Sunday, January 22, 2012

It could be worse.

"She's tellin' me about the things that her girlfriend's got
What she ain't got, and she wants me to go out and get ‘em for her
But, but girl, I can't be in two places at one time

If you think you're lonely now,
Wait until tonight, girl
(If you think you're lonely now) I'll be long gone
(Wait until tonight, girl) And you'll find another man that'll treat you right" [Video]

O should have been singing that classic Bobby Womack song instead of "Let's Stay Together" the other night at the Apollo. I am hearing a lot of liberals and progressives express disappointment with O lately. Many of them actually say that they regretted giving him their vote.

I love Bruce Dixon over at Black Agenda; fam is a true field Negro in my book. Bruce has been relentless in his attacks of O because he believes that he has been a huge disappointment as president. A sampling:"Next week will mark the third anniversary of Barack Obama's inauguration, and the unveiling of his fourth budget. Already White House spokespeople admit that it will be bad news for black and poor Americans. In three years this president has investigated and prosecuted not a single Wall Street banker or institution, not held up the wave of foreclosures a single week, not addressed the issues of black unemployment or black mass incarceration. But black America has silenced itself to protect the career of the First Black President."  [Source] I honestly don't know what folks like Bruce expected from Obama. Those of you who know me and read my writings know that I have said all along that there would be nothing spectacular in terms of progressive changes with an Obama presidency. I have said all along that he is a Democratic politician who is a product of the Chicago political machine, and that he is first and foremost a political moderate when it comes to governing.

His election was historic only for its imagery and the possibilities it represents; not because it was going to bring any fundamental changes in the American political landscape for poor people and people of color.

What Barack Obama has delivered is exactly what I expected. Nothing more, nothing less. In terms of foreign policy, he has kept the country relatively safe and he has improved our standing in the world with our allies. Domestically we have come back from the brink of an economic disaster, and growth has been slow but steady.  His justice department has been going after civil rights violators more aggressively than the previous administration, and his single appointment to the Supreme Court so far will act as a voice of reason on a body that is precariously close to being hijacked by a group of right wingnut extremist. (Just imagine how the court would look if McCain and Palin was elected. )

But let me go back to what Bobby Womack was writing about to that woman of his: If you think that Obama is bad, wait until either Mitt or Newt gets into office. I suspect that a lot of you progressives will be crying for the good old days of O again. But O won't be around, he- like Bobby told his woman- will be "long gone". And sadly, it could be a long time before you find another leader that will treat you right.


  1. Wonderful symbolic language and my conclusion as well.

    It's so ironic..last night I was finalizing my Rhapsody list of Bobby Womack tunes and that particular one was played more than once.

    Liked your twitter message about how things would be if men gave birth. Listened, also, to your broadcast interview the other day with Loveblaz didn't disappoint and it was nice putting a voice to the written word. Got my hubby to listen to it as well and we had an interesting conversation which for me was golden. He usually only gets talkative when discussing music artistry and sports. Thanks....

  2. LOVE the Bobby Womack reference, did you happen to catch his story on Unsung?

  3. Um Field, I think you're being a tad bit naive with this post. You know damm well that if Prez Obama isn't re-elected, white men running for president for the next 300 years will be blaming HIM for why the country is a mess and why they couldn't fix it in their own presidental terms.

    We'll probably also be "celebrating" the first in a long line of Whores-in-Chief, LOL!!!

  4. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    Which is why an academic environment of 30 years cannot overcome a genetic deficiency.

    If earning 4 college degrees in 35 years is a "deficiency", your poor white trash ass is REALLY doomed to walking the Gulf of Mexico in flip flops collecting oyster shells for the rest of your life, LOL!!!

    ANY degree in feel me pass me socialism bullshit is useless and usually are gap fillers for sheboons like you who cannot obtain a real degree due to genetics. I bet you that bucket o chicken you munchin on right now your degrees arent in any of the STEM fields, rather somewhere in the fields of African history, art or sociology, maybe even music. Definitely not language arts/english even though those are more useless filler credit degrees you have a lowbrow ebonics vocabulary for someone who spent 35 years studying any language.

    So in other words you have been going to school your whole life and think this is an accomplishment - having accomplished nothing else. So now you walk around proud that you PLAN to be a Doctor someday by going to school for another 20 years.

  5. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I am thankful there is a black blogger who has the courage to speak the truth about Obama. I am a great fan of Bruce Dixon because he calls it like it is. And the fact is Obama has not only ignored the black race but has insulted us as well.

    I have commented several times about Obama insulting us, telling us to shut up and march. Of course, no one, including Field wants to acknowledge this.

    Obama campaigned on "CHANGE" in Washington. Instead, he has changed NOTHING. Furthermore our people are more unemployed than ever in the history of this country. To have a black President with the dubious honor of treating Blacks as if they are worthless is the biggest insult in the history of African Americans.

    Obama is done. He won't carry as big of a percentage of black votes in November. Every time I see him on TV or hear his name, I want to throw up. Whether Newt, Romney or even Ron Paul become the GOP candidate will not change my feelings about how Obama has treated us. He definitely has no credibility and does not deserve another four years in the WH.

  6. Anonymous said...
    ANY degree in feel me pass me socialism bullshit is useless and usually are gap fillers for sheboons like you who cannot obtain a real degree due to genetics.

    Pulled from another thread huh? You really ARE a desperate idiot, aren't you Pookums!

    Here's a little known fact to ignorant hicks like YOU. The more education a person has, the more likely they are to have a higher than average salary. And I laugh my black ass to the bank EVERY 2 weeks!

    Now I can't help that you couldn't do well enough on the GRE to get admitted to the same PoDunk university you got your undergrad degree from so that you could have a high income too. But what I can tell you is that your 5 years long stalking, jealousy of my academic and professional achievements have done NOTHING to upgrade you from the tin shack you live in or from that hole in the ground you $hit in daily.

    Now scury along before someone sprays your ass with a can of Raid.


  7. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Field, "If you think that Obama is bad, wait until either Mitt or Newt gets into office. I suspect that a lot of you progressives will be crying for the good old days of O again. But O won't be around, he- like Bobby told his woman- will be "long gone". And sadly, it could be a long time before you find another leader that will treat you right. "

    Your scare tactics to favor Obama is falling on deaf ears. No one will be crying if Mitt or Newt ends up in the WH because we realize they are symbolic of the incompetence of the last President which the country could not tolerate for another four years.

    At least Newt promises to give jobs to Blacks which more than Obama has said or done. So save your BS for words are going to save him. He is done.

  8. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Dr Queen, "Pulled from another thread huh? You really ARE a desperate idiot, aren't you Pookums!

    Here's a little known fact to ignorant hicks like YOU. The more education a person has, the more likely they are to have a higher than average salary. And I laugh my black ass to the bank EVERY 2 weeks!"

    Why must you be so disrespectful of Whites? What have they ever done to you? Be nice, and act like you are educated, woman. Your husband needs to put you in your place, Sistah!

  9. Newt promised to give blacks janitor jobs.

    The GOP establishment is shitting a squealing worm today about his win in SC.

    They know his race baiting and media bashing will not go over nationwide as well as his poor numbers among white women.

    Obama was planning for a national race against Romney but he has got to be smiling at the thought of going against Newt with his personal baggage and lack of self discipline.

    Fo mo years!!!!

  10. Prez Obama NEVER had the "power" to change ANYTHING and his time in office only proves that. So ANY Black person who really believed that campaign slogan, was delusional!

    So why are all of YOU Black folks who helped elect him now so surprised? You claim to feel insulted by him yet so many of you only voted for him because he was Black/to make history.

    Now when he really needs the support of Black folks (I'll be voting for him this time around), you all want to leave him hanging?

    Black folks (slave descendants not Africans) are by far the least loyal people on the entire planet!

    You got what you wanted a Black president, now work to KEEP him there!

  11. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Now scury along before someone sprays your ass with a can of Raid.

    30 years o schoolin and she is either tryin to say scurvy or scurry. Musta heard some white girl say that once.

  12. Various Quotes Anonymous

    ” They didnt you goofy scumbag. Cunts like you did. How fucking stupid can you possible be. Not everyone can demand things and have only a few people pay for it. Fannie/Freddie and Democratic social experiments where lowlife scum like you who never made it, still have a right to demand things from others who have.”

    ” Yeah ,the biggest piece of shit hypocrite around has the dirty dangling balls to call someone else a hypocrite. Fuck you and anyone that even looks like you, dirtbag.”

    ” Silly twat as if they are equivalent. The companies are making money and things and employing people. The filthy third world immigrants just invade and destroy everything while people you hate pay for it all. Damn you are one dumb fuck, well they say arrogance makes you that way. You are definitely the type that is always so busy talkin shit, he never listens and thus never learns anything.”

    [Why aren’t they equivalent? Fraud is fraud. Or are you saying white fraud is a better class of fraud??}

    ” Wherever there are Blacks anywhere in the world there is more depravity and more crime. Suck on that fact you arrogant braindead prick. “

    ” Spoken like the ignorant, vapid fool you are. Your canned, conventional liberal wisdom opinions are utterly predictable and consistently wrong, but your smug ass has absolutely no idea how stupid you sound.”

    ” The financial crisis was engineered by the enemies of Western capatalism, conveniently timed to get their man elected President.”

    [That’s C-A-P-I-T-A-L-I-S-M numbnuts. It’s your creed, fucking learn to spell it! Oh, and by the way, it’s time to take another of the anti-paranoia pills that the nice man in the white coat gave you].

    Wow! Looks like I pushed a couple of sore buttons with my classy friends tonight, doesn’t it?


  13. no slappz7:02 PM

    Bruce Dixon says:

    "Next week will mark the third anniversary of Barack Obama's inauguration, and the unveiling of his fourth budget. Already White House spokespeople admit that it will be bad news for black and poor Americans.

    Bad news for blacks? How? Obama's planning some heavy borrowing, most of which will find it's way into social programs. How's that bad for blacks? Expecially this year, when he's trying to buy votes?

    In three years this president has investigated and prosecuted not a single Wall Street banker or institution...

    What? Does this nitwit not read? Every major commercial bank and investment bank has been audited, investigated and tested for solvency. In fact, bankers who have committed actual crimes have been arrested. But within the black perspective, it appears that conducting an honest business is criminal.

    ...not held up the wave of foreclosures a single week...

    If you don't pay your mortgage, you lose your house.

    ...not addressed the issues of black unemployment...

    If you don't graduate from high school, it's tough to find a job.

    ...or black mass incarceration.

    If you commit murder or are caught dealing drugs, or mug your neighbors, you go to jail.

    What does Dixon mean when he speaks of black mass incarceration? That blacks did not commit these crimes for a which a black defendant went to jail? Even if you want to argue that the wrong man was sent to jail, that doesn't change the race of the person a witness or victim identified as the culprit.

    The real question is why crime among blacks occurs so often.

    But black America has silenced itself to protect the career of the First Black President."

    This statement is true.

    I honestly don't know what folks like Bruce expected from Obama.

    They expected him to take the steps to unleash the job-creating powers of capitalism and let companies get back to building their businesses instead of the squandering trillions of dollars on useless projects.

    Unfortunately, blacks don't understand that unleashing the forces of capitalism is the way to create jobs. If that were known among blacks, then blacks would have explicitly demanded that Obama authorize the construction of the Keystone Pipelilne and expand gas drilling using the hydraulic fracturing technology everywhere possible.

    Instead of wasting billions on failing solar companies, he would have stepped back and allowed oil and gas companies to expand and hire thousands and thousands of Americans to search for and produce oil and gas here.

    But, because Obama is an ideologue who knows nothing about what makes economies prosper, he took the stupid route -- and blacks got nothing.

  14. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Wow! Looks like I pushed a couple of sore buttons with my classy friends tonight, doesn’t it?


    And we love you baby its like throwin peanuts at the baboons - really pisses em off. Love the way you copy and paste, you do that so well. You gonna spit at us some more? C'mon - just reach behind you and poop in your hand, call it leftism and then start throwin it at the humans lookin at ya. Or you could always just pick up a dried turd to reuse.

    Y'all outmatched but we do hope you keep playin its fun watchin you try and squirm out of reality and justify fantasyland.

