Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Not very much"?

Folks are wondering about Flipper and his 15% tax rate declaration. "How could a man who is worth over three hundred million dollars pay a lower tax rate than say a school teacher?" Well, it happens, this is A-merry-ca.

Personally, I am not as upset about Flipper and his 15% tax rate. I understand that he is paying that on capital gains, dividend and interest income, and not on earned income. Flipper has put away a lot of money thanks to all of his investments. The speculating business has been very good to him. Making money at the expense of others is nothing new to the vultures from Wall Street, and Flipper was one of them, we all know that.

But Flipper made a statement yesterday that bothered me even more than his paltry tax contribution:

"Though it's no secret that Mitt Romney's income is made up of residual Bain investments taxed at the low rate of 15%, the candidate admitted it this morning at a campaign stop in Florence, South Carolina. “It’s probably closer to the 15 percent rate than anything,” Romney said. According to the Times, he also loses his speaking fees in the cushions of his couch. “And then I get speaker’s fees from time to time, but not very much.”

"Not very much"? Let's see, he made over $374,000.00 in speaker fees last year at a time when most A-merry-cans are struggling to make ends meet, and he says that the money he made "is not very much"? Nice.

Honestly folks, doesn't it just make you want to slap the starch right out of his shirt?

Finally Juan, I tried to warn your black ass, but you wouldn't listen. You went over to the dark side because you thought that the clowns at the news network for dummies and their minions were your friends. Well I guess they showed you.  

So now you are pushing back, and you can't understand why those folks were mean to you.

"On Tuesday's "The Five," he explained why he asked the question. When co-host Eric Bolling insisted that Gingrich's comments were about economics and not race, Williams disagreed. He said, "It's very racial and... unless i missed it, black people havent been out there demanding food stamps, or marching for food stamps." ..."I don't think [Gingrich] answered the question at all," [Source]

So now you are sticking up for black folks, Juan? Well I appreciate the effort, and I appreciate the fact that you went into the middle of that Klan Rally the republican debate (in South Carolina no less) and asked a tough question that needed to be asked.

You got your answer, and it wasn't pretty. Sorry Juan, if you are surprised at the answer you got, you just might want to start spending less time over at FOX.


  1. "How could a man who is worth over three hundred million dollars pay a lower tax rate than say a school teacher?"

    That man who is worth over three hundred million dollars will pay more in taxes in one year than that skool teacher will in his/her entire life.

    The mother of JESSE JACKSON’s love child is blasting him as a deadbeat dad for falling behind on child sup­port payments!

    In official documents filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by The ENQUIRER, Karin Stanford claims the 70-year-old famed civil rights leader owes $11,694.50 for their daughter Ashley, now 12.

    Stanford was a top aide with Jackson’s Rainbow PUSHCoalition, and The ENQUIRER ex­posed their long-term extramarital affair in a bombshell world exclu­sive in January 2001.

    After admitting paternity, the former Democratic presidential hopeful paid court-ordered support and regularly visited Ashley at Stanford’s Cali­fornia home for the past decade.

    But according to the court documents, Jackson – who’s remained married to wife Jackie – failed to pay support from De­cember 2010 until August 2011, including minimal monthly fees of $400.

    “Karin has tried so many times to work with Jesse on their financial agreement,” a source told The ENQUIRER. “But he was only paying when he felt like it, so she’s taking him to court.”

    A civil rights hero? Not so much.

  3. no slappz9:32 PM

    for purple sow:

    ATLANTA — An American diagnosed with the AIDS virus can expect to live for about 24 years on average, and the cost of health care over those two-plus decades is more than $600,000, new research indicates.

    Both life expectancy and the cost of care have risen from earlier estimates, mainly because of expensive and effective drug therapies, said Bruce Schackman, the study’s lead author.

    The research found that the average annual cost of care is about $25,200 — nearly 40 percent higher than a commonly cited estimate from the late 1990s.

    What do these facts mean with respect to Botswana and its massive AIDS problem?

    The facts make it painfully clear that Botswana is bankrupt -- unless it receives its AIDS drugs as virtual gifts from pharmaceutical companies.

    As we know, there are no Botswanian pharmaceutical companies developing AIDS drugs.

    Moreover, as long as there's no CURE and no VACCINE, the number of cases will remain high.

    Furthermore, due to deaths from AIDS, the percentage of population that's afflicted may increase even if the number of cases declines.

    Thus, Botswana is in a death spiral.

    Purple sow's linked article put Botswana's per-capita GDP at $6,500. The article above says AIDS treatment is $25,000 a year. Therefore, Botswana is a goner.

    In fact, keeping AIDS patients alive means they can spread the disease.

  4. no slappz9:43 PM

    field prevaricates:

    The speculating business has been very good to him.

    As always, when it comes to matters of economics and finance, you show how little you know.

    Private Equity companies are NOT Speculators.

    Making money at the expense of others is nothing new to the vultures from Wall Street, and Flipper was one of them, we all know that.

    Your ignorance of Wall Street seems to increase rather than decrease.

    Earning a royalty on the labor of others is one way of defining a business. Only a government can always lose money by doing what it does and remain in opeation.

    Your job creates a net cost for society both while you're working and then in retirement when your burden on taxpayers is multiplied.

  5. He also has offshore accounts. Very patriotic of him. Bain capital also has accounts in the Caymans. Lovely.
    Did you catch the Newt supporter that thanked him for putting Juan "in his place"? I agree with ya, what do you expect in a state that flies the confederate flag on state grounds?

  6. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, Juan Williams is a brother who stands up for what's right. He has always done this. So why are you so down on him, are you jealous?

    How many Blacks do you know who can get a top notch job at the #1 Cable Network know as Fox? You ought to be glad that a courageous black man like Juan is there. Black men like yourself would never stand up to Newt face to face like Juan did.

    Most bm are afraid to deal with Newt, and I sense that the very thought of you having to face Newt makes you shake uncontrollably...The same for two others in particular: uts, PilotX and PC from that racist patch across the pond.

