Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The SOTU and Newt's racial stereotype problem.

I am settling in to watch the SOTU address with O. It should be interesting. Republicans say that it will be nothing more than a political speech, and they are already ready to go with their talking points.

One republican who won't be there is Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado. I guess he is really afraid that some of that tar will fly off his Oness and get on his skin.

Anyway, O is coming in now. There are hugs and kisses all around. Oh ohhh, he is approaching the supremes. ("Smiling faces, sometimes pretend to be your friend...) And now he is hugging "Gabby" Giffords....ohhhh. Now that was a "Kodak Moment". O, you might have just bumped your approval ratings by about five points.

My friends over at Politc365 have a live feed. I think I will check it out.

O was in big time campaign mode. The [right]wingnuts will be foaming at the mouth tomorrow. This election should be fun. The battle lines have been drawn.

Finally, and believe me, I don't even want to bring this up, because I am honestly hoping that Newt comes out on top in the republican primary.

"GOP contender Newt Gingrich has built up quite a record of making derogatory, racially-charged remarks on the campaign trail. He frequently derides President Obama as a “food stamp president” and said he would go to the NAACP and tell African Americans they should “demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps.” Last week he said work is a “strange, distant concept” to Fox anchor Juan Williams, who had the audacity to ask Gingrich at a recent debate if he understood why blacks might be offended by his remarks.

More than 40 Catholic leaders recently challenged Gingrich to “stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes” with his divisive rhetoric.

For Gingrich, perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes is nothing new. Today, the Huffington Post reports that at the height of Gingrich’s power in Congress, one of his major speeches had to be edited to remove a racist characterization of Asians, Latinos, and black Americans:
But before Gingrich could deliver his grand new theory of American civilization to the public in a 1993 speech, his deeply divisive racial stereotypes would need to be removed.

For poor minorities, entrepreneurship in small business is the key to future wealth,” Gingrich wrote by hand in a first draft. “This is understood thoroughly by most of the Asians, partially by Latinos, and to a tragically small degree by much of the American black community.” [...]

By the time a member of Gingrich’s staff typed up the notes and prepared the speech for delivery at the National Review Institute, the racial stereotypes were gone." [Source]   

I smell dirty politics here, but I still can't give Newt a pass. I know exactly where Newt stands on these issues, and it's scary that he could have gotten even this far.



  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Anon-Goober grunts:

    "Steven, Oh Steven,what a fool you are. This is the last time I am going to edumacate you about New York"

    Okay idiot. Answer these questions.

    Do residents of the Bronx vote for the Mayor of NYC and the NYC City Council?

    Are Bronx public schools part of the NYC public school system?

    Does the NYPD patrol Bronx streets?

    You are a racist piece of shit - go play with yourself and keep telling real New Yorkers what a dumbass you are.

    Have fun.

  2. NSangoma9:57 PM

    The US government has been subsidizing the oil industry for over 100-years; why that is socialistic, isn't it?

    The Koch brothers are on the dole; on fucking food stamps!!

  3. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Spend...spend...new....new....new....new... more government..more spending...spending we need more Barackastan government departments more more more

    Well at least he said everyone needs to be held accountable and do their part...hopefully he meant the 47% who don't pay taxes at all. I DO!!!

  4. "Spend...spend...new....new....new....new... more government..more spending...spending we need more Barackastan government departments more more more"

    I wish that there had been more.

  5. But I will take what I can get for now.

  6. Always a campaigner, never a leader.

    That will be Obama's legacy

  7. NSangoma10:41 PM


    Protect social security and medicare.

    Make taxes fairer.

    Whose side are you on?

    ps, the NFL does not want to play in an anti-union state

  8. Brother Paul10:43 PM

    Wow. Just watched Mitch Daniels give the Republican rebuttal. That was pretty damn good.

    Why can't that dude be running for the Republican nomination?

  9. Anonymous10:54 PM

    field negro said...
    But I will take what I can get for now.

    Always a taker..now that's not shared responsibility and accountability you have to give as well :)

  10. Anonymous10:55 PM


    OBAMA 50% NEWT 48%
    OBAMA 50% ROMNEY 48%

  11. Wasn't Mitch Daniels Bush's financial advisor when the economy went to hell in a handbasket? Great choice GOP, either they have no memories or are just too stupid for words. Of course the two don't have to be mutually exclusive.

    My favorite part of the speech "those who say America is in decline don't know what they're talking about". I have to totally agree, I was thinking that when Romney was saying we need to create a military no one will challenge my thought was who the hell can challenge the US military now? You have to be a brain dead zombie to be a Republican.

  12. Anonymous11:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wasn't Mitch Daniels Bush's financial advisor when the economy went to hell in a handbasket?

  13. "Always a taker..now that's not shared responsibility and accountability you have to give as well :)"

    "Shared responsibility"? You should see my tax returns. I think I give more than my fair share. :(

    Brother Paul, you are right, Daniels seems like a decent human being. But see what Pilot X said.

  14. I watched SOTU w/ trepidation, wondering what he could possibly say to re-inspire (sic) us. Within minutes, I was transfixed & hopeful again. Mitch Daniels had to rebut negatively. Frankly, the divisive GOP house, Republic campaign antics & remembering which party took us to the brink...4 more years sounds damn good to me.

  15. "GALLUP:

    OBAMA 50% NEWT 48%
    OBAMA 50% ROMNEY 48%"

    What does this mean? IT'S JANUARY!

  16. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Mitch Daniels looks like a zombie; the walking talking dead; at least they should have did his makeup.

  17. Trotsky11:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    My favorite part of the speech "those who say America is in decline don't know what they're talking about".

    Well, he must have been talking about himself, since he's been pushing American decline his whole career.

    He's told us the rest of the world are not gonna let us keep our thermostats where we want to, that he doesn't believe in American exceptionalism, that the American economic system has "never worked". He wants our energy prices to "skyrocket". He has eliminated the space program, proposed massive military cuts, and killed business recovery through massive public spending. At the same time he has hugely increased the number of people on public assistance and signed us up for $100 trillion in government healthcare costs.

    His whole program is American decline, he just doesn't want anybody talking about it.

  18. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mitch Daniels looks like a zombie; the walking talking dead; at least they should have did his makeup.

    If they made him black like Obama you'd say he was a genius.

  19. I met a traveller from an antique land
    Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
    And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
    And on the pedestal these words appear:
    `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
    The lone and level sands stretch far away".
    ~ Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley

    This is the state of our Union.

    Thanks Ace

  20. Anonymous said...
    "Mitch Daniels looks like a zombie; the walking talking dead; at least they should have did his makeup."

    Mock his looks all you want, his short speech contained far more truth than Obama's rambling hour of demagoguery.

    This election just gets more and more confusing.

    Sigh...what's a girl to do?

  21. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mitch Daniels looks like a zombie; the walking talking dead; at least they should have did his makeup.

    If they made him black like Obama you'd say he was a genius.

    Wrong, I think Mitch Daniels is a really, really ugly man. It was very hard to look at something that ugly as it tried to speak.

  22. no slappz11:26 PM

    What country does Obama live in? Certainly not America.

    With respect to the economy, the sectors of the economy that are strongests are those that are not beholden to federal spending -- like energy.

    But for the last three years Obama has done nothing but restrain the energy industry.

    So he's bothered that Warren Buffett's secretary pays taxes at a higher rate than he does.

    How about this -- LOWER her tax rate to match his.

    As expected, he gave himself a hearty slap on the back for being in office when the SEALs killed bin Laden. But it seems he forgot how the rest of us are still stuck with security searches at the airports and elsewhere.

    Interesting that he talked about how wonderful the US was after World War II when his grandparents -- his white grandparents -- were young.

    I gather he believes those pre-civil-rights years of segregation and Jim Crow laws were the mark of a great period. Okay. Now we know that's what he thinks.

    He says those were great years for American manufacturers. Well what else could they have been? Most of the manufacturing and exporting capacities of Europe and Asia were destroyed in WWII.

