Monday, January 23, 2012

"Doing the right thing?

"Field, why don't you do something about the comments section on your blog? It's full of nut jobs and racist." Field, I used to read your blog, but your comments section got to be too much."

I get that a lot. And I always tell folks to just read the post and skip the comments. Although honestly, I don't know why they would want to. You can tell a lot about where A-merry-ca is heading by the comments section on blogs like mine.

For instance, tonight I want to blog about Spike Lee going off on Chris Rock, but instead of starting with the article, I will start with the comments section from the article:

"I'd like to know what was the the "controversial twist" that caused some people to walk out? Spike just showed what a big baby he is when Chris Rock cracked a joke at him, he throws a tantrum... I have a title for your next movie, Spike: "Act Like a Man".
  • Shawn
    Shawn37 minutes agoReport Abuse
    Racism cuts both ways, my friend!
    6 Replies

    "Who cares what this racist idiot says anyway?
    2 Replies

  • Garth
    Garth38 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "who cares"
    2 Replies

  • 2008champ
    2008champ38 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "Spike Lee is racist."
    11 Replies

  • MJ
    MJ37 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "spike "who"??????????"
    11 Replies

  • Powmia
    Powmia34 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "He is more racist than the people he calls racist"
    5 Replies

  • duntov
    duntov24 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "Seems like an Angry african american that continues to prey on racism for his own gain and agenda. Go away until you can talk like an intelligent human. Stop the hate and move on."

  • etha
    etha11 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "A very angry black midget."
    1 Reply

  • Dawn
    Dawn Sacramento, California23 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "I am absolutely astounded by the level of class he displays."

  • Eric
    Eric35 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "Sorry Spike you have no class despite you thinking that you are the best director out there. Also LOL @ watching a picture of you googly eyed taking a picture of Obama with your 1st generation iPad explains alot."
    2 Replies

  • Bob
    Bob Cleveland, Ohio15 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "What a punk!"

  • John
    13users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0users disliked this comment
    John Los Angeles, California14 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "Another lousy Knicks' team sent him over the edge. And by the way, dress like a normal person! Be a role model, not a race baiter!"

  • Cali-drew
    Cali-drew San Diego, California35 minutes agoReport Abuse
    "Spike Lee is a hundred pound little #$%$ Talks as if he's the only Black man on the planet."

  • And what is it that got folks so fired up over Spike? Well it seems that Spike went off at Sundance because he had to bankroll his own film. Chris Rock (who white folks just love) asked Spike a question, and was, in the writer's opinion, "joking around." Spike didn't think it was funny, and gave Rock the business.

    "... Chris Rock asked a question following the Sundance screening for Lee's new film, "Red Hook Summer."

    According to Entertainment Weekly, the film was screened for a large audience, some of whom left after the film took a controversial twist. That didn't seem to faze Lee. However, when Chris Rock asked Lee about financing the film, the director went off on a bit of a tirade.
    2012 Sundance Film Festival Portraits

    Rock, who appeared to be joking around, said, "You spent your own money ... What would you have done differently if you'd actually gotten studio money? What else would have happened? Would you have blown up some (bleep)?"
    Lee, apparently unamused, responded, "We never went to the studios with this film. I bought a camera and said we're gonna do this mother(bleeping) film ourselves. I didn't need a mother(bleeping) studio telling me something about Red Hook! They know nothing about black people! Nothing!" Lee then added, "And they're gonna give me notes about what a 13-year-old black boy and girl do in Red Hook? (Bleep) no!" [Source]

    Spike, another movie with Red in the title did alright  at the Box Office this past weekend. It was about black folks, but Mr. Charlie is the one who made it. And he might not know anything about "black people", but he sure knows how to make money.

    Anyway, I have to go now, I have to get ready for my favorite sitcom: the republican debates.  



    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. memo to tyler:


      that racist hater spike lee has a new flavor of the month...

    5. i quit spike lee

      i am no longer a fan

      he is a hobama nazi

      if hobama was a wm spike lee would be cursing him 23 trillion times harder than he cursed chris r

      spike is also hating on tyler perry

      i am done with spike

      he is a racist hobama nazi fool/hater

    6. if the racist newt speaks about the black poverty that the racist hobama & hobama gurl spike lee ignore...

      does that mean newt is blacker than the blackish hobama???

      ron paul 2012!!!!!!!

      did allen west lie on hobama???
      hell no!!!!


    7. The Purple Cow said...

      Oh do fuck off, you pretentious lying twat. You must think we were born yesterday. When have you ever 'defended' the rights of anyone to say anything?

      Did the socialist cow get his panties in a bunch?

      The Purple Cow said...
      "Didn't the rev. al meet with the FCC to get Rush Limbaugh taken off the air? YES"

      pc said-No

      Al Sharpton Plans To Meet With FCC To Regulate Rush Limbaugh’s ‘Racist Talk’

      "Recently, Al Shapton meet with the FCC in hopes he could convince them to take action against Rush Limbaugh"

      "Did liberals try to get Rush taken off of AF radio? YES"

      pc said-No

      Take Rush Limbaugh Off Armed Forces Radio


      Demand that Rush Limbaugh be taken off the Armed Forces Radio Network, IMMEDIATELY

      Take Rush Off Armed Forces Radio Network

      "Didn't color of change hire a pr firm and tried to get Beck taken off the air? YES"

      pc said-No

      Powerful PR Firm Helps Campaign to Get Glenn Beck Off The Air

      Read more:

      "Didn't leftwing groups do the same to Lou Dobbs while he was at CNN? YES"

      pc said -No

      ‘Drop Lou Dobbs’ fight escalates as Hispanic groups target advertisers and network executives

      MoveOn, immigration group target Dobbs

      National Democratic Network president:

      Get Lou Dobbs Off CNN

      "Hasn't liberals demanded government takeover of FOXNEWS or demanded they be taken off the air? YES"

      pc said-No

      Liberal journalists suggest government censor Fox News

      The American Government Should Dissolve Fox News Corp Immediately

      [Hasn't Liberals ?????????? - what is it with you neo-nazis and English grammar]

      What be with yo socialist-nazi like obsession wit correcting my folks grammer?

      "Don't liberal groups harass, bully, and pester their sponsors?YES"

      Yes, but so do conservatives.

      No where near what liberals do.

      "Didn't liberals try to revive the Fairness Doctrine in order to shut down Conservative talk radio? YES"

      pc said-No

      The ratings for liberal talk radio suck, pretty much. Most lib talkers have to pay to have stations carry their show. By forcing radio stations to carry lib talkers, they will lose money and be forced to drop Conservative talk radio.

      Libs know this. Thats why they wanted the Fairness Doctrine brought back.

      "Liberals are all for free speech long has they agree with whats being said."

      So Conservatives are different, how?

      liberals have a long history of trying to limit or silence free speech.

      Think FDR, Truman, Carter, Clinton.

      Do i think you were born yesterday? Judging by what you post? YES!!!