  7. Anonymous10:21 PM

    no_slappz, "Your ignorance of Wall Street seems to increase rather than decrease."

    Come on, give Field a break. He is a lawyer from Philly.

  8. Anonymous10:27 PM

    PilotX, "Did you catch the Newt supporter that thanked him for putting Juan "in his place"? I agree with ya, what do you expect in a state that flies the confederate flag on state grounds?"

    How many bm do you know that can take on Newt? None. He's too smart for even most wm. So what did you expect? It was a slam dunk.

    Be glad he is not running against Obama. He would probably mop the floor with him. Newt is a very very intelligent man endowed by his Creator.

  9. Man, Rick Perry really wants to start another civil war. I'd better cool out I'll be in Texas for a month.

  10. Juan Williams needs to just be quiet. Nobody, not even his Mama, thought that Fox Noise would have his back. He is their bought and paid for Minstrel, and so, he needs to just smile and let the insults flow from racist GOP candidates like the good little Minstrel that he is.

  11. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I predicted several months ago that a "New Jim Crow" is returning to this country. It looks like it is happening while we speak. In ten years, most black Americans will be living in a permanent underclass/ghetto condition that will last for generations. We (blacks) took so much for GRANTED after the success of the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s. Our so-called leaders misled us.

    A legitimate Republican candidate (Newt Gingich) makes inflammatory racist remarks at a Republican debate and white people in the audience cheer. Blacks in this country are in an increasingly dangerous situation.

  12. Anonymous11:09 PM

    A legitimate Republican candidate (Newt Gingich) makes inflammatory racist remarks at a Republican debate and white people in the audience cheer. Blacks in this country are in an increasingly dangerous situation.

    Actually, a legitimate white candidate simply stated facts and did not bow to the ever increasing insanity of Black Political correctness and Blacks now will do everything they can to say every action every thing is racism not realizing that the country has had enough. There is nothing wrong with saying that work is better then foodstamps and that even if you have to start as a janitor it is honest work and teaches you how to earn, save, learn, improve get a better job. If this somehow upsets Blacks the real question the country is asking, is why does this upset Blacks so much.

    About a dozen news commentators, senators have been throwing around racist bullshit all day long. It is going to backfire badly.

  13. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Wonder why you never talk about the very rich liberal masters like Pelosi and Harry Reid and such? They were caught in insider trading scams, they have more money then we will ever have, yet they are ok in your book?

    What about any member of the CBC and corruption charges, like Maxine Waters her involvement with Freddie and Fannie and her husbands bank..are they also ok in your book because they promise you something after they steal from the top? If they were fully in charge, what do you think you would get? New Orleans? Detroit? Killedelphia? I mean it's all about ethics and results, not skin color right?

  14. Okay, I feel kinda bad for Juan. First he gets it from the left, fired from PBS and now he's persona non grata with the right too.


  15. Anonymous11:26 PM

    @Anonymous @10:18

    Queue the banjo.
    Oh..... I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten. Look away. Look away. Look away. Dixie Land.

    Did I just type that? Hey Anon. I'm really sorry. You made some very good points. Please don't turn your sharp rapier wit my way.

    Old man river, that old man river.... oops. I didn't mean that. I AM REALLY, REALLY sorry.

    I should leave now.
    The Fool

  16. "There is nothing wrong with saying that work is better then foodstamps and that even if you have to start as a janitor it is honest work and teaches you how to earn, save, learn, improve get a better job. If this somehow upsets Blacks the real question the country is asking, is why does this upset Blacks so much."

    That's not the part we find offensive. The offensive part is ascribing food stamps and unemployment only to Black people when there are millions of whites on food stamps. If you don't understand that I don't know what to tell ya.

  17. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I should leave now.
    The Fool

    Jump down turn around pick a bail of cotton John Hen....fuck dat gimme my check shit yo fo shore

    You fool no one DWL.

  18. And the part that really pisses alot of us off is many of us Black folks have good jobs and make more money than many trailer park living inbred white hicks who have never known a life except for welfare. Sorry but what Newt said was racist and he should have been called on it.

  19. Anonymous11:53 PM

    PilotX, "That's not the part we find offensive. The offensive part is ascribing food stamps and unemployment only to Black people when there are millions of whites on food stamps. If you don't understand that I don't know what to tell ya."

    There is nothing to tell. Blacks are associated with food stamps and Whites, who are in power, don't like it.

    It is evident that Jim Crow has returned. We don't even have support from White Democrats. They are quieter than a mouse.

    THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE REALLY SCREWING US. By their silence they are complicit with the GOP. We are in dangerous trouble.

    "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."--MLK

  20. Anonymous11:59 PM

    PilotX, "And the part that really pisses alot of us off is many of us Black folks have good jobs and make more money than many trailer park living inbred white hicks who have never known a life except for welfare."

    How many is "many of us"? Why do you compare your salary with trailer park hicks? Do you make less compared to your white counterpart?

    MOST of us Blacks are in the hood and are poor. Don't ever forget that, Mr. PilotX.

  21. "MOST of us Blacks are in the hood and are poor. Don't ever forget that, Mr. PilotX."

    MOST whites are poor in white ghettos.

    "How many is "many of us"? Why do you compare your salary with trailer park hicks? Do you make less compared to your white counterpart?"

    Do the research if you want to know since you are so concerned about Black peoples lives. Also I work under a collectively agreed contract so all of my collegues make the same amount I do, at least at my airlines. Of course pilots at other airlines makes different amount but as far as I'm concerned we need to be the highest paid in the industry. Thanks for showing interest in my financial plight. It warms the heart to know someone cares about the old X man.

  22. Anonymous12:10 AM

    If you thinkerate that Newt is really do need to, like, visit a college that does more than Bibble Stoodies degree selling.

