Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sometimes it's the little things.

A lot of you Negroes are upset with Newt for suggesting that black folks are the only ones who use food stamps and rightfully so. His statement was ignorant and misguided. And, to make matters worse, he doubled down at the republican debates by calling out Juan Williams to the delight of the red meat starved wingnut crowd.

"JUAN WILLIAMS: Speaker Gingrich, you recently said black Americans should demand jobs, not food stamps. You also said poor kids lack a strong work ethic, and proposed having them work as janitors in their schools. Can’t you see that this is viewed, at a minimum, as insulting to all Americans, but particularly to black Americans?

GINGRICH: No, I don’t see that." [Source] 

Of course he doesn't see it, because he lives in a parallel universe where ignorance and bigotry is accepted.

But here is the thing, as black folks we contribute to this crap by perpetuating these stereotypes our damn selves.

Just today I was in the train station here in Philly, when I saw the pic that goes with this post on a billboard. (I took that pic myself) Are you serious? WTF?  WDAS is the most popular radio station here in Philly. They play R&B and "classic soul". And, quite frankly, that billboard is embarrassing. Newt and his ilk would love it. The folks at Clear Channel should be ashamed for green lighting that bull s%$#.

The folks who thought of this billboard are doing to get ratings for the Steve Harvey show, and they are doing it in an ignorant way. Sorry, "We Pay Your Bills" isn't cutting it for me. Find another promotion, or find another slogan for the one you are pushing.

Finally, -and we have been down this road before- can someone please remind Beyonce Knowles where she came from? Girlfriend tends to forget every now and then.




  1. I miss those food stamps, working is too hard.

  2. I don't see it the same way. There are stations here in Chicago that pay people's bills. White stations included. C'mon Field, everybody has bills and if Steve Harvey wants to put down on the car note I'm not gonna stop him.

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    When did Gingrich say he was talking about Blacks? Why do you feel so defensive about this and immediately take up a hostile position? Isn't it better to have children aspire to work hard and achieve then to sit home and grieve?

    You- Feed that man a fish every day and make sure it is well seasoned and cooked in virgin olive oil

    Newt - Teach that man to fish so he can feed himself for a lifetime and teach him to cook so he can fish and cook and take care of he and his family.

    So, now explain to me, what is wrong with that and why immediately do you feel so strongly that Blacks are the ones he is speaking about even though he did not say Blacks? I read you saying it, I havent heard or read him say it. Do you believe that Blacks are the only ones lazy in this country is that why you took such immediate umbrage and insist words not there actually are?

    Juan got owned and everyone loved it cause we are tired of the democratic racist wheelchair wheeled out for everything.

    -Obama is the foodstamp president --Oh yeah you just sayin that cause you are racist
    - uhh no it's because more people are on foodstamps under Obama then any other president in US history / all of them combined.
    -You wouldnt say that out loud if you werent racist
    Yes I would it is a problem
    -It's only a problem cause you are racist
    -So what do we do if I can't talk about it?
    Well fix it and pay more, admit it is some white guys fault and pay some more again or you are racist

  4. We wouldn't have so many folks on foodstamps, if it weren't for trickled down economics that the Republicans seem to think is working wonders economically in the good old USA. Starting a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 did not help. Nor did AIG and the greedy banksters nor did the Party of No who only votes yes when it benefits RICH folks because the GOP are the rich folks flunkies.

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    PilotX said...
    I don't see it the same way. There are stations here in Chicago that pay people's bills. White stations included. C'mon Field, everybody has bills and if Steve Harvey wants to put down on the car note I'm not gonna stop him.

    Why not - As his supporters say with Obama they won't have to worry about putting gas in thier cars or paying thier mortgage if they help him, he helps them.


    somebody owes me, somebody needs to pay for all my children.....


    So is this all a mirage?

  6. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Sudden jihadi syndrome in Philly?

    Police Continue To Investigate Fatal Old City Beating, Mayor Nutter Offers Condolences
    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Three suspects got out of a car and beat a young man to death, but the driver stayed in the car. He never got out and he didn’t participate in the fight. That is the man Philadelphia police want to track down.

    The horrific beating death of 23-year-old Kevin Kless caught the attention of Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter.

    Nutter spoke with the grieving mother of the murdered Temple University graduate, who was beaten to death this weekend during a late night attack in Old City.

    An emotional Mayor Nutter said he had “a very heartfelt” phone conversation with Kendall Kless in upstate New York, in which he expressed his condolences for the beating death of her son.

  7. We wouldn't have so many folks on foodstamps if it wasn't for Obama and the Democrats failed policies.

    When you have Democrats in charge, you get,

    Record number of people on foodstamps.

    Record jobless.

    Record homeless.

    Who cares? It's Free Swipe Yo EBT!


  8. Anonymous10:16 PM

    granny, "We wouldn't have so many folks on foodstamps, if it weren't for trickled down economics that the Republicans seem to think is working wonders economically in the good old USA. Starting a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 did not help. Nor did AIG and the greedy banksters nor did the Party of No who only votes yes when it benefits RICH folks because the GOP are the rich folks flunkies."

    Granny I get so sick of you blaming the wm for everything. You are an embarrassment; you are such a whiner.

  9. "So is this all a mirage?"

    And how was that relevant to my post?

    "When did Gingrich say he was talking about Blacks?"

    When he made the statement about going to the NAACP and telling "African Americans" that instead of getting food stamps "they" should demand jobs. It was about a week or so ago maybe more.

  10. Anonymous10:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    "So is this all a mirage?"

    And how was that relevant to my post?

    "When did Gingrich say he was talking about Blacks?"

    When he made the statement about going to the NAACP and telling "African Americans" that instead of getting food stamps "they" should demand jobs. It was about a week or so ago maybe more.

    Well he was at the "NAACP" so you don't think it fit to say that then? What makes you tie in other statements? You don't think they should demand jobs? Instead of as Granny says more trickle down borrowed redistributed money if it werent for wars and whatever else?

  11. I was thinking about this giving fish and teaching to fish stuff the other day. So in one place we have people being GIVEN loaves and fishes that never run out; they were hungry and they were fed. Then in another place is the story about GIVING a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but TEACH him to fish, and he will always have food. I think the honorable work is to do both: Feed and Teach.

  12. Anonymous10:24 PM

    "Finally, -and we have been down this road before- can someone please remind Beyonce Knowles where she came from? Girlfriend tends to forget every now and then."

    No, she didn't forget. In fact, she remembered. That's why her skin is lighter and I agree. Beyonce looks stunning more beautiful with lighter skin, and she doesn't have to apologize to complaining-judging Negroes like yourself.

    BTW, what color is your wife? I bet she looks White, just like Purple Cow's wife.

  13. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Damn it more White dog Whistles.......Lassie can ya hearz it?? Dem Scientists be racist...the majority of scientists are white and asian we knows that, now they have the balls to start a hunt for black holes...we knows what they really mean, just ask the NAACP about Black Holes and dog whistles on greeting cards.


    They gone be out there now hunting for some bitches and hoes them racist scientists.

    This is very demeaning to african american women where a bunch of children are joking about blackness again and calling them whores...


  14. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Dear Mr. Field and all interested FN posters, both Black and White, here is an astonishing racial discovery about Newt and Romney! Now it all makes sense why Newt is so against us. Thank you, Rev Manning for giving such convincing proof that even no_slappz will have to agree:


  15. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I can see some households on Christmas (those that don't get eternally offended by christmas and fake moral outrage at someone not having the consideration to worry about every wish you have and then making it happen)

    Some of you seem to sit around and discuss nothing but the wrapping paper at length and forget about the quality of the gift inside. Pretty foolish if you ask me.

  16. Connie Lingus11:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Mr. Field and all interested FN posters, both Black and White, here is an astonishing racial discovery about Newt and Romney! Now it all makes sense why Newt is so against us. Thank you, Rev Manning for giving such convincing proof that even no_slappz will have to agree:


    It's all pink inside unless you looking at it backwards.

  17. Anonymous11:19 PM

    "It's all pink inside unless you looking at it backwards."

    Say Whaaaat?

  18. Anonymous11:29 PM

    After Newt answered Juan Williams question with "No I don't see that", left Juan Williams speechless with no comeback. Newt also received a lot of applause for his reply, which indicates that White America could give a fat rats ass about Blacks being insulted. Btw, neither does Obama. But I am sure my fellow FN Negroes will vote for him anyway. Obama has made us an undignified joke.

  19. Stop it anon-goober,

    The GOP audience Gingrich was dog whistling to doesn't represent "white America" anymore than you are a black poster.

    Gingrich knows who his target audience and likely voters are which is proof positive that the GOP is no place for any self-respecting black American.

  20. "Granny I get so sick of you blaming the wm for everything"

    So the goober AGAIN is equating the Republican party with "de white man".

    You make this too easy.

  21. Goober still lying

    The highest unemployment rate in US history was 23.6% in 1932.

    Heck the unemployment rate was 9.7% in 1982 under St. Reagan.