    8. Spread the truth, AB!! Thats what these field negros have been lacking.

    9. Field,why don't you do something about the comments section on your blog?

    10. I am watching the republican debates, and these clowns have some strange views on Cuba. It's as if they are pandering for votes. Where is this debate? Oh wait.... never mind.

    11. Rick (I should be in a) Sanitarium said that there are Jihadist in Cuba, and Newt said that Fidel is going to hell. Mitt actually wants a blockade. WTF? Cuba?

      We want good cigars and rum damn it!

    12. p:



      memo to al sharpton:

      i demand that YOU stop being that pimp hobama's sold out permed out bottom bitch/hobama's gift mic on hobama tv/msnbc


    13. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Pretender said...
      The Purple Cow said...

      Oh do fuck off, you pretentious lying twat. You must think we were born yesterday. When have you ever 'defended' the rights of anyone to say anything?

      Did the socialist cow get his panties in a bunch?

      Purple had a bad day he just found out his wife was at home in their barn and she dropped a rooster into peanut butter and now has a cock stuck to the roof her mouth

    14. Anonymous10:25 PM

      This is the most surrealistic post and comments you've had in a looooong time Field. And it's just starting!

      The Fool-

    15. Anonymous said...

      Purple had a bad day he just found out his wife was at home in their barn and she dropped a rooster into peanut butter and now has a cock stuck to the roof her mouth

      That's funnie!!!!!

    16. kudos to tim thomas!!!!!!!


    17. Educators Alarmed: Black, Latino High School Students Perform at Levels of 30 Years Ago

      WASHINGTON—Educators are expressing alarm that the performance gap between minority and white high school students continues to expand across the United States, with minority teenagers performing at academic levels equal to or lower than those of 30 years ago.

      Despite the hope that improving education for children of color would propel them to better life outcomes, Latino and African-American students are not being prepared in high school classrooms for brighter futures. While achievement levels have improved considerably for minority elementary and middle school students, educators say their academic performance drops during high school years.

      How prevalent is the achievement gap at the high school level?

      On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students.

    18. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Yep one can certainly tell from the comments the state of the mind and heart of the black community. Spike is right. The wm knows nothing about our black community. But who does?

      I with Field. Let's just drink rum and smoke cigars from Cuba and call it a day!

    19. "This is the most surrealistic post and comments you've had in a looooong time Field. And it's just starting!"

      Fool, I am afraid that you might be right.

    20. Anonymous10:45 PM

      "For instance, tonight I want to blog about Spike Lee going off on Chris Rock, but instead of starting with the article, I will start with the comments section from the article:"

      Field, people have emailed you about the nutjob comments on FN and what do you do? you give them some more nutjobs from another blog about Spike Lee. LOL you know you are wrong, wrong, wrong.

      But you are right about one thing:

      "You can tell a lot about where A-merry-ca is heading by the comments section on blogs like mine."

      Yeah, looks like A-merry-ca is heading straight to hell. Yep, it won't be long now.

    21. Anonymous10:52 PM

      "Purple had a bad day he just found out his wife was at home in their barn and she dropped a rooster into peanut butter and now has a cock stuck to the roof her mouth"

      Dear Mr. Field, I used to read your blog often but have stopped because of nutjobs like this. Mr. Field, it really is too much.

      I've tried just reading your post and moving on but it just doesn't seem complete without reading those bullshit comments from Pretender and Dr. Queen.

      I think I'm headed in the same direction as A-merry-ca. Would you please do a post on how a Negro might save his ass without becoming a HN?

    22. I can't wait to see Red Hook!

      And Chris Rock is an idiot.

    23. Anonymous10:55 PM

      Anonymous said...
      "Purple had a bad day he just found out his wife was at home in their barn and she dropped a rooster into peanut butter and now has a cock stuck to the roof her mouth"

      Dear Mr. Field, I used to read your blog often but have stopped because of nutjobs like this. Mr. Field, it really is too much.

      Too much peanut butter or "rooster"? Some women say you can never have too much and some men like Omar too.

    24. Mr, Field, can believe that NBC is showing the debate at 9pm pacific time here. Lol Who want's to watch that nonsense 3 hours after it already happened? We can just watch the news at 9 and see the lowlights.

      I really think the people at Comcast/ NBC are trying to lose money.

    25. I feel you on the comment section being a weathervane of true feelings about things in this country. I love how people say things about how racism is dead and Blacks are too sensitive while ignoring blatantly racist posts. It's almost as if certain folks gets myopia. Reminds me of the cliche about forests and trees.

    26. My black snake make you moan11:18 PM

      Field,there are few things a black man can look foward to these days without making tha balls itch.

      One of these things was your blog.I really enjoyed reading uptownsteve,dr. queen,lac,purple cow, and many others.

      Unfortunately, this blog has turned into nothing more than racist tit for tats. And the name calling!! Makes me wanna go slap a white man.

      I do fear for this country. I haven't seen racism this bad since the 70's. I've even seen the number of white women wanting their dark desires fulfilled drop.

      How will white America act when Obama gets a second term?

      I pray for Obama and his family everynight.

      I pray for you brother Wayne. I pray the darkness will leave this blog and leave the hearts of these racist.

    27. Anonymous11:55 PM

      Spikes been out there keeping it real for a long time! He deserves respect. I can understand why he got offended. Chris said a dumb thing to the wrong person. Desertflower on the teeny seenu iped keyboard!

    28. BlackSupremacistX12:18 AM

      PilotX said...
      I love how people say things about how racism is dead and Blacks are too sensitive while ignoring blatantly racist posts

      Listen to this racist motherfucker!

      What a hypocritical phony.

    29. Anonymous1:36 AM

      "I pray for you brother Wayne. I pray the darkness will leave this blog and leave the hearts of these racist."

      The darkness is A-merry-ca represented by the comments here. So pray for A-merry-ca and praise Mr. Field for showing how dark things have become in the USA. FN is a shiny mirror of the nature of American characters.

      It's ugly isn't it? But don't worry, no_slappz, PC, PilotX UTS and dr Queen are going to make things better. lol

    30. Field is right.

      We are not doing him or his message any favors here.

    31. But it is FUN though!!!

      Pretender as any sane person reading your links would attest not a single one of those links actually say what you claim they say. Not a one.

      You are either a compulsive liar or a complete idiot.

    32. The funniest comedian in Britain today is an American guy from Georgia called Reginald D. Hunter.

      Sometimes it takes a foreigner to point out the absurdities of the society you live in.

      This skit was on TV last night, and if you can spare 8:41 of your precious time, it is very, very funny.

    33. I find it easy enough to read past all the racist, insanely jealous crap on this blog.

      Besides it's nice every now and then to be reminded of just how exceedingly blessed we Black folks are!

    34. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Purple Cow Said....

      "Sometimes it takes a foreigner to point out the absurdities of the society you live in".

      Or sometimes someone who is right next door.

    35. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Oh My now this is very interesting. Apparantly this lady doesnt like Indians,Chinese and some other race that she said owning everything in a Black community. She wants to own the businesses to so she doesn't have to deal with kids, child support, welfare and section 8 .