    I do love how your only response to jobs being shipped to China, the removal of your wealth to the already rich, and the 'at leasts I aints no 'migger''.
    Does a lot to make you employable...or bring back the jobs...or sets you up with the same pension your Grands had.

    You can say that as AfAms get paid more, get promoted more, and live in better conditions.


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.


  26. Anonymous 11:01:

    "I predicted several months ago that a "New Jim Crow" is returning to this country."

    Really? I could have swore that I warned folks about that in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Did you see it in a dream or a vision?

    For someone claiming to be a black person, you seem to be gloating and looking forward to it. I lived through Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Movement, Black Power Movement, and the first Watts Riot and none of it was pleasant. Jim Crow was inhumane and disparaged black people. Certainly, you a black person are not looking forward to it now are you?

  27. Anonymous12:34 AM

    No, Granny no one in their right mind would be looking forward to another Jim Crow era. But it sure looks like it and it feels like it. Even you have said so for several years. So why are you gloating over it?

  28. Hahahaha, you admit that you are aware that I've been warning folks about that for a few years now. Me gloating over it? LOL!

    You were the one that made this statement, "We (blacks) took so much for GRANTED after the success of the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s. Our so-called leaders misled us."

    Not I! What do you mean by our so-called leaders misled us? Which leaders are you referring to?

    I come from a family that has fought against discrimination and for Civil Rights since slavery ended. Some of my kinfolks were "first" in integrating all white schools in the South and have donated large sums of money and land so that black children could get an education. I have family members who were lynched by whites in fighting for their rights. Therefore, I really don't see anything regarding Jim Crow something to gloat about or find any joy in it.

    I didn't embarrass you by asking you that question did I?

  29. In what way did blacks take so much for granted after the Civil Rights Bill passed? I'm really trying to get a clearer understanding of what you meant by some of your comments.

  30. Anonymous1:08 AM

    granny, "Hahahaha, you admit that you are aware that I've been warning folks about that for a few years now. Me gloating over it? LOL!"

    I said it because YOU said it in your comment. I have never seen your comments over the years you claim. I assume you are an honest person? Besides, what difference does it make who said it, are you so vain?

  31. Anonymous1:10 AM

    granny, "You were the one that made this statement, "We (blacks) took so much for GRANTED after the success of the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s. Our so-called leaders misled us." "

    No I did not. You obviously have me confused with some other anon.

  32. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Therefore, I really don't see anything regarding Jim Crow something to gloat about or find any joy in it.

    If there ever is a new "Jim Crow" I bet you will be surprised where it comes from. Who knows what is best for you? Who demands you walk and talk a certain way? Why?

    Who simply says, take responsibility for yourself?

    I forecast that someday if there is ever behavioral science applied it will be the liberals who know best and originated such things as Black Eugenics. They can't leave you alone no matter what happens. They will always direct your lives so they can have a hobbled constituency.

  33. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Anonymous 11:01:

    "I predicted several months ago that a "New Jim Crow" is returning to this country."

    Granny "Really? I could have swore that I warned folks about that in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Did you see it in a dream or a vision?"

    You are not the only one who have thought about the return of Jim Crow. At least half the black race has thought about it...This isn't rocket science...Grow up!

  34. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Granny, "In what way did blacks take so much for granted after the Civil Rights Bill passed? I'm really trying to get a clearer understanding of what you meant by some of your comments."

    Granny, if you don't know the answer to that, then you have been asleep for a long time.

  35. Anonymous 11:01 made all of the statements that I am referring to, so if you are not that anonymous why would you answer my questions? Because I did address those questions to the anonymous who posted at 11:01.

  36. Was my question that hard to answer? Smh! Oh, I'm no rocket scientist that's for sure, but I wonder did half the black race see it in a vision? oh well, nevermind!

  37. Juan was sleeping with the enemy and got ensnared in one of the enemies traps. They don't have anymore use for him, so now they're going to sling as much mud on him as they can to silence his voice just in case. A few more of them are on the enemies list.

  38. For every step forward...there have always been a push-back by some in the majority. To me it now seems that not all are willing to take the steps that would bring pride and dignity for the all. Post 60s the individual was the center of his/her thinking/acting. These statements reflect the collective way we are seen either good (higher social mobility) or bad(statements about food stamps, etc). Sister Granny... We may never enjoy that collective push that we felt briefly after the struggle when we said "my Sister". The struggle freed all of us....but not all of us are free of the misery created. StillaPanther2

  39. Anonymous2:19 AM

    First they told you that you didnt need mammograms, the hell with breast cancer. Now they say you dont need bone density tests except once at 65 and then at 80. Imagine that, they are too expensive.

    Welcome to Obamacare. Get old? Die quickly. We need healthcare dollars for the yung voters.

    Osteoporosis, a loss in bone density that can cause breaks and injuries, develops in fewer than 10 percent of women at age 80, if they had normal density at age 65, researchers said yesterday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which sets testing guidelines, recommends a bone-density test every two years. The latest study suggests a healthy result at age 65 probably means woman can wait at least 15 years before being tested again because of how slowly the disease develops.

    “There’s strong belief that the more we test, the more we are helping patients,” said Margaret Gourlay, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researcher and study author. “This is a good example of why that doesn’t hold up at all.”

    Osteoporosis affects about 12 million Americans older than 50, including half of all post-menopausal women at some point, the U.S. task force says. The recommendation for testing every two years was made because not enough is known about the development of the disease, the group has said.

    Each screening costs about $250, Gourlay said in a telephone interview. Unnecessary tests can lead to false positives and prescriptions of drugs such as Warner Chilcott’s Actonel or Eli Lilly & Co.’s Evista, leading to greater patient risk than protection, she said.

    Medicare Reimbursement

    Some doctors prescribe tests every two years because Medicare, the U.S. health plan for those 65 and older, reimburses for the exams on that schedule, Gourlay said. The research team tracked patients to gather available evidence to avoid health decisions made on “marketing, advocacy, and public beliefs that have encouraged overtesting and overtreatment,” the report said.

