Tuesday, February 21, 2012

And a Christian shall lead them.

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness."~ Matthew 7: 21-23~      

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Franklin Graham are all "workers of lawlessness."

They have all been in rare form lately with their I am more religious than you schtick. Obama said that he offered a prayer for Franklin's daddy; he should have sent one up for the son as well. That boy needs Jesus.

"..Graham also said he couldn't "categorically" say Obama wasn't a Muslim, in part, because Islam has gotten a "free pass" under Obama. Graham also said the Muslim world sees Obama as a "son of Islam," because the president's father and grandfather were Muslim." [Source]

Not wanting to be left off that "chariot of fire" as it rides into heaven; Mitt Romney also joined the bash Obama's faith crowd.

"Unfortunately, possibly because of the people the president hangs around with, and their agenda, their secular agenda — they have fought against religion," Romney said". [Source] 

Move over Elijah!

And then, of course, there was Rick.

" [Santorum] told an Ohio audience on Saturday that Obama’s agenda is based on "some phony theology. Not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology."

Rick, I feel like doing a little  preaching myself.

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." ~Matthew 7:1-5~

My brothers and sisters, let us stay with the book of Matthew. Turn with me to verse fifteen.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."        

And the church said amen.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Well, well, field is quoting the Bible.

    Matthew 4:1:
    Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
    “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:
    “‘He will command his angels concerning you,
    and they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

    See? Even the devil can quote from Matthew.

    Yours is just as deceitful.

  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I hear ya Field, look at this speech given recently by a polick-tick-an"

    "But in my moments of prayer, I’m reminded that faith and values play an enormous role in motivating us to solve some of our most urgent problems, in keeping us going when we suffer setbacks, and opening our minds and our hearts to the needs of others.

    We can’t leave our values at the door. If we leave our values at the door, we abandon much of the moral glue that has held our nation together for centuries, and allowed us to become somewhat more perfect a union . . .

    But I don’t stop there. I’d be remiss if I stopped there; if my values were limited to personal moments of prayer or private conversations with pastors or friends. So instead, I must try — imperfectly, but I must try — to make sure those values motivate me as one leader . . .

    They are values that have always made this country great — when we live up to them; when we don’t just give lip service to them; when we don’t just talk about them one day a year. And they’re the ones that have defined my own faith journey.

    And today, with as many challenges as we face, these are the values I believe we’re going to have to return to in the hopes that God will buttress our efforts . . .

    Just last month, it was inspiring to see thousands of young Christians filling the Georgia Dome at the Passion Conference, to worship the God who sets the captives free and work to end modern slavery . . .

    I think we all understand that these values cannot truly find voice in our politics and our policies unless they find a place in our hearts.

    -Barack Hussein Obama National Prayer Breakfast Feb 2.

  3. Richard Clowrad8:28 PM

    Do you get your marching orders directly from the DNC, or do you just follow the music the big boys are playing?

    It's beyond obvious that the democrat election strategy is to distrct voters from thinking about Obama's record and focus on made up non-issues like subsidized contraception.

    The idea is get their target voters thinking:

    "Gee, I know the economy is bad, there is tons of corruption, and the country is going bankrupt, but the republicans want to outlaw sex and tatoo bible verses on my uterus!"

    Good thing those targeted voters are so stupid.

  4. It seems likely that most of the growth in employment we have seen is the product, directly or indirectly, of the boom in the oil and gas industry -- mainly due to innovations such as fracking. And those innovations made headway only because they sneaked up relatively fast -- so fast that Obama and his EPA did not have enough time to ban them. Obama's EPA will heavily regulate fracking if he wins a second term.

  5. “All I know is under Obama, President Obama, the Muslims of the world, he seems to be more concerned about them than the Christians that are being murdered in the Muslim countries”

    Don’t hold back, Franklin.

    The left hates the truth.

  6. Anonymous8:50 PM

    President Obama served eight years on the board of a charity that is a top donor to the embattled Media Matters for America progressive activist organization.

    Obama is also tied to numerous other top Media Matters donors and fundraisers, including a foundation run by the finance chairman of his 2008 presidential campaign, Penny Pritzker, WND has learned.

    Last week, the Daily Caller released a list of grants to Media Matters.