      Will more illegal immigrants displacing Blacks have any future repercussions? Hmmmmmm..........!

    36. uptownsteve9:00 AM

      "Yep one can certainly tell from the comments the state of the mind and heart of the black community. Spike is right. The wm knows nothing about our black community."

      But these racist goobers like No Slappz and the Pretender sure spend a lot of time here trying to us black folks what our lives are like.


    37. Yea seen it before.

      Of course even though he's a fictional character, he's totally delusional. London has always been a cultural and racial meltingpot. Has been for a couple of thousand years.

      Even the Angles and saxons were foreigners once. Unless you are a Celt, living in the far north of scotland you will have a variety of backgrounds in your D.N.A.

      DNA tests on her daughter show that even Margaret Thatcher had Arabic (most likely Iraqi) DNA. (!)

      This idea that England was once a country of white Christian Anglo-Saxons who went huntin' fishin' and shootin' together is just nonsense.

      Monoculturalism is a myth.

    38. memo to george lucas:

      that racist hater/hobama nazi spike lee may begin gunning for you rather than tyler perry...


    39. Anonymous9:28 AM

      This idea that England was once a country of white Christian Anglo-Saxons who went huntin' fishin' and shootin' together is just nonsense.

      Monoculturalism is a myth

      Genetics have nothing to do with culture. Assimilation into the host country you reside in does. You are mixing apples and oranges.

      Why would you want to leave a third world country to remake England into a country whose conditions resemble the reason you left your country to escape?

      Multiculturalism is an abject failure.

    40. Anonymous9:30 AM

      uptownsteve said...
      "Yep one can certainly tell from the comments the state of the mind and heart of the black community. Spike is right. The wm knows nothing about our black community."

      But these racist goobers like No Slappz and the Pretender sure spend a lot of time here trying to us black folks what our lives are like.


      Who is the racist?

      You say you live an affluent lifestyle, so what would you know about the real Black experience Spike is talking about, living in Red Hook? Something doesnt match so what have you lied about? Aren't you the one who thinks the Bronx is uptown Manhattan? Obviously you know nothing of New York.

    41. Nonsense as usual.

      The point I was making about DNA, was not that DNA defines culture but it demonstrates that England has always accepted waves of immigrants, one wave after the other.

      Now people will assimilate into English culture to an extent, but every wave of immigrants have changed English culture. English culture was never a giant unchanging monolith. Look at how English people voted their favorite English meal to be Chicken Tikka Massala (!). Look at the way Hindi and Urdu words such as 'Shabash', 'Chuddies', and 'Pukka' are being assimilated into our daily language.

      England has been multicultural for 2000 years or more, and will be multicultural for 2000 years more.

    42. on bloody neocons in red states


    43. uptownsteve9:50 AM

      "You say you live an affluent lifestyle, so what would you know about the real Black experience Spike is talking about, living in Red Hook?"


      This idiot is actually suggesting that the "real black experience" is the Red Hook ghetto, something Spike Lee NEVER suggested.

      This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

      These racist morons who don't know any black people, never talk with black folks, and wouldn't go anywhere near a black neighborhood, swear up and down they know what is authentically "black".

      What is authentically "white".

      The Hamptons or a trailerpark?

      Can you even answer?

      BTW asswipe.

      Where is the Bronx in relation to Manhattan? Up or Down.

      Just answer the damn question.

    44. on bloody enraged neocons in red states


      cc this to hobama and spike
      this is the rabid hatred their racist fake bs has evoked

    45. The Purple Cow said...
      But it is FUN though!!!

      Pretender as any sane person reading your links would attest not a single one of those links actually say what you claim they say. Not a one.

      You are either a compulsive liar or a complete idiot.


      Those links back up everything i said. You, like socialism, is one big lie.

    46. uptownsteve10:00 AM

      Purple Cow

      Isn't amazing how the same folks who have rampaged throughout the world invading and pillaging the lands of people of color are now complaining about "multi-culturalism"?

      The arrogance is breathtaking.

    47. Van Jones

      White House Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy Over Past Activism

      Joycelyn Elders resigns

      Resign not fired. Know the difference?

    48. false110:23 AM

      "You can tell a lot about where A-merry-ca is heading by the comments section on blogs like mine."

      I can see comments like these on just about any comments section on the web, and do. After a while it just gets tiresome, and to some extent, depressing.

      It would be nice if you disallowed the anonymous feature though. At least you could tell the nut jobs apart that way.

      Maybe it's my rose colored glasses but it seems like your site used to be a place to discuss issues of concern to the black community. Now it seems more like a place for people to hate on each other.

    49. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Anonymous said...

      Spikes been out there keeping it real for a long time! He deserves respect. I can understand why he got offended. Chris said a dumb thing to the wrong person. Desertflower on the teeny seenu iped keyboard!

      11:55 PM
      This post was mine. I was using an I pod, could barely see the keypad much less use it :)) and I just couldn't seem to log on to the account with it.

      Because Spike has never been politically correct and always stuck his neck out, he's always taken flack for his stuff. But this is the American way, and freedom of speech and dissent has always been allowed here. So Chris, I love you but, don't mess with Spike LOL!

      The candidates are talking Cuba cuz they're thinking 'bout all the Castro hating Cuban votes in Florida!

    50. uptownsteve10:31 AM

      "Resign not fired. Know the difference?"

      You're not serious with this goober.

      Are you?

    51. Dr. Secure10:38 AM

      Ms.Queen said...
      I find it easy enough to read past all the racist, insanely jealous crap on this blog.

      You must read past your own posts, just like most people.

      You will never be a doctor.

    52. Anonymous10:39 AM

      "You say you live an affluent lifestyle, so what would you know about the real Black experience Spike is talking about, living in Red Hook?"


      This idiot is actually suggesting that the "real black experience" is the Red Hook ghetto, something Spike Lee NEVER suggested.

      Right ok. Sure. Uh-huh. So then what exactly was it that Spike was trying to say that no studio executive could know? What it is like for a 13 year old boy or girl living in Red Hook? Hmmmmmmmm? I don't know, I have family still living in Red Hook, I grew up in Red Hook - I bet I know more about Red Hook then you can imagine from watching a movie and hearing stories about New York from your parents.

      Where is the Bronx in relation to Manhattan? Up or Down.

      Neither my friend. It is out of town. The Bronx has never been nor will it ever be part of Manhattan or "in town".

      Now, please tell me your IQ isn't this low that you think something above you on a map is going to fall down or is "up" do you? You know about the world being round and gravity?

      Just answer the damn question.

      Your damn question was answered above gottdamn it.

      Why don't you calm down once in awhile and try and think things through. You really seem to throw shit out there that anyone with half a brain knows wont stick on the wall. I think you do it out of perpetual anger and I would be hard pressed to see you take one position that you have thought through and don't come out on the total opposite of reality.

