to do so.

  56. uts:

    u really are retarded

    got a dictionary???

    see "genre" asap

  57. Anonymous12:05 PM

    do we have enough tar and feathers for all of our sleazy politians starting with bongo and the first sasquatch?

  58. erroneous assnon:

    the lesser evil is evil still!!!

    and it becomes MORE evil as unchecked

    hobama proves that fatal fact daily!!!

    When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?

    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

    This accounts for the fact that although the Democratic presidential candidate won his nomination by telling voters he opposed the war in Iraq, by the time he sewed up that nomination, he was appearing on the Bill O'Reilly show to praise the war in Iraq and endorse the Cheney-Bush “surge”. It explains why candidate Obama, after promising (but mostly only before labor audiences) to renegotiate NAFTA, walk a picket line and pass legislation that would make more unionization possible, president Obama pushed to extend “free trade” agreements everywhere, cracked down on federal workers, demonized teacher unions and more. It explains why Obama literally claims to walk in Martin Luther King's footsteps when it suits him --- on the campaign trail he declared himself “Joshua” to Dr. King's “Moses” --- but manages to ignore black unemployment and mass incarceration, the wave of foreclosures which are inordinately concentrated among nonwhite households, and maintains the US position as in King's words “...the number one purveyor of violence in the world today.”

  59. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Here in "post-racial" a-merry-kkka, where Aframs are frightfully irrelevant, obsolete; and rapidly becoming extinct, the hatred spewed here is wasted stale bad breath.
    Everyone - our POTUS included - is bereft of big/small practical ideas/suggestions/plans for solving our monumental a-merry-kkkan problems.
    Bless us all :-(

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Sarah Palin12:55 PM

    Gawd. Every post I scroll to, I see a pic of a moose.

    Is this the Moose Blog?

  63. Hey Field, I’ve just finished tweeting and texting my buddies in the Dutch cricket team. They are playing your Yawdies in a Twenty/20 in God’s own country of Barbados a couple of hours from now.

    I wished Pete, Wes and Eric a lot of luck – they’ll certainly need it! I think with the likes of Nkrumah Bonner, Krishmar Santokie, Danza Hyatt, Odean Brown and Nikita Miller in the squad, your Yawdies are going to have way too much firepower for my guys. Oranje should be thankful that Chris Gayle is away playing in Australia..

    I told Pete if he wins the toss he should field first, at least spin it out for a couple of hours, give the locals time to move on from their ice-cold Banks’s, to the Mount Gay Extra Old.

  64. fugly moose IQ'd faceless assnon/scare-a-pale in:

    no moose jokes about the prey of ndaa???

    shoot cook and choke on this asap:

  65. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Mount Gay Extra Old.

    Sounds like the proper beverage for a bunch of down-lows.

  66. Sarah Palin1:15 PM

    Ummmm....did I say you were the moose pic I was referring to?

    Maybe you have issues with your face.

  67. fugly lame lying broken faced assnon:

    no goofy lies to tell about the merit of ndaa on its face???

  68. Etta James, Winston Riley and Johnny Otis all dead within 24 hours of each other. It's like a holocaust of my musical heroes.

    Hang on in there Bobby...

  69. Quote Anonymous 1:34

    "Mount Gay Extra Old. Sounds like the proper beverage for a bunch of down-lows."

    Ooh it's lovely stuff, s-m-o-o-t-h as silk. It's the very best Barbados rum, though 'Cockspur's 5 Star' is right up there as well.

    Better than any of your crappy Jamaican or Cuban rums.

    We were in a town called Montepulciano in Italy a couple of years ago, in a little bar that had a load of fine rums. The Italians love their rum, and this bar had rums from countries that you never think about when you think of rum production. Like Honduras, Dominican republic and Nicaragua, there were some seriously majestic rums there.

    Took me a couple of days to recover.

  70. memo to hillary:

    cain is taking belated notes from newt too

  71. uptownsteve2:03 PM

    Etta James left us today.


  72. uptownsteve2:06 PM


    I know you're enamored with Thicke because he's a white guy who married a black woman.

    But he's a lightweight. A lilliputian on the musical landscape.

    I saw him live in DC.


    The voice is overdubbed on records.

    Johnny Otis was the REAL DEAL.

