Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Flipper takes Florida.

It looks like Flipper is laying a smack down on Newt as I write this post. He is up by over twenty points. Congrats Flipper, I guess practice makes perfect. This could get ugly. Whatever happened to all those Tea Party folks? Flipper and his people out spent Newt big time. I can't wait for Newt's concession speech to his troops.

Flipper went negative on Newt and has vowed to crush him. (92 percent of the ads have been negative!) It seemed like only yesterday that Newt was saying that the negative stuff in the republican primary was all the media's fault and he was running a positive campaign. Well Newt, that ain't the media slamming you with all those negative ads in Gator country. You might want to check your fellow republicans to see where the heat is coming from.

Still, the truth of the matter is this, none these candidates are very appealing to their base. (Sarah, where are you?)

“That’s the great mystery of 2012,” a senior Republican journalist told me while watching the brouhaha in Florida. “We have the weakest incumbent president in 32 years, running on the weakest record in 32 years… and who’s taking the stage in South Carolina and Florida? It has to be the weakest field I can remember. Each of these candidates has in his character, in his history, in his idea set—never mind disqualifying—a guarantee for self-destruction. If Newt is the candidate, he’ll lose badly. If Mitt is the candidate, he’ll lose slightly less badly … So what you have is an almost complete guarantee that if these are the candidates, Barack Obama will be reelected.” [Source] 

Relax Mr. GOP; it's still going to be a very close election this November. No matter who represents the republican gang, the members of the gang will still vote for the person with the R by their name. You just have to hope that they come out. Besides, a little fighting among yourselves is good. It will get your guy battle tested for the war that's sure to come in November. Hillary and O beat up on each other pretty good, and O was a better candidate in the general because of it. Although this Flipper guy....I don't know.

"I think Romney will be the nominee,” a veteran Democratic campaign observer told me about the feud with Gingrich. “But he has unplumbed weaknesses. He’s such a terrible candidate. When’s he’s competent, he’s memorizing the talking points and delivering them with a mechanical energy. There’s no mind at work, no evidence that he understands how to do this. You don’t see a brain working, do you?”

Yes, but who needs a brain when you have money?


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "Yes, but who needs a brain when you have money?"

    Well, don't you have to some brains to have the kind of money Romney has? $300million isn't chump change and it's not for dummies.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again even though FN folks aren't listening:

    "Romney will be the next President". Obama is done. Most Americans can't stand another four years of Obama.

  2. NSangoma8:43 PM

    Is there oil in Jamaica, field.

    Venezuela oil reserves 297 billion barrels

    Saudi Arabia oil reserves 267 billion barrels

    Haiti could have larger oil reserves than Venezuela

    Cuba claims massive oil reserves

  3. I don't think Mitt thinks our military is capable of defeating any threat. Only he can make it strong again. Interesting.

    "It has to be the weakest field I can remember. Each of these candidates has in his character, in his history, in his idea set—never mind disqualifying—a guarantee for self-destruction."

    It's almost if they're throwing this one purposely. Maybe the economy is a bit too bad for their tastes and they're doing what the GOP always does, force the Democratic prez to do the hard work shoring up the economy and then elect their guy and increase spending and cut taxes forcing huge cuts after they F up the economy. They don't want none of that, they would rathe rstick with their two Santa Claus plan.

  4. Must be a large plantation in Florida with blah people who only want handouts because ain't nothing blah at those GOP rallies. Can't Mitt buy a little color? That's not a good look in the south.

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    PilotX, "Must be a large plantation in Florida with blah people who only want handouts because ain't nothing blah at those GOP rallies. Can't Mitt buy a little color? That's not a good look in the south."

    Are you kidding me? that's Allen West territory. they have more black Repubs than any other state. right now they are just trying to be the nominee. when it's over, the Blacks will show up. mark my words when they win, there will be a first black VP of USA.

  6. Diversity kills9:15 PM

    PilotX said...
    Must be a large plantation in Florida with blah people who only want handouts because ain't nothing blah at those GOP rallies. Can't Mitt buy a little color? That's not a good look in the south.

    What law says there has to be minorities at a GOP event?

    Are you now demanding affirmative action at political events?

  7. "Is there oil in Jamaica, field."

    More important question: Is there oil in Mandeville, Jamaica. :)

    "Must be a large plantation in Florida with blah people who only want handouts because ain't nothing blah at those GOP rallies. Can't Mitt buy a little color? That's not a good look in the south."

    I just say a black person (One) in Newt's crowd. Maybe Mitt can get her for his next Florida rally.

  8. Diversity Kills9:22 PM

    Philly authorities still refusing to charge black thugs with hate crimes.
    Brutal racially motivated black on white mob attacks are now a weekly occurrence in Philadelphia.

    Yet the perpetrators of the racially motivated attacks are never charged with hate crimes. The media often censors the race of the perps and hides aspects of the story.

    Many large cities still absolutely refuse to charge any black perpetrator with a hate crime.


  9. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Field, "I just say a black person (One) in Newt's crowd. Maybe Mitt can get her for his next Florida rally."

    That was very cold, no feeling in it at all. You really hate the GOP don't you? Well, I'm Black and you're making me feel like the man on the ledge. Please soften your position because Repubs are good hearted human beings. They have feelings and cry like everybody else, maybe more so.

    BTW, what happened to your writer friend on AOL? It's been some time since I have read anything by her.

  10. Philly authorities still refusing to charge black thugs with hate crimes.
    Brutal racially motivated black on white mob attacks are now a weekly occurrence in Philadelphia.

    Yet the perpetrators of the racially motivated attacks are never charged with hate crimes. The media often censors the race of the perps and hides aspects of the story.

    Many large cities still absolutely refuse to charge any black perpetrator with a hate crime.

    Maybe the thugs aren't attacking them because they are white. Maybe they are attacking them because they revealed themselves to be assholes that hang around black blogs making disparaging, racist remarks. Just a thought...

  11. Fuzzy Corzine9:36 PM

    "Yes, but who needs a brain when you have money?"

    The Obama campaign spent $750 million in 2008.

    Obama plans on spending over a billion this time.

  12. These motherfuckers just outright lie when the truth doesn't fit the spin. Obama's trajectory resembles none in the last 60 years as much as Reagan's. Their approval/dis trackngs are consistently within 2 points of each other throughout their 1st terms. Far from being the weakest president seeking reelection since Carter, he's tied with the Reagan, the strongest incumbent since Nixon. That's why no serious/viable candidates ran on the klan side this time but the insane clown posse did.

