Thursday, January 05, 2012

He is just trying to make the "bluh" people's lives a little better.

"Well, you, you have to have someone you can work with, and this president has done more to divide than any other president that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime. This president goes out and gives speech after speech after speech trying to divide America between class, between income group, between racial and ethnic groups."

Pot meet kettle.

Rick ( I should be in a) Sanitarium told John King that he is pretty sure that he didn't use the word black when speaking to his white friends in Iowa. He says that he started saying something and in mid sentence it "changed" and something else came out. (I wonder why the change?)

 “I looked at that [video] and I didn’t say that,” the candidate asserted. “What I started to say was a word and then it sort of changed and ‘bluh’ came out. And people said I said ‘black’ and I didn’t.”

"We won't make "bluh" people's lives better with welfare"? I don't want to give welfare to blah people? Blue people, maybe?

Well I listened to Rick's speech in its entirety, and I really have to wonder who is the "they" and "them" that he kept referring to. There just aren't too many blue and blah people running around these days.

My friend Marc Morial isn't please, and he represents dem professional black folks from the Urban League.

"Senator Santorum is perpetuating a thoroughly false and destructive racial stereotype in a desperate attempt to score political points," Morial said in a statement released Tuesday. "He is appealing to the lowest common denominator within the electorate and quite frankly should be ashamed of himself." [Source]

Come on now Marc, why are you surprised? I know that Rick worked with you and your organization on a couple of occasions, but you should know by now that this is what republican politicians do; they play the majority against those evil minorities who want to take what they (the majority) have. 

“We looked at it and it is a little blurry,” O’Reilly explained. “I’m going to take you on your word.”

“I don’t use the term ‘black’ very often,” Santorum insisted. “I use the term ‘African American’ more than I use ‘black.’ And I as someone who did more work for historically black colleges, I used to — every year I used to bring all the historically black colleges into Washington, D.C. to try to help them.”

“You don’t have to convince me, senator,” O’Reilly replied. “I don’t think you’re a bigot.” [Source]

Maybe not a bigot Senator, just a despicable politician who will do anything for power.

Speaking of despicable politicians, I see that Newt has also jumped on the bash black parade.

"Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said today he is willing to go before the NAACP and urge blacks to demand paychecks, not food stamps.
Gingrich told a town hall meeting at a senior center in Plymouth, N.H., that if the NAACP invites him to its annual convention this year, he'd go there and talk about "why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps."

Newt, I am thankful that the government doesn't have to give you food stamps, if it did, I am sure that we wouldn't have enough money to do anything else.




  1. liar liar pants on fire
    ass juice on the telephone wire

  2. rick s is a rabid racist and a complete psychopath

    ditto for hobama

    ask any jobless homeless black mongrel/libyan...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. memo to eugene robinson:

    please wake up about hobama again...asap

  5. i love eugene like he loves hobama...


  6. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I thinks that's why we're in a recession. Too many
    free giveaways to fatass rich bitches who don't deserve anything extra.

  7. This is what you get from an all white party. Why doesn't Newt go to WV or Mississippi to ask why white people don't demand paychecks? Now that all candidates are white males, shocking huh, and they know they won't get any Black votes the mask of non-racist fell off all these guys. Can't wait to see how Romney jumps on this bandwagon.

    Yeah yeah trolls I know, we Blacks are on some sort of plantation and that's why the GOP can't find ONE person of color to run for prez. Saved you the time, no need to thank me.

  8. Nice job recognizing Fareed Zakaria. He is on point, dig his show.

  9. "Yeah yeah trolls I know, we Blacks are on some sort of plantation and that's why the GOP can't find ONE person of color to run for prez. Saved you the time, no need to thank me."

    Well Pilot, they did find one. He just didn't turn out so well. I guess when you have such a small pool to choose from you can't be too picky. :)

  10. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Leave it to the beaver to express herself in the most eloquent terms.

  11. CaucasianX10:17 PM

    Black people believe in collectivism. Organizing to put their interests ahead of the common good has suited them very well. Why would blacks abandon the party that abets this profitable division and group think and promises them ever more free goods and services?

    The Republicans preach individual freedom and limited government. There is no way they can compete for the votes of blacks or any other subgroup (Hispanics, single women, gays, pubic sector workers, illegal immigrants) who collectively are paid handsomely from the public treasury by democrats. The racial spoils system in the United States rewards groups who put collective interests ahead of individualistic attitudes, and blacks will not abandon this course as long as it continues provide them with a support system and avenues to power that would be denied them in a merit-based, individualist world

    The Republicans have to be the "white" party, not because they are racist or exclusionary, but because whites are the only ones left who believe in the common interest, or at the very least do not lobby for their own specific interests.

  12. Wesley R10:22 PM


    If the Newster goes to the NAACP to talk that crazy shit, I would pay for it on pay for view.

  13. "The Republicans have to be the "white" party, not because they are racist or exclusionary, but because whites are the only ones left who believe in the common interest.."

    You might want to think about that again. "Common interest"? What, exactly, is the "common interest"?

    "The Republicans preach individual freedom and limited government.."

    That was funny. No my friend, they actually get MORE handouts than everyone else in A-merry-ca. They just go by different names: subsidies, tax breaks, etc.

  14. Why doesn't the Republicans just go ahead and do their campaigning at Klan rallies. I'm just saying!

    I can't help but wonder if the Republican candidates do out patient surgery to remove those lie bumps on their tongue and foot long noses. Smh!

    Field, you got mail.

  15. The Southern Strategy is alive and well.

  16. Anonymous11:26 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I can't help but wonder if the Republican candidates do out patient surgery to remove those lie bumps on their tongue and foot long noses. Smh!"