  73. Liberalism is a global Jewish conspiracy dedicated to the overthrow of all governments and the subjugation of all peoples. The fight against "racism" is just a pretext. Their real purpose is to deconstruct the social order here and around the world and establish a new order in which they are gods ruling over a docile, deracinated herd of human cattle.

    They own the media, academia, the government, the institutions, and the corporations. The only hope to prevent this dystopian future is to wage a guerrilla information war in an attempt to wake up the masses.

    Look around you and say this is not happening.

  74. hobama gurl uts:

    lying to cover your ignorance only makes u appear to be even more stupid


    YOU like pale boys...not me u dl colorist bitch

  75. Damn Rather2:35 PM

    Given his many alarming associations with rabidly anti-American radicals, had the obviously unqualified Barack Hussein Obama been properly vetted by the media, there is no way he would have been elected president, even against a candidate as awful as John McCain. Not a single reasonable person would have voted for him if properly informed.

    Yet instead of performing its duty, the media advanced its left-wing agenda by hyping him into office.

    Irony of ironies, this media creation now blubbers that he is a victim of the media. Here he is blaming the media for people finally having noticed his haughty personality:

    “My suspicion is that this whole critique has to do with the fact that I don’t go to a lot of Washington parties and, as a consequence, the Washington press corps maybe just doesn’t feel like I’m in the mix enough with them, and they figure, well, if I’m not spending time with them, I must be cold and aloof,” Obama said in an interview with Time Magazine released Thursday.

    It is hard to imagine how the “mainstream” media could be any more obsequious toward Obama. Yet still he snivels and whines like a victim, just for noticing that he is a narcissistic asshole.

    It's not like they still won't do everything possible to get him reelected by making him look good and trashing Republicans.

    Buck up, big boy.

  76. Steve-o2:41 PM

    Sounds like 1951's been hitting the turner diaries a little to hard.

  77. Quote 1951

    "Look around you and say this is not happening."

    This is not happening.

  78. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 10:23

    "Now, I have investements to check on..."

    Sorry Anony, but counting the dimes in your piggy bank does not constitute 'checking on investments'.

    If this is your idea of a portfolio, no need to be sorry to me.

    " In the meantime ask yourself this, could you ever have a discussion soley based on evidence and empirical facts without 70's blog tactics and eternal victim discussion enders? I doubt it."

    They had blogs in the 1970's? Wow! Who knew?

    I know, you are still catching up to technology today. Next thing you know you will want a cadillac with big rims as a status symbol and start saggin to look cool. Lookup BBS boards and you will find all of the cliches that you use today were invented and went out of style by young teens decades ago. Again this intelligence lag is understandable, however on the bright side at least some of it is seeping in, even if 40 years later. But it pretty much makes for groan material when you do use it so often.

    As I said before, I am not the victim here, you are.

    Good, then you will simply stand up take accountability and stop finger pointing henceforth. I will hold you to that. I really like the new you. Good look, keep it up. We will make a man out of you yet Omar.

  79. "In other words, you see the world through the lens of cartoons and movies.

    This sad admission shows that you are a captive of mass media and unable to grasp anything beyond the superficial image."

    Wow, not only is Slappz an aeronautical/automotive/petrolium engineer, financial guru, historian and jack of all trades she is also a pshychologist. I'm impressed. Then again she might just be psycho but that's not for me to determine.
    BTW, those were just the nicest things I could think of to compare that cast of clowns. Gotta find superficial characters to compare them to because............well you get the picture.

  80. Remember when all the yahoos (pronounced yA-hoo) went out and bought all those guns and ammo because they thought Obama was gonna take away their guns and bibles? I'm wondering if we should stock up on rubbers because if Santorum wins he's gonna take away everybody's rubbers and only allow sex for procreaction? Brilliant strategy to increase the number of Republican voters as all the yahoos (pronounced yA-hoos) in the trailers parks in the south knock up their sistercousinwives. More kids that look like Romney's sons, that inbred look. Scary stuff.

  81. Quote Anony 3:00

    "I know, you are still catching up to technology today. Next thing you know you will want a cadillac with big rims as a status symbol and start saggin to look cool."

    They don't sell Cadillac's in the U.K. If you wanted to demonstrate your status in Europe the LAST thing on Earth you would drive would be an American car. Lamborghini's, Ferrari's and Koenigseggs are the status cars here.

