Friday, January 20, 2012

Channeling his inner Al?

I caught his Oness crooning at the Apollo, and my man can actually carry a tune. (No hook for you Mr. President)  O man, if the A-merry-can people do decide to vote you out of office, you might want to give my homie Kenny Gamble a call.

Still, there was a certain irony to him singing "Let's Stay Together". There are, after all, some folks in A-merry-ca who don't want to stay with him anymore. They think that he is destroying their country, and that their future is uncertain with this "European" style of government. (This is where him singing "Chain of Fools" becomes prophetic.) "Yes, so the N*&&^r can sing, but why does he hate America?" It's funny, when W was running up the nation's deficit by sponsoring his war on terror in Iraq and cutting taxes for the uber rich, A-merry-cans didn't seem to be worried about their future. But now, with this singing Negro in office, there is no telling what our country will become.

I bet Newt can't sing. But he might want to sing after the election results in South Carolina tomorrow. Newt was in rare form last night. My man put a verbal smack down on John King for asking him about his freaky ways.

 “I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office,”

Newt, you are not a decent person. And, make no mistake, no one cares about your twisted love life. We just don't like are hypocrites. You led the charge to impeach Bill Clinton while you were getting your whistle wet by your assistant, the current Mrs. Gingrich.

If John King had half of a brain he would have framed the question a different way. It shouldn't have been about your ex giving a sit down interview and telling the world what a bad husband you were. It should have been about you being a first class hypocrite and liar.

Finally, it's time to attack black.

While most cops protect and serve, former East St. Louis police chief Michael Baxton apparently likes to play.

Baxton pleaded guilty Thursday to stealing four Xbox 360 consoles from the FBI, reports St. Louis news station KSDK.

To be clear, the 360 is not standard issue equipment for the Feds these days. Officials had them in the car as part of a sting operation after suspicions arose about the chief's conduct.

Baxton, who faces up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000, came under suspicion of offering preferential treatment to some suspects and stealing/selling items from the evidence locker. That's when the FBI decided to test him.

Agents bought five Xbox 360s, put them in the trunk of a car, then reported the car as being stolen. Baxton and another officer responded to the call -- and sure enough, when they saw the Xboxes, the chief ordered the officer to put four in his car and keep one for himself.

"Unbeknownst to Baxton, the unnamed officer voluntarily came forward to report other acts of misconduct occurring in Alorton and had been assisting the federal investigation from its inception. The unnamed officer was equipped with covert surveillance devices at the time of the theft -- and he audio and video recorded the entire incident," reads the court record.

Officials tracked one of the Xboxes and found it being used in Baxton's basement. But the U.S. Attorney overseeing the case said Baxton lied and tried to frame another officer when confronted.

Baxton's attorney calls the incident a "monumental lapse of judgment." [Source]

I am glad that this Negro was prosecuted and kicked off the force. Sorry Michael, you won't get to play with the Xbox in your cell. 




  1. O has got to Go10:21 PM

    "they think that he is destroying their country, and that their future is uncertain with this "European" style of government."

    You got that right.

  2. OMG !!!! You are spot on fn. How dare Americans not care when the unemployment rate was 5%,gas was less than 2% a gal,growth was more than 3% per quarter.

    Now that the unemployment rate has been over 8% going on 4 years ( a obama first), nation's deficit nearing record, gas is close to 4$ a gal., growth has been weak at best,millions of jobs lost, labor force shrinking( more Obama first) homeless and poverty rates near record highs, 45 million on food stamps (another Obama first), people are maxed out on credit, people are still losing their homes,now people want to f*cking care about their future.


  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I saw that video too! He can sing! Oh my gosh he's soooo cute and charming!

  4. Anonymous11:13 PM

    As for Chief Baxton, I imagine the cops over there get paid the same crap as the cops over here. By the way another officer was killed here on Wednesday while responding to a gas station robbery.

    They get paid crap so who can blame them for stealing a lousy x box! When they prolly see much more juicier thefts going on by higher ups! :)))))

    World,... corruption is thy middle name!

  5. "You led the charge to impeach Bill Clinton while you were getting your whistle wet by your assistant, the current Mrs. Gingrich."

    Bill Clinton was not impeached for getting his 'whistle wet'. Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury.

    Not only did he lie to congress and the special investigator, but he looked straight into the camera and lied to the whole country: "I did not have sex with that woman."

    Let's try to keep at least one foot in reality, Field.

  6. Nah, Clinton did not lie. He did not have sex with that woman,she had sex with him.

  7. NSangoma11:44 PM

    When caught with your pants down, blame the elite liberal media.


  8. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Nah, Clinton did not lie. He did not have sex with that woman,she had sex with him.

    You wish he had sex with you, you old fool.

  9. Grandpa Woodley, I know vagina don't spoil if you wash and clean it every day. However, I've never been a hoe or horny enough to want to sleep with every Tom, Dick, and Harry or had to the desire to sleep with every Tom, Dick, and Harry either.

  10. Anonymous12:10 AM

    He didn't lie, he did not have sex with her, she gave him a blow job. That's like a gift to the king type ish LOLOLOL!

  11. "Bill Clinton was not impeached for getting his 'whistle wet'. Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury."

    Yeah, perjury for lying about getting his whistle wet.

    Which is just what Newtie did yesterday when he mounted his high horse and fained outrage that John King would dare ask him about it.

    These righties sure have nuggets.

  12. Desertflower:

    ^5, exactly!

    Uptown, I told you that they like to accuse folks of what they themselves are guilty of. Just think they had the nerve to run on family values. snicker, snicker. The party of Mack Daddys. GOP= Grand Old Pimps.

  13. "gas is close to 4$ a gal.,"

    Gas was over $4 a gal under Bush

    "growth has been weak at best,"

    No growth under Bush

    "millions of jobs lost, labor force shrinking( more Obama first)"

    Bullshit. More jobs have been created under Obama than 8 years of Bush.