    A WND review of the donor list found a number of deep ties to Obama.

    The Media Matters donor list included the Pritzker Family Foundation, which donated a total of $400,000 to the progressive attack group in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

    The Pritzker family is best known for owning the Hyatt hotel chain and is considered to be one of America’s wealthiest families.

    The family foundation is directed by Penny Pritzker, who served as the national finance chairman of Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.

  7. Derek Hunter8:51 PM

    "The left hates the truth."

    Remember the Bush years … when the president went to Congress and got approval for military action against Afghanistan and Iraq? Ever wonder, then, where the anti-war movement went, and why, after Obama’s surge in Afghanistan and bombing of Libya (without Congressional approval), there wasn’t a massive rally on the National Mall?

    Did those fervent anti-war protesters suddenly decided to “give war a chance”? And where is former MSNBC staple Cindy Sheehan now? Or Code Pink? When was the last time you saw them on TV? We’re still at war; only nobody is protesting it anymore.

    That’s because it never was about war. It was about damaging a political opponent. Their guy is running things now. And he’s in trouble.

    One thing progressives won’t do is allow anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to stand in the way of their agenda.

    Be it the grandmother who loved and raised President Barack Obama after his degenerate mother abandoned him only to be reduced to a racist, a “typical white person” when it became politically advantageous to distract from Jeremiah Wright … or the entire feminist movement when Bill Clinton was charged with sexual harassment (and assault … and rape), nothing is sacred beyond the agenda.

    Progressives in education, the media, unions and politics always will walk in lockstep with each other, destroying any and all who stand in their way (even their own), until they reach their desired goal. It’s not that they’re incapable of learning the mistakes of history, they’re counting on them. What else explains the president’s rush to spend this country into Greece? A desire to save the people who’ve always wanted to see Greece but couldn’t afford the trip?

    The political Left destroyed the greatness of Europe and it wants to take down the United States next.

    Every time leftists, regardless of what they call themselves, are exposed for what they really are, Americans reject them. Sometimes slower than others, but always. That’s why Barack Obama ran on “Hope and Change,” not “I’ll waste trillions and break us while slipping payoffs to my donors, raping your liberty…” etc., etc.

    People are busy. They don’t have time to follow politics the way those who make their living doing it can. Nor should they. If we had an honest media, no one would have to. If we had an honest education system, no one would have to. If we had an honest government that adhered to the Constitution… You get the idea.

  8. “All I know is under Obama, President Obama, the Muslims of the world, he seems to be more concerned about them than the Christians that are being murdered in the Muslim countries”

    Yeah he's in league with Muslims that's why he had Osama's head blown off.

    What is with the GOP upholding the opinions of these drug addicts and drunks?

    BTW why isn't anyone talking about the underwear bomber going to jail?

    Oh, nevermind.

  9. Sophia8:54 PM

    Terrific post Field! Amen.

  10. "Terrific post Field! Amen."

    Please send your tithe to the Church of The Field.

    Your salvation depends on it.

    "The political Left destroyed the greatness of Europe and it wants to take down the United States next."

    What was so great about Europe?

    No, we are trying to build A-merry-ca up. It was W and his ilk who tried to destroy it.

    "President Obama served eight years on the board of a charity that is a top donor to the embattled Media Matters for America progressive activist organization...blah blah blah


    Get back to me in November.

    "Do you get your marching orders directly from the DNC, or do you just follow the music the big boys are playing?"

    I actually get my laughing points from the republican candidates for president and their surrogates.

  11. Anonymous9:08 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    “All I know is under Obama, President Obama, the Muslims of the world, he seems to be more concerned about them than the Christians that are being murdered in the Muslim countries”

    Yeah he's in league with Muslims that's why he had Osama's head blown off.

    What is with the GOP upholding the opinions of these drug addicts and drunks?

    BTW why isn't anyone talking about the underwear bomber going to jail?

    Oh, nevermind.

    Wit your family u shouldnt be talkin bout drunks and druggies you gone be one soon if you aint already

  12. "Yeah he's in league with Muslims that's why he had Osama's head blown off."

    There u go with facts. How can wingnuts make their arguments if you keep throwing facts in there?

  13. Anonymous9:26 PM

    BrookLyn said...

    Yeah he's in league with Muslims that's why he had Osama's head blown off.

