Saturday, January 21, 2012

A win for Newt.

Congrats to Newt. It looks like he will win South Carolina. (Congrats on your bet Sheldon!) I guess Newt's dog whistle was louder than Mitts.

Mitt, it might be time to release those tax returns. I still think you are going to be the GOP candidate for president come November, but you might want to start focusing a little more on your republican opponents and less on Obama.

Your second place speech tonight sounds like you are already prepping for his O ness. Big mistake. You still have the philanderer to contend with. Before you start battling O for the "soul of America" you better start battling your opponents for the soul of your damn party. All that money, all that organization, and all those party bigwigs, yet you still can't over the top.

So now it's on to Florida. The circus hasn't left town just yet.

*My PSU connect is telling me that Joe Pa has passed away. Stay tuned.*

Finally, I see that the supremes punted on that racial gerrymandering case in Texas. No surprise there. This present court, as it's made up, is never going to protect the rights of minorities (or poor people) in this country. Only corporations get love from this court. If a bunch of republican state lawmakers want to cut up voting districts to hold on to power, then so be it.

Still, it could have been worse, the decision is not as bad as some folks view it. Let's hope that when it goes back to the lower court in Texas they do the right thing.


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Obama has been ordered to appear in an Atlanta court to defend that he is not a natural born citizen. Do you think the dictator in charge will just break the law or send in a fast and furious manner Eric (my People) Holder?

  2. NSangoma10:08 PM


  3. Anonymous10:18 PM



  4. I suppose he got kudos for calling Pres. Obama the "most dangerous president of all time"! The nerve of him.

  5. Looks like Newt is well on his way to having the first Whore-In-Chief in the white house, LOL!!!

    From FLOTUS to WOTUS!!

    Let's hear it for our country's first WOTUS!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Obama has been ordered to appear in an Atlanta court to defend that he is not a natural born citizen. Do you think the dictator in charge will just break the law or send in a fast and furious manner Eric (my People) Holder?

    Prez Obama should hire the same folks who helped the second George steal a white house win.

  7. hobama's ndaa trumps newt's win!!!

    kudos to fiore!!!

  8. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Prez Obama should hire the same folks who helped the second George steal a white house win.

    He has the same people who tried to steal for Gore working for him now.

  9. hobama the cia baby really was born in kenya

    no lie lives forever

    kudos to ga!!!

  10. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Let's hear it for our country's first WOTUS!!!!!!!

    The first WOTUS is already in the whitehouse. Although, i don't believe anyone will be paying to f*ck Michelle Obama's big ass.

  11. Cherry10:36 PM

    Obama is the most dangerous President of all time.

  12. fn:

    i told u newt would win

    i have never lied about hobama or his foes

    newt will slay hobama in debate


  13. hobama is the worst prez ever

    the most rabidly elitist bloody bankster warmonger etc

    he makes gwb look like a liberal pacifist slacker

    and hobama will be bloodiER from 2012-2016

    newt will shine

    but hobama has been selected in advance/long ago...

    may god bless us all

  14. *My PSU connect is telling me that Joe Pa has passed away. Stay tuned.*


    Reports surfaced shortly before 9 p.m. ET that Joe Paterno had passed away, with tributes pouring in from all corners of the Internet for the coaching legend. Within minutes, the family took to Twitter to knock down what appears to be premature speculation on Paterno’s demise.

    “I appreciate the support & prayers. Joe is continuing to fight,” a tweet from Jay Paterno, the coach’s son, read.

    “CBS report is wrong – Dad is alive but in serious condition. We continue to ask for your prayers and privacy during this time,” another son, Scott Paterno, wrote.

    In an update on their website, the Patriot-News wrote that “sources close to the Paterno family say that the family is tremendously upset with CBS Sports and other news media who have erroneously reported Paterno’s passing.” The paper also reports that Paterno is awake and able to communicate with family and friends who have come to see him.

  15. Personally, I don't know why Black folks live in Texas, or a couple other southern states I can name.

  16. "Obama has been ordered to appear in an Atlanta court to defend that he is not a natural born citizen.."

    Relax, that black helicopter you see outside belongs to a television station. *Twilight Zone* music in 5-4-3-2-......

  17. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Personally, I don't know why Black folks live in Texas, or a couple other southern states I can name.

    I wish black folks didn't live in Texas or a couple other southern states. The crimes rates would drop by half if black folks left.

  18. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Looks like Newt is well on his way to having the first Whore-In-Chief in the white house, LOL!!!

    From FLOTUS to WOTUS!!

    Let's hear it for our country's first WOTUS!!!!!!!

    Michelle already is the first Wookie Of the United States how do you spell "hairy big tall ugly bigfoot throat gargle sound?

  19. The evangelical "family values" voters in So. Carolina just gave the primary to a guy who called his 2nd wife, (while he and his mistress were shagging in said 2nd wife's marital bed), and asked the wife for an open marriage; a guy who made $1.6 million as a lobbyist for the hated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and a guy who thinks child labor laws are stupid, and poor kids should be janitors in public schools to earn money!