    What is SMH? Shaking My Hemorrhoids?

  17. I've said this more than once on here and I'm gone say it again. The Republicans accuse everyone of what they themselves are guilty of and that is their diversion tactic and has always been a part of their strategy.

  18. CaucasianX12:13 AM

    field negro said...
    No my friend, they actually get MORE handouts than everyone else in A-merry-ca. They just go by different names: subsidies, tax breaks, etc.

    Like Solyndra? GM? GE? Merck? The Democrats play the crony capitalism game much harder than the Republicans.

    Both parties go along with agricultural subsidies because farm states have so much power in the senate. Shame on both of them, but that's politics.

    The point was that white people are the only ones not demanding group set asides, and as the Republicans cannot ideologically embrace identity politics, their only possible constituency is the majority white people and a very small minority of other groups that buy into the notion of common interest.

  19. Jail Eric Holder12:32 AM

    It’s not even ironic that in the wake of a massive financial crisis driven by the Federal government’s relentless pressure on lenders to relax lending standards and make more home loans to minorities, one of the few actions Eric Holder’s Justice Department has taken in this sphere is to charge a bank with unfair lending practices to minorities. And not just any bank, of course, but the Typhoid Mary of minority-outreach lending, Countrywide. I’m not surprised – are you? No, I didn’t think so – saw it coming a mile away.

  20. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Field, "Maybe not a bigot Senator, just a despicable politician who will do anything for power."

    What about Obama? He will do anything for power. Why do you only look at the GOP as despicable?

    FYI: Rick Santorum is NOT the racist you are trying to paint him as. If you knew anything about the PA. Senator, you would not make such lies. Rick has done more for Blacks than Obama has ever done. In fact, Obama has done nothing for Blacks.

    Field, you need to wake up.

  21. Don't Care Anymore1:46 AM

    It dosen't matter. Obama had a black Daddy.......or, really, a sperm donor to some dumb white woman.

    Blacks would vote for Obamama if he walked naked in the White House.

  22. NSangoma2:11 AM

    Rick Santorum wants the US Congress to overturn Griswold v. Connecticut, a landmark case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Constitution protected a right to privacy; that is, you can buy French letters (prophylactics).

    Rick Santorum, believes that artificial birth control is against the word of the LAWD.

    According to Rick Santorum, you are not supposed to touch that psusy unless you are married, and trying to procreate a new human being.

    No SEX, just for the pleasure of having SEX.

    Rick sez, leave that nas-si-ty thing alone.

    git it, git it

  23. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I can't help but wonder if the Republican candidates do out patient surgery to remove those lie bumps on their tongue and foot long noses. Smh!"

    What is SMH? Shaking My Hemorrhoids?

    Shaking my happy place?
    SMH - Shakira makes me horny? SMH - Santorum's Mighty Hot?
    SMH -Should have Married a Hair Dresser?
    SMH - Soviet Men are Hairy?

  24. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Rick sez, leave that nas-si-ty thing alone.

    git it, git it

    rick say he gone put it in your mouth to shut you up up up up

  25. Thomas In Pain2:33 AM

    Obama has been a disaster. No one can defend him, except the rich.

    I hope the poor elect him again. Maybe this country, through the riots in the cities, will demand a decent government.


  26. Quote Anonymous 11:26

    "What is SMH? Shaking My Hemorrhoids?"

    No it's 'scratching my head'

    - numbnuts.

  27. PilotX said...

    Yeah yeah trolls I know, we Blacks are on some sort of plantation and that's why the GOP can't find ONE person of color to run for prez. Saved you the time, no need to thank me.

    Forget about Herman Cain? I know plantation negros are ill-informed, but damn.

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Why doesn't the Republicans just go ahead and do their campaigning at Klan rallies. I'm just saying!

    You mean like Jimmy Carter kicking off his 1980 campaign at the birth place of the kkk in the south? Or Jimmy Carter openly seeking out George Wallace voters?

  29. field negro said...

    Damn PC, you have been all over the today. You might deserve FNOTD status for that. :)

    You want to give that self-hating pc fnotd?

    What about Wayne Mitchell? He's the field negro that died after eating cocaine out of his brother's ass.

    He deserves fnotd!!!

  30. Black people hate book stores7:38 AM

    Looks like blacks have wasted no time raping/torturing/murdering white women in 2012.

    Relax negros. You still have 359 days of raping and murdering white people.

    If Obama loses, you get riot!!!!

    Thank allah i own a book store. If i have learned anything from past black riots, thats one place blacks won't go near.

  31. Liberal Tormentor,

    I'm glad you are here. I think it's time we continued your therapy. We need to discover the root cause of your self-hatred and anger. Why do you spend every waking hour telling other people how much you hate them?

    Let's talk about your upbringing.

    Was your Mommy mean to you? was she cold and uncaring? Or was she exactly the opposite? (If you know what I mean).

    How about your Daddy?

    Did you ever meet your Daddy? What was he like? Did he beat you?

    how about your Uncle Ronnie? Did he, y'know, fiddle with you when Mommy and Daddy weren't looking?

    Tell us son, you'll feel better 'letting it all hang out' as us darkies say.

    Speaking about fiddling, that presents a thought, you're not a Catholic are you? Did the Priest, offer you his head at catchetism? (Or whatever it is that you Christianists do).

    Or was it the Nuns? Those nuns, they can be really mean. They beat you, and heap shame and guilt on you. Was this it Liberal Tormentor? Was it the nuns? and the guilt and the shame and the guilt and the shame??