  13. "Well, I'm Black and you're making me feel like the man on the ledge. Please soften your position because Repubs are good hearted human beings. They have feelings and cry like everybody else, maybe more so."

    Really? Well why do they ride with their dogs thousands of miles on top of their cars?

    LOL@ BrookLyn.

  14. Diversity Kills9:39 PM

    Yes my dear BrookLyn, the truth is often racist and disparaging.

  15. Except that the economy was improving under Reagan.

  16. Anonymous9:42 PM

    field negro said...
    "Is there oil in Jamaica, field."

    More important question: Is there oil in Mandeville, Jamaica. :)

    Sure is Black Castor Oil;Replenish & Rejuvinate Your Hair :)

  17. Anonymous9:45 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Philly authorities still refusing to charge black thugs with hate crimes.
    Brutal racially motivated black on white mob attacks are now a weekly occurrence in Philadelphia.

    Yet the perpetrators of the racially motivated attacks are never charged with hate crimes. The media often censors the race of the perps and hides aspects of the story.

    Many large cities still absolutely refuse to charge any black perpetrator with a hate crime.

    Maybe the thugs aren't attacking them because they are white. Maybe they are attacking them because they revealed themselves to be assholes that hang around black blogs making disparaging, racist remarks. Just a thought...

    Hurry see if you can find someone else with a thought before the only one you have ever had dies of loneliness.

    Thugs are starting to get whacked now, them white folks take awhile to get the message but when they do, they get it.

  18. Anonymous9:46 PM

    dear field, let's say for example that a black person wanted to repent on fn.

    and let's say for sake of example, this black person has said some things against some blacks to please some unknown different race.

    and let's say that he feels guilty, is losing sleep over what he has said.

    and let's just say he is a black repub.

    and let's just say this took place in America.

    and let's just say for mercy's sake, that he wants to confess.

    Now, what blog, or where or whom might he go to confess in order to repent ?

  19. Anonymous9:47 PM

    field negro said...
    "Well, I'm Black and you're making me feel like the man on the ledge. Please soften your position because Repubs are good hearted human beings. They have feelings and cry like everybody else, maybe more so."

    Really? Well why do they ride with their dogs thousands of miles on top of their cars?

    LOL@ BrookLyn.

    They don't -- they put the dogs on the top of the cars while they drive. Hows Mikey Vicks dogs doing? Romneys are fine...oh thats right vicks are Dead D-E-D cause he tortured them and hung them and boiled them and fought them and buried them....so whats a little windburn ehh...

  20. CBO report says Obama's labor department is fudging the unemployment numbers, and unemployment is actually at 10%:

    "Had that portion of the decline in the labor force participation rate since 2007 that is attributable to neither the aging of the baby boomers nor the downturn in the business cycle (on the basis of the experience in previous downturns) not occurred, the unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2011 would have been about 1¼ percentage points higher than the actual rate of 8.7 percent"

    They also estimate the 2012 deficit at $1.1 trillion.

    The Obama administration is not only incompetent, but criminal.

  21. Anonymous9:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    I don't think Mitt thinks our military is capable of defeating any threat. Only he can make it strong again. Interesting.

    "It has to be the weakest field I can remember. Each of these candidates has in his character, in his history, in his idea set—never mind disqualifying—a guarantee for self-destruction."

    Huh? Resist we much about that much must we will be...are you trying to do a Sharpton Parody?

  22. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Brooklyn, a woman who uses the word "asshole" isn't becoming. Are you a sinner? a Lesbian? Black?

    I ask because I consider myself really good at figuring people out. Please be honest with your answers.

  23. I don't think so Field, sista at Newt's rally was at the same hotel for another convention and just wandered into the wrong room. She figured out what was going on and hightailed it outta there. No self respecting blah person would be seen within 100 yards of nasty Newt.

  24. No self-respecting black person would be a democrat.

  25. no slappz10:12 PM

    brooklyn writes:

    Maybe the thugs aren't attacking them because they are white. Maybe they are attacking them because they revealed themselves to be assholes that hang around black blogs making disparaging, racist remarks.

    You mean like you and uptown steve?

  26. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Dear Mr. Field,

    Your account is over 60 days delinquent. We have sent you several notices but you have not responded.

    If you are experiencing financial difficulties please call our financial services so that we can work out a payment schedule for you.

    We would like to handle this as amicable as possible WITHOUT our lawyers at our collection agency getting involved. I tell you those lawyers are like pit bulls and merciless. They won't let up. Furthermore, they WILL haul your ass into court right there in Philly.

    Mr. Field, we don't want to see this happen to you. Our Financial Under Credit Kept Services(F.U.C.K.) is the financial arm of Anon, Inc. Yes, we have added a financial division. It's been too much work for our President to sell our products and collect too. He doesn't like being the bad guy so we are writing you.

    We appreciate your business but as the people with the green eye shades, we have bills to pay too.

    Anon, Inc
    F.U.C.K. Division

  27. no slappz10:17 PM

    fuzzy corzine said:

    The Obama campaign spent $750 million in 2008.

    Obama plans on spending over a billion this time.

    Imagine. It's going to cost him MORE in his attempt to stay in office than it cost him to win the previous election.

    Seems the higher price tag is what you're stuck with when you have to overcome a horrible record that's even worse than was predicted by the Republicans during the 2008 race.

  28. Anonymous10:20 PM

    PilotX, "No self respecting blah person would be seen within 100 yards of nasty Newt."

    No self-respecting 'black' person would call themselves a 'blah' person..

    Do you not have any sense of pride or shame?

  29. no slappz10:29 PM

    pilot xyz writes:

    I don't think Mitt thinks our military is capable of defeating any threat. Only he can make it strong again. Interesting.

    As is well known, Obama is shrinking the military. When it's shrunk to his specifications, the US military will no longer have the capacity to wage two wars simultaneously.

    With the world the way it is, if the US cannot handle more than one war at a time, you can be sure that if we are engaged in one, some opportunistic thug dictator will start another, knowing we're not going to rescue the country he invades.

    Meanwhile, now that Obama has become the best friend of the Muslim Brotherhood, we know there may well be four middle-east/African nations that come under the Brotherhood's control.

    That means four potential wars on top of our current wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Looks like more than we can handle already.

  30. Anonymous10:35 PM

    No_Slappz, please lay off. You hate the President; you hate the Africans; you hate Iran; you hate Syria: you hate the Arabs; you hate AAs; you hate the Palestinians; you hate God.

    My God, man. Is there anyone you don't hate?