    53. respect is earned always!!!

      those racists spike and hobama have earned the LOSS of respect from me and all who are awake to the racist elitist american idol bs that is that hoax hobama and his blind racist black hobamabots/hobama nazis

      if hobama was a wm with the SAME corp green deeds...spike would be the FIRST bm to demand that he be impeached!!!!!!!

      we are all doomed by their fandom & folly!!!!


    54. Anonymous10:42 AM

      uptownsteve said...
      "Resign not fired. Know the difference?"

      You're not serious with this goober.

      Are you?

      Are you seriously this pathetic and weak that you can't say anything without using a racial slur? Are you the type of little pussy that baits people constantly looking for them to call you names in kind so you can say look they are racist.

      You are a small minded man who clearly has to rely on ephitats to compensate for your low IQ. Pathetic.

      Now, avoid your usual bullsit. I am not angry that you are a dumbass and have the brains of a rock. I am not angry at your being a loser, nope. So grow up little one. It is easy to see right through you.

    55. Anonymous10:46 AM

      uptownsteve said...
      Purple Cow

      Isn't amazing how the same folks who have rampaged throughout the world invading and pillaging the lands of people of color are now complaining about "multi-culturalism"?

      The arrogance is breathtaking.

      The low IQ is hysterical. Do you even know what multicultural is? You seem to enjoy the American Culture, so why would you want to change that to an African or Islamic one? Fool. No doubt in your teensy brain you think multicultural is something racial.

    56. ie

      can u imagine how spike lee would have slain gwb if gwb had called us all mongrels/cursed the cbc to their faces/escalated/sparked 7 wars simultaneously/unleashed global and domestic predator drones/enacted ndaa etc...

      as hobama has done???????!!!!!!!

      i will never respect spike again!!!

      ruthless genocide trumps ritzy parties!!!!


    57. "Those links back up everything i said. You, like socialism, is one big lie."

      Anyone here with a functioning brain will be able to check, Pretender.

      Sharpton did not say he wanted the junkie off the air, in fact the article specifically quotes Sharpton as saying that Linbaugh has the right to say what he says.

      The P.R. company did not campaign to get Beck off the air, they campaigned to persuade advertisers from advertising. A technique that was pioneered by conservative pressure groups.

      Absolutely nowhere does that article say that Liberals have campaigned for the government to run FoxNews - as if! Nor doe it say that they campaigned to take FauxNews off the air.

      Try and do better in future.

    58. uptownsteve10:53 AM

      The goobers always get hysterical when they're busted.

      "Neither my friend. It is out of town. The Bronx has never been nor will it ever be part of Manhattan or "in town"."

      Never said it was part of Manhattan but it is part of NYC and "up" from Manhattan.

      Give it up Slappy.

      You're looking more stupid than usual.

      Oh Btw, since you claim I have it wrong how about defining "multi-culturalism" for us.

      Watch him squirm or duck the challenge altogether folks.

    59. Mr. Field,

      I am sorry, but statistically speaking, comments on FN or any other blog do NOT constitute a representative sample from which inferences may be made to a much large population (e.g., all adult Americans.) The only inferences that can be made are to the population of people who read the blog and feel stronly enough about what has been posted to comment on it.

    60. jobu:



      why would anyone who is awake in america in 2012 expect nice cheerful banter??????

    61. what recovery???????
      what jobs???
      what saved homes???
      where are they???????

      more proof that the blackish racist hobama is a ruthless rabid bankster

      cc this to his soulless racist fan spike lee


    62. the blogs are serene compared to what will soon happen in american streets


      ask fema

    63. more proof that hobama and his banksters rule the world

      and REAL jobs never concern them!!!!

      Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit.

      With modest expansion, railroads can handle all new oil produced in western Canada through 2030, according to an analysis of the Keystone proposal by the U.S. State Department.

      “Whatever people bring to us, we’re ready to haul,” Krista York-Wooley, a spokeswoman for Burlington Northern, a unit of Buffett’s Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A), said in an interview. If Keystone XL “doesn’t happen, we’re here to haul.”

    64. uptownsteve said...
      "Resign not fired. Know the difference?"

      You're not serious with this goober.

      Are you?

      This may help you.

      3. (v.t.) resign
      to give up (an office, position, etc.), often formally.

      8. To discharge from a position; dismiss.

    65. more proof that that flipper bankster global warmonger hobama is a typical politico

      just as rev wright told us long ago

      they are all amoral flippers!


      ron paul 2012!!!
      our last best hope

    66. Honestly, the only people overly obsessed with what's posted on blogs are those who likely don't have much of a life.

      Kinda like Fields resident Assnon who occasionally cops a "Loosername"
      every now and then.


    67. Queen Truth Squad11:50 AM

      Dr.Queen said...
      Queen Truth Squad said...
      I'm confused. Isn't `Queen' supposed to be in medical school somewhere? So why is she back posting here and claiming she has a job? You don't get paid in medical school, and you surely don't have time to post online.

      Bitch you ain't confused, just STUPID!!!

      7:23 PM

      Oh, so let me guess: you already flunked out. No surprise there.

    68. when black foolish hobama nazis go wild...

    69. The Purple Cow said...
      But it is FUN though!!!

      Pretender as any sane person reading your links would attest not a single one of those links actually say what you claim they say. Not a one.

      Take Rush Limbaugh Off Armed Forces Radio

      It's time to put real pressure on Rush Limbaugh. His show is broadcast on Armed Forces Radio, and this time we are going to go straight to the lifeblood of Rush's show -- Congress. Congress has the power to remove Rush Limbaugh from Armed Forces Radio, and it won't be as easy for elected officials to ignore our call.

      That's outrageous. Rush Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" comment should not be commended -- it should be condemned. And it's time to tell Congress to act swiftly to hold Rush Limbaugh accountable.

      Demand that Rush Limbaugh be taken off the Armed Forces Radio Network, IMMEDIATELY

      20 years in the Navy and has been to war (Vietnam-2 tours). I was an Ombudsman for 2 of my husband's ships making sure that the sailors and their loved ones were kept up to date on the ship's activities. We served our country as so many have.

      Where does Rush Limbaugh get off calling our soldiers 'phony', as he sits his boiled ass in an air-conditioned room spewing hate all day and never had the courage to serve.

      He owes EVERY soldier an apology and he should be taken off the air of the Armed Forces Radio Network. IMMEDIATELY! You can go here to make your statement

      Take Rush Off Armed Forces Radio Network

      Take Rush off the air. Really, Senators, protecting the troops from this kind of abuse actually is your job.

    70. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Purple cow

      "Nor doe" Should read Nor do.

    71. uptownsteve12:08 PM

      I don't know who these goobers think they're playing with.

      Van Jones was forced out.

    72. uptownsteve12:11 PM

      Same with Dr. Elders.

      Chew on it goober.

    73. Pretender,

      They weren't demanding that Limbaugh be taking off the air completely, only that it's not very smart to have a morbidly obese, openly racist junkie broadcasting to an armed forces that have a high proportion of non-whites.