    We didn't have any competition. Plus, the Atlantic and Pacific were the best trade barriers we could have asked for.

    And, he's so delustional he pretends to believe American manufacturers are going to bring jobs back to the US.

    His example -- the Master Lock corporation, a division of Fortune Brands Home Security -- is small potatoes. Too small to matter. What a moron Obama is.

  23. When the Democrats took over Congress in January 2007, unemployment was 4.4 percent. It is now 8.5 percent. The budget deficit created by the outgoing Republican Congress was only $161 billion. It is now $1.7 trillion.

    The total outstanding debt in January 2007 was $8.7 trillion. It is now $15.4 trillion. Before the Democrats took control of everything, America's credit rating was AAA. It is now AA+.

    The unemployment rate when Obama was elected was 6.8%; today it is 8.5% … and that is not considering the fact that 3 million fewer Americans are seeking work compared to 2007.

    There are now fewer payroll jobs than there were in 2000 and now, 40% of those jobs are considered “low paying.”

    Regular gasoline per gallon cost $1.68 in January 2009. Today, it’s $3.39 — that’s a 102% increase in just three years.

    Electricity bills have also skyrocketed, with households now paying a record $1,420 annually on average, up some $300.

    Since December 2008, food-stamp use has increased 46%.

    Nearly 20% of males age 25 to 34 now live with their parents.

    America’s annual budget has jumped to $3.8 trillion — and yet the United States brings in only about $2.1 trillion in revenue.

    America’s total public debt stands at $15.23 trillion; in January 2009, the debt was $10.62 trillion.

    Obama is on pace to borrow $6.2 trillion in just one term — more debt than was amassed by all presidents from Washington through Bill Clinton combined.

    The debt is rising by $4.2 billion every day — $175 million per hour, nearly $3 million per minute.

    BUT YA!!!! Obama is restoring hope among Liberals. liberals are worse off than the mentally retarded.

  24. no slappz11:42 PM

    Obama was afraid to mention the failure of Solyndra and he tried to bluff Americans into believing the new GM is prospering because its US business was saved by hapless taxpayers.

    Let's see. The Chevy Volt is a monumental failure while the sales of gas-guzzling pick-up trucks and SUVs are strong.

    Moreover, the company is seeing some of its best gains in China.

    Then, the Oba-moron praised the new-found strength of Chrysler. But Chrysler's now a division of Fiat.

    Remarkably, everything Obama said he hated three or four years ago, he now loves.

    But he's so ideological, he's going to keep pumping money into batteries that he thinks will move electric cars.

    Wildly, he thinks he's going to initiate programs to monitor trade in other countries. He's crazy.

    He thinks he's going to create a new agency to monitor imports. He's going all out to put cops on the import beat, but he wants to let anyone sneak into to country and become a citizen simply by coming here at a young age with a parent or two.

    In other words, if the parent(s) and child have been here -- illegally -- for a few years, they should get rewarded with citizenship. What a moron.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The speech was on point.

    Hi Haters!!!

  27. Rottnkid said...
    The speech was on point.

    On point for pushing dishonest campaign themes.

    Not on point for admitting where he has gone wrong or facing what needs to be done.

  28. In January 2001, Daniels accepted President George W. Bush's invitation to serve as director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). He served as Director from January 2001 through June 2003. In this role he was also a member of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

    During his time as the director of the OMB, Bush referred to him as "the Blade," for his noted acumen at budget cutting.[21] The $2.13 trillion budget Daniels submitted to Congress in 2001 would have made deep cuts in many agencies to accommodate the tax cuts being made, but few of the spending cuts were actually approved by Congress.[10] During Daniels' 29-month tenure in the position, the projected federal budget surplus of $236 billion declined to a $400 billion deficit, due to an economic downturn, and failure to enact spending cuts to offset the tax reductions.[15]

    Conservative columnist Ross Douthat has stated that Daniels "carried water, as director of the Office of Management and Budget, for some of the Bush administration’s more egregious budgets [and...] made dubious public arguments in support of his boss’s agenda." [22] Daniels was responsible for estimating the cost of the invasion of Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom. The operation was estimated to last six months, and did not include a projection of the long-term cost of maintaining a military presence in the region after its immediate occupation.[23] In 2002, Assistant to the President on Economic Policy Lawrence B. Lindsey estimated the cost at between $100–$200 billion, much higher than Daniels' estimate. Daniels called Lindsey's estimate "very, very high" and stated that the costs would be between $50–$60 billion.[24] President Bush ultimately requested $75 billion to finance the operation during the fiscal year, and according to a 2010 Congressional Research Service report, the first fiscal year of the war cost $51 billion.[25] The failure to provide long term cost estimates led opponents to claim that Daniels and the administration had suggested the entire war would cost less than $60 billion.[22][23]

  29. So, the Republicans use the guy who oversaw the budget surplus go to deficit and grossly underestimated the cost of the Iraq war to give the rebuttal, nice job GOP. Way to go. Tone deaf or just plain dumb?

  30. Oh look, PilotX can copy and paste from Wikipedia!

    An article that cites Bush administration critics for an assessment of the Bush administration!

    The chief criticism of Daniels is that he did not budget for a 9 year nation-building exercise, which was not part of the plan when the war began. His budget for what he was told to budget for was actually quite accurate.

    Daniels was head of OMB during from 2001-2003. The Bush years, despite 9/11 and the wars, were actually boom years, and were only derailed in the end after the democrats took congress in 2007.

    You are either dumb or dishonest, PilotX. I'm guessing both.

  31. Anonymous12:35 AM

    PilotX will attack anyone who he thinks threatens Obama.

    He's in love.

  32. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Mitch Daniels looks like a zombie; the walking talking dead; at least they should have did his makeup.

    Funny Obama looked very yellow, everyone watching and chatting was saying that. He really is the Manchurian candidate.

  33. As far as Newt when has criticizing Blah people ever been bad for a Republican candidate? Hell, he probably leaked that himself.

  34. So let me understand Republican logic, the economy was humming along until the Dems took control of the congress and Bush had no influence. So using that same logic the current financial mess is the fault of the GOP congress and Obama has nothing to do with it. Gotcha.

  35. The adjournment of the 109th Congress provides an opportunity for a broad look at the budget legislation enacted since a new Administration and Congress took office at the start of 2001. This review finds that the national debt at the end of fiscal year 2006 (which ended September 30) was nearly twice as large as it would have been if Congress had left the budget on automatic pilot since 2001.

    Estimates provided in August 2006 by the Congressional Budget Office show that the direct cost of legislation enacted since January 2001 and the resulting increases in interest on the debt amounted to $633 billion in 2006 alone — and totaled $2.3 trillion over the six-year period 2001 through 2006. This left the debt (i.e., the “debt held by the public”) at $4.8 trillion (or 37 percent of GDP) at the end of 2006, rather than at the $2.5 trillion level (19 percent of GDP) it would have attained had no changes in policy been enacted.[1]

    As Table 1 shows, the largest costs — $1.2 trillion over six years — resulted from the tax cuts enacted since the start of 2001. Increased spending for defense, international affairs, and homeland security — primarily for prosecuting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — also was quite costly, amounting to almost $800 billion to date. Together, tax cuts and the spending increases for these security programs account for 84 percent of the increases in debt racked up by Congress and the President over this period.

    In short, Congress’ fiscal performance has been dismal. Underlying this sizeable increase in debt has been the second largest deterioration in the budget deficit for any six-year period in the past half century.[2]

    Congress’ actions over the last six years are particularly disquieting in light of the impending budgetary challenges posed by rising health-care costs and the retirement of the baby-boom generation. Faced with these challenges, Congress should have acted to reduce the debt, not to increase it.

    Moreover, as shown in Table 2, the costly tax cuts passed by the last three congresses were regressive; that is, they benefited the very well-off more than any other income group. Consequently, these congresses contributed to further widening the income gap between the best-off households and other Americans, even as Census and other government data showed that the economic gains from the current expansion were being distributed more unevenly than the gains from any other expansion since the end of World War II.

