Wednesday, January 04, 2012

God's candidates.

You know what pisses me off about some of these powerful Christians here in A-merry-ca? The fact that they have all this access to the big gal and they won't share it with the rest of us.

"Christian leader Pat Robertson is claiming that God gave him insight regarding who America’s next president will be. But the conservative media mogul isn’t willing to name names.

'I think He showed me about the next president, but I‘m not supposed to talk about that so I’ll leave you in the dark — probably just as well — but I think I know who it’s gonna be,” Robertson said on Tuesday‘s episode of the Christian Broadcast Network’s “700 Club.'

Aside from making this proclamation, he went on to read the message, word-for-word, that he claims to have heard directly from God. Here it is, in full:
Your country will be torn apart by internal stress. A house divided cannot stand. Your president holds a radical view of the direction of your country which is at odds with the majority. Expect chaos and paralysis. Your president holds a view which is at the odds with the majority — it’s a radical view of the future of this country, and so that‘s why we’re having this division. This is a spiritual battle which can only be won by overwhelming prayer. The future of the world is at stake because if America falls, there’s no longer a strong champion of freedom and a champion of the oppressed of the world. There must be an urgent call to prayer." [Source]
At least Pat is sharing God's thoughts with the rest of us. Pat must be a good guy. Can you imagine what some of us would do with that type of power?
"Pssst..., God, sorry to bug you again, but could you give me the numbers to that Powerball ticket?".

So anyway, the guys who I am sure that "God" would like to see in the White House are really going at it these days.

Ron Paul called Newt a "chicken hawk", Newt called Flipper a liar, and Flipper called Newt an abortion supporter. (Definitely a no no for a God candidate.)

Finally, it's time to say goodbye to Michele Bachmann. She gave it the old wingnut try, but, in the end, it just wasn't enough.

Sarah, it might be time to show off that new hairdo. The Tea Party needs you.


  1. Bye Michelle.

    I guess it's back to Minnesota to collect some more USDA handouts while accusing black folks of getting reparations.

    Pat Robertson won't reveal who God told him would be the next President cuz he knows it was the "beige dude" and these Rethug nutjobs are the main reason why.

  2. To paraphrase Hitch, If you gave Pat Robertson an enema what's left would look like a used rubber.

  3. NSangoma9:24 PM

    Santorum in Iowa:
    ... "I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them other people's money."

    "I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn their money and provide for themselves and their families,"

    If Santorum's grandfather was from the wrong part of Italy, Santorum may soon be called a Nigger his damn self.

  4. NTacoma9:28 PM

    NSangoma just wants dem other people's money

  5. Mee-chelle9:29 PM

    I guess it's official; even God thinks Obama is a POS president.

  6. This post brings to mind another, from a different perspective with a common theme, about troubled times, to which I argued:

    "There are actually some good signs for the economy in the near future.

    We are seriously, finally, considering reducing military spending. It will be Obama's single greatest, historic achievement, if we could see the beginning of the end of our almost universal presence abroad - our extremely expensive military empire.

    It looks like taxes will have to go up in the next few years. It stinks for the near future, but it's good news for the farther future. This could be another great achievement of Obama's.

    His healthcare reforms are in question, and they are certainly questionable. It will be very unfortunate for many millions of Americans [if] the law is completely repealed, but that actually could happen. This would be a bad omen. I do not see a better healthcare bill coming any time soon, and going back to the failure we had before seems utterly irresponsibly stupid to me.

    Over all, two out of three ain't bad.

    I know these are big policy wonky government things, but they have a big impact on our economy. If we started paying and reducing our bills in significant ways - not just cutting our little pet peeves - we could turn this economy around. We could start building and growing again.



  7. Meanwhile, the guy who makes them all look like bird brains watching a cat fight is making recess appointments and raising money for his re-election campaign.

  8. NSangoma9:37 PM

    If the LAWD YHWH JESUS told Michele Bachmann to run for POTUS, she is supposed to keep on running.

    Similarly, for Herman Cain; deh LAWD YHWH JESUS told him to run, too.

  9. "NSangoma just wants dem other people's money"

    Just who the fuck are these "other people"?

  10. no slappz10:26 PM

    jersey mcjones says:

    We are seriously, finally, considering reducing military spending.

    Possibly just long enough for Iran to undermine our outstanding accomplishments in Iraq.

    It will be Obama's single greatest, historic achievement,...

    It will enable Obama to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    ...if we could see the beginning of the end of our almost universal presence abroad - our extremely expensive military empire.

    The deterrent force that keeps thugs all over the world from busting across borders to attack and conquer.

    It looks like taxes will have to go up in the next few years.

    That's only because Obama believes killing job growth and raising taxes on those who have jobs is better than letting capitalism do what it can do -- the oil & gas industry could/would, if permitted -- create vast numbers of high-paying jobs with no government intervention or funding.

    It stinks for the near future, but it's good news for the farther future.

    It's remarkable how something that's bad in the near-term somehow evolves into something good in the long-term.

    This could be another great achievement of Obama's.

    Don't you mean it would be his swan song?

    Any day now, Obama may find himself Jimmy-Carter-deep in his own Iranian Crisis.

  11. "Meanwhile, the guy who makes them all look like bird brains watching a cat fight is making recess appointments and raising money for his re-election campaign."

    Yes, becasue we all know that he is the first sitting president to ever do such things.

    Where do these people come from?

  12. "NSangoma just wants dem other people's money"

    Just who the fuck are these "other people"?"

    I was wondering the same thing.

  13. Anonymous11:17 PM

    The fact that they have all this access to the big gal and they won't share it with the rest of us.

    How many "people" can the Mooch handle? Does Obama know so many are accessing the "big gal"? Does he care or is he out having a Sinclair?

  14. But Jesus was also considered to be a "radical," so is God necessarily against radicals? I suspect Robertson doesn't know the answer because he's the same man who just before Thanksgiving did not know that mac 'n cheese was macaroni and cheese. He asked his co-host was that a black thing.


  15. Pat Robertson11:55 PM

    I predict that it will be bronze man with wool hair.

  16. Anonymous12:13 AM

    From the previous thread:

    UTS, Crazy Ricky says that he slipped and didn't mean to say blacks. And, get this, he actually has black friends, and he helped to get funding for Pistolvania's three HBCUs.

    "You and Field and others on FN are taking Santorum's comments out of context. When he shows he is not racist, you will feel very stupid. Why must our folks always get it wrong about Republicans? SMH"

    "Our folks"? What do you mean "our folks"?

    8:53 PM
    Come on Field, you know what "our folks" mean. Are you that naive and disconnected from "our folks" that you don't know what the term means? GET REAL.

  17. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Yes, he's historic, alright.

    • First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government

    • First President to Violate the War Powers Act

    • First President to Orchestrate the Sale of Murder Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

    • First President to issue an unlawful "recess-appointment" while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department).

    • First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

    • First President to Defy a Federal Judge's Court Order to Cease Implementing the 'Health Care Reform' Law

    • First President to halt deportations of illegal aliens and grant them work permits, a form of stealth amnesty roughly equivalent to "The DREAM Act", which could not pass Congress

    • First President to Require All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party

    • First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs

    • First President to sue states for requiring valid IDs to vote, even though the same administration requires valid IDs to travel by air

    • First President to Abrogate Bankruptcy Law to Turn Over Control of Companies to His Union Supporters

    • First President to Bypass Congress and Implement the DREAM Act Through Executive Fiat

    • First President to Threaten Insurance Companies After They Publicly Spoke out on How Obamacare Helped Cause their Rate Increases

    • First President to Threaten an Auto Company (Ford) After It Publicly Mocked Bailouts of GM and Chrysler

    • First President to "Order a Secret Amnesty Program that Stopped the Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Across the U.S., Including Those With Criminal Convictions"

    • First President to Demand a Company Hand Over $20 Billion to One of His Political Appointees

    • First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space.

    • First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places

    • First President to Have a Law Signed By an 'Auto-pen' Without Being "Present"

    • First President to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It

    • First President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory

    • First President to refuse to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena.

    • First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN, etc.)

    • First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago

    • First President to Fire an Inspector General of Americorps for Catching One of His Friends in a Corruption Case

    • First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts

    • First President to allow Mexican police to conduct law enforcement activities on American soil

    • First President to Golf 90 or More Times in His First Three Years in Office

    But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc.

  18. Suriel12:28 AM

    Excellent list. Problem is, it just keeps growing.

  19. Quote Anonymous

    " will leave the "boys" comment untouched - sonny."

    OK Girls then - whatever.

  20. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I like the title of this post because Republicans are truly God's candidates.

    Anyone who mocks Pat Robertson mocks God. Field, you should watch the 700 Club often...and you will learn that Pat does in fact talk to God.

    You FN people are such small-time folks when it comes to God. You will never even see St. Peter at the gates of heaven, let alone heaven. Nope. You have a one-way ticket directly to hell.

    Field, I have tried to save your ass and some of your FN Negroes many times on this blog but you folks lack the moral strength; and have such low spiritual IQs-- that you just don't get it.

  21. I don't know about Philly, but in New Yawk City you call a guy a chicken hawk you mean he cruises for teenage male prostitutes, the younger the better.

    I think we all of us hear from "God" once in awhile in one way or another, & are too stupid to listen, but certainly not so filled with certitude & hubris that we announce it to the world. Anyway, God usually shows up as the wise advice someone gives us & we don't take.

  22. Dear Anonymous 12:23,

    Thanks for posting that fictional list of Obama's firsts, pure comedy gold.

    I particularly liked the one about Golfing, a clear reference to George W. Bush's "now watch this drive" moment - very funny. Whoever wrote the list is a comedy genius.

    Oh and congratulations on finally finding your copy and paste buttons.

  23. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Dear PC, please read the last sentence of Anon3:28am. It especially pertains to atheists like you.

  24. Anonymous3:56 AM

    PC, "Dear Anonymous 12:23,

    Thanks for posting that fictional list of Obama's firsts, pure comedy gold."

