Monday, February 20, 2012

One flew over the GOP nest.

"Freedom isn't to do whatever you want to do, it's to do what you ought to do" ..."

Huh? I told you all that Ricky [I should be in a] Sanitarium is crazy, but you wouldn't listen.

Folks, make no mistake, A Rick [I should be in a] Sanitarium presidency would be scary for A-merry-ca.

I know all about Rick [I should be in a] Sanitarium, I am from Pistolvania. He was one of our Senators here before we decided to throw his ass out by 16 percentage points. Now that he has a national stage the rest of A-merry-ca is finding out about the guy as well.

Comparing O to Hitler. Wanting to do away with federal AND state involvement with education. (Yes, Ricky would prefer if all the children in A-merry-ca were home schooled like his own. Shhhh, let's not mention the fact that he stole money from the people of Pistolvania while doing it.)Wanting to do away with pre-natal care for pregnant women, and calling the religion of the president of these divided states "phony." Wow! This all makes him declaring contraception harmful to women seem like the norm. I will give Ricky credit; he is doubling down on crazy.

"The idea that the federal government should be running schools, frankly much less that the state government should be running schools, is anachronistic. It goes back to the time of industrialization of America when people came off the farms where they did home-school or have the little neighborhood school, and into these big factories, so we built equal factories called public schools. And while those factories as we all know in Ohio and Pennsylvania have fundamentally changed, the factory school has not."

"Anachronistic" Rick? Oh the irony. Folks, believe me, if there is anything that belongs in another time it's Rick [I should be in a] Sanitarium.

"There's nothing - there's no gift, no Christmas gift, that could be given better than Rick Santorum to the Democrats,"

I know that they don't believe me, but I want to say this to my republican friends in all sincerity: If Donald Trump believes that the guy heading for the nomination of your party is unelectable, just what do you think a normal person in A-merry-ca is thinking about him? Think about it.



  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Right on Cue Field, It's shift to Santorum time. Do you get marching orders or do you just pick up on this yourself? You do know the cat is out of the bag about media matters/ etc being in the tank with MSNBC and totally funded by Soros. The scripts media matters is writing for MSNBC and other lamestream media outlets are given directly by the white house and the democratic party. You seem to be right on the button with the latest orders.

    Oh and unelectable? Hardly, when you compare Obama to Santorum it's going to get mighty ugly for the Faux King.
    DNC now going after Santorum
    Posted by
    CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash

    Washington (CNN) – After months of going after Mitt Romney, the GOP contender Democrats consider the biggest threat, the Democratic National Committee is now starting to attack Rick Santorum.

    "Santorum is leading in the polls nationally – it would be crazy to ignore him at this point," a Democratic source with knowledge of the shift in strategy tells CNN.

  2. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Sanitarium can't be all that unelectable if morons are voting for him in the primaries. Remember, people willingly voted for GW Bush the second time, knowing full well what he and the VP were like.

  3. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "Freedom isn't to do whatever you want to do, it's to do what you ought to do" ..."

    Now see? Field you got it all wrong. In fact, you missed the truth and wisdom of Rick's statement because you are too busy hating the messenger.

    For us humans, "Freedom IS being able to do the right thing." Fyi, we haven't been able to do the right thing since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.

    However, I understand where you are coming from. You are a progressive liberal who cannot see the forest for the trees. Take it from me, if Rick wins the nomination he WILL win the Presidential race against Obama.

    You are being premature about Rick and you certainly have forgotten Obama's weakesses which looms very large to Americans.

  4. Kingnut8:55 PM

    Rick is a scream, but he has a point about public education.

    Do you really think the government schools are doing a good job for most black kids?

    Most big city school districts function more as patronage jobs programs than educational institutions.

    Public education is a disaster for poor kids. If parents could get vouchers to use for private school tuition, the public schools would shape up over night.

  5. His sneer will bury him in the end Field. He may be mr. friendly in a sweater vest to the self- selected narrow band of old, white uber-republicans who're likely to turn out for this ugly-baby contest, but he looks like poison in a piss-pot to everyone else.

  6. hey fn:

    murder trumps singing


    memo to donnie m:

    for being a poster boy for all the dl church nigs who taught whitney to hate her lesbian self

    u r a holy house nig!!!

  7. "Public education is a disaster for poor kids. If parents could get vouchers to use for private school tuition, the public schools would shape up over night."

    Kinda doubt that. The schools are designed the way the are for a reason. The 1% would riot if the blah and brown kids in the cities got the same chamce and education as Barbiee and Ken in the burbs. I mean how unfair would life be then and what's the point of being in the top 1%? I know there are free market believers out there but vouchers ain't a magic bullet it's made out to be. Methinks it's just a clever way to fund religious institutions but I could be wrong. If you want to fix public schools it's not by giving private institutions public money, try fixing the damned public schools.

  8. The scary part is some people are dumb enough or racist enough to vote for Ricky. I hate to be a slash and burn type but in a way I think we need to elect Rick just to show these fools what would really happen. So many folks "believe" in stupid shit such as abstinance only education even though the evidence clearly points out it isn't working so you know what, let the religious tards start banning rubbers and what not and let's just see what happens. The say Barack is a dictator but he isn't telling you when and how to have babies, only Rick is qualified to do such.