  31. no slappz10:50 PM

    whitey's conspiracy wrote:

    Obama's trajectory resembles none in the last 60 years as much as Reagan's.

    Obama's trajectory reminds me of a whiffle ball after it's hit.

    Reagan? Interest rates had surged to excruciating heights under Carter and then went a little higher under Reagan who said he was going to bring down inflation and get the ecnomy going.

    During his presidency, long-term Treasury bond rates went from about 15% down to about half that rate.

    Mortgage rates went from about 15% to about 8%. And the Adjustable-Rate Mortgage was created in 1984 -- by Lehman Brothers.

    Because interest rates declined through the Reagan years, the Adjustable Rate Mortgage was a huge success.

    Unfortunately, Carter ended Regulation Q, a banking regulation controlling the interest rates available at Savings & Loans.

    By doing what he did, Carter brought on the Savings & Loan Crisis.

    Oil prices peaked in 1983 -- at $35 a barrel, then dropped -- a lot, at times falling as low as $10 a barrel.

    Reagan told the Air Traffic Controllers to get back to work or face a mass firing. They thought he was bluffing.

    If only he'd been president when the GM bankruptcy was looming.

    If only we had a president who would say Enough is Enough to federal workers whose paychecks, pensions and healthcare costs are part of what's choking the economy.

    The one moment Reagan failed was in October 1983, when muslims conducted their first suicide bombing and killed 241 Marines in their Beirut, Lebanon barracks.

    He should have crushed their Iranian leadership the next day.

  32. Trapped in SC11:04 PM

    "Except that the economy was improving under Reagan."

    I know that you want to beat Obama.

    I understand that. But 2+2 is, has been, and will always be 4.

    The modern day Republican party is based primarily of dead enders, SSI check recipients, and assorted racists, anti-intellectuals, homophobes and people who have convinced themselves that 2+2 is now 5.

    They are that stupid.

  33. Oh this is rich, No Slappz is calling someone else a racist. Bet she's a Republican because there's no sense of understanding irony or hypocrisy.

  34. "the economy was improving under Reagan."

    exactly like it has been under Obama, slow and steady with jobs bringing up the rear of the recovery.

  35. "The modern day Republican party is based primarily of dead enders, SSI check recipients, and assorted racists, anti-intellectuals, homophobes and people who have convinced themselves that 2+2 is now 5."

    No they're not anti-intellectual they just believe by and large the earth is 6,000 years old and that "book lurnin" is bad. Other than thinking Sarah Palin was a good idea as VP what evidence do you have to back up such a wild allegation?

  36. "the economy was improving under Reagan."

    Maybe it was all that government spending.

  37. "He should have crushed their Iranian leadership the next day."

    Or maybe he could have allowed the Marines to have live ammo. Reagan was an idiot.

  38. Anonymous12:09 AM

    PilotX, "Or maybe he could have allowed the Marines to have live ammo. Reagan was an idiot."

    Reagan was no idiot. Do you realize that Reagan served his country very well as President? No one can accuse him of being spineless like Obama.

    Do you realize that Reagan is now dead? Please show some respect you damn fool.

  39. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Romney is a good man. He is just willing to campaign dirty in order to govern clean when he is President. I really believe in my heart that he will be good for Blacks. Now that's something Obama hasn't been.

  40. Watching Rev. Al roast that Gingrich spokesman fuckface on Newt's race-baiting was great. Damn, I can't believe that REV INC has transformed into one of the sharpest black political commentators on TV. Maybe the sharpest. These gotta be the End Times if I'm typing that. 2012!



  41. Anonymous12:43 AM

    st reagan was one of the finest examples of US Salesmen, ever. He sold white working-class folks on the utility of cutting their wages and benefits so that the rich would not have to work.
    He sold racism...when most US citizens who don't marry their sisters are opposed.
    He sold rampant US military spending...when the US outspends the next five countries.
    He sold religion as a cover for crimes and sins.

    Oh, and the Goobers still worship him, although he died.

    Funny how the three white guys keep telling each other how the country is doing so bad in the bushDepression and it is all Obama (should have shoved a real stimulus down the throats of all those Rs who keep using that visual...seems they like it)...yet beyond that, most US citizens seem to like and respect the man. And the more Palin/Bachman/Santorum/Pauls/Cantor are speaking, the better the Obama looks.

    Take a page from your SalesGod st reagan...don't have a moderate R like Obama on the same visual as obviously goonie, creepy, pervy, and incompetent buffoons. Obama wins.

    Tom Ridge would be a far better choice...but he is much too sane to pass the R primary voters.


  42. Anonymous1:37 AM

    mold, "Oh, and the Goobers still worship him, although he died."

    Obama also worships Reagan. He ran his last campaign on Reagan. Remember? and you want to talk about racism? It has never been so high since Obama was elected. and don't forget Obama insulted the blacks when he told them to shut up and march. Maxine Waters was very vocal about that.
    In addition, black unemployment is the highest in the history of this country.

    So I suggest you STFU about Reagan and look at the black Reagan in your midst.

  43. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "the economy was improving under Reagan."

    exactly like it has been under Obama, slow and steady with jobs bringing up the rear of the recovery.

    Liberals are insane. DWL are the worst. Slow and steady...3 years in they falsify the unemployment numbers to drop 0.1% of a percentage point and this is good and slow and steady? You would do anything to get some chocolate wouldnt you. Bringing up the rear, leading from behind as usual which means doing nothing and praying someone elses fixes it so you can take credit.

  44. Anonymous2:21 AM

    @Anonymous said.
    No_Slappz, please lay off. You hate the President; you hate the Africans; you hate Iran; you hate Syria: you hate the Arabs; you hate AAs; you hate the Palestinians; you hate God.

    My God, man. Is there anyone you don't hate?

    Damn! I wish I had said that. LOL
    Tears coming to my eyes.

    The Fool-

  45. >Obama also worships Reagan. He ran his last campaign on Reagan.

    Negro Please

    >Obama insulted the blacks

    lol @ "the blacks"

    >It has never been so high since Obama was elected

    Yeah and who's fault is that? You conservative motherfuckers still refuse to acknowledge he's President, calling him an avowed Muslim usurper and all this bullshit. You wouldn't be pulling that crap if he was a white Dem POTUS named Bob Johnson. Take that "Did you know Republicans freed the slaves" garbage somewhere else, because we all know which party reps the Dixie flag TODAY.

  46. Dear bill collector for Anon Inc. the check is in the mail. If you don't receive it within the next few days please give me call.

