Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Flipper's flop.

Memo to all racists in A-merry-ca: Sometimes when you embrace the Big R it can land your ass in jail. Just remember that. (h/t to Robert Garrick for sending me this story.)

But I am not chasing the Big R tonight. Tonight I have a bigger fish to fry. Being poor in A-merry-ca is a b#*&^. I don't care if you are black, white, brown, or yellow. It's just not cool to be "very poor" here in the land of the [some are] free.

Everybody beats up on poor folks. I guess it's because they don't have any influence on K Street, and they don't have money to give to political campaigns.

If you are poor and you heard Flipper this morning on CNN you must have felt really bad, because you know now that if he becomes president of these divided states of A-merry-ca, he will not care about you.

"After less than 24 hours after a big win in Florida, Mitt Romney stated he isn't concerned "about the very poor" because “we have a safety net there.” Instead of focusing on the highest poverty levels, Romney intends on helping middle class Americans find jobs.

"If it needs repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich. They're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."
"We have a very ample safety net and we can talk about whether it needs to be strengthened or whether there are holes in it. But we have food stamps, we have Medicaid, we have housing vouchers, we have programs to help the poor," Romney said. "But the middle-income Americans, they're the folks that are really struggling right now."
Flipper, if you think that "middle-income Americans" are "really struggling", just WTF do you think that poor people are going through? Do you really believe that people want to depend on a f*&^%$# safety net? Or do you think that they want to participate in the A-merry-can dream and try to get where you are someday by working their asses off? No one wants to depend on a safety net. No one, except of course, the fictional welfare Queen who exists in the minds of [right] wingnuts like you, and Ronald Reagan

But then of course Flipper was in typical Flipper mode later in the day.

"Since his comments, Romney claimed his poor choice of words were taken out of context.

"No, no, no, no," Romney said. "You've got to take the whole sentence, all right, as opposed to saying, and then change it just a little bit, because then it sounds very different. I've said throughout the campaign my focus, my concern, my energy is gonna be devoted to helping middle income people, all right? We have a safety net for the poor in, and if there are holes in it, I will work to repair that. And if there are people that are falling through the cracks I want to fix that." [Source]
Way to correct that flop there Flipper. I think that you managed to flip back on  your feet for now.


  1. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Rumor in the fields is you are calling it quits at the end of the month.

    Good luck fields!

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I will miss your witt and insight!

  3. "the fictional welfare Queen"

    A welfare queen is a pejorative phrase used in the United States to describe people who are accused of collecting excessive welfare payments through fraud or manipulation. Sensational reporting on welfare fraud began during the early-1960s, appearing in general interest magazines such as Readers Digest.


    So, field, you are saying there is no fraud or manipulation in the welfare system?

    "No one wants to depend on a safety net"

    Do you know every single person using the " safety net"?

    If not, how in the hell can you say that?

    I know ignorance is bliss on the democrat plantation. But damn.

  4. Pickle Bill9:45 PM

    There's no flop there, Field, his statements are consistent.

    And he's right. Poor people in ths country get food stamps, Section 8 vouchers, free healthcare - all for nothing - no work, no taxes, nothing. And they still got money left over for cell phones and Air Jordans. And if their kids can spell their name (in English or in Spanish), they get a free college education.

    It's the middle class that has to pay for all this bullshit. Warren Buffett won't pay his taxes.

  5. Then Mittens goes on CNN and says the "DEMOCRAT"party is going to use this. Are there any fucking grownups in the Republican Party? Jeezus, this is getting ridiculous.

  6. Anonymous10:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    Then Mittens goes on CNN and says the "DEMOCRAT"party is going to use this. Are there any fucking grownups in the Republican Party? Jeezus, this is getting ridiculous.

    Yeah like taking someone words twisting them and sayin look he doesnt completely and totally say "he will take care of po people forevers without question hes evil" is mature. It is fucking ridiculous
    Do you have any real issues at all or are there so many insane things happening in the democratic party that you have to get out secret decoder rings to interpret peoples speech and say looks deys out to gets may not see it but I do this is what he really means, no I swear...Nutjobs

  7. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Field he didnt flip..he was attacked and misqouted as normal by the liberal rich race baiters who really could give a shit about the poor but like trouble and ratings. See who does more for the poor and gives to charities, the ones who attack Mitt or people who wordsmith to create class envy? Oh he only gives because of tax writoffs...yeah well ask those who don't give...why they don't give period.

    what he really said in context sounds quite logical if you really are looking at the whole ball of wax and not pandering to get votes because everyone else left or is leaving.

    "I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich; they’re doing just fine.” He is most concerned about the middle class, he said.

  8. Blackjack10:20 PM

    PilotX is not rational.

  9. To say the poor have safety net is exposing that you don't really know what it is to be poor.

  10. Anonymous10:23 PM!

    Look at this lady representing you. So tell me, why does she say it is racist to stop those getting FREE MONEY for assistance from spending that money in strip clubs and casinos?

    This is out of control, once you let people like this create the racial divide its over. Thing is it is being seen as Black and white only when it comes crashing down because the tax spending pimps and hos beat it to death - really poor people are going to suffer beyond anything they have ever imagined. The EBT cards will fail someday soon. By the way, is poor people, Black secret dog whistle for black people on welfare, disability, SSI, foodstamps, section 8? I don't see any white poor people talking all this crap. Why?

  11. Field, your trolls are quite special.

  12. "To say the poor have safety net is exposing that you don't really know what it is to be poor."

    But didn't Mittens say he was unemployed? Must be nice to not have a job and make $24mil a year.

  13. @PilotX 10:24:

    I agree!

    @Brother Bohammas:

    I agree, they really don't. Mainly, because they let people who are rolling in dough testify to folks what it's like to be poor instead of those who are poor. People like Mitt with money are not exactly a testimony of what it is like to be poor.

    Ronald Reagan and his wealthy socialite wife Nancy sure did not know. Don't forget how much was paid for her chinaware set. I don't know anyone poor who could afford that price tag on a set of dishes or if they would be able to buy a complete set--more like mismatched and makeshift set.

  14. Anonymous 10:23:

    "By the way, is poor people, Black secret dog whistle for black people on welfare, disability, SSI, foodstamps, section 8? I don't see any white poor people talking all this crap. Why?"

    You need to broaden your blog horizon because YES WHITES DO TOO! It was over 10,000 whites complaining when Newt and the rest of the GOP made those foodstamp comments, and the same amount when the GOP wanted to steal grandpa and grandma's check. You really need to get out more and stop confining yourself to one segment of the world. I'm just saying.

  15. Anonymous10:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    "To say the poor have safety net is exposing that you don't really know what it is to be poor."

    But didn't Mittens say he was unemployed? Must be nice to not have a job and make $24mil a year.

    Its amazing what happens when you take all your energy and put it into business, planning and self improvement. Are you envious?

    Michelle Obama is making 50,000 dollar lingerie trips, so...she can afford it, we pay for all her million dollar vacations airfare, 30 assistants and halloween hair and makeup artists.

  16. Way to go Mitt!

    What a complete joke he has turned out to be!

  17. That's a lie!

    You didn't seem to mind or worry about vacations taken by the prior President and First Ladies. Now, all of a sudden it's an issue. LOL!
    Because they are black wouldn't have anything to do with it, now would it?

    Black folks, Asians, Hispanics, etc., pay taxes too, so it is not just your tax money.

  18. "Its amazing what happens when you take all your energy and put it into business, planning and self improvement. Are you envious?"


  19. "You didn't seem to mind or worry about vacations taken by the prior President and First Ladies. Now, all of a sudden it's an issue. LOL!"

    Granny, this is obviously a humor troll.

  20. Dr. Ritch11:11 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Way to go Mitt!

    What a complete joke he has turned out to be!

    You know what a joke is? How about a moron who falls for a media invented smear that is refuted by the very word they quote.

    You will always be a moron.

    You will never be a doctor.

  21. Robespierre11:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You didn't seem to mind or worry about vacations taken by the prior President and First Ladies. Now, all of a sudden it's an issue. LOL!"

    No one has abused this privilege like the Obama have.

    Michelle lives like Marie Antoinette, and has spent tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money on vacations.

    They are disgusting. If they weren't black, Granny would be screaming her fool head off about it.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. mitt spends his own

    hobama spends millions more than mitt daily...and hobama's torched cash is stolen from us!!!


  24. SickupandFed11:20 PM

    Field, Granny, etc.,

    The stupid is really strong with some of the clowns that come here. Mittens was truthful. I applaud him for that.

    When people tell you who and what they are, BELIEVE THEM!

    This special underwear wearing, $24 Mil. making but is unemployed, elitist, vulture capitalist, son of a bitch just told us what he is all about. He is in the process of trying to co-opt The President's message.

    If anyone believes him, votes for him or sits this election out in protest, they need to be bitch slapped into the next century.

    My name is SickupandFed. And I approved this message.

    Robespierre...fuck off.

  25. Anonymous11:29 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    That's a lie!

    You didn't seem to mind or worry about vacations taken by the prior President and First Ladies. Now, all of a sudden it's an issue. LOL!
    Because they are black wouldn't have anything to do with it, now would it?

    Black folks, Asians, Hispanics, etc., pay taxes too, so it is not just your tax money.

    Jesus Christ granny, of course not. Why is everything and I mean the very first and the only reason attributed to race. Do you realize how insane this is. Just like you say someone else will never know how the other side thinks, you will never get a whiff with this nonsense. Maybe we all dislike hypocrites and seeing a president and his wife living like a king and queen on the taxpayer dime and sticking it in our face is something everyone can agree and say, they should be more discreet. That is of course unless you think it's ok, just because they are Black.