    So you are saying all muslims approve of osama?

    Than again, obama has spoken of 57 states and his muslim faith.

  14. pierre dortdruben9:27 PM

    matthew 25: 31-46 are my favorite verses from that particular gospel. i did not know of jeremiah wright before then candidate obama threw him under the bus, but when i watched videos of his sermons, i heard captial T truth being spoken. we all have a responsibility to the least among us. i don't think any poly-trickster from either party really cares about the least among us, but the trinity of front runners from the republicorps seem particularly unconcerned about the poor. the vast majority of the poly-tricksters from both sides of the aisle seem like bankers in sheep's clothing.

  15. Pocrete9:27 PM

    An overwhelming majority of voters are disgusted with lax voting laws. Polls indicate that a large majority support a voter identification requirement. Liberals are up in arms at the prospect that their voter slush fund–a few extra votes every election, in case they need them–may dry up.

    For liberals, voting whether you are legal or not is a “right,” but having your vote canceled out by an illegal voter isn’t a “right.”

  16. Willem9:31 PM

    pierre dortdruben said...
    i did not know of jeremiah wright before then candidate obama threw him under the bus, but when i watched videos of his sermons, i heard captial T truth being spoken.

    Would that be T for Totalitarian Fascist Racist?

  17. Field, you need some new and improved assnons, LOL!!!!

    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    And I'm hoping you post about the latest affirmative action case before the supreme court.

  18. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Field, you need some new and improved assnons, LOL!!!!

    You need a new and improved ass at your age yours look like someone dumped a fudge cake on the ground threw some pig fat into it and then threw up on it

  19. Dr. Merit9:52 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.

  20. Mitt's playing with fire. Anything and everything touching on religion can only turn to poison for Mitt.

  21. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Would that be T for Totalitarian Fascist Racist?

    In other words a Democrat.

  22. BrookLyn said...

    What is with the GOP upholding the opinions of these drug addicts and drunks?

    Is the GOP still listening to whitney houston?

  23. hey vdlr

    thanks for your retarded kudos on my whitney eulogy!

    glad u liked it
    u r not alone


    and u r dumb blind and late as hell on whitney being gay as always

    and bobby and droves of others outed her long ago u dl dimwitted fool


  24. hey fn

    all holy evil hypochristian politicos are the same...

    dem or repub
    het or gay
    black or white
    rich or poor etc


  25. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Field, "Rick, I feel like doing a little preaching myself.

    “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." ~Matthew 7:1-5~"

    I love this. First, you tell Rick to get the 'log' out of his own eye before judging the 'speck' in Obama's eye while your ENTIRE post is a JUDGMENT....LOL I swear, some of you far left Negroes are the biggest hypocrites of all time.

  26. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Field, Rick Santorum is a very religious and devoted Christian of great faith.

    I urge you to cease and dissist picking on Santorum for dedicating his life to God. If you and some of your cronies don't, or I just might unleash a group of Anons never before seen on FN.

    Treat Rick like the honest man he is. You will be glad you did come Nov 2012. You of all people ought to be glad there is someone from PA running for President. Rick has done a lot for the state of PA...

    and he has also looked out for Blacks, which is more than I can say for Obama. So get off Rick's back. Believe me, you don't want to encounter the genius of the Anon group waiting in the wings to be unleashed in support of brother Rick.

  27. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Wow, the sooper geniuses TELL Lefties how Media Matters and George Soros send marching orders...but the widdle lads are simply repeaterating wingnut boilerplate.
    While you-all maybe the smartest of your peers...it only serves to highlight your deficiencies.

    The Left never stopped protesting the bushWars. Funny how a sooper genius missed the millions of protestors, much less the Left blogosphere continually requesting the end to the bushWars.

    If you are such a sooper genius that you beleeverate the jobs all came from fracking and O&G hiring...you have just proved your a mathematical illiterate.

    Not to forget those who pray in public vs those who pray in closets.

    Rick got tossed out of PA by the Conservative voters. Seems the Villagers and the wingnuts have yet to learn.

    One might note that all three are the aristo-leaning offspring of those who actually accomplished.


  28. Anonymous1:15 AM

    "Rick got tossed out of PA by the Conservative voters. Seems the Villagers and the wingnuts have yet to learn."