  15. no slappz7:12 PM

    ree-tard steve sings in gleeful derangement:

    Fo mo years!!!!

    In other words, you want further destruction of the US economy.

    Economic growth is slow, employment growth is disastrous and you, the moron, want Fo Mo Years.

    Four more years of Obama will show itself in a substantial decrease in the market value of your home. Your property taxes will rise, and cost for social services -- police, fire, sanitation, child welfare, etc -- will jump.

    Moreover, in the new world of banking, only people with sterling credit and high-paying, secure jobs will qualify for mortgages. But before that happens, Obama's going to impose a banking bill that reduces principal amounts owed on old, defaulted mortgages, which means a lot of small banks will collapse and the bigger banks will sell their branches in black neighborhoods.

    Another four years of Obama will bring the economy to a dead stop.


    ”Tell whats in my best interest, Omar.”

    Sure buddy, I’m here to help.

    ”Is higher gas prices in my best interest?”

    Yes absolutely. This well make you drive your car less often and will help save the planet. It will also get you out on your bicycle which will help reduce your morbid obesity. Who knows you might even make 50. Should any woman ever be dumb or blind enough to fuck you, you might even have kids one day, and this sort of stuff will become more important to you.

    ”Is increasing the cost to heat and cool my home in my best interest?”

    Yes, it will encourage you to insulate your home better, and this help save the planet. (See previous answer).

    ”Is higher healthcare cost and higher health insurance rates in my best interest?”

    In the long term yes, because it will encourage you to vote for a politician who favors social medicine systems, which are massively more efficient and cheaper. You guys spend 13% of GDP on healthcare. 13%!!!!

    ”Is higher food cost in my best interest?”

    Yes because it will encourage you to grow your own and help save the planet. (See answers 1 and 2 above.) Also it might encourage you to ask your politicians why they are spending $20 billion per year on subsidizing rich farmers when they could be supporting the consumers.

    ”Is paying higher banking fees and the end of free checking in my best interest?”

    The bankers fucked up your economy in 2008, maybe you should direct your anger at higher bank charges at them? Especially considering that they continue to award themselves massive million dollar bonuses.

    ”This is what has happen to Americans as a result of Obama and Democrat policies.”

    Well that’s all good then!

    Four more years!

    ”And no, the right doesn't tell you whats in your best interest.”

    Oh pur-leaze, you do fuck all else.

  17. Slappy,

    The economy is on the rebound after GOP incompentence.

    The stimulus package created 4 million new jobs.

    Obama's foreign policy is unassailable.

    The GOP POTUS field is a joke.

    The GOP establishment is gagging at a Gingrich nomination.

    FO MO YEARS!!!!

  18. Quote Diversity Kills

    "Who commits most interracial rapes and murders?"

    I don't know sunshine. But seeing as you are such an expert on U.K. crime statistics why don't you tell us?

  19. Quote Field Negro

    "PC, I saw that game. I was going for the gunners. (I always go with the London clubs) but the mnger is a bonehead. Why did he pull your boy?

    I disagree with you about the best player on the field, though. For my money it was Nani from Man U."

    Nani was MOTM today I'll grant you, though van Persie is generally a better player - he just had a bad day at the office today.

    The Gunners have lost more players than most to the African Cup of Nations which is on at the moment, which is why they were a little subdued today. This is that biannual event that coaches hate. The thing to do is to buy players from countries that consistently underperform like South Africa and Sudan. If you pick players from the Côte d'Ivoire or Nigeria, you'll lose them for the full three weeks.

    I don't usually support southerners, but at full strength Arsenal are my favorite Premier League team to watch

  20. Quote Anonymous 7:05

    "And we love you baby its like throwin peanuts at the baboons - really pisses em off. Love the way you copy and paste, you do that so well. You gonna spit at us some more? C'mon - just reach behind you and poop in your hand, call it leftism and then start throwin it at the humans lookin at ya. Or you could always just pick up a dried turd to reuse".

    You stay classy, Anony...

    Nighty night.

  21. no slappz7:40 PM

    ree-tard stevie ululates:

    Obama's foreign policy is unassailable.

    Yeah, the Iranians love it.

    There's not a nation in Africa that has the slightest idea what Obama's foreign policy is.

    Chavez is thrilled to know the idiot in the White House will sit still for every crime Venezuela commits -- the latest the seizing of Exxon's oilfield operations in Venezuela and refusing to pay Exxon for what was taken.

    Meanwhile, North Korea, with its new child dictator in power, is rejoicing over the nothingness of Obama's foreign policy.

    And best of all, China is thrilled. Clearly the Chinese government knows it has Obama over a barrel.

    Due to Obama's support for unionized workers in America, China is ready to greet more factory operators fleeing the oppressively regulated labor markets of America.

  22. "the latest the seizing of Exxon's oilfield operations in Venezuela and refusing to pay Exxon for what was taken."

    Let me get this straight.

    The Venezuelans are supposed to pay EXXON for VENEZUELAN LAND????

  23. "Yeah, the Iranians love it."

    Oh, so you support another, let's say, 10 years of US occupation in Iran?

    To what end?

  24. blackinalabama7:47 PM

    We should be disappointed with the silence coming out of these black Mega churches. Obama never promised black people anything. Now some are mad, because he is not being the black president that they expected.

    Besides, it is hard to help a nation of people (black) that hold on to blind faith and picture everyone in the bible as white. Hell, Obama couldn't help blacks even if he wanted to. Millions of black people must first be deprogramed, otherwise we will never rise again.

  25. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Here's a little known fact to ignorant hicks like YOU. The more education a person has, the more likely they are to have a higher than average salary. And I laugh my black ass to the bank EVERY 2 weeks!

    Who knew finger painting paid so well or maybe you think its a lot of money

  26. no slappz7:55 PM

    purple udder hallucinates about crime in Britain:

    Police statistics shed fresh light on link between crime and race

    Official police statistics have shed fresh light on the link between crime and race in London.

    By Alasdair Palmer
    27 Jun 2011

    What do we know about race and crime in London?

    Nine out of 10 street crimes, knife crimes and gun crimes are committed by men rather than women.

    Twelve per cent of London’s men are black.

    But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are committed by black men, say the Metropolitan Police.

  27. no slappz8:01 PM

    ree-tard steve:

    Venezuela seized Exxon's oilfield operations -- the drilling rigs, the production platforms and all the other stuff needed for drill for oil and pull it out of the earth.

    The stuff is worth more than a billion dollars.

    In the hands of the Venezuelans, the equipment will be badly managed, poorly maintained and soon fall into an impaired condition. Venzuela's oil production will continue to decline.

    It's not about the land -- you moron. Furthermore, a lot of the drilling is in Lake Maracaibo.

  28. no slappz8:04 PM

    dumbtown stevie writes:

    Oh, so you support another, let's say, 10 years of US occupation in Iran?

    Hitting the bottle tonight?

    We haven't had a military presence in Iran since 1980, when Carter sent a bunch of helicopters there on a suicide mission that ended in disaster.

  29. "In the hands of the Venezuelans, the equipment will be badly managed, poorly maintained and soon fall into an impaired condition"


    Just more of Slappy's racist bullshit that "only de white man can do it."

    Venezuela is the 9th largest oil producer and the 4th largest oil exporter in the world.

    Chavez has also extended petroluem discounts to poor families throughout the Western Hemisphere, something Exxon and the other corporate magnates neglect to do.

  30. You're right this time Slappy.

    I was thinking of Iraq.

  31. Anonymous8:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "In the hands of the Venezuelans, the equipment will be badly managed, poorly maintained and soon fall into an impaired condition"


    Just more of Slappy's racist bullshit that "only de white man can do it."

    Do you ever check anything before you laugh your ass off? Might be more difficult a reading level then you can comprehend but here is something from Wikileaks about the disrepair and reduced production of Venezualan oil fields.

  32. People, you are welcome to read anon-goobers links.



  33. Thanks Carolyn.Glad I could get you and the hobby talking. :)

    PC, thanks for the 411 on the EPL. That's great football knowledge on your part.

    Speaking of football, I feel for Ray Ray & the Ravens. Man to lose like that because of a stinking kicker. *shaking head*

  34. Dr. Queen, I did see that "Unsung" featuring Bobby Womack. It's why I pulled out some of his CD's.

  35. Anonymous9:08 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    People, you are welcome to read anon-goobers links.



    How embarassing this must all be to you a dirty nigger with a 5th grade reading level. Notice how you get racist when you have to even think even a tiny bit. You can't think - stay in the Obama camp, you belong there.

    Oh and always follow up your inability to think and cowardice with LMAO or LMBAO.... classic UpDown Steve.

  36. Field, I saw that "Unsung" with Bobby Womack too.

    Sam Cooke's brothers were some gangstas, huh?

  37. Uh oh

    Anon goober is all upset again.



    This is just plain disgusting and sick! Smh!

    I watched both Bobby Womack and Sam Cooke on Unsung last week while spending a week at my son's house. My daughter-in-law recorded them.

    @Dr. Queen, you are a strong black sista. Stay that way!

  39. Anonymous9:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Uh oh

    Anon goober is all upset again.


    HAHAHA you are funny. No we didnt see that response coming from miles away. Did it sound familiar to you when you typed it? And what did you say? Not a damn thing.

    ROTFLMABAO - Hey want me to teach you a Macro so you can just hit a key and then it will type your usual stock sentences:

    Look Anon-Goober Is upset.

    Thats about all you say.
    I hope you know what a macro is,

  40. @uptown, Sam Cooke was the first black soul singer to own his own record company and he paved the way in the music industry for entrepreneurs like Berry Gordy and cleared the way for other black singers. I hate that his life ended so tragically. He had really nice singing voice.

  41. Miles C. Deep9:37 PM

    @Dr. Queen, you are a strong black sista. Stay that way!

    She sho nuff iz we smellz her from herez

  42. Field, you have some very immature, vile, vicious, and angry trolls. You need a new batch.

  43. "Sam Cooke's brothers were some gangstas, huh?"

    Yes they were.

    "Field, you have some very immature, vile, vicious, and angry trolls. You need a new batch."

    Granny, you are right. Some of them used to be at least funny and witty. This Stormfront crew, not so much.

    I might have to start zapping some of them.

    I will talk to the President of Anon Inc. about it.

    Are you a Niners fan?

  44. "Due to Obama's support for unionized workers in America, China is ready to greet more factory operators fleeing the oppressively regulated labor markets of America."

    Or should we say the American consumer's lack of support for American made products. Unions help create better working conditions for its workers, unless of course one thinks better working conditions is a bad thing. Instead of racing with China to the bottom how about buying merican? Not feeling patriotic?

  45. As far as Bruce Dixon I would say Obama's hands are tied unless he gets a second term. Anyone with a functioning brain knows he can't do ANYTHING that appears to help Blah people because Fox and all its brainless followers would howl that he is racist. The things he does are covert, such as funding for HBCU's. If he gets the lame duck term he'll be more like Harold Washington and be able to work across party lines because now the GOP knows he ain't going anywhere and can't just obstruct for 4 long years. I say if he gets another term we'll see progress because everything won't be held up by a do-nothing congress.

  46. Anonymous10:34 PM

    PilotX-" If he gets the lame duck term he'll be more like Harold Washington and be able to work across party lines because now the GOP knows he ain't going anywhere and can't just obstruct for 4 long years. I say if he gets another term we'll see progress because everything won't be held up by a do-nothing congress."

    I am from Chicago and Obama is nothing like Harold Washington. Harold came straight out of the box doing the right thing and taking on face to face racist Aldermen.

    Your presumption that Obama's hands are tied because of Republicans only proves his ineffectiveness as a President. Furthermore, there is NO REASON what so ever to elect him again unless I twist my thinking into deluded fantasies like yours.

    If your reason Obama has ignored and insulted us because of the GOP then he is weak and no match for them now or in the future.

    One more thing: Don't EVER try to compare Obama to Harold Washington because Obama has shown nothing but weakness and cowardice. Harold Washington was strong and never ignored his people not did he keep quiet about the racial injustices perpetrated on us. He blasted any and everyone who trashed us and made no apologies for it.

    You and Field make apologies and 'excuses' for a spineless weak President. If I didn't know better I would assume you two are nothing but kiss ass HNs.

