Monday, January 16, 2012

Questions about MLK Day.

We interrupt a day of celebration for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to give you a few words from an angry Negro here in A-merry-ca:

"Every year around this time, I have to hear this question “If Martin Luther King Jr. was alive today..” and I’m sick of it. Only these coward punk clowns we have in the Black media would let a question like this come out of their mouth and you should look closely as anybody who want to ask this kind of question for discussion. Bottom line is Martin Luther King, Jr ain’t in 2012 but we are here in 2012 and what we going to do while me and you are alive right here and right now?

I’m getting up in age a little bit and to be honest on Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, it brings my attention to all of the fake civil rights, Black socialites and these sideways hustle bloggers we got running around this day and age pretending they something extra or outstanding me and you supposed to admire, real talk. Ain’t none of them willing to die for this like Martin Luther King Jr and I hope they understand where I come from when I let them know I can careless about who they think they are or supposed to be around me.

Every year, they come around and ask this question about “Martin Luther King would have turned 83 today, what would he think if he was alive today?” and not realize I think they are a straight bench and tussy deodorant coward for even asking that ignorant question. We are the only people who instead of honor our past with the present; we use the present to ask stupid questions about past people about if they were alive today.

Every year, we got some little punk well-dressed kid reciting the “I have a Dream” speech trying to sound like Martin Luther King with the audience clapping and some old wrinkled auntie with a smirk on her face as her nephew preaching from the podium. Real talk, I don’t know if that overrated brat and the whole audience participating are mocking Martin Luther King. However, we got kids that age here in 2012 actually building villages in Africa as we speak right now using the Internet to raise money.

Well, Martin Luther King Jr. ain’t alive today and the only thing 83 years old is his corpse and that’s the reality. Me and you are alive today and we know damn well what’s going on around us and affecting our Black community. So what the heck we going to do, that’s the real question! So that’s why anybody who ask what MLK would do in 2012 is a straight punk coward trying to put our current 2012 on 1900s Martin Luther King Jr. who came and went already and did what he done with the life MLK had while living.

I don’t have a dream, I have Dream and Hustle and I put in 2012 work for 2012 issues to solve 2012 problems for our people and our next generation. I do what I do and don’t need anybody approval and don’t care who don’t like me. We all know Martin Luther King had just as much Black people hating on him feeling he is a “rubble rouser”, well some of us know that. And the reason why they hating on Martin Luther King back then is why you see cats hating on stuff like Ed Dunn and Dream and Hustle because I don’t need socialite opinion to go out there and do the right thing for my people, my community and my future.

And let me give my speech, I ain’t Martin Luther King and I know what our own people did to Malcolm X and that’s what I’m a product of and what I really know what’s real out here. In 2012, you got some fake brothas and sistas in the middle class and upper class who are just as about the “same ish, different” day angle as much as those cats in the hood who ain’t going nowhere. Some of you cats ain’t even hip to it and walking around misguided and following the wrong cats who can careless about your future or your hustle or your struggle and just want to brag they have you as their customer. And some of you going right along with that game then get mad at me because I don’t respect your cornball following behind.

Today, we got more people around the world including the Arab Spring cats who honor and respect and study Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement to mimic their own fight for freedom. They getting machine gunned down protesting in 2012 while in 2012, we Black people too coward to take a bullet (or dish out bullets) fighting for ours here in the USA. Today, these emerging countries and economic situation is on the up, while Black people are leaving Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles in droves. Bottom line is our people are falling because cats don’t want to step up and get frustrated and stagnant instead of try to work together and move forward.

Martin Luther King does not know how to create wikis, but we do know how in 2012 to spread the information around and each one teach one. Martin Luther King does not have STEM educational background but we all have that at our fingertips right now to solve the majority or our problems we are dealing with. Martin Luther King did not have a chance to deal with the economic empowerment issue to address the poor people in our communities but we can handle that right now if we want to.

We going to see on Martin Luther King National Holiday, all the cowards we got in 2012 that will ask what Martin Luther King will do if he is alive today instead of being accountable for what they themselves should be doing in 2012 in the same spirit Martin Luther King fought for to reach the goal of equality, social justice and economic empowerment for the oppressed and underprivileged." [Source]

That was real talk. I respect it, and I am republishing it in the fields.

Why? Because we can never get enough real talk.



  1. "I don’t have a dream, I have Dream and Hustle and I put in 2012 work for 2012 issues to solve 2012 problems for our people and our next generation."

    Now THAT is what I'm talking about!

    "In a white supremacist society, Black confidence is ALWAYS seen as arrogance and Black strength is ALWAYS seen as anger".

    Cornell West, my man!

  2. kudos to cornel!!!

    The age of Obama has fallen tragically short of fulfilling King’s prophetic legacy. Instead of articulating a radical democratic vision and fighting for homeowners, workers and poor people in the form of mortgage relief, jobs and investment in education, infrastructure and housing, the administration gave us bailouts for banks, record profits for Wall Street and giant budget cuts on the backs of the vulnerable.

    As the talk show host Tavis Smiley and I have said in our national tour against poverty, the recent budget deal is only the latest phase of a 30-year, top-down, one-sided war against the poor and working people in the name of a morally bankrupt policy of deregulating markets, lowering taxes and cutting spending for those already socially neglected and economically abandoned. Our two main political parties, each beholden to big money, offer merely alternative versions of oligarchic rule.