  22. Brother Field... Bro. Juan Williams did not stay on script. When the Republican Party says your time is up"..it's time to move on. He will be placed on the curb soon for defending President Obama and the food stamp issue. "Give it to the black man". There was nothing this president could have done and pleased 50 percent of the population. Listen to Hannity and Rush daily. These guys have lost all sense of reality due to not being in a position to decide what to do with a country that being bailed out by a still communist country. I was raised during the period when that was unthinkable. I even spent my 18 th year of life fighting that so called communist in Southeast Asia. Smh

  23. "Well he was at the "NAACP" so you don't think it fit to say that then? What makes you tie in other statements? You don't think they should demand jobs?"

    You asked how he specified Black people and I explained. I am a "they' and I already have a job as do most Black people. If he was being fair he would go to a monster truck rally and tell white people to get off food stamps and demand a job but we all know that won't happen.

  24. Anonymous1:15 AM

    You asked how he specified Black people and I explained. I am a "they' and I already have a job as do most Black people. If he was being fair he would go to a monster truck rally and tell white people to get off food stamps and demand a job but we all know that won't happen.

    Now stop being a whiney victim..the they was referring to the people he was speaking to. Not the world..get it?

    He should go to a monster truck rally..wait all those people are on welfare and foodstamps? Funny but you don't hear any of them claiming they are the victims and insulted for someone saying something he did not say that only you can hear because you have supersensitive permanent victim hearing.

  25. Anonymous1:19 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Granny I get so sick of you blaming the wm for everything"

    So the goober AGAIN is equating the Republican party with "de white man".

    You make this too easy.

    Thats what he said right dirty one?
    Glad to see you got that prolapsed rectum fixed and are back. Do you have to sit on the donut very long? How long before you can get banged in the ass again? Will you be able to hold out? If things get tough and you feel like you are about ready to scratch someones eyes out and hit them with a flower, please call for help. We don't want to hear you got whacked in prison.

  26. obama became the first president to lose a million jobs during a recovery.

    obama became the first president to have unemployment over 8% for 3+ years.

  27. Anonymous3:33 AM

    It doesn't matter whether there are more Whites on food stamps or not. It is perceived that 'most' Blacks are on food stamps. When you look at the multitudes of "visible" poor Blacks in urban cities it is easy for someone like Newt or any White to stick "food stamps" to Blacks.

    But it's not just Newt who is doing this. It's both parties who are doing it. The GOP by voicing it and the Democrats by remaining silent about it.

    The only ones who are claiming that it is not true are Blacks. But no one else is supporting us, as usual.

    It amazes me that Blacks don't notice the overwhelming silence by the Obama Administration and the Democrats. By their silence, it makes Newt and Santorum sound like they are speaking the truth.

    Never have I seen such White along with Brown adversity against Blacks in decades. Never have I seen such powerlessness and hopelessness from the black community. Never have I seen such apathy toward Blacks by Whites, Latinos and Asians.

    There is another Jim Crow era beginning and the GOP is spearheading it Once again, it is a frightening and depressing period to be Black in America. But was there ever a good period? The collective karma of being Black in America has 'never' been good at any class level, even at the Presidential level.

  28. Anonymous3:48 AM

    The Pretender, "obama became the first president to lose a million jobs during a recovery.

    obama became the first president to have unemployment over 8% for 3+ years."

    1:29 AM
    You forgot a very important point that is quite unique to Obama:

    Never 'in the history' of this country has unemployment for Blacks been so high. In addition, he has ignored us Blacks as though we don't exist.

    So, Mr Pretender many Blacks agree with you. Romney for President!

  29. Your current high unemployment rates are the fault of Ronald Reagan and the two Bush's. They allowed capitalism to run rampant with little or no government oversight, that's why we are all in the mess we are in today.

    Remember it was you Repugs that tried to crush the stimulus plan.

  30. Anonymous4:26 AM

    PC, "Your current high unemployment rates are the fault of Ronald Reagan and the two Bush's. They allowed capitalism to run rampant with little or no government oversight, that's why we are all in the mess we are in today."

    Of course....It's Reagan and the two Bush's fault. Well, that puts Obama in the clear, doesn't it?

    Is it Reagan's fault that Obama has ignored Blacks as though we don't exist since he has been President? Reagan ignored us too. So is it because of Reagan? Obama seems to be very fond of Reagan and has said so on a number of occasions.

  31. Anon, why do you keep saying "we"? Unless you are a slave catcher, you have no business saying "we"......wait, never mind.

    Yes, I do remember high unemployment under the fake cowboy from Cali.

    Brother Panther yu are right about brother Juan. I wonder if he is going to write a book about how right wing nuts really feel about his back ass?

  32. Anonymous5:46 AM

    "Anon, why do you keep saying "we"? Unless you are a slave catcher, you have no business saying "we"......wait, never mind."

    I am Black, been that way all of my life. I am not a slave catcher nor am I in the same box, which some of you FN Negroes want to put all of us. Regardless, "we" have been insulted and ignored by Obama. That is the truth. To not acknowledge that and not talk about it is to have profound denial. Which, of course, Blacks are quite good at...denial.

    We just won't talk about the Obama problem as it pertains to us. We'd rather screw around with Newt who clearly isn't going to be President or anything else, for that matter.

    Anyway, I know you get entangled with 'who' you think is the messenger is. You really should pay attention to the message. It'll make your life a lot simpler. Forget about Newt, he is irrelevant. You ought to be paying attention to what the Democrats are NOT saying about who is on "food stamps".

    "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."--MLK

  33. "Anyway, I know you get entangled with 'who' you think is the messenger is. You really should pay attention to the message. It'll make your life a lot simpler. Forget about Newt, he is irrelevant."

    What about Mitt? Is he "irrelevant" as well? Or should we pay attention to him because he is going to be the standard bearer of YOUR party in November?

    Just curious. ;)

    "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."--MLK"

    I am not your friend.

  34. "Is it Reagan's fault that Obama has ignored Blacks as though we don't exist since he has been President?"

    No it's not Reagan's 'fault', it's just completely irrelevant to my point.

    "Reagan ignored us too.

    Making the same point two different ways doesn't make it relevant.

    "So is it because of Reagan?"

    Yes, as previously stated.

    "Obama seems to be very fond of Reagan and has said so on a number of occasions."

    Yet again, how is this in anyway relevant to the point I was making?

  35. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Your current high unemployment rates are the fault of Ronald Reagan and the two Bush's. They allowed capitalism to run rampant with little or no government oversight, that's why we are all in the mess we are in today.

    Remember it was you Repugs that tried to crush the stimulus plan.

    Yet the Stimulus plan went through and failed miserably. Unemployment went up and the money was largely wasted, what is your point?

    Only in the minds of the failed do the ones who actually created economic prosperity become the ones who created the constants of tax and spend. Who created the financial problems? Democratic Majorities in the house and senate, Fannie/Freddie and continued social engineering experiments.

    Now, you need to STFU and look homewards the unemployment rate in the UK is the highest in 16 years and the economy is not looking good. We will take care of our Obama problem and get back to being the wealthiest nation in the world shortly (already having all of the UK hands down) you however have got some serious problems at home that need tending to. Let me guess, your finger points to thatcher for the economic ills of the UK and not unfettered Illegal Immigration and Cradle to Grave dole programs, where entire families and households no member has ever worked and some are nearing retirement.

    Funny wordcheck is "bugshett" how fitting.

  36. Anonymous7:50 AM

    "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."--MLK"

    I am not your friend.

    Of course not, anyone who disagrees with you is the enemy. A true lefty.

  37. no slappz8:12 AM

    purple dimwit:

    From the previous post and your silly graphs...

    ...it's clear from your comments that your mind does not handle the abstractions of finance.

    It eludes you that Microsoft has created many many thousands of millionaires -- a lot of them employees who live in the area of Redmond, Washington, and a lot of others who bought the stock because they realized it was going way up.

    You don't realize that much of the wealth created by Microsoft stock is in pension funds.

    Same story for Google, Apple, Facebook and many more.

    Apple and Exxon are the two most valuable stocks on the planet. They got that way because the operating companies deliver what their customers want, which is what stock investors look for.

    Hence, it takes a huge number of stockholders to push the prices of these companies to their current levels.

    So, due to the limited capacity of your mind -- reflecting that missing part that handles abstract thinking -- you cannot see the invisible forces of economics at work.

    You should ask yourself why Nigeria -- with its vast oil wealth -- is more like Haiti than Norway.

    Oh, by the way, your link to Botswana stated that ONE-THIRD of the population is infected with AIDS. My number was lower.

    Inasmuch as AIDS drugs are expensive, even a limited mind like yours can handle the math that reveals that Botswana is permanently bankrupted and is a nation of people dependent on the handouts of expensive drugs paid for by other nations.

    Thus, Botswana's published GDP numbers are meaningless. If its GDP figure were accurate, it would be a negative number.

  38. "Yet the Stimulus plan went through and failed miserably. Unemployment went up and the money was largely wasted, what is your point?

    It did not fail, it saved millions of jobs. Unemployment would have gone up massively more than it did without it.

    The problem with the stimulus plan was that it was too small - thanks to the Repugs...

  39. No Slapzzz,

    Good effort at a snow-job there, but I notice you have not dealt with a single issue that I raised.

    Your alleged 'argument' that Microsoft has created many millionaires is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to the point I was making. (As I suspect you are fully aware). Again, let me reiterate, the social contract that grew after the war that said Americans would share in the nation's increased prosperity.