    Face it: Obama is finished. Many Blacks AND Whites have had it with his ineffectiveness. Mostly for Blacks, it is how he has treated his own race...I believe that's called "tomming". He does not deserve to be re-elected. Bottom line: take your fabricated fantasies about 'what' Obama would do as a lame duck President-and how the GOP would be more receptive to him because of his lame duck status....take that BS and stick it.

    You are not a true brother with self-esteem, you are a brother who enjoys drinking piss from another brother who has demonstrated time after time that he doesn't give a damn about you.

  47. Anonymous10:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    As far as Bruce Dixon I would say Obama's hands are tied unless he gets a second term. Anyone with a functioning brain knows he can't do ANYTHING that appears to help Blah people because Fox and all its brainless followers would howl that he is racist. The things he does are covert, such as funding for HBCU's. If he gets the lame duck term he'll be more like Harold Washington and be able to work across party lines because now the GOP knows he ain't going anywhere and can't just obstruct for 4 long years. I say if he gets another term we'll see progress because everything won't be held up by a do-nothing congress.

    Maybe he could use "code words" and silent whistles? Thats all the CBC seems to call reality...code words.

    Do nothing congress? I guess you don't know there are 24 jobs bills sitting in the senate. Nah...Obama won't talk about that so you don't know.

  48. Hussein10:44 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Prez Obama NEVER had the "power" to change ANYTHING and his time in office only proves that

    That is absolutely ridiculous. Very few Presidents in history have had a congress where their party had a supermajority in the house and 60 senators. Obama had two years when the Republicans had zero power, two years to pass whatever he wanted, and he blew it.

    The democrats overreached, and the country gave the House to the Republicans in 2010.

    They will give the Senate to the republicans in 2012.

    If Obama wins, his term will consist of vetoing Republican attempts to overturn Obamacare and other initiatives designed to bankrupt the country.

    Don't worry though, the damage done in 2008-2010 will probably be enough to destroy the country. There is no way the Republicans can get majorities large enough to override vetos.

    If the country is to have any chance of recovering, Obama must be voted out of office. His first term has been the worst thing to happen to America since the Civil War.

  49. "I have said all along that he is a Democratic politician who is a product of the Chicago political machine, and that he is first and foremost a political moderate when it comes to governing."

    I have said that all along too (too a tee), and was laughed out of town by white "liberal" bloggers who thought I was too cynical. It's funny how expectations and ideology are bad in bed together, huh? And it's funny how you can paint a prison cell black and it's still a prison cell, right?


  50. Diversity Kills11:18 PM

    Immigration authorities released man who went on to kill 3 in North Miami

    Read more here:

    When burglar Kesler Dufrene became a twice-convicted felon in 2006, a Bradenton judge shipped him to prison for five years. And because of his convictions, an immigration judge ordered Dufrene deported to his native Haiti.
    That never happened.
    Instead, when Dufrene’s state prison term was up, Miami immigration authorities in October 2010 released him from custody. Two months later, North Miami police say, he slaughtered three people, including a 15-year-old girl in a murder case that remains as baffling today as it did the afternoon the bodies were discovered.
    DNA on a rifle found inside the house and cellphone tracking technology later linked Dufrene to the Jan. 2, 2011, slayings.
    But North Miami detectives never got to interrogate him. Just 18 days after the murders, Dufrene shot and killed himself when he was cornered by Manatee County sheriff’s deputies in Bradenton after an unrelated break-in and shooting there.
    The episode is a black eye for U.S. authorities, who by law could not detain Dufrene indefinitely after the Obama administration ordered a temporary halt of deportations to the island nation. The deportations were halted because of the carnage wrought by Haiti’s January 2010 earthquake.


  51. Diversity Kills11:22 PM

    no slappz said...
    purple udder hallucinates about crime in Britain:

    Police statistics shed fresh light on link between crime and race

    Official police statistics have shed fresh light on the link between crime and race in London.

    By Alasdair Palmer
    27 Jun 2011

    What do we know about race and crime in London?

    Nine out of 10 street crimes, knife crimes and gun crimes are committed by men rather than women.

    Twelve per cent of London’s men are black.

    But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are committed by black men, say the Metropolitan Police.

    Suprise!!!! Diversity Kills indeed.

  52. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Field, "What Barack Obama has delivered is exactly what I expected. Nothing more, nothing less. In terms of foreign policy, he has kept the country relatively safe and he has improved our standing in the world with our allies."

    Well, you might think Obama has improved our standing in the world but many think the opposite(include me in that number):

    "Black America Still Paralyzed, Powerless, Irrelevant: Year 4 of the Obama Era"--Bruce Dixon

    “The signs that Iran will be a new target for the U.S. are ominous and unmistakable,” but there are no indications that the Islamic Republic will break under superpower pressure. Instead, the Iranian president is visiting with other heads of state on the U.S. hit list. Washington’s demonization machinery is at full throttle, yet the truth remains: “Iran continues to be inconvenient to the United States for the simple reason that it exists and asserts its rights as a sovereign nation.”--BAR

    Field, I don't know how you can defend this President who also flaunts an arrogant offensive uncaring attitude.

  53. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Field, "What Barack Obama has delivered is exactly what I expected. Nothing more, nothing less. In terms of foreign policy, he has kept the country relatively safe and he has improved our standing in the world with our allies."

    Well, you might think Obama has improved our standing in the world but many think the opposite(include me in that number):

    "Black America Still Paralyzed, Powerless, Irrelevant: Year 4 of the Obama Era"--Bruce Dixon

    “The signs that Iran will be a new target for the U.S. are ominous and unmistakable,” but there are no indications that the Islamic Republic will break under superpower pressure. Instead, the Iranian president is visiting with other heads of state on the U.S. hit list. Washington’s demonization machinery is at full throttle, yet the truth remains: “Iran continues to be inconvenient to the United States for the simple reason that it exists and asserts its rights as a sovereign nation.”--BAR

    Field, I don't know how you can defend this President who also flaunts an arrogant offensive uncaring attitude.

  54. "I bet you that bucket o chicken you munchin on right now your degrees arent in any of the STEM fields, rather somewhere in the fields of African history, art or sociology, maybe even music."

    What's wrong with the liberal arts? Not everyone can be a hardcore STEM major, although I constantly think about going for a Bachelors and a new career in Civil Engineering or Architecture. But no, this doesn't warrant shitting all over music, art or sociology.

    "In the hands of the Venezuelans, the equipment will be badly managed, poorly maintained and soon fall into an impaired condition"

    Every time the idea of allowing a country's own citizens control of their own resources and equipment, this line gets trotted out. Funny you don't hear that whenever the middle east, Balkans, central Europe or Asia is involved. Only the "white man" can [insert important task here].

    You have to wonder if the blacks and browns are so incompetent and looked down upon, why have the Europeans and Americans even bothered to put them to work as a source of cheap and expendable labor in the first place?

  55. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Mack Lyons-"You have to wonder if the blacks and browns are so incompetent and looked down upon, why have the Europeans and Americans even bothered to put them to work as a source of cheap and expendable labor in the first place?"

    Errr, brother Mack I believe you answered your own question with your own comment and question.

  56. "Black America Still Paralyzed, Powerless, Irrelevant: Year 4 of the Obama Era"--Bruce Dixon

    Thats how democrats like their field negros living on the democrat plantation.

    Funnie and sad. Blacks vote over 90% for their democrat masters. What reward do blacks get? They get shit on by democrats. Blacks just eat it up and ask for more.

    Hell, blacks ain't even the democrats fav. minority anymore.

    Ignorance is bliss on the democrat plantation.

  57. If Obama attacks Iran, it will solely be as a campaign tactic. Presidents in trouble need wars to rally support, and Obama needs to reassure his Jewish base. If he is down in the polls this summer, look out Iran.

  58. Wesley R12:02 AM


    When folks talk about Obama not doing anything for poor people or African Americans, one thing they can be reminded of is there's a bunch of kids attending HBCUs who wouldn't be able to afford it if it hadn't been for money that Obama gave to those schools as part of the healthcare bill. The students are getting grants that are covering most of their expenses. The route to go to pull people out of poverty is through education, not going though hoods and handing out checks, which it seems some folks want.

  59. Anonymous12:12 AM

    "The route to go to pull people out of poverty is through education, not going though hoods and handing out checks, which it seems some folks want."

    The most important route out of poverty is "jobs", you fool. Black unemployment is the WORST EVER IN HISTORY! So stop the BS, HN.

    Some of you Negroes are disgusting in your excuses for a President who doesn't give a shit about us. Do you have any principles or an ounce of dignity?

  60. Well, one thing they need to do is quit referring to black America as if all black Americans are poor or all have the same problem. They compare every black American to as criminals or the lower element. Even those in the hood are not the same. For example, a black professor and murder are made of the same cloth. BTW, I'm not saying they are just trying to give an example.

    Does Bruce considered upper class blacks, middleclass blacks, or even himself as paralyzed? In other words, why not be more specific instead of painting the whole black community with one paint brush.

  61. * a black professor and murderer are not made of the same cloth.*

  62. Throughout history, whenever unemployment was high, blacks have always been the last to be hired and the first to be fired and that was under white Presidents. The President does not hire people, businesses do.

  63. Wesley R said...
    there's a bunch of kids attending HBCUs who wouldn't be able to afford it if it hadn't been for money that Obama gave to those schools as part of the healthcare bill. The students are getting grants that are covering most of their expenses. The route to go to pull people out of poverty is through education, not going though hoods and handing out checks, which it seems some folks want.

    Not handing out checks? What the hell do you call that?

    And out of the Obamacare bill?

    This is why non-black people hate Obama. Giving taxpayer money just to blacks is racist, and doing it in an underhanded way as part of the 'healthcare' bill is dishonest.

    I'm paying right now for three kids in college, and 100% of those expenses are being covered by us. I'm fucking broke, but Obama says fuck me and my white kids.

    I agree with you Wesley, black people should love this guy.

  64. I would love to the unemployment rate for blacks to go down.
    The main route out of poverty is education and then a job. If you do not have an education than you are still stuck in poverty because you have no high paying jobs skills. That means a nickel and dime job where a person is struggling and barely able to keep a roof over their head or buy food. That’s like trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents because that’s basically what a person in a low paying job would be trying to figure out month to month. Would a law firm hire a person with no education for a job as lawyer? Or Doctor? Or an Engineer? Or Professor? Etc., etc.

  65. I understand you being stressed out, struggling to survive because money is low for you at the present. However, hold up! Blacks pay taxes too!

    You talk as if blacks are tax exempt and no money for taxes comes out their paycheck for taxes or that they are exempt from paying property taxes. So, it's just not white people's tax money.

    There are also many black people that paid the full cost for their kids to go to college. It is a bunch of folks in my family that had to pay. One of my brothers is still trying to get out of debt for sending his kids to college.

    Just because your white does not mean that you're the only that had to pay for your kid to go to college. It depends on your income. White kids get financial aid too when they apply for it and qualify. In order to qualify you must have a very low income or below poverty level or no income at all.

  66. I Told you So1:58 AM

    Huh, You just wait. Your Messiah Obama isn't so sparkrly clean.

    It'll come out, before the next election.

  67. Did you see O's smackdown of the booing of that gay soldier, though? Seriously, he's the only one who is even vaguely presidential.

  68. Anon.why do you keep saying "we"?

  69. Quote No Slapzzzz AND Diversity Kills

    "Official police statistics have shed fresh light on the link between crime and race in London.

    By Alasdair Palmer
    27 Jun 2011

    What do we know about race and crime in London?

    Nine out of 10 street crimes, knife crimes and gun crimes are committed by men rather than women.
    Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are committed by black men, say the Metropolitan Police."

    Thank you both for posting that. Pity you weren't able to distinguish the difference between a city (London) and an entire fucking country (United Kingdom) - but I suppose I was expecting too much of you.

    Now would you like to copy and paste the rest of that paragraph? You seem to have "accidentally forgotten" to paste the bit where the writer puts the figures into their correct context.

    No rush, any time.

  70. Quote Pretender

    "Funnie and sad. Blacks vote over 90% for their democrat masters. What reward do blacks get? They get shit on by democrats. Blacks just eat it up and ask for more."

    So what would you expect them to do instead, numbnuts?

    Vote for the party that hates them???