    You are quite insulting to Anon. Anyone can see that a lot of effort was put into that list. At least you can respect his factual information.

  25. Completely off-topic (or perhaps not) I enjoyed this Belgian TV ad.

  26. Dear Annonymous,

    So copying and pasting lists from websites such as this constitutes "a lot of effort" for you wingnuts these days does it?

    Shit, no wonder America is fucked.

    [BTW, what exactly are guys doing hanging out on websites called "Super Hunky" run by a guy with a name like 'Rick Sieman' - I mean I'm a man of the world and all that but eeeuwww, that's icky.]

  27. As for the last line of post 3:28, anybody who shows such blatant disregard for the basic rules of correct English grammar usage, does not get to lecture me on spirituality.

    So tell him, and that nasty, vindictive god of yours to stick their ill-judged efforts to achieve the moral high-ground where the sun don't shine.

  28. Anonymous5:32 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 12:23,

    Thanks for posting that fictional list of Obama's firsts, pure comedy gold.

    I particularly liked the one about Golfing, a clear reference to George W. Bush's "now watch this drive" moment - very funny. Whoever wrote the list is a comedy genius.

    You did eh? Why's that? You expect that you are talking to someone as readily gullible as you are to leftist drivel? Or are you just trying to prove what a lying hypocrite you are? Obama had already golfed more times than Bush did being in office just a little over a year in April of 2009Bush full 8 years had 24 golf outings. Obama 3 years so far 90 and counting. Bush stopped golfing in 2003 at 24 so as to lead and not let soldiers see him golfing while they were on the battlefield. Obama? Heh. Between golfing and campaigning and vacationing he does very little else. But clearly you are just a hypocrite or are you just stupid and don't know how to correlate facts?

    Now back up your claim of the list being "fiction" from what I know it is woefully incomplete.

    Oh and congratulations on finally finding your copy and paste buttons.

    Now this is just a boyish comment. You do realize this type of blog insult went out of vogue nearly 15-20 years ago and highlights your useless inability to think, lack of a real response and age? That nap is getting grey isn't it. Most people who copy and paste nowadays use a single key or a mouse function granpa lefty so develop a new diversionary tactic.

  29. Anonymous5:40 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Annonymous,

    So copying and pasting lists from websites such as this constitutes "a lot of effort" for you wingnuts these days does it?

    Shit, no wonder America is fucked.

    [BTW, what exactly are guys doing hanging out on websites called "Super Hunky" run by a guy with a name like 'Rick Sieman' - I mean I'm a man of the world and all that but eeeuwww, that's icky.]

    Sigh... not this tired old leftist gibberish again. You really are a useless relic aren't you?

    Fuck you Saul Alinsky. You can't cloud the truth by attacking the messenger and the source. As for your liking Ricky's semen? First I think you are an old doting fart and now you go and sound like a ten year old - the list is viral jabberwocky breath so it is telling that despite it being all over the internet or (World Wide Web to an old nappy goat like you)you found a site with Semen on it to feast your eyes on and "copy and paste".

    Now go do as typical useless leftists do, spin, spin, sit and spin but the list again still stands even if the best you can do is claim it is "not true" because someone else copied it. How literally juvenile and outdated while being ironically outdated.

    Come back when you have enough intellect to discuss the points instead of ridiculously attempting to smear the post with someones semen, that you found and liked on the internet.

  30. Anonymous5:42 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    As for the last line of post 3:28, anybody who shows such blatant disregard for the basic rules of correct English grammar usage, does not get to lecture me on spirituality.

    So tell him, and that nasty, vindictive god of yours to stick their ill-judged efforts to achieve the moral high-ground where the sun don't shine.

    Cool, my grandfather used to say that all the time. Or did you invent that? So witty. Heh, you are a clown aren't you.

  31. I wasn't trying to be witty, and of course you are lying about your grandfather.

  32. "Come on Field, you know what "our folks" mean. Are you that naive and disconnected from "our folks" that you don't know what the term means? GET REAL"

    No, I really don't. In my case is "our folks" Jamaicans? People with the name Bennett? I really don't know.

    Help a brotha out.

    Anon. @ 12:23 AM, that's a nice list. Looks like my man was getting some things done.

    I loved these:

    "First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago

    First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN, etc.)

    First President to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It

    First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places

    First President to issue an unlawful "recess-appointment" while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department)."

    Sounds like a guy who should get four more years to me.

  33. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Purple Shit for brains said..

    "Shit, no wonder America is fucked".

    No America is "fucked" temporarily for allowing people who think like you to get into power. We knew they werent' capable and they have proven it. We will however remedy that soon. You in the UK however are hopelessly doomed and beyond the point of no return. You lock up women for speaking and free violent attackers of the elderly based on nothing more than skin color, all the while bowing to Islam. So, so many survive on the dole never even having held a job and then foolishly lacking the foresight or just believing that the changed population of third worlders and Islamacists will be the ones to keep this going for you in the future....

    You are you like the man standing in a pile of feces saying, look honey the neighbors haven't mowed the lawn this week.

  34. "A study by the Georgia Agriculture Department of the state farm workforce shows that finding legal employees with the skill and desire to do labor-intensive harvesting is extremely difficult.

    The reasons, says a report released Tuesday of the study’s findings, include the complexity and expense of government programs intended to help farmers employ guest workers, and the physically demanding nature of many agricultural jobs.

    The Agriculture Department undertook the study after Georgia’s legislators passed a measure that targeted undocumented immigrants.The state General Assembly asked the agency to conduct a study of immigration's role in the agricultural industry, which the report described as “the state’s top economic driver.”

    Farmers participating in the study said they have suffered roughly $10 million in crop losses because of the law, which many say has driven away workers."


  35. Anonymous6:06 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I wasn't trying to be witty, and of course you are lying about your grandfather.

    Oh, then congratulations are in order. Liar? You seem to have limited worldly experience despite aggressively professing the opposite, perhaps it is a cultural anomaly.

  36. No, you are just a liar.

  37. Anonymous6:18 AM

    The Purple Cow Envying America Said..

    "The Agriculture Department undertook the study after Georgia’s legislators passed a measure that targeted undocumented immigrants.The state General Assembly asked the agency to conduct a study of immigration's role in the agricultural industry, which the report described as “the state’s top economic driver.”

    Bullshit leftist propaganda. We see the UK we SEE what unfettered illegal immigration does to once prosperous nations. We see the cesspool your kind has created. We don't want to be you.

    Why take Alabama in example:

    The state’s unemployment rate fell 0.6 percent in November to 8.7 percent, according to new state reports, partly because the state’s employers opened up jobs to Americans after shedding illegal immigrants.

    The unemployment rate is far below October’s rate of 9.3 percent and September’s rate of 9.8 percent.

    “The continued drop is proof that people — American Citizens [and] legal migrants, have suffered at the hands of politicians who choose politics over economics,” said Chuck Ellis, a council member in Northern Alabama’s Marshall County.

    “What’s really amazing is that in Marshall County, a county of 95,000 residents, 30,000 workforce eligible, there are over 600 people who now have jobs that they didn’t have 6 months ago,” he said.

    In November the county’s unemployment rate dropped 0.7 percent, from 8.1 percent to 7.4 percent.

    “Is that a difference of great significance? Ask those families for an answer as they undertake the Christmas season,” Ellis said.

    Read more:

  38. Anonymous6:24 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    No, you are just a liar.

    Now, Now, you already have sole claim to that crown kingwhackjob. You have been nothing but a proven liar.

    Notice that despite many posts, you said a whole lot of nothing once again? All in an attempt to dispel facts by providing the smoke from burned shit

    Take it easy, or just take it anyway you can get it. See Gramps,- another ancient phrase you may recognize.

    Later..much later. I am going to go watch Obama campaign today, after all he just came back from golfing and a long vacation.

  39. Anonymous6:40 AM

    "Sounds like a guy who should get four more years to me"

    Field, despite what you want to get done, breaking the law is not good especially if you are the chief guardian of the constitution. I mean, even if he does get four more years, liberalism will croak when conservatives or even moderates regain the office and apply the same standards he has set. The main thing this country and democratic republic has had going for it since inception is the rule of law. Lose that and we become a dictatorship.

    You are a lawyer do you really promote someone who doesnt have the capability to convince and lead the populace but has to resort to thuggery and criminal actions to get his way? His way over the protests of the considerable majority of americans? Golf/Campaign/Break the law - not very presidential and certainly not worth leading me.

  40. "Notice that despite many posts, you said a whole lot of nothing once again? All in an attempt to dispel facts by providing the smoke from burned shit

    I'm sure you would know all about that, you seem to have given up debating some time ago. You only come here in a lame attempt to prove your manhood these days.


    "Golf/Campaign/Break the law - not very presidential and certainly not worth leading me."

    And yet you supported the Bush regime that did all of those things, ad nauseum. Go figure.

  41. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Notice that despite many posts, you said a whole lot of nothing once again? All in an attempt to dispel facts by providing the smoke from burned shit

    I'm sure you would know all about that, you seem to have given up debating some time ago. You only come here in a lame attempt to prove your manhood these days.

    Oh is this another attempt at being witty due to a lack of foundation? You could have replied with facts, instead you took the Saul Alinsky approach from the getgo and now bemoan the fact that someone responded in kind. Your physcobabble is found wanting. If I felt the need to prove my manhood or sharpen my intellectual tools; it wouldn't be against a drooling non thinking conformist leftist.


    "Golf/Campaign/Break the law - not very presidential and certainly not worth leading me."

    And yet you supported the Bush regime that did all of those things, ad nauseum. Go figure.

    Now where did you get that from? I never supported Bush. Yet again you confuse someone being honest and getting disgusted by hypocrisy as a sycophant of some sort. Understandably so using your juxtaposing your own standards on someone else. Another leftist trait is to assume and fabricate reality trying to make it fit your ideology. Bush golfed but what makes me want to vomit is the same leftists like you who excoriated Bush for golfing and made it a daily reference are now applauding Obama for tripling down and very clearly avoiding responsibility by saying he needs a break. Obama literally fled from many an important issue to golf. Yet that is ok with you to the point you excuse it by lamely trying to say a former president was worse? No one trusts a hypocrite or someone immoral with double standards.

