Monday, January 30, 2012

Rough words from Reince.

All this GOP infighting is taking a toll on the party of Lincoln and Duke. O is looking at a 53% job approval rating as I write this post, despite 8.5% unemployment and a sluggish economy in these divided states of A-merry-ca.

No wonder the RNC chairman, Reince Priebus, felt like he had to say some nasty things about the beige one on "Face The Nation" this past Sunday. My man must have thought that he was on FOX. BTW, who names their son Reince?That dude must have some serious issues if he has to live with a name like Reince. But I digress.

So anyway, Reince compared his Oness to a man who allegedly committed manslaughter and left his ship causing people-at least 16 that we know of-  to die. That's pretty harsh stuff coming from the leader of the RNC. I would suspect that they left that kind of down and dirty name calling to wingnut bloggers and talk show hosts.

I must give some credit to Michael Steele, who left the house long enough to condemn Reince.

"Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele told MSNBC the analogy was "unfortunate." [Source]

Good for you, Michael. Although I hope you are not saying this because my man took your job.You black republicans don't usually go after folks in your party for things like this. But I guess there is a first time for everything.

Finally, James O'Keefe has got to be the dumbest wingnut alive. Remember James? Yes, he was the clown who got busted breaking into a senator's office down in the Big Easy.

Anyway, check out his latest brilliant move:

"James O’Keefe’s latest video features surrogates appearing to commit voter fraud in yesterday’s New Hampshire primary election, all in an attempt to highlight voter fraud, a problem which is by-and-large nonexistent in the Granite State.

The undercover video shows unnamed individuals working at O’Keefe’s behest approaching polling stations throughout New Hampshire. After poll workers asked for the person’s name, O’Keefe’s agents gave the name of a voter who died within the past few weeks, before then receiving a ballot to vote. The individuals asked the poll workers if they needed ID to prove their identity, and when poll workers confirmed that they did not, O’Keefe’s men insisted on returning to their car to retrieve their ID and returned the ballot.

However, in highlighting the non-problem of voter fraud in New Hampshire and elsewhere, O’Keefe’s agents appear to have committed voter fraud themselves. Section 659:34 of the New Hampshire code defines voter fraud as when a person (highlights are ours):
(a) When registering to vote; when obtaining an official ballot; or when casting a vote by official ballot, makes a false material statement regarding his or her qualifications as a voter to an election officer or submits a voter registration form, and election day registration affidavit, a qualified voter affidavit, a domicile affidavit, or an absentee registration affidavit containing false material information regarding his or her qualifications as a voter;
(b) Votes more than once for any office or measure;
(c) Applies for a ballot in a name other than his or her own;
(d) Applies for a ballot in his or her own name after he or she has voted once;
(e) Votes for any office or measure at an election if such person is not qualified to vote as provided in RSA 654; or
(f) Gives a false name or answer if under examination as to his or her qualifications as a voter before the supervisors of the checklist or moderator.
In the raw footage released by O’Keefe (reproduced below), at 12:32, the poll worker asks the unnamed individual, “what’s your name again?” The man replies with the name of a dead New Hampshire voter, “Thomas McCarron.” She then asks if he lives at “179 Harrison Street?” The man affirms, “yes.”

In another instance, at 5:00, the poll worker checks off the individual’s fake name and says, “that’s you.” He does not correct her, but implicitly affirms the false identity by taking the ballot she hands him.

In addition, O’Keefe’s group may have run afoul of New Hampshire’s law against hidden recording devices. Granite State law requires both parties to consent when recording devices are used, a fact that even O’Keefe’s own website notes. However, the video gives no indication that poll workers were aware they were being filmed.

One section of footage not released by O’Keefe, however, was when a surrogate was caught at the polls trying to impersonate a dead voter. The Boston Herald notes that the man “disappeared before police could corral him.” [Source]

I hope that the authorities in New Hampshire throw the book at this clown and his minions. While somewhere in A-merry-ca a former ACORN worker is laughing his or her ass off.



  1. O'thief's destined for the crossbar hotel for one of his stunts. Perhaps it'll b e this one.

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    O'thief's destined for the crossbar hotel for one of his stunts. Perhaps it'll b e this one.

    So no concern about how easy it is for you pals Acorn to steal elections, lack of laws identifying voters so all dead people can vote yet you have issues with the guy who uncovered the blatant and total disrespect for everything the US stands for? One person, one Vote?

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I hope that the authorities in New Hampshire throw the book at this clown and his minions. While somewhere in A-merry-ca a former ACORN worker is laughing his or her ass off.

    Are all lawyers this anti american that you applaud voting fraud groups and wish harm on those exposing how our laws and way of life have become subject to the third world ways of petty thugs. I know this is how elections are held in JM but OK, if they can do it then we mobilize everyone who is against Obama and then have all dead folks vote for his opponent, fair is fair.

  4. Anonymous10:33 PM

    A more than 3 week old story? Your Democrats masters need to crack the whip.

  5. More black hates crimes10:38 PM

    Seems like fn never post about black on white attacks or black on white hate crimes.

    Here's another black on white hate crime from Philly.

    Thugs attack cabbie, passenger
    IN A HORRIFIC assault in Center City on Saturday night, three teenagers who were spouting racial slurs pulled a man out of a cab to beat him. And when the cabdriver intervened to stop the assault, the teens turned their rage on him, police said yesterday.

    About 8:25 p.m., a cab was stopped at a red light at 15th and Chestnut streets when two 17-year-old boys and a 15-year-old boy approached and started calling the male passenger in the back seat racially derogatory names, police said.

    The boys then threw an unknown liquid at the cab before they opened the door, pulled the passenger out and started to pummel him, police said.

    When the cabbie got out of the car to see what was going on, the passenger ran away and the teens turned on the cabbie. They punched him in the face, kicked him and threw a liquid on him, police said.

    FN will never post about biased attacks like this.

  6. Anonymous11:16 PM

    When you are entitled you are entitled.

    Idiot 400 pound bus driver hits news van during new conference, blames them for not moving. Also lets it be known that she's got a job to do.

  7. Anonymous11:45 PM

    @ More black hates crimes said..

    Stupid passenger. Stupid cabbie. All they had to do was keep the doors locked and stop heckling Black people, who were minding their own business.

  8. Anonymous11:46 PM

    The RNC chairman has the typical ignorant mind of your ordinary countryman. Today it was the GOP, tomorrow it'll be the Democrats. They are no different, no smarter than the other. Again and again they have proved this truth.

    I still think if Romney or Newt wins the nomination, Obama is done.

  9. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Umm...the only folks doing voter fraud were the Breitbart/Okeefe weenies.
    Claiming it am easy and therefore and such...only AfAms do it and ACORN!...serves to highlight that the fraud was committed by Breitbart/Okeefe 'staffers'.
    Since it was pretty much only wite your logic-ness...we should prevent those of similar skin colour and political idiocy from voting.

    Priebus is proof that the Party of Lincoln is now the the Party of something else. Maybe we institute literacy tests for GOP office.


  10. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Umm...the only folks doing voter fraud were the Breitbart/Okeefe weenies.
    Claiming it am easy and therefore and such...only AfAms do it and ACORN!...serves to highlight that the fraud was committed by Breitbart/Okeefe 'staffers'.
    Since it was pretty much only wite your logic-ness...we should prevent those of similar skin colour and political idiocy from voting.

    Absolutely Steve ,anyone of any color without a valid ID and not one saying Mickey Mouse does not get to vote. Ya dumb fucking loon.

  11. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Anonymous said...
    @ More black hates crimes said..

    Stupid passenger. Stupid cabbie. All they had to do was keep the doors locked and stop heckling Black people, who were minding their own business.