    This foaming at the mouth bluff and bluster of yours, might fool your anonymous buddies, but you can't fool me. You are either too stupid to understand what the graphs mean, or you have no answer to the points they raise. i.e. the fabled 'American Dream' is dying.

  40. "Oh, by the way, your link to Botswana stated that ONE-THIRD of the population is infected with AIDS."

    Errrrr, no it doesn't.

    By the way, did you miss this bit?

    Botswana, which once had the world's highest rate of HIV-Aids infection, has one of Africa's most-advanced treatment programmes. Anti-retroviral drugs are readily available.

    "Inasmuch as AIDS drugs are expensive, even a limited mind like yours can handle the math that reveals that Botswana is permanently bankrupted and is a nation of people dependent on the handouts of expensive drugs paid for by other nations."

    So given that your mind is so unlimited, you will be able to supply some up-to-date information that backs up this claim?

    n'est-ce pas?

  41. I'm going to be generous to you now No Slapzzz, I was going to let you make an even bigger fool of yourself, but that would be stooping to your level.

    So read this, it's a report of a speech from Botswana's President in 2008...

    "However, he warned citizens that because taxes are being used to fund antiretroviral treatment, they would be accountable for the failure of their treatment. "The nation demands that every citizen must access treatment on time and all on treatment must adhere. This calls for individual discipline," the Reporter newspaper reported him as saying.

    Botswana’s government currently funds around 90% of the country’s expenditure on antiretroviral treatment."

    Source: http://www.aidsmap.com/page/1432736/

    Feel stoopid yet, No Slapppzzzzz?

    Feel like a total moron who just makes shit up as he goes along just to reinforce his bigoted, jaundiced and incoherent world view yet?

    Now instead of wasting your time here, why don't you fuck off outside and try and find a brain? Maybe then you will be able to make something of your miserable apology for a life.

  42. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Yet the Stimulus plan went through and failed miserably. Unemployment went up and the money was largely wasted, what is your point?

    It did not fail, it saved millions of jobs. Unemployment would have gone up massively more than it did without it.

    The problem with the stimulus plan was that it was too small - thanks to the Repugs...

    HAHA Right. Sure 1 trillion wasn't enough so no really more would work. Are you a gambler? Anywho..no sense debating economics with a mindset such as yours, simple math gets kicked to the roadside for historically proven bad ideas.

    By the way, look up unspent stimulus amounts and this in itself will shock your crazy theory. Just recently in the U.S some politicians wanted to use the unspent stimulus funds to pay down the debt and provide longer unemployment insurance etc. Democrats didnt want this, they wanted more money borrowed so they could keep the unspent stimulus funds as a vote buying slush account. Oh and you can thank the demonrats for this.

  43. Your country needs to borrow money, that's the best way to lower the deficit.

  44. #1 - Any country that can't feed everybody has no business blowing folks up - or calling itself the greatest country on Earth. Yes, saying Black people are on food stamps and lack a work ethic is bad - a bigoted statement. No doubt. But understand, it's a tactic to make us look down on feeding folks. Which is actually a good thing to do and not a problem in terms of money. It's all misdirection to make us focus on the wrong things while we ignore all the waste on cruise missiles cruise missiles and shit - ignore our ultra top heavy economy with 40% of the wealth in 1% of the hands. Put down and intimidate Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion and ignore the man behind the curtain. That's the deal with yelling about foods stamps and/or colors of people. welfare moms aren't the problem, it's Senators and CEO's getting wealthy for doing even less than a welfare mom.

    #2 - Newt Gingrich is a tiny white prick even to me, and I'm, like, a powdered Vienna sausage over here. Just go ahead and distrust anything that come out of something that even looks like that unless it's smoking a joint and speaking Jamaican. On second thought, just distrust him no matter what.

    #3 - Beyonce' is beyond-zay. The mind fuck that was perpetrated on Black women by the so-called beauty industry actually surpasses that of the mind fuck it perpetrates on ALL women in this country. Which means Black women get a double dose. One doesn't know whether to feel sorry for Beyonce' or mad at her, but since she's actually wealthy at this point, let's go ahead and be mad. She turned my powdered Vienna into a Ball Park Frank in her beautiful Blackness - but that picture shrinks me up like a grain of salt. I can't imagine what got into her head. Just to reiterate - I'm a white guy and even I'm sick of all these cookie cutter blondes. If I was a Black woman, I'd be mad than a mofo at Beyonce.

  45. Anonymous9:13 AM

    it's own Aids Botswana’s government currently funds around 90% of the country’s expenditure on antiretroviral treatment."

    Source: http://www.aidsmap.com/page/1432736/

    Do you live in a fantasy land or is this simply a genetic predisposition?

    Read the words slowly and see if you can get your wife to translate for you.

    Botswana currently funds around 90% of the "countries expenditures" . Ok so to a thinking person knowing that the world supplies the majority of funding and medicines this means of all the expenditures made solely by Botswana for the country 90% are government and 10 % are private. Certainly not that all costs for medicines and research are handled solely by the country.

    Disagree? Simple ask yourself if capable the following logical questions:

    Does any country(s) provide funding for Aids to not only Botswana but all Black African Nations? Look up Pepfar and total donations to Botswana for 2011

    Do any U.S Drug Firms donate (donate means free for you at someone else's expense) , yearly antiretroviral drugs to not only Botswana but all African Nations?

    If so then your original interpretation is naively delusional.

    In any case you are debating not that Botswana is another example of a Black third world nation, now you are claiming they fund their own "thirdworldness" which is laughable.

  46. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Your country needs to borrow money, that's the best way to lower the deficit.

    I am sure your wife would agree with you 100%. Tell her tomorrow to shop until she drops for spending more money and incurring more debt will lower what you owe "the deficit" When the bills come due, just send her out again to spend some more with your theory. There is no secret to wy Keynesian economics have always failed. It is simple, if it doesnt work in the real world which it never has, it won't suddenly transform into a good idea on a larger scale like with big government. Only a tax and spend leftist would think spending more (borrowing) will lower what you owe.

  47. ditto!!!

    kudos to juan
    he made my day!

    yes...pookies do PROUDLY disgrace our entire race always!

    kudos to the blind racist newt too!!!
    at least newt DID see that hobama is the food stamp prez indeed!
    is that the twisted reason why slain/ignored pookie mongrela love hobama so suicidally???
    they like the pauper perks???




  48. more on newt's racist thug mojo

    this will be good
    the ho vs. the hoax


  49. Anonymous9:33 AM

    GINGRICH: No, I don’t see that." [Source]

    Of course he doesn't see it, because he lives in a parallel universe where ignorance and bigotry is accepted.

    Newt did not say Black people, you did. However if you really want facts. Below is a link to an interactive map outlining food stamp usage taken from that liberal rag the times. Pretty eye opening for those who continue to claim Obamas foodstamp economics is not a concern.


  50. Anonymous 9:13, I swear to god, you are even stupider than No Slapzzz.

    No Slapzz proposition was that

    (and this is a direct quote)

    "Inasmuch as AIDS drugs are expensive, even a limited mind like yours can handle the math that reveals that Botswana is permanently bankrupted and is a nation of people dependent on the handouts of expensive drugs paid for by other nations."

    Read the words slowly Anonymous, and see if you can get your psychiatrist to translate for you.

  51. memo to hobama:

    do not throw stones at mitt about his wealth/taxes

    when your entire cia life is sealed inside a glass house


  52. "I am sure your wife would agree with you 100%. Tell her tomorrow to shop until she drops for spending more money and incurring more debt will lower what you owe "the deficit" When the bills come due, just send her out again to spend some more with your theory. There is no secret to wy Keynesian economics have always failed. It is simple, if it doesnt work in the real world which it never has, it won't suddenly transform into a good idea on a larger scale like with big government. Only a tax and spend leftist would think spending more (borrowing) will lower what you owe."

    I sometimes wish I was as dumb as you Anony, life would be so simple.

    As the famous Romer-Bernstein report pointed out…

    ”"A package in the range that the President-Elect has discussed would create between 3-4 million jobs by the end of 2010."

    You can download the report here, anony-baby…


    Now, what Obama had in mind was an $800 billion package, but the Repugs cut that back to nearer $700 billion . The other problem was that the plan was more heavily tilted toward tax cuts than Obama had originally proposed. This was unfortunate because tax cuts have less impact on the economy per dollar than government spending. If you care (and I know you conservatives are not really interested in such arcane notions as “The TRUTH” or “FACTS) you can find this information the Romer-Bernstein paper as well. The appendix demonstrates that a tax cut of 1% of GDP will eventually increase GDP by 0.99 percent. However, government spending of 1% of GDP will increase GDP by 1.57% of GDP.

    So the plan was only ever designed to produce 3.4 million jobs, and was more tilted to tax cuts than it should have been. Given that, the plan did as well as it could have done, given its limited scope.

    Of course America lost a lot more than 3.4 million jobs, Obama’s plan was never going to be enough to prevent the tsunami of job losses that occurred, but it wasn’t designed to do that.

    That’s what I mean when I say that America needs to spend more, every extra dollar spent by the government, grows the U.S. economy by $1.57, whereas a $1 tax cut only generates $0.99.

  53. deep omen via the eternal mlk?

    we are in greater darkness than ever here martin...