  42. " Obama literally fled from many an important issue to golf."

    Is this some kind of post-ironic joke???

    Remember this...?

  43. "No one trusts a hypocrite or someone immoral with double standards."

    Which means you are in a world of trouble.

    I never supported Obama. Yet again you confuse someone being honest and getting disgusted by hypocrisy as a sycophant of some sort. Understandably so using your juxtaposing your own standards on someone else. Another rightist trait is to assume and fabricate reality trying to make it fit your ideology.

  44. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    " Obama literally fled from many an important issue to golf."

    Is this some kind of post-ironic joke???

    Remember this...?

    Are you just incapable or dense? I do remember that and it was awful. How does that excuse Obama and which part of hypocrisy do you not understand? Do you always view the actions of a man by the actions of another? Are you that feebleminded or just really really searching for lame excuses? Michael Moore - really you should be ashamed another hypocrite who has useful idiots like you supporting his gluttony.

  45. Wesley R7:47 AM


    These are the kind of 'Christians' that used to hang brothers from trees after church in the town square for entertainment.

  46. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "No one trusts a hypocrite or someone immoral with double standards."

    Which means you are in a world of trouble.

    I never supported Obama. Yet again you confuse someone being honest and getting disgusted by hypocrisy as a sycophant of some sort. Understandably so using your juxtaposing your own standards on someone else. Another rightist trait is to assume and fabricate reality trying to make it fit your ideology.

    OK this is tiresome - "I know you are but what am I" is the best you can do? Is this the sum of your intellect? A mature man with the intelligence of a child. Who are you pee-wee-Leroy?

    If you never supported Obama, then why do you copy my words in another poor attempt at being witty? I know you don't realize it but will point out that with your flaccid intellect you have simply just highlighted you are hypocritical and incapable of being creative. Weren't you the one who attempted to discredit the entire factual post by claiming copy and paste somehow invalidated the facts? What a goose.

    If you have never supported Obama then why are you going through contortions using every tactic you can think of no matter how infantile to avoid discussing facts? You attacked the source, you attacked the messenger, you tried to make the poster seem irrelevent by claiming he copied it from a gay site (also revealing your homophobia) you constantly bring up Bush and yet have not had one thought, not one on Obamas actions and records. You are either a slobbering Obamabot sycophant supreme or you need some serious mental help, as evinced by the lengths you have gone to in order to obsfucate the truth while maintaing deniability of being an Obamabot.

    If you are going to lick Obamas hindquarters you might want to at least throw in some credible misdirection by skewing some of the facts here and there. By totally ignoring facts and simply applying "rules for radicals" your competency is more than in doubt.

    Enough - I don't want to play in the sandbox anymore, you have fouled it. Have a nice day and don't forget to wipe your chin.

  47. no slappz7:54 AM

    anon 12:23 am -- great list of Obama firsts.

    Are some of those "firsts" questionable? Perhaps. In a few cases, Obama probably wasn't first. Nevertheless, the big picture is accurate.

    • First President to Orchestrate the Sale of Murder Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

    This alone should have resulted in some resignations of high-placed administration officials -- like Attorney General Holder.

    Anyway, that list of 30 Firsts may have the kick to defeat Obama in November. But the biggest problem is probably on the way -- Iran.

    It looks like Obama is going to have his own Jimmy Carter moment with Iran. With back-up from Pakistan.

    Here at home, the Chevy Volt has failed -- utterly and completely. Instead, car-buyers want SUVs.

    The solar energy industry is collapsing.

    Meanwhile, the oil & gas industry is bursting with opportunity -- but thwarted by Obama lunacy.


  48. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "Here at home, the Chevy Volt has failed -- utterly and completely. Instead, car-buyers want SUVs"

    Yup, only 7,671 Chevy Volts Sold In 2011 far shy of the 10k they expected to sell and not only that each volt cost taxpayers 7,500k in subsidies

    NOW get this...GM is moving production to China.

    This is a real life example of the incompetence of leftists and big government. Meanwhile Ford who got threatened by the Obama Admin for making fun of GM is doing wonderfully under the free market without subsidies, taxpayer theft or needing to threaten anyone to keep the truth hidden.

  49. no slappz8:11 AM

    field, in his debilitating confusion, says:

    You know what pisses me off about some of these powerful Christians here in A-merry-ca? The fact that they have all this access to the big gal and they won't share it with the rest of us.

    Mocking Christians? If there's one factor that's elemental in America's black culture -- it's church.

    Just as blacks produce murderers at a ratio of 8-to-1 compared with whites, blacks produce ministers and churches at a similar pace.

    In every black neighborhood, there's at least two churches on almost every block.

    Over here in Brooklyn, some are even attached to laundromats. The wash and the soul are cleansed at the same time.

    Why mock Christians when Christianity is one of the few links to civil society that exists among blacks?

  50. "If you have never supported Obama then why are you going through contortions using every tactic you can think of no matter how infantile to avoid discussing facts? You attacked the source, you attacked the messenger, you tried to make the poster seem irrelevent by claiming he copied it from a gay site (also revealing your homophobia) you constantly bring up Bush and yet have not had one thought, not one on Obamas actions and records. You are either a slobbering Obamabot sycophant supreme or you need some serious mental help, as evinced by the lengths you have gone to in order to obsfucate the truth while maintaing deniability of being an Obamabot.

    If you are going to lick Obamas hindquarters you might want to at least throw in some credible misdirection by skewing some of the facts here and there. By totally ignoring facts and simply applying "rules for radicals" your competency is more than in doubt.

    Enough - I don't want to play in the sandbox anymore, you have fouled it. Have a nice day and don't forget to wipe your chin."

    I always know when I've defeated a rightist in a debate, they begin to throw out scattergun ad hominem attacks before feebly claiming they 'can't be bothered anymore'.

    But, to your alleged 'points'.

    1. By copying your words I was not attempting to be witty, I was pointing out the astonishing hypocrisy of your position.

    2. I attacked the source, the messenger and the content. The source is icky (though not as far as I'm aware a Gay site (so your accusation of homophobia falls at this very early stage). The messenger attempted to pass other people's work off as his own without attribution, and you laughably claimed that copying and pasting the words took "serious effort" (!)

    Do you really need to someone to point out the idiocy of the vast majority of the points listed? I mean I can if you need them, but if you believe this shit, you are dumber than even I thought.

    3. What "facts" have I avoided discussing? And while we are at it - how many facts are to found in your 'content-free' blatherings?

    4. You and I argued quite recently about whether or not Obama was a conservative. I maintained that he was, you denied it. Why would I, a Socialist, approve of a conservative politician, even a moderate conservative like Obama?

  51. no slappz8:21 AM

    anon 8:05 says:

    Yup, only 7,671 Chevy Volts Sold In 2011 far shy of the 10k they expected to sell and not only that each volt cost taxpayers $7,500 in subsidies.

    It gets worse. Clearly some of the sales were to fleet buyers, and clearly the purchases were payoffs to the administration.

    It's been said that GE has been one of the buyers. Meanwhile, GE has been heavily criticized for finding legal ways of reducing its tax bill.

    The $7,500 Volt tax CREDIT -- much more valuable than a tax DEDUCTION -- is undoubtedly part of the Volt's appeal to GE.

    Combining the Volt tax CREDIT and the standard rate for depreciation of motor vehicles, GE may turn a profit on these vehicles by simply buying them and storing them for a couple of years, then reselling them.

  52. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Obama Firsts:

    First President with a Foreign Father

    First President to seek a Civilian Army equal to the military

    First President to to break article one section nine by sitting as president of the U.N. security counsel - a foreign post.

    First President to to send his Secretary of Defense to meet with the Bilderberg Group in violation of the Logan Act

    First president to start his political career in the living room of an unrepentent terrorist!

    First president to win a Nobel Peace prize in anticipation of what he would never do.

    First president to return a bust of Winston Churchill to England

    First President to claim a Jihadi shooting americans yelling Allahu Akbar was not a terrorist but a disgruntled military employee

    and many many more.......

  53. no slappz8:24 AM

    pruple cow offers:

    Do you really need to someone to point out the idiocy of the vast majority of the points listed? I mean I can if you need them...

    Please do.

  54. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Enough - I don't want to play in the sandbox anymore, you have fouled it. Have a nice day and don't forget to wipe your chin."

    I always know when I've defeated a rightist in a debate, they begin to throw out scattergun ad hominem attacks before feebly claiming they 'can't be bothered anymore'.

    Seriously? You have been totally eviscerated and yet you still somehow claim victory by claiming someone else is doing precisely what YOU have done? Idiot.

    But, to your alleged 'points'.

    1. By copying your words I was not attempting to be witty, I was pointing out the astonishing hypocrisy of your position.

    Again, congratulations are in order then. You were successful.

    2. I attacked the source, the messenger and the content. The source is icky (though not as far as I'm aware a Gay site (so your accusation of homophobia falls at this very early stage). The messenger attempted to pass other people's work off as his own without attribution, and you laughably claimed that copying and pasting the words took "serious effort" (!)

    Listen Saul; you really are reaching. The person posted as anonymous. So send the royalty check to anon inc. You are a fraud. How disengenious in trying to assemble some faux morals. You might want to check plausibility before you try this bullshit in the future. No one buys this crap. You simply played Mr Alinsky and got nailed to the fucking wall.

    Do you really need to someone to point out the idiocy of the vast majority of the points listed? I mean I can if you need them, but if you believe this shit, you are dumber than even I thought.

    No, that wont work either, either comment with your objections or leave the again alinsky tactics up your ass where they belong. I believe you are quite dumb as you put it to again defend Obama yet claim to not be an Obamabot. If you think the points are wrong, back it up or shut up and lose the smokescreen. Every single comment you made was useless and nothing more than oh yeah, well Bush golfed..sheez whatta waste.