    Until there is a proper Democratic Socialist party to vote for, African Americans will have no electoral choice.

    Oh by the way, the word is funny, that's F-U-N-N-Y.

  71. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Purple Sow Said..

    "Thank you both for posting that. Pity you weren't able to distinguish the difference between a city (London) and an entire fucking country (United Kingdom) - but I suppose I was expecting too much of you."

    A pity that even being the know it all arrogant leftist who lives in the Great Britain part of the United Kingdom you aren't able to distinguish between a kingdom made up of countries (United Kingdom Northern Ireland and Britain) between one entire "fucking country" or that the entire article was about race and crime in London. Though, I suppose I really didn't expect that much from you, so no loss.

    “Absolute certainty is the privilege of uneducated men and fanatics.” -- C.J. Keyser

  72. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Purple Sow vomits...

    "Until there is a proper Democratic Socialist party to vote for, African Americans will have no electoral choice.

    Oh by the way, the word is funny, that's F-U-N-N-Y."

    Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him" Proverbs 26:12

    If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
    If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
    If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
    If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
    If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
    If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

  73. no slappz7:21 AM

    purple cow -- delusional:

    U.K Population

    White -- 88.6%

    Black -- 2.7%

    Asian -- 5.6%

    Mixed -- 1.4%

    Of the 2,007 homicides recorded for the latest three-year period (2007/08 to 2009/10), 75% of victims were White, 12% Black and 8% Asian.

    These proportions are lower for the White group and higher for the Black and Asian groups than reflected in estimates of the general population.

    In the majority of homicide cases, victims are suspected of being killed by someone from the same ethnic group, which is consistent with previous trends.

    Of those cases with a current suspect for the period 2007/08 to 2009/10, 88% of White victims, 78% of Black victims, and 60% of Asian victims were suspected of being killed by someone from the same ethnic group.

    Get it? In the UK, as in the US, blacks commit murder at a rate far higher than whites.

  74. Quote Anonymous 6:51

    "A pity that even being the know it all arrogant leftist who lives in the Great Britain part of the United Kingdom you aren't able to distinguish between a kingdom made up of countries (United Kingdom Northern Ireland and Britain) between one entire "fucking country" or that the entire article was about race and crime in London. Though, I suppose I really didn't expect that much from you, so no loss. "

    As usual, you entirely miss the point.

    They told me that the majority of crime in the U.K. was committed by Afro-Caribbean citizens. I asked them to prove it. They replied with a small section of a longer article about crime in London - which was not what I asked for.

  75. When u quit expecting thiz man 2 liberate blk ppl u may bcum a bit more comfortable like u waz when Bush waz n office. Did u really think tht thiz blk man az prezident of thiz white man'z land waz gonna liberate blkz? UJS! Cuz u did not spew thiz garbage when Bush or Clinton waz n office.

  76. no slappz7:36 AM

    purple denier:

    For England and Wales overall, the rate for White homicide victims was 11.8 per million population compared with 49.7 for Black victims and 18.3 for Asians.

    There were higher rates of homicide in London than for England and Wales as a whole across all ethnic groups, with the highest rate for the Black group (at 66.5 per million population).

    While data for this period show that homicides for particular ethnic groups are concentrated in particular areas (i.e. with Black homicide victims concentrated in the Metropolitan, West Midlands and Greater Manchester police force areas); these differences reflect, in part, the resident population of these areas and the increased risk of being a victim of homicide in an urban area.

    Get it? If you want to avoid being murdered, stay out of black neighborhoods. How remarkable. That wisdom is equally effective in the US.

  77. no slappz7:41 AM

    purple meathead said:

    They told me that the majority of crime in the U.K. was committed by Afro-Caribbean citizens. I asked them to prove it.

    You'll contort yourself every way you can to avoid the obvious:

    It's the same everywhere. Blacks commit violent crime at far higher rates than whites or asians.

  78. Quote Anonymous 7:05

    "If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed."

    I agree.

    "If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone."

    Utter bollocks. Many, indeed most, of my friends are vegetarians, never once has a single one of them expressed the belief that all meat products should be banned.

    Your just making this shit up as you go along, aren't you?

    "If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him. "

    And how would you know what a liberal 'wonders'? mmmmmm? Are you psychic now?

    "If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down."

    Really? Do you have evidence for this at all? Or are you just making this shit up as you go along, as usual? Anyway, aren't you guys forever telling us that all media is in the hand of leftists? If so, why would Liberals be upset with talk-show hosts?

    "If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)"

    Really? Do you have evidence for this at all? Or are you just making this shit up as you go along, as usual? I'm a non-believer and I've never once said that all mention of religion be banned.

    "If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his."

    No he doesn't, he demands that everybody pays for everybody's health care - not the same thing at all. That's how you judge the fundamental decency of a society, how it looks after its own.


    When a conservative doesn't approve of abortion he demands that all abortions be banned, and the doctors murdered or thrown in prison.

    When a conservative doesn't approve of a book he demands that the book be banned from public libraries.

    When a conservative doesn't approve of an entire branch of science he demands that that science not be taught in high schools.

    When a conservative doesn't approve of another country he demands that it be bombed or invaded.

    When a conservative sees that another religion is planning to build a place of worship in New York City he demands that the building permission be refused.

    Two can play that game.

  79. So No Slapzz, when are you going to post the rest of that paragraph including the bit that you conveniently left out?


  80. Quote No Slapzz

    "Of the 2,007 homicides recorded for the latest three-year period (2007/08 to 2009/10), 75% of victims were White, 12% Black and 8% Asian.

    These proportions are lower for the White group and higher for the Black and Asian groups than reflected in estimates of the general population.

    In the majority of homicide cases, victims are suspected of being killed by someone from the same ethnic group, which is consistent with previous trends.

    Of those cases with a current suspect for the period 2007/08 to 2009/10, 88% of White victims, 78% of Black victims, and 60% of Asian victims were suspected of being killed by someone from the same ethnic group.

    Get it? In the UK, as in the US, blacks commit murder at a rate far higher than whites."

    I get it, you don't.

    Re-read what you have just posted. See if you can work out the fault in your logic there. I'll give you a clue, look at the first sentence of the second paragraph you quoted from the report..

  81. Money Where Your Mouth Is8:04 AM

    I haven't read all these comments, but what about Newt's challlenge to debate Obama for 3 hours, letting the "O" have his teleprompter for the whole 3 hours, and Newt going purely ad-lib?

  82. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Purple Sow having a Trouser Cough said...

    After a ridiculous attempt at debating liberal tendencies seeming to take it as quite an assualt on his ego (this is the liberal mindset) offers his rebuttal prefacing some inane deragatory conservative comments

    "Two can play that game".

    Effectively nuetralizing one of his idiot cards. The specific card in question is whenever he has no recourse to facts and logic, he simply claims oh well, I am not a liberal and opens his booby escape hatch. Well, your actions and words having now proven you are without a doubt a flaming liberal, this card has been shredded and you are forbidden to use it henceforth.

  83. Dr. I.Q. Idiot said...
    I rest my case.

    Rest your case on this:

    - You will NEVER out educate me.

    - You will NEVER earn more money than I or my family earns.

    - You will NEVER have a fulfilling career as I do.

    - You will NEVER make a contribution to society outside of your own craka' relatives.

    - You will NEVER pass the GRE.

    - Thus, you will NEVER earn a Master's degree.

    - You will NEVER live in a neighborhood with top notch public schools.

    - You will NEVER be able to report to work when you please because minimum wage jobs don't work like that.

    - You will NEVER know what it feels like to be recruited by some of the top schools in the US.

    - Thus, you will NEVER know what it's like to graduate from one of the top schools in the US (Go Hoyas!).

    - You will NEVER have a life outside of stalking me!

    - Thus you will ALWAYS keep your lips glued to my highly educated and well paid arse!!!!


  84. no slappz8:46 AM

    purple nitwit:

    Any way the data is read, the outcome is the same -- blacks commit violent crime at a far higher rate than whites.

    And, as always, blacks recoil when faced with the facts.

    Meanwhile, you're looking for a way to temporize, dissemble and obfuscate.

    There might be a slim hope for blacks if blacks acknowledged the realities of black violence.

  85. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Purple Cow Floated another air biscuit and said...

    "As usual, you entirely miss the point.

    They told me that the majority of crime in the U.K. was committed by Afro-Caribbean citizens. I asked them to prove it. They replied with a small section of a longer article about crime in London - which was not what I asked for".

    Oh, I see. In the typical liberal fashion your glaring error and outright arrogance for speaking down to someone else is excused,by you, because they didnt give you what you wanted and I did not interpret as you would like. I suppose "they" made you say this obviously incorrect statement as you clearly claim.

    "Pity you weren't able to distinguish the difference between a city (London) and an entire fucking country (United Kingdom)"

    Did "they not giving you what you wanted" confuse you to believe that the United Kingdom was one country? Weren't United and Kingdom key red flag titles to you indicating it may in fact be inferring membership by more then one country in order to be United?

    Now you also claim it is my fault for missing the point of your obviously clear statement.

    Don't worry we are used to this liberal tendency, next time just blame Bush. Different name, same liberal concept. It's all someone else's fault.

  86. no slappz8:54 AM

    Money Where Your Mouth Is said...

    I haven't read all these comments, but what about Newt's challlenge to debate Obama for 3 hours, letting the "O" have his teleprompter for the whole 3 hours, and Newt going purely ad-lib?

    Gingrich vs Obama for 3 hours?

    After the first hour Obama would throw in the towel and cry "No mas. No mas," and run off the stage.

    Hence, we know the match will never happen.

  87. George Patton9:04 AM

    " The Purple Cow said...
    Two can play that game.

    7:51 AM
    Yeah, we can. And your Hero, Joe Stalin, would be waxing you blacks in Trafalgar Square today if not for the "puny" efforts of the U.S., you ungrateful bastards.

  88. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Gingrich vs Obama for 3 hours?

    After the first hour Obama would throw in the towel and cry "No mas. No mas," and run off the stage.

    Hence, we know the match will never happen.

    You are right, Obama would never have a debate like this without scripted questions (like all his interviews and majority of rare press conferences) he knows he would be annihilated and have to explain results and his actions. There are time limits and without a prompter the ummmsss and uhhhhssss would eat up his time and you can't rebuke a moderator and tell him not to interrupt your very long flight of fancy, as he does to reporters that have now and then managed to force in a real question

    Politics is all Obama knows, he like most leftists knows very little about history, economics and especially business. Their only expertise is in creating feelings of grievance.

  89. Anonymous9:17 AM

    George Patton said...
    " The Purple Cow said...
    Two can play that game.

    7:51 AM"
    Yeah, we can. And your Hero, Joe Stalin, would be waxing you blacks in Trafalgar Square today if not for the "puny" efforts of the U.S., you ungrateful bastards.

    George please take it easy on Purple Cow Puckie he can't help it. Watching the Soviet experiment and all his liberal ideas just crash and burn and causing millions of murders hasn't made him see the light, it has pissed him off to no end. He is now convinced that Stalin just didn't do it right so they continue trying to spread the same ideas in the UK (the United Part only) and the U.S. Sometimes some of us don't learn from failure and improve, they just get angry, vicious and full of hate and blame someone else, anyone else.

  90. Dr I.Q29:22 AM

    Dr Queen Said..

    "Thus you will ALWAYS keep your lips glued to my highly educated and well paid arse!!!!"

    Trust me their aint a pair o lips in this whole wide world big enough for that why you have to go and get disgusting?

    Are you one of these Black Scholars?

    A recent Duke study examining the correlation between academic performance and race is being deemed racist by a number of students and members of the Duke community.

    The officially unpublished report—”What Happens After Enrollment? An Analysis of the Time Path of Racial Differences in GPA and Major Choice”—examined how minority students close the gap in academic performance as compared to white counterparts at Duke. The research found that black students’ GPAs indeed converge eventually with those of white students, but attributed this to black students being more likely than white students to switch to less difficult majors.

    Like Fingerpainting and weave pattin?

  91. Dr. Dunnit9:38 AM

    Ms.Queen said...