    "homeless and poverty rates near record highs"


    You goobers are just ranting.

    Obama will be reelected because he is, ever so slowly, cleaning up the mess the GOP left and it kills you.

    All Newt and the rest of the yahoos have left is to race bait.

    Won't work.

  14. Anonymous12:28 AM

    and the other one prolly has 5 wives hidden somewhere, cuz they're like the
    sheiks, Mormon sheiks! :)

  15. Granny,

    Yeah. Remember Herman Coon?

    The GOP wouldn't let him have a "Sir at long last have you no shame" moment in response to his sexcapades cause he was black.

    The race hypocrisy game is alive and kicking with the GOP in 2012 and it's going to get worse as we get closer to the election.

  16. Wesley R12:57 AM


    And I thought the State Police was still the 'force' in East Boogie.

    I had a former boss from there who was caught doing some foul stuff. It was so bad he took himself out. Not too long after a city official from the boogie was caught doing the same shit.
    I coached against their high school teams for years, very nice people. The kids are fighting an uphill battle, because alot of the city is like a hood. The coaches are Gems though.
    But, if you ever get a chance, get some East St. Louis Fried Rice. It's like going to Philly for a Cheese Steak.

  17. When exactly was gas 2% a gallon? I must have missed that.

  18. The ESL PD has always been a trip. I went to school near there and I remember the old joke was the fastest car on the force only went 45mph so if you were ever chased just go 50 and you're good. I don't know if it's true but it wouldn't surprise me.

    Oh yeah, Red Tails is a must see.

  19. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Desert, "They get paid crap so who can blame them for stealing a lousy x box! When they prolly see much more juicier thefts going on by higher ups! :)))))"

    you have the morals of a thief who justifies theft because someone else is stealing too. I am very disappointed in you. This is not going to be a good year.

  20. uptown, how could anyone forget Herman the Hustler Cain with his cheating behind. Ginger wasn't having it though. Nope! Ginger let him know he could cheat on his wife, but he was not gone cheat on her. I betcha Herman is still paying Ginger and sleeping with her too. He done met his match!

  21. Anonymous1:54 AM

    UTS, "Yeah. Remember Herman Coon?"

    The name is Herman 'Cain', you self-righteous disrespectful undignified ignorant ass.

  22. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Mr. Field, I think you will find Newt to be the GOP candidate for President in the end. He would be a perfect match for another hypocrite called Barack Obama.

    Of course, Newt will win because he is smarter and never at a loss for words. And he doesn't even use a teleprompter!

    Only a damn fool would vote for Obama again, esp a black person.

  23. Newt said that Callista does not care what he does. If I were Newt, I would be leary of that. If Callista does not care what he does,that means she does not care about him. Callista must have a Jodie in the background and Newt is their bank.

  24. C'mon Granny, have you looked at Newt lately? Calista would help him find a chick to cheat with. Who would screw that?

  25. Sorry to see Etta James go but she's beyond pain now.

  26. King must have been on Gingrich's payroll to ask such a stupid open ended question like that.

  27. Normally the Republican electorate do what they are told. There's always press speculation about outsiders and mavericks, but it's almost invariably the establishment candidate that gets through.

    However it's a measure of just how reluctant the voters are to back Romney the establishment favorite this time, that Gingrich is still in the race.

    There are a lot of skeletons in Gingrich's past, not just screwing his high-school maths teacher, or his misstreatment of his ex wives.

    Former Gingrich campaign volunteer Anne Manning, has confirmed she had a relationship with him during the '76 campaign. "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'

    Former campaign treasurer Kip Carter once walked Gingrich's daughters home from a football game one day as he took a short-cut across a driveway he saw a car.

    "As I got to the car, I saw Newt in the passenger seat and one of the guys' wives with her head in his lap going up and down. Newt kind of turned and gave me this little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy were a lot younger and shorter then."

  28. PILOT X, I might catch Red Tails today. Thanks for the heads up.

    UTS @ 12:23 AM, laid a smackdown by speaking truth.

    Desertflower, you are right, it depends on what your definition of "sex" is. :)

  29. uptownsteve said...
    "gas is close to 4$ a gal.,"

    Gas was over $4 a gal under Bush

    "growth has been weak at best,"

    No growth under Bush

    "millions of jobs lost, labor force shrinking( more Obama first)"

    Bullshit. More jobs have been created under Obama than 8 years of Bush.

    "homeless and poverty rates near record highs"


    Field negros show their ignorance everyday. Ignorance is bliss on the democrat plantation.

    Bush left office with gas at $1.61 gal.

    Gas will be over $4 a gal. everywhere by spring. Some places will see $5 a gal. for gas.

    Bush's GDP growth was 2.3% per annum.

    Labor Force Participation Rate Drops To 25 Year Low, At 64.5%

    Nearly 1 Million Workers Vanished Under Obama

    First president to loss a million jobs during a recovery.

    Poverty Rate Second-Highest in 45 Years; Record Numbers Lacked Health Insurance, Lived in Deep Poverty

  30. Anonymous10:13 AM

    The reason any conservative’s failing is always major news is that it allows liberals to engage in their very favorite taunt: Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy is the only sin that really inflames them.

    Inasmuch as liberals have no morals, they can sit back and criticize other people for failing to meet the standards that liberals simply renounce. It’s an intriguing strategy. By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.

    --Ann Coulter

  31. Anonymous10:49 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "gas is close to 4$ a gal.,"

    Gas was over $4 a gal under Bush

    "growth has been weak at best,"

    No growth under Bush

    "millions of jobs lost, labor force shrinking( more Obama first)"

    Bullshit. More jobs have been created under Obama than 8 years of Bush.

    "homeless and poverty rates near record highs"


    You goobers are just ranting.

    Obama will be reelected because he is, ever so slowly, cleaning up the mess the GOP left and it kills you.