    Has it occurred to you that the Conservative voters of PA made a mistake? It is well known by now that it's the VOTERS not the politician who is screwed up.

    Somehow Field and a few FN ID Regulars can't get this through their thick leftist skulls.

  29. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Wow, the sooper geniuses TELL Lefties how Media Matters and George Soros send marching orders...but the widdle lads are simply repeaterating wingnut boilerplate.
    While you-all maybe the smartest of your peers...it only serves to highlight your deficiencies

    Serves? Yeah bring me a ham and cheese sandwich and a beer bitch.

  30. Anonymous4:00 AM

    leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!

  31. Anonymous4:02 AM

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.
    Dr. Merit said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    Unfortunately, one of your Assnons is clueless about the fact that abolishing AA won't improve her chances of getting a decent enough score on the GRE to get admitted to grad school.

    Yes, but it would completely eliminate your chances of ever attending medical school, and that's good enough for me.

    You will never be a doctor.

  32. The LOVE of money is the ROOT of ALL EVIL!!!

    They must be laundering money through Franklin's church. He's getting his palms greased. I know I would not want to eat any of his spiritual food, all manna is not good manna. Besides which, he does not have that glow and that's something you cannot fake or imitate.

  33. Ok, I m not a praying man, but I have one: Please Lord let a raging fire burn all of Rick Santorum's sweater vests. ENOUGH ALREADY!

  34. Granny what are u doing up so early? Isn't it like 2am on the West Coast? :)

  35. Field, naughty, naughty, but I am agreeing with you in prayer. :) *wink*

  36. Lawd! Send one up for me. You see all the demons I have around me.:)

  37. :) Yeah, those little imps is something else.

  38. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Field, "Lawd! Send one up for me. You see all the demons I have around me.:)"

    Just what do you mean?

  39. Anonymous6:05 AM

    "Ok, I m not a praying man, but I have one: Please Lord let a raging fire burn all of Rick Santorum's sweater vests. ENOUGH ALREADY!"

    I like sweater vests and Rick wears them in style. I am sure there will soon be a line of Santorum sweater vest clothing for men real soon at Macy's.

    Field, you would look good in a black and white checkered one. It would get you renewed attention and respect at work. The judges would not take their eyes off of you in the court room....esp. the female judges. Best of all, the prosecutors would fear you. Believe it or not, you will soon be grateful to Rick for experiences in life you never dreamed of.

  40. Anonymous6:17 AM

    "Granny what are u doing up so early? Isn't it like 2am on the West Coast? :)"

    Folks in the Bay Area is experiencing sleep apnea and insomnia at epidemic proportions. Field let me tell ya, it's weird out here in the East Bay Area in and around Oakland. Would you believe that Oakland is losing $1Billion per year in business? Yep, it's true. Businesses are moving out at an alarming rate.

    It's so bad I'm thinking about moving back to Philly. Now you know why Granny is up so late. Can't afford to sleep out here..if you snooze you lose.

  41. Anyone else wanna bet the rich white boy who used to attend UVA and who was on scholarship to skip around s soccer field, is about to get a manslaughter charge instead of murder 1 for beating in the head of his cheating girlfriend.

    Defense expert says the cause of death was suffocation, proving once again that there are FAR more white idiots admitted to and graduated from med schools than people of color.

    Not to mention the years delay before the trial start date, it's just too bad Brittany Norwood who is clearly insane, couldn't get this kind of rich white folk justice.

  42. BTW Field, you don't just have demons 'round here, this place is close to bring a real psychotic hell hole, lol!!!

  43. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    BTW Field, you don't just have demons 'round here, this place is close to bring a real psychotic hell hole, lol!!!

    Yeah shit it fo sho "be close to be bring" fo real cuz you know fo sho just sayin yo . Iz dat wut your homey call you last night? A physcotic hell hole?

    You think someone with 30 years of college who just made a post about how superior she is would know how to write basic english or spell other then phonetically.

  44. readytovotealready7:57 AM

    Enjoyed your column. See Lawrence O'Donnell's last word on Franklin Graham. I agreed with him about the money. I love reading your column but seriously you have a few too many nuts here for me to post regularly. Continue to write the lurkers like me are reading. Thanks!