  26. Robespierre11:39 PM

    SickupandFed said...
    If anyone believes him, votes for him or sits this election out in protest, they need to be bitch slapped into the next century.

    You get in my wheelhouse and you get the pimp hand.

    Then you can be BeatupandFed.

  27. Chairman Soetoro11:41 PM

    SickupandFed said...
    "This special underwear wearing, $24 Mil. making but is unemployed, elitist, vulture capitalist, son of a bitch just told us what he is all about. "

    Jesus, you are stupid.

    How do you remember to breathe?

  28. "If they weren't black, Granny would be screaming her fool head off about it."

    true dat

  29. Because there color is the real issue and that has been made obvious from jump street. Even your comment "living like Kings and Queens" says a lot because they are definitely not living like Royalty. In other words, they are living above their means.

    President George W. Bush spent even more time away from the presidential mansion in the nation’s capital than Reagan. Of the 77 total "vacation" trips the former president made to his Texas ranch while in office, nine of them — all or part of 69 days — came during his first year as president in 2001, according to Knoller.

    A four-day holiday weekend in Chicago in February where the president played some basketball and treated First Lady Michelle Obama to a Valentine’s Day dinner date.
    An eight-day stay with his family at a rented house on Martha’s Vineyard in August.
    A trip out west to the U.S. states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Arizona that combined both business and pleasure. The president held town hall meetings on health care during the trip. And he went fly fishing and took trips to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon with his wife and two daughters.
    An 11-day stay in Hawaii where the president and his family celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

    President Reagan, in 1981, spent all or part of 42 days away from the White House "on vacation" at his home in Santa Barbara, Calif, according to Knoller. President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, also spent three or four days around New Year’s Day each year in Palm Springs, Calif., at the home of philanthropist Walter Annenberg.

  30. BTW, I didn't scream my head off about those prior President's vacation. However, next time the color of the White House changes, I'll remember to do that to satisfy you.

  31. Anonymous11:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You didn't seem to mind or worry about vacations taken by the prior President and First Ladies. Now, all of a sudden it's an issue. LOL!"

    Granny, this is obviously a humor troll.

    Pilot you seem to be a bit light in the loafers lately are you following the taxiway to an alternate runway in life?

    Really, you used to make some sense now you just call names, regurgitate the lates Tingles, Madcow, Sharpton tripe and call it a day.

    You are a Black man who obviously invested time and effort in learning a valuable skill. You learned how to fly. This got you a good job and a good way of life. I am supposing because you may have been wealthy before but just supposing. Now when you meet a brutha or sister who thinks you owe them because you made it and I KNOW this happens, you know folks who get angry and pissed and actually come out and say something like 'woo-wheee" you rich pay my cell bill...what do you say to them? Do you they call you racist when you say no?

    Be honest and if you tell me nothing like this has ever happened to you, then I have to wonder about your total lifestyle. It has happened to me at least a couple times this year already.

    Anyway, if you are doing well and you know it took some doing. I am sure you didnt become a pilot by snapping your fingers and had to study, learn and work, then knowing that you can learn and earn, why would you hate someone who was even more successful at it so far?

  32. Bush’s father, President George H.W. Bush, spent less time "on vacation" during his first year than his son, but spent more days than President Obama. According to travel records provided to by the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, the former president took six trips — spanning all or part of 40 days — to the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1989. The archivist at Bush’s presidential library told us she didn’t have a list of all vacations but did have the Kennebunkport visits.

    It’s worth mentioning that President Obama has also made 11 trips — all or part of 27 days — to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Frederick County, Md. Knoller, however, says he doesn’t count trips to Camp David as part of any presidents’ "vacation" time. But for the sake of comparison, President George W. Bush, made more trips to that country residence than Obama. According to Knoller, Bush made 25 trips — a total of 78 days — to Camp David in 2001.

  33. Anonymous11:51 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, I didn't scream my head off about those prior President's vacation. However, next time the color of the White House changes, I'll remember to do that to satisfy you.

    If you think thats all it is about fingerpointing screaming and nonsense then you missed the whole point. Clearly it is only about skin color with you and that is a shame. So in essence you just said someone black can do whatever they want, but you will complain if they are white. We will never see eye to eye on any issue, that I guarantee

  34. Did you fret about taxpayer's money back then?

  35. You are correct Granny, the GOP and other assorted racists want to play the old lazy Black man card. When they do it it's a vacation when we do it it's loafing. Oh well, we should be used to it by now.

  36. Anonymous11:58 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Because there color is the real issue and that has been made obvious from jump street.

    No Granny in this discussion you were the first and are still the only one who insists I am outraged at the King and QUeen in the whitehouse because of their race. I told you that was wrong but you are sure no one could not like someone spending millions on nothing when we are broke, they deserve it. So to YOU it is about race.

    Even your comment "living like Kings and Queens" says a lot because they are definitely not living like Royalty. In other words, they are living above their means.

    Oh you have your secret decoder ring out again finding racism wherever you want it? Nonsense. and quite infuriating. No, they are a president and a first lady, they deserve to have the best of the best. But they are not Royalty. Kings and Queens are dictators they take the peasents money and do what they want with it. The Obamas are not a King and a Queen, we are a republic and they are responsible to the citizens to spend wisely and be held accountable for what they spend.

    President George W. Bush spent even more time away from the presidential mansion in the nation’s capital than Reagan. Of the 77 total "vacation" trips the former president made to his Texas ranch while in office, nine of them — all or part of 69 days — came during his first year as president in 2001, according to Knoller.

    Bush, Bush, Bush, same old tired Mantra. I dont care about Bush, whatever Bush did does not excuse what Obama does - get it? This is infantile. If you jsut want to justify that the Obamas are king and queens and can spend any amount of money they want in this crisis, then say it. Dont blame someone elses skin color.

  37. Anonymous11:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    You are correct Granny, the GOP and other assorted racists want to play the old lazy Black man card. When they do it it's a vacation when we do it it's loafing. Oh well, we should be used to it by now.

    You are now an idiot. A total idiot. God help you if everything anyone says to you is somehow justified by your skin color, it must take you years just to find your own ass.

  38. Wow, I didn't know our anon was named Granny. At least it has a name now. Ha!

  39. No clearly, it is about skin color with the GOP party. Because I'm not the one that was sending out caticatures of watermelons on the White House lawn, foodstamps with the President' face on it, or all those other little disparaging comments referring to his skin color. You know those stereotypes, but I'm the one that is gone point it out though without hesitation.

    So, don't try to lay that dung off on me because I am calling it like the GOP party has played from day one. In the past, the Presidents I voted for were white, so was the governors, and mayors, senators, and house representatives. No once was their color and issue because I was more concerned about them being capable of doing the job.

    However, the GOP party has made it plain as day that President Obama's color is an issue, so that is where I take issue at and hell yeah, I'm gone scream my head off and point it out every chance I get because racism is wrong and evil.

    So, now you got it straight from me, so you do not have to wonder, or guest, or assume or make dung up as usual where I'm coming from.

  40. Anonymous12:03 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Did you fret about taxpayer's money back then?

    Actually yeah I did. I was against all the wars and a whole bunch of stuff Bush did. But that is totally irrelevant it leads to nowhere but a circular route of nonsense.

    If you had a kid that took your car and crashed it and then said, so Johnny took the car last week you can't yell at me, what would you say? Then as an adult why are you using the same logic? No matter WHAT some other idiot did, it has nothing to do with the situation we are in today and what is happening - unless you are just looking for an excuse to blame your racist feelings on anyone who may just have a concern.

  41. Anonymous12:10 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    No clearly, it is about skin color with the GOP party. Because I'm not the one that was sending out caticatures of watermelons on the White House lawn, foodstamps with the President' face on it, or all those other little disparaging comments referring to his skin color. You know those stereotypes, but I'm the one that is gone point it out though without hesitation.

    So, don't try to lay that dung off on me because I am calling it like the GOP party has played from day one. In the past, the Presidents I voted for were white, so was the governors, and mayors, senators, and house representatives. No once was their color and issue because I was more concerned about them being capable of doing the job.

    Yet now all you care about is Obamas skin color.

    However, the GOP party has made it plain as day that President Obama's color is an issue, so that is where I take issue at and hell yeah, I'm gone scream my head off and point it out every chance I get because racism is wrong and evil.

    No they haven't made it plain as day, you and others with secret decoder rings interpret what people say and say that is racist.
    Well the race card has been played so much it is useless. You may not realize it yet but watch peoples faces, the next time you say racist to someone see if the look you get isnt instead of horrified one of yawn and their eyes glaze over. Obama is horrible in my eyes, not because he is Black as you use as an excuse for everything, but because he is incompetent and I will not say I agree with his failed policies JUST BECAUSE HE IS BLACK and that is something you must get over.

    So, now you got it straight from me, so you do not have to wonder, or guest, or assume or make dung up as usual where I'm coming from.

    fair enough, you are clearly racist and feel that anyone who says anything about the Obamas is racist even if you have to make it up from words that don't say that. It is what it is.

    Then I guess the most important thing is to get him out of office so we can have some peace and move forward to actually solving problems in the country, cause when every attempt or word is met with some ridiculous racism charge there aren't many options except the guy who is failing tremendously already.

  42. @Pilot, exactly! They're full of dung, and I've had enough of their dung. Enough is enough!