  9. I suggested the very same thing last night Pilot but thought better of it because this is the country that voted for Bush twice won't acknowledge the damage he did even though he's never invited to any of their reindeer games. The same country on Disability and Medicare that claim only black people consume more of the government's assistant than anyone else.


  10. Is it just me, or does Santorum have hips like a big woman?

    Somehow I think that trait runs deep in him.

    If ever there was a closet case, it's Rick Santorum. Mark my words. My radar is pretty good.


  11. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people when it comes to who they will vote into office, Mr. Field. Yeah Santorum is crazy But so was Reagan.

  12. Anonymous11:53 PM

    PilotX, "The scary part is some people are dumb enough or racist enough to vote for Ricky. I hate to be a slash and burn type but in a way I think we need to elect Rick just to show these fools what would really happen. So many folks "believe" in stupid shit such as abstinance only education even though the evidence clearly points out it isn't working so you know what, let the religious tards start banning rubbers and what not and let's just see what happens. The say Barack is a dictator but he isn't telling you when and how to have babies, only Rick is qualified to do such."

    9:30 PM
    PilotX, where is your decor? Why must you call people dumb or racist because they might favor Santorum over Obama?

    I DO agree that the American people should elect Rick because Obama has failed miserably. Isn't that WHY a person like Santorum could end up President?

    I mean, that's how Obama ended up President....Bush royally screwed up. And that's how Santorum will end up President because Obama royally screwed up.

    People like you who call other folks stupid because they don't see things your way are the ones who are closed-minded and maybe racist yourselves?

    BTW, I am Black and I don't trust Obama. In fact, he lost my vote when he insulted the entire black race by ignoring us and then telling us to shut up and march. Who the hell does he think he is? Or a more pertinent question: Who the hell does he think Blacks are? I am done with Obama.

    Any black President who disrespects the black rqce and treats us like shit-- gets to do that four years, NOT EIGHT.

  13. Anonymous12:05 AM

    PilotX, vouchers were always a kickback scheme for the wingnuts and religio-crazees. Giving a ton of free cash to skools seems to raise fewer questions than the old days of paying the Klan directly.

    Santorum still thinkerates he did nothing wrong by defrauding the School District...because it meant HIS little pwecious snowfwakes got homeskooled.

    Why does Santorums freedom seem to be the aristo version of 'be a good little slave'?


  14. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Val, "Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people when it comes to who they will vote into office, Mr. Field. Yeah Santorum is crazy But so was Reagan."

    I agree. The American people are dumb. Look who they recently elected into the House. A bunch of Congressmen who are basically self-centered jackasses with emotional illnesses. They almost took our country down, and still might.

  15. "Any black President who disrespects the black rqce and treats us like shit-- gets to do that four years, NOT EIGHT."

    So you'll vote for a racist who says he doesn't want to make "blah" peoples' lives easier.
    Yeah, makes perfect sense to me. Please son, you ain't Black or even blah.

  16. Anonymous12:27 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Any black President who disrespects the black rqce and treats us like shit-- gets to do that four years, NOT EIGHT."

    So you'll vote for a racist who says he doesn't want to make "blah" peoples' lives easier.
    Yeah, makes perfect sense to me. Please son, you ain't Black or even blah.

    Why do you need someone who will treat you like the "special" person you are and not just fair like all americans?

  17. Anonymous12:37 AM

    PilotX, "So you'll vote for a racist who says he doesn't want to make "blah" peoples' lives easier.
    Yeah, makes perfect sense to me. Please son, you ain't Black or even blah."

    FYI, Obama made the life of Blacks harder, so what's the difference? As a bm it hurts enough to be treated that way by a white Prez, but it hurts even more to be treated that way by a black President. As far as I am concerned, Obama's behavior toward us IS racist. He just doesn't come out and say it.

    PilotX, I have no doubt you are Black but you are a blind fool, unable to face the truth.

  18. anon 1153


    votes must be earned!!!

    nobama 2012!!!

  19. Anonymous12:42 AM

    PilotX, "
    So you'll vote for a racist who says he doesn't want to make "blah" peoples' lives easier.
    Yeah, makes perfect sense to me. Please son, you ain't Black or even blah.

    No where in my comment did I say I was voting for Rick.

    Why must it always have to be an 'either/or' or all "black and white" with you? Are you not capable of making more choices than that?


  20. ditto:

    that bankster
    hobama and his corp ed/charter school cronies deliberately destroyed public ed and laid off veteran teachers for profits!!!


    unless we own a bank,
    hobama has failed and betrayed us all!!!

  21. "Why must it always have to be an 'either/or' or all "black and white" with you? Are you not capable of making more choices than that?"

    Actually it's not but you have to at least admit there are many people out there who would vote for Santorum vice Barack simply because he's Black. Until you can admit that as a reality we cannot have a serious and honest discussion. It's not the be all end all but so many conservatives won't or won;t admit this reality thus there is no need for me to communicate with such a person. Are you such a person? If so we need not further communicate. I usually try not to respond to anons because discussion is never honest with a person who hides, especially on the internet which is anonymous by nature.

  22. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Re AB's 9:09PM memo to "donnie m, poster boy for all dl(church)house nigs"... Amen, sistuh; well said. BTW, these same (church)house nigs and their ilk will elect sanitarium. And, if you continue to believe "hobama" has(rightfully)done zilch for negroes, per se, hold on to your seat; stay tuned for the tyranny of neanderthal theocracy/idiocy.