  45. Bull Connor8:12 AM

    I am so glad y'all are democrats like me.

  46. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Will the jackass with NO job who clearly has the time to do spelling and grammar checks on Black politica blogs, please stand and clap your 2 large buck teeth together!

    Now shake to dust off your overalls and sa-shay away, ROTFLMBAO!!

    Dr. Queen

  47. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Will the jackass with NO job who clearly has the time to do spelling and grammar checks on Black politica blogs, please stand and clap your 2 large buck teeth together!

    Now shake to dust off your overalls and sa-shay away, ROTFLMBAO!!

    Dr. Queen

    She boon go school she boon no learn she boon cant learn she boon has she boon brain she boon sound like she boon she boon never be she boon doct-tuh cause she boon need machine to speak non she boon

  48. Gimme Some More9:35 AM

    It's not working, Purple Cow. Too many people on the dole:


  49. Gimme Some More

    You missed this bit...

    "However, another Treasury source added that the tax deadline had been extended by two days because of industrial action at HM Revenue and Customs. Therefore, it was too early to begin assessing the revenues raised from the 50p rate of tax because about 20 per cent of self-assessment tax is paid in the hours before the deadline."

  50. How desperate is this?


    You can hear the panic in his voice.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anonymous11:43 AM

    It's a sin to talk negatively about messengers of God.

  53. Anonymous12:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Gimme Some More

    You missed this bit...

    "However, another Treasury source added that the tax deadline had been extended by two days because of industrial action at HM Revenue and Customs. Therefore, it was too early to begin assessing the revenues raised from the 50p rate of tax because about 20 per cent of self-assessment tax is paid in the hours before the deadline."

    You can't make this stuff up. The blimeys are on strike so they are not sure if they collected all the tax revenue that pays their salary after an increase was levied on those who actually work and pay taxes.

  54. Kingnut12:23 PM

    field negro said...
    Ok, I m not a praying man, but I have one: Please Lord let a raging fire burn all of Rick Santorum's sweater vests. ENOUGH ALREADY!
    He does dress more like he's trying to sell you a phone than as someone who is trying to run for President.

    It is stunning to see him ahead in the polls. You can thank all the conservative commentators who have been bashing Romney over Romneycare. Santorum couldn't beat Biden, let alone Obama.

  55. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Dear Mr Field, in an effort to show my appreciation to you for all the wonderful posts you written about Santorum, I am sending you one of Santorum's favorite sweaters as a thank you. Enjoy!

    BTW, I highly recommend that you buy silver real soon because oil and gas prices aren't done going up. I don't have to tell you what's coming with these high gas prices in the works. I bet Santorum gets elected because of it.

    What are we going to do if Obama is not elected? I can't imagine him being out of the WH. Oh Lawdy. Life might end up being very different for some of us Negroes living in these divided states of A-merry-ca. Not that it's been all that great now.

    Somebody call that Brit, Brother Purple Cow for some purple UK advice. He is always uplifting and hopeful for Obama and Negroes here in the greatest nation on earth. I am so depressed.

  56. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Kingnut-"It is stunning to see him ahead in the polls. You can thank all the conservative commentators who have been bashing Romney over Romneycare. Santorum couldn't beat Biden, let alone Obama."

    Obviously you don't understand what the A-merry-can-do voter is capable of.

  57. Dr. Huguely1:01 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    "Defense expert says the cause of death was suffocation, proving once again that there are FAR more white idiots admitted to and graduated from med schools than people of color."

    What's the smart way to kill someone Queen? Stab them 330 times with a screwdriver over a few dollars, like Brittany Norwood did?

    Your seething resentment of whites who are smarter and more talented than you is tearing you up. Despite all the affirmative action advantages given you, there you are, approaching 50, and still trying to find an accredited medical school desperate enough to admit you as a student.

    You will never be a doctor.

  58. Santorum goes hilariously overboard in his condemnation of gays and the gay lifestyle, and yet, and yet, at age 54 he still looks like he is dressed by his mother.

    I think we all know what that means, don't we boys and girls?


  59. The Purple Cow said...
    I think we all know what that means, don't we boys and girls?
    Only the knob gobblers and fudgepackers think that way, cow. If you like to touch yourself while thinking about Santorum, please keep that to yourself.