    3. What "facts" have I avoided discussing? And while we are at it - how many facts are to found in your 'content-free' blatherings?

    Read your previous words nimrod. YOu just said you didnt need to discuss the facts because I was dumb to believe them. You need to think your hypocrisy and lies are catching up with you. The entire list is facts - now what have you got?

    4. You and I argued quite recently about whether or not Obama was a conservative. I maintained that he was, you denied it. Why would I, a Socialist, approve of a conservative politician, even a moderate conservative like Obama?

    This one I am not sure about. I don't remember having any discussion with you about Obama previously but certainly would agree he is a complete leftist and not even remotely a conservative so I will give you that one. Then the question remains is why are you playing all of these blogging games to avoid looking at even one fact. I dont care if the site you found who had a copy of the list was gay and referenced "icky semen" as you said or that Bush golfed or that someone copied and pasted and tried to say they wrote the article and wanted royalties paid to anon...but that is ALL you said and ALL you cared about leading to the conclusion you are a total bullshit artist and a Obamabot.

    Now, can I leave without you trying again to say; looks peeps I defeated him, because he left. Trust me, it's pathetic. Like I said, try some of the facts on for size and lose the rhetoric or you will not regain any credibility. The games you play are ancient old and tired.

  55. "First President with a Foreign Father"

    He's the seventh.

    Santorum may yet be number 8.

  56. "First President to to send his Secretary of Defense to meet with the Bilderberg Group in violation of the Logan Act"

    Do you have any evidence for this anywhere outside of hysterical right-wing hate sites?

  57. "referenced "icky semen" as you said"

    No I didn't. I said the site was operated by someone called Ricky Seman.

    Do try to keep up.

  58. no slappz8:52 AM

    GM plans to start exporting Michigan-made Volts to China by year's end, but isn't likely to sell many.

    The Chinese government is pushing electrics with a subsidy that amounts to about $19,000 per car -- but only if the car is made in China.

    No imports allowed.

    There also are tariffs on cars imported to China, which lawmakers argue are unfair and may violate world trade rules.

    Girsky hinted that the Volt could eventually be built in China.

    "If we localize, eventually it won't have a tariff and it will get the subsidy. We have made no decision on if, when or where we build Volt in the future."

    The preceding shows how the real world works -- companies are rent-seekers looking for guarantees. Both China and the US have given rent-seeking gifts -- tax credits -- to car companies.

    Will anything good come from either? No. Buyers want gas-powered or hybrid vehicles, and they do not care where the parts to make the vehicles come from.

    We are decades from the time when electric cars challenge conventional vehicles because batteries still stink.

  59. "First president to return a bust of Winston Churchill to England"

    The bust was only ever loaned to the USA by the British government, (not 'England') the bust has now simply been returned to it's rightful owners.

    Off to a client meeting now, I'll work on destroying some more lies when I get back.

  60. no slappz8:59 AM

    purple cow evades:

    "First President with a Foreign Father"

    He's the seventh.

    Hmmm. Like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc?

    When Barry Goldwater ran against Lyndon Johnson in 1964, Goldwater's legitimacy as a candidate was challenged because he was born in Arizona a couple of years before Arizona was admitted to the Union as a state -- which occurred in 1912.

  61. In what way was that an 'evasion' slappy???

    Don't they have Google where you live?

  62. Quick fn, can you post a link to a previous post where you slandered Louis Wolcott for calling Obama the choosen one, the messiah, a gift from allah.

    Or do you just slander Christians?

  63. Great factural list@12:23 AM.

    No one has debunk any thing you posted.

  64. Rasmussen:

    The number of Republicans in the country increased by a percentage point in December, while the number of Democrats fell back two points to the lowest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports.

    During December, 35.4% of Americans considered themselves Republicans. That’s up from 34.3% in November and just below the high for the year of 35.6% reached in May.

    At the same time, just 32.7% of adults said they were Democrats, down from 34.9% in November. The previous low for Democrats was 33.0% in August of this year.

    On top of that almost twice has many people consider themselves Conservative than Liberal.

    Who said Conservatives and Republicans were unpopular?

  65. Anonymous9:41 AM

    PC, "As for the last line of post 3:28, anybody who shows such blatant disregard for the basic rules of correct English grammar usage, does not get to lecture me on spirituality."

    You fool! The last line of post 3:28am is perfect. Go to school and learn how to write. While there, study several courses in religion. It might open your eyes, it that is possible.

  66. fn:

    what has that evil elitist warmonger bankster hobama done to earn any LESS love from god than these assorted neocon fools?

    i am certain that hobama has offended her/god far more!


    god would never kill anyone for oil/gold/opium
    god loves poor black mongrels who are not blackish banksters
    and loves gays and our gay spouses too


  67. Quote Liberal Tormentor

    "No one has debunk any thing you posted."

    What is it with you right-wingers and English grammar?

    Perhaps you should invested more school time reading English language text books, and rather less on 'Fountainhead' and 'Mein Kampf'.

  68. Roderick10:10 AM

    Field Negro said...."Sounds like a guy who should get four more years to me."
    -------- actually want a president who breaks the law, pursues racist policies, and acts like a dictator.

    Interesting admission.

  69. ”• First President to Violate the War Powers Act”

    Every President since Nixon has regarded the War Powers Act as unconstitutional.

    In the case United States v Nixon, 418 US 683 (1974):

    "In the performance of assigned constitutional duties, each branch of the Government must initially interpret the Constitution, and the interpretation of its powers by any branch is due great respect from the others."

    If the President determines that an act of Congress violates the Constitution, he is bound by his oath to not enforce it, as he would be acting in violation of the Constitution to enforce an unconstitutional law. Antonin Scalia said as much in his concurrence in the case Freytag v. Commissioner of IRS, 501 US 868 (1991), that the President has the ability "even to disregard them when they are unconstitutional."

    More to follow

  70. Why does cow hang around a American blog?

    Why does cow marry a American white woman?

    Seems like cow has some self hate issues.

  71. Obama's recess appointments in response to Republican opposition to an unaccountable and too powerful new federal agency are a direct contravention of the precedent established by his own party only a few years ago.

    Obama said yesterday: “That’s inexcusable, and I refuse to take `No’ for an answer. I’ve said before that I will continue to look for every opportunity to work with Congress to move this country forward. But when Congress refuses to act in a way that hurts our economy and puts people at risk, I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them"

    No, he has an obligation to exercise the powers lawfully granted the office of the President and to uphold the Constitution that he swore to defend.

    This is supposed to be a representative republic. The government was set up to function through a system of checks and balances as specified by the Constitution.

    Obama is acting like a dictator, and you applaud him.

  72. ”First President to to break article one section nine by sitting as president of the U.N. security counsel - a foreign post.”

    From Wikipedia

    The Permanent Representative (ambassador) of the state that holds the presidency is usually the president of the Council, but if an official from the state who is higher in authority than the Permanent Representative (such as a foreign minister, prime minister, or head of state) is present in the Council, the higher official is the president.

    For example, in January 2000, a month in which the United States held the presidency of the Security Council, U.S. Vice President Al Gore headed the United States delegation to the United Nations for a few days. As a result, Gore was the President of the Security Council during this time.

    It’s actually a rather arcane point of law as to whether the Head of the Security Council constitutes a “foreign post”. Certainly no Republicans complained when Adlai Stevenson took on the roll. But let’s look at the duties of the post shall we?

    Investigate any situation threatening international peace;

    Recommend procedures for peaceful resolution of a dispute;

    Call upon other member nations to completely or partially interrupt economic relations as well as sea, air, postal, and radio communications, or to sever diplomatic relations;

    Enforce its decisions militarily, or by any means necessary;

    Avoid conflict and maintain focus on cooperation.

    So Obama took a few days in September 2009, to reduce the threat of nuclear spread, and to promote World peace.

    Jeeze what a bad guy, I can see why you people hate him.

  73. Quote Liberal tormentor

    "Why does cow hang around a American blog?

    Why does cow marry a American white woman?

    Seems like cow has some self hate issues."

    This is not an American blog. America does not own the internet.

    Why does being married to an American mean that I hate myself?

    Are you married to an American? Do YOU hate yourself?

  74. "First President to to send his Secretary of Defense to meet with the Bilderberg Group in violation of the Logan Act"

    I've found no evidence anywhere that this is true. But even if he did, it would not constitute a violation of the Logan act.

    "Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

    This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects."

  75. ”First President to claim a Jihadi shooting americans yelling Allahu Akbar was not a terrorist but a disgruntled military employee”

    He said absolutely no such thing.

    What Obama did, was give the eulogy to the dead American servicemen. A speech that is widely regarded as one of his finest ever.

  76. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The Obama adminstration refused to call the Fort Hood shootings a terrorist act, instead labelling it "workplace violence".

  77. did that speech reader hobama give any oratory honors to those 274 usaf soldiers who were dumped in that mass grave too???

    eternal wars/corpses trump trifling bs speeches


  78. hobama nazis are far too impressed by the blackish hitlerish hobama's reading skills...

    genocide trumps speeches!!!

    With the First Black President having put social security cuts on the bargaining table before even being sworn in, ignoring record black unemployment and mass incarceration, and doubling down on every abhorrent Bush policy from imperial wars in Asia and Africa to letting corporate polluters and criminal banksters go unmolested, what is the 2012 election really about for black America? Bragging rights?