    Did I just write that? Or was what happened tonight just some Democratic operative's fantasy of the best possible outcome of the So.Carolina primary for the Democrats????

  20. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "Hhow do you spell "hairy big tall ugly bigfoot throat gargle sound?"

    M-I-C-H-E-L-L-E O-B-A-M-A

  21. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Soros is manipulating the media to give Gingrich the nomination. Obviously.

  22. Anonymous11:03 PM

    field negro said...
    "Obama has been ordered to appear in an Atlanta court to defend that he is not a natural born citizen.."

    Relax, that black helicopter you see outside belongs to a television station. *Twilight Zone* music in 5-4-3-2-......

    Yeah I hear you, then again who woulda thunk we would EVER have a U.S senator talking to a General expressing how worried he was the Island of Guam going to tip over......look at how the general has to speak carefully to the democrat after he adds in global warming after the potential for capsizing an Island.

  23. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Shaw Kenawe said...
    The evangelical "family values" voters in So. Carolina just gave the primary to a guy who called his 2nd wife, (while he and his mistress were shagging in said 2nd wife's marital bed), and asked the wife for an open marriage; a guy who made $1.6 million as a lobbyist for the hated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and a guy who thinks child labor laws are stupid, and poor kids should be janitors in public schools to earn money!

    Did I just write that? Or was what happened tonight just some Democratic operative's fantasy of the best possible outcome of the So.Carolina primary for the Democrats????

    Certainly twisted but what you really should have said is this country is afraid that any more time with the incompetent race baiting whacko in chief will bring us to places we can never return from.

    ABO buy your bumper sticker now. Even Carter could beat Obama if he weren't so Obamish and senile and ran for office.

  24. Yes I have taken a lot of grief over expressing the legitmate concern about Guam tipping over, but it sure would be bad if it did.

    But someone showed me an a globe where Guam was and it is way too small to fit any people on.

    Looking at that globe, it was easy to see the bigger problem now as I see it is that Global Warming could melt the ice at the North Pole and that big pieces of ice could fall down and maybe hit some cities in our country. This is just another problem that George Bush has left President Obama to clean up.

  25. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), a member of the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee, on a visit to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratories in late 2005, asked if Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted there in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.

  26. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Rep. Hank Johnson, D (GA) said...
    Well, did they?

    I'm not sure, but I asked Rev Al but all he said was "resist we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed then he said "the next time anyone asks me about Tawana Brawley, I'm going to ask them, Do you ask Teddy Kennedy about Chappaquidick? Do you ask Hillary about her husband?

    I have no idea what the hell he is talking about. All I wanted to know was if Maxine Waters woke Up Ole Charlie boy during Obamas speech today to tell him her husband needed more taxpayer money he wouldnt have to pay taxes on.

  27. John Conyers12:37 AM

    "I have no idea what the hell he is talking about. All I wanted to know was if Maxine Waters woke Up Ole Charlie boy during Obamas speech today to tell him her husband needed more taxpayer money he wouldnt have to pay taxes on".

    Nah Charlie is Old and has lots a money we couldnt wake him up until Obama promised to sing and do a tap dance. But all that don't matter I still say:

    "What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” So just sign the damn thing and we will have Obama tell us what he wants later.

  28. Well, I got me some Hepatitis C, but at least I never got no Chappaquidick.

    That sounds like another good reason to stay away from the North Pole.

  29. Maxine Waters12:56 AM

    Hey, Hey, all you assholes

    We don’t put pressure on the president. Let me tell you why. We don’t put pressure on the president because ya’ll love the president. You love the president. You’re very proud to have a black man — first time in the history of the United States of America. If we go after the president too hard, you’re going after us.”

  30. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Of course Obama is the most dangerous President...he is AfAm and that reminds all the Heeyucks their apartheid can be overcome. It tells all citizens they can achieve...not just those like bush or Quayles or Lukie Russet or the Doocey lad.

    Family values always meant saying that others should be held to the standard of Leave It to Beaver (a TV show) while the Troo christian Beleevers of Holiness and Family should be held to no such thing. Because they use the term 'Jesus' when they lie.

    Must have irked your widdle boy pouting self to have Calista Gringrich described as a whore. Was it the truthfulness of the concept...or that you want to use the Truth of her actions to falsely accuse Michelle Obama?

    You still can't use the pejorative 'migger'. You have not earned the right. We will let you know when that happens.


  31. Sheila Jackson Lee1:04 AM

    All I knows is I telling you, next hurricane season I best be seeing some African American names now that y'all are including those frenchies and Hee-spaniks.

    Camiqua, Woeisha and Nyquilisha are good starts

  32. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Of course Obama is the most dangerous President...he is AfAm and that reminds all the Heeyucks their apartheid can be overcome. It tells all citizens they can achieve...not just those like bush or Quayles or Lukie Russet or the Doocey lad.