  54. Anonymous9:50 AM

    quantum0d0 said...
    #1 - Any country that can't feed everybody has no business blowing folks up - or calling itself the greatest country on Earth. Yes, saying Black people are on food stamps and lack a work ethic is bad - a bigoted statement. No doubt. But understand, it's a tactic to make us look down on feeding folks. Which is actually a good thing to do and not a problem in terms of money.

    Ah another DWL. Well first of all your premise is flawed, he didn't say only Black people are on foodstamps and have a lack of work ethic. Apparantly those guilty of feeling this way took exception and claim that they heard this and the democratic party and it's foodstamp economics are attempting to hide the truth.

    As for feeding everyone? Which country in the world provides free food without effort to "everyone"? Who works to obtain, grow, distribute and produce this food? Does it magically appear?

    Do you really think the world is full of prancy nancies like you and if the U.S had no defense would simply kiss us for rolling belly up? Hasn't Obama taught you anything? Is this how it works in real life are the weak victims and killed or are the strong left alone?

    Feed the Country? Maybe the U.S should stop feeding the world and providing foreign aid and spread the food to our own. Sounds good to me. How do you think that will work out for some countries? Haiti? African Nations?

    Do you feel good now that you have become a self described lowly white worm vienna sausage? Do you often attempt to make friends by denigrating yourself? Were you the type of kid that used to humiliate himself in order to hang out with the kids who didnt want you around anyway? Did you really think they were your friends?

    Friends accept you for who you are and what you look like, not because you join them in hate.

    One word for you: Disgusting.

  55. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous 9:13, I swear to god, you are even stupider than No Slapzzz.

    No Slapzz proposition was that

    (and this is a direct quote)

    "Inasmuch as AIDS drugs are expensive, even a limited mind like yours can handle the math that reveals that Botswana is permanently bankrupted and is a nation of people dependent on the handouts of expensive drugs paid for by other nations."

    Read the words slowly Anonymous, and see if you can get your psychiatrist to translate for you.

    Silly man, you tried to List Botswana as a prosperous Black led nation. NO matter how many contortions you go through it is an aids infested third world country that shouldnt be in the state it is in considering the resources.

    If the US/UK and other nations cut off the free drugs and foreign aid to Botswana - what would happen to an aids infested culture?

    Jeez - why do you live in fantasy I wish it were so land.

  56. Anonymous9:59 AM

    @Field: I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you for your discourse on LoveBabz radio show on Tuesday!
    KUDOS to you Mr. Bennett!!!


    It was apparent that you were speaking from your heart as you started talking about the importance of the family as the fabric of society.

    From the bottom of my heart I tell you that all you said is worth it's weight in gold and more!

    Thank you for those words. I think they bear repeating over and over and over.

  57. cc this to fannie hamer and george carlin

    they told us all so long ago...


    They would never dream of allowing us to vote on the price of gas, food, housing, credit or college tuition. But they don't mind at all letting us choose between corporate-funded Republicans and corporate-funded Democrats. The powers that rule our economy, our media and our politics won't let us vote on whether to bring the troops home from 140 countries and the seven seas, or whether to continue spending more on weapons of death and destruction than the other 95% of humanity combined. But they will let us choose between an ignorant, crazy or racist Republican who promises to give banksters, polluters and corporate criminals a free pass, and a sane, smart, level-headed free market liberal Democrat who does exactly the same thing, no matter what he promised.

    The authorities won't let us vote on whether the broadcast spectrum should be privatized, whether we should have the right to start and join unions, whether to create millions of good-paying green jobs. They won't allow voters to decide whether corporations deserve more rights than flesh and blood people, or whether the president should be able to kidnap, torture, imprison and murder people without trials or even charges. But they will let us choose between a white guy and a black guy. As long as it's their white guy, and their black one as well.

    The gaps between black and white employment and household wealth are greater, and expanding faster than at any time in the last six decades. But the black vote will go to a man who doesn't believe black unemployment or dispossession or even black mass incarceration merit any special attention. Though black voters are historically more opposed to foreign wars and military intervention, their votes this time are pledged to a president who made a war speech while receiving a peace prize, who invaded Arab and African countries with drones and special forces, and who heartily endorses Israeli apartheid.

    This is how the game is played. This is how the legal and symbolic authority of millions of our wasted votes is hijacked every election cycle, making possible wars we do not endorse, ratifying policies we never wanted, and pretending to believe promises we know, or should know will never be kept. This is what Eugene Debs referred to a century ago, when he declared he would rather cast a meaningful vote for what did want, and not get it, than a fake and hollow one for what he didn't want, and get that






  58. Anonymous10:12 AM

    That’s what I mean when I say that America needs to spend more, every extra dollar spent by the government, grows the U.S. economy by $1.57, whereas a $1 tax cut only generates $0.99.

    My god your whole theory has again laughingly been ripped apart as the fantasy it is. Debating economics with you is the equivalent to someone saying Botswana is a prospering Black Nation on the world stage and that they fund thier own aids epidemic.

    Look buckwheat. The stimulus did not work not because it wasn't large enough. It did not work because government especially under Obama cannot take money from the private sector and expect the private sector to recover. The economy is not government, the economy is private jobs.

    With the Obama stimulus he literally drained resources out of the private sector via taxes, then redistributed (after governement overhead costs) $825 billion. Who did he redistribute to? Government bureaucracies, such as money to repair U.S. Department of Agriculture buildings, maintain the Farm Service Agency's computers and inform the electronically disadvantaged about digital TV - oh that was needed.

    Obama pretty much said he didnt have a clue or care about the private sector since despite all that government spending of tax money they provided no guidance on how the money was spent - such as ARRA giving $600 million to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, saying only that the money was "for procurement, acquisition and construction" —

    If you want to improve the economy this is the private sector - how do you do that? Leave the money in the private sector. People tend to spend money on things that help them you know like food, clothing, home repairs, gasoline....

    "Economists James Gwartney, Randall Holcombe and Robert Lawson reported: "Evidence illustrates that there is a persistent robust negative relationship between the level (and expansion of) government expenditures and the growth of GDP. Our findings indicate that a 10% increase in government expenditures as a percent of GDP results in approximately a 1 percentage point reduction in GDP growth." Similarly, Harvard economist Robert J. Barro found that "growth and the size of government are negatively related when the government is already very large."

  59. Quote Anonymous 9:54

    "Silly man, you tried to List Botswana as a prosperous Black led nation. NO matter how many contortions you go through it is an aids infested third world country that shouldnt be in the state it is in considering the resources."

    So are you going to post anything like evidence for your assertions? Or are conservatives not required to back up their arguments with evidence?

    Come to think of it, have you ever backed up a single one of your arguments with evidence? I can't think of any of the top of my head.

    What I said was that Botswana is a stable multi-party society with a reasonably strong economy. All of which is true, as demonstrated by the EVIDENCE I provided.

    All you and Slappy have done is given me one tiresome racist rant after another. Still I shouldn't be surprised, after all reality does have a known liberal bias.

    "If the US/UK and other nations cut off the free drugs and foreign aid to Botswana - what would happen to an aids infested culture?"

    Not a massive amount given that the Botswanan government already funds 90% of its AIDS and HIV treatment. I would imagine they would have to increase taxes to cover the shortfall, or cut back on health education.

    "Jeez - why do you live in fantasy I wish it were so land."

    My land I live in is a very nice one thank you, you on the other hand live in an AIDs infested second-world country. 1 million Americans are living with HIV, compared to just 86,000 in the UK

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Anony.

  60. "My god your whole theory has again laughingly been ripped apart as the fantasy it is."


    Where? and by whom?

    Evidence please...

  61. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Purple Dimwit Said...

    "That’s what I mean when I say that America needs to spend more, every extra dollar spent by the government, grows the U.S. economy by $1.57, whereas a $1 tax cut only generates $0.99."

    So then the U.S economy should be exploding what with Obama borrowing and spending over 5 trillion in three years. More then the U.S has spent in the first 200 years. In fact the U.S debt limit currently stands at $15.194 trillion and Obama has just asked for another 1.2 trillion to increase it to $16.394. Now I know why he has failed, he thinks like you.

    So have you phoned Greece, Italy and several other failing EU countries to let them know the way out of debt is to have the government tax more and then spend? Have you phoned David Cameron to let him know you have the secret to the UK regaining some of its former (very) glory, tax and spend?

    Good luck with that. Try running your home finances like you think governments should be run. See how long it lasts.

  62. hey fn:

    STILL no word on hobama's ndaa...even LEGALLY???


    Minister Farrakhan told a Chicago radio host, “That act signed into law by our president is an act that is destined to stop those of us who speak truth to power.” The Nation of Islam’s lawyer said the law might be interpreted as a “justifiable basis to detain [Farrakhan] in military custody without benefit of his constitutional right to trial” if he dissents with official U.S. policy. Farrakhan noted that the late Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad was imprisoned during World War Two for advocating resistance to the draft. “If America goes to war,” he said, President Obama may be forced “to take Farrakhan off the streets; and charge him with ‘sedition’ and ‘treason.’”

    The point here, of course, is not that Louis Farrakhan or Chris Hedges is in imminent danger of preventive detention in perpetuity, but that everyone is, because the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which provides for due process of law, and the First Amendment’s guarantees of free speech, no longer exist if a president finds them inconvenient.