    Neither Democrats nor Republicans will do anything to stop the nationwide wave of foreclosures that have cut the average net worth of black families in half the last four years? Neither Democrats nor Republicans want to prosecute the Wall Street criminals who crashed the housing market and walked away with a fifth or more of all the nation's $401K savings in the last few years. Democrats and Republicans agree that US citizens, and citizens of anyplace else can pretty much be kidnapped, tortured, imprisoned for life or killed without being convicted, or even charged with anything in particular. Neither of the two parties will wind down the oil and resource wars the US is waging from Afghanistan and Yemen to Somalia and the Congo, bring the troops home from 140 foreign countries and spend that money on schools, libraries, transit, job creation and neighborhoods near you. Both parties agree on the runaway privatizations of roads, schools, the post office, public utilities and broadcast frequencies. Neither cares about urban gentrification, the loss of black-owned farmland, or mass incarceration. Both agree on laying off public school teachers an d letting corporate criminals who poison our rivers, our air, our people and environment, and neither intends to protect and expand social security.

  79. wtfu asap

    Especially with the advent of the Occupy Wall Street movement, the last thing the smart cookies among the Lords of Capital need is to associate themselves with Republican presidential contenders’ crude and fawning wealth-worship. Far better to fill up Obama’s billion dollar campaign war chest and swallow hard while he makes mildly populist noises that give voters the impression they have a stake in the presidential election exercise – that the 1% don’t really rule.

    The Republican candidates are tightly locked in their clown fight-cages, as Glenn Greenwald recently wrote in The Guardian UK: “Because Obama has governed as a centrist Republican, these GOP candidates are able to attack him as a leftist radical only by moving so far to the right in their rhetoric and policy prescriptions that they fall over the cliff of mainstream acceptability, or even basic sanity.”

    White madness will feed Black fears. In the saddest of historical ironies, the group hurt worst by Wall Street’s crimes will once again wind up on the same side as Wall Street’s money in the presidential race. Some will even fantasize that Obama will show his “true, Black” side in his second term. The Republicans aren’t the only ones that are crazy

  80. hobama is a global bankster pimp

    and his suicidal blind racist black mongrel doormat nazis are serial tricks!!!


    Despite the fact that Barack Obama’s “approach to domestic economic and social policy has savaged the U.S. Black community on every front,” the election season will see increased demands that Blacks circle the wagons around “their” president. Narrow group thinking leads African Americans to behave as if “it does not matter that targeted assassinations and indefinite detention are the order of the day, or that a Black man is helping to foment war on the African continent.” Ignoring both the lessons of history and Obama’s role in the current Black economic catastrophe, “our establishment Blacks continue to be imprisoned in an imperialist capitalism.”

    What we can learn most from DuBois are his consistent protest against the exploitation of empire, his acceptance of the reality that establishment Blacks would forsake him, and his willingness to find new alliances beyond the narrow confines of a stifling, pro-imperial Blackness. These are important strategies to adopt as the world slouches toward hell and as our establishment Blacks continue to be imprisoned in an imperialist capitalism that cuts them off from the progressive and humanist movements of the day—and keeps us all from being free.

  81. hobama is the new hitler

    and ALL of his fans are the same old fools!!!

    his poor black mongrel fans are the biggest dumbest blindest fools of all...


    What if the First Black President eviscerated the rule of law, legalizing assassination and detention of U.S. citizens without trial? Would he still be considered a “credit to his race?” His supporters may convince themselves they are safe in Obama’s hands, but he has also “given President Gingrich or President Romney or President Palin those powers – the same powers Egyptian generals have used to imprison thousands of protesters in military jails.”

    Obama’s guiding hand finessed the legislation through Congress, anointing this president and those who come after with the power to lock up American citizens for life without trial, or even being charged. Obama has given President Gingrich or President Romney or President Palin those powers – the same powers Egyptian generals have used to imprison thousands of protesters in military jails. Obama expresses sympathy for an Arab Spring while presiding over a dark American winter. This is his historical contribution: the evisceration of the Constitution as we had previously understood it, a far deeper mark on the historical record than breaking the White House color bar.

    If there is any constituency for preservation of the rule of law, it must be Black America, a people whose lives on this continent began in the perpetual incarceration of slavery and who today comprise one out of every eight prison inmates on the planet, and whose political prisoners from a previous generation of struggle still languish behind bars. Is Black love of the idea of a Black president so perverse, that it would tolerate – or even celebrate! – a man who gives himself and his successors the power to imprison and kill at will?

    Enough of this nonsense about greater and lesser evils. When it comes to murdering the Constitution, Barack Obama is a champion evil-doer.

  82. ”First president to start his political career in the living room of an unrepentent terrorist!”

    Firstly, the word is unrepentant – that’s u-n-r-e-p-e-n-t-a-n-t

    Secondly the story about Obama being a close associate of Ayers is a lie that has been widely disproved. Obama served on the same board as Ayers but knew nothing of his alleged terrorist activities that took place when Obama was eight years old. Neither did Obama’s campaign begin in Ayers’ living room incidentally.

    The urban myth debunking site has done a pretty thorough job on this one. See in particular the last section.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. pc:

    are u in denial or just generally clueless????

    fix either/both asap

    bill ayres and hobama are neighbors and professional peers who share a long intimate history in chi

    do your homework

    bill a even penned obama's bio!!!

  85. Quote Anonymous 11:01

    "The Obama adminstration refused to call the Fort Hood shootings a terrorist act, instead labelling it "workplace violence".

    Yes I've read the article, nowhere does it say that President Obama "claimed a Jihadi shooting americans yelling Allahu Akbar was not a terrorist but a disgruntled military employee"

    Do better.

  86. fyi

    Wondering whether the three may have crossed paths is not speculation. It is a fact that in 1989, Bernadine Dohrn and Michelle Obama were associates at the Chicago law firm of Sidley & Austin, when Obama joined the firm as a summer intern.

    Barack also was essentially an employee of Bill Ayers for eight years, starting in 1995, the year the Chicago Annenberg Challenge was created to raise funds to help reform the Chicago public schools. One of the architects of the Challenge was none other than Professor Bill Ayers. Ayers co-wrote the initial grant proposal and proudly lists himself on his own website as the co-founder of the Challenge.

    And who did William Ayers, co-creator of the Challenge, help select as the new director of the board for this program? Why, Barack Obama, of course. Obama was the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

    Obama served on the board for eight years until the Challenge ended in 2003. Bill Ayers was intimately involved in the Challenge over this same time period, raising and spending at least $110 million in an effort to bolster a "radical" (Ayers' word) reform program in the Chicago Public Schools from 1994 to 2001.

    In November 1997, Ayers and Obama participated in a panel at the University of Chicago entitled "Should a child ever be called a 'super predator?'" to debate "the merits of the juvenile justice system."

    In April 2002, Ayers, Dohrn, and Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, participated together at a conference entitled "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?" sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Ayers and Obama were two of the six members of the "Intellectuals in Times of Crisis" panel. Here is the agenda.

    "I know they are friends," said Dr. Young of Obama and Ayers.

    Ayers is the Board Chairman of the nonprofit Woods Fund of Chicago and Obama was a Board member. Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund's website.

    The Woods Fund focused on welfare reform, affordable housing, the quality of public schools, race and class disparities in the juvenile justice system, and tax policy as a tool in reducing poverty. The Fund supported the concept of an expanding welfare state allocating ever-increasing amounts of money to the public school system, and the redistribution of wealth via taxes.

    Obama always describes his relationship with Ayers as casual, but a close, working relationship spanning eight years is hardly casual -- especially an employer-employee relationship.

    Beyond that, it was Ayers who brought Obama to Chicago.

    According to The Nation: "The Woods Fund, in many ways, is responsible for helping start Obama as an organizer and shaping his political identity. In 1985 the foundation gave a $25,000 grant to the Developing Communities Project (aka the "DCP"), which hired Obama, at 24, as an organizer on Chicago's economically depressed South Side."

    The Woods Fund was founded by the Woods family which owned the Illinois-based Sahara Coal Company, a major supplier of coal from its mines to major Illinois power companies. Commonwealth Edison, the giant Chicago-based electric power company was headed by Thomas Ayers, father of Bill Ayers.

  87. Please fuck off Banks.

    It's hard enough dealing with these neo-nazi nutjobs without having to waste my time dealing with delusional paranoid fucking nutters like you.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. hey felled pc/grounded beef/assinine bovine:

    your cursing will never trump your cluelessness

    that is why u have no idea how hobama has effed u already...

    and you are too effing stupid to research the bs u spew

    moooooooove on moron

  90. hobama's entire life is a series of cia lies

    his ghost written bogus "bio" included


  91. A little defensive, purple cow? I may be on to something.

    The first presser on the shooting Obama was laughing and giving shoutouts to his peeps.

    The Obama Admin. did classfly the Ft. Hood terrorist attack as "workplace violence".

    The Ft. Hood terrorist attack is a perfect example of what happens when Liberalism and political correctness runs amonk.

  92. see many more links on the ancient lies that created that hologram/hoax hobama

    bill a etc

  93. The Purple Cow said...
    "delusional paranoid fucking nutters like you.'

    LOL Is the pot calling the kettle black?

  94. lt:


    pc is a dumb doormat
    professional coon

    and he is visibly afraid of the truths he evades

    his silly slurs will never increase his IQ

  95. Anonymous12:01 PM

    AB speading the truth !!!!! PC proven wrong again.

  96. Liberal Tormentor, and Anony 12:01

    Alicia Banks is totally barking-at-the-moon-foaming-at-the-mouth-chasing-parked-cars-out-of-her-fucking-tree-batshit-insane.

    And she agree totally with you.

    Why don't you reflect on the consequences of that thought for a moment?

  97. Oh and Alicia, it's time you stopped jigging for the white boys.

    They still hate you.

  98. Purple Cow ask " Why would I, a Socialist, approve of a conservative politician, even a moderate conservative like Obama?"

    Yet purple cow defends Obama at ever turn.

  99. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Field, Purple Cow, UTS, and AB:

    You might want to consider this link to how the President has failed the poor, which will be his undoing. Basically he has pushed aside the poor AND Blacks. Yet, Field Negroes like you are willing to vote for him regardless of his views about Blacks and poor people. On the other hand, you are busy calling the GOP racist while you vote for a Democratic proven racist simply because his skin is black. Why can't you get it through your thick skulls that he doesn't give a damn about you? And why should he, you will vote for him no matter what he does, says or doesn't say about or to Blacks. SMH

  100. ”First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places”

    I’ll leave debunking this one to one of your fellow conservatives.