    Family values always meant saying that others should be held to the standard of Leave It to Beaver (a TV show) while the Troo christian Beleevers of Holiness and Family should be held to no such thing. Because they use the term 'Jesus' when they lie.

    Must have irked your widdle boy pouting self to have Calista Gringrich described as a whore. Was it the truthfulness of the concept...or that you want to use the Truth of her actions to falsely accuse Michelle Obama?

    You still can't use the pejorative 'migger'. You have not earned the right. We will let you know when that happens.


    Stevey your Mold act has gotten Moldy. Newt Married Calista and gave her millions you can't say that for 70% of baby mommas now can ya? Stick that in your diaper and diddle it.

  33. Anonymous1:24 AM

    My prayers to Mr.Paterno and family. Lung cancer is a terrible way to die. It is basically struggling to get oxygen into hard tumorized lungs. The struggle is long and even though much sedative usually Ativan or similar, that is given to lessen the anxiety and pain it really doesn't help much.

    God speed his relief and end his suffering as I'm sure his entire family is praying. I know that's what we did when we watched our own
    mothers suffering.It's up to God now. Peace for them

  34. Wow, the Obama team must be cracking open the champagne after Leroy beat Mittens down in Rebel flag land.

    If Leroy is the Republican Nominee then another four years is in the bag for Obama.

  35. Romney will be the nominee. They just couldn't make it obvious. How much fun would it be if all we heard about was Mitt for the next 9 months. Now we get to see rich white guys play the dozens.

  36. Anonymous2:09 AM


  37. Anonymous2:29 AM

    PilotX, "Romney will be the nominee. They just couldn't make it obvious. How much fun would it be if all we heard about was Mitt for the next 9 months. Now we get to see rich white guys play the dozens."

    2:04 AM
    you have an incredulous mind. where do you get your imaginery crap from? do you sit in closet in the dark? you need psychotherapy and lots of it!

  38. unlike hobama's forged birth certificate

    black helicopters are real

    watch the skies


  39. "Although, i don't believe anyone will be paying to f*ck Michelle Obama's big ass."

    I'd bet €10000 that her ass is smaller than your big blubbery lump of lard.

  40. Anonymous8:22 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Although, i don't believe anyone will be paying to f*ck Michelle Obama's big ass."

    I'd bet €10000 that her ass is smaller than your big blubbery lump of lard.

    You know what, I have had it with you Brits, thats it I am going to give Russia all your top secret Trident Missile information..oops already did that.

    There’s nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn’t expect special treatment from America and after I saw Evita it was clear to me that the Malvinas Islands are not British, no matter how many times you call them the Faulklands, so I told the Hillary to sign that OAS resolution. Besides France is Americas greatest Ally, we don't need no stinkin independant Brits so we backed the treaty of Lisbon, I mean as my man Joe Says we all know Brussels is the capital of the free world.

  41. NSangoma said...
    Remember, it was Reagan who completely equalized the tax treatment of investment income and wage income, which is currently one of the key tax disparities that allows the wealthy to dramatically lower their tax rates.

    Remember, the wealthy pays more taxes in one year than you will pay in your lifetime.

  42. Anonymous9:48 AM

    The only lump of lard is Michelle's big ass and what you put in your hair omar.

  43. "Anonymous said...
    The only lump of lard is Michelle's big ass and what you put in your hair omar."

    There's a troll here who apparently enjoys fapping over the size of a woman's derriere.

    It's adorable, innit, how he needs to share with us his "special" needs.

  44. "There's a troll here who apparently enjoys fapping over the size of a woman's derriere."

    Yes, there is. Hey troll, I think there are porn sites for that.

  45. "There’s nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world."

    I agree.

    Not sure how this is relevant to our debate though.

    "You shouldn’t expect special treatment from America.."

    We don't.

    "...and after I saw Evita it was clear to me that the Malvinas Islands are not British, no matter how many times you call them the Faulklands, so I told the Hillary to sign that OAS resolution."

    I think you mean F-A-L-K-L-A-N-D Islands don't you.

    I don't much care either way, but I think the people who live on the islands are best placed to decide who they ally with. It's called democracy.

    Interesting that you learn your international geopolitics from stage musicals rather than books. (!)

    "Besides France is Americas greatest Ally..."

    I agree.

    I hope you are very happy together.

    ".. we don't need no stinkin independant Brits so we backed the treaty of Lisbon."

    I think you mean I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T don't you?

    "I mean as my man Joe Says we all know Brussels is the capital of the free world."

    Joe who? Joe Stalin?

    Brussels is a nice place, I usually enjoy my time there, though I have to say the restaurant wait staff in Brussels are amongst the rudest and most unhelpful I have ever come across.

    I swear to God, they are worse than the French.

  46. I understand the Arsenal v Man U game is being shown on network TV in America today.

    Despite all the hype I think you'll find only one world class player playing today - Robin van Persie. Fantastic player despite the drawback of being raised by hippy parents.

    But there's another player I want you to watch out for an 18 year old kid called Alexander Oxlade Chamberlain. Not the finished article but five years from now he's going to be one of the world's great players - you heard it here first.