    The absence of a King-worthy narrative to reinvigorate poor and working people has enabled right-wing populists to seize the moment with credible claims about government corruption and ridiculous claims about tax cuts’ stimulating growth. This right-wing threat is a catastrophic response to King’s four catastrophes; its agenda would lead to hellish conditions for most Americans.

    King weeps from his grave. He never confused substance with symbolism. He never conflated a flesh and blood sacrifice with a stone and mortar edifice. We rightly celebrate his substance and sacrifice because he loved us all so deeply. Let us not remain satisfied with symbolism because we too often fear the challenge he embraced. Our greatest writer, Herman Melville, who spent his life in love with America even as he was our most fierce critic of the myth of American exceptionalism, noted, “Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges; hence the conclusion of such a narration is apt to be less finished than an architectural finial.”

  3. Huts "R" Us3:07 PM

    "However, we got kids that age here in 2012 actually building villages in Africa as we speak right now using the Internet to raise money."

    Who? Are they gonna live in those villages?

  4. Honkeys "R" Us said...
    we got kids that age Who? Are they gonna live in those villages?

    Are you gonna stay in a trailer park?

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I think the memorial is beautiful, a very peaceful place to just sit and think of everything Blacks have accomplished since King's death.

    Yup, he would be proud.

  6. no slappz4:27 PM

    pilot X:

    Channing Capital.

    Nice try. Channing is a tiny institutional firm that gets assets to manage as a result of its status as a "minority" firm.


    Chicago Policemen's Annuity fund drops midcap manager Channing Capital

    By Christine Williamson

    December 6, 2011

    Chicago Policemen's Annuity & Benefit Fund terminated Channing Capital Management because of style drift and underperformance of a $23 million active domestic midcap value equity portfolio.

    Style drift is bad. But style drift and lousy performance is the kiss of death. It shows that the portfolio manager got panicked because the management style specified in the contract with the Police pension fund was underperforming so the portfolio manager tried to goose performance by taking some bigger risks, but the risks led to bigger losses, and the people at the Police fund became angry.

    Capital management firms must reveal their performance records when asked. In some news articles on Channing's site, the firm's performance was shown. It was disastrous.

    One consolation -- Channing was not alone. Channing's performance figures covered a period ending in 2009. Since then, Channing's performance figures have not been offered publicly. In other words, the numbers after 2009 were even worse than the numbers appearing in the news in 2009.

    Inasmuch as since 2009 the market has risen from a Dow 7,000 to a Dow 12,000, Channing's performance must have lagged a lot.

    Meanwhile, according to its published information, Channing manages a measly $850 million in 37 accounts, which means the average account size is $23 million.

    That' "minority" money. Handing them $23 million means the pension funds, etc are fulfilling their Political Correctness obligation without risking more than the law demands.

    If the Channing managers were any good, they'd be showered with assest to manage.

  7. no slappz4:33 PM

    somebody wrote:

    "However, we got kids that age here in 2012 actually building villages in Africa as we speak right now using the Internet to raise money."

    Yikes. First the Nigerian scam letters e-mailed to billions of people.

    Now a new scam.

    Africa -- possibly the most resource-rich continent on the planet, yet most of the inhabitants are living without running water, without indoor plumbing, without electricity and without functional government.

    MLK would cry.

  8. fertile turbo breeding pookies rule the world

    and they create new ways to slay their unwanted pesky babies each day...


  9. no slappz4:47 PM

    pilot X:

    As the Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund details in its report to the public, it allocates 20% of its assets to MWDBE managment firms

    What are MWDBE firms? They are firms run by Minorities, Women or the Disabled.

    From that pool of funds, Channing receives its allocations.

  10. Dark Meat Chicken?5:35 PM

    Let me guess...,0,7466911.story

  11. buck wild pookies rule the world

    and they can never get baby sitters for their demon seed!!!!


  12. omg

    yet another reason i dine and cook at home

  13. mitt and romney are elitist liars

    they are wilding with
    elitist pot shots/dueling hypocrosies etc


    hobama lies MORE!!!
    ie he is a cia baby/illegal prez/dl/crackhead etc/pimping 2012 mlk events etc


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. ghandi was gay and mlk's hero

    cc this to the homohating msm liars

  17. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I think the memorial is beautiful, a very peaceful place to just sit and think of everything Blacks have accomplished since King's death.

    Yes we have come so far, now law abiding citizens will be fined ticketed and have cars towed for tempting criminals to steal them in high risk areas. Forget the criminals, they are just future Obama supporters.

    The Black undertow has brought Africa here

  18. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has ordered a correction to a badly mangled quotation from Martin Luther King Jr. inscribed in granite on the Tidal Basin memorial to the slain civil rights leader.
    Salazar has told the National Park Service to consult with the memorial foundation and the King family and to report back to him within 30 days with a plan to fix the carved excerpt. Yet for many this is not enough instead of just some minor clerical repairs to the quotation additional quotes and words that reflect the total work of MLK which included a focus on racial injustice most be a part of the National Park Service's repairs to the monument.

    What many people don't know is that presently none of the quotes on the King memorial mention race nor any words about King's body of work in America's civil rights movement. King's work which encompassed major protests against racial injustice and inequality are not reflected nor present as quotes on the King Monument. To officially ignore the core work of Dr. King is not only a national disgrace but almost orwellian in construction and design. This omission of Dr. King's civil rights legacy is an affront to the holiday and the King Memorial.

    It is shocking to discover that this was deliberate and intentional to not insert any verbiage or words, quotes which recognize the real life work and mission of MLK. This deliberate omission and acknowledgment of King's body of work in the arena of racial justice reflects a contempt in part for Black Americans . The mission of MLK encompassed more than a cum ba ya cultural drive by feeling. MLK's work was all about racial injustice as well as concerns about the poor and ending the war in Vietnam.