    Notice that they said that doesn't excuse President Obama. I wonder why? But yet, no mention of them complaining back then. I didn't care if President Bush took vacation, in fact, he should have stayed on vacation, maybe, the Global economy would have stayed in better shape, if he had. But then, Cheney was taking his place, which is even worse.

  43. Anonymous12:13 AM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, I didn't know our anon was named Granny. At least it has a name now. Ha!

    PilotX said...
    Wow, I didn't know our anon was named Granny. At least it has a name now. Ha!

    Gotta love that razor sharp intellectualism. Good Job.

  44. Anonymous12:16 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    @Pilot, exactly! They're full of dung, and I've had enough of their dung. Enough is enough!

    Notice that they said that doesn't excuse President Obama. I wonder why? But yet, no mention of them complaining back then. I didn't care if President Bush took vacation, in fact, he should have stayed on vacation, maybe, the Global economy would have stayed in better shape, if he had. But then, Cheney was taking his place, which is even worse.

    Granny, I complained then, I said that. Now what the hell does that have to with Obama getting off the hook in your book?

    What you might find maam is that people have had just enough of this infantile racist dung that you fling and arent taking it anymore. Like I said look in the eyes. You will no doubt see yourself being dismissed mentally more and more. When everything that could possibly go wrong isn't something you look at as an opportunity to correct and change, rather you throw around skin color as an excuse and discussion ender - the only thing that happens is the discussion is over and you and the person you talk to both walk away thinking the other one is a racist. But you had that thought before you even knew the person because Bush did it too.

  45. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Did you fret about taxpayer's money back then?

    Obama has taken many more vacations and he and his wife have spent many times the amount of taxpayer money.

    It's sad, but true. I'm embarrassed.

  46. Anonymous,

    Excuse me, I already have peace! So, I have no desire to get President Obama out of office.

    Decoder rings? LOL! That is some funny dung! We did not need any type of rings or whatever when the GOP party was stating how they felt plain as day. However, I guess you think black folks are stupid, huh? What did we need to decode, when they were spitting out as plain as day. They only thing they did not say was "nigger" but they did use "tar baby". I guess that was close enough.

    Well, you can say what you want and call me anything you want, at this point I really could care less because I am FED UP WITH THE BULLDUNG! Ice melts and so does steel.

    You know I'm telling the truth and I know it too, and other on here do too. That juvenile namecalling does not move me at all and is not gone change what I said either. You can try and twist it around, whatever makes you feel better. Good luck with that!

    However,I'm solid as a rock.

  47. If President Obama breathes too hard or would cough, y'all would have something to complain about because y'all are NITPICKY!

  48. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Field, "Everybody beats up on poor folks. I guess it's because they don't have any influence on K Street, and they don't have money to give to political campaigns."

    It's human disease to exploit the weak and vulnerable. Capitalism only makes things worse. This is earth and the most dangerous animal is a human being with no morals, ethics or conscience. It's nothing new.

  49. Anonymous12:41 AM

    granny, "If President Obama breathes too hard or would cough, y'all would have something to complain about because y'all are NITPICKY!"

    12:26 AM
    ah come on, granny. you are exaggerating and being nitpicky. you dems always complain about what the other is doing when it's YOU who are doing know your political tactics, granny. It is the same old same old.

  50. Anonymous 12:35:

    I agree! Greed and selfishness is a disease!

  51. Anonymous12:44 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Excuse me, I already have peace! So, I have no desire to get President Obama out of office.

    You might want to get some real news and find out what is really happening aside from the canned press releases from Obama.


    Decoder rings? LOL! That is some funny dung! We did not need any type of rings or whatever when the GOP party was stating how they felt plain as day. However, I guess you think black folks are stupid, huh? What did we need to decode, when they were spitting out as plain as day. They only thing they did not say was "nigger" but they did use "tar baby". I guess that was close enough.

    Well, I will assume you are older than I and heard things like Tar Baby. I never did so can't fully relate, no white, hispanic asian person I know would ever talk or act like this. But I have seen plenty of black folk doing the opposite. Anyway we are specifically talking about specific statements this past week that you claimed were racist not things from years ago. I have heard at least a dozen times this week ridiculous charges where it is clear anything anyone doesnt like they call racist.

    Tell me this, if people of all colors get foodstamp and welfare. Than why is it racist to say that we need to ban people getting these benefits from spending them at casinos and strip clubs? Why?
    You would think any adult in this world would say that isn't right, they must not really need help if they spend it gambling and making it rain for strippers. But no, Congressman are saying that is racist...really why...does she think Blacks are the only ones who do this...and that is why lying and stealing government benefits is not a problem but it is racist? Shouldnt she be saying but of course we need to stop this fraud for all people? Why do people who pay taxes of ALL colors have to continue to fund all of this fraud? Why?

    You know I'm telling the truth and I know it too, and other on here do too. That juvenile namecalling does not move me at all

    Of course you are telling the truth, as you see it. But that is my point Granny. When every time there is an opinion you don't like you meet it with "your racist" you might as well just pack it in, it's over. In example, I moved past your comment that said "you think Black People are stupid' really why, because I disagree with you. Are you really the type of lady that has to have someone agree with everything you say otherwise "you only saying that cause I'm Black" Another relationship and discussion ender.

    However,I'm solid as a rock.

    Good, I am sure you are and as I tell my wife stubborn like a rock too. Now that is a compliment - don't be pulling out that secret decoder ring and calling me racist and saying I only call Black people stubborn rocks.

  52. Anonymous 12;41:

    Whatever lie makes you feel better, but we know the real deal, now, don't we?

  53. Erasmus12:50 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 12:35:

    I agree! Greed and selfishness is a disease!


    People with their hands out are the greediest people of all.

  54. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Anonymous 12;41:

    Whatever lie makes you feel better, but we know the real deal, now, don't we?

    12:48 AM
    You make no sense, granny. What a pitiful state of mind to be in.

  55. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Granny, "I agree! Greed and selfishness is a disease!"

    Yep. All humans have it. Very weak and frail beings we are!

  56. Real Granny12:56 AM

    Mitt Romney has probably given more of his own money to help poor people than all the democrats in congress and the white house ever have.

    It's not charity when you give other people's money to poor folk. It's robbery.

  57. Nah, sugar, everyone does not have to agree with me, and I don't expect them to. Anyone with common sense knows that people do not always agree. However, to deny the fact and pretend that the problem the GOP has with the President has nothing to do with his color would be a lack of common sense, especially when they've went out of their way to point it out.

    I know that one and one is two and it can also be eleven, and I didn't get this far in life being no dummy either. My daddy did not raise no dummies.

    Your wife might be stubborn, but I'm not your wife. However, I do believe in standing up for what I believe in and that includes standing my ground. Therefore, like I said, if calling me stubborn makes you feel better...whatever!

  58. That's still not gone change what I said!

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    That's still not gone change what I said!

    That kind of stubborn attitude is not going to get you a man.

  60. Anonymous1:24 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Nah, sugar, everyone does not have to agree with me, and I don't expect them to. Anyone with common sense knows that people do not always agree. However, to deny the fact and pretend that the problem the GOP has with the President has nothing to do with his color would be a lack of common sense, especially when they've went out of their way to point it out.

    I know that one and one is two and it can also be eleven, and I didn't get this far in life being no dummy either. My daddy did not raise no dummies.

    Your wife might be stubborn, but I'm not your wife. However, I do believe in standing up for what I believe in and that includes standing my ground. Therefore, like I said, if calling me stubborn makes you feel better...whatever!

    Granny, feel better? You are not my wife? You are no dummy? By having a differing opionion, this doesnt mean someone is racist or calling you a dummy. No need to state the obvious.

    But notice you didnt answer the specific example I listed where someone is crying racism and I think its a bunch of bullshit, isnt that the real meat of the questions blowing all the other smoke away?

    Anway just in case you missed it the stubborn wasnt negative, it was a compliment. Nothing wrong with having conviction and sticking to it, even if you need to whip out your super decoder ring at times to make it so - But I do admire conviction being that way myself just don't get pigeonholed and keep an open mind otherwise its not conviction to things you looked into, its blind loyalty.

  61. Granny, leave this intellectual giant alone. You know how this works and always has. White people have always had the idea they know what is best for us and like to tell us how to feel about situations. Go back to the civil war, er I mean the war of northen aggression. Southern whites thought those damn Yankees invaded their land and tried to free those darkies that were happy with their lot in life. Fast forward to the 50's and 60's where whites once again knew how to handle their negro problem and resented pointy headed northern liberals who thought that somehow they knew what was best for "their" negroes". Same shit here, ignore the racist remarks about Obama because he is always only criticized for his policies.
    Trust, I have the same complaint you do, this is supposed to be a place for intelligent Black conversation but as always racist whites somehow know better and stick their noses in and lectures us about how we are too sensitive and are the "real" racists. Nothing has changed. Remember Newt needs to go to the NAACP convention to teach us negroes how to get off food stamps and find role models. This is the same script they always use and probably always will. Remember the interview with Dr. King in which they asked him about his lack of concern for the whites who are refused service in Black establishments? Black folk are getting killed for trying to vote but self centered white people want to know why Dr. King isn't marching for white people. No different than "where is Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton when a white person gets a hang nail"............the more things change.............

  62. Also Granny, isn't it funny how whites think they get to be the ones who ultimately decide what is racist and what isn't? OK, your relatives weren't allowed to vote or go to a restaurant because of the color of their skin and have witnessed real racism but a young white person who probably doesn't even know any Black people gets to tell her/him what is racist or not. Dear gods these people are arrogant. No wonder they think they can beat Obama.