    Yawdie Dad, English mom - devastating combination.

  47. Shaw Kenawe said...
    There's a troll here who apparently enjoys fapping over the size of a woman's derriere.

    It's adorable, innit, how he needs to share with us his "special" needs.

    Yeah this psycho is obsessed with sex and genitalia, and I don't care what anyone here says, he sounds like a pedophile to me.

  48. Quote Pretender

    "Remember, the wealthy pays more taxes in one year than you will pay in your lifetime."

    That's absolutely not the point though is it?

    The rich must be relieved to have useful idiots like you to campaign for them and against your own interests.

  49. George the Last11:58 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "There’s nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world."

    I agree.

    Says the fifth columnist cow. Britain is filled with immigrants like you who have no sense of loyalty to the nation that has taken you in.

    Multiculturalism is rotting British society to the core. The restaurants are better, but everything else is deteriorating.

    Britain has survived invasion, plague, the blitz, but it will not survive third world colonization.

  50. Dr. Fred Freud12:02 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Yeah this psycho is obsessed with sex and genitalia, and I don't care what anyone here says, he sounds like a pedophile to me

    Yes, but you are an idiot. Leave the diagnoses to the real doctors.

    You will never be a doctor.

  51. Anonymous12:04 PM

    PC, what the scribbler was leaving out was the percentage of income being paid. A wealthy person could pay out gabillions....but to them it would be the same as us purchasing a candy bar...negligible.

    At one career my effective rate was 33%....over double the rate of Willard I would posit that my 'sacrifice' was already met. And I might expect him to pay an equivalent rate on his greatly vaster Richie Rich fortune.

    JoePa did pass. Probably did before but the medical folks needed family approval to cease support efforts (pull the plug).


  52. Quote Mold

    "At one career my effective rate was 33%"

    HA! When I lived in Amsterdam I dreamed of only paying 33% tax. My effective rate was 50%.

  53. "Says the fifth columnist cow. Britain is filled with immigrants like you who have no sense of loyalty to the nation that has taken you in."

    I'm not an immigrant numbnuts, I was born here.

    "Multiculturalism is rotting British society to the core. The restaurants are better, but everything else is deteriorating."

    Nonsense, this country is a better place to live than it ever was in my youth or in my parent's time. We have to get rid of our current dumbass government and we'll be fine.

    Even Conservative politicians here support multiculturalism.

    "Britain has survived invasion, plague, the blitz, but it will not survive third world colonization."

    Britain got rich from colonization and imperialism, but now the great grandchildren of those colonized have come back to make the U.K. a better place. It's really a Win-Win for the U.K.

    Indians for instance, are amongst the most hard-working and entrepreneurial people on the planet. They have single-handedly saved the British corner shop for instance. Bangladeshis run all our restaurants, West Indians have (for instance) improved our music, our sports teams, and have taken over the fashion business. If you want a hard working builder you look through the yellow pages until you find one with a Polish or Czech name.

    It's all good.

  54. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "There’s nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world."

    I agree.

    Not sure how this is relevant to our debate though.

    "You shouldn’t expect special treatment from America.."

    We don't.

    "...and after I saw Evita it was clear to me that the Malvinas Islands are not British, no matter how many times you call them the Faulklands, so I told the Hillary to sign that OAS resolution."

    I think you mean F-A-L-K-L-A-N-D Islands don't you.

    I don't much care either way, but I think the people who live on the islands are best placed to decide who they ally with. It's called democracy.

    Interesting that you learn your international geopolitics from stage musicals rather than books. (!)

    "Besides France is Americas greatest Ally..."

    I agree.

    I hope you are very happy together.

    ".. we don't need no stinkin independant Brits so we backed the treaty of Lisbon."

    I think you mean I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T don't you?

    "I mean as my man Joe Says we all know Brussels is the capital of the free world."

    Joe who? Joe Stalin?

    Brussels is a nice place, I usually enjoy my time there, though I have to say the restaurant wait staff in Brussels are amongst the rudest and most unhelpful I have ever come across.

    I swear to God, they are worse than the French.

    Now why you dissin your boy Obama like that? These are all things he said.

    How dare you speak bad about the French and Belgians you are a gottdamn racist!!

  55. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Britain got rich from colonization and imperialism, but now the great grandchildren of those colonized have come back to make the U.K. a better place. It's really a Win-Win for the U.K.

    Indians for instance, are amongst the most hard-working and entrepreneurial people on the planet. They have single-handedly saved the British corner shop for instance. Bangladeshis run all our restaurants, West Indians have (for instance) improved our music, our sports teams, and have taken over the fashion business. If you want a hard working builder you look through the yellow pages until you find one with a Polish or Czech name.

    It's all good.

    In the hood... funny how you make no mention of Islam.

  56. So Dr. Freak admits to being a pedophile?

    Maybe I'll forward this thread to the relative/ govt federal agent I know and get this psycho put away.

  57. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I would mention that the US has similar rates to Europe...when all the taxes are considered. While we pay similar amounts of money....what is done with the funds differs greatly.