  40. Stillapanther:

    "The struggle freed all of us....but not all of us are free of the misery created."

    Amen! That is so true.

  41. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzzzzz

    "What do these facts mean with respect to Botswana and its massive AIDS problem?"

    Almost nothing

    "The facts make it painfully clear that Botswana is bankrupt -- unless it receives its AIDS drugs as virtual gifts from pharmaceutical companies."

    It isn't and they don't.

    "As we know, there are no Botswanian pharmaceutical companies developing AIDS drugs."

    How do you know that?

    Who is "we"?

    Evidence please.

    "Moreover, as long as there's no CURE and no VACCINE, the number of cases will remain high."

    If you had bothered to read the article I linked to you would know that that is not true. HIV rates in Botswana are falling, and have been for some time.

    "Furthermore, due to deaths from AIDS, the percentage of population that's afflicted may increase even if the number of cases declines."

    Well make your mind up! Either there is a prospect of HIV rates falling or there isn't. If new HIV rates fall at a faster rate than people are dying, then your new theory is also nonsense.

    "Thus, Botswana is in a death spiral."

    Clearly it isn't, Botswana is doing rather well, which was the point of my original post.

    "Purple sow's linked article put Botswana's per-capita GDP at $6,500. The article above says AIDS treatment is $25,000 a year. Therefore, Botswana is a goner."

    Hell-oh-oh, Earth to No Slapzzz, the cost of AIDS treatment (not HIV treatment) is $25000 per yeaar IN AMERICA, what is the bulk of health care costs? Personnel Costs.

    Which country has the highest paid healthcare workers would you say, Slappy??

    Who else profits from AIDS treatments in America? The medical facility and the insurance companies - not relevant in Botswana. In other words your statistic tells us much about the fucked up state of health care in America - nothing about Botswana.

    "In fact, keeping AIDS patients alive means they can spread the disease."

    Really No Slapzzzz - gosh!

    So your plan is what?

    To execute all HIV patients?

  42. @2:16AM, Brother Panther spoke some truth. Thank you my brother.

    PC, will you please stop slapping slapy around? Pretty soon he will stop coming here and I couldn't stand the thought of losing my favorite laugh for the day for even one minue. :)

    Well Granny, I am sure that certain folks wish that Jim Crow would return. But, sadly for them, it's never going to happen.

    "What about any member of the CBC and corruption charges, like Maxine Waters her involvement with Freddie and Fannie and her husbands bank..are they also ok in your book because they promise you something after they steal from the top? If they were fully in charge, what do you think you would get? "

    What about them wingnut? I blogged about it. So you are late and wrong as usual. Next.

  43. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Why doesn't Field ever give me honorable mention like he did for StillAPanther2? Or like he does that mud slinging disrespectful black turkey from the UK called Purple Cow?

    I have been working my ass off like a 17th century slave for years- and not ONCE has brother Field ever said, "you are a good brother, you have fought gallantly for the philosophies that would free us from our misery."

    That is totally unfair. It's discriminatory. That really pisses me off. Field has ignored me for years as though I don't exist....that is inhumane. I am thinking about leaving but I know if I left, I would have to take some of these Negroes out of MY WILL.

    BTW, I have a lot of money and I know that some of these FN Negroes don't even own a Texas Hat...(that's one dime). Besides, FN blog would never be the same without me.

  44. "PC, will you please stop slapping slapy around? Pretty soon he will stop coming here and I couldn't stand the thought of losing my favorite laugh for the day for even one minue. :) "

    Yeah I know what you mean Field, winning a debate with Slappzzz and anony is a bit like stealing candy from a baby. I'm just curious to know what motivates a person to come here every single day and do the racist troll thing. Is that really the only thing that gives their lives meaning?

    Anyway, now I'm going outside to find a puppy to kick...

  45. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Purple Oh Snaps,

    Something I have learned about the Black mind is "frontin" you get annhilated daily, exposed and humiliated yet you still have no shame and declare you "win debates" On second thought I take back the humiliated, you have no shame. You see this strange personality trait commonly in the U.S as well. Witness a fight and the loser backpedals away "leakin" and demanding an "amber lamps" claiming he just beat the shit out of the other guy. Maybe in his small mind he meant he hurt the other guys knuckles...yes thats it, that fits you. You are right you have won something, you hurt my knuckles.

    I wonder, did American men fight and die in World War II and come to the rescue of the British in England for the purpose of defending "diversity"?

  46. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Obama. Bringing us to become a nation of Janitors and self destructive cowards.

    Iran has released some of the contents of Obama's please don't hit me letter to Iran.

    MP Hojjatoleslam Hossein Ebrahimi said on Wednesday said of Obamas letter thursday,part of it is about this(namely) that Obama’s letter indicates that the United States has become afraid of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s might and has realized the point that an arrogant spirit is of no use, and therefore, he has softened his tone when speaking about the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he stated.

    He added, “The important issue is that without the Islamic Republic of Iran’s permission, no country can benefit from the Persian Gulf.”

  47. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Anon9:27AM, good points about our need to "front". It's quite common esp. on FN and easy to see. You have good insight into the mind and hearts of many Blacks world wide but esp in the USA and UK.

    What you missed is our need to front due to racism. That is, we must show you cannot hurt us even though inside we are completely lacerated. Do you think our pretentions are normal? Of course not but racism is not normal and any living organism has to adapt to survive. Having no shame is an adaptation by many Blacks. It's not normal for a human being but again it's not normal to be a victim of racism as a black person.

    You are a white privileged person who couldn't possibly know what it's like to be part of a group who is looked down on by American society. It's very shameful. The best anti-dote to that is for Blacks to become shameless because racism is never going to go away simply because Whites have no reason or motivation to fight racism. That would require a new identity non-superiority and why would you want to do that?

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Anonymous10:42 AM

    anon, "I wonder, did American men fight and die in World War II and come to the rescue of the British in England for the purpose of defending "diversity"?"