  47. Coonco, it's a bigger crime to be stupid.

  48. no slappz8:57 AM

    pilot xyz -- regarding the suicide bombing of the Beirut barracks of the Mainre Corps in 1983 -- wrote:

    Or maybe he could have allowed the Marines to have live ammo. Reagan was an idiot.

    Hey bonehead, the Beirut barracks were hit by a truck bomb that was detonated when almost all the dead Marines were asleep in their bunks.

    Even if the Marines had had a nuclear weapon available, it wouldn't have reduced the number of casualties.

    By the way, that attack was the first suicide bombing -- it was Hezbollah's opening act.

    Meanwhile, US defense spending drove the Soviet Union into its own military spending spree, which contributed to its ultimate collapse.

    And during the Reagan years, the US prospered.

    During the Obama years, the country has not prospered, nor has it recovered from earlier difficulties. Worse, by every measure, Obama has incurred more debt than any president since Harry Truman, who had to tackle the issue of paying for WWII.

    Obama is a failure and Mitt Romney may soon get the chance to reverse the damage Obama has inflicted on the economy.

  49. Knute Rockne9:44 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "the economy was improving under Reagan."

    exactly like it has been under Obama, slow and steady with jobs bringing up the rear of the recovery.

    No, under Reagan, unemployment decreased, economic growth was strong, and the national confidence soared.

    Under Obama, unemployment is now at 10%, growth an anemic 1.7%, and our President has convinced us we are a bunch of losers on the way out.

    Obama had an opportunity to be the left's Reagan, but he blew it. Just like Reagan had a chance for greatness because he followed the abysmal Carter, Bush handed Obama an easy win when he fumbled the ball deep in his own territory. Instead of going in for the quick score, Obama dicked around and now he's out field goal range.


  50. G.I. Told You So9:45 AM

    Don't say we didn't tell you so:


    It'll be sex with children, next.

    Freaking queers.

  51. field negro said...
    Coonco, it's a bigger crime to be stupid.

    Are you calling the President stupid?

    I was just going to leave it at incompetent and criminal.


  52. that racist newt is the new hillary...no???







  53. Colon Bowell9:47 AM

    @ G.I. Told You So:

    It's an intentional effort by the Left to destroy the effectiveness of the military.

  54. the msm are still flipping over that flipper hobama


    that blackish bush boy hobama needs no assist as prez select thru 2016!




  55. Swiff said...
    >Obama also worships Reagan. He ran his last campaign on Reagan.

    Negro Please

    Obama is the anti-Reagan, which is why he has failed.

    Obama's world view is stuck in 1983, when his Marxist professors were shitting their pants over what Reagan was accomplishing. All his life, Barry has been focussed on repealing Reaganism.

    Problem is, a lot of what Reagan did was good for the country. And it's not 1983 anymore. Our national priorities are not the "nuclear freeze" movement or expansion of Great society welfare programs.

    Obama had a chance to to sieze the moment in 2009 and go down in history as a great President. Instead, he reached back and siezed a moment from 25 years ago.

    What an epic fail.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Master Goober10:24 AM

    alicia banks said...
    and raygun hated and sabotaged and enslaved poor people in general
    Ya, I remember I had me a couple of slaves back in the 80's. They were more trouble than they were worth, so I sold them and replaced them with a lawnmower and a labrador retiever.

  59. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Is Purple Cow In court today?

    (Reuters) - Four radical Islamists admitted in court Wednesday plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange as part of a campaign of al Qaeda-inspired attacks across the British capital in the run-up to Christmas 2010.


  60. The Libyan Lesbian10:43 AM

    @ Alicia: Would you post at your own blog, please?

  61. A young woman in Milwaukee called the cops when someone threw a brick through her window. One of the cops who came to help raped her.

    The cop's name was "Ladmarald Cates". I wonder if he is black.

  62. PilotX said...
    >Oh this is rich, No Slappz is calling someone else a racist. Bet she's a Republican because there's no sense of understanding irony or hypocrisy.<

    Irony and hypocrisy? Isn't that what this racism-chasing site is all about?

    And is this obsessive focus on external boogeymen rational, or healthy?

    I keep hearing that black kids are told that Whitey be keeping them down, so despite the fact that they see Mama getting free money and food stamps from the government just for existing, and they know they can get away with playing "Knockout King" with no consequences and pull people from their cars at the fair with nary a "tut tut" from the media, they've been told their whole lives that they're mistreated by white people.

    Well, if I had been told my whole life that the New York Opera Company performed "Rigoletto" outside my bedroom window every morning at 7:00 am, I should think that eventually I would notice that it wasn't happening. If I never heard a peep, nor saw a performer, I wouldn't go around saying, "Gee, I hate 'Rigoletto.' I hear it every freakin' morning at 7:00," just because someone was telling me I was hearing it.

    But it seems like that's exactly what black America is doing. Going around complaining, despite abundant evidence to the contrary, that the New York Opera Company (Whitey) is performing "Rigoletto" every morning (mistreating them) even though they've never heard a single note.

  63. uptownsteve11:09 AM

    Anon Goober,

    "What law says there has to be minorities at a GOP event?

    Are you now demanding affirmative action at political events?"

    Nah, you would just think that a major American political party might be somewhat representative of the American populace.

    Ya think?

  64. global sheeple assnon:

    u racist kkk fools and moron hobama nazis have a glaring vested interest in silencing me

    i get that a lot

    shame how u inept haters are so powerless herein...no?

    see more always & enjoy!



  65. The Grand Old Partay11:22 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Nah, you would just think that a major American political party might be somewhat representative of the American populace.

    Do you want the Democrat party to be 'representative' of goobers?

    The Democrat party has come right out and stated that they have written off the white working class. Why would white working class voters vote Democrat?

    The Republicans have never said they have abandoned the black vote, despite only getting 5%, they keep trying to sell a message for all Americans. But black votes have to be bought, and they can't outbid the Democrats without abandoning the principle of common interest.

    I think the Republicans should forget the black vote; they're not going to get any for the foreseeable future, not until blacks decide to join America.

    The door is open for when you are ready. In the meantime, we have a country to rebuild.

  66. BOHICA11:28 AM

    " alicia banks said...

    i get that a lot"

    AB, the only thing you "get a lot", is that big strap-on from your dyke girlfriend.

  67. Obama's Secret Intermernet Police11:40 AM

    alicia banks said...
    global sheeple assnon:

    u racist kkk fools and moron hobama nazis have a glaring vested interest in silencing me

    No, you are just fucking annoying. You post here obessively -way too much for anyone to actually read. I'm sure most people usually just scroll by. I do.