    Instead of minor clerical repairs to the King Memorial is it is incumbent that the King Memorial reflect authentic truth and the reality of King's life and body of work. We must demand a complete portrait of MLK on his memorial not a pc driven almost censored view of the truth about the mission of MLK.

    Happy MLK Holiday1

    Greg Thrasher

  19. Paul Kersey7:17 PM

    There’s no need to look into the licentious background of MLK and his inability to hold firm his oath of marital vows; there’s no need to look at the duplicitous manner in which I Have a Dream (I HAD) conservatives cling to the illusory notion that MLK was some grand Republican; there’s no need to point out the communist affiliations of MLK; there’s no need to even look at the true (or untrue) legacy of MLK anymore.

    It doesn’t matter. All you need to know about the reality of King's dream is seen in the ruins of Detroit and Birmingham, the failed school system in Memphis (or the lies told by the Atlanta Public School administrators), and the dying-before-our-eyes-in-real-time Philadelphia.

    If those in attendance at the much ballyhooed 1963 speech from King in D.C. could see for themselves what dreams may come from the rhetoric of MLK, how many of them would still fight to see it come to fruition?

    After nearly 1,000 mostly dilapidated American streets named in his honor and a select number of cushy jobs awarded in media, athletics, education, and government, what has MLK achieved for American blacks in real terms? Have you seen Birmingham or Memphis lately? Do these latter-day urban creatures seem somehow nobler than the black men in porkpie hats and Buddy Holly glasses who marched for their amorphous “rights” in the 1960s? To my blue eyes, the new jacks seem a few rungs down from their forebears.

    We can no longer judge Black people at all (lest of which by their character), because all of the problems that originate from Black people are the fault of white privilege, white racism, and dear ol’ whitey.

    And our cities crumble.

  20. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Instead of minor clerical repairs to the King Memorial is it is incumbent that the King Memorial reflect authentic truth and the reality of King's life and body of work. We must demand a complete portrait of MLK on his memorial not a pc driven almost censored view of the truth about the mission of MLK.

    All of it? Including the FBI file, homosexuality, prostitution, Marxism and plagiarism? Will it all fit? do they plan on putting pictures on the memorial?

  21. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "I don’t have a dream, I have Dream and Hustle and I put in 2012 work for 2012 issues to solve 2012 problems for our people and our next generation."

    Now THAT is what I'm talking about!

    "In a white supremacist society, Black confidence is ALWAYS seen as arrogance and Black strength is ALWAYS seen as anger".

    Cornell West, my man!

    Great, now get out there and confront those thugs with your confidence, stop the crime. Get out there and demand mommas start makin kids go to school and daddys pay for the kids they create. Get out there and Fight to make people live up to the responsibilities they have selected to take on. Get out there and make mothers and fathers stay in kids live and make them go to school and not have over 50% drop out. Get out there and demand all that you can from the Black community to improve.

    You go girl, get angry get out there and preach that self accountability and responsibility!!

  22. Anonymous said...
    Great, now get out there and confront those thugs with your confidence, stop the crime.

    It's pretty obvious that we progressive Blacks do work EVERYDAY to better our own lives as well as the lives of those who look like us.

    Your very existence on this blog pretty much insures that the ONLY person your life "serves" is yourself.

  23. Someone said I was passing. No. I'm white. I just happen to relate to this blog. I like the thought process.


    I like this post. I just commented on another blog about how the Iranian people have a chance to improve their lot thanks to the technology they have at their fingers. Reading this post, I was reminded we have that technology too. We do have an opportunity here in America to improve our lots by speaking truth to power. Most of us wish we had the capacity and backbone to do what MLK did, but all of us can do something, even just a little thing. We can seek and speak truth to as many people as we can. That's the start of any great change in society.


  24. Anonymous8:58 PM

    On MLK Day, we get crap like this on the previous thread from the UK Purple Cow:

    Quote Anonymous 1:23

    ”you misspelled "colour". It's "color", w/o the 'u', fool.”

    Listen sunshine it’s our language, we invented it, so you don’t get to lecture us on how to spell our language.

    We’ve been trying to teach you dimwits for a couple of hundred years that the words are correctly spelled COLOUR, CENTRE, CATALOGUE, JEWELLERY, MANOEUVRE, GRAY and DEFENCE, but there’s just no teaching you people.

    2:19 PM
    Well, well, well. PC is once again looking down his nose at us AAs. And yet Field remains mute about the BS PC puts out degrading AAs on FN! Amazing!

    PC, I guess that's all you have left is your language because you are a weak country, and a weak people who cannot survive without America. Isn't that why you married an American, you yellow-back brainless black gypsy?

  25. NSangoma9:00 PM

    field, is the Chester Upland School District cullud?

    Can't you culludz do any better?

    Where dis cullud woman husband be at?
    Where did cullud woman's chuch be at?
    Why she be begging deh buckruh fo' money?

    Romney Gives Unemployed Woman Cash on Ropeline

  26. "Nice try. Channing is a tiny institutional firm that gets assets to manage as a result of its status as a "minority" firm."

    Now I thought you said there were NO Black asset managers but I found Channing just paging through the latest Black Enterprise magazine. There are more but just that proves you wrong once again. Next thing you know you'll be saying there are no Black pilots. You are a joke, stop back peddling so much it's unbecoming a woman of your stature.