    No, of course not. I remember my Grandfather telling me that after the war was over, Blacks still had to sit in second class seats while Germans got to ride first class with the rest of the Whites. So, no WWII was not about "diversity", anywhere. Especially in America and Britain.

  50. still no word on ndaa???????

    mitt could never pass ndaa
    and render all black hobama nazis mute as hobama has


  51. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Q: What's the term for a "lawyer" who infringes copyright by stealing and posting the entire text of an article on MLK day?

    A: Wayne Bennett

    (Note that an acceptable alternate answer would be: affirmative action cadet. Furthermore, a true dimwit like Wayne would make the untrue claim that he is not infringing because he gives attribution. What a coconut head.)

  52. In Chicago, a gang of you gutter apes beat a lone victim while shouting anti-Asian epithets. The immediate police pronouncement? NO RACIAL HATE CRIME HERE!

    As usual, the politically-correct double standard rules everything in reverse-racist Amerika while to over-privileged negroes claim to always be victims.

  53. Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The highly questionable political strategy of withholding back black demands for economic or social justice and peace, so as not to embarrass, pressure or visibly tie the black presidential candidate, and later the black president to his base was so widely accepted that by mid 2007 it was a staple of black stand-up comedy routines. Three years into the Obama era, the silencing of black demands lest they embarrass the president is no longer a tactic. It's a religion, rigorously enforced by the black misleadership class and its wannabees, who fall over each other in their eagerness to mock and scorn heretics like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West for daring to highlight the fact that black poverty and joblessness are at levels not seen in seventy years.
    So it is that black people, black demands, and black communities are impotent, voiceless and paralyzed. The creeping privatization of our schools, the continuing gentrification of our urban and suburban communities, and the mass incarceration of our youth all, and the diversion of resources from health care and good jobs to the war economy and corporate welfare all continue apace in the era of Obama, but without visible black protest. Black protest, and black America used to be where the left lived. Black America used to be the visible, beating heart of the American left, in permanent opposition to wars of imperial conquest, to despoiling the environment, to gutting social security and Medicaid. Those days are over.
    If the black misleadership class has its way, the only political role for black America is to be the solid black wall around the president, the wall that does not insulate him from Wall Street or the energy companies or the warmongers. They're inside the wall. Our job once again will be to protect Barack Obama from any semblance of accountability to his supposed base. To us.
    Afraid of weakening him before the Republicans, we weaken ourselves instead. Rather than rish shortening his career, or dimming his halo, we shorten and impoverish black lives and livelihoods. We have a new pharaoh. And we won't let him go.

  54. "I wonder, did American men fight and die in World War II and come to the rescue of the British in England for the purpose of defending "diversity"?"

    Yes, Americans fought bravely in WW2, but in Europe it was the Soviets that saved our asses. Joe Stalin won WW2.

    Don't they teach you people in history at all?

  55. Shame!!!!!!

    They would never dream of allowing us to vote on the price of gas, food, housing, credit or college tuition. But they don't mind at all letting us choose between corporate-funded Republicans and corporate-funded Democrats. The powers that rule our economy, our media and our politics won't let us vote on whether to bring the troops home from 140 countries and the seven seas, or whether to continue spending more on weapons of death and destruction than the other 95% of humanity combined. But they will let us choose between an ignorant, crazy or racist Republican who promises to give banksters, polluters and corporate criminals a free pass, and a sane, smart, level-headed free market liberal Democrat who does exactly the same thing, no matter what he promised.
    This imposition of false and meaningless choices is how, in these United States, our voices are suppressed, our votes wasted and made irrelevant, with the black vote rendered most irrelevant of all.
    The gaps between black and white employment and household wealth are greater, and expanding faster than at any time in the last six decades. But the black vote will go to a man who doesn't believe black unemployment or dispossession or even black mass incarceration merit any special attention. Though black voters are historically more opposed to foreign wars and military intervention, their votes this time are pledged to a president who made a war speech while receiving a peace prize, who invaded Arab and African countries with drones and special forces, and who heartily endorses Israeli apartheid.
    This is how the game is played. This is how the legal and symbolic authority of millions of our wasted votes is hijacked every election cycle, making possible wars we do not endorse, ratifying policies we never wanted, and pretending to believe promises we know, or should know will never be kept. This is what Eugene Debs referred to a century ago, when he declared he would rather cast a meaningful vote for what did want, and not get it, than a fake and hollow one for what he didn't want, and get that.
    And so, a hundred years later, the game is still the game. If we want our votes to have any meaning, it's time to reject the fake choices between the two corporate parties. It's time to wise up, to grow up and like adults, to take a view longer than dessert, or the next two or three elections.

  56. yang:

    u lie like hobama

    most children of all races are wild globally


  57. Quote Anonymous 9:27

    "Something I have learned about the Black mind is "frontin" you get annhilated daily, exposed and humiliated yet you still have no shame and declare you "win debates"

    Anony, how many times have I warned you about projecting?

    You amuse me Anony, you really do.

    I think it's time to school you on how this 'debating' thing works.

    You see Anony, to win a debate you have to have more than a viewpoint. You need to back up your views with evidence. By evidence I mean verifiable facts and figures, not a couple of paragraphs copied and pasted from your nutcase far-right websites.

    You and Slappy, come along here and say "It's completely obvious that..." and then you say something racist. Very occasionally if pushed, you will copy a couple of lines from a sleazeball rightist blog, as if that in itself is enough to confirm your point. "Look everybody, there's somebody else on the Internet who thinks like me! So I must be right!"

    No Anony, that's not information.

    Something may seem obviously true to you, but that's because you are a racist troll. To any articulate, thinking observer, (like 90% of the posters here) your views make no sense.

    Once you get the hang of backing up your opinions with real world information people might start taking you seriously - right now you are just light entertainment for us - a chuckle before breakfast at most.