      Do try and keep up little man.

    74. The Purple Cow said...
      "Those links back up everything i said. You, like socialism, is one big lie."

      Anyone here with a functioning brain will be able to check, Pretender.

      Sharpton did not say he wanted the junkie off the air, in fact the article specifically quotes Sharpton as saying that Linbaugh has the right to say what he says.


      Rev. Al also said he does not have the right to say it on "public regulate airwaves".

      Watch and learn.!

      Translation? I'm going to the FCC to get Rush off the air.

      The P.R. company did not campaign to get Beck off the air, they campaigned to persuade advertisers from advertising. A technique that was pioneered by conservative pressure groups.

      You silly socialist twat. COC did campaign to get Beck off the air. By this PR firm attacking Becks' advertisers, they are campaigning to get Beck off the air.

      Absolutely nowhere does that article say that Liberals have campaigned for the government to run FoxNews - as if! Nor doe it say that they campaigned to take FauxNews off the air.

      Try and do better in future.


      I said DEMANDED not campaigned

      Jonathan Zasloff, a law professor at UCLA, suggested that the federal government simply yank Fox off the air. “I hate to open this can of worms,” he wrote, “but is there any reason why the FCC couldn’t simply pull their broadcasting permit once it expires?”

      “I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

      Read more:

      The American Government Should Dissolve Fox News Corp Immediately

      It is time for the government to pull the plug on the gangsters who run Fox News.

      While everybody supports freedom of speech, everyone also agrees that yelling fire in a crowded theater is not covered by the concept of freedom of speech. Fox News has been yelling fire and trying to cause panic

      Pulling the plug on the "gangsters who run Fox News" is the same has pulling the plug on FOX NEWS.

      I take it, you have no functioning brain? But than again, you are a socialist twat.

    75. I thought posting the definition of "resign" and "fired" would help you understand.

      Ignorance is bliss on the democrat plantation.

    76. The Purple Cow said...

      They weren't demanding that Limbaugh be taking off the air completely, only that it's not very smart to have a morbidly obese, openly racist junkie broadcasting to an armed forces that have a high proportion of non-whites.

      Do try and keep up little man.

      Silly socialist twat. Don't have the class to admit you are wrong.

      Typical of plantation negros who post here.

    77. Snoot deflates without a crowd to stomp it's feet when he yells "nigger.

      Spike's always been about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but I recognize people who I've known in his characters. I can't say that about any other filmmaker.

    78. Anonymous1:09 PM

      uptownsteve said...
      The goobers always get hysterical when they're busted.

      "Neither my friend. It is out of town. The Bronx has never been nor will it ever be part of Manhattan or "in town"."

      Never said it was part of Manhattan but it is part of NYC and "up" from Manhattan.

      Give it up Slappy.

      You're looking more stupid than usual.

      Oh Btw, since you claim I have it wrong how about defining "multi-culturalism" for us.

      Watch him squirm or duck the challenge altogether folks

      You make no sense Stevey. No one is angry, hysterical or squirming - yet you always, ALWAYS say the same thing. Why? Are you angry, hysterical and squirming? You do sound as if you are all three or alternatively are actually retarded. Which one is it?

      Don't you realize putting all this effort into being a liar and covering up - if you applied the same energy you might actually learn something and improve yourself.

      Now lets try this one last time.

      "Never said it was part of Manhattan but it is part of NYC and "up" from Manhattan".

      No, the Bronx is not part of New York City. The Bronx is part of New York State and is another borough of New York State. New York City is Manhattan, the Bronx is not part of Manhattan. Do you get it yet?

      Stevey says Look it right dere on da map and it up from Manhattan so ...jeez man. Have you ever spoke to anyone who lives in New York and told them this half cocked theory you have? We even gave you maps and showed you what Uptown and Downtown consists of yet you still persist.

      As for defining anything for you, you are too arrogant, too nasty, too racist to bother - Go look it up on Wikipedia if you want to learn. But we both know your style. Having already looked like the utter buffoon that you are instead of providing your thoughts which are certain to be idiotic, you throw out another question. Multiculturalism is not racial. Learn something will ya.. a White Frenchman moving to the US would be silly to insist everyone speak French and adopt his culture in the country he immigrated to.

      You work much, much too hard at maintaining your ignorance and it shows, it really does. Do you have an aversion to common sense and logic?

    79. uptownsteve1:24 PM

      Oh geez. Are you a freakin masochist?

      Located on one of the world's largest natural harbors,New York City consists of five boroughs which were consolidated in 1898: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.

    80. uptownsteve1:26 PM

      "a White Frenchman moving to the US would be silly to insist everyone speak French and adopt his culture in the country he immigrated to."

      Who is insisting that everyone speak another language than English in America?

    81. Field, you're right, and don't listen any mother(bleep) who say (bleep) different.

      Because, really, what's the point of having a blog focused on racism and then whining about all the (bleep) in the comments?

      Racism is a dysfunctional human instinct gone wild. That means we've all got it, to some extent - like pollution. If you HAVE a dialogue about racism and it's real in any way, it's going to get ugly. The good thing here is - it's just words. And they're being exchanged, and that beats sticks and stones, at any rate.

      Which brings me back to Spike Lee. Look, I don't like Spike Lee worth a damn, and I think Chris Rock is freaking brilliant. But I don't see what the big deal about Spike's comments is. They're his opinion, and he lost his decorum a bit. I'm sure Chris Rock isn't whining about it. The 'tirade' didn't seem directed at Chris all that much, but really, at the Hollywood studios. I'm not offended, and rememer, I can't stand Spike Lee.

      See? There's a difference. I can't stand the guy, but I don't have to get all confused. Mother(bleeping) studios DON'T mother(bleeping) understand black boys and girls. So? Is that, like, something crazy and new, or something? Is it really so controversial? I don't think so.

    82. Really, I'm forced to agree with Alicia again -

      Spike Lee is TRYING to be controversial and failing again. He's a crappy DIRECTOR and ENTERTAINER who tries to shock and comes up empty about half the time. How is that different from Quentin Terrentino?

      Alicia's right. Flavor of the Month. The most obnoxious commenter is the one who go it right this time. Spike Lee makes a good movie every now and then by accident, too.

      Guess it's a good thing we have freedom of speech or we'd miss their rare gems.

    83. no slappz2:03 PM

      purple historian says:

      London has always been a cultural and racial meltingpot. Has been for a couple of thousand years.

      Well, the area where London sits was settled a long time ago, and eventually it was given the name of "London". But it hasn't been around for two millennia.

      Even the Angles and saxons were foreigners once.

      Angles? Right angles? Acute angles? Obtuse angles?

      For you, I'm going with obtuse.

    84. Quote Pretender

      I take it, you have no functioning brain? But than again, you are a socialist twat."

      And you are a nazi cunt.

      So we make a nice pair don't we?

      [And if you genuinely think those articles say what you think they say, you are really beyond help little man.]

    85. This comment has been removed by the author.

    86. no slappz2:18 PM

      Spike Lee? Is he still around?