    G Flash

  23. Anonymous4:43 AM

    This posting on the Blog is so nice, I appreciate for your work.
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  24. PilotX,don't listen to that Anon who says he is black. When I first read what he wrote I called the Drop Squad, and, to no ones surprise, he was white.

    You have to always watch out fr the okie doke on the

  25. Dear Kingnut,

    that was a pretty disingenuous post even by your usual standards. The fact is that, (and I’m sure you know this) as this graph shows, American corporations have paid lower corporation tax as a percentage of GDP than the OECD average since 1981.

    “A Government Accountability Office study released in 2008 found that 55 percent of United States companies paid no federal income taxes during at least one year in a seven-year period it studied.

    The paradox of the United States tax code — high rates with a bounty of subsidies, shelters and special breaks — has made American multinationals “world leaders in tax avoidance,” according to Edward D. Kleinbard, a professor at the University of Southern California who was head of the Congressional joint committee on taxes. This has profound implications for businesses, the economy and the federal budget.”

    Source NYT.

    Meanwhile the only taxes Obama has raised are on tobacco, sun-beds and some minor narrow issues around the health care bill.

  26. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Kingnut,

    that was a pretty disingenuous post even by your usual standards. The fact is that, (and I’m sure you know this) as this graph shows, American corporations have paid lower corporation tax as a percentage of GDP than the OECD average since 1981.

    Sorry the New York Times is a Far Left Liberal Rag not worth the dollar it was sold for. It has been in the tank for Obama for so long that even Soros wan'ts a rebate on his funding.

    You shouldnt believe everything you read without facts while you are enviously visiting another country. They do give you a summation they like though don't they.

  27. Standard right wing shit, if the content proves you wrong unthinkingly attack the source...

    The statistics the article are based on are from this Government Accounability Office Study, btw.

    But let's not let inconvenient things like 'facts' get in the way of a good conservative-smear, hey?

  28. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Purple Clueless Buttercup Said...

    "Meanwhile the only taxes Obama has raised are.....some minor narrow issues around the health care bill."

    Do you mean these minor tax issues? While they are in no way complete and represent all the tax hikes and fees and charges, you should use your wife's or your next dole check to buy a clue, you sure as shit need one.

    -Individual Mandate Excise Tax
    -Employer Mandate Tax
    -Surtax on Investment Income
    -Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans
    -Hike in Medicare Payroll Tax
    -Medicine Cabinet Tax
    -HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike
    -Flexible Spending Account Cap – aka“Special Needs Kids Tax
    -Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers
    -Raise "Haircut" for Medical
    -Itemized Deduction from 7.5% to 10% of AGI
    -Tax on Indoor Tanning Services
    -Elimination of tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D
    -Blue Cross/Blue Shield Tax Hike
    Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals
    -Tax on Innovator Drug Companies
    -Employer Reporting of Insurance on W-2(Min$/Jan 2011): Preamble to taxing health benefits on individual tax returns.
    -Corporate 1099-MISC Information Reporting
    -“Black liquor” tax hike
    -Codification of the “economic substance doctrine

  29. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Standard right wing shit, if the content proves you wrong unthinkingly attack the source..

    Oh come on you hypocritical thing. We don't call you Saul Alinsky for nothing. You don't like the flavor of your own cooking apparantly. HA! It shall be fun when we all turn liberal/progressive and speak the same way you do. The only reason you don't like Romney or Santorum is because they are white You fucking racist.

    Now really, Britain needs your help, it's falling apart.

  30. The Purple Cow said...
    that was a pretty disingenuous post even by your usual standards

    Are you saying I have high standards? Because contrary to you implication, I have backed up my assertions with fairly trustworthy data.

    The OECD data used for the chart in your link is a carefully selected sample of 1,000 complanes. The stuff I sent you uses the OECD data for everyone. By picking what you want, you can come up with any chart you want.

    What your NYT chart illustrates are the distortions introduced by corporate welfare. Obama cronies like GE (whose CEO happens to head Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board) get to pay no taxes on $14 billion in profits (2010), while non-donors get the full bill.

    You have to check out the rancid tax deal Obama gave General Motors:

    And (of course), you are wrong on taxes. Obamacare taxes are starting to kick in, but the don't really start to pick up steam until 2014:

    Conveniently, Obama has exempted his allies who worked tirelessly to get this 'gift' passed from actually having to comply with it themselves. Beneficiaries include the unions, the AARP (who sells insurance, coincidentally), and companies whose owners have given generously to democrats:

    And lets not forget the Bush Tax Cuts, which the democrats have alowed to be extended until a month after the election, but which Obama intends to let expire.

    The truth is that the U.S. has the most progressive tax rate in the developed world and the highest effective corporate tax rate in the world. Obama is pushing a Big Lie worthy of Goebbels

    So why don't you make yourself useful in your own neighborhood and agitate for the Britsh governemnt to confiscate your wealth. It's only fair.

  31. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "Why must it always have to be an 'either/or' or all "black and white" with you? Are you not capable of making more choices than that?"

    Actually it's not but you have to at least admit there are many people out there who would vote for Santorum vice Barack simply because he's Black.