    All Newt and the rest of the yahoos have left is to race bait.

    Won't work.

    This dudette started with a low count of brain cells and now has just plain been donkey punched way too many times.

  32. Anonymous11:25 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    ^5, exactly!

    Uptown, I told you that they like to accuse folks of what they themselves are guilty of. Just think they had the nerve to run on family values. snicker, snicker. The party of Mack Daddys. GOP= Grand Old Pimps.

    So lemme see if I got this right - you gone preach now to all those baby mammas about the goodness of havin a single man and gettin married? So if one of these candidates starts speakin out against the state of the black community with 70% of children being raised by single moms who have many babies by different daddies you are gonna apply the same standards?

  33. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Hey there may be a big pot of hot grits waiting be flung on somebody's azz come this November!

  34. Anonymous 10:13 would that be the same Ann Coulter who criticized Liberals for believing in evolution?

    Or 'reality', as I like to call it...

  35. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Field, one might wish to read Arkansas law and see what is defined as "sex". Fellatio was not, to the best of my knowledge.

    As my departed Gran used to say, "they deserve each other". That applies to Newt and the ex/current wife. Also to the ignorant base that drives the stoopid in the GOP.

    Obama is a moderate, right-of-centre US politician charged with cleaning up the fratboy bushMess. Calling his actions 'European' shows your ignorance of European politics, US politics, and life in general.

    Heeyucks can't get over the fact that the US vastly preferred an AfAm citizen as President. And will likely do so again.

    Not to worry, your Chinese Masters will pay you the going Global Rate for your experience and training...;)


  36. Anonymous 11:25:

    None of those baby mammas are running for President or any other public office. However, a GOP Mack daddy who cheats on his wife is.
    You should read a book because then you would know:

    In order to preserve the white race, duplicitous and racist propaganda played a central part in the advancement of a delusory form of genocide—birth control of nonwhites. Eugenicist targeted black women in a population control scheme to preserve white purity and were behind an onerous belief that black women are “welfare queens” birthing babies at the taxpayer’s expense. The "welfare queen" is a myth used to attack the poor. In other words, the Gipper LIED!

  37. Chairman Soetoro1:12 PM

    Mold oozed..."Obama is a moderate, right-of-centre US politician charged with cleaning up the fratboy bushMess"

    Anyone who would write the above statement should forfeit any claim to having a serious opinion for the rest of their life.

    Bush was a poor President, but more than half of the "mess" was a creation of democrat policies as most recently implemented by the Pelosi/Reid congress.

    Obama has doubled down on the mess, with predictable results. We should be in the second year of a booming recovery by now. Instead, we are mired in a 'recovery' that feels like a depression.

    Obama is the most radical left-wing politician ever to hold high office in America. He was elected in a gesture of racial concilliation soley because he looks like an African American (he is not). He will be tossed from office because he has demonstrated that he is an incompetent leader whose main goal as President is to diminish the power and prosperity of the country he rules.

  38. Nah, he is not an incompetent leader. The Koch brothers are just upset because he is putting a stop to them stealing the taxpayer's money, end Corporate welfare, and trying to turn America into a serfdom.

    There wasn't any prosperity in trickle down economics, so that too was a myth. Nah, I take that back, it was an outright lie!

  39. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Anonymous said...
    you have the morals of a thief who justifies theft because someone else is stealing too. I am very disappointed in you. This is not going to be a good year.
    NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo! I just can't bear you being disappointed in me! Okay, so I may have the morals of a thief..but..I'm only human...c'mon, admit it, you know you'd do it too ;)))

    And don't say that, it is going to be a GOOD year, I put up my Three Kings and all....

  40. Anonymous1:32 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    None of those baby mammas are running for President or any other public office. However, a GOP Mack daddy who cheats on his wife is.
    ^5 Granny! That's right!

    anon: that's a Strawman argument!

  41. Rick Perry's ego1:34 PM

    "Obama is the most radical left-wing politician ever to hold high office in America. He was elected in a gesture of racial concilliation soley because he looks like an African American (he is not).

    The first part of that statement is ludicrous; the second part is stupid. What the hell difference does it make is one's parent is African-American or African-Kenyan? What are you, some racial purist?

    "He will be tossed from office because he has demonstrated that he is an incompetent leader whose main goal as President is to diminish the power and prosperity of the country he rules."

    Written like a true delusional FAUX NOOZ zombie. Mr. Obama has a 49% approval rating, and we're not even close to November's election. The unemployment numbers are going in the right direction, GM has had one of its best years, and Mr. Obama can sing better than Willard.

  42. Quote Chairman Soetero

    "Obama is the most radical left-wing politician ever to hold high office in America."

    I wish that were true, but sadly it ain't. He's a right-of-centre moderate

    If he was a leftist where is Obama's policy on worker representation in the boardroom?

    Where is Obama's policy on free nursery provision?

    Where is his policy on ending immigration controls?

    How about ending private education?

    Haven't seen none of that.

    How about nationalizing pubic services?

    How about abortion on demand?

    How about massively rolling back defense spending?

    No, none of that.

    How about increased regulation of finance and an end to speculating and private equity companies?

    How about an end to short selling?

    How about a national investment bank?

    I haven't seen one of those.

    What kind of leftist President would it be that doesn't have one single left wing policy?

  43. Let me slow down. The GOP needs to quit lying and trying to deceive the people. Mitt is another shameless liar, greedy, and does not care how many average Americans he steps on to make a profit. Newt is hoping to rack up more dishonest money, so he can keep his young wife dressed in more bling, bling. The GOP party should be ashame, but they've told so many lies, until they actually believe the lies themselves. Smh!

    Their usual "black people" scapegoat has worn thin and a tired excuse for their incompetence, cheating, and lying.