    Did they make you wear boxing gloves in bed to stop you masturbating? Is that what it was?

    Tell us L.T. - you know you want to.

    You are amongst friends here....

  32. Anonymous8:22 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 11:26

    "What is SMH? Shaking My Hemorrhoids?"

    No it's 'scratching my head'

    - numbnuts.

    No dickbreath it's not scratchin' me ed' or you tickling his lilly, it's shaking my head.

    Why did you sign off as "numbnuts?

  33. Look at the context numbnuts.

    You can use it as scratching or shaking, but in this context (where she can't work something out) clearly it's scratching.

    Sorry if this is difficult for you.

  34. While you are though numbnuts, have you thought any more about what we talked about yesterday?

    Y'know, the total emptiness and shallowness of an existence that causes you to spend every waking hour railing anonymously against black people that you will never meet?

    Any thoughts?

    How can we help, as I told your buddy Liberal Tormentor - you are amongst friends here - we are here to help you solve your problems...

  35. Rev'rundReality8:56 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Liberal Tormentor,

    I'm glad you are here. I think it's time we continued your therapy. We need to discover the root cause of your self-hatred and anger. Why do you spend every waking hour telling other people how much you hate them?

    Let's talk about your upbringing.

    Was your Mommy mean to you? was she cold and uncaring? Or was she exactly the opposite? (If you know what I mean).

    How about your Daddy?

    Did you ever meet your Daddy? What was he like? Did he beat you?

    how about your Uncle Ronnie? Did he, y'know, fiddle with you when Mommy and Daddy weren't looking?

    Tell us son, you'll feel better 'letting it all hang out' as us darkies say.

    Speaking about fiddling, that presents a thought, you're not a Catholic are you? Did the Priest, offer you his head at catchetism? (Or whatever it is that you Christianists do).

    Or was it the Nuns? Those nuns, they can be really mean. They beat you, and heap shame and guilt on you. Was this it Liberal Tormentor? Was it the nuns? and the guilt and the shame and the guilt and the shame??

    Did they make you wear boxing gloves in bed to stop you masturbating? Is that what it was?

    Tell us L.T. - you know you want to.

    You are amongst friends here....

    How revealing. So this is the mind of Purple Cow, outlining the typical life of a Black Man taken from his personal experiences.

    Sounds like you sure went through a lot. On the positive side, not knowing who your father is and having numerous Uncle Ronnie’s is very common in your culture so certainly you had lots of company while running the streets looking for your daddy, subsequently supplanting whites and the government as your parental figure and parties responsible for matters of importance in your life.

    So sad; Oh and "letting it all hang out" isn't "something you darkies say" it is a term from decades and decades ago that American Hippies used to say frequently. Will you now catch up and learn about STD's? This is a good thing considering the amazingly high advent of Aids in Black Communities worldwide (you guys certainly do overachieve on some things) Well, you might be decades and decades behind other folk, but at least you are able to let some knowledge filter in eventually even if it takes you decades to comprehend it. One can only continue hoping.

    I look forward to further therapy sessions with you; there is so much we can accomplish together. You will be amazed I promise, at what the modern world has to offer once you have shucked the eternal victim hype and experience life through a prism of actually being in control of your own words, actions and your ability to direct eventual outcomes.

    You will see it will be so enlightening and enriching when I can show you how your choices and actions today take root and develop your life later on and that all that happens is not the fault of some "boogeyman" but can be grasped tightly by your own little hands, once you get them off your prick and pull them back from the alternative naturally upturned position.

    You will see how rewarding life becomes once you change from lemme git dat to what can I do to help.

  36. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    While you are though numbnuts, have you thought any more about what we talked about yesterday?

    Y'know, the total emptiness and shallowness of an existence that causes you to spend every waking hour railing anonymously against black people that you will never meet?

    Any thoughts?

    How can we help, as I told your buddy Liberal Tormentor - you are amongst friends here - we are here to help you solve your problems...

    See don't you feel good just saying the words "how can I help" doing something (even if you really don't mean them yet and are just being a sneaky butcher) as opposed to saying somebody should do something for you and owes you something? You might be on your way to civilized just might...keep up the good work.

  37. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Look at the context numbnuts.

    You can use it as scratching or shaking, but in this context (where she can't work something out) clearly it's scratching.

    Sorry if this is difficult for you.

    Oh purple just when you showed some potential. You really have to stop covering your asinine screw-up with gibberish.

    Either you aren't as knowledgeable as you profess to be with your often using antiquated outdated terms or you really don't get out much. Or shocker, maybe you aren't a Black Man? Any Black fool knows Black ladies don't scratch their heads; they pat it so they don't mess up the weaves.

    You don't cover your ignorance very well, you just make yourself sound more out of touch and incompetent.

  38. Dear Revrund Reality,

    Oh dear, you are deeply in denial aren't you?

    This is going to be a tougher case than I had hoped. What you are doing now is what we call 'projecting'( that means projecting your problems on to your therapist) it's a common symptom amongst sociopaths such as yourself.

    I'm still here to help, your medical insurance does cover psychiatric treatment doesn't it?

    Field will be invoicing you shortly.

  39. Oh Anonymous 09:06, a good afternoon to you too sir.

    A little grumpy again today aren't we?

    Did someone get up the wrong side of the bed?

    Does your trailer even have beds?

    Clearly like your buddy Liberal Tormentor, you are not yet ready to deal with your issues are you? That makes T.P.C. very, very sad.

    [insert inane sad-face emoticon here]

    You don't have a life. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. The only thing that gives you life meaning is abusing black people.

    That's just so sad.