    You mean the same white base who actually voted Obama into office will now not do so you presume, not because he is a failure but NOW because he is Black, unlike Blacks who must under all pains of culture vote for the Black candidate no matter how big a failure he is 97-98% in 2008. This seems to be the basis of your premise. Sam Jackson agrees with you - you have to vote for Obama because he is Black. But don't make the mistakes liberals make all over, conservatives are not like you, so stop projecting your issues.

    Until you can admit that as a reality we cannot have a serious and honest discussion. It's not the be all end all but so many conservatives won't or won;t admit this reality thus there is no need for me to communicate with such a person.

    So until your lie is the accepted base there is no point. Nancy Pelosi and George Orwell say hello and say you need some help. You aren't supposed to speak about liberalism/progressivism this openly. You need to report for retraining comrade. If you are this open about the brainwashing, others may catch on.

  32. "But don't make the mistakes liberals make all over, conservatives are not like you, so stop projecting your issues."

    Excellent point. Liberals are obsessed with race to the point it is a primary determinent of their voting choices, therefore they assume the same thing about conservatives.

    It's such a cheap game. If you didn't vote for Obama in 2008, it was because you were racist. If you don't like everything he has done, it's because you are racist. But voting for him because you want a black president is not racist.

    This country is insane.

  33. The Dildos Are Melting10:41 AM


    It was just a matter of time, a time I'm sure Purple Cow & PilotX have been holding their breath awaiting:

  34. This week's Royal Decree:

    I shall not force Catholics to pay for abortion - for now.

    But I do order you Catholics to buy insurance.

    And I order the insurance company to pay for abortion.

  35. The Dildos Are Still Melting10:43 AM

    Ooops...forgot the link:

  36. Pretty sure I could over 100 years and still not understand how anyone in their right mind can compare President Obama to Adolph Hitler. I mean, is such a thing being said for shock value?

    There is nothing which I've witnessed to suggest such a comparison is warranted, especially not after all the evil and disgusting things Hitler were/is responsible.

    Obama is construction. Hitler is destruction.

  37. Professor Pork Chop11:13 AM

    Uh, oh, Queenie......better get your nappy behind in somedamn school PDQ!

    (Oh well, there's always the HBCU's!)

  38. Professor Pork Chop11:14 AM

    Here's a link for you:

  39. You know it occurred to me that I've never mentioned anything on this site about receiving a letter from Harvard med as was mentioned in a previous thread by assnon. But it occurred to my govt anti-hacker husband that there aren't but a couple ways a person could have found that out.

    So, let the games begin!!

    PS- Granny, I wish I would have followed your advice, lol!!

  40. Dear Anonymous 9:49

    Errr, thanks for entirely backing up my point for me, while claiming to do the opposite.

    You either have a very strange sense of irony, or you are a complete imbecile.

  41. Quote Kingnut

    "The truth is that the U.S. has the most progressive tax rate in the developed world and the highest effective corporate tax rate in the world."

    What is wrong with you?

    I have just proven with your own government's figures that your premise is entirely false, yet you continue to post your proven lie as if nothing has happened!

    Seek psychiatric help, would be my advice to you.

  42. Kingnut12:24 PM

    Sophistry, thy name is cow.

    You are quite the example of flaccid leftist thought. Project your disingenousness on your opponents and count on the fact your audience either won't bother to read the links or can't understand the numbers.

    At least you know what a farce you are.

  43. We are all communists now:

  44. The AMA Truth Squad12:57 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    You know it occurred to me that I've never mentioned anything on this site about receiving a letter from Harvard med as was mentioned in a previous thread by assnon. But it occurred to my govt anti-hacker husband that there aren't but a couple ways a person could have found that out.

    Yes Ms. Queen, we have gained access to all of your files and know all about that shopworn and dog-eared brochure from Harvard you've been carrying around for several years now. We also know your IQ is lower than the temperature in your Section 8 apartment and that both your SAT and your credit scores are somewhere south of 400. We have seen your disgusting 'glamour' photos and some hilarious mugshots. We have learned that you will never have to worry about having your identity stolen.

    Everything we have seen has confirmed our suspicions that you are incredibly stupid, vain, and delusional. We had suspected that your 'husband' was an idiot too and now you have confirmed that as well.

    We feel more confident than ever in saying that you will never be a doctor.

    You will never be a doctor.

  45. "Why do you need someone who will treat you like the "special" person you are and not just fair like all americans?"

    I've been asking that for years as have my ancestors.

    "Excellent point. Liberals are obsessed with race to the point it is a primary determinent of their voting choices, therefore they assume the same thing about conservatives."

    Not true, name ALL of the non-white presidential candidates from the major parties prior to 2008. I'll wait. Problem is yes there are MANY white people who voted for Barack and MANY who are not racist buuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt. Like I said, until conservatives can admit the truth we cannot have an honest discussion. let's not even bring up the 90% of whites in Mississippi and Alabama who voted McCain. If that ain't a wake up call what is. But I guess in conservo world only blah people and liberals are racists and conservatives, like Santorum, are the perfect salt of the earth saints we should all strive to be like. No mention that their party affiliation is over 90% white and all of their presidential candidates are, spoiler alert, ALL WHITE MALES. For a party and ideology that espouses inclusion you guys are certainly very pure. Funny that liberals and the Dems more equally reflect the makeup of the country. Hell, one of your conservative posters calls itself "Diversity Kills". Get a clue asshats.