    Finally, I will once again ask you the question that you and No Slapzzz have been avoiding for a couple of weeks now.



  58. hey yang:

    got google?

  59. y:

    feral lethal teens of all races are a global trend


  60. @ The Pretender: "That man who is worth over three hundred million dollars will pay more in taxes in one year than that skool teacher will in his/her entire life."

    Exactly so -- because we pay school teachers ridiculously low salaries, while vultures like flipper mitt make millions (billions?) tearing companies apart -- and then, between the lower tax rates and the numerous loopholes & exemptions, they pay barely any taxes, percentage wise. So, yes, the dollar amount they pay is higher, but the RATE is much lower, and that is precisely what is unfair about it.

    People who make gazillions of dollars and think that $300,000+ is "not much" money can well afford to pay a *higher* tax rate than folks who think $3,000 is a lot of money; instead, they pay a *lower* tax rate.

    And then for him to have the balls to say things like "those of "us" in the middle class..." HA! What a moron. Doesn't even realize that the "not much" money he earns from speaking fees alone places him in the top 1% of income earners!

    How out of touch can a person be, and still be considered a viable candidate for president?

    Oh, yeah, that question's been answered already... see "W"...

  61. hobama is 10 times worse than bush


    mute blind black hobama nazis will force mitt to be
    10 times better than hobama


  62. still total silence on ndaa herein??????


    hobama has officially moved from the unchecked lesser evil
    to the hitlerish MOST evil

  63. newt's ex wife is exposing and destroying him

    more proof that neocons are lewd amoral hypocrites


  64. Happy Robert E. Lee Day everyone!!!

  65. Anonymous2:53 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 9:27

    "Something I have learned about the Black mind is "frontin" you get annhilated daily, exposed and humiliated yet you still have no shame and declare you "win debates"

    Anony, how many times have I warned you about projecting?

    I don't know I haven't counted, but I do know it started right after I explained physcological projection to you was by highlighting your actions.

    You amuse me Anony, you really do.

    Great cause you tickle me pink.

    I think it's time to school you on how this 'debating' thing works.

    You see Anony, to win a debate you have to have more than a viewpoint. You need to back up your views with evidence. By evidence I mean verifiable facts and figures, not a couple of paragraphs copied and pasted from your nutcase far-right websites.

    Right and in your mind you provide the most far left copied and pasted qoutes that are so obscure you think no one notices your wordsmithing and claiming they are yours. No we notice, we are just amazed anyone buys the drivel in the face of reality.

    You and Slappy, come along here and say "It's completely obvious that..." and then you say something racist. Very occasionally if pushed, you will copy a couple of lines from a sleazeball rightist blog, as if that in itself is enough to confirm your point. "Look everybody, there's somebody else on the Internet who thinks like me! So I must be right!"

    There you go projecting at your best again.

    No Anony, that's not information.

    No Purple Teats, qouting some obscure fool about a country you are jealous of whilst outside looking in is not convincing either.

    Something may seem obviously true to you, but that's because you are a racist troll. To any articulate, thinking observer, (like 90% of the posters here) your views make no sense.

    Now again to use your words you amuse me greatly. What with your views being that of an infantile bell curve escapee who believes socialism is the cure for any serious effort of achievement and development of skills.

    Once you get the hang of backing up your opinions with real world information people might start taking you seriously - right now you are just light entertainment for us - a chuckle before breakfast at most.

    Yes well this is a ridiculous paragraph given that you have been decimated with facts that you simply cannot spin daily and now you are laughingly fronting again. Notice the use of "we" "chuckle" I seem to recall you getting bitch slapped here daily by all because of your views and ignorance and continual statements about your hatred and disdain for America and Americans. You typically and expectedly display a false sense of achievement each time Field throws you an attaboy for being the blog idiot.

    Finally, I will once again ask you the question that you and No Slapzzz have been avoiding for a couple of weeks now.



    You seem angry or is your caps lock key stuck? Well firstly your premise is again based on falsehoods, but I will try and answer the question. I don't know why you hate white society anywhere in the world, specifically America and Americans so much and subsequently project your hatred daily as you do. I simply come to blog and no matter how you spin it I will not hide the facts to be politically correct and not hurt your little feelings.

    Now go walk your wife and pet your goat. Lame attempt but at least you tried and look you didnt use very many of my own ideas and words this time and hardly any 70's cliches.

  66. Anonymous3:00 PM

    @Purple Cow

    Oh by the way Tickle Me Omar, it took a few short minutes to log in respond to you and leave. So while it may take you all day to look for typos and non relevant grammatical errors and structure what to you no doubt is a witty reply, those of us who can - aren't struggling as you do. So do know you are advising us all of your limitations when you say these things.

  67. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Who is he?

    Your wifes great ,great, great Grandfather. As if someone like you who envies Americans with every fiber of your being doesnt' know who Robert E Lee was.

  68. In 2009, 2010, over 90 percent of tax filers paid less than 15% rate.

    Is that fair, LegalMist?

  69. hey why y?:

    did you know those 7 teens in chi were not black????


    pookie "parents" always defend their undeserving pookie kids

  70. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Sorry goobers. My post are the result of being donkey punched by my dad.

    After a hard night of diddling, a girl can't take being donkey punched.


  71. Dear Anonymous 2:53

    Your post makes my point better than I did. There's nothing in it - no content, only abuse. Where's the beef?

    "I simply come to blog and no matter how you spin it I will not hide the facts to be politically correct and not hurt your little feelings."

    Now you see? This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    You don't come here to blog Anony, this is Field's blog. You come here as an anonymous racist troll.

    What I can't figure out (and from your response it sounds like you can't either), is why your racism defines who you are. Your racism is your manhood. It's your only reason to get out of bed in the morning.

    You don't come here 'to blog', or 'to discuss', you come here to abuse black people. You want to make black people angry, you want to make them feel inferior. You fail lamentably, but that's what you want.