  27. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Field, whether it's "real talk" or bullshit neither motivates AAs to do anything. We are the most apathetic race not only on earth but in the universe! The one thing no one is 'talking' about is our hopelessness and our unwillingness to put our backs into the work that's very necessary for our survival.

    Speaking of bullshit talk, what ever happened to "down in the hood social worker Minister Mellaneous?" Did he do what all the other black ministers do...take the money and run?

  28. 22 June 2011Press Release

    The European Commission, Airbus, leading European airlines and European biofuel producers, have launched an exciting new industry wide initiative to try and speed up the commercialisation of aviation biofuels in Europe.

    The inititive labelled “Biofuel Flightpath” is a roadmap with clear milestones which targets an annual production of two million tonnes of sustainably produced biofuel for aviation by 2020. The biofuel will be produced in Europe from European sourced feedstock material and has the backing of The European Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, Airbus CEO Tom Enders, major European airlines, and a number of advanced biofuel producers."

    Seems Airbus isn't listening to your dumb ass either.

  29. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Jersey McJones, "Someone said I was passing. No. I'm white. I just happen to relate to this blog. I like the thought process."

    Pay those folks no mind, Jersey. They are just ignorant folks. Every race has its share of brainless racist idiots who will say anything that Mr. diarrhea tells them.

  30. "Pay those folks no mind, Jersey. They are just ignorant folks. Every race has its share of brainless racist idiots who will say anything that Mr. diarrhea tells them."

    But here they happen to be white.

  31. Anonymous9:20 PM

    @Paul Kersey

    Wasn't he the guy portrayed by Charles Bronson in Death Wish? Methinks you are percolating to become a problem. I will keep my eye on the news.

    The Fool

  32. Sad to say but if mlk was alive he would cry. He would have second thoughts about marching for equal rights. He would cry because blacks have given up thinking for life on the democrat plantation.

    He would see how savage and uncivilized blacks are.

    He would read field negro, look at fake dr queen's post, and realize you can take the rat out of the hood, you can't take the hood out of the rat.

    He would shake his head trying to understand how mlk blvd. became the most violent part of town.

    He would realize he made a mistake and he would have just kept drinking 40's and screwing white woman at da house.

  33. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Pay those folks no mind, Jersey. They are just ignorant folks. Every race has its share of brainless racist idiots who will say anything that Mr. diarrhea tells them."

    PilotX, "But here they happen to be white."

    9:14 PM
    Actually, that 's not entirely true. It's both. And since this is a blog on FN, you cannot say they are all White. Some of the biggest ignoramuses on FN are Black. Of course, you can't see it because you too busy fighting with no_slappz, which clearly has been a losing proposition for you.

  34. Anonymous9:43 PM


    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    Great, now get out there and confront those thugs with your confidence, stop the crime.

    It's pretty obvious that we progressive Blacks do work EVERYDAY to better our own lives as well as the lives of those who look like us.

    So you admit you are racist. You expect and say you do work to better the lives of those who "look like you" yet demand white society which with your low IQ has certainly enabled you give more.

    What is your work? Demanding more from those who can and do and create? While you spend a lifetime going to school of people who created companies and government grants?

    Now while you are serving..... go get me a beer hoodrat and don't give me any lip - you might trip over it and the last thing I want to do is have to smell your nappy haired weave when it gets wet.

  35. Anonymous9:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    22 June 2011Press Release

    The European Commission, Airbus, leading European airlines and European biofuel producers, have launched an exciting new industry wide initiative to try and speed up the commercialisation of aviation biofuels in Europe.

    The inititive labelled “Biofuel Flightpath” is a roadmap with clear milestones which targets an annual production of two million tonnes of sustainably produced biofuel for aviation by 2020. The biofuel will be produced in Europe from European sourced feedstock material and has the backing of The European Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, Airbus CEO Tom Enders, major European airlines, and a number of advanced biofuel producers."

    Seems Airbus isn't listening to your dumb ass either.

    Quick, go put your money where your mouth is and invest in Airbus and this technology - go quick. You know why it has to be quick? Because Disneylike fantasies are about to end, France is broke, credit rating was downgraded and the Euro loans have been denied. The welfare state of EURO has crashed the entire European Continent. Coming soon to a city near you.

    By the way you do realize one hopes that a deploying a roadmap is something an analyst does in a week or so mapping out flowcharts with decision trees. Nice publicity, means absolutely nothing.

  36. no slappz10:43 PM

    pilot xyz posted:

    The inititive labelled “Biofuel Flightpath” is a roadmap with clear milestones which targets an annual production of two million tonnes of sustainably produced biofuel for aviation by 2020.

    Hey bonehead, this program is going nowhere. Why? It's got the same problem that's killed ethanol. It's too expensive.

    That goofy press release reads just like those that have been issued to tout solar power, wind power and ethanol. None of the alternative fuels or alternative energy sources will be more than bit contributors.

    European biofuels are yet another extravagance that Europe cannot afford to subsidize.

    But people get a warm fuzzy feeling from issuing press releases about developments that will never come to pass.

  37. no slappz10:52 PM

    pilot xyz -- from the report:

    "Deployment of sustainable biofuels will only be possible through a shared vision and common objectives from producers, end users and policy makers," said Pierre Henri Gourgeon , CEO Air France-KLM.

    Get it? Farmers, aircraft manufacturers, airlines and Politicians have to agree on a lot of important points before a new type of fuel will enter the fuel tanks of any commercial aircraft.

    You can be certain those four groups will not find enough common ground to make it all work. However, the politicians will do their best to force the new fuel on airlines.