    What are you compensating for anonymous? Is your penis a little bit too small perhaps? Do girls cross the street when they see you coming? Do 12 year old kids kick sand in your face?

    Lesser men than myself, men with less humanity and compassion than me would probably say you are all just a bunch of total fuck-ups.

    But I say no, we must help these poor people.

    Let me know when you are ready.

  40. Anonymous9:32 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Oh Anonymous 09:06, a good afternoon to you too sir.

    A little grumpy again today aren't we?

    Hardly, really nice day here enjoying helping the less fortunate in life.
    Did someone get up the wrong side of the bed?

    Does your trailer even have beds?

    Oh Purple, your lack of originality denotes your lowbrow thought capabilities. Surely you know that just because someone disagrees with your lifestyle and culture and wont accept responsibility for the things you have or have not achieved - this doesnt make them trailer dwellers. Just as simply being Black doesnt make you live in a Barn previously occupied by animals. Have you cleaned your stalls today? Do you and the wife still use hay or have you installed toilets yet?


    You don't have a life. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. The only thing that gives you life meaning is abusing black people.

    Ahhh, the victimology theme again. Yes, you being an asshole and getting called for lies and held accountable for your senseless words is "abuse" You have the eternal victim mode down quite well.

    What are you compensating for anonymous? Is your penis a little bit too small perhaps? Do girls cross the street when they see you coming? Do 12 year old kids kick sand in your face?

    HAHA ok now you are losing what little respect I had for you. Seriously can't you do better than this? Perhaps not considering your genetic capabilities. But really how droll, penis references, sand, little girls. My god what are you in 3rd it's your culture.

    Lesser men than myself

    Now this is highly doubtful, I doubt there are very many.

  41. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Oh Anonymous 09:06, a good afternoon to you too sir.

    A little grumpy again today aren't we?

    By they way Purple, you are quite funny. I remember seeing Fields Post last night where he gave you the attaboy. I then subsequently expected your grossly inflated false sense of self importance to kick in as it has. As is known to modern studies of the human mind those with a lower level capacity such as yourself are very predictable.

    I give you about an hour or so before the euphoria and associated false sense of competence wears off and you realize you aren't suddenly in possession of critical thinking skills, causing you then to lapse into into victimology themes. Oh already did that claiming you were being abused. Times up - you are a textbook case.

  42. tip


    eric holder is a crook who does hobama's crooked bidding
    in mexico/re: mumia/troy etc

    hobama has ONLY been prez of the banksters
    and only banksters should vote for him in 2012

    any other masochistic fool who does so deserves all hobama will bring via his gwb 3.0/new blackish joker's new world order

    the banksters own and rule hobama and us all


  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Democratic Obamanomics: Persons not in the labor force (not counted by those reporting unemployment has increase to 7.5 Million. How does Obama decrease unemployment? Stop counting job seekers.

    Unemployment decreased in December to 8.5% in December. Not really:

    Another 50,000 people dropped off the Obama count for Dec this in addition to the the 325k from Nov. Somehow they magically aren't unemployed anymore even though they have not started working and 200k temporary courier jobs for Christmas were factored in.

    Real Unemployment rate 15.6%

    Yet the unemployment rate trickery still continues, with labor force participation (prior revised), now at a 27 year low of 64%, and the labor force itself declined by 50K from 153,937 to 153,887. In fact, persons not in the labor force have increased by 7.5 million since January 2007! Bottom line - dropping out of labor statistics is the new killing it.

  45. hobama has earned his victory for wall street & by wall street...

    only his wall street owners and peers should vote for him

    hobama has been a cloned godsend for elitist amoral goons

    gwb never even came close to that joker hobama and his legendary 23 trillion dollar socialism exclusively for the rich

    Even after the ruinous financial crisis of 2008, America is still beset by the depredations of an oligarchy that is now bigger, more profitable, and more resistant to regulation than ever. Anchored by six megabanks—Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley—which together control assets amounting, astonishingly, to more than 60 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, these financial institutions (now more emphatically “too big to fail”) continue to hold the global economy hostage, threatening yet another financial meltdown with their excessive risk-taking and toxic “business as usual” practices. How did this come to be—and what is to be done? These are the central concerns of 13 Bankers, a brilliant, historically informed account of our troubled political economy.

    In 13 Bankers, Simon Johnson—one of the most prominent and frequently cited economists in America (former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, Professor of Entrepreneurship at MIT, and author of the controversial “The Quiet Coup” in The Atlantic)—and James Kwak give a wide-ranging, meticulous, and bracing account of recent U.S. financial history within the context of previous showdowns between American democracy and Big Finance: from Thomas Jefferson to Andrew Jackson, from Theodore Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They convincingly show why our future is imperiled by the ideology of finance (finance is good, unregulated finance is better, unfettered finance run amok is best) and by Wall Street’s political control of government policy pertaining to it.

    As the authors insist, the choice that America faces is stark: whether Washington will accede to the vested interests of an unbridled financial sector that runs up profits in good years and dumps its losses on taxpayers in lean years, or reform through stringent regulation the banking system as first and foremost an engine of economic growth. To restore health and balance to our economy, Johnson and Kwak make a radical yet feasible and focused proposal: reconfigure the megabanks to be “small enough to fail.”

    Lucid, authoritative, crucial for its timeliness, 13 Bankers is certain to be one of the most discussed and debated books of 2010.

  46. hobama owns all msm

    this is why fox tv is number 1
    as the sole network that is not hobama tv

    here is more proof


  47. all msm gave hobama assists and passes long ago


    remember when abc news actually moved into the white house???

    ask helen thomas

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. kudos to rubio!


    he has formally checked hobama

    something most cowards and fools never do

  50. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Oh Anonymous 09:06, a good afternoon to you too sir.