    Yes,they were stupid allright. They didnt have a weapon on them so they could take out a few of those punks like is happening around the country. When the victims don't just lay down the next thing you will hear is it is racist to kill thugs like this. Good thing charges of racism have been used so much that they mean nothing anymore.

  12. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Weapons are always the answer, no matter who gets caught in the cross fire. How about a little common sense? If you're walking around unaware of the conditions in this country, then you will surely become a victim very, very quickly. And Field has a right to post whatever he pleases. It's his Blog and as far as I know, he isn't asking you, me or any body else for money. You have the right to go someplace else if what he is posting displeases you or at the very least skip over comments that upset you. The best suggestion would be to skip The Field Negro entirely. With all due respect.

  13. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Weapons are always the answer, no matter who gets caught in the cross fire. How about a little common sense? If you're walking around unaware of the conditions in this country, then you will surely become a victim very, very quickly.

    Sure you are right, we are all aware of the conditions in the country and the "youth" mobs. So common sense means we need to start racially profiling. These two werent aware and thought they were in a nicer part of town early in the evening and one left the window open for the animals. The cabby should have just run over them. No mercy. Did you know this happened in the evening and about a block away from the Mayors office? So your point is it is the victims fault now?

    And Field has a right to post whatever he pleases. It's his Blog and as far as I know, he isn't asking you, me or any body else for money. You have the right to go someplace else if what he is posting displeases you or at the very least skip over comments that upset you. The best suggestion would be to skip The Field Negro entirely. With all due respect.

    Apparantly yours as well. Also with all due respect if you don't like my comments and disagree, feel free to skip over them and send a nice fruit basket to the thugs, we certainly seem to disagree on that.

  14. Anonymous1:19 AM

    I don't like or dislike your comments. I just find them interesting. I also fine it interesting that your initial comment had nothing to do with the Field's post. It was out of the ordinary and off topic. So I had a look. Just curious. Nothing sinister.

  15. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I don't like or dislike your comments. I just find them interesting. I also fine it interesting that your initial comment had nothing to do with the Field's post. It was out of the ordinary and off topic. So I had a look. Just curious. Nothing sinister.

    Definitely off Fields topic..I was replying to the person who said stupid passenger and stupid cabbie....

    "Anonymous said...
    @ More black hates crimes said..

    Stupid passenger. Stupid cabbie. All they had to do was keep the doors locked and stop heckling Black people, who were minding their own business."

  16. Quotes from another yawn-inducing No Slapzzzzzzzzz post

    ”Hey bonehead, China is opening about one new coal-fored base-load electricity generating plant per week.The nations of the world can and will build more and more power plants until the fuel cost is higher than alternatives.”

    I think you mean ‘coal-fIred’.

    Yes the Chinese are building more coal fired plants, but they shouldn’t.

    ”But wind isn't one of the alternatives simply because the growing global demand for electricity is already many times the maximum theoretical limit for wind power. As for what's possible in Portugal, again, so what? It's a poor country with a tiny population. Ergo, its energy demands -- both per-capita and in the aggregate -- are nothing more than a rounding error relative to world energy demand.”

    Yes it is one of the alternatives, which is why the industry is growing so quickly.

    ’As for the US producing 30% of its electricity from wind power, yeah, sure, if we go back to 1912. There is no statement suggesting the US can obtain 30% of its power needs from wind.”

    Yes there is, try looking for it.

    ”But that won't happen either, because wind power costs more, is not reliable and the necessary transmission facilities to carry electricity from windy areas to non-windy areas does not exist. The cost of those transmission lines is prohibitive.”

    You are just making this shit up as you go along aren’t you?

    Where’s your evidence any of this nonsense is true?

    ”Anyway, as you will see, as you can see now, the construction of wind power systems is purely political. There's no economic advantage to wind power, unless you live so far out in the hills that no other options exist. But few live so far from civilization.”

    There is every advantage to wind power, even today a domestic wind turbine will pay for itself in 10 years. As the scarcity of fossil fuels drives prices, that time will come down.

    ”Sunlight = daylight = sunlight = daylight.

    If you lack one, you lack the other. And, as some of us know, there's no sunlight = daylight at night. So half the day is shot. What do you propose we should do at night when the solar cells are useless? When demand is high?”

    Ok numbnuts, let me explain it again in simple terms. Nobody, repeat nobody, is saying that a house or a business should have ONLY photo-voltaic cells. What we are saying that they have a function in generating power in daylight hours. They are one of the options available to you.

    ”Something tells me you have heat and light in your barn. And I'll bet you derive neither from solar cells or wind. Maybe you burn peat, a real non-pollutant.”

    We pay 8% extra to have ‘Green Power’.

    ”Maybe you burn a little firewood, another exercise in non-polluting.”

    No we don’t.

    ”Oh, as far as Cuba goes..." [blah blah blah for three paragraphs - edited out on the grounds of tedium]

    Nice attempt at a snow job there, but we are not discussing Cuba we are discussing global warming.

    ”Why isn't Nigeria the Norway of Africa?”

    Because Norway is cold and snowy, and full of people who eat smoked fish and drink vodka to excess.

  17. SickupandFed7:11 AM

    As I read the comments I can see the stupid is strong with some of these folk. And most, if not all, are anonymous.

  18. hey fn:

    fix that fuzzy hobama math on the unemployment stats asap....
    It is actaully well over 23%...and climbing

    america is a PROUDLY dumbed down tv nation

    that is why newscasters lie about misery indexes at will
    and books are relics...

    great repub debates trump global dem doom

    tragic indeed!!!

  19. no slappz9:23 AM

    purple buttercup sums up alternative power supplies in one phrase:

    We pay 8% extra to have ‘Green Power’.

    Inasmuch as almost all the power output of your local utility is produced with conventional -- fossil fuel -- energy supplies, it's easy to see that if ALL the power were produced with alternative sources your bill would rise about 500% instead of 8%.

    Meanwhile, NO ONE wants to pay for solar power when it costs the equivalent of oil at $450 or $500 a barrel.

    In any case, political solutions that mandate the use of more solar and wind power guarantee many more years, if not decades, of misery and abject poverty for poor nations that can't afford even the less-expensive conventional energy supplies.

    As to why Nigeria isn't Norway, you said:

    Because Norway is cold and snowy, and full of people who eat smoked fish and drink vodka to excess.

    So the poverty and national dysfunction in Nigeria is a function of temperature and diet?

    Wow. Maybe you have to tell yourself these things to get through the day.

  20. hey fn:

    even that flipper liar hobama and his teleprompter have their own fuzzy math/stats confused...


  21. Kudos to James O'Keefe for covering the issues the mainstream media buries and for exposing the rotteness of our political system due to democrat-sponsored voter fraud.

    One man, one vote.

  22. no slappz9:40 AM

    purple buttercup writes:

    There is every advantage to wind power, even today a domestic wind turbine will pay for itself in 10 years. As the scarcity of fossil fuels drives prices, that time will come down.

    Yesterday I cut-and-pasted a section from the Wind Power link YOU sent me. Your favorite wind-power site stated that Wind Power is NOT cost-competitive with conventional power suppliers.

    Now you're trying to claim a wind generator will pay for itself in 10 years. Again, more proof you don't know the first thing about finance or calculating a payback.

    Your goofy claim is contingent on the future price of conventional fuels.

    First, bonehead, only 2% -- two percent -- of electricity in the US is produced with oil.

    The overwhelming percentage of electricity in the US is produced by burning coal and natural gas. Then nuclear. Those four account for about 90% of our electricity. Hydropower accounts for a hefty chunk of the remaining 10%, but that percentage is declining.