    "Lookup BBS boards and you will find all of the cliches that you use today were invented and went out of style by young teens decades ago. Again this intelligence lag is understandable, however on the bright side at least some of it is seeping in, even if 40 years later. But it pretty much makes for groan material when you do use it so often."

    Yes I know all about BB's in the 1970's - I was there. But you quite specifically mentioned blogs in the 1970's. I haven't heard of 40 year old blogs before, and I'm anxious to hear more.

    "Good, then you will simply stand up take accountability and stop finger pointing henceforth. I will hold you to that."

    Oh I will still be finger pointing don'tt you worry. You are still an evil man, and I will despise you.

    "I really like the new you."

    well that's weird because I really hate you.

    "Good look, keep it up. We will make a man out of you yet Omar."

    Ha!! If you ever met me in a bar, you would shit your pants.

  82. LaQuenatia Thompson3:27 PM

    Wow, not only is Slappz an aeronautical/automotive/petrolium engineer, financial guru, historian and jack of all trades she is also a pshychologist. I'm impressed. Then again she might just be psycho but that's not for me to determine.
    BTW, those were just the nicest things I could think of to compare that cast of clowns. Gotta find superficial characters to compare them to because............well you get the picture.

    Sho nuff dat guy be actin white who he think he is knowin so much stuff hey u gone watch da new spongebob today dat shit look good deys gone talk about dem dere ebil "petrolium enganears" and hows dere aint enough black fizzasizts in da world so dey gone stop dem racist tests makin u lurn shit n stuff

  83. racist sexist colorist selectively silent muted coon uts:

    still no word on how ndaa will WHITE out legal freedom and justice in america????

    u lying yellow hobama nazi black mongrel bastard?

  84. "Then again she might just be psycho but that's not for me to determine."

    Oh but I think it is. No Slapzzz is a deeply wounded individual.

    "” The psychoanalytic literature posits that anxiety and racial intolerance are interrelated constructs. Accordingly, the more underlying anxiety one has, the greater one’s propensity toward racial prejudice (Bettelheim, 1964).

    An individual whose personal control is weakened by the pressure of his or her anxiety may be inclined to seek relief through prejudice and racial animosity. This facilitates the discharge of hostility, thereby reducing anxiety. An individual’s anxiety is reduced because he or she is able to convince the ego of its superiority, and therefore the person need not feel
    anxious (Bettelheim, 1964; Welsing, 1991; Wright, 1981).

    Some psychoanalytic theoreticians have posited that racial prejudice represents the defensive efforts of the ego and superego.

    Meerloo (1961) observed that prejudice is more common among individuals with fragile egos and a deep fear of loneliness. From this theoretical perspective, racial animosity is viewed as an ego-strengthening experience that permits the prejudiced individual to better function in society. This is particularly true in a society in which racial prejudice is condoned. Moreover, the primary psychological benefit of racial animus is the reestablishment of the threatened ego’s control over the individual’s instinctual forces (Ryan & Buirski, 2001).

    Identity formation theory has also received considerable attention in the early psychoanalytic literature in relation to racial prejudice.

    Bettelheim (1964) posited that racial prejudice offers individuals protection from the threat of identity diffusion or a complete loss of identity. For the extremely prejudiced person, feeling superior to members of an identifiable racial or ethnic group forms the basis for his or her identity. Any perceived infringement of the rights and privileges of the dominant group is viewed as a threat to the identity of the individuals who rely on their group membership as a source of ego strength (Bettelheim, 1964). In this regard, racial prejudice is viewed as an attempt by a weak ego structure to secure a social, ethnic, or personal identity.”

    PilotX, UTS, it's up to us to save this poor wretch, from destruction.

    He/she/it, is suffering anxiety and low self esteem, and it's up to us as his/her/its only friends in the world to save our new found friend/acquaintance/family pet.

    (Delete as appropriate.)

    Are you with me on this great task?

  85. colorist dl beta bitch coon uts:


    i love all great music from all genres
    the race and gender of all great musicians are totally irrelevant to me

    i love johnny/etta/robin etc...because they are all gifted crooners etc

    YOU and hobama love white men...'member?"

  86. uptownsteve3:35 PM

    BTW folks

    This "ndaa" that AB has been screeching about over the last week is The National Defense Authorization Act. A federal law that has been enacted for each of the past 49 years to specify the budget and expenditures of the United States Department of Defense.