    You are wrong about everyone of those points, just like you are wrong for wanting to go to medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  92. "Effectively nuetralizing one of his idiot cards. The specific card in question is whenever he has no recourse to facts and logic, he simply claims oh well, I am not a liberal and opens his booby escape hatch. Well, your actions and words having now proven you are without a doubt a flaming liberal, this card has been shredded and you are forbidden to use it henceforth."

    Didn't understand a word of that, but whatever it meant, if you just keep taking the tablets I'm sure you will get better one day.

  93. Yesterday, I couldn't spell reatard. Today I are one.

  94. George Patton9:46 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Two can play that game.

    NOT TO was the US covering your bungholes in the Pacific in WWII.......where were your Commie friends then, The Red Chiney were hiding in the Northern Mountains, the Russkies were subsisting on American largesse.

    Piss on you "Socialists"

    FINLAND was the ONLY country to EVER pay back it's War Debt to the U.S.

  95. Quote No Slapzzz

    "Any way the data is read, the outcome is the same -- blacks commit violent crime at a far higher rate than whites."

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    You do amuse me, Slappy.

    So you acknowledge that the piece you posted said exactly the opposite of what you thought it said.

    Well that's some progress at least. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and all that.

    "And, as always, blacks recoil when faced with the facts."

    Oh, do they?

    So how do whites react when they realize they don;t understand basic statistics, and have just made complete fools of themselves?


    "Meanwhile, you're looking for a way to temporize, dissemble and obfuscate."

    No actually, I'm looking for ways to teach you how to actually read what you have just found on your frantic Google search before you actually post it and make a complete twunt of yourself.

    "There might be a slim hope for blacks if blacks acknowledged the realities of black violence."

    Sez the man who's relatives gassed 6 million jews.

  96. no slappz9:54 AM


    For the purposes of the research, the investigators quantified the difficulty of certain majors based on student evaluations, measured study times, grades and grading standards.

    Among the “more difficult” majors were engineering, hard sciences and economics.

    Subjects in the humanities and social sciences were deemed less difficult.

    According to the study, among students matriculating in 2001 and 2002 who initially expressed an interest in majoring in engineering, economics or the natural sciences, 54 percent of black males and 51 percent of black females ended up switching to other majors in the humanities or social sciences.

    By contrast, only about 8 percent of white men and 33 percent of white women switched majors.

    Most blacks major in sociology. Virtually none major in math, and only a handful major in science or engineering.

  97. no slappz9:58 AM

    purple cow pie:

    Why don't you explain the crime statistics of the UK report.

    You're certain the numbers convey something other than what I've said. I'd love to know what you think that is.

  98. no slappz10:16 AM

    UK Mail Online:

    Black men 'to blame for most violent city crime'... but they're also the victims

    By Rebecca Camber

    Last updated at 8:07 PM on 27th June 2010

    Tory election candidate Shaun Bailey, pictured with David Cameron, said the black community needed to face up to major challenges

    The majority of violent inner-city crime is committed by black men, police figures suggest.

    But the statistics also show that black men are twice as likely to be victims of such crimes.

    Police hold black men responsible for more than two-thirds of shootings and more than half of robberies and street crimes in London, according to figures released by Scotland Yard.

    The statistics released under Freedom of Information laws have provoked a debate about the racial make-up of violent crime in the capital.

    The data, which provides the ethnicity of the 18,091 men and boys who police took action against in London during 2009-10, looked at both violent and sexual offences.

    It found that 67 per cent of those caught by police for gun crimes were black.

    Among those proceeded against for street crimes, including muggings, assault with intent to rob and snatching property, 54 per cent were black males.

    On sex offences, black men made up 32 per cent of all male suspects, with 49 per cent of those apprehended by police being white men.

    The statistics also suggest that police hold black women accountable for a disproportionate amount of violent crime.

    On knife crime, 45 per cent of suspected female perpetrators were black.

    Among those women and girls police took action against for gun crime, 58 per cent were black and in robberies that figure was 52 per cent.

    Operation Trident was set up by Scotland Yard to tackle 'black on black' crime

    Just over 12 per cent of London's 7.5 million population is black, including those of mixed black and white parentage, while 69 per cent is white, according to the Office for National Statistics.

    But the police figures also show that black men are more likely to be the victims of violent crime, with 832 out of 2,882 of male victims of shootings in 2009-10 being black.

    One black politician said the black community needed to face up to major challenges.

    Shaun Bailey, a Tory election candidate in London and charity worker, said: 'The community has to look at itself and say that, at the end of the day, these figures suggest we are heavily - not casually - involved in violent crime.

    We are also involved in crime against ourselves - and we regularly attack each other.'

  99. The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Pretender

    "Funnie and sad. Blacks vote over 90% for their democrat masters. What reward do blacks get? They get shit on by democrats. Blacks just eat it up and ask for more."

    So what would you expect them to do instead, numbnuts?

    Vote for the party that hates them???

    Until there is a proper Democratic Socialist party to vote for, African Americans will have no electoral choice.

    Oh by the way, the word is funny, that's F-U-N-N-Y.

    Omar you so funnie. Republicans don't hate blacks. We just expect blacks to be smart enough to leave the democrat plantation and stop eating democrat shit. Maybe Republicans expect to much?

  100. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Dr. Queen, "Rest your case on this:

    - You will NEVER out educate me.

    - You will NEVER earn more money than I or my family earns.

    - You will NEVER have a fulfilling career as I do.

    - You will NEVER make a contribution to society outside of your own craka' relatives.

    - You will NEVER pass the GRE.

    - Thus, you will NEVER earn a Master's degree.

    - You will NEVER live in a neighborhood with top notch public schools.

    - You will NEVER be able to report to work when you please because minimum wage jobs don't work like that.

    - You will NEVER know what it feels like to be recruited by some of the top schools in the US.

    - Thus, you will NEVER know what it's like to graduate from one of the top schools in the US (Go Hoyas!).

    - You will NEVER have a life outside of stalking me!

    - Thus you will ALWAYS keep your lips glued to my highly educated and well paid arse!!!!


    8:43 AM
    You continue to show that you are psychologically and emotionally ill. Retardation is usually the outcome. Therefore, it is fruitless to claim degrees from schools of higher learning because no one will believe you. Also, your comments are those of someone from the hood who quit high school.

    Please have respect for those of us who actually have an education from institutions of higher learning....PLEASE.

  101. "If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down."

    Really? Do you have evidence for this at all?

    See Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck and FOXNEWS.

    Only a fool would even ask.

  102. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Field, before you get all self-congratulatory on how you predicted Obama would be a dud, face the fact that everything he did was designed to get the Republicans to buy in to his ideas, so he watered them down.

    This was a huge mistake. But it had NOTHING to do with him being part of the Chicago "machine." That's just bullshit. It had everything to do with his upbringing and his desire for collaboration.

    He should have written them off and tried to go his own way as much as possible.

    He didn't county on the Republicans coming in on day one and saying they were working everyday to keep him a one-term president. He didn't count on the rise of the Tea Party and the loss of the House.

    And neither did you, o wise one.

    I voted for him the first time and will do so again. The alternative is 100% UNACCEPTABLE.

  103. Skeeter10:40 AM

    @ Pretender

    It's called the "Fairness Doctrine":

  104. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Love Bobby Womack..check out "down low baller II" at the link below:

  105. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Granny-"Well, one thing they need to do is quit referring to black America as if all black Americans are poor or all have the same problem. They compare every black American to as criminals or the lower element."

    That is not's a blatant lie. If it were true the Obamas wouldn't be in the WH; Clarence Thomas would be a sitting Supreme Justice; Cornel West wouldn't be a well-known Professor and scholar(whom YOU have degraded); Melissa Harris Perry; Jay Z and other celebrities; Chris Rock; Eric Holder; Samuel Jackson; Denzel Washington; and a host of other black artists....go see "Red Tails".

    It sounds like you live in a part of the country where there are NO educated Blacks or black businesses of any stability. Education is certainly important but it's not the total answer. Many Americans have become great successes without higher degrees of learning.

    These hard working Americans are very much a part of the fabric of America. All they needed was a JOB to get started. Of course, they had determination, persistent, and used the creative skills given to them by their creator. They weren't sitting back complaining and waiting for someone to make it happen for them.

  106. Nothing could be worse than a Obama second term. NOTHING.

  107. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "Anon.why do you keep saying "we"?"

    Field, which Anon are you directing this question to and why?

  108. Quote No Slapzzzz

    "Why don't you explain the crime statistics of the UK report.

    You're certain the numbers convey something other than what I've said. I'd love to know what you think that is."

    The specific passage you quoted said that white people were less likely to be murdered than Afro-Caribbean and Asian people. I'm guessing you thought it meant the opposite of that.

    I haven't yet read all of the report (though I will) but generally the report indicates that urban areas are more violent, and poor people commit more crime than rich people.

    In fact a 1% reduction in wealth produces a 1.6% increase in the likely hood of criminal behavior. So because black people tend to live in urban areas and because they tend to be poorer, they commit more crime. No surprise there.

  109. Quote Pretender

    "See Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck and FOXNEWS. Only a fool would even ask."

    That's not evidence numbnuts, that's just a list of names.

    Where is your evidence that masses of Liberals have attempted to shut these people down?

  110. Kingnut10:56 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, before you get all self-congratulatory on how you predicted Obama would be a dud, face the fact that everything he did was designed to get the Republicans to buy in to his ideas, so he watered them down.

    This is idiocy.

    Obama is in trouble because he steamrolled the Republicans for the first two years. When his party controlled both houses of congress, incuding a filibuster-proof 60 senate seats, he had no need for "bipartisanship" and didn't even let Republicans in the room while legislation was being crafted!

    They rammed though Obamacare despite a strong majority of Americans being opposed to the bill.

    This is why the democrats lost congress in 2010, and this is why Obama is in trouble now.

    Obama thought because he got 52% of the vote, he could stick it to the other 48%. When Republicans complained , he said "I won".

    This is not how it works in America. People expect the President to be the leader of all of the people, not a vindictive advocate for his "side".

    This is what precipitated the rise of the Tea Party, and this is why his Presidency will be a failure.

    He had a golden opportunity handed to him in following a terrible president. He could have united the country and done great things. Instead, he acted like a petty tyrant and pushed through a liberal wish list from the 80's that failed to recognize the realities of the dire economic situation of 2009.

    We should be in the second year of recovery, with a popular President cruising to re-election along with his party's congress, and set to enact all his ideas during a second term. Instead, he fumbled the ball that was given to him deep in his opponents territory.

    What a choke.

  111. The Purple Cow said...
    Where is your evidence that masses of Liberals have attempted to shut these people down?

  112. no slappz11:09 AM

    purple bonehead says:

    The specific passage you quoted said that white people were less likely to be murdered than Afro-Caribbean and Asian people. I'm guessing you thought it meant the opposite of that.

    You ought to improve your comprehension skills.

    Even though there's that Brit tendency to understate the unpleasant in Jolly Olde England, the truth of race and crime is painfully evident in the linked report and related news articles posted here.

    As always with crime, it is the RATE that matters. In the US, blacks account for almost 13% of the population, but commit 50% of the murders.

    As Jolly Olde England is experiencing, blacks account for a small percentage of the population and commit a high percentage of the murders.

    Same old story, different country.

    As for your attempt to deflect responsibility by citing poverty statistics, well, that's irrelevant.

    On the other hand, it appears you're claiming that if whites simply GAVE more money to blacks, blacks would commit fewer crimes.

    In other words, you're trying your hand at extortion. Give us money -- you say -- or we'll attack, and we'll gladly attack other blacks.

  113. no slappz11:12 AM

    kingnut says:

    We should be in the second year of recovery, with a popular President cruising to re-election along with his party's congress, and set to enact all his ideas during a second term. Instead, he fumbled the ball that was given to him deep in his opponents territory.

    What a choke.

    Truly. A world-class, industrial-strength choke.

    If only the choker-in-chief had the spine to debate Gingrich for 3 hours.

  114. uptownsteve11:30 AM

    Watch this folks.

    The goobers say Blacks vote over "90% for their democrat masters. What reward do blacks get? They get shit on by democrats. Blacks just eat it up and ask for more."

    Okay, let's go with this.

    What have you clowns gotten from the GOP?

    They play your stupid arses every election with "God, Guns, and Gays" or "The islamists are coming" or the time honored "niggas are trying to take your hard earned tax dollars and rape your daughters".