      Let's see. I liked "Inside Man". Nicely done, and the movie was shot outside my office.

      Spike is a better director than writer.

      "Jungle Fever" -- one feature of the characters Spike creates -- they don't change. That's bad story-telling. Not that I've seen all his movies.

      However, his Brooklyn movies -- including the new one, the Red Hook whatever, are box-office losers.

      Maybe "Do the Right Thing" was a money-maker, but there's no evidence the others made a dime.

      "Clockers" was pretty good, but that was written by Richard Price, who wrote the novel from which the movie was made.

      "Malcolm X", tedious, phony story about a criminal killed by his fellow black muslims.

      If Spike Lee wanted to write and direct an honest movie about the Nation of Islam, that movie might have some impact.

      But that would mean exposing the criminal enterprise of Louis Farrakhan's operation. Hence, we know it won't happen.

      Instead, he wants to go to Red Hook, Brooklyn, which has been gentrifying for the last 15 years -- slowly.

      The great story from Red Hook was "Last Exit to Brooklyn", written by Hubert Selby, published in 1964 and became a movie in 1989.

    87. This comment has been removed by the author.

    88. no slappz2:33 PM

      dumbdown steve says:

      Isn't amazing how the same folks who have rampaged throughout the world invading and pillaging the lands of people of color are now complaining about "multi-culturalism"?

      Over the last couple of thousand years, African tribes have periodically over-run each other, taking whatever the other tribe had and killing as many as necessary.

      But inasmuch as the Africans could not read or write, there was no conventional form for historical records. It took anthropologists a long time to piece things together.

      Moreover, there were only tribal governments, which were not really governments in the modern sense.

      Hence, it's impossible to know the extent to which one conquered or conquering tribe influenced another.

      Nevertheless, Africa was an early leader in Multi-Tribalism.

    89. Quote No Slapzzzzzz

      "Well, the area where London sits was settled a long time ago, and eventually it was given the name of "London". But it hasn't been around for two millennia."

      You're right, it's been around for three millenia, the remains of a three thousand year old bridge were recently discovered in the Thames at Vauxhall.

      The village and fort went through a variety of names, but the name London is derived from 'CaerLudein' which was the name given by King Lud some 2600 years ago. Eventually it was renamed Londinium by the Romans 1962 years ago.

      "Angles? Right angles? Acute angles? Obtuse angles? For you, I'm going with obtuse."

      O.K. well for you I'm going with "Too Stupid to Live", because the Angles came from Germany to settle England.

      From Wikipedia

      "The Angles is a modern English term for a Germanic people who took their name from the ancestral cultural region of Angeln, a district located in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The Angles were one of the main groups that settled in Britain in the post-Roman period, founding several of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, and their name is the root of the name "England"."

      Anything else you would like me to school you in Slappy??

    90. kudos to o stone!!!

      ron paul 2012!!!

    91. no slappz2:37 PM

      purple nurple:

      London, as the city of that name, is about 1,500 years old.

      Angles? Try Anglos.

    92. more proof that hobama and new are BOTH global scum/thugs


      Newt Gingrich’s wife, Marianne may come back to haunt him. Not because he allegedly asked her for an open marriage, but because she was investigated by the FBI for trying to get a $10 million bribe for having Newt help an arms dealer nicknamed “The Merchant Of Death.”
      Marianne Gingrich, who Newt Gingrich called “my best friend and closest adviser,” met with notorious arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian in Paris in 1995. Later her aides would claim that they could use Newt to help Soghanalian lift an arms embargo on Iraq so he could collect an $80 million deb according to an FBI document, if she was given a $10 million bribe.

      The Washington Post reports:

    93. Shit Slappy thinks he's a film critic now - that's all we fucking need...

      Hey Slappy, what's your take on the socio-political and artistic impact of Nouvelle Vague cinema? Do you see it as an implicit critique of Hollywood convention, or as a self-conscious rejection of ‘cinéma de qualité’ ?

      Or perhaps both?

    94. uptownsteve2:46 PM

      "Over the last couple of thousand years, African tribes have periodically over-run each other, taking whatever the other tribe had and killing as many as necessary."

      Slappy you just pull it out of your racist arse and toss.

      You can't even name an African tribe you sorry POS.

    95. uptownsteve2:49 PM

      "Shit Slappy thinks he's a film critic now - that's all we fucking need..."

      He certainly is a self-proclaimed expert on black people.

      Expounding promiscuously on black cinema, African history, civil rights leaders etc.....

      Sounds like he's obsessed with blacks to me.

      Probably comes from being raped by Tyreek while doing time at Rikers.

    96. i adore this brave black man!!!

      kudos to dr. boyce w!!!


      his new letter to that blackish hoax hobama

      Poverty: Last year, you were the first Democratic President since Harry S. Truman not to mention poverty during your State of the Union Address. Please don’t make that mistake again. Poor people do exist, no matter how much we think we can wish them away, and they must become part of the conversation. If you can’t bring poor people to the table, then this gives every future president an excuse to ignore them as well.

      Existing Threats To American Civil Liberties: Your signature on the National Defense Authorization Act was probably one of the most un-American decisions made during your presidency. The provision allowing Americans to be held indefinitely on suspicion of terrorism is simply frightening. I can’t imagine how many lives will be ruined forever as a result of this new law. Your liberal base may never forgive you for this one.

      3) Poverty, Again: Oh yeah, I know I mentioned poverty earlier, Mr. President, but I’d like to make one more point if I may. Income inequality is a huge problem along both racial and non-racial lines. The gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow and the wage of the American worker has remained stagnant as corporate profits continue to shoot through the roof. All of this creates a clear recipe for an unstable society and endangers the future of our country.

      6) The Justice System, Particularly The Prison Industrial Complex: Mr. President, there are millions of Black men who look just like you and are just as intelligent as you, rotting away in America’s prisons under unjust drug laws from the Ronald Reagan years. Perhaps it’s time to end modern-day slavery and seek out serious reform.

      7) Poverty, Just One More Time: Oh yea, Mr. President, I hate beating a dead horse, but I’d like to mention one more thing about poverty. Did you know that the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has actually increased during your presidency? I’m not sure if the dream of a first Black president included such a grim reality. This problem is not as much of a reflection on you as it is on our nation’s long-standing commitment to butt-naked racism, but still, we must all face the issue head-on and not simply avoid the matter by arguing that the “rising tide will lift all boats.”

    97. "London, as the city of that name, is about 1,500 years old."

      Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

      Priceless, what a prize dickhead you are Slappy, even when the evidence that you are totally wrong is slammed in front of your stupid face, you still try and weasel your way out of it.

      "Angles? Try Anglos."

      The word is Angles, Slappy.

      Get over it.

      Do you have a PhD in being totally fucking wrong about stuff, No Slapzzz? You seem to have developed the ability to be wrong about everything you talk about to a higher art form.

      I tell ya, it takes skill to be as wrong about so many things as you are.