    She has completely lost her friggin mind.

    Purple Cow,

    Slappz is just an internet psycho.

    Just insult him and make fun of him.

    I think he likes it.

  87. Black Pirate3:39 PM

    "The Purple Cow said...
    "Mount Gay Extra Old. Sounds like the proper beverage for a bunch of down-lows."

    Ooh it's lovely stuff, s-m-o-o-t-h as silk. It's the very best Barbados rum, though 'Cockspur's 5 Star' is right up there as well.

    1:45 PM"

    OK, P.Cow......I'm not trying to get into a rum fight with you....BUT...



    If I'm going to drink rum, which I rarely do, it'll be Abueloa.

  88. more proof that hobama is a true whore/ho

    who MUST run on lewd antics/kamikaze personal attacks/ANYTHING...

    except his own ruthless bankster games/serial failures/global imperialism/poverty pimping etc...from 2008-2012


  89. Anonymous3:42 PM

    NDAA is an ant-constitutional power grab by the Obama adminstration. If this law had been passed by Bush, faggots like uts would screaming their heads off about the coming fascism. but since it's Obama, it's a-ok. Hypocrite.

  90. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Purple Sally Said...

    "Good look, keep it up. We will make a man out of you yet Omar."

    Ha!! If you ever met me in a bar, you would shit your pants

    Ohh look, now you are a tough guy. Can you get any more stereotypical can you? You even use the same line, well no one ever accused you of being original did they.

    Look honey, creamcakes...the only way I would be remotely moved if I met you in a bar is if you stuck your tounge out and bent over and said do you want some of this big boy... then you would make me vomit for the smell of dickcheese wafting across the room from your breath.

    Now go grab some alcohol or smoke a bone and mellow out before you hurt yourself Omar. I do think with this latest outburst you have taken a few steps backwards in your quest to leave eternal victimhood and pansyland though...we have so much more work to do...

  91. Mr. Magnum3:46 PM

    CrashPilotX said...
    I'm wondering if we should stock up on rubbers

    You don't need to worry about that, you are still not going to need any, no matter who is President.

  92. anon:


    ditto for spike lee/fn etc

    shame on these suicidal masochistic hobama and all!!!!

  93. uptownsteve3:52 PM

    "NDAA is an ant-constitutional power grab by the Obama adminstration."

    Idiot the law was passed 49 years ago and every President during that time has signed it renewal.

    But now that the black Obama has signed it, it's a "power grab"????


  94. ndaa = no dumber amnesiac asshole than uts:

    u lie like hobama!

    ndaa will slay hobama flag waving fools like you FIRST!!!

  95. uts = useless trifling s-curled scum:

    kudos to rebel scholar warrior chris hedges!


    Harvard Middle East expert and war correspondent Chris Hedges has announced that he is suing President Barack Obama to challenge the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Obama signed at the end of 2011. While the passage of an NDAA has become routine over the past few decades, there are new provisions in this year's bill, set to take effect on March 3, which give the military with the power to indefinitely detain without trial any U.S. citizen deemed to be a terrorist or an accessory to terrorism.

    The bill only vaguely defines those who could be detained as supporters of Al-Qaeda or the Taliban as well as “associated forces,” as well as “any person who has committed a belligerent act.” The bill ignores citizens’ First Amendment right to free speech and Fifth Amendment right to due process and is far from the ideals this country was founded on. As such, Chris Hedges is taking on the role of defending U.S. citizens and our constitutional liberties by fighting against these new provisions.

    “The fact that I support this bill as a whole does not mean I agree with everything in it,” said President Obama. “I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists.”

    The NDAA represents “a continuation of a pattern of diminishing the civil liberties of Americans,” said public interest lawyer Carl Mayer, who filed the case on Hedges’ behalf. “It’s a terrible direction for the country, because the country was founded on the precept of enshrining civil liberties in the rule of law.”

    Hedges suspects “the real purpose of this bill is to thwart internal, domestic movements that threaten the corporate state. The definition of a terrorist is already so amorphous under the Patriot Act that there are probably a few million Americans who qualify to be investigated if not locked up.”

  96. Anonymous4:13 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "NDAA is an ant-constitutional power grab by the Obama adminstration."