    And then what?

    They offer tax breaks to their corporate buddies, line their own pockets and lay some more workers off.

    It's amazing how you fools project.

  115. uptownsteve11:41 AM

    A perfect example of my previous point are the yahoos in SC who voted for Gingrich.

    In their hearts they know that Gingrich doesn't have a real chance in the general election.

    One good ole boy said "we need somebody is going to get mean".

    They're still mad at John McCain for treating Obama respectfully and thus, in their minds, allowing this black to get elected.

    They want Newt to call Obama "a Nigger Socialist".

    It may not win the election but it will sure feel good.


  116. Anonymous11:47 AM

    what we expected was that hobama would NOT BE WORSE THAN GWB???



  117. Anonymous11:50 AM

    hobama and newt are in the same sole party in america

    they are playing on the same team

    they both wanted romney and ron paul out

    and they both are using the media to erase them

    both hobama and newt are like professional wrestlers
    duping the masses as posers
    though they are actually pals

    ask hobama nazi bubba clinton


  118. James Baker11:56 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    What have you clowns gotten from the GOP?

    What should be expected for 5% of the black vote?

    You get what you pay for.

  119. Anonymous12:00 PM

    hey fn:

    NDAA killed hobama nazi's fav defense

    "hobama is bad but _______ will be worse"

    this will no longer fly after hobama has OFFICIALLY become the new hitler
    especially after 3+ years of hobama's serial failures/lies/ineptitude etc

    more from glen ford et al:

    Obama’s Civil Liberties Record “Very, Very Bad”

    Under President Obama, the state of civil liberties in the U.S. has become “very, very bad” and is “actually worse” than under the Bush administration, said Bill Quigley, Loyola University professor of law and associate legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights. One reason for the decline is that “so many of us were beguiled by the beautiful rhetoric and speaking voice of President Obama,” said Quigley, author of a recent article titled “Twenty Examples of the Obama Administration Assault on Domestic Civil Liberties.” Had President Bush or a President McCain undermined civil liberties to the extent that Obama has, “people would have protested, would have organized, would have educated and would have challenged” the Republican in the White House.

    George Bush threatened and blustered, while President Obama’s m.o. is to “operate through deceptive propaganda.” But substantively, Obama pursues – and expands on – Bush’s policies, and adds new twists of his own. “Obama should be prosecuted for his crimes,” but “the reason I can't get 20 people into the streets to demand Obama's impeachment is that nobody in Congress is even pretending to give a damn.”

    The black wall around Barack Obama protects the president, and the banksters with him. Those opposed to the foreclosures, who want to rein in and prosecute Wall Street predators, who organize against foreclosures find themselves outside Barack Obama's black wall, not inside it. ACORN registered voters to elect this president. But Obama stood by and watched them falsely accused, smeared and broken.

    Look --- over there! It's the Tea Party! Circle the wagons, get back in line!

  120. uptownsteve12:16 PM

    Baker Goober.

    I asked what YOU ORDINARY WHITE FOLKS have gotten for your loyal support of the GOP.

    I always ask my rightwing coworkers this question and they can never answer.

    Because they haven't gotten a damn thing except the vicarious pleasure of seeing the GOP scapegoat black people.

  121. Anonymous12:30 PM

    WHAAATT?! No AB?
    We should loudly and repeatedly denounce and reject the label, "liberal". The word even sounds limp.
    How 'bout substituting "Radical Progressive"?
    MOST, if not all, A-merry-kkkans can't name three branches of our government; MOST, if not all, A-merry-kkkans are seduced by and continue to "drink the kool-aid" of the mendacious narrative of this so-called (new)"american century"...
    FN: I am embarrassed and frustrated that you cannot prevent the eroding infestation of some of the raving rabid idiots that have found this blog site.
    I used to wish I had the speed of lightning. I sincerely wish stupidity were painful; ignorance fatal.

  122. James Baker12:37 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Baker Goober.

    I asked what YOU ORDINARY WHITE FOLKS have gotten for your loyal support of the GOP.

    I would have to agree with you that it has been "not much".

    This has primarily been due to historic Democrat dominance of congress and a "compassionate Conservative" president who tried harder to make liberals like him than he tried to make conservatives happy.

    The Republican party has been dominated by moderates who have governed like Democrats-lite.

    This is changing, and conservatives are displacing Rinos. It won't happen overnight, but the Republicans may be a true conservative party by 2020.

    True conservative policies will fix this mess we are in.

    Excessive government regulation and taxes stifles economic growth. Rising propsperity is the key to a better life for all Americans. Freedom is more important than temporary security.

  123. uptownsteve12:41 PM

    Field Negro

    "Those of you who know me and read my writings know that I have said all along that there would be nothing spectacular in terms of progressive changes with an Obama presidency. I have said all along that he is a Democratic politician who is a product of the Chicago political machine, and that he is first and foremost a political moderate when it comes to governing."

    Exactly right.

    These delusional negroes who were expecting the Black Moses were setting themselves up for disappointment from Day One.

    But I continue to ask them "what do you want as an alternative?"

    Would you really like to see a President Gingrich?

    Are you stupid?

    I'd rather deal with a disappointing friend than a dangerous and committed enemy.

  124. Trolio12:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    How 'bout substituting "Radical Progressive"?

    "Radical Progressive" = "Hate-filled Moron".

    Might I suggest: "Resentful Loser"?

  125. uptownsteve12:58 PM

    "This is changing, and conservatives are displacing Rinos. It won't happen overnight, but the Republicans may be a true conservative party by 2020.

    True conservative policies will fix this mess we are in."

    Willya Stop?

    I've been listening to this "true conservative" bull$hit for 30 years now.

    Name a Republican moderate in the House or Senate.

    Maybe Collins of Maine. That's it.

    The rightwing yahoos have dominated the party for 20 years now and have done nothing for the average white person who diligently supports them.

    Like I said, they keep you in line with race baiting and social issues but do nothing to improve the economy or the average person's existence.

    Uncle Ronnie Reagan raise taxes, expanded government and increased bureaucracy.

  126. Looks like Dr. Queen ruffled a few Hicks today, LOL!

  127. Dr. Hilton1:23 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Looks like Dr. Queen ruffled a few Hicks today, LOL!

    You probably spent your morning ruffling a few pillows.

    Now get back to work making those beds and cleaning those toilets.

    You will never be a doctor.

  128. James Baker1:24 PM

    @ uptownsteve:

    Your comments indicate that you have no idea what a conservative is.

  129. "You ought to improve your comprehension skills."

    So let me get this straight, I ahve demonstrated that you posted a cut&paste piece that said exactly the opposite of what you thought it did, and you want ME to improve my comprehension skills?

    I that's an attempt at a snow-job, it's quite inept.

    Even though there's that Brit tendency to understate the unpleasant in Jolly Olde England, the truth of race and crime is painfully evident in the linked report and related news articles posted here.

    "As Jolly Olde England is experiencing, blacks account for a small percentage of the population and commit a high percentage of the murders."

    A highER percentage of the murders.

    "Same old story, different country."

    I agree, and for the same reasons, poverty and depravation leads to hopelessness and higher crime rates.

    "As for your attempt to deflect responsibility by citing poverty statistics, well, that's irrelevant."

    Oh I SEEEEE, so you just arbitrarily decide that poverty is irrelevant to crime statistics, and that's it? End of discussion? You don't think that maybe you have to justify your position at all?

    This intelligent debate stuff, is not your strong suit is Slappy baby. If I didn't know better I'd say you were as dumb as a fence post.

    Wait, I DON'T know better....

    "On the other hand, it appears you're claiming that if whites simply GAVE more money to blacks, blacks would commit fewer crimes."

    Where have I said anything that any observer with an I.Q. higher than his weight in kilograms could infer that?


    Show me.....

    "In other words, you're trying your hand at extortion. Give us money -- you say -- or we'll attack, and we'll gladly attack other blacks."

    See, even you are not stupid enough to believe that that is what I am saying. So all you are attempting to do is score points in some kind of weak-ass dick-stretching competition.

    You're so lame No Slapzzz, it's incredible. So why do you come here exactly No Slapzzz? What is it about your life that the only thing that makes your life liveable is the ability to come here and hurl abuse and hatred at other people?

    You're a sad, lame fuck Slappy, with no life to speak of whatsofuckingever.

    You know what you need Slapppy?

    You need to get laid.

    In the worst way.

    We need to find someone at teh local blind-school willing to sacrifice their body in the cause of humanity. OR we could pay a prostitute an enormous amount of money.

    I'l talk to UTS and PilotX see if they are willing to help you out.

  130. Anonymous1:33 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Effectively nuetralizing one of his idiot cards. The specific card in question is whenever he has no recourse to facts and logic, he simply claims oh well, I am not a liberal and opens his booby escape hatch. Well, your actions and words having now proven you are without a doubt a flaming liberal, this card has been shredded and you are forbidden to use it henceforth."

    Didn't understand a word of that, but whatever it meant, if you just keep taking the tablets I'm sure you will get better one day.

    My, My what a liar. Well this is another of your "idiot" cards Claim you misunderstand or don't understand. You have no self respect at all do you.

    OK, I shall be sure to speak in a more parochial manner to you, I forgot who I was dealing with. However I am sure you got the point. You are a flaming liberal you have said so and despite your blaming it on everyone else you think the United Kingdom is a helluva country.

  131. Quote Fairness Doctrine

    "Where is your evidence that masses of Liberals have attempted to shut these people down?"

    F.D., I've just read this article it says absolutely nothing about Liberals trying to shut down right wing shows.

    Did you post the wrong link by mistake?

  132. uptownsteve1:48 PM

    Baker Goober

    "Your comments indicate that you have no idea what a conservative is."

    Obviously, neither do you.

    When it is pointed out how bad self-proclaimed "conservatives" have screwed up over the last 30 years, you guys move the goal posts and claim "they weren't really conservatives."

    I got news for you.

    Barry Goldwater is dead.

  133. Anonymous1:49 PM

    uts, "Would you really like to see a President Gingrich?"

    No I wouldn't but it would be better than President Obama for another 4 years.

    At least Blacks will get jobs. There is no chance of Blacks getting jobs under Obama. In fact, we will probably lose more!

  134. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Even though the dumb comments made under the black ID- "Uptownsteve" sound like Steve, they are not his. Steve's ID is always blue.

    So someone is impersonating him. Quite well, too. They have his pattern of thinking down to the "t".

  135. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Purple Girly Knickers said...

    "You're so lame No Slapzzz, it's incredible. So why do you come here exactly No Slapzzz? What is it about your life that the only thing that makes your life liveable is the ability to come here and hurl abuse and hatred at other people?

    You're a sad, lame fuck Slappy, with no life to speak of whatsofuckingever.

    You know what you need Slapppy?

    You need to get laid.

    In the worst way.

    We need to find someone at teh local blind-school willing to sacrifice their body in the cause of humanity. OR we could pay a prostitute an enormous amount of money.

    I'l talk to UTS and PilotX see if they are willing to help you out."

    A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.

  136. uptownsteve2:01 PM

    "At least Blacks will get jobs. There is no chance of Blacks getting jobs under Obama. In fact, we will probably lose more!"

    Yeah as janitors.

    More jobs have been created under Obama than in 8 years of Bush.

    BTW this is the real "uptownsteve". For the last week the server in my office has been blocking google accounts.

  137. Anonymous2:02 PM

    ROTFLMABAO - Hey want me to teach Hey Fake Uptown Steve, good job covering Stevey don't forget to add in a few more of his must use sentences:

    Look Anon-Goober Is upset.

    If anyone answers you and catches you with total bullshit just tell them you think they are angry, declare you won and run away.

  138. Quote Anonymous 1:56

    "A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse."

    One of the great pot/kettle/black moments in the history of the internet, right there.

  139. While you are here though Anony, why do you come to this site?

    What is it about your life that is so empty of meaning that your only reason to get out of bed in the morning is the thrill of coming here and telling people how much you hate them?

    How did you get this damaged, Anony?

    How can we help?

  140. Fairness Doctrine2:08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    F.D., I've just read this article it says absolutely nothing about Liberals trying to shut down right wing shows.

    Did you post the wrong link by mistake?


    You truly are an idiot, aren't you?