    Hey Purple, love your picture of Omar Little. I see you are a fan of the wire. Great show wasn't it?

    Which one of Omars lovers did you like the best? Brandon, Dante or Renaldo? I bet you liked Dante best of all, just a hunch - you wild and crazy sodomistic pederast you.

  51. hobama's global banksters wild and hobamacare have already begun to destroy doctors/hospitals/insurance premiums etc...


  52. I have to say, I'm so disappointed with the reaction of my patients. You give up your spare time to save them, and this is the thanks you get....

    These will be tough times, but I think together we can pull through them.

    These people deserve real lives, and I am bound and determined to give Slappy, Tormenting Lib and Anony, some meaning to their sad vacant little lives.

  53. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to grasp the fudging the BLS has been doing every month for years now in order to bring the unemployment rate lower: the BLS constantly lowers the labor force participation rate as more and more people "drop out" of the labor force for one reason or another. While there is some floating speculation that this is due to early retirement, this is completely counterfactual when one also considers the overall rise in the general civilian non institutional population. In order to back out this fudge we are redoing an analysis we did first back in August 2010, which shows what the real unemployment rate would be using a realistic labor force participation rate. To get that we used the average rate since 1980, or ever since the great moderation began. As it happens, this long-term average is 65.8% (chart 1). We then apply this participation rate to the civilian noninstitutional population to get what an "implied" labor force number is, and additionally calculate the implied unemployed using this more realistic labor force. We then show the difference between the reported and implied unemployed (chart 2). Finally, we calculate the jobless rate using this new implied data. It won't surprise anyone that as of December, the real implied unemployment rate was 11.4% (final chart) - basically where it has been ever since 2009 - and at 2.9% delta to reported, represents the widest divergence to reported data since the early 1980s. And because we know this will be the next question, extending this lunacy, America will officially have no unemployed, when the Labor Force Participation rate hits 58.5%, which should be just before the presidential election.

  54. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I liked Brandon best.

    Ahhhh, the sneaky butcher likes the prime cut white meat. Your psychological profile is rounding out.

    Tell us in this day and age why do you need to be a sneaky butcher? You don't have to recieve your meat deliveries in the rear in private any longer do you? Oh, maybe you do, the UK is an Islamic place and Islamicists hate homosexuals unless it is with children. Hmmmm....where does this lead us with you? Are you a sneaky butcher who likes the small pork chops and tender veal?

  55. Brandon had nice eyes.

  56. rjr..


    that ruthless bankster
    hobama's bogus stats prove that he is a liar

    and the msm that pretend his lies are real stats are equally soulless and amoral

    especially as so many who are jobless/homeless truly suffer

  57. kudos to real rebels who will check hobama on superbowl sunday!



  58. Some silly person wrote:

    "The Republicans preach individual freedom and limited government."

    Tell that to the Terry Schiavo family. Or a woman who believes in the individual freedom to make decisions about her own body. Or gay couples who choose to marry. Or people like Little Ricky who believe the government should have an interest in how married couples, or any couple, engage in sexual intercourse, and who would, if elected preznit, reinstate DADT. Or the people who don't have photo IDs to vote and cannot get them for whatever reason. And lastly, the silly Republican state legislator who wants to make it unlawful to sing the national anthem in an untraditional way. LOL!

    Yeah, those freedom lovin' Republicans certainly do preach individual freedom and limited government.

    They just don't want it for the wrong kind of people.

  59. "Or the people who don't have photo IDs to vote and cannot get them for whatever reason"

    Pray tell, whatever reason could that be?

    I'm waiting.

  60. The Republicans want complete individual freedom of choice in everything except sexual matters (abortion, government sanction of gay marriage).

    The Democrats want no individual freedom of choice except for sexual matters.

    Liberals offer unrestrained sexual activity as payment for accepting complete government control over all other aspects of our lives.

    You would sell your natural rights of life, liberty, and property for the sanction to marry an underage goat.

  61. To the entity that uses my blog page as a link to its play on my name:

    Are you so bereft of any personal resources that you are compelled to steal someone else's link?

    Obviously, poor thing, you are. That alone disqualifies you as a commenter with anything of value to say.

    Identity stealing is a lowest of low form of blog scummery.

  62. Shaw Kenawe said...
    Are you so bereft of any personal resources that you are compelled to steal someone else's link?


    Are you Shawn Heehaw?

    Still waiting for your explanation of how someone could conceivably not be able to get an ID to vote.

  63. no slappz2:52 PM

    Black Urban Sports Action:

    NYPD Daily Crime Blotter


    January 5, 2012

    The Bronx

    ***A teen with an extensive arrest history was killed and two pals were wounded in a party fight in Fordham early yesterday, police sources said.

    Shaneek Young, 19, and his friends tried to enter the house party, on Webster Avenue near East 187th Street, but were rebuffed, sources said.

    The three left the building but soon returned and got into a brawl with partygoers before gunfire rang out in the lobby around 2 a.m.

    An unknown assailant blasted Young once in the head and three times in the torso, cops said. He was rushed to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he died.

    One friend, 28, was shot in the back, and his 18-year-old buddy in the leg, authorities said.

    They were listed in stable condition at St. Barnabas, the police sources said.


    ***A Harlem shoplifter was so enraged when a security guard caught her that she attacked him with a knife, eyewitnesses and police sources said.

    The woman hid cheese, crackers, juice and soda in her coat and tried to stroll out of the Met Food market, on Amsterdam Avenue and LaSalle Street, at about 5:40 p.m. Friday, authorities said.