    Table 1:
    Effect on the debt of legislation enacted over the last six years

    In 2006




    % of total

    Tax cuts




    Defense, international and homeland security, incl. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan




    Entitlements, incl. flood insurance




    Domestic discretionary programs, incl. Katrina relief








    * All amounts include both direct costs and the resulting increases in interest on the debt.

    Table 2:
    Distribution of Major Tax Cuts

    Income Category

    Average Annual Tax Cut


    % change in after-tax income

    Middle 20 percent



    Top 1 percent



    Over $1 million



    Source: Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center. Figures show the effect of the bills in 2006 if all provisions were in full effect that year.

  36. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Before crowing that witey Mitch done served that uppity 'migger' Obama...you might want to ask Indiana citizens what they think of Mitch and his policies.

    Golly whilikers! You lads took down the old Reconstruction fables about AfAm citizens, dusted them off...and tried to sell them as your original thinkerating.

    It would be right neighbourly of you-all to converse with your neighbours and understand how much Glorious Sacrificial Pain they are enduring for fantasies of Villagers. You like to pretend your crew will be the one in power...I'm sure the brownshirts thought so too.


  37. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Field, "I smell dirty politics here, but I still can't give Newt a pass. I know exactly where Newt stands on these issues, and it's scary that he could have gotten even this far."

    Field, didn't we agree from the comments following many of your posts that they indicate a 'direction' A-merry-ca is headed? Then why are you so afraid that Newt has gotten this far and why aren't you afraid of Obama?

    What are you going to do when Newt becomes President, shit in your pants? For getting jobs, he's our best shot AND YOU KNOW IT!

  38. "...you might want to ask Indiana citizens what they think of Mitch and his policies."

    yep, even his GOP buddies are turning on him. This is what they get when they attack working people and try to paint us as the problem while excusing milliondollar bonuses for CEOs. Good luck with that.

  39. Yeah Field, what are you gonna do when Newt becomes prez? I know I'll wake up and be happy it was an f'n nightmare.

  40. "I know exactly where Newt stands on these issues, and it's scary that he could have gotten even this far."

    It's precisely because of where Newt stands on racial issues that he has gotten this far. Why do you think all those so-called evangelicals are willing to overlook Newt's womanizing, Mr. Field.

  41. Quote Anonymous 6:38

    ""Investment" – Spending taxpayer money on Obama re-election constituencies such as government employee unions, teachers' guilds, and big-city political machines."

    I've seen the dictionary list you posted last night on a variety of right wing websites this last few days. Were you planning to let people here know you had plagiarized it? Or were you hoping to dishonestly pass it off as your own work without comment?

  42. It's a long time since America has had such a hateful candidate as Newt.

    He's the guy that fucked another woman while his first wife was in cancer therapy. Then when he married the other woman he fucked a third woman when his second wife was diagnosed with M.S.

    But this same guy is opposed to Gay marriage because it will "damage the sanctity of marriage"!

    Fuck me sideways, what a hypocrite.

  43. Lying in my bed early this morning, the sheep in the field behind our house sounded exactly like the Imam at our local Mosque sounded back in Amsterdam.

    To a hard-core city boy like me, the sheep sound more exotic.


  44. "As far as Newt when has criticizing Blah people ever been bad for a Republican candidate? Hell, he probably leaked that himself."


    PC @ 2:59 AM, you do have a way of getting right to the point.

    "What are you going to do when Newt becomes President, shit in your pants? For getting jobs, he's our best shot AND YOU KNOW IT!"

    No, quit my job and blog full time. It would be the gift that keeps giving.

    Hi5ving what Val said.

  45. Yes those bad Bush years when unemployment was under 5%, millions more people had jobs, worker productivy was the highest its been in decades.

  46. Things you will never hear field take about.

    Mitt has given more money to charity than Obama-Biden combined.

    The gains in American's oil production we are seeing now in the result of Clinton-Bush policies not Obama's.

    In fact, future American oil production will decline because lands leased for oil has declined under Obama.

    Obama takes credit for something he played no part in, while furture presidents will get blamed for Obama polices.

    The man-child has no shame.

  47. no slappz7:59 AM

    nsang-carcinoma posted:

    In January 2001, Daniels accepted President George W. Bush's invitation to serve as director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

    During Daniels' 29-month tenure in the position, the projected federal budget surplus of $236 billion declined to a $400 billion deficit ...

    Everyone of your clowns recalls 2001 as though 9/11 never happened.

    Frankly, if Obama had been president on 9/11, it's possible he would have responded by accepting the hate coming from the Islamic world as justified, he would have apologized to the Islamic world, and he would have promised that America would never again offend the followers of Allah and his prophet Muhammad.


  48. no slappz8:06 AM

    purple brain-damage says:

    It's a long time since America has had such a hateful candidate as Newt.

    Really? Let's try 2008 when John Edwards was seeking the Democratic nomination.

    What did he do?

    He asked Democrats to nominate him and elect him president because his wife was dying of cancer.

    He made her illness into a vote-getting scheme, the same way people try to raise money for a child dying of some inevitably fatal disease.

    As she lay dying, his wife had to acknowledge to herself that she'd been married to one of the most despicable people in the country -- a Democratic presidential hopeful.

    Meanwhile, he'd already found a replacement wife who was pregnant with his kid. When the National Enquirer broke the story, he lied, and lied and lied and lied.

    He lied about the use of campaign money. Now he's about to go to jail, but he's delayed the start of his sentence by claiming he's got health problems.

    He is

  49. no slappz8:08 AM

    nsang-dopey says:

    The US government has been subsidizing the oil industry for over 100-years;

    Ahh, one of the Great Lies of the Obama administration.

    Will one of you clowns provide an example of a subsidy received by the oil industry?

  50. no slappz8:18 AM

    pilot Xcrement said:

    So let me understand Republican logic, the economy was humming along until the Dems took control of the congress and Bush had no influence.

    Yet another moron who pretends 9/11 never happened.

    Or maybe the moron thinks Al Gore would have managed a military response that required no money?

  51. no slappz8:21 AM

    purple beastiality recalled wistfully:

    Lying in my bed early this morning, my sheep Buttercup in the bed beside me, our house sounded exactly like the Imam at our local Mosque sounded back in Amsterdam.

    To a hard-core animal lover like me, the sheep sound more exotic.

  52. Quote No Slappzzz

    "So he's bothered that Warren Buffett's secretary pays taxes at a higher rate than he does. How about this -- LOWER her tax rate to match his."

    What planet do YOU live on? America already has a deficit which you guys on the Right claim is a terrible thing, well how are you going to reduce it if you pay less taxes?

    "As expected, he gave himself a hearty slap on the back for being in office when the SEALs killed bin Laden. But it seems he forgot how the rest of us are still stuck with security searches at the airports and elsewhere."

    So you are single-handedly blaming Obama for all global terrorism and America's national paranoia??

    "Interesting that he talked about how wonderful the US was after World War II when his grandparents -- his white grandparents -- were young."


    "I gather he believes those pre-civil-rights years of segregation and Jim Crow laws were the mark of a great period. Okay. Now we know that's what he thinks."

    Remember those graphs that I showed you last week that you didn't understand? That's what he was talking about. After the war, America's increasing wealth was spread more evenly over society as a whole, that is now dead. Only the very rich are getting richer.

    "He says those were great years for American manufacturers. Well what else could they have been? Most of the manufacturing and exporting capacities of Europe and Asia were destroyed in WWII."

    So you are saying it wasn't down to America's skill, enterprise and innovation then?


    "We didn't have any competition. Plus, the Atlantic and Pacific were the best trade barriers we could have asked for. And, he's so delustional he pretends to believe American manufacturers are going to bring jobs back to the US."

    They can should they ever decide to make stuff people want. It's not Obama's fault that your cars are a global joke.

    "His example -- the Master Lock corporation, a division of Fortune Brands Home Security -- is small potatoes. Too small to matter. What a moron Obama is."

    ...and what a defeatist you are. Shame on you for having no faith in your own country.