    Try googling "fairness doctrine".

    This is a democrat proposal to require "equal time" regarding politcal speech on the radio.

    Why just the radio? Because that is the only media dominated by conservatives. There are no such "fairness" issues with liberal dominated televsion, newspapers, or other print media.

    The fact that tax payer subsidized, incredibly liberal-biased NPR reaches every single square inch of the country apparently doesn't balance out the fact that the free market that operates in commercial radio provides people with what they want: conservative talk shows.

    When the democrats took total control of the government in 2009, Nancy Pelosi (among others) began to float the idea of reinstituting the "Fairness Doctrine", the effect of which was explained in the earlier link.

    By requiring radio stations to balance programming their audience wanted with programming they did not, they would effectively kill the talk radio industry that sprang up after the original Fairness Doctrine was repealed in the 1980's.

    This nakedly exposed the fascist tendencies of the left, and awakened a strong public outcry that caused the democrats to back off - for now.

    Liberals are for free speech, as long as it is the "correct" speech.

  141. Anonymous2:16 PM

    anon, "At least Blacks will get jobs. There is no chance of Blacks getting jobs under Obama. In fact, we will probably lose more!"

    UTS replied, "Yeah as janitors.

    More jobs have been created under Obama than in 8 years of Bush."
    what's wrong with being a janitor, esp when you have NO job at all. I think we folks have got pocket our foolish pride and go to work just like the Latinos whom we are following.

    They aren't complaining and 'no' job is beneath them. That's why they have a great future ahead of them. They are sacrificing today for the future of tomorrow.

    Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much of a future for us, save a few like Dr Queen, sports figures and celebrities and top notch artists.

  142. Anonymous2:20 PM

    PC, "While you are here though Anony, why do you come to this site?

    What is it about your life that is so empty of meaning that your only reason to get out of bed in the morning is the thrill of coming here and telling people how much you hate them?

    How did you get this damaged Anony?"

    Opinions, opinions, opinions...they are like assholes, everybody has one. But PC doesn't have one. That's why he is so full of shit.

  143. Good article, Field. All I can say is it points out the same shortsightedness ALL Americans and perhaps all modern humans suffer from. It's like expecting the first black quarterback (or any quarterback) to win the Super Bowl, despite joining a miserable losing team. If anything, what Obama hasn't done yet should be seen as what he hasn't had TIME to do yet. An administration change at this point would really suck, because any President is facing huge challenges that can't be fixed in four short years. This country has ADHD.

  144. Anonymous2:21 PM

    hey fn:

    we wlll never cry over hobama's ouster

    we will all cry over his selected reign...

    u 2 asap


  145. Anonymous2:27 PM

    hey fn:

    we wlll never cry over hobama's ouster

    we will all cry over his selected reign...

    u 2 asap


    2:21 PM
    hey ab, do you ever wonder why Field and uts remain and other cronies remain mute about NDAA? That's because they too are part of the Obama control system.

    They will cry when Obama is ousted.

  146. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    While you are here though Anony, why do you come to this site?

    What is it about your life that is so empty of meaning that your only reason to get out of bed in the morning is the thrill of coming here and telling people how much you hate them?

    How did you get this damaged, Anony?

    How can we help?

    Purple your leftism is humorous. despite having failed numerous times you don't learn and still continue on with failed attempts at discrediting someone, as you simply cannot or perhaps do not have the tools to deal with reality.

    Your Saul Alinsky tactics are laughable as are most of your diatribes which are obviously designed to duck and run when you are exposed. This is your form of crying out for Affirmative Action assistance in areas you have found your beliefs cannot withstand even a modicum of scrutiny.

    Why are you always talking about feeling damaged to your betters? Perhaps because this is precisely what fills your own heart, you feel worthless and damaged and so for the sake of sanity need to assume others are also like you. Well, you are wrong. Society is not to blame for your personal problems or inadequacies and neither am I.

    Oh and by the way an idol of yours is getting exposed more and more:

    Carney advises Obama IS a Saul Alinsky radical. The exposure is coming.

    I know, I know, now you will precede to say you never liked him or he isn't a radical leftist or some other leftist tripe. But your words and actions speak louder than any of your lies can.

  147. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "Escalating Wars of Aggression: Whoever thought it couldn't get worse than Bush in regards to wars of aggression -- especially by a Nobel Peace Prize recipient -- have been proven dead wrong."

    By awarding Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, they have made a mockery of it. The Award has been stained and probably looked upon as a joke forever.

  148. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 1:56

    "A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse."

    One of the great pot/kettle/black moments in the history of the internet, right there.

    Wow, how intellectual. Essentially saying, I know you are but what am I, despite the literal evidence of your pointless abuse in the post, you ignore that a dabble in generalities. What a smoke screen.

    People like you hate the world and want to change the people in it, In other words you are a leftist. We wont let you and you aren't competent enough to be a threat, therefore you wind up just hating.

  149. Anonymous2:46 PM

    ab, "the hobama nazis are mum about ndaa because it nullifies their hobama god delusions
    ndaa is hobama's most demonic deed to date
    they need to see him as a blackish saint"

    You have a very good point. They can't handle the truth about NDAA and wish it would quietly go away. But it won't. Our American freedom is at stake here and it has happened under the first black President who has most certainly more unemployed Blacks ever!

    Those who support Obama are NOT Field Negroes. They are lying HNs!

  150. Anonymous2:48 PM



    attn: alll doormat dems/hobama nazis/


    ndaa proves that hobama is WORSE than gwb!!!!!!!!

    hobama gets no more blackish passes!!!
    excuses = 0

  151. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "they are as mum about ndaa as clarence thomas fans are about his decisions within the scotus
    and for all the same racist hypociritical reasons


    Ouch! A slam dunk in the face of Obamaholics. Field, UTS, PilotX, and Granny: How does it feel? Be truthful, like Obama, you really don't give a damn do you?

    Don't ever use the word "us" or "we" again-- because you are NOT one of us.

  152. uptownsteve2:56 PM

    "They can't handle the truth about NDAA and wish it would quietly go away"

    A total non-issue. NDAA has been around for 49 years and has been signed by every US President during that period.

    Now that the black Obama signs it, our civil liberties are threatened????

    Gitthefugoutta here!!!

    "Those who support Obama are NOT Field Negroes. They are lying HNs!"

    And Negroes for Gingrich are......?

  153. uptownsteve2:57 PM

    "Ouch! A slam dunk in the face of Obamaholics."

    AB stop talking to yourself, willya?

    It's obvious AND pathetic.

  154. no slappz3:08 PM

    purple down's syndrome said:

    So let me get this straight, I ahve demonstrated that you posted a cut&paste piece that said exactly the opposite of what you thought it did, and you want ME to improve my comprehension skills?

    You demonstrated nothing except your own deficiencies.

    In brief, the report I linked on United Kingdom crime made one clear statement -- blacks commit violent crime far in excess of their numbers in the population.

    With respect to crime and poverty, well, the link is irrelevant because virtually all blacks on the planet are poor, and they're poorest in black nations. By far. And in those black nations, violent crime occurs at staggering rates.

    The propensity for violence, therefore, is not a product of anti-black racism. If it were, then blacks would be more violent and murderous in Jolly Olde England than they are in the black African nation of your choice.

    A couple of days ago, more than 150 blacks murdered by other blacks in Nigeria. Way to go.

    Meanwhile, the people of Botswana have so egregiously and irresponsiby had sex that one-third of the population is infected with AIDS. Murder by ignorance.

    In Rwanda 800,000 blacks were slaughtered by other blacks because, because, well, the killers must have had a good reason, don't you think?

  155. Quote Anonymous
    "Your Saul Alinsky tactics are laughable..."

    Sweet Jeezus, if Glenn Beck asked you to jump off a cliff would you do that too?

  156. Chaunce3:16 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "They can't handle the truth about NDAA and wish it would quietly go away"

    A total non-issue. NDAA has been around for 49 years and has been signed by every US President during that period.

    Why do you persist in this mistruth, even though you know better? It's almost like you work for the Obama administration.

    No previous version of this bill asserted that the President had the right to order indefinite detention without charge or trial of any US citizen.

    This is something entirely new and sinister, and is an unprecedented assault on our civil liberties.

  157. uptownsteve3:22 PM

    "No previous version of this bill asserted that the President had the right to order indefinite detention without charge or trial of any US citizen."

    WHO inserted this provision?

  158. Quote Faiirness Doctrine

    "You truly are an idiot, aren't you?"


    "Try googling "fairness doctrine"."

    I already did.

    "This is a democrat proposal to require "equal time" regarding politcal speech on the radio."

    No. It. Is. Not.

    "The fact that tax payer subsidized, incredibly liberal-biased NPR reaches every single square inch of the country apparently doesn't balance out the fact that the free market that operates in commercial radio provides people with what they want: conservative talk shows."

    Your paranoia is showing again - NPR Liberal biased - what a joke!

    "When the democrats took total control of the government in 2009, Nancy Pelosi (among others) began to float the idea of reinstituting the "Fairness Doctrine"

    No she didn't.

    "By requiring radio stations to balance programming their audience wanted with programming they did not, they would effectively kill the talk radio industry that sprang up after the original Fairness Doctrine was repealed in the 1980's."

    Even if this wasn't paranoid delusional nonsense, (which it is) how does that constitute liberals wanting to shut down chat show hosts they don't approve of which was the original claim?

    "This nakedly exposed the fascist tendencies of the left, and awakened a strong public outcry that caused the democrats to back off - for now.

    So in other words this entire story is a load of hogwash, representing a Liberal threat to free speech that doesn't actually exist.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    "Liberals are for free speech, as long as it is the "correct" speech.""


  159. uptownsteve3:30 PM


    Wasn't Lindsay Graham the sponsor of the newly revised NDAA bill?

    Didn't Obama threaten to veto it but realized he didn't have the votes to offset an override?

    Why didn't you mention that?

  160. Anonymous3:30 PM


    try literacy

    And what many Americans fail to realize is that Mr. Obama has been lying about supporting, or not supporting, issues like this ever since the early days of his presidential campaign. Back in 2007, for instance, he promised to close Guantanamo Bay and reinstate the constitutional protections that had been lost by its establishment -- but Guantanamo Bay, of course, is still operational to this day.

    Also in 2007, he made statements opposing the illegal wiretapping of Americans, which is a provision of the USA Patriot Act. But when it came time to approve an extension of this expiring assault against the US Constitution earlier this year, Mr. Obama gleefully signed it, citing the alleged need to "continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat" (

    International Business Times has uploaded a video with highlights of Mr. Obama's long history of lies and deceit that you can view here:

    And just so you know, pointing all this out has nothing to do with partisan politics, and everything to do with exposing the truth. Just like predecessor, Mr. Obama is nothing more than a pandering globalist working lock-step with the same evil powers as former President Bush to enslave Americans, and the rest of the world, within a New World Order. And Mr. Obama's signing of NDAA is just one more piece of evidence that confirms this.

    Learn more:

  161. Quote Anonymous

    "Opinions, opinions, opinions...they are like assholes, everybody has one. But PC doesn't have one. That's why he is so full of shit."

    Well done anony, you have just proved my point for me.

  162. Chaunce3:32 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "No previous version of this bill asserted that the President had the right to order indefinite detention without charge or trial of any US citizen."

    WHO inserted this provision?


    The congress did so, according to Steny Hoyer, as requested to by the administration.

  163. uptownsteve3:32 PM

    "A couple of days ago, more than 150 blacks murdered by other blacks in Nigeria. Way to go."


    what color are the mass murderers in Russia and Croatia?

    What color are the cretins who gun down Palestinian women and children on the West Bank?

    You are an idiot.

  164. Chaunce3:33 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Didn't Obama threaten to veto it but realized he didn't have the votes to offset an override?

    According to Hoyer, that was an act. while publicly threatening to veto, his adminstraiton was pushing for the exact wording.

  165. uptownsteve3:36 PM

    Chaunce Goober

    Any evidence to support your assertion?

  166. OK Listen up everybody, I'm offering a €100 reward to anyone who can translate this anonymous post into English.

    "Wow, how intellectual. Essentially saying, I know you are but what am I, despite the literal evidence of your pointless abuse in the post, you ignore that a dabble in generalities. What a smoke screen."