  63. Obama has taken many more vacations and he and his wife have spent many times the amount of taxpayer money.

    It's sad, but true. I'm embarrassed.

    You're a liar and that's sad.

    Happy Black History Month!

  64. "Happy Black History Month!"

    I thought you got the memo Lyn, we moved Black history month to June.

  65. Anonymous1:49 AM


    PilotX said...
    Granny, leave this intellectual giant alone. You know how this works and always has. White people have always had the idea they know what is best for us and like to tell us how to feel about situations. Go back to the civil war, er I mean the war of northen aggression. Southern whites thought those damn Yankees invaded their land and tried to free those darkies that were happy with their lot in life. Fast forward to the 50's and 60's where whites once again knew how to handle their negro problem and resented pointy headed northern liberals who thought that somehow they knew what was best for "their" negroes". Same shit here, ignore the racist remarks about Obama because he is always only criticized for his policies.
    Trust, I have the same complaint you do, this is supposed to be a place for intelligent Black conversation but as always racist whites somehow know better and stick their noses in and lectures us about how we are too sensitive and are the "real" racists. Nothing has changed. Remember Newt needs to go to the NAACP convention to teach us negroes how to get off food stamps and find role models. This is the same script they always use and probably always will. Remember the interview with Dr. King in which they asked him about his lack of concern for the whites who are refused service in Black establishments? Black folk are getting killed for trying to vote but self centered white people want to know why Dr. King isn't marching for white people. No different than "where is Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton when a white person gets a hang nail"............the more things change.............

    You can never talk specifics with someone like you, when you have nothing to say you say something is dumb and then bring up world history to avoid any semblence of honest thought. You also avoided the tough question (not really tough) I asked, only for you to come back with this laundry list of historical reasons that in your mind justify why you are racist today.

    You know whats best for you, and this is a place for Black Discussion that whites are sticking their nose in"

    Well, I guess having honest discussions isn't what you want. You want to just fingerpoint call names and not ever look at facts so now you call racism.

    I guess if you are the type that likes to settle for blaming people who never have a say, then you should also be the type not to expect anything from these very same people.

    To bad you went with the mindless cliches and after ducking an easy question gave us a history lesson.

    Intellectual Giant indeed. How ironic.

  66. @PilotX, exactly! I feel ya! You are right! I agree with everything you said.

  67. Happy Black History Month, Pilotx and BrookLyn!

  68. Anonymous2:01 AM

    PilotX said...
    Also Granny, isn't it funny how whites think they get to be the ones who ultimately decide what is racist and what isn't? OK, your relatives weren't allowed to vote or go to a restaurant because of the color of their skin and have witnessed real racism but a young white person who probably doesn't even know any Black people gets to tell her/him what is racist or not. Dear gods these people are arrogant. No wonder they think they can beat Obama.

    Isn't it funny that you think just because you are Black you get to decide what is racist and what isn't? Oh you read the same history I did and that makes me need to accept your lies? Fuck that. You don't have the right to lie today because of someone elses outrage, just as I don't have to take your nonsense because someone in history who looked like me did some horrible things to someone who looked like you.

    I owe you nothing, nothing except respect and treatment as I would any other person with the very same expectations for societal contributions that I have for any other person. The minute anotehr person calls me names and blames me for things that are not true, we are no longer in a respectful position. YOU have no right to be racist. Just like any other person of any race. However if you are, then don't get your panties in a bunch when the facts are hurled right back at you exposing the lies. Racism is excusing bad behaviour and accepting lies because of someones skin color. You don't get a pass, not now, not ever and especially no more.

    Lastly Obama sucks and that includes his White half.

  69. Thanks Granny and f you anon;-)

  70. Thanks Granny and f you anon;-)

  71. "Oh you read the same history I did and that makes me need to accept your lies?"

    Oh that's right, there was no racism here. The founding fathers didn't own slaves. Blacks were not denied rights because of their skin color. Yeah, I'm just making shit up. Thanks for setting me straight, that was mighty white of you. No way us darkies can possibly read or understand history for ourselves we need white people to explain it to us. These fools are a dime a dozen. Probably a white teen.
    Field, what about that troll upgrade?

  72. Ahhh nah he didn't, with his arrogant, condescending azz. Please tell me that he did not twist his fingers to accuse folks of namecalling and disrespect when folks disagree with him. Not the anonymous that has been talking down to us lowly, inferior black people. Say it ain't so!

  73. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Wite folk, like Grizzled Jan Brewer, seem to beleeverate they are smarter and superiorish to others. Funny how that is never borne out by Reality.

    Willard is all afeared that he might eventually have to pay a reasonable tax rate...and that am so unfair as he is all Master of the Galtian Randiverse...and therefore much more needed by society than any of the Gringrichian child-janitors.

    Wonder if Willard bothered to interview any of the poor to understand the issue...or he just beleeverated.


  74. Anonymous2:39 AM

    It is amazing how many Negroes Granny can get to agree with her lies. We already know PilotX will follow anybody who hates Whites. But the others like Dr. Queen who is educated?
    I find that hard to believe.

  75. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I'm a little late here, but I thought I would do a little research first on Obama's vacation thing that seems to be a sore spot here. Below is what I found. I broke it down into paragraphs to be easier to read. Have a look.

    For security and other reasons, the President, Vice President, and First Lady use military aircraft when they travel.1 The White House generally categorizes the trips as fulfilling either official or political functions. Often, a trip involves both official and political, or unofficial, activities. When a trip is for an official function, the government pays all costs, including per diem (food and lodging), car rentals, and other incidental expenses.

    When a trip is for political or unofficial purposes, those involved must pay for their own food and lodging and other related expenses, and they must also reimburse the government with the equivalent of the airfare that they would have paid had they used a commercial airline.

    When a trip involves both official and political activities, a formula determines the amount to be reimbursed for that part of the trip involving political activities. Whether a trip is for official or political purposes, the Air Force pays all operational and other costs incurred by the use of the aircraft. While the travel policies of specific Administrations concerning the reimbursement of expenses for unofficial travel generally are not publicly available, it appears that policy guidelines developed by the Reagan White House have served as a basis for the travel policies of subsequent Administrations.

    Now maybe some of that anger can be directed elsewhere.

    The Fool-

  76. Anonymous2:41 AM

    "Rumor in the fields is you are calling it quits at the end of the month.

    Good luck fields!"

    9:08 PM

    Field, please say it isn't so.

  77. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Hey Mold.

    Grizzled Jan Brewer? Grizzled? Really? beleeverate? LOL! I keep getting this picture in my head and can't stop laughing. Granny Clampet comes to mind!

    Field Negro is such a fun place to visit.

    The Fool-

  78. The Fool:

    I couldn't stop laughing either, it was funny, and Mold nailed it as usual.

    Oh yeah, thanks for running that down about President's vacations because a certain anonymous party needed to be made aware of that.

  79. Liberty Bell Should Be Moved6:20 AM

    Field, it's sad, but you HAVE to admit. If you watch the MSM today, or tomorrow, or the next'll see vids or pics of black people harassing, or downright killing peoples of other color. In the City you swear to love.

    Your city, Philly, seems to be yet another Detroit...BUT , you swear it's not, it' so nice.

    I just don't understand it.

  80. Queen Truth Squad6:58 AM

    I think MItt's comment was playing to most of Republican America. If Obama had said this you could rightly slam him. I don't give a fuck what Romney says.

    Far better to acknowledge that "Dr. Queen" has finally admitted she's not and is now "Ms. Queen."

  81. Stoopid & Furious7:19 AM

    I'm gonna leave this piss-hole of a country, move off-shores.

    You can rot & let it stink.

    Chile will be my first choice. Southern, that is.

    Try to find me, can't eveven find the guns you sold to the Drug Cartels in Maxico.

  82. Quote Anonymous 7:32

    "Who were they working for? In fact the first blacks in the "thirteen colonies" were indentured servants."

    No they were not, the first African slaves in America were working for about a year before the Mayflower set sail.

    They were slaves, not indentured servants, read this...

    ”The legend has been repeated endlessly that the first blacks in Virginia were "indentured servants," but there is no hint of this in the records. The legend grew up because the word slave did not appear in Virginia records until 1656, and statutes defining the status of blacks began to appear casually in the 1660s. The inference was then made that blacks called servants must have had approximately the same status as white indentured servants. Such reasoning failed to notice that Englishmen, in the early seventeenth century, used the word servant when they meant slave in our sense, and, indeed, white Southerners invariably used servant until 1865 and beyond. Slave entered the Southern vocabulary as a technical word in trade, law and politics.”

    (Robert McColley in Dictionary of Afro-American Slavery, Edited by Randall M. Miller and John David Smith, Greenwood Press, 1988 pp 281)

  83. uptownsteve9:22 AM

    Anon racist grunts

    "Obama is horrible in my eyes, not because he is Black as you use as an excuse for everything, but because he is incompetent and I will not say I agree with his failed policies JUST BECAUSE HE IS BLACK and that is something you must get over."

    The problem with this is you cannot name one "policy" of Obama's that you hate because it's not his policies that you are concerned with.

    You are enraged that a black man is President of the United States.

    It's obvious.

    I'll prove it right now.

    What would the Republicans had done differently to get the economy moving?

  84. mitt tried to fix it
    he failed indeed!

    just trying to fix it is better than that rude racist flipper
    ask etta james or the cbc

    hobama NEVER even tries to fix the ruthless racist bs he spews daily...
    more proof that romney is still better than that evil soulless sold out mf

    hobama slew etta and told the cbc to stfu
    and never ever tried to fix either....shame!!!!!!!

    ron paul 2012!!!