    Call yourself a patriot?

  53. Quote No Slapzzz

    "To a hard-core animal lover like me, the sheep sound more exotic."

    You are?????


    I knew there was something creepy about you No Slapzzz, but I didn't think it was that bad.

  54. no slappz8:49 AM

    purple confusion asks:

    What planet do YOU live on? America already has a deficit which you guys on the Right claim is a terrible thing, well how are you going to reduce it if you pay less taxes?

    Ah, the old leftist idiocy at work. Yeah, we could try the Cuban or North Korean approach -- tax profits at 100%, eliminate private property and let the idiots in charge make all the decisions -- or we could do what capitalist countries should do -- stop the government from impeding the economy.

    Here's a tax break that should be eliminated -- the Mortgage Interest Deduction. It's regressive and it artificially skews housing prices.

    As for raising more tax revenue -- well, considering the value of the oil imported to the US, it's obvious a lot of tax revenue would flow to the US government if MORE oil were drilled and refined HERE.

    It's also obvious that foreign earnings of US corporations would flow back into the US economy if the tax-rate on those earnings were reduced.

    But as long as the returns earned on that capital are likley to be higher if reinvested in foreign operations, that money will stay out of the US economy, and therefore, out of reach of taxation of all forms.

    By the way, the amount of foreign earnings held off-shore is estimaged at One Trillion Dollars.

    Obama would rather take another trillion from US taxpayers than reduce the tax rate on that money and let it surge into the US economy. What a moron he is.

    Obama should stop throwing money at immature technologies -- like solar. When solar cells are competitive, a market for them will develop. But at this point they are equal to oil at $500 a barrel -- until the taxpayers subsidize the buyers.

    Americans are oblivious to the hundred thousand miles of pipelines that criss-cross the country today.

    Some nitwits think there are no pipelines where the Keystone Project was expected to go. There are dozens of north-south pipleines in that region. They don't leak, they represent jobs and they improve our energy security.

    Detroit is a bigger wasteland than Hiroshima or Nagasaki in August 1945. Why? The intersection of unions and politics.

    Democrats are so desperate to believe Obama's delusional
    comments about the recovery of GM, they'll pretend Detroit isn't there, just like Democrats pretend 9/11 never happened.

  55. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Val, "It's precisely because of where Newt stands on racial issues that he has gotten this far. Why do you think all those so-called evangelicals are willing to overlook Newt's womanizing, Mr. Field."

    Exactly right. But hasn't that been the issue in America for a long time? Even the election of Obama was about racial issues. He was the experimental effort to end racism. It failed miserably.

    In fact, Obama's election opened the door for that diseased racist demon to come out galloping against Blacks.

    It's been spreading and Newt Gingrich is symbolic of where America is heading. It's not good for Blacks.

  56. no slappz9:05 AM

    US Forces Save Hostages From Pirates

    In a daring nighttime helicopter raid, US Special Forces pulled off the dramatic rescue of two hostages held by Somali pirates since October.

    American woman, 32, freed in mission

    SEALs to the rescue.

    There's a pattern here. Almost everyone is thrilled about the death of bin Laden and the way the SEALs shot him to death.

    Obama seems to think he was with them during the raid. Or, at least, Americans see him as the honorary SEAL president.

    He wants them to help his re-election campaign. Yesterday they shot some Somali pirates. Like bin Laden, those pirates are easy to hate. But they are black and the SEALs are white, so there is that racial side of things.

    But, ignoring that, as Obama does, he's realized there are so many trouble spots and US hostages around the world that he can keep the SEALs busy polishing his image as America's first SEAL president.

    For the first time ever, SEAL exploits are hitting the front page. Who could blame anyone for thinking that till now SEALs had been mostly training, and little else?

    But now, when there's no longer any political risk for sending US operatives out to kill some pesky malefactors, Obama is going to get all the votes he can from publicizing SEAL exploits.

  57. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 6:38

    ""Investment" – Spending taxpayer money on Obama re-election constituencies such as government employee unions, teachers' guilds, and big-city political machines."

    I've seen the dictionary list you posted last night on a variety of right wing websites this last few days. Were you planning to let people here know you had plagiarized it? Or were you hoping to dishonestly pass it off as your own work without comment?

    Oh the vapid Liberal with no morals now pretending to be morally outraged. Shit you caught me. Well tell you what genius, first off there are many anons here, so the person who posted this morning wasn't the one who posted the list. Next; I was the anon who posted the dictionary list of liberal speak, that you found "on a variety of sites" god you are so clever I am besides myself with envy. So you know what? you are right, cancel my royalty check. You know the royalty check that you cut and had mailed to me where I committed plagiarism and put my NAME to someone elses work.

    Thank the heavens for people like you, finding moral outrage wherever it may lurk and putting a clear name to the atrocities. Why without your valuable detective work, whatever would we do? We never would have uncovered the plot of someone named anon to steal someone elses work from multiple sites all over the Web.

    Thanks again, for being....just being you.

  58. NSangoma9:34 AM

    The United States government provides a large subsidy to oil companies, with major tax breaks at virtually every stage of oil exploration and extraction. Revenue attributable to capital investment, including the costs of oil field leases and drilling equipment, are taxed at an effective rate of nine percent, which is a much lower rate than the 25% rate for general business taxes and lower than the taxes of virtually any other industry, according to a 2005 study by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

    For example, while the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was registered in the Marshall Islands, since registering off-shore lowered the U.S. tax liability, the U.S. government was giving the rig's owner, British Petroleum (BP), a major tax break when BP leased the rig: 70% of the rent was written off in the form of a tax break used only by the oil industry, for a tax deduction of more than $225,000 per day from the day the lease began.


  59. Anonymous10:04 AM

    “For poor minorities, entrepreneurship in small business is the key to future wealth,” Gingrich wrote by hand in a first draft. “This is understood thoroughly by most of the Asians, partially by Latinos, and to a tragically small degree by much of the American black community.” [...]

    So this is a bad thing to say huh? Why?

    Let me think about it but I do have to wonder why the majority if not all the stores in Black neighborhoods are owned and operated by either Asians with the occasional bodega owned by a latino.

    This Black woman loudly agrees with Newt. So what is the real problem? Call the Ostrich a racist syndrome?


  60. no slappz10:15 AM

    The Obama way -- spend trillions, bring back 100 jobs.

    Master Lock Highlighted in State of the Union Address for Moving Jobs Back to U.S.

    FBHS $17.59 -0.27

    MILWAUKEE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- President Obama highlighted Master Lock in his State of the Union address Tuesday night for moving jobs back to the U.S. from China.

    Since mid-2010, Master Lock has brought back approximately 100 union jobs to its Milwaukee factory.

    The decision to bring these jobs back was partially motivated by economic reasons related to increasingly higher labor and logistics costs in Asia, and further, ongoing labor availability challenges especially in the coastal areas of China.

    Advantages of moving the jobs to Milwaukee include a more competitive overall cost structure, greater control and the ability to provide better service to customers – in addition to the overall economic benefit to the company’s home state of Wisconsin.

    According to Master Lock, the company would like to bring more jobs back from overseas should the underlying economics support the move.

    In other words, the jobs returned to the US because China's prosperity created some parity between the labor markets. Hence, more global prosperity means more jobs in America.

    But, some employment costs in the US must decline before that parity is reached -- as Master Lock admits.

  61. What did I learn while watching the address last night: 'There needs to be a major overhaul filled with younger people in politics. No matter which side is in power today or today, we're still headed down hill. This country needs fresh faces, with fresh bright optimistic idea's, in order to better our future. Our children deserve it.

    PB Illustrations

  62. no slappz10:42 AM


    Every company enjoys some basic tax advantages tied to Depreciation.

    The General Tax Advantages are customized for every industry. Thus, there is some tailoring of the universal tax-breaks for the oil industry, just as there is for every industry.

    Ever notice that all ships are registered in places like Panama or Liberia?

    Anyway, obviously you don't know the first thing about corporate taxes or how foreign companies are treated by the US tax code.