    Idiot the law was passed 49 years ago and every President during that time has signed it renewal.

    What a fucking moron.

    Do you actually believe the shit you write?

    The ACLU commented that signing the bill “will damage both his legacy and American’s reputation for upholding the rule of law,” while executive director of the Human Rights Watch blasted the President for being ‘on the wrong side of history,’ noting that “Obama will go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in US law.”

  97. anon:


    uts is the most arrogantly ignorant proudly illiterate original mf on this blog!


  98. Abdul Lovesheep4:19 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    BTW folks

    This "ndaa" that AB has been screeching about over the last week is The National Defense Authorization Act. A federal law that has been enacted for each of the past 49 years to specify the budget and expenditures of the United States Department of Defense.

    3:35 PM

    So, Stevie...educate us. What changes did Ovomit make to the law? What was it? No Writ of Habeus Corpus for AMERICAN citizens? Unlimited jail incarceration?

    I forget.That couldn't be right....this was the same savior who was going to close GITMO, and try enemy (non-citizens) in the US?

    I must be confused.

  99. The southern strategy is alive & kicking. Working class whites that gleefully embrace this hinder economic fairness in our country.
    The let their fears, bigotry and ignorance be pimped by the ruling elite of the rightwing.

    check out these two posts:

  100. ditto

    that blackish hobama has made racism worse
    and those 2 racists newt and rick s have worked that racism well

    i predict mitt will be slain in sc
    ditto for hobama in nov
    the dif is
    hobama will still get the prize
    no matter how badly he actually loses in nov

    much like his peace prize as he mans 7 wars

    selection trumps sabotage
    just ask gwb

  101. Abdul Lovesheep4:35 PM

    No One needs your help, O' goat from the mounds of Atlas.

  102. uptownsteve4:44 PM

    "What changes did Ovomit make to the law?"


    Congress makes law.


  103. uptownsteve4:46 PM


    "that blackish hobama has made racism worse"

    Damn AB, you're starting to sound just like the goobers.

    "That nigger Obama should have never offended the white man by getting elected President."

    Aint dat a beeacth?

  104. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Who signs it into law, my blue-lipped brutha?

  105. uts is a colorist who is dumber than a 5th grader and whiter than the wm scholar wise

    shame on that hobama lovestruck coon uts!!!


    Wise, a white anti-racism activist and scholar (and author of White Like Me), pushes plenty of buttons in this methodical breakdown of racism's place in the wake of Barack Obama's victory. In the first of two essays, the author obliterates the canard of the US as a post-racial society; bigotry and insititutionalized discrimination, he contends, have simply morphed into "Racism 2.0," in which successful minorities are celebrated "as having 'transcended' their blackness in some way." While racial disparities in employment and income, housing, education and other areas persist, Obama has become an amiable sitcom dad like Bill Cosby, putting whites at ease by speaking, looking and acting "a certain way"-not to mention avoiding discussion of race. In his second, more incendiary essay, Wise concludes that whites must take responsibility for racism. What the majority of whites fail to grasp, he says, is that they continue to benefit from a system of "entrenched privileges" centuries in the making, and that racism remains a serious obstacle for millions of African Americans. There's no sugar coating here for whites, nor are there any news flashes for Americans of color, but Wise bravely enumerates the unpalatable truths of a nation still struggling to understand its legacy of racist oppression.

  106. hey retarded drone uts:

    when was the last time your blackish god hobama uttered the word "black" in public???

    ie since he spewed "mongrels" on tv?

    ps: "stfu u black cbc mofos" does not count!!!

  107. DanglingMelons4:59 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Then again she might just be psycho but that's not for me to determine."

    Oh but I think it is. No Slapzzz is a deeply wounded individual.

    "” The psychoanalytic literature posits that anxiety and racial intolerance are interrelated constructs. Accordingly, the more underlying anxiety one has, the greater one’s propensity toward racial prejudice (Bettelheim, 1964).

    Ignore what they say, pay close attention to what they do and what they accomplish, you will know them by their fruit

    And Purple we know you are a fruit.

  108. lying racist fool uts:

    those white "goobers" voted that half white hobama into ofc

    the dif is

    they are now fully awake

    as u STILL snore under your goofy hobama posters while donning your grimy hobama tee!!!...

    see u clueless coon?