    The price of coal and natural gas is either not rising or falling. Natural gas prices are falling because supplies -- for now -- are increasing faster than demand. Nat gas prices have decoupled from oil.

    Therefore, if oil goes to $200 a barrel, the price increase has no effect on producing electricity.

    Meanwhile, in 2008, when oil hit $147 per barrel, it stayed at that peak price for about an hour, then began to drop. And it kept dropping for weeks until it bottomed at $38 a barrel. But the low figure gets very little media coverage because it fails to raise anxiety levels.

    Anyway, the US is centuries away from running out of fossil fuels, which means we're going to keep using them till a cheaper alternative appears.

    One day solar voltaic cells will have a conversion efficiency that makes them competitive with fossil fuels, but the only way to improve the conversion efficiency of solar cells is to encourage the science and engineering students at the top universities in the world (half of which are in the US) to create them.

    Today's solar cells are not commercially viable, as your 8% surcharge proves.

  23. Reince is right to compare Obama to that idiot Italian captain who wrecked his boat because he didn't know what he was doing.

    The only difference is that Obama wants to boat the sink.

  24. no slappz9:44 AM

    The crimes of James O'Keefe?

    To prosecute someone for a crime the state must establish the Means, Motive and Opportunity.

    Inasmuch as O'Keefe's Motive was to reveal the flaws of the voting system -- rather than exploiting the flaws to cast a dishonest vote -- it's unlikely a prosecution is in the offing.

  25. uptownsteve10:17 AM

    I can't believe how stupid these anons are.

    From the last thread.

    "Robert Byrd???"

    Byrd is dead and you clowns still can't let go of him.

    Byrd renounced his KKK activities over 40 years agao and was one of the first Senators to come in support of Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

    Meanwhile Trent Lott was a member of the racist CofCC as recently as 1998.

    Rand Paul and his pops have strong associations with white hate groups TODAY.

    And we all have seen Uncle Newt's racist ranting on the campaign trail this year.

    "Has the democratic party ever elected a black Senator?"

    Yeah. Barack Obama and Carol Moseley Braun. They also have elected a couple of Governors. Doug Wilder and Deval Patrick.

    "I know Republicans have three."

    What's their names?

    Ed Brooke was a moderate-liberal who would have no place in today's Rethug party. Who are the other two?

  26. "Your favorite wind-power site stated that Wind Power is NOT cost-competitive with conventional power suppliers."

    No it didn't.

    "Now you're trying to claim a wind generator will pay for itself in 10 years. Again, more proof you don't know the first thing about finance or calculating a payback. Your goofy claim is contingent on the future price of conventional fuels."

    No it isn't.

    Any excess electricity you don't use can be sold back to the national grid. That price has been guaranteed by the government. A good friend of mine spent £80,000 on a turbine in 2010. It powers his home, his small business ( a smoke house) and the juice he sells to the National grid pays off the bank loan with room to spare. Eight and a bit years from now it will all be profit.

    "First, bonehead, only 2% -- two percent -- of electricity in the US is produced with oil. The overwhelming percentage of electricity in the US is produced by burning coal and natural gas. Then nuclear. Those four account for about 90% of our electricity. Hydropower accounts for a hefty chunk of the remaining 10%, but that percentage is declining."

    Not true, Hydro power rose slightly in 2009, the last year I've seen figures for.

    "The price of coal and natural gas is either not rising or falling. Natural gas prices are falling because supplies -- for now -- are increasing faster than demand. Nat gas prices have decoupled from oil.

    For now being the operative phrase. China India and Brazil will soon put paid to that.

    Here are some of the hidden and not so hidden costs of coal that you have left out of your analysis.

    "Taxpayers also pay the costs of cleaning up environmental disasters caused by the coal industry. Cleanup of the recent coal ash spill in Tennessee is estimated to cost up to $1 billion, not including pending litigation. Now that the cleanup at this site has been taken over by the EPA under the Superfund law, most of this cost will be borne by the US taxpayer.

    The health impacts of coal pollution have enormous economic costs, through health care costs and lost productivity. The Ontario government study estimated these costs as billions of dollars within Ontario alone. A similar recent study in West Virginia found that the cost associated with premature death due to coal mining was five times greater than all measurable economic benefits from the mining."

    Source Wikipedia:

    "Therefore, if oil goes to $200 a barrel, the price increase has no effect on producing electricity."

    Yes it will, if oil reaches the range 200 to 300 per barrel other industries are going to look to change to gas - forcing the prices up,

    Anyway, the US is centuries away from running out of fossil fuels, which means we're going to keep using them till a cheaper alternative appears."

    Fossil fuels are only cheaper if you ignore the financial costs of the massive damage they do to the environment and the health of your citizens.

    "One day solar voltaic cells will have a conversion efficiency that makes them competitive with fossil fuels, but the only way to improve the conversion efficiency of solar cells is to encourage the science and engineering students at the top universities in the world (half of which are in the US) to create them. Today's solar cells are not commercially viable, as your 8% surcharge proves."

    They are cheaper getting now because cells do not cause massive damage to the environment or health of your citizens.

    The 8% surcharge was nothing to do with solar panel energy production.

  27. Just some of the problems associated with coal production and energy production through burning coal.

    Source Wikipedia:

    1.Coal-fired power plants shortened nearly 24,000 lives a year in the United States, including 2,800 from lung cancer[48]

    2.Generation of hundreds of millions of tons of waste products, including fly ash, bottom ash, flue-gas desulfurization sludge, that contain mercury, uranium, thorium, arsenic, and other heavy metals.

    3. Acid rain from high sulfur coal

    4.Interference with groundwater and water table levels

    5.Contamination of land and waterways and destruction of homes from fly ash spills such as Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill

    6.Impact of water use on flows of rivers and consequential impact on other land-uses

    7.Dust nuisance

    8.Subsidence above tunnels, sometimes damaging infrastructure

    9.Uncontrollable underground fires which may burn for decades or centuries.

    10.Coal-fired power plants without effective fly ash capture are one of the largest sources of human-caused background radiation exposure

    11.Coal-fired power plants emit mercury, selenium, and arsenic which are harmful to human health and the environment[49]

    12.Release of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, which causes climate change and global warming according to the IPCC and the EPA. Coal is the largest contributor to the human-made increase of CO2 in the air[50]

  28. hey fn:

    re: your sidebar

    did allen west ever lie on hobama????

    rsvp asap so that i may cc your reply to cornel and tavis


    comments and said, “West owes an apology to a lot of people.”
    Today, West explained to Fox and Friends, “If you go back and read the transcript of the message that I gave, it was about equality of achievement, about economic dependency, it was about enslaving the American entrepreneur well in spirit. That message needs to leave this country.” He went on to say that if anyone watched that entire speech they would understand that he’s talking about a contrast of visions in this country.

    “I think Bob Beckel owes me an apology for saying that he would not refer to me as a Congressional representative nor as a Lieutenant Colonel Retired,” West said.

  29. Anonymous10:49 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    I can't believe how stupid these anons are.

    From the last thread.

    "Robert Byrd???"

    Byrd is dead and you clowns still can't let go of him.

    You mean people should let go of issues from long ago that are dead and buried and exception type examples? OK good advice, I will try and remember that.

    Byrd renounced his KKK activities over 40 years agao and was one of the first Senators to come in support of Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

    Cool, so if someone renounces something then we shouldnt bring it up over and over again? More good advice, thanks. I will try and forget that he was a recruiter for the Klan and held the titles of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops or that after he left he wrote a letter to the Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Or that he filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or that in 2001 he kept saying "white niggers" on TV.