  60. Sorry to let you down Bull, but stringy white boys with Partridge-family haircuts don't float my boat.

    Try to cope with your disappointment best way you can.

  61. Anonymous2:05 PM

    The cow prefers fat white women with poor dental hygiene.

  62. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Santorum goes hilariously overboard in his condemnation of gays and the gay lifestyle, and yet, and yet, at age 54 he still looks like he is dressed by his mother.

    I think we all know what that means, don't we boys and girls?


    You are just jealous because he doesn't sag and you can't see his butt crack.

  63. Anonymous boys, you need to keep your bizarre sexual fantasies to yourselves.

    Your last two posts come under the category of 'way too much information'.

  64. Anonymous2:48 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous boys, you need to keep your bizarre sexual fantasies to yourselves.

    Your last two posts come under the category of 'way too much information'.

    Lissen sheep butt bongo playa you flippin the script. You are the one who brought up how you hope santorum is gay. What was said to you was, keep your fantasies to yourself in that only sheep fornicating gay men would bring up a topic and hope someone else is gay like you do.

    Telling you to keep it to yourself in your mind somehow translated into your hope that others want to have gay sex with you. Well considering you aren't that bright lets make this clear. NO, No and NO.

    So now read slowly you sheepish homosexual you - keep your gay deviancies to yourself. We understand how life is on the farm, but don't want to hear about it is that clear queer? Good.

  65. Blount3:11 PM

    Despite “mainstream” media spin to the contrary, the economy remains in the dumps, with unemployment stratospherically high. This is a mystery, because Comrade Obama has been stimulating the economy by hooking ever more people on government cheese. The brains behind the throne, radical left teleprompter programmer Valerie Jarrett explains:

    “Even though we had a terrible economic crisis three years ago, throughout our country many people were suffering before the last three years, particularly in the black community. And so we need to make sure that we continue to support that important safety net. It not only is good for the family, but it’s good for the economy. People who receive that unemployment check go out and spend it and help stimulate the economy, so that’s healthy as well.”

    Welfare being good for the family is certainly news, considering that it has been used to obliterate the black family, resulting in a 72.3% rate of out of wedlock births. This has ensured intergenerational poverty and dependency, not to mention a Democrat lock on the black vote.

    The theory that paying people not to work magically generates wealth is not new. As Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi proclaimed that unemployment checks are “one of the biggest stimuluses,” creating “jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”

    These are people who have no idea that money is something more than the pieces of paper that they keep printing.

    There is something fundamentally wrong with a democratic process that puts economic illiterates in charge of the country. I we have the leadership we deserve, we are truly a nation of idiots.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. pc:


    all rabid and insane gaybashers like rick s/eddie long/ted haggard/THAT DL BUTCH BULLY THE VDLR etc are always gay!






  68. pc:

    ditto for eddie m
    that nelly gaybashing gay bitch donnie mcclurkin
    who pissed on whitney's funeral!!




  69. Marlin Perkins3:25 PM

    Somebody call the Animal Planet. That wildebeest AB is on the loose again.

  70. Muncher3:26 PM

    alicia banks said...
    nelly gaybashing gay bitch donnie mcclurkin

    You strap on that big pink dildo you have and rape him!

  71. fn:

    these illiterate xxx rated kkklowns are dumbing down your blog

    how long will you let these filthy foolish blue balled buffoons reign herein???


    they are even worse than your retarded dl stalker dyke blog cop the vdlr...


  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Pot, Meet Kettle.....3:35 PM

    "26 PM

    alicia banks said...

    these illiterate xxx rated kkklowns are dumbing down your blog

    how long will you let these filthy foolish blue balled buffoons reign herein???


    they are even worse than your retarded dl stalker dyke blog cop the vdlr...


    3:29 PM"

    THAT'S rich, coming from the water buffalo who sometimes post 100 "hobama" comments and 3 million stupid links per day on this blog.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. proudly illiterate albino kkk apes:

    reading has always been stupid to demelanated unevolved uneducated missing link inbred mfs like u

    therein lies your failure to read and comprehend my posts

    kudos on your home movies u
    clueless cro-magnon trolls


  78. Anonymous3:43 PM

    First He says

    ditto for eddie m
    that nelly gaybashing gay bitch donnie mcclurkin
    who pissed on whitney's funeral!!

    then he has the balls to say;

    these illiterate xxx rated kkklowns are dumbing down your blog

    how long will you let these filthy foolish blue balled buffoons reign herein???

    then follows it up with

    alicia banks said...
    dickless dl kkk dicks:

    funny u covet pink dildos...

    better to save your jungle fevered bitch all that cash she spends on black condoms no???

    ask her leroy asap

    Is this a joke?