    ”A scholar whom President George W. Bush appointed as vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Abigail Thernstrom has a reputation as a tough conservative critic of affirmative action and politically correct positions on race.

But when it comes to the investigation that the Republican-dominated commission is now conducting into the Justice Department's handling of an alleged incident of voter intimidation involving the New Black Panther Party -- a controversy that has consumed conservative media in recent months -- Thernstrom has made a dramatic break from her usual allies.

"This doesn't have to do with the Black Panthers; this has to do with their fantasies about how they could use this issue to topple the [Obama] administration," said Thernstrom, who said members of the commission voiced their political aims "in the initial discussions" of the Panther case last year.

"My fellow conservatives on the commission had this wild notion they could bring Eric Holder down and really damage the president," Thernstrom said in an interview with POLITICO.

The criticism has focused attention not just on Thernstrom, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, but on the partisan nature of the Civil Rights Commission and on a story that, like the controversy over the anti-poverty group ACORN, has raged almost completely outside the mainstream media.”


  101. confused assnon:

    why list me above????

    i despise hobama


  102. hey pc:

    why no word on hobama's ndaa???

    is that not far worse than 2 thugs at 1 poll???

    u r a blind hobama nazi fool

    majoring in the minor and spewing bs as all hobma nazis do

  103. Quote Liberal Tormentor

    "Yet purple cow defends Obama at ever turn."

    I'm not defending Obama, I'm defending the truth.

    But you know what they say, "the truth has a known liberal bias".

  104. try this truth:

    ndaa is so horrid that it has rendered hobama nazis totally silent as they can say nothing to defend it...

    and they choose silence over that inability to defend ndaa


  105. The Purple Cow said...
    Secondly the story about Obama being a close associate of Ayers is a lie that has been widely disproved

    By who? Snopes is notoriously biased and sloppy in their assessments.

    Ayers ties to Obama are deep and go back many years. In fact, there is good reason to believe Ayers was the ghost writer for "Dreams from My Father".

    Ayers himself has said Obama's career was launched in his living room:

  106. hobama has LOUDLY doomed and betrayed us all

    and his nazis' silence will never save them/us


    The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield.

    Under the Bush administration, similar claims of worldwide detention authority were used to hold even a U.S. citizen detained on U.S. soil in military custody, and many in Congress now assert that the NDAA should be used in the same way again. The ACLU believes that any military detention of American citizens or others within the United States is unconstitutional and illegal, including under the NDAA. In addition, the breadth of the NDAA’s detention authority violates international law because it is not limited to people captured in the context of an actual armed conflict as required by the laws of war.

    We are extremely disappointed that President Obama signed this bill even though his administration is already claiming overly-broad detention authority in court. Any hope that the Obama administration would roll back those claims dimmed today. Thankfully we have three branches of government, and the final word on the scope of detention authority belongs to the Supreme Court, which has yet to rule on the scope of detention authority. But Congress and the president also have a role to play in cleaning up the mess they have created because no American citizen or anyone else should live in fear of this or any future president misusing the NDAA’s detention authority.

    The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.

  107. hobama is worse than bush!!!

    ndaa proves that!!!

    hobama is a hitlerish hoax and a lying hypocrite!!!


  108. PurpleIsACunt1:09 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    ”First president to start his political career in the living room of an unrepentent terrorist!”

    Firstly, the word is unrepentant – that’s u-n-r-e-p-e-n-t-a-n-t

    Secondly the story about Obama being a close associate of Ayers is a lie that has been widely disproved. Obama served on the same board as Ayers but knew nothing of his alleged terrorist activities that took place when Obama was eight years old. Neither did Obama’s campaign begin in Ayers’ living room incidentally.

    The urban myth debunking site has done a pretty thorough job on this one. See in particular the last section.

    Purple Cow - This is precisely why everyone hates you. You are too smarmy for your own good. You would think that the typos you make are better than the ones others make. I read each of your posts with mounting amazement at how you swallow bullshit and like the taste so much you don't even request salt.

    But this right here was the kicker:

    The Purple Cow said...
    Oh and Alicia, it's time you stopped jigging for the white boys.

    They still hate you.

    This is your problem. You aren't a thinker, you cannot think objectively. You are nothing but a racist prick who cannot see truth through his hatred. Make sure you tell your wife that when the chips are down and you couldn't hang intellectually with the "white boys" you resorted to hatred.

    You are nothing but a little bitch. An incompetent one at that.

  109. Remember this?

    In 2008 candidate Sen. Barack Obama famously said: “This is part of the whole theory of George Bush that he can make laws as he is going along. I disagree with that. I taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We are not going to use signing statements as a way of doing and end run around Congress.”

    This administration is unfolding as a tragic farce, just as all reasonable people expected.

  110. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Secondly the story about Obama being a close associate of Ayers is a lie that has been widely disproved

    It has Purple Teats? It has?

    Watch the video of Ayers himself saying this, then come back and apologize or come back with more leftist spin.

  111. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Purple Cow Lies again ...

    The Purple Cow said...
    "referenced "icky semen" as you said"

    No I didn't. I said the site was operated by someone called Ricky Seman.

    Do try to keep up.

    Busted again you piece of shit liar. Here are your very own words. Now first you deny them, now try and twist them after all "you are a man of the world, but eewwww that's ICKY"

    You got caught, tried to lie, you are a huge liar- not the first time.

    How did you find that site on Semen anyway? Special Talent I guess.

    "[BTW, what exactly are guys doing hanging out on websites called "Super Hunky" run by a guy with a name like 'Rick Sieman' - I mean I'm a man of the world and all that but eeeuwww, that's icky.]"

  112. Anonymous 1:20

    So where did I say that I 'referenced icky Semen'?. Where is the lie?

    I've not been caught in a lie, you have been caught in your own stupidity. You need to work on your English language comprehension skills, little boy.

  113. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Liberal Tormentor

    "Yet purple cow defends Obama at ever turn."

    I'm not defending Obama, I'm defending the truth.

    But you know what they say, "the truth has a known liberal bias".

    It certainly does, it seems to be biased against liberals - you never seem to use it. Anyway, I thought you were a socialist pig comrade? Now you are a liberal when the qoute you steal can fit?

    You are a joke, you come back with totally disconnected thoughts as if they disprove the facts about Obama using leftwing kook sites and expect that anyone would believe it. Again you are either completely uneducated except for MediaMatters prop or just evil.

  114. Shaw Kenawe wrote: "Meanwhile, the guy who makes them all look like bird brains watching a cat fight is making recess appointments and raising money for his re-election campaign."

    TFN wrote: "Yes, becasue we all know that he is the first sitting president to ever do such things."

    My comment was meant as a dig at the GOP. They're fighting among themselves so one of them will have the honor of losing to Mr. Obama, while Mr. Obama is carrying on the work of the country and getting ready for the campaign.

    Too bad comments don't show tone of voice, because it wasn't a criticism.

  115. no slappz1:52 PM

    from field's previous post quoting Santorum:

    '“I don’t want to make black peoples’ lives better by giving them somebody else’s money,” Mr. Santorum said. “I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and for their families.”'

    Yeah. Okay. Fine. But there's a whole nation of blacks -- Nigeria -- and that nation is sitting on Saudi Arabian quantities of oil. So it's possible the blacks of Nigeria could collect other people's money simply selling them the oil found beneath Nigerian feet -- bare feet, of course.

    But even though Nigeria has enough oil to become the most prosperous nation in Africa, enough to emulate Norway, it is what all black nations are -- a mess.

    Thus, even when blacks win the geographic lottery of oil, they cannot cash their winning ticket.

    It's truly pathetic, and tragic, to see blacks fail even when success is almost guaranteed.

  116. Mr. Obama is not "carrying on the business of the country"; he is engaging in a cheap and dishonest re-election campaign.

  117. There you go again Slappy, making shit up as you go along.

    Nigeria is not sitting on "Saudi Arabian quantities of oil." Saudi Arabia has seven times Nigeria's reserves.


    I grew up around Nigerians, my parents had many friends from the Nigerian community, our house was party-central for every Nigerian student in the north of England. (Or so it seemed at the time.) They were good people, friendly to a fault, warm, generous, intellectual, and wonderfully ardent consumers of Mackeson Stout - which tasted more like Nigerian Guinness than Irish Guinness.

    Nigeria's key problem is one common to much of Africa. It wasn't a real country, or to put it another way, it is a state but not a nation. Colonialists had put disparate tribal groups together - Yoruba, Ibo, Hausa - and told them they were one people. Well they weren't one people, they never have been and I doubt they ever will be.

  118. "You are a joke, you come back with totally disconnected thoughts as if they disprove the facts about Obama using leftwing kook sites and expect that anyone would believe it. Again you are either completely uneducated except for MediaMatters prop or just evil."

    Tut tut, there you go again. Attacking the source, attacking the messenger, in a lame attempt to disguise the fact that you are unable to attack the content.

  119. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The Purple Pee-Wee-Leroy Said....
    Anonymous 1:20

    So where did I say that I 'referenced icky Semen'?. Where is the lie?

    I've not been caught in a lie, you have been caught in your own stupidity. You need to work on your English language comprehension skills, little boy.

    And you need to work on your lying skills, What specifically did you mean by

    :"[BTW, what exactly are guys doing hanging out on websites called "Super Hunky" run by a guy with a name like 'Rick Sieman'

    Super Hunky? What does the name Rick Sieman mean in this context?

    Then you say - I mean I'm a man of the world and all that but eeeuwww, that's icky.]" So someone visiting a site Super Hunky run ironically by a man named siemen is icky...there are your words.

    So you are using the leftist tactic of deniability while your own words leave no doubt as to the intent of your message. Now you have the utter gall to say someone else misunderstood you and they need to work on english language skills. OK, lets play. So tell me, what precisely did you mean by this comment if you did not mean to say that there is something wrong with folks hanging out on a gay site run by a guy named ricky siemen of all things and even though you think you are worldy even this is :ewwwwwwwww - icky.