    Black America has always championed civil liberties, and could not possibly support preventive detention. But too many African Americans have failed to pay attention to Obama’s actual policies. They have treated him like an icon, or worse, a king. Now, with preventive detention the law of the land, he has become King Obama, a monarch with no constitutional bounds. Next year, it could be King Mitt, or King Newt – and it really doesn't matter which


  63. uptownsteve10:22 AM

    Purple Cow

    Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. uptownsteve10:26 AM

    "So then the U.S economy should be exploding what with Obama borrowing and spending over 5 trillion in three years"

    Actually it is.

    The corporations and banks the stimulus package bailed out are presently recording record profits and sitting on about $1 trillion in cash reserves.

    They are just very hesistant to hire Americans.

    It's that GREED thang.

  66. Anonymous 10:20

    Yes thank you, I've already read the Forbes article that you cut and pasted that from, they are talking bollocks as well.

    Stimulus is not about total size of budgets, it's about putting idle money to work.

    Oh yes and your infantile family shopping analogy doesn't work. Increased government spending on things like infrastructure projects stimulates the economy because it puts more people to work to do the project, they in turn buy more stuff, which puts more people in work and they all end up paying more money to the government in taxes. My paying the supermarket more money, won't result in them paying money back to me.

    Sorry if this is difficult for you.

  67. Anonymous10:41 AM

    My land I live in is a very nice one thank you, you on the other hand live in an AIDs infested second-world country. 1 million Americans are living with HIV, compared to just 86,000 in the UK

    Do you ever think before you come to conclusions, are you capable?

    What are the populations and what are the DEMOGRAPHICS of the UK/US and AIDS cases - who gets aids? Who has the highest incidents in some cases 1 in 4 women infected?
    Homosexual Black Men like yourself should be the last ones to talk about aids.

    Here I will help one last time, it gets old discussing things with you that are clearly over your head and completely tainted by your ideoligies.

    US population: 295,734,134
    England: 60,441,457

    See a slight difference?

    You have the entire population of just a couple of US states.

    As for the highest incident of Aids cases that has already been explored. In any case you can thank US scientists and drug companies for funding the world and providing medicines.

    You are welcome.

  68. hobama loves his bankster peers/owners

    ask bofa


  69. Quote Anonymous 10:41

    US population: 295,734,134
    England: 60,441,457

    So America's population is 4.89 times that of the U.K. (not England, numbnuts).

    So multiplying the U.K.'s number of HIV patients 86,000 by 4.89 we get 420,540.

    Compared to USA's 1,000,000.

    See a slight difference?

    You are welcome.

  70. file this under

    turbo uncle tom...empowered via that blackish black agendaless post racial racist hobama



  71. Quote Anonymous 10:20

    "Have you phoned David Cameron to let him know you have the secret to the UK regaining some of its former (very) glory, tax and spend?"

    I haven't but even cleverer people than me (yes there are a couple) have...


  72. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Oh yes and your infantile family shopping analogy doesn't work. Increased government spending on things like infrastructure projects stimulates the economy because it puts more people to work to do the project, they in turn buy more stuff, which puts more people in work and they all end up paying more money to the government in taxes. My paying the supermarket more money, won't result in them paying money back to me.

    Sorry if this is difficult for you.

    Oh yes, the old "Shovel Ready" jobs. Well your master already said that he was mistaken and there is no such thing as a shovel ready job.

    As for your supermarket analogy, good lets run with that in the real world and not leftist wish it were speak.

    When you buy more goods from the supermarket you create demand, the supermarket then buys goods that farmers produce,that food processing plants package, that drivers transport that energy moves, that supermarket employs people to serve you and on and on ...the people who work at the supermarket and all the associated network then having money created by consumer demand then may use your services to advertise or buy something that in turn fuels another branch of the economy.

    All while the money taken by the government is earmarked for some "project" or vote buying gesture that if it takes place will be decades down the road, after they pay for the governmental infrastructure costs required to take and redistribute the money.. use the money for wasteful and useless kickbacks and pay off the escalating interest on the loans and on and on ..

    With your view of economics you should hire a business manager at a very high salary to distribute your income to your wife and children and when it runs low, borrow more at a nicely inflated interest rate and tell them to spend more to stimulate your income and if you start going broke, just cry racism.

    Sorry this is impossible for you. Totally.

  73. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I haven't but even cleverer people than me (yes there are a couple) have...

    Now we get to the least of these...

  74. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 10:41

    US population: 295,734,134
    England: 60,441,457

    So America's population is 4.89 times that of the U.K. (not England, numbnuts).

    I knew you would like that dickface. You are extremely easy to manipulate. Then again I give you credit for the little you have to work with. Just a little.

  75. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 10:41

    US population: 295,734,134
    England: 60,441,457

    So America's population is 4.89 times that of the U.K. (not England, numbnuts).

    So multiplying the U.K.'s number of HIV patients 86,000 by 4.89 we get 420,540.

    Compared to USA's 1,000,000.

    See a slight difference?

    You are welcome.

    Nice you answered the Population, but what about the demographics. WHO gets aids? WHO has the highest infection rates? WHO? Why did you avoid that?

  76. kudos to corp net sellout arianna h!!!!!!!


    I am not a fan of President Barack Obama, nor am I titillated by every second in the life of a little dog named Bo and two adorable girls named Sasha and Malia, even though they’re all extremely precious and make us all proud. To be honest, what I care more about is the wishy-washy, closet-conservative, imperialistic foreign politics of the father-in-chief.

    Huffington, whom I agree with on most matters, stated that the First Lady should avoid lavish fundr-aisers in swanky L.A. neighborhoods and focus more on demonstrating her compassion for people’s suffering:
    “I’d love [Michelle] to be more [like] Eleanor Roosevelt right now, because the country needs an Eleanor Roosevelt who’s going to go around and at the same time that she’s doing fund-raisers in Beverly Hills and Bel Air … she should go to South Central [Los Angeles], I mean, if I were Michelle Obama right now, I would not go anywhere for a fund-raiser without going and seeing the places where there is pain, where there is struggle, where there is homelessness, where there is unemployment, because we need to bring that conversation to the center of the debate and there’s nothing like a first lady or … a candidate to take us there.”



  77. memo to aff act coon ward c:

    karma is real



  78. uptownsteve11:10 AM

    No $hit.

    Ward Connerly is a buckdancing coon and a corrupt hypocrite.

    AB you a regular Christie Love.


  79. "Nice you answered the Population, but what about the demographics. WHO gets aids? WHO has the highest infection rates? WHO? Why did you avoid that?

    I'm not avoiding it, I just don;t get your point.

    Are you saying there are no I.V. drug users, Gays, Bisexuals and Africans in the U.K.?

  80. Quote Anonymous 10:58

    "I knew you would like that dickface. You are extremely easy to manipulate. Then again I give you credit for the little you have to work with. Just a little."

    Stop lying, you fucked up and you know it.

  81. Quote Anonymous 10:56

    "When you buy more goods from the supermarket you create demand, the supermarket then buys goods that farmers produce,that food processing plants package, that drivers transport that energy moves, that supermarket employs people to serve you and on and on ...the people who work at the supermarket and all the associated network then having money created by consumer demand then may use your services to advertise or buy something that in turn fuels another branch of the economy."

    The money doesn't come back to ME though does it?

    Which if course is the entire point I was making.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. uptownsteve12:23 PM

    They NEVER actually explain what they would have Obama do about poverty which he hasn't already attempted.

    The righties are already calling Obama "the food stamp President".

  84. uptownsteve1:03 PM

    Why doesn't AB ever answer a direct question?

    What specifically would you have Obama do for the poor right now?

  85. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Funny ,back before Bill Clinton greenlighted the takeover of America's radio stations (when WDAS was Black owned ) you didn't get these types of greasy stereotype promotions.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. uts1:

    how are the gated homes in your jack and jill utopia faring???

    did that homeless serial killer owe-j vote for that bankster bofa ceo hobama too???



  89. Anonymous2:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 10:56

    "When you buy more goods from the supermarket you create demand, the supermarket then buys goods that farmers produce,that food processing plants package, that drivers transport that energy moves, that supermarket employs people to serve you and on and on ...the people who work at the supermarket and all the associated network then having money created by consumer demand then may use your services to advertise or buy something that in turn fuels another branch of the economy."

    The money doesn't come back to ME though does it?

    Which if course is the entire point I was making.

    Oh, I didn't realize you meant in the form of sitting on your ass and having a check sent to you while you play xbox or watch TV.

    But being that I said they may use your services to advertise....that in turns fuels another branch of the economy. If you work at anything, anything..presumably that would cover you. Even if it means they need someone to be a Janitor and sweep the floors of the supermarket.

  90. hey uts:

    why did no foolish coon clone of YOU ever ask me to do gwb's job when i bashed him from 2000-2008?????




  91. "Funny but you don't hear any of them claiming they are the victims and insulted for someone saying something he did not say that only you can hear because you have supersensitive permanent victim hearing."

    Exactly my point anon. You will NEVER hear candidates scapegoating white people or insulting them. If you want to say I'm whining by pointing out that stereotyping Black people as lazy and shiftless that is your perogative. If you don;t see how his statement is offensive then you are as tone deaf as Newt and other GOP leaders. Let me know when Newt goes to that monster truck rally and makes those comments and I'll vote for Newt.