  47. diego1:09 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Excellent point. Liberals are obsessed with race to the point it is a primary determinent of their voting choices, therefore they assume the same thing about conservatives."

    Not true, name ALL of the non-white presidential candidates from the major parties prior to 2008.

    You have just illustrated the exact point again: All that matters to you is the RACE of the candidate. Thanks.

    Self-awareness is an essential first step in understanding the world. I wish you luck.

  48. "You have just illustrated the exact point again: All that matters to you is the RACE of the candidate. Thanks."

    As if it doesn't mean anything to those people who only vote for white candidates. Hypocrite. I'm sure Klan members don't think about it either huh? Pathetic.

  49. "Self-awareness is an essential first step in understanding the world. I wish you luck."


  50. diego1:30 PM

    PilotX said...
    As if it doesn't mean anything to those people who only vote for white candidates

    Again, as I said : "Excellent point. Liberals are obsessed with race to the point it is a primary determinent of their voting choices, therefore they assume the same thing about conservatives."

    We get the point. You are just confirming it over and over.

    Now, take a deep breath and THINK.

  51. "We get the point. You are just confirming it over and over."

    What point do you get? That conservatives are hypocrites? You talk about color blind and how I should be treated equally but you have candidates that say "African-Americans" should demand jobs not welfare or one who doesn't want to make "blah" peoples' lives easier. Who were they talking to? Why did they say those things? Who was in the audience? See, this game has been played for years, carry on racist tactics and coded language and then call anyone who notices racist. Nothing new, you can't fool me. You can play your stupid game all you want and pretend it's new but I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. Hell, you're a white guy on a site called The Field Negro trying to school us darkies and then pretend you're not color arroused. GTFOH with your bullshit. I ain't buying it. If and when you call Newt and Rick on their comments I'll know you're fair and mean it but on the other hand you only try to paint libs and blah people as color arroused
    then I know you're full of it. C'mon son, I'm too smart for you.

  52. Kingnut, once more you have been humiliated, all your bluff and bluster can't hide that.

    American companies do not pay a high level of corporation tax, you can squirm all you like, but that remains irrefutable.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. o2012:


    hobama's global new speak makes orwell look FAR too reticent


  55. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Dr Queen, "You know it occurred to me that I've never mentioned anything on this site about receiving a letter from Harvard med as was mentioned in a previous thread by assnon. But it occurred to my govt anti-hacker husband that there aren't but a couple ways a person could have found that out."

    LOL. What did the letter from Harvard say? That you were NOT accepted due to poor scores? That must be it because you would be bragging. You are a pathetic loser.

  56. diego1:51 PM

    "you're a white guy on a site called The Field Negro trying to school us darkies and then pretend you're not color arroused."

    Over and over again...

    Enough please. This is getting painful.

    Really man, there is only so much obliviousness we can take.

  57. hobama is the most brutal bloody serial simultaneous war prez in history...

    and his blackish skin "won" a bogus nobel peace prize after only 12 days in office...


  58. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Field, "PilotX,don't listen to that Anon who says he is black. When I first read what he wrote I called the Drop Squad, and, to no ones surprise, he was white."

    Field, I am surprised that you would say such a thing about me. You must still be pissed at me for standing up for the truth with FP and LAA, re: how bm treat bw.

    What a shame you refuse to accept me as a brother. Is it because I don't trust Obama? Well, I don't. And I don't plan to vote for him. He is a crook, a liar and has treated Blacks very badly. But I guess you and PilotX have no plans whatsoever to face that truth. Hell, you can't even own to the truth about Mexicans so Why would you own to the truth about Obama?

    You and PilotX would rather talk about the GOP, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Republicans, etc....ANYTHING except HOW Obama has eff'd us.

    Maybe it's YOU two who aren't Black? And don't get it twisted. Just because I don't like Obama doesn't mean I like Santorum or anybody else who's White. My concern is a brother in the WH who is effing his own race. That is about as wrong as you can get, imo.

  59. Anonymous2:10 PM

    What's with being White and being Black about on FN?

    What about being Black and marrying White? Why is it you black folks remain silent about that,? Oh, I see. Some things you just don't talk about right? Esp when it contadicts everything you say about Whites....Yeah, I get it.

    Let's keep the elephant in the living room a secret.

  60. "What about being Black and marrying White? Why is it you black folks remain silent about that,? Oh, I see."

    Couldn't ever happen, no way.

  61. More evidence that Kingnuts' theories over America's alleged 'progressive taxes' are a figment of the far-Right's paranoia.

    Only two pages, but worth reading.

  62. Kingnut2:41 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    More evidence that Kingnuts' theories over America's alleged 'progressive taxes' are a figment of the far-Right's paranoia.

    Evidence of Far-left sleight of hand - volumes. Far-Right paranoia - not so much.

    Even when you throw in every coneivable tax as they do (and these are estimates, not like the hard numbers for federal income tax), the overall tax code is still progressive.

    And the discussion was on federal income taxes, which Obama says that the top 3% of earners don't pay their fare share of.

    The top 3% pay as much as the bottom 97%.

    As to the original point, the top earners in the US pay a higher percentage of the overall tax burden than do their counterparts in Europe.