    Wonder if faux-pert on Islam misunderestimates the very real divide between Fundie Muslims and more Rational beings? Or do they simply conflate, hoperating that others are equally bereft of knowledge?
    Most USians are nominally Christians...but only a few beleeverate that terrorist bombings of medical services is a worthy goal. Few see women as mere Kleenexes for the Glorius Male Seed...but Fundies do.

    It is nice to see your wave your Emperor Clothing level of ignorance around...;)


  58. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Never gonna be a DR or a Queen said...

    "Yeah this psycho is obsessed with sex and genitalia, and I don't care what anyone here says, he sounds like a pedophile to me""

    Yes, but you are an idiot. Leave the diagnoses to the real doctors.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr.Queen said...
    So Dr. Freak admits to being a pedophile?

    Maybe I'll forward this thread to the relative/ govt federal agent I know and get this psycho put away.

    Lissen Crisco thunder ass, just cause yo ass is the biggest thing in the neighborhood including all your neighbors SUVS it aint genitalia - you aint in Afreeka anymores

  59. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Wonder if faux-pert on Islam misunderestimates the very real divide between Fundie Muslims and more Rational beings? Or do they simply conflate, hoperating that others are equally bereft of knowledge?
    Most USians are nominally Christians...but only a few beleeverate that terrorist bombings of medical services is a worthy goal. Few see women as mere Kleenexes for the Glorius Male Seed...but Fundies do.

    Wow for the first time UpDown gots something right. You are correct very very few christians are terrorists - this is something taught and practiced in the name of Allah - Muslims

    and "few see women as mere kleenexes for the glorius male see" - no this is something for gutter apes and again Islam - they treats their womens so good.

    See Steve who knew the first thing you would get right was posing as Mold

  60. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Purple Sow Pontificates...

    "Britain got rich from colonization and imperialism, but now the great grandchildren of those colonized have come back to make the U.K. a better place. It's really a Win-Win for the U.K."

    I guess it all depends on wether your goal is destruction of a once great nation now very near a third world cesspool. What made those other countries thirworldish? Oh, the thirdworld people.

    "The foreigners being paid £2billion in benefits a year including 371,000 on the dole (and 5,000 claiming £42m in illegal handouts)DWP fraud probe after 5,000 illegal immigrants claim £42m in handouts to which they are not entitled

    371,000 foreign nationals on out-of-work benefits

    6% of all benefit claimants are foreigners, study finds"

    Read more:

  61. Diversity Kills1:25 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Nonsense, this country is a better place to live than it ever was in my youth or in my parent's time. We have to get rid of our current dumbass government and we'll be fine.

    Tell that to all the white women who have been raped or white people who have been murdered by muslims and africans.

    Just like here is America, the more diverse a place is, the higher the % of whites who are murder and rape.

  62. The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Pretender

    "Remember, the wealthy pays more taxes in one year than you will pay in your lifetime."

    That's absolutely not the point though is it?

    The rich must be relieved to have useful idiots like you to campaign for them and against your own interests.

    That's absolutely the point Omar.

    Thats what class warfare is all about.

    Instead of teaching personal responsibility , making good choices , working hard, its useful idiots like yourself who want to tell people their life sucks because of rich people.

    Love how the left wants to tell everyone else whats in their best interest.

  63. NSangoma1:41 PM

    Those, ahem, manufacturing jobs?:

  64. Dr. Hung Jung1:47 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Maybe I'll forward this thread to the relative/ govt federal agent I know and get this psycho put away.

    Please do. It will help to solidify you credentials as a moron, and may have the added benefit of getting your relative fired from their Affirmative Action position.

    You will never be a doctor.

  65. NSangoma2:05 PM

    Ummm, Isn't Ronald Wilson Reagan supposed to be these crackers hero?

  66. Mr. Little Penis said...
    Please do. It will help to solidify you credentials as a moron, and may have the added benefit of getting your relative fired from their Affirmative Action position.

    Affirmative action? Is that really the absolute best you can do to justify your barely educated, non real job having, financially destitute existence??

    I guess affirmative active will FOREVER be the poor white mans excuse for why despite being white, MANY of you are far worse off than most of the Black residents of Prince George's County Maryland, LOL!!!!

    BTW, considering you're on Fields blog posting bullshit everyday of the week, how’s that hatred of successful Black folks working for you, Peter the Pedophile???

    Not very well from what I can see!!!


  67. So tell me Pedophile, which one of your relatives couldn't get into med school (and blamed in on affirmative action)? Because I know your stupid ass was NEVER in contention, hell you barely finished undergrad!


  68. Dr.Queen said...
    So tell me Pedophile, which one of your relatives couldn't get into med school (and blamed in on affirmative action)? Because I know your stupid ass was NEVER in contention, hell you barely finished undergrad!


    Thats "it" not"in". I know your stupid ass was never in med school.

  69. Anonymous2:24 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Ummm, Isn't Ronald Wilson Reagan supposed to be these crackers hero?