    Meanwhile Trent Lott was a member of the racist CofCC as recently as 1998.

    Don't know what CofCC is. 1998 was 14 years ago - whatever it is, please define the cutoff for "forgiveness" being that Byrd was telling people not to act like niggers if white by acting poorly in 2001.

    Rand Paul and his pops have strong associations with white hate groups TODAY.

    What is a white hate group? Is it like a Black Pride group?

    And we all have seen Uncle Newt's racist ranting on the campaign trail this year.

    No, we all have seen people like you claim his statement of facts were racist because you have super secret decoder rings. What did he say that was a lie?

    "Has the democratic party ever elected a black Senator?"

    Yeah. Barack Obama and Carol Moseley Braun. They also have elected a couple of Governors. Doug Wilder and Deval Patrick.

    Actually you missed a few but the joke was already played out yesterday. Barack is a very clean and articulate man.

    "I know Republicans have three."

    What's their names?

    Ed Brooke was a moderate-liberal who would have no place in today's Rethug party. Who are the other two?

    Actually I think you mean Ed would have no place in todays radical socialistic communist leftist Democraptic party. Don't feel like looking up the rest, anways, it doesn't matter. All is forgiven right?

  30. hobama has FAILED 23 trillion times WORSE than any sane person ever expected

    what hope??
    what change???
    ask hobama's NDAA!!!!


    kudos to matt damon!!!

    In his most ferocious attack to date, the Hollywood star vented his anger at the President's failure to bring about change in America.

    He said: "I've talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, 'Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician,'".

    "You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better."

  31. Chairman Soetoro11:03 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Yeah. Barack Obama and Carol Moseley Braun.

    Obama only counts as 1/2.

  32. uptownsteve11:07 AM

    Anon Goober

    "You mean people should let go of issues from long ago that are dead and buried and exception type examples? OK good advice, I will try and remember that."

    Willya stop? If Byrd had switched parties and become a Republican like 95% of the other Southern Dixiecrats, you clowns would have been calling him a "great American".

    Since when does the modern GOP have a problem with white racists?

    "Don't know what CofCC is. 1998 was 14 years ago - whatever it is,"

    The cleaned up version of the White Citizen's Council.

    "please define the cutoff for "forgiveness""

    I never was a Byrd fan however I am always amused how white Republican bigots try to use him as a whipping boy when they built their entire contemporary strength on direct appeals to white racism.

    What party do you think the KKK supports in 2012?

    The one with Obama or the one with Newt?

    "Don't feel like looking up the rest, anways, it doesn't matter."

    THEY DON'T EXIST. You pulled it out of you ass like you do most of your assertions.

  33. Senator Byrd11:12 AM

    Steve, you are a hypocrite who makes no sense.

  34. uptownsteve said...
    "What party do you think the KKK supports in 2012?"

    All 12 of them? It's pretty hard to portray the KKK as a substantial movement today.

    The are a thousand times more black nationalist racist group members today than there are any paleo-white supremicists.

    Ditto for hispanic racist groups like La Raza, whose officials get appointed to high positions in the racist Obama administration.

  35. no slappz11:19 AM

    purple buttercup, as I said, your claims and responses show you are a person of little or no knowledge of science, engineering or finance, and, now you're a liar.

    What else is new?

    As I said, the Wind Power site YOU provided to me INCLUDES a section on the cost-competiveness of wind power. It stated -- as I cut-and-pasted -- that wind power is NOT cost competitive.

    As for your laundry list of threats and hazards of coal, well, inasmuch as there are 50 million-60 million smokers in the US and billions of smokers in the world, a few deaths -- from dubious causes -- hardly matter.

    Like I said, every year FIVE MILLION Africans die from drinking dirty water. So putting things in persepctive matters, especially when cleaning water is easy and cheap while finding and producing energy is often difficult and expensive -- especially for poor countries.

    But that shouldn't be the case for Nigeria. Lots of oil, lots of abject poverty. Even when black nations win the geopgraphic lottery, they can't function.

    Anyway, if you think there are no health hazards attached to manufacturing solar cells, you are uninformed. Tellurium is dangerous stuff.

    But no one knows how harzardous or toxic solar cells will be when engineers and scientists push their conversion efficiency to a competitive level -- which means tripling the current efficiency.

    You can be sure the cells will become more dangerous. That's okay with me, but you clowns pretend health risks are unacceptable until it's your pet technology that fails.

    Anyway, regarding your list of coal hazards, every one of the items has either been addressed and improved through better engineering or will be.

    Acid rain? That problem was solved 30 years ago.

    The Pollution Control Industry is an important one. One that will grow because cleaning up is becoming more and more necessary.

    If you think it's possible to build anything without creating pollution, then you're living in a dream world.

  36. ron paul 2012!!!

    our very last hope for any real change

  37. uptownsteve11:26 AM

    "The are a thousand times more black nationalist racist group members today than there are any paleo-white supremicists."

    This is a joke right?

    White supremacists actively recruit at Tea Party rallies.

    You do remember the Tea Party, don't you?

    The ones with the stranglehold around the neck of the GOP?

  38. no slappz11:28 AM

    ree-tard steve posts:

    Byrd is dead and you clowns still can't let go of him.

    Hmmm. A little like that slavery issue. Byrd died recently, but slavery died 150 years ago.

  39. Anonymous11:30 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Anon Goober

    "You mean people should let go of issues from long ago that are dead and buried and exception type examples? OK good advice, I will try and remember that."

    Willya stop? If Byrd had switched parties and become a Republican like 95% of the other Southern Dixiecrats, you clowns would have been calling him a "great American".

    I agree with you, what else do you want? All is forgiven. Glad to see you are such a magnanimous man after all and believe that people shouldnt be bringing up ancient history and isolated cases and learn forgiveness. Lets stick to that in the future shall we.

    Since when does the modern GOP have a problem with white racists?

    Not sure what you are trying to say but since when does the Modern Democratic party have a problem with racism and promoting the interest of one race over the country? It is their entire voting block and foundation.

    "Don't know what CofCC is. 1998 was 14 years ago - whatever it is,"

    The cleaned up version of the White Citizen's Council.

    "please define the cutoff for "forgiveness""

    I never was a Byrd fan however I am always amused how white Republican bigots try to use him as a whipping boy when they built their entire contemporary strength on direct appeals to white racism.

    Nope, all is forgiven, but you dodged the question, what is the cutoff for forgiveness. When will you not bring up old isolated issue - you know just to be consistant and ethical.

    What party do you think the KKK supports in 2012?

    Is there even a KKK nowadays? I never met nor heard of anyone even remotely affiliated with this type of stuff. I guess that you have. If the KKK were to promote black interests even if using racism then the Democratic party would jump all over it, they aren't for rule of law, fairness and equity for all. Conservatives would have nothing to do with any KKK, it is low brow to look at issues through color lenses. Issues are issues, laws are laws and you know that.

    The one with Obama or the one with Newt? Well, from your point of view if you don't support Obama it is because you are either a racist or a dumb Negro Tom who doesnt know any better. That is a pretty hateful and considerably silly view in my opinion.

    "Don't feel like looking up the rest, anways, it doesn't matter."

    THEY DON'T EXIST. You pulled it out of you ass like you do most of your assertions.

    Well you are the expert on things in the ass, but shouldnt that be like most "insertions" instead of "assertions" ? Don't you have to have an insertion to pull something out?

    When you see racism in everything and use that as a fulcrum for your life, you might just be creating it.

  40. uptownsteve11:34 AM

    "Hmmm. A little like that slavery issue. Byrd died recently, but slavery died 150 years ago."


    What an idiot.