    This silly idea will have as much success as the Kyoto Protocols, which no one follows.

  38. Thanks for posting this, Mr. Field. He certainly gave some needed perspective on this day.

  39. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @Paul Kersey

    Wasn't he the guy portrayed by Charles Bronson in Death Wish? Methinks you are percolating to become a problem. I will keep my eye on the news.

    The Fool

    Look for these racist dog whistles
    "youths" "teens" "groups" when the news says this and doesn't report a black mob attacking a little white girl or such it's clear the "youths" and mob was Black.

  40. Why do hicks think talking about weaves, 40's, quoting crime stats, ect., will anger a bunch of well-off black folks?

  41. "This silly idea will have as much success as the Kyoto Protocols, which no one follows."

    I'm sure you're the goto guy for future aviation technology because you're an aerospace/petrolium engineer who works in the industry. Oh that's right you're not so this is more coming out of your arse. Is this from the same source that told you Romney was under 60? Just wondering.

  42. "Quick, go put your money where your mouth is and invest in Airbus and this technology - go quick."

    As I told your girlfriend Slappz I believe in the old saying "don't take investing advice from pilots and/or racist internet trolls".
    Sorry but feel free to do it yourself and let me know how that works for ya.

  43. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Anonymous said...
    @Paul Kersey

    Wasn't he the guy portrayed by Charles Bronson in Death Wish? Methinks you are percolating to become a problem. I will keep my eye on the news.

    The Fool

    Look for these racist dog whistles
    "youths" "teens" "groups" when the news says this and doesn't report a black mob attacking a little white girl or such it's clear the "youths" and mob was Black.
    Thank you,

    I'll keep this in mind. Does this also apply when there are mass shooting of innocent people by the
    LWC? (Lone White Cracker)

    The Fool

  44. "There’s no need to look into the licentious background of MLK and his inability to hold firm his oath of marital vows"

    Excellent. So we will turn a blind eye to them in the same way you turned a blind eye to Reagan, Nixon and Gingrich's pecadillos.

    "there’s no need to look at the duplicitous manner in which I Have a Dream (I HAD) conservatives cling to the illusory notion that MLK was some grand Republican"

    Nobody with a functioning brain could ever consider MLK a Republican.

    "there’s no need to point out the communist affiliations of MLK;"

    Yes I agree, but that's because they don't exist. MLK was very explicit in his condemnation of godless communism.

    "there’s no need to even look at the true (or untrue) legacy of MLK anymore."

    "It doesn’t matter. All you need to know about the reality of King's dream is seen in the ruins of Detroit and Birmingham, the failed school system in Memphis (or the lies told by the Atlanta Public School administrators), and the dying-before-our-eyes-in-real-time Philadelphia."

    Sorry numbnuts, but what exactly is your point here? Things don't turn out the way things are in our dreams? Do we really need somebody as dim-witted and superficial as you to point that out?

    "If those in attendance at the much ballyhooed 1963 speech from King in D.C. could see for themselves what dreams may come from the rhetoric of MLK, how many of them would still fight to see it come to fruition?"


    "After nearly 1,000 mostly dilapidated American streets named in his honor and a select number of cushy jobs awarded in media, athletics, education, and government, what has MLK achieved for American blacks in real terms?"

    Don't you think there might have achieved more if somebody hadn't shot him?

    "Have you seen Birmingham or Memphis lately?"

    No, and neither have you.

    "Do these latter-day urban creatures seem somehow nobler than the black men in porkpie hats and Buddy Holly glasses who marched for their amorphous “rights” in the 1960s? To my blue eyes, the new jacks seem a few rungs down from their forebears."

    I wouldn't say nobler, but as nobel - certainly.

    "We can no longer judge Black people at all (lest of which by their character)"

    "Lest of which by their character"?? What the hell is this gibberish supposed to mean? Maybe you should consider going away and learning some basic English grammar usage, before coming here to insult other people's intelligence.

    "...because all of the problems that originate from Black people are the fault of white privilege, white racism, and dear ol’ whitey."

    True dat.

    "And our cities crumble."

    Well if you abandon cities, they crumble. America has taken the political decision to allow it's cities to disintegrate. If you want people to contribute to society, you have to give them a stake in the future of that society. A sense of hope, that maybe there is at least a chance of a better life. That of course is what MLK was trying to do.

    MLK chose the wrong method, but his heart was in the right place.

  45. Wesley R6:11 AM


    Great Post!

  46. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Right On Field Negro.


  47. no slappz6:58 AM

    purple bonehead writes:

    "...because all of the problems that originate from Black people are the fault of white privilege, white racism, and dear ol’ whitey."

    True dat.

    Where's the prospering black nation that supports this hairbrained excuse?

    "And our cities crumble."

    What cities in black nations are modern and functional? If blacks are capable of building nations, economies, cities, and businesses -- modern societies -- where's the evidence?

  48. There are two graphs that very clearly show what has happened to MLK’s dream.

    The first is a graph of median family income against G.D.P.

    It shows that there was a social contract in America, from 1947 to the mid ‘70’s. Family wealth during that time doubled, closely following national wealth. However all that changed from the ‘70’s and the gap between GDP and median family income has grown almost exponentially, with family income rising perhaps 20% during that time. The gap between the two lines being taken up largely by the increase in wealth of the 1%.

    The second graph is what Alan Krueger has referred to as ‘The Great Gatsby Curve’.

    It plots national inequality (as represented by the Gini coefficient) against social mobility (as represented by intergenerational income).