  44. Chairman Soetoro2:08 PM

    Purple Cow flatulated..."What kind of leftist President would it be that doesn't have one single left wing policy?"

    You are a typical impatient leftist, incapable of seeing beyond the immediate and the superficial.

    Everything Obama is doing is moving America towards collapse. He doesn't worry about massive spending deficits, because he wants massive spending deficits. He doesn't worry about millions leaving the workforce, because he wants to decimate the workforce. He doesn't worry that his energy and regulatory policies are strangling private business, because he wants to bring the private sector to their knees.

    Wall Street will continue to fund his campaigns, in the hope they will be eaten last.

    When the whole thing comes crashing down, then the Constittution can finally be completely dispensed with. You will have your nationized public services, open borders, and end to private equity, abortion clinics on every corner, your 'worker' control of industry, your Politburo, and your Gulags.

    Have patience Cow. Your lack of faith in Dear Leader is troubling, and may earn you unwanted attention once 'Change' is complete.

  45. "He doesn't worry about massive spending deficits, because he wants massive spending deficits. He doesn't worry about millions leaving the workforce, because he wants to decimate the workforce."

    Sounds like Republicans to me. Who said "deficits don't matter"? It's Republicans proposing right to work legislation and attacking organized labor. Are we forgetting Republican presidents ran up deficits? It was the Republicans lead by Bush that wanted to sign treaties that would outsource American jobs, trust me I know because it's my job they want to outsource. It was Dems that opposed these treaties, specifically the Open Skies Agreement.

  46. no slappz2:22 PM

    purple sow blithers:

    If he was a leftist where is Obama's policy on worker representation in the boardroom?

    See GM -- Government Motors -- a phony bankruptcy plan that mainly shifted the retirment paychecks and retiree healthcare bills to taxpayers. A world-class lefty rip-off.

    Where is Obama's policy on free nursery provision?

    The Department of Education pays about 8% of all school bills in the US, and is the chief funding source for Pre-K programs.

    Where is his policy on ending immigration controls?

    Our borders are porous and our capacity to kick out illegal immigrants was overwhelmed long ago. However, ObamaCare offers healthcare coverage to illegal aliens, which will draw even more of them if the ObamaCare laws are enacted.

    How about ending private education?

    Rather impossible in the US economy. Meanwhile, the Leftists never send their own kids to school with the unwashed masses.

    How about nationalizing pubic services?

    Like what? Military? Social Security Administration? Medicaid? Medicare? Amtrak? General Motors? FBI? DEA? HUD? DOE? EPA? DoD? etc, etc, etc.

    How about abortion on demand?

    Abortion is available on demand.

    How about massively rolling back defense spending?

    Sure. And throw millions of people out of work as a result. Not only would cutting back on defense spending leave millions of Americans unemployed, a retreat of the US military would signal every thug on the planet that it's okay to invade neighboring countries.

    How about increased regulation of finance and an end to speculating and private equity companies?

    You're way too ignorant to discuss the topic, and way too misinformed to discuss private equity.

    Have you ever noticed there are NO private equity firms run by blacks? In fact, I cannot recall meeting any blacks employed by private equity companies, and I've met many private equity people -- including those at Bain.

    How about an end to short selling?

    A request that displays your total ignorance of financial markets.

    How about a national investment bank?

    Already exists. Obama Capital financed GM. Results? A loser of a deal.

    Then Obama Capital funded Solyndra -- a tallied a 100% loss on its investment. Obama Capital achieved similar results with funding extended to other solar energy companies.

    What kind of leftist President would it be that doesn't have one single left wing policy?

    As we all know, Obama's working toward raising taxes -- a lot -- on the most successful people in the nation. That's about as leftist as you can get. See Cuba and North Korea for examples of how that works out.

    Moreover, the latest banking legislation is going to grant principal reductions to a few million people whose mortgages are underwater.

    In other words, when you borrow from a bank, you're not expected to repay the borrowed money if you really, really, really would prefer not to.

    That translates into Free Houses for everyone. Seems rather leftist to me.

  47. Chairman Soetoro2:22 PM

    Rick Perry's ego blurted...
    "What the hell difference does it make is one's parent is African-American or African-Kenyan? What are you, some racial purist?"

    Not at all. It is Mr. Obama's supporters who are the racial purists. They are the ones who dismiss all oppostion to his policies as racist.

    Obama is a half-European American, half East African, who was raised in Hawaii (<1% black) and Indonesia (0%) black. Culturally, he is not an African American.

    He was raised by white leftisits, and had hardly even spoken to a black person until he got to Harvard. It was only then that he decided his political future depended on his establishing a credible Black identity.

    You have fallen for it. I have not.

    You are correct that something less than half of the American electorate continues to fall for Mr. Obama's lies. The fact the unemployment numbers published by his labor department show some improvement is due primarily to reductions in the denominator, not the numerator. His singular accomplishment in the jobs sector is to have convinced millions of Americans to give up on looking for work. For that he deserves to be reelected?

  48. "Bush left office with gas at $1.61 gal."

    Be honest, presidents have virtually no control over gas prices.

    "Nearly 1 Million Workers Vanished Under Obama"

    It takes years, often after their term, for a president's agenda to have an effect on the country. Adults understand this, if they're honest and informed but then again were dealing with people who quote Ann Freaking Coulter as an authority.

  49. Chairman Soetoro2:30 PM

    @ Pilot X:

    The democrats commitment to electing a new people through mass illegal immigration proves they are more interested in destroying America than they are in improving the employment prospects of Americans, including Black Americans.

  50. Inasmuch as liberals have no morals, they can sit back and criticize other people for failing to meet the standards that liberals simply renounce. It’s an intriguing strategy. By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.