  41. uptownsteve11:36 AM

    "Nope, all is forgiven, but you dodged the question, what is the cutoff for forgiveness. When will you not bring up old isolated issue - you know just to be consistant and ethical."

    What question?

    Byrd supported Barack Obama, extending the Voting rights act and other progressive legslation despite being a KKK member 60 years ago.

    The GOP TODAY is an active gathering place for white racists.

    What part of this are you confused with?

  42. uptownsteve said...
    White supremacists actively recruit at Tea Party rallies.


    Spouting the lies of the regime used to smear political opponents is the mark of a weasely little lackey.

    You are a barely useful idiot, a human worm.

  43. Anonymous11:40 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The are a thousand times more black nationalist racist group members today than there are any paleo-white supremicists."

    This is a joke right?

    White supremacists actively recruit at Tea Party rallies.

    You do remember the Tea Party, don't you?

    The ones with the stranglehold around the neck of the GOP?

    HAHA why are liberals so dim. You can't even read between the lines on this hit piece? White supremists "target" tea party for takeover. Well, they won't have any luck. White supremacists are just as dumb as Black supremacists. Black Supremacists - You know who they are right? The people you are ok with being racist.

    Black supremacists (people who make their own race the core of every issue) are taking over the democratic party, actually they started their own seperate isolationist branch and filled it with idiots or are they the brightest of elected democrats? - The CBC.

  44. hobama is a millionaire bankster liar

  45. uptownsteve11:43 AM

    "The one with Obama or the one with Newt? Well, from your point of view if you don't support Obama it is because you are either a racist or a dumb Negro Tom who doesnt know any better."

    Absolutely untrue.

    You are free to oppose Obama but at least explain in detail your problem with specific policies that he has implemented.

    All I hear from your side is "socialist", "muslim", "worst President in history"..etc

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. no slappz11:46 AM

    ree-tard steevee:

    Where are these KKK members? I've seen them depicted in movies, and read about them -- in history books. But real live ones? About as common as Big Foot.

    On the other hand, today there's the Nation of Islam, remnants of the Black Panthers and other black racist organizations working as hard as ever to push their anti-white hatred.

  48. uptownsteve11:46 AM

    Viva La Goober whines


    Here's some more LIES for you goober.

  49. Anonymous11:47 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Nope, all is forgiven, but you dodged the question, what is the cutoff for forgiveness. When will you not bring up old isolated issue - you know just to be consistant and ethical."

    What question? Ummmmmmmmmmmm......look up. What is the cutoff for you not bringing up old isolated issues, living up to the standard you just created and imposed on me. I agreed, so now just tell me what your cutoff will be so we can be consistant. You said as recently as 1998 for one thing and then discounted something in 2001 as being old. So lets clarify this.

    Byrd supported Barack Obama, extending the Voting rights act and other progressive legslation despite being a KKK member 60 years ago.

    Your right , we are past this, he was a great american hero for supporting Barack. A lot of people did, but so did Byrd. What does it mean when a white guy looking to put down white people, calls them white niggers?

    The GOP TODAY is an active gathering place for white racists.

    That is an out and out lie. You do mean people that are less likely to be bullied into supporting idiotic things just BECAUSE some demand they be racist. The most visibly racist party is the Democrats. All they ever talk about is Black, minorities and excuses. Rarely an argument or discussion on the merits of things as the GOP does, always about race.

    What part of this are you confused with.

    Typical, I am not confused about a thing but in your contortions to apply double standards it seems you might be. If you have standards put them out there and then STICK to them, unlike a democrat. What is your cutoff for foregiving things from the days of old and when will you personally not bring up old exception to the rule matters as you just advised me not to. 1998 ? You said that was recent, so then Byrd calling "acting bad whites, white niggers is recent isn't it or do we start with 2001 now?

  50. "Black supremacists (people who make their own race the core of every issue) are taking over the democratic party..."

    Sweet Jeezus, I don't know which weird planet you inhabit sunshine, but from my position back down here on Planet Earth, I hope you are very unhappy.

  51. uptownsteve11:48 AM


    I've provided evidence that the KKK and other white hate organizations are in bed with the Tea Party and GOP.

    Provide evidence of your assertions.

    Especially the "remnants of the Black Panther Party" part.

    Watch him disappear folks.

  52. no slappz11:52 AM

    ree-tard steve concedes:

    You are free to oppose Obama but at least explain in detail your problem with specific policies that he has implemented.

    How much detail is necessary to say Obama's programs have failed?

    We should be at least two years into a demonstrable recovery. Instead, we still mired in a paralyzing recession -- except in a couple of areas, like energy.

    It is absolute insanity for a president to stop a huge construction project that will create thousands of jobs -- estimated by Democracts at 6,000, and by Republicans at 20,000 -- while reducing our need to import oil from unfriendly nations, and do it all without a dime of taxpayers' money.

    The rest of his flaws and failings would take too long to detail.

  53. Anonymous11:57 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The one with Obama or the one with Newt? Well, from your point of view if you don't support Obama it is because you are either a racist or a dumb Negro Tom who doesnt know any better."

    Absolutely untrue.

    You are free to oppose Obama but at least explain in detail your problem with specific policies that he has implemented.

    You do realize that his failures have been listed very much in detail right? We are living them. You also I am sure realize that when there is no other answer racism comes out from the left, which is normally right from the start. I have yet to watch the radical left media like Madcow, Tingles, Sharpton where they have ever intelligently addressed an issue, it is always easier to blame someone for being motivated by something as stupid as someones gift wrapping. That is racism, not what they charge.

    I am concerned and think Obama is a failed president because while he is out campaigning and doing nothing but raising funds for re-election he is doing nothing but buying votes by promising more and more spending, now every American owes 189,000 each in national debt and unfunded entitlements, he wants to keep your vote so wants to spend even more.

    You call that disagreement racism. Me too, but obviously not as you see it.

  54. what???

  55. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Black supremacists (people who make their own race the core of every issue) are taking over the democratic party..."

    Sweet Jeezus, I don't know which weird planet you inhabit sunshine, but from my position back down here on Planet Earth, I hope you are very unhappy.

    Feel good now that you took a dump? Good now let the adults clean up after you and go take a bath. When you think you can handle saying something intelligent rather then using some old 1960's cliche, give it another try gramps.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. uptownsteve said...
    I've provided evidence that the KKK and other white hate organizations are in bed with the Tea Party and GOP.


    You have provided zero evidence of anything of the kind.

    Links to extremist leftwing propaganda sites do nothing to bolster your argument, and only show what a pathetic boot licker you are.

  58. kudos to snoop dogg!

    and all of the young blacks who refuse to be old fools for that new racist elitist bankster joker hobama!!!!

    ron paul 2012!!!

  59. uptownsteve12:09 PM

    "How much detail is necessary to say Obama's programs have failed?"

    What "program" are you talking about Slappy?

    C'mon, you can do it.

  60. eg

    only black idiots are impressed by blatant meaningless stunts by that blackish racist #1 stunter hobama


  61. uptownsteve12:13 PM

    "I am concerned and think Obama is a failed president because while he is out campaigning and doing nothing but raising funds for re-election he is doing nothing but buying votes by promising more and more spending"

    What spending program has Obama promised in his reelection?

    C'mon name it.

    These freaking righties just lie and lie and lie.

  62. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    "Black supremacists (people who make their own race the core of every issue) are taking over the democratic party..."

    Sweet Jeezus, I don't know which weird planet you inhabit sunshine, but from my position back down here on Planet Earth, I hope you are very unhappy.

    This is quite funny, coming from the biggest wannabe Moonbat around who even more Ironically isnt even someone who has anythign to do with the US. Hows those Klingons circling Uranus? Are they racist because someone didnt give you free toiletpaper and instructions on what to do about them or offer to do it for you Moonbat.