  92. saying something he did not say that only you can hear because you have supersensitive permanent victim hearing."

    BTW he DID say what he did about Black people. Just because YOU don't pay attention doesn't make me a victim it means you need to get your info from somewhere other than Fox. also, no one can compete with white males when it comes to the victim mentality. Listen to Rush Limbaugh for two minutes and you'll hear more whining than all the puppies on the planet.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. kudos to kantor!!!!

    the hobamas hate any truth the way they hate any poor person


    "She seems nice," was Stewart's assessment of the first lady after reading "The Obamas," he told the book's author, New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor. "I'm surprised at the controversy," Stewart said, "because the book seems to portray Michelle Obama as a complex yet human individual struggling with this unbelievable situation yet remaining the moral compass and center of an administration trying to find its footing."

    Later in the sit-down, Stewart tells Kantor "But I only read it because I thought there was crazy sh-t in there. You really disappointed me."

    "The book does not call [the first lady] an angry black woman. Those words are never in the book," Kantor said of the soundbite that set off a second round of media coverage, "Nor is it insinuated.""The Obamas" has come under criticism because the president and first lady were not interviewed for the book, and because passages in the book portray Michelle Obama as concerned about the support and advice the president was getting from some of his top aides.

    The controversy began before Kantor's book was even formally released. When some media outlets got their hands on copies of the book early, the resulting coverage focused on what political observers call "palace intrigue" -- a moment when Press Secretary Robert Gibbs blew up and cursed the first lady and top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, a moment when then-Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel offered to resign (an offer that the president refused at the time), and the first lady's concerns about some of the president's top aides.




  95. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-january-17-2012/indecision-2012---southern-discomfort

    Jon Stewart agrees with me.

  96. ditto!

    Stewart teased the president about his campaign slogan "Yes, we can", suggesting that these days it was "Yes, we can, with conditions attached".

    Obama replied: "When I say that when we promised during the campaign, change you can believe in, it wasn't change you can believe in in 18 months ...What I would say is, 'Yes, we can', but it is not going to happen overnight."

    Stewart suggested one of the problems was that far from bringing about change, Obama had brought into power many of the same old faces, such as his economics adviser, Larry Summers, who is about to leave the administration and has been heavily criticised over the lacklustre state of the economy. "In fairness, Larry did a heck of a job," Obama said. Stewart interjected: "You don't want to use that phrase, dude."

    George Bush used the same phrase to describe the hapless Michael Brown, who was head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency during hurricane Katrina.


  97. Anonymous4:01 PM

    PilotX said...

    Jon Stewart agrees with me.

    Of course he does, he is a comedian and both viewpoints are comical.

    If you really want to get insulted, view this and see reality and those democrats and people who say it isn't so.


  98. no slappz4:35 PM

    pilot x-lax writes:

    You will NEVER hear candidates scapegoating white people or insulting them.

    Sure, bonehead. If you live in a country where there are no whites, though even in those miserable places, the white scapegoating goes on.

    Inasmuch as ALL corporate "offenses" are committed by whites, there's no end to the scapegoating of whites.

    Wall Street malefactors -- as we know virtually EVERYONE on Wall Street is white.

    Banker malefactors -- was there even ONE black banking executive called before Congress for a dressing down during the Financial Crisis hearings?

    When candidates -- presidents -- deride businesses for "sending jobs offshore", are they rebuking any race other than the white race?

    When candidates -- and presidents -- chastise corporate executives for high pay, are the critics enraged at blacks? Or whites?

    Has any elected official deplored the high pay of black athletes? No. Black entertainers? No.

    How about criticizing black dictators in Africa? Does that happen? No.

  99. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Newt is just a loser...he is ugly on the inside and very ugly on the outside!! I stand looking at his ugly face.

    Check out a free sample of my book called "down low baller II" at the link below:

  100. kosher kkk:

    even a broken clock is correct twice each day...ditto

    as the wealth gap widens

    i am EQUALLY repulsed by opulence in all races/classes/posts etc


  101. no words on hobama's bona fide martial law/ndaa?????



  102. what help?

    what homes?

    what jobs?


    Banks may seize more than 1 million U.S. homes this year after legal scrutiny of their foreclosure practices slowed actions against delinquent property owners in 2011, RealtyTrac Inc. said.
    About 1.89 million properties received notices of default, auction or repossession last year, down 34 percent from 2010 and the lowest number since 2007, the Irvine, California-based data seller said today in a statement. One in 69 U.S. households received a filing.

    While the seizure process has been “highly dysfunctional,” there were “strong signs in the second half of 2011 that lenders are finally beginning to push through some of the delayed foreclosures in select local markets,” RealtyTrac Chief Executive Officer Brandon Moore said in the statement.

    The number of home repossessions is likely to rise about 25 percent from the more than 804,000 properties seized last year as lenders resume foreclosure actions, Daren Blomquist, a spokesman for RealtyTrac, said in a telephone interview. Settlement talks are continuing with state attorneys general over documentation flaws, known as “robo-signing,” that surfaced in October 2010.

    About 400,000 additional homes would have been repossessed without the slowdown, Blomquist said. The ramp-up in foreclosure proceedings that began in 2011’s second half is likely to continue this year, Moore said in the statement.

    Foreclosure filings totaled almost 2.7 million last year as some properties got multiple notices, RealtyTrac said.

    Highest in Nevada

    Nevada had the nation’s highest rate of foreclosure filings per household for the fifth straight year, at one in 16, while total filings were down 31 percent from 2010. A new state law that took effect in October requires lenders to file an additional affidavit before starting the foreclosure process.

    Arizona had the second highest foreclosure rate, with one in 24 households receiving a notice, and California ranked third at one in 31. Georgia was fourth, with one in 37, and Utah fifth at one in 43, according to RealtyTrac.


  103. no slappz5:42 PM

    purple sow writes:

    , let me reiterate, the social contract that grew after the war that said Americans would share in the nation's increased prosperity.

    Where did you get this canard?

    Only a clown who doesn't live in the US or some ree-tard who believes Occupy Wall Street would believe this silliness was ever real.

    Oh, I've heard it before. However, what you believe about it has always been false.

    On the other hand, Medicare (healthcare for those over 65, serving over 40 million) and Medicaid (healthcare for the poor, serving over 40 million) were created in 1965, and those two programs have more than delivered on the social contract issue.

    The programs cost about $8,000 per year, per person. However, in New York State, Medicaid costs $13,000 per person, per year.

    Moreover, the cost of all social programs has ballooned since WWII. Social Security is a far far far more generous program today than it was in the 50s and 60s.

    Pensions, especially government pensions have ballooned to the point that pension obligations of the federal, state and local governments are pushing the US into the same abyss into which Greece has fallen.

    We're far from being in their mess, but we're on the way -- unless we stop electing idiot anti-American presidents like Obama, who's about to cancel the Keystone Pipeline projects, ensuring that thousands of very high paying, non-taxpayer-funded jobs do NOT materialize in the US.

  104. The Purple Cow said...
    It did not fail, it saved millions of jobs. Unemployment would have gone up massively more than it did without it.

    The problem with the stimulus plan was that it was too small - thanks to the Repugs...

    Omar tries so hard.

    By White House standards, it failed.

    Democrats could have passed whatever they wanted. Republicans have no blame for Obama's failed policies.

    Keep showing your undying love for Obama. If you was a American, fn and slave catcher steve would welcome you to the Democrat plantation.

  105. no slappz5:51 PM

    purple sow says:

    Botswana currently funds around 90% of the "countries expenditures" . Ok so to a thinking person knowing that the world supplies the majority of funding and medicines this means of all the expenditures made solely by Botswana for the country 90% are government and 10 % are private.

    Hey moron, Botswana doesn't pay retail. The country's "90%" is the equivalent in the US of a "co-pay".

    AIDS drugs are VERY EXPENSIVE. The cost of the drugs shipped to Botswana is heavily discounted by the pharmaceutical companies because the companies can make up the shortfall by billing Americans and American insurance companies and/or American taxpayers.

    You might as well say the US sells gold to Botswana for $50 an ounce while in the advanced nations of the world it's $1,650 an ounce.

    You're so dim you don't recognize a subsidy when it laughs at you.

  106. no slappz6:02 PM

    purple blowhard says:

    You are either too stupid to understand what the graphs mean, or you have no answer to the points they raise. i.e. the fabled 'American Dream' is dying.

    The startlingly rapid creation of large numbers of millionaire, multi-millionaries and billionaires is proof the American Dream is more rewarding than ever.

    But -- the American Dream would reward even more people if the idiots in government got out of the way.

    A level playing field -- that's what the government is supposed maintain. Instead, it skews markets with such stupidity as forcing a dying Detroit to build electric cars, or prohibiting oil companies from drilling where there are vast reserves of oil and gas.

    Given the restrictions on any physical activity conducted by a corporation, it's no surprise that software and the Internet are the current leaders as wealth builders and job creators.

    But most people -- especially cement-heads like you -- can't handle the abstract nature of software development. Hence, the jobs go to a narrow stratum of the population.

  107. Field Negro,

    You said, "Of course (Gingrich) doesn't see (the recent flaps about race), because he lives in a parallel universe where ignorance and bigotry is accepted."