  79. Anonymous3:47 PM

    alicia banks said...

    I like to share my home movies with eberyone, here they is.


  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. molded cowardly ghostfaced troll kkk assnon:

    rush l is a rabid racist
    his impression of hobama sounds like stepin fetchit


    because he is a lard assed racist clone of u u faceless kkk pig

    ditto for your bs racist delusion at 1547

    you pretend that all of us are as inarticulate and illiterate as u are

    u lying deluded racist babbling bitch

  82. Paul Kersey5:18 PM

    How many stereotypes can you fit into one story?:

    One person is dead and four others were injured after a vehicle crashed into a KFC in Landover, Md., at approximately 6:30 p.m. Monday.

    Rose Smith said she was standing at the next door Citgo Gas Station, and saw a BMW speeding down Martin Luther King, Jr. Highway.

    "When it hit the curb it went airborne. And flipped, flipped, flipped, flipped," said Smith.

    It flipped into a sign, a fence, a large metal donation box and an SUV parked in the restaurant parking lot. The driver of the impacted SUV was not hurt.

    The driver of the vehicle, identified only as a 29-year-old female, was ejected from the vehicle and killed. Investigators said that a male passenger in the BMW was not seriously injured. Two other people on the scene were hurt, with non-life threatening injuries.

    "This is a pretty brutal scene," said Cpl. Evan Baxter of the Prince George's County Police.

    Let's see, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC); a BMW going 100 miles per hour; a female driver; a road named after Martin Luther King; Prince George's County; and Black people.

    I'll bet as further details emerge you can add alcohol, yakking on the cell phone, no license or registration, and government employee to the mix. She could even have been running from the repo man too.

    Also, apparently wearing a seatbelt must be "acting white".

  83. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Prince George's County, home to uptownsteve, is the county in Maryland constantly cited as the most affluent predominately Black county in America -- courtesy of federal government jobs and affirmative action -- despite having one of the highest foreclosure rates in America, the children of these titans of federal employment producing abysmal test scores, and a crime rate that mirrors other places where blacks are the majority population.

  84. malcolm x would hate that blackish bankster hobama
    and all hobama nazis too

    shame how we disgrace his legacy for tees and photos!!!!


  85. that racist elitist cia mf hobama hates black mongrels

    and he proves that more each day





  86. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  87. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Prince George County drivers are so bad that truckers on I-495 call it the Congo Bypass. Nobody ever yields on the ramps, they follow too close, weave and speed, text while driving, and then call the (black) state troopers Uncle Toms or racist when they get pulled over. Motorcyclists frequently wheelie their rice-burners between congested lanes approaching the Wilson Bridge. I see this stupidity every day, and yes -- it's pretty much BMWs, Benzes, Lexuses or Chrysler 300s.

  88. shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Once Barack Obama’s 2008 candidacy was deemed “viable” – tellingly, after his victory among the nearly lily-white primary voters of Iowa – the Black rallying cry became Everything for Obama! Instantaneously, Black politics and Obama’s fortunes became one – quite predictably rendering extraneous the actual conditions and concerns of African Americans. If all that matters is Obama, then there is no need for a Black political agenda – except four more years of Obama.

    Obamites routinely say that his African American critics want the president to adopt a Black agenda of his own. That’s nonsense. Obama has been a thoroughly corporate politician since at least 2003, when his name first showed up on the membership list [9] of the Democratic Leadership Council, which was then the party’s corporate annex. As president, he has performed Herculean tasks on behalf of the Lords of Capital and, to the extent that Blacks tolerate those policies, he has neutralized what was potentially the most implacable domestic foe of corporate hegemony. Obama’s Black agenda is for Black people to disappear as an independent polity: that they have no agenda. He is undoubtedly pleased.