    Witnesses said when three security guards stopped her, the sticky-fingered woman pulled a knife and slashed the guard on the wrist as she screamed, “Let me go! I promise I won’t come in here no more!”

    Cops took her into custody

  64. reps = dems

    all are rabidly elitist dogs


    hobama is their LEAD dog in chief

    wtfu asap

    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

    With these elements in place, our Black Misleadership Class and others responsible for marshalling support for the president's re-election effort can, and are already claiming that no matter how bad Obama's policies have been for black people, that we still owe him our unquestioned support because he's running against a pack of fanatical white supremacists. Obama may not be much good, but opposing the right, they will tell us, is fighting the far greater evil. Americans, and especially black Americans, are long accustomed to choosing between greater and lesser political evils.
    From their standpoint, Obama needed, and continues to need two things. First, Obama needs running room to his right. In order for Obama to enact the neoliberal policies of his militarist and bankster sponsors, the policy demands of Republicans had to move further and still further rightward. In other words, he needs Republicans to play crazy and crazier, so that wherever he lands can credibly be claimed to be a little better than what might have been under a Republican regime, even when Obama's position is actually to the right of Bush or Reagan. Secondly, the bankster favorite Obama needs to distract the attention of his voter base with a loud and persistent clamor over cultural issues and sustained furor over instances of personal (but not institutional) racism among Republican candidates and supporters. Like in any production, every actor has a job to do, and everybody does their job.

  65. New Law Requires Photo ID To Buy Drain Cleaner

    So Democrats want you to show id before buying Draino, not before voting.

    Democrats care more about draino than voter fruad.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. No Slapzzzz!

    I see you haven't found yourself a life yet.

    How sad.

  68. pookie jocks' moms rule the world

    and classy public displays are all too rare...


  69. no slappz3:19 PM

    When will we see the arrival of a black nation that's prosperous, growing and populated by a healthy percentage of well educated citizens?

    If only there were such a nation. Then blacks could point to it and claim that maybe something is wrong in other countries where blacks are not prosperous or educated.

    But, if blacks were to point the finger at the nation where they've fared best, they would be pointing at the US. For blacks, despite the obvious benefit of living in the US, the loudest sound heard from them is the sound of anger, resentment and disgruntlement.

    Go figure.

    Request to blacks:

    Please create a showcase nation that demonstrates your claims of black competence.

  70. A day in the life of No Slapzzzzz

    10:46 Wakes up

    10:47 Begins to masturbate

    10:47:06 Finishes masturbating

    10:48 Flushes tissues down toilet.

    10:49 Microwaves last night’s pizza bones for breakfast

    11:00 Moves down to the other end of the trailer, finds ancient laptop under huge pile of old pizza boxes and beer tubes.

    11:01 Starts surfing porn sites.

    14:30 Suddenly panics when he sees how late it is and he still has nothing to post on Field Negro.

    14:31 Checks Google alerts for his search terms ‘Black’ ‘Crime’ ‘Drugs’ etc.

    14:40 Finally comes up with some lame report on a not-particularly-interesting or unusual crime, where the alleged perps have ‘ghetto’ names.


    14:52 Copies and pastes report onto Field Negro website.

    14:53 Returns to bed with a dog-eared seven year old copy of Playboy and his box of tissues.

    His useful work for the day done.

  71. lt:

    laws = pervasive power/secure pens for sheeple...

    the hitlerish hobama is law crazy


    hobama has set a crazy national tone for endless laws

    and hobama has created a perfect looming storm of lawlessness


    Abstract: Following a record year of rulemaking, the Obama Administration is continuing to unleash more costly red tape. In the first six months of the 2011 fiscal year, 15 major regulations were issued, with annual costs exceeding $5.8 billion and one-time implementation costs approaching $6.5 billion. No major rulemaking actions were taken to reduce regulatory burdens during this period. Overall, the Obama Administration imposed 75 new major regulations from January 2009 to mid-FY 2011, with annual costs of $38 billion. There were only six major deregulatory actions during that time, with reported savings of just $1.5 billion. This flood of red tape will undoubtedly persist, as hundreds of new regulations stemming from the vast Dodd–Frank financial regulation law, Obamacare, and the EPA’s global warming crusade advance through the regulatory pipeline—all of which further weakens an anemic economy and job creation, while undermining Americans’ fundamental freedoms. Action by Congress as well as the President to stem this regulatory surge is essential.

  72. ron paul on ndaa


    “It is disappointing that a former constitutional law professor does not understand that the President is not a dictator or a king who can simply ignore the Constitution whenever he feels frustrated by the system of checks and balances wisely put in place by our Founders,” Texas congressman and GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul says in an official statement.

    His move, says the legendary libertarian politicians, shows a “clear disregard of the Constitution” and a “flagrant contempt for the rules.”

    According to Paul, this isn’t first time that the current commander-in-chief has overstepped the Constitution either. Throughout the administration, says Paul, the president has bypassed the rules in order to make decisions favored by few but always to his liking. Most recently, the congressman attacked President Obama over his warning to Capitol Hill that he would get his jobs act through one way or another.

    “The current administration has unabashedly stated that Congress's unwillingness to pass the president's jobs bill means that the president will act unilaterally to enact provisions of it piecemeal through Executive Order,” Paul said in an open letter last November. “Obama explicitly threatens to bypass Congress, thus aggregating the power to make and enforce laws in the executive. This clearly erodes the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. It brings the modern presidency dangerously close to an elective dictatorship.”