  85. anon:


    if a wm was EQUALLY as inept and rude and racist and elitist and warmongering and a liar etc like that flipper hobama

    uts and ALL of his racist black hobama nazi peer fans would be the FIRST to bash him

    just as they bashed gwb

    hobama makes gwb look like a pacifist liberal slacker...globally!!!

  86. Kingnut10:06 AM

    PilotX said...
    Trust, I have the same complaint you do, this is supposed to be a place for intelligent Black conversation

    No it's not, it's supposed to be a racism-chasing site where Black's feelings of vicitmization, persecution, and superiority are reinforced by a skewed reading of news stories.

    Today's example: Running with a faulty interpretation of Romney's statement about the government safety net for the purpose of calling a Republican a greedy, insensisitive, and poor people hating racist - what you do every day.

    To his credit, Field leaves this site open to discussion. It is hard to read the lies and mistruths espoused on this comment board and not respond. Some of the responses are mean-spirited and not backed up by facts, but many are reasoned and factual counterpoints to the prevailing orthodoxy so rigidly defended by some.

    There is some intelligent Black discussion here. There is also plenty of cartoonish, partisan hack, uninformed racist Black discussion here, and some outright lunacy.

    Speaking only with like minds is an intellectual circle-jerk that teaches you nothing but conformacy. Field is doing you a favor by leaving it open the the good, the bad, and the ugly.

  87. PilotX said...
    Also Granny, isn't it funny how whites think they get to be the ones who ultimately decide what is racist and what isn't?

    Really? jesse? al? wayne? naalcp?

    Blacks are always the ones playing the race card and deciding who/what is racist.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. more proof that dems=repubs
    that there is NO comparison

    this opulent fool hobama stunted at a farm OWNED by a republican too!

    that alone should have offended his moronic dem doormat drone fans


    hobama makes gwb look frugal!!!

    At a time when many more cash-strapped Americans are stuck at home instead of vacationing at the beach, President Obama next week will lead an entourage of several dozens to exclusive Martha's Vineyard island at a cost of millions to taxpayers.

    While technically he is paying for his estimated $50,000 a week rental of the 28-acre beachfront Blue Heron Farm in woodsy Chilmark, the dozens of U.S. Secret Service agents, communications officials, top aides, drivers, and U.S. Coast Guard personnel with him will be covered by taxpayers as with every other presidential vacation.

    His 11-day stay will require the Coast Guard to keep ships floating near Obama's farm, a presidential helicopter and jet at the ready and security agents on 24-hour duty. Armored SUVs dubbed "war wagons" have been flown in to carry the presidential family around the island. It was the same way when former President George H.W. Bush visited Kennebunkport, Maine and Bill Clinton visited Martha's Vineyard during their presidencies.

  90. no slappz10:21 AM

    purple buttercup asserts:

    No they were not, the first African slaves in America were working for about a year before the Mayflower set sail.

    They were slaves, not indentured servants, read this...

    Who cares? Slaves? Indentured servants? What's the difference? All irrelevant since the Civil War.

    Meanwhile, where on the planet is black life most miserable? Where is black life the most nasty, brutish and short?

    In Africa.

  91. What you democrat plantation slaves seem to miss is the hypocrisy of it all.

    Its the liberal policy,

    "do has i say not has i do"

    Its not a Republican whitehouse telling you what to eat. All while Michelle's big ass goes and eat however much chicken wangs,bbq, and fried chicken she can eat.

    Its not a Republican whitehouse telling you to cut back on vacations and luxury items. Its not a Republican whitehouse telling you not to go to Las Vagas.

    All while going to fundraisers in Las Vagas and spending much coin on vacations and clothes.

  92. The Pretender said...
    PilotX said...
    Also Granny, isn't it funny how whites think they get to be the ones who ultimately decide what is racist and what isn't?

    Really? jesse? al? wayne? naalcp?

    Blacks are always the ones playing the race card and deciding who/what is racist.

    Very true, that was a ridiculous statement by PilotX.

    Blacks see racism everywhere. If a white person disagrees with being labelled a racist, then PilotX cries foul, because only Blacks can what is racist or not.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Columbo10:32 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Like you'd know"

    I do know that the descendents of the blacks that were brought here in chains wound up winning the quality of life lottery.

    Black Americans are the richest, most free, healthiest, best educated, most culturally advanced Black population on the planet.

    Black Americans can thanks their lucky stars some other Blacks sold their ancestors to some White guys who brought them to America.

  95. no slappz10:32 AM

    Facebook is going public. Its IPO is coming.

    What about BlackFacebook?

    Where can we find it?

  96. alicia banks said...
    Early in the 19th century, insurance companies debated whether to insure slaves as property — like work animals and buildings — or as human beings. Increasingly, owners renting their slaves out to mines, railroads and tobacco processors wanted to protect their investments.

    Seems like common sense to me. I insure all my property today, why would a slave be any different?

  97. To pretend democrats haved made it about obama's race is disingenuous.

    Who's the ones that say every criticism of Obama is racist?

    That would be the left.

    Who's the ones that say we can't attack obama hard because he's black or we would go after obama if he was white?

    That would be the left.

    Who's the one that penned many a full post about how bad things were under Bush, and yet hasn't 1 full post about how bad things are under obama.

    That would be fn.

    Just like with affirmative action, the left has demanded there be double standards.

    One high standards for whites and white presidents.

    One low standard for minorities and minority presidents.

  98. uptownsteve10:37 AM

    "What about BlackFacebook?"

    You spend enough time on Field Negro.

    I thought that was YOUR facebook.


  99. kosher kkk/needs fatal slaps:

    wtfu u racist retard

    Aetna, Inc., the nation’s largest health insurer, apologized Thursday for selling policies in the 1850s that reimbursed slave owners for financial losses when their slaves died.

    "Aetna has long acknowledged that for several years shortly after its founding in 1853 that the company may have insured the lives of slaves," said Aetna spokesman Fred Laberge. "We express our deep regret over any participation at all in this deplorable practice."

    Aetna’s public apology was prompted by an inquiry from activist Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, who earlier this year contacted the Hartford-based company to seek an apology and reparations.

    Aetna, which noted that the slave policies were legal before slavery was abolished, said it plans to make no reparations. "We have concluded that no further actions are required at this time," Laberge said. Aetna said its records show the company wrote no more than a dozen such policies to slave owners. The company said it previously acknowledged having written slave policies in a report prepared in 1956.

    Meanwhile, a battle is raging in Rhode Island to change its official name, which is "the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." A bill has been introduced in the Rhode Island legislature. At one point, eight percent of Rhode Islanders were held in bondage.

  100. uptownsteve10:40 AM

    Oh I see the "Pretender" is playin the monkey in the middle today.

    Just pulling it out of his ass and tossing.

    Let me fuck with him just a little.

    When did Michelle Obama TELL anyone what to eat?

    When did anybody say any criticism of Obama was racist?

    Produce quotes jerkoff.

    Don't deflect.

  101. Shabazz10:41 AM

    Slavery was bad, sure, but it wasn't terrible. Poor black folk had about the same level of income as today. The only difference is that back then we had to pick cotton, and now we don't have to do anything. Also, back then niggers wasn't shooting at your ass everytime you left the house.

  102. no slappz10:42 AM

    purple buttercup says:

    Like you'd know

    Oh. What does your response mean? Do you mean that Africa is a garden spot for blacks?

    Are you implying that someone must live in Africa to know anything about it?

    That would explain the low level of academic achievement among blacks.

    Inasmuch as blacks have no history of building a water vessel larger than a canoe, it's obvious that no black would have ever left Africa unless given a lift on a ship operated by whites or asians.

  103. "What about BlackFacebook?

    Where can we find it?"

    Why would you want to find it? You're white?

  104. kosher kkk/jew-ish joker needs fatal slaps:

    the essence of your horrid racism is historical amnesia

    u have no right or power to erase centuries of free slave labor and the profits/corps it spawned
    for whites and jews like u

    just as u can never ignore the poverty and psychoses it has spawned for blacks

    wm scholar tim wise is not a jew moron like u
    read his works and get an education asap
    your arrogant racist ignorance is truly appalling

    Activist, lecturer and director of the new Association for White Anti-Racist Education (AWARE), Wise works from anecdote rather than academic argument to recount his path to greater cultural awareness in a colloquial, matter-of-fact quasi-memoir that urges white people to fight racism "for our own sake." Sparing neither family nor self, Wise recalls a racist rant his antiracist mother once delivered, racial epithets uttered by his Alzheimer's-afflicted grandmother and the "conditioning" that leads him to wonder, for a split-second, if people of color are truly qualified for their jobs. He considers how the deck has always been stacked in his and other white people's favor: his grandmother's house, which served as collateral for a loan he needed for college, for instance, was in a neighborhood that had formerly barred blacks. Resistance to racism, Wise declares, requires support (it's better for a group to speak out against racial tracking than for one "crazy radical" to do it), and that's presumably part of what this volume means to provide. And while Wise sometimes falls victim to sweeping judgments—the act of debating racial profiling, he declares, is "white-identified," because only whites have the luxury to look at life or death issues as a battle of wits—his candor is invigorating.