    BP is, as its name informs, a British company, and thereby able to make claims resulting to the nation in which it's domiciled.

    Meanwhile, the offshore rig in the BP Gulf leak/problem was owned by Transocean, a company domiciled in Switzerland and hired by BP, a foreign company. Meanwhile, Halliburton, a US company, had a role.

    The benefits extended to BP led to more income for the employees of Transocean and Halliburton -- who were US citizens -- and US taxpayers, who benefited from the lease sales and the oil itself.

    Meanwhile, no business pays the "general rate" for taxes. Every business pays a reduced "effective rate" that results from the various legitimate deductions.

    Meanwhile, what fees, royalties and taxes are paid by off-shore oil drilling companies operating in other parts of the world, like off the west coast of Africa? Or the North Sea, or in the Indian Ocean?

  63. no slappz10:53 AM

    Newt says:

    “For poor minorities, entrepreneurship in small business is the key to future wealth,” Gingrich wrote by hand in a first draft. “This is understood thoroughly by most of the Asians, partially by Latinos, and to a tragically small degree by much of the American black community.”

    The truth. To be avoided at all costs -- by Democrats.

    Walk down Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. The roti shops are run by blacks. Some of the beauty/hairdresser shops and barber shops are run by blacks.

    There are at least two churches on every black, and they serve blacks.

    There are a number of store-front legal offices. Most of the lawyers are hispanic.

    The fruit-and-vegetable markets are run by asians. The dry goods stores are run by asians and some Russians.

    There are sneaker stores and other clothiing stores that employ blacks in sales jobs.

    The pawn shops/jewelry stores are not owned by blacks and employ few blacks.

    Many other small businesses on Flatbush Avenue are owned by arab muslims.

    Newt is right. What's the problem?

  64. Speaker Boner10:53 AM

    PilotX said...
    So let me understand Republican logic, the economy was humming along until the Dems took control of the congress and Bush had no influence. So using that same logic the current financial mess is the fault of the GOP congress and Obama has nothing to do with it. Gotcha.

    No, the GOP has not controlled congress since 2006.

    The dems had supermajorites in BOTH houses and the Presidency for two years - a very rare circumstance in American politics.

    Bush never had a filibuster-proof 60 seat majority Senate and control of the House.

    Obama had two years to do whatever he wanted, two years when the Republicans were completely frozen out of power.

    And he used those two years to enact sweeping regulatory changes and to increase the deficit by $4 trillion. His signature legislative accomplishment was using parlimentary tricks like 'reconcilliation' to force through Obamacare, despite a majority of Americans being opposed to the bill.

    For this act of fiat, the dems lost the House in 2010.

    Obama had no use for "bipartisanship" until the 112th congress was seated in 2011. Now, apparently all inaction is to be blamed on the party that controls 1/2 of congress.

    Obama is always blaming others - nothing is ever his responsibility. He was late with his budget again this year. The Republcan house has passed their budgets on time, but the Democrat Senate has not passed a budget now for the third straight year - it has been over 1,000 days since they passed a budget.

    How is this the Republicans fault?

    A real leader points the way, not his finger.

  65. Anonymous11:05 AM

    $5 dollar a gallon gas by election time.

    Barack Hussein Obama is done.


  66. NTacoma11:09 AM

    "The total tax subsidies related to petroleum are $3.3 to $10.9 billion. Per gallon of gasoline, this comes to 1.3 cents to 4.2 cents per gallon. We believe that 1.45 cents per gallon is a conservative and reasonable estimate.

    The average tax assesed at the pump is 47 cents per gallon of gasoline.

  67. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzz

    "There are at least two churches on every black, and they serve blacks."

    Wow! at least two churches on every black?

    No wonder they can't find a job, carrying all that weight around.

  68. So No Slapzzzz re your post of 10:53, are you saying that entrepreneurship is only about owning shops?

    You see, I'm an entrepreneur and I've never owned a shop in my life.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. YES!!! What a great idea you have!!!

    Thanks to Obamanomics, we have almost 3 million more people in poverty, food stamp usage at a record high, median income down , real wages down, millions of jobs lost, credit maxed out, foreclosures, now is the perfect time to end oil subsidies.

    High cost for a gal. of gas? People paying more to heat their homes?

    Who cares how much people suffer under Obamanomics!!

    You silly twats are so smart!!!!

    BUT HEY!!!! Least Obama has restored hope!!!!

  71. Than there is Obama stealing a Ford slogan.

    “That’s an America built to last.”

    Built to last.

    The man child can't even think up his own slogans.

  72. Anonymous11:39 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote No Slapzzzzzzzz

    "There are at least two churches on every black, and they serve blacks."

    Wow! at least two churches on every black?

    No wonder they can't find a job, carrying all that weight around.

    How is your girlfriend Bahhh-Bahhh-Ra doin? Suprised Ewe weren't the slightest bit sheepish announcing you woke up cuddling today. I know your hair is the same texture, what about color? Is it a she or a he and do you ram or get rammed?

    With your being an Imam and all, you had better be careful. If you get caught there are a number of Islamic hadith's outlawing Zoophilia (as you know they believe sodomizing young boys is much better)

    My what an interestingly sick and depraved life you lead. See what happens when you lose all morality and think you are the center of the universe.

    Your choice of living in a barn is certainly further explained. Originally I thought it was just all the state could provide you with larger better homes going to Islamic Immigrants on the dole, or simply a meager income - now I see the real reason.

    Of all things, now your blog name makes sense too, Purple Cow - the farmer in the dell. He really and I mean really loves his animals. The question is do they love him back? He-He.

  73. uptownsteve11:41 AM

    Anon-goober whines:

    "You are a racist piece of shit - go play with yourself and keep telling real New Yorkers what a dumbass you are."


    "Damn Uptown, you made me look like a pathetic goober dumbass still again. And my only recourse is to stomp my feet and hurl childish insults."


  74. Anonymous11:42 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    So No Slapzzzz re your post of 10:53, are you saying that entrepreneurship is only about owning shops?

    You see, I'm an entrepreneur and I've never owned a shop in my life.

    Yes but have you ever been owned?

    Often and rented cheaply as well.

  75. Anonymous11:49 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Anon-goober whines:

    "You are a racist piece of shit - go play with yourself and keep telling real New Yorkers what a dumbass you are."


    "Damn Uptown, you made me look like a pathetic goober dumbass still again. And my only recourse is to stomp my feet and hurl childish insults."


    Wow, Uptown Steve outsmarted someone again. He is so cool.

    How do you do it Stevey? What's your secret? How can someone be so cool and so right on everything?

    Awesome man. Good Job!!

  76. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Obamas unedited version of the state of the union address.


  77. uptownsteve12:02 PM

    Slappy farts:

    "Newt is right."

    Newt is a racist buffoon and so are you.

    "The number of black-owned businesses in the U.S. increased by 60.5% to 1.9 million between 2002 and 2007, more than triple the national rate according to U.S. Census data released Tuesday. The number of businesses across the country increased by 18% in the same amount of time."


  78. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "What are you going to do when Newt becomes President, shit in your pants? For getting jobs, he's our best shot AND YOU KNOW IT!"

    NEWT: 'Where are all the white- haired women at?

  79. uptownsteve said...
    "The number of black-owned businesses in the U.S. increased by 60.5% to 1.9 million between 2002 and 2007, more than triple the national rate according to U.S. Census data released Tuesday. The number of businesses across the country increased by 18% in the same amount of time."

    Yet the Bush years were just so so horrible.

  80. Hey uptownsteve, tell us about black home ownership during those horrible Bush years.

  81. Quote Pretender

    "Built to last."
    The man child can't even think up his own slogans."

    Pretender, a quick google search on the phrase "Built to last" resulted in 12.9 million hits.

    This would suggest that the Ford Motor company does NOT hold copyright on the phrase as you suggest.