    What I can't figure out is why abusing people makes you feel good about yourself. That's a very weird dynamic. Is this really what you want for yourself?

    Do you lie in bed at night, and think "Yeah what a great day that was"?

  72. Quote Anonymous

    "Your wifes great ,great, great Grandfather. As if someone like you who envies Americans with every fiber of your being doesnt' know who Robert E Lee was"

    Wrong again, my wife's great great great grandfathers were Russians and Germans. Lee, doesn't sound all that Germanic to me.

    I had never heard of him before, but I've just Googled him, apparently he was some kind of 19th c. soldier.

  73. Anonymous4:18 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 2:53

    Your post makes my point better than I did. There's nothing in it - no content, only abuse. Where's the beef?

    And yours mine, I was simply following the simpleminded script YOU provided and answering your meatless points. You do always blame others for your failings dont' you.

    "I simply come to blog and no matter how you spin it I will not hide the facts to be politically correct and not hurt your little feelings."

    Now you see? This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    You don't come here to blog Anony, this is Field's blog. You come here as an anonymous racist troll.

    What I can't figure out (and from your response it sounds like you can't either), is why your racism defines who you are. Your racism is your manhood. It's your only reason to get out of bed in the morning.

    No Omar, see there you go again either projecting your fantasies or creating ones out of thin air. If your only reason to get out of bed in the morning is to post some comments on Fields blog because you have found no one else in your life who buys your ridiculous bias and excuses, don't project that on me.

    You don't come here 'to blog', or 'to discuss', you come here to abuse black people. You want to make black people angry, you want to make them feel inferior. You fail lamentably, but that's what you want.

    Oh my, the victim yet again - are you. Again if you feel inferior because someone speaks to facts while you speak to drivel - sounds like you have a really horrible problem to face. So, let’s talk about my saying things you obviously don't like and thus you call "racist".

    If they are true, but you call them racist, well, I guess you can blame God or natural selection or whatever you want.
    I do understand though your taking it out on me with the alternative being actually having to deal with reality.

    What I can't figure out is why abusing people makes you feel good about yourself. That's a very weird dynamic. Is this really what you want for yourself?

    You know, now that you have used this theme over and over to serve as some form of supposed content on your part. I think I begin to see the light, YOU have been accused of this haven't you? With your neverending and quite funny I might add statements that Brits are superior to Americans and your way is best and so are describing your life - yes you are.

    Do you lie in bed at night, and think "Yeah what a great day that was"?

    This is so you; so definitively Purple Omar it is silly beyond belief. I shouldnt even comment and potentially fuel your sexual deviance, but apparantly I must. The last thing I want is a sanctimonius cow like you thinking of me lying in bed, so stop that shit right now and I mean right fucking now, you sick fuck.

    You really do need a lot of help. Although given the level of your depravity, I am not sure the mediocre mental facilities availible in the UK will suffice, you may have to come to the U.S to obtain superior care, if there is any hope for you maintaining a life in a normal society that is.

  74. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Wrong again, my wife's great great great grandfathers were Russians and Germans. Lee, doesn't sound all that Germanic to me.

    Hmmm..given your views; were any of them by chance affiliated with the National Socialist Democratic Workers Party?

  75. pookies rule the world

    they love tats more than tots


  76. no slappz6:51 PM

    purple sow jabberates:

    Hell-oh-oh, Earth to No Slapzzz, the cost of AIDS treatment (not HIV treatment) is $25000 per yeaar IN AMERICA, what is the bulk of health care costs? Personnel Costs.

    The subtext of your imbecility is that treatment for AIDS would be almost free if it were not for the people who want to get paid for developing and producing AIDS drugs.

    How greedy of them. AIDS research has been underway for almost 30 years, and after three decades there is still no vaccine or cure. That means 30 years of trial and error is built into the cost of AIDS drugs.

    And, as progress is made, more years of even more expensive research will add to the total cost of creating these drugs.

    Thus, the cost of treating AIDS patients, which is largely handled with drugs until they reach the end of the line, is going to become more expensive.

    Anyway, if the government of Botswana were expected to pay the true cost of AIDS drugs, then Botswana would have to cough up the $25,000 per year spent on US AIDS patients.

    Like I said, your bizarre argument implies that even though the world market for gold is $1,650 an ounce, the people of Cow Island can buy gold for $50 an ounce from a couple of friendly countries. But in your frail mind that means the price of gold is $50 an ounce.

    However, what really happens when a valuable product is sold at a massive discount to an unfortunate buyer is this: the valuable product is sold on the black market.

    But however you slice it, the true cost is many many times higher than Botswana is asked to pay, which means, as I said, that Botswana is bankrupt.

    It's national accounting is a sham, as time will tell.

  77. no slappz7:07 PM

    pruple sow demands:

    Who else profits from AIDS treatments in America?

    Drug companies and hospitals are a long way from "profiting" from the treatment of AIDS.

    The medical facility and the insurance companies - not relevant in Botswana.

    Oh sure. Well, at least you've admitted that modern healthcare is virtually non-existent in Botswana, at least with respect to what the nation itself pays for.

    Yes, it's true that AIDS treatments -- all of them except the one that says the blood of a virgin can cure AIDS -- come from a couple of advanced nations, while NOTHING has come from African nations, because, well, we all know why.

    In other words your statistic tells us much about the fucked up state of health care in America - nothing about Botswana.

    Leave it to you bonehead. Your comment is instructive with respect to you and other blacks. You're claiming that whites are the problem because whites have developed some AIDS treatments that work, but they're costly.

    Whereas, if there were no AIDS treatments and 60% of Botswanians were dying of AIDS rather than 33%, you'd amuse yourself with a soccer match.

    Once again, blacks invent nothing. Worse, in Africa, there's a capacity to live as though the wheel has not been invented. It's as though knowledge of something -- something developed by whites -- creates its own backlash among blacks. Possibly a reaction to, once again, failure to advance.

    Who leads in the fight against AIDS? Whites.