    --Ann Coulter

    In a way crazy Annie is right, if I know I'm engaged in shady behavior unlike conservatives I don't admonish others for doing the same thing I'm doing simply because I'm a good Chrischun who is forgiven by the Jeezus. So call it a lack of morals I call it not being a flaming hypocrite. Tomato tomAto. At least she tries to make conservatives feel better about their hypocrisy by broadbrushing all liberals as amoral. It's easy to write books for imbeciles er I mean conservatives.

  51. Inasmuch as liberals have no morals, they can sit back and criticize other people for failing to meet the standards that liberals simply renounce. It’s an intriguing strategy. By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.

    --Ann Coulter

    In a way crazy Annie is right, if I know I'm engaged in shady behavior unlike conservatives I don't admonish others for doing the same thing I'm doing simply because I'm a good Chrischun who is forgiven by the Jeezus. So call it a lack of morals I call it not being a flaming hypocrite. Tomato tomAto. At least she tries to make conservatives feel better about their hypocrisy by broadbrushing all liberals as amoral. It's easy to write books for imbeciles er I mean conservatives.

  52. "The democrats commitment to electing a new people through mass illegal immigration proves they are more interested in destroying America than they are in improving the employment prospects of Americans, including Black Americans."

    And I'm sure you have facts to back up this claim? I'd love to see.

  53. Chairman Soetoro2:34 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Be honest, presidents have virtually no control over gas prices."

    Doesn't mean they don't try:

    "You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know — Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
    - Barak Obama

    "Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to levels in Europe.”
    - Steven Chu, Obama's Energy Secretary

  54. Anonymous2:37 PM

    In order to preserve the white race, duplicitous and racist propaganda played a central part in the advancement of a delusory form of genocide—birth control of nonwhites. Eugenicist targeted black women in a population control scheme to preserve white purity and were behind an onerous belief that black women are “welfare queens” birthing babies at the taxpayer’s expense. The "welfare queen" is a myth used to attack the poor. In other words, the Gipper LIED!

    Holy insanity. The Gipper lied because you believe in white supremacy and that democrats like Margrete Sanger who started planned parenthood to eradicate the negative impact of blacks on American society created the welfare queen myth

    You people have to be the most disconnected folks I have ever seen. No wonder why every society ever run by blacks is horrible You are crazy and cannot see real cause and impact and long term effects of decisons.

  55. Doesn't mean they don't try:

    "You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know — Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
    - Barak Obama

    "Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to levels in Europe.”
    - Steven Chu, Obama's Energy Secretary

    Selective quotes can make any point you want. Why not post the entire quotes in context.

  56. Rick Perry's ego2:39 PM

    "Chairman Soetoro said...
    Rick Perry's ego blurted...
    "What the hell difference does it make is one's parent is African-American or African-Kenyan? What are you, some racial purist?"

    CS: "Not at all. It is Mr. Obama's supporters who are the racial purists. They are the ones who dismiss all oppostion to his policies as racist."

    Bullshit. And anyone with a working intellect knows that's bullshit.

    CS: "Obama is a half-European American, half East African, who was raised in Hawaii (<1% black) and Indonesia (0%) black. Culturally, he is not an African American."

    Bullshit again. Mr. Obama is 100% American.

    "He was raised by white leftisits, and had hardly even spoken to a black person until he got to Harvard. It was only then that he decided his political future depended on his establishing a credible Black identity."

    Bullshit. You obviously have read no biographies of Mr. Obama, and never read his "Dreams From My Father." Therefore, more of your bullshit.

    CS: "You have fallen for it. I have not."

    You have sucked up the FAUX NOOZ/Rush Limbaugh sewerage and continue to enjoy wallowing in more of it as they flush it down the GOP pipeline into your livingroom and radio.

    It the old formula of SI : SO.

    Shit In; Shit Out.

    You're a fine example of it.

  57. Chairman Soetoro2:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    And I'm sure you have facts to back up this claim? I'd love to see.

    Facts? The Democrats are not advocates for open borders? Increasing the supply of labor does not increase unemployment and decrease the price of labor (wages)?

    It is self-evident that increasing the number of workers when there are already not enough jobs will increase the number of people without a job.

    Even when times are good, huge increases in the labor force will at minimum put downward pressure on wages.

    These policies hurt working class Americans the most.

    The democrats have given up on working class whites, and are seeking to replace them with a new working class imported from the Third World. If you want to see what his looks like, go to California.

    That maintaining a First World country with a Third World population is a tenuous proposition at best does not worry democrats, to whom power trumps everything.

  58. no slappz2:46 PM

    pilot xyz gibberates:

    Be honest, presidents have virtually no control over gas prices.

    In fact they have SOME control. Whenever Iran threatens to close the Straits of Hormuz, the price of oil rises.

    Does Iran actually close the Straits? No. The threat of supply reductions leads to higher prices.

    Conversely, the appearance of new supplies leads to an easing of prices.

    If Obama were to push for wide open oil drilling in the US, global oil prices would drop a few bucks a barrel.

    Meanwhile, the idiots in the middle east would NEVER stop pumping oil -- they need the money. Hence the expectation of more oil supplies would push oil prices lower.

    How much? Impossible to say.

    Meanwhile, the paychecks and profits for pumping US oil would go to Americans who would pay taxes on the income and profits. Win, win, win.

    However, win-win-win is the worst-case-scenario for the Obama Adminstration.

  59. Chairman Soetoro2:46 PM

    PilotX said...
    Selective quotes can make any point you want. Why not post the entire quotes in context.

    Wow. When you a rub a dog's face in it, they usually get the picture.

    There must be crap all over your rug.

  60. no slappz2:55 PM

    pilot xyz:

    The Organization of Black Pilots, recently renamed the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals has a website:

    It states there are 674 black pilots out of an industry total of 71,000. The page is dated 2012.

    If there are errors on the page, they are the result of the incompetence of the webpage operators.

    As for the new name -- well, obviously the new name is all about increasing the membership of a rather small organization that needs funding.

    Rounding up all the pilots wasn't enough.