    " ignore that a dabble in generalities."



    The second paragraph is marginally less incoherent, you'll be pleased to know

    "People like you hate the world and want to change the people in it, In other words you are a leftist. We wont let you and you aren't competent enough to be a threat, therefore you wind up just hating."

    Still not quite sure what he/she/it is trying to say though.

    Answers on a postcard please...

  167. Anonymous3:38 PM

    08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous
    "Your Saul Alinsky tactics are laughable..."

    Sweet Jeezus, if Glenn Beck asked you to jump off a cliff would you do that too?

    And he pulls another "Alinsky"...
    Mao,Stalin and Saul would be proud of you, well they would probably snicker at your gullibility, but they would tell you they were proud and to carry on for the people comrade.

  168. uptownsteve3:38 PM

    "The congress did so, according to Steny Hoyer, as requested to by the administration."

    So the GOP controlled Congress responds to requests from the Obama administration?

    You're a fuckin liar.

  169. Anonymous3:38 PM

    more on hobama BLATANT NDAA LIES!!!!!

    ron paul 2012!!!!!!!

  170. Anonymous3:39 PM

    and even
    more on hobama's BLATANT NDAA LIES!!!!!

    ron paul 2012!!!!!!!

  171. uptownsteve3:48 PM

    Uh oh

    AB's all hot and bothered again.


    Man do I love bustin goobers.

  172. uptownsteve said...
    You're a fuckin liar.

    You are a fucking idiot.

    Every day.

  173. Anonymous3:56 PM

    delusional uts:

    u could never get me "hot and bothered"

    u r far too dumb and racist for that


    your arrogant ignorance is like caffeine though


  174. Lastman Standing3:57 PM

    Despite the failures of his economic policies, Obama will likley win re-election in 2012. It will have nothing to do with the unemployment rate or the deficit.

    It has everything to do with the undeniable fact that no one in America (or anywhere else) wants to face the facts of life. We'd much rather live in a fantasy world where the laws of nature do not apply to the U.S. because we live here.

    Anyone who interferes with that nice daydream is an "extremist" and "unelectable." The latter is absolutely accurate.

    Nobody in the country will vote for a man who shows Caliban his reflection. Caliban won't be grateful for that mirror, Caliban will beat him to a pulp.

    Like Capt. Willard says, "Everyone gets everything he wants." We wanted this world, and we got it.

    Now we have to live in it.

    Obama 2012!

  175. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    OK Listen up everybody, I'm offering a €100 reward to anyone who can translate this anonymous post into English.

    "Wow, how intellectual. Essentially saying, I know you are but what am I, despite the literal evidence of your pointless abuse in the post, you ignore that a dabble in generalities. What a smoke screen."

    " ignore that a dabble in generalities."



    The second paragraph is marginally less incoherent, you'll be pleased to know

    "People like you hate the world and want to change the people in it, In other words you are a leftist. We wont let you and you aren't competent enough to be a threat, therefore you wind up just hating."

    Still not quite sure what he/she/it is trying to say though.

    Answers on a postcard please...

    Oh Purple, you hate yourself so much. Obviously the “nd” was left off and the sentence should have read “ you ignore that aND dabble in generalities. Are you seriously that intellectually vapid that you cannot as we do with your post's see a typo and understand the sentence? How many GCSE’s do you actually have?

    So this is how you duck all issues you cannot handle. Have you no shame? Never mind, of course not you are a self hating liberal.

    Sad that this is the best you can do, you are vacuous. Nothing you have said today was of worth, if we exclude your lame attempts at spellchecking.

    Many would view your selectively losing the ability to understand when thoughts are presented in a slightly more than simple manner or multi syllable words as extremely telling. I not being saddled with your genetics recognized it immediately.

    Have some self respect, you may lessen the degree of self loathing you feel..just man up and meet problems, issues and thoughts you put out there head on.

  176. Anonymous3:58 PM

    delusional uts:

    try "busting" better reading/research

    then you may appear less clueless on ndaa/hobama etc


  177. Anonymous3:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Chaunce Goober

    Chaunce Goober? Is this like Ebonics for random nigger?

  178. uptownsteve3:59 PM

    What's that you said goober?

    "President Obama signed a defense spending bill into law - while admitting he has "serious reservations with certain provisions" related to how suspected terrorists are held and questioned.

    In a written statement, Mr. Obama makes clear he objects to sections in the National Defense Authorization Act that "regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists."

    Despite his objections, Mr. Obama says he signed the measure, known by its initials NDAA, because it authorizes needed funding to defend the nation, support the military and renew "vital national security programs."

    Among the provisions to which the president objects is a grant of permission for the indefinite military detention of terror suspects by the military.

    Mr. Obama said he didn't ask for such authority and doesn't want it.

    "I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation."

  179. Anonymous4:05 PM

    clueless coon uts:

    cbs is owned by hobama nazis
    as all msm

    and only YOU believe what that INESSANT LIAR hobama says

    carry on u doormat dem drone

    your prolonged wet hobama dreams will not end well



  180. Anonymous4:08 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "A couple of days ago, more than 150 blacks murdered by other blacks in Nigeria. Way to go."


    what color are the mass murderers in Russia and Croatia?

    What color are the cretins who gun down Palestinian women and children on the West Bank?

    You are an idiot.

    Sorry but you have a severe character defect. You hate success in others which is why you hate successful societies such as the USA and Israel. To you the Palestines are failures and can do no wrong.

  181. uptownsteve4:08 PM

    Man, do I LOVE bustin goobers and aunt jemimas.

  182. uptownsteve said...
    Mr. Obama said he didn't ask for such authority and doesn't want it.

    Well, at least one Democrat Sentor says the President is lying:

  183. Quote Anonymous

    "Obviously the “nd” was left off"

    Obviously, but even with the added 'nd', the sentence still makes no sense.

  184. downbrownsteve4:12 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Man, do I LOVE bustin goobers and aunt jemimas.

    Fearlesly the idiot faced the crowd...smiling.

  185. uptownsteve4:13 PM

    BTW AB,

    The GOP Congress continues to block Obama's decision to close Gitmo and move the terror suspects held there to a maximum security facility in Illinois.

    Why aren't you shrieking about THAT??

  186. Anonymous4:13 PM

    uptown Nigger Said..
    What's that you said goober?

    "I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation."

    need a list of Obamas lies?

  187. Anonymous4:21 PM

    retarded coon uts:

    only YOU would defend ndaa by pretending that GITMO will not house AMERICANS too

    each time you post...your IQ gets OBVIOUSLY lower...
    do pleez carry on!!!

    Under the bill, which approves all defense spending for the 2012 fiscal year, certain provisions allow for the military detainment and torture of US citizens, indefinitely, essentially allowing for Guantanamo Bay-style prisons to be a real possibility for every American. As the act floated around Congress, an underground outrage erupted and activists attempted to keep the bill from leaving the House and the Senate, although a lack of media coverage largely left the matter hidden to the public. Despite this campaign, the legislation made it out of the Capitol Building and into the Oval Office last month, prompting advocates against the act to petition for the president to veto it.

    One week after the president did ink the legislation, some of Obama’s old pals are saying they are in disbelief over how a former constitutional law professor could agree to such provisions that crush the law of the land.

    “President Obama’s action … is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero says in a statement. Such a charge not only carries much clout because it comes courtesy of the head of such an integral and reputable advocacy group, but Romero himself was praising the president three years earlier after he won the 2008 election. Now that same administration is doing everything Romero thought it wouldn’t.

    Three-quarters of the way through his presidency, Obama has now only left Gitmo remain open, but is going to be able to send his own citizens to its torture cells.

    “It is deeply troubling that the NDAA became law with the detention provisions intact,” reads a statement from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR. “We believe it is unconstitutional for our military to become a police force that would hold American citizens indefinitely without the right to trial or even to hear the charges brought against them.”

    More at -



    u make this sinfullly easy!!!

  188. Anonymous4:21 PM

    "They can't handle the truth about NDAA and wish it would quietly go away"

    uts replied, "A total non-issue. NDAA has been around for 49 years and has been signed by every US President during that period.

    Now that the black Obama signs it, our civil liberties are threatened????

    Gitthefugoutta here!!!"
    You are truly one ignorant Negro. Here is an MLK quote, from his mouth to your waxy ears:

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” --MLK

  189. Anonymous4:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "Obviously the “nd” was left off"

    Obviously, but even with the added 'nd', the sentence still makes no sense.

    Right then I no longer suspect you are a liar, you are cursed and genetically inferior.

    This might, just might mind you help. Studies have proven some individuals have been able to expand mental capacity somewhat through serious study, albeit limited to physical potential.

  190. Anonymous4:24 PM

    delusional hanky headed male mammy uts:

    you could be no more blind about your beloved hobama even if aunt jemima tied her scarf around your lovesick bromanced eyes...


  191. Anonymous4:25 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    BTW AB,

    The GOP Congress continues to block Obama's decision to close Gitmo and move the terror suspects held there to a maximum security facility in Illinois.

    Why aren't you shrieking about THAT??

    Do you really have to show how stupid you are on every matter?

    NDAA detaining American Citizens on suspicion without recourse.

    Gitmo - Obama wants to try enemy combatants caught on the battlefield killing or in the act of killing Americans as U.S citizens. Learn what that means.

    How do you function in life?

  192. Anonymous4:27 PM



    mlk would hate hobama and uts and ndaa and 7 wars etc!!!

  193. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Oh-oh after getting bitch slapped from several posters it's now time for UTS to pull out his stock phrases.

    Why do you make me do this to you
    Are you angry
    I love when I get them angry
    Calm Down as if someone other than he were excited
    Racism, Racism, Racism,
    Goober, Goober, Goober, Goober, Goober.

    Why are the nutjobs such predictable idiots?

  194. Anonymous4:30 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "They can't handle the truth about NDAA and wish it would quietly go away"

    A total non-issue. NDAA has been around for 49 years and has been signed by every US President during that period.

    Chaunce, "Why do you persist in this mistruth, even though you know better? It's almost like you work for the Obama administration.

    No previous version of this bill asserted that the President had the right to order indefinite detention without charge or trial of any US citizen.

    This is something entirely new and sinister, and is an unprecedented assault on our civil liberties."

    3:16 PM
    UTS persists in non-truth because he is a natural born liar who also is ignorant. At least Field remains mum about it. But not stevie boy. He loves jumping in the fire. Why do you think the brother is so tan?

  195. uptownsteve4:37 PM

    Why is goober so upset and posting under numerous aliases?


  196. Anonymous4:37 PM



    uts is a blind foolish illiterate racist predictable prototypical hobama nazi moron/coddling coon 4 hobama...

    he can only defend ndaa and gitmo
    pretending hobama is an innocent pawn within both...


  197. Anonymous4:41 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  198. The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Pretender

    "See Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck and FOXNEWS. Only a fool would even ask."

    That's not evidence numbnuts, that's just a list of names.

    Where is your evidence that masses of Liberals have attempted to shut these people down?
    Are you that clueless? Or as a socialist, you are use to benefiting from other people's hard work?

    Didn't the rev. al meet with the FCC to get Rush Limbaugh taken off the air? YES

    Did liberals try to get Rush taken off of AF radio? YES

    Didn't color of change hire a pr firm and tried to get Beck taken off the air? YES

    Didn't leftwing groups do the same to Lou Dobbs while he was at CNN? YES

    Hasn't liberals demanded government takeover of FOXNEWS or demanded they be taken off the air? YES

    Don't liberal groups harass, bully, and pester their sponsors?YES

    Didn't liberals try to revive the Fairness Doctrine in order to shut down Conservative talk radio? YES

    Liberals are all for free speech long has they agree with whats being said.

    Conservatives may not agree with what you say, but will defend your right to say it.

  199. Anonymous4:49 PM

    trifling tubob uts:

    goober is an african word

    the slaves taught it to massas like hobama

    it is called ground nut in africa

    you are being ground herein/u r a lost african
    and hobama is smoothly pimping fools like you...smooth as "skippy" peanut butter

    so pray tell:

    who is the real goober you hobama hanky headed black mongrel???????

    more from glen:

  200. uptownsteve4:52 PM

    AB is so besides herself she's actually stuttering on the keyboard!!!!