  82. Walter Russell Mead12:51 PM

    A “liberal” today is somebody who defends the 20th-century blue social model; a “progressive” is now somebody who thinks history has gone wrong and that we must restore yesteryear's Iron Triangle - strong unions in stable, government-brokered arrangements with large corporations - to make things better. Most of what passes for liberal and progressive politics these days is a conservative reaction against economic and social changes the Left doesn’t like. The people who call themselves liberal in the United States today are fighting rearguard actions to save old policies and established institutions that once served noble purposes but that now need fundamental reform (and in some cases abolition), lest they thwart the very purposes for which they were created.

  83. no slappz12:59 PM

    n-sang-lymphoma -- "oil subsidies":

    First you try to paint the oil industry as an industry that fleeces taxpayers by obtaining excessively generous "subsidies", then you supply numbers suggesting the big gifts are worth less than two cents per gallon.

    Even though the oil industry receives, as I said, the same general accounting benefits virtually all industries receive, your reporting effort shows how little some of these benefits are worth.

    If all industries were treated like the oil industry, a lot of companies would disappear because they're hopelessly uncompetitive -- as is the solar industry.

    One day a brilliant kid at MIT or CalTech or Stanford will experience a flash of insight and he'll advance the state of solar cells almost overnight. But until that happens, solar cells are losers.

    Just like batteries.

    As I've told my kids -- if you want to become richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffett combined, find a way to double the conversion efficiency of solar cells or find a way to make batteries that hold as much energy as a tank of gas AND make those batteries rechargeable in five minutes.

    Whoever achieves either of those goals will become the first Trillionaire.

    Hint. It won't be a black guy.

  84. no slappz1:07 PM

    purple ewe said:

    Pretender, a quick google search on the phrase "Built to last" resulted in 12.9 million hits.

    This would suggest that the Ford Motor company does NOT hold copyright on the phrase as you suggest.

    Hardly. But it does suggest that Ford is comfortable getting a little free advertising provided by the president.

    The origin of the slogan did not go unnoticed.

    Ford, meanwhile, did NOT take TARP money, which suggests that it's better to steer clear of government money and the strings attached to it.

    Even though the banks that received TARP money have repaid it, you liberal clowns still repeat your ignorant mantra that banks received free money -- gifts -- from taxpayers.

    You make that uninformed claim while GM was a true beneficiary of an actual bailout AND it will NEVER repay the money it was GIVEN.

    Moreover, US taxpayers are still major owners of GM stock, which is trading miles below the buy-in price that Americans were forced to pay.

  85. Good news and bad regarding Keystone XL. Obama is not sacrificing our economic security and tens of thousands of jobs on behalf of screwballs like Robert Redford and Daryl Hannah after all. He’s doing it on behalf of zillionaire crony socialist Warren Buffett:

    Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit.

    With modest expansion, railroads can handle all new oil produced in western Canada through 2030, according to an analysis of the Keystone proposal by the U.S. State Department.

    Going by rail instead of pipeline would cost more and produce more of the greenhouse emissions libs pretend are hazardous, and might not prevent Canada, which needs a reliable buyer, from selling the oil to China instead. But being part of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% who are rich enough and corrupt enough to benefit from socialism, the tax-evading higher taxes advocate Buffett is an important guy to please. Like the crooks at Solyndra, he was a big supporter of Obama in 2008.

  86. Anonymous1:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Slappy farts:

    "Newt is right."

    Newt is a racist buffoon and so are you.

    "The number of black-owned businesses in the U.S. increased by 60.5% to 1.9 million between 2002 and 2007, more than triple the national rate according to U.S. Census data released Tuesday. The number of businesses across the country increased by 18% in the same amount of time."



    Steve, you did it again. I don't know where you get this mountain of knowledge but if you keep this up I am considering starting a fan club.

    Awesome. Great Job!!!

    Hispanic or Latino # Firms
    1,573,464 % total sales 6.8%
    White 19,899,839
    % total sales 36.6%
    Black 1,197,567
    % total sales 0.4%
    American Indian and Alaska Native 201,387
    Asian 1,103,587
    % total sales 1.4%

    Oh and the main categories of those new Black Businesses are:
    Social Assistance, Maintenance, Personal and laundry services.

    "The data also reflect the types of companies primarily being created. In 2007, nearly four in ten of these African American startups operated in the healthcare and social-assistance sectors, as well as repair, maintenance, personal and laundry services".


    Now we just need to know how many businesses failed to get a real picture. Over 60% of new business fail the first year with about another 10-15% the second.

  87. no slappz1:17 PM

    upper-intestinal-stevie posted:

    "The number of black-owned businesses in the U.S. increased by 60.5% to 1.9 million between 2002 and 2007, more than triple the national rate according to U.S. Census data released Tuesday. The number of businesses across the country increased by 18% in the same amount of time."

    Interestingly, the IRS reported that between 2002 and 2007 it identified 1.9 million new businesses that claimed refunds even though the businesses reported no revenue or profit.

    Must have been some kind of clerical error.

  88. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Pretender

    "Built to last."
    The man child can't even think up his own slogans."

    Pretender, a quick google search on the phrase "Built to last" resulted in 12.9 million hits.

    This would suggest that the Ford Motor company does NOT hold copyright on the phrase as you suggest.

    I tell you, the logic you guys display has me wondering how in the world did I ever get by before. Ford a huge company in the United States and dare I say globally, coined the phrases Built Ford tough and Built to last. I never realized that Ford has stolen this ad campaign from 12.9 potential people (google hits) and had been using it for how many years now? How ridiculous for people to think Obama took the well known Ford slogan. Obviously he borrowed it from some miscellaneous reference (12.9 million of them) on google and even more obviously none of those google hits had anything to do with ford or at least not worth mentioning anyway.

    Great Job. Awesome!!!!

  89. Fire In The Hole (Almost)1:26 PM

    If Steve's brain was made of TNT, he couldn't blow-up a gnat's ass.

  90. Anonymous1:39 PM

    no slappz said...
    upper-intestinal-stevie posted:

    This gave me pause. Is your nose part of your upper intestinal tract? After all it is "up" on your body and your brain controls every part of your body and your white blood cells police all parts of your body for infection..therefore your nose is part of your upper intestinal track.

    Damn I like this new form of logic. You can see the connection in just about anything you want to. Maybe I should think of a name for this type of thinking...

  91. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Damn I like this new form of logic. You can see the connection in just about anything you want to. Maybe I should think of a name for this type of thinking...

    Mental midget whistles You hear whatever you want to hear and interpret it any way you like.

  92. Sister Mary Elephant2:08 PM

    Considering that most people in the eigth grade of our wonderful Publik Edjoocation system probably read at a third grade level, this is even more pitiful. (Thanks, AB).


  93. uptownsteve2:23 PM

    Hey Pretender,

    Don't forget that Bush gave us the recession and economic collapse in 2007.

  94. Anonymous2:26 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    stalker/cleaner/turbo breeder vdlr:

    u have only 2 options:
    man up and ban me
    or get over me
    eff u all"

    Ummm....in your case, shouldn't thet be "DYKE up and ban me"?

  95. Quote Anonymous 1:25

    "Great Job. Awesome!!!!"

    Hey thanks, you're welcome.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 1:25

    "Great Job. Awesome!!!!"

    Hey thanks, you're welcome.

    Anytime, keep up the good work. You are a shining example. You inspire me and I mean that sincerely. You are quite inspirational.

  98. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzz

    ”Ford, meanwhile, did NOT take TARP money, which suggests that it's better to steer clear of government money and the strings attached to it.”

    Ford may not taken TARP money, but it did put its snout in the trough for your government’s Term Asset-backed Lending Facility (TALF), and it has also borrowed $900 million from your government’s Department of Energy for developing more fuel efficient vehicles. It has also benefited from the Fed’s ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and your government’s 'Cars for Clunkers' program.

    All of which suggests it is most advantageous to use the government's money and the strings attached to it.

    As I said yesterday No Slapzzzz, your ability to be wrong about absolutely every single subject you talk about is quite extraordinary. You’ve developed wrongness into an art form.