  73. Anonymous3:55 PM

    mrs.bachmann has helped and many forster children,what about you bennet? santorum is right about welfare destroying every thing it touches.this recession was caused by our corrupt congress and every ting that bongo does makes it any one could believe what bongo to say is amazing!he lies about every thing,what does he think that we are not going to find the truth out for ourslves?bongo sold weapons to criminals in order to manufactor evidence for unconstitutional gun control.bongo belongs in an orange jump suit standing trial for treason.

  74. Anonymous4:10 PM

    11:01 Starts surfing porn sites.

    14:30 Suddenly panics when he sees how late it is and he still has nothing to post on Field Negro.

    14:31 Checks Google alerts for his search terms ‘Black’ ‘Crime’ ‘Drugs’ etc.

    14:40 Finally comes up with some lame report on a not-particularly-interesting or unusual crime, where the alleged perps have ‘ghetto’ names.


    14:52 Copies and pastes report onto Field Negro website.

    14:53 Returns to bed with a dog-eared seven year old copy of Playboy and his box of tissues.

    His useful work for the day done.

    Only a Kneegrow would have a fictional character go on the internet to post on a blog and surf porn sites, then later masturbate to a seven year old copy of playboy. Only a Kneegrow.

    Or an old man that remembers how he lived in his yoof.

    Funny how you are "sitting by watching" to accuse others of not having a life. Yet again, only a Kneegrow.

  75. no slappz4:12 PM

    purple cud:

    Seems like you wake up, probably several times a night, in a cold sweat, overcome by the fear of what would happen to blacks living outside Africa if their existence were no longer subsidized, no, make that entirely financed, by whites.

    Maybe you fight back the fear by imagining things about me. Maybe those thoughts are therapeutic and help you through the day.

    Anyway, let me know when there's a black nation that demonstrates the skills blacks have when it comes to organizing and building an economy and a nation.

    The one you can point to and say "we good," and not look like a buffoon for saying so.

  76. will newt speak to any white orgs about the same bs???????

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said Thursday he is willing to go before the NAACP and urge blacks to demand paychecks, not food stamps.

    Gingrich told a town hall meeting at a senior center in Plymouth, N.H., that if the NAACP invites him to its annual convention this year, he'd go there and talk about "why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps."


  77. No Slapzz/anonymous

    You guys need to invent your own jokes, simply recycling mine doesn't work I'm afraid.

    The fact that neither of you have an original idea in your heads is more evidence of the shallowness and emptiness of your lives.

    I don't understand why you are rejecting my kindly offer of help. With my help you will be able to lead useful and productive lives.

    Not only that, but with my intense long-term coaching and about $20,000 worth of plastic surgery* I can get you both girlfriends!

    It's a win-win!


  78. Your health insurance does cover you for plastic surgery, right?

    If not, you are well and truly fucked I'm afraid. But on the bright side, that is one sure way we can get you fucked...

  79. revisionist retard kosher kkk/needs fatal slaps:

    and where did the white financiers garner that global wealth which they wield???

    on the backs of the very blacks u slander u kapo mf!


    u cannot bash black poverty without indicting the whites who have globally profited from/created that very same poverty for centuries

    including your own swarthy nappy jew slave master kin/kapo human marauders etc!!!


  80. Anonymous5:19 PM


    Let me help you understand why you are a moron, because you are slow:


    Anything from the Caucasus region
    Peoples of the Caucasus or Caucasian peoples, humans from the Caucasus region

    Brown Caucasian (cattle), a cattle breed
    North Caucasian (pig), a pig breed
    Caucasian Snowcock, a type of bird
    Caucasian Shepherd Dog, a dog breed

    And sometimes it's even used by ignorant white trailer trash like yourself to describe white people. (But only because you are a twit).

    Also too. Aside from your nick, everything else in your email was stupid honky bile as well.

    For the record, I'm white. But I still have all of my teeth, an education, and a home I didn't have to remove the wheels from. In other words, I'm nothing like you. You are scum, and I wouldn't be caught in the same room as you. Guess what?, most white people are ASHAMED of people like you. You represent us? No. You represent stupid honky hate. Get bent.

  81. hobama has made his hero ronny raygun very proud


    Barack Obama has not just dribbled away the progressive mandate of 2008, he has emerged over the past three years as a politician “to the right of President Ronald Reagan, the Tea Party hero” on at least some issues. The U.S. continues its steady decline in all the indices that count for the average person. “Only three developed countries – Albania, Russian and Moldova – had a worse maternal mortality rate.” African Americans are in free fall under the First Black President.

    Obama has increased drone strikes eight times over what the Bush administration did across two terms according to John Feffer, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the progressive Institute for Policy Studies

    – He prevailed upon the Environmental Protection Agency to pull back anti-smog legislation as part of the Clean Air Act. The U.S. with China and India is the worst carbon emitter in the world.

    – He has failed to close Guatanamo Bay – an election promise.

    – He promised immigration reform - a key promise given that 26 percent of the electorate is Latino. In 2010, his administration arrested more migrants – 393,000 - than any administration before (81,000 more than in President George W. Bush’s last year in office).

    In October, the Congressional Budget Committee revealed that since 1979, the richest one percent had seen incomes rise 275%, while the middle class was 40% more comfortable and the lowest fifth of the nation had seen incomes rise only 18% – essentially, they got poorer. Yet in November, when the so-called super-committee nominated by Obama to find ways out of the debt crisis failed to reach accord, one of the biggest stumbling blocks was a refusal by Republicans to increase taxes on the rich, many of whom pay far lower taxes than the lowest earning members of society. Billionaire Warren Buffet famously pointed out recently that his personal assistant pays more tax than he does.