    Despite averaging 50+ posts per day on this site, you have not updated your own blog since September 4, 2010.


  68. blind liar assnon:

    my blog and my youtube channel are updated daily via links
    that morons are too illiterate to find or read

    and that is by design

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    see all here:


  69. Obama's Secret Intermernet Police said...11:47 AM

    alicia banks said...
    see all here:


    Last update, 1/3/2012.

    So, fifty posts a day just on FN, but you haven't written a word on your own blog in a month?

    What gives?

    I think we are going to have to bring a couple of spelunkers over to your apartment to perform a cavity search.

  70. ps:

    what do any of my posts at my own blog

    have to do with how i SIMULTANEOUSLY slay you inept illiterate fools on this blog DAILY????


  71. check my links/posts on each page of each column


  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. all of my columns are unique living docs

    with endless links/comments

    search by words/archives etc
    do enjoy all endlessly!!!


  74. blogless lying hater assnon:

    today i am shooting for 51+

    thanks for the inspiration!!!

  75. once more...with feeling:


    wtf do any of my posts at my own blog

    have to do with how i SIMULTANEOUSLY slay you inept illiterate fools on this blog DAILY????!!!


  76. envious blogless assnon:

    cc that bs to all of the other bloggers here...

    u moron slacker!!!

  77. R.I.P. Don Corlenius.

    To cool for this planet.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Just Say "No" To Rubber12:08 PM

    Give poor AB a break.

    How could she have known she'd get latex poisoning from gnawing on all those dildos?

  80. no slappz12:10 PM

    ree-tard steve wrote:

    Nah, you would just think that a major American political party might be somewhat representative of the American populace.

    Whenever stevie posts, I get the feeling he's the kind of clown who struggles to put on his t-shirt, first trying to ram his head through an arm-hole, then sticking his arm through the neck opening, followed by flailing around until he blindly slams his head into a door frame, knocking himself out, and then falling backwards into the bathtub.

  81. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Like we needed "Flipper", the mormon and rethugwingnut to tell us that he and his repugnikkkans "...are not concerned about the poor..."
    Truth be told, the poor don't vote; Negroes are obsolete and expendable. Next...?

  82. Anonymous12:37 PM

    no slappz said...
    ree-tard steve wrote:

    Nah, you would just think that a major American political party might be somewhat representative of the American populace.

    Whenever stevie posts, I get the feeling he's the kind of clown who struggles to put on his t-shirt, first trying to ram his head through an arm-hole, then sticking his arm through the neck opening, followed by flailing around until he blindly slams his head into a door frame, knocking himself out, and then falling backwards into the bathtub.

    what would stevey say?

    Oh Yeah, ROFLMAO!!!!! Now I have this picture of him with an air jordan on his head wondering why everytime he tries to "ties" his shoelaces he cantz breef.

  83. shame how the coolest bro on TV once...

    died an old suicidal oj fool



  84. World B. Free1:00 PM

    A rising tide does lift all boats.

    Obamanomics just means poking holes in the hulls of the big boats, so no one stays afloat.

  85. Quote Anonymous 12:37

    "Oh Yeah, ROFLMAO!!!!! Now I have this picture of him with an air jordan on his head wondering why everytime he tries to "ties" his shoelaces he cantz breef."

    Give it a rest No Slapzzz, you are convincing nobody.

  86. Anonymous1:37 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 12:37

    "Oh Yeah, ROFLMAO!!!!! Now I have this picture of him with an air jordan on his head wondering why everytime he tries to "ties" his shoelaces he cantz breef."

    Give it a rest No Slapzzz, you are convincing nobody.

    You guys must use alternate names or post as an "anonymouse" all the time. It's a common tactic of yours to accuse someone of silly things like this, wonder where you get these ideas from?

    Besides you are a nobody and you sure seem convinced of something.

    How did court go? I heard they go easy on Imams even if arrested for terrorism. Did they promise to keep paying for your barn if you don't plan to blow up any more British places and or kill anyone? Did they also demand you stop molesting buttercup or is accepting this part of British Diversity now?

  87. Anonymous1:46 PM

    uts, "Nah, you would just think that a major American political party might be somewhat representative of the American populace."

    Steve, you are a very confused little man: The Republican Party 'DOES' represent the "VOTING" populace. The Democratic Party does not. When it comes to "voting" you folks are couch potatoes...you're too lazy to get up to go vote. See? That's where you are confused.

  88. Anonymous1:53 PM

    PC@1:25p, why do you think no_slappz is poising as an anon? Don't be stupid, he doesn't operate that way.

    Only someone like YOU would think that way and then assume it as a factual reality.

    Get real, fool. I am tired of you calling me no_slappz. Learn the difference between your fabricating bullshiting mind and reality...Negro!

  89. I Wants What You Gots1:57 PM

    Here's Obama's "populace" in action:


  90. Vulgar foolish Lipstick fisted limp assnon:

    Your retarded solo sex play has nothing to do with me.

    I see you jerk like you debate…Tragic!


    Vdlr Thank you for being my greatest hits dj herein!

    IOU for customizing all of my re-posts herein daily

    U and the xxx kkk share think skins and IQs…
    Both work really well for me!!!

  91. uptownsteve2:20 PM

    "The Democrat party has come right out and stated that they have written off the white working class. Why would white working class voters vote Democrat?"


    The Democrats are the party of the working class, middle class, and union workers.

    What the hell are you talking about?

    The GOP continues to dupe the white working class with wedge issues....ie...race, religion and gender politics.

    Meanwhile they just continue to toady up to the rich as usual.

  92. uptownsteve2:22 PM

    "The Republicans have never said they have abandoned the black vote, despite only getting 5%, they keep trying to sell a message for all American"

    Yeah right. By portraying black Americans as the primary recipients of entitlements and the sole purveyors of crime in America.

    GTFOOH fool.

  93. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Sing to the tune of Tom Jones "pussycat"

    An ode to Buttercup from her favorite Cow.

    Buttercup - Buttercup - I LOVE EWE
    Yes, I do.

    You make me happy when we touch our nappies
    Such strong feelings I get
    Im so glad your my pet.

    Buttercup - Buttercup - I LOVE EWE
    Yes, I do

    Now quiet down lambkins
    your bleating is quite loud
    If my wife hears us
    she'll just draw a crowd.
    Police and RSPCA will all come real quick
    and want to know where I got the sores on my dick

    Buttercup - Buttercup - I LOVE EWE
    Yes, I do.