    You know this.

    If you were half the insufferable douche in real life that you are on the internet, you'd get your ass beat five times a day.

  63. more horridly tacky shameless opulence from the rabidly callous and elitist hobamas

    what a gd shame!

  64. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    More evidence that Kingnuts' theories over America's alleged 'progressive taxes' are a figment of the far-Right's paranoia.

    Only two pages, but worth reading.

    2:27 PM

    Purple Leftard Cows Provides more leftist propoganda from known leftist tainted sources. It is amazing how low you leftards will go simply to fool the populace. I mean you surely don't think your insane theories would ever work, even after you have seen them fail dozens of times do you?

    Citizens for Tax Justice board members are majority Public Labor Union leaders who are totally funded by taxpayer funds.

    "The president of the National Treasury Employees Union sits on the board of CTJ so you have those people who are involved in enforcing and administrating the US federal income tax being part of a union that uses taxpayer money to lobby for higher taxes".

    The real scandal that Shaxson and his colleagues overlook, because they are part of it, is that they use coerced taxpayer funds to lobby for higher taxes. If you peer through the layers of laundered money to see who is funding TJN and its US ally “Citizens for Tax Justice,” you will find taxpayer funds. Many of CTJ’s board members are leaders of public employee unions, and it is a fair bet that is where much of the funding comes from. Since CTJ is a lobbying organisation, it does not legally have to report where it gets its money – even though it demands financial transparency from others. In non-right to work states, public employee unions can force people, even against their wills, to join and/or pay dues to the union to get a government job.

    The public employee unions get sweetheart contracts from the politicians who fear union retaliation at the expense of the poor taxpayer. The union dues are deducted by the government and paid directly to the union.

    The union bosses then take some of this taxpayer-coerced money and use it to lobby for higher taxes and more public employees, in part, by funding organizations like CTJ. It gets worse. The president of the National Treasury Employees Union sits on the board of CTJ. The IRS is part of the US Treasury, so you have those people who are involved in enforcing and administrating the US federal income tax being part of a union that uses taxpayer money to lobby for higher taxes. Hmmm – no conflict of interest there! Organisations that fund the TJN in Europe are funded, at least in part, by the unwitting taxpayers in the UK, Norway, Spain and perhaps other countries.

  65. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Now watch the Purple leftard in action. Having been exposed and defeated he will search for and hunt for a purposely planted mis-spelled word to utilize the leftist tactic of not being able to face the facts so then attempt to discredit the presenter.

    It is so easy to press a leftard buttons, they dont have much in the old toolkit.

  66. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "What about being Black and marrying White? Why is it you black folks remain silent about that,? Oh, I see."

    Couldn't ever happen, no way.

    Hey when the British Government gives you an old animal shelter to live in, do they expect you to milk cows and provide some eggs? Or is there no return expected because you are part of the "diverse culture"?

  67. Anonymous 3:24, you're going to have to explain that one to me, no clue what you are talking about.

  68. ”As to the original point, the top earners in the US pay a higher percentage of the overall tax burden than do their counterparts in Europe.

You know this.

    Oh do I?

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm, let’s see.

    Current highest U.S. income tax rate = 35%

    European income tax rates.

    Sweden = 56.6%
    Denmark = 55.4%
    Netherlands = 52%
    Austria = 50%
    UK = 50%
    Belgium = 50%
    Finland = 49.6%
    Ireland = 47%
    Germany 45%
    Greece 45%
    France 41%

    ”If you were half the insufferable douche in real life that you are on the internet, you'd get your ass beat five times a day.”

    If by ‘insufferable douche’, you mean someone who regularly kicks your ass in debates, then indeed you would be right.

  69. "You and PilotX would rather talk about the GOP, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Republicans, etc....ANYTHING except HOW Obama has eff'd us."

    I havven't been f'd by Obama. In fact quite the opposite. He gets to appoint the members of the NLRB and the NMB and he appointed two pro-labor members that have been fair and able to see things from our "labor" perspective. This is important because I happen to be in a labor group that is going through contract negotiations. Historically it is always better from a labor POV to have negotiations when a Dem is in office vice a Repub because the GOP is typically more management friendly and appoint as such. Also happy because he shot down the open skies agreement that the GOP wants so badly which will outsource my job. So short story long Barack has done some good in his short time in office IMHO. I wish he could be more progressive but might have to wait for his second term. Interestingly enough you seem to never have an opinion about Santorum et all when they do and say stupid shit. This argument can go both ways.

  70. "Really man, there is only so much obliviousness we can take."

    So in essence Diego you have no retort for the points I made. I get it. You are free to ignore my posts and I'm happy to ignore you as well because conservatives can't seem to have honest debates. You are a case in point. PEACE!

  71. "What about being Black and marrying White? Why is it you black folks remain silent about that,? Oh, I see."

    Ummmmmmmmmm, we also don't talk about UFO'S and big foot. What's your point?

  72. Quote Anonymous 3:08

    "Citizens for Tax Justice board members are majority Public Labor Union leaders who are totally funded by taxpayer funds."

    That's not actually true, but even if it was, it would be completely irrelevant.

    The statistics from the report (which I notice, you are not able to refute) were produced by the non-partizan 'Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy'.