    This clearly shows that America is not only one of the more unequal societies in the developed world, but it also has very low social mobility. What you earn in America depends largely on what your parents earned.

    Because the graph demonstrates a clear lineal correlation between inequality and social mobility, and because America is less equal than it was a generation ago, social mobility in America will continue to decline for the foreseeable future.

  49. no slappz7:11 AM

    pilot xyz rants:

    Now I thought you said there were NO Black asset managers but I found Channing just paging through the latest Black Enterprise magazine.

    ONE is as close to ZERO as you can get.

    More important is the fact that if black asset management firms were not benefiting from Affirmative Action policies, they would not exist -- as the subpar performance of Channing indicates.

    Next thing you know you'll be saying there are no Black pilots.

    According to the Organization of Black Airline Pilots, there are about 650 black pilots -- out of a total of 71,000 commercial pilots in the US.

    Why so few? No Affirmative Action it seems.

    An observer like field who sees racism behind every decision probably has dreams/nightmares of "disparate impact" when he sees the results of demanding standards for hiring and ongoing employment.

    650 black pilots out of an industry employing 71,000 pilots.

    After all, flying commercial aircraft is not the same as hiring firemen.

  50. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzzzz

    "What cities in black nations are modern and functional? If blacks are capable of building nations, economies, cities, and businesses -- modern societies -- where's the evidence?"

    Everywhere you look, mate.

    Start with Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados and Botswana, and Angola is recovering fast after a long civil war.

    That should be enough for you to waste a morning on.

    I'll get onto the C's, D's, E's and F's later...


  51. no slappz7:30 AM

    purple dimwit posts:

    This clearly shows that America is not only one of the more unequal societies in the developed world, but it also has very low social mobility.

    Unequal? Yeah moron, the inequality is testimony to the fact that sons and daughters can make huge leaps from humble beginnings.

    Black athletes come to mind. Going from poverty to wealth between the ages of 18 and 22. The timeline is sometimes a little longer for black entertainers, but there are examples of black teenagers pulling in millions after spewing a few non-sensical rap/hip hop "songs".

    Meanwhile, technology geeks often hit big in their 20s. Facebook founder Zuckerberg comes to mind.

    The Google guys. And both Zuckerberg and the Google guys have created a class of millionaires by employing people. Like Microsoft. And Apple.

    Getting hired by those firms has always been a function of intelligence and knowledge -- demonstrated during the interview process -- not a function of having attended Harvard.

    What you earn in America depends largely on what your parents earned.

    The correlation means nothing. Or, if it says anything, it says that offspring felt no deep need to earn relatively more money than their parents.

    If outearning one's parents is the goal, then all it takes is an education geared to that goal.

  52. no slappz7:53 AM

    purple hamburger helper says:

    Start with Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados and Botswana, and Angola is recovering fast after a long civil war.

    Let's see. You start with tourist towns/islands wholly dependent on dollars from white visitors -- a tourism industry enabling visitors to enjoy the sun and sand at resorts designed and operated by white resort companies.

    Then you mention two nations -- Botswana, where 15% of the populaton is believed be HIV+, making it the world leader in AIDS infections.

    A country of 2 million that would have to declare bankruptcy if it were to actually pay for the AIDS treatment of its infected citizens. Moreover, life expectantcy in Botswana is less then 60.

    Angola? A country with a median age of 18. In other words, a nation of children, with a life expectanctcy of 39. Yeah, sounds like paradise -- for you.

    If you pretend advanced, predominantly white nations don't exist, the black sites you mentioned might seem better than the average black nation, island or city.

  53. You are a quite astonishingly stupid human being No Slapzzzz.

    I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but to no avail.

    I'm guessing you haven't even looked at those graphs have you?

    But carry on denying science, denying truth and denying reality, it's what you conservatives are going to need more and more of in the years to come.

  54. Quote No SlapzzzSS

    "Then you mention two nations - "

    No actually, Slappy-girl, I think you'll find I mentioned rather more than that, and I'm still at the early stage of the alphabet.

    I can see you've done some desperate high-speed Googling in an effort to find some negative info on the countries listed, but here's an article you somehow missed.

  55. Anonymous9:26 AM

    @Purple Cow,
    Just curious, what is it about Black Women that you found so unattractive that despite your obvious racism you found and married a white woman? Is her family aware of your views? Are they are disengenious self hating White liberals or are you more likely the good little Negro who acts his place when around them?

  56. Quote Anonymous 9:26

    "Just curious, what is it about Black Women that you found so unattractive that despite your obvious racism you found and married a white woman? Is her family aware of your views? Are they are disengenious self hating White liberals or are you more likely the good little Negro who acts his place when around them?"

    [I can always tell when the Repugs know they are losing a debate, they hastily change the subject and I get questions like this]

    I've married women of both hues, doesn't much matter to me.

    My extended family are Republicans to a man (or woman). If they like me or not, I don't really know or care. I only see them for about a week once every five years or so, so it doesn't really matter.

    Anyway, are you here to debate, or just project your emptiness onto others?

  57. tp:

    more on the human hero mlk

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. more on the fake neocon mlk that the msm pereptually create...


    There’s no doubt that many headed to the Internet this past weekend were in search of some of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s writings, speeches, and organizations participating in his day of service. And why wouldn’t one presume to be a good place to start?

    Appearing on the second page of Google’s search results for “MLK, Jr,” not only bears his name but also a .org Internet domain, which is typically reserved for nonprofits. Clearly looks can be deceiving. The site isn’t sponsored by any group related to King or the Ebenezer Baptist Church, of which King co-preached with his father Martin Luther King, Sr.