    So tell us mr homophobe liar; what did you really mean if what you said is to be interpreted differently than what you have written.

    Funny how you used Homophobia to paint your tormentors, aren't you the one who was for gay marriage and all related fellatio-belia? Why are you for this? Pray tell.

  120. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Nigeria is not sitting on "Saudi Arabian quantities of oil." Saudi Arabia has seven times Nigeria's reserves.


    I grew up around Nigerians, my parents had many friends from the Nigerian community, our house was party-central for every Nigerian student in the north of England. (Or so it seemed at the time.) They were good people, friendly to a fault, warm, generous, intellectual, and wonderfully ardent consumers of Mackeson Stout - which tasted more like Nigerian Guinness than Irish Guinness.

    Totally unrelated and useless commentary. No one wants to hear your sad personal life and just because you were accepted by a family of Nigerians living in the UK still provides no insight on why they have a failed nation with huge oil reserves and kidnappings and murders and tribal wars and other similar African conditions. Keep your emotions off your sleeve, we don't give a fuck.

  121. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "You are a joke, you come back with totally disconnected thoughts as if they disprove the facts about Obama using leftwing kook sites and expect that anyone would believe it. Again you are either completely uneducated except for MediaMatters prop or just evil."

    Tut tut, there you go again. Attacking the source, attacking the messenger, in a lame attempt to disguise the fact that you are unable to attack the content.

    Now that was funny. Using the very actions you displayed today and doing a "lefty" and attempting to sit and spin some more.

    Guess what, you fail - again. Pee-Wee Leroy that's all you are.

  122. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Nigeria's key problem is one common to much of Africa - Africans.

    There fixed it for ya.

  123. Dear Anonymous 2:24

    My personal life is not sad, it never has been sad. Read what I said, these were happy days.

    ...and did you honestly think I need the validation of someone like you?

    Anonymous 2:27

    I see you still haven't mastered the subtle arts of debate, even after all this time. It appears that my efforts to educate you are falling on stoney ground.

    Anonymous 2:28


  124. Quote anonymous 2:15"So tell me, what precisely did you mean by this comment if you did not mean to say that there is something wrong with folks hanging out on a gay site run by a guy named ricky siemen of all things and even though you think you are worldy even this is :ewwwwwwwww - icky."

    I meant exactly what I said - and I appreciate that must be a very difficult concept for conservatives to get their heads round - but there you go. The site is NOT a gay website in anything but your imagination. I think it is a very icky website with questionable politics, a weird sub 1990's design ethos, and run by a man with an amusing name.

    "So tell us mr homophobe liar; what did you really mean if what you said is to be interpreted differently than what you have written."

    It should be interpreted exactly as I wrote it. Not how your weird imagination chooses to interpret it.

    "Funny how you used Homophobia to paint your tormentors, aren't you the one who was for gay marriage and all related fellatio-belia? Why are you for this? Pray tell."

    More strangeness. However if you are asking me if I am in favor of gay and lesbian marriage the answer is yes.

  125. professional coon/bovine buckdancer for hobama:

    does that include 1/2 of that white boy hobama???

    and will that include 1/2 of your own bio son too someday...??


    that blackish bankster bitch
    hobama has been the most racist and whitest black repub prez ever???

    why do u jig so for hobama who hates and pimps dumb broke black mongrels like you???

  126. racist oj fool pc:

    which half of hobama hates all of you???

    only lost mf fools like you expect/need whites to love/woo/wed u


  127. professional coon nig:

    why do u hobama nazi slaves jig so for massa hobama and his beloved wm bankster peers????

    wtf does jigging have to do with your being mute on ndaa/bill a's long history with hobama etc???

    what jigs did u do to snag your becky?


    cc this to your pale male or female lover
    your blog is one of the most gay sites on the web

    i see u nig

    Jazz stylist and author Abbey Lincoln managed to capture this exact same offensiveness as exhibited by heterosexual white women, in her enraged classic essay entitled “Who Will Revere The Black Woman?”, published in the renowned womanist anthology The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (1970):

    “We are the women whose bars and recreation halls are invaded by flagrantly disrespectful, bigoted, simpering, amoral, emotionally unstable, outcast, maladjusted, nyphomaniacal, condescending white desperate and untiring search of the “frothing-at-the-mouth-for-a white-woman, strong backed, sixty-minute hot black”.... We are the women who, upon protesting this invasion of our privacy and sanctity and sanity, are called “jealous”, and “evil”, and “small-minded”, and “prejudiced”...

    When a white man “likes colored girls”, his woman (the white woman) is the last one he wants to know about it. Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it. White female rejects and social misfits are flagrantly flaunted in our faces as the ultimate in feminine pulchritude. Our women are encouraged by our own men to strive to look and act as much like the white female image as possible, and only those who approach that “goal” in physical appearance and social behavior are acceptable. At best, we are made to feel that we are poor imitations and excuses for white women.

    Evil? Evil, you say? The Black woman is hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, resentful, frightened, and evil! Who in this hell dares suggest that she should be otherwise? These attitudes only point up her perception of the situation and her healthy rejection of the same.”

  128. amensiac up hobama's dl crack/assinine bovine pc:

    why so mute about how hobama has been jigging for wm banksters since app 2006??????

    wtfu u racist sexist illiterate ignorant mf

  129. Anonymous4:36 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymous 2:24

    My personal life is not sad, it never has been sad. Read what I said, these were happy days.

    ...and did you honestly think I need the validation of someone like you?

    Anonymous 2:27

    I see you still haven't mastered the subtle arts of debate, even after all this time. It appears that my efforts to educate you are falling on stoney ground.

    Anonymous 2:28


    Now finally you made a funny. YOU...YOU could educate someone..In what? Being an airheaded lefty? To you the finer arts of debate are lie, sit and spin. Not my style, I leave lying and being simply vapid all to you. Although I do believe the word you misplaced was "indoctrinate" not educate; into your whacko cult. Sorry, not interested goofball.

    By the way those stones on the ground that you mention - look closely... those are your balls grandpa, time, gravity and being a disengenious leftist have caused them to sag beyond recovery. Perhaps you should avail yourself of that free operation they offered you, the "addadicktome" at the same time you can undergo a balltuck.

  130. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Purple Nurple said...

    "My personal life is not sad, it never has been sad. Read what I said, these were happy days".

    IF you werent a societal reject you wouldnt be a leftist. Physological analysis 101.

    Happy for you, a testimonial of how pathetic you are to others. Now how about keeping that stuff under wraps, someone might be eating.

  131. pc/prom coon:


    more on massa hobama's favorite blind black racist masochistic jigging mongrels/your jigging peer coons...


  132. pc/prom coon:

    your brainless hobama nazi jig is dumber than the avg high school student...


  133. no slappz6:27 PM

    pruple dew-drop says:

    Nigeria is not sitting on "Saudi Arabian quantities of oil." Saudi Arabia has seven times Nigeria's reserves.

    First, no knows the precise amount of reserves in either country. Saudi won't permit a full assessment with the latest measurement technology. It prefers the historical assessment that allows for lots of wishful dreaming. But Saudi oil reserves are undoubtedly huge.

    As are Nigeria's.

    And the amount of recoverable reserves in both countries is increasing because the oil industry is getting better and better at pulling out the last drop.

    More important is the daily rate of production. Nigeria can increase its production a lot. Saudi Arabia can too, but it operates far closer to its political limit while Nigeria pumps oil at a rate reflecting the opposition by insurgents. Typical of African idiocy.

    Nigeria is poor because it's populated by Nigerians -- you know -- blacks -- the race that can't run anything.

  134. Quote anonymous
    4:55 PM

    "Purple Nurple said...

    "My personal life is not sad, it never has been sad. Read what I said, these were happy days".

    IF you werent(sic) a societal reject you wouldnt(sic) be a leftist. Physological(sic) analysis 101.

    Happy for you, a testimonial of how pathetic you are to others. Now how about keeping that stuff under wraps, someone might be eating."

    Well, let's talk about pathetic for a moment shall we?

    You could argue that pathetic is defined as someone who cannot spell 'weren't' 'wouldn't' and 'psychological' - but that would be a low blow.

    You are the man who spends every spare moment of every waking day, on a website written by an Afro-Carribean telling black people how much you hate them.

    Can you think of a better description of pathetic than that?

    Let's think of all the happy, contented and well balanced people in history who spent all their spare time telling other people they were hated.


    Let's think....

    There was.........

    No sorry, can't think of a single one.

    So ergo, you are in the same boat as No Slapzzz and Tormentor. Your life is a bitter disappointment to you, and the only thing that gives it meaning, the only way to assert your manhood, is to project your hate on to others.

    Try and remember yourself as a kid, was that really what you wanted for yourself? Did you lie in your bed in the trailer-park wishing that you would grow up to have nothing more important in your life than that?

    I don't know why your life is such a bitter disappointment. Perhaps you have no friends, perhaps women won't speak to you, perhaps your penis is microscopically small. Who can say?

    The puzzle is, why screaming abuse at black people gives you an identity? Why is that the only thing that gives your life meaning?

    Again, I don't know, my knowledge of the psycho-sexual development of sociopaths is too limited.

    But I have a message of hope, for you No Slapzz and Tormenting Liberals

    - seek medical help - admittedly it didn't help AB - but that doesn't mean it won't help you. Of course your health insurance might not cover you for the psychiatric care you so urgently need, but you could always move to Canada or France.

    Any time you need help, you can always come to me. Think of me as your big, fuzzy, black friend. I'm a shoulder for you to cry on, the wind beneath your wings, an example for you to look up to.

    Slaap lekker, maatje...

  135. Quote No Slapzz

    "First, no knows the precise amount of reserves in either country. Saudi won't permit a full assessment with the latest measurement technology. It prefers the historical assessment that allows for lots of wishful dreaming. But Saudi oil reserves are undoubtedly huge."