    The new name means the organizational umbrella covers baggage handlers, ticket agents, clean-up crews, etc, etc.

  61. No_slappz, I still don't remember ever giving you permission to talk to me, and you changing your addy to anonymous does not hide that unpleasant scent I pick up from you.

  62. Nigel3:43 PM

    @ Anon at 2:37 pm;

    Granny is well-meaning but addled and misinformed. She really believes Republicans are racists and that her Democrat plantation masters must be defended to the death, lest slavery be reinstituted. She doesn't realize that blacks are but pawns in the super-rich's war against the middle class.

    She is kept in fear in order to keep her in line. I feel sorry for her.

  63. @ Pilot:

    "C'mon Granny, have you looked at Newt lately? Calista would help him find a chick to cheat with."

    And she would probably give them some "Lobbist welfare money" to keep him over there with them. *wink*

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    In order to preserve the white race, duplicitous and racist propaganda played a central part in the advancement of a delusory form of genocide—birth control of nonwhites. Eugenicist targeted black women in a population control scheme to preserve white purity and were behind an onerous belief that black women are “welfare queens” birthing babies at the taxpayer’s expense. The "welfare queen" is a myth used to attack the poor. In other words, the Gipper LIED!
    That's Progressives and Liberals for you. Oh yes. Controls on minority populations has always been a Progressive and Liberal idea.

    Yes the gipper lied!!!

  66. Nigel:

    You wish that granny was addled and misinformed. LOL!

    "She really believes Republicans are racists"

    Yes indeedy, I sure do without a doubt! That's is the truth and nothing but the TRUTH! But the rest of your comments were lies. Is it that hard for you rightwing folks to tell the truth. Must you always add some lies into the mix. Smh!

  67. With intellectual roots in the work of Francis Galton, eugenics took hold as a social movement in the United States in the last two decades of the nineteenth century and continued to draw adherents into the 1920s and 1930s. When the white birth rate significantly decreased in the late nineteenth century as the United States became increasingly urban, eugenicists called for restrictions on immigration, anti-miscegenation laws and birth control campaigns to "control the reproduction of so-called 'inferior' groups in order to promote 'racial progress' (Newman 1999, 46)." Stereotypes about black women's hyper-fertility fueled the call for government regulation of the reproduction of non-whites(David 1981;Newman 1999). (to be cont)

  68. PilotX said...
    Be honest, presidents have virtually no control over gas prices.

    Bull. Everything from taxes,different blends of gasoline, emissions standards,our energy supplies, to Obama's energy policies can make a difference in the price of gas.

    "Nearly 1 Million Workers Vanished Under Obama"

    It takes years, often after their term, for a president's agenda to have an effect on the country. Adults understand this, if they're honest and informed but then again were dealing with people who quote Ann Freaking Coulter as an authority.

    Adults also understand Obama's failed policies.

  69. Nigel4:18 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Yes indeedy, I sure do without a doubt! That's is the truth and nothing but the TRUTH!

    You are sounding a little hysterical Granny, and more than a little mean-hearted and spiteful.

    But I know your words are just what you've been taught to say, and aren't from your heart. Hate the sin, not the sinner, and I hate the devil that makes you say that, not you.

    I hope that someday you can come back to the light.

    God Bless you Granny.

  70. The Purple Cow said...

    How about abortion on demand?

    You can get a abortion in this country anytime you want.

    How about massively rolling back defense spending?

    Obama just cut 500,000 military jobs, and 10% cut in spending.

  71. President Theodore Roosevelt cautioned against the impending threat of "race suicide" and the white middle class women's birth control movement responded by asserting that blacks, immigrants and the poor had a moral duty to control their reproduction. As the eugenice movement gaine popularity during the first decades of the twentieth century, birth control advocates and eugenicists teamed up to provide contraception to-and ultimatley to sterilize-women from poor and immigrant communities and communities of color (Davis 1981).

  72. Eugenics represents a shameful period in the United States' history. The progressive idea that technocrats in government could improve society and cure social evils encouraged many scientists and policymakers to look for a way to do so through the field of genetics. Social Darwinism, racism, as well as some scientific research helped bring the eugenics movement into existence.

    Eugenicists attempted to improve the gene pool using positive or negative eugenics. Positive eugenics focused on encouraging the higher classes of society to reproduce offspring. Negative eugenics focused on stopping the lower and "defective" classes from reproducing. Because the eugenicists believed that insanity, criminal tendencies, deafness, blindness, epilepsy, and even laziness were genetic traits, they thought that preventing the carriers of these traits from breeding would cut off the traits and improve society. Many in the United States, blinded by their goal of improving the gene pool, passed compulsory sterilization laws in 33 states for those members of society deemed "defective." The Supreme Court, in Buck v. Bell, upheld Virginia's law in 1927. By the 1970s, 60,000 people had been sterilized under these laws. One such victim, Carrie Buck (Buck v. Bell), is on the left of the picture above.

    Though not all progressives or socialists were eugenicists, many individuals of influence in the United States and other countries who affiliated themselves with those schools of thought were indeed supporters of eugenics. Some of the more famous supporters were President Teddy Roosevelt, John Maynard Keynes, President Woodrow Wilson, Bertrand Russell, Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, Harry Laughlin, H.G. Wells, Margaret Sanger, foundations connected to the Rockefellers, Harrimans, and Carnegies, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and others.

    After the horrors of the Holocaust were widely publicized in the late 1940s, eugenics in America (and any progressive support of the idea) quickly faded into the past. Nonetheless, it's an important piece of American history that should not be forgotten. The temptation to manipulate science, to use aggressive propaganda in schools, and to enact repugnant laws in the belief that technocrats can mold a perfect society is something that will always linger in different forms. Americans should study the tactics and think of the eugenicists and some of the progressives from this period in order to guard against future acts of collective tyranny.

  73. Orwell4:28 PM

    Keep reading, Granny. Eugenics was a progressive idea.