  63. hobama lies about his fuzzy math even more than the cbo


  64. uptownsteve12:17 PM


    Quit diverting and back up your assertions with facts.

    I'm huntin goobers today so get ready.

    What black supremacists are taking over the Democratic party?

    Name em.

    OH BTW here is Ron Paul posing with Stormfront chief and former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black.

  65. hobama is ALWAYS a moron sans his trusty teleprompter


  66. Quote Anonymous

    "This is quite funny, coming from the biggest wannabe Moonbat around who even more Ironically isnt even someone who has anythign to do with the US. Hows those Klingons circling Uranus? Are they racist because someone didnt give you free toiletpaper and instructions on what to do about them or offer to do it for you Moonbat."

    How old are you?



  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Hard Cold Truth12:30 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "How much detail is necessary to say Obama's programs have failed?"

    What "program" are you talking about Slappy?"
    All of them:

    Jobs - three years and trillions of dollars later, official (ie Obama labor department) unemployment is over 8%. Bad enough, but this is only because they have classified millions of people out of the work force. True unemployment is much higher.

    Economic growth - two years after the recession ended, growth is an anemic 1.7%.

    Energy - gas prices are up huge due to Obama's restriction of domestic drilling (not to mention killing the Keystone Pipeline). Despite his best efforts, American technology (fracking) has given us the lowest natural gas prices in history. And despite this huge boost to the economy, his policies are STILL resulting in anemic growth. Note: His EPA will put a halt to fracking should he get elected - AFTER the election of course.

    Foreign policy - installing Muslim Brotherhood regimes across the Middle East is going to turn out very badly.

    Culturally - encouraging dependency in the citizens through expanding entitlements only deepens the rot in our society, and hastens the day America collapses.

    Fiscally - He has failed to lead on the budget, the Democrat senate has not passed a budget in over 1,000 days. He is leading to bankruptcy - like he wants.

    Militarily - stabbing allies in the back, slashing defense bugets, turning the military from a fighting machine into a social engineering project is weakening America - just like he wants.

    Scientifically - Obama killed the space program and is diverting money into junk science that promotes his collectivist "green" agenda.

    Criminally - he has showered billions on campaign donors for such things as Green energy boondoggles and government contracts. He has transferred billions of dollars to the unions and to Wall Street who shoveled millons right back. He runs the country like a Chicago alderman.

    He is the most destructive leader this country has ever had.

  69. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "This is quite funny, coming from the biggest wannabe Moonbat around who even more Ironically isnt even someone who has anythign to do with the US. Hows those Klingons circling Uranus? Are they racist because someone didnt give you free toiletpaper and instructions on what to do about them or offer to do it for you Moonbat."

    How old are you?



    This coming from the juvenile who started the entire exchange by saying

    "Sweet Jeezus, I don't know which weird planet you inhabit sunshine, but from my position back down here on Planet Earth, I hope you are very unhappy".

    Like I said to you originally, the adults will clean up after you. Come back when you have something more mature to contribute other then preteen 60's cliches. But getting upset because someone sank down to your infantile level to respond in a manner you would understand and bested you won't further anything.

  70. uptownsteve12:38 PM


    So he gives me the FOX Channel anti-Obama propaganda spiel.

    Get ready for Obama's reelection goober because all you clowns have is racism and propaganda.

    Most voters are starting to see that BO is ever so steadily righting the ship that was taken off course by GOP mismanagement.


  71. Anonymous12:42 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Quit diverting and back up your assertions with facts.

    I'm huntin goobers today so get ready.

    What a racist little man you are. Well, you better load your intellectual gun before you go hunting any White people as you put it. From where I sit you are shooting blanks. You racist loony tune small man.

    Now what would you cry if some white guy said he was going to be going coon hunting today? Hmmmm??? Why are you special and you think people should accept your racism, while you call them out for racism only you can hear with your secret decoder ring?

    What black supremacists are taking over the Democratic party?

    Pick a name from the CBC.

    Name em.
    Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters and many more, but start with those, my small brained pal..

    OH BTW here is Ron Paul posing with Stormfront chief and former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black.

    Thats nice, Dont really care for his crazy ideas but here is one of Obama with the Black Panthers and Malik Shamu the whale Shabazz and he is OUR president. Now thats scary. In fact Obama and Eric Holder dismissed an already won case of voter intimidation against the panthers after coincidentally Malik visited the whitehouse and Obama on several occasions, smells like racist lawbreaking to me.

    Ron Paul will never make president in the meantime we have a living breathing racist in the white house.

  72. uptownsteve12:45 PM

    "Now what would you cry if some white guy said he was going to be going coon hunting today?"

    I'd say come on down but we all know it's all talk because goobers are scared to come into black neighborhoods.

  73. Captain crunch maybe it's time you got a life boat.

    And here I thought the kkk was still around , at least in the heart of the wingnut.

    Oh well, there is always the GOP.

  74. Uncle Thomas Thomspson12:49 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Most voters are starting to see that BO is ever so steadily righting the ship that was taken off course by GOP mismanagement.

    Most voters aren't that fucking dumb.

    A lot are, as evidenced by cretins such as yourself, but given a viable choice like Romney or even the Gingrich, a majority of Americas are ready to say goodbye to the democrat party and good riddance to BO.

    You better hope for an orderly change from "Change", because if Capin' Barry crashes the ship, the gravy train stops cold and your black ass is gonna be in a sling.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. no one could be worse than hobama

    that racist flipper hobama has been the most racist prez ever
    ask his NDAA!!!

    no one else will lull adorers to sleep like that blackish hobama

    especially no racist wm like newt or rich wm like romney

    whom black hobamabots are already calling out daily!!!

  77. Anonymous1:01 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Now what would you cry if some white guy said he was going to be going coon hunting today?"

    I'd say come on down but we all know it's all talk because goobers are scared to come into black neighborhoods.

    You know, sometimes you talk this coon shit so much you get me angry for a moment and I really, really, really want to meet you face to face so I can look you in the eye when I watch you piss your pants, call for 10 friends and the pow-leese and then cry racism.

    But then unlike you I am a civilized man and I immediately regain my composure and realize that your tendency to front in areas that would no doubt end up in your demise, to constantly revert to violence and threats when faced with thinking situations, is what makes you a coon.

    You should really try to get ahold or your racial hatred and violent tendencies. You aren't a kid and older men still trying to be hard and thuggin makes them look like well....coons. At least you admitted you are racist. We made that much progress and with your being an avowed violent racist, your race card is again revoked.

    Have a nice day Grand Coon Master, have a nice day. You have to live with it. I don't.

  78. Anonymous1:05 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    So he gives me the FOX Channel anti-Obama propaganda spiel.

    Can't handle the facts, so you try and focus on the source ONLY. Good job Saul.

    Get ready for Obama's reelection goober because all you clowns have is racism and propaganda.

    RIght, when people start to look at facts you bozos say nothing but racism and propaganda. You wouldnt worry about the debt if there werent a black guy in the white house...hahahhhhahaha.

    Most voters are starting to see that BO is ever so steadily righting the ship that was taken off course by GOP mismanagement.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keep dreaming or as you say in another voice wisherating.


    What language is this? Coon speak?

  79. Anonymous1:08 PM


    UpCoon Steve will now say something like

    Look I got them upset when he didnt
    I love when I make them do this - when he didnt
    Qoute some obscure non related fact and or ask some ridiculous non related question to deflect and say something like - go ahead I will wait.

    Not notice the whole time he ducked, dodged and avoided any real question and then blame it all on racism. Not realizing it is his very own.