    As for the rest of your copied and pasted diatribe, I have no clue why you would even consider that to be relevant to a debate on the US tax system.

  73. Kingnut4:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    If by ‘insufferable douche’, you mean someone who regularly kicks your ass in debates, then indeed you would be right.

    I am sorry for calling you an insufferable douche. It is obvious that you are just plain stupid.

    Aren't you the one who was trying to make the case between 'actual' and 'effective' tax rates?

    Take another gander at this, Einstein:

    You are punching out of your weight class, Cow.

  74. "Aren't you the one who was trying to make the case between 'actual' and 'effective' tax rates?"

    Isn't that important? I mean sure you can put me in a 90% bracket but if I only pay 10% I am in a 10% bracket.

  75. Sasquatch The E.T.4:13 PM

    " PilotX said...
    Ummmmmmmmmm, we also don't talk about UFO'S and big foot. What's your point?

    4:03 PM"

    I talk about bigfoot and UFO's with their anal probing sometimes when AB is leaving comments....

  76. "You and PilotX would rather talk about the GOP, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Republicans, etc....ANYTHING except HOW Obama has eff'd us."

    Yeah Field, ignore the reality that a candidate for a major party is attempting to eliminate contraception, public schools and uses racist language. Better focus on the O. In fact, this should be the Field Troll blog. Gotta listen to your public man, they want you to ignore the GOP thus.........the customer is always right.

  77. Here's an interesting table from your friends in the IRS.

    The effective tax rate for the top 1% ?

    23.27% !!!

    For the top 5% ?

    20.7% !!

    Oh those poor, poor hard done by wealthiest Americans!

  78. Horatio Pudblower4:26 PM

    On another note, Purple Cow...I hope the Agrentines kick your gay British asses down in the Malvinas.

    It would serve you would-be Imperialists right.

  79. diego4:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    "ignore the reality that a candidate for a major party is attempting to eliminate contraception, public schools and uses racist language."

    These are the phony issues being pushed by the Obama campaign and the democrat media in order to deflect attention from the real issues of jobs and economic growth.

    Obama doesn't want to talk about his failed record and instead wants to whip up his base (i.e. the "uninformed") through repeating the words that excite them, like "contraception", "choice", "racist".

    Work on fools; just look at you.

  80. Anonymous4:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You and PilotX would rather talk about the GOP, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Republicans, etc....ANYTHING except HOW Obama has eff'd us."

    Yeah Field, ignore the reality that a candidate for a major party is attempting to eliminate contraception, public schools and uses racist language. Better focus on the O. In fact, this should be the Field Troll blog. Gotta listen to your public man, they want you to ignore the GOP thus.........the customer is always right.

    Sorry, but where are you getting this from? When did Santorum give you the idea he was trying to eliminate contraception? Or was this more MSM bullshit that you aren't sharp enough to see through.

    I mean I am not even for the guy but this leftard talking point campaign year is beyond the pale at this point.

    Public schools need work dont you think? They are money sink holes where the worse academic performance becomes especially for majority minority schools the more money is required to fund failure.

    What are we propping up with this waste of money and continued failure?

  81. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The rule that we all subscribed to coming out of the Civil Rights movement was that Americans must practice race-blindness and avoid race-conscious speech and behavior, at least in the public square. Whites have followed this rule religiously: they never speak about the collective interests of whites or make negative generalizations about people of other races. And when an occasional white person breaks that rule, he is instantly fired or otherwise ostracized. Yet blacks openly speak about the collective interests of blacks, and collectively blame whites for blacks' problems. Blacks such as Cornel West address each other as "brother" in public settings where there are both whites and blacks, thus using an in-group identifier of a type that is totally forbidden to whites. Blacks have formed innumerable black-only professional organizations, which whites wouldn't dream of doing. The government has created "African-American History Month," and a vast system of special group recognition of blacks as blacks.

    And now President Obama forms a race-conscious black political organization to help in his election. And he does this, even while piously declaring that he supports an America where we "all play by the same rules"! And, by the way, that "we all play by the same rules" America is an America where blacks are admitted into elite colleges with SAT scores a standard deviation lower than those of whites and Asians.

    Blacks cannot have it both ways: they cannot demand that whites be race-blind and race-neutral, while blacks continue to be aggressively race-conscious themselves and gain massive favors and privileges in this society by a race-conscious, pro-black double standard. Since blacks (along with their elite liberal facilitators) do not feel themselves bound by the race-blindness rule, then whites should no longer bound by it either.

  82. Anonymous4:59 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    ”As to the original point, the top earners in the US pay a higher percentage of the overall tax burden than do their counterparts in Europe.

You know this.

    Oh do I?

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm, let’s see.

    Current highest U.S. income tax rate = 35%

    European income tax rates.

    Sweden = 56.6%
    Denmark = 55.4%
    Netherlands = 52%
    Austria = 50%
    UK = 50%
    Belgium = 50%
    Finland = 49.6%
    Ireland = 47%
    Germany 45%
    Greece 45%
    France 41%

    ”If you were half the insufferable douche in real life that you are on the internet, you'd get your ass beat five times a day.”

    If by ‘insufferable douche’, you mean someone who regularly kicks your ass in debates, then indeed you would be right.