    Which race is tallying the highest infection rate AND the highest absolute number of new infections? Blacks.

    What are blacks doing about the problem? Who knows?

  78. no slappz7:29 PM

    CDC: Americans Living Longer as Death Rate Drops

    Report Highlights Drops in Death Rates From Cancer, Heart Disease in 2010

    By Denise Mann

    WebMD Health News

    Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD Jan. 11, 2012 -- We are living longer these days.

    Our average life expectancy increased by about one month from 2009 to 2010. In 2010, the average life expectancy rose to 78.7 years, up from 78.6 years in 2009.

    These are some of the findings from a new report by the CDC on death rates in the U.S. in 2010.

    The death rate hit its lowest rate ever in 2010, at 746.2 deaths per 100,000 people. Overall 2,465,936 people died in the U.S. in 2010.

    Heart disease and cancer still top the list of causes of death. Together, they accounted for 47% of all deaths in 2010, the new report shows.

    For the first time since 1965, homicide fell from the top 15 causes of death. Homicide was replaced by pneumonitis, an inflammation of lung tissue, as the 15th leading cause of death.

    Of the top 15 causes of death in the U.S., there were drops in seven of them, including:

    Heart disease
    Chronic lung disease
    Septicemia, or blood infection
    There was also a decrease in infant mortality rates in 2010.

    But there were increases in other causes of death, such as Alzheimer’s disease, kidney disease, liver disease, Parkinson's disease, and pneumonitis, the new report showed.

    The new data are based on 98% of death certificates from 50 states and the District of Columbia.

  79. Quote No Slappzzzzzz

    OK, listen up everybody - I've got a competition.

    I'm offering a €100 prize for anyone who can adequatly explain this sentence from No Slapzzz, and what the flying fuck it has to do with our debate about health care in Botswana...


    Here it comes...

    "Like I said, your bizarre argument implies that even though the world market for gold is $1,650 an ounce, the people of Cow Island can buy gold for $50 an ounce from a couple of friendly countries. But in your frail mind that means the price of gold is $50 an ounce. "

    So if you understand this one, please write your explanation on the back of a $10 bill and mail it to the usual address.

    Good luck (you'll need it).

  80. Quote No Slapzzz

    "The subtext of your imbecility is that treatment for AIDS would be almost free if it were not for the people who want to get paid for developing and producing AIDS drugs."

    Straw man - I said no such thing. Neitehr could any sane person infer that I said any such thing.

  81. Quote No Slapzzzzz

    "You're claiming that whites are the problem because whites have developed some AIDS treatments that work, but they're costly."

    Straw man - I said no such thing. Neither could any sane person infer that I said any such thing.

  82. Quote No Slapzzzzz

    "Oh sure. Well, at least you've admitted that modern healthcare is virtually non-existent in Botswana, at least with respect to what the nation itself pays for."

    Straw man - I said no such thing. Neither could any sane person infer that I said any such thing.

  83. Anonymous8:11 PM

    PC, "Yes, Americans fought bravely in WW2, but in Europe it was the Soviets that saved our asses. Joe Stalin won WW2."

    WRONG AGAIN. It was us Americans who saved your no fighting asses. You should fall on your knees and give thanks to God that America is your good friend, you ungrateful ignorant historian.

  84. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Dear Mr. No_Slappz, or is Master No_Slappz? Please stop slapping PC around. I promise he will be a good Negro from here on out. I promise to straighten his UK purple ass out.

  85. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Field, with all the politicking going for President, do you think they will not bother your blog? That is, shut it down? Just asking because I am nervous about it. I just don't know what I would do if that happened.

    You should do a survey about what FN Negroes would do. I bet UTS and PilotX would commit suicide. Man I wouldn't want to be on a plane PilotX would be flying...Lord have mercy.

  86. Quote Anonymous

    "Oh my, the victim yet again - are you."

    Nope, I am not a victim, I have never claimed to be.

    You are the only victim here.

    'Again if you feel inferior because someone speaks to facts while you speak to drivel - sounds like you have a really horrible problem to face."

    When have you ever 'spoken to facts'?

    All we ever get from you is unsubstantiated racist drivel.

    What would be a good start, is if you at least admitted you are a racist. If you had even that tiny modicum of intellectual honesty that would be a start.

    "So, let’s talk about my saying things you obviously don't like and thus you call "racist".

    Yeah let's...

    "If they are true..."

    They aren't.

    .. but you call them racist, well, I guess you can blame God or natural selection or whatever you want. "

    I don't 'blame' anyone, not even your alleged god.

    Who should I blame for your racism?

    Mmmmmmm, let me think about that one.

    "I do understand though your taking it out on me with the alternative being actually having to deal with reality. "

    Oh deal with reality alright.

    You don't. You are blinded by the hatred that gives your life meaning. You view life through a racist filter. Anytime you are presented with a fact that doesn't fit your racist paradigm you desperately race to Google to find something negative to say about the subject - or worst case the source.

    Don't think I didn't notice how lame you and No Slapzzz arguments were when Wikipedia was closed for the day.

    You two are a pair of sad fucks, you really are. I understand that you are both bitter, I understand that your lives are a disappointment to you, but the mechanism that allows you to cope with all that by coming here and abusing people you don't even know, that's what I can't get my head around.

  87. "WRONG AGAIN. It was us Americans who saved your no fighting asses."

    You boys do have delusions of grandeur, don;t you?

  88. "Dear Mr. No_Slappz, or is Master No_Slappz? Please stop slapping PC around. I promise he will be a good Negro from here on out. I promise to straighten his UK purple ass out."

    Oh do give it a rest No Slappzzz, you're convincing nobody.

    Nighty nite.

  89. Anonymous12:39 PM

    the kkk has nothing to do with republicans but has always been the enforcement arm of the democratic was democrats who would not allow the founders get rid of slavery it was democrats who started a civil war rather than abolish slavery.the democrats have always been the party of slavery.