    Which is another way of admitting your previous statement was total bollocks.

    Why can't you just admit you are wrong, No Slapzzz?

    Why is it that you can never behave like a man?

  136. no slappz6:42 PM

    purple hamburger wrote:

    I grew up around Nigerians, my parents had many friends from the Nigerian community...

    Hmmm. More people who wanted to get as far as possible from the sewer of Nigeria.

    ...our house was party-central for every Nigerian student in the north of England.

    Apparently the students learned nothing of value to take with them when they returned to Nigeria. The country was and is a mess.

    They were good people, friendly to a fault, warm, generous, intellectual...

    Intellectual? What in the world does a black "intellectual" discuss?

    Black intellectual = Bigfoot

    Nigeria's key problem is one common to much of Africa.

    Yeah, blacks.

    It wasn't a real country, or to put it another way, it is a state but not a nation. Colonialists had put disparate tribal groups together - Yoruba, Ibo, Hausa - and told them they were one people.

    As if there were functional states in Africa during the centuries it was untouched by whites.

    Well they weren't one people, they never have been and I doubt they ever will be.

    Yeah, as if huge cultural differences stopped whites and asians from learning to read, write and create advanced societies.

    Clearly the reality of New York City is beyond your wildest imaginings. Almost 9 million people, many recently arrived from almost every crazy corner of the planet live here and get along well enough.

    But, it's the blacks who commit the murders and violent crimes. Last year, about 25 whites were killed. Almost all the other 475 murders included a black victim and a black killer.

    In Nigeria, well, who knows how many murders are committed?

  137. no slappz6:48 PM

    purple bonehead says:

    Which is another way of admitting your previous statement was total bollocks.

    The oil reserves of Nigeria are Huge.

    The reserves in Saudi Arabia are Huger.

    But, you, as a dummy, cannot understand that daily oil production AND financial management determine national income and wealth building in oil nations.

    Nigeria is positioned to see its GDP soar. But, due to the sad fact that it's run by incompetent thugs, the potential prosperity will never arrive.

    As you said, all those little differences among the tribal idiots stand in the way of everything.

  138. "But, it's the blacks who commit the murders and violent crimes. Last year, about 25 whites were killed. Almost all the other 475 murders included a black victim and a black killer."


  139. More jobs created under one year of an Obama administration than in 8 years of Bush.

    Them's the facts.

  140. Anonymous7:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    More jobs created under one year of an Obama administration than in 8 years of Bush.

    Them's the facts.

    And you really think this is true despite Obama losing 3.3 million jobs? Liberal math - the sum of zero divided by idiocy.

  141. FACT: When President Obama Took Office The Economy Was Shedding Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs Per Month
    The Economy Shed Almost 8 Million Jobs Under Republican Policies Before The Recovery Act Could Affect The Economy. According to economist Robert J. Shapiro:

    From December 2007 to July 2009 - the last year of the Bush second term and the first six months of the Obama presidency, before his policies could affect the economy - private sector employment crashed from 115,574,000 jobs to 107,778,000 jobs. Employment continued to fall, however, for the next six months, reaching a low of 107,107,000 jobs in December of 2009. So, out of 8,467,000 private sector jobs lost in this dismal cycle, 7,796,000 of those jobs or 92 percent were lost on the Republicans' watch or under the sway of their policies. Some 671,000 additional jobs were lost as the stimulus and other moves by the administration kicked in, but 630,000 jobs then came back in the following six months. The tally, to date: Mr. Obama can be held accountable for the net loss of 41,000 jobs (671,000 - 630,000), while the Republicans should be held responsible for the net losses of 7,796,000 jobs.

  142. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Purple Nurple said...

    "My personal life is not sad, it never has been sad. Read what I said, these were happy days".

    IF you werent(sic) a societal reject you wouldnt(sic) be a leftist. Physological(sic) analysis 101.

    Happy for you, a testimonial of how pathetic you are to others. Now how about keeping that stuff under wraps, someone might be eating."

    Well, let's talk about pathetic for a moment shall we?

    You could argue that pathetic is defined as someone who cannot spell 'weren't' 'wouldn't' and 'psychological' - but that would be a low blow.

    Nope, that would be a pathetic man falling for the obvious trap. Why because he doesn't have the intelligence to see the bait. Do you really think someone who outwitted you and exposed you all day long can't spell simple words correctly? Or perhaps they rather knew what a pompous ass you are and left the typos to bait you. Fool.

    You are the man who spends every spare moment of every waking day, on a website written by an Afro-Carribean telling black people how much you hate them.

    Every waking moment? Hardly. Tired old point used by the hopelessly incompetent. I don't hate Black people, but I don't like your pompous know nothing ass much at all. Not onme <--- look a typo little bit.

    Can you think of a better description of pathetic than that?

    Purple Cow and his absurd view that he is superior to anyone because he managed to snag a white woman.

    Let's think of all the happy, contented and well balanced people in history who spent all their spare time telling other people they were hated.


    Let's think....

    There was.........

    No sorry, can't think of a single one.

    Of course you cannot think, we have established that hours ago.

    So ergo, you are in the same boat as No Slapzzz and Tormentor. Your life is a bitter disappointment to you, and the only thing that gives it meaning, the only way to assert your manhood, is to project your hate on to others.

    You do need to come up with updated and improved blog talking points. You sound ridiculously overmatched and outdated.

    Try and remember yourself as a kid, was that really what you wanted for yourself? Did you lie in your bed in the trailer-park wishing that you would grow up to have nothing more important in your life than that?

    Wow, this tripe again? It didnt work the first dozen times you used it. It hasnt worked since the eighties, give it up you sound... well sad and pathetic. You do realize you are like a piece of fly shit on a wall? Easy to trounce, little effort required and a mere afterthought in life.

    I don't know why your life is such a bitter disappointment. Perhaps you have no friends, perhaps women won't speak to you, perhaps your penis is microscopically small. Who can say?

    Is this why you are such a snarky cunt dwelling over typos as if this made you superior when in fact it simply highlights what a insufferable twat you are and how pathetic the rest of your existence must be for you to latch onto such matters?

    The rest of your comments were childish and immature, simply not worth the effort of more than a skim through. Get a grip pal, you aren't much. We know it and now you know we know it. Your physcobabble is illogical and again severely outdated gramps. Better people then you will ever know discarded use of this garbage years ago, yet you probably just became acusomted to it <---oh look another typo quick seize on it and make your day you blathering ninny. Someday you will realize you aren't even worht spleeing wrdos correctly. Fly shit. To small to even bother scraping off.

  143. Uh oh Purple Cow.

    You done got the goober all hot and bothered.


  144. Anonymous7:33 PM

    From December 2007 to July 2009 - the last year of the Bush second term and the first six months of the Obama presidency, before his policies could affect the economy - private sector employment crashed from 115,574,000 jobs to 107,778,000

    Read this again, is this your math or are you copying and pasting?

    Do you understand it at all before you decided to post it?

    107..from 115 leaves 7.7 Billion. So you are saying that 93% of private sector jobs were lost? Do you have a clue what you are posting? Or is this liberal math again? Obama is responsible for the loss of 41k jobs and republicans are responsible for 7,796,000 ? HA-HA. You must not have passed 6th grade math to be silly enough to post this insanity.

    This one I am bowing out of, you are way, way, way over your level of comprehension.

  145. Anonymous7:38 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Uh oh Purple Cow.

    You done got the goober all hot and bothered.


    "You done got"? What the hell kind of language is that? Goober? Are you relying on racial slurs because of your niggardly intellect?

    You and Purple shouldnt fight anymore, you both clearly have limited intellects repeating the same things over and over and over and over. Maybe you could pilot a moon capsule, sure we could teach you to press the right buttons at the right times, as long as it doesnt involve any math or critical thinking skills it should be ok.

  146. "Maybe you could pilot a moon capsule, sure we could teach you to press the right buttons at the right times,"

    Oh so you're an astronaut now, huh?

    Goober you couldn't find your own ass in the dark if you used both hands.

  147. Sorry Shaw Kenawe, my sarcasim meter is low these days.:)
    Trolls will do that to you.

    Damn PC, you have been all over the today. You might deserve FNOTD status for that. :)

  148. Anonymous8:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Maybe you could pilot a moon capsule, sure we could teach you to press the right buttons at the right times,"

    Oh so you're an astronaut now, huh?

    Goober you couldn't find your own ass in the dark if you used both hands.

    OK Albert II, want you some rhesus peanut butter cups?

    You know, toying with the borderline retarded isn't as much fun as I thought it would be.

  149. "You know, toying with the borderline retarded isn't as much fun as I thought it would be"

    Then stop jerking off on this board goober.

  150. Anonymous8:26 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "You know, toying with the borderline retarded isn't as much fun as I thought it would be"

    Then stop jerking off on this board goober.

    Oh so now Mr Niggardly fool you are saying it isn't just you that is retarded it is everyone else? ? No, you are by yourself. You can't count to ten unless you take your shoes off and then you lose count cause your toes have a natural tendency to curl up.

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. Churchill was a racist of the first order. He was a terrible politician, a disaster as Navy chief in WWI, and an unapologetic imperialist and white supremacist even in his second term in the '50s. Fuck his bust; it's an inappropriate loan to an honorable republic, especially one it used to colonize.

  153. Anon-goober is so dumb he plays solitaire for cash.

  154. Anonymous8:59 AM

    If God spoke to Pat Robertson it must be the truth (to him anyway.)

    But the bible is very clear that he who shrouds or obscures the truth is evil.

    Therefore, Pat Robertson is evil.

    What man so blessed that he can speak with God and have the truth bestowed upon him would choose to cloak it in darkness?

    I'm just waiting for Pat to join Falwell, LR Hubbard and so many other greedy snake oil salesman.
    Fred Phelps at the Westboro Baptist Church can't be far behind either.
    But I will continue to pray.
    Because the odds are the same as lotto and I don't have the money to play that anyway.