  94. Anonymous2:28 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The Republicans have never said they have abandoned the black vote, despite only getting 5%, they keep trying to sell a message for all American"

    Yeah right. By portraying black Americans as the primary recipients of entitlements and the sole purveyors of crime in America.

    GTFOOH fool.

    no the GOP doesnt report things that happen in the world. You don't make sense. Do you mean not participate in actively lying to cover these things up?

  95. Anonymous2:32 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The Democrat party has come right out and stated that they have written off the white working class. Why would white working class voters vote Democrat?"



    The Democrats are the party of the working class, middle class, and union workers.


    What the hell are you talking about?

    The GOP continues to dupe the white working class with wedge issues....ie...race, religion and gender politics.


    Meanwhile they just continue to toady up to the rich as usual.

    then they would be trying to be friends with all the rich liberals wouldnt they?

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. uptownsteve said...
    "The Democrat party has come right out and stated that they have written off the white working class. Why would white working class voters vote Democrat?"


    The Democrats are the party of the working class, middle class, and union workers.

    What the hell are you talking about?

    I'm talking about this, you ignoramus:


    Democrats have given up on the white working class as irrelevant. Instead they see their party representing "a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."

    The Democratic party has become a classic high-low coalition. The upper class elites marshalling the underclass against the middle class.

    Democrat Billionaires plus government dependents (employees and entitlement recipients) against the Republican bourgeoisie (millionaires, small business owners, and middle income private sector workers).

    The billionaires get to keep the mere millionaires down, and they get to force the middle class to fund the entitlements for which they get credit for bestowing upon the poor.

    The dependent class gets more of the middle class money, which deflects attention away from the super rich (think Warren Buffett calling for more taxes, or George Soros funding Occupy Wall Street).

    Wise up, uptown. It's right in fron of your face.

  98. that flipper bankster hobama is a loyal bankster drone

    bankster swindleus #2 looms



  99. Anonymous2:44 PM

    uts, "Nah, you would just think that a major American political party might be somewhat representative of the American populace."

    so you think we should put 50% HS dropouts in congress and more ex-cons in the senate?

  100. Fry Holder3:09 PM

    If there's a God in Heaven, Eric Holder should be toast:


  101. uptownsteve3:15 PM

    Anon Goober

    Your NYT link (which was an OP-ED article by Thomas Edsall) proves my point.

    Despite the GOP yelping that blacks are brainwashed into voting for Democrats, it is the white working class who has idioticly attached itself to the Republicans by way of race resentment and scapegoating instead of looking out for their own economic self-interest.

    Just for instance, since taking over Congress name ONE job initiative tabled by the Repubs?

    What have Romney or Gingrich proposed to do for the white working class besides convince them that lazy niggers are sucking up their tax dollars?

  102. The Grand Old Partay3:21 PM

    @ uptownsteve:

    So, it is the fault of the white working class that they have been abandoned by the democrat party?

    Your mental gymnastics belong in the Special Olympics.

  103. uptownsteve3:26 PM

    "The upper class elites marshalling the underclass against the middle class."

    With your every utterance you prove my point.

    "Middle Class" is code for white even though millions of African-Americans and latinos fall into that bracket economically and socially.

    Yet the GOP have very effectively portrayed the DEMS as an elitist party who have marshalled the limousine liberals and the "underclass" (blacks and hispanics) against the "middle class" (white folks).

    And Newt Gingrich in particular is telling the trailer park meth addled redneck crowd that THEY are America's middle class.

    They are white after all.

  104. Anonymous3:27 PM

    You don't need brains to make a speech, just a teleprompter like Obamy...

  105. uptownsteve3:28 PM

    "The Republican Party 'DOES' represent the "VOTING" populace. The Democratic Party does not."


    How did Obama get elected?

    Does your momma know you out in public this stupid?

  106. uptownsteve said...
    Just for instance, since taking over Congress name ONE job initiative tabled by the Repubs?

    The Republican Congress passed 25 jobs bills last year, all of which Harry reid has refused to bring to a vote in the Senate:


    This is pure politics: The democrats want to say that congress has done nothing, while counting on the mendacity of the the mainstream press and the idiocy of their voters to keep the truth that the democrat Senate is the cause of inaction from getting out.

  107. Quote Fry Holder

    "If there's a God in Heaven, Eric Holder should be toast:"

    There isn't, so he isn't.

  108. uptownsteve3:32 PM

    Grand Ol Goober

    "So, it is the fault of the white working class that they have been abandoned by the democrat party?"

    Answer my question you fraud.

    since taking over Congress name ONE job initiative tabled by the Repubs?

    What have Romney or Gingrich proposed to do for the white working class besides convince them that lazy niggers are sucking up their tax dollars?

  109. uptownsteve3:33 PM

    "The Republican Congress passed 25 jobs bills last year, all of which Harry reid has refused to bring to a vote in the Senate:"

    Name ONE.

    Don't tell me to look at the link.

  110. The Grand Old Partay3:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The upper class elites marshalling the underclass against the middle class."

    With your every utterance you prove my point.

    "Middle Class" is code for white even though millions of African-Americans and latinos fall into that bracket economically and socially.
    Oh so you are saying the democrat party is an anti-white coalition?

    That's better?

    And that's supposed to get working class whites to vote democrat?

    The democrat political strategy is divide and conquer. Seperate people by race and class to gain power.

    The Republican strategy is to unite under common interest.

    Thanks for letting us know you endorse division.

  111. lazy uts:

    read it for yourself boy!!!!

  112. Quote "anonymous"

    "PC@1:25p, why do you think no_slappz is poising as an anon? Don't be stupid, he doesn't operate that way. Only someone like YOU would think that way and then assume it as a factual reality. Get real, fool. I am tired of you calling me no_slappz. Learn the difference between your fabricating bullshiting mind and reality...Negro!"

    Give it up No Slapzzz, you're convincing nobody.

  113. The GOP3:44 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The Republican Congress passed 25 jobs bills last year, all of which Harry reid has refused to bring to a vote in the Senate:"

    Name ONE.

    Don't tell me to look at the link.

    Here you go you lazy cunt.

    The Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act (H.R. 2930), Rep. Patrick McHenry’s (R-NC) bipartisan jobs bill that passed the House earlier this month (407-18) but remains stuck in the Democratic-controlled Senate. NPR says the bill “removes barriers to doing business” for small businesses, eliminating restrictions that prevent job creators from using “crowdfunding” to help expand and hire new workers.