    No. He sees it. Gingrich knows exactly what he's seeing and saying.

    Read this: http://www.wmur.com/r/30162684/detail.html

    Gingrich is going to run a campaign that pits everyone against black people - and liberating people in general. This is conscious and obvious. We should pay serious attention to that. We all have a lot more in common than crazy f'n Gingrich has with anyone, other than the other lunatics in the Pentagon and on Wall Street.


  108. no slappz,

    "A level playing field -- that's what the government is supposed maintain. Instead, it skews markets with such stupidity as forcing a dying Detroit to build electric cars"

    How the hell is the government "forcing" Detroit to build electric cars????

    You are a blithering idiot.

    Toyota Prius (the hybrid) sales have been steadily climbing and Detroit experienced it first real crisis back in the 70s when they continued to build gas guzzling vehicles in the midst of an oil crisis.

  109. JMJ

    "Gingrich is going to run a campaign that pits everyone against black people - and liberating people in general. This is conscious and obvious."


    The phenomenon of a black President is unleashing race baiting politics by the GOP at levels surpassing the "Willie Horton" and the "hands ad" from Jesse Helms filth of 25 years ago.

  110. no slappz6:45 PM

    purple knucklehead:

    As to your claim that I was wrong about the percentage of Botswanians with AIDS, I concede there is a question. I stated 20% of the population was infected.

    The article you linked stated the following:

    ...the UN says more than one in three ADULTS in Botswana are infected with HIV or have developed AIDS.

    MORE than ONE-in-THREE adults. Given the demographics, my estimate may have been too low.

    The disease has orphaned many thousands of children and has dramatically cut life expectancy.

    Thus, not only are the medical costs more than enough to bankrupt Botswana 10 times over, the social costs of caring for the orphans bump up the damage costs to insurmountable levels.

    NO nation in Africa survives without free money and/or handouts from the rest of the world. Thus, as I've said, the economic numbers you've cited are worthless.

    Moreover, one of the big cash generators for the economy is the diamond industry -- which in Botswana, as in most African nations, is run by De Beers.

    Even you know that means blacks perform the hard labor while whites handle the office affairs.

  111. Anonymous6:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Gingrich is going to run a campaign that pits everyone against black people - and liberating people in general. This is conscious and obvious."


    The phenomenon of a black President is unleashing race baiting politics by the GOP at levels surpassing the "Willie Horton" and the "hands ad" from Jesse Helms filth of 25 years ago.

    Obama is the one running his entire campaign on being black. Gingrich was attacked, he had to answer, Obama doesn't have to blame whitey, but that is all he and mooch do.

    Bullshit, the phenomenon of a Black race baiting president along with racist race baiting demanding supporters is unleashing racial problems that are unprecedented.

    Have him run on his record, forget that he is Black, can he do that?

  112. Anonymous6:49 PM

    How the hell is the government "forcing" Detroit to build electric cars????

    You are a blithering idiot.

    You are the type of Black man that causes reinforcement of stereotypes. Ever hear of the volt? Sales totals, recalls, lane pumping, fire, failure, now moving to china for production - Research, read, learn. Stop embarassink you-self.

  113. Watch this folks.

    Anon-Goober grunts:

    "Obama is the one running his entire campaign on being black"

    Give ONE example of Obama referencing race.

    Face it clown, it's people like YOU who can't get past his race.

  114. Anon-Goober

    "Ever hear of the volt? Sales totals, recalls, lane pumping, fire, failure, now moving to china for production - Research, read, learn."

    Okay fool, name the electric car being produced in Detroit.

    And while you're fumbling for that, explain why the Detroit auto companies are showing profits.

    You are a walking embarassment.

  115. no slappz6:59 PM

    ree-tard stevie wonders:

    How the hell is the government "forcing" Detroit to build electric cars????

    The GM bailout (a true bailout) by the government was contingent on several factors. One of those factors was the introduction of the Chevy Volt.

    The Volt has been a monumental failure. It's hilarious that it's marketed to high-income people by offering them big tax breaks, just the thing Obama railed against, until he decided to use it to skew the business of GM.

    You are a blithering idiot.

    Stevie, just because your one eye is anchored in your anus doesn't mean others suffer from the same weird view of the world.

    Toyota Prius (the hybrid) sales have been steadily climbing and Detroit experienced it first real crisis back in the 70s when they continued to build gas guzzling vehicles in the midst of an oil crisis.

    Again, the bonehead ejaculates.

    Detroit suffered in the 70s because Japan had learned its lessons on how to manufacture quality cars and sell them at lower prices than Detroit.

    Gas consumption was less important than quality, reliability and price. And they offered better warranties -- key elements of value.

    It took a while, but Detroit improved a lot. But the improvements came too late to save GM and Chrysler from bankruptcy.

    On the other hand, the story of the American car industry is a story of bankruptcies -- the same theme found in the airline industry.

  116. "NO nation in Africa survives without free money and/or handouts from the rest of the world."

    Name the African nation that gets more handouts than Israel.

    JEOPARDY MUSIC.................

  117. Chevrolet Volt Review - What the Auto Press Says
    The 2012 Chevrolet Volt ranks 1 out of 19 Upscale Midsize Cars. This ranking is based on our analysis of 28 published reviews and test drives of the Chevrolet Volt, and our analysis of reliability and safety data.

    Reviewers agree that the 2012 Chevrolet Volt is one of the best hybrid cars on the market, thanks to its impressive fuel economy.


  118. no slappz7:09 PM

    ree-tard stevie says:

    And while you're fumbling for that, explain why the Detroit auto companies are showing profits.

    Which company? Profits in Detroit -- this year -- are largely the result of accounting benefits and the impact of shifting the retirement costs and healthcare costs to taxpayers.

    In one of the amazing acts of Obama magic, GM was NOT required to use Fresh Start accounting following its bankruptcy and restructuring.

    Meanwhile, even the worst managers can squeeze out a profit in the year following mass firings and the off-loading of huge employee costs on top of factory closings.

    Vehicle sales are going in the right direction, but, as GM, Ford and Chrysler have reported, the strongest sales were in the big cars and pick-up trucks -- not the gas-sipping "green" cars, though some have done okay.

    But the Chevy Volt is a bigger failure than the Edsel. Sales of Volts began in late 2010. However in the full year of 2011, GM sold about 6.500 Volts -- embarrassing failure.

    After the next presidential election, no matter who wins, GM sill cancel the Volt.

  119. Anonymous7:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Watch this folks.

    Anon-Goober grunts:

    "Obama is the one running his entire campaign on being black"

    Give ONE example of Obama referencing race.

    Face it clown, it's people like YOU who can't get past his race.

    Look at this clueless Negroid. The only way you can compete is to sling your old tired racial slur? You are so pathetically intellectually weak it is sad. Can't you even try to come up with a variation on your race baiting? It is ALWAYS the same. Are you that dumb and useless?

    You are saying Obama doesn't reference race? Each and every time he campaigns which is daily?

    You mean people who don't like his policies of destroying the US must really not like his white upbringing and speech patterns and mannerisms and be as shallow as you are looking at someones skin color?

    You have made the stupidest claims I have ever heard on this blog and ALWAYS are proven to be a dribbling drooling thing.

    In summation, you are brain dead - stay that way, I don't give a fuck.

    So fuck off, but do try and have a nice day and smile - there are many other slobbering retards out there so you aren't alone. Dat shit be racist yo!!

  120. Anonymous7:15 PM

    no slappz said...
    ree-tard stevie says:

    And while you're fumbling for that, explain why the Detroit auto companies are showing profits.

    Which company? Profits in Detroit -- this year -- are largely the result of accounting benefits and the impact of shifting the retirement costs and healthcare costs to taxpayers.

    In one of the amazing acts of Obama magic, GM was NOT required to use Fresh Start accounting following its bankruptcy and restructuring.

    This is all above UpDown Steves head, it has been explained numerous times with supporting links, facts and financials. He simply can't get it. It is beyond his genetic capabilities of being an angry racist Negroid who is incapable of thinking independantly.

  121. This guy just spews rightwing bull$hit hysterically.

    "Profits in Detroit -- this year -- are largely the result of accounting benefits and the impact of shifting the retirement costs and healthcare costs to taxpayers."

    Explain this in detail Slappy. If you can.

    I'm still waiting for the other goober to explain how Obama is running a race based campaign.

    Utter buffoons.

  122. no slappz7:17 PM

    ree-tard stevie begs:

    Name the African nation that gets more handouts than Israel.

    That nation was Egypt. But those days are gone, or, maybe they're not. Now that the Muslim Brotherhood is about to control the country, our Muslim Brotherhood president may feel the urge to give Egypt piles and piles of cash.

    Regarding Israel and your ignorance -- Israel is a huge source of creative talent and technical develpment. You probably think the utter lack of technical creativity in Africa is the result of some racist plot, but, it's not.

    In Africa a computer programmer is someone who pushes the "on" button on the old Compaq and wonders why the screen fails to light up.

    The stream of patents coming from Israeli research is well worth the support Israel receives.

    If there were a nation in Africa capable of offering a small fraction of the intellectual horsepower found in Israel, that nation would find itself awash in foreign aid. But...

  123. "You are saying Obama doesn't reference race? Each and every time he campaigns which is daily?"