    No, negro, but i done heard he be yo mama's hero.

  70. "excuse for why despite being white"

    What the hell? This comes from someone who claims to have a college degree.

  71. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Pretender said...
    "excuse for why despite being white"

    What the hell? This comes from someone who claims to have a college degree.

    She is nothing but a weave patter....I smurt...pat.pat..pat...I'ze pretty.....smack...smack...smack.....I'ze a fat hippo disgusting dumbass black girl who can barely reads or writes yet I'ze edumacated ...silence.......I'ze so dumb I think'z Princes George county is a good place to live...yeah if you like livin in da jungle....Pat...pat...pat

  72. Dr. Fronter Hater2:39 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    So tell me Pedophile, which one of your relatives couldn't get into med school (and blamed in on affirmative action)?
    None. you see, it's not jealousy, Queef, it's disgust. Stop falsely representing yourself as a doctor, and people will stop giving you grief over it.

    When you get accepted to an accredited medical school and graduate, then you can call yourself "Dr. Queen" (the Queen part is still creepy, but OK). But by then hell would have frozen over, so it won't really matter.

    You will never be a doctor.

  73. Anonymous2:44 PM

    BTW, considering you're on Fields blog posting bullshit everyday of the week, how’s that hatred of successful Black folks working for you, Peter the Pedophile???

    Not very well from what I can see!!!


    Wanna play a game? Pin the tail on the fat negro hoochie mama? Wait I gotta go gets my animal handling gloves damn sheboons are hairy and nasty could someone hose her down first she stinks so much the dogs dont even want to go near her.

  74. Snoot is the wingbagger id, their gut, all of their petty resentments rolled up in one arrogant corpulent walking douchbag, their strutting middle finger to us "unAmerican socialists" yes, but more so to their own "traitor RINO" establishment. The only fly in the ointment is Snoot himself, he is his own achilles heal, his own worst enemy, and his opponents greatest asset.

    Add Snoot's flaccid "organization" that can't yet put a decent clusterfuck together, his still non-existent funding, and his ever hair-helmeted grifterish daughter-aged wife, and you get a campaign that can't and won't go the distance.

  75. Dr. Fronter Sucker said...
    None. you see, it's not jealousy, Queef, it's disgust. Stop falsely representing yourself as a doctor, and people will stop giving you grief over it.

    I don't know what should "disgust" you more. The fact that you're a pedophile or the fact that you post on Field's blog under numerous usernames/and as Assnon/pretender/angry black woman, EVERYDAY LOL!!!!

    Actually, it's your parents fault for making you think you were special because you were white, but forgetting to tell you to work hard and get educated.

    And please, for once and for all, STOP with the sad attempts to be humorous. You're about as funny as Bob Hope at the Apollo, so SAT your non telling joke ass down somewhere.


  76. BTW, here's a Doctorate in Blog Spell Checking with a minor in Blog Grammer Checking for ya'!

    Now go try to get a job with that!


  77. Quote Anonymous 12:42

    "Now why you dissin your boy Obama like that? These are all things he said. "

    Obama's not my boy. I don't like conservatives.

    "How dare you speak bad about the French and Belgians you are a gottdamn racist!!"


    Should the day ever dawn when you work out how to get a passport and win enough money to visit Europe on your lottery, you should visit a couple of French and Belgian restaurants. Then see if you don't agree with me.

  78. "In the hood... funny how you make no mention of Islam."

    All religions are inherently evil. Islam is no more or less vile than any other.

  79. Quote Diversity Kills

    "Tell that to all the white women who have been raped or white people who have been murdered by muslims and africans.

    Just like here is America, the more diverse a place is, the higher the % of whites who are murder and rape."

    That's raped numbnuts R-A-P-E-D - as in the past tense.

    In the U.K. statistics show that white people commit marginally more violent crime than non-whites.

  80. Quote Anonymoys 1:17

    ""The foreigners being paid £2billion in benefits a year including 371,000 on the dole (and 5,000 claiming £42m in illegal handouts)DWP fraud probe after 5,000 illegal immigrants claim £42m in handouts to which they are not entitled

    371,000 foreign nationals on out-of-work benefits

    6% of all benefit claimants are foreigners, study finds"

    Read more:"

    You get your news from the fucking Daily Mail now? How desperate are you?

    Personal benefit fraud costs the U.K. less than 1% of what corporate tax fraud costs us.

  81. Quote Pretender

    "Thats what class warfare is all about. Instead of teaching personal responsibility , making good choices , working hard, its useful idiots like yourself who want to tell people their life sucks because of rich people."

    So tell me, what 'personal responsibility', and 'good choices' did the 1% demonstrate when they brought capitalism to its knees in 2008?


    "Love how the left wants to tell everyone else whats in their best interest."

    Oh and the Right doesn't I suppose????

    Fuck off you hypocritical twat.

  82. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Should the day ever dawn when you work out how to get a passport and win enough money to visit Europe on your lottery, you should visit a couple of French and Belgian restaurants. Then see if you don't agree with me.