    Oh and lets not forget the ROTFLMBAO and I also predict even seeing this he STILL wont be able to help himself and do it anyway.

  80. Zed III1:28 PM

    uptownsteve is completely irrelevant. He does not think. He is unable to consider alternate points of view or facts that do not support his narrow world view. He is a partisan hack, and will defend his 'side' no matter what the truth may be.

    You could write a very simple computer program that could produce steve's 'opinions' with a 98% accuracy.

  81. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Oh My, More Obamanomics:

    Consumer confidence "Unexpectedly" why is it always "unexpectedly" drops in January.

    Should we not read this report? Is it also racist for pointing out facts and reality while a half Black Man is president?

    The New York-based Conference Board’s confidence index decreased to 61.1, lower than the most pessimistic forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of economists, from a revised 64.8 reading the prior month. The Institute for Supply Management-Chicago Inc. said its business barometer declined to 60.2 from 62.2 in December. Readings above 50 signal growth.

    Employers aren’t hiring fast enough to drive bigger gains in wages and consumer spending, while higher gasoline prices are cutting into household budgets. Another report today showed home prices fell more than forecast in November, eroding the wealth of families as they seek to rebuild savings.

  82. The Congressionla Budget office reported in their latest budget outlook:

    Had that portion of the decline in the labor force participation rate since 2007 that is attributable to neither the aging of the baby boomers nor the downturn in the business cycle (on the basis of the experience in previous downturns) not occurred, the unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2011 would have been about 1¼ percentage points higher than the actual rate of 8.7 percent"

    Translation: CBO just admitted that the BLS numbers are bogus and real unemployment is 10%.

    Oh ya, and the 2012 deficit will be $1.1 trillion.

    The lights are going out in Obamerikka........

  83. Johnny Rebel2:10 PM

    In the advent of the inevitable continued flash mobs or riots due to Obama's Loss of re-election and people pulled from taxis.

    Gun lovers. Herewith are thirteen things to remember when carrying your weapon.

    1. Guns have only two enemies rust and politicians.
    2. It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
    3. Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
    4. Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arms length.
    5. Never say, “I’ve got a gun.” If you need to use deadly force, the first sound they hear should be the safety clicking off.
    6. The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes; the response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.
    7. The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win – cheat if necessary.
    8. Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets . . . You may get killed with your own gun, but he’ll have to beat you to death with it, because it’ll be empty.
    9. If you’re in a gunfight:
    - If you’re not shooting, you should be loading.
    - If you’re not loading, you should be moving.
    - If you’re not moving, you’re dead.
    10. In a life and death situation, do something . . . It may be wrong, but do something!
    11. If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?
    12. You can say ‘stop’ or ‘alto’ or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much a universal language.
    13. You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family and or the driver or your taxi.

    Read more:

  84. "Like I said to you originally, the adults will clean up after you. Come back when you have something more mature to contribute other then preteen 60's cliches. But getting upset because someone sank down to your infantile level to respond in a manner you would understand and bested you won't further anything."

    I see you're not dead yet, Anony.


    I'm gonna take that doll and the pins back to the voodoo doll shop and ask for a refund.

  85. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Purple Cow Bovinely Bloviates

    About Solar Panels "They are cheaper getting now because cells do not cause massive damage to the environment or health of your citizens"

    Cheaper? Then why have so many solar panel, electric car related companies folded after the massive taxpayer funded "stimulus investments" run out?

    Seems to me that wishing something were viable would require investment in science to improve it before creating a company to sell a flawed product that doesnt fit the needs thus wants of the populace.

    How many tax dollar "investment" Obama companies have bit the big one in the last week? Adding to the Solyndra and more debacles?

    Evergreen Energy, then Ener1 a maker of electric auto batteries, (didn't obama call them Enron?) and now Amonix maker of solar panels that got $5.9 million from the Porkulus, will cut two-thirds of its workforce, about 200 employees, only seven months after opening a factory in Nevada.

    So far the last guy I would take investment advice from or any type of advice on what the future might hold is Obama.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. what recovery??????
    what jobs???????
    what hope & change??????????

    cc this to that ruthless rabid elitist racist millionaire bankster hobama asap!!!!

    Working Poor: Almost Half Of U.S. Households Live One Crisis From The Bread Line
    What does it mean to be poor?

    If it means living at or below the poverty line, then 15 percent of Americans -- some 46 million people -- qualify. But if it means living with a decent income and hardly any savings -- so that one piece of bad luck, one major financial blow, could land you in serious, lasting trouble -- then it's a much larger number. In fact, it's almost half the country.

    "The resources that people have -- they are using up those resources," said Jennifer Brooks, director of state and local policy at the Corporation for Enterprise Development, a Washington, D.C., advocacy group. "They're living off their savings. They're at the end of their rope."

  88. "Then why have so many solar panel, electric car related companies folded after the massive taxpayer funded "stimulus investments" run out? "

    I dunno Anony, why don't you tell us which companies have folded and I will attempt to find out.

    I'm guessing it's something to do with the Reagan Bush recession that hot the world in 2008.

  89. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    I see you're not dead yet, Anony.


    I'm gonna take that doll and the pins back to the voodoo doll shop and ask for a refund.

    Awwww, did I hurt the wittle boys feelings?

    Voodoo? How "ethnic" of you. Makes me think of this..I think they were working on making solar panels in this video.

    Do you have chickens in your barn as well or are they all dead from being choked and used in your "voodoo" sessions with Buttercup?

    Anyway, while I don't believe in your religion I still took precautions and had an IKS elder perform rituals and take medicine to counteract your bad ju-ju.

    In the video below, aside from making medicine to combat voodoo - I think they were also talking about opening a company that manufactures batteries for electric cars.

    At the end, as a good christian, I forgive you. You know not what you do.

    Hey did you ever see District 9? That was a really good movie considering it's low budget don't you think?

    OK, take care. Are you going to be riding Buttercup tonight?

  90. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Then why have so many solar panel, electric car related companies folded after the massive taxpayer funded "stimulus investments" run out? "

    I dunno Anony, why don't you tell us which companies have folded and I will attempt to find out.

    I'm guessing it's something to do with the Reagan Bush recession that hot the world in 2008.

    Sure if you learn how to read there were four mentioned in the very post you copied from.

    So explain to me how you are blaming companies that only existed recently and solely due to taxpayer funding have anything to do with Reagan/Bush? Have you been imbibing Obamaholic beverages again? Yes you have, I can smell booze and shit, yes you have.

  91. more on that sexist racist RUDE thin skinned flipper hobama per jindal

  92. "At the end, as a good christian.."


  93. "So explain to me how you are blaming companies that only existed recently and solely due to taxpayer funding have anything to do with Reagan/Bush? "

    English isn't your first language is it?

    If you are trying to ask me how the folding of relatively new companies could be caused by Reagan and Bush, the answer is that their policies caused the great global depression of 2008-9.

    This recession pushed a lot of perfectly good companies to the wall.

  94. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "At the end, as a good christian.."


    Only in your small alternate reality Papa Doc. Only in your world.

  95. Anonymous3:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "So explain to me how you are blaming companies that only existed recently and solely due to taxpayer funding have anything to do with Reagan/Bush? "

    English isn't your first language is it?

    If you are trying to ask me how the folding of relatively new companies could be caused by Reagan and Bush, the answer is that their policies caused the great global depression of 2008-9.

    This recession pushed a lot of perfectly good companies to the wall.

    But my dimwitted Antichrist, these companies were founded WELL after Mr Obama said we were in recovery.

    This mindless fingerpointing is unbecoming even with someone of limited mental faculties. Please do try might as well just say yo mama or you racist and end it now if you don't.