    Instead, it’s hosted by Stormfront, a white nationalist group with the mission of “fighting to preserve their White Western culture, ideals and freedom of speech and association—a forum for planning strategies and forming political and social groups to ensure victory.”

    Interestingly enough, Stormfront isn’t the only group in the business of rewriting King’s history; the media and society in general tend to do it as well, just with a different motive. While Stormfront is dedicated to taking myths, lies and half-truths to defame King’s legacy with the hopes of turning back the civil rights gains of the past 60 years, both media and society tend to turn King into a man that championed civil rights strictly through nice speeches and long marches. Not quite.

    King wrote brazenly in his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”:

    “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season…”

  60. watch the same black racist blind hobama nazis who have ignored that cia baby/kenyan/indonesian hobama

    suddenly embrace corsi as he does the SAME expert research on mexican mitt


  61. Anonymous10:54 AM

    anon said, "@Purple Cow,
    Just curious, what is it about Black Women that you found so unattractive that despite your obvious racism you found and married a white woman? Is her family aware of your views? Are they are disengenious self hating White liberals or are you more likely the good little Negro who acts his place when around them?"

    9:26 AM
    Anon, the answer to your question(s) are as follows:

    1. He finds them unattractive because a ww has been the dream of his life and more than he ever anticipated. It is suspected than bm of his type just doesn't find bw attractive because of their nose, lips, legs, and most of all their hair. In addition, they are loud, and misspell too many British words like "color"...see anon8:58pm

    2. Her family has disowned her and could care less about PC's views.

    3. N/A But PC does act the good little Negro around his wife. However, he makes up for his obsequious manner by posting on blogs like FN and impressing Negroes like UTS and Field. Yep.

  62. more proof that hobama rules all msm


  63. pookies rule the world

    they stay strapped and they love fatal brawling!

    and they respect no one/nothing...including mlk!!!


    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) - Police are investigating the shooting of a young girl after the MLK marade in downtown Little Rock.

    Police say a group of girls got into a fight at the MLK parade in downtown Little Rock. The girls moved their argument to an alley at Wolfe and Battery near 18th Street.

    The girls tell police then a silver car and a pickup truck pulled into one end of the alley. The girls say someone in one of the vehicles started firing at people at the other end of the alley and the girls say they were caught in the crossfire because they were in the middle.

    The girls say the shooting didn't have to do with them. Lt. Terry Hastings with LRPD says this story varies from what police were told earlier.

    The victim is an 18-year-old girl and police say she is stable.

  64. what brown sugar coated bs!!!

    more proof that hobama rules all black media


    no mention of NDAA/LIBYA etc?????


    this is why we are all doomed!!!

  65. no slappz12:43 PM

    purple yam ejaculates:

    I'm guessing you haven't even looked at those graphs have you?

    It takes a simpleton like you to think those graphs measure anything that matters.

    But, dopes like you always fall for articles, graphs, claims and assertions headlined or captioned with the word "Inequality"

    The first graph showing the gap between median family income and per-capita GDP is silly for several reasons, but let's stick with the one that matters.

    In the US it's possible to have a brilliant idea and turn it into billions of dollars. When you have one of those brilliant ideas and you unleash its revenue-producing potential, you can make billions -- like Bill Gates, the guys at Google, Zuckerberg at Facebook and a growing list of other techno-geeks who made millions, if not billions seeminly overnight.

    Everyone else is a wage slave.

    The income disparity is proof that being smart, good, and a little lucky can add up to an astronomical payday in America.

    Meanwhile, you screwballs obsessed with Income Inequality seem to believe the national pie is of a fixed size and if one person gets more, someone else gets less.

    But only you dummies believe that nonsense. The concept of wealth CREATION is beyond you.

    As the GDP vs Family Income graph shows, the break occurred in 1975 -- just when semiconductor technology was starting to enrich its creators in a big way. Then came Apple and long list of personal computer makers, all of which left IBM in the dust.

    The computer/hardware geeks were followed by the software geeks who are still going strong. The cell-phone geeks got into the act -- like Craig McCaw. And about the same time Internet geeks arrived, but they're derivative of software geeks.

    The creator of Netscape, for example.

    Meanwhile, there's no reason these insightful people should share their wealth with dimwits like you. Furthermore, at the same time s small group of people began making huge piles of money, the US economy itself was expanding at a healthy clip.

    Thus, the expanding economy, benefiting from the technical advances delivered by a bunch of smart guys was the tide that raised all boats.

    One fact about today's Americans -- even those who say they're poor have big flat-screen TVs, cell phones, nice sneakers, decent clothes, food in the refrigerator, healthcare coverage, free schooling through high school, and often through college.

    You, are always, are a ree-tard.

  66. no slappz12:54 PM

    purple yam and graph number 2 -- The Great Gatsby Curve:

    That graph means absolutely nothing.

    Another point for your misfiring brain cells.

    In the US, income figures mean a lot less than you believe.

    A NY City teacher who retires at 55 or 60 after 30 years in the school system is today, earning $105,000 at the time of retirement. Between the teachers' pension plan and the standard annuities that teachers often utilize and Social Security, the retired teacher may well see a continuation of the same $105,000 income.

    But, more important are the healthcare benefits, which are solid gold. Everything is covered. Everything is covered for the retired teacher and the spouse of the retired teacher.

    Hence, the true wealth of a teacher is grossly understated by figures showing only paychecks and retirement pay.