    98. no slappz2:59 PM

      purple haze asks:

      Hey Slappy, what's your take on the socio-political and artistic impact of Nouvelle Vague cinema? Do you see it as an implicit critique of Hollywood convention, or as a self-conscious rejection of ‘cinéma de qualité’ ?

      Nouvelle Vague cinema? The New Vague? A name so dumb I'll give you credit for originating it.

      There's not much that's more pretentious than people like you trying to infuse movies with some high-mindedness and intellectualism.

      Movies identified as "cinema" are boring snore-festivals.

      Meanwhile, Spike Lee is a wannabe Woody Allen. But Lee lacks a senses of humor and his territory holds insufficient interest for movie-goers.

      I predict his Red Hook movie will attract few ticket-buyers. It might not be a total flop, but his stock story-line has gotten old and white audiences no longer care for his stuff.

    99. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzz

      "Nouvelle Vague cinema? The New Vague? A name so dumb I'll give you credit for originating it."

      Well it would be Slapzz, but unfortunately for you Nouvelle Vague is French for 'New Wave'.

      As I say, your ability to be wrong about everything....

    100. more racist insanity from newt


    101. no slappz4:29 PM

      What's our Idiot-in-Chief going to blabber about tonight?

      More federal spending with no growth in hiring?

      Higher taxes for the shrinking number of people expected to pay?

      Mortgage defaulters and how those problems are tied to the Community Reinvestment Act and loosened standards at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?

      Education and the disparity between black, white and asian achievement?

      Unemployment and the fact that stopping the Keystone Pipeline killed thousands and thousands of high-paying jobs that would open up without a dime of taxpayers' money?

      The wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

      The pending wars with Iran, Egypt, Libya and Syria?

      The collapse of the EuroZone?


      Eh. He'll probably pat himself on the back because the SEALS killed bin Laden while he was in office. But he won't mention how we're still halfway stripping every time we go to the airport for a flight.

      He won't talk too much about closing Guantanamo. Or about crime among blacks. But he might offer some praise for Islam.

    102. no slappz4:41 PM


      Here's an investment idea for you clowns.

      A few years from now a huge real estate boom will start in Cuba.

      At the same time, the value of a lot of other real estate in the Caribbean will decline.

      After Fidel croaks, Raul will begin to reduce the stupidity by loosening the restraints on Cuban capitalism.

      Sometime soon Chavez will croak and Cuba will need to find its own oil and gas, which is plentiful in the Gulf of Mexico. But till Cuba is no longer afraid of its own citizens stealing boats and heading for America, there won't be a Cuban off-shore oil & gas industry.

      I doubt Obama will talk about dropping the embargo of Cuba. Too bad. If he were to do that, the Castro regime would collapse in less than a year.

    103. his single appointment to the Supreme Court

      So hopefully in the midst of the rhetoric, bullshit and Alicia someone reminded you POTUS has made 2 appointments to the Supreme Court.

      Glad to see no matter how long I stay away it all stays the same.

    104. anon:


      hobama is an incessant liar and a hologram

      osama died of kidney failure in 2001 and has been slain 9 times since then!

      osama is hobama's BIGGEST LIE to date...even bigger than his new ndaa lies....shame!!!!!

    105. This comment has been removed by the author.

    106. Anonymous4:59 PM

      uptownsteve said...
      "Over the last couple of thousand years, African tribes have periodically over-run each other, taking whatever the other tribe had and killing as many as necessary."

      Slappy you just pull it out of your racist arse and toss.

      You can't even name an African tribe you sorry POS.

      I can the DC Uptown Black Boogey Goobers - they live in Prince Georges County - theres a town around there somewhere and its UP on the map aint it.

    107. uptownsteve5:01 PM

      Question for Slapped Silly who farts:

      "He'll probably pat himself on the back because the SEALS killed bin Laden while he was in office."

      If Obama doesn't deserve credit for the killing of Bin Laden how does Reagan get credit for the collapse of the Soviet bloc?

      Don't fry any synapse fumbling for an answer.

      tee hee

    108. This comment has been removed by the author.

    109. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Steven, Oh Steven,what a fool you are. This is the last time I am going to edumacate you about New York. Mamma done schooled you wrong. Change your name to OuttaTownSteve Cause that is what you are...way the hell outta town.

      When those of us who live in New York say we are going to the city, we don't mean the Bronx. People who say they live in the city don't mean the bronx. People going home to Harlem don't mean the Bronx they mean uptown.

      Uptown Is
      "Uptown, Manhattan New York City
      Uptown expand from the Central Park south to Harlem, including Upper East Side, Upper West Side, Harlem and Morningside Heights. On the other hand, Washington Heights and Inwood are widely defined in Uptown but I will treat those area as a separate area from Uptown".

    110. hey bk:

      both of hobama's appointments are corp shills he can control


      neither of them are bfs like us


      there are STILL ZERO blacks as scotus!!!
      like that blackish hoax hobama
      clarence WILL NEVER count!!!

    111. hobama has stacked the ct with 1 dl racist/and 1 latina corporatist

      both are his clones

      set to pass hobamacare/his pharma casino

      no more

      no less!!!

    112. bk:

      it is hobama that is unchanged
      and will be so thru 2016


    113. wake up!!!!

      hobama is a racist hoax/a bush boi!!!

      he is MORE racist than newt!

      ditto for his cronied posse

      A lack of ethnic diversity.

      Before she died, the late Dorothy Height told our first black president, Barack Obama, that black women deserve to be represented in all chambers of government, including the Supreme Court. In its 221-year history, the Supreme Court has never had an ounce of African American female representation. Once again, black women were passed over in favor of a Caucasian with connections. Insult is added to injury when we consider the fact that during her tenure as dean of the Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan hired 29 tenure track faculty members, with 28 of them being white. This just happened to change in the middle of the controversy, when Harvard Law School hired only its second black female tenured professor in history. I am sure the Harvard Law faculty are patting themselves on the back for this one: two black women in nearly 300 years of existence. Great work Harvard University, you've had two more black female members than the Ku Klux Klan.

      District Attorney, lawyer for imperialist international corporations

      After graduating from Yale, Sotomayor worked as a District Attorney in Manhattan, New York, serving the state in prosecuting African and oppressed people in New York. She followed this up as a corporate lawyer serving the interests of global companies against workers and oppressed people.

      Having proven herself loyal to companies by defending them against liability claims, it is not surprising then that Republican President George HW Bush would choose her to serve in Southern Manhattan’s Federal District Court. Her 1998 appointment to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals by U.S. President William Clinton, was confirmed in a largely Republican Senate in a 67 to 29 vote!

      Regardless of where she comes down on issues such as abortion and gay marriage, the situation of colonized and oppressed peoples inside the US will not change.

      What we can expect of her then is a continuation of the war on African, Latino and Arab peoples.

      What we can expect is the continued escalation of attacks on our movement for the foreseeable future such as the framing and conviction of International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement leader, Ajamu Bandele, aka Orlando Gibson who has been held captive in York County Prison since his arrest on October 29, 2008.