    Sigh...a Negro who thinks he has arrived - forgets he isn't dealing with a peer thus has comically misplaced and unwarranted arrogance and ignorance. Been there done that and I suspect your concern is they didn't provide ketchup at the fine Belgian or French dining establishments. Either that or you were upset when they placed the unclean dread sportin negro in the back of the room out of view of the more elegant and lighter diners. You are racist.

  83. Anonymous4:09 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Pretender

    "Thats what class warfare is all about. Instead of teaching personal responsibility , making good choices , working hard, its useful idiots like yourself who want to tell people their life sucks because of rich people."

    So tell me, what 'personal responsibility', and 'good choices' did the 1% demonstrate when they brought capitalism to its knees in 2008?

    They didnt you goofy scumbag. Cunts like you did. How fucking stupid can you possible be. Not everyone can demand things and have only a few people pay for it. Fannie/Freddie and Democratic social experiments where lowlife scum like you who never made it, still have a right to demand things from others who have.

    Mmmmmmmmmmm? Now gargle - spermboy

    "Love how the left wants to tell everyone else whats in their best interest."

    Oh and the Right doesn't I suppose????

    They don't you "suppositoried" correctly asswipe.

    Fuck off you hypocritical twat.

    Yeah ,the biggest piece of shit hypocrite around has the dirty dangling balls to call someone else a hypocrite. Fuck you and anyone that even looks like you, dirtbag.

  84. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Personal benefit fraud costs the U.K. less than 1% of what corporate tax fraud costs us.

    Silly twat as if they are equivalent. The companies are making money and things and employing people. The filthy third world immigrants just invade and destroy everything while people you hate pay for it all. Damn you are one dumb fuck, well they say arrogance makes you that way. You are definitely the type that is always so busy talkin shit, he never listens and thus never learns anything.

  85. Anonymous4:18 PM

    In the U.K. statistics show that white people commit marginally more violent crime than non-whites.

    You are out of your jump down turn around and pick some fucking cotton negro mind. Do you really think you can get away with these lies? You arent talking to your dumb wife and stupid kids now there sambo.

    Wherever there are Blacks anywhere in the world there is more depravity and more crime. Suck on that fact you arrogant braindead prick.

  86. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "All religions are inherently evil. Islam is no more or less vile than any other."

    Spoken like the ignorant, vapid fool you are.

    Your canned, conventional liberal wisdom opinions are utterly predictable and consistently wrong, but your smug ass has absolutely no idea how stupid you sound.

  87. Anonymous4:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    So tell me, what 'personal responsibility', and 'good choices' did the 1% demonstrate when they brought capitalism to its knees in 2008?

    The financial crisis was engineered by the enemies of Western capatalism, conveniently timed to get their man elected President.

  88. Dr. Sarah Bellum4:27 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Actually, it's your parents fault for making you think you were special because you were white, but forgetting to tell you to work hard and get educated

    Project much? Coming from an Affirmative Action basket case who has been trying to get a degree for 30 years and who has never had a job, your attempt at a dig falls flat. Just like your forehead.

    You will never be a doctor.

  89. PC, I saw that game. I was going for the gunners. (I always go with the London clubs) but the mnger is a bonehead. Why did he pull your boy?

    I disagree with you about the best player on the field, though. For my money it was Nani from Man U.

    "Wherever there are Blacks anywhere in the world there is more depravity and more crime. Suck on that fact you arrogant braindead prick."

    Hmmm, not a lot of black folks in Eastern Europe.

    Watching Ravens and NE. Flacco looks a lot better today.

  90. The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Pretender

    "Thats what class warfare is all about. Instead of teaching personal responsibility , making good choices , working hard, its useful idiots like yourself who want to tell people their life sucks because of rich people."

    So tell me, what 'personal responsibility', and 'good choices' did the 1% demonstrate when they brought capitalism to its knees in 2008?


    "Love how the left wants to tell everyone else whats in their best interest."

    Oh and the Right doesn't I suppose????

    Fuck off you hypocritical twat.

    Tell whats in my best interest, Omar.

    Is higher gas prices in my best interest?

    Is increasing the cost to heat and cool my home in my best interest?

    Is higher healthcare cost and higher health insurance rates in my best interest?

    Is higher food cost in my best interest?

    Is paying higher banking fees and the end of free checking in my best interest?

    This is what has happen to Americans as a result of Obama and Democrat policies.

    And no, the right doesn't tell you whats in your best interest.

  91. Diversity Kills4:41 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    In the U.K. statistics show that white people commit marginally more violent crime than non-whites.

    Who commits most interracial rapes and murders?

    That would be non-whites. Just like here in America.

  92. Pretender said...
    Is higher gas prices in my best interest?

    Tell us you punk motherF*****, IS gas prices in yo' best interest?

    Or maybe it depends on what the proper use of the word "is", is!


  93. Every day4:56 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Or maybe it depends on what the proper use of the word "is", is!


    You is.