  114. uptownsteve3:53 PM

    "Oh so you are saying the democrat party is an anti-white coalition?"

    The obvious problem with your logic is that there are MILLIONS of white Democrats both civilians and officeholders.

    Whereas the GOP is virtually all white with no participation by the non white.

    Which party is the party of division now?

  115. uptownsteve3:57 PM

    What a lying POS Anon-Goober is.

    The Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act (H.R. 2930) is not a JOBS bill.

    The bill was introduced to foster relationships between investors and entrepreneurs. Specifically, it permits crowdfunding issuances that offer an equity stake (securities) to investors.


  116. TheGOP4:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    What a lying POS Anon-Goober is.

    The Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act (H.R. 2930) is not a JOBS bill.

    The bill was introduced to foster relationships between investors and entrepreneurs. Specifically, it permits crowdfunding issuances that offer an equity stake (securities) to investors.



    You, like many a democrat, do not understand that "fostering relationships between investors and entrepreneurs" would lead to jobs.

    You think jobs are something the President creates by taking money from investors and entrepreneurs
    and giving it useless wealth-destroyers, like yourself.

  117. The GOP4:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Oh so you are saying the democrat party is an anti-white coalition?"

    The obvious problem with your logic is that there are MILLIONS of white Democrats both civilians and officeholders.

    Now you are saying white democrats are "race-traitors"? Like you call black Republicans "Toms"?

  118. Gimme A Job4:14 PM

    No, THIS is how the Obamacrats create jobs:


  119. uptownsteve4:15 PM

    "You, like many a democrat, do not understand that "fostering relationships between investors and entrepreneurs" would lead to jobs."

    Seems to me along with cutting taxes for the rich and giving tax loopholes to corporations, this is all the Rethugs have been doing and or proposing for the last 12 years.

    And where did it get us?

    An economic meltdown.

  120. uptownsteve4:17 PM

    "Now you are saying white democrats are "race-traitors"? Like you call black Republicans "Toms"?"

    How could that be when whites are the majority of Democratic party?

    You're not REALLY this dumb, are you?

  121. The GOP4:29 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Now you are saying white democrats are "race-traitors"? Like you call black Republicans "Toms"?"

    How could that be when whites are the majority of Democratic party?

    You're not REALLY this dumb, are you?

    Any working class white who voted democrat would be.

  122. The GOP4:31 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    And where did it get us?

    An economic meltdown.

    Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows it was the democrat CRA as adiminstered by the democrat Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that caused the economic meltdown.

    Better turn the thermostat up, uptown.

  123. uptownsteve4:37 PM

    "Any working class white who voted democrat would be."

    Not because of anything the GOP has done for working class whites but because the Democratic President is black.

    You come in loud and clear Goober.

  124. The GOP4:56 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Any working class white who voted democrat would be."

    Not because of anything the GOP has done for working class whites but because the Democratic President is black.

    You come in loud and clear Goober.

    Not to a moron like you.

    It's the Democrat party that has abandoned working class whites, not the other way around.

  125. uptownsteve5:14 PM

    Please tell me what the GOP has done for working class whites?

  126. The GOP5:20 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Please tell me what the GOP has done for working class whites?

    Freeing the private sector from excessive taxation and regulation helps everyone.

    Pitting groups against one another is democrat strategy.

  127. uptownsteve5:29 PM

    What has Democrats done fo po negros likes me?

  128. kudos to a princely black male baby sage!

    jackson davis V


  129. uptownsteve5:34 PM

    "Freeing the private sector from excessive taxation and regulation helps everyone."

    Puh-leeze. This is corporate rhetoric all the way.

    Presently American corporations are sitting on about $1 trillion in cash reserves but are still not hiring.

    And they still whine about taxing and regulation.

    That's called GREED.

    "Pitting groups against one another is democrat strategy."

    Yeah, right. That's why Newt has made racebaiting an essential part of his campaign strategy.

    He knows it plays to the goober crowd.

  130. Anonymous5:36 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    What has Democrats done fo po negros likes me?

    Steve Meet your equal cousins in Africa - look at America and where you are

    you're welcome.

  131. "Yes, but who needs a brain when you have money?"

    sounds like that empty suit hobama's trusty teleprompter...NO?


  132. uptownsteve5:51 PM

    "Steve Meet your equal cousins in Africa - look at America and where you are>"

    And what European shithole did your ancestors haul ass from Goober?

    Chances are my ancestors were here in America well before yours.

    The place was already furnished and the table was set when your folks got here.

    A little thanks is in order doncha think?

  133. no slappz5:55 PM

    Another side of the Arab Spring:

    Scores Killed at Egypt Soccer Match

    Soccer fans rushed the field in an Egyptian port city setting off clashes and a stampede that left at least 73 people dead and 1,000 injured.

  134. uptownsteve5:57 PM

    Oh like white folks don't act the fool at soccer matches all over Europe every day.

    Slappy you're full of dung.

  135. no slappz5:58 PM

    pilot xyz:

    Things never change in the Airline Industry:

    AMR Seeks to Cut 13,000 Positions

    The parent of American Airlines wants to cut 13,000 jobs, terminate employee pension plans and boost revenue by a $1 billion a year in a bid to emerge from bankruptcy protection as a viable standalone company.

    This is just the way things are, and the way they'll stay. It's the nature of the industry.

  136. no slappz6:04 PM

    Facebook Files for Eagerly Awaited IPO

    Share Sale Could Set Value Up to $100 Billion

    Facebook filed for an initial public offering that puts the social-networking company on track for one of the biggest Web stock-market debuts.

    Google and Amazon make money by increasing the efficiency of the marketplace.

    Facebook can make the same claim.

    But their success and profitability is based on something Democrats see as rat poison.

    When it comes to jobs, the last thing Democrats want is efficiency.

    Obama says, "Why dig with shovels when we can use spoons?"

  137. Anonymous6:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh like white folks don't act the fool at soccer matches all over Europe every day.

    Slappy you're full of dung.

    Why so defensive? Egyptians were never black. DNA has proven that. I mean you really didn't think that there actually was one successful black civilization despite all historical and todays real world experience and then it poof magically dis-u-peer-ded leaving you behind

  138. Anonymous6:25 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Steve Meet your equal cousins in Africa - look at America and where you are>"

    And what European shithole did your ancestors haul ass from Goober?

    Goobers come from Nestle. I don't think anyone but someone like you "hauls ass"

    Chances are my ancestors were here in America well before yours.