      Only a movement for democracy and self-determination led by the African working class can win meaningful

    114. Anonymous5:19 PM

      This is Racism..This is also Dumbism.

      Rep. Emanueal Cleaver — the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus – told The Daily Caller that African Americans won’t “march on the White House” over the high unemployment rate in the black community because President Barack Obama is black.

    115. anon:


      black fools love hobama suicidally

      he hates them and proves that daily


    116. Anonymous6:13 PM

      uptownsteve said...
      "a White Frenchman moving to the US would be silly to insist everyone speak French and adopt his culture in the country he immigrated to."

      Who is insisting that everyone speak another language than English in America?

      Never mind you dimwitted nitwit. I still wonder how the heck you manage to function in life.

    117. Anonymous6:38 PM

      For those who wish to understand Barack Hussein Obamas campaign speech tonight; here is a Democratic language translator.

      "Investment" – Spending taxpayer money on Obama re-election constituencies such as government employee unions, teachers' guilds, and big-city political machines.

      "Bipartisan" – Tax hikes.

      "Fair" or "Fair Share" – Tax hikes.

      "Balanced" – Tax hikes.

      "Recovery" – This time it's real, I swear, not like that "Recovery Summer" we had in 2010 after spending $1 trillion of borrowed money.

      "Small business" – Those who will pay the most under my plan to tax "the rich."

      "Special interests" – Taxpayers who do not wish to give their money to my friends.

      "There are those who…" OR "Some" – [INSERT STRAW MAN HERE]

      "Energy" – Something that flows from good intentions, government programs, "stimulus" spending but not pipelines.

      "Exports" – That trade -- and only that trade -- acceptable to union bosses.

      "I" or "Me" – Center of the known universe.

      "Compromise" – Tax hikes.

      "Sacrifice" – Tax hikes.

      "Wall Street" – 1. Where your IRA and 401(k) live. 2. A bauble to distract you from noticing my bailout of Fannie and Freddie.

      "Jobs" – "You want to find work on the Keystone XL pipeline? Tough luck -- I've got a campaign to run."

      "Profit" – Money without which jobs would never be created.

      "Infrastructure" OR "Roads and Bridges" – Spending taxpayer money on those states voting Democrat in '08.

      "Affordable" – Reality for the taxpayer only after they've worked 224 days to pay for the total cost of government.

      "Obstructionists" – House Republican lawmakers who have actually passed a budget -- NOT the Senate Democrats who have refused to pass a budget for 1,000 days.

      "Streamline" – The pretense of dieting after an all-out spending binge.

      "Middle class" – Those who are the target of seven tax hikes in Obamacare.

      "Deficit" – What Democrats want you to focus on when what they really want to sell you is a tax hike.

      "Regulations" – The governmental leash attached to the choke collar around the neck of the econ

    118. no slappz6:57 PM

      brooklyn blaboozles:

      his single appointment to the Supreme Court

      Hmmm. Supreme Court appointments. Two women justices, one of whom is likely to lower employment standards for every industry in which some form of test is taken for hiring and advancement.

      Expect her to lower standards for commercial airline pilots because the current racial make-up the shows that about 99% of US pilots are white.

      This grotesque imbalance is proof of the "disparate impact" resulting from the testing.

      She's going to change that if it kills her, and a few thousand passengers.

    119. no slappz7:13 PM

      ree-tard stevie asks:

      If Obama doesn't deserve credit for the killing of Bin Laden how does Reagan get credit for the collapse of the Soviet bloc?

      Who said Obama gets no credit?

      I said he's going to pat himself on the back without acknowledging that killing bin Laden has only satisfied our blood lust. Nothing more. We're still hassled by security rules everywhere we go.

      Thus, killing bin Laden was a dubious achievement, though it did expose Pakistan's support for him -- which is bad news for Obama, who's gotten back-handed across the face by every muslim leader in the world.

      That's sad when you consider how hard he's tried to become close friends with all of them.

      On the other hand, the collapse of the Soviet Union made it possible for Bush 41 and Clinton to redirect federal spending away from defense. The "Peace Dividend" was big, and it lasted all the way till 9/11/01.

      What will our Screwball-in-Chief say tonight?

      Does it matter?

      You clowns will vote for him because he's black. Blind loyalty. I'll bet Obama's support from black voters will increase in the coming election.

      But independent voters have begun to realize he's a hapless, ineffective ideologue who's in office to destroy segments of the economy that he's too dim to understand.

    120. Anonymous7:25 PM

      No we couldn’t, but maybe if you gave us four more years we can? Vote Obama 2012.

      Ain’t no party like an Obama inauguration party and you won’t get one if you don’t vote for me. Vote Obama 2012

      Give Carter the second term he never had. Vote Obama 2012

      9/11 was an inside job. Vote Obama 2012.

    121. Anon-Goober grunts:

      "Steven, Oh Steven,what a fool you are. This is the last time I am going to edumacate you about New York"

      Okay idiot. Answer these questions.

      Do residents of the Bronx vote for the Mayor of NYC and the NYC City Council?

      Are Bronx public schools part of the NYC public school system?

      Does the NYPD patrol Bronx streets?

    122. "Cuba.

      Here's an investment idea for you clowns.

      A few years from now a huge real estate boom will start in Cuba."

      You are a few years late Slappy.

    123. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Sorry field, but when a commentor like Alicia Banks regularly posts a higher volume of text in her comments than you put in your posts and comments, it's hard to ignore :-/

    124. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Yeah Field, Mr. Lucas did make the movie and then he couldn't find any studio to back him, so he spent his own money, close to $100 million because Hollywood would not finance a movie with all those black (unknown) actors. Read the article you linked to. He paid for the production, the distribution and marketing himself.

    125. UCantHandleTruth11:44 PM

      OMG!! If it wasn't for the comments section I would never read this blog! I have laughed my ass off countless times, been in absolute awe of the blindness of people, got educated by Constructive Feedback (I miss his illuminating and incisive posts!) and although I think Alicia Banks at times is over the top and I disagree with her on some things, I LOVE her spirit!! I hear her. The comments section is really what makes this blog; I usually don't even read the posts, I go straight to the comments.


    126. Oh I ADORE the comments out here in The Fields! You got your wacky conspiracy nut flooding every post (Hi Alicia!), your not-racist racist conservatives, your racist racist conservatives, your straight-up Neo-Nazi stormfront muhfuckas, a wide array of both Toms and Nat Turners, and of course, Anonymous.

    127. I have only one comment. Alicia Banks needs to get a fucking life. Almost all the stories on this thread is turned into an Obama hatefest with that chick. I say loose some weight, get laid and then come back and post. Your routine is getting fcking tired. As if the Prisoner of War and Mrs. Glenn Rice would be doing a better job right now. Secondly, who would you have us support? The fat ass adulterer, who wants to get his Buzz Lightyear on or the Vampire Capitalist, who wants to be president of a country where he doesn't keep his money.