    Okay, give ONE example.

    I'm waiting.

    And waiting

    And waiting.

  124. Anonymous7:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "NO nation in Africa survives without free money and/or handouts from the rest of the world."

    Name the African nation that gets more handouts than Israel.

    JEOPARDY MUSIC.................

    HAHAHAHAAHA. What is your IQ no really?

    Have a goodnight, thanks for reaffirming opinions about you.

  125. "That nation was Egypt"

    Oh, now Egypt is an "African" nation according to Slappy.

    When it is mentioned that Egypt was the cradle of civilization, Slappy squeals that the Egyptians weren't black.

    I tell you, this guy is a laugh a minute.


  126. "purple sow says:

    Botswana currently funds around 90% of the "countries expenditures" . Ok so to a thinking person knowing that the world supplies the majority of funding and medicines this means of all the expenditures made solely by Botswana for the country 90% are government and 10 % are private."

    That's not my comment you are criticizing you dumb shit, it's from one of your far-right buddies.

    You're not having a good day are you?

  127. no slappz7:27 PM

    ree-tard stevo implores:

    Explain this in detail Slappy. If you can.

    ree-tardo -- you can't handle the simple explanations, which means it's a waste of time for both of us to review the 2011 financial statements for Ford and GM.

    Chrysler is owned by Fiat, so we must wait a lot longer for the release of those Italian financials. I don't know if Fiat will break out the Chrysler financials. Probably not. Due to their reporting requirements, they can bury some details more easily.

    But if they were to report all the Chrysler details, the details would likely show what they've always shown -- that the big moneymaker was Jeep and the other vehicles were marginal sellers.

  128. Quote No Slapppzzzzzz

    "purple knucklehead:

    As to your claim that I was wrong about the percentage of Botswanians with AIDS, I concede there is a question. I stated 20% of the population was infected."

    That's not what you said, you liar.

    You have a problem with distinguishing the truth from lies, don;t you?

    I suspect you lie so often you are losing your grip on reality.

  129. Quote No Slapzzz

    "Where did you get this canard?

    Only a clown who doesn't live in the US or some ree-tard who believes Occupy Wall Street would believe this silliness was ever real.

    Oh, I've heard it before. However, what you believe about it has always been false.

    I'll remember that one Slappy, according to you the American dream does not exist and never has existed.

    You are a desperate man, Slapzzzzzz

  130. "ree-tardo -- you can't handle the simple explanations, which means it's a waste of time for both of us to review the 2011 financial statements for Ford and GM."

    You're right Purple Cow.

    Slappy wouldn't know the truth if it was dangling on his weak chin.

    He just makes it up as he goes along.


  131. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I am sick of Desert giving over the top praises to Field as if he is soooo wise....PLEEEZE!

  132. BTW Slapped Stupid,

    The handouts Egypt recieved were about a third of what Israel got.

    I know how much the truth offends you.


  133. no slappz7:33 PM

    steve the ree-tarded geographer sneers:

    Oh, now Egypt is an "African" nation according to Slappy.

    Oh. Maybe it's an Internet nation. You know: e-Gypt, that place that promised to send you a high iCue.

  134. no slappz7:38 PM

    purple blowhard:

    I'll remember that one Slappy, according to you the American dream does not exist and never has existed.

    Keep in mind that YOU were asking about a Social Contract, which, now that I see your response, it's clear you don't realize was something other than the American Dream.

    The Dream is about individual initiative and building one's own pile of wealth through intelligence and thrift.

    You're -- sadly -- foolish enough to believe it's about wealth transfer.

  135. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Field-"What about Mitt? Is he "irrelevant" as well? Or should we pay attention to him because he is going to be the standard bearer of YOUR party in November?

    Just curious. ;)"

    For the last damn time, Negro-I am not a Republican nor a Democrat,and I am definitely NOT White.

    Anon, "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."--MLK"

    Field, "I am not your friend."

    MLK's quote refers to the White silent majority in YOUR party called "The Democrats". GET IT? Whether you are my friend or not is irrelevant and when did you become a Dem? lol

  136. "You know: e-Gypt, that place that promised to send you a high iCue."

    It's definitely higher than yours.

    I just proved you wrong yet AGAIN.


  137. "For the last damn time, Negro-I am not a Republican nor a Democrat,and I am definitely NOT White."

    But you certainly are an imbecile.

    Why would you support a party that boasts a bunch of race baiting goobers as Presidential candidates if you're black?

  138. Anonymous7:42 PM

    no_slappz, "Oh. Maybe it's an Internet nation. You know: e-Gypt, that place that promised to send you a high iCue."

    LOL. I love the way you slap uptown around. He tries hard but just doesn't have the IQ to match yours. For the life of me I don't know why he keeps coming back to you for more slaps?

    Purple Cow is just as pathetic.

  139. no slappz7:44 PM

    ree-tardo stevie,

    If you want to examine the financial statements for Ford and GM, you can find all of them on the SEC website. Check the latest 10-Qs and the 2011 10-Ks, when they're available.

    You'll see a lot of terms you don't know. But you have to read and understand the 10-K to know how the companies fared last year.

    One of the tricky parts is understanding the companys' pension accounting.

    Give it a shot. Put some time into understanding the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement. Your head will explode.

  140. Anonymous7:44 PM

    uts, "Why would you support a party that boasts a bunch of race baiting goobers as Presidential candidates if you're black?"

    Idiot...Where in my comments did I say I support ANY party, esp the GOP?

  141. Slappy stop playing with yourself.

    It's sad.

  142. "Idiot...Where in my comments did I say I support ANY party, esp the GOP?"

    So you don't vote at all?

    Then you're a disgrace as well as a buffoon.

    You might as well take a dump on the graves of the people who gave their lives so that we could exercise our rights as US citizens.

    You make me ill.

  143. no slappz7:51 PM

    ree-tardo stevie declares:

    It's definitely higher than yours.

    ree-tardo, based on the intellectual power you've displayed, you would reason that your IQ is higher than mine because you're taller.

  144. Anonymous7:57 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Idiot...Where in my comments did I say I support ANY party, esp the GOP?"

    So you don't vote at all?

    Then you're a disgrace as well as a buffoon.

    You might as well take a dump on the graves of the people who gave their lives so that we could exercise our rights as US citizens.

    You make me ill.

    Oh to vote you have to be lockstep with a party. Seriously, tell us no one can truly be as dumb as you can they? I mean really how the hell do you function in life? Do you find your bosses often giving you the side eye? Do they let you speak? You never and I do mean never get anything close to correct yet you always declare..Ima right LMBAO!!!!! Always. It is like watch an idiot press the same buttons over and over again never realizing that everyone knows which button you will press because your intelligence is so limited it is all you know.

    You no longer make me ill, you make me laugh and thank god for his graces for if not, I could have been born you.

  145. You really have to wonder about the intellectual strength of a guy who constantly makes definitive statements and when asked for evidence sez "look it up".

    Where I'm from that's called a peddler of bullshit.

    Slappy, you're about as much fun as a man can have after work.

    Do you even have a job?

  146. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    uts, "Why would you support a party that boasts a bunch of race baiting goobers as Presidential candidates if you're black?"

    look at this statement, the bell curve dings and gongs when this thing walks by.

  147. Anonymous7:59 PM

    The Dream is about individual initiative and building one's own pile of wealth through intelligence and thrift.

    You're -- sadly -- foolish enough to believe it's about wealth transfer.

    B-I-N-G-O and Purple cow was his name-O

  148. "You no longer make me ill, you make me laugh and thank god for his graces for if not, I could have been born you."

    Instead you born "Anonymous".


    G'night idiot.

  149. Anonymous8:02 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    You really have to wonder about the intellectual strength of a guy who constantly makes definitive statements and when asked for evidence sez "look it up".

    Where I'm from that's called a peddler of bullshit.

    Well where I come from peepuls dont "sez" anything.

    If you had half a brain you would recall previous conversations where specific facts, financial sheets and such were provided. You couldnt understand them and you clearly are not capable of understanding them, you wont try. It is so easy to simply dismiss everything with a "dat shit be racist" isn't it.

  150. no slappz8:04 PM

    Some information from the Botswana timeline.

    Thanks purple sow:

    2000 August - President Mogae says Aids drugs will be made available free of charge from 2001.

    2001 March - National diamond corporation, Debswana, says it will subsidise drugs for workers with Aids.

    2002 March - Kalahari bushmen take the government to court to challenge a forced eviction from their land; the case is dismissed on a technicality.

    2003 September - Botswana begins erecting a fence along its border with Zimbabwe to stem an influx of Zimbabwean illegal immigrants.

    2004 March - HIV infection rate falls to 37.5%; Botswana no longer has the world's highest rate of infection.

  151. "Sure, bonehead. If you live in a country where there are no whites, though even in those miserable places, the white scapegoating goes on."

    Ya know Slappz, you are so dimwitted you don't even seem worth responding to. The point was Gingrich specifically called out Black people for being on food stamps name ONE politician that called out white people by name during a campaign. I'll wait.

    BTW, I know you are a fan of petrolium and against electric cars but they seem to be more popular as several companies are marketing new electric cars. The Volt was unpopular because it was expensive but now Nissan, Ford and Chevy are introducing newer cheaper models. Let's just see what happens.