    With Britain having a giant head start on diversity and creating the model for the welfare state back in the 40's, you would expect it takes a lot of money to support so many third worlders and bobbleheads. Amazing how the UK has a 50% income tax rate yet still allows unfettered immigration - 370,000 "migrants" on the dole, 10 million "disabled" people and entire families who have never even smelled a job let alone had one. This is why 1/3 of Britain that is actually British has a problem with you and your kind. The welfare state does not work and neither do you and your pals apparantly.

  83. Johnny Cockroach5:24 PM

    Uh, oh.....looks like AB done got herself in some trouble. We should all pitch-in & help her with her legal fees:

  84. "Blacks cannot have it both ways: they cannot demand that whites be race-blind and race-neutral, while blacks continue to be aggressively race-conscious themselves and gain massive favors and privileges in this society by a race-conscious, pro-black double standard. Since blacks (along with their elite liberal facilitators) do not feel themselves bound by the race-blindness rule, then whites should no longer bound by it either".

    When have you ever been "race- neutral" in this country? We are just learning the rules of your game. We were forced to be this way because you wouldn't let us play by your rules. Hell we weren't allowed to play at all.

    "What a shame you refuse to accept me as a brother. Is it because I don't trust Obama? "

    No, it's because you are not a "brotha".

  85. Anonymous6:16 PM

    leave it up to buceta breaf banks to talk about whitney being a gottdam faggot u stoopid faggots try to claim everybody get off it dummy! and wannabe dawktaw da queefkim is so incompetent and filled with lies that she cante even remember her lies from day to day idgit qoohole!

  86. The Unforgivable Sin of Whiteness6:30 PM

    IOWA CITY, Iowa– A judge will soon decide whether to grant thousands of black employees and job applicants monetary damages for hiring practices throughout Iowa’s state government they say have disadvantaged them for decades.

    Experts say the case is the largest class-action lawsuit of its kind against an entire state government’s civil service system.
    The plaintiffs, up to 6,000 African-Americans passed over for state jobs and promotions dating back to 2003, do not say they faced overt racism or discriminatory hiring tests in Iowa, a state that is 91 percent white. Instead, their lawyers argue that managers subconsciously favored whites, leaving blacks at a disadvantage in decisions over who got interviewed, hired and promoted.


    Who runs this country, Field?

  87. "On another note, Purple Cow...I hope the Agrentines kick your gay British asses down in the Malvinas.

    It would serve you would-be Imperialists right."

    I completely agree, the Malvinas should belong to Argentina.

  88. The Purple Cow said...
    "On another note, Purple Cow...I hope the Agrentines kick your gay British asses down in the Malvinas.

    It would serve you would-be Imperialists right."

    I completely agree, the Malvinas should belong to Argentina.

    Of course you do, you are an alien fifth columnist with no loyalty to the nation that has taken you in.

    You identify more by race than by the culture you belong to.

    You are not an immigrant; you are a colonist.

  89. Alan Keyes was right; Republicans will never win over black people until they stop alienating them.

  90. "Amazing how the UK has a 50% income tax rate yet still allows unfettered immigration"

    It doesn't. Britain has one of the toughest immigration policies in the world. Certainly the toughest in Europe.

    "370,000 "migrants" on the dole"

    Only 6.6% of working age immigrants are claiming dole money, compared to 16.6% of UK nationals.

    98% of those immigrants claiming dole are entitled to do so, because they have paid N.I. benefits whilst employed for the correct length of time.

    Even the hard-right Daily Mail admits that..

    "10 million "disabled" people"

    80% of Britain's working age disabled work, their spending power is £80 billion per year. The 10 million figure includes 750,000 children, and old age pensioners who are hard of hearing, partially sighted, have an artificial hip, or suffer from Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. So these people wouldn't be working anyway. Not sure why you think this is relevant to our debate.

    "...and entire families who have never even smelled a job let alone had one."

    Are you saying this doesn't happen anywhere else in the world?

    "This is why 1/3 of Britain that is actually British has a problem with you and your kind."

    Oh really, what problem would they have with me anyway? I'm an M.B.A. I've worked every day of my adult life, I pay a truck-load of taxes, I've never claimed any kind of benefit, I've never committed a criminal offense - what problems would people have with me exactly?

    What makes you a bigger expert on the U.K. than me? How long have you lived in the U.K. ?

    Also please justify your claim that only 20 million Britains are actually British.

    "The welfare state does not work and neither do you and your pals apparantly."


    The welfare state works magnificently, that's why even hard right governments like we have now, or previously under the Thatcher-cunt have done nothing to break it down.

  91. Quotes The Bull

    "Of course you do, you are an alien fifth columnist with no loyalty to the nation that has taken you in."

    I'm not an alien, I was born here.

    "You identify more by race than by the culture you belong to."

    There is no such thing as race, I identify as a member of the working classes.

    "You are not an immigrant; you are a colonist."

    I am neither.

  92. "Who runs this country, Field?"


  93. "Work on fools; just look at you."

    Soooooo, you think President Santorum is a good idea? Interesting.

    "Sorry, but where are you getting this from? When did Santorum give you the idea he was trying to eliminate contraception?"

    Tell ya what, try googling Santorum, on second thought don't do that. If you can't keep up with what the candidates say and believe that's on you homie. No wonder you believe their b.s Try getting some info somewhere else other than Fox for a change.