    Malcolm X, whose assassination is commemorated this week, warned us that, "If we don't stand for something, we may fall for anything." Forty-seven years later, most Black politicians and mainline African American organizations are willing to stand for nothing beyond the re-election of the First Black President. For the second presidential season in a row, in deathly fear of embarrassing (or somehow tainting) Barack Obama, traditional and elected Black leadership have made no demands of the Democratic standard bearer, thus giving the world the impression that there is no African American agenda worth putting forward.

    Certainly, the Black misleadership class behaves as if African Americans have nothing important to say about issues of war and peace, including deepening U.S. military penetration of Africa, and nothing substantial to propose on the domestic economic front – not even that old standby from decades past, “a Marshal Plan for the cities.” If organized Black America can afford to abstain from putting forward an agenda for two presidential contests in a row, then it is logical to conclude that its agenda wasn’t very compelling, anyway.

    In fact, for more than a decade, what passes for Black leadership has been steadily corporatized. An identifiable corporate bloc emerged within the Congressional Black Caucus in 2002, with the ouster of Cynthia McKinney (Georgia) and Earl Hilliard (Alabama). By 2005, the CBC was hopelessly fractured, with 15 members voting with Republicans [7] on at least one of three critical measures: bankruptcy, repeal of the estate tax, and energy. With no semblance of a progressive consensus, the Black Caucus lost its ability [8] “to act as a body on behalf of its national Black constituency.” During the same period, corporate money completed its conquest of traditional organizations such as the NAACP.


  89. hobama hates black lesbos

    especially when they rub their swollen mounds together


    i wish they'd let me back in the zoo


  90. Hey AB,

    Just an FYI that I've got DH getting to the bottom of the bullshit stalking and harassment assnon has been permitted to post here for years. Not sure what the laws are where you are, but in MD where I live, it's a crime and we've got almost 100 pages of proof.

    I'll let you know what comes of it.

    And it's almost official, Dr. Queen class of 2017 is in the hizouse!!!

  91. Quote Anonymous 2:48

    "You are the one who brought up how you hope santorum is gay."

    I said no such thing.

    You're as dumb as a fucking fence-post aren't you?

  92. Dr. D.H. Bullshit6:39 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    And it's almost official, Dr. Queen class of 2017 is in the hizouse!!!
    Is that what they call it? The hizouse?

    You will never be a doctor.

  93. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The Purple Hayseed said...
    Quote Anonymous 2:48

    "You are the one who brought up how you hope santorum is gay."

    I said no such thing.

    You're as dumb as a fucking fence-post aren't you?

    Oh yes you did. We all know what it means when a grown (or should we say "ingrown as you are living on a farm) man means when he says....

    "You know what that means boys and girls" (Tee-Hee)

    now surely you weren't just trying to show us your effeminate side after you hint that you think Santorum is gay. Then every comment thereafter you mention nothing but your sexual fantasies in response to people telling you to shutup about your being sir gaylord......clearly you like riding the ole pogo stick. That's OK, just stop being the hypocrite you are and trying to lable someone else as gay when you clearly love sucking down some fruit pop pushups.

    P.S if you did fuck fence posts aside from buttercup, yes you really would be not only gay but real dumb.

  94. Looks like the rich white boy not only got his parents to buy his steroid using ass off the earlier edition of the Washington post, he only got second degree murder!!! WTF!!!

  95. Dr.Queen said...
    "he only got second degree murder!!! WTF!!!"

    Ho-bag, you can't be that retarded?

  96. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Preterderloins, he's gonna get in jail what your "man" gives you everynight.

    And I hope yours AND his includes a broken mop handle.

    Dr. Queen

  97. Ms. Queen said
    Preterderloins, he's gonna get in jail what your "man" gives you everynight.

    And I hope yours AND his includes a broken mop handle.

    Could someone who wrote that ever go to medical school? No.

    And I am sending your Christmas card back:


  98. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Dear Field, I am sending you this racist rant video because I look to you as a great R chaser. BTW, these two are liberal leftists' Democrats:


  99. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Field, you must watch this insulting degrading racist video.


  100. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Preterderloins, he's gonna get in jail what your "man" gives you everynight.

    And I hope yours AND his includes a broken mop handle.

    Dr. Queen

    Queefa why are you always harassing everyone with your vulgarities?

  101. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Amen, said Bless.