    The place was already furnished and the table was set when your folks got here.

    Remind me never to accept a dinner invitation to your house. Unless I bring the table, the food and civilization

    A little thanks is in order doncha think?

    I already said that, you dont have to thank me, but you did, so you are welcome.

  139. uptownsteve6:27 PM


    Unless your folks came over on the Mayflower Gooberwitz it's pretty much a matter of fact.

  140. uptownsteve6:34 PM

    "DNA has proven that."

    More Slappy lies.

    Exposing you is getting about as predictable as farting after eating some beans.


  141. Quote GOP

    "Freeing the private sector from excessive taxation and regulation helps everyone."

    No, it helps the rich, nobody else. It was the lack of regulation that caused the global meltdown we are trying to escape from.

    "Pitting groups against one another is democrat strategy."

    So why do you come here then?

    Are you a Democrat?

  142. The first African slaves were already working in America before the Mayflower arrived.

  143. Anonymous6:49 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "DNA has proven that."

    More Slappy lies.

    Exposing you is getting about as predictable as farting after eating some beans.


    Pure fiction. Understandable trying to give some sense of accomplishment, but still false. As the scientific experiment of life demonstrates. Where did these magical negroes come from? Where did they go? They vanished and left you and Haiti?

    Real science every now and then leeks through the racism bubbles.


  144. The GOP6:49 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote GOP

    "Freeing the private sector from excessive taxation and regulation helps everyone."

    No, it helps the rich, nobody else. It was the lack of regulation that caused the global meltdown we are trying to escape from.

    WRONG. A good economy benefits everyone.

    It was government interference in the markets, forcing banks to give loans to people who did not qualify. The banks went along, because they were making money and could just sell the the bad loans to Freddie/Fannie.

    This was the source of the bad debt that collpased the global market. This was a democrat creation. Obama himself participated in lawsuits with ACORN in the 90's to force banks to give loans to unqualified minorites.

    The biggest irony in American politics is that this idiot Marxist used the crisis he contributed to in order to get elected.

  145. Akbar6:50 PM

    Egyptians were not and are not 'black".

  146. uptownsteve6:55 PM


    Friggin Anwar Sadat SAID he was black.

  147. no slappz6:56 PM

    From the Department of Tempests in Teapots:

    Romney’s ‘Poor’ Quote Twisted by Media

    Wednesday, 01 Feb 2012

    Sources in the mainstream media were quick to jump on Mitt Romney for saying he doesn’t care about the very poor — without placing the remark in context.

    The Republican presidential front-runner was actually saying that he isn’t concerned about the very poor because they are already protected by a safety net.

    In an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien on Wednesday morning, Romney said: “I’m in this race because I care about Americans. I’m not concerned about the very poor — we have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich — they’re doing just fine.

    I’m concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.”

    O’Brien jumped in, saying: “I think there are lots of very poor Americans who are struggling who would say, ‘That sounds odd.’”

    Romney kept his cool. “Well, you had to finish the sentence, Soledad,” he replied. “I said, I’m not concerned about the very poor that have a safety net, but if it has holes in it, then I will repair it.”

    He added that the middle class “are the people that have been most badly hurt during the Obama years.”

  148. Anonymous6:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Friggin Anwar Sadat SAID he was black.

    Heh and you say your smart, what does that prove?

  149. uptownsteve7:00 PM

    That Egyptians were black.


    "in 1979, Anwar Sadat (Egyptian President) said, "I'm a Black man and I'm the first to pharaoh in 2000 years."

  150. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Obama winning the nobel peace prize leads to formal investigation on just what prizes are being awarded for.

    Hearbreak. Take about two days before the Lamestream Media Sharpton, Jackson, Madcow, tingles start to say it is because of racism. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/nobel-peace-prize-jury-under-investigation-as-deadline-closes/2012/02/01/gIQAAcaghQ_story.html

  151. no slappz7:06 PM

    For you clowns -- ree-tard steve and purple buttercup -- who think high taxes are good, consider Cuba and North Korea, where profits are taxed at roughly 100% -- and compare those two economies with the economy of Singapore, also ruled by a dictator, a dictator who believes in low taxes.

    Yew, Singapore's dictator, also believes in other freedoms, but he holds all the cards. Most important, he's smart enough to know that a prospering population is a happy one.

    On a per-capita basis, Singapore is probably the richest nation in the world, and it took only 50 years for Singapore to go from an asian backwater to world leader.

    People can come and go as they please, unlike Cuba and North Korea, which are prisons.

  152. Anonymous7:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    That Egyptians were black.


    "in 1979, Anwar Sadat (Egyptian President) said, "I'm a Black man and I'm the first to pharaoh in 2000 years."

    He also said:
    There is no happiness for people at the expense of other people.

    So qoute that to your democratic masters.

    Nevertheless, King Tut was caucasian as DNA proves, real science has also shown different branches of human development with EuroAsian Origins todays ancestors of modern Euro Caucasians and African ancestry for Blacks. Again, something anyone can simply see by opening almanac.

    No ficiticious created bedtime stories, just science.

  153. uptownsteve7:29 PM

    Nevertheless, King Tut was caucasian as DNA proves,

    Let's see proof Slappy.

    Watch him haul ass folks.

    King Tut was BLACK.


  154. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    The first African slaves were already working in America before the Mayflower arrived.

    Who were they working for? In fact the first blacks in the "thirteen colonies" were indentured servants.

  155. Akbar7:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    King Tut was BLACK.

    No, my fat black friend, King Tut has been proven by DNA analysis to not be 'black', nor even 'blackish'.

  156. Poke-a-hot-ass7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    The first African slaves were already working in America before the Mayflower arrived.

    Who were they working for?

    The post office.

  157. Anonymous7:35 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Nevertheless, King Tut was caucasian as DNA proves,

    Let's see proof Slappy.

    Watch him haul ass folks.

    King Tut was BLACK.


    You really are dumb and dumber all by yourself, its not Slappy and I provided a link dimwit. Here it is again for the english language challenged. Are you stalling?

    Real Science trumps racial propaganda.


  158. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Poke-a-hot-ass said...
    Anonymous said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    The first African slaves were already working in America before the Mayflower arrived.

    Who were they working for?

    The post office.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and motor vehicles and the courthouse.

  159. uptownsteve7:56 PM

    King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes."

    Tut is black.Like me.

  160. Anonymous7:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    King Tut was BLACK.


    Nice web site, did one of your white co-workers daughters start this site?