  99. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Modern American Currency

    One dollar bill: George Washington
    Five dollar bill: Abraham Lincoln
    Ten dollar bill: Alexander Hamilton
    Twenty dollar bill: Andrew Jackson
    Fifty dollar bill: Ulysses S. Grant
    One hundred dollar bill: Benjamin Franklin
    Food Stamps: Barack Obama

  100. Quote Anonymous 3:00

    "Anytime, keep up the good work. You are a shining example. You inspire me and I mean that sincerely. You are quite inspirational."

    Well that's odd, because I think you are a complete and utter cunt.

  101. Quote anonymous 3.01

    "Modern American Currency
    One dollar bill: George Washington
    Five dollar bill: Abraham Lincoln
    Ten dollar bill: Alexander Hamilton
    Twenty dollar bill: Andrew Jackson
    Fifty dollar bill: Ulysses S. Grant
    One hundred dollar bill: Benjamin Franklin
    Food Stamps: Barack Obama"

    So Anony, did you forget to mention that you cut and pasted this from an Obama Hate-site? Or were you hoping to pass it off as your own work?

    Why don't you google "Disingenuous, Lying, Plagiarizing Cunt"

    I think you'll find your name there.

  102. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Bill Ayers thinks Barack Obama is the bomb!!!!

  103. uptownsteve3:15 PM

    More Goober Lies

    Food Stamps: Barack Obama

    More people got on food stamps under Bush than Obama

    ".....they show that under President George W. Bush the number of recipients rose by nearly 14.7 million. Nothing before comes close to that.

    And under Obama, the increase so far has been 14.2 million. To be exact, the program has so far grown by 444,574 fewer recipients during Obama’s time in office than during Bush’s."


  104. Curly3:28 PM

    Jesus Christ would somebody fire a tranqulizer dart into that raging sow AB!

  105. Anonymous3:28 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote anonymous 3.01

    "Modern American Currency
    One dollar bill: George Washington
    Five dollar bill: Abraham Lincoln
    Ten dollar bill: Alexander Hamilton
    Twenty dollar bill: Andrew Jackson
    Fifty dollar bill: Ulysses S. Grant
    One hundred dollar bill: Benjamin Franklin
    Food Stamps: Barack Obama"

    So Anony, did you forget to mention that you cut and pasted this from an Obama Hate-site? Or were you hoping to pass it off as your own work?

    Why don't you google "Disingenuous, Lying, Plagiarizing Cunt"

    I think you'll find your name there.

    My my you are a hateful one aren't you. I understand any humor about your beliefs threatens your fragile liberal ego but really the rage it has evoked is surprising. To the point that you try to sell Unicorns with your rage and claim someone named anonymous is trying to claim credit for oh I don't know, was this the thing with 12.9m google hits, naw that was something else, this was just someone posting someone else's joke. You do realize that you get no points in life and it means nothing if you post here right? Right?

    Now really, I know times are tough but do try and calm down. Your venom can only be damaging to yourself and after all. I did tell you good job several times today and you should learn to lean back and laugh at a good joke and not take yourself so seriously, lord knows we don't.

    So do try and get a grip and handle on your emotions, not everyone worships a foreign leader of another country as you do. The last thing we need after all the positive reinforcement that we have done today is have you regress, flying into a clearly liberal rage at the mere mention of something questionable of the messiah (for you).

    Cheerio Pip Pip and all that sort of rot.

  106. Curly3:29 PM

    @ uptown

    1. Bush's term was 8 years, Obama so far has been 3. understand?

    2. fact check org is not very credible

  107. Curly3:32 PM

    Purple Cow said....As I said yesterday No Slapzzzz, your ability to be wrong about absolutely every single subject you talk about is quite extraordinary. You’ve developed wrongness into an art form.

    You triumphantly point out spelling and grammar errors, while your own errors are the result of faulty reasoning based on misinformation and ignorance.

    At a fundamental level, it is you Cow who is wrong about nearly everything.

  108. no slappz3:40 PM

    purple ewe-lover re: TALF:

    So you're critical of Ford for accepting the offer of the Federal Reserve to lend money at low rates. As if it's a bad thing for a company to lower its short-term borrowing costs during a period of financial hardship.

    I'm sure the nature of the loan was over your head.

    It's like this. TALF money was loaned to companies that collateralized the loans with their assets. Hence, from the government's position, the taxpayers were not at risk.

    This is how pawn shops work. The pawn-broker lends you money that's collateralized, in your case, by handing over your sheep, Buttercup.

    If you don't repay the borrowed money as promised, the pawnbroker sells Buttercup to the slaughterhouse for more than he paid you and then closes out your account with a profit.

    You're too ignorant to discuss financial issues.

  109. Anonymous3:41 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    More Goober Lies

    Food Stamps: Barack Obama

    More people got on food stamps under Bush than Obama

    ".....they show that under President George W. Bush the number of recipients rose by nearly 14.7 million. Nothing before comes close to that.

    And under Obama, the increase so far has been 14.2 million. To be exact, the program has so far grown by 444,574 fewer recipients during Obama’s time in office than during Bush’s."


    Stevey, Stevey, just when I thought there was hope for you with some positive reinforcement here you go pulling out your crutches and flinging racial slurs while mindlessly qouting the lamestream media, who know nothing but defending the messiah and not reporting real news or problems. I will set the record straight below and dont worry as a good christian man I forgive you and will keep up the hope that someday too even you can understand simple math. 8 years vs 3 so far.

    Participation in the food stamp program, technically known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), has increased by 44% from 32.0 million in January 2009 to 46.2 million in October 2011, the last month for which data is available. During that time, the average monthly benefit per person has increased by over 18% from $114 to $135, even though the costs of food eaten at home have increased by only 5%, and even though gross benefits before deductions for income and assets three years ago roughly approximated what was needed to maintain adequate nutrition on a “thrifty meal plan.” Monthly program costs have increased by over 70%, from $3.6 billion to $6.2 billion.

    The food stamp rolls indeed increased by 14.7 million under George W. Bush compared to “only” 14.2 million under Obama (so far). But Bush’s figure works out to an average of about 153,000 additional recipients per month during his eight years in office. Monthly additions during Barack Obama’s first 33 reported months have averaged 431,000. During the economy’s relatively strong years of 2005 through 2007, the food stamp rolls stayed relatively steady at 25-27 million. In the past fiscal year under Obama, while the economy added over 1.6 million seasonally adjusted jobs, the food stamp rolls still grew by over 3.3 million

    More broadly, food giveaways under all guises have exploded under Obama. School food program costs have increased by 22% during the past three fiscal years, even though it should be obvious that the government is already paying many kids’ parents to feed them through food stamps. Women, infants, and children? Up 16%. Other food distribution programs? Up 52%. With all of this spending, what’s the main nutrition-related problem facing the country, even more among those in poverty than among the general population? You guessed it: obesity.



  110. The Farmer In The Dell3:44 PM

    At a fundamental level, it is you Cow who is wrong about nearly everything.

    and from what he shared with us this morning he isn't the slightest bit Sheepish about it either. Do you think he is fishing for those of a similar mind?

  111. Anonymous3:45 PM

    AB are your posts on auto repeat?

  112. uptownsteve3:52 PM

    "8 years vs 3 so far."

    Maybe so but Bush gave us the recession and economic collapse starting in 2007.

    The economy is rebounding today with more people joining the job market and leaving the food stamps ranks.

    Is that too complicated for you to grasp Goober?

  113. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 3:00

    "Anytime, keep up the good work. You are a shining example. You inspire me and I mean that sincerely. You are quite inspirational."

    Well that's odd, because I think you are a complete and utter cunt.

    Awww, such an angry man. Remember, all that anger can only cause you to poison yourself inside. I know with your being a leftist you are always talking about what you feel in your heart, but really you do inspire me, to what we shall leave unsaid but clearly you aren't clever enough to work things out for yourself. I find that sad and do not hate your for it, just sad.

    The characteristic emotion of the Leftist is not envy. It's rage.