    Tim Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and activists in the U.S., and has been called the ''foremost white anti-racist intellectual in the nation, having spoken in 46 states, and on over 300 college campuses, including Harvard, Stanford, Cal Tech and the Law Schools at Yale, Columbia, Michigan, and Vanderbilt. From 1999 to 2003, Wise served as an advisor to the Fisk University Race Relations Institute. His anti-racism efforts have been termed ''revolutionary by NYU professor and award-winning author, Robin D.G. Kelley, and have also earned praise from such noted race scholars as Michael Eric Dyson, Kimberl Crenshaw, Derrick Bell, Joe Feagin, Lani Guinier, and Richard Delgado.Tim Wise is now the Director of the newly-formed Association for White Anti-Racist Education (AWARE) in Nashville, Tennessee. He lectures across the country about the need to combat institutional racism, gender bias, and the growing gap between rich and poor in the U.S. He is a featured columnist with the ZNet Commentary program; a web service that disseminates essays by prominent progressive and radical activists and educators. His writings are taught at hundreds of colleges and have appeared in dozens of popular and professional journals. He has contributed to three recent anthologies - When Race Becomes Real; Black and White Writers Confront Their Personal Histories (Chicago Review Press, Jan 2004); Should America Pay (HarperAmistad, 2003), a compilation of essays concerning slavery and its aftermath; and The Power of Non-Violence (Beacon Press, 2002).

  105. uptownsteve10:47 AM

    no slappz

    "Oh. What does your response mean? Do you mean that Africa is a garden spot for blacks?"

    For some reason white folks spent a few centuries constantly visiting Africa and pillaging and raping it.

    Blacks didn't ask for the company of whites.

    Didn't seek it.

    Sort of like your presence on this blog.

    Showing up uninvited and unwanted yet bitchin the whole time about how much it sucks.

    That takes balls.

  106. Blacks like to tell us that FNC, Imus, and Rush are racist.

    Blacks demand boycotts!

    Blacks demand they be taken off air!

    And yet.....

    ABC, Directtv, and CBS can own parts in porn companies that make such classic hits like

    The thing about black chicks.

    Which show black women having sex with guys in kkk uniforms.


    Which shows black women covered in the Confederate flag.


    Which show black women getting slapped, spit on, pissed on and vomited on.

    And this isn't racist? No calls for boycotts on CBS, ABC, OR Directtv?

    No demands that this be stopped?

    Love the hypocrisy, y'all!!

  107. uptownsteve10:53 AM

    Looks like The Pretender has seen all these black chick porno films.

    What's up with that?

  108. Anonymous10:55 AM

    PilotX said...
    "What about BlackFacebook?

    Where can we find it?"

    Why would you want to find it? You're white?

    He's Jewish, and he wants to buy it.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. "Blacks are always the ones playing the race card and deciding who/what is racist."

    "Blacks see racism everywhere. If a white person disagrees with being labelled a racist, then PilotX cries foul, because only Blacks can what is racist or not."

    And whites have no clue what racism is. Do they ever say anything when others make racist anti-Black comments? I have yet to see that happen. Have King or any of the other whites that post here ever said anything to Slappz? Of course not, you darkies are just too sensitive. You all don't know what offends you and play some sort of "race card" that whites in their opinion never use. Puleeeeeeze, the first thing Newt and Santorum did was insinuate that bluh people are somehow the only ones who needed to be coached about getting jobs. Like I said, they are so arrogant that they come on Black sites and feel the need to tell us what to think and feel. This has always been the case, I like how Slappz ignores the treatment of blah people after 1865. Racism hasn't been an issue in amerikkka since 1865. Yep, this is the ignorance they use to justify their superiority.

  111. pretending to be sane:

    only a racist fool like u would bash blacks for the racist porn that white men create

    it is just like that kosher kkk fool who blames blacks/slaves for their own ancient abject poverty


    tmi on your impressive vintage racist porn collection!!!

    upgrade your afro porn fare asap!!!!

  112. alicia banks said...
    u have no right or power to erase centuries of free slave labor and the profits/corps it spawned
    for whites and jews like u

    Um, Alicia, I have the books right in front of me here, and Blacks have been paid many times over for what they contributed during slavery.

    Actually, you owe us about 16 trillion dollars.

    And sorry, we don't accept personal checks.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. PilotX said...
    "Like I said, they are so arrogant that they come on Black sites and feel the need to tell us what to think and feel."

    White people can't have opinions? If you want this to a racially homogeneous forum, then ask Field to put a "Colored Only" sign on the front page.

    You have the ability and sense to ignore provocation and to not get dragged down to the gutter, don't you?

    Stop whining.

  115. math is not your niche moron:

    your math is as fuzzy as your african DNA

    how tragic for u u original mf

  116. Anonymous11:10 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Blacks are always the ones playing the race card and deciding who/what is racist."

    "Blacks see racism everywhere. If a white person disagrees with being labelled a racist, then PilotX cries foul, because only Blacks can what is racist or not."

    And whites have no clue what racism is

    Really, why because you say so and you read the exact same things that used to happen as some white guy? So you know better and thus can not be racist while to you all white people who might tell the truth and not kiss your ass are racist?

    You need to upgrade your thinking skills. Even the guilty white have had enough of this idiocy. I am not something just because you say so and I will not accept your bullshit.

  117. alicia banks said...
    pretending to be sane:

    only a racist fool like u would bash blacks for the racist porn that white men create

    I'm blaming blacks for their lack of concern, not for creating it.

    If you want to talk about trading ab, i'm game.

  118. "You have the ability and sense to ignore provocation and to not get dragged down to the gutter, don't you?"

    At least you admit what you and others are doing. Nothing new, whites have always had an inferiority complex and felt the need to attempt to prove some kind of superiority.

  119. PilotX said...
    And whites have no clue what racism is.

    Yes we do. We get racism from minorities and our gov. everyday.

  120. uptownsteve11:15 AM

    Kingnut Goober

    "White people can't have opinions?"

    Oh puh-leeze.

    You clowns use this board as an opportunity to heckle and harrass blacks and not get your asses kick.

  121. Kingnut11:16 AM

    PilotX said...
    "You have the ability and sense to ignore provocation and to not get dragged down to the gutter, don't you?"

    At least you admit what you and others are doing. Nothing new, whites have always had an inferiority complex and felt the need to attempt to prove some kind of superiority.

    I guess you can't.

  122. "Really, why because you say so and you read the exact same things that used to happen as some white guy? So you know better and thus can not be racist while to you all white people who might tell the truth and not kiss your ass are racist?"

    Missed the point, whites have the unique ability to not see blatant racism and then somehow try to make the case the victims of racism are somehow the ones who are to blame. Nothing new. Go google some of Dr. King's Meet the Press interviews and you will see the same thing. Ignorant whites wondering why he didn't spend more time fighting racist Blacks who oppressed good white folks in the south. Your gameplan is obvious to anyone with half a brain and half an attention span.

  123. Kingnut11:18 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    You clowns use this board as an opportunity to heckle and harrass blacks and not get your asses kicked

    Are you implying black people are so inherently violent it is dangerous to speak to them in person?

    I don't know uptown, that sounds pretty racist to me.

  124. kosher kkk assnon/vintage kkk porn fan:

    u wish u letch!!!


    only fools like you assume blacks do not complain about such films

    u r wrong as always

    some of the porn stars in the racist films u mentioned ruined their careers by being in your fav films

    u r a lying fool

    u lurk here because u know no blacks to talk to

    and u prove it by the crazy bs u spew herein daily

  125. Anonymous11:20 AM

    "whites have the unique ability to not see blatant racism"

    that's because there is no more blatant racism in this society

  126. "Yes we do. We get racism from minorities and our gov. everyday."

    Ah, the oh so oppressed white male as exemplified by Rush. If you whiners had to put up with HALF of the shit you dish out daily you'd cry non-stop.

    "You clowns use this board as an opportunity to heckle and harrass blacks and not get your asses kick."

    No Steve, only blah people can be racists and don't forget the government is against white people. Now that was a good one.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. "that's because there is no more blatant racism in this society"

    so the government isn't against white people? Wow, you might want to tell that to your buddy Kingnut. Then again white people thinkn the 50's were great and want to go back to that time period. It must be in their DNA.

  129. Now First Lady lectures restaurants on food choice as she steps up campaign against childhood obesity

    Read more:

    Obesity: The First Lady Takes on the NRA (No, Not That NRA)

    Read more:

    Michelle Obama urges food makers to hurry up on healthy food

    MICHELLE OBAMA is now furious with Southern cooking queen PAULA DEEN for crowing that the first lady, a healthy-eat­ing advocate who’s waging a war against childhood obesity, pigs out on fatten­ing foods.

    There are many, many, examples of the obamas pigging out on fat foods while demanding everyone else eats healthy.

    Use last year and this years Superbowls has examples.

  130. OK AB,

    "only fools like you assume blacks do not complain about such films"

    Show me where blacks complain about racist porn the same way they complain about FNC and Imus.

  131. Kingnut11:28 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Then again white people thinkn the 50's were great and want to go back to that time period. It must be in their DNA."

    Well, I like the internet and all my gadgets, but there are some things about the 50's that are appealing.

    Would you say Detroit in 2012 has progressed from the Detroit of 1950?

  132. Anonymous11:29 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Really, why because you say so and you read the exact same things that used to happen as some white guy? So you know better and thus can not be racist while to you all white people who might tell the truth and not kiss your ass are racist?"

    Missed the point, whites have the unique ability to not see blatant racism and then somehow try to make the case the victims of racism are somehow the ones who are to blame.

    You mean when equal standards are applied you find you are the one being racist and not the white person who just will not give in to your hatred because you say 50 years ago I read about something happening.