  74. Nigel, that part about you hope I come back to the light was hilarious. Yup! I'm still cracking up laughing. Yup, that's funny coming from someone who is submerged in GOP darkness and deception.

    "God Bless you"

    Thank you, but no thank you, if you are Evangelican you keep your blessings to yourself. I don't eat from everyone's table. All manna is not good manna.

  75. Anonymous4:40 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    With intellectual roots in the work of Francis Galton, eugenics took hold as a social movement in the United States in the last two decades of the nineteenth century and continued to draw adherents into the 1920s and 1930s. When the white birth rate significantly decreased in the late nineteenth century as the United States became increasingly urban, eugenicists called for restrictions on immigration, anti-miscegenation laws and birth control campaigns to "control the reproduction of so-called 'inferior' groups in order to promote 'racial progress' (Newman 1999, 46)." Stereotypes about black women's hyper-fertility fueled the call for government regulation of the reproduction of non-whites(David 1981;Newman 1999). (to be cont)

    Yes granny, planned parenthood was invented to reduced the US of the black inferior race. Now you fight to keep it. You aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer some times but we still love. What other option do you have, if you can't blame some mysterious super secret people guilty of a plot, you would have to take responsibility for the generations you raised and lawdy nose you didnt raise your kids, some white man did who cheated on his wife and thats why we gots black poverty because of newt dipping his wick right?

  76. Nigel4:44 PM

    @ Granny:

    Dismissing the Lord's blessings is a serious blunder, and shows just how far into the darkness you have gone. One should not laughs at goodness lest one be seen as a lover of evil. You do not have all that many days left on this earth, please change your ways before it is too late.

    I will keep praying for you.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Pretender said...
    Lets don't forget that progressive project known has the negro project and progressive Margaret Sanger.

    She was all for eugemics and believed controling the minority population will cut crime.

    Margaret wanted to sterilize poor black and hispanic women by infertility drugs intentionally put into a cities drinking water.

    The Democrat Party gives out a Margaret Sanger award every year. Not sure if black women can win it. If they could, i think you should win the award granny.

  79. Charles Murray, whose theories have fueled conservatives' allegations of the "disincentive effects of the expansion of welfare programs (Harrison 1999, 104) and who explicitly contends that the facts support the common American perception that the majority of women on welfare are black and Latino.

    In 1996, welfare reform legislation emerged as a "cure" for the illegitimacy that Murray and others claimed lay at the center of nation's social ills. Family values advocates garnered support for the Personal Responsibility Act by touting it as a means of disciplining and controlling the sexual behavior of black women. Megan McLaughlin argues that while welfare reform advocates possess "a fervent desire to limit the number of children that poor people have, "societal constraints prevent them from directly stating this desire and push them to couch their arguments in moral discussions of the danger of single motherhood, particulary amongst teens (McLaughling 1995,65). In light of Thornton Dill, Baca, Zinn and Patton's argument that "poor woman on welfare equals black women," we can read the Personal Responsibility Act's focus on teen pregnacy as a veiled expression of a desire to limit the reproduction of black women.

  80. Anonymous5:04 PM

    A much higher percentage of Black women are on welfare.

  81. It is horrible that this old woman does the devil's work and doesn't even seem to understand what she is doing! She is laughing at God and celebrating the devil's hand! My oh my, this is terrible!

  82. Anonymous5:17 PM

    granny gives us no links and liberal subjection.

    grannystandingfortruth? Not so much.

  83. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "Personal Responsibility Act by touting it as a means of disciplining and controlling the sexual behavior of black women"

    Links to where PRA was touted as a means to control black women.

  84. Anonymous5:33 PM

    you are doomed

  85. Anonymous5:33 PM

    In light of Thornton Dill, Baca, Zinn and Patton's argument that "poor woman on welfare equals black women," we can read the Personal Responsibility Act's focus on teen pregnacy as a veiled expression of a desire to limit the reproduction of black women.

    How about the you breed em you feed em act no matter what color crayon your baby daddy used? If I have no say in your decisions then you have no say in forcing me to support or bail you out of the bad ones.

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Charles Murray, whose theories have fueled conservatives' allegations of the "disincentive effects of the expansion of welfare programs (Harrison 1999, 104) and who explicitly contends that the facts support the common American perception that the majority of women on welfare are black and Latino.

    They are. 49% of total welfare claims white
    48% black

    Total US Population:
    White 79.96%, Black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%
    Black total US population 12.85%
    Total blacks in jail who do not count on government assistance roles even though totally funded by taxpayers: 1 million

    Total Blacks working age: Unknown but with significantly smaller percentages deducting 1 million males in jail and children.

    You do the rest of the math. If you filled a room with Welfare recipients from around the country approx 7 would be black 1 white, 1 hispanic and one a mix of all other races including asians.

    Now is that a myth or a serious disease?

  86. fn:

    u can no longer defend hobama by comparing him to gwb

    hobama has been FAR worse than gwb

    eg: ndaa!

    surely u see that now????????

    may hobama sing his own swan song asap


    hobama has destroyed over 8 million jobs via his bankster cronies...

    is he trying to kill one more job via al????

    newt CAN brawl indeed!
    ask the slain john k

    brawling will be good enough to slay hobama and his "singing" bs etc...

    cursing trumps "crooning"

    ask the cbc!!!


  87. Anonymous5:58 PM

    No links, no facts, just leftwing blah blah.

    Typical of field negros.

  88. "When the whole thing comes crashing down, then the Constittution can finally be completely dispensed with. You will have your nationized public services, open borders, and end to private equity, abortion clinics on every corner, your 'worker' control of industry, your Politburo, and your Gulags."

    Sounds good to me!!

  89. does hobama take requests???