  67. Dr.Queen said...
    Why do hicks think talking about weaves, 40's, quoting crime stats, ect., will anger a bunch of well-off black folks?

    I don't know. If anyone can ever find a bunch of well off black folks we will see.

    We know it angers burger king working hoodrats.

  68. too many black fools worship the hobamas for trifling bs

    this is why we are doomed!!!


    i wish michelle hobama loved her poor fans and less opulent/endless vacations etc

    i wish she could disconnect hobama from banksters/endless wars etc


  69. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Real Talk!
    I appreciate the candor and urgency to recognize the real. Its true, Its not about what DR. King would do, its more about what are we doing right now!

  70. pookies rule the world

    they have no respect for anyone/anything

    including mlk

    here is more proof


  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "In a market economy, people pay us for benefiting them in some way — whether we are sweeping their floors, selling them diamonds or anything in between. Disparities in our ability to create benefits for which others will pay us are huge, and the skills required can develop early — or sometimes not at all"...

    "Higher achieving groups — whether classes, races or whatever — are often blamed for the failure of other groups to achieve. Politicians and intellectuals, especially, tend to conceive of social questions in terms that allow them to take on the role of being on the side of the angels against the forces of evil.

    This can be a huge disservice to those individuals and groups who are lagging behind, for it leads them to focus on a sense of grievance and victimhood, rather than on how they can lift themselves up instead of trying to pull other people down".

    -Thomas Sowell

  73. UNIVERSAL violent fertile pookies rule the world

    and their UNIVERSAL demon seeds are baby gangsters



    attn: kosher take note!!!

    GREENE COUNTY, Va. - A 5 year-old is accused of stabbing three people in Virginia.

    It happened Monday afternoon at a mobile home park in Greene County.

    Police say the little boy used some sort of edged weapon.

    Neighbors believe the incident started over a juice box.

    Two children and one adult were taken to the hospital with non- life threatening injuries.

    Read more:

  74. FOX 16 reported:

    Police in central Arkansas say an 18-year-old woman was shot and wounded when she was caught in the crossfire after she got into an argument at the city’s Martin Luther King Day parade.

    “I called the police because I got scared you know,” said witness Martha Fuentes.

    Little Rock Police spokesman Lt. Terry Hastings says a group of girls were arguing at the parade before they moved their spat to an alley. Witnesses told police two vehicles pulled up and someone started firing at people at the other end of the alley.

    Witnesses told police the young woman was hit in the crossfire. Hastings said she was in stable condition after she shot in the abdomen and elbow.

    Hastings said no one else was hurt.

  75. No Slapzzzzzz

    I'm going to explain those graphs one more time, in terms that even a useless, bigoted, brain-dead, fucking idiot like your moronic self might just be able to understand.

    Here we go No Slappzzzz, I will go slowly as I know how, if I go too fast, let me know...

    1. The significance of the first graph is that during America's boom years, everybody who worked shared in America's new-found wealth. It's nothing to do with income equality, it's about ALL of America benefiting from increased wealth.

    Got that?


    2. That link between income and national prosperity, and the unspoken social contract has been broken since the mid '70's. Now no matter how hard you work the great bulk of the American people are not sharing in the increased wealth.

    Still with me?

    Jolly good, stay concentrating now....

    3. The difference between the two lines today is almost entirely made up of increased wealth of the 1% richest Americans.

    4. This 1% has controlled the debate, by finding useful idiots such as yourself and the Tea Party who are willing to campaign against their own personal interests to help convince the American people that working ever harder and creating wealth for billionaires is good for everyone.

    How are we doing so far No Slapzzzz? Does your brain hurt?

    Don't worry little man, not long to go now.

    5. The first point of the second graph is that America is an increasingly unequal place, with the gap between the rich and everybody else growing at close to an exponen... - never mind - it's growing real big, Slappy.

    6. The second point about the second graph is that social mobility in the USA is very low. In other words it is INCREASINGLY difficult for middle class people to become rich, or poor people to become middle class.

    7. The final point is that points 5 and 6 are connected. In unequal societies mobility is low, and because America is becoming ever more unequal mobility will continue to fall.

    Get is now No Slapzzz?

    The point you made about a couple of people inventing Microsoft and getting rich is irrelevant. For 99.99999999999% of the population that's a fantasy. It's the argument the billionairs would want you to make, which goes to my point about you being a useful idiot for them.

    That's what these graphs are about Slappy, the death of the American dream. It used to be that if you worked hard in america, you would move, that has been taken away from you.

  76. The Pretender said...
    We know it angers burger king working hoodrats.

    I guess that's why your Mammy's so pissed, LOL!!!

  77. "ONE is as close to ZERO as you can get."

    That was just ONE example but I'm not doing homework for you.

    "According to the Organization of Black Airline Pilots, there are about 650 black pilots -- out of a total of 71,000 commercial pilots in the US."

    First off ma'am that is old innformation. The number is over 1,000 now. First clue that you were looking at old info is the name of the organization has been "Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals" for a few years now but I'm sure you already knew you were looking at dated material since you are so smart.
    As someone who travels the country to spread the gospel of aviation the biggest reason there are so few Black pilots is that aviation
    just isn't seen as a viable option for many youth. The old saying "you become what you see" is true. As we slowly increase our nnumbers you will see more and more Black pilots. We just added another Black woman airline pilot recently. Slowly but surely Slappz.


    There ya go Slappz, update your info so you won't have to google info about a decade or more old. No wonder you can't find Mitt's age, your computer brings up info from the 90's. Time to upgrade from that Commodore 64.