    Nothing new. Go google some of Dr. King's Meet the Press interviews and you will see the same thing. Ignorant whites wondering why he didn't spend more time fighting racist Blacks who oppressed good white folks in the south. Your gameplan is obvious to anyone with half a brain and half an attention span.

    No fool, I don't have a game plan. You aren't super smart that someone has to trick you. There is no trick, I will not accept being called names by you and not fight back. If you speak like an idiot I will tell you so and if you try and blame your being an idiot on some white guy and Dr King from 50 years ago I will tell you then you are a moron.

    YOU don't get a pass when you are racist because of racism of the previous generations. I am not automatically guilty for the same.

    End of story.

  133. Anonymous11:31 AM

    PilotX said...
    "that's because there is no more blatant racism in this society"

    so the government isn't against white people? Wow, you might want to tell that to your buddy Kingnut. Then again white people thinkn the 50's were great and want to go back to that time period. It must be in their DNA.

    Ahhh, we have made progress, you acknowledged DNA. This could lead to genome studies and actual science. Be careful, you might be calling science racist shortly because you don't like the hard cold factual evidence.

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Anonymous11:37 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Kingnut Goober

    "White people can't have opinions?"

    Oh puh-leeze.

    You clowns use this board as an opportunity to heckle and harrass blacks and not get your asses kick.

    So in essence you have said several things with this one statement.

    Blacks like you would never tolerate someone elses opinion without trying to violently shut them up.

    You are a racist

    You are a typical Black racist who for some reason thinks he is a tough guy superman and that all whites are weak while he is tough.

    Do I even need to call you stupid?

  136. stupid brazen buffoon kkk assnon:


    scan up scum!

    your blatantly racist posts herein daily prove u r bold and blind!

    u save yourself as well as mitt

    and u LIE as well as hobama!!!


    your lack of education is not my problem!

    got google u gonzo porn loving goon?????????

  137. pretending to know wtf u speak about:

    unlike u
    black porn has progressed


    the vintage films you listed are legendary for the black rage they evoked
    and it is online

    u r just too lazy and inept to find it

    and u r a gd fool if u think i am your slave


  138. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Kingnut said...
    PilotX said...
    "Then again white people thinkn the 50's were great and want to go back to that time period. It must be in their DNA."

    "Well, I like the internet and all my gadgets, but there are some things about the 50's that are appealing.

    Would you say Detroit in 2012 has progressed from the Detroit of 1950?"

    @Kingnut: I think PilotX is right, and it has something to do with DNA

  139. lying kosher kkk letch assnon/antique racist gonzo porn fan:

    fetch this bone below u retarded rabid dog!!!:

    angel kelly is a bf porn legend and anti-racist porn activist

    ironic that this vid has been on my blogs/youtube channel for YEARS!!!

    it features a discussion of the very same films & black rage that u blatantly lie about



  140. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Pure racism right here.

    African Americans for Obama being campaigned for by the president.

    What would you say if you saw a video like this from romney and he started a group called white and latino americans for Rommney? (most latinos change to a white classification as soon as they can)

    Or one from Gingrich saying the same things as Obama - only together can us whites realize the great society we have built...

  141. MSNBC Anchor Ponders: Is “Socialist” The New N-Word?”

    The mind of a liberal who likes to play racial politics.

    you start to wonder whether in fact the word socialist is becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new N-word for frankly for some angry upset birthers and others

    Calling Obama 'Professor' Is Palin Code for 'Uppity': Prof

    Newser) – When Sarah Palin told Tea Party activists last week that President Obama was "a professor of law standing at the lectern," she wasn't just tapping into populist anti-intellectualism—she was also making a not-so-subtle attack on the president's race. So says Harvard professor and longtime Obama pal Charles Ogletree, who tells Inside Higher Ed that calling Obama "the professor" is close to labeling him 'uppity.'"

    Other slurs against Obama—left wing, socialist, palling around with terrorists—"were buzzwords. But the reality was they were looking at this president as an African American who was out of place,” Ogletree says. History professor Thomas Haskell agrees with Ogletree that Americans inclined to feel "frightened" of intellectuals may feel especially uncomfortable "because this particular intellectual is black."

    I didn't know calling obama a "leftwinger" was racist.

    MSNBC Dismisses Obama Criticism As Thinly Veiled Racism

    Read more:

    MSNBC Yet Again Implies Criticism of Obama Is Racist

    Richard Wolffe mused that Republican opposition to Obama making a speech on a date that clashed with a presidential debate was down to “the color of his skin”.

    I could go on, but i choose not to.

  142. Anonymous12:00 PM

    How the heck did this turn into a discussion on Black Porn stars?

    Next thing you know someone is going to start talking about Ghetto Gaggers.

  143. racist fake unsaved assnon:

    u r fooling no one

    we see u at noon u lying buffoon

    YOU started this porn bs
    with a racist lie!!!

    i slew u
    and now u feign innocence

    u failed like mitt!!!

  144. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    How the heck did this turn into a discussion on Black Porn stars?

    I think Alicia is way into porn. The kind with big black strap-ons and lots of urination and whip cream.

  145. alicia banks said...
    pretending to know wtf u speak about:

    unlike u
    black porn has progressed


    the vintage films you listed are legendary for the black rage they evoked
    and it is online

    u r just too lazy and inept to find it

    and u r a gd fool if u think i am your slave


    Ghettogaggers and Cumbang are less than 10 years old. Vintage? Not so much.

    Still doesn't explain how Imus "nappy ho" commit can envoke rage from blacks yet, slapping, spitting, peeing, and vomiting on black women doesn't envoke any feelings in blacks.

  146. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Ghettogaggers and Cumbang are less than 10 years old. Vintage? Not so much.

    Ab what was your screen name you wouldnt happen to be the famous Kara Jammer? Shes HOT!!! she could take a pearl necklace like no one else and man could she make hot cross buns.

  147. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  148. uptownsteve12:14 PM

    Maybe because the only sick bastards watching those movies are perverted creeps like you.

  149. pretending to save his gonzo porn loving fallen face:

    i am way into slaying liars and fools

    you are much more fun than any porn


  150. Anonymous12:21 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Maybe because the only sick bastards watching those movies are perverted creeps like you. don't get mad we all don't like gay porn and don't want to see films of semen steve from the goodship lollipop.

  151. ButtPilotX12:23 PM

    uptownsteve could take a pearl necklace like no one else and man could he make hot cross buns.

  152. Chris Matthews12:36 PM

    Obama has been the best thing for black folk since Kool-Aid.

  153. no slappz12:45 PM

    PilotX noted...

    "What about BlackFacebook?

    Where can we find it?"

    Why would you want to find it? You're white?

    He's Jewish, and he wants to buy it.

    Too late. The police, FBI and the Post Office already control the copyrights on all photos of blacks.

  154. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Fast and Furious Eric Holders testimony is a joke. His entire defense and every single democrats point is; I didnt know, 13 months later I still dont know what happened for the things under my responsibility but I DO know that Bush did it and these are the specific details of what Bush did even though I dont know what I did today.

    Incompetence and lying at its finest.

  155. no slappz1:05 PM

    You nitwits who criticize whites who recall the 50s as a great period in US history seem to have forgotten that it was OBAMA, in last week's State of the Union Address, who cited the 50s as the Wonder Years should bring back.

    But Obama is the least likely president to have the ability to bring back the good parts of the 50s -- the entrepreneurship, which occurred almost entirely without government intrusion.

    But he's obviously capable of bringing back the worst of that decade.

    What was the worst of the 50s?

    The rise of government regulation of the economy.

  156. No Slapzzzzz

    You are either a duplicitous little shit, or you have the attention span and memory retention of a fucking goldfish.

  157. Meet Romania's latest soccer prodigy, born 25 September 2001, he has already attracted the interest of professional clubs. He wants to be the new Lionel Messi

    His name?

    Bin Laden Virtosu...

  158. alicia banks said...

    and u r a gd fool if u think i am your slave researcher

    AB,BABY, if you be lucky i might make you my slave researcher, and make you my slave in other ways :)

  159. uptownsteve said...
    Maybe because the only sick bastards watching those movies are perverted creeps like you.

    Yeah, pretty much.

  160. Anonymous1:49 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Meet Romania's latest soccer prodigy, born 25 September 2001, he has already attracted the interest of professional clubs. He wants to be the new Lionel Messi

    His name?

    Bin Laden Virtosu...

    Cool so another being whose main contribution to humanity will be playing with balls - I can see why you like this story.

  161. Just got my Kroger magazine. Its all about black history mouth. So i went to the coupon section.

    First page coupon was for chicken.

    Second page coupon was for ribs.

    Third page coupon was fot Aunt Jamama products.

    Is this racist?

    The Purple Cow said...
    Meet Romania's latest soccer prodigy, born 25 September 2001, he has already attracted the interest of professional clubs. He wants to be the new Lionel Messi

    His name?

    Bin Laden Virtosu...

    With a name like bin laden, everyone on the left in this world should love him.

  162. Anonymous2:01 PM


    The Pretender said...
    Just got my Kroger magazine. Its all about black history mouth. So i went to the coupon section.

    First page coupon was for chicken.

    Second page coupon was for ribs.

    Third page coupon was fot Aunt Jamama products.

    Is this racist?

    Only if you say something about it and dont want to pay to make sure any poor people who are sitting by waiting to get their fair share of waffles and chicken.

  163. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Purple Cow Now I understand your embrace of Islam. Goat, chickens, sheep and nine year old brides, just like Mohammed. You are such a noble disciple.