    Anyway, it is good that you get all these emotions and hateful negative feelings out, let them free, cleanse thy soul and someday you may just find the light.

  114. no slappz3:58 PM

    purple ewe-humper writes:

    Ford...and it has also borrowed $900 million from your government’s Department of Energy for developing more fuel efficient vehicles.

    Again, when loans are offered at interest rates approaching zero percent, a responsible management would be irresponsible to turn them down.

    This does not compare with getting
    money on an emergency basis to save the company from failure. As a dummy, however, your ignorance is understandable.

    It has also benefited from the Fed’s ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and your government’s 'Cars for Clunkers' program.

    Ah, the signs of retardation are all over you today.

    Cash for clunkers led to only one thing -- a change in the timing of the purchase of a small number of cars. Cash for clunkers did NOT increase car sales.

    But the taxpayers were fleeced by this simple-minded, ineffective program.

  115. Anonymous4:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "8 years vs 3 so far."

    Maybe so but Bush gave us the recession and economic collapse starting in 2007.

    The economy is rebounding today with more people joining the job market and leaving the food stamps ranks.

    Is that too complicated for you to grasp Goober?

    Oh when the left cannot be rationale they must name call as Stevey Weavey does every single post.

    Stevey, oh Stevey, how many people have left the job market completely since Obama took office? How many has he excluded from the actively looking rolls to falsely indicate some type of improvement in unemployment are you considering this in your everpresent charge to defend the messiah? What is Black unemployment? Has that improved? At all? One bit? Where has unemployment significantly improved (hint Atlanta) what did they do there against Obamas wishes where he even had Eric Holder Sue them? Why is it working? What existing law did Atlanta enforce that has driven down unemployment in months? A few other states have also done this again defying the dear leaders orders..what is it?

    Anyway good job at actually giving ground on a reasonable point, you surprised me, thank you for all your efforts. Good Job.

  116. The Farmer In the Dell4:22 PM

    @ Purple Cow, did I mention to you the wonderful Sheepskin jacket I have been wearing? You would love....oh wait...never mind.


  117. Anonymous4:29 PM

    This is how pawn shops work. The pawn-broker lends you money that's collateralized, in your case, by handing over your sheep, Buttercup.

    If you don't repay the borrowed money as promised, the pawnbroker sells Buttercup to the slaughterhouse for more than he paid you and then closes out your account with a profit.

    You're too ignorant to discuss financial issues.

    Buttercup was reading over Purple Cows shoulder (she taught him) and is in shock. Cow is comforting her right now telling her it was just an example, just an example....He would never pawn her and and have anyone else but him eat her luscious lamb chops.

  118. Anonymous5:12 PM

    No_Slapps: did you hear about the 43 "youths" who got arrested for commiting and then posting murders on facebook?


  119. Anonymous 3:28

    One of your more elaborate content-free snow jobs.

    Are you going to answer my question now?

    Were you planning to tell people that text was not yours? Or are you an unabashed plagiarizer?

  120. no slappz6:23 PM

    Buttercup was reading over Purple Cows shoulder (she taught him) and is in shock. Cow is comforting her right now telling her it was just an example, just an example....He would never pawn her and and have anyone else but him eat her luscious lamb chops.

    My apologies to Buttercup for causing what must have been a horrifying and immobilizing fear.

    No doubt after hearing her mournful, heartbroken bleating, purple-farm-boy soothed her in the secret ways the two of them share. Baaa, baaaa, baaaa. So sad.

  121. no slappz6:32 PM

    No_Slapps: did you hear about the 43 "youths" who got arrested for commiting and then posting murders on facebook?


    Yep. Heard about it and read about it. Some members of the community rallied around the young killers and blamed everything on Mayor Bloomberg for not giving away enough stuff to keep the punks from getting angry and firing their guns.

  122. Anonymous7:59 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous 3:28

    One of your more elaborate content-free snow jobs.

    Are you going to answer my question now?

    Were you planning to tell people that text was not yours? Or are you an unabashed plagiarizer?

    Heess Baa-Baa-Back Hiya Farmer in The Dell. This is anon were you talking to anon or did you want to speak to anon? Neither of those anon's? Hmmmm how do you tell the difference - oh you have super secret special Farmer In the Dell Dr Doolittle powers? I don't think mumsy meant you could speak to animals when she said you "do little".....

    Godin was right, even the purple cow becomes boring...

  123. Edifice Wrecks8:10 PM

    The office of President is held by a man who, whatever his actual birthplace, is an alien by nature and upbringing. Our "free press" almost uniformly hails our decline, and the treasury is looted before our eyes. Foreigners pour into the country and feed at the public trough, and those who criticize the practice are treated as pariahs. Every healthy thought and instinct we have is confirmed by our own observations, and then denied and condemned by all the public media. Only a moron is not confused and disturbed in this country.

  124. Newt is now going after latinos. In Florida no less. Calling "Spanish the language of living in the ghetto."

    Fatboy obviously has a death wish politically.

    This kinda crap won't fly in a general election.


  125. Clark Judge8:44 PM

    Hey Field, regarding the SOTU let me get this straight:
    1) banks will be punished (do I understand this right, by a committee headed by Eric Holder?) if their lending is too risky,
    2) and they will be required (by the same committee) to give more home loans (meaning, it must be, to people who would otherwise not qualify for the loans, or else the government would not have to be involved) at lower rates (which means rates that do not compensate them as much as the market says they need to be compensated for the risks they are taking, all of which sounds like a new edition of the policies that brought on the financial collapse),
    3) which must mean that they will have to pull back on risky lending someplace other than homes,
    4) the only place that most banks would be able to pull back on riskier customers would be loans to small and new businesses,
    5) but these are the businesses that have created just about all the jobs over the last 20 years and he said early in the speech he wants to encourage them,
    6) so maybe their growth capital will come from selling stock to the kinds of people who invest in new and small businesses,
    7) but through the Buffet Rule he’s going to double the tax rate on investment income for those people, meaning that, like the banks, they can’t be fully compensated for the risk of backing small and new businesses,
    8) so they will not invest more in small and new companies but in big established firms,
    9) so more of those small and new firms will have to turn to the government for capital,
    10) which luckily he said would up its investing in early stage businesses with “the best” ideas,
    11) “the best” ideas meaning, I guess, as with Solyndra, ideas that advance his agenda through companies whose owners support his candidacy),
    12) or maybe it would be companies that agree to invite unionization (since the unions have failed to organize the new and dynamic sectors of the economy, which is why they have been shrinking),
    13) but then with the big businesses, he wants to punish American companies if they invest overseas,
    14) and he wants to increase exports,
    15) but being competitive in the global markets often means having part of your production near your markets, which is why many companies have opened production facilities abroad and many foreign companies (BMW and Honda, for example) have opened their facilities here,
    16) so he’ll make these companies less competitive, meaning less able to export anything that might be paired with some other product the company makes abroad in order to attract buyers,
    17) and it also means he’ll have the U.S. ignoring many of the international trading rules of which we have been the principal sponsor since the end of WWII, rules that have led to an incredible growth in widely shared wealth all over the planet,
    18) which means that, if he follows through, he’ll blow up the post-WWII global economic system,
    19) which in the very short run may help the uncompetitive American labor unions but in the not-so-long run would devastate every economy on earth,
    20) but it would also mean he would be in a position to decide where big companies could invest, and when, just as he’ll be in control of all new and small businesses, too,
    21) meanwhile he is going to tell states and localities what their budget priorities should be,
    22) and make them adopt his policies for running their schools, leaving me to wonder, when he’s through, what won’t he control?

    I believe that’s what I heard the president advocate last night. But one term I didn’t hear, maybe I missed it: “The Constitution.” Then again, wasn’t he suggesting that, in brave times like these, we need to put aside those old rules. Do I have this straight?

  126. Alicia, what's with the spam? I saw all the comments on my yahoo e-mail which wasn't posted here. You sometimes posted ten of the same comments and they came in at the same time. What gives?

    Are we going to have to take a closer look at AB? :)