  94. Dr. Sucks Bowels said...
    Project much? Coming from an Affirmative Action basket case who has been trying to get a degree for 30 years and who has never had a job, your attempt at a dig falls flat.

    The fact that I'll have MD behind my name while you're still collecting sea shells by the sea shore, makes your PINK ass livid!

    So like I said before, blame your dumb ass parents, because genetics pays as much a role in intelligence as enviroment. So with that said, you had a snowballs chance in hell getting past undergrad.

  95. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    genetics pays as much a role in intelligence as enviroment.

    Which is why an academic environment of 30 years cannot overcome a genetic deficiency.

    Is it seeping into your thick skull yet?

    You will never be a doctor.

  96. Anonymous5:19 PM

    The fact that I'll have MD behind my name while you're still collecting sea shells by the sea shore, makes your PINK ass livid!

    So like I said before, blame your dumb ass parents, because genetics pays as much a role in intelligence as enviroment. So with that said, you had a snowballs chance in hell getting past undergrad.

    I love it...Genetics? You mean the kind that at your best make you borderline retarded with an IQ of 70? Unable to control violent anti social impulses? Walk around as if you are a doctor because you plan on going to school again some day? Think you have accomplished something because you live of the tits of the taxpayer and business owners funding your 30 year school vacation?

  97. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Pretender said...
    Is higher gas prices in my best interest?

    Tell us you punk motherF*****, IS gas prices in yo' best interest?

    Or maybe it depends on what the proper use of the word "is", is!


    Speaking of genetics, look at this hoochie momma ghetto hoodrat she boone pat dat weave pat dat weave you see someone without your genetics would say naw I don't care how ugly I and how much I want nice white hair I need to be clean so no weave for me. Not a sheboon like you with the genetics you have dirty is ok as long as you look half human ( don't work we know the hair is fake)

  98. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Tell us you punk motherF*****, IS gas prices in yo' best interest?

    It is "are" and "your" - you genetically inferior dumb she boon. As for motherfucker - nope I never visited the zoo so no way I fucked your mother.

  99. Anonymous said...
    Which is why an academic environment of 30 years cannot overcome a genetic deficiency.

    If earning 4 college degrees in 35 years is a "deficiency", your poor white trash ass is REALLY doomed to walking the Gulf of Mexico in flip flops collecting oyster shells for the rest of your life, LOL!!!

  100. Dr. Graduated6:20 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    If earning 4 college degrees in 35 years is a "deficiency", your poor white trash ass is REALLY doomed to walking the Gulf of Mexico in flip flops collecting oyster shells for the rest of your life, LOL!!!

    Don't laugh too hard, retard. That's almost 9 years per degree! Taking nine years to get a BA in Sociology is not a good indicator for success in a more rigorous area of study, let alone medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  101. Quote Aninymous
    ”Sigh...a Negro who thinks he has arrived - forgets he isn't dealing with a peer thus has comically misplaced and unwarranted arrogance and ignorance. Been there done that and I suspect your concern is they didn't provide ketchup at the fine Belgian or French dining establishments. Either that or you were upset when they placed the unclean dread sportin negro in the back of the room out of view of the more elegant and lighter diners. You are racist.”

    Well O.k. then genius, seeing as how you are such a well-traveled man of the world, what’s your opinion?

    What’s your favorite area of Paris for restaurants? Personally I like the bohemian atmosphere of the 18th Arrondissement around Montmartre and le Place Pigalle. La Taverne de Montmartre is probably my favourite – very relaxed, unpretentious place and not too expensive, and I think Nawab is the best Indian restaurant in Paris, but I’d be glad to listen to your suggestions.

    How about Brussels? I’m not a massive fan myself but maybe you can teach me? They say that Belgium has the best French cuisine in the world, what do you say? The restaurant in Brussel Midi railway station isn’t bad. Can’t remember the name, but you being such a man of the fucking world, I’m sure you’ll know.

    Personally I much prefer Antwerpen, it’s very Flemmish and less hectic than Brussels I always find. The traffic in Brussles is a bitch, don’t you think?

    I particularly liked the Lemon Sole at Het Pomphuis on Siberiastraat last time I was in Antwerpen, how did you like it? Was in not sophisticated enough for your palette?

  102. Dr. Stupid Ass said...
    Don't laugh too hard, retard. That's almost 9 years per degree! Taking nine years to get a BA in Sociology is not a good indicator for success in a more rigorous area of study, let alone medical school.

    Clearly you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were. Just because it took you 10 years to get your assoicates, don't assume everyone else is as slow as you are.

    And just because you've never worked with a company large enough to pay for that education while you worked FULL-TIME, don't ASSume everyone else has a two-bit, non medical insurance providing, never heard of 401K plans, no tuition reimbursement giving crap ass employers like you!


  103. And I'd imagine Sociology majors are making a hell of a lot more than Marine Biology majors who can't get into grad school, so don't laugh too hard REATARD!!!


  104. Dr. I.Q. Superior8:32 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    so don't laugh too hard REATARD!!!

    I rest my case.