  164. MooJah Dean2:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Purple Cow Now I understand your embrace of Islam. Goat, chickens, sheep and nine year old brides, just like Mohammed

    Nine was way too old for Mohammed, he liked 'em young:

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. This comment has been removed by the author.

  167. cleaner breeder vdlr:

    u wannabeeme wench

    i knew u would LOVE this one...ha!


    Beware all u kkkooky kkk mfs herein:

    I will slay u and any hobama nazi on any topic

    Unlike u lazy lying illiterate uneducated amoral ignorant trifling vulgar trolls…

    I am uniquely well rounded and expertly literate!!!

    So No racist kkk/hobama lies will ever fly in my presence

    Get over me asap!!!!!

  168. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I am uniquely well rounded and expertly literate!!!

    Ok get off the autopost button wench we know you know how to read the name of your food making you real well rounded heah

  169. fat assed wizard of witlessness:

    even a fat fool like you knows that was embarassingly weak

    your emaciated "brain" is visibly starved and only u think flaunting that it is funny.

    carry on u lobotomized lard filled letch.

  170. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Africa: 1,152 women - or 48 per hour - are raped daily in Congo

    and yo u still thnk the rulers of egypt were blakc

  171. Anonymous2:48 PM

  172. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Umm...which patriarchal religion was the one 'marrying' nine year olds? Fundie Talibangelicals? Catholic priests with lust for little boys? Polygamist pedophile Mormons?

    Wonder if the East Haven police are actually racist...or just making it difficult to be criminals? After all, the prisons are really full of well-meaning individuals. And they were railroaded. Or their evil twin did it. Or the conditions are icky in gaol. Or it was something....

    Me, I'd be more than happy to let John Yoo be the jailhouse lawyer he so desperately needs to be.


  173. Our first “post-racial” president announces the racialized nature of his 2012 re-election campaign:

    Note how easily the Left shifts rhetorical gears between colorblind universalism and color conscious exclusivity, radical tolerance and suffocating conformism, racial equality and racial preference.

    So get with it negroes, it's your negro duty to vote for a negro President so he can stop all this racialist thinking.

  174. Brain Man2:56 PM

    Mold warbles...
    Umm...which patriarchal religion was the one 'marrying' nine year olds? Fundie Talibangelicals? Catholic priests with lust for little boys? Polygamist pedophile Mormons?

    No you fucking crazy moron, that would be Islam.

  175. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Brain Man said...
    Mold warbles...
    Umm...which patriarchal religion was the one 'marrying' nine year olds? Fundie Talibangelicals? Catholic priests with lust for little boys? Polygamist pedophile Mormons?

    Stevie me boy, you dont have morals, how would you know?

  176. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    U know these girls gone blakc

  177. cleaner breeder vdlr:

    u wannabeeme wench

    i knew u would LOVE this one...ha!


    Beware all u kkkooky kkk mfs herein:

    I will slay u and any hobama nazi on any topic

    Unlike u lazy lying illiterate uneducated amoral ignorant trifling vulgar trolls…

    I am uniquely well rounded and expertly literate!!!

    So No racist kkk/hobama lies will ever fly in my presence

    Get over me asap!!!!!

  178. Wondering "why" my comments aren't being published...

  179. cleaner breeder vdlr:

    u wannabeeme wench

    i knew u would LOVE this one...ha!


    Beware all u kkkooky kkk mfs herein:

    I will slay u and any hobama nazi on any topic

    Unlike u lazy lying illiterate uneducated amoral ignorant trifling vulgar trolls…

    I am uniquely well rounded and expertly literate!!!

    So No racist kkk/hobama lies will ever fly in my presence

    Get over me asap!!!!!

  180. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Alicia got the Mold repeaterate disease she think if she keep posting it over and over it might make sense then. You want a butterfinger? ass-butter

  181. cleaner breeder vdlr:

    u wannabeeme wench

    i knew u would LOVE this one...ha!


    Beware all u kkkooky kkk mfs herein:

    I will slay u and any hobama nazi on any topic

    Unlike u lazy lying illiterate uneducated amoral ignorant trifling vulgar trolls…

    I am uniquely well rounded and expertly literate!!!

    So No racist kkk/hobama lies will ever fly in my presence

    Get over me asap!!!!!

  182. Check!3:29 PM

    President Nothing:

  183. what hope???
    what change???
    what recovery???

    wtf will hobama run on his record in 2012???
    how has he NOT failed????

    that racist newt was right...

    hobama is the food stamp prez indeed

    as food is higher and more are hungrier than ever


    Tuition hikes, combined with the increased cost of general living, have left many college students more strapped for cash than ever before.
    As such, more and more are turning to tax-funded food stamp programs to help them afford the essentials.

    The program – the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP for short – is offered by the United States Department of Agriculture for qualifying people in need.

  184. Anonymous4:06 PM

    The program – the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP for short – is offered by the United States Department of Agriculture for qualifying people in need.

    Whatever happened to eating raman noodles and working? Oh yeah more entitlements.

  185. Anonymous4:24 PM

    white folks are so funny lol. 'slavery was bad but not terrible'... hilarious. 400 years of free labor. okay, all of this on a black man's blog. delusional i tell ya.

  186. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    white folks are so funny lol. 'slavery was bad but not terrible'... hilarious. 400 years of free labor. okay, all of this on a black man's blog. delusional i tell ya.

    Slavery was terrible feel buttahz lemme axe u a kwestun why it bother u u had nuffin to do wif it?

  187. Anonymous said...
    white folks are so funny lol. 'slavery was bad but not terrible'... hilarious.

    Well, I'm glad you can laugh about it now, I guess everything seems funny with the passage of time. Even the beatings.

    People needed to get that cotton in somehow back before they had tractors. I guess you can't blame plantation owners for using slaves. Hey, it all worked out fine in the end, right?

  188. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Hey the House just passed a bill to ban use of welfare funds for strip clubs, casinos and alcohol

    Can someone with the secret racist decoder ring tell me if this is racist or not?

    Emmanuel Cleaver just went one better than dog whistles and secret decoder rings, now he says
    "presidential candidates need to “quit trying to send subliminal racial messages during the campaigns.”

    OK, lemme try it...I'm thinking...thinking real hard....hard....hard...anyone getting subliminal messages that Obama sucks? Oh wait I have to hide the real meaning in something for it to be subliminal ok, Obama has been the best example of the worst president we have ever had...hows that Mr Cleber better?

  189. "Too late. The police, FBI and the Post Office already control the copyrights on all photos of blacks."

    OK, let's vote. Is this a racist comment or not? And please identify your ethnicity.

  190. "Be careful, you might be calling science racist shortly because you don't like the hard cold factual evidence."

    Bring it asshole, I know too many whites who think the word is 6,000 years old to turn down this challenge.

    "Would you say Detroit in 2012 has progressed from the Detroit of 1950?"

    And how far have the trailer parks in West Virginia and Mississippi progressed?

    "YOU don't get a pass when you are racist because of racism of the previous generations. I am not automatically guilty for the same."

    Never said you were, thou protest toomuch. Must feel guilty. I agree with you but you seem to ignore white racism and only seem to acknowledge Black racism. Like I said before, this is nothing new and if you want to ignore the past and how it's relevant today be my guest. Also, if you want to have a real discussion pick a handle and stop posting as an anon so I won't confuse you with another anon. Easier to keep you separated.

  191. mug shot7:06 PM

    white folks are so funny lol. 'slavery was bad but not terrible'... hilarious.

    Not half as bad as a life in Africa.

  192. genesis7:09 PM

    pilot-lite x:

    Bring it asshole, I know too many whites who think the word is 6,000 years old to turn down this challenge.

    As if it matters that some people believe something that affects virtually nothing else.

  193. henry ford7:13 PM

    untested pilot wonders:

    "Would you say Detroit in 2012 has progressed from the Detroit of 1950?"

    And how far have the trailer parks in West Virginia and Mississippi progressed?

    Leave it to you to confuse the collapse of the auto industry and its impact on a major American city with rural living.

  194. "As if it matters that some people believe something that affects virtually nothing else."

    Not the point.

  195. Anonymous7:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Too late. The police, FBI and the Post Office already control the copyrights on all photos of blacks."

    OK, let's vote. Is this a racist comment or not? And please identify your ethnicity.

    I am Korean - I own store in Texas why you want know? You racially profile me or you want buy a fawty?

  196. "Ahhh nah he didn't, with his arrogant, condescending azz. Please tell me that he did not twist his fingers to accuse folks of namecalling and disrespect when folks disagree with him. Not the anonymous that has been talking down to us lowly, inferior black people. Say it ain't so!"

    Yep, typical conservative hypocrite. Blame others for namecalling while doing it themselves. Nailed that one you did Granny.

  197. no slappz7:24 PM

    unpiloted plane says:

    I agree with you but you seem to ignore white racism and only seem to acknowledge Black racism.

    How much time and money has America spent attempting to remediate blacks?

    What's the total bill for all the social services blacks have received since the handouts began?

    Since you claim that blacks are the victims of racism you're admitting that blacks are not contributing more than a token amount toward the total bill.

    Apparently decades and decades of increasing payments in cash, food, housing and education is your idea of anti-black racist behavior.

    Singapore went from a virtual swamp to the most prosperous nation on earth in 50 years.

    In 60 years Israel has managed to turn a desert region into a prosperous state while holding off the surrounding Islamic nations that are always threatening to attack, and occasionally do attack.

    What strides have American blacks made? Nothing comparable to Singapore or Israel.