  109. hey hobama bitch uts:

    lose the tee

    brew some tea asap

    u genocidal goon

  110. uptownsteve5:12 PM

    "Who signs it into law, my blue-lipped brutha?"

    The President, my goat smellin friend.

    But did you miss the part where Obama said that he signed it but did not like many aspects of the bill that was passed overwhelmingly by the GOP Congress?

    Which he knew he couldn't veto?

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. Discouraged5:16 PM

    Lord, I may be struck by lightning, but I do have to agree with AB (making the Sign of the Cross)

    White folks gave Obama the Presidency the last time. (Especially the young & old ones) I don't think it's gonna happen again. All the Republican candidates suck too.

    It's gonna be Carter vs. Reagan all over again. The devil you know is worse than the devil you don't. In Presedential elections, anyway.

    "Hope & Change", turned out to be "Poke & Hope".

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. d:


    it u feel a charge

    it is only the bolt of revolutionary righteousness

    i get that a


    all will be similarly struck with the truth about hobama no later than feb 2013


  116. Anonymous5:24 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    "Who signs it into law, my blue-lipped brutha?"

    The President, my goat smellin friend.

    But did you miss the part where Obama said that he signed it but did not like many aspects of the bill that was passed overwhelmingly by the GOP Congress?

    Which he knew he couldn't veto?

    I guess I missing something. He didn't VETO it WHY?

    Maybe he knew HIS Dem party would help to over-ride it?

    That's a "leader" for you.

    My friend.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Cows Can Talk!5:50 PM

    Oh, shut up with your rantings, you fat cow.

  119. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Obama the soul singin president pandering for more and more votes during his five campaign fundraisers the last few days. Presidential? Or the pied piper leading rats to their doom.

  120. Anonymouse: "Obama the soul singin president pandering for more and more votes during his five campaign fundraisers the last few days. Presidential? Or the pied piper leading rats to their doom."

    Presidential. He's showed more class in those few notes he sang than Newticles has in his bloated sack.

    Between Willard's hundreds of millions of dollars gotten off the backs of working folks, and which he stuffed into off-shore Cayman Island bank accounts, and the pompous walrus, Gingrich, whose last wife, Marianne recently revealed that he called her while bedding the repulsive barbie-bobble-head, Callista, in their marital bed, I'd say the GOPers have some fine all-American, God-fearing candidates to look up to. If the GOPers are all in the gutter, that is.

  121. "Are you with me on this great task?"

    Are you sure Cow? Most morons/idiots/racists/ect usually don't know they're morons/idiots/racists/ect. I think if Slappz can recognize she has a problem and asks for help then we should proceed but I think an intervention at this time would be futile. If you really want to help her show her how to google because she obviously doesn't know how t use it. She gave me ten year old information. Sad.

  122. Quote Black Pirate

    "If I'm going to drink rum, which I rarely do, it'll be Abueloa."

    You are sick - seek professional help.

    [There's no 'a' by the way.]

    Quote PilotX

    "Are you sure Cow? Most morons/idiots/racists/ect usually don't know they're morons/idiots/racists/ect. I think if Slappz can recognize she has a problem and asks for help then we should proceed but I think an intervention at this time would be futile."

    Obviously the patient/deranged sociopath/victim needs to recognize that he/she/it has a problem, and I'll grant you that is a complicating factor.

    However, I'm pretty sure that No Slapzzz is well aware that the problem is real, the issue is that he/she/it will not be prepared to confide the nature of the problem to the likes of US.

    It's a conundrum, I'll grant you. It would help if UTS was willing to help, but he isn't in a giving mood right now.


    Field, your Yawdie boys did you proud. Kicked Oranje's ass by eight wickets.

    My man Eric got 45, he was my sons' first ever coach back in the day. I told him to keep an eye on Santokie, and sure enough Santoki got him. Some people just won't listen.

  123. Iron Ron Johnson7:47 PM

    CrashPilotX said...
    Most morons/idiots/racists/ect usually don't know they're morons/idiots/racists/ect

    Oh how true that is, you moron/idiot/racist.

  124. Spoken like a true anon-idiot moron racist.

    You clowns really don't realize how pathetic you are.

    Harrassing black folks on a black blog and, posting under aliases.

    I feel sorry for you.

  125. I say elect Newt! The first whore-in-chief being a white woman is absolutely priceless!