  96. Aquinas3:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "At the end, as a good christian.."



    Post-moral nihilism, worthy of a 15 year-old.

  97. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "So explain to me how you are blaming companies that only existed recently and solely due to taxpayer funding have anything to do with Reagan/Bush? "

    English isn't your first language is it?

    Oh and given your potential tribalism interpretations of English, please do note I specifically did state "companies that only existed recently and solely due to taxpayer funding have anything to do with Reagan/Bush?"

    Should I have simplified it more for you. Yo, companies that got started because Obama is looking out for us and gave them the money so they opened the doors in the last year or two.

    Is English your first language Idi Amin?

  98. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Obamaholic beverages - Booze and Bullshit - now thats funny.

  99. uptownsteve3:26 PM

    "You know, sometimes you talk this coon shit so much you get me angry for a moment and I really, really, really want to meet you face to face so I can look you in the eye when I watch you piss your pants, call for 10 friends and the pow-leese and then cry racism."


    You little pussy.

    You won't even post a name on the internet let alone show up in person for a throwdown.

  100. Anonymous3:43 PM

    UpCoon Steve will now say something like...

    Oh and lets not forget the ROTFLMBAO and I also predict even seeing this he STILL wont be able to help himself and do it anyway.

    As predicted the Coon could not resist and applies the only things he knows.

    Uptown Steve Said as the sad sack he is....


    You little pussy.

    You won't even post a name on the internet let alone show up in person for a throwdown."

    Steven, Oh Steven, lets try this an adult way. Just what is it that makes you think that violence is the way to really being a man?
    Who taught you this? Mama?
    What makes you think that putting your personal information is manly as opposed to just plain stupid?What makes you so violent that you would be foolish enough to challenge some unkown man on the internet to a what was the ebonics word you used "throwdown"?
    Do you really think stupidity makes you more of a man?
    Do you think acting like a man who cannot control his violent impulses is really a man?

    You obviously are one of those loudmouth violent coons who knowing little else attempts to intimidate people.

    Well, I am a peace loving man. I don't fight. Especially not dumb coons. Now don't get me wrong, I have practiced martial arts all my life and am a helluva good shot with rifles and handguns and carry always, so I can defend myself and my family. But I do believe in peace and verbal solutions and I am also intelligent enough to walk away from fights and use deadly force ONLY when you absolutely have no choice.

    Now try and get ahold of your Coon-tastic tendencies and look for another outlet to express your racial hatred and violence.

    Do you really think anyone is impressed by this little bout of coonish behaviour or are they saying - look at this mental midget he truly is a savage.

    Besides, you really do look frail and sorta gayish in your picture. You dont really want to front too much without having as I said to you earlier a fully loaded gun with several backup clips.

    Peace My Brother Coon, Peace. Get a grip and take up something soothing like knitting a shirt that you can wear on your next gay cruise.

  101. uptownsteve3:58 PM

    "What makes you think that putting your personal information is manly as opposed to just plain stupid."

    Look at it this way.

    Why is it that 95% of bloggers and social media users have no problem with identifying themselves or at least using a unique forum identifier but gutless racist little twats like you post as anonymous?

  102. roundbrownsteve4:09 PM

    "uptownsteve" is not a real name

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. blind racist hobama fan uts:

    does that heartless gutless racist 2+ faced endless aliased american bankster idol cia baby hobama take requests????

  105. Anonymous5:01 PM

    roundbrownsteve said...
    "uptownsteve" is not a real name're gonna confuse him and he is right in the middle of knitting his shirt.

  106. Anonymous5:08 PM

    More Obama Failures"

    500 Million borrowed in the name of taxpayers by Obama for another one of his State of the Union failure speech's going down the drain fast.

    "Green Jobs Programs" a major failure.

    The program's goal was to train 124,893 people and put 79,854 in jobs. But 17 months later, 52,762 were trained and 8,035, or roughly 1 in 10, had jobs. Those numbers come from an audit by the Department of Labor's inspector general, which recommended that the administration end the program and return unspent money.

    President Obama has made green jobs a cornerstone of his economic agenda. In his first 2012 campaign ad this month, he said clean energy industries created 2.7 million jobs and were "expanding rapidly." But Republicans have pounced on failures, such as the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a solar panel maker backed with a Department of Energy loan guarantee.

    Citing what he calls "abysmal results" in the job training program, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is demanding answers about how the Department of Labor awarded the grants, which were funded out of the 2009 stimulus bill.

  107. Quote Anonymous 3:07

    "But my dimwitted Antichrist, these companies were founded WELL after Mr Obama said we were in recovery."

    Evidence please.

    "This mindless fingerpointing is unbecoming even with someone of limited mental faculties. Please do try might as well just say yo mama or you racist and end it now if you don't."

    Fucking hell, what a hypocritical cunt you are.

    What the fuck else have you and your Aryan Brotherhood buddies done on this site other than finger-pointing and racist statements??

  108. The Purple Cow said...
    Fucking hell, what a hypocritical cunt you are.

    Uh oh, cow is feeling outclassed again.

    He's about to run off and watch a "soccer game".

  109. more opulence & apathy from the hobamas


  110. Barak Sinister6:04 PM

    If white people were killing blacks at the same rate blacks are killing whites there would be martial law in this country.

  111. "Uh oh, cow is feeling outclassed again."

    Outclassed by you numbskulls? Ha! that will be the day.

    "He's about to run off and watch a "soccer game"."

    I watched a game, Everton 1 Man City 0. Not exactly a classic. The reason I watch football games is that unlike you people, I actually have a life.

    Night night

  112. Anonymous6:53 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Uh oh, cow is feeling outclassed again."

    Outclassed by you numbskulls? Ha! that will be the day.

    "He's about to run off and watch a "soccer game"."

    I watched a game, Everton 1 Man City 0. Not exactly a classic. The reason I watch football games is that unlike you people, I actually have a life.

    Night night

    Yeah yeah, Man City was scoreless - what do you say? Take you down to Man city where the grass is green and the guys are pretty?


  113. Anonymous6:55 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 3:07

    "But my dimwitted Antichrist, these companies were founded WELL after Mr Obama said we were in recovery."

    Evidence please.

    "This mindless fingerpointing is unbecoming even with someone of limited mental faculties. Please do try might as well just say yo mama or you racist and end it now if you don't."

    Fucking hell, what a hypocritical cunt you are.

    What the fuck else have you and your Aryan Brotherhood buddies done on this site other than finger-pointing and racist statements??

    Oh Purple - some times you are more fun than a barrel of Monkeys. Sometimes.

  114. no slappz7:27 PM

    purple buttercup wrote about wind power:

    Any excess electricity you don't use can be sold back to the national grid. That price has been guaranteed by the government.

    Yep. Just like in the US. The rate paid by the utility company is about 75% of the price paid by a homeowner.

    A good friend of mine spent £80,000 on a turbine in 2010. It powers his home, his small business ( a smoke house) and the juice he sells to the National grid pays off the bank loan with room to spare. Eight and a bit years from now it will all be profit.

    Not a chance. Your pal fell for a sales pitch, and you probably advised him.

    But even a bonehead like you should have the brains to figure out that if the payback -- after supplying himself with electricity -- were as short as you claim, then anyone who wanted to buy a wind generator and sell ALL the power to the utility company would turn a profit from Day One.

    However, when it's possible to earn a guaranteed return, as you suggest it is, then people do it.

    But, as you know, or maybe you don't, people are not earning net income from selling electricity to utility companies.

  115. Anonymous7:29 PM

    read this letter - slave owner to freed slave and fred slave letter to former master!! This is on point and interessting!!