    Many of these issues Obama inherited, but with the mandate the electorate gave him he had the greatest capacity of any president in decades to make a real difference

  82. Detroit is about to declare bankruptcy. I wonder why that might be?

    Of the nations ten worst run cities, all were run by democrats, and none had a non-Hispanic White majority:

    #1 Miami FL

    11.9% Non-Hispanic White
    19.2% black
    70.0% Hispanic or Latino

    #2 Detroit MI

    7.8% Non-Hispanic White
    82.7% black
    6.8% Hispanic or Latino

    #3 Newark NJ

    26.3% White
    52.4% black
    33.8% Hispanic or Latino

    #4 San Bernardino CA

    45.6% White
    15.0% black
    4.0% Asian
    60.0% Hispanic or Latino

    #5 Cleveland OH

    33.4% non-Hispanic White
    53.3% black
    10.0% Hispanic or Latino

    #6 Stockton CA

    37.0% White
    12.2% black
    21.5% Asian
    40.3% Hispanic or Latino

    #7 St. Louis MO

    43.9% White
    49.2% black

    #8 Fresno CA

    49.6% White
    8.3% black
    46.9% Hispanic
    12.6% Indian

    #9 North Las Vegas, NV

    47.4% White
    19.9% black
    38.8% Hispanic or Latino

    #10 Hialeah, FL

    4.2% non-Hispanic White
    94.7% Hispanic or Latino

    (Wikipedia and US Census Bureau were sources)

  83. Cheese Weasel Killer6:02 PM

    Also too. Aside from your nick, everything else in your email was stupid honky bile as well.

    For the record, I'm white. But I still have all of my teeth, an education, and a home I didn't have to remove the wheels from. In other words, I'm nothing like you. You are scum, and I wouldn't be caught in the same room as you. Guess what?, most white people are ASHAMED of people like you. You represent us? No. You represent stupid honky hate. Get bent.

    A white kid that sounds like an old uneducated Black Man..honky? LOL- get bent? What century are you from? Now "don't be such a spaz" and we "gonna catch you on the flip side" "can you dig it"?

    Now "do us a solid" and stop pretending to be someone you are not.

  84. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Newt is just poor white trash!! He's racist, dumb and ugly!
    He's catering to the racist vote!!


  85. CaucasianX6:14 PM

    Anonofag said...For the record, I'm white. But I still have all of my teeth, an education, and a home I didn't have to remove the wheels from. In other words, I'm nothing like you. You are scum, and I wouldn't be caught in the same room as you. Guess what?, most white people are ASHAMED of people like you. You represent us? No. You represent stupid honky hate. Get bent.

    Many white people (i.e. liberals) are ahamed of being white, because they have been taught to hate themselves. Apparently, this applies to you. Either that, or you just like to suck black dick.

    What did I write that was racist? Pointing out that black Americans favor collectivist solutions over individualism? Beacuse that is objectively true.

    I don't think the adult black folk here on this blog need some 20-something white punk to defend their sensibilities. So why don't you save your self-righteous histrionics for your fellow community colege graduates hanging out at Starbucks.

  86. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Nice. Now White flight will be computer enhanced. With a coming Microsoft GPS app you too can avoid Black Neighborhoods and the crime that happens in them.

  87. I get a great deal of pleasure wearing my grandmothers knickers on my head.

  88. Anonymous6:53 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    10:49 Microwaves last night’s pizza bones for breakfast

    lissen up bluegum dere aint no bones in pizza ya smoked Irish
    dem dere be chicken bones no doubt like da ones you use in your burrhead

  89. "11:01 Starts surfing porn sites.

    14:30 Suddenly panics when he sees how late it is and he still has nothing to post on Field Negro.

    14:31 Checks Google alerts for his search terms ‘Black’ ‘Crime’ ‘Drugs’ etc.

    14:40 Finally comes up with some lame report on a not-particularly-interesting or unusual crime, where the alleged perps have ‘ghetto’ names.


    14:52 Copies and pastes report onto Field Negro website.

    14:53 Returns to bed with a dog-eared seven year old copy of Playboy and his box of tissues.

    His useful work for the day done."

    Not quite, he still has to take his meds. :)

  90. HI5ving Anon. @ 5:19PM

  91. "The Republicans have to be the "white" party, not because they are racist or exclusionary, but because whites are the only ones left who believe in the common interest.."


    No white Hispanics, single women, gays, pubic sector workers, or illegal immigrants?

    Talk about "identity politics".


  92. You hit the nail on the head Field, when it comes to race & politics the GOP trot out the Southern Strategy - battle tested.

    It the same playbook that effectively keeps white working class men voting against their economic interests.

    check out my post

    This mind set/mentality successfully has too many white men spewing hatred towards minorities without rationally examining who GOP elected leaders serve - exclusively the top one percent.

  93. CaucasianX8:55 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Talk about "identity politics".

    To steve, not actively lobbying for your group's special privileges puts you in a group - or another way - not playing identity politics is a form identity politics.

    Thanks for sharing that old negro logic.....

  94. ummmmmm, last I checked every single one of the REMAINING GOP presidential candidates is a white male. Sorry I ddin't go back in time to the guy we all told you was a joke and wouldn't last. I do try to live in the present not the past. I know it's a big thing to actually have HAD a Black candidate which at this point is a huge deal for Republicans. Hell, in 2020 they'll still be talking about the one dark guy that ran for a few months back in 2011. Sad isn't it.

    @Steve, when their group is in the majority they don't need indentity politics, it's just assumed when we talk of "interests" we are referring to their interests.