  90. Beria6:24 PM

    field negro (or was it Joseph Stalin?)said...
    "When the whole thing comes crashing down, then the Constittution can finally be completely dispensed with. You will have your nationized public services, open borders, and end to private equity, abortion clinics on every corner, your 'worker' control of industry, your Politburo, and your Gulags."

    Sounds good to me!!

    Really Field?

    Are you ready to come out of the totalitarian fascist closet?

  91. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Hey look they found and published Newts college records.

    Anyone seen Obama's yet? What is he hiding?

  92. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Ever since the landing strip became fashionable guys like Field have had "Bush" on the mind.

  93. Looks like Newt is well on his way to having the first Whore-In-Chief in the white house, LOL!!!

    From FLOTUS to WOTUS!!

  94. "Really Field?

    Are you ready to come out of the totalitarian fascist closet?"

    What closet? And you are confusing the F word with the S word.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Anonymous said...
    Anyone seen Obama's yet? What is he hiding?
    A simple call to the Register's office should be all the proof needed that the Prez is a GRADUATE of BOTH Columbia AND Harvard.

    ONLY an idiot gives a damn about college records when you have COLLEGE DEGRESS as proof that at some point, you once had college grades.

  97. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Looks like Newt is well on his way to having the first Whore-In-Chief in the white house, LOL!!!

    The Whore-In-Chief is already in the whitehouse. You can't miss her big ass.

  98. Anonymous said...
    The Whore-In-Chief is already in the whitehouse. You can't miss her big ass.

    Typical. You compare a helmet head having, peroxide blonde, ho'ing, bimbo, with a Harvard and Princeton educated Attorney.

    You hicks are a trip!

  99. kudos to newt!

    he slew the msm

    memo to hobama:

    start losing that teleprompter

    upgrade your debate game asap

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Anon,

    Even you know that if Prez Obama had been married and screwing around on his wife when he met Michelle Obama, he NEVER in a zillion years would have been elected President!

    Only white folks, especially blondes, are given a pass for being morally corrupt!

  102. when will hobama FINALLY be vetted...since 2006??????


    unlike that bankster warmonger hobama

    newt will be checked in ofc

    see how newt is being checked herein even now!

    kudos to newt!!!

  103. ditto anon!!!

    when will we see ANY iota of the MOUNTAINS of lies and dirt in barry s/harrison jb/hobama's past


  104. Dr. Queen:


    newt is scum

    but he will be checked scum

    unlike the dl bi ho scum hobama

  105. AB, I don't think there's been a President in the history of this country that's remained faithful to their wives for their entire marriage.

    The pull of money and power is just too irresistable for many whores to resist, and the wives stay with the men out of some sick sense of obligation.

  106. Dr. Queen:


    broke powerless anon
    men who work the drive thru windows at mcdonalds cheat...

    so wives in dc have no hope!!!


    does hobama take requests???

  107. ps:

    speaking of hos

    how can the newest mrs. newt show her skank face now that we know newt did not even care enough about her as a side pc to do her in her own apt/hotel etc????


    hos always crawl in pairs

  108. memo to hobama and al:

    take notes!

  109. Beria9:08 PM

    @ Field:

    You do know what a Gulag is, don't you?

    Just checking.

  110. Dr. Kunstler9:16 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Typical. You compare a helmet head having, peroxide blonde, ho'ing, bimbo, with a Harvard and Princeton educated Attorney.

    Despite being admitted to Princeton as an Affirmative Action student (read her senior thesis for evidence she was not Ivy League material), Michelle Obama could never cut in the legal world, eventually getting disbarred.

    That piece of paper couldn't make her a well-educated, successful attorney. Just like your degree just can't can't seem to make you a scientist.

    She could never be a lawyer.

    You will never be a doctor.

  111. Anonymous9:18 PM

    field negro said...
    "Really Field?

    Are you ready to come out of the totalitarian fascist closet?"

    What closet? And you are confusing the F word with the S word.

    Whats a "sascist"? Is that like a gay russian fashion designer that leans democratic?

  112. Anonymous9:19 PM

    A really insightful review of someone from another country on Obama and the Keystone Pipeline decision.

  113. Dr. Kunt said...
    Despite being admitted to Princeton as an Affirmative Action student (read her senior thesis for evidence she was not Ivy League material), Michelle Obama could never cut in the legal world, eventually getting disbarred.

    Yet she STILL managed to make more of her education than YOU, with your "degree" being used to collect clam sperm from the Gulf of Mexico.

    And it's no wonder you didn't like the FLOTUS' thesis. It was people like YOU that she was talking about. But then I guess all you helmet head, peroxide blonde ho's HAVE to stick together, LOL!!

  114. "Whats a "sascist"? Is that like a gay russian fashion designer that leans democratic?"

    It's a word you just made up.

    BTW, what's wrong with a Gay Russian fashion designer who happens to be a Democrat?

  115. Beria, I am not as smart as you mam/sir, but is this an example of a Gulag?

  116. Dr. Successful9:45 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Yet she STILL managed to make more of her education than YOU

    What exactly did Michelle make of her education? she doesn't even have a law license anymore.

    Her only accomplishment was becoming the beard of the first gay President.

    You will never have a man, not even a gay one.

    And of course, you will never be a doctor.

  117. Beria9:50 PM

    field negro said...
    Beria, I am not as smart as you mam/sir, but is this an example of a Gulag?

    You sure aren't, and no.

    This is a Gulag:

    Maybe you can get a job running one after the 'Change' is complete. You've been such a loyal apparatchik, you deserve it.

  118. Dr. Sucksass said...
    What exactly did Michelle make of her education? she doesn't even have a law license anymore.

    The FLOTUS had a very well paying, prestigious JOB before she resigned to help with her husbands campaign.

    Unlike YOU who couldn't pass the GRE to get into grad school, who married a fellow hick, and who now cleans fish scales from the shores of the gulf of Mexico,

    Honey, it must REALLY suck to be you!
